HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 08/01/2005 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, August 1, 2005, 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Presentation: McHenry County Treasurer William LeFew 5. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 6. Consent Agenda: A. Request for use of Knox Park Barn, temporary sign permit, and waiver of all associated fees for the Annual McHenry Area Jaycees Haunted House; B. Police Department request to purchase (3) Palomar Trooper Mobile Computers from CDWG not to exceed $20,394; C. Request for release of Riverside Hollow Subdivision Bond No. B21850632; D. Request for reduction of Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 4 Bond No. 929335673; E. Picnic Permit Requests; F. Block Party Requests; and G. June 13 and June 20, 2005 City Council meeting minutes. 7. Ordinance approving Plat of Re-subdivision for Lots 16-18, Plat of Vacation for Lot 6, and Plat of Dedication for Lot 17 in the Prairie Point Subdivision 8. Request for conditional use permit for mortuary and variances for crematory and parking from George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home 9. Request for zoning map amendment and variances from Commercial Horizons (Advance Auto) 10. Discussion: Budreck Farm Annexation Agreement, Map Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Preliminary Plat for proposed Oaks of Irish Prairie development 11. Committee Reports 12. Staff Reports 13. Future Agenda Items 14. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: July 27, 2005 CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the August 1, 2005 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Request for use of Knox Park Barn, temporary sign permit, and waiver of all associated fees for the Annual McHenry Area Jaycees Haunted House; B. Police Department request to purchase (3) Palomar Trooper Mobile Computers from CDWG not to exceed $20,394; C. Request for release of Riverside Hollow Subdivision Bond No. B21850632; D. Request for reduction of Shamrock Farms Neighborhood 4 Bond No. 929335673; E. Picnic Permit Requests; F. Block Party Requests; and G. June 13 and June 20, 2005 City Council meeting minutes. Attachments PRESENTATION TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: August 1, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: William LeFew, McHenry County Treasurer McHenry County Treasurer William LeFew asked to be placed on the August 1, 2005 City Council agenda to present a brief overview on the McHenry County Treasurer’s office.