HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 04/18/2005 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, April 18, 2005, 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 5. Consent Agenda: A. Resolution allocating the required 20% local match for Lillian Street Improvements Project; B. 2005/06 Agreement with Advantage EAP Employee Assistance Program, $5,772; C. Resolution recognizing Friday, April 29, 2005 as Arbor Day in the City of McHenry; D. Proposal from Parking Lot Services, Inc. to pave the Water Treatment Plant No.2 parking lot for an amount not to exceed $9,570; E. Picnic Permits Requests; and F. Approve City Council Minutes: February 7, February 14, and February 21, 2005. nd 6. Request for use of Petersen Park for 2 Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event and Carnival from Riverbend Limited Partnership, LLC on September 30 through October 2, 2005 nd 7. Request for Special Event Liquor License from Riverbend Limited Partnership, LLC for 2 Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event 8. Ordinance granting Final Plat of Subdivision approval for North Gate East Development 9. Request for a Class F1 Liquor License from Route 120 Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Toolland & Liquors located at 2350 West Route 120 and Ordinances increasing the number of F1 licenses from two to three and decreasing the number of F2 licenses from 11 to 10 10. Main Street Water Main Improvements Project: 1) Waive bid requirements and approve the proposal from Thelen Sand and Gravel, Inc. not to exceed $38,455; and, 2) approve budget amendment to the 2004/05 budget in the Utility Improvements Fund in the amount of $38,455 11. Award of Bid for a three-year contract for Municipal Landscape Services to Acres Group for an estimated amount of $79,500 12. 1) Request to advertise for bids for Water Treatment Plant No. 2 Flood Proofing Project; and, 2) award contract for Well No. 5 Rehabilitation and Flood Proofing to Water Well Solutions Service Group, Inc. not to exceed $26,412 13. Mayor – Statement and Reports 14. Committee Reports 15. Staff Reports 16. Future Agenda Items 17. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: April 13, 2005 CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the April 18, 2005 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Resolution allocating the required 20% local match for Lillian Street Improvements Project; B. 2005/06 Agreement with Advantage EAP Employee Assistance Program, $5,772; C. Proposal from Parking Lot Services, Inc. to pave the Water Treatment Plant No.2 parking lot for an amount not to exceed $9,570; D. Picnic Permits Requests; and E. Approve City Council Minutes: February 7, February 14, and February 21, 2005. Attachments C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: Regular City Council Meeting RE: AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for a Special Event Liquor License from Riverbend Limited Partners, LLC for the Snowmobile Watercross Event on October 1 - 2, 2005 at Petersen Park. Pursuant to City Council approval of a request from the Riverbend Limited Partners, nd LLC (RLP) for the use of Petersen Park to host the 2 Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event on September 30 through October 2, 2005, the RLP is requesting a Special Event Liquor License for the sale of beer on Saturday October 1 and Sunday October 2, 2005. Attached is a copy of the Special Event Liquor License application from Riverbend Limited Partners, LLC. Event hours are Saturday October 1 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Sunday, October 2 from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. However, beer sales will not begin until 12:00 PM each day of the event. Last year, the City Council approved the request from RLP for a Special Event Liquor License based on the conditions listed below. Recommendation: It is the Mayor’s recommendation to approve the request for a Special Event Liquor License from Riverbend Partners, LLC for the Snowmobile Watercross Event on October 1, 2004 from Noon to 5:30 PM and Sunday, October 2, 2005 from Noon to 5:30 PM with the conditions with the following conditions: 1. Alcohol will not be allowed in the restricted race pit area 2. Alcohol will not be allowed in the Carnival area 3. Alcohol sales will not being until Noon each day of the event 4. Alcohol will not be allowed outside the confined festival area 5. Event security will be arranged each day of the event 6. Wrist-banding and identification checks will occur each day of the event AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for Class F1 Liquor License Recommendation: To approve the request from Route 120 Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Toolland & Liquors located at 2350 West Route 120 for a Class F1 Liquor License and to approve Ordinances increasing the number of Class F1 Liquor Licenses from two to three and decreasing the number of Class F2 Liquor Licenses from 11to 10 effective May 1, 2005. A request was received from Route 120 Liquors, Inc. d/b/a Toolland & Liquors, to change the classification of their liquor license from F2 to F1 effective May 1, 2005. The F1 class license permits more than 50% of the public sales area of said premises to be devoted to alcoholic liquor. Other business holding a Class F1 license in McHenry are Binny’s Beverage Depot and Armanetti’s Beverage Mart of McHenry. Toolland & Liquors was charged with the sale of alcohol to a minor during the recent State Liquor Enforcement in December 2004. All the conditions of the Agreed Order have been satisfied. The owner Jagdish Shah, and manager attended Bassett training provided by the City of McHenry in March. All required paperwork for the Class F1 license has been submitted and the applicant and store manager have been fingerprinted. It is the recommendation of the Mayor/Liquor Control Commissioner to grant the request for a Class F1 liquor license effective May 1, 2005 and to approve the attached Ordinances increasing the number of Class F1 liquor licenses from two to three, and decreasing the number of Class F2 liquor licenses from 11 to 10. mmg CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas P. Martin, Assistant to the City Administrator FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Advantage EAP Employee Assistance Program RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached agreement with Advantage EAP Employee Assistance Program, for FY-2005/2006 estimated at $5,772. Since 1996, the city has contracted with a service provider for the Employee Assistance Program. This program provides both the employer and employee with confidential and professional intervention in dealing with personal problems that may affect work performance. The program helps to resolve these personal problems and restore troubled employees to their maximum productivity. In addition to counseling assistance and referrals, the EAP provides educational materials, workshops and seminars. McHenry Family Services has been the city’s service provider for several years, offers high quality services, and is located within the city limits. Staff is recommending renewal with McHenry Family Services for the 2005/06 year. The amount of the contract is based on the number of employees and is payable at the beginning of each contract period in May and November. This fiscal year, the amount of the annual contract is estimated at $5,772. mmg AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Municipal Landscape Services Contract RECOMMENDATION: Award of Bid for three-year Municipal Landscape Services Contract to Acres Group at an estimated annual amount of $79,500.00. Background. At the January 17, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting the City Council approved the request to solicit bids for the Municipal Landscape Services Contract. Staff advertised for a Tuesday, March 1, 2005 bid opening, which yielded seven bidders for the contract. Analysis. Staff has analyzed each of the bids and checked the background of the low bidder The Acres Group bid of $2,650.00 per week represents an annual cost of $79,500 on an as needed basis or, approximately 30-mowings per year. The bid price of $2,600.00 will be honored through the duration of the proposed three-year contract, from May 1, 2005 through April 30, 2008. CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Lillian Street Improvements RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Resolution appropriating the required 20% local match, estimated to be $562,000 for the Lillian Street Improvements. On April 8, 2005 the city applied to the McHenry County Council of Mayors for funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program (STP) for improvements to Lillian Street from IL Route 31to Crystal Lake Road. The STP provides federal funding to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), which is distributed among the eleven northeastern Illinois Councils of Mayors and the City of Chicago. As part of the application process, the city is required to adopt a resolution stating that the required local 20% match estimated to be $562,000, would be available through the life of the project. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Management Assistant for Community Relations FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting nd RE: 2 Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event Request RECOMMENDATION: To approve the following requests from Riverbend Limited Partnership, LLC: 1) temporary waiver of Ordinance 13-902 allowing for the operation of snowmobiles in a city park; and, 2) use of Petersen Park for a Snowmobile Watercross Event on McCullom Lake October 1 and 2, 2005; and, 3) permission to hold a carnival in conjunction with the Snowmobile Watercross Event on September 30, October 1 and 2, 2005. Attachments: Parks Facilities Special Use Application – Snowmobile Watercross Event Parks Facilities Special Use Application – Carnival Special Event Liquor License Application A request was received from Riverbend Limited Partners (RLP), LLC for the use of nd Petersen Park to host the 2 Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event on September 30 through October 2, 2005. The event is the season finale of a six race series sponsored by the International Watercross Association (IWA), sanctioning body that conducts all aspects of the race itself. The programs offered at the event are the same as last year - snowmobile races; food vendors; a beer garden; DJ playing music and making announcements; and, the sale of sponsors’ goods. However, this year, the RLP is proposing the addition of a carnival. The carnival would be erected in the same area of the park, and operated similarly as the Annual Lions Club Carnival. Initial talks have begun with Skinner Amusements of Crystal Lake, however a final decision will be made pending council action The carnival would run Friday night from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Saturday from 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM and on Sunday 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM The layout of the event site is very similar to Fiesta Days; a gate admission of $10.00 would be charged for adults to enter the beach area; children 12 and under will be admitted free. The vendor and festival area would be separated from the pit area where the snowmobiles would be located. Friday, September 30 would be used for the watercross setup; the actual event will take place on Saturday and Sunday with tear down and cleanup on Monday. Receipt Preliminaries are scheduled for Saturday from approximately 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Race finals would then be on Sunday from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The hours of event have been extended by one-hour (5:00 PM to 6:00 PM) as a precaution in case the races get behind schedule. Last year, the heat races and finals finished at least 30- minutes before the races were to conclude for the day. Approximately 3,000 people attended this event last year and 3,000 to 5,000 people are estimated to attend this year. The operations and procedures for the race have not changed from last year. Snowmobiles will be stationed in the pit area and driven to the starting line. Rubber mats are laid over the blacktop path and any turf affected is restored by RLP after the event. The snowmobiles start from a standing position on the beach and race onto the open water around a series of buoys situation in an oval manner and then return to the beach. All snowmobiles must have mufflers, and use environmentally safe lubricants. In addition, fuel tanks are sealed to prevent leakage should a snowmobile sink into the lake. A safety crew will be stationed in a pontoon boat equipped to raise machines and rescue drivers quickly. Local EMT’s will also be on hand. The race area on the water will be specified by a series of buoys, which are meant to keep any additional boating spectators at a safe distance from both racers and safety crews. Overnight security will be provided by the RLP. Event grounds will close at night and camping is not permitted. Police Department staff have reviewed the request and stated no opposition to hosting the event again stating no incidents were reported last year and that the event was well mannered and family oriented. Over 95% of the profits from last year’s event were reinvested into the community. Some examples of this cooperation are:  Restoration work to Petersen Park Beach $5,000  Donation to McHenry Parks Department $1000  Radio donation to Citizen’s Police Academy $350 Apart from the actual cash contributions, there were significant outside tourist dollars generated within the city. Almost 90 out of state participants stayed in McHenry hotels, filling all available rooms for the duration of the event. They not only generated hotel dollars for the city, but entertainment dollars for local restaurants and other establishments. The Snowmobile Watercross Event is a unique family event. Last year it was very successful in portraying the city in a positive image to first time visitors. The event ran smoothly and without incident. Event organizers worked with the city to ensure the safety of attendees and participants alike, as well as to protect the park and return it in as good or better shape than it was before the event. Both the Police and Parks Departments have happily endorsed the return of the Snowmobile Watercross Event to McHenry in 2005. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: City Landscape Service Contract RECOMMENDATION: Award the 3-year City Landscape Service Contract to Acres Group at an estimated annual amount of $79,500.00. Background. At the January 17, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting the City Council approved the request to solicit bids for the City Landscape Service Contract. Staff advertised for a Tuesday, March 1, 2005 bid opening, which yielded the following seven bidders: Acres Group – Wauconda, IL $2,650.00 per week Alaniz Landscaping Group – Elgin, IL 3,395.00 per week Lawn Care by Walter – Rockford, IL 4,959.00 per week Harms Landscaping – McHenry, IL 5,000.00 per week Joe Pesz Landscaping – Island Lake, IL 5,843.00 per week Krohn Landscaping – Woodstock, IL 7,388.65 per week Fritz Landscaping – Wauconda, IL 10,610.00 per week Analysis. Staff has analyzed each of the bids, checked the background of the low bidder and recommends awarding the contract to Acres Group of Wauconda, Illinois. The Acres Group bid of $2,650.00 per week represents an annual cost of $79,500 based on an as needed basis or approximately 30 mowings per year. The bid price of $2,650.00 will be honored through the duration of the proposed 3-year contract which will be from May 1, 2005 through April 30, 2008. Recommendation. Staff recommends awarding the 3-year City Landscape Service Contract to Acres Group at an estimated annual amount of $79,500.00 based on an average mowing from past years. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: April 18, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Flood Proofing Water Treatment Plant No. 2 & Well No. 5 RECOMMENDATION: 1) Authorize the request to advertise for bids for the Water Treatment Plant No. 2 Flood Proofing Project. 2) Award the contract for Well No. 5 Rehabilitation and Flood Proofing to Water Well Solutions Service Group, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $26,412.00 Background. During a compliance inspection from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) in the spring of 2002, it was noted that the Water Treatment Plant No. 2 and Well No. 5 located at 1401 Beach Road may have been constructed within the flood way. After receiving this information from the IEPA, staff entered into a contract with Woodstock Land Surveyors, Inc. to perform a topographic study to determine the elevations of the well and water treatment plant. Consequently, the survey confirmed the finished floor elevation of the plant is below the base flood elevation requirement. This was not an issue when the Water Treatment Plant and Wells were originally constructed in 1978 because the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had not yet formally established the base flood elevation. Analysis. At the July 19, 2004 Regular City Council Meeting, Council authorized Baxter and Woodman to evaluate and design the necessary flood proofing improvement to the Water Treatment Plant No. 2 and Well No. 5 in an amount not to exceed $14,500.00. Baxter and Woodman has completed the plans and specifications for the proposed improvements consisting of concrete and masonry work and ventilation modifications to flood proof the existing water treatment plant and well. Staff recommends completing the flood proofing of Water Treatment Plant No. 2 separately from the Well No. 5 improvements. By separating the projects the city will have better control over the well contractor and will potentially save additional subcontractor costs passed on through the contractor. Therefore staff recommends soliciting bids for the flood proofing of Water Treatment No. 2 and obtaining proposals for the Well No. 5 improvements. Staff has obtained two quotes for the rehabilitation and flood proofing of Well No. 5. Baxter and Woodman has analyzed each of the quotes and recommends Water Well Solutions Service Group, Inc. of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. This project was included in the approved 2004/05 budget under the Utility Improvement Fund for $125,000. Recommendation. Staff recommends authorization to advertise for bids for the Water Treatment Plant No. 2 Flood Proofing Project and award the contract for Well No. 5 Rehabilitation and Flood Proofing to Water Well Solutions Service Group, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $26,412.00.