HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 01/05/2004 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, January 5, 2004, 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Presentation: McHenry Area Jaycees President Doug Gray 5. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 6. Consent Agenda: A. Approve City Council Minutes: November 17, 2003. 7. Request for Fence Variance at 1735 Redwood Lane 8. Request for Temporary, Offsite Sign Permit from Yolanda’s Restaurant & Catering 9. Request for Conditional Use Permit to allow two drive-thru facilities at Northgate West Subdivision 10. Water Supply Wells No. 12 and No. 13: 1) Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for design of water supply Wells No. 12 and 13 not to exceed $34,100 2) authorization to advertise for bids for Wells No. 12 and No. 13 and 3) Re-appropriation of funds from the west side elevated tank project to Well No. 12 in the Utility Improvements Fund 11. Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. to prepare LUST Site Corrective Action Plan for 3308 West Waukegan Road not to exceed $9,500 12. Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. for NPDES Permitting relating to SWWTP Expansion not to exceed $20,000 13. Committee Recommendation: To waive bid requirement and enter into Engineering Services Agreement with B&W Control Systems Integration, LLC for purchase and installation of SCADA System not to exceed $173,200 14. Request for payment from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. of $4,868.75 over approved contract amount of $16,949 for additional engineering services relating to the Main Street Sanitary/Water Main Improvements Project 15. Mayor – Statement and Reports 16. Committee Reports 17. Staff Reports 18. New Business 19. Adjournment