HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 12/29/2003 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 29, 2003 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 5. Consent Agenda: A. Request for Reimbursement through Elected Official Expense Account; B. Request to Advertise for Bids for installation of a new roof on the Knox Park Barn; C. Request to Advertise for Bids for Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Parks & Recreation Seasonal Brochure; D. Ordinance changing name of Professional Plaza Drive to Mercy Drive; and E. Approve City Council Minutes for July 21, 2003, September 29, 2003, and December 1, 2003. 6. Ordinances granting a Variance for parking-screening strip width from Target, 1860 N. Richmond Road and Arby’s 1800 N. Richmond Road 7. Recommendation to approve pier design along the Riverwalk 8. Recommendation to approve the Final Draft of the Downtown Plan 9. Hawthorn Estates, Inc. request for release of Escrow Funds 10. Mayor – Statement and Reports 11. Committee Reports 12. Staff Reports 13. New Business 14. Executive Session: Litigation 15. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: December 23, 2003 C O N S E N T A G E N D A The Consent Agenda for the December 29, 2003 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Request for Reimbursement through Elected Official Expense Account; B. Request to Advertise for Bids for installation of a new roof on the Knox Park Barn; C. Request to Advertise for Bids for Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Parks & Recreation Seasonal Brochure; D. Ordinance changing name of Professional Plaza Drive to Mercy Drive; E. Approve City Council Minutes July 21, 2003; September 29, 2003; December 1, 2003 Attachments C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: Regular City Council Meeting RE: CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: December 29, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Marina – Riviera Yacht Basin LUST Site Correction Action ATTACHMENTS: Corrective Action Proposal from Baxter & Woodman, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached proposal from Baxter and Woodman, Inc. for additional site investigation and preparation of a Corrective Action Plan and Budget for the property located at 3308 West Waukegan Road for an amount not to exceed $9,500.00. Background. On May 5, 2000 the Illinois State Fire Marshall notified the city of certain infractions of the Underground Storage Tank regulations occurring at the city owned marina located at 3302 West Waukegan Road. On November 8, 2000 and in accordance with the Illinois State Fire Marshall and the IEPA, the city retained the services of Marlin Environmental, Inc. for the removal of two underground storage tanks and one 55-gallon drum. Once the storage tanks were removed from the property, the city entered into an Engineering Service Agreement with Baxter and Woodman, Inc. to assist with the LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) monitoring and reporting requirements. The IEPA has reviewed the Site Classification Completion Report submitted by Baxter & Woodman dated February 4, 2003 and have classified the site as “High Priority.” Stating that the city may elect to perform some additional investigation prior to the preparation of a Corrective Action Work Plan and Budget, which will explain the procedures the city will take to remediate the remaining contaminated soils. Analysis. Baxter and Woodman has developed a plan for additional site investigation by obtaining hydraulic samples along the water and sewer piping were the contaminants have migrated, focusing primarily at locations where low levels of contaminants were discovered during the initial site assessment on February 3, 2003. It is possible that the contaminants have weakened through the naturally occurring biological process reducing some of the remaining contaminants, thus allowing a smaller portion of the site to be addressed by the approved remediation procedures. Recommendation. To approve the attached proposal from Baxter and Woodman, Inc. for additional site investigation and preparation of a Corrective Action Plan and Budget for the property located at 3308 West Waukegan Road for an amount not to exceed $9,500.00. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: December 29, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Water Supply Well Wells No. 12 and No. 13 RECOMMENDATION. Approve the attached Engineering Service Agreement with Baxter and Woodman, Inc. for the design of Water Supply Wells No. 12 and No. 13 in an amount not to exceed $34,100.00. Background. On March 3, 2003 Layne-Western was hired by the city to perform exploratory test well drilling in the Shamrock Farms Subdivision to obtain a 1,000 gpm (gallons per minute) well to adequately supplement the water supply to the west side of the city. Although a 1,000-gpm production well is ideal, two 500-gpm wells would produce the same results. A test well was constructed north of Dartmoor Drive in the Shamrock Farms Subdivision that achieved a rate of 500 gpm for a 24-hour period. Three additional sites examined within the Shamrock Farms Subdivision did not achieve the additional 500 gpm. In October 2003, after the remaining test wells within the Shamrock Farms development insufficiently yielded the additional 500 gpm, the City Council approved staff’s recommendation to construct a test well at a site west of Boone Creek in Fox Ridge Park. However, the results were also unsuccessful. Analysis. Baxter and Woodman recommends drilling a deep well north of Dartmoor Drive in the Shamrock Farms Subdivision to achieve the desired 1000 gpm. A deep well is likely to yield 700 to 1,000 gpm however the costs for construction, operation, maintenance, and treatment exceed that of two shallow wells. In addition, Baxter and Woodman recommends the continued construction of the existing 500 gpm well. The reasoning behind keeping the 500 gpm well is that it could reduce the cost of water treatment of the deep well. By blending the water from the shallow well with the deeper well, the high levels of barium in the deeper well will be reduced or diluted, thus requiring less treatment. The attached agreement includes the design of the shallow water supply well No. 12; temporary well house; and the design of the deep water supply well No. 13. Recommendation. Staff seeks approval by the City Council for the attached Engineering Service Agreement from Baxter and Woodman for the design of Water Supply Wells No. 12 and No. 13 not to exceed $34,100.00. Below is a timetable for the construction of the wells in the Shamrock Farms Neighborhood. - December 29, 2003 Request approval for design of Wells No. 12 and 13 - January 12, 2004 Design complete – solicit bids - February 3,2004 Bid Opening for the construction - March 15, 2004 Award contract for the construction - July 15, 2004 Substantial Project Completion AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John T. Lockerby, Assistant City Administrator FOR: December 29, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Downtown Plan Final Draft As directed by the City Council, Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne Inc. (TPAP) has developed the Downtown Plan for McHenry. John Houseal, representative of TPAP will be present to provide a th brief overview of the Plan at the December 29 meeting. The City Council’s comments from the th June 30 City Council meeting are incorporated in the attached plan and are reflected in the following sections: General References to the historical names of Centerville, Gagetown, and Old Town. Figure 8 Revised language for Metra trains and schedules. Figure 12 The Venice Avenue properties are now proposed for single family. Language has been changed for their redevelopment, along with redevelopment of other single-family homes in the Core Downtown. Figure 14 Revised the language for historic sites encouraging historic preservation and in cases when preservation is not possible/feasible the plan recommends historical features be incorporated in redevelopment. Figure 15 Revised Opportunity Site #8 (Wastewater Treatment Plant) to provide direction in the event the study determines relocating the treatment plant is not feasible. Figure 16 & 17 Removed the number of units for the townhome development. Figure 19 References to linking the downtown with existing bike trails were added. Appendix A An introduction to the Action Agenda section was added. Appendix C Information regarding the TIF District and Riverwalk was included. In addition a final edit of the entire Downtown Plan was completed which corrected typographical errors, identified the Project Advisory Committee and City Council, added page numbers to all pages including the Figures, and added the acreage for areas identified in Figure 8. The Downtown Plan is intended to supplement the City’s Comprehensive Plan for the downtown districts and serve as a guide to redevelopment. The content specifically addresses land use, transportation and parking, urban design and priority redevelopment sites. Once approved by the City Council the Downtown Plan will be useful in a number of ways. The Plan will be shared with potential developers and interested entities as a way to initiate dialogue about potential redevelopment projects and communicate the Advisory Committee and City Council’s vision for downtown McHenry. The Plan will also be used by the City Council as a tool to assist in evaluating proposed downtown redevelopment. In addition, the Downtown Plan and specifically the implementation section and action agenda provide a “road map” to guide the redevelopment of downtown and future public initiatives. Please note this is a dynamic document that will be regularly reviewed and elements will be included in the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) and operating budgets. The Downtown Plan is the result of months of work by the Project Advisory Committee and the City Council. This final version of the Plan has also been shared with the Project Advisory Committee and includes: Bill Bolger, Sue Low, Steve Murgatroyd, Ron Bykowski, Deborah Harr/Kay Bates, John Lockerby, Doug Martin, Doug Maxeiner, Joe Napolitano, Anne Rodenkirch, Pat Schaefer, and Bruce Uhl. The Committee has been invited to attend the City Council meeting. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Downtown Plan. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John T. Lockerby, Assistant City Administrator FOR: December 29, 2003 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Riverwalk Pier Design ATTACHMENTS: 1) Dock Recommendation Memorandum from VOA 2) Riverwalk Site Plan illustrating the Boat Slip Existing Inventory 3) Riverwalk Site Plan illustrating the Boat Slip Proposed Plan 4) Riverwalk at Riverwalk Place Townhomes 5) Deck Sections The Riverwalk Design Development stage is progressing. One specific element of this stage is the creation of a pier prototype. VOA will be in attendance on December 29 to present a pier design to the City Council. Following any discussion, staff will be requesting approval of the pier design and all options presented to provide guidance for pier related development projects. It is anticipated that the docks along the Riverwalk Place Townhome Development will be installed in the spring as units are occupied. VOA is proposing to use Trex composite decking for the piers. Trex is a durable material that is commonly used in these applications and a sample will be available prior to the City Council meeting. The pier design calls for structures to be permanently installed using fixed poles. Floating, removable piers were considered, but are not recommended due to storage requirements during the winter months and stability concerns. The recommended design provides a prototype for piers that encourages consistency, yet provides alternatives for specific needs. The intent is for all docks along the Riverwalk to eventually follow an approved design. The designs for the private and public docks are slightly different. The intent is to have identifying signage located above the public docks encouraging boaters to use the docks and the Riverwalk and smaller signs identifying private docks to ensure privacy for the pier owner (Sheet No. DK-104, #7 and #9). Gate options available to pier owners will provide a distinction between the public and private piers (Sheet No.DK-104, #12). Options include a gate that is not much more than a swing arm and a gate similar to a barricade that will prevent people from walking around the less complex pole and gate. (The packet includes site plans that identify both public and private docks.) A pier design offering cleats versus extended poles as a method for securing the boat to the dock is also provided. While the cleat system may provide a cleaner, less cluttered look, the extended pole design may assist pedestrians by providing steadying hand-holds. Staff will be looking for direction on this point as well. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the pier designs as presented along the Riverwalk.