HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/06/2021 - Police Commission City of McHenry Board of Police Commissioners October 6, 2021 Police Chairman Sue Meyer called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm in the McHenry Municipal Center City Council Chambers with the following Commissioner present, Mike Roberts. Also present was Chief John Birk, Deputy Chief Tom Walsh and Administrative Assistant Deb Shuett. Absent John Jones Public Comment None. 1. Motion to Approve August 4, 2021 Meeting Report Motion by Police Chairman Sue Meyer to approve meeting minutes. Police Commission Mike Roberts and second by Police Chairman Sue Meyer to approve the minutes from the August 4, 2021 Police Commission meeting as presented. All ayes, motion carried. 2. Unfinished Business Personnel Update: Officer Lopez moved on to Step 3 of Training. On August 22 tenured his resignation. Officer Lincicum and Officer Martinez have both been released from Step 3 of training and have been released to solo patrol within last couple days. Still have 1 vacancy looking to fill. Pending Sgt. Lumber’s retirement would then have 2 vacancies to fill. Sergeant Promotional Exam - Took written exam this morning. Next step is to set up interview dates and times. Possible dates October 18th and 19th. Possibly updating interview questions. 3. New Business Posting of Entry Level Police Officer applications online will close on November 3rd. Next step will be setting up orientation, written exam test and then interviewing candidates. Matthew Szoke doing well in the academy. 4. Communications The following bill(s) were presented for approval: The Blue Line Entry Level Police Officer Recruitment Listing - $348.00 2    Stanard & Associates Personality Evaluation - Matthew Szoke - $450.00 Theodore Polygraph Service Polygraph - Matthew Szoke - $200.00 Bankcard Services (Credit Card) – MC Job Post Entry Level Police Officer Listing - $75.00 Police Chairman Sue Meyer motion to approve bills, second by Mike Roberts. All ayes, motion carried. 5. Adjournment Motion by Police Chairman Sue Meyer to adjourn meeting, Police Commission Mike Roberts and second by Police Chairman Sue Meyer to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 pm. All ayes, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, __________________________________ Debbie Shuett, Recording Secretary