HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - 21-58 (Recorded version)TxA02.423,*8 Mail to: McHenry City Clerk 333 S Green St McHenry, IL 60050 moohnson@citVofmchenry.or Prepared By: McHenry City Clerk 333 S Green St McHenry, IL 60050 COVER SHEET Ordinance 21-58 JOSEPH J. TIRIO CLERK AND RECORDER MCHENRY COUNTY, IL 2021ROO59769 11/03/2021 02:23:55 PM PAGES: 111 GIs FEE 24.00 RECORDING FEE 11.00 AUTOMATION FEE 8.00 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF MCHENRY BACKUP SPECIAL SERVICE AREA #12 FOR LOTS I AND 2 OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF AUTHENTIX AT MCHENRY Passed November 1, 2021 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 CITY OF MCHENRY MCHENRY COUNTY STATE OF ILLINOIS Ordinance 21-58 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF MCHENRY BACKUP SPECIAL SERVICE AREA #12 FOR LOTS 1 AND 2 OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF AUTHENTIX AT MCHENRY Passed by the Mayor and City Council Of the City of McHenry McHenry County State of Illinois November 1, 2021 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois this 2nd day of November, 2021. McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 ORDINANCE NO 21-58 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF MCHENRY BACKUP SPECIAL SERVICE AREA #12. FOR LOTS 1 AND 2 OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF AUTHENTIX AT MCHENRY WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the constitutional authority for home rule powers is set forth in Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois in force July 1, 1971, which provides in relevant part as follows: §6. Powers of Home Rule Units. Except as limited by this Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs including, but not limited to, the power to regulate for the protection of the public health, safety, morals and welfare; to license; to tax; and to incur debt. WHEREAS, special service areas, are established pursuant to the City's home rule powers and the provisions of the "Special Service Area Tax Law", 35 ILCS 200/27-5, et seq., as amended; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to establish a backup Special Service Area #12 for the area legally and commonly described in Exhibit A hereto and depicted in the map attached hereto as Exhibit B (the "Area"); and WHEREAS, the Area is compact and contiguous and is totally within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois (the "City"); and WHEREAS, Continental 601 Fund LLC. (the "Contract Purchaser") is under contract to purchase a portion of the Area that will be known as Lot 1 of the Final Plat of Subdivision of Authentix at McHenry, which has been annexed to the City; and WHEREAS, Vantage McHenry Holdings, LLC. (the "Owner") or its successors and assigns may develop a portion of the Area that will be known as Lot 2 of the Final Plat of Subdivision of Authentix at McHenry; and WHEREAS, the Contract Purchaser is proposing to construct a storm water detention basin ("Stormwater Facilities") located at the north end of said Lot 1 which shall also service said Lot 2 for future development, as identified in the Stormwater Management Report (the "Stormwater Report") dated March 25, 2021, by V3 Company attached hereto as "EXHIBIT C)"; and WHEREAS, any future maintenance of the Stormwater Facilities by the City are special services which may lawfully be paid from additional taxes upon the Area; and McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 WHEREAS, the City intends that the Stormwater Facilities be maintained in good working order, subject to availability of sufficient funds from a Special Service Area tax upon the Area; and WHEREAS, the City intends that an annual tax be levied upon all taxable property within the Area from time to time, in addition to all other taxes permitted by law, to pay for special services to Special Service Area No. 12, including all costs of operation, upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, safekeeping and improvement of the Stormwater Facilities (collectively, the "Special.Services"). In the event the property owner(s) or their successors and assigns fail to maintain said Stormwater Facilities within 30 days of a written request by the City to undertake and complete such operation, upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, safekeeping and/or improvement of the Stormwater Facilities, as the case may be, in the City's sole discretion without the obligation to do so, the City may provide written notice to the owner(s) of record within the Area of any failures or deficiencies associated with the Stormwater Facilities and such owner(s) shall have a 30-day period for undertaking such operational changes, upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, safekeeping or improvement of the Stormwater Facilities as set forth in the City's notice. Unless emergency circumstances exist, the City shall wait 30 days' time from the date of its notice before the City undertakes such corrective action and provision of the Special Services in the City's sole discretion without the obligation to do so. Time is of the essence; and WHEREAS, the Area will benefit specifically from the Special Services and the Special Services are unique and in addition to municipal services provided to the City as a whole, and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the City that the establishment of a Special Service Area be established encompassing the Area; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that taxes be levied by the City at a rate or amount of tax sufficient to provide revenues required for the purpose of paying the cost of providing the Special Services through a Special Service Area encompassing the Area; and WHEREAS, an annual tax may be levied upon all taxable property with the Area from time to time, as determined by the Mayor and City Council, in addition to all other taxes permitted by law, subject only to the limitations set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the preambles of this ordinance are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance as if set out herein in full. SECTION 2: The City of McHenry Special Service Area No. 12 encompassing the Area is established pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and pursuant to the Special Service Area Tax Law, 35 ILCS 200/27-5, et seq. McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 SECTION 3: (a) The City previously adopted Ordinance No. 21-31 on June 7, 2021, proposing the establishment of a special service area for the Area. The establishment of Special Service Area No.12 was considered at a public hearing held on August 30, 2021, at the McHenry Municipal Building of the City of McHenry, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois at 7:00 p.m. pursuant to notice duly published in the Northwest Herald and in accordance with the Special Service Area Tax Law at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing, and also pursuant to notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the person in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year was paid on each lot, block, tract, parcel of land lying within the proposed Special Service Area No. 12 as well as to the Contract Purchaser and Owner. A Certificate of Publication of Notice and an Affidavit of Mailing of Notice are attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit D and Exhibit E respectively. Said notices conformed in all respects to the requirements of Section 27-25 of the Special Service Area Tax Law. (b) At the public hearing on July 19, 2021, all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard on the questions of the creation of the propose Special Service Area for the Area and the levy of an annual special tax to pay for the Special Services, all as set forth in the notices. (c) After considering all information presented to the Mayor and Members of the City Council .and at the public hearing, as well as any and all information subsequently received up until today's date, the Mayor and Members of the City Council find that it is in the public interest and in the interest of the City that the City of McHenry Special Service Area No. 12 for the Area, as hereinafter described, be established. (d) The territory within Special Service Area No. 12 is contiguous as required by the Special Service Area Tax Law. (e) An annual special tax based upon a special tax roll shall be levied against each lot and each parcel in the Area in an amount not to exceed .25% of the assessed value of the Area - per annum. Such rate of .25% of the assessed value of the Area — per annum -- would be the maximum rate of taxes to be extended within Special Service Area on an annual basis. The City hereby determines that such maximum tax rate bears a rational relationship between the amount of tax levied against each lot, block, tract and parcel of land in the Area and the Special Services that would be undertaken by the City. The term of Special Service Area No. 12 is perpetual, with no maximum term or number of years. The amount of the tax levy for Special Services pursuant to this Special Service Area No. 12 for the initial year for which taxes would bel levied would be no more than $10,000. (f) The City hereby determines and finds that the properties within Special Service Area No. 12 will benefit specially from the Special Services. SECTION 4. Special Service Area No. 12 is hereby Established. A special service area to be known and designated as "City of McHenry Special Service Area No. 12" is hereby established and shall consist of the Area. The nature of the Special Services within the Special Service Area McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 No. 12 is for new construction and maintenance. Funds received from the Special Service Area No. 12 by the City may be used by the City or its designated contractor to pay for any and all Special Services. SECTION 5. Purpose of Special Service Area No. 12. The City of McHenry Special Service Area No. 12 is established to provide Special Services to serve directly the territory within Special Service Area No. 12, in addition to services provided in the City generally, so as to provide more adequate, efficient, and appropriate services. Special Service Area No. 12 is established for the purposes aforesaid, payable from the special taxes levied on the Area within the City of McHenry Special Service Area No. 12 in accordance with this Ordinance. Such special taxes shall be levied in addition to all other City taxes so levied. SECTION 6. Notice to Owners of Deficiency. In the event the property owner(s) within the Area or their successors and assigns fail to maintain said Stormwater Facilities within 30 days of a written request by the City to undertake and complete such operation, upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, safekeeping and/or improvement of the Stormwater Facilities, as the case may be, in the City's sole discretion without the obligation to do so, the City may provide written notice to the owner(s) of record within the Area of any failures or deficiencies associated with the Stormwater Facilities and such owner(s) within the Area shall. have a 30-day period for undertaking such operational changes, upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, safekeeping, alteration or improvement of the Stormwater Facilities as set forth in the City's notice. Unless emergency circumstances exist, the City shall wait 30 days' time from the date of its notice before the City undertakes such corrective action and provision of the Special Services in the City's sole discretion without the obligation to do so. Time is of the essence. SECTION 7. Effective Date. No petition meeting the statutory requirements set forth in the Special Service Area Law has been filed objecting to the creation of Special Service Area No. 12, the levy or imposition of a tax, or its boundaries or other matters. As such, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet manner form as provided by law. The City Clerk is hereby directed and ordered to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the McHenry County Clerk, and record a certified copy of this Ordinance with the McHenry County Recorder's Office, each within sixty (60) days of the effective date hereof. SECTION 8: That all ordinances, orders and resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby superseded, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption and approval. Passed this 1st day of November, 2021. Ayes Alderman Devine x Alderman Glab x Nays Absent Abstain McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Alderman Harding x Alderman Strach x Alderwoman Miller x Alderman Santi x Alderman McClatchey x k;�- // Wayne fettl Mayor tr \ Trisha Ramel, City Clerk McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Exhibit.A Legal Description of the Area PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF . THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,- DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST ;CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89:DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH ,LINE THEREOF, 42.72 FEET (DEED = NORTH 89 DEGREES 28:MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST; 40.0 FEET), TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ILLINOIS ROUTE 31 SAID LINE BEING 40.0. FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL TO SAID CENTERLINE; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID LINE 507.0 FEET (DEED NORTH 0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 507.0 FEET), TO THE SOUTHWEST:CORNER OF THE PROPERTY. DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2000110060046; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST (DEED = NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST), ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF, 408.18 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN 'DOCUMENT NO. 98R00052114 FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING.; THENCE. CONTINUING NORTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST (DEED NORTH 89 DEGREES 28-MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST), ALONG SAID LINE, 528.84 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT NO.2000R0060046; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 .MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, 100.30 FEET. (DEED =•NORTH 0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 100.30 FEET); THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 14 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, 302.77 FEET (DEED = NORTH 0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST, 302.77 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 39 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF, 198.02 FEET (DEED = SOUTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, 198.02 FEET); THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 39 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, 574.15 FEET (DEED = NORTH 0 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST, 574.15 FEET) TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF F.A. ROUTE 201 AS . DESCRIBED IN CIRCUIT COURT CASE 73-3756; THENCE SOUTH 57 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 14 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 296.12 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 65 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 38 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 400.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, 132.39 FEET TO.THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 755.70 FEET OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID LINE_.ALSO BEING THE WEST LINE OF THE OAKS OF MCHENRY PHASE 2, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED APRIL 28, 1999 AS DOCUMENT NO. 1999R0031334; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1090.14 FEETTO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST. QUARTER; :THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 1458.85 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN COLOMER SUBDIVISION,. BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF SAID SOUTHEAST. QUARTER ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED JUNE 1, 1998 AS DOCUMENT NO. 98R00033676; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE EAST LINE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN SAID DOCUMENT NO. 98R00052114, A DISTANCE OF 507.00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 PIN #s: 09-23-400-004 and 09-23-400-031, Lots.1 and 2 of the Authentix at McHenry subdivision The proposed special service area is located east of Route 31 and east, north and south of Blake Boulevard. McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 GENERAL NOTES f. cuaax° La,a Aw meson nouxp,Pr ccPNwG LNAu. nc uoNumr,m M,m mr ,npx rvm w,rN xr�pcPuwc[ xfiN. ciArc a�ivtc� wo�iac i waLmmoN coNrPaL amuuac wrtxw a uartNP pr m coimAn px of n,e rtAT. rm FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION PIN. e}aa•400004aOS AREA TABLE 'a'4n. . OF 0S-=40t NUM nx Dore 24yjtrRRy \ LaF.ma a0.m00 + .a+.mG �� C�91F�.� _''0'L��yf AUTHENTIX AT MCHENRY ,+Ama mur„L uroaw wmm iu°aMma, •�•� � �� wnrprrweLarrxrAaT ouAP,cPnacrnoxayrawvowv.°Noa,N, rtArmG `i� rAcranMer,anprniAemuueuau,, NMeNexPr,vuxrv,muupa r BASIS OF BEARINGS t a 1 '� `py `\ moRANnTC mi'arpl ilPtll N� m IM.. N[ PM4 0^LA5r1 N{tN AMaIbON AT' tAIINGC I �mLOnL•N � Lnt�ivarvaouido,+iRa'ap�ia oirr srvwLY a4F ,� a aealNp.GLaiAMLR LmmLReial ALLLPJ.LNO:M[NFJMLON1NL plmpup. S SeL m ep GRAPHIC SCALE ,m�nw�N� •^nsaA:'�.-',9°jb� a �q maPMwAG,�PLuair ¢Harr r�dp �` LOTS RUnLOFFTOMc CMNSRE SUB i amca°c,namwn � ! °°°°`" outLorA LEGEND I .t---------- � r -- Lmmmmmmw ,avnu°w,uxG °m /Leaaaar0t nmoif f _____ I °' e Y ar �• I ���, ua E -_ SDI I f.,. _ '1n naunun . urnLnuN ve,°+ummc, a ALMOND W. I°piNaU PpA°ANpPOMa yg `I I ABBREVIATIONS LOT2LOFFTOM m° ENMEsua �ixrResua mwrmlwro F � I � � LOT 1 NM. _ A•,rPMtrLnppmam,rm+w,� ` , ���,:� Area y^I W�a, � � „° F` _ — LOT2 +prAawm NwrfcpmNORfNCPNcuxao,au Lccoa wtora mMvunoxmmAaaxaMNaN nu°InrrTw.Nc eurtneaworvnioxooc.amlPLNwa a,fncamworaccaau a r -- _.,.: ________ LZ_ __ 4=--_—mnu=' __ :__� -- -- ---- -- 0um ,rd =___ pnovcawPccwu eY �a5•n tvi=is.aasT•=—�s==== nT _-- _ _= WrMOi•9 GXM,MPCRpOCTRmW'A + t1 Q aa. a, '4a pmpl ,aip O 6£ Ztta McMENRY COMMON". °.USgVIS10N M-HENRYCOWONS W°� ¢ THE OAILS OFMWEIeRY PHKEf e.54& 5i a mocmn°wmr .^LIaOMSION2sIONx yd9 mccwrxwn � v Englneara 7�25 Jana; Avpnup, Sullo we vcm.PnpFOR, w,e Sclantl°h Wooarldgo. IL Ba577 CONTINENTAL PROPERTIES CO., INC. a30.724.920a VOICO W,34NIPSEXEWFIVE PAWNAY SVNOyOfp (a% MWOMONEE PALLS,..... v3CA•WIn r—�-- DEVELOPER 1t° Cont1nental561 Fund LLC °aR..moF W134 N875 Execove Pad'"y Menomonee Falls, W/53051 �;�-- ,+o R 2625025600 Contact: Ben amin Lan 1 9 +`0 SURVEYOR V3 Companies, Ltd. 7325 Janos Avonuo Woodridge, IL 60517 630-724-9200 P-jact.ManogT ChuckBano- ---"" a ctrartos2v3co.com ENGINEER V3 Companies, Ltd. 7325JanosAvenuo Woodridge, Illinois 60517 ��N°RMatN I 6207249200 wxaa �m oa rva+pocm+ I act Mana Manager Ryon Wa PreWagner, P.E. 1 Y 4 �L11r amorn rwagner@v3ce.com FINALPLATOFSUBDIVISION Nam„p 20778 aRAFnupf-0MPLQ[d. AUTHENTIX AT MCHENRY, MCHENRY, IUJNOIS r Waal , MAt+w av: L6P CI UANWU° a,oww. VP01,1 Lt¢tl Na NaaYARCCNPLLira! IXiO nY: ttvP sCA1L: + • aP i 2 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Exhibit C Stormwater Management Report dated March 25, 2021, by V3 Company McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 FINAL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT PROJECT SITE: MCHENRY - AUTHENTIX EAST OF RICHMOND ROAD AND BLAKE ROAD CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PREPARED FOR: CONTINENTAL 523 FUND LLC W134 N8675 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY MENOMONEE FALLS, WISCONSIN 53051 PREPARED BY: V3 COMPANIES 7325 JANES AVENUE WOODRIDGE, ILLINOIS 60517 630.724.9200 MARCH 25, 2021 V3 Companies Project No. 20776 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1- Storm Water Management Narrative Section 2 - Storm Water Management Calculations - Existing Curve Number - Existing Time of Concentration - Existing Win TR-20 Output (Drainage to the West) - Proposed Runoff Coefficient - Proposed Time of Concentration - Proposed Curve Number - Proposed Stage Storage Discharge - Proposed Stage Storage Table - Proposed Win TR-20 Output Section 3 - Storm Water Exhibits - Existing Tributary Area Exhibit - Proposed Tributary Area Exhibit - Proposed Pervious Area Exhibit - ALTA/NSPS Land Title and Topographic Survey Section 4 _ General Exhibits - Project Location Map - Aerial Map - USGS Topographic Map - USGS Hydrologic Atlas - FEMA FIRM - Flood Zones of McHenry County, Illinois, Map - National Wetland Inventory Map - Soil Survey of McHenry County McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Section 1 • Storm Water Management Narrative McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Stormwater Management. Report for McHenry - Authentix East of Richmond Drive and Blake Road City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois OVERVIEW: The proposed McHenry — Authentix development is located east of the intersection of Richmond Drive and Blake Road, in the City of McHenry. The existing 20.60 +/- acre site is undeveloped farm land, with limited foliage. The proposed site will provide stormwater detention for all onsite drainage, and also for the future developed condition for the 7.58 +/- acres of farmland to the south. Under existing conditions, the site generally drains from west to east, then sheet flowing across the residential properties to the east. The property is located within the Upper Fox River watershed. PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Continental Properties is proposing to develop the property with an apartment complex containing 12 2- story apartment buildings, a clubhouse with pool, at -grade parking including garages, and associated utility infrastructure. The project will also include a proposed detention basin located at the north end of the site. The existing 20.60-acre site is undeveloped farmland that drains via sheet flow from the west to the east. The 7.58-acre parcel south of the project site not currently being developed also sheet flows from west to east. Overall, the entirety of the property sheet drains across the residential properties on the west side of Hazelwood Drive. An Existing Tributary Area Exhibit can be found in Section 3 of this report. The proposed 20.60-acre project site is designed to drain into storm sewers that will convey stormwater into the proposed detention pond to the north before being released to the northeast through a restrictor structure. Overland overflow routes will also be provided to safely convey larger storm events through the project site and to the detention basin. Based on discussions with the adjacent property owner and the Village, the proposed detention basin has been designed to provide the required detention volume for the 20.60 acre proposed development in addition to the roughly 7.58-acre property to the south. Multiple storm sewer stubs have been provided at the south property line to allow for the future connection of that property to the detention basin when the 7.58 acres to the south is developed. As reflected on the Proposed Pervious Area Exhibit in Section 3, the proposed development is 38.1% .pervious resulting in a proposed CN of 91. The detention basin was also designed based on the offsite property to the south having a future development CN of 91. According to the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance the release rate requirements are 0.04 CFS/acre for the 2-year storm event, and 0.15 CFS/acre for the 100-year storm event. With a total tributary area of 28.18 +/- acres, the allowable detention basin release rate for the 2-year event is 1.13 cfs (28.18 * 0.04 = 1.13), and the allowable release rate for the 100-year event is 4.23 cfs (28.18 * 0.15 = 4.23). The required McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 storage volume and release rates were analyzed with WIN-TR20 and those results can be found in Section 2 of this report. The restrictor orifices were sized per the required release rates, resulting in a two -stage restrictor structure to meet each release requirement. A 5.75" restrictor is provided at elevation 786.00 for the 2-year 24-hour event, and a 7" restrictor is provided at elevation 788.00 for the 100-year 24-hour event. The resulting actual release rates are less than the allowable release rates as summarized in the table below and the total storage capacity of the basin is 14.17 acre-ft. Existing Release Rate Allowable Release Rate Actual Release Rate Design HWL Actual HWL 2- Year Storm 7.03 cfs 1.13 cfs 1.08 cfs 788.00 787.78 100-Year Storm 20.75 cfs 4.23 cfs 4.02 cfs 791.00 790.92 STORM SEWER DESIGN: Proposed storm sewer will be designed for the 10-year 24-hour rainfall event as required by the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance. EXISTING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS: The soils on the project are predominantly 570A Martinsville Silt Loam, and 327B Fox Silt Loam with a small area of 198A Elburn Silt Loam at the Northwest corner of the property per the Soil Survey of Cook County. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: A stabilized construction entrance will be installed at the west entrance location on Blake Road. Silt fence will be installed along the perimeter of the proposed grading operations on the site and sediment traps will be placed in all the existing and proposed storm manholes in and around the site that are tributary to construction activities. The erosion control measures are reflected on the Erosion Control Plans within the Engineering Plans. In addition, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be prepared as required by the [EPA for NPDES SWPPP permitting. CONCLUSION: It is our opinion that the proposed stormwater management design conforms to the requirements of McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance. The proposed improvements do not impact the downstream storm water system or increase stormwater release from the project site. V3 Companies • 2 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Section 2 • Storm Water Management Calculations - Existing Curve Number - Existing Time of Concentration - Existing Win TR-20 Output (Drainage to the West) - Proposed Runoff Coefficient - Proposed Time of Concentration - Proposed Curve Number - Proposed Stage Storage Discharge - Proposed Stage Storage Table - Proposed Win TR-20 Output McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Worksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff Project Authentix McHenry By MSG Date 3/24/2021 Location McHenry Illinois Checked RW Date Check one: 21 Present ❑ Developed Soil name and hydrologic group Cover description CN t'i Area Product of CN x area M N 0 acres (appendix A) (cover type, treatment, and hydrologic condition; percent N o N (D a ❑ mil impervious; unconnected impervious area ratio) cu 9 El oho i— LL LL C Row Crops 88 31.67 2786.96 [1] Use only one CN source per line CN (weighted) = total product/total area = 88.00 Storm #1 Frequency ........................ yr Rainfall, P (24-hour) ............ in Runoff, Q .......................... in (Use P and CN with table 2-1, figure 2-1, or equations 2-3 and 2-4) Totals 31.67 2786.96 Use CN ♦ 88 D-2 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Storm #2 1 Storm #3 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (TJ or Travel Time (Tt) Project: McHenry - Authentix By: MSG Location: City of McHenry Illinois Checked: RW Circle One: Present Developed Circle One: Tt through subareas Sheet Flow (Applicable to T, only) ,1. Surface description (table 3-1).................. 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 3-1)... 3. Flow Length, L (total L < 100 ft)................ 4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2........................... 5. Land slope, s........................................ 6. Tt = 0.007 (nL)°-8 Compute Tt P2 0.5 S0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow 7. Surface Description (paved or unpaved)..... 8. Flow Length, L....................................... 9. Watercourse slope, s.............................. 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1)................. 11. Tc = L Compute Tc 3600 V Date: 03/24/21 Date: Segment ID 1 .................. CULTIVATED SOILS ..........:..... 0.06 ft 100 ................ in 3.34 ................ ft / ft 0.020 ................ hr 0.08 0.08 Segment ID 1 ................ UNPAVED ................ ft 1861 ................. ft/ ft 0.015 ................ Us s 2 ................ hr 0.26 0.26 Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ..................................... ft2 13. Wetted perimeter, PW.............................................. ft 14. Hydraulic radius, r = a / PW Compute r.................. ft 15. Channel slope, s.................................................... ft/ ft 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n.................................. 17. V = 1.49 1213 S112 Compute V................. ft / s n 18. Flow length, L....................................................... ft 1807 19. Tt = L Compute Tt................. hrl 0.00 10 3600 V 20. Watershed or subarea T, or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19).......................... hr 0.34 c:\2001\01060\Excel\Existing_Tc Calculation.xls 3/24/2021 i McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 WinTR-20 Printed Page File Beginning of Input Data List N:\2020\20776\Calcs&Data\LD\Storm\Existing 2 10 100 B75 Northeast.inp WinTR-20: version 3.20 0 0 0.1 0 20776 -- McHenry Authentix -- Bulletin 75 Northeast - 2, 10, 100 Year Existing - DATE (2021 0324) MSG SUB -AREA: Area 1 Outlet 0.0307812588. 0.34 STORM ANALYSIS: 2y,24h 3.34 Huff3-24 2 3.34 10y,24h 5.15 Huff3-24 2 3.34 100y,24h 8.57 Huff3-24 2 3.34 RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION: Huffl-5m- 0.0034722 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740, 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huff1-10m 0.0069444 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656-0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huffl-15m 0.01041667 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huffl-30m 0.020833 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huff1-1 0.041667 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huffl-2 0.083333 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huffl-3 0.125 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huffl-6 0.25 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 Huff2-12 0.5 0.0000 0.0229 0.0482 0.0778 0.1133 0.1579 0.2139 0.2841 0.3644 0.4529 0.5435 0.6238 0.6976 0.7548 0.8038 0.8470 0.8781 0.9022 0.9217 0.9381. 0.9529 0.9657 0.9774 0.9884 1.0000 Huff3-18 0.75 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 0.0000 0.0205 0.0431 0.0667 0.0912 0.1171 0.1436 0.1691 0.1964 0.2278 0.2633 0.3093 0.3635 0.4392 0.5211 0.6102 0.6989 0.7819 0.8492 0.8974 0.9311 0.9534 0.9706 0.9856 1.0000 Huff3-24 1. 0.0000 0.0205 0.0431 0.0667 0.0912 0.1171 0.1436 0.1691 0.1964 0.2278 0.2633 0.3093 0.3635 0.4392 0.5211 0.6102 0.6989 0.7819 0.8492 0.8974 0.9311 0.9534 0.9706 0.9856 1.0000 Huff4-48 2. 0.0000 0.0231 0.0479 0.0712 0.0978 0.1253 0.1523 0.1791 0.2033 0.2283 0.2541 0.2835 0.3125 0.3390 0.3633 0.3861 0.4124 0.4508 0.5129 0.5931 0.6919 0.8005 0.8971 0.9604 1.0000 Huff4-72 3. 0.0000 0.0231 0.0479 0.0712 0.0978 0.1253 0.1523 0.1791 0.2033 0.2283 0.2541 0.2835 0.3125 0.3390 0.3633 0.3861 0.4124 0.4508 0.5129 0.5931 0.6919 0.8005 0.8971 0.9604 1.0000 Huff4-120 5. 0.0.000 0.0231- 0.0479 0.0712 0.0978 0.1253 0.1523 0.1791 0.2033 0.2283 0.2541 0.2835 0.3125 0.3390 0.3633 0.3861 0.4124 0.4508 0.5129 0.5931 0.6919 0.8005 0.8971 0.9604 1.0000 Huff4-240 10. 0.0000 0.0231 0.0479 0.0712 0.0978 0.1253 0.1523 0.1791 0.2033 0.2283 0.2541 0.2835 0.3125 0.3390 0.3633 0.3861 0.4124 0.4508 0.5129 0.5931 0.6919 0.8005 0.8971 0.9604 1.0000 GLOBAL OUTPUT: 2 0.1 WinTR-20 Printed Page File 0.1 YNNNN YNNNNN End of Input Data List 20776 -- McHenry Authentix -- Bulletin 75 Northeast - 2, 10, 100 Year Existing - DATE (2021 0324) MSG Name of printed page file: N:\202.0\20776\Calcs&Data\LD\Storm\Existing 2 10 100 B75 Northeast.out STORM 2y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) Area 1 0.031 2.121 16.04 4.91 159.56 Line Start Time ------------ Flow Values @ time increment of 0.100 hr------------ (hr) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 4.300 0.0 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 5.000 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 5.700 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.42 0.43 6.400 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.51 7.100 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.63 0.64 7.800 0.65 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.74 0.79 0.82 8.500 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.90 0.92 0.94 9.200 0.99 1.04 1.08 1.11 1.13 1.14 1.16 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 9.900 1.18 1.19 1.23 1.35 1.48 1.57 1.62 10.600 1.65 1.68 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.79 1.90 11.300 2.02 2.10 2.15 2.18 2.21 2.24 2.26 12.000 2.28 2.37 2.66 2.98 3.18 3.29 3.36 12.700 3.41 3.45 3.48 3.52 3.57 3.68 3.81 13.400 3.89 3.94 3.98 4.02 4.05 4.08 4.11 14.100 4.16 4.29 4.43 4.52 4.58 4.62 4.65 14.800 4.68 4.70 4.73 4.75 4.77 4.78 4.80 15.500 4.82 4.83 4.85 4.87 4.89 4.91 4.90 16.200 4.83 4.74 4.70 4.69 4.69 4.70 4.71 16.900 4.72 4.73 4.68 4.43 4.15 4.00 3.94 17.600 3.91 3.90 3.90 3.91 3.91 3.84 3.52 18.300 3.17 2.98 2.90 2.86 2.84 2.84 2.83' 19.600 2.83 2.78 2.53 2.26 2.12 2.05 2.02 19.700 2.01 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.95 1.76 1.54 20.400 1.43 1.37 1.35 1.34 1.33 1.33 1.33 21.100 1.31 1.22 1.12 1.07 1.05 1.04 1.03 21.800 .1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 0.98 0.94 0.92 22.500 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 23.200 0.89 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.86 23.900 0.86 0.86 0.80 0.55 0.28 0.13 0.0 STORM 10y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ----.-------- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) Area 1 0.031 3.810. 16.03 8.27 268.57 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 1 03/24/2021 15:06 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 C/) Y- rr K R. xJ K ct y Kr w �:jaa Kr '�7 CtY• rt() NNNNNNHHHHHF�HHF-�fJfJFJF-`fl rtY- I CTI It, W W NH Ci F- Y•]-'O W W NF-'F1 O 10 IO m J dl 61) Cn.A iA W NNF-'CD m C710'l 1A WN `,J' N N . . . . . F3 (D Fi K . . . . . . . . . . . 13 (D o O W0)10 N(n co '.31Y- Y- I'DNCnNF-.A-_J(D w 01 lO N Cn W H It, dl -7O Cl) 6110 '.r Y- �] O O O O O O K (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K�l �] C O O O co O O `-' (p K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (D 01 (D K C7 m K I j Y I Cl) 'Jy w I I K Y- I •- N NI- CD (] I O w w I-'I-'F-'F-'NNW XA Cn 61 --7 WO w01.A W WN NH H F-O OO W O Hl I W Y• CQ . . . O t-h I C] Cn N �j mil• CA I H `-' (D XA rA IA 01 F-`W NOl N.A OF-`F-'ONIDNW IO W.A F,OD Cn Cl) F-`O COnW • co N 10.l, m 1-0WCD I (D a, --]J W Nw.A N m Cn O 0 m Lfl Ol Cn H N I-'iA WIO rA W 10 --1 Ol W-jO `-' I (D CD I I �J I r w I GC I I O C7 G I t7 ',b w x G Nj Ili 00 n r+j 1-Y0 (7) F-`I-'F-'Y'F-` N W.A.A 0,11-1--I 00 w -_7 �] O1 .A.A W NN F-'I-'OOOO (9 �J Y-rt . 1-h H Y- K w . . Hh fl 0)� 01NC0 WCOH UI O 0 �Q .A .A .A dI IONNCn IO iA 0010N 0(nOW.AO W.A N10 CnWNH Co dI .A F✓ (n O Ct(D .A lO N-]HOl `-' 9., ',� (D ON 0I--I CO.A-](n O IA 010i O 10 O W OCn OI(n 0).A N 01 -]H OIO-_]O co `--'E Y-G �j Ft C C 1Q Y- w w x F H 1 r. (D -A (D I h7 ND NJ Fs OO 0 (n G HH HHH N W.A.A 01 J J 00 w J J 01 A.AW NNF ! FJNHOOOO () cod p] . • . . F-h i t Y- 0 � . . . . . . . . . . . . FI vy C>y tQ 01W 00 It'. ION (n C� '�N .:l G O W.A.A Ol 00 N N 11-l.A-] WNF-'r]O W101-' WCn WIO Cn 10-1.A I- (n C. HG (D 10•A00CnCDCn `-' (.. C71 --',i Fil OHOI--I WO01H W Co.A00It" coWO.A�IN WNNO.A--I t7 F- rt rt 1-h ct F, Y Y- (D N (D Cn (D O Y- ; tJ I H N G .O Y- H N N 1-1 Y-'00 0 ':5 (D I O1111 I- I- N) W W A O1 -.1 CO C0-1-101(JI .A W NN F- HF, H F-OOOO 0 `J r1 . . Fil 0 rh C I Fil 0 CD Cn �l WlO Cn 10 W U] K rtw I Q0 .A .A 01 �1-'N�761� W 00 col-'Cl) 11 .A �1 W I001 iA N1110 �].AN CA K W W W �l N W .A `-' (D `e Ft I F-r C> 0) lA Co 01 O lfl .A .A..A W W -1 N 00 m lO I-' m It, 0) H Cn Cn .A dl .A -1 FI `-' (D N z �l Y- I p �l ., 0 (D 0 1 0 (D K G I C �:l rt rt I Ct �3 I N (D O I A —O C)w N NNHHO n Fh F3 `.5' CD HH I1N W W.A 0101 -_] CO wJ-761(n .A W W NHHHHHOOOO () I-h 0Cn . . . F fi G Y- n7 . . . . Fh (-t �]rA OUO.A 0 O K � (D .A .A't, n,-j-'I-'.A O1 .A N CO N F-'lO F-`.A IO N.t, 10 �].A NF-'IO �i CnN w OlW Ul W(n .A `-'CD (D w (n O O110 O C00101.A 0 W Cn.A.A rn(n O N W N-700 O co J 0110 J H Cn O I H H N O TJ O O O H O N NN NI--'I--'O 0 K `w` •A 0 ',b CD F-'H H N N W.A dI OI -_] co 00 J J OI m lt1l Cl) WNN F-'F-`F-'l111 000 0 K \ co.A H 0') Cn U] I > Cn In C- I N.A"A Cn O1 F-'00W61 W 01 CO N1-'IO F-'61O N Cn 11 .A O�1 Cn NF-'O00 CnN In I F-' N CD CO W Cn W.A I F-' �(D I CD 0) W lD dl0 Cn Cn NW W dI Cn IO 10 W 0061 O 0 O 10 O CO-]N (D It, 10 O I I O N I I I F� I I I FC I I I lD " •• NNNF'F'O 0 I F' 0 'T7 I I -'I-' H H N N W.A Cn O1 -_l w 000--7 a101.A W WNNH F-'I1 OOO 0 I p I Cl) w I O t'll 1 Ol WCn fl:-j in I N rt I .A �A .A 011-'Cn W 0I �I Cn co NNON W F-`N �J 'IA OCO CnW f1 O00 (nW C/) I .l, W 1fl 11 OW `-' I Co `--'(D O O Cn I0 CO OIN O.A IO H.A.A 01 W N W m CO O OI N.A Cn N O CO.A WNW McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20776 -- McHenry Authentix -- Bulletin 75 Northeast - 2, 10, 100 Year Existing - DATE (2021 0324) MSG Line Start Time ------------ Flow Values @ time increment of 0.100 hr------------ (hr) (Cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (Cfs) 6.000 2.87 2.89 2.89 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.94 6.700 2.96 2.98 3.01 3.03 3.07 3.15 3.25 7.400 3.31 3.35 3.38 3.41 3.43 3.45 3.47 8.100 3.53 3.70 3.89 4-.01 4.07 4.12 4.15 8.800 4.17 4.20 4.22 4.28 4.46 4.66 4.78 9.500 4.85 4.89 4.92 4.95 4.97 4.99 5.12 10.200 5.57 6.06 6.35 6.50 6.58 6.63 6.67 10.900 6.70 6.73 6.84 7.21 7.62 7.86 7.98 11.600 8.06 8.11 8.14 8.17 8.20 8.45 9.43 12.300 10.49 11.10 11.40 11.56 11.65 11.71 11.75 13.000 11.79 11.89 12.20 12.54 12.74 12.84 12.91 13.700 12.95 12.99 13.02 13.04 13.15 13.50 13.89 14.400 14.11 14.23 14.30 14.34 14.37 14.39 14.41 15.100 14.43 14.43 14.42 14.43 14.44 14.45 14.47 15.800 14.48 14.49 14.51 14.45 14.19 13.91 13.76 16.500 13.69 13.67 13.66 13.66 13.67 13.67 13.50 17.200 12.76 11.95 11.50 11.30 11.20 11.16 11.15 17.900 11.14 11.14 10.92 10.01 9.01 8.46 8.21 18.600 8.10 8.04 8.02 8.01 8.00 7.83 7.14 19.300 6.38 5.96 5.77 5.68 5.64 5.62 5.61 20.000 5.60 5.47 4.92 4.33 3.99 3.84 3.77 20.700 3.74 3.72 3.72 3.71 3.65 3.41 3.14 21.400 2.99 2.92 2.89 2.88 2.87 2.87 2.87 22.100 2.84 2.73 2.62 2.55 2.53 2.51 2.51 22.800 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.49 2.47 2.43 2.42 23.500 2.41 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.23 24.200 .1.54 0.78 0.36 0.17 0.0 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 3 03/24/2021 15:06 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20776 -- McHenry Authentix -- Bulletin 75 Northeast - 2, 10, 100 Year Existing - DATE (2021 0324) MSG Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2y,24h 10y,24h 100y,24h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) Area 1 0.031 4.91 8.27 14.51 OUTLET 0.031 4.91 8.27 14.51 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 4 03/24/2021 15:06 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 r RUNOFF COEFFICIENT CALCULATION PROJECT: Authentix - McHenry V3 FILE NO.: 20776 DATE: 03/24/21 PREPARED BY: MSG REVIEWED DATE: 03/24/21 REVIEWED BY: RW Impervious Area (ACRE) 12.75 Impervious c-factor 0.90 Pervious Area (ACRE) 7.85 Pervious c-factor 0.45 TOTAL AREA (ACRE) 20.60 C = 0.90 * (Impervious Areal + 0.45 * (Pervious Areal Total Area C _ 0.90 * (12.75 acres) + 0.45 * (7.85 acres) 20.60 11 C = 0.73 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (TJ or Travel Time (TJ Project: McHenry - Authentix By: MSG Date: 03/22/21 Location: City of McHenry Illinois Checked: RW Date: Circle One: Present Develo.pe_d _ _i 'p_ Circle One: Tt through subareas Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only) 1. Surface description (table 3-1)........................ 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 3-1).......... 3. Flow Length, L (total L < 100 ft)....................... 4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2................................. 5. Land slope, s.............................................. 6. Tt = 0.007 (nL)0,8 Compute Tt...... P2 0.5 50.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow 7. Surface Description (paved or unpaved)...... 8. Flow Length, L........................................ 9. Watercourse slope, s ............................... 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1)................. 11. Tc = L Compute Tc. Segment ID ............ grass .......... 0.15 .......... ft 100 .......... in 3.34 .......... ft/ ft 0.020 ........... hr 0.16 0.16 Segment ID .......... ft ........... ft/ ft ft/s .......... hrl 0.00 Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ..................................... ft2 13. Wetted perimeter, PW.............................................. ft 14. Hydraulic radius, r = a / PW Compute r.................. ft 15. Channel slope, s.................................................... ft/ fl 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n.................................. 17. V = 1.49 �/3 s1/2 Compute V................. ft/ s 1 1.76715 4.712 0.38 0.003 0.0012 35.37 n 18. Flow length, L........................................:.............. ftl 1807 19. Tt = L Compute Tt................. hrl 0.01 1 0,014192 3600 V 20. Watershed or subarea T. or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19).......................... hr 0.17 eA2001\01060\Excel\Tc Calculation.xls 3/24/2021 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Worksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff Project Authentix McHenry By MSG Date 3/24/2021 Location McHenry Illinois. Checked RW Date Check one:: ❑ Present Developed Soil name and Cover description CN " Area Product hydrologic:group of CN x area M Q acres (appendix A) (cover type, treatment, and hydrologic condition; percent N a) � N ;v � N El mil impervious; unconnected impervious area ratio) 0) m ❑ ♦— IL U- C Pavement 98 9.53 933.94 C Open space - Lawns 79 7.85 620.15 C Pond Below HWL 100 3.22 , 322 (1) Use only one CN source per line Totals ♦ 20.60 1876.09 CN (weighted) = total product/total area = �T91.07 Use CN ♦ 91 Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 Frequency ........................ yr Rainfall, P (24-hour) ............ in Runoff, Q .......................... in (Use P and CN with table 2-1, figure 2-1, or equations 2-3 and 2-4) D-2 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 (210-VI-TR-55,.Second Ed., June 1986) VSTAGE DISCHARGE CALCULATION WORKSHEET Restrictar Pipe Q Q YES • NO -I _- _'- _ Orifice 1 � I YFS Q NO CIRCULAR � PROJECT: IAuthentix - McHe Orifice 2 V3 FILE NO.: :20776 YES ONO CIRCULAR DATE: 13/3/2021 Weir Q AS QQ NO NONE � PREPARED. BY: !MSG 'r Storm Inlet Q rEs Q No 2-yr: 100-yr: EMERGENCY OVERFLOW WEIR WEIR COEFF. 13.10 WEIR LENGTH (feet) :10.00 WEIR CREST ELEVATION 1791.00 CONTRACTIONS 12.00 RECTANGULAR OUTLET PIPE INFORMATION Applicable to Design? 'NO DIAMETER (inches) I AREA (feet?) 0.000 MANNING'S COEFFICIENT INLET DISCHARGE ELEVATION I DISCHARGE DIVERT ELEV DISCHARGE T/P ELEV 0.00 PIPE LENGTH (feet I PIPE SLOPE (FT/FT) 0.0000 Rit1UM A RV nP AT nwART F nTQr[IARr2FR 1.12, cF QdNl<= :cfs Q„ -'.m a = I cfs Q,11 1.12 cfs Q<e,,,,= 4.221,cfs Qarr,n<= ;cfs cfs 4.22 cfs ORIFICE I INFORMATION ORIFICE 2INFORMATION DIA. (inches) 15.75 DLA. (inches) 17 AREA (feet) 0.180 AREA (feet) 0.267 DIS. COEFF. 10.610 DIS. COEFF. 10.610 ORIFICE INV ELEV. 1786.00 ORIFICE INV ELEV. 1788.00 CIL ELEV. 786.24 C/L.ELEV. 788.29 POND H2O ELEVATION TAIL WATER ELEVATION OUTLET PIPE HYDR. SLOPE Qpipe Ks) HEAD_ - (ft) Qo«mo. (cfs) HEAD.,,g, (ft) Qa<m<n0 (cfs) HF-kDodn<q?) (ft) Qndue02) (cfs) QCOtWROL (cfs) 786.00 0.00%. 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 787.00 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.76 0.770 0.00 0.000 0.770 788.00 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 1.76 1.171 0.00 0.000 1.171 789.00 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 2.76 1.467 0.71 1.101 2.568 790.00 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 3.76 1.712 1.71 1.710 3.422 791.00 _ 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 4.76 1.926 2.71 2.153 4.079 792.00 0.00% 0.000 1.00 30.380 5.76 2.119 - 3.71 2.519 35.018. 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 _ 0.00% 0.000 - 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000. _ 0.00% 0.000 0.00 - 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 .0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 -0.000 0.00% 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.001/a 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.000 EQUATIONS MANNINGS EQUATION FOR OUTLET PIPE: Q = (1.486/n) x A,j, x (r,") x (SCR) where: Ap;,= AREA OF DISCHARGE PIPE n = MANNTNGS ROUGHNESS CONSTANT - r,=HYDRAULIC RADIUS OF DISCHARGE PIPE S = HYDRAULIC SLOPE OF DISCHARGE PIPE EMERGENCY OVERFLOW RECTANGULAR WEIR: Q=Cx(L-0.1xix H)x H13/2 where: C = DISCHARGE COEFFICIENT H = TOTAL HEAD, ft L= WEIR OPENING WIDTH, It i = NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS V3 Companies, LTD. Stage Storage Discharge - v2.0 ORIFICE I: ORIFICE 2: Q= Ca x A,es,, x(2 x g x H)'n Q= Ca x A.riQ. x(2 x g x H)112 where: where: Aorifice = AREA OF ORIFICE, ft Aorificc = AREA OF ORIFICE, fL2 Ca= DISCHARGE COEFFICIENT Ca= DISCHARGE COEFFICIENT H = TOTAL HEAD, ft H = TOTAL HEAD, ft = ACC. DUE TO GRAVITY g= ACC. DUE TO GRAVITY NOTE. WHEN WSEL IS BELOW CL NOTE. WHEN WSEL IS BELOW CL OF ORIFICE THEN WEIR FLO IV OF ORIFICE THEN WEIR FLOW THRU ORIFICE IS USED. WHEN THRU ORIFICE IS USED. WHEN WSEL IS BETWEEN CL AND TOP WSEL IS BETH EEN CL AND TOP OF ORIFICE, WEIR FLOW & OF ORIFICE, WEIR FLOW & ORIFICE FLOW IS COMPARED ORIFICE FLOW IS COMPARED AND MOST RESTRICTIVE FLOW AND MOST RESTRICTIVE FLOW VALUE IS USED. VALUE IS USED. McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 V PROJECT: 20776 - McHenry V3 FILE NO.: 20776 DATE: 03/22/21 PREPARED BY: MSG CHECKED BY: RW PROPOSED BASIN PROPOSER STORAGE BASIN ELEVATION AREA (acres) AVERAGE' AREA (acres) STAGE VOLUME (acre-feet) CUMULATIVE VOLUME (acre-feet) COMMENT 786.00 2.46 0.00 2.530 2.530 787.0 2.60 2.53 2.680 2.680 788.0 2.76 5.21 2.832 2.832 789.0 2.91 8.04 2.987 2.987 790.0 3.06 11.03 3.144 3.144 791.0 3.22 14.17 Total Volume Provided = 14.17 ac-ft McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 a I~ O yi M M M M M M M M Cl) M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M c-) M M M M M M M M M m M M M M M M M Cl) M M M M M M M M M Cl) Cl) M M M M O -ri 4-) (0 N Q � -ri O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N 4J S4 U) U O CD O O O O O O r .H OLnO NCO -,-O.N N`7' rO Ln CD NCO V CO NN G' F!O LnO Noo zi'CC N N`7' F.O LnO (NOJ T'00 N C\l v r4 CD t-lo Ln-i rI M-i MQ0-4 N 7 p- Nu)-4 rlM-iNM�,o -i -I (N mot'[-rI N u-)-i Mr -I (N M Io rI-i N-w NLn -i-qM -iN M"o-iN -'[-r Nu-)rI N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (d I H ri ri ri ri ri ri ri N M M'31'31'31r-I rl -A r4'1 -1N MM �w 't'lwr -A r4-1-A rINMM 41 I'�'r1-4_q rl rlH -1NMM I'lzv 31''1-1 rl -ua 44w44444444 444-444 44 444a 44 4-44444 w 444-4w ww"4-44A"4u4--14444444-4 w w w 44 w w w 44 4-4 w w Lk u-4 w w w w 4-I w 44"4-I w 44 44 44 w www (d H 4-I 4-I 4-4 4-4 44 44 44 4-4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 (k4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4-1 44 4-I 44 44 44 44 44 4-4 44 44 44 44 44 44 4-4 44 44 44 4a 44 4-4 44 44 44 4-4 44 44 44 4-4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 rl ���������������������mj �j �5 �j �3 �3a��������la���������la�5 �:3 a�3 �:l �5 �:j �mj �j �l �3 k o rn x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x �5 4J 0) N Q4 ri to 4) M O O 0-) H 4J M 4-4 �l ri v C] M M N M 'W -I O M I- co [- N c- w m N m m 1-0 :v Ln Ln W M O Gl O r-1 'zT -i M M .M V Q0 W r-I LO I- kO I' rI 0 [' I-- M Ln O lzv O Ln rl -1' Q0 r- r- to -i M O fz+ N O z r-IM't' LOr-MCD iCMG'LOI-00OlONMClONOrHMLOl0CC) Mr-IMONQ'Lnr-m i(N G'I-CO61riML-oMN v ooOMG' ,Da) iN`w10a)r-mLn O o 01>1 O N O W OOOOC CD,ri r-I ri ri ri ri N N OO O O OHHHHHHri N N M O 0000ri ri ri ri ri ri N N N M O 0 CD,C Iri rir-I rH NNNN(NMOO -rl c, C7 f U U) cI x -rl U N / W E �4 O 4J U) U) O C] O U a �A ri E-1 ter, 04 ro � Q a m o No o �D (1)Q NxH a o b) w U H (0 U) MX W C4 U H r•-1 x fZ T$ (a O -11 U r-I r-I O O S. .Ci C; S, , O O H I~ E: �.' �'-, S, S, �. (D O � F. r � f-. O O ti✓, NU -1141 U) �O LnCD t, i, , S NCD CO NNE r4O LnO C ,(N Co vcc) NNC ~O LOO L s-, S S NCO vco NN`7' ~(zD Ln cD sl, Noo -'CO NNE' O 4J/ U) r, W a' [] co Ln ri r-I M ri N M to ri ri N INT11 -1.N Ln ri ri Mri NM lOHHN'I'I�HN LO r-Ir-1Mr-I N M to ri ri N ';I'I`r-I N Ln ri ri M ri N M lO H ri N'4' C-ri N LO ri ri Fi E� 4J z F(', U W ,>1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M N Cn M N N N N N N N M M(n ����'W''T � �� �E QQ��� �.Q1010101010101010 0) 0) w o p rC 1-q N a w o / o N O N I O W d aoz1.0a E-( N H Q0 E-( W rl / OH .H -H O H rD E-i '3 z a: N � co U) U) McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c M M M Cl) M M Cl) c n M c M C n M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M co M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M m M M M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ln NCO B OO NN�L' ECD CD O Ln Nco �'OJ N Nit' �CD CD OLnO NOO �'oO NN-4' r_ CD CD O tnO - NO`7'CONN �' r4 CD CD O Ln Nco vco NN �' FjOInO -i M -- N M lO ,-I -1 N mot' r ,-I N Ln -1 -1 Cl) -i N M lO -1 r-i N -T I- -- N Ln rH ri M -i N M lO -1 ,-I N 7' r- rl N Ln -- rH M r-i N M �.o rH rl N v r- rl N Ln -- -A M .-I N M to .-I-I N v i-- rH N Ln -1 rH M ,-I -A -A ,-i rH rH rH N M M `71 `7' `7' 1:1' r-1 H rH H rH H -A H N M M �' v 7' 17' r1 rH rH rH ri rH rl ri N M M 4' Izz)' 7' 31 ri rl ri rl r-I rl r-I -A N M M 41 v l' 41 -4 r-I H ri r-A H H H N M M 11 "l''r l:v -A rl rH rl r-I LH 4 4-1 4-4 4 4-4 4 4-4 4 4-I 4H " 41 4--1 4-4 4-4 " 4-I " 4-4 4-I 4 44 4 4-4 4 4-4 4-4 4-I 4 4-4 4 4-4 W 4-I 4 4-4 4-I 4-I 4-I 4-I 4-I 4-4 W 4 44 L-A 4 4-4 44 4-I 44 4 LIA 4-I 44 W W W 4-4 44 4 Lk " " 4-4 4-I 4-4 4 LH 44 4-1 4-4 L-4 W 4-I 4-4 44 4-4 4-4 4-1 4 4-4 4 4-4 4 4A 4-4 44 44 4-1 4-4 4a 44 4k4 4-4 4-4 44 44 4 4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 44 4-4 4k4 44 4-4 4k4 4 4a 4k4 4 4a 4k4 4-4 4-4 44 4-4 44 4-4 4 4-4 4 4 44 4k4 4 4-I 4a 4-4 4-4 44 4a 4-1 4-1 4A 4-1 4-4 4-a 44 44 44 4�4 4H 4-4 44 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. x x x x x x x M 41OMMrH rH Ol Ln Ol M[- r-- M CO Ln M O -i [I M r-1 r- [� 'zl' CD [� Ln O O O IzV h`7' lz4' r-I rH V -' lO r- (N O N O l0 M N Ol Lf) Cn ` V `7'O r-iCO MMNCO 61 rH N Ol O l0 CO l' Ln N Ln CO Ln[-Lo`7'OlM �o m(N zi,todlN M Ln['OMNM Ln r- OM l0 L-O';:T'lO E- OM lO lO IzI'[-of N Ln M r-i Ln MrH M to oI CIO Ln OI rH Ln O ';I'[-N[-OMr- O ID O lO OMM 41 Cn Cl) COCCO r-I l0 O l0 Nr- Cl) MO O O-- rH rH rH N N N N M M I' O O O-- ---- -- N N N N M M M`7' O O O rH-- rH N N N M M M M44 Ln OO 1- 14 NNNMM4 v,`7'Ln' Ln, [-�O -.-I rH N N M Mom' C Ln Ln 1O 1O � O-- rH NM �rl rill r E✓ ,�'�., ,�; �,..' 00 tti.F4 r 00 r F r ,�; �; ,5; �; ,L' 00 r� r4 E �.'�-.'�.'�-.'�, 00 rO Ln CD C, C. &-,, ,.0 N OO-'CO NN -;V E(D Ln C) Ln O,L,' c: N CO d' CO (N (N v EO Ln CD C' (� C,',.C' N M IW CO N N -zl' E; O Ln CD f., ,i.',S.' N CO CO N N`7' r! C) Ln O,S.',�'„S.',i�,N CO C'00NN-'Lnr-Ir-IM,-I N M\,Q -AH N �'I-r-I N LCOH A M H -i M r i N M to s--i r-I N 7' c-- r-1 N Ln H .-i M rH N M to rH H N zv H N Ln H -i M H N M lO H H N 1' F- rH N Ln -4 -1 M ri N (1) ',0 r-1 r-I N d^ L- r-I N 1�1� C C C C C C >1 >11 >I1 >I >I >1 >IL >1Y >I >1 >1 >I >I ✓>1 >5 ,71 >1 ,71 >I O O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln Lo Ln Ln Ln CSl 61 m Ol Ol m 0) 0) 61 Ol of Cn Ol -1 1-1 H -1 r1 -1 -1 r-I -1 .-I -1 -1 .-A. -1 rH N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln -i ,-I -1 r-I -A --i I-i .-I .-i r-I -A -4 -A ,-i ri N N N N N McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 25y,2h 3.74 Huffl-2 2 3.34 25y,3h 4.13 Huffl-3 2 3.34 25y,6h 4.84 Huffl-6 2 3.34 25y,12h 5.61 Huff2-12 2 3.34 25y,18h 6.06 Huff3-18 2 3.34 25y,24h 6.45 Huff3-24 2 3.34 25y,48h 6.99 Huff4-48 2 3.34 25y,72h 7.49 Huff4-72 2 3.34 25y,120h 8.16 Huff4-120 2 3.34 25y,240h 9.90 Huff4-240 2 3.34 50y,5m 0.90 Huffl-5m 2 3.34 50y,10m 1.58 Huffl-10m 2 3.34 50y,15m 2.03 Huffl-15m 2 3.34 50y,30m 2.78 Huffl-30m 2 3.34 50y,1h 3.53 Huffl-1 2 3.34 50y,2h 4.35 Huffl-2 2 3.34 50y,3h 4.80 Huffl-3 2 3.34 50y,6h 5.63 Huffl-6 2 3.34 50y,12h 6.53 Huff2-12 2 3.34 50y,18h 7.05 Huff3-18 2 3.34 50y,24h 7.50 Huff3-24 2 3.34 50y,48h 8.13 Huff4-48 2 3.34 50y,72h 8.64 Huff4-72 2 3.34 50y,120h 9.39 Huff4-120 2 3.34 50y,240h 11.26 Huff4-240 2 3.34 100y,5m 1.03 Huffl-5m 2 3.34 100y,1Om 1.80 Huffl-10m 2 3.34 100y,15m 2.32 Huffl-15m 2 3.34 100y,30m 3.17 Huffl-30m 2 3.34 100y,lh 4.03 Huffl-1 2 3.34 100y,2h 4.97 Huffl-2 2 3.34 100y,3h 5.49 Huffl-3 2 3.34 100y,6h 6.43 Huffl-6 2 3.34 100y,12h 7.46 Huff2-12 2 3.34 100y,18h 8.06 Huff3-18 2 3.34 100y,24h 8.57 Huff3-24 2 3.34 100y,48h 9.28 Huff4-48 2 3.34 100y,72h 9.85 Huff4-72 2 3.34 100y,120h 10.66 Huff4-120 2 3.34 100y,240h 12.65 Huff4-240 2 3.34 500y,5m 1.35 Huffl-5m 2 3.34 500y,10m 2.36 Huffl-10m 2 3.34 500y,15m 3.04 Huffl-15m 2 3.34 500y,30m 4.16 Huffl-30m 2 3.34 500y,lh 5.28 Huffl-1 2 3.34 500y,2h 6.52 Huffl-2 2 3.34 500y,3h 7.20 Huffl-3 2 3.34 500y,6h 8.43 Huffl-6 2 3.34 500y,12h 9.78 Huff2-12 2 3.34 500y,18h 10.57 Huff3-18 2 3.34 500y,24h 11.24 Huff3-24 2 3.34 500y,48h 12.10 Huff4-48 2 3.34 500y,72h 12.81 Huff4-72 2 3.34 500y,120h 13.81 Huff4-120 2 3.34 500y,240h 16.00 Huff4-240 2 3.34 STRUCTURE RATING: POND 1 786. 786. 0. 0. 787. 0.770 2.53 788. 1.171 5.21 789. 2.568 8.04 790. 3.422 11.03 791. 4.079 14.17 792. 35.062 17.0 RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION: Huffl-5m 0.0034722 0.0000 0.0836 0.1773 0.2811 0.3833 0.4745 0.5550 0.6225 0.6722 0.7082 0.7417 0.7697 0.7981 0.8255 0.8518 0.8740 0.8947 0.9117 0.9270 0.9403 0.9536 0.9656 0.9774 0.9885 1.0000 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 x x x x x x x x x x x x x Fh rh F-h F-h hi] - I-h rh Ffi M F-h r-h I-h i-h Fh Fh M Fh Fh I-h M rh M M ffi F-]] I-h I I I I I I I I I I I I I N N O .A O N CD Cn O O 5 �l 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0lW NF-`O OlW NF--'O 01W Nf-rO 10010l NI-'O 10OCn F-`O 1cO �].AO 10 O �j .AO 1D 0 -].AO 10 'CO :_j "0 'O_].AO D 0 :,j 'It 1D 0(n NO lO co Cn NO lO co Cn NO W F-,0)IJO W F'm FAO Cn.A.A CnO Cn -_J .A JO LP -j -j CD Cn 11O U]J.A -_j CD CnJ -]O Cn-].A-]O U]-].A--]O H m It, CnO F�0).A CnO F- m.A CnO F-'O W-]O F-'OW-]O N-] Cl) JO W.A F-r.AO W.A .AO W.A IJ.AO W.A FsIt, O W.A I - `.AO W lAF-.AO W.A F- It, O l0E-`F-r W 0 I01-1F-' W O IO F" T W O F-N Cl) HC) F-'N co HC) 10 O CT110O 01 O--7 UnO 01 O CJlO mOr1 CIl0 OI O-1I CJ'7 O. 01 O �]U7O 01O-]UnO 0l O r1 CJnO O O O O O CJl O O O O O W O O O O O N O O O O O 1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC) .A N F-`O co al N FAO 00 It, N H CO 10m W HCD 1001 W FA O-_]1D Om OC1110 O-7Cn ON 10 00--7CJlOF-10O-ICI700100--7CJl O O l0 00 -J U7 O O 10 O--] Cn O O l0 O--] U1 OO C)H 00 CnN CDH00 CnN CD 0UN Un 10 O.]AN C7110 O.A N CJl 0') -j N N 0l lO 0l Cn CO Ln 011001CJ10 N 011D0)U100 O 0110mCn00.A 0l 1D 0l Ut 0 N 0110. 01 Ln O H 011001 CI1 CD ONWNW ONWNLk) ONWNW W0l0 WO Cl) O1D WO CJl0W WN Cn .A lfl CT7W Ul .A l0 CJn W Cn Cn.A lD Cn co WU7It, lDCJ']W Cn It" lc Cn co O U].A lD U] Cl) O Ul.A l0 U] W 0l CI].A Cn W F' U7.A Ul W FS Cn.A Cn W F- .P ID W 01 Cn .P 10 W 0l(n -j 00 ID ID Cl -]O 01) -- Ol-]-]OOI -0l 001 W 01-7 -I] O Dl 0l 0l-]-] O Dl W 0l-]-] O OI.A DI --] -] O OI IO W 41 W F1 .A Cl) W dl A J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co .A WI-'O co.A W F✓O 0�A WF-'O lD �]W F-'O lD �1W FsO 1D 1001NO 1D lfl J OI F-' 1010 �]0l F' lD 1D �]dl F-' l0 lc �]m F-' 1D lD O F--' l0 lD m F-' lD l0-]0)F-' lO Cn H`J.A lO Cfl .A 1D CJl -J It, -]O 0l 0l.A -_j co 0l 01).A -_]O10 O.A -jF DN-] JF-lO N -_] --jH 1D N -_J Q0N -_] -j - DN-] J1D N -_] F-10 N-] -_J CD N1D -_] -j CD N1D-] -A CD N1D--] CD W 10 W OF-` W 1Dw -]N -].AO -] ON -_] --]F-'O N --] -i H CC)N --] -J CC) N-7 -j1-00 N-i ON-] --7 F-ON--] co Cn h-lD F-`O Cn 10 F-'O Cn F-l0 ml0 Cn F}F-' 0l 10 CI]FsH It, N 01) ]V It, -_7 F1 Cn W .A -_]F-Cn W -.A J F-Cn W It" -]F-'Cn W .A --7 Fs Ul W .A -_]f-r Cn W .A-]F-'Cn W 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ln W NO lD U1 W NO 1c Ul W NO 10 O.A F'O lO O.A FAO 1010-1 W O ID lfl OOIN 1D 1D O0)N 1010 (.D OIN 1010 co 01N 1D lD Om N) 101D O 01N 1010 O 01N m F- W O�] mF- W O-] 0l Fs W O�] co A W 1001 O.A W 1001 ON Ul 0) -j ONN-_lO ONN -_j co 0NN -_j co ONN --j co ONN--]O ONN--]O ONN--]O I ON ID W F- ON l0W H ON 10 W 1- CJ11D 100)01 Ln1 .D 0101 OF - It, It, -_J O--]CJ1 NH O--]UI NH 00 -j Ul NH 00 -j Ul NH O-]UtNH O--]Ut N F- O-]Ul N.F- .A(DOWN .A 10OW N .A l0OWN OIN N.A �] 0lN N.A--] It, --]OIt, O Ul O Cn N I- CrI O Cn NIJ U1O U7NH Cn O Cn NH U7 O Cn NH U1 o UI NH Ul O CJI N F- j F-'OOOCD F-'OOOO HCD OOO F�OOOO HOOOO OOOO F-'OOOO I-'OOOO h`OOOO I-'OOOO F'OOOO F-OOOO I-'0000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *00 . . . . .. . . . . 'CO . . . . *CD . . . . *CD . . . . . . . . . 'm . . . . *00 . . O U] W N O O U] W N O O C I] W N O O O C n N 0 O O U l N 0 O l0 0. A I -' O 1 O 0�] W O 1 D O�] W O l0 0�] W O l0 0�] W O l0 C D C] W O l 0 O�] W O l0 0�] W O 1001 N 10 (D w 0l N 10 CD w 01 N 10 O1D N N ID CD w NN lO O W OCnH O.A(n CD co CD It, UlOO O.A UlOO CD CJ1 CD co CD It, U1O0 CD UI O (.D O.A Cn CD 00 OW WOE] OW W0-] OW W0�] CD-_J �]F- O�]F-r-]F� O0W NW OO HCC)w OO F-�OW 001-'OW OO F-O Cl) OO H0C) W OONOW OOF-`OW O F-�W WO O.F-W W0 OFF W W0 C:) F-`ON O.A F-ON OF-'OIOW OW co NW OWONW OWONW OWONW OWONW OWONW OCl) ONW I McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Huff4-240 10. 0.0000 0.0231 0.0479 0.0712 0.0978 0.1253 0.1523 0.1791 0.2033 0.2283 0.2541 0.2835 0.3125 0.3390 0.3633 0.3861 0.4124 0.4508 0.5129 0.5931 0.6919 0.8005 0.8971 0.9604 1.0000 GLOBAL OUTPUT: 2 0.1 0.1 YN N YN N WinTR-20 Printed Page File End of Input Data List 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Name of printed page file: N:\2020\20776\Calcs&Data\LD\Storm\McHenry Authentix TR-20 Crit Duration.out STORM 2m,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.08 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 STORM 2m,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.015 0.22 2.63 59.86 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.015 0.22 2.63 59.86 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.08 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 STORM 2m,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.041 0.26 5.34 121.53 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.041 0.26 5.34 121.53 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.07 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.07 0.0 0.0 STORM 2m,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.106 0.31 8.26 188.09 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.106 0.31 8.26 188.09 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786:00 0.11 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.11 0.0 0.0 STORM 2m,1h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 AREA 1 0.044 0.192 0.39 9.74 221.93 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.192 0.39 9.74 221.93 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 1 03/24/2021 10:18 9 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.051 786.17 1.29 0.13 3.06 OUTLET 0.044 0.051 1.29 0.13 3.06 STORM 2m,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.298 0.62 9.10 207.23 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.298 0.62 9.10 207.r23 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.157 786.27 2.24 0.21 4.69 OUTLET 0.044 0.157 2.24 0.21 4.69 STORM 2m,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.359 0.82 7.63 173.69 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.359 0.82 7.63 173.69 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.218 786.32 3.21 0.24 5.57 OUTLET 0.044 0.218 3.21 0.24 5.57 STORM 2m,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.489 1.55 5.45 124.15 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.489 1.55 5.45 124.15 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.347 786.41 6.16 0.32 7.27 OUTLET 0.044 0.347 6.16 0.32 7.27 STORM 2m,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.635 5.03 4.01 91.26 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.635 5.03 4.01 91.26 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.493 786.51 12.11 0.39 8.95 OUTLET 0.044 0.493 12.11 0.39 8.95 STORM 2m,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 2 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.722 12.02 3.47 79.03 POND 1 0:044 Upstream 0.722 12.02 3.47 79.03 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.577 786.57 18.09 0.44 10.07 OUTLET 0.044 0.577 18.09 0.44 10.07 STORM 2m,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.795 16.02 2.84 64.76 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.795 16.02 2.84 64.76 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.648 786.60 24.06 0.46 10.53 OUTLET 0.044 0.648 24.06 0.46 10.53 STORM 2m,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.916 42.01 2.09 47.58 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.916 42.01 2.09 47.58 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.746 786.66 48.10 0.51 11.60 OUTLET 0.044 0.746 48.10 0.51 11.60 STORM 2m,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.037 63.00 1.56 35.46 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.037 63.00 1.56 35.46 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.852 786.67 72.06 0.51 11.69 OUTLET 0.044 0.852 72.06 0.51 11.69 STORM 2m,120h Area or Drainage Rain'Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.191 105.00 1.07 24.40 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.191 105.00 1.07 24.40 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.980 786.64 115.15' 0.49 11.15 OUTLET 0.044 0.980 115.15 0.49 11.15 STORM 2m,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 3 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.594 210.00 0..71 16.28 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.594 210.00 0.71 16.28 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.318 786.60 220.20 0.46 10.55 OUTLET 0.044 1.318 220.20 0.46 10.55 STORM 3m,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.06 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 STORM 3m,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.028 0.21 4.65 105.81 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.028 0.21 4.65 105.81 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.06 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 STORM 3m,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.066 0.24 8.54 194.46 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.066 0.24 8.54 194.46 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.07. 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.07 0.0 0.0 STORM 3m,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.147 0.28 11.61 264.50 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.147 0.28 11.61 264.50 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.006 786.13 0.84 0.10 2.36 OUTLET 0.044 0.006 0.84 0.10 2.36 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 STORM 3m,1h Page 4 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.253 0.38 13.24 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.253 0.38 13.24 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.112 786.23 1.28 0.18 OUTLET 0.044 0.112 1.28 0.18 STORM 3m,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Amount Elevation Time Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) 0.387 0.61 12.02 0.387 0.61 12.02 0.246 786.35 2.23 0.27 0.246 2.23 0.27 STORM 3m,3h Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Amount Elevation Time Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) 0.467 0.81 10.08 0.467 0.81 10.08 0.326 786.41 3.21 0.32 0.326 3.21 0.32 STORM 3m,6h Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Amount Elevation Time Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) 0.620 1.53 6.94 0.620 1.53 6.94 0.478 786.52 6.15 0.40 0.478 6.15 0.40 STORM 3m,12h Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Amount Elevation Time Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) 0.789 5.03 4.97 0.789 5.03 4.97 0.646 786.63 12.10 0.49 0.646 12.10 0.49 STORM 3m,18h Page 5 Rate (csm) 301.64 301.64 4.03 4..03 Rate (csm) 273.79 273.79 6.09 6.09 Rate (csm) 229.58 229.58 7.24 7.24 Rate (csm) 157.96 157.96 9.20 9.20 Rate (csm) 113.25 113.25 11.08 11.08 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.896 12.03 4.20 95.73 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.896 12.03 4.20 95.73 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.751 786.71 18.09 0.55 12.45 OUTLET 0.044 0.751 18.09 0.55 12.45 STORM 3m,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.989 16.02 3.45 78.56 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.989 16.02 3.45 78.56 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.842 786.74 24.06 0.57 13.04 OUTLET 0.044 0.842 24.06 0.57 13.04 STORM 3m,48h - Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.132 42.00 2.50 56.85 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.132 42.00 2.50 56.85 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.967 786.81 48.10 0.62 14.19 OUTLET 0.044 0.967 48.10 0.62 14.19 STORM 3m,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.277 63.00 1.85 42.13 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.277 63.00 1.85 42.13 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.102 786.81 72.06 0.62 14.17 OUTLET 0.044 1.102 72.06 0.62 14.17 STORM 3m,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.475 105.00 1.27 28.85 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.475 105.00 1.27 28.85 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.280 786.77 115.14 0.59 13.42 OUTLET 0.044 1.280 115.14 0.59 13.42 STORM 3m,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 6 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location. (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.998 209.99 0.84 19.07 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.998 209.99 0.84 19.07 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.765 786.71 220.18 0.55 12.51 OUTLET 0.044 1.765 220.18 0.55 12.51 STORM 4m,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.001 0.17 0.34 7.64 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.001 0.17 0.34 7.64 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.10 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 STORM 4m,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.037 0.21 6.07 138.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.037 0.21 6.07 138.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.06 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 STORM 4m,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.083 0.23 10.62 241.88 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.083 0.23 10.62 241.88 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.06 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 STORM 4m,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.186 0.26 14.92 339.91 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.186 0.26 14.92 339.91 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.045 786.17 0.83 0.13 2.98 OUTLET 0.044 0.045 0.83 0.13 2.98 STORM 4m,lh WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 7 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.311 0.37 16.66 379.47 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.311 0.37 16.66 379.47 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.171 786.28 i.28 0.22 4.96 OUTLET 0.044 0.171 1.28 0.22 4.96 STORM 4m,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.459 0.59 14.41 328.15 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.459 0.59 14.41 328.15 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.319 786.41 2.22 0.32 7.22 OUTLET' 0.044 0.319 2.22 0.32 7.22 STORM 4m,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA.1 0.044 0.550 0.80 11.97 272.63 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.550 0.80 11.97 272.63 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.409 786.49 3.20 0.37 8.52 OUTLET 0.044 0.409 - 3.20 0.37 8.52 STORM 4m,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.724 1.31 8.11 184.69 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.724 1.31 8.11 184.69 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.582 786.61 6.15 0.47 10.73 OUTLET 0.044 0.582 6.15 0.47 10.73 STORM 4m,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.914 5.03 5.75 131.01 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.914 5.03 5.75 131.01 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.771 786.73 12.11 0.56 12.82 OUTLET 0.044 0.771 12.11 0.56 12.82 STORM 4m,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 8 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.033 12.02 4.77 108.56 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.033 12.02 4.77 108.56 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.887 786.82 18.09 0.63 14.31 OUTLET 0.044 0.887 18.09 0.63 14.31 STORM 4m,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.136 16.02 3.90 88.81 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.136 16.02 3.90 88.8.1 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.988 786.85 24.05 0.66 14.93 OUTLET 0.044 0.988 24.05 0.66 14.93 STORM 4m,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.300 42.00 2.80 63.88 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.300 42.00 2.80 63.88 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.139 786.92 48.10 0.71 16.18 OUTLET 0.044 1.139 48.10 0.71 16.18 STORM 4m,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.457 63.00 2.07 47.07 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.457 63.00 2.07 47.07 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.286 786.91 72.06 0.70 16.01 OUTLET 0.044 1.286 72.06 0.70 16.01 STORM 4m,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.690 105.00 1.42 32.25 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.690 105.00 1.42 32.25 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.500 786.86 115.13 0.67 15.15 OUTLET 0.044 1.500 115.13 0.67 15.15 STORM 4m,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 9 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319. Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.289 209.99 0.93 21.20 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.289 209.99 0.93 21.20 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.058 786.80 220.17 0.61 13.99 OUTLET 0.044 2.058 220.17 0.61 13.99 STORM 6m,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach, Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.005 0.16 0.95 21.60 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.005 0.16 0.95 21.60 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.07 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.07 0.0 0.0 STORM 6m,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.059 0.20 9.35 213.00 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.059 0.20 9.35 213.00 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.04 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.0 STORM 6m,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.121 0.22 15.33 349.25 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.121 0.22 15.33 349.25 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.05 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.0 STORM 6m,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.246 0.26 20.23 460.67 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.246 0.26 20.23 460.67 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.106 786.23 0.83 0.17 3.95 OUTLET 0.044 0.106 0.83 0.17 3.95 STORM 6m,1h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 10 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (.ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.394 0.36 21.55 490.74 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.394 0.36 21.55 490.74 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.254 786.36 1.28 0.28 6.28 OUTLET 0.044 0.254 1.28 0.28 6.28 STORM 6m,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.581 0.57 18.44 420.00 POND 1 0..044 Upstream 0.581 0.57 18.44 420.00 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.440 786.52 2.23 0.40 9.12 OUTLET 0.044 0.440 2.23 0.40 9.12 STORM 6m,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.691 0.80 15.18 345.74 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.691 0.80 15.18 345.74 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.550 786.61 3.19 0.47 10.70 OUTLET 0.044 0.550 3.19 0.47 10.70 STORM 6m,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.889 1.31 10.10 230.13 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.889 1.31 10.10 230.13 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.748 786.75 6.15 0.58 13.16 OUTLET 0.044 0.748 6.15 0.58 13.16 STORM 6m,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.120 5.03 7.02 159.85 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.120 5.03 7.02 159.85 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.977 786.89 12.11 0.69 15.67 OUTLET 0.044 0.977 12.11 0.69 15.67 STORM 6m,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 11 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.260 12.02 5.69 129.50 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.260 12.02 5.69 129.50 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.114 786.99 18.08 0.76 17.40 OUTLET 0.044 1.114 18.08 0.76 17.40 STORM 6m,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.375 16.01 4.62 105.14 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.375 16.01 4.62 105.14 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.227 787.03 24.05 0.78 17.77 OUTLET 0.044 1.227 24.05 0.78 17.77 STORM 6m,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.571 42.01 3.29 74.99 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.571 42.01 3.29 74.99 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.411 787.10 48.09 0.81 18.46 OUTLET 0.044 1.411 48.09 0.81 18.46 STORM 6m,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.760 63.00 2.42 55.20 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.760 63.00 2.42 55.20 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.591 787.09 72.06 0.81 18.34 OUTLET 0.044 1.591 72.06 0.81 18.34 STORM 6m,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.028 105.00 1.65 37.55 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.028 105.00 1.65 37.55 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.841 787.02 115.13 0.78 17.70 OUTLET 0.044 1.841 115.13 0.78 17.70 STORM 6m,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 12 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount- Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 2.745 209.99 1.08 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.745 209.99 1.08 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.520 786.93 220.17 0.72 OUTLET 0.044 2.520 220.17 0.72 STORM 9m,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.011 0.15 2.18 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.011 0.15 2.18 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.05 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.05 0.0 STORM 9m,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.083 0.20 13.16 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.083 0.20 13.16 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.04 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.04 0.0 STORM 9m,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.163 0.21 20.65 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.163 0.21 20.65 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.023 786.15 0.63 0.12 OUTLET 0.044 0.023 0.63 0.12 STORM 9m,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.318 0.25 26.65 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.318 0.25 26.65 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.177 786.29 0.82 0.22 OUTLET 0.044 0.177 0.82 0.22 STORM 9m,1h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 13 Rate (csm) 24.56 24.56 16.32 16.32 Rate (csm) 49.56 49.56 0.0 0.0 Rate (csm) 299.84 299.84 0.0 0.0 Rate (csm) 470.28 470.28 2.63 2.63 Rate (csm) 606.90 606.90 5.10 5.10 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.504 0.36 28.12 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.504 0.36 28.12 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.364 786.46 1.27 0.35 OUTLET 0.044 0.364 1.27 0.35 STORM 9m,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.724 0.56 23.25 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.724 0.56 23.25 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.583 786.65 2.22 0.50 OUTLET 0.044 0.583 2.22 0.50 STORM 9m,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.847 0.78 18.71 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.847 0.78 18.71 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.706 786.75 3.19 0.58 OUTLET 0.044 0.706 3.19 0.58 STORM 9m,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 1.085 1.30 12.47 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.085 1.30 12.47 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.944 786.92 6.15 0.70 OUTLET 0.044 0.944 6.15 0.70 STORM 9m,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ---- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in). (ft) (hr) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 1.349 5.03 8.41 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.349 5.03 8.41 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.206 787.07 12.10 0.80 OUTLET 0.044 1.206 12.10 0.80 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 STORM 9m,18h Page 14 Rate (csm) 640.38 640.38 8.03 8.03 Rate (csm) 529.48 529.48 11.36 11.36 Rate (csm) 426.21 426.21 13.11 13.11 Rate (csm) 283.99 283.99 16:05 16.05 Rate (csm) 191.51 191.51 18.20 18.20 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.510 12.02 6.68 152.09 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.510 12.02 6.68 152.09 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.364 787.18 18.08 0.84 19.21 OUTLET 0.044 1.364 18.08 0.84 19.21 STORM 9m,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.655 16.02 5.44 123.90 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.65.5 16.02 5.44 123.90 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.507 787.23 24.06 0.86 19.66 OUTLET 0.044 1.507 24.06 0.86 19.66 STORM 9m,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.874 42.00 3.83 87.17 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.874 42.00 3.83 87.17 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.716 787.30 48.11 0.89 20.31 OUTLET 0.044 1.716 48.11 0.89 20.31 STORM 9m,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.094 63.00 2.81 64.03 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.094 63.00 2.81 64.03 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.928 787.29 72.07 0.88 20.15 OUTLET 0.044 1.928 72.07 0.88 20.15 STORM 9m,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.406 105.00 1.91 43.42 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.406 105.00 1.91 43.42 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.225 787.19 115.15 0.85 19.31 OUTLET 0.044 2.225 115.15 0.85 19.31 STORM 9m,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 15 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 6319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.242 210.00 1.24 28.27 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.242 210.00 1.24 28.27 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.034 787.08 220.19 0.80 18.23 OUTLET 0.044 3.034 220.19 0.80 18.23 STORM 1y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.015 0.15 2.95 67.28 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.015 0.15 2.95 67.28 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.04 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.0 STORM 1y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.106 0.20 16.68 379.88 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.106 0.20 16.68 379.88 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.04 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.0 STORM 1y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.198 0.21 24.98 568.96 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.198 0.21 24.98 568.96 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.057 786.18 0.63 0.14 3.18 OUTLET 0.044 0.057 0.63 0.14 3.18 STORM 1y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.380 0.25 32.28 735.22 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.380 0.25 32.28 735.22 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.240 786.35 0.82 0.27 6.09 OUTLET 0.044 0.240 0.82 0.27 6.09 STORM ly,lh WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 16 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.581 0.35 32.72 745.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.581 0.35 32.72 745.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.440 786.53 1.27 0.41 9.25 OUTLET 0.044 0.440 1.27 0.41 9.25 STORM ly,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.830 0.56 26.85 611.56 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.830 0.56 26.85 611.56 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.690 786.74 2.22 0.57 13.03 OUTLET 0.044 0.690 2.22 0.57 13.03 STORM ly,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.965 0.76 21.40 487.44 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.965 0.76 21.40 487.44 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.824 786.85 3.19 0.66 14.92 OUTLET 0.044 0.824 3.19 0.66 14.92 STORM ly,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.234 1.30 14.25 324.53 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.234 1.30 14.25 324.53 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.093 787.04 6.15 0.79 17.88 OUTLET 0.044 1.093 6.15 0.79 17.88 STORM 1y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.528 5.03 9.49 216.04 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.528 5.03 9.49 .216.04 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.386 787.21 12.10 0.86 19.48 OUTLET 0.044 1.386 12.10 0.86 19.48 STORM 1y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 17 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.710 12.02 7.46 169.83 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.710 12.02 7.46 169.83 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.564 787.34 18.10 0.91 20.62 OUTLET 0.044 1.564 18.10 0.91 20.62 STORM 1y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.857 16.01 6.02 137.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.857 16.01 6.02 137.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.709 787.38 24.06 0.92 21.03 OUTLET 0.044 1.709 24.06 0.92 21.03 STORM 1y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.106 42.00 4.23 96.37 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.106 42.00 4.23 96.37 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.950 787.46 48.11 0.95 21.74 OUTLET 0.044 1.950 48.11 0.95 21.74 STORM 1y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.348 63.00 3.10 70.63 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.348 63.00 3.10 70.63 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.185 787.44 72.08 0.95 21.54 OUTLET 0.044 2.185 72.08 0.95 21.54 STORM 1y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.692 105.00 2.10 47.80 POND.1 0.044 Upstream 2.692 105.00 2.10 47.80 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.516 787.33 115.17 0.90 20.57 OUTLET 0.044 2.516 115.17 0.90 20.57 STORM 1y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 18 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.615 210.00 1.36 31.02 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.615 210.00 1.36 31.02 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.417 787.19 220.22 0.85 19.29 OUTLET 0.044 3.417 220.22 0.85 19.29 STORM 2y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi)" Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.034 0.16 6.45 146.94 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.034 0.16 6.45 146.94 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.03 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.03 0.0 0.0 STORM 2y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.169 0.18 26.28 598.45 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.169 0.18 26.28 598.45 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.028 786.15 0.58 0.12 2.72 OUTLET 0.044 0.028 0.58 0.12 2.72 STORM 2y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.291 0.21 36.93 841.10 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.291 0.21 36.93 841.10 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.151 786.27 0.63 0.21 4.68 OUTLET 0.044 0.151 0.63 0.21 4.68 STORM 2y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff -=---------- Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.535 0.24 46.56 1060.52 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.535 0.24 46.56 1060.52 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.394 786.49 0.82 0.38 8.57 OUTLET 0.044 0.394 0.82 0.38 8.57 STORM 2y,lh WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 19 03/24/2021 10:18 0 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.797 0.34 45.85 1044.22 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.797 0.34 45.85 1044.22 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.657 786.72 1.26 0.56 12.69 OUTLET 0.044 0.657 1.26 0.56 12.69 STORM 2y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.111 0.54 36.40 829.03 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.111 0.54 36.40 829.03 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.971 786.99 2.21 0.77 17.43 OUTLET 0.044 0.971 2.21 0.77 17.43 STORM 2y,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq'mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.287 0.70 28.99 660.36 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.287 0.70 28.99 660.36 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.146 787.13 3.20 0.82 18.70 OUTLET 0.044 1.146 3.20 0.82 18.70 STORM 2y,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.619 1.29 18.84 429.15 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.619 1.29 18.84 429.15 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.478 787.35 6.15 0.91 20.74 OUTLET 0.044 1.478 6.15 0.91 20.74 STORM 2y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.987 5.02 12.19 277.72 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.987 5.02 12.19 277.72 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.845 787.58 12.11 1.00 22.80 OUTLET 0.044 1.845 12.11 1.00 22.80 STORM 2y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 20 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.201 12.01 9.33 212.49 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.201 12.01 9.33 212.49 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.056 787.72 18.10 1.06 24.11 OUTLET 0.044 2.056 18.10 1.06 24.11 STORM 2y,24h Area or Drainage Rain.Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.389 16.01 7.53 171.56 POND 1 0.044 U stream 2.389 16.01 7.53 171.56 OUTLET 0.044 2.242 24.07 1.08 24.68 STORM 2y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.691 42.00 5.23 119.06 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.691 42.00 5.23 119.06 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.538 787.86 48.11 1.11 25.36 OUTLET 0.044 2.538 48.11 1.11 25.36 STORM 2y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.985 62.99 3.82 86.93 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.985 62.99 3.82 86.93 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.827 787.83 72.08 1.10 25.07 OUTLET 0.044 2..827 72.08 1.10 25.07 STORM 2y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate .Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.412 105.00 2.58 58.70 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.412 105.00 2.58 58.70 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.244 787.69 115.20 1.04 23.80 OUTLET 0.044 3.244 115.20 1.04 23.80 STORM 2y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 21 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.541 210.00 1.66 37.86 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.541 210.00 1.66 37.86 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.356 787.50 230.03 0.97 22.11 OUTLET 0.044 4.356 230.03 0.97 22.11 STORM 5y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.079 0.15 14.74 335.60 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.079 0.15 14.74 335.60 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.02 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 STORM 5y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.291 0.18 45.12 1027.74 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.291 0.18 45.12 1027.74 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.151 786.27 0.58 0.21 4.69 OUTLET 0.044 0.151 0.58 0.21 4.69 STORM 5y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.474 0.19 60.39 1375.40 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.474 0.19 60.39 1375.40 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.334 786.43 0.62 0.33 7.62 OUTLET 0.044 0.334 0.62 0.33 7.62 STORM 5y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.814 0.23 72.92 1660.90 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.814 0.23 72.92 1660.90 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.673 786.74 0.81 0.57 13.04 OUTLET 0.044 0.673 0.81 0.57 13.04 STORM 5y,lh WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 22 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.181 0.33 69.38 1580.14 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.181 0.33 69.38 1580.14 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.041 787.07 1.26 0.80 18.15 OUTLET 0.044 1.041 1.26 0.80 18.15 STORM 5y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Reach Area ID or Identifier (sq mi) Location AREA 1 0.044 POND 1 0.044 Upstream POND 1 0.044 Downstream OUTLET 0.044 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 1.601 0.51 53.19 1211.54 1.601 0.51 53.19 1211.54 1.461 787.41 2.23 0.93 21.29 1.461 2.23 0.93 21.29 STORM 5y,3h Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 1.839 0.68 42.13 959.53 1.839 0.68 42.13 959.53 1.699 787.59 3.20 1.01 22.96 1.699 3.20 1.01 22.96 STORM 5y,6h Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 2.286 1.05 27.20 619.55 2.286 1.05 27.20 619.55 2.145 787.90 6.15 1.13 25.76 2.145 6.15 1.13 25.76 STORM 5y,12h Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 2.769 5.02 16.69 380.22 2.769 5.02 16.69 380.22 2.627 788.18 12.11 1.42 32.28 2.627 12.11 1.42 32.28 STORM 5y,18h Page 23 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain -Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.055 12.00 12.49 284:43 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.055 12.00 12.49 284.43 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.911 788.33 18.08 1.64 37.31 OUTLET 0.044 2.911 18.08 1.64 37.31 STORM 5y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff. ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.305 16.01 10.05 228.97 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.305 16.01 10.05 228.97 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.159 788.39 23.13 1.72 39.10 OUTLET 0.044 3.159 23.13 1.72 39.10 STORM 5y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak .Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) '(cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.700 41.99 6.90 157-.16 POND 1 .0.044 Upstream 3.700 41.99 6.90 157.16 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.550 788.46 48.09 1.82 41.42 OUTLET 0.044 3.550 48.09 1.82 41.42 STORM 5y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage, Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq.mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.057 62.99 4.99 113.70 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.057 62.99 4.99 113.70 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.904 788.39 72.05 1.71 39.02 OUTLET 0.044 3.904 72.05 1.71 39.0.2 STORM 5y,120h Area or. Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------.Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.591 104.99 3.34 76.14 POND 1 0..044 Upstream 4.591 104.99 3.34 76.14 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.429 788.23 115.15 1.49 33.87 OUTLET 0.044 4.429 115.15 1.49 33.87 STORM 5y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 24 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 6.015 210.00 2.13 48.52 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 6.015 210.00 2.13 48.52 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.838 788.02 230.05 1.20 27.34 OUTLET 0.044 5.838 230.05 1.20 27.34 STORM 10y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.126 0.14 23.44 533.92 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.126 0.14 23.44 533.92 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.0 786.00 0.01 0.0 0.0 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 STORM 10y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.416 0.18 64.30 1464.56 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.416 0.18 64.30 1464.56 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.275 786.38 0.57 0.29 6.68 OUTLET 0.044 0.275 0.57 0.29 6.68 STORM 10y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.652 0.19 83.60 1904.06 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.652 0.19 83.60 1904.06 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.511 786.60 0.62 0.46 10.46 OUTLET 0.044 0.511 0.62 0.46 10.46 STORM 10y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.085 0.23 99.03 2255.39 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.085 0.23 99.03 2255.39 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.945 786.99 0.81 0.76 17.38 OUTLET 0.044 0.945 0.81 0.76 17.38 STORM 10y,1h WinTR-20 Ver'sion 3.20 Page 25 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 9 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.538 0.32 91.50 2084.00 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.538 0.32 91.50 2084.00 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.397 787.37 1.26 0.92 20.96 OUTLET 0.044 1.397 1.26 0.92 20.96 STORM 10y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.062 0.48 69.18 1575.57 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.062 0.48 69.18 1575.57 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.921 787.80 2.22 1.09 24.89 OUTLET 0.044 1.921 2.22 1.09 24.89 STORM 10y,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.352 0.66 54.32 1237.20 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.352 0.66 54.32 1237.20 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.212 788.03 3.20 1.21 27.53 OUTLET 0.044 2.212 3.20 1.21 27.53 STORM 10y,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.883 1.06 34.80 792.66 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.883 1.06 34.80 792.66 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.743 788.36 6.14 1.67 38.03 OUTLET 0.044 2.743 6.14 1.67 38.03 STORM 10y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.478 5.01 20.69 471.27 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.478 5.01 20.69 471.27 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.337 788.65 12.09 2.08 47.31 OUTLET 0.044 3.337 12.09 2.08 47.31 STORM 10y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 26 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.826 12.00 15.27 347.87 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.826 12..00 15.27 347.87 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.683 788.83 18.06 2.33 53.15 OUTLET 0.044 3.683 18.06 2.33 53.15 STORM 10y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.127 16.01 12.27 279.40 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.127 16.01 12.27 279.40 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.983 788.89 22.04 2.42 55.10 OUTLET 0.044 3.983 22.04 2.42 55.10 STORM 10y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.585 41.99 8.34 189.94 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.585 41.99 8.34 189.94 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.437 788.95 48.07 2.49 56.80 OUTLET 0.044 4.437 48.07 2.49 56.80 STORM 10y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.005 63.00 6.01 136.93 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.005 63.00 6.01 136.93 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.853 788.83 69.24 2.32 52.95 OUTLET 0.044 4.853 69.24 2.32 52.95 STORM 10y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.621 105.00 4.00 91.18 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.621 105.00 4.00 91.18 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.462 788.60 115.10 2.01 45.86 OUTLET 0.044 5.462 115.10 2.01 45.86 STORM 10y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 27 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 7.162 209.99 2.49 56.78 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 7.162 209.99 2.49 56.78 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.990 788.32 220.17 1.62 36.90 OUTLET 0.044 6.990 220.17 1.62 36.90 STORM 25y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.210 0.14 38.86 885.13 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.210 0.14 38.86 885.13 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.069 786.19 0.54 0.15 3.37 OUTLET 0.044 0.069. 0.54 0.15 3.37 STORM 25y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.620 0.17 95.82 2182.45 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.620 0.17 95.82 2182.45 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.480 786.57 0.57 0.44 9.96 OUTLET 0.044 0.480 0.57 0.44 9.96 STORM 25y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.940 0.19 121.57 2768.80 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.940 0.19 121.57 2768.80 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.799 786.86 0.62 0.66 15.09 OUTLET 0.044 0.799 0.62 0.66 15.09 STORM 25y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.511 0.22 140.37 3196.97 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.511 0.22 140.37 3196.97 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.370 787.36 0.82 0.91 20.82 OUTLET 0.044 1.370 0.82 0.91 20.82 STORM 25y,1h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 28 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.099 0.31 126.59 2883.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.099 0.31 126.59 2883.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.959 787.86 1.27 1.11 25.38 OUTLET 0.044 1.959 1.27 1.11 25.38 STORM 25y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.769 0.47 94.01 2141.26 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.769 0.47 94.01 2141.26 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.628 788.38 2.21 1.71 38.84 OUTLET 0.044 2.628 2.21 1.71 38.84 STORM 25y,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.142 0.60 73.42 1672.30 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.142 0.60 73.42 1672.30 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.001 788.64 3.19 2.07 47.13 OUTLET 0.044 3.001 3.19 2.07 47.13 STORM 25y,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.827 1.05 46.73 1064.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.827 1.05 46.73 1064.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.686 789.03 6.13 2.60 59.14 OUTLET 0.044 3.686 6.13 2.60 59.14 STORM 25y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.576 5.01 26.75 609.27 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.576 5.01 26.75 609.27 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.434 789.36 12.07 2.88 65.50 OUTLET 0.044 4.434 12.07 2.88 65.50 STORM 25y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 29 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.016 12.01 19.49 443.89 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.016 12.01 19.49 443.89 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.872 789.59 18.04 3.07 69.97 OUTLET 0.044 4.872 18.04 3.07 69.97 STORM 25y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.398 16.00 15.63 355.96 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.398 16.00 15.63 355.96 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.254 789.66 21.26 3.13 71.36 OUTLET 0.044 5.254 21.26 3.13 71.36 STORM 25y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.928 42.00 10.49 238.97 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.928 42.00 10.49 238.97 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.781 789.67 48.07 3.14 71.56 OUTLET 0.044 5.781 48.07 3.14 71.56 STORM 25y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 6.420 63.00 7.52 171.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 6.420 63.00 7.52 171.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.270 789.48 69.21 2.98 67.76 OUTLET 0.044 6.270 69.21 2.98 67.76 STORM 25y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 7.080 105.00 4.93 112.28 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 7.080 105.00 4.93 112.28 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.925 789.10 115.08 2.66 60.49 OUTLET 0.044 6.925 115.08 2.66 60.49 STORM 25y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 30 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 8.799 210.00 3.01 68.49 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 8.799 210.00 3.01 68.49 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 8.630 788.70 220.13 2.14 48.82 OUTLET 0.044 8.630 220.13 2.14 48.82 STORM 50y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.292 0.14 54.01 1230.14 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.292 0.14 54.01 1230.14 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.151 786.27 0.53 0.21 4.69 OUTLET 0.044 0.151 0.53 0.21 4.69 STORM 50y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.806 0.17 124.55 2836.84 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.806 0.17 124.55 2836.84 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.665 786.74 0.57 0.57 12.95 OUTLET 0.044 0.665 0.57 0.57 12.95 STORM 50y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.190 0.18 154.77 3525.09 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.190 0.18 154.77 3525.09 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.049 787.08 0.61 0.80 18.31 OUTLET 0.044 1.049 0.61 0.80 18.31 STORM 50y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.867 0.22 175.41 3995.08 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.867 0.22 175.41 3995.08 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.727 787.67 0.81 1.04 23.64 OUTLET 0.044 1.727 0.81 1.04 23.64 STORM 50y,lh WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 31 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.569 0.31 156.09 3555.06 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.569 0.31 156.09 3555.06 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.429 788.25 1.26 1.52 34.59 OUTLET 0.044 2.429 1.26 1.52 34.59 STORM 50y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.353 0.46 114.56 2609.12 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.353 0.46 114.56 2609.12 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.213 788.84 2.20 2.35 53.50 OUTLET 0.044 3.213 2.20 2.35 53.50 STORM 50y,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.788 0.58 89.32 2034.30 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.788 0.58 89.32 2034.30 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.647 789.13 3.18 2.68 61.06 OUTLET 0.044 3.647 3.18 2.68 61.06 STORM 50y,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.595 1.04 56.35 1283.42 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.595 1.04 56.35 1283.42 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.455 789.57 6.13 3.05 69.48 OUTLET 0.044 4.455 6.13 3.05 69.48 STORM 50y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------.Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.477 5.01 31.65 720.86 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.477 5.01 31.65 720.86 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.335 789.95 12.08 3.38 77.05 OUTLET 0.044 5.335 12.08 3.38 77.05 STORM 50y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 32 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry I WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.988 12.01 22.89 521.31 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.988 12.01 22.89 521.31 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.845 790.21 18.04 3.56 81.08 OUTLET 0.044 5.845 18.04 3.56 81.08 STORM 50y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 6.431 16.00 18.33 417.41 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 6.431 16.00 18.33 417.41 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.287 79.0.28 21.37 3.61 82.17 OUTLET 0.044 6.287 21.37 3.61 82.17 STORM 50y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 7.052 42.00 12.27 279.57 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 7.052 42.00 12.27 279.57 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.906 790.28 48.07 3.61 82.13 OUTLET 0.044 6.906 48.07 3.61 82.13 STORM 50y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 7.556 62.99 8.71 198.48 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 7.556 62.99 8.71 198.48 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 7.407 790.01 69.21 3.43 78.11 OUTLET 0.044 7.407 69.21 3.43 78.11 STORM 50y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 8.298 104.99 5.70 129.74 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 8.298 104.99 5.70 129.74 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 8.143 789.54 115.08 3.03 69.06 OUTLET 0.044 8.143 115.08 3.03 69.06 STORM 50y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 33 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 10.150 209.99 3.43 78.11 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 10.150 209.99 3.43 78.11 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 9.985 788.98 220.12 2.54 57.85 OUTLET 0.044 9.985 220.12 2.54 57.85 STORM 100y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.380 0.14 70.37 1602.67 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.380 0.14 70.37 1602.67 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.240 786.35 0.53 0.27 6.11 OUTLET 0.044 0.240 0.53 0.27 6.11 STORM 100y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.991 0.17 153.21 3489.42 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.991 0:17 153.21 3489.42 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.850 786.91 0.57 0.70 15.92 OUTLET 0.044 0.850 0.57 0.70 15.92 STORM 100y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.448 0.18 189.10 4306.94 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.448 0.18 189.10 4306.94 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.307 787.31 0.62 0.89 20.35 OUTLET 0.044 1.307 0.62 0.89 20.35 STORM 100y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------- Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044. 2.230 0.22 211.25 4811.45 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.230 0.22 211.25 4811.45 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.090 787.98 0.82 1.16 26.52 OUTLET 0.044 2.090 0.82 1.16 26.52 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 STORM 100y,lh Page 34 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.046 0.30 186.13 4239.27 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.046 0..30 186.13 4239.27 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 2.906 788.63 1.25 2.06 46.81 OUTLET 0.044 2.906 1.25 2.06 46.81 STORM 100y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.953 0.45 135.70 3090.66 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.953 0.45 135.70 3090.66 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.812 789.30 2.20 2.82 64.29 OUTLET 0.044 3.812 2.20 2.82 64.29 STORM 100y,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.459 0.57 105.81 2409.87 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.459 0.57 105.81 2409.87 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.318 789.63 3.18 3.10 70.65 OUTLET 0.044 4.318 3.18 3.10 70.65 STORM 100y,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.378 1.04 66.08 1504.95 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.378 1.04 66.08 1504.95 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.238 790.11 6.14 3.49 79.58 OUTLET 0.044 5.238 6.14 3.49 79.58 STORM 100y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ---=-------- Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 6.391 5.01 36.58 833.09 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 6.391 5.01 36.58 833.09 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.250 790.55 12.08 3.78 86.11 OUTLET 0.044 6.250 12.08 3.78 86.11 STORM 100y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 35 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 6.983 12.00 26.34 599.95 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 6.983 12.00 26.34 599.95 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 6.841 790.84 18.05 3.97 90.51 OUTLET 0.044 6.841 18.05 3.97 90.51 STORM 100y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 7.487_ 16.00 21.07 479.79 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 7.487 16.00 21.07 479.79 OUTLET 0.044 7.344 22.07 4.02 91.65 STORM 100y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 8.190 41.99 14.07 320.39 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 8.190 41.99 14.07 320.39 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 8.044 790.89 48.08 4.01 91.28 OUTLET 0.044 8.044 48.08 4.01 91.28 STORM 100y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 8.754 62.99 9.97 227.08 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 8.754 62.99 9.97 227.08 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 8.606 790.56 69.25 3.79 86.35 OUTLET 0.044 8.606 69.25 3.79 86.35 STORM 100y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 9.557 105.00 6.49 147.72 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 9.557 105.00 6.49 147.72 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 9.405 790.01 115.09 3.43 78.06 OUTLET 0.044 9.405 115.09 3.43 78.06 STORM 100y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 36 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------- Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 11.532 209.88 3.86 87.92 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 11.532 209.88 3.86 87.92 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 11.370 789.28 220.12 2.81 63.91 OUTLET 0.044 11.370 220.12 2.81 63.91 STORM 500y,5m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 0.620 0.13 114.55 2608.94 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 0.620 0.13 114.55 2608.94 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 0.480 786.57 0.53 0.44 9.97 OUTLET 0.044 0.480 0.53 0.44 9.97 STORM 500y,10m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 1.484 0.17 229.67 5231.02 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 1.484 0.17 229.67 5231.02 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.343 787.34 0.57 0.91 20.65 OUTLET 0.044 1.343 0.57 0.91 20.65 STORM 500y,15m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 2.108 0.18 277.63 6323.22 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 2.108 0.18 277.63 6323.22 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 1.968 787.88 0.62 1.12 25.59 OUTLET 0.044 1.968 0.62 1.12 25.59 STORM 500y,30m Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 3.171 0.22 304.36 6932.03 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 3.171 0.22 304.36 6932.03 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 3.030 788.75 0.80 2.22 50.51 OUTLET 0.044 3.030 0.80 2.22 50.51 STORM 500y,lh WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 37 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain.Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 4.254 0.30 262.11 5969.69 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 4.254 0.30 262.11 5969.69 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 4.114 789.57 1.24 3.06 69.65 OUTLET 0.044 4.114 1.24 3.06 69.65 STORM 500y,2h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 5.467 0.44 189.07 4306.24 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 5.467 0.44 189.07 4306.24 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.326 790.42 2.20 3.70 84.19 OUTLET 0.044 5.326 2.20 3.70 84.19 STORM 500y,3h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 6.135 0.56 146.85 3344.68 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 6.135 0.56 146.85 3344.68 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 5.995 790.83 3.18 3.97 90.38 OUTLET 0.044 5.995 3.18 3.97 90.38 STORM 500y,6h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 7.349 1.03 90.28 2056.17 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 7.349 1.03 90.28 2056.17 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 7.209 791.21 6.03 10.59 241.30 OUTLET 0.044 7.209 6.03 10.59 241.30 STORM 500y,12h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 8.685 5.00 48.78 1111.07 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 8.685 5.00 48.78 1111.07 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 8.544 791.39 8.09 16.10 366.68 OUTLET 0.044 8.544 8.09 16.10 366.68 STORM 500y,18h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 38 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 9.469 11.28 34.89 794.60 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 9.469 11.28 34.89 794.60 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 9.327 791.53 13.69 20.54 467.71 OUTLET 0.044 9.327 13.69 20.54 467.71 STORM 500y,24h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 10.134 15.02 27.89 635.13 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 10.134 15.02 27.89 635.13 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 9.992 791.50 18.09 19.64 447.29 OUTLET 0.044 9.992 18.09 19.64 447.29 STORM 500y,48h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 10.989 41.99 18.45 420.15 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 10.989 41.99 18.45 420.15 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 10.844 791.37 44.06 15.68 357.11 OUTLET 0.044 10.844 44.06 15.68 357.11 STORM 500y,72h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 11.695 62.99 13.03 296.83 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 11.695 62.99 13.03 296.83 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 11.549 791.23 66.05 11.25 256.17 OUTLET 0.044 11.549 66.05 11.25 256.17 STORM 500y,120h Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 12.689 104.99 8.44 192.21 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 12.689 104.99 8.44 192.21 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 12.540 791.04 110.18 5.45 124.17 OUTLET 0.044 • 12.540 110.18 5.45 124.17 STORM 500y,240h WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 39 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) AREA 1 0.044 14.869 209.90 4.90 111.54 POND 1 0.044 Upstream 14.869 209.90 4.90 111.54 POND 1 0.044 Downstream 14.713 790.07 220.13 3.47 78.94 OUTLET 0.044 14.713 220.13 3.47 78.94 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 40 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2m,5m 2m,10m 2m,15m 2m,30m 2m,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.0 2.63 5.34 8.26 9.74 POND 1 0.044 0.0 2.63 5.34 8.26 9.74 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2m,2h 2m,3h 2m,6h 2m,12h 2m,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 9.10 7.63 5.45 4.01 3.47 POND 1 0.044 9.10 7.63 5.45 4.01 3.47 DOWNSTREAM 0.21 0.24 0.32 0.39 0.44 OUTLET 0.044 0.21 0.24 0.32 0.39 0.44 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2m,24h 2m,48h 2m,72h 2m,120h 2m,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 2.84 2.09 1.56 1.07 0.71 POND 1 0.044 2.84 2.09 1.56 1.07 0.71 DOWNSTREAM 0.46 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.46 OUTLET 0.044 0.46 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.46 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 3m,5m 3m,10m 3m,15m 3m,30m 3m,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.0 4.65 8.54 11.61 13.24 POND 1 0.044 0.0 4.65 8.54 11.61 13.24 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10 0.18 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10 0.18 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 3m,2h 3m,3h 3m,6h 3m,12h 3m,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 12.02 10.08 6.94 4.97 4.20 POND 1 0.044 12.02 10.08 6.94 4.97 4.20 DOWNSTREAM 0.27 0.32 0.40 0.49 0.55 OUTLET 0.044 0.27 0.32 0.40 0.49 0.55 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 3m,24h 3m,48h 3m,72h 3m,120h 3m,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 3.45 2.50 1.85 1.27 0.84 POND 1 0.044 3.45 2.50 1.85 1.27 0.84 DOWNSTREAM 0.57 0.62 0.62 0.59 0.55 OUTLET 0.044 0.57 0.62 0.62 0.59 0.55 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 4m,5m 4m,10m 4m,15m 4m,30m 4m,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 41 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 4m,5m 4m,10m 4m,15m 4m,30m 4m,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.34 6.07 10.62 14.92 16.66 POND 1 0.044 0.34 6.07 10.62 14.92 16.66 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13 0.22 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13 0.22 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 4m,2h 4m,3h 4m,6h 4m,12h 4m,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 14.41 11.97 8.11 5.75 4.77 POND 1 0.044 14.41 11.97 8..11 .5.75 4.77 DOWNSTREAM 0.32 0.37 0.47 0.56 0.63 OUTLET 0.044 0.32 0.37 0.47 0.56 0.63 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 4m,24h 4m,48h 4m,72h 4m,120h 4m,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 3.90 2.80 2.07 1.42 0.93 POND 1 0.044 3.90 2.80 2.07 1.42 0.93 DOWNSTREAM 0.66 0.71 0.70 0.67 0.61 OUTLET 0.044 0.66 0.71 0.70 0.67 0.61 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 6m,5m 6m,10m 6m,15m 6m,30m 6m,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 0.95 9.35 15.33 20.23 21.55 POND 1 0.044 0.95 9.35 15.33 20..23 21.55 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17 0.28 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.17' 0.28 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 6m,2h 6m,3h 6m,6h 6m,12h 6m,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 18.44 15.18 10.10 7.02 5.69 POND 1 0.044 18.44 15.18 10.10 7.02. 5.69 DOWNSTREAM 0.40 0.47 0.58 0.69 0.76 OUTLET 0.044 0.40 0.47 0.58 0.69 0.76 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 6m,24h 6m,48h 6m,72h 6m,120h 6m,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 4.62 3.29 2.42 1.65 1.08 POND 1 0.044 4.62 3.29 2.42 1.65 1.08 DOWNSTREAM 0.78 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.72 OUTLET 0.044 0.78 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.72 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 9m,5m 9m,lom 9m,15m 9m,30m 9m,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) .(cfs) (cfs) WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 42 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 9m,5m 9m,lom 9m,15m 9m,30m 9m,1h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 2.18 13.16 20.65 26.65 28.12 POND 1 0.044 2.18 13.16 20.65 26.65 28.12 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.0 0.12 0.22 0.35 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.0 0.12 0.22 0.35 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 9m,2h 9m,3h 9m,6h 9m,12h 9m,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 23.25 18.71 12.47 8.41 6.68 POND 1 0.044 23.25 18.71 12.47 8.41 6.68 DOWNSTREAM 0.50 0.58 0.70 0.80 0.84 OUTLET 0.044 0.50 0.58 0.70 0.80 0.84 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 9m,24h 9m,48h 9m,72h 9m,120h 9m,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 5.44 3.83 2.81 1.91 1.24 POND 1 0.044 5.44 3.83 2.81 1.91 1.24 DOWNSTREAM 0.86 0.89 0.88 0.85 0.80 OUTLET 0.044 0.86 0.89 0.88 0.85 0.80 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 1y,5m ly,10m ly,15m ly,30m 1y,1h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 2.95 16.68 24.98 32.28 32.72 POND 1 0.044 2.95 16.68 24.98 32.28 32.72 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.27 0.41 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.27 0.41 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area ly,2h ly,3h ly,6h 1y,12h 1y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 26.85 21.40 14.25 9.49 7.46 POND 1 0.044 26.85 21.40 14.25 9.49 7.46 DOWNSTREAM 0.57 0.66 0.79 0.86 0.91 OUTLET 0.044 0.57 0.66 0.79 0.86 0.91 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area ly,24h ly,48h 1y,72h ly,120h ly,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 6.02 4.23 3.10 2.10 1.36 POND 1 0.044 6.02 4.23 3.10 2.10 1.36 DOWNSTREAM 0.92 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.85 OUTLET 0.044 0.92 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.85 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2y,5m 2y,10m 2y,15m 2y,30m 2y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 43 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or. Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2y,5m 2y,10m 2y,15m 2y,30m 2y,1h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 6.45 26.28 36.93 46.56 45.85 POND 1 0.044 6.45 26.28 36.93 46.56 45.85 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.12 0.21 0.38 0.56 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.12 0.21 0.38 0.56 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2y,2h 2y,3h 2y,6h 2y,12h 2y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 36.40 28.99 18.84 12.19 9.33 POND 1 0.044 36.40 28.99 18.84 12.19 9.33 DOWNSTREAM 0.77 0.82 0.91 1.00 1.06 OUTLET 0.044 0.77 0.82 0.91 1.00 1.06 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2y,24h 2y,48h 2y,72h 2y,120h 2y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs)- (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 7.53 5.23 3.82 2.58 1.66 POND 1 0.044 7.53 5.23 3.82 2.58 1.66 DOWNSTREAM 1.08 1.11 1.10 1.04 0.97 OUTLET 0.044 1.08 1.11 1.10 1.04 0.97 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 5y,5m 5y,10m 5y,15m 5y,30m 5y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 14.74 45.12 60.39 72.92 69.38 POND 1 0.044 14.74 45.12 60.39 72.92 69.38 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.21 0.33 0.57 0.80 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.21 0.33 0.57 0.80 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 5y,2h 5y,3h 5y,6h 5y,12h 5y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 53.19 42.13 27.20 16.69 12.49 POND 1 0.044 53.19 42.13 27.20 16.69 12.49 DOWNSTREAM 0.93 1.01 1.13 1.42 1.64 OUTLET 0.044 0.93 1.01 1.13 1.42 1.64 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 5y,24h 5y,48h 5y,72h 5y,120h 5y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 10.05 6.90 4.99 3.34 2.13 POND 1 0.044 10.05 6.90 4.99 3.34 2.13- DOWNSTREAM 1.72 1.82 1.71 1.49 1.20 OUTLET 0.044 1.72 1.82 1.71 1.49 1.20 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area - 10y,5m loy,lom 10y,15m 10y,30m 10y,1h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 44 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20. RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 10y,5m loy,lom 10y,15m 10y,30m 10y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 23.44 64.30 83.60 99.03 91.50 POND 1 0.044 23.44 64.30 83.60 99.03 91.50 DOWNSTREAM 0.0 0.29 0.46 0.76 0.92 OUTLET 0.044 0.0 0.29 0.46 0.76 0.92 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 10y,2h 10y,3h 10y,6h 10y,12h 10y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 69.18 54.32 34.80 20.69 15.27 POND 1 0.044 69.18 54.32 34.80 20.69 15.27 DOWNSTREAM 1.09 1.21 1.67 2.08 2.33 OUTLET 0.044 1.09 1.21 1.67 2.08 2.33 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 10y,24h 10y,48h 10y,72h 10y,120h 10y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 12.27 8.34 6.01 4.00 2.49 POND 1 0.044 12.27 8.34 6.01 4.00 2.49 DOWNSTREAM 2.42 2.49 2.32 2.01 1.62 OUTLET 0.044 2.42 2.49 2.32 2.01 1.62 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 25y,5m 25y,10m 25y,15m 25y,30m 25y,1h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 38.86 95.82 121.57 140.37 126.59 POND 1 0.044 38.86 95.82 121.57 140.37 126.59 DOWNSTREAM 0.15 0.44 0.66 0.91 1.11 OUTLET 0.044 0.15 0.44 0.66 0.91 1.11 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 25y,2h 25y,3h 25y,6h 25y,12h 25y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 94.01 73.42 46.73 26.75 19.49 POND 1 0.044 94.01 73.42 46.73 26.75 19.49 DOWNSTREAM 1.71 2.07 2.60 2.88 3.07 OUTLET 0.044 1.71 2.07 2.60 2.88 3.07 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 25y,24h 25y,48h 25y,72h 25y,120h 25y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 15.63 10.49 7.52 4.93 3.01 POND 1 0.044 15.63 10.49 7.52 4.93 3.01 DOWNSTREAM 3.13 3.14 2.98 2.66 2.14 OUTLET 0.044 3.13 3.14 2.98 2.66 2.14 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 50y,5m 50y,lom 50y,15m 50y,30m 50y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 45 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 - -- - - - - - - - - --- - -- - --- - - -- - - - 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 50y,5m 50y,10m 50y,15m 50y,30m 50y,1h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 54.01 124.55 154.77 175.41 156.09 POND 1 0.044 54.01 124.55 154.77 175.41 156.09 DOWNSTREAM 0.21 0.57 0.80 1.04 1.52 OUTLET 0.044 0.21 0.57 0.80 1.04 1.52 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 50y,2h 50y,3h 50y,6h 50y,12h 50y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 114.56 89.32 56.35 31.65 22.89 POND 1 0.044 114.56 89.32 56.35 31.65 22.89 DOWNSTREAM 2.35 2.68 3.05 3.38 3.56 OUTLET 0.044 2.35 2.68 3.05 3.38 3.56 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 50y,24h 50y,48h 50y,72h 50y,120h 50y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 18.33 12.27 8.71 5.70 3.43 POND 1 0.044 18.33 12.27 8.71 5.70 3.43 DOWNSTREAM 3.61 3.61 3.43 3.03 2.54 OUTLET 0.044 3.61 3.61 3.43 3.03 2.54 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 100y,5m 100y,10m 100y,15m 100y,30m 100y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 70.37 153.21 189.10 211.25 186.13 POND 1 0.044 70.37 153.21 189.10 211.25 186.13 DOWNSTREAM 0.27 0.70 0.89 1.16 2.06 OUTLET 0.044 0.27 0.70 0.89 1.16 2.06 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 100y,2h 100y,3h 100y,6h 100y,12h 100y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 135.70 105.81 66.08 36.58 26.34 POND 1 0.044 135.70 105.81 66.08 36.58 26.34 DOWNSTREAM 2.82 3.10 3.49 3.78 3.97 OUTLET 0.044 2.82 3.10 3.49 3.78 3.97 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 100y,24h 100y,48h 100y,72h 100y,120h 100y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 21.07 14.07 9.97 6.49 3.86 POND 1 0.044 21.07 14.07 9.97 6.49 3.86 DOWNSTREAM 4.02 4.01 3.79 3.43 2.81 OUTLET 0.044 4.02 4.01 3.79 3.43 2.81 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 500y,5m 500y,10m 500y,15m 500y,30m 500y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 46 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 20766 - Authentix McHenry WINTR20 RUN DESCRIPTION Proposed - MSG 2021 0319 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 500y,5m 500y,10m 500y,15m 500y,30m 500y,lh Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 114.55 229.67 277.63 304.36 262.11 POND 1 0.044 114.55 229.67 277.63 304.36 262.11 DOWNSTREAM 0.44 0.91 1.12 2.22 3.06 OUTLET 0.044 0.44 0.91 1.12 2.22 3.06 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 500y,2h 500y,3h 500y,6h 500y,12h 500y,18h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 189.07 146.85 90.28 48.78 34.89 POND 1 0.044 189.07 146.85 90.28 48.78 34.89 DOWNSTREAM 3.70 3.97 10.59 16.10 20.54 OUTLET 0.044 3.70 3.97 10.59 16.10 20.54 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 500y,24h 500y,48h 500y,72h 500y,120h 500y,240h Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) AREA 1 0.044 27.89 18.45 13.03 8.44 4.90 POND 1 0.044 27.89 18.45 13.03 8.44 4.90 DOWNSTREAM 19.64 15.68 11.25 5.45 3.47 OUTLET 0.044 19.64 15.68 11.25 5.45 3.47 WinTR-20 Version 3.20 Page 47 03/24/2021 10:18 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Section 3 • Storm Water Exhibits - Existing Drainage Conditions Exhibit - Proposed Drainage Conditions Exhibit Proposed Impervious Area Exhibit - ALTA/NSPS Land Title and Topographic Survey McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 #6345 WATER VALVE VAULT RIM=785.59 TP=778.99 12"PVC N.S f #6251 ,\ t'R; x _.•? P \ x e x xa x. , s„x , WATER VALVE VAULT 3 4.xY''r e '1 1.1 q1. '� ay x ,2 ay a RIM 769.79 #6202 ,@@•rr, .v X 0 x y,e,`y"„ k t x x 1 STORM INLET 784 09 TORM RIM=7RA.RR 1?:. _)... 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TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS AREAS IMPERVIOUS AREA = 9.53 ACRES (46.3%) Iy + PERVIOUS AREA = 7.85 ACRES (38.1 %) ® POND = 3.22 ACRES (15.6%) TOTAL AREA = 20.60 ACRES 7325 Jznec AvenOe AUTHENTIX — MCHENRY PROPOSED PERVIOUS V wwoa,,aoa. 60517 AREA EXHIBIT 630. 724.9200 Ohoe. 0 60 120 w.v3 co.cam �-u MCHENRY ILLINOIS DATE. 03108121 SCALE: McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 ALTAINSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY& TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF Authentix at McHenry 2212 NORTH RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, IL UlILT'ATIA3 NOTES: ZONING INFORMATION ZOO =mum.'- ml SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 63 43 \Q� GRAPH aSCALE Urnm -rem :LAKE BOUL RD r EngNeere Sdentisls ]315Janes Awnue, Suite 100 Wmdeitl0 LLG05f] 6b.]b.9200 wice ContlnenUlp p.d.smna ,n a� ALTAINSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY B TOPCGRAPHIC SURVEY Auuwnti. at Aldlenry „q„ VPoI.i Surveyars 6J0.)2�.0]Bd tas lwmm � " "" 'd'ry t5 n ecorder JOSEPH J. TRIO # 2021 R0059769 t ! 1 i t a t •♦ t t a t 1 • : Q • : SS 1 t i L -- iN g���C ".'�.� 'Ali _ ,'4 •, i_, L 1 tii��. ,♦ �' Sr ai i, i• 't if Y A t� • Al, �„ id4 I ra(e i t _ .•Q _ Q • a ' ' i ! ! 81RCN` oex• t.'+t Z. .t:. I_ -------- — -- — t -- — -- — — — — — — — -- -- -- — — — -- -- — -- -- — — t — — �� � .i iS.; L ai• i ! .lit ! 4 .% ♦ � a t ! 4 ` a e LL fi da' II I I i t IP a li ♦� •! i t o i Z ii i i t mn ♦ �� a II i .. : ' i ! ! . ! t a Li a� 'i tt a li i. x in II 4 i' L i O G i � . 1 { '• -�'-. — '• ate>-°' i juT m . I : i i L t. �• (D O i it 4i °''t i.. .. i{!. i i t !.• ! ♦ - a j1s ili 4 i a i 9iaO t♦ .'d w t• •i ff ' a{ ' { ff .I q �� ♦ I' tt e{ •:r! IE. era fe drl{ rd .r{4a t f� • � €1 If t is S 1 5 �.♦i a t m 'E�3 cc 8�3 s IIAZELWOOD OR. aia,�j pp gg �" A 1 ♦ • 3 : Raid s a •{t� 455�ga ihz d4�i O t?f'�8t RS�P! ., .�♦ z a�ad �eF,�a z3•t 9 8aG Y€ I I I I I + .. ®prata••.mrl am! IIII�T�II�III�i��Cllfilllll � EI!!6 al�lje! �ffj�{��I � 12 If +� A ,�if�i'It!�pl`�!'•t°•�I 1�16fsii�f11 iiilP1!{I i� 1 1 Ir ad aa�{ it i11l`ait q dar," bv. rn,.....::•• . � d a...a....u.e. !jpl llii�l(lsf�fiilPep�I((!i81i!Il6tai gl�Ii!1!!! a ,iiiF.;.it( g �';13j�jji�l�f ! fa! i' er' I al �;'!I!! fl Illrrf1el'I'el,�34Ei;fit,ifg�6(i McHenry County Recorder Section 4 • General Exhibits - General Exhibits Project Location Map Aerial Map - USGS Topographic Map USGS Hydrologic Atlas FEMA FIRM Flood Zones.of McHenry County, Illinois, Map National Wetland Inventory Map - Soil Survey of McHenry County McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Cl- `�" j• '�Sye .;rl� �I 1 ��-. -p t rI YJ NJ ay Ave r { ,`- 1� f� ) 'I a . Johnsbu / t .Ln:} I 31 - _._,I sro'[?'pr •, ": I_-J r7 ;;`..� 7i \dd0 .;'.t='=•: .0F l�i a _.iam'� �1 t"�ue0 Pack®'� , i�- - :W�Johnsburq?Rjdl .II �`' `� "� ok'Dr_ 11,_1- Tawn ship /}-<'•1 'JI I ^Jt- .f Project J � Y Location G zNp I s ullom ( ce II t 1) `�rii = - f •Fe[ersan Farm -7:' [- 1_ ,n �hr�I ;J ;� p. i� FIcCullom lala' Rd.TJ�Park t I _ 1 "k r-sC'hapPIHtH$_ IL :j.etro0� 4 l;%Country Chap9l.Hli li I�4 JI v. �., Club Cotmtry ✓._... II .`1 Y.;.. - \ i tr �fufr li �i� \ t r`. r I�.AnthonyLy+l JI—Oit t l c t Gl� � I r+ II �� , a t Il_�,_,I.�l! II �\ �r -fi r om 6'akcrRd�E 1 II .',,tiQ' � �__ 1 l•, Y JL I -` _.PrameAve-Lr6zari�77 - (� t� NICCUN tj L '� �� - j' ✓' f WIII� Ln _1 arotil'r,pa Il ��' o' L!E.rr` 12t1 t Ho Ii 13 r W Orlea �- V!c-L�-i 1� ji � -J�- t! T? S4 i[• ""rt ��,=I! JL If l /..-- �r�l j � _ z 'r �r1 L,�� ,`C tQ�c� ...:j ��•I t �S (+ - -ati JGj"9tiif Cr. t a\`'oo>: �.. o�tR� l ii f �-j/`i� t1.. ic{if 'ary sr irjgt/� C Is I I « �} , ` •,�ei�a �` `1� `! I t J,t ti r y fi { r� , ��- Z 1 _...- - I.tcFbnry.`, I / Co untiy Clubit spntrjs Z 1 vn oi0�� I ( �� t Parked 11 Il 71 iL e it=J�'' .mil o ;r I r 1L lL(t— �l KnoictP:xk� X II '"T -. �� arlerert �dr ,� •.r�J r k}, �� �., I-- � ��r Park 4 Park � Rd----� Ibrwme 1,000 0 1,000 2,000 5 _ Feet PROJECTNO.: CLIENT., TITLE: 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental523 Fund LLC CREATED BY:. W134 N8675 i xecutive Parkway PROJECT LOCATION MAP Woodridge, IL 60517 Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 630.724.9200 phone MSG WWw.v3co.com - DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE., EXHIBIT.' 03/25/2021 ESRI Woad Authentix - Mchenry Visio, Vertere, Virtute... SCALE: Street Map McHenry Illinois "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See SCale Bar N:\2020N20776\Drawings\ArcGIS\LD\Rasters\EX1 _Project Loc Map_20776.mxd McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 rl 'kir. 300 0 300 600x t Feet p PROJECT NO.: CLIENT'' TITLE: 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental 523 Fund LLC N86 Menomonee nee F Executive siParkway30 Woodridge, IL 60517 CREATED BY: W134Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 630.724.9200 phone MSG www.v3co.com DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE: 03/25/2021 Aerial Imagery Visio, Vertere, Virtute... SCALE: (2019) "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See Scale Bar AERIAL MAP Authentix - Mchenry McHenry Illinois i 2 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Project Location N . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 0 300 600 Fi- PROJECTNO.: CLIENT: • TITLE: 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental 523 Fund LLC Woodridge, IL 60517 CREATED BY.* W134 N8675 Executive Parkway USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 630.724.9200 phone MSG V 'r www.v3co.com DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE:EXHIBIT.' 03/25/2021 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC Authenfix - Mchenry Visic, Vertere, Virtute... ISCALE: MAP MCHENRY (1992) McHenry Illinois 3 "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See Scale Bar I I N:\2020k2O776\Dra%Vings\ArcGISkLDNRasterskEX3—Topographic Map_20776.mxd McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 • • •• ■ a• /r ♦ ,a' 2m dam.— _ ,d •. � �« �' h lJ age a a. ate`~ ..■ s ., � � 4 a��O a 4. • • • o • PROJECT NO.: CLIENT.' TITLE: 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental523 Fund LLC CREATED BY: Executive Parkway USGS HYDROLOGIC ATLAS Woodridge, IL 60517 Menomonee oneeneeFalls, Wisconsin 53051 V'r, 630.724.9200 phone MSG www.v3co.com DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE: EXHIBIT.' 03/25/2021 USGS HYDROLOGIC Authentix - Mchenry 4 Usio, Vertere, Virtute... SCALE: ATLAS MCHENRY McHenry Illinois 'The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See Scale Bar N:\2020\20776\Drawings\ArcGIS\LD\Rasters\EX4_HYDROLOGICATLAS Map_20776.mxd McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 III 3 MAP SCALE 1" = 500' r.�250 0 500 1000 FEET, N Project 0 150 300 Location ''.Y ,� , jIIAVI'IIIIIwIII PANEL0207J y � . R�7 .a `ii? ' 11611�14�11I161�1Lll FIRMti a t z o FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP cr�ity of Iaen w McRENRY COUNTY, t ILLINOIS AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 207 OF 365 (SEE'KIAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) I'p ,,, corrrAttls: _ 'COMMUNITY NUMBER .PANEL SUFFIX l JOHNSBURO,wLLAGE OF 170488 0207 J MC---1 cou-Y I'll- 0207 J ,• �* - __ ' rt ... _ MCHENRY.CITYOF 170483 0207 U Notice io User. The Map Number sham below h (IHD should be used when placing map orders; the Comdtunity Number shown eb°Ye'should be used on insurance applications for the -subject - ;^s: MAP NUMBER 17111 COO TIM°�z EFFECTIVE DATE d_YD St NOVEMBER 16, 2006 IIf l FederalEmergency ManagemcnItAgea q. This 1, an olfidd FIRMene showing a Portion of the abovcrefesenced flood map Oeoted f oin _ L fyt t •I .. j.& _.�f ~ Mr }.�the MSCFIRMette WebtooL Thlsmopdoesnatmneod,gmenta mm,mmdwhirhmoyhw �"t R" • 9 i been nude wbsequens to the date on the tide blmL Foraddi iowl Information ob,M hawtu, • C 1 j yYj'f .( I ((t malt': m, the map i. a L pt. see the Flood Naaard Mapping Updates Overview Fast Sheet {c;tt� toll'i enrwuc., ._ ,w e... it available on the FEMA Flood Map Service Center home Page NhnpW/mscfemagov. PROJECT NO.: CLIENT., TITLE., 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental 523 Fund LLC FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CREATED BY.' W134 ...— 5 Executive Parkway Woodridge, IL 60517 Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 (FIRM) 630.724.9200 phone MSG (:V1 www.v3co.com DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE: EXHIBIT.' 03/25/2021 FEMA Panel Authentix - Mchenry Visio, Vertere, Virtute... SCALE: # 17111CO207J McHenry Illinois "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See Scale Bar N:U020\20776\Drawings'ArcG[S\LD\Rasters\EX5_FIRM 20776.mxd McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Project Location 11 I UN Legend T Flood Zones of McHenry County (2019) j FLD ZONE, ZONE SUBTY Zone A Zone AE _ » Zone AE, Floodway 4;. ZoneAH ti� f Zone AO "f& - Open Water Zone X, 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Zone X, Protected By Levee Zone X, Depth Less Than 1 ft Zone X 300 0 300 600 ` t Area Not Included —' t--+ Feet p, _ PROJECT NO.: CLIENT.' TITLE: 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental Fund LLC FLOOD ZONES OF MCHENRY COUNTY V I CREATED BY: W134 N8675 Executive Parkway Woodridge, IL phone Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 ILLINOIS (2019) 630.724.9200 phone MSG www.v3co.com DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE: EXHIBIT.' 03/25/2021 Authentix - Mchenry 6 Visio, Vertere, Virtute... SCALE: AERIAL IMAGERY (2019) McHenry Illinois "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See Scale Bar N:\2020\20776\Drawincs\ArcGIS\LD\Rasters\EX6 FLOOD ZONES 20776.mxd McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 CP 7,710 Project Location ■ �`��`",..' �rl ->?1 •a1 It �.. w_,cJ .��4.•zµ ,}qr tT ;Vy, Td - — 4 - `: �,r r � `;W?i� � t ,__... rid - �• � t c�y>' }; ," € r _+. o:a:., �� ,� I ,:� ci�� fix s r i Y4 • '�„x € ti' xr�' • .�-� ,, `L' r' L ' �� f ,h'�%r ��°... �r a� 47 n' �. •ti. r, f c 'hy;;. +.° � �t��J.! -.,'. i}i y �5�1C:?;4. t .�;;•u`. 5 ::�lJ� r'c, v; .�5:���'c.:,a'r.' '_5 ��.�.��Ni'� � .� t + i.4 ��;::• ' a'r'�1*s'•� h �Y.'. t't-V{` �e�:.;•.�{ *, .�'u .. 4{�F''4:';=.. `�Ak � t f��{ e" � � * i{..+`?' ;� —_ � `'• :gin; �_ ��ti�: "tir:'�' •rt�t•``�' #• � ss .�, � _} yk b'r a�4 _ JL:y�. k� �Y u: •'M1r i ;'ifd -' �./ y uy' '. t `Y��y�� kJyYil +Si;�yh�11.' i •:�•. ' •;... }t , _ ..{',-`a �s^9� !': J,l -1 , i ►.�!r '� ;.k„Ly'+L+ .';,�jy rY�i'k y'! 300 0 300 600 t4a a + , �h+. �•J x F 'x¢ Feet fi.,1 ;,�, �'��. 4a.� ,r •:, �•, _ >t+�. "` PROJECT NO.: CLIENT'' TITLE: 7325 Janes Avenue 20776 Continental523 Fund LLC NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY g CREATED BY.' W134 N8675 Executive Parkway Woodridge, IL 60517 Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 (NW I) MAP Vr, 630.724.9200 phone MSG www.v3co.com DATE: BASE LAYER: SITE: EXHIBIT.' 03/25/2021 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC Authentix - Mchenry 7Visio, Vertere, Virtute... SCALE: MAP MCHENRY (1992) McHenry Illinois 'The Vision To Transform with Excellence" See Scale Bar N:\2020120776\DrawingslArcGIS\LD1Rasters\EX7_NWI Map_20776.mxd McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 343A � � � 570A '321 ' r %i li `323C3 323D3� 327B 1330A w ' I'570 B ' I1.53A _` }87B' \ 172A 1626A I04A Project,t j• 198A Location _. 570 J - 1 if12 153A 'I} r 570BI h) , i32VC i570C2.,1 i :5.70A r317C2 ` r570.C-2' r j '570B Fw 570A . '�k 528A „ 570E } 300 • 300 600327C2 327D2 I _ fr _ . _ 11 11 '219A Exhibit D Certificate of Publication of Notice McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Certificate of the Publisher Northwest Herald Description:SSA #12 1908213 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & WARDLE 50 SE VIRGINIA STREET CRYSTAL LAKE IL 60014 Shaw Media certifies that it is the publisher of the Northwest Herald. The Northwest Herald is a secular newspaper, has been continuously published daily for more than fifty (50) weeks prior to the first publication of the attached notice, is published in the City of Crystal Lake, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, is of general circulation throughout that county and surrounding area, and is a newspaper as defined by 715 ILCS 515. A notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published 1 times) in the Northwest Herald, namely one time per -week for one successive week(s). Publication of the notice was made in the newspaper, dated and published on 08/06/2021 This notice was also placed on a statewide public notice website as required by 5 ILCS 5/2.1. In witness, Shaw Media has signed this certificate by John Rung, its publisher, at Crystal Lake, Illinois, on 6th day of August, A.D. 2021 Shaw Media By: John Rung, Publisher Account Number 100515 Amount $524.70 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Exhibit E Affidavit of Mailing.of Notice McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Service List Via Certified Mail Valitage MoHemy Holdings LLC 25 S. Walkup Avenue Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Via Certified mail Bernard Blake Farm .LLC do Datiiel Blake 1125 Candlewood Drive Downers Grove, XL 60515 Via Cortified Mail Continental 601 Fund LLC clo The Corporation Trust Center 1209 Orange Street Wilmington, DE 19801 Via Certified Mail Continental 601 Fund LLC Continental Properties Co., Inc, Attu: Legal Department W 134 N8675 Execute Parkway Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Via 10,-- OJI Mark C. Eiden Attorney for Vantage McHenry Holdings LLC Mark C. Elden & Associates, PC 40 Club Cirole Lake Barvington, IL 60010 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Special Service Area ##12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at 7;00 p.m., August 30, 2021, at the McHenry Municipal Building, 383 South Green Street, McHenry,'1111nols, a hearing (the "Hearing") will be held by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois (the "City",), to consider the establishment of Special Service Area 1112 of the City consisting of the following described territory (the 'Area"); PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD I PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EASTALONG THE SOUTH LINETHEREOF, 42.72 FEET (DEED = NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST, 40.0 FEET), TO THE EAST RIGHT- OF-WAY LINE OF ILLINOIS ROUTE 31 SAID LINE BEING 40.0 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL TO SAID i CENTERLINE; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID LINE 507.0 FEET (DEED NORTH 0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 507.0 FEET), TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT NO. 2000110060046; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST (DEED = NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST), ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF, 405.18 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ` DOCUMENT NO, 98R00052114 FORTHE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18SECONDS EAST (DEED = NORTH 89 DEGREES 28 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST), ALONG SAID LINE, 528,84 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT N0,2000110060046; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 19 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF,100.30 FEET (DEED = NORTH 0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST 100.30 FEET); THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 14 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF, $02.77 FEET (DEED NORTH 0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST, 302.77 FEET); THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 39 SECONDS EASTALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF,198.02 FEET (DEED = SOUTH 90 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST,198.02 FEET); THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 39 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EASTLINE THEREOF, 574.15 FEET (DEED = NORTH 0 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST, I 574AS FEET) TO THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF F.A. ROUTE 201 AS DESCRIBED IN CIRCUIT COURT CASE 73-3756; THENCE SOUTH 57 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 14 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT- 1 OF -WAY LINE, 296,12 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 65 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 38 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, 400.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, 132.39 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST 755,70 FEET OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SAID LINE ALSO BEING THE WEST LINE OF THE OAKS OF MCHGNRY PHASE 2, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED APRIL 28, 1999 AS DOCUMENT NO, 1999110031334; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 1090.14 FELT TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE,1.458.85 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 IN COLOMER SUBDIVISION, BEING ASUBDIVISION OF PART OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED JUNE 1, 1998 AS DOCUMENT NO. 981100033676; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND THE EAST LINE OF McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 s THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN SAID,DOCUMENT NO, 981100052114, A DISTANCE OF 507,00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN MCHENRYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS, An accurate map of said territory is on file in the Office of the City Clerk of said City and is available for public Inspection, The permanent tax Index numbers of each parcel located within the proposed special service area are 09-23-400-004 and 09-23-400.031 and the property consists of lots 1 and 2 of the Authentix at McHenry s.ubdlvislon, The proposed special service area Is located east of Route 31 and east, north and south of Blake Boulevard, The purpose of the establishment of said 5peclal Service Area #l12 is to provide a backup method of financing special services to said special Service Area, Including all costs of operation, Upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, safekeeping and Improvement of the Stormwater Facilities (the "special services"), in the event the property owner(s) or their successors and assigns fall to maintain said Stormwater Facilities within 80 days of a written request by the City to undertake and complete such operation, upkeep, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, safekeeping and Improvement of the Stormwater Facilities, as the case may be, In the City's sole discretion without the obligation to do so. Time Is of the essence, The City shall provide written notice to the owner(s) of record within the Area of any failures or deficiencies associated with the Stormwater Facilities and such owner(s) shall have a 30-day period for undertaking such operational changes, upkeep, maintain, repair, replaces or alter or Improve the Stormwater Facilities as set forth in the City's notice; Unless emergency circumstances exist, the City shall wait 30 days' tlrne from the date of Its notice before the City undertakes such connective action, The nature of the proposed special services within the proposed special service area Is for new construction and maintenance, Funds received from the proposed special service area by the City may be used by the City or Its designated contractor to pay for the special services, At the hearing, there will be considered a special service area tax levy frorn time to time, as determined by the Mayor and .City Council, and an annual tax for providing such special services In the proposed Special Service Area 412, In an amount to not to exceed 0,25% of the assessed value of the Area — per annumr The maximum rate of taxes to be extended within the proposed special service area In any year would not exceed 0.25% of the assessed value of the taxable real propertywlthin the Area and theterm of the proposed special service area would be perpetual, with no maximum term or number of years, If the proposed special service area is established. The proposed amount of the tax levyforspecial services for the Initial year for which taxes would be levied would be no more than $10,000. All Interested persons affected by the establishment of said Special Service Area 912 and the levy of said tax, including all,owners of real estate located within said Special Service Area, will be given an opportunity to be heard at said (tearing regarding the proposed establishment of McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 z said backup Special Service Area and the levy of said tax and an opportunity to file objections to the proposed establishment of said backup special Service Area and the levy of said tax and the amount thereof. At :said public hearing, any Interested persons affected by said proposed back up Special Service Area may file with the City Clerk ofsaid City written objections to and may be heard orally In respect to any Issues embodied In this notice. The Mayor and City Council of said City shall hear and determine all protests and objections at said hearing, and said hearing may be adjourned to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes fixing the time and place of Its adjournment. If a petition signed by at least 51% of the electors residing within said Special Service Area #12 and by at least 51% of the owners of record of the land Included within the boundaries of said Special Service Area #12 1s filed with the City Clerk of said City within 60 days following the final adjournment of said public hearing objecting to the creation of said Special Service Area 412, the levy or Imposition of a tax for the provision of special services to said Special Service Area #12, or to a proposed increase In the tax rate, no such backup Special Service Area H12 may be created, or tax may be levied or Imposed nor rate increased, By order of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, Gated this 401 day of August, 2021, /signed/ Trisha gamel, City Cleric City of McHenry McHenry County, Illinois McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 `J can %I,; a. s�taa,� , fdtC ademoayou. :.� prac;Ze�oCst '�` s `. - .i 2Addresme or on ced ed •of themaclpiece, B. R-dvedby(r'rinted3Y�e} A Data-cmerway . /? 7• 0. Isde�veryaddressdffmnt8am iBrnT? 0 YYes 1fYM enterderwmyaddre=bebzr__ Q No r2.nte'>Y ::Hemj%- Holdiup LLC- ` - 25'S. WaA'up Avamte Crystzl bake, IL,60014 �u E l u D Re-*beledMa7- C1 CAft2S-� a B I l�r E i1 E! (1t f11 E� 9590 9402 6287 0274 6837 91 Fte s war IIr W Is eda 13 a c0am=rnn= IICaTodanDdsv� rxr..r_.—..g yRes�St�cdBrSvay IIsrgcramrococ R trfciedD�vey 2RrtideN=berffrazferfr=srr bL,-u win U61in 110a E2SL daeuvery % t'S Form 3$ LK, 3uiy 202Q.M 7-5.80-M-aW-9= Domes Retwn Aec fh i i IT' 31 INN: u)'G�SCC- ,Uru QiL�4axitxe'p&" �y�CkraaGedd 00-=y�rp�d ,: �• y-. ru ,�. IIamn,Rc'o�,udem�} S .r-�` p .IIccmecesraxa�,aeoewer s :< t4C •�' . i."• Li.4antstgx�p�.s 'q,� ry i,4,� E= ont Vantage WllemyHoldags LLC rr:U 25 S. WaUmup Avenue CrysW Lake, 7L 60014 tit �•. tt cez 7 tioty--3•4: ,sRF UfF1Di MA1L°RG�I 01 5' Y !t 4 iC r✓la,I,rOQI. y£� ~ tv r lY :For ,. +�:i tii�c:•�i:_i;tvjlt�;rf`a1���„y��1��FS`�^' t - • i .rtl K f11•.r.•I � •- McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 M Complel- Rems 1, 2� and a 9 Pftyournamsand2ddtemon A. -xmatare COTiiplete iferrlS `[:2, arld 3 the revese so $rat vue can m bzn fhe card to otL w ^ I�Agerrt �0 i '¢ Print yOurname mid address on the reverse 2 Atiach this card to the back of the rrra�iece, Received t ' pfrgadnc� - _ so fnar we can return the cad to you. G. Date o�F BR;jry K. Att mh this card to the back or a i ttreftprrt if space pemrits , of the ma,7piem_ t. AtflcleAddne=d tc_ r - ` D. isdoliveryaddresse���go ❑Yes. [f YES, ewer a 1:7 No r or on the front if space pemlits. ; "[..4>•tid¢gddressadYa: Cortiznesttai 60I Frzad 1 LC + f,` - - -' CantirtetrtaI Yroperties^aInc. Atx: Legal Depart&b" �-txi Gr[t tL�e �T2 `rr - {k " " n,.J. u7134 N8675 E y r 1i x Menomonee FallS,1V! 53051 o� Qman � I �If ll 9190 9Q2_ 6287 02746839 06 --._. •'.-' ._ aDeRmy Q CoGcccarsOdnmry,.__ 0s79r&=c0e=mSma_ IIS19natraec*2&mzIlors 9590 8402 6287 0274 683777 6837 77 2 AttirleNLRr —.... _ i 2 Artidatdwa6er(Fr�uferframservicef25� F i• �Q�II III=�II IIIIII� E�Sb 5�55 -- ''rr a GER?fF�rED gib' ru L5 ru On • i contilteaw = TO 601 Fund rr.1 c/o ale ........ 19 ...e Street ' "ffi•.. DEP :f A. Xa ' 1p Ef Agent Lt Adcre &.FL`ceivedbyt dN-M) C DstecfDer D:.IsdeF-yaddr=d ftmirPrat3 0-le 91E5,e2'tm(iefivery2ddremsbe1mrs 13Nc 9: _ _ maiCz II �Cpn Rimed Davey 1y2Q20 M753rxo2�00U^•9u - 8 00 to y 0 b Ln Ln _ i z J21- Lrr C4:10ed mug Fbe ru ru m ecs3 reifynazcereecapnpracgr� �� ru QRot�Rawa-tr�dmpy) t t" Y. G, a n re« c s a Q QCeNOednny11iC1eiedoeNay s C Hq:* a - paautS,�rsLotta•...:aaaaosvorys C3 P0sa90 r; TOJ= Por s°^-- Confinental 6011<und LM_— a m Continental Properties Co, Inc. ru Att = Legal Deparinient r� W134N86?5 ExecrrteParMV z%ISE'12z` Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 ~ Christina A. Walker From; C111141na A, Walker sent; Wednesday, August 4, 2021 1:56 PM To: meiden@eldenlaw.coin Cc; Michael J. Smoron Subject; City of McHenrySSA #12 Attachments; Special Service Area public Notice.docx Attached please find the public notice for the above matter, Christina Walker Legal Assklanl to Kolly Cahill, Michael smoron, Rogen Shepley and Ruth Schlossberg zukowski, Rogers, Flood & MoArdle 60 Virginia Street Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (816) 469-2060 (816) 469-9067 facsimile owalketftrfmlaw agm This message, and any replies thereto, are oonfidentlel, intended only for the name reolpient(s).and may contain Information that Is privileged, attorney work,produot or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law, If you reoelve this message, or any replies thereto, In error or are not the named reelpient(s), please nolffy Ilia sender at either the email address or telephone number above, and delete this enl ll from your computer, Thank you. McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 CERTIFICATION I, Monte Johnson, do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed, acting and qualified :Deputy City Clerk of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and that as such Clerk, I am the keeper of the records and minutes and proceedings of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City of McHenry. I do hereby further certify that at a regular meeting of: the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of McHenry, held. on the 1st day of November 2021, the foregoing ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE CITY.OF IVICHENRY BACKUP SPECIAL SERVICE AREA#12 FOR LOTS 1 AND 2 OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF AUTHENTIX AT MCHENRY, was duly passed by the City Council of the City of McHenry. The pamphlet form of Ordinance 21-58, .including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy.of such Ordinance was posted in the. City Hall, commencing on the 2nd day of November, 2021, and will continue for at least 10 days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance are also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the City Clerk. I do further certify that the original, of which the attached is a true and correct copy, is entrusted to me as the Clerk of said City for safekeeping, .and that I am the lawful custodian and keeper of the same. Given under my hand and seal this 2nd day of November, 2021. +• Monte Johnson, Deputy City Clerk City of McHenry McHenry County, Illinois jif f hi i. I _Z7 • rR I �� tp ( o McHenry County Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO # 2021 R0059769 Rental Housing Support Program (RHSP) State Surcharge Exemption Declaration Illinois law (55 ILCS 5/3-5018) requires that the -Recorder collect a Rental Housing Support Program State surcharge for the recordation of any real estate -related document unless the entity recording the.document is any State agency, any unit of local. government or any school district. Mf 9y checking this box and affixing my signature below, I hereby claim that the entity recording this document iss-a State agency, a unit of local government or a school district and thus claiming to be exempt from the Rental Housing Support Program State surcharge. Name of State agency, unit of local governmofit or school district recording this document (Please Print) Name of person presenting this declaration (Please Print) Ce_ Signature of person`preseniring this declaration Date RHSP Exemption Declaration Fonn.20170327-I.docx McHenry County. Recorder JOSEPH J. TIRIO# 2021R0059769 '