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Packet - 05/22/2006 - City Council
Cityof MCHe4ry 333 South Green Street , www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 Mayor's Office (815) 363-2108 AGENDA Fax (815) 363-2119 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, May 22, 2006, 7:30 P.M. Clerk's Office (815)363-2100 Fax(815)363-2128 1. Call to Order Administration (815)363-2108 2. Roll Call Fax(815)363-2119 Public Works 3. Pledge of Allegiance Community Development 4. Public Hearing: 2006/2007 Annual Appropriation Ordinance (815)363-2170 Fax(815)363-2173 5. Public Input Session — 10 Minute Limitation Parks and Recreation (815)363-2160 6. Consent Agenda: Fax(815)363-3186 A. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 24, Trees, Shrubs, and Noxious Growth; Police Non-Emergency B. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 23, Article V relating to (815)363-2200 Infrastructure Maintenance Fee; Fax(815)363-2149 C. Final pay request from Rail Construction, Inc. for playground renovations at Kiwanis Tot Lot, Lakeland Park and Center Street Parks, $18,142.20; D. Picnic Permit Request; Mayor E. May 15, 2006 City Council meeting minutes; Susan E.Low F. As Needed Checks; and G. List of Bills. City Clerk Janice C.Jones 7, Request for fence variance, 602 N. Green Street Treasurer g. Committee Recommendation to purchase a shade structure for Petersen Park stage, David M.Welter from Park & Recreation Supply, Inc. in the amount of $13,827 Aldermen 9. Request for additional funding for musical entertainment for Jaycees Day Fourth of W`RD 1 July Celebration Victor A. Santi WARD 2 10. Public Works Garage LUST Remediation Andrew A.Glab 11. Mayor — Statement and Reports WARD 3 Jeffrey A. Schaefer 12. Committee Reports WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd 13. Staff Reports WARD 5 14. Future Agenda Items Richard W.Wimmer WARD 6 15. Adjournment Robert J.Peterson Posted and Mailed: May 17, 2006 WARD 7 Geri A.Condon PUBLIC HEARING TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steve Shields,Finance Director FOR: May 22nd, 2006 Regular Meeting RE: Appropriation Ordinance 2006-2007 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Hold a Public Hearing for the 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance; and, 2. Approve the Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $45,925,755. In accordance with state statute, the City must adopt an Appropriations Ordinance in the first quarter of the City's fiscal year. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on May 10, 2006. The Public Hearing provides an opportunity for public input regarding the proposed Appropriations Ordinance. The notice also made the proposed ordinance available for public inspection at least ten days prior to the City adopting the Appropriation Ordinance. Following approval, a certified copy of the Appropriations Ordinance must be filed with the County Clerk, within thirty (30) days of its adoption. The Appropriation Ordinance provides the legal authority to allocate funds to specific spending activities, in addition to establishing the City's legal spending limit for the next fiscal year. It is therefore important to anticipate and include all foreseeable expenditures in the ordinance. In order to provide adequate spending authorization, the Appropriation Ordinance typically exceeds anticipated spending levels. It should be noted, however, the Appropriation Ordinance only establishes the maximum level of expenditures which can be made if adequate revenues are available. Since it is important to appropriate the "worst case" scenarios, the figures indicated in the ordinance are inflated. The City's actual anticipated expenditures are more accurately reflected in the 2006/07 operating budget that was approved by the City Council in April 2006. It should also be pointed out that while the Appropriation Ordinance sets the spending limits from the State's point of view, the City's budget is the actual internal control on expenditures. 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation GENERAL FUND Administration(100.01) 4010 Salaries-Regular $ 341,492 $ 392,800 4050 Overtime-Regular 1,450 1,700 4190 Salary Adjustments 11,150 12,900 4220 Board&Commission Expense 59,250 68,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 57,657 66,400 4320 Dental Insurance 3,338 3,900 4410 FICA/Medicare 27,088 31,200 4420 IMRF Retirement 36,249 41,700 4510 Uniform Allowance 700 900 5110 Contractual Services 324,000 372,600 5230 Legal Fees 199,000 228,900 5310 Postage and Meter 250 300 5320 Telephone 6,000 6,900 5330 Printing and Publishing 10,000 11,500 5410 Dues 13,210 15,200 5420 Travel Expenses 1,600 1,900 5430 Training 2,280 2,700 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 500 600 5450 Publications 1,700 2,000 6210 Office Supplies 4,000 4,600 6940 Administrative Expenses 31,700 36,500 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 45,447 45,447 9922 Purchase Service- Information Technology 13,595 13,595 9942 Transfer-Capital Improvements Fund 75,000 75,000 Total Administration Office 1,266,656 1,437,442 Elected Officials(110.02) 4010 Salaries-Regular 63,798 73,400 4050 Overtime-Regular 750 900 4190 Salary Adjustments 2,090 2,500 4210 Salaries-Elected Officials 54,050 62,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 10,912 12,600 4320 Dental Insurance 630 800 4410 FICA/Medicare 9,233 10,700 4420 IMRF Retirement 7,990 9,200 4510 Uniform Allowance 350 500 5110 Contractual Services 250 300 5310 Postage and Meter 9,500 11,000 5320 Telephone 4,000 4,600 5330 Printing and Publishing 15,000 17,300 5410 Dues 1,590 1,900 5420 Travel Expenses 500 600 5430 Training 6,700 7,800 5450 Publications 100 200 6110 Materials and Supplies 1,750 2,100 6210 Office Supplies 1,750 2,100 6910 Employee Recognition 9,600 11,100 6940 Administrative Expenses 26,300 30,300 9922 Purchase Service- Information Technology 8,371 8,371 Total Elected Officials 235,214 270,471 1 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Community Development Department(100.03) 4010 Salaries-Regular 503,566 579,200 4050 Overtime- Regular 1,500 1,800 4190 Salary Adjustments 16,667 19,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 114,131 131,300 4320 Dental Insurance 5,893 6,800 4410 FICA/Medicare 39,913 45,900 4420 IMRF Retirement 54,052 62,200 4510 Uniform Allowance 3,175 3,700 5110 Contractual Services 26,900 31,000 5310 Postage and Meter 1,750 2,100 5320 Telephone 8,500 9,800 5330 Printing and Publishing 6,500 7,500 5370 Repair and Maintenance-Vehicles 2,500 2,900 5410 Dues 1,500 1,800 5420 Travel Expenses 3,000 3,500 5430 Training 3,500 4,100 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 750 900 5450 Publications 4,000 4,600 1000 Materials and Supplies 1,000 1,200 6210 Office Supplies 5,000 5,800 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 5,000 5,800 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 500 600 8200 Capital-Building Improvements 3,000 3,500 8400 Capital-Vehicles 13,000 15,000 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 27,783 27,783 9922 Purchase Service-Information Technology 23,108 23,108 Total Community Development Department 876,188 1,001,091 Finance Department(100.04) 4010 Salaries-Regular 330,523 380,200 4090 Salary Adjustments 10,884 12,600 4310 Health/Life Insurance 49,315 56,800 4320 Dental Insurance 3,032 3,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 26,118 30,100 4420 IMRF Retirement 35,370 40,700 4510 Uniform Allowance 2,450 2,900 5110 Contractual Services 5,000 5,800 5310 Postage and Meter 18,000 20,700 5320 Telephone 5,000 5,800 5330 Printing and Publishing 9,650 11,100 5410 Dues 800 1,000 5420 Travel Expenses 1,500 1,800 5430 Training 1,500 1,800 5440 Tuition Reimbursements 1,750 2,100 5450 Publications 200 300 6110 Materials and Supplies 20,875 24,100 6210 Office Supplies 6,500 7,500 9904 Debt Service Transfer 451,991 451,991 9922 Purchase Service- Information Technology 24,483 24,483 Total Finance Department 1,004,941 1,085,274 Police Commission(100.21) 4220 Salaries- Boards and Commissions 1,350 1,600 5110 Contractual Services 7,000 8,100 5330 Printing and Publishing 3,000 3,500 5420 Travel Expenses 500 600 5430 Training 1,000 1,200 5450 Publications 500 600 Total Police Commission 13,350 15,600 2 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Police Department(100.22) 4010 Salaries-Regular 757,806 871,500 4020 Salaries-Sworn 3,203,373 3,683,900 4030 Salaries-Part Time 60,000 69,000 4050 Overtime- Regular 15,000 17,300 4055 Overtime-Sworn 145,000 166,800 4080 Career Ladder 35,000 40,300 4090 Salary Adjustments 30,103 34,700 4310 Health/Life Insurance 615,402 707,800 4320 Dental Insurance 37,420 43,100 4410 FICA/Medicare 324,848 373,600 4420 IMRF Retirement 79,656 91,700 4430 Employer Contribution-Police Pension 518,062 595,800 4510 Employee Uniforms 42,300 48,700 5110 Contractual Services 75,208 86,500 5310 Postage and Meter 3,000 3,500 5320 Telephone 29,900 34,400 5370 Repair and Maintenance-Vehicles 50,150 57,700 5410 Dues 5,000 5,800 5420 Travel Expense 15,000 17,300 5430 Training Expense 50,000 57,500 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 7,500 8,700 5450 Publications 2,500 2,900 6110 Materials and Supplies 50,650 58,300 6210 Office Supplies 23,450 27,000 6250 Fuel and Lubricants 105,000 120,800 6270 Small Equipment 4,050 4,700 6310 Canine Unit 7,500 8,700 8300 Capital-Equipment 41,700 48,000 8400 Capital-Vehicles 106,000 121,900 8700 Capital-Furniture 4,500 5,200 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 173,461 173,461 9922 Purchase Service-Information Technology 124,320 124,320 Total Police Department 6,742,859 7,710,881 Public Works-Administration(100.30) 4010 Salaries-Regular 293,365 337,400 4050 Overtime-Regular 1,700 2,000 4190 Salary Adjustment 9,620 11,100 4310 Health/Life Insurance 58,878 67,800 5320 Dental Insurance 3,384 3,900 4410 FICA/Medicare 23,308 26,900 4420 IMRF Retirement 31,565 36,300 4510 Uniform Allowance 1,050 1,300 5110 Contractual Services 19,200 22,100 5310 Postage and Meter 1,900 2,200 5320 Telephone 4,500 5,200 3 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation 5410 Dues 500 600 5420 Travel Expense 500 600 5430 Training 1,450 1,700 6210 Office Supplies 2,500 2,900 6270 Small Tools&Equipment 200 300 8300 Capital-Equipment 10,000 11,500 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 13,059 13,059 9922 Purchase Service- Information Technology 7,023 7,023 Total Public Works-Administration 483,702 553,882 Public Works-Streets Division (100.33) 4010 Salaries-Regular 1,047,109 1,204,200 4050 Overtime-Regular 65,000 74,800 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 23,000 26,500 4190 Salary Adjustment 63,626 73,200 4310 Health/Life Insurance 279,364 321,300 4320 Dental Insurance 14,520 16,700 4410 FICA/Medicare 91,703 105,500 4420 IMRF Retirement 121,806 140,100 4510 Uniforms 12,900 14,900 5110 Contractual Services 75,000 86,300 5320 Telephone 7,000 8,100 5370 Repair and Maintenance-Vehicles 77,500 89,200 5430 Training 1,000 1,200 5520 Street Lighting 210,000 241,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 185,000 212,800 6210 Office Supplies 1,300 1,500 6250 Fuel and Lubricants-Vehicles 75,000 86,300 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 3,500 4,100 6290 Safety Equipment and Supplies 1,500 1,800 8300 Capital-Equipment 21,470 24,700 8400 Capital-Vehicles 185,000 212,800 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 99,975 99,975 9922 Purchase Service- Information Technology 1,849 1,849 Total Public Works-Streets Division 2,664,122 3,049,324 Public Works-Building and Grounds (100.34) 4010 Salaries-Regular 117,021 134,600 4050 Overtime-Regular 7,500 8,700 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 12,000 13,800 4190 Salary Adjustment 8,168 9,400 4310 Health/Life Insurance 30,336 34,900 4320 Dental Insurance 1,300 1,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 11,069 12,800 4420 IMRF Retirement 13,747 15,900 4510 Uniforms 1,650 1,900 5110 Contractual Services 50,000 57,500 5320 Telephone 1,060 1,300 5430 Training 250 300 6110 Materials and Supplies 45,000 51,800 6210 Office Supplies 100 200 8200 Capital- Buildings 65,000 74,800 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 7,782 7,782 9922 Purchase Service-Information Technology 1,849 1,849 Total Public Works-Building and Grounds 373,832 429,031 4 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Parks and Recreation Department(100.41) 4010 Salaries-Regular 604,303 695,000 4030 Salaries-Part Time 31,659 36,500 4050 Overtime-Regular 13,000 15,000 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 290,000 333,500 4190 Salary Adjustment 30,269 34,900 4310 Health/Life Insurance 121,622 139,900 4320 Dental Insurance 7,240 8,400 4410 FICA/Medicare 74,146 85,300 4420 IMRF Retirement 70,368 81,000 4510 Uniform Allowance 10,000 11,500 5110 Contractual Services 190,000 218,500 5310 Postage and Meter 8,500 9,800 5320 Telephone 12,000 13,800 5330 Printing and Publishing 17,000 19,600 5370 Repair and Maintenance-Vehicles 9,000 10,400 5410 Dues 109,679 126,200 5420 Travel Expense 1,250 1,500 5430 Training 3,500 4,100 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 1,750 2,100 5450 Publications 250 300 5510 Utilities 39,800 45,800 6110 Materials and Supplies 135,000 155,300 6210 Office Supplies 3,500 4,100 6250 Fuel and Lubricants-Vehicles 15,000 17,300 6270 Small Tools&Equipments 500 600 6920 Special Events 36,000 41,400 6950 Forestry Expenses 30,000 34,500 8300 Capital- Equipment 28,400 32,700 8800 Capital- Park Improvements 116,000 133,400 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 57,036 57,036 9922 Purchase Service-Information Technology 28,827 28,827 Total Parks and Recreation Department 2,095,599 2,398,263 Total General Fund 15,756,463 17,951,259 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Tourism Fund (200) 5110 Contractual 12,000 13,800 6940 Administrative Expenses 36,100 41,600 Total Tourism Fund 48,100 55,400 Pageant Fund (205) 5110 Contractual 3,505 4,100 6110 Materials and Supplies 2,710 3,200 6940 Administrative Expenses 1,675 2,000 Total Pageant Fund 7,890 9,300 Band Fund(210) 5110 Contractual 22,000 25,300 6110 Materials and Supplies 2,000 2,300 Total Band Fund 24,000 27,600 5 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Civil Defense Fund(220) 5375 Repairs and Maintenance-Equipment 1,000 1,200 Total Civil Defense Fund 1,000 1,200 Audit Fund(230) 5110 Contractual Services 25,375 29,200 Total Audit Fund 25,375 29,200 Annexation Fund (260) 6970 Distribution Operating Fees 300,000 345,000 8100 Capital-Land Acquisition 950,000 1,092,500 9906 Transfer-Capital Improvement 650,000 650,000 Total Annexation Fund 1,900,000 2,087,500 Motor Fuel Tax Fund(270) 6110 Materials and Supplies 80,000 92,000 8600 Capital-Street Improvements 75,000 86,300 9904 Transfer-Debt Service 449,426 449,426 Total Motor Fuel Tax Fund 604,426 627,726 Developer Donation Fund (280) 6970 Distributions-Schools 750,000 862,500 6980 Distributions-Library District 65,000 74,800 6990 Distributions-Fire Protection District 65,000 74,800 Total Developer Donation Fund 880,000 1,012,100 Developer Donation Fund-Parks(280.14) 8800 Capital-Park Improvements 368,000 423,200 9902 Transfer-Rec Center Construction Fund 500,000 500,000 9942 Transfer-Capital Improvements 70,000 70,000 Total Developer Donation Fund-Parks 938,000 993,200 Tax Increment Fund (290) 5110 Contractual Services 150,000 172,500 8900 Capital-Other Improvements 2,600,000 2,990,000 Total Tax Increment Fund 2,750,000 3,162,500 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Fund(300) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 700,000 805,000 7200 Bond Interest Payments 334,467 384,700 7300 Paying Agent Fees 1,800 2,100 Total Debt Service Fund 1,036,267 1,191,800 Bond and Interest Fund(520) 7100 Bond Principal Payments 750,000 862,500 7200 Bond Interest Payments 37,875 43,600 7300 Paying Agent Fees 1,200 1,400 Total Bond and Interest Fund 789,075 907,500 6 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Special Service Area#1A(420) 9904 Transfer-Debt Service 29,850 29,850 Total Special Service Area#1A 29,850 29,850 Special Service Area#4(424) 9901 Transfer-General Fund 16,339 16,339 Total Special Service Area#4 16,339 16,339 Capital Improvements Fund(440) 8600 Capital-Street Improvements 1,300,000 1,495,000 8900 Capital-Other Improvements 75,000 86,300 Total Capital Improvements Fund 1,375,000 1,581,300 ENTERPRISE FUNDS WATER/SEWER FUND Public Works-Water Division (510.31) 4010 Salaries-Regular 539,613 620,600 4050 Overtime- Regular 32,000 36,800 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 10,500 12,100 4190 Salary Adjustments 30,407 35,000 4310 Health/Life Insurance 120,642 138,800 4320 Dental Insurance 6,991 8,100 4410 FICA/Medicare 46,858 53,900 4420 IMRF Retirement 62,369 71,800 4510 Uniform Allowance 5,225 6,100 5110 Contractual Services 140,000 161,000 5310 Postage and Meter 2,000 2,300 5320 Telephone 9,500 11,000 5370 Repair and Maintenance-Vehicles 8,000 9,200 5410 Dues 500 600 5430 Training Expenses 3,000 3,500 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 1,750 2,100 5510 Utilities 166,500 191,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 447,000 514,100 6210 Office Supplies 1,250 1,500 6250 Fuel and Lubricants-Vehicles 19,000 21,900 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 2,500 2,900 8200 Capital-Buildings 25,000 28,800 8300 Capital-Equipment 10,000 11,500 8400 Capital-Vehicles 10,000 11,500 9920 Purchase Service- Risk Management 53,208 53,208 9921 Purchase Service-General Fund 71,732 71,732 9922 Purchase Service-Information Technology 4,223 4,223 9923 Purchase Service-Audit Fund 3,500 3,500 9936 Transfer-Utility Improvements Fund 204,740 204,740 Total Public Works-Water Division 2,038,008 2,294,003 7 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance • 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation Public Works-Wastewater Division (510.32) 4010 Salaries-Regular 520,380 598,500 4050 Overtime-Regular 35,000 40,300 4090 Salary Adjustments 26,240 30,200 4110 Salaries-Seasonal 5,000 5,800 4310 Health/Life Insurance 80,090 92,200 4320 Dental Insurance 4,764 5,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 44,876 51,700 4420 IMRF Retirement 60,256 69,300 4510 Uniform Allowance 5,325 6,200 5110 Contractual Services 315,000 362,300 5310 Postage and Meter 2,500 2,900 5320 Telephone 9,700 11,200 5370 Repair and Maintenance-Vehicles 5,500 6,400 5375 Repair and Maintenance- Equipment 40,000 46,000 5380 Repair and Maintenance-Utility System 10,000 11,500 5410 Dues 400 500 5430 Training Expenses 1,250 1,500 5440 Tuition Reimbursement 875 1,100 5450 Publications 100 200 5510 Utilities 338,000 388,700 5580 Disposal 150,000 172,500 6110 Materials and Supplies 150,000 172,500 6210 Office Supplies 500 600 6250 Fuel and Lubricants-Vehicles 15,750 18,200 8400 Capital-Vehicles 100,000 115,000 9920 Purchase Service-Risk Management 55,851 55,851 9921 Purchase Service-General Fund 69,317 69,317 9922 Purchase Service- Information Technology 2,336 2,336 9923 Purchase Service-Audit Fund 3,499 3,499 9934 Transfer-Utility Bond and Interest Fund 787,875 787,875 9936 Transfer-Utility Improvements Fund 30,000 30,000 Total Public Works-Wastewater Division 2,870,384 3,159,678 Total Water/Sewer Fund 4,908,392 5,453,681 Capital Development Fund(550) 9940 Transfer-Utility Improvements Fund 3,809,000 3,809,000 Total Capital Development Fund 3,809,000 3,809,000 Utility Improvements Fund(580.31 &32) 8500 Capital-Water Utility Improvements 2,054,740 2,363,000 8500 Capital-Sewer Utility Improvements 1,989,000 2,287,400 Total Utility Improvements Fund 4,043,740 4,650,400 Marina Operations Fund(590) 5110 Contractual Services 30,000 34,500 Total Marina Operations Fund 30,000 34,500 8 2006-07 Appropriation Ordinance 2006-07 2006-07 Budget Appropriation INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Risk Management Fund(610) 5950 MCMRMA Premiums 650,000 747,500 5960 Insurance Premiums-Other 1,850 2,200 5980 Property Damage 50,000 57,500 6940 Administrative Expense 4,250 4,900 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 500 600 Total Risk Management Fund 706,600 812,700 Information Technology Fund(620) 4010 Salaries-Regular 114,727 132,000 4190 Salary Adjustment 3,754 4,400 4310 Health/Life Insurance 21,824 25,100 4320 Dental Insurance 1,260 1,500 4410 FICA/Medicare 9,064 10,500 4420 IMRF Retirement 12,275 14,200 4420 Contractual Services 62,342 71,700 4510 Uniforms 700 900 5320 Telephone 500 600 5410 Dues 750 900 5420 Travel 400 500 5430 Training 500 600 5450 Publications 300 400 6110 Materials&Supplies 7,457 8,600 6210 Office Supplies 16,700 19,300 6270 Small Tools and Equipment 7,600 8,800 8300 Capital-Equipment 95,475 109,800 Total Information Technology Fund 355,628 409,800 FIDUCIARY FUNDS Employee Flexible Spending Fund (700) 6965 Reimbursements 60,000 69,000 Total Employee Flexible Spending Fund 60,000 69,000 Police Pension Fund(760) 4910 Pension Payments 550,000 632,500 4920 Disability Payments 118,000 135,700 4930 Death Benefit Payments 50,000 57,500 5110 Contractual Services 35,150 40,500 5410 Dues 2,000 2,300 9923 Purchase of Service-Audit Fund 2,000 2,000 Total Police Pension Fund 757,150 870,500 McHenry Economic Dev. Fund(730) 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 500 600 Total McHenry Economic Dev. Fund 500 600 Retained Personnel Fund(740) 5220 Engineering Fees-Consultant 100,000 115,000 5221 Engineering Fees-Staff 1,000 1,200 5230 Legal Fees 12,500 14,400 6960 Miscellaneous Expense 1,000 1,200 Total Retained Personnel Fund 114,500 131,800 Total All Funds $ 40,967,295 $ 45,925,755 9 ORDINANCE NO. Ord-06- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION 1. That it be deemed necessary in order to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year beginning May 1,2006 and ending April 30,2007;that there be and there is hereby appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the said fiscal year,the aggregate sum of Forty Five Million Nine Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Five dollars($45,925,755.00)the object and purpose for which said appropriation is made and the amounts appropriated for the same are as follows, to wit: SECTION 2. All unexpended balances of any item or items of general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law.. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. PASSED and APPROVED this 22nd day of May, 2006. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk r, , , My�if" -.I •t�,er iaf�""k r t��y^uF 4h �; 1 �;4.. a7as ky,{�1,�,' 't'r (c wit FAY, 1 '+�`'•4 }� 1 l a5 ,ik t ti £r. riitr:`��v'!�i �n r a 'i�� ,✓ i�ti i�� � P } 1.'li r �e 7 i TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: May 22,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Variance to Replace an Existing Fence at 602 N.Green Street Dr.Roger Lundquist,Applicant ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Dr.Roger Lundquist dated 05/10/06 2. Location Map 3. Plat of Survey 4. Photo,Existing Conditions STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve a variance to allow the applicant to replace the existing 6-foot high wood along the front property line with a 6-foot high cedar fence in accordance with the plans submitted. Background/Request A letter was received from Dr. Roger Lundquist who resides at 602 N. Green Street. Dr. Lundquist has an existing 6-foot high wood fence that is setback approximately 5' from the Green Street property line. The fence is in disrepair and he would like to replace it with a new 6-foot high cedar fence. The City's fence regulations state that a fence in a front yard must be setback 30' from the front property line,except that split rail fencing,not to exceed 42"in height, is allowed anywhere in a front yard. Staff has looked through the applicant's address file but cannot find any record of a permit or a variance being issued for the existing fence. In order to bring the site into compliance, Staff has requested and the applicant has agreed to apply for a variance to replace the fence. Analysis Upon review of this request, Staff has no concerns and would recommend approval of the variance. A fence in this location has existed for many years and has not posed any problems. Because of existing landscaping, the fence is well-screened from Green Street. Approving the variance would bring the property into compliance with the City's fencing regulations. MAY 10 2006 Joseph P.Napolitano B Y: ......... Director, Community Development City of McHenry May 10, 2006 Dear Mr. Napolitano, As per our conversation this morning, I am requesting a variance to the city's fence code in order to replace an existing 6 foot fence along the front of my property at 602 North Green Street which has fallen into disrepair and is not repairable. I understand that the city has no record of a permit for the present fence, which probably dates back to 1959 when Dr. Alvary built the house. Certainly,the fence was here prior to 1976 when my wife and I moved to McHenry. I have requested a permit for a 6 foot cedar replacement fence to be constructed by Aronson Fence Company where the old fence is. They will also remove the existing short fence on the south side of the property. A plat of survey was included with this permit application. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. Respectively yours, tRoer A. Luq , 'MAY r 2 �ry,.r3 ll�44rr111 PARCEL ONE LOT 1 IN ALTHOFF-S GREEN STREET RESUBDIVLSION,A RESUBDIVISION State of nunals NORTTf OF LOT I IN ALVARY'S SUBDNISION.AND BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF PART '' a�omaeJ OF THE NORTHEAST UARTER•OF SECTION 35 T county of YcXenry) t Q �TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, We, Koodvtocic Load Surveyors, Ina, P.C. do hereby RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,ACCORDING TO THE state that we have caused the above described property PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 16,1499 AS DOCUMENT N0. to be surveyed according to the found arttQetal monu- SCALS PLAT OF SURVEY. mantation and that the plat hereon drawn is a correct 1 lNCA EQUALS 40 FEET 1999ROO79276,IN MCHENRY COUNTY,ELLINOIS. The Woodstock Land Surveyors represeetion of said sur►ey. IBtf -PARCELTWO - - - - —' 14417 Washington Street At Woodstock, this day of Woodstock. Qlinou A-R. 2iki- i 1.• (615) 337-2626 LOT 2 IN ALTHOFF'S GREEN STREET RESUBDMSION,A RESUBDMSION Not individuany but or.Fbodstock Lend Surveyors, Ina, P.0 OF LOT I IN ALVARY'S SUBDIVISION AND BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF PART -- -Robert Z. Conway, Prosldant. OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35,TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, I111nols Professional Land Surveyor P5-2624 RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 16.1999 AS DOCUMENT NO. a T a 1999ROO79276,IN MCFIENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS, ti Parcel one y i LOT ���°} Mw14- I � � 4Z.ot2 sq•F�. . VI e - a 3 St38'S3'�'w J•+ cP - lr y _ dwt 4, QPY�.GI 'F viO 0 a4a' - �a-toy .,K. is L 0 T # �o2 N-Crreen Sl.. G8,4o? S • Z I .} twaaa tr4 s•- M�nM•II - q �. CY flf dfnv IQ�ar,n�J S � • 0 S5Z t�8 G Refer to ebstrae4 title and loosl ordinances for saa,�t�'ts"W additional easements and/or buUdWg restrictions- Compare aR points before using seme and.,at once. report any difference. No representation as to ownership, use or possession } should be hereon Implied Declaration Is hereby reserved and limited it is not Itransferrable. No underground lmpro►ements have been located or r..M.1 i e..cl M-11- 11 t .ram AGENDA SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks&Recreation For: May 22, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION To approve the purchase of a 30'x 40'cantilever shade structure for the Petersen Park Stage from Park&Recreation Supply, Inc., Union, IL in the amount of$13,827. BACKGROUND Staff has been working with several vendors in the design of a temporary stage cover for the Petersen Park stage to be used for special events and musical performances. Three companies have submitted proposals with design and costs for a structure and canopy to cover this 30'x 40'stage deck. The challenge on this project was to find a temporary cover and frame that could be assembled in a reasonable amount of time and effort,be functional for a variety of uses, be durable and attractive and fit into a small budget. The proposal submitted by Park and Recreation Supply, Inc., Union, IL is the design that is the most practical for our intended uses. This system can be installed by our staff, fits the existing stage area, does not require any major modification or change in the existing foundation, and is an attractive design. The framing for this structure breaks down into smaller sections for easy transport and storage. Our staff has experience with this type of shade structure. A similar canopy and frame was installed at the Knox Park Pool to cover the children's wading pool. Page 2 The FY 20o6/07 budget included $13,000 for the Petersen Park Stage purchase. The city has received community donations that can be applied to the purchase of this structure. Meijer Stores $10,000 Donation to Petersen Park Waterfront Development McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Donation in 20o6 Fiesta Budget for Petersen Park Improvements $ 2,000 Additional donations have been received by various organizations that have used Petersen Park for their special event activities. (Examples — Wonder Lake Winter Ski Team, Snowmobile Watercross, etc.) The Parks and Recreation committee reviewed the proposal from Park and Recreation Supply, Inc. along with other proposals at the May 11, 20o6 Committee Meeting. The committee recommendation was to approve the proposal from Park and Recreation Supply, Inc. in the amount of$13,827.00. Attachments: Park and Recreation Supply, Inc. Proposal Superior Shade Design — Illustration SUPERIOR ADEM ti SR ' RIDRSHADETM 00 Listen to the FACTS , PLAY COOLER! SUPERIOR SHADE'"' SHADE NE lNG FEATURES 10 year limited warranty * UV stabilized high density polyethyl ASTM 84. Blocks up to 97% harmful UV rays " Provides up to 91% shade Canp. 15 degrees cooler than conventions eel roofs ;�ii;val Fire rating NFPA 701 P' W Nr� �y M * Mlldew ai � t 'Y. Quickly Remove, Adjust 80% water repellent "�L- or Re-Install Canopies * Fabric breaths allowing hot air to rise and escape in case of unusually creating a cool cushion underneath severe weather Provides hail protection * Available in a wide variety of colors New Revolutionary Patent Pending * Will not sag or loosen over time - due to a process Glide Elbow called stentering, fabric memory will keep it looking new SUPERIOR SHADE m STRUCTURAL STEEL FEATURES * Engineered to withstand 80-150 miles per hour wind, depending on requirements * Meets uniform building codes ASTM A-36, A-53, A500, A513, and A-569. * Custom design for superior strength * Durable and corrosion resistant Steel Structure: Ten year limited warranty against failure due to corrosion and deterioration. Bolts: Shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A307 and A325. Tensioning Cable: Shall conform to ASTM A-603. Terms: We require a deposit at the time the Purchase Agreement is signed. The remaining balance is due according to the terms in the agreement. Shipping: All freight charges are FOB Carrollton, Georgia U.S.A. Freight charges are not included in the selling price. Warranty: Superior Sha'd'e products are warranted +- 'the original purchaser against defects in workmansh cind material for 6p to ten years. This warranty is TEAM REIL A4T4 ar a&We, limited:and does not cover shade units that have be Mike Cederlund exposed to excessive wear and tear, vice President Please;contact your repreSentatfve Or the factory 17421 Marengo Rd. ><ar c© pfete`nrarrarA deiaif union, IL 60180 x� v w Phone: 888-GET-REIL " ! •1 " $? ,.r+3a ' iai3s " ryI e Cell: 815-482-2513 Fax: 815-923-4303 Email: Mike@getreil.com Park&Recreation suOPiy • REIL Construction • IPS Recreatron r AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Doug Maxeiner,City Administrator FOR: May 22,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for additional funding for the musical entertainment at the Jaycees Day Fourth of July Celebration Aac mound. As the City Council is aware, the city, in conjunction with the McHenry Area Jaycees, provides a fireworks celebration on or near the 4t' of July each year that includes a musical component. Historically, this component has consisted of a DJ providing the sound system and music before, during and after the fireworks display. The cost for the DJ has been approximately$2,500 and has been paid by the Jaycees. This cost is in addition to the cost of the fireworks display(2006 cost is$20,000 with$10,000 from city and$10,000 from the Jaycees). An Director Merkel submitted a request to the Administration Department to consider contributing an additional$1,000 towards the provision of a live band to perform before and after the fireworks display scheduled for Saturday, July 1, 2006. The live band would not play during the actual fireworks display. Instead, a set program of recorded music choreographed to the fireworks would be played similar to prior years. The band selected is a popular local Jimmy Buffet tribute band called"Pirates Over 40." They have offered their services for the event at the cost of$1,000, a cost significantly below their typical rate of$1,500 to $2,000 for similar shows. The cost of the sound system— approximately $2,500 — would remain the responsibili ty of the Jaycees. The Parks and Recreation Department budget includes $36,000 for special events including $1,000 for new special events. While approval of the $1,000 cost for the band would fall within the authority of the City Administrator,the utilization of a band is a significant change in service for the Independence Day program. Consequently, the item is being referred to the City Council for consideration. A memorandum from Director Merkel is attached explaining the request more fully. In addition, a performance contract is included for the band. One unanswered question is how a rain date will be handled. The inclement weather clause in the contract is not sufficient for the city's needs and should be amended to include a rain date provision. Recommendation. Staff is of the opinion that this band will be a highly popular addition to the 4 of July festivities and is supportive of the request. As such, staff requests authorization to hire the band"Pirates Over 40"to play before and after the Jaycees fireworks display on July 1, 2006, for the cost of $1,000 contingent upon amending the contract to secure favorable rain date provisions. MEMORANDITM To: Bill Hobson, Management Assistant for Com From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks &Recreation nrty Relations Re: Entertainment for Fireworks Display Date: May 2, 2006 Attached to this memo is a band contract for entertainment on the night Fireworks Display. The band "Pirates Over 40" is a local Jimmy Buffet Tribute that has been a g t of the approached by the McHenry Area Jaycees to perform before and after the Fireworks Display on Saturday, July 1, 2006. In previous years the Jaycees had budgeted $2,500.00 for sound system and DJ se to provide musical entertainment prior to the fireworks and for amplified muses choreographed to the pyrotechnic display. c This year the Jaycees have increased the audio production budget to $3,500-00 to accommodate a performance band and additional sound equipment for the fireworks musical production. The Jaycees on the Fireworks Committee have asked the City to assist in the cost o the improved sound system and musical entertainment. They have committed additional $1,000.00 for sound production and would n request our contribution to cov the cost of the band. er The contract amount is below the $1,500-$2,000 rate typically charged b the ban They have expressed a strong interest to perform in McHen y d' s lead sin is a McHenry resident). The sound equipment will be provi ed(by a professional onal auger firm and they will not have to incur travel costs. dio Page 2 The Parks and Recreation budget ffi includes funds an sufficient funds in this for special events account to pay for this entertainment. d there are As you recall one of the highest rated family activities in our Needs Assessment were concerts in the park. I believe providin Survey fireworks will help make this the best show in the Northwe t Subu ben ntertainment at the If you have any further questions, please contact me at my office. NOTE: I can contact Ron Bombs regarding the rain date clause for the Fireworks Contract— Sunday, July 2, 2006 ks Attachments: Pirates Over 40 — Schedule PIRATES OVER 40 815-344-6410 piratesover40@yahoo.com www.piratesover4O.com ARTIST ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT This contract made for services of entertainment,this date:April 29,2006 between(the ARTIST):Pirates Over 40 (the PURCHASER):City of McHenry/Fireworks d It is hereto agreed to that PURCHASER hereby engages ARTIST and ARTIST hereby agrees to perform said engagement,and to be bound by all terms and conditions set forth herein. 1.Place of engagement:Peterson Park,McHenry,IL 2.Date of engagement: Saturday,July 1,2006 3. Times: 7 PM to 9 PM,9:30 PM to? 4. Wage:$1000.00 Deposit: 0 Balance: $1000.00 All payments shall be paid in CASH,unless hereby noted as follows:Check Acceptable (a)Wage,as above,shall be paid by PURCHASER to ARTIST upon completion of engagement. (b) In the event a deposit is required, deposit shall be paid by the PURCHASER to the ARTIST no later than: 5. Sound provided by:Purchaser 5a.Lights provided by:Purchaser 6.Equipment load in:5 PM 6a.Load out:After show 6b.Sound check: 6 PM 7. Special Provisions and Additional Requirements: See Weather Addendum Addendum must be signed for contract to be considered valid. S.ARTIST'S obligation are hereunder subject to prevention by sickness,accident,acts of God,labor disputes,or any other cause beyond control of ARTIST. (a)Recording,reproduction,or transmission if ARTIST'S performance is prohibited without written consent. (b)ARTIST reserves the right to cancel engagement with reasonable notice. (c)ARTIST is not an employee of PURCHASER,and executes this contract as an independent contractor. 9.All rider(s)attached are herein made a part of this contract. This agreement may not be changed or altered except by an instrument in writing by both parties. 10.Commencement of engagement is deemed to be an acceptance of all terms stated herein by PURCHASER and ARTIST. WE ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFIRM THAT WE HAVE READ AND APPROVE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT: PURCHASER:Pete Merkel ARTIST:Ron Combs Signature: Signature: Phone#: Date:4/29/06 Please mail a signed copy of this agreement to PIRATES OVER 40,216 Inverness Trail,McHenry,IL 60050 within seven days.Please keep a copy for your records. Please make all checks payable to Ron Combs. Pirates Over 40 Contract Addendum Inclement Weather: Purchaser agrees to pay a minimum of 50% of contract price due to cancellation of show due to inclement weather. If Pirates Over 40 is supplying sound for event, and sound equipment set up has began, Purchaser agrees to pay the full price set forth in this contract. Sound equipment set up starts no later than two hours before show time. If Purchaser is providing sound, and Pirates Over 40 performs any song of any regular set, Purchaser agrees to pay the full contracted price. Purchaser: Artist: Ron Combs Signature: Signature: Date: � a-g 0 Date: /' L AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko,Director of Public Works FOR: May 22,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: - Public Works Garage LUST Remediation Background. At the April 21,2003 Regular City Council Meeting,the City Council approved Baxter&Woodman's proposal for the installation and operation of equipment to remediate soil contamination at the Public Works Garage from a leaking underground storage tank(LUST). Baxter& Woodman submitted a corrective action plan and budget for the fuel recovery to the IEPA for their approval. The ori ginal IEPA approved budget was $232,866.75, for which the City authorized a budget of$290,000.00. The Council may recall that once the $10,000 deductible has been satisfied, all of the expenditures for the remediation are refundable from the Illinois LUST fund. Analysis. This past year, due to the extent of the contamination at the site, Baxter and Woodman submitted a revised budget to the IEPA for an additional $161,252.50 to continue remediation of the Public Works Garage LUST site. When added to the original approved budget,the proposed cumulative budget will be $451,252.50. The IEPA has authorized the proposed budget amendment; therefore staff seeks to increase the City budget by an additional $161,252.50. The City has been reimbursed$81,252.66 to date from the State's LUST Fund.The remainder of the outstanding costs is expected to be reimbursed as well. This item was omitted from the 2006/07 budget request. Consequently, staff is requesting an increase in the budget for the Street Division in the amount of$161,252.50 offset by an increase in reimbursements in the General Fund for the same amount. Recommendation. Staff recommends an increase in the 2006/07 expenditure budget in the amount of$161,252.50 for additional remediation services at the Public Works Garage and an increase in the reimbursements revenue line item of the General Fund for the same amount. Oat The Consent Agenda for the May 22, 2006 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 24,Trees, Shrubs, and Noxious Growth; B. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 23,Article V relating to Infrastructure Maintenance Fee; C. Final pay request from Rail Construction, Inc. for playground renovations at Kiwanis Tot Lot, Lakeland Park and Center Street Parks, $18,142.20; D. Picnic Permit Request; E. May 15, 2006 City Council meeting minutes; F. As Needed Checks; and G. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: May 22,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Ordinance Amending the City of McHenry Municipal Code Chapter 24,Trees, Shrubs and Noxious Growth Applicant: City of McHenry ATTACHMENT: Ordinance amending Chapter 24, of the Municipal Code, Trees, Shrubs and Noxious Growth,to address parkway trees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapter 24, of the Municipal Code,Trees,Shrubs and Noxious Growth,to address parkway trees. Background On April 10, 2006 the City Council approved amendments to Chapter VIII of the Zoning Ordinance, Landscaping and Screening. Certain language in those amendments had to do with trees planted in parkways, such as size, species and location. To ensure consistency between this new language and Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code, an amendment is necessary. The attached ordinance amends the language in Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code so that permitted species,spacing,and planting locations are consistent with the new language in the Zoning Ordinance and the Technical Specifications Manual in the Subdivision Code. ORDINANCE NO. MC-06- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY MUNICIPAL CODE, TREES, SHRUBS, AND NOXIOUS GROWTH BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 24-1, of Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Sec. 24-1. Street Tree Defined. A "Street Tree/Parkway Tree" is defined herein so as to include trees growing or to be planted between property lines on either side of all streets, avenues,boulevards, alleys or other public ways within the City. SECTION 2: That Section 24-3 of Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Sec. 24-3. Permitted street tree species. No tree species other than the small tree, medium tree and large tree species, as specified in Section I, Parkway Trees, of Chapter T-1, Street and Right-of Way Improvements, of the Technical Specifications Manual and Standard Details of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance, may be planted as street trees/parkway trees unless permission to do so has been previously given by the City Council. SECTION 3: That Sections 24-5 through 24-8 of Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code shall be deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: Sec. 24-5. Spacing. Spacing of street trees shall be as specified in Section I, Parkway Trees, of Chapter T-1, Street and Ri t-of Way Improvements, of the Technical Specifications Manual and Standard Details of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. Sec. 24-6. Planting distance from curb and sidewalk. Shall be as specified in Section 1, Parkway Trees, of Chapter T-1, Street and Right-of Wav Improvements, of the Technical Specifications Manual and Standard Details of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. Sec. 24-7. Distance from street corners and fire plugs. Shall be as specified in Section I, Parkway Trees, of Chapter T-1, Street and Right-of Wav Improvements, of the Technical Specifications Manual and Standard Details of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. 1 Sec. 24-8. Distance from utilities. Shall be as specified in Section I, Parkway Trees, of Chapter T-1, Street and Right-of WU Improvements, of the Technical Specifications Manual and Standard Details of the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. SECTION 4: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5: All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF 52006 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2006 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 2 CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steve Shields, Finance Director FOR: May 22nd, 2006 Regular Meeting RE: Amendment to Municipal Code Article V - Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee RECOMMENDATION: Delete Article V of the Municipal Code entitled "Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee" and replaced with the Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax at 1%, that went into effect January 1, 2004. Background: Per State Statutes, effective January 1, 1998, a Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee ("IMF") could be implemented by municipalities. A municipality with a population of 500,000 or less could have imposed a maximum municipal fee of 1% on all gross charges billed to service addresses in the municipality. As such, Ordinance MC-97-690 was passed on November 5, 1997, by the City Council creating a Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee. Analysis: In June 2001, the Illinois Supreme Court held that the IMF Act to be unconstitutional and effective January 1, 2003, local municipalities could no longer impose the tax. Per the Illinois Department of Revenue ("IDOR'), an effective date of July 22, 2003, was used by which a municipal government must file an ordinance to: 1) Impose a tax rate for Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax, or 2) Change their existing rate for Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax. If a local government did not pass an ordinance effective July 22, 2003, the IDOR used the current IMF rate in existence at that time for the implementation of the Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax rate, which for the City of McHenry was 1%. Although the IDOR implemented the 1% tax, per review of the Municipal Code, Article V, Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee, was never repealed and replaced with the Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax rate. As a "housekeeping" measure and to codify the existing 1% municipal telecommunications tax rate an ordinance was prepared,which is attached. Ordinance No. MC-06- An Ordinance Amending Chapter 23 of the City of McHenry Municipal Code, Article V. Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee Within the City of McHenry, Illinois SECTION 1: That Article V of the Municipal Code entitled "Municipal Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance Fee" shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: "See.23-44.Article V. Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax. A tax is hereby imposed in accordance with the provisions of 35 ILCS 636 upon the privilege of originating and receiving telecommunications and on retailers engaged in the business of transmitting such telecommunications as prescribed by the State of Illinois Department of Revenue effective January 1, 2004, which states that any/all repealment of municipal telecommunications tax ordinance shall result in the automatic implementation of a simplified municipal telecommunications tax. The tax shall be at a rate of one percent (1 Such tax shall be collected by the Illinois Department of Revenue for the City in accordance with 35 ILCS 636. Sec.44-54. Reserved." SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this day of , Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Not Voting: Abstaining: Absent: Signed: Mayor Attest: City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks &Recreation For: May 22, 20o6 Regular City Council Meeting STAFF RECOMMENDATION To approve the final payment request from Reil Construction, Inc. in the amount of $18,142.20 for the playground renovations at Kiwanis Tot Lot, Lakeland Park and Center Street Park. 3D Design Studio has recommended approval of the final payment request. BACKGROUND The City of McHenry approved a contract with Reil Construction, Inc., Union IL for the renovation of three playground sites. The project was administered by 3D Design Studio, Grayslake, IL. 3D Design was responsible for the design, preparation of specifications and construction management. Renovation work began in March at the three locations, Kiwanis Tot Lot, Lakeland Park and Center Street Park. All work was completed in late April before the scheduled contract completion date of May 26, 20o6. A final site inspection was completed on May 2, 20o6 with a small punch list identified for corrective measures. These items are being completed and will be inspected before the payment is released. Final payment request has been submitted in the amount of $18,142.20. The total for this playground renovation project is $120,942.00. The original contract approved by the city was $12o,670.00 on January 9, 20o6. The change order was required for the removal and replacement of concrete curbing at Kiwanis Tot Lot in the amount of$500.00. Attachments: Reil Construction, Inc. — Final Application and Certificate for Payment/Waiver of Leins 3D Design Studio — Final Inspection Report &Recommendation /Pete/2oo6 Consent Agendas/final Payment to Reil ED APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G702 PAGE ONE OFF 2 PA ES APR Z 8 �D TO OWNER: City of McHenry PROJECT: Tot Lot Playgrounds APPLICATION NO: 3 Distribution to: 333 S.Green St. Phase I PERIOD TO 4/25/06 ® OWNER McHenry,IL 60050 McHenry,IL 60050 PROJECT NOS: 18350 ® ARCHITECT ® CONTRACTOR FROM CONTRACTOR: REIL CONSTRUCTION, INC. VIA ARCHITECT: 3D Design CONTRACT DATE: 1/20106 ❑ 17421 MARENGO RD 529 Barron Blvd. ❑ UNION, IL 60180 Grayslake, IL 60030 CONTRACT FOR: Tot Lot Playgrounds-Phase I CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has111 been Continuation Sheet,AIA Document G703, is attached. completed in accordance with the Contract Documents,that all amounts m/./ paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for (e /�''�•,,� issued and payments form the Owner, and the current payment s rein is 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM......................$ 120,442.00 riovi� ' due. 'C� CAP15 n r_& 2. Net change by Change Orders...................$500.00 CO NT C' C W: .7 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE(Line 1 t 2).......$ 120,942.00 =� B Date: 4/25/06 " . 4. TOTAL COMPLETED&STORED TO DATE..$ 120,942.00 ate of: Illinois s ''�., �L L 1140` (Column G on G703) Country of:me this McHenry �,,�, ,� 5. RETAINAGE: a. 0% of Completed Work $ 0.00 Subscribed sworn to before OFFICIAL SEAL (Column D+E on G703) me this 25 day of April,2006 WENOY L SCHADLE b. 0% of Stored Material $ 0.00 NOTARY rYP$SI -STATE E 11/1� (Column F on G703) MY Notary Public: Total Retainage(Line 5a+5b or My Commission expire 1/14/09 Total in Column I of G703)....................$ 0.00 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE...........$ 120,942.00 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and the 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT data comprising this application,the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best (Line 6 from prior Certificate)......................$ 102,799.80 of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated,the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents,and 8. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE.......................$ 18,142.20 the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE AMOUNT CERTIFIED .................................................$ . Z� (Line 3 less Line 6) $ 0.00 (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for. Initial all figures on this Application and on the Continuation Sheet that are changed to CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS conform to the amount certifie .) Total changes approved in previous $0.00 $0.00 ARCHITECT: By: Date: 166 months b Owner This Certif is not otiab he AMOUNT CERTIFIED is p able o y to the Total approved this Month $500.00 $0.00 Contractor named sin. Issuance, payment, and acceptance of payment are TOTALS $500.00 $0.00 NET CHANGES by Change Order $500.00 without prejudice td any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AIA DOCUMENT G702•APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT• 1992 EDITION •01992•THE AMERICAN INSTITUE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C. 20006-5292•WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal pros ' n. CAUTION:You should use an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may oc ur wh n do are reproduced. /i J 7Trk,)"& Contractor: Project: Tot Lot Playgrounds -Phase I McHenry, IL Application Number: 003 REIL Construction, Inc. Project: 18350 Application Date: 04/25/06 Period To: 04/25/06 CONTINUATION SHEET G703 A B C D E F G H I Item Description of Work Scheduled WORK COMPLETED Materials Total Completed % Balance to Retainage Value From Prev. This Period Presently and Stored Finish (C-G) Application Stored To Date (Not in DorE) Base Bid SITE WORK 1 Earthwork and Removals $ 10,600.00 $ 10,600.00 $ - $ - $ 10,600.00 100% $ - $ - 2 Tree Protection Fence $ 760.00 $ 760.00 $ - $ - $ 760.00 100% $ - $ - 3 Restoration/Seeding $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 $ - $ 3,000.00 100% $ - $SITE FURNISHINGS 4 Purchase and Install Benches/Footings $ 3,720.00 $ - $ 3,720.00 $ - $ 3,720.00 100% $ - $ - PLAYGROUND 5 Purchase/Deliver-Lakeland Playgrnd $ 17,887.00 $ 17,887.00 $ - $ - $ 17,887.00 100% $ - $ - 6 Install-Lakeland Playground $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ - $ - $ 7,200.00 100% $ - $ - 7 Purchase/Deliver-Kiwanis Playground $ 14,288.00 $ 14,288.00 $ - $ - $ 14,288.00 100% $ - $ - 8 Install-Kiwanis Playground $ 5,700.00 $ 5,700.00 $ - $ - $ 5,700.00 100% $ - $ - 9 Purchase/Deliver-Center St.Playgrnd $ 18,549.00 $ 18,549.00 $ - $ - $ 18,549.00 100% $ - $ - 10 Install-center St.Playground $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ - $ - $ 7,500.00 100% $ - $ - 11 6"x 8" Poured in Place Concrete Curb $ 1,121.00 $ 1,121.00 $ - $ - $ 1,121.00 100% $ - $ - 12 Concrete Ramps $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ - $ - $ 1,500.00 100% $ - $ - 13 Wood Mulch, Gravel&Filter Fabric $ 25,004.00 $ 25,004.00 $ - $ - $ 25,004.00 100% $ - $ - 14 4"Pert. HDPE Drain Pipe w/filter Sock $ 2,013.00 $ 2,013.00 $ - $ - $ 2,013.00 100% $ - $ - 15 4"Solid HDPE Drain Pipe w/filter Sock $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ - $ - $ 1,100.00 100% $ - $ - 16 Gravel Pit at Center St.Playground $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ 500.00 100% $ - $ - Change Order#001 Additional of concrete curb remova and additional 21 If of concrete curb 1* installation $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ 500.00 100% $ - $ - CONTRACT TOTAL $ 120,942.00 $ 114,222.00 $ 6,720.00 $ 1 $ 120,942.00 1 100% $ - $ - F{OVAL WAIVER STATE()FILiJNC)IS ' COUIYTYOFY 5 f ,�; ,..��. rya,�; .•. . ?. .; , TOV11 bm iT MAYCONC WNEARAS ttie yndersigned has been employed by City of McHenry to fumish Three Playgrounds for the prt;mtses known ftumcHenN'Tot Lots' Phase i-ldv his Park lakeland Park Center St.Park.McHenry 1L 60050V+ `whicfi we. ..� �, ,ry ti r as wr M ✓ti" � °.u. !� '� City of y,76H—61VTtiis'the gwner . , ;Yr z a . , , • : ° r . .w re ti a. r'+rf txa a1i THE undersigned,for`and in consideration of Eighteen Thousand One Hundred Potty-Two Dotlars and 201100 (� 18.142: 0' Dollars"and'other good and,valuable considerations,the rcicelpt whereo f is hereby acknowietlgeci��does hereby'waive and release any and aQ lien or claim of,or right to,i[eh under the'statutes of the State of tlimo[ ,'"r� r�1to w f material flxhires apparatusr machinery famished,and on the moneys, and the improvements thereon, g�!' i��*�' mate ak-li I[ir ax 'account, = e s,funds or other considerations .r ns with respect to and on said above-described 'due from the owner Pn account of labor services,matenad}fixtures,apparatus or machinery,fufrnstlet [� date by" rkwq ,,Wr •,a� i, n. , r r k ':r 1 .K 1 5 v I ." 5+ ?F •�,�. undersigned for the yabove-desoribed premises Q ✓xsyy.�nY{+`.s�,�" "'6rtp5'',Jr.h.,+n'4`° ry44,,t r'" I,'1d ,4p.Y'^ ,f7' .; ? J, i i.°t.;• '.' ,�+t'" �4,." f Ytwu" .ut.v"..le; 'n r °gyp u S c..,rH'I Y.,"ter"„�"± Iw 4r�, an v. +Gdven under My:nil hand Trm Cederlun this day of Aprit .20 "�wY� •iAy r >M �':.,M iYI � vim.T '.�.,..2 r C rt,F h.: ti«'/`" 5 & - �'``' ,-".p ii h'° Mr y ����` 4 7 v �� dw v p +, rr ds', $A V$ ', -�i y 'S ! r C� v�M��u Y kA a I� 4°♦1✓_ a '� fw r r r n ;a bz s'a a " � 1 ♦ f ♦ a + r p ` '��y,W � ^�'t w �• ����� .. .: .-..i,y. 1...•,, _F.�, �, f. ~ r 4° { i��� ������i �i1, e,`+,'', �; ?.e ;x, Nk> -„ '<f Pw a r 4r j � ''4 R ;^ k}+ } f.^..Mi f'y �',%4 ✓�� �` �� Q4� ;",r �' y, NOTE:,A�1 Waivers must be for the full amount paid. t duet is for a corporation,co rate name should be �I�m��' . corporate seal affixed and title of officer signing ershould be set:forth;if wanner is for a partnership,the�artnershlp —_n na a should be'bsed ahouid 1 a ,rr f S 6an 4`. R +.+ ....,JS.. ....M+c9..4. ff.lk wt",. .. ,. y '• t- A R " ,:'ds�' 1 ! x CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT t4 F ILLiNOIS, STATE O - COUNTY C IkHENRY TC)WHQAfI 1T MAX t ONdERAi*�.R, E gndersigned,being duty swum,deposes and says that he is Tim Cederlund Treasurer of' 'REtL•.. Ccinst'" 'i1":Inc"" ho is tf a corttaac6orfor the Plea ground 4 workon the buiid'ing located at*cHenr Tot l o s Phase 1 WWanrs Park Ladceland Park,Center St Park. McNeil lL 60050 owned City of McHenry That the total G�~'. amount Qfthe coritractlncludin extras rs$ i20.942.00 on which helsfie has reoeNed'pa ent of$ 'F02.799.8 pilot 9 to this payment That ail waivers are true,correct and genuine and deGvenrd„unconditionatty and thak there[s 11,0 claim either, legal orµeguitable to defeat the validity of said waivers. That the following are the names of all parties v�itq have fumislied matenat of labor of bath;for said work'and atl"parties having contracts or sub"contracts,for spec[fi�c porfians of said worm or for matenai entenrig into'the cionstructieon thereof and ttie arraou t due fo each,°and that the rtems mentioned include'all labor acid materials' aired to`com to said work acxordin "to" clans NAMES WHAT FOR- CONTRACT AMOUNT <'tHIS',' BALANCE'" PRIG . s P E A1D, PA►YMEN1' REIL Consbvction Inc SiteWork. $38 970.00 $25,639.30 $13,330.70 $0.00 Parka&Recreation'Supply,'Inc Equipment 53,307.00 50,724.00 2,583.00 0,00 Herrera Construction Install` 22 285.00 20,056.50 2228.50 0.00 lPS Retxeaaor[' Inc.'' SafetySurfacing6,380.00 6,380.00 0.00 0.00 All material was taken from fully prepaid stock and'delivered to jobs site in our own vehicles and all labor has been fully pain in acxorclance with prevailing wage taws. TOTAL LABO AND MATTERIAL TO, $120,942 00 $102,799 80 $18#142 20 $0 QO .r'� ..4; ,r. 4",--F That therds are no other contracts for said work outstanding, and that there is nothing due or to become due t' any person for material,"labor or otkier work of'any'kind done orto be done upon"or in connection with said work other than above stated".` Signed this 25"' day of April,2006. fA Subscribedi and sworn to before me this 25—d of n 2006.ay .. OFfM SEAL S• re WeOY L SOW wRAW PU M o STATE Of ILLWpB w mAmo N p ml1fl41� k ,, z �• FIN)4 WAII%ER `,STi4TEoF�LflV01S f:OUNTYOMgiBY TONVHOMCI'N(AYO N n1 'WHEARAS the undersigned has been employed by Ci " of McNennr to furnish Three Playgrounds for the premises known as ci eniy Tot Lays Phase I l0wanis Park:A akWand Park`Center St. Park McHenry `1L 60050 ofwhich�Ci of F.14 THE undersigned,for and'in consideration of Thirteen Thousand Three iiundTed Ttiii y Doltafs and 70/10Q ($ 1333 and other good'and valuable consideratbris the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does hereby valve and release an and all lien or,claim:of,or nghf`lta� en ;under the statutes of the State oF,tiinois;4reiating to l p em y mechanics'Dens,with respect to and on said above-descnbec remises,and the�mprovemerrts thereon;anc �q'f ,',�r matenat,factures,apparatus or machinery furnished,and on the moneys,funds`or'other considerations � due from ths owner)on account of labor seances, mated fatures,5 ap ararus or machiner�r fumishec o : R i' h4fl+FF 1 kfl ,i h +�^ iRi' pa ,•. y¢ �5'. undersigneed forthe wave-ciescnbed premises � = a r nr« r N er t r v'"Yas of 15: a" _t f u�-'9 s�f',s`" i rrirk : �+y r •" I a 4 s q v�rd xi is m srrr r t ` " 10 ' ., � p v" Gn►en under My ` band Tirn Cederlund and o is 25' aay Z,771f Aont ray r r�� ^ -;' ^sV^M' v. �#wn'f' r a`s,YC'+�„ p+z,.'�Cl •a S+ y.�i, :. !t S.,'Y 4;r�J:^r .:. o- su-;, +i<ti +5. A- z rr a r - '~t �, ifi :. ,-•-:� a e w , k I .+v q'igri. �7ry�,,/��+, x; » „6. ..{ NOTE Ail waivers must be for,ttie full amount pa waiver is fora corporation,corporate name should 6 +lt,t��r``t corporate seal affixed and htie pf officer sig + .waiver should be set forth.if waiver is for a partnership,the partnerst�lp na should be used w�artner should.... N�,I11 ���{�s me ^"f W',.! .. M;.{——P" •,"` t .yin 'r,�+.N+'°'i 4a, i .t}w, e+A 4 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAW STATE OF ILLIN, COUNTY OF MCHENRY TO IiVH0M tT MAY C",0 CER V THE undersigned;,tieing duty swomk deposes and says that, it Tim Cederiund Treasurer of L REIL Constriction. Ind who Is the contractor for the,Pia`ygroundwork on the building located at McHenry Tot Lots,Phase 1-Kiwanis Park,Lakeland Park:Center§t 'Park McHen' IL 66656 owned by City of McHenry: "That the total,'amount of the contract mduding a cbbas is 8 970.00 on which he has received _, , �,�..,. payment of 25 63g.30 prior to this payment. That ail waivers are true,correct and genuine and delivered unconditio"natty and that there is no claim either legal or equitable to defeat the validity of said.waivers That the following are the names, of aCI parties who have furnished(material of tabor of both, for said work"and all parties having contracts or suti°contracts" ; for specrfc portions of said work or for material.entering into the constr41cdon thereof and the amount1 due tQ each,anQ that the items inentianed'inc�ude all.iabb�and`materials r aired to Iete "said work according to plans,an s'ecifications:' NAMES WHAT FOR CONTRACT AMOUNT THlS; ; BALANCE PRICE PAID PAYMENT : DUE. ' REIL Construction,Inc. Site Work $38,970 00 $25,639.30 $13,330.70 $0.00 . TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIAL TO $38,970.00 , $25,639.30 $13,330.70 $0.00 COMPLETE That there are no other contracts for said work outstanding, and that there is nothing due or to become due to any person for material, labor or other work of any kind done or to be done upon or in connection with said work other than above Si ne` g d this 25"' day of rg,2006. Subscribed and swom to before me this 2e da 006. nature:'` OFFM WlOY L01, NOrx"PUM C=STATE OF Lt.M1016, W C0iMi1 S10N E RE$11l it Y as s^ FINAL WAIVER STATEOF 00UNTY0FiMCI>IB4RY TO WFIOM iT MAY CONCER<`k g WHEARA$the undersi red has been employed by REiL Constriction Inc:to furnish E` w men for the premises known as McHenry Tot toys Phase I-'I iwanis Park.=Lakeland Park Center St Park McHenN iL 6Q054 of whictCifir of, `i EnW rAa`. r,n;.+ >, ^ �YY »•Y, d'''tn! ,*Rr,& c 1M„k"t t w r9,{ r'd!a cHen �3,the awper, Po, m.«4 rra; W � yb 1v ty1, : " THE'underslgned,for and in consideration+ Two Thousand Fivelundred Eiphf='I`hree Dollars and 00/100 Dollars,and other good and valuable considerad6hs,,the.receipt whereof is hereby acknowtetlged,does, ereby viraive and refeas"'any and all lien or claim of, or right to,lien, under the statutes of the State of llbnois,;relating to mecfianics"liens,wrth'tespect to and on said.above-described premises, an tl the improvements`'thereon, apd on the` „ , ' material,fixtures, apparatus or machinery furnished,and on the moneys,funds or•other considerations due or to become due from the owner,z on account of labol services,material,fixtures apparatus or machinery,famished to this'date by the undersigned for the above-described premises } ..i,5 Y', 'i .:t 3, ur +'i•F4 1 ? ht C 1 +wax c i r ww, .y}rr..x.= ?. * '6• .v "kG Given antler My nand " Lintla Neff and seal` on this 25�' day of, n 20Q6 4 t r P sta W r z ox t s t ! r * � ' «. aau^' T�� and a f ! z r 1 s dir '4p r7 i ,Y°� .�y. MNOTE:All waivers must be;for the fun amount paid if waiver's r a coiporation,corporate name should be used, car orate seal affixed antl We of officer signing wanrershould be set forth�:f waiver is fora partnership;the partnership namestiouid be used,paiier should sign and designate himself partner KW r t , *, d' z .. CONTRACTOWS'AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLiNOiS A COUNT e OF'MCHENRY TO yVHQIVi 1T MAYy,CO NCERN ' 7. THE undersigned heir du swo�rt de ses and saY is ... Po�,,,, . ys#�etfhe Linda"tVeff, , Secre" Park&Recreation Supoiy: Inc wha is the contractor for the Eauiament work, on the building 1666ted`at McHenry Tot Lots. Phase i Ktwanis Park. Lakeland Park.Center St Park"McHenni IL'60050 owned by Cit)/''of MaHennr. That the total amount of the contract,including extras is$53,307.00 on which he,has received payment of 54 724 00'prior to this'payment+ That ail waivers are true,correct and genuine and delivered unconditionally and that there is no claim either legal oc equitable to defeat;the validity of said waivers. That the following are the names of an parties wro have famished material of labor of both,far said work and all parties having contracts or sub contracts for specific portions of„. said work or for material entering into the,canstruction thereof antl the amount due to each;and that the items mentioned , ude all labor and;malenais` uired.ta com said"work acco"rdin .ta tans ands NAMES WHAT FOR; CONTRACT AMOUNT - THlS. BALANCE k' PRICE PAID PAYMENT DUE' k Park&Recreation Supply,Inc. Equipment $53,307.00 $50,724.00 $2,583.00 '" $0.00` , TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIAL TO $53,307.00 $50,724 00 $2,583.0,0 $0 00 COMPLETE: That^there are no other,contracts.for said work,outstanding,and that there is nothing due or,to become due to any person cto �.' for matenal labor or other work of any kind done or to be gone upon or in connection with'said work:other than above ' Signed this 25°' day of Awl 2006. Signatu Subscribed and swom to before me this 2e day of April, 2006. Signature: . f>�FiC6At.$EAI. AIM 'L SCifMI F . Nai/1RX���p18TA?'i�OF tl�gl8 � �Yi 11' .1'I�INI011 FINAL'WANER STATEIWa11N01S QOUPffYOFAAChIV TO WHOMfCMAYCONCERR _ F n..y- , , H i r +.,;r V„>I i ar ., REIL WHEARAS 9 employed d kCivVanis Pa �C+antgr St Parka aka and Park hMcH eauiariient� for the e undeisi ned has been e y premises _m s McHenry Tot Lor1= enry IL 60050 of hri`Ix,''aax.n '3wrlo 7+1 +'•+s •r « .k.-''ram m a r yf y i r,^ »* r " �I 'Ciof Mceni " is the owner , : ,., THE'undersigned,for and in consideratto of=Two Thousand Two Hundred TwentwE i t Dollars and 5079 00 t ' {$ 228 50 ' ©otlars,and othe[goo 'and valuable considerations,the receipt whereof is hsreby acknowledged;does-° hereby waive and release any and all teen or clams off,or nght,to, lien,` underthe statutes of the State of Itilnors` relating to mechanics."ltens,'with respect to,and on'said above-described premiss,and the improvem:11ents thereon, and on ttie 4tLmateral,fixtures, apparatus or machinery fumished, and on,the moneys,funds or other considerations'due or to become due fromthe7ovmet on account oflabo�seRrnces,matenal,fixtures,apparatus or machinery,fiurrl�shed to this date by the undersigned'tor"#lieY abdve=lescrlbed premises. y t o M r f 'h..a=��ve ti `� Given untler M,y �iand Pau�tin�errera and seat' on thi 25 ' daft a �April 20Q6 � ;�v k! n i'ix k^4 °M,PM}"u•x akk'yA,i'�V YkrY `� > ' Fry sa "{ti't 4:''N : i 'ypx „„tr4,a,�s!` h Vx:i Y64, •wpaa ,{ �' a � t 4;vr,fr'N{` >trr47r ,k r q ".. . }kp' e s xr', :'+`�,, L+ri °'. `+^+�+" rk(w �ti'i iuGww men * Y"i tF'k tr Y, b q p r !'• L r 4're' Signature an� l k t ,4:,'�g r p + k S Aan`c v1 ,e.13`a''nr,'Xr�fv, ;�!,''3r'' ¢ •A,,tt:ew'n, a �rx9rem' NOTE All waivers must tie or the full amount paid .If waiver is for a corporation corporate name shouic be used, corporate seal affixed and,fitle of officer signing warier`should be set forth,,if waiver is for a partnership;the partnership iame'should be used,partner should sigh and designate to�'M!•se asJ r. q�ar 4i` �'VI1 ;i'``s'r +2v '• '"rrr���r�rrr r�rrrrarrr�rrrr�rarr�rsr�r�r�srrrrr��r��r rrrr4. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF,ILLINOIS „ ~COUNTY OF MCHENRY 10 Tffl WHOM THE undersigned,being duty swum,deposes and says that he is Paufin Herrera . Psident of'-Herrera iUwanis Park whoi the contractor the Jnstallatidn-L work on the building ioi ated at �McdHenry Tot L+ot`s�Phase fi , +;" r St. Paris Lakeland Park=McHenry IL 60650 ownihied by City of McHenry' That the total amount othe contract including extras is$ 22,285.00 on which he/she has nceived payment"of$ 20:056 50 prior try 1_1this; e�gal opt, That ait waivers" _ (id' " of sak!"waivets: That the foliovinri mare the'names of ail"artier'vviio have fumi me are tru$,correct and genuine and delivered upaondittonally avid that there is no claim eith material of labor of both,fo i unable to Defeat sty y g p he r said worst and ail parties having'contracts or subcontracts for`specific portions`of said work or forgmatenal entering into the construction thereof and the amount due to each,and that the items mentioned include all laborand rriatertats wired 'to c om late said work accoMin`to tans and s ns '�T-VVHAT.FOR CONTRACT " '�"AMGJi9NT ,'. ;,THIS."i' ,. BALANCE PRICE PAID"' PAYMEN t` t7ClE"" Herrera Construction° Installation $22,285.00 $20,056.50 $2,228.50 $0.00 y; , TOTAL LABOR AND,MATERIAL TO', $22,285.00 $20,056.50 $2,228,50 $0.00 COMPLETE That there are no other cotItracts for said work outstanding,and that there is nothing due or to become due to any person for material,labor or°cyther work of any kind done or`to be done upon or in connection witti said work other than above :•.stated' k . 1 `, � .*,,: Signed this 25' day of 'ril 2006. . Signature: Subscribed and swom to before me this 25"' day of Aorit•2006. Signature: -- ---------- re Ylt1l bsnti WTAW PJ •8fAT t�F!<,LIMOIS t►ar COr«�iNS8i0rt 1 tnvDe r9 5/4/2006 4:18 PM FROM: 30 Design Stud-09 TO: +1 (815) 363-3186 PAGE: 002 OF 002 3D Design Studio 529 Barron Boulevard Grayslake, Illinois 60030 Phone(847)223-1891 4io Fax(847)223-1892 PUNCH LIST MEETING MINUTES PROJECT: Tot Lots Renovation Project ATTENDING: Pete Merkel, City of McHenry Tim Cederlund, REIL Construction, Inc. Craig Most, 3D Design Studio DATE: May 2, 2006 The following outlines items discussed and decisions reached during our meeting. Please let me know if anything needs clarification or revision. Tim shall provide letter of playground approval by manufacturer to the City of McHenry and 3D Design Studio as soon as possible. All seed restoration shall be put on a watch list until proper germination has occurred. Seeding shall be accepted once it meets "Seeding Section 3.05 Acceptance" from the project manual. In addition, The Contractor shall rake up and remove all stones, concrete and wood chips from grass areas at all park sites. • The bench attachment at Center Street Playground shall be tightened. • Tim will provide the City with a cost and options to bridge between decks where the netting is currently located on the Center Street structure. • The curb along the south edge of Kiwanis Playground shall be saw cut to remove excess concrete material. • At Kiwanis, the Contactor to install additional topsoil to the top edge of the curb where settling has occurred and shall seed as specified. • The drain pipe at Kiwanis and Lakeland shall be cut by the contactor to taper and match existing grade. Final Pay Request has been submitted for payment to the City. Upon completion of the items listed above City will release the check for final payment. Cc:All attendees; Tom Schmidt, City of McHenry; Dan Dalziel, 30 Design Studio. January 9, 2006 , Page 5 Marcinko informed Council the .gravity belt thickener is anon-budgeted item required by the IEPA. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wimmer, to approve Staffs request fo,waive bid :.requirements .and :purchase a gravity-:belt. thickener from J<omline-Sanderson for the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in an amount not.to exceed $155,00.0, .Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. noting Nay: None. , .. Absent ' None,. Motion carried.... AWARD 'OF $1D TO't RE1L CONSTRUCTION ING FOR RENOVATIONS t0"CENTE STREET. p�►R MCHENRY IMANIS TOT LOY ANi� EWELAND� PARK. IN" THEE k AMOUNT OF$120,670 "Directorof. Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council that bids were received from six contractors for the 2006 Tot Lot Playground Renovations Program. Playgrounds scheduled for renovation in this years' program are Center Street Park, Kiwan.is Tot Lot and . Lakeland Park. Director Merkel stated the work includes installation of new playground equipment,curbing renovations, installation of new drainage, wood fiber safety surface installation and removal of existing sand base material He noted removal and disposal of the old equipment was completed by the Park Maintenance Staff. The budgeted amount for these projects in this year's current Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is $100,000. Additionally,. Director Merkel noted the McHenry IGwanis Club has committed $15,000 toward the purchase of playground equipment for the 10wanis Tot Lot. Staff is requesting Council approve the recommendation from 3D Design Studio to award the bid,for playground renovations to Reil Construction, Inc. of Union, Illinois, in the amount of$120,670. Alderman Giab._informed Council that he would not be participating in the vote as one of the contractors is a client of his employer. Motion by. Schaefer, seconded by Condon; to. accept Staffs recommendation to award the bid for the 2006 Tot Lot Playground Renovation Program to>Reil Construction, Inc. of Union, Illinois, in the amount not-to-exceed $120,670. Voting Ayer Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. = ; ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR MUNICIPAL UTILITIES - SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $180,690 Director of Public Works Marcinko introduced Assistant Director of Public Works CONSENT AGENDA To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks & Recreation For: May 22, 2006 City Council Meeting Re: Beer/Wine Picnic Permit Request RECOMMENDATION To approve the attached Beer/Wine Picnic Permit BACKGROUND The attached permit application was received in our office with all fees and documentation properly submitted. TConaway/picnic permit consent agenda.doc "FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF: May 22, 2006 Beer/Wine Permit Request Date of Picnic Applicant Address _ 06/10/06 Rosa Castillo 4721 Willow Lane, McHenry Xonaway\picnic permit listing REGULAR MEETING MAY 15, 2006 A Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, May 15, 2006 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator Martin, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police O'Meara, City Clerk Jones, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Assistant Director of Public Works Fink, Director of Finance Shields, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, and Community Relations Management Assistant Hobson. Absent: Director of Public Works Marcinko. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Peterson, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. FY 2006-2007 Advantage EAP Employee Assistance Program Agreement, $5,889; B. Final pay request for demolition of former Wahl Appliance building, 1209 Court Street - ComerStone Material Recovery Inc, $23,870; ,C ,.Folice Department request to renew membership agreement with NIPCL, $26,250; D. Parks and Recreation special use/picnic permit requests; E. Approve Council Minutes: 1. May 1, 2006 regularly scheduled meeting. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - A CHILD'S PLACE LEARNING CENTER, 2214 WEST ROUTE 120 Director of Community Development Napolitano stated Applicant Francine Maze, owner of A Child's Place Learning Center located at 2214 West Route 120, has requested an expansion of her conditional use permit. The Applicant is requesting to expand her outdoor play area on the premises. Director Napolitano noted expansion of a conditional use permit can be either authorized by Council or referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Public Hearing. Director Napolitano noted, although eight parking spaces would be lost, more than enough parking spaces would remain on the site. Staff recommends approval of the expansion request without sending the matter to the Planning and Zoning Commission for Public Hearing. May 15, 2006 Page 2 Motion by. Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve an ordinance granting an expansion of the existing conditional use permit granted to A Child's Place Learning Center located at 2214 West Route 120 to allow an increased outdoor play area on the premises. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab; Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR USE OF PETERSEN PARK FOR 3RD ANNUAL SNOWMOBILE WATERCROSS EVENT AND CAR/MOTORCYCLE SHOW RIVERBEND LTD PARTNERSHIP, LLC In attendance was Bob Andronowitz of Riverbend Ltd Partnership, LLC. Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson stated a request has been received from Riverbend LTD Partnership to use Petersen Park for their Vd Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event on September 30, 2006 and October 1, 2006. This year the applicant is also requesting permission to host a car/motorcycle show in conjunction with the annual event. The applicant is no longer requesting permission to hold a_-three-day carnival with the event. Management Assistant Hobson noted the applicant is requesting: • temporary waiver of Ordinance 13-902 allowing the operation of snowmobiles in a city park; • use of Petersen Park for the proposed event on McCullom Lake; • permission to host a car/motorcycle show in conjunction with the event; and • consideration of the applicant's request to reduction of park usage fees for the event and charge $200 for the reservation with a $100 security deposit. Management Assistant Hobson reported Staff has reviewed the. request and recommends approval. Mr.. Andronowitz addressed Council noting the applicant is interested in reinvesting in the community and requested the Council consider their request to freeze appropriate fees in light of the applicant's traditional donations back to the City for parks and police services granted. The applicant intends to make generous contributions following this year's event. Alderman Condon noted the applicant has historically been generous in giving back to the community and requested Council annually revisit the fee structure for Petersen Park usage. In response to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Mr. Andronowitz stated the applicant first seeks local sponsorship for the annual event. Alderman Santi concurred with Alderman Condon regarding revisiting the Petersen Park usage fees annually. May 15, 2006 Page 3 Alderman Murgatroyd expressed his support of the annual event. Alderman Peterson noted he was originally concerned regarding the requested freezing of fees, but noted the applicant is generous in giving back to the community and deserves consideration based on that fact. Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept Staffs recommendation as .follows, to grant: • temporary waiver of Ordinance 13-902 allowing the operation of snowmobiles in a city park; • use of Petersen Park for the proposed event on McCullom Lake; • permission to host a car/motorcycle show in conjunction with the event, and • to charge park usage fees for the event in the amount of $200 for the reservation with a $100 security deposit. Voting Ayer Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR 3RD ANNUAL SNOWMOBILE wATeRCRoSS EVENT- RIVERBEND LTD PARTNERSHIP, LLC Management Assistant Hobson noted a special event liquor license is being requested in conjunction with the Td Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event as previously described. Mayor Low stated she had no issues regarding the proposed requested special event liquor license for the event. She noted the event is extremely welkrun and highly attended by the community. Alderman Schaefer requested clarification regarding proposed restrictions on alcohol consumption. Management Assistant Hobson noted the restrictions prohibited the consumption of alcohol for the event by the participants in the racing pit areas until after the completion of the last snowmobile race. Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept Staffs recommendation to award a special event liquor license for the 3`d Annual Snowmobile Watercross Event to Riverbend LTD Partnership, LLC to be held on Saturday, September 30, 2006 and Sunday, October 1, 2006 at Petersen Park Beach Area from Noon until 5:30 p.m. subject to the following conditions: • Alcohol will not be allowed in the restricted race pit area during the races; • Alcohol sales will not be allowed until noon each day of the event; • Alcohol sales will not be allowed outside the confined festival area; • Event security will be arranged each day of the event; • Wrist-banding and identification checks will occur each day of the event. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Noting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. May.15, 2006 Page 4 Motion carried. USE VARIANCE TO ALLOW A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN C-5 DISTRICT - 804 NORTH FRONT STREET Director of Community Development Napolitano reported a request has been received to allow a credit union on the property located at 804 North Front Street in the C- 5 Commercial Highway Zoning District. The property is not conducive to commercial retail sales. As Council determined in 2004 that financial institutions should no longer be a permitted use in the C-5 District, the applicant was required to seek a use variance. Director Napolitano stated the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the applicant's request at a Public Hearing held on April 20, 2006 and unanimously recommended approval of the request. Director Napolitano noted Staff also supports the request. Alderman Schaefer concurred with Staffs support of the request for a commercial operation on this site. Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, organization President Robert Waclawik, who was in attendance, noted the Midwest County Federal Credit Union boasts a membership of approximately 1,500 Alderman Glab noted Council previously enacted an ordinance prohibiting financial .institutions in the C-5 commercial district to that Council could consider requests on a case-by-case basis. He supports Staffs endorsement of the request. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to pass an ordinance granting a use variance to McHenry County Federal Credit Union for a financial institution facility at 804 North Front Street. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Votirig Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MUNICIPAL DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS Assistant Administrator Martin summarized Staffs request to move forward with the proposed Municipal Drive improvements, noting the improvements now include the original plan to incorporate a portion of the McHenry Saving's Bank property into the right-of-way. The Bank has offered to dedicate land for this purpose. Because of the recent offer of land dedication, an increase in project cost in the amount of$25,000 is noted. Alderman Condon stated she is glad to see the details worked out and that the project is finally moving forward. Aldermen Santi and Schafer concurred. . Alderman Murgatroyd inquired if the correspondence received from McHenry Savings Bank is a binding contract. City Attorney McArdle replied in the negative. He May 15, 2006 Page 5 stated the bank principals will provide the City with a deed dedicating the parcel to the City. The deed will be brought to Council for approval: Motion by Condon, seconded-by Santi to accept Staffs recommendation that the Municipal Drive roadway design be altered back to the original design to accommodate the McHenry Saving's Bank request and that the Bank dedicate 7,334 square feet to the City for right-of-way, at no cost to the City. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ORDINANCE ADOPTING A TEXT AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER VII, TABLE 13, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING Director Napolitano stated following Council recommendation in early 2005, the Community Development Committee considered amendments to the City's off-street parking requirements for restaurant uses. The committee recommended the amendment to Table 13 of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: • Reduce the required parking for carry-out only restaurants to 10 spaces/1,000 sf area; • Reduce the required parking for eat-in restaurants with a drive-thru to 10 spaces/1,000 sf area, with space reserved to accommodate a total of 15 spaces/1,000 sf, • Increase the required parking for eat-in restaurants to 25 spaces/1,000 sf area. Director Napolitano noted the Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter at a Public Hearing held on February 2, 2006 and unanimously recommended approval of the Community Development Committee's suggested recommendation. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry regarding adequate parking for drive- thru facilities, noting the apparent deficiency at Taco Bell/Long John Silver's, Director Napolitano stated the builders would have to construct ten spaces per 1,000 sf, but would be required to set aside an area to accommodate up to a total of 15 spaces/1,000 sf if deemed necessary by Staff. City Administrator Maxeiner noted the revised off-street parking and loading requirements would affect business moving forward, but would not be retroactive for existing businesses. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance Chapter VII, Table 13 as follows: • Reduce the required parking for carry-out only restaurants to 10 spaces/1,000 sf area; • Reduce the required parking for eat-in restaurants with a drive-thru to 10 spaces/1,000 sf area, with space reserved to accommodate up to a total of 15 May 15, 2006 Page 6 spaces/1,000 st . • Increase the required parking for eat-in restaurants to 25 spaces/1,000 sf area. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer,Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST TO WAIVE BID REQUIREMENTS AND PURCHASE A 2005 FORD TAURUS PROGRAM VEHICLE FROM BUSS FORD IN THE AMOUNT OF $11,600 Director Napolitano stated the purchase of a department vehicle was included in this year's approved budget. Staff is seeking authorization to waive the bid requirements and approve the purchase of a program vehicle from Buss Ford in the amount of$11,800. Alderman Wimmer noted the vehicle was needed and he supported the request. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated the State Purchase Program was only for new vehicles. Alderman Schaefer noted he is glad to keep the purchase local. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to accept Staffs recommendation to waive - the bidding process and approve the purchase of a Ford Taurus program vehicle from Buss Ford having 19,000 miles in the amount of$11,600. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT Assistant Administrator Martin stated since 1995, the City has considered an annual intergovernmental agreement with the McHenry Public Library District. The agreement permits on-site storage of City equipment and/or property while providing sweeping and snowplowing services for the library on their premises. Assistant Administrator Martin noted Staff supports the approval of the agreement renewal. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Peterson, to accept Staffs recommendation, to approve the annual renewal of an intergovernmental agreement between the City of McHenry and the McHenry Public Library District regarding the Library's property located at 809 North Front Street. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. May 15, 2006 Page 7 MAYOR— STATEMENT AND REPORT There was no Mayor Statement or Report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Community Development Committee Chairman Alderman Condon announced a Community Development Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 2006 in the Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Alderman Peterson reported the minutes of last week's committee meeting will be forthcoming. STAFF REPORTS There was no Department Head Report. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items discussed. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The Meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. MAYOR CITY CLERK DATE 5/03/2006 09:46 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF AS-NEEDED CHECKS MTG 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6041134 290 00 1403 ALLIANCE CONTRACTORS INC MCHE051079RIVERWALK SEAWALL 04/26/06 M 042506 288,283.00 723778 290.00.8900 2051218 0604 042506 GLJ2923 288283.00 042506 288283.00 290-RIVERWALK 6041135 290 00 1403 ALLIANCE CONTRACTORS INC RIVERWALK BOULDER INSTALLATION 04/26/06 M 042506 84,362.50 723778 290.00.8900 2060406 0604 042506 GLJ2923 84362.50 042506 84362.50 290-RIVERWALK 6041137 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 60484107-IEMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 04/26/06 M 042506 107.99 723779 100.33.4510 0604 042506 GLJ2923 107.99 042506 6041151 100 XXXXX 6289 BANKCARD SERVICES MARCH/APR CONFERENCE, DANCE COSTUMES 04/30/06 M 042806 168.00 723791 100.03.5430 0604 042806 GLJ2939 10.00OR 042806 100.01.5430 0604 042806 GLJ2939 10.00OR 042806 100.01.5430 0604 042806 GLJ2939 152.00 042806 100.41.6110 0604 042806 GLJ2939 R 21.00 042806 100.02.5420 0604 042806 GLJ2939 15.00 042806 6040564 XXXXX XXXXX 2156 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 200604143 HEALTH INSURANCE 04/12/06 M 041206 3,216.37 723603 100.01.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 116.73 041206 100.02.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 27.63 041206 100.03.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 276.76 041206 100.04.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 121.80 041206 100.22.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 1551.47 041206 100.30.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 148.60 041206 100.33.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 628.08 041206 100.34.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 75.69 041206 100.41.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 242.01 041206 620.00.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 27.60 041206 6040565 XXXXX XXXXX 2156 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 200604143 DENTAL INSURANCE 04/12/06 M 041206 450.21 723603 100.01.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 16.74 041206 100.02.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 3.73 041206 100.03.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 37.17 041206 100.04.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 17.95 041206 100.22.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 222.99 041206 100.30.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 20.04 041206 100.33.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 85.98 041206 100.34.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 8.29 041206 100.41.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 33.60 041206 620.00.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 3.72 041206 6040566 510 XXXXX 2156 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 200604143 HEALTH INSURANCE 04/12/06 M 041206 503.85 505402 510.31.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 303.82 041206 510.32.4310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 200.03 041206 6040567 510 XXXXX 2156 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 200604143 DENTAL INSURANCE 04/12/06 M 041206 69.61 505402 510.31.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 41.40 041206 510.32.4320 0604 041206 GLJ2828 28.21 041206 6041103 550 32 2662 BRUCE, WILLIAM H ONE HALF OF PROCEEDS 04/21/06 M 042006 61,700.25 505403 DATE 5/03/2006 09:46 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF AS-NEEDED CHECKS MTG 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RIVIERA MARINE ESCROW 550.32.6940 0604 042006 GLJ2884 61700.25 042006 6041102 290 00 3557 CORNERSTONE MATERIAL REC 54912 DEMOLITION OF WAHL BLDG 04/21/06 M 042006 23,870.00 723608 290.00.8900 1906003 0604 042006 GLJ2884 23870.00 042006 23870.00 290-DWNTNREV 6040546 760 00 6280 FIORE, BARTOLOMEO 2002-2006 POLICE PENSION CONTRIBUTION 04/05/06 M 040506 15,174.39 3015 760.00.4990 0604 040506 GLJ2790 15174.39 040506 6040404 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 04/30/06 M 040706 969.00 723792 100.214 0604 040706 GLJ2775 969.00 040706 6040542 610 00 6641 FREUND & SON, S H DOA 2/2/06COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 04/05/06 M 040506 565.18 723433 SOFFIT COVER REPAIRS 610.00.5980 0604 040506 GLJ2790 565.18 040506 6041104 290 00 8524 HOLIAN ASBESTOS REMOVAL 17151 ASBESTOS REMOVAL 04/21/06 M 042006 65,000.00 723609 290.00.5110 0604 042006 GLJ2884 65000.00 042006 290-DWNTNREV 6041105 290 00 8524 HOLIAN ASBESTOS REMOVAL 17207 ASBESTOS/LEAD REMOVAL 04/21/06 M 042006 78,453.00 723609 290.00.5110 0604 042006 GLJ2884 78453.00 042006 290-DWNTNREV 6041157 100 XXXXX 8527 HOME DEPOT/GECF APRIL 06 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 04/30/06 M 043006 159.01 723798 100.33.6110 0604 043006 GLJ2958 124.52 043006 100.41.6110 0604 043006 GLJ2958 M 34.49 043006 6040540 100 01 9383 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF P MARCH 06 DEATH CERTIFICATE COPIES 04/04/06 M 040406 800.00 723427 100.01.6940 0604 040406 GLJ2782 800.00 040406 6041156 100 01 9383 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF P APRIL 06 DEATH CERTIFICATE COPIES 04/30/06 M 043006 678.00 723799 100.01.6940 0604 043006 GLJ2958 678.00 043006 6040539 100 XXXXX 9413 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE PLASTINA LIQUOR LICENSE FINGERPRINT 04/04/06 M 040406 44.00 723428 OLD BRIDGE TAVERN 100.220 0604 040406 GLJ2782 44.00 040406 6041142 620 00 3522 INCODE-CMS 10879 SOFTWARE MAINTENACE 04/26/06 M 042606 594.98 723780 FOR APRIL 06 ONLY 620.00.5110 0604 042606 GLJ2928 594.98 042606 6041154 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 46953 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 04/28/06 M 042806 196.45 723796 100.22.4510 0604 042806 GLJ2943 196.45 042806 6041138 XXXXX 00 7 LIVELY, RANDY REIMB ZONING APPLICATION 04/26/06 M 042506 960.00 723781 PROFESSIONAL FEES 100.00.3430 0604 042506 GLJ2923 460.00 042506 740.00.3750 0604 042506 GLJ2923 500.00 042506 DATE 5/03/2006 09:46 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF AS-NEEDED CHECKS MTG 5122/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 6041140 100 41 14240 MCHENRY AREA SOCCER FEDE 1/18/06 R-SOCCER SKILLS CLINICS 04/26/06 M 042506 2,240.00 723782 REPLACEMENT CHECK 100.41.5110 0604 042506 GLJ2923 2240.00 042506 6041139 100 02 3 MERCY HOME FOR BOYS & GI MEMORIAL DONATION 04/26/06 M 042506 75.00 723783 DOLORES ROGERS 100.02.6940 0604 042506 GLJ2923 75.00 042506 6040403 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 04/30/06 M 040706 61.93 723793 100.2191 0604 040706 GLJ2775 61.93 040706 6041007 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 04/30/06 M 042106 61.90 723793 100.2191 0604 042106 GLJ2865 61.90 042106 6040400 100 15079 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. IMRF LIFE 04/30/06 M 040706 335.00 723794 100.2041 0604 040706 GLJ2775 335.00 040706 6040545 100 41 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL PARKS BROCHURE MAILING 04/05/06 M 040506 2,004.91 723434 100.41.5310 0604 040506 GLJ2790 2004.91 040506 6040563 100 41 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL PARKS BROCHURE MISSED MAILING 04/12/06 M 041206 79.93 723604 100.41.5310 0604 041206 GLJ2826 79.93 041206 6041148 100 04 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 5/l/06VEHICLE STICKER MAILING 04/28/06 M 042806 3,153.22 723786 100.04.5310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 3153.22 042806 6041153 280 41 19154 REIL CONSTRUCTION INC #2 TOT LOTS / PLAYGROUNDS 04/28/06 M 042806 39,004.20 723797 280.41.8800 120610 0604 042806 GLJ2942 CENTER STREET PLAYGROUND 39004.20 042806 39004.20 280-PLAYGRNDS 6041107 100 01 20150 SECRETARY OF STATE #303 VEHICLE PLATE RENEWAL 04/21/06 M 042006 78.00 723610 100.01.6940 0604 042006 GLJ2884 78.00 042006 6041106 100 01 20152 SECRETARY OF STATE / POL #305 VEHICLE REGISTRATION RENEWAL 04/21/06 M 042006 76.00 723611 100.01.6940 0604 042006 GLJ2884 78.00 042006 6041152 100 01 20151 SECRETARY OF STATE/INDEX NOTARY COMMISSION 04/30/06 M 042806 10.00 723795 KOLLENKARK 100.01.6940 0604 042806 GLJ2939 10.00 042806 6040547 100 22 20295 SIGARMS INC FIREARM TRADE-IN REDUCTION 04/05/06 M 040506 346.00 723435 100.22.6110 0604 040506 GLJ2792 346.00 040506 6041155 100 33 20714 STATE TREASURER IDOT 27695 TRAFFIC LIGHT MAINTENANCE 04/30/06 M 043006 5,050.77 723800 100.33.6110 0604 043006 .GLJ2958 5050.77 043006 6040560 290 00 21285 TICOR TITLE INSURANCE CO PROPERTY PURCHASE 04/11/06 M 041106 51,000.00 723602 290.00.8900 0604 041106 GLJ2821 51000.00 041106 290-DWNTNREV G040543 100 22 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 04/05/06 M 040506 16.24 723436 PAGE 4 DATE 5/03/2006 09:46 AM CITY OF MCHENRY LIST OF AS-NEEDED CHECKS MTG 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------- ------------------------------------------0604 040506 GLJ2790 16.24 040506 100.22.5310 6040544 510 31 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 04/05/06 M 040506 12.01 505371 510.31.5310 0604 040506 GLJ2790 12.01 040506 6040566 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 04/12/06 M 041206 41.60 723605 100.01.5310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 7.59 041206 100.30.5310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 7.68 041206 100.22.5310 0604 041206 GLJ2828 26.33 041206 6041150 100 30 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 04/28/06 M 042806 21.97 723787 100.30.5310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 21.97 042806 6041143 100 XXXXX 22496 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR G-190822 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 04/28/06 M 042806 1,080.00 723788 100.01.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 48.60 042806 100.01.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 18.90 042806 100.02.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 8.10 042806 100.224 0604 042806 GLJ2935 8.62 042806 100.04.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 15.68 042806 100.04.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 32.40 042806 100.22.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 510.30 042806 100.30.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 44.55 042806 100.33.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 178.20 042806 100.34.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 24.30 042806 100.03.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 76.95 042806 100.41.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 97.20 042806 100.224 0604 042806 GLJ2935 8.10 042806 100.41.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 8.10 042806 6041144 510 XXXXX 22496 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR G-190822 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 04/28/06 M' 042806 162.00 505450 510.31.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 85.05 042806 510.32.4310 0604 042806 GLJ2935 76.95 042806 6040558 100 22 23031 VAN METER & ASSOCIATES I 00-8408 TRAINING FEE 04/11/06 M 041106 2,400.00 723601 100.22.5430 0604 041106 GLJ2818 2400.00 041106 6041141 100 XXXXX 24020 WALMART COMMUNITY MARCH/APR MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 04/26/06 M 042506 1,196.74 723784 100.22.6210 0604 042506 GLJ2923 118.53 042506 100.22.6110 0604 042506 GLJ2923 1020.49 042506 100.41.6110 0604 042506 GLJ2923 R 16.22 042506 100.41.6110 0604 042506 GLJ2923 C 6.91 042506 100.41.5330 0604 042506 GLJ2923 34.68 042506 100.22.6210 0604 042506 GLJ2929 .09CR 042506 6041145 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 68955 LEGAL FEES - CORP 04/28/06 M 042806 3,454.40 723789 100.01.5230 0604 04Z806 GLJ2935 3454.40 042806 6041146 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 68954 LINCOLN HILLS SUBDIVISION 04/28/06 M 042806 337.50 723790 740.00.5230 0604 042806 GLJ2935 337.50 042806 6041147 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 68956 THE PACINI GROUP LLC 04/28/06 M 042806 420.00 723790 DATE 5/03/2006 09:46 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF AS-NEEDED CHECKS MTG 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- 740.00.5230 0604 042806 GLJ2935 420.00 042806 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 739,047.11 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 29,003.32 280 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 39,004.20 39,004.20 290 TIF FUND 590,968.50 396,515.50 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 747.47 550 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 61,700.25 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 565.18 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 626.30 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 1,257.50 760 POLICE PENSION FUND 15,174.39 `*`* 739,047.11 435,519.70 DATE •5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050280 100 00 2 A CHILD'S PLACE REFUND PERMIT #06-03-097 05/22/06 0 043006 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051106 GLJ3007 30.00 043006 6050256 100 33 1807 A W TOOL SALES INC 132678SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 74.39 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 74.39 043006 6050257 100 33 1807 A W TOOL SALES INC 132680SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 232.15 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 232.15 043006 6050262 100 22 1074 ACCURINT FOR LAW ENFORCE 20060430 SUBSCRIPTION 05/22/06 O 043006 75.00 100.22.5110 706567 0605 051106 GLJ3007 75.00 043006 75.00 6050283 100 KXXKX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S APRIL 06 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 1,068.14 100.22.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 12.66 043006 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 38.18 043006 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 520.25 043006 100.34.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 77.74 043006 100.41.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 R 46.71 043006 100.41.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 M 372.60 043006 6050284 510 KXXKK 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S APRIL 06 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 309.32 510.31.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 164.51 043006 510.32.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 144.81 043006 6050263 100 33 1080 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO 612604MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 380.00 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 380.00 043006 6050264 100 33 1080 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO 613261MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 38.50 100.33,6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 38.50 043006 6050269 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 326008VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 27.96 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 27.96 043006 6050270 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 326031SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 6.52 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 6.52 043006 6050271 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 326127VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 118.38 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 118.38 043006 6050272 100 33 1109 ADAMS OUTDOOR POWER EQUI 44360 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 39.90 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 39.90 043006 6050265 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 193584SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 27.59 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 27.59 043006 6050266 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 193427SUPPLIES 05/22/06 O 043006 75.37 100.33.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 75.37 043006 6050267 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 2218 CO2 BOTTLE RENTAL 05/22/06 0 043006 120.00 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 120.00 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050268 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 2032 CO2 BOTTLE RENTAL 05/22/06 0 043006 40.00 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 40.00 043006 6050285 510 31 1391 ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP 0361525 CHEMICALS 05/22/06 0 051206 4,907.16 510.31.6110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 4907.16 051206 6050286 510 31 1391 ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP 0361526 CONTAINER DEPOSITS 05/22/06 0 051206 2,090.00- 510.31.6110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 2090.00CR 051206 6050273 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 75764 LUMBER 05/22/06 0 043006 28.16 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 28.16 043006 6050274 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 75816 LUMBER 05/22/06 0 043006 51.53 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 51.53 043006 6050275 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 7060SOLUMBER 05/22/06 0 043006 57.87 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 57.87 043006 6050276 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 76081 LUMBER 05/22/06 0 043006 17.27 100.33.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 17.27 043006 6050282 100 22 1414 ALTERNATE POWER INC 2572C GENERATOR REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 540.00 100.22.5370 0605 051106 GLJ3007 540.00 043006 6050281 100 41 1502 ANDERSON, KEN 4/6-27/06 R-VOLLEYBALL OFFICIAL 05/22/06 0 043006 184.50 100.41.5110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 184.50 043006 6050279 100 30 1578 APWA 10/1-6/06 TRAINING 05/22/06 0 051106 650.00 MARCINKO 100.30.5430 0605 051106 GLJ3007 650.00 051106 6050909 510 32 1561 AQUAPREP 9599 CHEMICALS 05/22/06 0 043006 4,050.00 510.32.6110 0605 051706 GLJ3038 4050.00 043006 6050258 100 41 1 ASPERGA, JUDITH PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 051106 57.00 100.41.3631 0605 051106 GLJ3007 57.00 051106 6050278 100 41 1685 ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CO 23096-IN VETERAN'S PARK ELECTRICAL W 05/22/06 0 043006 925.03 100.41.6110 0605 051106 GLJ3007 M 925.03 043006 6050259 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T APRIL/MAY PAY PHONES & ALARM CIRCUITS 05/22/06 0 051106 744.51 100.22.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 510.01 051106 100.41.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 234.50 051106 6050260 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T APRIL/MAY ALARM CIRCUITS 05/22/06 0 051106 828.25 510.31.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 52.53 051106 510.32.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 775.72 051106 6050261 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T APRIL/MAY PRI PHONE LINES 05/22/06 0 051106 2,345.45 100.01.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 372.05 051106 100.02.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 139.30 051106 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.04.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 185.73 051106 100.22.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 905.44 051106 100.30.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 139.30 051106 100.34.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 46.43 051106 100.03.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 325.03 051106 100.41.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 208.95 051106 100.33.5320 0605 051106 GLJ3007 23.22 051106 6050915 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 AT&T 8153632114CENTREX PHONE LINES 05/22/06 0 051706 505.24 100.01.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 91.91 051706 100.02.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 11.67 051706 100.22.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 140.91 051706 100.30.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 11.67 051706 100.33.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 139.90 051706 100.34.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 11.67 051706 100.41.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 97.81 051706 620.00.5110 0605 051706 GLJ3038 212.35 051706 100.01.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3039 .30CR 051706 620.00.5110 0605 051706 GLJ3039 212.35CR 051706 6050916 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T 8153632114CENTREX PHONE SERVICE 05/22/06 0 051706 303.25 510.31.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 219.42 051706 510.32.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 83.83 051706 6050917 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T MAY 06PAY PHONES & ALARM CIRCUITS 05/22/06 0 051706 142.20 100.01.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 41.86 051706 100.22.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 41.85 051706 100.41.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 40.97 051706 100.33.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 17.52 051706 6050919 620 00 1450 AT&T 8153632114DSL SERVICE 05/22/06 0 051706 212.65 620.00.5110 1505090 0605 051706 GLJ3039 212.65 051706 212.65 6050287 100 41 2151 BEESON'S 15473 ARBOR DAY TREES 05/22/06 0 043006 390.00 100.41.6950 0605 051206 GIJ3016 390.00 043006 6050288 100 41 2151 BEESON'S 15474 ARBOR DAY TREES 05/22/06 0 043006 175.00 100.41.6950 0605 051206 GLJ3016 175.00 043006 6050456 510 31 5 BELL LAND IMPROVEMENTS 4/28/06 WATER TICKET REFUNDS 05/22/06 0 043006 1,100.00 510.31.3610 0605 051606 GLJ3024 1100.00 043006 6050289 510 31 2153 BERGGREN, LEE 244186COURT ST GARAGE DOOR REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 298.65 510.31.6110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 298.65 043006 6050290 620 00 2387 BLACK BOX CORPORATION 580759COMPUTER SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 83.31 620.00.6210 0605 051206 GLJ3016 83.31 043006 6050291 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012321 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 277.23 510.32.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 277.23 043006 I DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 ? CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050292 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1010576 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 299.14 510.32.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 299.14 043006 6050293 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012319 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 232.91 100.41.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 232.91 043006 6050294 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1011672 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 051206 443.88 510.31.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 443.88 051206 6050295 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012320 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 224.69 510.31.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 224.69 043006 6050296 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012973 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 394.36 510.31.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 394.36 043006 6050297 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1013659 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 237.26 510.31.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 237.26 043006 6050298 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1013657 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 1,258.15 100.33.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 1094.13 043006 100.03.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 164.02 043006 6050299 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1013658 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 599.73 100.41.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 599.73 043006 6050300 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1013656 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 2,249.08 100.22.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 2249.08 043006 6050301 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012971 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 1,471.18 100.33.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 1259.04 043006 100.03.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 185.69 043006 100.01.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 13.23 043006 100.04.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 13.22 043006 6050302 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012970 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 2,208.33 100.22.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 2208.33 043006 6050303 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012972 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 254.71 100.41.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 254.71 043006 6050304 100 KXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012318 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 964.60 100.33.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 875.24 043006 100.03.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 89.36 043006 6050305 100 XKKXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1011670 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 1,558.15 100.33.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 1325.50 043006 100.03.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 232.65 043006 6050306 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1011673 VEHICLE FUEL 05/22/06 0 043006 69.64 510.32.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 69.64 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050307 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012433 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 05/22/06 0 043006 415.35 100.22.6250 0605 051206 GLJ3016 415.35 043006 6050374 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1014567 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FLUID 05/22/06 0 051506 65.89 510.32.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 65.89 051506 6050375 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1012974 VEHICLE FUEL O5/22/06 0 043006 262.20 510.32.6250 0605 051506 GLJ3021 262.20 043006 6050911 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1014902 VEHICLE FUEL O5/22/06 0 051706 2,309.60 100.22.6250 0605 051706 GLJ3038 2309.60 051706 6050308 100 33 2533 BONE SAFETY SIGNS 25821 SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 103.13 100.33.6110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 103.13 043006 6050309 510 31 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 413011VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 05/22/06 0 043006 15.50 #522 510.31.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 15.50 043006 6050310 510 31 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 412915VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS O5/22/06 0 043006 30.00 #563 & 529 510.31.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 30.00 043006 6050311 100 33 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 413145VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS O5/22/06 0 043006 15.50 #441 100.33.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 15.50 043006 6050312 100 33 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 413245VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 05/22/06 0 043006 15.50 #430 100.33.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 15.50 043006 6050313 100 03 2631 BRADY & ASSOCIATES, PHIL APRIL 06 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS 05/22/06 0 043006 2,424.00 100.03.5110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 2424.00 043006 6050322 100 41 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H APRIL 06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE 05/22/06 0 043006 25.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 25.00 043006 6050323 100 41 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H MAY 1-5 06R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE 05/22/06 0 051506 100.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 100.00 051506 6050315 100 41 2741 BUENZLI, JAMES J SPRING 06 R-GOLF INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 0 043006 780.00 100.41.5110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 780.00 043006 6050316 100 22 2742 BULL VALLEY BP APRIL 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES 05/22/06 0 043006 39.00 100.22.5110 0605 051206 GLJ3016 39.00 043006 6050317 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 22276 VEHCILE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 18.44 100.22.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 18.44 043006 6050318 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 22336 VEHCILE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 33.90 100.22.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 33.90 043006 n DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050319 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 22352 VEHCILE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 379.96 100.33.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 379.96 043006 6050320 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 22442 VEHCILE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 051206 331.43 100.22.5370 0605 051206 GLJ3016 331.43 051206 6050430 100 XXXXX 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR APRIL 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 435.27 100.22.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3022 209.80 043006 100.33.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3022 47.01 043006 100.41.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3022 178.46 043006 6050431 100 33 3012 CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY C73669SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 147.01 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 147.01 043006 6050432 580 31 3036 CB&I CONSTRUCTORS INC #7 ELEVATED WATER TANK #4 05/22/06 0 043006 53,460.00 580.31.8500 19151 0605 051506 GLJ3022 53460.00 043006 53460.00 580-ELVTK04 6050433 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC XX15831 COMPUTER BACK-UP SYSTEM 05/22/06 0 043006 4,499.00 620.00.8300 0605 051506 GLJ3022 4499.00 043006 620-NEWEQUIP 6050434 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC ZE92162 COATED PRINTER PAPER 05/22/06 0 051506 186.99 620.00.6270 0605 051506 GLJ3022 186.99 051506 6050435 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC XW23457 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 83.99 620.00.6270 0605 051506 GLJ3022 83.99 043006 6050436 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC XR14632 PRINTER & SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 4,785.39 620.00.8300 1506021 0605 051506 GLJ3022 4785.39 043006 4785.39 6050437 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC XS21729 BACK-UP COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 709.89 620.00.5110 1505100 0605 051506 GLJ3022 709.89 043006 709.89 6050438 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 52416 NEW EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL 05/22/06 0 043006 294.75 NIEVES 100.01.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 294.75 043006 6050439 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 52615 MEDICAL EXAM 05/22/06 0 043006 178.75 100.01.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 178.75 043006 6050440 100 22 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 48066 HEPATITIS PROGRAM 05/22/06 0 043006 22.00 100.22.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 22.00 043006 6050441 100 22 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 52416 HEPATITIS PROGRAM 05/22/06 0 043006 120.00 100.22.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 120.00 043006 6050442 100 03 3158 CEPDS 6/15/06 SEMINAR FEE 05/22/06 0 051506 79.00 DUNNE 100.03.5430 0605 051506 GLJ3022 79.00 051506 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050443 510 31 3248 CHEMICAL PUMP SALES AND 65584 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 O 043006 267.30 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 267.30 043006 6050444 620 00 3269 CHICAGO COMMUNICATION SE 146664RELOCATE 911 EQUIPMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 1,852.00 620.00.5110 150614 0605 051506 GLJ3022 1852.00 043006 1852.00 6050445 510 32 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 112006721 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 051506 89.74 510.32.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3022 89.74 051506 6050446 100 34 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 05/22/06 0 043006 90.80 100.34.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 90.80 043006 6050447 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 05/22/06 0 043006 153.88 FLOOR MATS & TOWEL RENTALS 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 83.00 043006 100.33.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 70.88 043006 6050448 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 05/22/06 0 043006 143.11 FLOOR MATS & TOWEL RENTALS 510.32.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 38.11 043006 510.32.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 105.00 043006 6050449 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 05/22/06 0 043006 164.24 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 510.32.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3022 71.44 043006 510.32.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 92.80 043006 6050450 100 XXXXX 3400 CLIFFORD-WALD IN00034846COPIER METER READINGS 05/22/06 0 043006 70.00 100.03.5110 1105022 0605 051506 GLJ3022 35.00 043006 35.00 100.30.5110 1105022 0605 051506 GLJ3022 35.00 043006 35.00 6050451 100 33 3528 COMED 2417015002STREET & HIGHWAY LIGHTS 05/22/06 0 043006 1,362.61 100.33.5520 0605 051506 GLJ3022 1362.61 043006 6050452 100 33 3528 COMED 0913017008STREET LIGHTING 05/22/06 0 043006 16,066.93 100.33.5520 0605 051506 GLJ3022 16066.93 043006 6050453 100 XXXXX 3531 COMED APRIL 06 UTILITIES 05/22/06 0 043006 1,309.63 100.33.5520 0605 051506 GLJ3022 26.74 043006 100.41.5510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 1282.89 043006 6050454 510 XXXXX 3531 COMED APRIL 06 UTILITIES 05/22/06 0 043006 226.13 510.31.5510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 99.14 043006 510.32.5510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 126.99 043006 6050455 510 XXXXX 3530 COMED 0494013008PUMPING CHARGES 05/22/06 0 043006 28,018.50 510.31.5510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 7731.08 043006 510.32.5510 0605 051506 GLJ3022 20287.42 043006 6050457 100 22 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T0644107 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 05/22/06 0 043006 115.00 i DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 115.00 043006 6050458 100 00 2 CONCORD HOMES REFUND PERMIT #03-04-117 05/22/06 0 051606 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3024 30.00 051606 6050460 100 41 3539 CONSERV FS 0768969-INM-SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 102.75 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 102.75 043006 6050459 100 41 3540 CONSERVATION SERVICES 761 M-PETERSEN EASMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 150.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 150.00 043006 6050461 100 33 3631 CRAFT CONCRETE PRODUCTS 13161 MATERIALS O5/22/06 0 043006 243.70 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 243.70 043006 6050462 100 33 3631 CRAFT CONCRETE PRODUCTS 13077 MATERIALS O5/22/06 0 043006 68.00 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 68.00 043006 6050463 100 22 3638 CRITICAL REACH 042106-6572006 SUPPORT FEES 05/22/06 0 051606 250.00 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 250.00 051606 6050464 100 41 3661 CRYSTAL MANOR STABLE 5193 R-HORSEMANSHIP CLASSES 05/22/06 0 043006 75.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 75.00 043006 6050465 100 34 3757 CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATI 2109 ADD PHONE LINE TO GENERATOR O5/22/06 0 043006 612.80 100.34.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 612.80 043006 6050466 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 597170BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 05/22/06 0 043006 21.75 510.32.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 21.75 043006 6050467 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 592317BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 05/22/06 0 043006 21.75 510.32.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 21.75 043006 6050325 100 41 4146 DELISI, PHIL MAY 1-5 06R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE 05/22/06 0 051506 24.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 24.00 051506 6050468 620 00 4144 DELL MARKETING LP M92500845 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 14.95 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3024 14.95 051606 6050470 620 00 4144 DELL MARKETING LP M84741251 LAPTOP COMPUTERS 05/22/06 0 043006 3,683.40 620.00.8300 1506028 0605 051606 GLJ3024 3683.40 043006 3683.40 6050471 620 00 4144 DELL MARKETING LP M85812713 LAPTOP COMPUTERS 05/22/06 0 043006 99.18 620.00.8300 1506028 0605 051606 GLJ3024 99.18 043006 99.18 6050472 100 41 4138 DELLO BASKETBALL SCHOOL 1695 R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 0 043006 720.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 720.00 043006 6050473 100 41 4138 DELLO BASKETBALL SCHOOL 1694 R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 0 043006 900.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 900.00 043006 6050327 100 41 4290 DILLON, JOHN MAY 1-5 06R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE O5/22/06 0 051506 92.00 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LAC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 92.00 051506 6050474 100 33 4289 DILLON, JOHN 4/25/06 CDL REIMB 05/22/06 0 043006 60.00 100.33.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3024 60.00 043006 6050475 280 41 4351 DK CONTRACTORS INC #1 SHAMROCK FARM PARK DEVELOPMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 65,632.50 280.41.8800 120672 0605 051606 GLJ3024 SHAMROCK FARM PK DEVELOP 65632.50 043006 65632.50 280-SHAMROCK 6050476 620 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 06813 LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGES 05/22/06 0 051606 358.00 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3024 358.00 051606 6050477 100 00 2 DOYLE SIGNS REFUN DPERMIT #06-04-016 05/22/06 0 051606 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3024 30.00 051606 6050478 510 32 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO 1442874 ELECTRICAL MOTOR REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 207.90 510.32.5375 0605 051606 GLJ3024 207.90 043006 6050479 100 34 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 302927BUILDING CLEANING SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 34.35 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 34.35 043006 6050480 100 41 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 1-299893 M-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 05/22/06 0 043006 294.40 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 294.40 043006 6050481 100 00 2 ENTERPRISE LEASING CO REFUND PERMIT #06-02-020 05/22/06 0 043006 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3024 30.00 043006 6050482 100 41 6026 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 364706R-DANCE COSTUME ALTERATIONS 05/22/06 0 043006 20.00 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 20.00 043006 6050483 100 41 1 FANLON, DEBBIE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 051606 13.00 100.41.3631 0605 051606 GLJ3024 13.00 051606 6050484 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH APRIL 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES 05/22/06 0 043006 63.15 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 63.15 043006 6050485 100 41 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 5/5/06R-VEHICLE WASH 05/22/06 0 051606 8.45 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 8.45 051606 6050486 100 04 6143 FEDEX 347287906 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE 05/22/06 0 043006 15.34 100.04.5310 0605 051606 GLJ3024 15.34 043006 6050487 100 41 1 FELIX, KRIS PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 V 043006 .00 6050488 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9154 MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 170.75 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 170.75 043006 6050489 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9163 MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 515.51 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 515.51 043006 6050490 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9164 MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 269.19 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 269.19 043006 6050910 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9231 MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 155.75 100.33.6110 0605 051706 GLJ3038 155.75 043006 6050491 100 41 6310 FIX & FIX GOLF CORP GOLF R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 0 043006 440.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 440.00 043006 6050492 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 617762COPIER METER READINGS 05/22/06 0 043006 144.00 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 144.00 043006 6050493 100 22 6530 FOERSTER, JEFFERY S 4/24-28/06TRAINING MEAL REIMB O5/22/06 0 043006 40.00 100.22.5420 0605 051606 GLJ3024 40.00 043006 6050494 100 41 6555 FOTO FAST 427201R-PHOTO PROCESSING 05/22/06 0 043006 7.25 100.41.5330 0605 051606 GLJ3024 7.25 043006 6050495 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29670 GRASS SEED 05/22/06 0 051606 151.54 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 151.54 051606 6050496 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29670 SOD 05/22/06 0 051606 153.60 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 153.60 051606 6050497 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29571 SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 140.80 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 140.80 043006 6050498 100 41 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29571 M-GRASS SEED O5/22/06 0 043006 124.00 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 124.00 043006 6050499 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29571 GRASS SEEED & SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 113.52 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 113.52 043006 6050500 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29620 SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 153.60 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 153.60 043006 6050501 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29536 SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 211.20 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 211.20 043006 6050502 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29607 SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 129.90 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 129.90 043006 6050503 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29502 SOD O5/22/06 0 043006 19.20 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 19.20 043006 6050504 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29507 SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 115.20 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 115.20 043006 6050505 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29501 GRASS SEED O5/22/06 0 043006 234.16 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 234.16 043006 6050506 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29526 SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 5.12 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 5.12 043006 6050507 100 41 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29608 M-SOD 05/22/06 0 043006 153.60 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3024 153.60 043006 6050321 100 41 6630 FRANKLIN, JAMES B APRIL 06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE 05/22/06 0 043006 72.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 72.00 043006 6050324 100 41 6630 FRANKLIN, JAMES B MAY 1-5 06R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE 05/22/06 0 051506 24.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 24.00 051506 6050508 100 00 2 FRANKS, MICHELLE REFUND PERMIT #06-04-008 05/22/06 0 043006 20.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3024 20.00 043006 6050521 100 41 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001119P-LETTERS FOR SIGNS 05/22/06 0 051606 60.00 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 60.00 051606 6050517 610 00 7050 GALLAGHER RISK MANAGEMEN 293215NOTARY BOND 05/22/06 0 051606 29.00 KOLLENKARK 610.00.5960 0605 051606 GLJ3026 29.00 051606 6050518 100 00 2 GELWICKS, DAVID REFUND PERMIT #05-08-018 05/22/06 0 051606 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3026 30.00 051606 6050519 100 03 7166 GEWALT, KARL 5/4/06BOCA LUNCHEON REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 15.00 100.03.5410 0605 051606 GLJ3026 15.00 051606 6050520 510 32 7290 GILPIN, GARY 5/4/06CDL REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 60.00 510.32.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3026 60.00 051606 6050908 620 00 7436 GMIS ILLINOIS MEMBERSHIP FEE 05/22/06 0 051706 100.00 HARRIS/MOLNAR 620.00.5410 0605 051706 GLJ3038 100.00 051706 6050522 100 41 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 163036C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 499.00 100.41.8300 0605 051606 GLJ3026 499.00 043006 6050523 100 41 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 163932C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 186.65 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 186.65 051606 6050524 100 41 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 16417OC-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 196.05 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 196.05 051606 6050526 100 22 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 140220EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 05/22/06 0 051606 40.85 100.22.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3026 40.85 051606 6050527 100 33 7645 GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPL 30897 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 13.94 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3026 13.94 043006 6050528 510 31 8009 HACH COMPANY 4687608 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 823.30 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 823.30 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6050529 100 41 1 HAILER, SHARON PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 043006 55.00 100.41.3631 0605 051606 GLJ3026 55.00 043006 6050530 100 41 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 307681P-POOL SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 80.58 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 80.58 051606 6050531 100 41 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 306964P-POOL SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 86.46 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 86.46 043006 6050532 100 41 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 305992POOL EQUIPMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 784.94 100.41.8300 0605 051606 GLJ3026 784.94 043006 6050538 100 00 2 HARMONY HOMES REFUND PERMIT #03-04-129 05/22/06 0 043006 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3026 30.00 043006 6050533 100 33 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI HLM0001072MOWING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 883.84 100.33.5110 20610 0605 051606 GLJ3026 2006/07 SEASON 883.84 051606 883.84 6050534 100 41 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI HLM0001072MOWING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 2,650.00 100.41.5110 20609 0605 051606 GLJ3026 2006/07 SEASON 2650.00 051606 2650.00 6050535 510 31 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI HLM0001072MOWING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 883.33 510.31.5110 20611 0605 051606 GLJ3026 2006/07 SEASON 883.33 051606 883.33 6050536 510 32 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI HLM0001072MOWING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 883.33 510.32.5110 20612 0605 051606 GLJ3026 2006/07 SEASON 883.33 051606 883.33 6050794 100 04 8172 HETTERMANN, KATHLEEN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 170.35 100.04.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3029 170.35 051606 6050537 100 41 7 HOFERT, TABITHA REIMB R-DANCE COSTUME ALTERATION 05/22/06 0 051606 19.75 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 19.75 051606 6050539 100 30 8530 HOLIAN, CAROL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 350.00 100.30.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3026 350.00 051606 6050540 100 41 1 HUNTSHA, SUSAN PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 043006 45.00 100.41.3631 0605 051606 GLJ3026 45.00 043006 6050796 100 01 9390 ILLINOIS CITY/COUNTY MAN 2006/07 MEM13ERHSIP RENEWAL 05/22/06 0 051606 563.25 HOSON,MARTIN, MAXEINER 100.01.5410 0605 051606 GLJ3029 563.25 051606 6050906 100 01 9390 ILLINOIS CITY/COUNTY MAN 2006012 SEMINAR FEE 05/22/06 0 043006 20.00 MAXEINER/4/19/06 100.01.5430 0605 051706 GLJ3037 20.00 043006 6050797 620 00 3522 INCODE-CMS 10882 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 05/22/06 0 051606 7,140.00 620.00.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 7140.00 051606 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050795 620 00 9502 INNOVATIVE DATA SOLUTION 595 POWER DMS SYSTEM 05/22/06 0 043006 7,325.00 620.00.8300 0605 051606 GLJ3029 7325.00 043006 620-NEWEQUIP 6050798 100 34 9500 INNOVATIVE PACKAGING INC INCO8532 BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLI 05/22/06 0 051606 622.75 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 622.75 051606 6050799 100 41 9513 INTEGRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 170761DIGITAL DUPLICATOR MAINTENANCE 05/22/06 0 051606 295.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 R 295.00 051606 6050800 100 01 9630 IRON HORSE ANTIQUES 4/20/06 PETERSEN HOUSE APPRAISAL 05/22/06 0 043006 165.00 100.01.4220 0605 051606 GLJ3029 165.00 043006 100-LDMKCOM 6050801 100 41 10036 J & B BUSINESS SYSTEMS 9478 C-CONCESSIN REGISTER REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 230.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 230.00 051606 6050802 300 00 10575 JP MORGAN TRUST COMPANY MCHENTAXOOMFT BOND REGISTERED INTERES 05/22/06 0 051606 49,712.50 300.00.7200 0605 051606 GLJ3029 49712.50 051606 6050803 100 33 10735 JULIE INC 03-06-0946UNDERGROUND LOCATES 05/22/06 0 043006 96.41 100.33.5110 19085 0605 051606 GW3029 96.41 043006 96.41 6050804 510 XXXXX 10735 JULIE INC 03-06-0946UNDERGROUND LOCATES 05/22/06 0 043006 192.84 510.31.5110 19084 0605 051606 GLJ3029 96.42 043006 96.42 510.32.5110 19084 0605 051606 GLJ3029 96.42 043006 96.42 6050805 100 33 10735 JULIE INC 04-06-0945UNDERGROUND LOCATES 05/22/06 0 043006 156.42 100.33.5110 19085 0605 051606 GLJ3029 156.42 043006 551.77 6050806 510 XXXXX 10735 JULIE INC 04-06-0945UNDERGROUND LOCATES 05/22/06 0 043006 312.83 510.31.5110 19084 0605 051606 GW3029 156.42 043006 551.63 510.32.5110 19084 0605 051606 GLJ3029 156.41 043006 551.60 6050807 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 48371 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 05/22/06 0 051606 78.45 COX 100.22.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3030 78.45 051606 6050808 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 48713 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 05/22/06 0 051606 61.50 DUCAK 100.22.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3030 61.50 051606 6050809 100 41 7 KELL, JEFF REFUNDTREE PLANTING PROGRAM 05/22/06 0 043006 100.00 100.41.3815 0605 051606 GLJ3030 100.00 043006 6050810 100 00 2 KIM13ALL HILL HOMES REFUND PERMIT #05-03-009 05/22/06 0 051606 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3030 30.00 051606 6050811 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 777187SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 267.07 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3030 267.07 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 14 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050812 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 770549SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 250.08 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3030 250.08 043006 6050813 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 792442SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 051606 220.10 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3030 220.10 051606 6050814 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 785758SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 203.97 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3030 203.97 043006 6050815 100 22 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 53078 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 05/22/06 0 043006 31.00 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3030 31.00 043006 6050816 100 22 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 53031 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 05/22/06 0 043006 49.50 100.22.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3030 49.50 043006 6050817 100 41 11300 KITTL, AMBROSE M CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 88.35 100.41.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3030 88.35 051606 6050818 100 41 11300 KITTL, AMBROSE M 5/9-11/06 SEMINAR MILEAGE REIMB O5/22/06 0 051606 98.79 100.41.5420 0605 051606 GLJ3030 98.79 051606 6050820 100 01 11301 KIWANIS CLUB OF MCHENRY 3RD & 4TH QUARTERLY DUES 05/22/06 0 051606 230.00 100.01.5410 0605 051606 GLJ3033 230.00 051606 6050819 510 31 11760 KURZ JR, ALFRED P RENEWAL WATER OPERATOR CERTIFICATE 05/22/06 0 051606 10.00 REIMB 510.31.5440 0605 051606 GLJ3030 10.00 051606 6050830 510 32 12702 L & S ELECTRIC 243513EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 8,546.00 510.32.5375 0605 051606 GLJ3033 8546.00 043006 6050831 510 32 12702 L & S ELECTRIC 243514EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 1,975.00 510.32.5375 0605 051606 GLJ3033 1975.00 043006 6050823 100 41 12015 LANG CHEVROLET INC, GARY 278713VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 424.28 100.41.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 424.28 043006 6050824 510 32 12142 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 556076SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 240.52 510.32.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 240.52 043006 6050825 100 33 12141 LECHNER, ANDY 4/11-4/13 SEMINAR MEALS REIMB O5/22/06 0 043006 22.63 100.33.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3033 22.63 043006 6050826 100 41 12149 LEONARDI'S FOOD SPECIALT 44409 C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 051606 518.10 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 518.10 051606 6050827 100 41 12162 LET ME ARRANGE IT INC 6/16/06 R-CUB FIELD TRIP O5/22/06 0 051606 650.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 650.00 051606 6050828 510 32 12165 LEY & ASSOCIATES INC 5866 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 7,775.50 510.32.5375 0605 051606 GLJ3033 7775.50 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050829 100 00 2 LOOS DEVELOPMENT REFUND PERMIT #00-04-034 05/22/06 0 051606 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3033 30.00 051606 6050832 100 22 12747 LUNSMANN, JOAN 5/9/06HOST SUPPLIES REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 51.67 100.22.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3033 51.67 051606 6050833 100 41 1 MARCH, JESICA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 051606 16.00 100.41.3631 0605 051606 GLJ3033 16.00 051606 6050834 100 04 13025 MARENGO DISPOSAL CO ACCT172444GARBAGE BAGS FOR RESALE 05/22/06 0 043006 4,220.00 100.04.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 4220.00 043006 6050835 100 04 13025 MARENGO DISPOSAL CO 172480YARD WASTE STICKERS FOR RESALE 05/22/06 0 051606 3,700.00 100.04.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 3700.00 051606 6050836 100 02 13038 MARYS FLOWERS & GIFTS PALMERGET WELL FLOWERS 05/22/06 0 043006 41.00 100.02.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3033 41.00 043006 6050837 100 33 13003 MATERIAL HANDLING SERVIC 2620140 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 277.71 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 277.71 043006 6050863 100 01 14067 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF 01 105LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC 05/22/06 0 043006 6,800.00 100.01.5230 0605 051606 GLJ3033 6800.00 043006 6050864 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11011538 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 30.44 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 30.44 051606 6050865 100 41 1 MCCUTCHAN, SHARON PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 043006 45.00 100.41.3631 0605 051606 GLJ3033 45.00 043006 6050874 100 41 14264 MCH COUNTY DEPT OF HEALT SUMMER 06 B-BEACH SAMPLINGS 05/22/06 0 051606 1,200.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 1200.00 051606 6050866 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 16027 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 05/22/06 0 043006 94.00 510.31.5110 18496 0605 051606 GLJ3033 94.00 043006 94.00 6050867 100 02 14247 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 29627 GOLF OUTING 05/22/06 0 051606 250.00 100.02.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3033 250.00 051606 6050868 260 XXXXX 14276 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S APRIL 06 OPERATING FEES 05/22/06 0 051606 26,096.00 260.236 0605 051606 GLJ3033 26096.00 051606 6050869 260 XXXXX 14275 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL APRIL 06 OPERATING FEES 05/22/06 0 051606 35,883.00 260.236 0605 051606 GLJ3033 35883.00 051606 6050871 100 01 14272 MCHENRY COUNTY COLLECTOR 1-05 REAL ESTATE TAXES 05/22/06 0 051606 22,570.05 100.01.6940 106036 0605 051606 GLJ3033 22570.05 051606 22570.05 6050872 100 02 14296 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 0 4/26/06 DINNER MEETING 05/22/06 0 043006 75.00 100.02.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3033 75.00 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 16 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6050875 100 01 14242 MCHENRY COUNTY LATINO CO FY 06/07 GARDEN QUARTERS COMMUNITY C 05/22/06 0 051606 7,500.00 100.01.4220 0605 051606 GLJ3033 7500.00 051606 6050876 XXXXX XXXXX 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER APRIL 06 RECORDING FEES 05/22/06 0 043006 522.00 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3033 54.00 043006 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3033 26.00 043006 740.00.6960 0605 051606 GLJ3033 163.00 043006 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3033 52.00 043006 740.00.6960 0605 051606 GLJ3033 103.00 043006 740.00.6960 0605 051606 GLJ3033 52.00 043006 740.00.6960 0605 051606 GLJ3033 72.00 043006 6050918 100 01 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 2006510-19LAREDO USAGE 05/22/06 0 051706 150.00 100.01.5110 0605 051706 GLJ3038 150.00 051706 6050877 100 22 14245 MCHENRY COUNTY SAFE KIDS 5/30-6/3 CERTIFICATION COURSE 05/22/06 0 051606 125.00 VIRGILS 100.22.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3033 125.00 051606 6050878 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 079035SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 545.11 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 545.11 043006 6050879 510 31 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 079306SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 19.03 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 19.03 043006 6050880 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 179453SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 240.70 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 240.70 043006 6050881 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 078625SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 308.75 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 308.75 043006 6050882 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 079746SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 36.23 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 36.23 051606 6050883 100 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA APRIL 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 514.25 100.22.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 144.86 043006 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 240.83 043006 100.41.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 128.56 043006 6050884 510 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA APRIL 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 24.00 510.31.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 8.65 043006 510.32.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 15.35 043006 6050885 260 XXXXX 14270 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY APRIL 06 OPERATING FEES 05/22/06 0 051606 2,023.00 260.238 0605 051606 GLJ3033 2023.00 051606 6050886 290 00 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2006-414 ENGRAVE SHOVELS O5/22/06 0 043006 30.00 290.00.8900 0605 051606 GLJ3033 30.00 043006 290-RIVERWALK DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 17 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6050887 100 01 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2006-484 NAME TAGS O5/22/06 0 051606 35.00 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3033 35.00 051606 6050888 100 22 14291 MCHENRY STORAGE, THE APRIL 06 STORAGE UNIT RENTAL O5/22/06 0 043006 295.00 100.22.5110 706299 0605 051606 GLJ3033 295.00 043006 295.00 6050889 100 22 14291 MCHENRY STORAGE, THE MAY 06STORAGE UNIT RENTAL 05/22/06 0 051606 295.00 100.22.5110 706299 0605 051606 GLJ3033 295.00 051606 295.00 6050838 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 62375STRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 419.54 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 419.54 043006 6050839 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 624094TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 622.75 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 622.75 043006 6050840 100 01 13163 METRO MANAGERS 40 LUNCHEON 05/22/06 0 043006 20.00 MAXEINER 100.01.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3033 20.00 043006 6050328 100 41 13170 MEYER JR, DONALD MAY 1-5 06R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE 05/22/06 0 051506 96.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 96.00 051506 6050841 XXXXX XXXXX 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 339020MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 170.55 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 134.55 043006 280.41.8800 0605 051606 GLJ3033 36.00 043006 280-SHAMROCK 6050842 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 340641MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 185.71 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GW3033 185.71 043006 6050843 100 33 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 339809MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 138.28 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3033 138.28 043006 6050845 280 41 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 68970WWATER SERVICE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 26.90 280.41.8800 0605 051606 GLJ3033 26.90 043006 280-SHAMROCK 6050846 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 78834 WATER METERS 05/22/06 0 051606 17,234.40 510.31.6110 19706 0605 051606 GLJ3033 17234.40 051606 17234.40 510-METERS 6050847 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 78672 WATER METERS O5/22/06 0 043006 205.65 510.31.6110 19706 0605 051606 GLJ3033 205.65 043006 205.65 510-METERS 6050848 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62254 PRINTING SERVICES O5/22/06 0 051606 140.88 100.01.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3033 140.88 051606 6050849 100 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62228 PRINTING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 377.90 100.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3033 302.32 051606 100.22.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3033 75.58 051606 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 18 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050850 100 02 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62244 BUSINESS CARDS 05/22/06 0 051606 36.50 WIMMER 100.02.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3033 36.50 051606 6050851 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62037 COLORING BOOKLET INSTRUCTIONS 05/22/06 0 043006 49.71 100.01.4220 0605 051606 GLJ3033 49.71 043006 100-LDMKCOM 6050852 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62069 COLORING BOOKLETS 05/22/06 0 043006 765.00 100.01.4220 0605 051606 GLJ3033 765.00 043006 100-LDMKCOM 6050853 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62082 LOOK AT LOCAL HISTORY LETTERS 05/22/06 0 043006 14.40 100.01.4220 0605 051606 GLJ3033 14.40 043006 100-LDMKCOM 6050854 100 04 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62304 PRINTING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 516.50 100.04.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3033 516.50 051606 6050855 100 02 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 62299 PRINTING SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051606 157.07 OFFICERS & COMMITTEES 100.02.5330 0605 051606 GLJ3033 157.07 051606 6050329 100 41 13534 MOORE, KEVIN MAY 1-5 06R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE O5/22/06 0 051506 73.50 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 73.50 051506 6050856 100 22 13544 MORALES, OMAR CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 266.64 100.22.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3033 266.64 051606 6050857 100 00 2 MORGAN, PAT REFUND PERMIT #06-02-035 05/22/06 0 043006 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051606 GLJ3033 30.00 043006 6050858 100 22 13536 MORRIE AND SONS INC 030586VEHICLE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 135.08 100.22.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 135.08 043006 6050859 100 33 13536 MORRIE AND SONS INC 30643 VEHICLE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 051606 163.50 100.33.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3033 163.50 051606 6050860 100 33 13702 MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 1102932-01SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 111.78 100.33.6290 0605 051606 GLJ3033 111.78 043006 6050861 100 33 13702 MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 1102023-OISUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 106.46 100.33.6290 0605 051606 GLJ3033 106.46 043006 6050862 100 22 13736 MUCCIANTE, ANTHONY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051606 26.95 100.22.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3033 26.95 051606 6050890 100 03 15023 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNIT YY4731-GLOCDD FURNITURE 05/22/06 0 043006 1,744.00 100.03.8200 20380 0605 051606 GLJ3035 1744.00 043006 1744.00 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 19 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5122/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 6050891 100 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 639911516 CELL PHONES/DIRECT CONNECT 05/22/06 0 051606 2,059.21 100.01.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 90.26 051606 100.02.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 203.55 051606 100.03.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 339.38 051606 100.22.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 783.73 051606 100.30.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 174.96 051606 100.33.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 206.44 051606 100.34.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 40.82 051606 100.41.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 220.07 051606 6050892 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 639911516 CELL PHONES/DIRECT CONNECT 05/22/06 0 051606 223.58 510.31.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 97.81 051606 510.32.5320 0605 051606 GLJ3035 125.77 051606 6050893 100 41 15294 NICOLET SCENIC TOURS 4/19/06 R-PARKS FIELD TRIP 05/22/06 0 043006 7,350.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3035 7350.00 043006 6050894 XXXXX XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS APRIL UTILITIES 05/22/06 0 043006 3,270.82 100.41.5510 0605 051606 GLJ3035 1909.57 043006 290.00.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3035 1361.25 043006 290-RIVERWALK 6050895 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS APRIL UTILITIES 05/22/06 0 043006 3,442.94 510.31.5510 0605 051606 GLJ3035 1162.37 043006 510.32.5510 0605 051606 GLJ3035 2280.57 043006 6050898 100 01 15530 NIU 40186 MANAGEMENT TRAINING 05/22/06 0 043006 1,219.54 100.01.5430 106022 0605 051606 GLJ3035 1219.54 043006 1175.00 6050899 100 22 15532 NORTH EAST MULTI-REGIONA 75936 MEMBERSHIP FEES 05/22/06 0 051606 4,845.00 100.22.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3035 4845.00 051606 6050900 510 31 15553 NORTH SUBURBAN WATER 6/8/06MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 05/22/06 0 051606 30.00 510-31.5440 0605 051606 GLJ3035 30.00 051606 6050896 100 41 15549 NORTHERN ILLINOIS SPECIA FY 06/07 MEMBER DISTRICT DUES 05/22/06 0 051606 107,679.00 100.41.5410 0605 051606 GLJ3035 107679.00 051606 6050901 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 633380ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 159.82 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3035 159.82 043006 6050902 100 41 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 635849M-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 30.03 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3035 30.03 043006 6050903 100 41 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 638228M-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 89.65 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3035 89.65 043006 6050904 100 01 20668 NORTHWEST NEWS GROUP OF 10474 LEGAL ADVERTISING 05/22/06 0 043006 233.70 100.01.5330 0605 051606 GLJ3035 233.70 043006 6050905 610 00 15672 NOVARA AUTO GLASS INVO03180 VEHICLE REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 265.00 PAGE 20 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 05 051606 GLJ3035 610.00.5980 06 265.00 043006 6050512 100 22 16250 O'HERRON CO INC, RAY 0612056-INVEHICLE EQUIPMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 678.47 100.22.6270 706452 0605 051606 GLJ3026 678.47 043006 670.00 6050514 100 22 16430 O'MEARA, THOMAS REIMB CALEA CONFERENCE AIR FARE O5/22/06 0 043006 534.70 100.22.5420 0605 051606 GLJ3026 534.70 043006 6050509 100 XXXXX 16177 OFFICE DEPOT INC 334909663 OFFICE SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 91.15 100.03.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 69.31 043006 100.30.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 21.84 043006 6050510 XXXXX XXXXX 16177 OFFICE DEPOT INC MAY 060FFICE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 17.57 100.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 3197.33CR 051606 100.01.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 138.24 051606 100.02.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 51.50 051606 100.03.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 682.50 051606 100.04.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 876.29 051606 100.22.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 405.23 051606 100.30.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 136.46 051606 100.41.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 285.75 051606 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 9.78 051606 620,00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 02 128.76 051606 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 04 69.00 051606 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 41 121.48 051606 620.00,6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 03 59.00 051606 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 30 142.93 051606 100.04.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 2.69 051606 100.04.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 10.38 051606 100.03.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 40.40 051606 100.03.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 12.99 051606 100.04.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 34.69 051606 100.22.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 6.83 051606 6050511 510 XXXXX 16177 OFFICE DEPOT INC MAY 060FFICE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 90.41 510.31.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 77.12 051606 510.32.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3026 13.29 051606 6050513 100 34 16251 OHLIN SALES INC 00149062 BATTERIES O5/22/06 0 043006 91.99 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 91.99 043006 6050515 100 41 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 607426220 PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 130.85 100.41.6920 0605 051606 GLJ3026 118.95 043006 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3026 P 11.90 043006 6050516 100 01 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 18509 LEGAL SERVICES O5/22/06 0 051606 1,485.00 100.01.5230 0605 051606 GLJ3026 1485.00 051606 6050776 100 01 17005 PACE 42390 06 DIAL-A-RIDE CONTRACT O5/22/06 0 043006 8,653.86 100.01.5110 2051211 0605 051606 GLJ3029 FEB 2006 8653.86 043006 8653.86 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 21 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6050777 100 01 17012 PAPROCKI, KRISTINE 4/25/06 SEMINAR MILEAGE REIMB 05/22/06 0 043006 16.00 100.01.5420 0605 051606 GLJ3029 16.00 043006 6050778 100 01 17012 PAPROCKI, KRISTINE 04/19/06 SEMINAR EXPENSE REIMB 05/22/06 0 043006 36.01 100.01.5430 0605 051606 GLJ3029 36.01 043006 6050779 100 01 17012 PAPROCKI, KRISTINE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB O5/22/06 0 051606 93.43 100.01.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3029 93.43 051606 6050780 100 41 17156 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 6729611509C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 855.00 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 855.00 043006 6050781 100 41 17156 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 6729612916C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 051606 565.55 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 565.55 051606 6050782 100 41 17156 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 6729612917C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 051606 524.10 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 524.10 051606 6050783 100 33 17136 PERRICON GARDEN CENTER & 59925 RAKE 05/22/06 0 043006 40.00 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 40.00 043006 6050784 100 33 17136 PERRICON GARDEN CENTER & 60044 TREE 05/22/06 0 043006 240.00 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 240.00 043006 6050785 610 00 7 PETE'S'A'TOWING 151372PULL #635 OUT OF DITCH 05/22/06 0 051606 200.00 610.00.5980 0605 051606 GLJ3029 200.00 051606 6050786 100 41 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-010126 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS O5/22/06 0 043006 461.34 100.41.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3029 461.34 043006 6050787 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-010157 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 185.48 100.22.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3029 185.48 043006 6050788 100 41 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-010758 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS O5/22/06 0 043006 135.00 100.41.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3029 135.00 043006 6050789 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-013542 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 42.74 100.22.5370 0605 051606 GLJ3029 42.74 043006 6050790 100 03 17636 PREFERRED OFFICE FURNITU 8924 LATERAL FILES 05/22/06 0 051606 1,680.00 100.03.8200 0605 051606 GLJ3029 1680.00 051606 6050791 290 00 17649 PRIME COMMERCIAL CORP SHOVELRIVERWALK GROUND BREAKING 05/22/06 0 043006 165.00 290.00.8900 0605 051606 GLJ3029 165.00 043006 290-RIVERWALK 6050792 100 41 17655 PRO PLAYER CONSULTANTS I T-BALLR-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 0 051606 1,600.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 1600.00 051606 6050793 XXXXX XXXXX 18742 QUILL CORPORATION 6483471 OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 102.56 100.01.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3029 9.89 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 22 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 620.00.6210 0605 051606 GLJ3029 04 92.67 043006 6050771 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 142778BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 05/22/06 0 051606 27.75 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 27.75 051606 6050772 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 143124BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 05/22/06 0 051606 207.00 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 207.00 051606 6050773 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 142223BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 05/22/06 0 043006 27.75 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 27.75 043006 6050774 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 142378BOTTLED DRINKING WATER O5/22/06 0 051606 196.20 100.34.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 196.20 051606 6050762 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 90917 RADIO FREQUENCY LICENSE FEE 05/22/06 0 043006 450.00 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 450.00 043006 6050763 100 XXXXX 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 11925 MATERIALS 05/22/06 0 043006 2,607.03 100.41.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 M 130.04 043006 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 2476.99 043006 6050912 100 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE O5/22/06 0 051706 1,215.00 100.01.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 15.00 051706 100.02.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 255.00 051706 100.03.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 120.00 051706 100.04.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 375.00 051706 100.22.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 165.00 051706 100.30.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 165.00 051706 100.41.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 120.00 051706 6050913 510 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 05/22/06 0 051706 285.00 510.31.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 150.00 051706 510.32.5310 0605 051706 GLJ3038 135.00 051706 6050764 100 22 19288 RINGWOOD BP APRIL 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES O5/22/06 0 043006 36.00 100.22.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 36.00 043006 6050765 100 01 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 610995MCMRMA MEETING FOODS 05/22/06 0 043006 20.60 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3029 20.60 043006 6050766 100 02 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 61327BARBOR DAY CELEBRATION CAKE 05/22/06 0 043006 28.40 100.02.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 28.40 043006 6050767 100 41 17158 ROBERTS, PATTI J FEB/MARCH R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 0 043006 200.00 100.41.5110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 200.00 043006 6050768 100 33 19531 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 20293 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051606 169.90 100.33,6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 169.90 051606 6050769 510 31 19531 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 20270 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 74.16 510.31.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 74.16 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 23 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6050770 100 33 19531 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 20249 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 207.24 100.33.6110 0605 051606 GLJ3029 207.24 043006 6050775 100 04 19765 RUSHING, RHONDA F LANG- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIME 05/22/06 0 051606 47.90 100.04.4510 0605 051606 GLJ3029 47.90 051606 6050377 100 41 20015 SAM'S CLUB 00186IC-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 30.64 100.41.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 30.64 043006 6050914 100 01 1452 SBC LONG DISTANCE APRIL 06 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE O5/22/06 0 043006 61.18 100.01.5320 0605 051706 GLJ3038 61.18 043006 6050378 510 31 20090 SCHMITT, JON CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051506 85.62 510.31.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3021 85.62 051506 6050379 100 41 20095 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS 10028 R-PET CONTROL SERVICES 05/22/06 0 051506 150.00 LPCC 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 150.00 051506 6050381 100 00 2 SEARS HARDWARE REFUND PERMIT #06-03-059 05/22/06 0 051506 30.00 100.00.3410 0605 051506 GLJ3021 30.00 051506 6050760 100 01 20151 SECRETARY OF STATE/INDEX NOTARY COMMISSION RENEWAL 05/22/06 0 051606 10.00 QUICK 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3029 10.00 051606 6050761 100 01 20151 SECRETARY OF STATE/INDEX NOTARY COMMISSION RENEWAL 05/22/06 0 051606 20.00 SYNEK & HUFFMAN 100.01.6940 0605 051606 GLJ3029 20.00 051606 6050380 510 32 20166 SETTLERS HILL RDF 2660520418SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 05/22/06 0 043006 7,989.60 510.32.5580 0605 051506 GLJ3021 7989.60 043006 6050382 100 22 20172 SEXTON, ERIC M K-9 ESTA DOG FOOD REIMB 05/22/06 0 043006 34.07 100.22.6310 0605 051506 GLJ3021 34.07 043006 6050383 100 41 20251 SHE-AN-I FENCE BUILDERS 5/1/06M-HICKORY CREEK FARM FENCING 05/22/06 0 051506 315.00 100.41.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 315.00 051506 6050384 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S33619WATER LEAK REPAIRS 05/22/06 0 043006 208.00 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 208.00 043006 6050385 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S33898PLUMBING SERVICE WORK O5/22/06 0 043006 188.35 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 188.35 043006 6050386 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S33899PLUMBING SERVICE WORK 05/22/06 0 051506 188.17 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 188.17 051506 6050387 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 533979CLIMATE CONTROL REPAIRS O5/22/06 0 043006 380.08 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GW3021 380.08 043006 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 24 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6050388 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S34018CLIMATE CONTROL WATER LEAKS 05/22/06 0 051506 134.00 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 134.00 051506 6050389 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S33805CLIMATE CONTROL WATER LEAKS O5/22/06 0 043006 104.00 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 104.00 043006 6050390 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S33804PLUMBING SERVICE WORK 05/22/06 0 043006 309.00 100.34.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 309.00 043006 6050391 100 XXXXX 20261 SHIELDS, STEVE 5/12/06 VEHICLE FUEL REIMB O5/22/06 0 051506 44.09 100.01.6250 0605 051506 GLJ3021 22.04 051506 100.04.6250 0605 051506 GLJ3021 22.05 051506 6050392 100 41 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 61248427 M-MASS BARN HEAT DETECTORS O5/22/06 0 043006 102.50 100.41.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 102.50 043006 6050393 100 41 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 70628977 M-HICKORY CREEK FARM ALARMS 05/22/06 0 043006 603.00 SERVICE WORK 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 603.00 043006 6050394 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335655THE SHOPS ® FOX RIVER 05/22/06 0 043006 1,093.66 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 1093.66 043006 6050395 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335661LIBERTY TRAILS UNIT2 05/22/06 0 043006 595.00 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 595.00 043006 6050396 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335641EVERGREEN PARK SUBDIVISION 05/22/06 0 043006 269.00 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 269.00 043006 6050397 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335642PROFESSIONAL PLAZA SUBDIVISION 05/22/06 0 043006 297.60 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 297.60 043006 6050398 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335643PATRIOT ESTATES SUBDIVISION 05/22/06 0 043006 2,510.00 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 2510.00 043006 6050399 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335644RIDGEVIEW POINT 05/22/06 0 043006 478.75 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 478.75 043006 6050400 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335645BUDRECK PROPERTY REVIEW 05/22/06 0 043006 1,053.75 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 1053.75 043006 6050401 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335648LEGEND LAKES NH4 05/22/06 0 043006 1,621.90 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 1621.90 043006 6050402 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335652WEST END COMMONS SUBDIVISION 05/22/06 0 043006 1,802.05 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 1802.05 043006 6050403 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335653LINCOLN HILLS O5/22/06 0 051506 412.20 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 412.20 051506 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY ' PAGE 25 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------- 6050404 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335656LEGEND LAKES NH#1 05/22/06 0 043006 3,723.75 740.00.5220 0605 051506 GLJ3021 3723.75 043006 6050405 100 33 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 33564ONPDES PHASE 2 - YEAR 3 UPDATE 05/22/06 0 043006 75.00 100.33.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 75.00 043006 6050406 580 32 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335650CWWTP PLAN AMENDMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 411.25 580.32.8500 119793 0605 051506 GLJ3021 PROJ# 580-CWWWTP 411.25 043006 411.25 580-CWWTP 6050407 580 32 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335777CWWTP PLAN AMENDMENT 05/22/06 0 043006 13,880.46 580.32.8500 119793 0605 051506 GLJ3021 PROD# 580-CWWWTP 13880.46 043006 13880.46 580-CWWTP 6050408 580 31 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335647ELEVATED WATER STORAGE#4 05/22/06 0 043006 790.91 580.31.8500 19175 0605 051506 GLJ3021 790.91 043006 790.91 580-ELVTK04 6050409 580 31 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 336107WATER SUPPLY WELL #13 05/22/06 0 043006 4,679.75 580.31.8500 20364 0605 051506 GLJ3021 4679.75 043006 4679.75 580-WELL13 6050410 510 XXXXX 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335646UTILITY SYSTEM ATLAS 05/22/06 0 043006 10,757.50 510.31.5110 20042 0605 051506 GLJ3021 5378.75 043006 5378.75 510-WATLAS 510.32.5110 20042 0605 051506 GLJ3021 5378.75 043006 5378.75 510-SATLAS 6050411 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335637TRAFFIC STUDY 05/22/06 0 043006 1,257.40 440.00.8600 17998 0605 051506 GLJ3021 1257.40 043006 1257.40 440-TRANSTDY 6050412 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335638TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 05/22/06 0 043006 2,451.13 440.00.8600 20005 0605 051506 GLJ3021 PROJECT #440-TRFIMPSTDY 2451.13 043006 2451.13 440-TRFIMPSTD 6050413 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335654TRAFFIC SIGNAL STUDY 05/22/06 0 043006 210.00 440.00.8600 20033 0605 051506 GLJ3021 CRYSTAL LK RD/DARTMOOR 210.00 043006 210.00 6050414 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335639ROUTE 31 & MCCULLOM LAKE 05/22/06 0 043006 2,108.92 440.00.8600 17442 0605 051506 GLJ3021 2108.92 043006 2108.92 440-MCCLK/31 6050415 100 33 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335660BRIDGE SAFETY INSPECITON 05/22/06 0 043006 1,582.61 100.33.5110 20387 0605 051506 GLJ3021 OAKWOOD/GREEN/MILLSTREAM 1582.61 043006 1582.61 6050416 290 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 335658RIVERWALK PROJECT 05/22/06 0 043006 24,713.14 290.00.8900 0605 051506 GLJ3021 24713.14 043006 290-RIVERWALK 6050417 100 22 20532 SOLUTIONS WIRELESS 4158 CELL PHONE 05/22/06 0 043006 84.99 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 26 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ______________________ -------- 0605 051506 GLJ3021 100.22.5320 84.99 043006 6050418 100 33 20576 SPRING ALIGN OF PALATINE 63685 SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 322.42 100.33.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3021 322.42 043006 6050426 100 41 20733 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC MAY 06R-PARKS PROGRAM RENTAL SPACE 05/22/06 0 051506 880.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3021 880.00 051506 6050419 100 33 20708 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL & AU 34770 SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 110.00 100.33.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3021 110.00 043006 6050420 100 33 20708 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL & AU 34767 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 575.00 100.33.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3021 575.00 043006 6050421 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 220248INTERNET & EMAIL SERVICE O5/22/06 0 051506 569.00 620.00.5110 1506033 0605 051506 GLJ3021 569.00 051506 569.00 6050422 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 221362INTERNET & EMAIL SERVICE 05/22/06 0 051506 78.00 620.00.5110 1506033 0605 051506 GLJ3021 78.00 051506 78.00 6050423 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 221363INTERNET & EMAIL SERVICE 05/22/06 0 051506 569.00 620.00.5110 1506033 0605 051506 GLJ3021 569.00 051506 569.00 6050424 100 XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 3069413537OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051506 400.15 100.02.6210 0605 051506 GLJ3021 49.34 051506 100.03.6210 0605 051506 GLJ3021 66.49 051506 100.04,6210 0605 051506 GLJ3021 7.20 051506 100.41.6210 0605 051506 GLJ3021 277.12 051506 6050425 100 41 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 3069413538OFFICE SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 051506 53.98 100.41.6210 0605 051506 GLJ3021 53.98 051506 6050427 100 33 20730 STULL, RICH CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051506 196.27 100.33.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3021 196.27 051506 6050428 100 41 20820 SWIFT CO INC, JOHN S 22156 PARK BROCHURES 05/22/06 0 051506 4,700.00 100.41.5330 1206173 0605 051506 GLJ3021 4700.00 051506 4700.00 6050429 100 41 20820 SWIFT CO INC, JOHN S 22156 PARKS BROCHURE ALTERATIONS 05/22/06 0 051506 93.75 100.41.5330 0605 051506 GLJ3021 93.75 051506 6050370 100 33 21628 TAPCO 241320SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 597.50 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 597.50 043006 6050371 100 33 21628 TAPCO 241319SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 597.50 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 597.50 043006 6050358 100 41 21262 THINK INK INC 20060583 R-SUMMER HELP SHIRTS O5/22/06 0 051506 1,490.49 100.41.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 814.82 051506 100.41.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3020 675.67 051506 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 PAGE 27 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------- __6050359 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 296914TOP SOIL 05/22/06 0 051506 230.00 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 230.00 051506 6050360 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 296912TOP SOIL 05/22/06 0 043006 230.00 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 230.00 043006 6050361 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 296903TOP SOIL 05/22/06 0 043006 230.00 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GW3020 230.00 043006 6050362 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 296908TOP SOIL 05/22/06 O 043006 230.00 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 230.00 043006 6050363 280 41 21260 THREE D DESIGN STUDIO LL 2006-04-10SHAMROCK FARMS PARKS 05/22/06 O 043006 45.44 280.41.8800 0605 051506 GW3020 45.44 043006 280-SHAMROCK 6050364 280 41 21260 THREE D DESIGN STUDIO LL 2006-04-10SHAMROCK FARMS PARKS 05/22/06 0 043006 1,650.00 280.41.8800 1205482 0605 051506 GLJ3020 PROJ#280-SHAMROCK 1650.00 043006 1650.00 280-SHAMROCK 6050365 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 46369 STREET SIGNS 05/22/06 0 043006 536.20 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 536.20 043006 6050366 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 46667 STREET SIGN SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 329.59 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GW3020 329.59 043006 6050367 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 46619 STREET SIGNS 05/22/06 O 051506 62.22 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 62.22 051506 6050368 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 46744 STREET SIGNS 05/22/06 0 043006 423.87 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GW3020 423.87 043006 6050369 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 46747 STREET SIGNS 05/22/06 0 043003 63.70 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3020 63.70 043003 6050372 100 41 21662 TURF PROFESSIONALS EQUIP 6004387-OOVEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 435.18 100.41.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3020 435.18 043006 6050373 100 41 21662 TURF PROFESSIONALS EQUIP 6004662-OOVEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 043006 141.09 100.41,5370 0605 051506 GLJ3020 141.09 043006 6050351 100 22 22494 UNIFORMITY INCORPORATED INS5377 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 05/22/06 0 043006 81.93 HUFFMAN 100.22.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3017 81.93 043006 6050352 100 33 22495 UNITED LABORATORIES 14540 SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 043006 352.14 100.33.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 352.14 043006 6050353 100 22 22503 UNITROL / STINGER SPIKE 93467712 SQUAD EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIO 05/22/06 0 043006 100.00 100.22.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 100.00 043006 PAGE 28 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------- 6050354 100 22 22503 UNITROL / STINGER SPIKE SQUAD EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION 05/22/06 O 043006 100.0 93462961 100.22.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 100.00 043006 6050355 510 31 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 161262SUPPLIES 05/22/06 O 051506 468.79 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 468.79 051506 6050356 510 31 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 157992SUPPLIES 05/22/06 O 043006 220.53 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 220.53 043006 OS/22/06 O 043006 1,510.80 6050357 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 148903CHEMICALS /22/060 430006 510.32.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050376 100 00 4 VOWELL, DARRELL VEHICLE STICKER REFUND 05/22/06 0 051506 24.00 PURCHASED TWICE 100.00.3330 0605 051506 GLJ3021 24.00 051506 214513M-SUPPLIES 05/22/06 0 051506 40.00 6050335 100 41 24003 WABASH VALLEY 0605 051506 GLJ3017 40.00 051506 100.41.6110 OS/22/06 O 051505 278.26 6050336 100 00 24024 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 689664-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 278 26 051505 100.00.6210 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050337 100 00 24024 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 690454-0 STOCK OFFICE SUPPLIES 05/22/06 051506 288.35 100.00.6210 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050338 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 0189441 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 05/22/0650 043006 120.65 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050339 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 0189486 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 05/22/06 0 051506 313.41 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050340 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 0189485 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 05/22/0660 051506 2,590.66 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 05/22/06 0 043006 2,860.00 6050341 510 31 24038 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 0021597-INPHOSPHATE 2860.00 043006 510.31.6110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 05/22/06 0 051506 102.00 6050342 100 41 1 WEBER, LAURA 102.00 051506 100.41.3631 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050343 100 22 24171 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTE 811141297 IL VEHICLE CODE 2006 PAMPHL 05/22/06 043006 988.00 100.22.5450 0605 051506 GLJ3017 6050344 100 XXXXX 24171 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTE 811139946 IL VEHICLE CODE 2006 PAMPHL 05/22/06 043006 76.00 100.01.5450 0605 051506 GLJ3017 100.03.5450 0605 051506 GLJ3017 38.00 043006 6050345 100 22 24256 WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 000140093 IGNITION LOCK-OUT 05/22/06 0 043006 496.29 100.22.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 496.29 043006 DATE • 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 29 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6050346 100 22 24289 WIGMAN, GARY R 5/3-4/06 POLICE MEMORIAL HONOR GUARD 05/22/06 0 051506 167.01 EXPENSE REIMBS 100.22.5420 0605 051506 GLJ3017 167.01 051506 6050347 100 22 24289 WIGMAN, GARY R 3/21-26/06CALEA CONFERENCE EXPENSE RE 05/22/06 0 043006 109.07 100.22.5420 0605 051506 GLJ3017 109.07 043006 6050348 580 32 24278 WILLIAM BROTHERS CONSTRU #8 SWWTP EXPANSION O5/22/06 0 043006 310,805.84 580.32.8500 18796 0605 051506 GLJ3017 580-SWWTP 310805.84 043006 310805.84 580-SWWTP 6050349 100 41 24307 WITT, CINDY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 05/22/06 0 051506 89.58 100.41.4510 0605 051506 GLJ3017 89.58 051506 6050350 100 22 24536 WOOD, ROLAND 5-LUNCHES TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB O5/22/06 0 043006 40.00 100.22.5420 0605 051506 GLJ3017 40.00 043006 6050330 100 41 26556 YOUNG REMBRANDTS INC 76275 R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 05/22/06 O 043006 565.00 100.41.5110 0605 051506 GLJ3017 565.00 043006 6050331 100 22 27146 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPAN 30236996 SUPPLIES O5/22/06 0 043006 146.75 100.22.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 146.75 043006 6050332 510 32 10146 ZMT INC 16621 FLAT TIRE REPAIRS O5/22/06 0 043006 60.00 510.32.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 60.00 043006 6050333 100 41 10146 ZMT INC 16684 MOWER TIRE O5/22/06 0 043006 61.83 100.41.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 61.83 043006 6050334 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 16685 TIRES 05/22/06 0 043006 356.36 100.22.5370 0605 051506 GLJ3017 356.36 043006 6050821 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 69537 LEGAL FEES - CORP O5/22/06 0 043006 1,993.75 100.01.5230 0605 051606 GLJ3033 1993.75 043006 6050822 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 69538 MCH CTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 05/22/06 0 043006 240.00 740.00.5230 0605 051606 GLJ3033 240.00 043006 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 1,051,957.46 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 294,375.39 46,012.54 63.70 260 ANNEXATION FUND 64,002.00 280 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 67,390.84 67,282.50 DATE 5/17/2006 11:08 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 30 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 5/22/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 290 TIF FUND 26,269.39 300 DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 49,712.50 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 6,027.45 6,027.45 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 112,196.65 31,354.28 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 384,028.21 384,028.21 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 494.00 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 32,973.37 12,558.51 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 14,487.66 w,tx* 1,051,957.46 547,263.49 63.70