HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 05/17/2011 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA May 17, 2011 7:00 P.M. Alderman's Conference Room TOPICS OF DISCUSSION: 1. Public Input (3 minute limitation) 2. Discussion on Ice and Snow Accumulation Removal in Residential Areas 3. Continued Discussion on Residential Chickens 4. Discussion on Economic Development Strategy 5. Other Business COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Ryan L. Schwalenberg Director of Construction and Neighborhood Services FOR: May 17, 2011, Community Development Committee Meeting RE: Report on winter of 2010/11 Ice and Snow Accumulation Removal The topic of snow and ice removal was discussed at the March 16,2010 and the October 26, 2010 Community Development Committee meetings. The Committee directed staff to enforce the provisions of Sec. 21-18 of the McHenry Municipal Code and keep a log of staff time associated with enforcement. Chapter 21, Sec.21-18.Duty to remove deposits on sidewalks states"The owners or occupants of all property facing on or abutting sidewalks, shall remove from any existing sidewalk abutting their property, all accumulations of snow and ice within 24 hours after the accumulation of such snow and ice began, and shall keep the said abutting or adjacent sidewalks clean and free from debris and litter at all times. During the winter of 2010/2011 the City experienced: • Five major snow events between December and February which generated a total of 12 complaints; • From the 12 complaints 92 individual properties were identified as being in violation; • Notification was made by personal visits or letters mailed to the 92 property owners; and • A total of 347 tasks were completed and approximately 77 hours of staff time was consumed to identify the properties and investigate the violations, log the information, send notification/speak to property owner and conduct follow-up inspections. Due to mild winter temperatures, it was impossible to determine whether or not the walks were actually shoveled or accumulations had simply melted. The blizzard of 2011 deposited a large amount of snow over a very short period of time that resulted in large piles of snow being pushed up onto corners by plow trucks. Staff decided to wait for two weeks prior to sending out letters to allow sufficient time for everyone to remove snow. COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: May 17, 2011, Community Development Committee Meeting RE: Continuation of Discussion on Residential Chickens On February 22, 2011 the Committee discussed the issue of permitting backyard residential chickens (hens only) in the City of McHenry. Staff provided information addressing frequently asked questions and common myths and realities, as well as a Chicken Ordinance Survey. Interested community members attended the meeting to provide valuable input on the topic. Since the meeting staff has worked with Mr. Plante and his colleagues to clarify concerns raised at the last meeting. Some specific concerns included: • Appropriate setbacks for chicken coops and runs; • A visual aid to assist residents in depicting areas on their property where chicken coops and runs would be permitted; • Limiting the number of hens per property; • Limiting the number of annual poultry licenses issued in the City; • Design of an appropriate coop/run; and • Notifying neighbors and homeowners association, if applicable, of the intent to raise chickens. One suggestions made by the Committee was to develop a "how to" guide for people who may be interested in raising backyard chickens in the City but have no experience. Attached is a sample guide and "Poultry License Application" required for residents who desire to raise backyard chickens. If the Committee is agreeable with the information provided, staff recommends requesting authorization from the full City Council to direct this matter to the Planning and Zoning Commission. City of McHenry 7"'How t0" Guide Construction & Neighborhood Services Dept. For 333 S Green Street, McHenry IL Backyard Hens 815-363-2170 Rules and Regulations: How do I prepare for my chickens? 1. The City allows a maximum of four hens on a prop- In order to care for chickens you will need to prepare erty located in single-family zoning districts only. in advance.You will need to purchase and set up a 2. Roosters are prohibited. large tall box or bin, complete with pine shavings, a 3. All owners must possess a poultry license issued chick waterer, a small dish for feeding, and a reflec- by the City of McHenry. (application attached) tive heat lamp with a red bulb.The temperature for 4. Abutting neighbors must be notified in advance of the new chicks needs to be at least 95 degrees which poultry license being issued. can be decreased by five degrees each week thereaf- 5. Poultry licenses must-be renewed annually. ter.Temperature can be controlled by periodically 6. Chickens must be kept in a secured "coop"that is turning off the heat lamp. a stand-alone structure placed no closer than 10 feet to side or rear property line(s). 7. Coop must be constructed with the ability to with- Feeder stand a 90 lb snow load and a 65 mph wind speed. ~ 8. Coop must be waterproof and predator proof. All Waterer venting must include a wire-type mesh covering. —♦ 9. Chick run regulations: • The run is permitted only in the required rear yard; Where can I purchase a coop • The run must be fully enclosed; and other supplies? • The fence enclosing the run shall be open style (i.e.chain link; chicken wire is prohibited) with a Pre-built chicken coops, as well as other equipment maximum height of eight feet; (waterer and feeder, as shown above) and chicken • The run cannot exceed 50 linear feet; feed are available at farm supply stores or online. • The run must be located at least 10 feet from side and rear property lines. www.farmtek.com 10. Slaughter is prohibited. www.backyardchickencoop.net Where can I buy chickens? You can also check Mother Earth News for low-cost portable coops and practical design ideas. You can usually purchase chicks in the spring from farm supply stores or local farmers. Online is also a good source as they are shipped live right to your post office.A few good websites for chicks are: www.mypetchicken.com www.mcmurrayhatchery.com www.randaliburkey.com City of McHenry Construction & Neighborhood Services Department Poultry License Number 333 South Green Street # McHenry IL 60050 815-363-2170 11 Issued: Expiration: Abutting Neighbors and Homeowners Association Notification Required (To be submitted at time of application for license) Property Owner Name(or Authorized Agent) Property Address Daytime Phone Evening Phone I have notified all abutting neighbors in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and my Homeowner's Association(if applicable)of my inten- tion to obtain a poultry license. Date: Signature: Property Owner or Authorized Agent Required Setbacks for Residential Chickens* Required Front Yard Setback FY Buildable Area Required Side Yard Setback SY Required Rear Yard Setback RY Permitted Area for Run 10'Minimum Setback from property line 10 Required Yard Chicken Coop must be located in the rear yard,except that on a single family lot having a lot area of 30,000 sq ft or more,a chicken coop may be located between the principal building and an interior side lot line in accordance with the following con- ditions: a)The coop shall be located behind the front yard and corner side yard building line;and B)The coop shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the interior side property line,or the required side yard setback for the district in which it is located,whichever is greater. *Chicken Coops and Chicken Runs are permitted only in single-family residential zoning districts(E,RS-I,RS-1a,RS-2,RS-3,RS- 4).Check the City's Zoning Ordinance for Required Front,Side and Rear Yard Setbacks for your zoning district or call 815-363- 2170 for additional information. ♦ RY. RY` . RY SY SY SY SY SY FY FY FY STREET City of McHenry "HOW to" Guide Construction & Neighborhood Services Dept. For 333 S Green Street, McHenry IL Backyard Hells 815-363-2170 Rules and Regulations: How do I prepare for my chickens? 1.The City allows a maximum of four hens on a prop- In order to care for chickens you will need to prepare erty located in single-family zoning districts only. in advance.You will need to purchase and set up a 2. Roosters are prohibited. large tall box or bin, complete with pine shavings, a 3. All owners must possess a poultry license issued chick waterer, a small dish for feeding, and a reflec- by the City of McHenry. (application attached) tive heat lamp with a red bulb.The temperature for 4. Abutting neighbors must be notified in advance of the new chicks needs to be at least 95 degrees which poultry license being issued. can be decreased by five degrees each week thereaf- 5. Poultry licenses must be renewed annually. ter.Temperature can be controlled by periodically 6. Chickens must be kept in a secured "coop"that is turning off the heat lamp. a stand-alone structure placed no closer than 10 feet to side or rear property line(s). 7. Coop must be constructed with the ability to with- Feeder stand a 90 lb snow load and a 65 mph wind speed. 4 8. Coop must be waterproof and predator proof. All Waterer venting must include a wire-type mesh covering. ---► 9. Chick run regulations: The run is permitted only in the required rear yard; Where can I purchase a coop • The run must be fully enclosed; and other supplies? • The fence enclosing the run shall be open style (i.e.chain link; chicken wire is prohibited) with a Pre-built chicken coops, as well as other equipment maximum height of eight feet; (waterer and feeder, as shown above) and chicken The run cannot exceed 50 linear feet; feed are available at farm supply stores or online. • The run must be located at least 10 feet from side and rear property lines. www.farmtek.com 10. Slaughter is prohibited. www.backyardchickencoop.net Where can I buy chickens? You can also check Mother Earth News for low-cost portable coops and practical design ideas. You can usually purchase chicks in the spring from farm supply stores or local farmers. Online is also a good source as they are shipped live right to your post office. A few good websites for chicks are: www.mypetchicken.com www.mcmurrayhatchery.com www.randaliburkey.com What daily care is required? Can chickens make me sick? Hens begin laying eggs at 12 weeks. Each hen lays one When you buy chickens they have been vaccinated egg daily.The eggs should be collected, washed against all common diseases.You can also purchase lightly with warm water, and then placed in a refrig- supplements for their feed or medicated feed.Typi- erator. Check the nesting box for hidden eggs. Be sure cally,there is a concern regarding Avian Flu and Sal- to provide fresh water and feed and remove any monella. Avian Flu is not present in the United States. dried droppings. Close all entrances to the coop at Salmonella can be prevented with proper handling night. Chickens will eat weeds, bugs,ticks, fruits, procedures, hand washing, and use of sanitizers. vegetables, rice, and old bread. Do NOT feed them Scientists estimate only 1 of every 20,000 eggs might potato peels, onion peels or popcorn. Provide fresh contain salmonella bacteria.The likelihood that an drinking water daily.Add apple chunks to their water egg may contain salmonella is extremely small. and it will remain algae-free. What if one of my chickens dies? How can I help my chickens to be productive? If a chick gets sick or is attacked by a predator, and Chickens need to roost. An old broom pole or branch dies, you may contact a veterinarian to have the re- installed horizontally inside their coop works great. mains cremated. Be sure to double-bag the bird and For nesting, chickens prefer an old box or crate filled wash your hands and clothing afterward. Do NOT with straw. Your chickens will most likely huddle to- bury your bird as you will attract pests that will dig it gether. Chickens typically sleep through the night. up.You could, however, dispose of the bird in the weekly trash collection. What do I need to know about keeping the coop clean? Additional resources for information: If you do not keep the coop clean it will begin to Websites: www.backyardchickens.com smell. Any dried droppings should be removed at a www.urbanchickens.net minimum of bi-weekly and disposed of, preferably as www.chickenwhisperer.com a fertilizer for your garden. Fresh bedding should be www.barnheart.com added as needed to maintain 4-6 inches of depth. This will help to control odor and dust mites. Wood Books: City Chicks mulch works well for the bottom of the coop and you Raising Chickens for Dummies can use straw to line the nesting boxes. Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry What is the best way to set up the chicken coop and run on my property? Be sure to maintain a fully enclosed chicken run and coop with a latching door (not easily flipped open) and wire to cover windows and openings. Make sure to have a secure base in order to prevent access by predators. Chickens prefer to roam freely. Providing a fenced-in environment will protect them from preda- tors.A portable pen and run will help to reduce grass depletion and dust in one area of your yard. Revised 5/10/2011 CITY OF MMENRY POULTRY LICENSE APPLICATION LICENSE NO. - - (License for backyard chickens in residential district) PROPERTY ADDRESS For office use only. ZONING DIST: SUBDIVISION_ P.I.N. FLOOD ZONE: NAME: ❑ OWNER ❑ TENANT HOME PHONE( ) WORK PHONE(_) TOWNSHIP- CHICKEN COOP: SIZE:Length: Width: Height: CHICKEN RUN: Fencing Style: Fence Height: Total Linear Feet:_ LICENSE FEES ' LICENSE: NUMBER OF PROPOSED BACKYARD CHICKENS : M ISC.: NOTE: CITY ORDINANCE ALLOWS A MAXIMUM OF FOUR BACKYARD CHICKENS PER SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE.. ROOSTERS ARE PROHIBITED. COPIES: NO MORE THAN TEN POULTRY LICENSES SHALL BE ISSUED PER CALENDAR YEAR. POULTRY LICENSES MUST BE RENEWED ANNUALLY,NO LATER THAN JANUARY 31st. TOTAL: LICENSE SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST: IN ORDER TO PROCESS YOUR APPLICATION IN A TIMELY MANNER,THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE REQUIRED. ❑ Completed Poultry License Application. ❑ a copies Plat of Survey, showing all existing structures on premises as well as the chicken coop and chicken run location, dimensions, and distance from house and from all property lines. ❑ Notification to Homeowners Association (where required). ❑ Notification to neighbors abutting/adjacent to subject property I HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN AND ATTACHED IS CORRECT AND AGREE IN CONSIDERATION OF AND UPON ISSUANCE OF LICENSE,TO DO OR ALLOW TO BE DONE ONLY SUCH WORK AS HEREWITH APPLIED FOR AND THAT SUCH PREMISES AND ITS EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SHALL BE USED OR ALLOWED TO BE USED FOR ONLY SUCH PURPOSES AS SET FORTH. SIGNED:_ DATE: (OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) THIS LICENSE IS GRANTED AND ACCEPTED WITH THE EXPRESS UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT THAT SAID BUILDING AND CONNECTIONS SHALL CONFORM IN ALL RESPECTS WITH THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF McHENRY AS NOW IN FORCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. DATE: 333 S.GREEN STREET McHENRY ILLINOIS 60050 (815)363-2170 City of McHenry Poultry License Number Construction & Neighborhood Services Department 333 South Green Street # McHenry IL 60050 815-363-2170 Issued Expiration: Abutting Neighbors and Homeowners Association Notification Required (To be submitted at time of application for license) Property Owner Name(or Authorized Agent) Property Address Daytime Phone Evening Phone I have notified all abutting neighbors in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and my Homeowner's Association(if applicable)of my inten- tion to obtain a poultry license. Date: Signature: Property Owner or Authorized Agent Required Setbacks for Residential Chickens* Required Front Yard Setback FY Buildable Area Required Side Yard Setback SY Required Rear Yard Setback RY Permitted Area for Run 10' Minimum Setback from property line —o Required Yard Chicken Coop must be located in the rear yard,except that on a single family lot having a lot area of 30,000 sq ft or more,a chicken coop may be located between the principal building and an interior side lot line in accordance with the following con- ditions: a)The coop shall be located behind the front yard and corner side yard building line;and B)The coop shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the interior side property line,or the required side yard setback for the district in which it is located,whichever is greater. *Chicken Coops and Chicken Runs are permitted only in single-family residential zoning districts(E,RS-I,RS-1a,RS-2,RS-3,RS- 4).Check the City's Zoning Ordinance for Required Front,Side and Rear Yard Setbacks for your zoning district or call 815-363- 2170 for additional information. FRY RY RY SY SY SY SY FY FY FY STREET COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: May 17, 2011 Community Development Committee Meeting RE: Economic Development Strategy In October of 2010 the Committee discussed economic development, as well as potential incentives. In addition, a shop local initiative was discussed, as well as other ideas such as having different people take pictures throughout the community (meeting minutes attached). Staff will provide an update on a shop local effort which is currently underway with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. Staff also provided local examples of cities which have adopted formal business incentive programs and offer means by which a business could obtain low-interest financing, sales tax rebates, or other programs to leverage potential investment in the community. It was the consensus and direction of the Committee to have staff draft an economic development policy or strategy for consideration. Staff has attached a draft Economic Development Strategy for the Committee's review. If the Committee is comfortable with the document staff would recommend forwarding it to the full City Council for consideration. Economic Development Strategy for the City of McHenry The City Council is acutely aware of the challenges involved with maintaining the quality of life residents and businesses have come to enjoy and expect without compromising the City's long- term economic sustainability. To this regard the City Council adopted an Economic Development Plan in January 2009 and the Economic Development Strategy outlined in this document centers around the goals and objectives included in the plan. Following are general guidelines for economic incentive requests, required submittals, and evaluation criteria to be utilized in determining if an economic incentive is warranted. To realize the future vision of McHenry, there must be a strong, yet realistic strategy that will build upon the City's strengths and work to eliminate weaknesses. The successful strategy will capitalize on the many opportunities available and minimize threats. Goals are the end result toward which all effort is directed and must be specific, measurable, and realistic. The following goals were adopted by the McHenry City Council as part of the Economic Development Plan and are the focus of the City's Economic Development Strategy: 1. Create a vibrant Downtown. 2. Develop and Implement Strategies to Retain Existing Businesses in the City. 3. Enhance the existing retail base. 4. Encourage Retail Development on the South Side of the City. 5. Market McHenry as a Character Counts! Community and a Great Place to Live, Work Play and Visit. 6. Create Opportunities for Industrial, Job Generating Development AND Work to Locate a Facility for Large-Scale Meetings and Events in the City. Guidelines for Economic Incentives The City of McHenry, at its sole discretion, may approve requests for any economic incentive paid to a specific business. Nothing included in the Policy shall be deemed to require and/or imply a guarantee of economic development funding assistance even if all of the subsequent guidelines are met. The following guidelines should be referenced in the implementation of this strategy: 1. Economic incentives considered by the City must provide a demonstrable return to the City for the future investment of incremental tax revenue and will only be considered if the project would not be possible without this assistance. 2. Incentives shall only be considered for projects which are consistent with the vision for the City, as well as the goals outlined in the City's Economic Development Plan. 3. Requests for economic development assistance must be in the form of a written request which shall include, at a minimum: detailed financial information that demonstrates the business/developers projected revenue that the project is expected to generate. The basis for the financial estimates should be included. This information will be regarded as proprietary and will remain confidential. 4. The applicant will demonstrate that but for financial assistance requested from the City, the project would not otherwise be carried out. The developer will provide an affidavit to such effect. 5. Requests for economic incentives will generally be based upon project costs, costs of the development including land, site and public infrastructure, building and site amenity costs necessary to constitute an operating commercial or industrial project. Financial assistance will not include interest on the developer's invested cost that the incentive is being applied to. 6. All project assistance from the City will be provided based on a negotiated Economic Incentive Agreement between the City and the private party and adopted by resolution. The agreement will contain a cost recovery process to follow in the event that the assisted project fails prior to the completion of the period covered by the incentive. 7. The subject project must comply with the City's approved design guidelines and development standards if applicable. 8. The City will not consider any requests for the waiver of the following fees or charges: recapture fees, utility fees, fees from other taxing districts, or City consultant review fees. 9. In addition to the policies set forth above, the following provisions apply: A. The adoption of these policies by the City Council in the form of a resolution should not be construed to mean that the provision of financial incentives using incremental revenues to be generated by a proposed project is inherently approved for any applicant and/or project that may be able to comply with the policies as set forth herein. Each project will be approached as an entity to be independently evaluated. B. The City reserves the right to amend, modify, or withdraw these policies; revise any requirement of these policies; require additional statements, sworn affidavits or other information from any applicant/developer, to negotiate or hold discussions with any applicant/developer and/or project which does not completely conform to the policies as set forth above, to waive any nonconformity with these policies, to eliminate these policies in whole or in part, if the City deems it is in its best interest to do so, and to waive any timetables established by ordinance, resolution or motion. C. Submission of a written request for economic development assistance that complies with the spirit and intent of these policies does not commit the City approval of the development/redevelopment project associated with said application. Submittal Requirements Requests for economic incentives must be written and include at a minimum the following information: 1. Documentation indicating how the request meets the referenced Evaluation Criteria in this policy, as well as the City's overall Economic Development Strategy and Economic Development Plan. 2. Amount of applicant's investment in the project. 3. Level of the incentive requested. 4. Detailed business or development pro forma. 5. Proof of applicant's financial stability or business plan. Evaluation Criteria Each request shall be generally evaluated based upon the following criteria: 1. Consistency with the City's Economic Development Plan and Economic Development Strategy. 2. Revenue benefit to the City. 3. Level of circumstances with the property characteristics that create challenges or practical difficulties regarding the development of the site. 4. Number and quality of jobs produced. 5. Strong public benefit to the City. 6. The ability of the development to spur additional economic development in the area. 7. The impact of a proposed development on the existing businesses within the City. 8. Level of applicant's creditworthiness and financial strength. 9. Level of compliance with approved design guidelines and development standards. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, October 26,2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Adrian Plante, 1207 Broadway, McHenry, Illinois Discussion Regarding Incentives for Small and Medium Sized Businesses Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he recently attended a 3-day class, funded by the Federal Government, entitled "Comprehensive Plan for Economic Development." Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the City of McHenry has a strong industrial, healthcare and retail base. However, as a result of shifting economic conditions businesses in these sectors must stay lean in order to remain competitive. The relocation, consolidation and/or closings of struggling businesses are possibilities at any time. One of the goals of the Economic Development Plan is to develop strategies to retain existing business in the City by implementing a business retention program. Business retention is an important aspect of economic development with 75% of new jobs created by existing businesses. The objective of the program is to establish a relationship with the business community. Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated that in 2008, the Community Development ,Committee discussed business retention. At that time Staff developed a Business Retention Survey targeted at large manufacturing employers. A five-minute marketing video was prepared by the City in conjunction with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. In 2009 the Council adopted an Economic Development Plan and a business retention event was held at Medela, Inc. This year, Staff has been working with the President of Chirch Global Manufacturing and has developed a short list of alternative financing options that could be made available to businesses, as opposed to traditional bank or conventional lending methods. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that many cities have adopted formal business incentive programs and offer means by which a business could obtain low-interest financing, sales tax rebates or other programs to leverage potential investment in the community. The programs are common today but funding is often limited due to the financial conditions of many communities in McHenry County. The City of McHenry currently offers the following economic development incentives: • Tax Increment Financing District; • Revolving Loan Fund Program; • Fagade Improvement Grant Program; • Business District; and • Industrial Revenue Bonds. Community Development Committee Meeting October 26, 2010 Page 2 Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that several different methods of economic development incentives exist for the Committee to consider, such as expanding the list of incentives currently offered, development of a specific economic policy (other than the goals and objectives outlined in the current Economic Development Plan) and establishing preferred or primary economic development areas, corridors or zones. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that resources are available that are not used to the fullest potential and that few businesses are aware of (i.e., the Small Business Development Center at Shaw Center). The Small Business Development Center offers counseling, information regarding government funded programs, and services are free of charge. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested as a future project a proposal for a strategy encouraging residents to shop locally. Also, next year he proposed a project providing five different and diverse individuals with disposable cameras, requesting that they take photographs of different locations with 12 "likes" and 12 "dislikes." Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he was providing this information to the Committee as an introduction to potential economic incentives and programs that could be considered regarding formulation of a draft policy or program. If the Committee is interested in establishing a policy, Staff will research the issues further. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that she is in favor of the idea encouraging people to "Shop McHenry." Alderman Peterson concurred with Alderman Condon, stating he is always in favor of encouraging people to shop locally. Alderman-Santi indicated he liked the idea about the distribution of cameras to five individuals, so long as multiple demographics are served. Alderman Santi suggested that whatever the project it be a joint effort with the Chamber of Commerce. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he was currently in the process of informally obtaining information from someone with extensive marketing experience. He is also attempting to ascertain the cost of a formal proposal, which would provide direction to the City regarding any marketing efforts. Alderman Peterson opined he would be interested in listening to a proposal. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she would like to see a draft of written policy regarding specific incentives at the next scheduled meeting of the Community Development Committee. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to prepare a draft form of a written policy regarding specific incentives for economic development to be reviewed at the next scheduled meeting of the Community Development Committee. Community Development Committee Meeting October 26, 2010 Page 3 Adiournment Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m. Aye: Condon, Santi. Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Geri Condon, Chairman