HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 10/16/2006 - City Council City of McHenry 333 South Green Street r www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 Mayor's Office AGENDA (815) 363-2108 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fax (815) 363-2119 Monday, October 16, 2006, 7:30 P.M. Clerk's Office 1. Call to Order (815)363-2100 Fax(815)363-2128 2. Roll Call Administration (815)363-2108 3. Pledge of Allegiance Fax(815)363-2119 Public works 4. Public Input Session — 10 Minute Limitation Community Development 5. Consent Agenda: (815)363-2170 A. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 2, Administration; Fax(815)363-2173 B. Committee Recommendation: Ordinance amending Zoning Code regulating Bed and Breakfast Establishments; Parks and Recreation C. As Needed Checks; and (815)363-2160 D. List of Bills. Fax(815)363-3186 Police Non-Emergency 6. Request for an Ordinance amending conditional use permit and fence variance for (815)363-2200 playground at Montini Catholic School, 3504 Washington Street Fax(815)363-2149 7. Request for the transfer of the Class B-3 liquor license from DLBLB Enterprises, Inc.to Mayor White Hen Pantry, Inc., 3808 West Elm Street Susan E.Low 8. Award of Bid to Landscaping Concepts, Inc. for Phase I Riverwalk landscaping in the City Clerk amount of $81,323 Janice C.Jones 9. Committee Recommendation: To authorize a cost-share agreement with Advance David M..Welter p Treasurer Auto for Borden Street improvements and execution of an IDOT Resolution for e Improvements for the project Aldermen 10. Award contract to Shogren Fence, Inc. for fencing improvements at Knox Park for the Victorr A A.Santi w 1 amount of $7,075 A. WARD 2 11. Award contract to Fence Connection, Inc. for fencing improvements at Rotary, Andrew A.Glab Creekside, East Beach, and Miller Riverfront Parks for the amount of $4,283 WARD 3 12. Mayor — Statement and Reports Jeffrey A. Schaefer WARD 4 13. Committee Reports Steven C.Murgatroyd WARD 5 14. Staff Reports Richard W.Wimmer 15. Future Agenda Items WARD 6 Robert J.Peterson 16. Adjournment WARD 7 Geri A.Condon Posted and Mailed: October 11, 2006 C NSENT AQEND o► The Consent Agenda for the October 16, 2006 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 2, Administration; B. Committee Recommendation:Ordinance amending Zoning Code regulating Bed and Breakfast Establishments; C. As Needed Checks; and D. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: October 16, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Amendments to Open Meetings Act Recommendation: To approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Administration, of the McHenry Municipal Code regarding Rules of Meeting Attendance The Illinois General Assembly has approved amendments to the State of Illinois Open Meeting Act relating to email exchanges and remote attendance by elected officials. The changes go into effect on January 7, 2007. The City Attorney has recommended that the City of McHenry pass an Ordinance incorporating these amendments into the Municipal Code. Under the new law, elected officials are permitted to attend public meetings via audio or video conferencing, but only if a quorum is physically present at the location of the meeting and only if the absence is necessary due to personal illness or disability; employment purposes or city business; or, a family or other emergency. A member who participates via audio or video conferencing cannot be counted for the purpose of establishing a quorum. Although, elected officials have be allowed to attend meetings remotely, until now no direct statutory authority existed permitting such attendance. In addition, the state has redefined the term "meeting" to include any gathering, whether in person, video, audio conference, telephone call, e-mail, electronic chat, instant messaging, or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication by a majority of the public body. This new definition clarifies an ongoing question as to whether e-mail and other forms of electronic messaging constitute a meeting. Under the new law, the message is clear that these communications are within the scope of the Act if a majority of a quorum is participating in them. A copy of the letter from the city attorney's office and an Ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code are attached. LAW OFFICES ZUHOwSHI, ROGERS, FLOOD &MCARDLE 50 VIRGINIA STREET CRYSTAL LegE,ILLINOIS 60014 (815)459-2050 FAX(815)459-9057 JENETTE M. SCHWEMLER jschwemler@zftlaw.com September 27, 2006 Administrator Douglas Maxeiner McHENRY CITY HALL 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 RE: Amendments to the Open Meetings Act Dear Doug: On January 7,2007,the new amendments to the Open Meetings Act become effective. These amendments now expressly permit attendance via audio or video conference. A quorum of members of the public body must be physically present at the location of an open or closed meeting. A member who participates via audio or video conference cannot be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum. If a quorum is physically present,the majority of the public body may allow a member of that body to attend the meeting by audio or video conference only if the member is prevented from physically attending because of(1) personal illness or disability; (2) employment purposes;(3)business of the public body;or(4)family or other emergency. If the member wishes to attend the meeting by audio or video conference,the member must notify the recording secretary or clerk of the public body before the meeting unless advance notice is impractical. The new amendments require that the public body pass formal rules regarding attendance at meetings via audio and video conference.For your convenience,we have enclosed a draft ordinance for the City that complies with the new standards. Also, the legislature redefined the term "meeting." Meetings now include gatherings, whether in person or by video or audio conference, telephone call, electronic means (such as electronic mail, electronic chat, and instant messaging), or other means of contemporaneous interactive communication of a majority of the quorum of the members of the public body for purposes of discussing public business. Thus, a conversation regarding public business in a chat room,or via instant messaging would constitute"contemporaneous interactive communication"and would violate the Open Meetings Act if a majority of a quorum participates. Please be very careful with these forms of electronic communications. When elected and appointed officials communicate using e-mail, a statement at the end of the correspondence advising the recipient(s) not to respond should be included in each e-mail. ZugOwsxi,RoGERs,FLOOD&MCARDLE Administrator Douglas Maxeiner September 27, 2006 Page 2 These amendments should not limit staff correspondence with trustees or appointed officials, provided that the trustees or other officials are reminded that they should not then discuss these matters with each other outside of a properly noticed open meeting. They may, however, discuss them with staff(provided staff does not simply forward all responses to other Council members or officials and encourage a dialogue, effectively creating contemporaneous correspondence). We have enclosed the new Act in its entirety for your review. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, e e M. Schwemler JMS:cw Enclosures 2005 IL S.B.585(NS) Page 1 2005 Illinois Senate Bill No. 585,Illinois Ninety-Fourth General Assembly- Second Regular Session(FULL TEXT-NETSCAN) ILLINOIS BILL TEXT VERSION:Adopted July 31,2006 john j. cullerton, emil jones jr., don harmon; robert f, flider, naomi d.jakobsson,jim watson, brandon w. phelps, patrick j verschoore,marlow h.colvin TEXT: AN ACT concerning government. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The Open Meetings Act is amended by changing Sections 1.02, 2.01, 2.05, and 2.06 and by adding Section 7 as follows: (5 ILCS 120/1.02)(from Ch. 102,par.41.02) Sec. 1.02. For the purposes of this Act: 'Meeting' means any gatherin 111111 EM of a majority of a quorum of the members of a public body held for the purpose of discussing public business. 'Public body' includes all legislative, executive, administrative or advisory bodies of the State, counties, townships, cities, villages, incorporated towns, school districts and all other municipal corporations,boards, bureaus,committees or commissions of this State, and any subsidiary bodies of any of the foregoing including but not limited to committees and subcommittees which are supported in whole or in part by tax revenue, or which expend tax revenue, except the General Assembly and committees or commissions thereof. `Public body includes tourism boards and convention or civic center boards located in counties that are contiguous to the Mississippi River with populations of more than 250,000 but less than 300,000. 'Public body' includes the Health Facilities Planning Board. 'Public body' does not include a child death review team or the Illinois Child Death Review Teams Executive Council established under the Child Death Review Team Act or an ethics commission acting under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. (Source:P.A.92-468,eff. 8-22-01;93-617,eff. 12-9-03.)(5 ILCS 120/2.01)(from Ch. 102,par.42.01) Sec. 2.01. All meetings required by this Act to be public shall be held at specified times and places which are convenient and open to the public. No meeting required by this Act to be public shall be held on a le al holida unless the regular meeting day falls on that holiday. Copr.0 West 2006 No Claim to Orig.Govt.Works 2005 IL S.B.585(NS) page 2 2005 Illinois Senate Bill No. 585,Illinois Ninety-Fourth General Assembly- Second Regular Session(FULL TEXT-NETSCAN) (5 ILCS 120/2.05)(from Ch. 102,par.42.05) Sec.2.05. Subject to the provisions of Ast-ice any person may record the proceedings at meetings required to be open by this Act by tape, film or other means. The authority holding the meeting shall prescribe reasonable rules to govem the right to make such recordings. If a witness at any meeting required to be open by this Act which is conducted by a commission, administrative agency or other tribunal,refuses to testify on the grounds that he may not be compelled to testify if any portion of his testimony is to be broadcast or televised or if motion pictures are to be taken of him while he is testifying,the authority holding the meeting shall prohibit such recording during the testimony of the witness.Nothing in this Section shall be construed to extend the'n*ght to refuse to testify at any meeting not subject to the provisions of '�� r-elatien te the Fights of witnesses at r' a kig� sendueted by a ; e tfibunal in this State whieh are televise br-eadeast er at whish metien pietwes are taken!, appr-eved Ady 44-, (Source:P.A.82-378.)(5 ILCS 120/2.06)(from Ch. 102,par.42.06) Sec.2.06. (a)All public bodies shall keep written minutes of all their meetings, whether open or closed, and a verbatim record of all their closed meetings in the form of an audio or video recording.Minutes shall include,but need not be limited to: (1)the date,time and place of the meeting; (2)the members of the ublic body recorded as either resent or absent 1111MIN Jill and(3)a summary of discussion on all matters proposed, deliberated,or decided,and a record of any votes taken. (b)The minutes of meetings open to the public shall be available for public inspection within 7 days of the approval of such minutes by the public body. Beginning July 1, 2006, at the time it complies with the other requirements of this subsection, a public body that has a website that the full-time staff of the public body maintains shall post the minutes of a regular meeting of its governing body open to the public on the public body's website within 7 days of the approval of the minutes by the public body. Beginning July 1,2006, any minutes of meetings open to the public posted on the public body's website shall remain posted on the website for at least 60 days after their initial posting. (c) The verbatim record may be destroyed without notification to or the approval of a records commission or the State Archivist under the Local Records Act or the State Records Act no less than 18 months after the completion of the meeting recorded but only after: (1)the public body approves the destruction of a particular recording; and(2) the public body approves minutes of the closed meeting that meet the written minutes requirements of subsection(a)of this Section. (d) Each public body shall periodically, but no less than semi-annually, meet to review minutes of all closed meetings. At such meetings a determination shall be made, and reported in an open session that (1) the need for confidentiality still exists as to all or part of those minutes or (2) that the minutes or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. The failure of a public body to strictly comply with the semi-annual review of closed session written minutes, whether before or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly, shall not cause the written minutes or related verbatim record to become public or available for inspection in any judicial proceeding, other than a proceeding involving an alleged Copr.(D West 2006 No Claim to Orig.Govt.Works 2005 IL S.B. 585 (NS) Page 3 2005 Illinois Senate Bill No. 585,Illinois Ninety-Fourth General Assembly- Second Regular Session(FULL TEXT-NETSCAN) violation of this Act,if the public body,within 60 days of discovering its failure to strictly comply with the technical requirements of this subsection, reviews the closed session minutes and determines and thereafter reports in open session that either(1)the need for confidentiality still exists as to all or part of the minutes or verbatim record,or(2) that the minutes or recordings or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. (e) Unless the public body has made a determination that the verbatim recording no longer requires confidential treatment or otherwise consents to disclosure,the verbatim record of a meeting closed to the public shall not be open for public inspection or subject to discovery in any administrative or judicial proceeding other than one brought to enforce this Act. In the case of a civil action brought to enforce this Act, the court, if the judge believes such an examination is necessary,must conduct such in camera examination of the verbatim record as it finds appropriate in order to determine whether there has been a violation of this Act. In the case of a criminal proceeding,the court may conduct an examination in order to determine what portions, if any,must be made available to the parties for use as evidence in the prosecution. Any such initial inspection must be held in camera. If the court determines that a complaint or suit brought for noncompliance under this Act is valid it may, for the purposes of discovery, redact from the minutes of the meeting closed to the public any information deemed to qualify under the attorney-client privilege. The provisions of this subsection do not supersede the privacy or confidentiality provisions of State or federal law. (f) Minutes of meetings closed to the public shall be available only after the public body determines that it is no longer necessary to protect the public interest or the privacy of an individual by keeping them confidential. (Source: P.A. 93-523, eff. 1-1-04;93-974,eff. 1-1-05; 94-28, eff. 1-1-06; 94-542, eff. 8-10-05;revised 8-19-05.)(5 ILCS 120/7 new) INN=- 2005 IL S.B.585(NS) END OF DOCUMENT Copr.© West 2006 No Claim to Orig.Govt.Works Draft September 27, 2006 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2,Administration, of the McHenry City Code Regarding Rules for Meeting Attendance BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF McHENRY,McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1:That Chapter 2,Administration,Article III,City Council,of the McHenry City Code shall be amended to add Section 2-56, which shall read as follows: 2-56 Rules for Meeting Attendance:In addition to holding meetings pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq., City Council meetings shall be subject to the following rules: 1. A quorum of the City Council shall be physically present at the location of an open or closed meeting. 2. Provided a quorum is physically present,a member may be allowed to attend the meeting by audio or video conferencing. 3. Any member who wishes to be considered present at a meeting via audio or video conference may make such a request to the City Council by notifying the Clerk prior to the meeting, unless advance notice is impractical,that the member cannot physically attend the meeting for one of the following reasons: a. Personal illness or disability; b. Employment purposes or City business; or C. A family or other emergency. 4. An affirmative vote by a majority of the City Council physically present may allow a member to attend a meeting as provided herein. 5. The Clerk shall record in the minutes of every meeting the members physically present, absent and present by audio or video conference. SECTION 2: That Chapter 2, Administration, Article I, In General, of the McHenry City Code shall be amended to add Section 2-8, Rules for Meeting Attendance, which shall read as follows: Page 1 Draft September 27, 2006 2-8 MEETING ATTENDANCE BY AUDIO OR VIDEO CONFERENCING In addition to holding meetings pursuant to the Open Meetings Act,5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.,meetings held by any board or commission of the City shall be subject to the following rules: 1. A quorum of the board/commission shall be physically present at the location of an open or closed meeting. 2. Provided a quorum is present, a member may be allowed to attend the meeting by audio or video conferencing. 3. Any member who wishes to be considered present at a meeting by audio or video conference may make such a request to the board/commission by notifying the City Administrator prior to the meeting, unless advance notice is impractical, that the member cannot physically attend the meeting for one of the following reasons: a. Personal illness or disability; b. Employment purposes or City business; or C. A family or other emergency. 4. An affirmative vote by a majority of the board/commission may allow the member to attend a meeting as provided in paragraph 2 above. 5. The secretary shall record in the minutes of every meeting the members physically present, absent and present by audio or video conference. SECTION 3: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,impair,invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof,which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage,approval and publication in pamphlet form (which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. Page 2 Draft September 27, 2006 Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED: Mayor Susan E. Low (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk Janice C. Jones Passed: Approved: pjh:McHenry OrdWeetingAttendance.ord Page 3 + CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: October 16,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE. Bed and Breakfast Establishments Draft Ordinance Amending the Zoning Code to Regulate Bed and Breakfast ATTACHMENT: Establishments STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To direct Staff to schedule a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning d text amendment for Bed and Breakfast Establishments. Commission for consideration of the propose Background Develo ment Committee discussed regulations At the July 18, 2006 and August 15,2006 meetings,the Community P relating to bed and breakfast establishments. Based on the discussion at those meetings,Staff has drafted a proposed text amendment to the Zoning Code(see attached) kfast ast The proposed ordinance provides a definition Downtown Commercial District Establishments. Bed and as a Establishments would be allowed m the Conditional Use. The ordinance would also address parking and signage for these uses. Upon Council direction, Staff will schedule a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider this text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on XXXXXX, in the manner prescribed by Ordinance and Statute, and as a result of said hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission did recommend to the City Council the granting of the requested zoning text amendment; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is in the best interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of McHenry to adopt regulations for Bed and Breakfast establishments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Group B: Conditional Uses in All Residential Districts, of Table 5 of Chapter IV.Residential Districts,of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include: Bed and Breakfast establishments+ + Bed and Breakfast establishments shall also comply with Renter Occupancy requirements of the Municipal Code. SECTION 2. That Group M: Conditional Uses in C-4 and Higher Numbered Commercial Districts, of Table 7 of Chapter V. Commercial Districts, of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include: Bed and Breakfast establishments ** + **C-4 District only + Bed and Breakfast establishments shall also comply with Renter Occupancy requirements of the Municipal Code. SECTION 3. That Table 12: Required Parking Spaces for Residential and Lodging Uses of Chapter VH. Off-Street Parking and Loading of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include: Bed and Breakfast establishments 1 per room[e] [e] Plus two spaces for establishment owner 1 DRAFT SECTION 4. That Table 18: Sign Standards of Chapter IX. Signs of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include: Maximum Area Maximum Minimum Bed and Breakfasts Sign Type Number Permitted (square feet) Height(feet) Setback(feet) Business Sign I FS or wall 1 1 1 4 1 3____F 5 SECTION 5: That Chapter XIX.Definitions of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include: Bed and Breakfast Establishments: A single family residential structure which contains no more than five rooms for rent for a period not to exceed five consecutive nights per guest which also serves at least one meal,to the overnight guests only, in a home like environment. Signs, Bed and Breakfasts: A non-illuminated sign which only states the name of the establishment,the words"Bed and Breakfast"and the phone number. SECTION 6: All Ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF ,2006 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,2006 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 2 DATE' 9/29/2006 12:32 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTG 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6090244 100 XXXXX 1195 AFLAC 391041VOLUNTARY ADDITIONAL INSURANCE 09/06/06 M 090606 2,219.06 724959 100.219 0609 090606 GLJ3551 2219.06 090606 6090940 100 02 10160 ALBERTSONS 8/26/06 EMPLOYEE PICNIC BEVERAGES 09/15/06 M 091506 67.75 724968 100.02.6110 0609 091506 GLJ3627 67.75 091506 6091212 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 07 TAURUS VEHICLE PURCHASE 09/30/06 M 092806 12,461.00 725339 100.22.8400 0609 092806 GLJ3717 12461.00 092806 100-VEHPD 6090941 100 02 3564 COUNTRY QUILTERS OF MCHE MILLENIUM QUILT 09/15/06 M 091506 500.00 724969 100.02.6940 0609 091506 GLJ3627 500.00 091506 6091211 100 41 6286 FIRESIDE, THE 11/12/06 R-CHRISTMAS FIELD TRIP 09/30/06 M 092806 2,635.69 725340 100.41.5110 0609 092806 GLJ3717 2635.69 092806 6090230 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 09/30/06 M 090806 1,007.00 725341 100.214 0609 090806 GLJ3533 1007.00 090806 6091142 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 09/30/06 M 092206 1,007.00 725341 100.214 0609 092206 GLJ3640 1007.00 092206 6090245 100 02 8021 HARRISON JR, JOHN J EMPLOYEE PICNIC FOOD REIMB 09/06/06 M 090606 30.87 724960 100.02.6110 0609 090606 GLJ3551 30.87 090606 6091216 100 XXXXX 8527 HOME DEPOT/GECF AUG/SEPT06MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 09/30/06 M 092906 470.53 725342 100.41.6110 0609 092906 GLJ3725 M 81.00 092906 100.33.6110 0609 092906 GLJ3725 189.49 092906 100,34,6110 0609 092906 GLJ3725 38.52 092906 100.34.8200 0609 092906 GLJ3725 161.52 092906 100-MUNCTRIMP 6091217 510 31 8527 HOME DEPOT/GECF 1019236 SUPPLIES 09/30/06 M 092906 148.69 505754 510.31.8400 0609 092906 GLJ3725 148.69 092906 510-VEHWA 6090001 100 03 9004 IACE 3/13/06 SEMINAR FEE 09/01/06 M 090106 80.00 724955 100.03.5430 0609 090106 GLJ3453 DUNNE 40.00 090106 100.03.5430 0609 090106 GLJ3453 GEWALT 40.00 090106 6090002 100 01 9383 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF P AUGUST 06 DEATH CERTIFICATE COPIES 09/01/06 M 090106 506.00 724956 100.01.6940 0609 090106 GLJ3453 506.00 090106 6090246 100 01 9435 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICA DEPOSIT HISTORICAL MARKER APPLICATI 09/06/06 M 090606 500.00 724961 100.01.4220 0609 090606 GLJ3551 500.00 090606 100-LDMKCOM 6091159 100 22 9667 ITOA 11/19-21 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 09/22/06 M 092106 240.00 725333 COX 100.22.5430 0609 092106 GLJ3676 240.00 092106 DATE 9/29/2006 12:32 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE' 2 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTG 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ` ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6091160 100 02 11750 KUNZER, KATHLEEN 10/8-13/06CLERKS ACADEMY MEAL ADVANCE 09/22/06 M 092106 150.00 725334 100.02.5420 0609 092106 GLJ3676 150.00 092106 6090380 100 22 12036 LAW ENFORCEMENT FOUNDATI 9/26-27/06CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 09/08/06 M 090706 110.00 724965 JOHN ADAMS 100.22.5430 .0609 090706 GLJ3561 110.00 090706 6090005 XXXXX XXXXX 14305 MCHENRY BANK & TRUST INVESTMENTS 09/01/06 M 090106 850,000.00 724958 260.110 0609 090106 GLJ3453 ANNEXATION FUND 200000.00 090106 720.110 0609 090106 GLJ3453 DEVELOPMENTAL ESCROW 200000.00 090106 280.110 0609 090106 GLJ3453 PARK DONATIONS 200000.00 090106 280.110 0609 090106 GLJ3453 PARK DONATIONS 250000.00 090106 6090243 XXXXX XXXXX 14305 MCHENRY BANK & TRUST INVESTMENTS 09/06/06 M 090606 1120,000.00 724962 410.110 0609 090606 GLJ3551 RECREATION FUND 410000.00 090606 100.110 0609 090606 GLJ3551 GENERAL FUND 510000.00 090606 260.110 0609 090606 GLJ3551 ANNEXATION FUND 200000.00 090606 6091161 205 00 14276 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S 6/17/06 FACILITY USAGE 09/22/06 M 092106 669.00 725335 2006 MISS MCHENRY PAGEANT 205.00.5110 0609 092106 GLJ3676 669.00 092106 6070434 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 09/30/06 M 071406 105.80 725343 100.207 0607 071406 GLJ3277 105.80 071406 6071142 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 09/30/06 M 072806 105.80 725343 100.207 0607 072806 GLJ3328 105.80 072806 6080662 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 09/30/06 M 081106 105.80 725343 100.207 0608 081106 GLJ3368 105.80 081106 6081193 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 09/30/06 M 082506 105.80 725343 100.207 0608 082506 GLJ3416 105.80 082506 6090225 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 09/30/06 M 090806 105.80 725343 100.207 0609 090806 GLJ3533 105.80 090806 6091138 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 09/30/06 M 092206 105.80 725343 100.207 0609 092206 GLJ3640 105.80 092206 6090226 100 15079 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. IMRF LIFE 09/30/06 M 090806 335.00 725345 100.2041 0609 090806 GLJ3533 335.00 090806 6090942 620 00 15147 NET SPECIALISTS INC 104917MONTHLY HOSING FEE-WIN2000 09/15/06 M 091506 302.46 724970 CHECK # 724828 REPLACEMENT 620.00.5110 0609 091506 GLJ3627 302.46 091506 6090377 100 04 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL POSTAGE FOR WATER/SEWER BILLS 09/08/06 M 090706 808.37 724966 100.04.5310 0609 090706 GLJ3561 808.37 090706 6090943 100 02 20015 SAM'S CLUB 8/24/06 EMPLOYEE PICNIC FOOD & MISC 09/15/06 M 091506 663.23 724971 i DATE 9/29/2006 12:32 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTG 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.02.6110 0609 091506 GLJ3627 663.23 091506 6090944 100 41 20015 SAM'S CLUB 8/22/06 C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 09/15/06 M 091506 64.22 724971 100,41.6110 0609 091506 GLJ3627 64.22 091506 6091165 100 22 20086 SCHATZ, DONALD L 10/14/06 DJ SERVICES 09/22/06 M 092206 195.00 725336 CHARACTER COUNTS CELEBRATION 100.22.6110 0609 092206 GLJ3681 195.00 092206 6091213 100 03 20705 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 53620 OFFICE CHAIR 09/30/06 M 092806 34.99 725346 100.03.6210 0609 092806 GLJ3717 34.99 092806 6090004 510 31 21159 TEST INC 10/11-12 SEMINAR FEE 09/01/06 M 090106 60.00 505689 SCHMITT-"SEMINAR RSVP" 510.31.5430 0609 090106 GLJ3453 60.00 090106 6090378 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 09/08/06 M 090706 58.06 724967 100.02.5310 0609 090706 GLJ3561 35.12 090706 100.22.5310 0609 090706 GLJ3561 16.21 090706 100.41.5310 0609 090706 GLJ3561 6.73 090706 6090379 510 31 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 09/08/06 M 090706 6.80 505690 510.31.5310 0609 090706 GLJ3561 6.80 090706 6091162 100 04 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 09/22/06 M 092106 16.00 725337 100.04.5310 0609 092106 GLJ3676 16.00 092106 6091163 510 31 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 09/22/06 M 092106 20.05 505753 510.31.5310 0609 092106 GLJ3676 20.05 092106 6091210 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 09/30/06 M 092806 22.33 725347 100.04.5310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 8.00 092806 100.22.5310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 14.33 092806 6091214 100 XXXXX 22496 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR G-190822 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 09/30/06 M 092806 1,104.30 725348 100.01.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 64.80 092806 100.01.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 8.10 092806 100.01.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 18.90 092806 100.02.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 8.10 092806 100.224 0609 092806 GLJ3717 8.62 092806 100.04.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 15.68 092806 100.04.4310 0609. 092806 GLJ3717 32.40 092806 100.22.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 510.30 092806 100.30.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 44.55 092806 100.33.4310 0609 092806 GIJ3717 178.20 092806 100.34.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 24.30 092806 100.03.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 76.95 092806 100.41.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 97.20 092806 100.224 0609 092806 GLJ3717 8.10 092806 100.41.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 8.10 092806 DATE 9/29/2006 12:32 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE ' 4 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTG 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6091215 510 XXXXX 22496 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR G-190822 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 09/30/06 M 092806 162.00 505755 510.31.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 76.95 092806 510.32.4310 0609 092806 GLJ3717 85.05 092806 6070433 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 09/30/06 M 071406 9.00 725349 100.205 0607 071406 GLJ3277 9.00 071406 6071141 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 09/30/06 M 072806 9.00 725349 100.205 0607 072806 GLJ3328 9.00 072806 6080661 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 09/30/06 M 081106 9.00 725349 100.205 0608 081106 GLJ3368 9.00 081106 6081192 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 09/30/06 M 082506 9.00 725349 100.205 0608 082506 GLJ3416 9.00 082506 6090224 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 09/30/06 M 090806 9.00 725349 100.205 0609 090806 GLJ3533 9.00 090806 6091137 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 09/30/06 M 092206 9.00 725349 100.205 0609 092206 GLJ3640 9.00 092206 6090247 100 41 23999 VELEZ, JENNIFER L R-KINDERMUSIK KITS 09/06/06 M 090606 813.00 724963 100.41.5110 0609 090606 GLJ3551 813.00 090606 6091164 100 XXXXX 24020 WALMART COMMUNITY AUG/SEPT06MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 09/22/06 M 092106 360.50 725338 100.22.6210 0609 092106 GLJ3676 166.27 092106 100.41.6110 0609 092106 GLJ3676 R 59.59 092106 100.41.6110 0609 092106 GLJ3676 P 43.92 092106 100.41.5330 0609 092106 GLJ3676 17.69 092106 100.03.6210 0609 092106 GLJ3676 53.59 092106 100.33.6110 0609 092106 GLJ3676 19.44 092106 6090248 100 01 26550 YOLANDAS RESTAURANT & CA 8/30-31/06FOOD FOR NIMS TWO DAY TRAIN 09/06/06 M 090606 510.00 724964 100.01.5430 0609 090606 GLJ3551 510.00 090606 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 1,999,027.70 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 537,658.70 205 PAGEANT FUND 669.00 260 ANNEXATION FUND 400,000.00 280 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 450,000.00 410 *NOT IN CHART OF ACCOUNTS 410,000.00 DATE' 9/29/2006 12:32 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTG 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 397.54 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 302.46 720 DEVELOPMENTAL ESCROW 200,000.00 "*'* 1,999,027.70 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # IOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100368 100 33 1807 A W TOOL SALES INC 137699TOOL ALLOWANCE 10/16/06 0 100906 159.95 ROGERS 100.33.4510 0610 100906 GLJ3770 159.95 100906 6100363 100 34 1000 A-ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC 44117 DOOR HARDWARE 10/16/06 0 100906 3,807.11 100.34.8200 0610 100906 GLJ3769 3807.11 100906 100-MUNCTRIMP 6100382 100 22 1074 ACCURINT FOR LAW ENFORCE 20060930 SUBSCRIPTION 10/16/06 0 100906 76.00 100.22.5110 706567 0610 100906 GLJ3770 76.00 100906 76.00 6100347 100 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S SEPT. 06 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 1,168.32 100.22.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3769 7.64 100906 100.33.4510 0610 100906 GLJ3769 21.58 100906 100.33.4510 0610 100906 GLJ3769 122.06 100906 100.33.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 404.81 100906 100.34,6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 95.89 100906 100.41.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 M 492.13 100906 100.41.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 R 24.21 100906 6100348 510 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S SEPT. 06 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 718.84 510.31.4510 0610 100906 GLJ3769 70.17 100906 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 229.36 100906 510.32.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 243.24 100906 510.32.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 176.07 100906 6100370 100 22 1077 ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 1339 TOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 100906 25.00 100.22.5110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 25.00 100906 6100361 100 33 1080 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO 620190SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 63.00 100.33.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 63.00 100906 6100375 510 31 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 335919SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 17.47 510.31.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3770 17.47 100906 6100376 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 336538SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 33.63 100.33.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3770 33.63 100906 6100377 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 337419SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 283.95 100.33.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3770 283.95 100906 6100349 510 32 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 194434MATERIALS CUTTING 10/16/06 0 100906 94.47 510.32.5110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 94.47 100906 6100350 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197335MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100906 276.59 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 276.59 100906 6100351 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197478MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100906 86.59 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 86.59 100906 6100352 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197412SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 66.43 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 66.43 100906 6100353 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 196876SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 20.16 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 20.16 100906 6100354 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 196896SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 20.16 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 20.16 100906 6100355 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197493SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 25.13 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 25.13 100906 6100356 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197067SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 178.86 100.33.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 178.86 100906 6100357 510 32 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197480SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 8.00 510.32.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 8.00 100906 6100358 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197322SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 40.32 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 40.32 100906 6100359 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 197397SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 49.79 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 49.79 100906 6100654 510 31 1114 ADS LLC 2014399 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 1,287.53 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1287.53 101106 6100655 510 31 1114 ADS LLC 2014277 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 2,127.62 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 2127.62 101106 6100360 100 33 1256 AHLBORN EQUIPMENT INC 48418 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 130.37 100.33.6290 0610 100906 GLJ3769 130.37 100906 6100371 510 31 1391 ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP 368339CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 100906 5,572.50 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 5572.50 100906 6100372 510 31 1391 ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP 36834000NTAINER DEPOSITS 10/16/06 0 100906 2,665.75- 510.31.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 2665.75CR 100906 6100378 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 82828 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100906 45.00 100.33.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 45.00 100906 6100379 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 83407 LUMBER 10/16/06 0 100906 20.70 100.33.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 20.70 100906 6100380 100 41 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 83764 M-LUMBER 10/16/06 0 100906 11.30 100.41.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 11.30 100906 6100381 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 83765 LUMBER 10/16/06 0 100906 36.17 100.33.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 36.17 100906 6100366 100 41 7 AMERICAN CAMP ASSOCIATIO R-MAGAZINE RENEWAL 10/16/06 0 100906 24.95 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.41.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 24.95 100906 6100367 100 03 1433 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI 147480MEMBERSHIP DUES 10/16/06 0 100906 293.00 100.03.5410 0610 100906 GLJ3770 293.00 100906 6100369 100 03 1456 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SANI REFERENCE BOOKS 10/16/06 0 100906 77.95 100.03.5450 0610 100906 GLJ3770 77.95 100906 6100364 510 32 1561 AQUAPREP 9762 CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 100906 5,062.50 510.32.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 5062.50 100906 6100365 510 32 1561 AQUAPREP 9761 CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 100906 7,425.00 510.32.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3769 7425.00 100906 6100373 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 62031845-1EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 100906 58.94 LEIN 100.33.4510 0610 100906 GLJ3770 58.94 100906 6100374 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 62058764-IEMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 100906 92.93 STULL 100.33.4510 0610 100906 GLJ3770 92.93 100906 6100389 XXXXX XXXXX 1635 ARCH P7002203J PAGER SERVICE 10/16/06 0 100906 42.77 100.34.5110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 42.40 100906 620.00.5110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 .37 100906 6100390 510 31 1635 ARCH P7002203J PAGER SERVICE 10/16/06 0 100906 19.70 510.31.5110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 19.70 100906 6100362 100 41 1 ASBACH, MELANIE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 100906 46.00 100.41.3631 0610 100906 GLJ3769 46.00 100906 6100383 100 41 1671 ASHLEYS CARPET & FLOOR 0 8195 R-CARPET FOR LAKELAND PARK CC 10/16/06 0 100906 2,281.24 100.41.6110 0610 100906 GLJ3770 2281.24 100906 6100384 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT. 06 PRI PHONE LINES 10/16/06 0 100906 1,427.87 100.01.5320 0610 100906 GIJ3770 232.20 100906 100.02.5320 0610 100906 GIJ3770 84.40 100906 100.04.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 112.53 100906 100.22.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 548.60 100906 100.30.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 84.40 100906 100.33.5320 0610 100906 GIJ3770 14.07 100906 100.34.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 28.13 100906 100.03.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 196.93 100906 100.41.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 126.61 100906 6100385 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT. 06 CENTREX PHONE LINES 10/16/06 0 100906 1,389.46 100.01.5320 0610 100906 GIJ3770 199.66 100906 100.02.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 39.14 100906 100.22.5320 0610 100906 GIJ3770 472.30 100906 100.30.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 39.14 100906 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.33.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 305.63 100906 100.34.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 39.14 100906 100.41.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 294.4E 100906 6100386 620 00 1450 AT&T SEPT 06 DSL SERVICE 10/16/06 0 100906 211.02 620.00.5110 1505090 0610 100906 GLJ3770 211.02 100906 211.02 6100387 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT 06 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/16/06 0 100906 1,107.46 100.01.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 41.86 100906 100.22.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 702.39 100906 100.41.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 343.23 100906 100.33.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 19.98 100906 6100388 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT 06 ALARM CIRCUITS 10/16/06 0 100906 1,089.32 510.31.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 68.23 100906 510.32.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 1021.09 100906 6100419 100 03 2421 BASTIAN, THOMAS P 541 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 225.00 100.03.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 225.00 101006 6100420 100 03 2421 BASTIAN, THOMAS P 539 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 435.00 100.03.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 435.00 101006 6100421 100 03 2421 BASTIAN, THOMAS P 540 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 325.00 100.03.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 325.00 101006 6100399 580 31 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 114283WATER TREATMENT PLANT #1 10/16/06 0 100906 1,697.90 580.31.8500 0610 100906 GLJ3772 1697.90 100906 580-WTRPLI 6100400 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 114282LIBERTY TRAILS SUBDIVISION #2 10/16/06 O 100906 843.21 740.00.5220 0610 100906 GLJ3772 843.21 100906 6100556 100 41 2148 BENTZ, DON 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 196.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 196.00 101006 6100418 440 00 2157 BERGER EXCAVATING COMPAN #1 EXTENSION-MUNICIPAL DR 10/16/06 0 101006 99,567.23 440.00.8600 21104 0610 101006 GLJ3774 PROJ#440-MUNIDR 99567.23 101006 99567.23 440-MUNIDR 6100398 100 41 1 BEVERLY, JEN PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 100906 29.66 100.41.3631 0610 100906 GLJ3772 29.66 100906 6100401 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1030445 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 100906 447.22 510.32.6250 0610 100906 GLJ3772 447.22 100906 6100402 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1029842 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 100906 329.18 510.32.6250 0610 100906 GLJ3772 329.18 100906 6100403 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1029838 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 100906 3,327.81 100.22.6250 0610 100906 GLJ3772 3327.81 100906 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100405 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1028407 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 552.42 510.32.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 552.42 101006 6100406 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1028835 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 325.99 510.32.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 325.99 101006 6100407 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1029840 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 408.88 100,41.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 408.88 101006 6100408 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1029841 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 434.62 510.31.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 434.62 101006 6100409 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1030444 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 221.30 510.31.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 221.30 101006 6100410 100 K}QCKK 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1030442 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 990.31 100.03.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 873.39 101006 100.33.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 116.92 101006 6100411 100 KXKXK 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1029839 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 1,010.72 100.33.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 822.35 101006 100.03.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 146.89 101006 100.01.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 20.74 101006 100.04.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 20.74 101006 6100412 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1030441 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 2,249.17 100.22.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 2249.17 101006 6100413 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1031011 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 2,091.66 100.22.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 2091.66 101006 6100414 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1028834 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 209.75 510.31.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 209.75 101006 6100415 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1028406 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 237.21 510.31.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 237.21 101006 6100416 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1031013 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 499.74 100.41.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 499.74 101006 6100417 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1030443 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101006 646.42 100.41.6250 0610 101006 GLJ3774 646.42 101006 6100651 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1031681 VEHICLE FUEL 10/16/06 0 101106 295.67 100.41.6250 0610 101106 GLJ3793 295.67 101106 6100557 100 41 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 350.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 350.00 101006 6100422 100 22 2742 BULL VALLEY BP SEPT. 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES 10/16/06 0 101006 39.00 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 ' CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 39.00 101006 6100394 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 23534 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 100906 49.80 100.33.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3772 49.80 100906 6100395 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 23661 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 100906 56.54 100.33.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3772 56.54 100906 6100396 510 31 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 23678 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 100906 11.14 510.31.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3772 11.14 100906 6100397 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 23696 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 100906 56.26 100.22.5370 0610 100906 GLJ3772 56.26 100906 6100448 100 22 3019 CALEA 27523 ANNUAL CONTINUATION FEE 10/16/06 0 101006 4,195.00 100.22.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 4195.00 101006 6100432 760 00 3006 CAPITAL GAINS INCORPORAT 1105 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 3,838.92 760.00.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 3838.92 101006 6100442 510 32 3007 CAREY ELECTRIC 019291ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 48.00 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 48.00 101006 6100464 100 XXXXX 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR SEPT. 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 810.79 100.22.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 294.20 101006 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 425.34 101006 100.41.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 91.25 101006 6100465 510 XXXXX 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR SEPT. 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 363.06 510.31.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 186.11 101006 510.32.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 176.95 101006 6100434 100 33 3012 CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY C75308SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 73.36 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 73.36 101006 6100435 100 33 3012 CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY C75309SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 40.12 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 40.12 101006 6100443 100 33 3012 CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY C75530VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 224.88 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3774 224.88 101006 6100437 100 22 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC BXL4247 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 10/16/06 0 101006 5,220.00 100.22.8300 0610 101006 GLJ3774 2360.14 101006 100-EQUIPPD 100.22.8400 0610 101006 GLJ3774 2859.86 101006 100-EQUIPPD 6100438 100 22 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC BVW5972 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 10/16/06 0 101006 565.00 100.22.8400 0610 101006 GLJ3774 565.00 101006 100-EQUIPPD DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100439 100 22 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC BWT3681 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 228.62 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 228.62 101006 6100440 100 22 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC BXX5983 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 228.60 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 228.60 101006 6100441 100 22 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC BSZ3989 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 10/16/06 0 101006 87.86 100.22.8300 0610 101006 GLJ3774 87.86 101006 100-EQUIPPD 6100709 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC CBT1710 CONSULTING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101106 3,600.00 620.00.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 3600.00 101106 6100710 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC CBW3535 CONSULTING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101106 3,600.00 620.00.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 3600.00 101106 6100454 100 41 3286 CHANEY, SCOTT SUMMER 06 R-GUITAR INSTRUCTOR 10/16/06 0 101006 240.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 240.00 101006 6100431 100 02 3244 CHAPEL HILL FLORIST INC 000088GET WELL FLOWERS 10/16/06 0 101006 42.00 HOHOL 100.02.6940 0610 101006 GLJ3774 42.00 101006 6100433 100 02 3244 CHAPEL HILL FLORIST INC 000005GET WELL FLOWERS 10/16/06 0 101006 42.00 JONES 100.02.6940 0610 101006 GLJ3774 42.00 101006 6100444 100 41 3284 CHRISMAN, CAROL 9/14/06 SKATE PARK JAM 10/16/06 0 101006 65.00 100.41.6920 0610 101006 GLJ3774 65.00 101006 6100449 100 XXXXX 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 SEPT 06 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 10/16/06 0 101006 164.28 100.34.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 #355-01002 93.40 101006 100.33.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 #355-01000 70.88 101006 6100450 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 SEPT. 06 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 10/16/06 0 101006 429.05 510.32.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 355-00992 105.00 101006 510.32.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 355-00999 324.05 101006 6100451 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 SEPT. 06 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 10/16/06 0 101006 123.78 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 355-00992 43.06 101006 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 355-00999 80.72 101006 6100452 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 SEPT. 06 TOWEL RENTALS 10/16/06 0 101006 93.72 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 355-01000 93.72 101006 6100445 100 XXXXX 3400 CLIFFORD-WALD IN00037194LARGE COPIER MAINTENANCE 10/16/06 0 101006 70.00 100.03.5110 1106016 0610 101006 GLJ3774 35.00 101006 35.00 100.30.5110 1106016 0610 101006 GLJ3774 35.00 101006 35.00 6100446 100 XXXXX 3400 CLIFFORD-WALD IN00037194MONTHLY USAGE/KIP COPIER 10/16/06 0 101006 30.32 100.03.5110 1105047 0610 101006 GLJ3774 15.16 101006 15.16 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.30.5110 1105047 0610 101006 GLJ3774 15.16 101006 15.16 6100460 100 XXXXX 3531 COMED SEPT 06 UTILITIES 10/16/06 0 101006 2,103.66 100.33.5520 0610 101006 GLJ3774 26.74 101006 100.41.5510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 2076.92 101006 6100461 510 XXXXX 3531 COMED SEPT 06 UTILITIES 10/16/06 0 101006 302.88 510.31.5510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 82.86 101006 510.32.5510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 220.02 101006 6100462 510 XXXXX 3530 COMED 494013008 PUMPING CHARGES 10/16/06 0 101006 31,396.36 510.31.5510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 8469.05 101006 510.32.5510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 22927.31 101006 6100463 100 33 3528 COMED SEPT 06 STREE & HWY LIGHTS 10/16/06 0 101006 15,965.09 100.33.5520 0610 101006 GLJ3774 1364.51 101006 100.33.5520 0610 101006 GLJ3774 14600.58 101006 6100453 100 22 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T0704119 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 10/16/06 0 101006 115.00 100.22.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 115.00 101006 6100430 100 33 3555 COPLEY ROOFING COMPANY I 10004 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 9.60 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 9.60 101006 6100466 100 41 3631 CRAFT CONCRETE PRODUCTS 14274 M-MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 120.00 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 120.00 101006 6100424 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112863150 RETURNED ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 10/16/06 0 101006 10.07- 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 10.07CR 101006 6100426 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112863143 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 42.23 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 42.23 101006 6100427 510 32 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112862318 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 345.41 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 345.41 101006 6100428 510 32 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112862119 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 11.75 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 11.75 101006 6100429 510 32 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112861050 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 46.85 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 46.85 101006 6100436 100 22 3659 CRUZ, MICHAEL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 305.34 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3774 305.34 101006 6100447 100 41 3661 CRYSTAL MANOR STABLE 6547 R-HORSMANSHIP CLASSES 10/16/06 0 101006 225.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 225.00 101006 6100455 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 62247 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 112.50 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 112.50 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100456 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 62096 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 883.02 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 883.02 101006 6100457 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 61973 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 663.00 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 663.00 101006 6100458 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 62144 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 446.25 100,33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 446.25 101006 6100459 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 50000 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 2,102.95 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 2102.95 101006 6100423 100 22 3751 CUSHING TECHNOLOGIES INC 200610061 CAD/RMS SOFTWARE 10/16/06 0 101006 15,000.00 PSR CONVERSION 100.22.8300 0610 101006 GLJ3774 800.00 101006 100-RECORDSMG 100.22.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3774 14200.00 101006 100-RECORDSMG 6100545 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 604549BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 10/16/06 0 101006 14.50 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 14.50 101006 6100546 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 603961BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 10/16/06 0 101006 21.75 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 21.75 101006 6100544 100 33 4141 DECKER SUPPLY CO INC 848705SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,151.50 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 1151.50 101006 6100485 100 41 4138 DELL.O BASKETBALL SCHOOL 1705 R-BASKETBALL CAMP 10/16/06 0 101006 2,205.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 2205.00 101006 6100547 100 22 4298 DISPLAYIT 1201 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,893.00 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 1893.00 101006 6100541 100 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 12582 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,362.00 100.00.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3784 1362.00 101006 6100552 100 22 4557 DON'S TOWING 16726 TOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 25.00 100.22.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 25.00 101006 6100553 100 33 4557 DON'S TOWING 36961 TOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 100.00 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3784 100.00 101006 6100542 100 34 4552 DOOR SYSTEMS INC 0628421-INSTEEL ROLLING DOOR SERVICE 10/16/06 0 101006 237.50 100.34.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 237.50 101006 6100543 100 22 4559 DORAN & ASSOCIATES R A 05 RECORD SYSTEM TRAINING 10/16/06 0 101006 590.00 100.22.5430 0610 101006 GLJ3784 590.00 101006 6100548 510 32 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I468826 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 39.82 510.32.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 39.82 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100549 510 31 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I470019 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 176.91 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 176.91 101006 6100550 510 32 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I471093 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 708.72 510.32.5375 0610 101006 GLJ3784 708.72 101006 6100551 510 32 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I469188 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 36.48 510.32.5375 0610 101006 GLJ3784 36.48 101006 6100554 100 34 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 307166SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 69.00 100.34.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 69.00 101006 6100565 510 31 5050 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 2835632 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,275.00 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 1275.00 101006 6100568 100 41 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 130325405 C-RETURNED ITEM 10/16/06 0 101006 22.50- 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 22.50CR 101006 6100569 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 130697502 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101006 130.00 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 130.00 101006 6100570 100 41 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 130711102 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101006 78.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 78.00 101006 6100571 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 130723601 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101006 107.10 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 107.10 101006 6100572 100 41 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 130725703 M-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101006 100.00 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 100.00 101006 6100567 100 33 5309 EJ EQUIPMENT 0019154 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 559.17 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3784 559.17 101006 6100566 510 31 5521 EPCO PAINT 172478SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 169.84 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 169.84 101006 6100319 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH AUGUST 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES 10/16/06 0 100606 34.80 100.22.5110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 34.80 100606 6100322 100 30 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 4008243123VEHICLE WASH 10/16/06 0 100606 9.45 100.30.5110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 9.45 100606 6100328 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH SEPT. 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES 10/16/06 0 100606 52.70 100.22.5110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 52.70 100606 6100317 100 33 6028 FASTENAL COMPANY 101903SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100606 21.76 100.33.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 21.76 100606 6100318 100 33 6028 FASTENAL COMPANY 101593SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100606 62.15 100.33.6290 0610 100606 GLJ3766 62.15 100606 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100323 100 34 6283 FIREGUARD OF ILLINOIS IN 9/7/06NEW OFFICE SPRINKLERS 10/16/06 0 100606 2,200.00 100.34.8200 0610 100606 GLJ3766 2200.00 100606 100-MUNCTRIMP 6100340 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9741 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 1,330.12 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 1330.12 100606 6100341 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9767 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 392.62 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 392.62 100606 6100342 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9743 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 233.81 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GL03766 233.81 100606 6100343 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9742 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 1,282.31 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 1282.31 100606 6100344 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9694 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 1,488.37 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 1488.37 100606 6100345 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9717 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 188.43 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 188.43 100606 6100346 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9776 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 100606 392.62 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 392.62 100606 6100325 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 71524000PIER SERVICE CONTRACT 10/16/06 0 100606 149.14 100.22.5110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 149.14 100606 6100324 100 00 2 FOLLETT SOFTWARE REFUND PERMIT #06-09-009 10/16/06 0 100606 30.00 100.00.3410 0610 100606 GLJ3766 30.00 100606 6100326 100 33 6540 FOREMAN & COMPANY, JOSEP 226253SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100606 98.00 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 98.00 100606 6100327 100 41 6555 FOTO FAST 51982SPHOTO PROCESSING 10/16/06 0 100606 7.25 100.41.5330 0610 100606 GLJ3766 7.25 100606 6100320 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30662 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 83.20 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 83.20 100606 6100321 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30549 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100606 27.54 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 27.54 100606 6100329 100 41 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30819 M-SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 462.08 100.41.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 462.08 100606 6100330 100 41 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30787 M-SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 62.00 100.41.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 62.00 100606 6100331 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30799 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 25.60 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 25.60 100606 6100332 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30766 SOD & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100606 145.16 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 145.16 100606 6100333 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30653 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 96.00 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 96.00 100606 6100334 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30653 SOD & GRASS SEED 10/16/06 0 100606 154.16 510.31.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 154.16 100606 6100335 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30675 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 76.80 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 76.80 100606 6100336 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30626 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 102.40 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 102.40 100606 6100337 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30575 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 12.80 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 12.80 100606 6100338 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30532 SOD 10/16/06 0 100606 98.56 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 98.56 100606 6100339 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 30498 SOD & GRASS SEED 10/16/06 0 100606 200.80 100.33.6110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 200.80 100606 6100558 100 41 6630 FRANKLIN, JAMES B 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 288.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 288.00 101006 6100559 100 41 6648 FREUND, VICTOR 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 48.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 48.00 101006 6100586 100 33 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001189EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 72.75 BURRAFATO 100.33.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 72.75 101006 6100587 100 33 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001191EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 82.75 LANGE 100.33.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 82.75 101006 6100588 100 33 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001190EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 72.75 MOLL 100.33.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 72.75 101006 6100589 100 XXXXX 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001192PRINTED PURCHASE ORDERS 10/16/06 0 101006 195.57 100.34.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 65.19 101006 100.30.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 65.19 101006 100.33.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 65.19 101006 6100590 510 XXXXX 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001192PRINTED PURCHASE ORDERS 10/16/06 0 101006 130.38 510.31.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 65.19 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 510.32.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 65.19 101006 6100591 100 XXXXX 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001193PRINTED PURCHASE ORDERS 10/16/06 0 101006 247.00 100.34.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 61.75 101006 100.30.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 61.75 101006 100.33.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 61.75 101006 100.41.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 61.75 101006 6100592 510 XXXXX 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001193PRINTED PURCHASE ORDERS 10/16/06 0 101006 123.50 510.31.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 61.75 101006 510.32.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3790 61.75 101006 6100576 100 22 7007 GALLS INCORPORATED W106080901SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 587.92 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 587.92 101006 6100580 100 33 7010 GARRELTS & SONS INC 108913PLUMBING SERVICE WORK 10/16/06 0 101006 235.80 100.33.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 235.80 101006 6100582 100 41 7150 GEMPLER'S INC 1008454441SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 135.48 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 R 67.74 101006 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 P 67.74 101006 6100584 100 33 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM 11726 2-WAY RADIO REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101006 510.90 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3790 510.90 101006 6100577 100 41 1 GLAUSER, HOLLY PARKS BEACH RENTAL REFUND 10/16/06 0 101006 70.00 100.41.3633 0610 101006 GLJ3790 70.00 101006 6100585 100 04 7391 GLICK, DEBORAH A CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 37.26 100.04.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 37.26 101006 6100573 100 41 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 169532C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 91.10 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 91.10 101006 6100583 100 33 7633 GRAINGER 9186907433VEHICLE SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 100.44 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3790 100.44 101006 6100575 100 22 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 14064SUNIFORM ITEMS 10/16/06 0 101006 111.95 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 111.95 101006 6100578 100 22 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 140639UNIFORM ITEMS 10/16/06 0 101006 114.95 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 114.95 101006 6100593 100 22 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 140711EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 10/16/06 0 101006 6.95 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 6.95 101006 6100574 100 41 1 GRUNDY, LINDA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 101006 90.00 100.41.3631 0610 101006 GLJ3790 90.00 101006 6100579 100 04 7750 GURRIE, LETITIA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 93.16 100.04.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3790 93.16 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 14 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100609 510 31 8009 HACH COMPANY 4865806 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 56.80 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 56.80 101006 6100610 510 31 8009 HACH COMPANY 4856932 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 374.50 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 374.50 101006 6100594 100 34 8022 HARM'S FARM 9859 FALL DECORATIONS 10/16/06 0 101006 228.86 100.34.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 228.86 101006 6100595 100 34 8022 HARM'S FARM 9860 FALL DECORATIONS 10/16/06 0 101006 29.99 100.34.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 29.99 101006 6100598 100 34 8022 HARM'S FARM 9833 FALL PLANTINGS 10/16/06 0 101006 48.00 100.34.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 48.00 101006 6100599 100 41 8022 HARM'S FARM 9844 M-FALL PLANTINGS 10/16/06 0 101006 72.00 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3790 72.00 101006 6100601 510 KXXXX 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 2188 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,766.66 510.32.5110 20612 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 3533.32 101006 3533.32 510.31.5110 20612 0610 101006 GLJ3790 ENTERED ON WRONG PO 1766.66CR 101006 6100602 510 31 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 2188 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,766.66 510.31.5110 20611 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 1766.66 101006 1766.66 6100603 100 41 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 2188 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 5,300.00 100.41.5110 20609 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 5300.00 101006 5300.00 6100604 100 33 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 2188 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,766.68 100.33.5110 20610 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 1766.68 101006 1766.68 6100605 100 33 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 1232 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 2,208.34 100.33.5110 20610 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 2208.34 101006 2208.34 6100606 100 41 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 1232 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 6,625.00 100.41.5110 20609 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 6625.00 101006 6625.00 6100607 510 31 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 1232 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 2,208.33 510.31.5110 20611 0610 101006 GLJ3790 2006/07 SEASON 2208.33 101006 2208.33 6100608 510 32 8033 HAYDEN LANDSCAPING & MAI 1232 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 2,208.33 510.32.5110 20612 0610 101006 GLJ3792 2006/07 SEASON 2208.33 101006 2208.33 6100596 100 41 1 HELMS, PAMELA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 101006 40.00 100.41.3631 0610 101006 GLJ3790 40.00 101006 6100600 100 41 1 HOGMAN, SHERI PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 101006 92.00 100.41.3631 0610 101006 GLJ3790 92.00 101006 6100597 100 00 2 HUNTER HOMES REFUND PERMIT #03-04-022 10/16/06 0 101006 30.00 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.00.3410 0610 101006 GLJ3790 30.00 101006 6100560 100 41 8750 HUTCHINGS, BYRON P 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 92.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 92.00 101006 6100616 620 00 9406 ILLINOIS AUDIO PRODUCTIO 22591 MESSAGE ON HOLD LEASE 10/16/06 0 101006 198.00 620.00.5110 1505033 0610 101006 GLJ3792 198.00 101006 198.00 6100617 100 22 9418 ILLINOIS FBI NA 10/25/06 MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 10/16/06 0 101006 40.00 100.22.5430 0610 101006 GLJ3792 40.00 101006 6100614 510 32 9520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTE 80873 VEHICLE BATTERY 10/16/06 0 101006 107.95 510.32.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 107.95 101006 6100613 100 41 10529 JONES TRAVEL & TOUR 80693 R-FIELD TRIP TRANSPORTATION 10/16/06 0 101006 695.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 695.00 101006 6100618 300 00 10575 JP MORGAN TRUST COMPANY MCHENALT02GO BOND REGISTERED INTEREST 10/16/06 0 101006 63,937.50 300.00.7200 0610 101006 GLJ3792 63937.50 101006 6100619 300 00 10575 JP MORGAN TRUST COMPANY MCHGOREP05GO BOND REGISTERED INTEREST 10/16/06 0 101006 46,158.13 300.00.7200 0610 101006 GLJ3792 46158.13 101006 6100620 520 00 10575 JP MORGAN TRUST COMPANY MCHENRY97BGO BOND REGISTERED INTEREST 10/16/06 0 101006 19,125.00 520.00.7200 0610 101006 GLJ3792 19125.00 101006 6100611 510 XXXXX 10735 JULIE INC 08-06-0944UNDERGROUND LOCATES 10/16/06 0 101006 269.90 510.31.5110 20510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 134.95 101006 134.95 510.32.5110 20510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 134.95 101006 134.95 6100612 100 33 10735 JULIE INC 08-06-0944UNDERGROUND LOCATES 10/16/06 0 101006 134.95 100.33.5110 20511 0610 101006 GLJ3792 134.95 101006 134.95 6100629 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 74879 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 38.50 100.22,4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 38.50 101006 6100630 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 67710 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 251.70 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 251.70 101006 6100631 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 11480 UNIFORM RETURNS 10/16/06 0 101006 46.35- 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 46.35CR 101006 6100632 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 11481 UNIFORM RETURNS 10/16/06 0 101006 164.40- 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 164.40CR 101006 6100633 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 11482 UNIFORM RETURNS 10/16/06 0 101006 24.50- 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 24.50CR 101006 6100635 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 72170 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 31.50 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 31.50 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 16 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100636 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 72169 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 38.50 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 38.50 101006 6100404 580 32 11146 KENO & SONS CONSTRUCTION 5032 CWWTP IMPROVEMENTS 10/16/06 0 101006 87,370.50 PAYOUT #5 580.32.8500 20496 0610 101006 GLJ3774 PROJ # 580-CWWTP 87370.50 101006 87370.50 580-CWWTP 6100769 100 41 7 KIM ROY REIMB P-SWIM TEAM MEETING MILEAGE 10/16/06 0 101106 22.25 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 22.25 101106 6100637 100 00 2 KIMBALL HILL HOMES REFUND PERMIT #04-07-014 10/16/06 0 101006 60.00 REFUND PERMIT #05-03-008 100.00.3410 0610 101006 GLJ3792 30.00 101006 100.00.3410 0610 101006 GLJ3792 30.00 101006 6100624 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 921929SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 348.96 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 348.96 101006 6100625 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 943980SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 211.22 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 211.22 101006 6100626 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 951514SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 284.80 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 284.80 101006 6100627 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 940510SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 43.84 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 43.84 101006 6100628 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 936550SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 427.96 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 427.96 101006 6100640 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 921772SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 107.77 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 107.77 101006 6100641 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 922307SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 174.33 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 174.33 101006 6100621 100 34 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 53597 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 10/16/06 0 101006 409.75 100.34.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 409.75 101006 6100623 100 22 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 53596 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 10/16/06 0 101006 190.25 100.22.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 190.25 101006 6100638 100 XXXXX 11638 KRATZ PLUMBING COMPANY 2852 RPZ'S ANNUAL INSPECTIONS 10/16/06 0 101006 1,200.00 100.34.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 240.00 101006 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 80.00 101006 100.34.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 160.00 101006 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 M 720.00 101006 6100639 510 XXXXX 11638 KRATZ PLUMBING COMPANY 2852 RPZ'S ANNUAL INSPECTIONS 10/16/06 0 101006 1,175.00 510.31.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 160.00 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 17 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510.32.5380 0610 101006 GLJ3792 1015.00 101006 6100634 100 22 11640 KREASSIG, DANIEL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 180.16 100.22.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 180.16 101006 6100622 100 41 11675 KRUMMET, BILL R-TENNIS SUPPLIES REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 27.47 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 27.47 101006 6100652 510 32 11703 KTD INC 6791 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 92.79 510.32.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 92.79 101106 6100561 100 41 11764 KUS, TOM 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 24.50 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 24.50 101006 6100649 100 41 12013 LANDS' END INC 05014535 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 82.45 WITT 100.41.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 82.45 101006 6100643 100 03 12017 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 60730 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 5.63 100.03.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 5.63 101006 6100644 100 33 12021 LANGE, MICHAEL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 19.00 100.33.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 19.00 101006 6100648 100 33 12142 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 577448SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 22.05 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3792 22.05 101006 6100645 100 41 12162 LET ME ARRANGE IT INC 12/1/06 R-FIELD TRIPS 10/16/06 0 101006 625.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 625.00 101006 6100646 100 41 12162 LET ME ARRANGE IT INC 12/10/06 R-FIELD TRIPS 10/16/06 0 101006 1,450.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 1450.00 101006 6100642 100 34 12282 LIBERTY FLAG & SPECIALTY 08060253 FLAGS 10/16/06 0 101006 197.95 100.34.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3792 197.95 101006 6100809 100 02 12530 LOCKER'S FLOWERS 429492NEW BABY FLOWER 10/16/06 0 101106 46.00 100.02.6940 0610 101106 GLJ3796 46.00 101106 6100650 100 02 12550 LOW, SUSAN IML CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 59.77 100.02.5420 0610 101006 GLJ3792 59.77 101006 6100647 100 41 12746 LUNKENHEIMER, PATTIE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 117.36 100.41.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3792 117.36 101006 6100517 100 41 12998 MACDONALD, B J 9/20/06 P-SWIM TEAM MEETING MEAL 10/16/06 0 101006 26.00 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 26.00 101006 6100535 510 31 13037 MARTELLE WATER TREATMENT 5241 CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 101006 958.38 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 958.38 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 18 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100516 100 04 13015 MARTENSON, LYNN G CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101006 277.62 100.04.4510 0610 101006 GLJ3783 277.62 101006 6100518 100 41 1 MATEJA, RENATA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 101006 31.00 100.41.3631 0610 101006 GLJ3783 31.00 101006 6100519 100 01 13032 MAXEINER, DOUGLAS K 9/9-13/06 ICMA CONFERENCE EXPENSE REI 10/16/06 0 101006 75.30 100.01.5420 0610 101006 GLJ3783 75.30 101006 6100496 100 34 13023 MAYFAIR CARPETS & FURNIT 517210SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 83.45 100.34.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 83.45 101006 6100521 100 01 14067 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF O1 105LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC 10/16/06 0 101006 6,800.00 100.01.5230 0610 101006 GLJ3783 6800.00 101006 6100473 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012807 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,056.59 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 1056.59 101006 6100474 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012850 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 201.06 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 201.06 101006 6100475 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012843 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 30.86 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 30.86 101006 6100476 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012794 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 38.80 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 38.80 101006 6100477 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012872 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 129.46 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 129.46 101006 6100478 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012873 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 90.95 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 90.95 101006 6100479 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11012892 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 45.51 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 45.51 101006 6100480 100 03 14071 MCCARTHY, THOMAS M SEPT. 06 MOWING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 753.34 100.03.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 753.34 101006 6100481 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 16847 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 10/16/06 0 101006 72.00 510.31.5110 18496 0610 101006 GLJ3780 72.00 101006 72.00 6100493 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 16873 WATER SAMPLE TESTING 10/16/06 0 101006 30.00 510.31.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 30.00 101006 6100494 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 0602673 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 10/16/06 0 101006 338.00 510.31.5110 18496 0610 101006 GLJ3780 338.00 101006 338.00 6100495 740 00 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 0602673 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 10/16/06 0 101006 13.00 ADVANCE AUTO 740.00.6960 0610 101006 GLJ3780 13.00 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 19 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100522 260 00 14276 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S SEPT. 06 OPERATING FEES 10/16/06 0 101006 23,594.00 260,00.6970 0610 101006 GLJ3783 23594.00 101006 6100523 260 00 14275 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL SEPT. 06 OPERATING FEES 10/16/06 0 101006 32,434.00 260.00.6970 0610 101006 GLJ3783 32434.00 101006 6100510 100 22 14253 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 10/24/06 MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 10/16/06 0 101006 36.00 100.22.5430 0610 101006 GLJ3780 36.00 101006 6100508 200 00 14289 MCHENRY COUNTY CONVENTIO 005 FY 07 SUPPORT 10/16/06 0 101006 12,000.00 200.00.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 12000.00 101006 6100482 100 41 14283 MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & M 2956 M-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 63.00 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 63.00 101006 6100653 XXXXX XXXXX 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER SEPT. 06 RECORDING FEES 10/16/06 0 101106 345.50 100.01.6940 0610 101106 GLJ3793 4.50 101106 100.01.6940 0610 101106 GLJ3793 78.00 101106 740.00.6960 0610 101106 GLJ3793 93.00 101106 100.01.6940 0610 101106 GLJ3793 26.00 101106 740.00.6960 0610 101106 GLJ3793 144.00 101106 6100486 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 084154SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 44.50 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 44.50 101006 6100487 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 084263SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 95.40 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 95.40 101006 6100488 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 084282SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 199.70 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 199.70 101006 6100489 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 084235SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 40.00 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 40.00 101006 6100490 100 33 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 083999SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 12.42 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 12.42 101006 6100491 510 31 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 084695SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 66.20 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 66.20 101006 6100492 510 31 14259 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY IN 084095SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 159.02 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 159.02 101006 6100527 100 41 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 014336M-FLAT TIRE REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101006 9.00 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 9.00 101006 6100539 100 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA SEPT. 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 1,765.23 100.03.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3783 46.58 101006 100.22.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3783 602.57 101006 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3783 933.32 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 20 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3783 182.76 101006 6100540 510 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA SEPT. 06 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 10/16/06 0 101006 274.93 510.31.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3783 92.47 101006 510.32.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3783 182.46 101006 6100509 100 22 14476 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION F PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 10/16/06 0 101006 42,289.63 100.22.4430 0610 101006 GLJ3780 42289.63 101006 6100520 100 22 14476 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION F PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 10/16/06 0 101006 155,445.76 100.22.4430 0610 101006 GLJ3783 155445.76 101006 6100524 260 00 14270 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY SEPT. 06 OPERATING FEES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,846.00 260.00.6980 0610 101006 GLJ3783 1846.00 101006 6100483 100 41 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2006-1345 R-SOFTBALL PLAQUES 10/16/06 0 101006 167.50 100.41.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 167.50 101006 6100484 100 22 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2006-1371 RETIREMENT PLAQUES 10/16/06 0 101006 160.00 100.22.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3780 160.00 101006 6100526 100 22 14291 MCHENRY STORAGE, THE SEPT. 06 STORAGE UNIT RENT 10/16/06 0 101006 295.00 100.22.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 295.00 101006 6100525 260 00 14261 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PR SEPT. 06 OCCUPANCY FEES 10/16/06 0 101006 288.00 260.00.6990 0610 101006 GLJ3783 288.00 101006 6100504 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 360632MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 41.40 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 41.40 101006 6100505 100 33 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 354127MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 64.18 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 64.18 101006 6100506 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 354127MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 65.25 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 65.25 101006 6100507 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 353228MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 291.13 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 291.13 101006 6100528 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 355997MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 141.41 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 141.41 101006 6100529 100 33 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 355058MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 673.19 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 673.19 101006 6100530 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 355058MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 333.24 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 333.24 101006 6100531 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 356897MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 117.30 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 117.30 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 21 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100532 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 358787MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 67.28 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 67.28 101006 6100533 100 33 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 357843MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 70.55 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 70.55 101006 6100534 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 357843MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101006 89.53 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 89.53 101006 6100500 100 33 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 12862WSUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 169.68 100.33.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 169.68 101006 6100501 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 71459WSUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 765.76 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 765.76 101006 6100502 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 12861WSUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 552.00 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 552.00 101006 6100503 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 72358WSUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 1,519.00 510.31.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 1519.00 101006 6100499 620 00 13274 MIDCO 173972PHONE RELOCATES 10/16/06 0 101006 187.50 620.00.5320 0610 101006 GLJ3780 187.50 101006 6100511 620 00 13274 MIDCO 174727PHONES 10/16/06 0 101006 250.25 620.00.5320 0610 101006 GLJ3783 250.25 101006 6100512 620 00 13274 MIDCO 174792ADD ON PHONE & PROGRAM MAILBOX 10/16/06 0 101006 281.25 620.00.5320 0610 101006 GLJ3783 281.25 101006 6100536 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 80805 WATER METERS 10/16/06 0 101006 88.62 510.31.6110 19706 0610 101006 GLJ3783 88.62 101006 88.62 510-METERS 6100537 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 80930 WATER METERS 10/16/06 0 101006 1,274.46 510.31.6110 19706 0610 101006 GLJ3783 1274.46 101006 1274.46 510-METERS 6100538 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 81220 WATER METERS 10/16/06 0 101006 119.99 510.31.6110 19706 0610 101006 GLJ3783 119.99 101006 119.99 510-METERS 6100497 100 33 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 63299 PRINTED FORMS 10/16/06 O 101006 36.00 100.33.6210 0610 101006 GLJ3780 36.00 101006 6100498 100 00 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 63206 STOCK PRINTED FORMS 10/16/06 0 101006 142.81 100.00.6210 0610 101006 GL73780 142.81 101006 6100513 100 04 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 63439 DIAL-A-RIDE VOUCHERS 10/16/06 0 101006 165.65 100.04.5330 0610 101006 GLJ3783 165.65 101006 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 22 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100514 100 22 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 63400 PRINTED SIGNS 10/16/06 0 101006 7.50 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 7.50 101006 6100515 760 00 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 63364 PRINTING SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 285.50 760.00.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3783 285.50 101006 6100468 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 06-1251 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 17.45 100.22.5370 0610 101006 GLJ3780 17.45 101006 6100469 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 06-1550 VEHICLE LIGHT BARS 10/16/06 0 101006 2,970.00 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 2970.00 101006 6100470 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 06-1518 VEHICLE LIGHT BARS 10/16/06 0 101006 7,400.00 100.22.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 7400.00 101006 6100467 290 00 13531 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVIC F1573343 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/TIP 10/16/06 0 101006 4,500.00 GO BONDS SERIES 2006 290.00.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 4500.00 101006 6100471 100 33 13702 MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 1106672-029UPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 59.15 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 59.15 101006 6100472 100 33 13702 MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 1106672-01SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101006 60.40 100.33.6110 0610 101006 GLJ3780 60.40 101006 6100717 100 41 15031 NATIONAL RECREATION AND 29548 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 10/16/06 0 101106 465.00 100.41.5410 0610 101106 GLJ3793 465.00 101106 6100711 510 31 15013 NATIONAL WATERWORKS 3673553 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 74.00 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 74.00 101106 6100731 100 33 15013 NATIONAL WATERWORKS 3930498 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 223.09 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 223.09 101106 6100732 510 31 15013 NATIONAL WATERWORKS 3940841 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 130.49 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 130.49 101106 6100719 100 03 15165 NEWMAN, CHRISTINE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101106 127.60 100.03.4510 0610 101106 GLJ3793 127.60 101106 6100714 XXXXX XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 639911516 CELL PHONES & DIRECT CONNEC 10/16/06 0 101106 81.27 100.01.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 45.60CR 101106 100.02.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 131.56 101106 100.03.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 185.51CR 101106 100.22.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 160.97CR 101106 100.30.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 32.75CR 101106 100.33.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 30.95 101106 100.34.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 23.93CR 101106 100.41.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 119.81CR 101106 620.00.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 12.59 101106 620.00.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 99.88 101106 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 23 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 119.99 101106 100.30.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 154.88 101106 100.03.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 99.99 101106 6100715 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 639911516 CELL PHONES & DIRECT CONNEC 10/16/06 0 101106 31.23 510.31.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 24.53 101106 510.32.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 68.29CR 101106 510.31.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3793 74.99 101106 6100720 100 41 15294 NICOLET SCENIC TOURS 10/27/06 R-PARKS FIELD TRIP 10/16/06 0 101106 5,325.00 100.41,5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 5325.00 101106 6100722 XXXXX XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS SEPT. 06 UTILITIES 10/16/06 0 101106 1,201.28 100.41.5510 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1066.11 101106 290.00.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 135.17 101106 290-DWNTNREV 6100723 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS SEPT. 06 UTILITIES 10/16/06 0 101106 524.89 510.31.5510 0610 101106 GLJ3793 327.77 101106 510.32.5510 0610 101106 GLJ3793 - 197.12 101106 6100712 100 22 13528 NIEMAN, ERIN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101106 38.66 100.22.4510 0610 101106 GLJ3793 38.66 101106 6100718 100 22 13528 NIEMAN, ERIN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 10/16/06 0 101106 95.57 100.22.4510 0610 101106 GLJ3793 95.57 101106 6100713 510 31 15553 NORTH SUBURBAN WATER 11/9/06 MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 10/16/06 0 101106 30.00 510.31.5440 0610 101106 GLJ3793 30.00 101106 6100724 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 668637ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 69.21 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 69.21 101106 6100725 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 668684ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 111.14 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 111.14 101106 6100726 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 671174ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 246.10 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 246.10 101106 6100727 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 671192ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 346.91 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 346.91 101106 6100728 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 671193ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 221.38 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 221.38 101106 6100729 510 32 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 67229SELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 60.66 510.32.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 60.66 101106 6100730 510 31 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 674845ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 42.67 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 42.67 101106 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 24 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100716 100 03 15556 NORTHWEST HERALD 80213 SUBSCRIPTION 10/16/06 0 101106 210.80 100.03.5450 0610 101106 GLJ3793 210.80 101106 6100721 100 01 20668 NORTHWEST NEWS GROUP OF 10474 LEGAL ADVERTISING 10/16/06 0 101106 197.65 100.01.5330 0610 101106 GLJ3793 197.65 101106 6100734 100 00 16177 OFFICE DEPOT INC 351365215 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 206.90 100.00.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3796 206.90 101106 6100736 100 41 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 610446569 R-PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 70.30 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 70.30 101106 6100737 100 41 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 610232328 R-PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 82.44 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 82.44 101106 6100733 100 01 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 20651 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING 10/16/06 0 101106 2,128.50 100.01.5230 0610 101106 GLJ3796 2128.50 101106 6100735 100 33 16826 OWSLEY, MIKE CDL REIMB 10/16/06 0 101106 60.00 100.33.5430 0610 101106 GLJ3796 60.00 101106 6100754 100 01 17005 PACE 43130 06 DIAL-A-RIDE CONTRACT 10/16/06 0 101106 9,112.00 100.01.5110 2051211 0610 101106 GLJ3796 JULY 06 9112.00 101106 9112.00 6100741 100 22 7 PAR-A-DICE HOTEL 11/9-10/06IACP LEGISLATIVE RETREAT 10/16/06 0 101106 66.60 CHIEF O'MEARA 100.22.5420 0610 101106 GLJ3796 66.60 101106 6100749 280 41 17028 PARK & RECREATION SUPPLY 1275 PICNIC TABLES 10/16/06 0 101106 5,784.00 280.41.8800 0610 101106 GLJ3796 5784.00 101106 280-SHAMROCK 6100755 100 41 17028 PARK & RECREATION SUPPLY 1286 M-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 295.97 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 295.97 101106 6100750 100 41 17035 PAYLINE WEST INC S02080SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 69.05 100.41.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 69.05 101106 6100562 100 41 17142 PEARCE, JAMISON 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 168.00 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 168.00 101006 6100738 100 41 17151 PENDERGRAST, ROBIN 971076AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 10/16/06 0 101106 765.00 100.41.5330 0610 101106 GLJ3796 765.00 101106 6100746 100 41 17156 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 6729626203C-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 307.00 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 307.00 101106 6100742 100 41 17136 PERRICON GARDEN CENTER & 65353 M-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 237.00 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 237.00 101106 6100747 100 41 17134 PETROW, STEPHANIE S 9/19/06 R-PARK PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 10/16/06 0 101106 100.00 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 25 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 100.00 101106 6100739 100 XXXXX 17295 PITNEY BOWES INC 554917POSTAGE METER RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101106 251.79 100.01.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 3.11 101106 100.02.5320 0610 101106 GLJ3796 52.84 101106 100.03.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 24.87 101106 100.04.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 77.71 101106 100.22.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 34.19 101106 100.30.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 34.19 101106 100.41.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 24.88 101106 6100740 510 XXXXX 17295 PITNEY BOWES INC 554917POSTAGE METER RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101106 59.06 510.31.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 31.08 101106 510.32.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 27.98 101106 6100748 100 01 17295 PITNEY BOWES INC 615937POSTAGE MACHINE SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 69.98 100.01.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 69.98 101106 6100745 100 41 1 POTTER, DAWN PARK PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 101106 125.00 100.41.3631 0610 101106 GLJ3796 - 125.00 101106 6100751 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-021300 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 233.52 100.22.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 233.52 101106 6100752 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-021274 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 234.46 100.22.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 234.46 101106 6100753 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-023615 RETURNED ITEMS 10/16/06 0 101106 294.46- 100.22.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 294.46CR 101106 6100744 100 41 17655 PRO PLAYER CONSULTANTS I 9/14/06 R-FALL T-BALL CAMP 10/16/06 0 101106 890.00 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 890.00 101106 6100743 100 03 17643 PROFESSIONAL INSPECCTIN 599 PLUMBING INSPECITONS 10/16/06 0 101106 870.00 100.03.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 870.00 101106 6100765 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 147942BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 10/16/06 0 101106 33.30 100.34.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 33.30 101106 6100766 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 147611BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 10/16/06 0 101106 136.25 100.34.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 136.25 101106 6100767 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 147434BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 10/16/06 0 101106 33.30 100.34.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 33.30 101106 6100760 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 91452 RADIO REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101106 47.50 100.22.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 47.50 101106 6100761 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 91433 DISPATCH HEADSETS 10/16/06 0 101106 352.00 100.22.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 352.00 101106 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 26 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100756 100 33 19017 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 177574SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 4.19 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 4.19 101106 6100757 100 33 19017 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 177696M-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 2.99 100.33.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 2.99 101106 6100763 100 41 19028 RAYCRAFT-PITEL SEPTIC IN 2176 PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101106 75.00 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 75.00 101106 6100764 100 41 19028 RAYCRAFT-PITEL SEPTIC IN 2177 M-PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL 10/16/06 0 101106 375.00 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 375.00 101106 6100762 100 41 1 REAGAN, ELAINE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 101106 70.00 100.41.3631 0610 101106 GLJ3796 70.00 101106 6100758 100 XXXXX 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 12400 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101106 215.44 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 M 136.31 101106 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 79.13 101106 6100759 510 31 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 12400 MATERIALS 10/16/06 0 101106 984.10 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 984.10 101106 6100771 100 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 10/16/06 0 101106 1,215.00 100.01.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 15.00 101106 100.02.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 255.00 101106 100.03.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 120.00 101106 100.04.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 375.00 101106 100.22.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 165.00 101106 100.30.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 165.00 101106 100.41.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 120.00 101106 6100772 510 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 10/16/06 0 101106 285.00 510.31.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 150.00 101106 510.32.5310 0610 101106 GLJ3796 135.00 101106 6100775 100 22 19288 RINGWOOD BP AUG 06SQUAD CAR WASHES 10/16/06 0 101106 51.00 100.22.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 51.00 101106 6100776 100 22 19288 RINGWOOD BP SEPT. 06 SQUAD CAR WASHES 10/16/06 0 101106 66.00 100.22.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 66.00 101106 6100773 100 02 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 629191FOOD FOR MEETING 10/16/06 0 101106 50.09 100.02.6940 0610 101106 GLJ3796 50.09 101106 6100774 100 22 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 628203FOOD FOR MEETING 10/16/06 0 101106 18.48 100.22.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3796 18.48 101106 6100770 100 04 19765 RUSHING, RHONDA F LANG- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIME 10/16/06 0 101106 23.03 100.04.4510 0610 101106 GLJ3796 23.03 101106 6100768 100 00 2 RYAN HOMES, WM REFUND PERMIT #06-01-022 10/16/06 0 101106 30.00 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 27 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.00.3410 0610 101106 GLJ3796 30.00 101106 6100679 100 41 20666 S&S WORLDWIDE INC 5398152 R-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 70.41 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 70.41 101106 6100671 100 41 20006 SAF-T-GARD INTERNATIONAL 1328425-OOP-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 50.91 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 50.91 101106 6100669 100 00 2 SANDE, TAMMY REFUND PERMIT #05-07-031 10/16/06 0 101106 229.00 100.00.3410 0610 101106 GLJ3793 229.00 101106 6100391 100 01 1452 SBC LONG DISTANCE 421781LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 10/16/06 0 100906 59.09 100.01.5320 0610 100906 GLJ3770 59.09 100906 6100668 100 02 20081 SCHAEFER, JEFF REIMB MCCOG GOLF OUTING/MEETING 10/16/06 0 101106 100.00 100.02.6940 1 0610 101106 GLJ3793 100.00 101106 6100661 100 41 20086 SCHATZ, DONALD L 10/30/06 DJ SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101106 195.00 100.41.6920 0610 101106 GLJ3793 195.00 101106 6100674 100 03 20103 SCHWALENBERG, RYAN 9/16-23/06ICC CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIM 10/16/06 0 101106 311.23 100.03.5420 0610 101106 GLJ3793 311.23 101106 6100680 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339009PRESERVES OF BOONE CREEK 10/16/06 0 101106 7,072.50 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 7072.50 101106 6100681 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339006THE SHOPS W FOX RIVER 10/16/06 0 101106 1,517.70 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1517.70 101106 6100682 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338995BUDRECK PROPERTY REVIEW 10/16/06 0 101106 1,616.25 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1616.25 101106 6100683 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339003WEST END COMMONS 10/16/06 0 101106 552.50 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 552.50 101106 6100684 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339005TOWNHOMES OF PRAIRIE LAKES 10/16/06 0 101106 3,591.25 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 3591.25 101106 6100685 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338992PATRIOT ESTATES 10/16/06 0 101106 367.50 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 367.50 101106 6100686 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339015LIVING SPRINGS 10/16/06 0 101106 275.00 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 275.00 101106 6100687 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339011OAKS AT IRISH PRAIRIE 10/16/06 0 101106 6,952.55 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 6952.55 101106 6100688 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339012PATRIOT ESTATES 10/16/06 0 101106 3,673.85 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 3673.85 101106 6100689 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339013LEGEND LAKES NH#1 10/16/06 0 101106 3,493.10 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 28 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 3493.10 101106 6100690 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339004LINCOLN HILLS 10/16/06 0 101106 5,064.45 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 5064.45 101106 6100691 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339002ADVANCE AUTO 10/16/06 0 101106 1,072.00 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1072.00 101106 6100692 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339001LEGEND LAKES NH#5 10/16/06 0 101106 710.30 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 710.30 101106 6100693 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338997LEGEND LAKES NH#4 10/16/06 0 101106 1,444.60 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1444.60 101106 6100694 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338991PROFESSINAL PLAZA SUBDIVISION 10/16/06 0 101106 120.00 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 120.00 101106 6100695 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338990EVERGREEN PARKS SUBDIVISION 10/16/06 0 101106 2,796.35 740.00.5220 0610 101106 GLJ3793 2796.35 101106 6100696 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338988TRAFFIC STUDY 10/16/06 0 101106 907.50 440.00.8600 17998 0610 101106 GLJ3793 907.50 101106 907.50 440-TRANSTDY 6100697 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338994MUNICIPAL DRIVE 10/16/06 0 101106 4,416.57 440.00.8600 21103 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ #440-MUNIDR 4416.57 101106 4416.57 440-MUNIDR 6100698 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338989TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 10/16/06 0 101106 3,208.75 440.00.8600 20005 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJECT #440-TRFIMPSTDY 3208.75 101106 3208.75 440-TRFIMPSTD 6100699 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 4 RT 31/120 INTERSECTION 10/16/06 0 101106 1,806.98 440.00.8600 20036 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ#440-RT31/120 1806.98 101106 1806.98 440-RT31/120 6100700 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338993MUNICIAPL DR DESIGN 10/16/06 0 101106 1,105.00 440.00.8600 21102 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ#440-MUNIDR 1105.00 101106 1105.00 440-MUNIDR 6100701 510 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339016FIRE HYDRANT EASEMENT 10/16/06 0 101106 2,015.00 510.31.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 2015.00 101106 6100702 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338996ELEVATED STORAGE TANK #4 10/16/06 0 101106 1,039.75 580.31.8500 20375 0610 101106 GLJ3793 580-ELVTK04 1039.75 101106 1039.75 580-ELVTK04 6100703 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338998CWWTP PLAN AMENDMENT 10/16/06 0 101106 16,334.30 580.32.8500 119793 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ# 580-CWWWTP 16334.30 101106 16334.30 580-CWWTP DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 29 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6100704 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338999CWWTP PLAN AMENDMENT 10/16/06 0 101106 165.00 580.32.8500 119793 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ# 580-CWWWTP 165.00 101106 165.00 580-CWWTP 6100705 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339014BARREVILLE RD WATER MAIN 10/16/06 0 101106 2,742.50 580.31.8500 21135 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ # 580-BARRWA 2742.50 101106 2742.50 580-BARRWA 6100706 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339000CWWTP CONSTRUCTION OBSRV 10/16/06 0 101106 2,342.19 580.32.8500 20819 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ# 580-CWWTP 2342.19 101106 2342.19 580-CWWTP 6100707 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 339010WATER PIT 5 WELLS 12/13 10/16/06 0 101606 2,857.41 580.31.8500 21134 0610 101106 GLJ3793 PROJ# 580-WTRPL5ENG 2857.41 101606 2857.41 580-WTRPL5ENG 6100708 290 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 338323RIVERWALK 10/16/06 0 101106 35,112.66 290.00.8900 0610 101106 GLJ3793 35112.66 101106 290-RIVERWALK 6100666 510 32 20166 SETTLERS HILL RDF 2797020415SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101106 5,925.62 510.32.5580 0610 101106 GLJ3793 5925.62 101106 6100667 510 32 20166 SETTLERS HILL RDF 2785620416SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101106 7,490.25 510,32.5580 0610 101106 GLJ3793 7490.25 101106 6100672 100 22 20172 SEXTON, ERIC M K-9 ESTA DOG FOOD REIMB 10/16/06 0 101106 40.00 100.22.6310 0610 101106 GLJ3793 40.00 101106 6100555 100 01 20243 SHERMAN BENEFIT MANAGER- 139713CDL RANDOM TESTING 10/16/06 0 101006 103.85 100.01.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 103.85 101006 6100656 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S35595CLIMATE CONTROL SERVICE WORK 10/16/06 0 101106 224.00 100.34.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 224.00 101106 6100657 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S35577CLIMATE CONTROL SERVICE WORK 10/16/06 0 101106 336.00 100.34.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 336.00 101106 6100664 100 33 20257 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC SS021510 TRAFFIC PAINT 10/16/06 0 101106 1,791.00 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1791.00 101106 6100675 610 00 20286 SIGNS AND DESIGNS 98921 STAFF AWARENESS POSTER/BANNERS 10/16/06 0 101106 480.00 610.00.6940 0610 101106 GLJ3793 480.00 101106 6100658 100 41 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 61689750 M-ALARM REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101106 367.80 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 367.80 101106 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 367.80CR 101106 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 367.80 101106 6100659 100 41 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 61677503 HICKORY FARMS ALARM REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101106 893.85 100.41.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3793 893.85 101106 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 30 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.41.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 893.85CR 101106 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 893.85 101106 6100660 100 34 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 61564756 SMOKE DETECTOR REPLACEMENT 10/16/06 0 101106 255.80 100.34.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 255.80 101106 6100665 290 00 20566 SPEER FINANCIAL 100-06GO BONDS SERIES 2006 ISSUANCE 10/16/06 0 101106 9,914.75 290.00.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 9914.75 101106 6100678 100 41 20569 SPRI PRODUCTS INC 42368 R-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 92.17 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 92.17 101106 6100670 100 41 20733 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC OCT 06R-PARKS PROGRAM RENTAL SPACE 10/16/06 0 101106 1,306.25 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1306.25 101106 6100676 100 33 20706 STANDARD EQUIPMENT COMPA C21241SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 324.31 100.33.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3793 324.31 101106 6100677 100 33 20706 STANDARD EQUIPMENT COMPA C20932SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 1,056.47 100.33.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3793 1056.47 101106 6100662 100 XXXXX 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 224861COPIER METER READINGS 10/16/06 0 101106 259.55 100.03.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 129.78 101106 100.30.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 129.77 101106 6100663 100 41 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 225593R-COPIER REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101106 111.50 100.41.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 111.50 101106 6100810 XXXXX XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA SEPT. 06 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 882.67 100.00.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 1520.76CR 101106 100.01.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 71.95 101106 100.02.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 26.39 101106 100.03.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 452.08 101106 100.04.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 102.55 101106 100.22.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 287.10 101106 100.30.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 134.55 101106 100.33.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 10.58 101106 100.41.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 126.24 101106 620.00.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 22 69.00 101106 620.00.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 41 182.34 101106 620.00.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 03 57.98 101106 100.22.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 328.63 101106 100.01.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 126.60 101106 100.04.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 220.98 101106 100.22.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 44.54 101106 100.30.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 75.57 101106 100.34.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 32.25 101106 100.41.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 52.38 101106 620.00.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3797 1.62 101106 100.41.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3798 .10 101106 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 31 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6100673 100 33 20714 STATE TREASURER IDOT 28003 TRAFFIC LIGHT MAINTENANCE 10/16/06 0 101106 5,050.77 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3793 5050.77 101106 6100794 510 31 21143 TEAM MECHANICAL INC 3733-1SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 4,480.00 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 4480.00 101106 6100777 100 41 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 750097TOP SOIL 10/16/06 0 101106 230.00 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 230.00 101106 6100779 100 41 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 750088TOP SOIL 10/16/06 0 101106 230.00 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 230.00 101106 6100780 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 282405TOP SOIL 10/16/06 0 101106 230.00 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 230.00 101106 6100781 100 03 21256 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPEC 06-3047 ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS 10/16/06 0 101106 75.00 100.03.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 75.00 101106 6100782 100 03 21256 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPEC 06-0945 ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS 10/16/06 0 101106 60.00 100.03.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 60.00 101106 6100783 100 03 21256 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPEC 06-0969 ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS 10/16/06 0 101106 60.00 100.03.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 60.00 101106 6100784 100 03 21256 THOMPSON ELEVATOR INSPEC 06-2791 ELEVATOR INSPECTIONS 10/16/06 0 101106 154.00 100.03.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 154.00 101106 6100785 280 41 21260 THREE D DESIGN STUDIO LL 2006-08-25PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS 10/16/06 0 101106 150.00 280.41.8800 1205472 0610 101106 GLJ3796 PROJECT #280-PLAYGRNDS 150.00 101106 130.69 280-PLAYGRNDS 6100786 280 41 21260 THREE D DESIGN STUDIO LL 2006-08-25PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS 10/16/06 0 101106 13.80 280.41.8800 0610 101106 GLJ3796 13.80 101106 280-PLAYGRNDS 6100796 100 41 21264 THREE DAY BLINDS 67651813 R-BLINDS 10/16/06 0 101106 514.80 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 514.80 101106 6100787 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 49058 STREET SIGNS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 870.75 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 870.75 101106 6100788 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 48912 STREET SIGNS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 833.07 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 833.07 101106 6100789 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 49101 STREET SIGNS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 474.01 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 474.01 101106 6100790 100 41 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 49352 DO NOT MOW SIGN 10/16/06 0 101106 63.97 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 63.97 101106 6100791 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 49246 STREET SIGNS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 1,941.10 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 32 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 1941.10 101106 6100792 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 49196 STREET SIGNS & SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 79.55 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 79.55 101106 6100778 100 34 21651 TRI-STATE CARPET & DECOR CG609472 I.T. AREA CARPET 10/16/06 0 101106 1,018.00 100.34.8200 0610 101106 GLJ3796 1018.00 101106 6100795 100 41 21639 TRIEBOLD IMPLEMENT INC 279046SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 44.52 100.41.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 44.52 101106 6100793 100 41 21662 TURF PROFESSIONALS EQUIP 6022134 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 57.55 100.41.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 57.55 101106 6100798 100 22 22396 ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICAIT 2898 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 97.00 100.22.5370 0610 101106 GLJ3796 97.00 101106 6100802 100 41 22495 UNITED LABORATORIES 34027 M-SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 447.60 100.41.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 447.60 101106 6100803 100 33 22495 UNITED LABORATORIES 31794 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 150.90 100.33.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 150.90 101106 6100563 100 41 22520 UNRUH, BRETT 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 220.50 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 220.50 101006 6100799 100 41 22663 USA ARCHERY NATIONAL OFF JOAD MEMBERSHIP 10/16/06 0 101106 90.00 100.41.5410 0610 101106 GLJ3796 90.00 101106 6100797 100 41 22678 USTA MEMBERSHIP SERVICES 2007 MEMBERSHIP 10/16/06 0 101106 25.00 100.41.5410 0610 101106 GLJ3796 25.00 101106 6100800 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 154282CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 101106 712.00 510.32.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 712.00 101106 6100801 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 154872CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 101106 2,240.20 510.32.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 2240.20 101106 6100805 100 22 24024 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 718855-0 STOCK COPIER PAPER 10/16/06 0 101106 3,840.00 100.22.6210 0610 101106 GLJ3796 3840.00 101106 6100808 100 41 24041 WATER SAFETY PRODUCTS IN 086851TRAINING SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 101106 608.00 100.41.5430 0610 101106 GLJ3796 608.00 101106 6100804 510 31 24038 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 22146 CHEMICALS 10/16/06 0 101106 286.00 510.31.6110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 286.00 101106 6100806 510 31 24035 WATER WELL SOLUTIONS 06-08-299 WELL REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 101106 5,057.40 510.31.5110 0610 101106 GLJ3796 5057.40 101106 6100564 100 41 24302 WIRTZ, PAT 9/5-28/06 R-SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 10/16/06 0 101006 98.00 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 33 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.5110 0610 101006 GLJ3784 98.00 101006 6100807 100 22 24536 WOOD, ROLAND UNIFORM CLEANING REIMB 10/16/06 0 101106 66.00 100.22.4510 0610 101106 GLJ3796 66.00 101106 6100302 100 41 26556 YOUNG REMBRANDTS INC 77964 R-PARKS PROGRAMS 10/16/06 0 100606 451.00 100.41.5110 0610 100606 GLJ3766 451.00 100606 6100310 100 41 1 ZEOLI, MARCI PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 10/16/06 0 100606 95.00 100.41.3631 0610 100606 GLJ3766 95.00 100606 6100303 100 33 27146 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPAN 30256209 SUPPLIES 10/16/06 0 100606 104.18 100.33.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 104.18 100606 6100311 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 16961 TIRES 10/16/06 0 100606 367.55 100.22.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 367.55 100606 6100312 100 33 10146 ZMT INC 17270 FLAT TIRE REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 100606 30.00 100.33.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 30.00 100606 6100313 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 17308 TIRES 10/16/06 0 100606 356.36 100.22.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 356.36 100606 6100314 510 32 10146 ZMT INC 17307 TIRE REPAIRS 10/16/06 0 100606 30.00 510.32.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 30.00 100606 6100315 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 17321 TIRES 10/16/06 0 100606 172.18 100.22.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 172.18 100606 6100316 510 31 10146 ZMT INC 17343 TIRES 10/16/06 0 100606 127.48 510.31.5370 0610 100606 GLJ3766 127.48 100606 6100304 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 71436 LEGAL FEES - CORP 10/16/06 0 100606 7,875.00 100.01.5230 0610 100606 GLJ3766 7875.00 100606 6100305 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 71438 CUNAT INC/PATRIOT ESTATES 10/16/06 0 100606 660.00 740.00.5230 0610 100606 GLJ3766 660.00 100606 6100306 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 71440 OAKRIDGE PROPERTIES LTD 10/16/06 0 100606 1,260.00 740.00.5230 0610 100606 GLJ3766 1260.00 100606 6100307 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 71457 EDNA PADDOCK 10/16/06 0 100606 360.00 740.00.5230 0610 100606 GLJ3766 360.00 100606 6100308 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 71456 ROBERT L & KIM PRUCHNIAK 10/16/06 0 100606 540.00 740.00.5230 0610 100606 G103766 540.00 100606 6100309 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 71455 JAMES S PAPAS 10/16/06 0 100606 540.00 740.00.5230 0610 100606 GLJ3766 540.00 100606 DATE 10/11/2006 12:26 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 34 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 10/16/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 1,053,970.78 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 407,247.43 25,323.29 200 TOURISM FUND 12,000.00 260 ANNEXATION FUND 58,162.00 280 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 5,947.80 130.69 290 TIF FUND 49,662.58 300 DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 110,095.63 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 111,012.03 111,012.03 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 108,039.43 11,879.61 520 BOND & INTEREST FUND 19,125.00 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 114,549.55 112,851.65 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND - 480.00 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 8,751.80 409.02 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 44,773.11 760 POLICE PENSION FUND 4,124.42 t•** 1,053,970.78 261,606.29 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: October 16,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Ordinance Amending the Conditional Use Permit for Montini School to allow a Playground and Approval of a Fence Variance at 3504 Washington Street Applicants:Anne and Jim Chrzan,Chairpersons for Playground Committee ATTACEMEMS: 1. Letter from Anne and Jim.Chrzan 2. Site Plan 3. Photographs of Site 4. Ordinance Amending the Conditional Use Permit to allow a Playground for Montini School,3504 Washington Street STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached Ordinance amending the Conditional Use Permit for Montini School and granting a fence variance to allow a playground at 3504 Washington Street. Background A letter was received from Anne and Jim Chrzan, Chairpersons of the Montini Primary Center Playground Committee. The Committee is requesting an amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit for the Church/School in order to build a new playground on vacant property to the west of the school. They are also requesting a variance to install a 5' high,black ornamental aluminum fence around the perimeter of the lot. The playground will provide needed outdoor activity space for the primary school. Currently,the only outside areas for the children to play are in the paved parking lots. The fence will provide a safe,enclosed environment for the children using the playground The Zoning Ordinance states that any expansion,enlargement or structural alteration of a Conditional Use Permit requires that the applicant first appear before the City Council, which may grant the proposed amendment,or refer the applicant to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a new public hearing. Staff Analysis Amendment to Conditional Use Permit Staff has no concerns with the proposed expansion. Playgrounds are commonly associated with schools and schools are typically located in residential areas. The only home abutting the site is to the west and is vacant. The owner of this home has been cited for numerous property maintenance violations and City Staff is working to get the site cleaned up.The playground will be an enhancement to this area. Therefore, Staff recommends that the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit be approved by the City Council without referring the matter back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Fence Variance The Municipal Code requires that all fencing (except for split rail) be located at least 30' from a street right-of-way. The subject property abuts I" Avenue on the north and Washington Street on the south. The applicants are requesting that the fence be setback 5' from the sidewalk along Washington Street and 0' from the I" Avenue property line. Requiring a 30' fence setback from both of these streets would significantly reduce the amount of open space that can be used for the playground. As proposed, the fence is not expected to affect vehicular sight lines. There is an existing vehicular access between this lot and the existing school building. This access would be gated so allowing the fence as proposed would not have an impact on pedestrian or vehicular sight lines. An ordinance approving this amendment is attached for the Council to consider. P1477- q0-65 MEMORANDUM C 0y 7La64 Wl Anne and Jim Chrzan 10916 Hickory Nut Way y Richmond, IL 60071 815-344-7832 JchrzanOI@yahoo.com To: Joe Napolitano, Director Community Development City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Re: Fence Variance Mr. Napolitano: Montini Catholic School located at 3504 W. Washington Street in Mchenry, IL will be building a new playground on lot#3 located on the survey attached. The playground is due to be built on Saturday,November 11, 2006 as a community build. We will be using Play World Systems as our vendor. Currently the lot is vacant. We would like to also place a 5 foot Elite brand commercial grade fence around the circumference of the lot. The fence location is indicated on the survey attached. There is a 1 Oft easement around the lot which we would like to ask for a variance from 1Oft to ft from the sidewalk facing east-Washington Street.. This would allow more equipment to be placed and a larger area for the children to play inside the fenced area. The fence will be purchased and installed by Meier's Outdoor World in Fox Lake, IL There is also a utility/transformer box located on the lot as well. This utility box will have the fence go directly around the box. We would like an easement to go from 1 Oft to 4ft as well. We realize this would have to be cleared by Com Ed in Rockford. Please present this issue to the next City Council meeting. We understand someone from our committee may have to be present at the meeting. Thank you for your time. If necessary we can be reached at the above phone number or email address. Sincerely, Anne and Jim Chrzan, Chairpersons Montini Primary Center Playground Committee Fd. Iron Pie ' iron PIPe 0.04/ (9s.zs N8805848"E 101.47 4 19.55 (19.55' ! S< )ack i 4 ' ransforme d o� LOT 3 14 .272 � 0.33 ACRES {. NO BUILDINGSAGO of •ham ���°' LOT 2 LOT 3 ti 4 C,� C L9• S Non N ova llllno/s State Plane Coordlnotes STATE OF ILLINOIS 3 Datum. .001. ti tt I ' r 1 .01 ar 00i, Nrl no ` v it • i . j j Y r � ' y ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ST.PATRICK'S CHURCH/MONTINI PRIMARY CENTER TO ALLOW A PLAYGROUND AT 3504 W.WAUKEGAN STREET IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of McHenry previously approved an ordinance granting a conditional use permit to allow a religious institution and school at 3504 W. Waukegan Street in the City of McHenry, legally described on "Exhibit A", attached hereto and incorporated herein, (the "SUBJECT PROPERTY");and WHEREAS, Anne and Jim Chrzan, Chairpersons of the Montini Primary Center Playground Committee(the"APPLICANTS")have submitted a letter to the City requesting approval for the construction of a playground on the SUBJECT PROPERTY;and WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry states that the City Council has the ability to approve an expansion,alteration or amendment to a conditional use, or may send the item back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a public hearing;and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence presented and finds that the approval of the requested playground is consistent with the objectives of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety,morals and general welfare of its residents,and should be approved without sending the matter back to the Planning and Zoning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the Conditional Use Permit to allow a religious institution and school on the SUBJECT PROPERTY, is hereby amended to allow the construction of a playground and fencing in accordance with the site plan(the"SITE PLAN'),attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit`B". SECTION 2: In granting said amendment to the Conditional Use Permit, the City Council finds that the requirements of Table 31 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met in that: I. Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. 2. Any adverse effects of noise,glare,odor,dust,waste disposal,blockage of light or air,or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled; 3. The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality,property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. 4. The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area; 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees,patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity;and 1 6. The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the Conditional Use and its particular location. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF 2006 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2006 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 2 Exhibit"A" Legal Description of the SUBJECT PROPERTY 3 Exhibit"B" Site Plan On File with the City Clerk's Office 4 a AGENDA,SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: October 16, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for Transfer of Class B-3 Liquor License from DLBLB Enterprises, Inc., to White Hen Pantry, Inc., 3808 West Elm Street. Effective October 31, 2006, the current license holder for the White Hen Pantry located at 3808 West Elm Street will no longer operate the store. As a result, White Hen Pantry, Inc. will operate the business until a new franchisee is selected. Pursuant to Municipal Code, this action requires a liquor license transfer. White Hen Pantry, Inc. has hired an interim manager to operate the store while interviews for a local manager are in progress. The interim manager, Christopher Jezek, is conversant with the State of Illinois liquor control regulations and has been fingerprinted. In addition, White Hen Pantry, Inc. has submitted all the required information to effect the transfer. It is the Mayor's recommendation to approve the transfer of the Class B-3 liquor license to White Hen Pantry, Inc. d/b/a White Hen Pantry subject to satisfactory fingerprint results. In addition, all employees involved in the sale of alcohol at The White Hen are required to attend BASSETT training. mmg 700 E.Butterfield Road Suite 300 Lombard,IL 60148 OCT 9 '2 0 2:03 Phone:630-366-3100 www.whitehen.com CITY Of 7.3cHENRY October 6, 2006 City of McHenry Attn: Mayor Susan E. Low 333-South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050-5495 Dear Mayor Low, Effective October 31, 2006 the White hen located at 3808 W. Elm Street in McHenry will change operators. On this date,the current franchisee will be leaving the business and corporate will take over the operation of the business until a new franchisee is selected. I am in the process' of working with Marcia Geraghty on the new Corporate Liquor Application. The manager we have selected for this location,-Chris Jezek, resides in Aurora. He is a very strong Corporate Manager and we feel.he is the best to run this store for this Corporate time period.He is not only certified in food-handling but is also TAM certified for liquor, I have enclosed a copy of his certificate with the application. We are in the process of trying to find a new franchisee for this location and as always we see this Corporate time frame as being temporary until the right candidate is selected. Please-feet free to contact me if you would like to discuss this-further. Thank you for your understanding with this situation. As always, your staff in the City of McHenry makes the license process run so smoothly. I don't-know what I would do without Marcie. Sincerely, Sue-Swanson License Administrator (630) 366-3145 6- 3 CITY OF MCHENRY �vr-O V " F er License No. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Fee Received �.� Date Issued o UNDER Date Received 0 CITY OF MCHENRY LIQUOR CONTROL O �, Date Effective ORDINANCE Receipt Issued On (7� TO BE FILED WITH THE f / OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Check No. ,C T _ 1ry4u�.'0 Cashier's Chk. 1 C,`'f r ALL LICENSES EXPIRE APRIL 30 Cert.Check FOLLOWING DATE OF ISSUANCE ?ION Cash NAME OF BUSINESS,ADDRESS,&TELEPHONE NO.: V V h i k 14-In 1—a I'l+x:Y -20 -Cgs i -f �6US lr�/ I IfYI StYte I- M I- n r, L (eCX SCE B j-S CODLn 1. Please indicate form of ownership:CORPORATION ✓ PARTNERSHIP INDIVIDUAL/SOLE PROP. IF CORPORATION: 2. Corporation Name: a Corporate Address: •11co E. -G,e l A aall Lombard a 60148 l Corporate Phone Number. (&30�aote -3122 3. State of Incorporation: -be 14 LA 7a re- 4. IF PARTNERSHIP: Name: Corporate Address: Corporate Phone Number. 5. State of Incorporation: IF INDIVIDUAL/SOLE PROP: 6. Applicants Full Name: Social Security No.: Date of Birth: Residence Address: 7. Home Phone: Business Phone: 8. Citizen of U.S.? If a naturalized citizen,when and where naturalized? Court in which(or law under which)naturalized: 9. (A)If Applicant is a PARTNERSHIP,give name and address of all partners holding 5%or more of the partnership interest: (B)If Applicant is CORPORATION,give name,address telephone number of owners holding 5%or more shares and registered agent: '4e e e W000C owN s "are Ccywrajrion op -J�1 ;n T" 33 W. La Salle �Qe + C h i co o, L (D OCO oZ 04/2004 PAGE TWO 10: (A f Applicani and Local Manager are not the same,give name,address and telephone number of Local Manager. C' 13201N. nd��nT► ; I 14 Ayrvr s� ��r�S�[� C(030&E36 D B)Local Manager's: Date of Birth: -S�� Place of Birth: ���,rl- Citizen of U.S.? `� J 11. (A)Principal Type of Business: Con ve n1'e.ne e -t6od 3-10 re 12. (B)What is current zoning for this property? 0"5 I 13. Type of License Sought: C -e s rr n l i u o✓ 1 C e n s e. 14. Date on which business was begun at this location: q 5 15. Does applicant own premises for which license is sought?MDIf not,state name and address of owner and attach copy of executed lease. 141'dner- 5ysaenzj LLC <aYee+: .ems -L &0129 16. If property is o ed by a land trust,trustee must file affidavit disclosing names and addresses of all beneficial owners and percentage of interest. 17. Is the location of applicant's business for which license is sought within one hundred feet of any church,school(except institutions of higher education),hospital,home for aged or indigent persons or for veterans and their families or any military or naval station? 1"}o A. If answer to the above is"YES",is the applicant's place of business a hotel ffedng restaurant service,a regularly organized club,a food shop or other place where the sale of liquor is to the principal business?'A. If yes,how long has place of business been in operation? W/A 18. If applicant has ever engaged in the business or sale of alcoholic liquor at retail,list address of all locations(may attach,supplemental sheet).�e S 19. Give applicant's Retailer's Occupational tax(ROT)Registration Number. 114q-34P�22 tts+- 0Cn.�a 20. Are you delinquent in the payment of the Retailer's Occupational Tax(Sales Tax),and if so,the reasons therefore: No 21. If this application is for anew license or a transferred license,attach to this Application a copy of Applicant's balance sheet and operating statement for the past three years,or if not available,other proof of financial responsibility. 22. State name and address of dram shop insurance company for both the licensee and owner of the building in which the alcoholic liquor will be sold for the duration of the license AND attach a copy of the declaration page showing the insured parties and amounts of coverage. Dr4 rx S hoF e n c f osf d 23. Describe parking facilities available to the business: f f i n [Q h fl o� e s-h'i fX a � 24. Are you familiar with all the laws of the United States,State of Illinois a ordinances of the City of McHenry pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor;and will you abide by them? `Ie s 25. Will you maintain the entire premises in a safe,clean and sanitary manner free from conditions,which might cause accidents? 26. Will you attempt to prevent rowdiness,fights and disorderly conduct of any kind and immediately notify the McHenry Police Department is any such events take place?ye rj 27. Has any manufacturer,importing distributor or distributor of alcoholic liquors directly or indirectly paid or agreed to pay for this license,advanced money or anything else of value or any credit(other than merchandising credit in the ordinary course of business for a period not in excess of 90 days),or is such a person directly or indirectly interested in the ownership,conductor operation of the place of business?Nth If answer is "YES",give particulars: N/A 28.Have you,or in the case of a corporation,the owners of 5%or more shares of the corporation or the local manager,or in the case of partnership, any of the partners,ever been convicted of any violation of any law pertaining to alcoholic liquors?_ NO answer is"YES",explain:1 A 29.Have you,or in the case of a corporation,the owners of 5%or more shares of the corporation and the local manager,or in the case of partnership,any of the partners,ever been convicted of either a felony or a misdemeanor? N C.) If so,please describe: N A 30.Is any individual who is directly or indirectly interested in applicant's place of business,a law-enforcing official or elected public official(mayor, alderman,and member of any City commission,committee or board)? 1J0 If so,please state name and address of such person: Jv A 04/2004 PAGE THREE 31.List your occupation or employment with addresses thereof for the past 10 years(if partnership or corporation,list same information for each partner and the local manager—(please attach). e- Lis+ kf+aCh-ed 32.Have you ever been convicted of a gambling offense(if a partnership or corporation include all partners,owners of 5%or more shares of the corporation and the local manager)? Na If so,give all details: NSA 33.Has any owner(s)or member(s)of a Partnership been issued a federal gaming devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? If a Corporation,has any officer,manager,or director thereof;or,any stockholder owning in the aggregate more than twenty(20)percent of the stock,been issued a federal wagering devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? - N 34. Will you and all your employees refuse to serve or sell alcoholic liquor to an intoxicated person or to a minor? e S 35. Have you,or any partner,or owner of 5%or more shares of the corporation or local manager,ever had a liquor license revoked or suspended? Nir) 36. If so,give ail details,including location of the licensed property(please attach). NIA CAUTION: Failure to provide accurate or complete information may result in the suspension and/or revocation of your liquor license and/or the issuance of a fine. No person holding a license issued by the City of McHenry shall, in the conduct of the licensed business or upon the licensed premises,either directly or through the agents or employees of the licensee: 1. Violate or permit a violation of any federal law or state statue. 2. Violate or permit a violation of any City ordinance or resolution regulating the sale of alcoholic liquor or relating to the eligibility of the licensee to hold a liquor license. 3. Violate or permit a violation of any rule or regulation of the Illinois Liquor Control Commission, as revised from time to time. 4. Permit the sale of and/or consumption of any alcoholic beverages outdoors absent a specific permit granted by the McHenry City Council however;provided, outside sales and/or consumption shall be permitted from the hours of 11:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. during Sidewalk Sales on the Saturday preceding Parade Day during Fiesta Days. 5. During Fiesta Days Celebrations on Parade Day, sell or serve (a) carryout alcoholic beverages (not including packaged liquor sales);or(b) alcoholic beverages in non-original containers, such as plastic cups. Only original containers, such as cans, bottle or glassware may be used. 6. Allowing fighting, disorderly conduct or excessive noise constituting a nuisance or tumultuous conduct of patrons and/or employees of licensee as defined in the McHenry City Code,to take place on the licensed premises or on,about and/or adjacent to the property where the licensed premises is located. 7. Allow patrons to serve or distribute alcoholic beverages to minors on the licensed premises or allow minors to drink alcoholic beverages on the licensed premises. 8. Fail to call the City Police Department upon the violation of any City ordinance or state law relating to fighting, disorderly conduct or excessive noise constituting a nuisance or tumultuous conduct of patrons and/or employees on the licensed premises. 04/2004 PAGEFOUR AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) I,the undersigned,being first duly swom,deposes and says that I(we),have read the above and foregoing Application,caused the answers to be provided thereto and all of the information given on said Application to be true and correct,and consent to investigation and background check by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or his designee and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and the rules stated on this application. SOLE PROPRIETOR: Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 NOTARY PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP: (Authorized Agent of the Partnership) Signature Print Name Title Subscribed and swom to before me this day of ,20 NOTARY PUBLIC CORPORATION: • (Authorized Agent r i n) I tore Print VC S i V P Yl4 Title 1' [RHON �M OFFICIAL SEAL S KONRATH Subscribed and swom to before me this DA ARY PUBLIC.STATE OF ILLINOIS day f 2000WASSION EXPIRES:05/23/10 NOTARY PUBLIC MANAGER: Zi Signature of cal Ma#aqbr ChY�s4cr he y JK 2 e l< 1 SubscribedILIMPI-- T,7 and sworn to befor m this OFFICIAL SEAL day o .12006 RHONDA S KONRATH NOTARY PUBLIC•STATE OF ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC W COMMISSION EXPIRES:0523/10 04/2004 w AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson,Management Assistant for Community Relations FOR: October 16, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Riverwalk Landscaping Contract ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation Sheet for the Riverwalk Phase I Landscape Plan Background. The final piece of Phase I of the Riverwalk project is the landscaping plan. This portion was not included in the original construction contract. In order to complete to construction project this year it became essential to bid the project-in May and then update the landscape plan as construction was occurring. The planting schedule is much less intensive than that of the construction schedule and is estimated to be completed within three weeks of the award of the bid. Analysis. Bids were received for the landscaping portion of Phase I on October 10, 2006. Five firms submitted bids for the project with the low bidder being Landscaping Concepts Inc. of Richmond, Illinois for a contract price of$81,323. Smith Engineering has reviewed the bid amounts and quantities and confirmed that both are accurate for the scope of the project. The engineers estimated cost for the landscape contract is$131,255. Recommendation. Staff recommends award of the bid to Landscaping Concepts, Inc. of Richmond, IL for a not to exceed price of$81,323. In attendance were: Doug Martin, John Smith, Lynn Martenson Gary Weiss, Dee Pasillas,Jim McConnell, Tom Nyman, Dennis McGilligan BID OPENING Tuesday, October 10, 2006 Aldermen Conference Room 11:00 A.M. Administration —Riverwalk Landsca in Estimated cost: $ NAME BID BID BOND COMMENTS Landscapes by Gary Weiss $137,903.04 10% Bid Bond Perez Tree Service and Landscaping $111,740.50 Bid Bond $11,174.05 Landscaping Concepts Inc. $81,908.00 10% Bid Bond Flamingo Landscapes, Inc. $118,844.75 $11,885. Cashiers Check Cooling Landscape $139,764.00 10% Bid Bond Bid Tabulation Job No. MCHE-051079 Project: McHenry Riverwalk Date: October 10, 2006 Approved Landscape Concepts Const. County: McHenry Time: 11:00 a.m. Engineer's 4213 US Highway 12 Sec No. Estimate: $ 131,255.00 Estimate Richmond, IL 60071 Page : 1 Item Unit Unit No. Item Unit Quantity Price Total Price Total SHADE TREES 1. Acer rubrum "October Glory"October Glory Red Maple EA 3 $ 780.00 $ 2,340.00 570 $ 1,710.00 2. JGleditsia triacanthos"Skyline"Skyline Hone locust EA 8 $ 780.00 $ 6,240.00 775 $ 6,200.00 3. 1 Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak EA 1 $ 780.00 $ 780.00 675 $ 675.00 4. ITilia Americana"Redmond" Redmond American Linden EA 2 $ 780.00 $ 1,560.00 675 $ 1,350.00 ORNAMENTAL TREES $ 5. JAmelanchier CanadensisShadblow Serviceberry EA 11 $ 500.00 $ 5,500.00 420 $ 4,620.00 6. 1 Malus floribunda Japanese Flowering Crab EA 3 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 360 $ 1,080.00 7. 1 Malus"Red Jewel" Red Jewel Crab EA 3 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 285 $ 855.00 8. 1 Syringa reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac EA 4 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 275 $ 1,100.00 EVERGREEN TREES $ - 9. 1 Pinus nigra Austrian Pine (8') EA 2 $ 450.00 $ 900.00 380 $ 760.00 10. 1 Pinus nigra Austrian Pine (10') EA 1 $ 650.00 $ 650.00 525 $ 525.00 11. JPicea pungens Green Colorado Spruce (8') EA 2 $ 450.00 $ 900.00 485 $ 970.00 12. 1 Picea pungens Green Colorado Spruce (10-) EA 1 $ 650.00 $ 650.00 545 $ 545.00 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS $ 13. JCornus sericea"Isanti" Isanti Redosier Dogwood EA 23 $ 58.00 $ 1,334.00 22 $ 506.00 14. Euonymus EA 49 $ 58.00 $ 2,842.00 36 $ 1,764.00 15. Hydrangea arborescens"Annabelle" Anabelle Hydrangea EA 40 $ 58.00 $ 2,320.00 32 $ 1,280.00 16. Hydrangea paniculata PeeGee Improved PeeGee Improved Hydrangea EA 52 $ 58.00 $ 3,016.00 30 $ 1,560.00 17. Rhus aromatica"Gro-low"Gro-low Sumac EA 135 $ 58.00 $ 7,830.00 35 $ 4,725.00 18. Ribes alpinum "Green Mound" Green Mound Alpine Curant EA 43 $ 58.00 $ 2,494.00 26 $ 1,118.00 19. ISpiraea bumalda"Froebelii" Froebel Spirea EA 90 $ 58.00 $ 5,220.00 21 $ 1,890.00 20. JSpiraea cineria"Grefsheim" Grefsheim Spirea EA 27 $ 58.00 $ 1,566.00 27 $ 729.00 21 ISyringa meyeri"Palibin" Dwarf Korean Lilac EA 74 $ 58.00 $ 4,292.00 30 $ 2,220.00 22 Viburnum carlesii "Compacta" Compact Koreanspice EA 48 $ 58.00 $ 2,784.00 52 $ 2,496.00 23 Viburnum dentatum"Chicago Lustre" Chicago Lustre Viburnum EA 39 $ 58.00 $ 2,262.00 23 $ 897.00 24 Viburnum lantana"Mohican" Mohican Wayfaringtree EA 19 $ 58.00 $ 1,102.00 35 $ 665.00 GROUNDCOVER, PERENNIALS,AND VINES $ 25 Aquilegia alpine Alpine Columbine 1 gal 40 $ 11.50 $ 460.00 7 $ 280.00 26 Aster novac-anglia"Purple Dome" Purple Dome Aster 1 gal 48 $ 11.50 $ 552.00 7 $ 336.00 27 Astilbe chinensis "Vision in Red"Vision in Red Astilbe 1 gal 57 $ 11.50 $ 655.50 7 $ 399.00 28 lCoreopsis verticillata "Moonbeam" Thred-leaved Coreopsis 1 gal 32 $ 11.50 $ 368.00 7 $ 224.00 29 Echinacea purpurea"Little Giant" Purple Coneflower 1 gal 276 $ 11.50 $ 3,174.00 7 $ 1,932.00 30 Euonymus fortunei coloratus Purple Wintercreeper 1 qt 366 $ 6.00 $ 2,196.00 7 $ 2,562.00 31 Geranium "Jolly Bee" Jolly Bee Geranium 1 gal 42 $ 11.50 $ 483.00 7 $ 294.00 32 Geranium 1 gal 107 $ 11.50 $ 1,230.50 7 $ 749.00 33 Hem erocallis "Little Grapette" LitleGrapetteDaylily 1 gal 121 $ 11.50 $ 1,391.50 7 $ 847.00 34 Hemerocallis "Made to Order" Made to Order Da lily 1 gal 165 $ 11.50 $ 1,897.50 7 $ 1,155.00 GROUNDCOVER& PERENNIALS $ _ 35 Hermerocallis"Little Wine Cup" Little Wine Cup Daylily 1 gal 78 $ 11.50 1 $ 897.00 7 $ 546.00 36 Hosta fortunei "Francee" Francee Hosta 1 gal 97 $ 11.50 $ 1,115.50 7 $ 679.00 37 Hosta"Royal Standard" Royal Standard Hosta 1 gal 150 $ 11.50 $ 1,725.00 7 $ 1,050.00 38 Iris siberica"Perry's Blue"Perry's Blue Iris 1. al 59 $ 11.50 $ 678.50 7 $ 413.00 39 Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow Archangel 1 gal 86 $ 11.50 $ 989.00 7 $ 602.00 40 Liatris spicata Spiked Gayfeather 1 gal 24 $ 11.50 $ 276.00 7 $ 168.00 41 Nepeta mussinii"Blue Wonder" Blue Wonder Catmint 1 gal 62 $ 11.50 $ 713.00 7 T 434.00 42 Perovskia atriplicifloia"Little Spire" Dwarf Russian Sage 1 gal 48 $ 11.50 $ 552.00 7 $ 336.00 43 Polygonum re noutria Japanese Fleece Flower 1 qt 337 $ 6.00 $ 2,022.00 5 $ 1,685.00 44 Salvia nemorosa"Viola Klose" Viola Klose Salvia 1 gal 40 $ 11.50 $ 460.00 7 $ 280.00 45 Sedum spectabile"Autumn Joy" Shower Stonecrop 1 gal 109 $ 11.50 $ 1,253.50 7 $ 763.00 46 Sedum spurium "Dragon's Blood" Dragon's Blood Sedum 4" pot 780 $ 6.00 $ 4,680.00 3 $ 2,340.00 47 Veronica spicata"Sunny Border Blue" Sunny Border Blue Speedwell 1 gal 90 $ 11.50 $ 1,035.00 7 $ 630.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1 $ - 48 Boulder Placement ton 65 $ 450.00 $ 29,250.00 208 $ 13,520.00 49 4"Cobblestone at Drainage Inlets ton 3 $ 350.00 $ 1,050.00 300 $ 900.00 50 Berms (Topsoil Import&Grading) CY 120 $ 40.00 $ 4,800.00 28 $ 3,360.00 51 Shredded Hardwood Mulch 10 $ 48.00 $ 480.00 40 $ 400.00 52 Mushroom Compost CY 100 $ 42.00 $ 4,200.00 45 $ 4,500.00 53 Reseeding of Disturbed Lawn Areas CY 200 $ 0.20 $ 40.00 0.5 $ 100.00 54 lGeotextile (Weed) Fabric 1800 1 $ - 0.23 $ 184.00 Total As Read $ 131,255.00 $ 81,323.00 Total As Corrected $ 130,206.50 $ 81,908.00 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks&Recreation For: October 16, 2oo6 Regular City Council Meeting Re: Split Rail Fencing Installation at Rotary Park, Creekside Park, East Beach Park and Miller Riverfront Park. RECOMMENDATION To approve the price quotation for the installation of the split rail fencing in four parks to Fence Connection, Inc., Elgin, IL in the amount of$4,283.00 BACKGROUND Split rail fencing will be installed in Creekside Park, Rotary Park, East Beach Park, and Miller Riverfront Park Fencing is being installed along park boundaries to delineate park boundaries and to prevent motorized vehicles from entering park areas. Rotary Park- replacement fence along east boundary Creekside Park— new fence on east and south sides along Beach Drive and Hilltop East Beach Park— new fence on west boundary Miller Riverfront Park— new fence on east and west side at entrance gate Bull Valley Road In the Fiscal Year 2oo6/2007 budget, $10,000 was approved in the Park Improvement account for fence installation at various parks.The work will completed by December 15, 2oo6. PRICE QUOTATION FOR SPLIT RAIL FENCING AT CREEKSIDE PARK, ROTARY PARK, EAST BEACH PARK & MILLER RIVERFRONT PARK Due Date: October 5, 2oo6 - 5:oo pm Company Name Price Quote Fence Connection, Inc./Elgin, IL $4,283.00 Fox Valley Fence/Elgin, IL $6,534.00 Mike Meier Sons Fence Mfg./Spring Grove, IL $4,925.00 Shogren Fence, Inc./Round Lake, IL $5,550.00 Durabilt Fence Co/Wheeling, IL $4,514.00 1' AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J.Marcinko,Director of Public Works FOR: October 16,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Advance Auto-Borden Street ATTACHMENTS: 1) Cost Estimate 2)IDOT Resolution for Improvements Background. As part of the Advance Auto development, the developer Commercial Horizons, dedicated additional right-of-way to the city and agreed to improve Borden Street with curb,gutter, and pavement for the entire width of the frontage. The developer is requesting the city to consider a cost-share plan whereby the city would pay half the cost for-the improvements. Analysis. On September 18, 2006, the Public Works Committee reviewed the request and recommended approval of a cost-share with Advanced Auto for reconstruction of Borden Street for an amount not to exceed$19,450. The city's share of the cost would be funded with Motor Fuel Tax (MFT)reserves. Committee Recommendation. To approve a cost-share arrangement with Commercial Horizons for an amount not to exceed$19,450 towards the reconstruction of Borden Street;and,authorize the Mayor's execution of the attached IDOT Resolution for Improvements allocating NET funds to pay for the city's share of the improvements. National Survey and Engineering 2901 Enterprise Avenue y Suite 600 Appleton,WI 54913-7401 Advance Auto-McHenry Illinois Borden Street Approximate Item Description Quantity Units Unit Price Cost Heavy Duty asphalt w/Base Traffic Control 900 S.Y. $45.00 $ 16.810.00 BAM 100%on AA @ 4 inch across the street pavement 1 L.S. $2,000.00 Surface/Binder 50/50 Sawcut Pavement 70 L.F. $5.00 $ 350.00 Chop Cut Existing Curb 2 Each $200.00 $ 400.00 Bedding Stone 260 C.Y. $9.00 $ 2,340.00 Street Preparation 1 L.S. $13.000.00 $ 13.000.00 Excavation 1 LS. $6,000.00 $ 6.000.00 Total Cost $38,900.00 City Cost $19,450.00 (t Illinois Department Resolution for Improvement by of Transportation Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Council or President and Board of Trustees City of McHenry of McHenry Illinois City,Town or Village that the following described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code: Name of Thoroughfare Route From To Borden Street IL Route 120 Approx. 500 L.F. north BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of Reconstruction of existing Borden Street including excavation, stone Bedding and asphalt pavement and shall be constructed 28 Feet wide and be designated as Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated the (additional ❑ Yes ❑ No) sum of Nineteen Thousand Four hundred and Fifty Dollars( 19,450.00 )for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. 3. That work shall be done by Advance Auto ; and, Specify Contract or Day Labor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. Approved I, Clerk in and for the of City,Town or Village Date County of , hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Department of Transportation at a meeting on Council or President and Board of Trustees Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of Regional Engineer (SEAL) City,Town,or Village Clerk Page 1 of 1 BLR 09111 (Rev.7/05) Printed on 10/9/2006 9:57:19 AM AGENDA SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks &Recreation For: October 16, 20o6 Regular City Council Meeting Re: Knox Park Fencing Improvements RECOMMENDATION To approve a price quotation for chain link fence installation at Knox Park to Shogren Fence, Inc., Round Lake, IL in the amount of$7,075.00. BACKGROUND Specifications were sent to several fencing contractors for replacement fencing at Knox Park. The fence fabric on the pool deck is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. The fence is the original material installed in 1980. The line posts,top rail, and gates are in good condition and will remain. New vinyl coated chain link fabric will be installed on all pool deck fencing. Additional chain link fencing will be replaced on the two softball fields at Knox Park. Four sections of fence will be replaced in front of the dugouts on both fields. New end posts,top and bottom rail, and fence fabric will be installed. In the Fiscal Year 20o6/2007 budget, $10,00o was approved in the Park Improvement account for fence replacement in several parks; in addition Capital funds are budgeted each year for improvements to the Knox Park swimming pool. The funds for the pool fencing will be drawn from the account for the Knox Park Pool maintenance while the softball dugout fencing portion will be drawn from the park improvement account. The breakdown for the fence replacements at Knox Park are as follows: Softball dugouts $2,975.00 Pool fencing $4100 00 Total $7,075.00 All fence renovation work will be completed by December 15, 2006. PRICE QUOTE FOR FENCING RENOVATIONS AT KNOX PARK Due Date: October 5, 2006 - 5:00 Pm Company Name Price Quote Fence Connection, Inc./Elgin, IL $7,293.00 Mike Meier & Sons Fence Mfg./Spring Grove, IL $8,030.00 Shogren Fence, Inc./Round Lake, IL $7,075.00 Durabilt Fence Co./Wheeling, IL $7,629.00 /Fencing/Knox Park Renovations&Split Rail Fencing