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Packet - 08/15/2006 - Community Development Committee
MRS A'7 1 tv, i 3 v 0 ,o x� o� og J � LE O � N m ° z 'O d� 0 0 E a N M O (N E 0 Z 0.0 d LE: i x �!►. A AL - A, � ,rF t - h Alow mi z ' > TURN LANE IMPR EMENTS REQUIRED FOR LINCOLN AVE. 1st REVISED CONCEPT SITE PLAN McHENRY MARINA SITE CURTIS COMMERCIAL McHENRY, IL HAEGER ENGINEERING consulting engineers 6 land surveyors 1300 Plum Grove Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173 • Tel: 847.394.6600 Fax: 847.394.6608 v v.haegerengineering.com ProjedManoger: MLA Engineer: Sheet Date: 7-17-06 Projed No. 06116 �1 0 Figure 1 1fee East Bank Subarea Land Use Transportation Urban & harking Design he east side of the fox River is an Important I Map Legend Map Legend Map Legend T componentaf the Downtown's overall function, 011 ❑ a 0' DMarina ? and Gutter r: i Curb P ,,,....: Improvements . , •..••, C� Pedestrian Amenities character, andaesthetic.TheEastBankSubareahasa ! �I""""""'""""" QCommercialService 1 +""" _ """""' Gateway Area :ti--_---_-.—._ .___. ::11d--t(7fRestrctedAccess --j __-�• Riverwalk significant visual impact when viewed from the poed9¢ :ec - ®Mixed use PeadSL PeadSt Downtown and Riverwalk located along the west bank. (Commeraai/MuitfFamily f� Unified Access Residential) Bridge Improvements ® Open Space/Park The subarea is currently comprised of residential Q Subarea Boundary r ® Park/Open Space up1 _ commercial service marina and restaurant uses, Future = ' -" - Riverwalk - - . da X : 'Subarea Boundaries r' : (-- Improvement and redevelopment of the area should 8 c 11 I Subarea Boundaries q j take advantage of the riverfront and capitalize on it as a gem 1 I ` community asset. The East Bank Subarea allows the 1LRolfe120 1LRoute120 iLRodle120 --J City to "mirror" the character of Downtown on both "" -AAA " ` sides of the river, Although separated from the main AA ' "3 Downtown area, the East Bank Subarea Is an important go 0_ _._____ Is — _ _ _ z -- A All, AAAAA 7 08 part of the overall Downtown setting. identified below are a few of the key priority improvement recommendations for the East Bank Subarea -Install RlverwolkImprovements to improve appearance and pedestrian circulation and to promote pedestrian traffic. -Redevelop underutilized parcels to take better advantage of their proximity to the fox River, The bridges across the Fox River which provide access to Downtown McHenry should be visuailyenhanced to provide an attractive and "signature"gateway into the Downtown shopping and entertainment area, lA le � f ,1 •. 1 j ,, � 1 � :1 I r / Ail 4 / ' .1 I( 1 l . i . A A:1 1 (All „\ i ~7A 'AAA Currently land uses within the East Bank Subarea in- clude residential homes, commercial service business- es, a restaurant, and marina. Although nearly all prop- erties within the subarea are adjacent to the Fox River, only the marina and the restaurant utilize the river ef- fectively, providing boat slips and water access to their customers. Future land uses within the East Bank Sub- area should maximize access to the waterfront. Land use recommendations for the East Bank Subarea in- clude: • Land uses within the East Bank Subarea should maximize the locatlonal beneftt of frontage on the Fox River, Appropriate land uses for parcels within the subarea Include restaurants, commercial serv- ices, parks and open space and multi-famlly resl- dential, Businesses offering dinner cruises and oth- er seasonal activities that maximize the use of the Fox River should be encouraged. • Single-family residential and retail uses should not be permitted In this subarea. • Boat slips, river activities, and outdoor seating should be strongly encouraged. • A public riverwalk, similar to what is planned for the west bank, should also be provided along the riverfront in this subarea, Serving as the eastern gateway for vehicular traffic, and and a gateway for boat traffic, the East Bank Subarea plays an Important role in transportation within Down- town McHenry. Transportation requirements for the East Bank Subarea include: • All streets within the East Bank Subarea should have curb and gutter, and a sidewalk. Currently streets along Lincoln Road do not have curb and gutter. This has resulted in standing water, shoulder gravel on the street, and an overall unattractive appearance. • Opportunities to Improve the appearance of the two bridges carrying traffic into Downtown McHenry should be identified. The bridges offer a unique view and gateway to the Downtown and should be made more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. • Access for parcels within the East Bank subarea should be limited to Lincoln Road. Access to Pearl Street and Elm Street (U.S. Route 120) should not be permitted, • Access to Lincoln Road should be coordinated and unified wherever poss(bte, I(mlting the number of curb cuts and access points. Limiting the number of access points Improves the safety and traffic flow. • A pedestrian/bike path Incorporated into a "Riverwalk" feature should run along the east bank of the Fox River between Pearl Street and IL Route 120, The Riverwalk on the west bank will not allow bicy- des. • Parking needs within the subarea should be ad- dressed on aparcel-by-parcel basis, with each proper- tyaccommodating their parking needs on site, Urban design recommendations focus on the development character within the subarea, Its visual appearance and pe- destrian amenities. The existing development with the East Bank area consists of a variety of businesses, of which few have ting and attractive facades fronting the Fox River. To facilitate this subarea's role as an attractive entry into Downes town McHenry from the water or by roads, the urban design recommendations for the East Bank Subarea are as follows: • All buildings and structures within the East Bank Subarea should have an attractive 360' appearance, Buildings within this subarea will be viewed from the Fox River, Pear Street, Elm Street and Lincoln Road. Consequently, the tear and side facades are as important as the fronts of the buildings. • Opportunities for installation of a gateway feature/sign for Downtown McHenry should be explored along Elm Street (U.S. Route 120). In addition to signage,the gate- way feature might Include special landscaping, lighting and paving materials, • The height of new buildings should be consistent with and complement the height of existing buildings, rang- ingfrom 1-2 stories as appropriate (3 stories may also be appropriate for quality multi -family). • Fa4ade Improvements should be undertaken to establish design compatibility among uses within the subarea, par- ticularity in regard to colors and material. • The first floor on new buildings within the Subarea should have a strong pedestrian orientation. Rear entran- ces to stores and shops should be encourage d. • A full range of coordinated and unified streetscape im- provements and pedestrian amenities should be provid- edalong Elm Street, Pearl Street, and Lincoln Road, Rec- ommended streetscape Improvements including continuous sidewalks, Installation of street trees, pedes-„ trlan sCale lighting fixtures (10'-1S' in height), seating areas/reset areas and directional and informational sig- nege. • An attractive Riverwalk, mirroring the west bank, should be developed between Pearl Street and IL Route 120, Priorlty Redevelopment a Areas �. . A. !L RoJle 120 There are two priority redevelopment areas within the East Bank Subarea. Recommendations for these sites are listed below. Q Site #1 (0.4 acres) fs located between Pearl Street and IL Route 120 on the east bank of the Fox River. A restaurant ands ingle-family homes currently occupy the site. This site could be redeveloped for mixed -use commer- cial/multi-famlly residential uses to better maximize the location along the Fox River. Commercial uses on the first floor of amulti-story resi- dential building could cater to visitors arriving by boat, automobile,orfoot. Commercial businesses should maxi- mizetheir adjacency to the Fox River. This could Include dinner cruises, boat slips, boat rentals, or other seasonal adlvities, A banquet facility providing a scenic view of Downtown McHenry and the Fox River would also be an appropriate use. Multi-famlly residential dwellings would allow a greater number of people to access the waterfront, and it would provide a greater concentration of people necessary to Su businesses in Downtown McHenry. © Site acres) Is located south of IL Route 120 and is also adjacent to the Fox River: Currently single-family homes, utilities, and a boat storage area occupythe site. This site should be developed with quality multi -family residenVal that provides access to the Fox River. Downtown Plan irl<lz,, peg#igt'ew, Ailei� � Pa�r1e, 6r1c. gage 3Z