HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 02/20/2006 - City Council cityMcHen7 of FILE 333 South Green Street McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 o AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, February 20, 2006,7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Input Session— 10 Minute Limitation 5. Consent Agenda: A. City Council Minutes: - January 30, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting - February 6, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting B. Beer/Wine and Parks Special Use Permit Requests C. Resolution of Support for Centegra's Application to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for a New Open Heart Surgery Program at NIMC. D. Request from McHenry Area Youth Commission for Waiver of fees for Summer Program at Petersen Park Beach. E. Request for Authorization to Issue Request for Qualifications for Aerial Fireworks Show for the Jaycee's Independence Day Celebration. F. Authorization of Repairs on Public Access Piers at the Riviera Marina for an amount not to exceed$2,837. G. List of Bills. 6. Request from Wonder Lake Water Ski Team to use Petersen Park for its annual Haunted Hayride in the month of October, 2006, to waive all park and sign fees associated with the event and the use of the park, and to approve the placement of temporary signs advertising the event. 7. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a limited drive-thru in a Multi Tenant Retail Building at 2182-2210 W. Route 120. 8. Request for a Zoning Map Amendment from E (Estate District)to RS-2 (Medium Density Single-Family Residential District) at 2623 Lincoln Road. 9. Committee Recommendation: Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan. 10. Mayor—Statement and Reports 11. Committee Reports 12. Staff Reports 13. Future Agenda Items 14. Adjournment : Posted and Mailed February 15, 2006 Clerk's Office and Public Works, Parks and Police Administration Community Development Recreation (Non-Emergency) (815)363-2100 (815)363-2170 (815)363-2160 (815)363-2200 Fax(815)363-2119 Fax(815)363-2173 Fax(815)363-3186 Fax(815)363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CON s . N, T AGEN13A ; The Consent Agenda for the February 20, 2006 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Approve City Council Minutes: - January 30,2006 Regular City Council Meeting - February 6, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting B. Beer/Wine and Parks Special Use Permit Requests C. Resolution of Support for Centegra's Application to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for a new Open Heart Surgery Program at NIMC D. Request from McHenry Area Youth Commission for Waiver of Fees for Summer Program at Petersen Park Beach E. Request for Authorization to Issue Request for Proposals for Aerial Fireworks for the Jaycee's Independence Day Celebration F. Authorization of Repairs on Public Access Piers at the Riviera Marina for an amount not to exceed$2,837. G. List of Bills Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Doug Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: February 20, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Authorization to Issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the provision of a Fireworks Display for the Jaycees Annual Independence Day Celebration Background. Each year,the City partners with the McHenry Area Jaycees to arrange and finance the annual a of July celebration fireworks. A formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ)process was developed in 2003 to allow the City to competitively award the fireworks contract. The RFQ document is attached. The RFQ asks for information about the various fireworks companies including information about how long they have been in the fireworks business as well as pertinent safety records. Responding companies are also asked to provide information about a comparable event at which they are providing a fireworks display. Members of the Jaycees as well as city staff will then attend the show, talk with event planners and fire protection officials, and rate the firm's performance. Finally, a contract will be negotiated with the preferred firm and brought to the City Council for consideration. Recommendation. Staff recommends authorizing staff to issue the attached Request for Qualifications document. City of McHenry, Illinois Request for Qualifications Fireworks Display July 2006 I. Scope of Request for Qualifications The City of McHenry, Illinois, in conjunction and cooperation with the McHenry Area Jaycees, is requesting qualifications(RFQ) from contractors engaged in the provision of fireworks displays. This RFQ process is the first step in a process leading to the award of a one-year contract for the provision of Independence Day celebration fireworks displays in the City of McHenry for July 2006. The City's intent in conducting this RFQ process is to identify those contractors having a responsible history of providing fireworks displays in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin with the capability of providing a computer choreographed,pyro- musical production with all pyrotechnics fired by computer program/electronically. From the list of respondents, the City will narrow the list of contractors to a qualified vendor based on the history of the firm and their experience in providing the services desired. Representatives of the City of McHenry, as well as the Jaycees, will review the RFP's submitted by the qualified contractors to evaluate their safety procedures, capabilities, and performance in the provision of fireworks display services. References by other event organizations and local fire protection officials overseeing the past events will also be used to evaluate the qualified contractors. After completing an evaluation of the qualified and responsible contractors, the City will seek to negotiate a one-year contract for the provision of fireworks services for July 2006. II. Statement of Qualification Requirements A. Contractors wanting to be considered for this contract are required to provide the information requested on the attached RFQ form. Contractors are encouraged to supplement this form with any additional information that may assist the City in evaluating the safety and performance capabilities of the contractor. B. The City of McHenry intends to incorporate in the evaluation process a firm's safety procedures, setup, technological abilities and performance at displays in the northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin area during the 2005 celebration and festival season. These criteria will play a large role in determining the award of the contract. Firms submitting statements of qualifications are asked to provide a list of events in the northern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin area at which the contractor is supplying a fireworks display. The contractor should also identify one program in the area possessing the features and characteristics most comparable to the program sought by McHenry(i.e., 25-30 minute program duration, land fired, computer choreographed,pyro-musical production, electronically and/or computer fired). The contract cost,the duration of the display, and the number, size and type of shells for the comparable program should be included with the response. Additional information required on the comparable event includes: 1) the contractor's contact name and telephone number with whom an on-site tour can be arranged to view the setup area prior to the fireworks event; 2)the name and telephone numbers of event organizers; and, 3)the name and telephone number of local fire protection officials monitoring the event. C. For information concerning procedures for responding to the RFQ or questions concerning the technical specifications or components of the City of McHenry's fireworks program, contact Director of Parks and Recreation Pete Merkel at (815) 363-2160 or pmerkelQci.mchenry.il.us. Such contact shall be for clarification purposes only. Material changes, if any,to the scope of services or bidding procedures will only be transmitted by written addendum. D. It is preferred that all questions be submitted in writing to the City of McHenry, Attn. Pete Merkel, Director of Parks &Recreation at 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 or by fax to (815) 363-3186. Questions of a material nature must be received prior to the cut-off date specified in the RFQ schedule. No part of the RFQ submittal may be submitted by fax. E. Eligibility. To be eligible to respond to this RFQ, the proposing firm must be regularly engaged in the business of providing fireworks displays for a minimum of three(3) years and must demonstrate that they, or the principals assigned to the project, have successfully completed services, similar to those specified in the Scope of Services section of this RFQ, on a regular basis to customers with programs similar in size and complexity to the City of McHenry, Illinois. F. Be properly licensed in the State of Illinois and all certificates up to date. G. Statement of Qualifications Response Schedule. 1. Release Request for Statement of Qualifications—February 10, 2006 2. Last Date for Receipt of Questions of a Material Nature—February 22, 2006 3. Last date for addendum release—February 24, 2006 4. RFQ Response Due—Friday, March 3, 2006 no later than 5:00 pm at City Administrator's Office, City of McHenry, Illinois, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050. Information on Citv of McHenry/Jayicee Day 2006 Fireworks Program Date: Saturday, July 1, 2006 Rain Date: Sunday, July 2, 2006 Time: 9:30 pm Location: Petersen Park Waterfront Property Owner: City of McHenry Fire/Rescue: McHenry Township Fire Protection District Budget: $20,000 (2006) City of McHenry, Illinois Fireworks Display Saturday, July 1, 2006 Rain Date: July 2, 2006 Request for Qualifications Form General Information Name and address of firm responding: Name of firm's contact: Telephone number of contact: Experience How many years has your firm been in the business of providing fireworks and pyrotechnic displays? (years) Does your firm do this on a full-time basis? If no, please explain. How many years has the contact person been in the business of providing fireworks and pyrotechnic displays? (years) How many fireworks displays did your firm produce for clients in calendar year 2005? How many are expected in 2006? Technological Capabilities Does your firm use computer fired fireworks and, if yes, how long has the firm being doing so? Approximately what percentage of your 2004 and 2005 aerial fireworks displays have been computer fired? Does your firm choreograph aerial firework displays to music? If yes, does your firm choreograph the display to music provided by the client. Please elaborate on your firm's choreographing capabilities or attach information explaining your firm's capabilities in this area. Approximately what percentage of your 2004 and 2005 aerial fireworks displays have been choreographed to music? Safety Has your firm been cited for any safety violations within the past five years? If yes, please explain in detail. Has your firm, or any employee of your firm, had an application for a fireworks permit been rejected within the past five years? If yes,please explain in detail. Has your firm ever had an application for general liability insurance rejected? If so, please explain in detail. Has your firm, or any employee of your firm,had any serious accidents resulting in bodily injury or the possibility of bodily injury related to the ignition of fireworks within the past five years? If yes,please explain in detail. Comparable Event The City of McHenry and the McHenry Area Jaycees intend to provide a fireworks display of approximately 25—30 minutes in duration, fired on land by a computer or electronically and choreographed to music selected by the City and Jaycees. Please identify a future program in the northern Illinois or southeastern Wisconsin area comparable to these general characteristics. Provide the date of the planned event,the name and phone number of a contact person involved in the administration of the event and the name and phone number of the local fire protection official responsible for monitoring the event. Information about the contract cost for the event, the planned duration of the display and the number, size and type of shells in the planned program should be provided. Event name and location: Event contact person and phone number Fire protection official name and phone number Contract cost for event $ Planned duration of event minutes Please attach information identifying the number, size, and type of shells included in the planned program. Si natures By affixing a signature below,the respondent attests to the accuracy of the statements made above and acknowledges that falsification of any information in this document will result in the firms removal from further consideration. Name of Contractor/Finn: Signature of Representative Name (Please Print) Date REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 30, 2006 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, January 30, 2006 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator Martin, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police O'Meara, Director of Public Works Marcinko, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Community Relations Management Assistant Hobson, and Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel. Absent: None. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak at the public input session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer, to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented: A. Farm Lease Agreements between the City of McHenry and a. Scott Chambers, Petersen Farm Property; b. Tom King, former Cunat Property; and c. James P. Finch, former Levy Property B. Final pay request for Petersen Historic Farm Access Road project- Custom Landscaping Design and Construction, in the amount of $60,450.46; C. Final pay request for Ridgeview Drive/Bull Valley Road Traffic Signal and Street Lighting project -Home Towne Electric, Inc., in the amount of$15,476.38; D. Award of bid for printing of three seasonal brochures for the Parks and Recreation Department and four seasonal City of McHenry. newsletters - John S. Swift Co., Inc. in the amount of$24,898; E. Award of bid for rehabilitation of Well No. 2 and Well No. 3 to Municipal Well & Pump Company for the estimated amount of $43,928, including a 3.5% contingency allowance; F. Police Department purchase of non-lethal tasers from Ray O'Herron Company, for$6,959.70. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCE, GREEN STREET MALL, 1219 NORTH GREEN STREET Director of Community Development Napolitano informed Council that the property is a multi-tenant building in the downtown area. He noted that over the years it has been difficult for the tenants of the building, due to the lack of exterior signage, to advertise their businesses in the mall. The applicant is requesting Council's consideration regarding the installation of a wall sign. January 30, 2006 Page 2 Director Napolitano noted that according to the City's sign code, the site is considered a shopping center and would be allowed four wall signs, one for each tenant. The total square footage allowed for the property is 74.1 sf., 1.5 sf. per 1 foot of building frontage. There are currently three signs totaling 67 sf. on the building. The applicant is proposing: • to replace the sign on the south fagade with a new 30.6 sf. sign to identify all of the building tenants, • installing a new 20.3 sf. sign with the same text on the west building fagade adjacent to the entrance. If approved by Council the site would have four wall signs totaling 102.9 sf. A variance is needed to accommodate the sign on the south building fagade. Staff has no concerns with the proposed request and recommends approval. The additional signs would provide needed identification for the businesses inside the building and are not considered excessive. The building is unique in that it contains multiple retail tenants. Alderman Condon opined she would normally not be in favor of a sign variance, however she recognizes the necessity of advertising for the businesses. Applicant James Marinangel informed Council the proposed sign plan is conceptual. Mr. Marinangel stated he would welcome recommendations from the Council. Mr. Marinangel noted each of the panels in the sign are removable. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to accept Staffs recommendsation to approve a sign variance at the Green Street Mall, located at 1219 N. Green Street, subject to consistency in the signage should the surrounding property be developed. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DRIVE-THRU FACILITY AND VARIANCE TO FRONT YARD SETBACK, NORTHGATE WEST CENTER Director Napolitano informed Council the Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow drive-thru lanes and a drive-up ATM kiosk for the new Home State Bank in the North Gate West Shopping Center. The bank is allowed as a permitted use in the C-5 zoning district, as Home State Bank owned the property prior to the Zoning Code amendment prohibiting new banks in the C-5 District. The City's required front yard setback is 30 feet, however this property was platted with a 50 foot setback. The requested drive-up ATM kiosk encroaches into the 50-foot front yard setback, but not into the City's 30-foot standard setback. The request meets the criteria set forth in the Zoning Code for Conditional Use Permits and Variances. Drive-thru lanes are typically associated with a bank and the proposed layout efficiently moves traffic throughout the site. January 30, 2006 Page 3 Director Napolitano stated the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing held on January 5, 2006 unanimously recommended approval of: • A Conditional Use Permit for the drive-thru lanes and drive-up ATM kiosk; and • A Variance to allow the encroachment of the ATM kiosk into the 50-yard front yard setback. In attendance were Jim Zambon and Scott Thompson on behalf of Home State Bank. Alderman Peterson expressed concerns regarding the necessity of a kiosk in the setback area. Alderman Condon opined she preferred the kiosk structure. A discussion ensued. Responding to an inquiry Director Napolitano stated the lot is 6-8 feet below grade of State Route 31. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve an ordinance regarding the Home State Bank facility in Northgate West Subdivision to: • grant a Conditional Use Permit for drive-thru lanes and a drive-thru ATM kiosk; • grant a Variance for encroachment of the ATM kiosk into the 50-foot front yard setback. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab, Peterson. Absent: None. Motion carried. RELEASE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK ESCROW FOR RIVIERA MARINA City Administrator Maxeiner informed Council that as part of a planned series of improvements to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWVvTP) the City took steps to acquire the Riviera Marina property adjacent to the CWWTP in 1999. Ultimately, the City had to initiate an eminent domain process to facilitate the purchase. A Settlement Agreement was reached whereby the City paid $3.1 million for the property. The City closed on the property in June of 2000. The property was known to have leaking underground storage tanks and the Settlement Agreement required $100,000 be placed in escrow to ensure adequate funds were available to facilitate tank removal and remediation. City Administrator Maxeiner stated the tanks have been removed and the City has received a letter from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) indicating no further remediation is required. City Administrator Maxeiner informed Council the invoices have been tallied and Seller is requesting release of the balance of the escrowed funds, together with interest earnings, as specified by the Settlement Agreement. January 30, 2006 Page 4 Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Peterson, to accept Staff s recommendation to approve the release of escrow funds held for underground storage tank removal and site remediation at the Riviera Marina, plus interest amounting to a total of $123,400.50; and authorizing Staff to release any L.U.S.T. reimbursement for the project in excess of $10,000 to William H. and Kenneth R. Bruce, Sellers. Voting Aye: Glab, Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AWARD OF BID FOR MCHENRY SHORE BEACH STREAM BANK STABILIZATION TO COOLING LANDSCAPE CONTRACTING LLC IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,690 Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council the base bid submitted by Cooling Landscape Contracting LLC of Cherry Valley, Illinois, in the amount of 21,690, for steam bank stabilization along the Fox River at McHenry Shores Beach, is recommended by Hey &Associates, Inc. Director Merkel stated Hey and Associates has indicated the project may require some material removal from the site. The Army Corps of Engineers.is requesting a site visit to inspect the proposed restoration. The work is proposed as a cut and fill project, which would not extend the shoreline into the waterway. It was noted a decision by the Army Corps of Engineers to remove an equal amount of fill from the site could result in additional cost. Hey and Associates and Staff will be meeting with representatives of the Corps to discuss the design of the project. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to accept Staffs recommendation to award the bid for the McHenry Shores Beach Stream Bank Stabilization to Cooling Landscape Contracting LLC in the amount of$21,690. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVMENTS FUND, PARKS DONATION FUND, IN THE AMOUNT OF $485,000 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SHAMROCK FARMS PARK AND AWARD OF BID FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SHAMROCK FARMS PARK TO DK CONTRACTORS. IN THE AMOUNT OF $482,065.31 Director Merkel reiterated to Council that plans for the development of the Shamrock Farms Park were approved in 2003. A contract was approved with 3D Design Studio on October 3, 2005 to provide final design, bid specifications and construction services. Director Merkel informed Council that on January 17, 2006 bids were opened for the construction of all facilities in the approved plan. Seven competitive bids were received from regional contractors. Each of the bids was reviewed by Staff who recommends January 30, 2006 Page 5 acceptance of the combination of the base bid and alternate bid no. 1 submitted by DK Contractors of Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, in the amount of$482,065.15. Director Merkel noted that DK Contractors has satisfactorily completed work for the City in the past, most notably the Freund Field paving and ball field renovation in 2004/2005. City Administrator Maxeiner informed Council that funding for the project would be through Park Donations. He noted a line item was not included for the development of the park in the 2005/2006 Budget. Alderman Murgatroyd stated he would not support this item reiterating he has an issue proceeding with a project of this magnitude preceding completion and adoption of the Parks Master Plan. Motion by Condon, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the following • A budget amendment of $485,000 to the Capital Improvements Fund (Park Donations Fund) for the development of Shamrock Farms Park; and • To award the bid for the Shamrock Farms Park Development to DK Contractors of Pleasant Farm, Wisconsin, in the amount of$482,065.31. Mayor Low recognized Rob Parrish of Parrish Paving. Mr. Parrish addressed Council stating he was confused by the recommendation presented to Council, as his bid was the lowest submitted for the project. Mr. Parrish stated he made several calls to Director Merkel inquiring about Staffs recommendation to award the project, however the calls have not been returned. Mayor Low informed Mr. Parrish that a motion has been made to award the bid to DK Contractors. Alderman Condon requested Director Merkel explain why DK Contractors was chosen rather than Parrish Paving. Director Merkel indicated there were some math errors in the calculations provided by Parrish Paving. City Administrator Maxeiner suggested this item be tabled pending further discussion and resolution of Mr. Parrish's inquiry. Mayor Low respectfully requested Alderman Condon consider withdrawing her motion pending City Administrator Maxeiner's investigation into the matter and further discussion. Alderman Condon withdrew her motion. Alderman Peterson withdrew his second. Motion withdrawn. BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND, CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND, IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR WATER PLANT NO. 5: AND APPROVAL OF AN ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR TREATMENT COST COMPARISON STUDY AND ANALYSIS FOR WATER SUPPLY WELL NO. 13, IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $15,720 January 30, 2006 Page 6 Director of Public Works. Marcinko informed Council that drilling has been completed on Well No. 13 located adjacent to Dartmoor Drive in the Legend Lakes Subdivision. Upon its completion water samples were taken to determine levels of bacterial and chemical contaminants. Radium and barium levels, which are typical occurrences in deep wells, were discovered to be above the IEPA `s maximum contaminant levels and additional treatment is necessary prior to distribution of the water. Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC) has submitted an Engineering Services Agreement for a cost comparison analysis for providing treatment for Well No. 13, in an amount not4o-exceed $15,720. The proposed agreement from SEC would provide an analysis of the options available in addition to capital cost and tentative schedule for each treatment system. Director Marcinko stated this item has not been budgeted for the current year and therefore requires a budget amendment in the Utility Improvements Fund. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to accept Stafrs recommendation to approve the following: • A budget amendment to the Utility Improvements Fund in the amount of$16,000 for engineering services for Water Plant No. 5; and • An Engineering Services Agreement from Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for a treatment cost comparison study and analysis for the Water Supply Well No. 13, in an amount not to exceed $15,720. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. BUDGET AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND, GENERAL REVENUE FUND, IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000, FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MILLER ROAD PROJECT FROM ROUTE 31 EAST TO GREEN STREET: AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC FOR $10,390 TO PREPARE, SUBMIT AND FOLLOW THROUGH ON FUNDING REQUESTS FOR CMAQ AND HSIP FUNDS FOR MILLER ROAD PROJECT City Administrator Maxeiner reiterated to Council that the City has obtained significant commitments for grants from the Federal Government for improvements to the intersection of State Route 31 and Bull Valley/Miller Road and to Miller Road from State Route 31 east to Green Street. City Administrator Maxeiner informed Council that time constraints exist regarding spending the funds, which require an ambitious project schedule. City Administrator Maxeiner indicated additional grant funds might be available for this significant project, roughly estimated at $8,000,000. Smith Engineering Consultants (SEC) has prepared an engineering services agreement, at an estimated amount of $10,390, for the preparation, submission and follow-through of grant requests for CMAQ and HSIP funds. It was noted that funds for this project have not been budgeted in the 2005/2006 fiscal year. January 30, 2006 Page 7 Staff requested the following: • A budget amendment to the Capital Improvements Fund in the amount of $12,000 for engineering services for the Miller Road project from Route 31 east to Green. Street; and • Approval of an engineering services agreement with SEC for $10,390 to prepare, submit and follow through on funding requests for CMAQ and HSIP funds for the Miller Road Project. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the following: • A budget amendment to the Capital Improvements Fund in the amount of $12,000 for engineering services for the Miller Road project from Route 31 east to Green Street; and • Approval of an engineering services agreement with SEC for $10,390 to prepare, submit and follow through on funding requests for CMAQ and HSIP funds for the Miller Road Project. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR— STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low had no statement or report. COMMITTEE REPORTS Alderman Condon shared the minutes from the M.A.Y.C. Board Meeting of January 26, 2006 with Council announcing that the After Hours Program has been extremely successful STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No future agenda items were discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: POTENTIAL LITIGATION Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Santi, to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Potential Litigation at 8:40 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Executive Session convened at 8:48 p.m. January 30, 2006 Page 8 Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to return to Open Session at 8:59 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 8:59 p.m. OPEN SESSION Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, ratifying the action of City Attorney and Staff regarding eviction notice service upon Crossroads Counseling at the Medical Arts Building. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The Meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m. MAYOR CITY CLERK REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2006 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order bly Mayor Munic pal at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, February 6, 2006 in the Council Chambers of Center. At roll call the following. Aldermen were present: fflan,attendance were: City Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: Santi. CityStaff City Attorney Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant City Administrator Martin, City Clerk Jones, McArdle, Chief of Police O'Meara, Assistant Director of Public Works Fink, Community Relations Management Assistant Hobson, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Director of Finance Shields, and Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel. Absent: Director of Public Works Marcinko. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak at the public input session. CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Glab stated he had some questions regarding Consent Agenda Item B, McHenry Chamber's 2006 Fiesta Days Schedule and Waiver of all Associated Fees, and Item C, McHenry Chamber's 2006 Fiesta Days Special Event Liquor License and Waiver of License Fee. He noted some discussion has occurred regarding Chamber fees for the annual Fiesta Days special event held in the City's parks. He suggested this matter be reviewed during 2006-2007 budget discussions. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wimmer, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Parks and Recreation Department Special Use/Picnic Permits; B. McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce 2006 Fiesta Days Schedule of Events and Waiver of all Associated Fees; C. McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce 2006 Fiesta Days Special Event Liquor License and Waiver of License Fee; D. McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce request for Use of Petersen Park and Temporary Advertising Sign Permit for 14t' Annual Country Meadows Craft Show on September 17, 2006; E. Final Pay Request for Construction Services of Water Supply Well No. .13 to Meadow Equipment Sales and Services in the amount of$46,621.34. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OUTSIDE STORAGE OF VEHICLES — ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR 3004 WEST ROUTE 120 Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the applicant, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, is seeking a conditional use permit to allow the outside storage of vehicles on the property located at 3004 West Route 120. Director Napolitano noted Enterprise intends to relocate their business from the existing facility at 615 North Front Street. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request at a Public Hearing held on January 19, 2006 and unanimously recommended approval. Staff concurs with the Commission's recommendation. An ordinance granting the request is attached for Council review and January 9, 2006 Page 2 formal action. Alderman .Condon opined the existing landscape planter should be more aesthetically maintained. Alderman Schaefer concurred with Alderman Condon. Alderman Glab suggested more greenery be included in the site's landscape plan. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Wimmer, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning. Commission, to approve an ordinance granting a conditional use permit to allow the outside storage of vehicles on the property located at 3004 West Route 120. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT TO RS-21 RANDY LIVELY 2623 LINCOLN ROAD Mayor Low announced this item has been removed from tonight's Council meeting agenda and will be discussed on a future Council meeting. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PARKS AND RECREATION FIVE-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE MASTER PLAN PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES — BONESTROO DEVERY AND ASSOCIATES IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED : . 37 30tt Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reminded Council the City is in the process of creating a five-year master plan for parks and recreations services and facilities. As a part of this process, a planner was identified through a request for proposal process. A selection committee was formed and evaluated all proposals submitted. The selection committee has recommended that Bonestroo, Devery and Associates of Libertyville, Illinois be awarded the contract for professional planning services for the five-year comprehensive master plan. The proposed fee is $37,300 for these services. Alderman Peterson stated it was the consensus of the selection committee to award the contract to Bonestroo, Devery and Associates. Director Merkel announced an Open House would be scheduled for the first week in March to provide the public with the results submitted by Bonestroo, Devery and Associates. Director Merkel introduced members of Bonestroo, Devery and Associates who were in attendance: Bill Densch, Branch Manager Tom Palansky, and John Briggs. Motion by Condon, seconded by Schaefer, to accept the recommendation of the selection committee, to award' the contract for the Parks and Recreation Five-Year Comprehensive Master Plan Professional Planning Services to Bonestroo, Devery and Associates of Libertyville in an amount not-to-exceed $37,300. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None.,;, January 9, 2006 Page 3 Absent: Santi. Motion carried. RECOMMENDATION: 1) BUDGET AMENDMENT TO TIF REVENUE FUND (GENERAL REVENUE FUND) IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,870; 2) AWARD OF BID FOR DEMOLITION AND RELATED SERVICES OF WAHL APPLIANCE BUILDING LOCATED AT 1209� COURT STREET — CORNERSTONE MATERIAL RECOVERY IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,870 Community Relations Management. Assistant Hobson reminded Council the City purchased the Wahl Appliance building located at 1209 Court Street with the intention of demolishing the building to create additional parking for the downtown area. The demolition of the building is was not included in the 2005/2006 budget. - Management Assistant Hobson noted bid specifications were prepared, bids were sought and opened on January 24, 2006. The lowest responsible bidder who included all facets of the project; including asbestos removal, was Cornerstone Material Recovery of McHenry in the amount of $23,870. Management Assistant Hobson stated awarding of the bid would require a budget amendment to the TIF Fund (General Revenue Fund) in the amount of$23,870. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staffs recommendation to award the bid for the demolition of the Wahl Appliance Building located at 1209 Court Street to Cornerstone Material Recovery of McHenry in the amount not-to-exceed $23,870; and to approve a budget amendment to the 2005/2006 Fiscal Year Budget for the TIF Fund (General Revenue Fund) in the amount of$23,870 for this project. V Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. RECOMMENDATION: 1) BUDGET AMENDMENT TO TIF FUND (GENERAL REVENUE FUND) IN THE AMOUNT OF $485,000; 2) AWARD OF BID FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT OF THE FORMER MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING LOCATED AT 1110 NORTH GREEN STREET—HOLIAN INDUSTRIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $128,753 Assistant Administrator Martin reiterated Council has authorized Staff to move forward with the purchase of the former Medical Arts Building located at 1110 North Green Street. Additional costs associated with this purchase in an anticipated amount of$500,000 include asbestos removal, demolition, site preparation and other miscellaneous costs associated with this project. Staff is seeking a budget amendment to the TIF Fund (General Revenue Fund) in the amount of$485,000 to cover the cost of this work. Assistant Administrator Martin stated bid specifications were prepared, bids were sought and opened for the asbestos removal on this site. The lowest responsible bid was submitted by Holian Industries in the amount of $128,753. It is Staffs recommendation to award the bid to Holian Industries for this project. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to award the bid for the asbestos removal of the former Medical Arts Building located at 1110 North Green Street to Holian Industries in an amount not-to-exceed $128,753, and to January 9, 2006 Page 4 approve a budget amendment to the 2005/2006 Fiscal Year Budget for the TIF Fund (General Revenue Fund) in the amount of$485,000 for this project. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION FOR THE REHABILITATION OF WELL NO 2 AND WELL NO 3 — BAXTER AND WOODMAN 1N THE AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $16,000 Assistant Director of Public Works Fink stated Council authorized the award of contract to Municipal Well and Pump for the rehabilitation of Well No 2 and Well No 3 for an estimated amount of $45,465. Baxter and Woodman has submitted an engineering services agreement for construction observation of this project in the amount of$16,000. Assistant Director Fink noted the proposed total cost of this project including the engineering services is $69,365 which exceeds the budgeted amount of $65,000. He stated the increased cost is due to the unknown nature of the work required in the rehabilitation. Alderman Peterson opined the construction observation costs appear high. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Peterson, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve an engineering services agreement for the construction observation of the rehabilitation of Well No 2 and Well No 3 with Baxter and Woodman in the amount not-to- exceed $16,000. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. REVISIONS TO MCHENRY ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION Vlll, LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING Director Napolitano explained the Community Development Committee has discussed at length proposed amendments to the landscape and screening portions of the Zoning Ordinance. Language amendments should clarify City expectations on submitted landscape plans. Director Napolitano stated Staff is seeking direction from Council regarding the proposed amendments. If the proposed changes are acceptable, a Public Hearing should be scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration of the landscape and screening amendments. Alderman Condon complimented Staff, particularly the City Planner, on the comprehensive language included in the proposed amendments. Alderman Murgatroyd inquired if the proposed amendments would affect land redevelopment as well as new development projects. Director Napolitano responded in the affirmative. He noted existing development which is not being redeveloped would be approved under the grandfather clause. January 9, 2006 Page 5 Motion by Condon, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to forward consideration of Zoning Ordinance amendments affecting Section VII, Landscaping and Screening to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. MAYOR— STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low welcomed Finance Director Steve Shields to McHenry and his first Council meeting. Director Shields provided Council with a brief professional biography. COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works Committee Chairman Wimmer announced a Public Works Committee Meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Peterson announced the Annual Scheduling Meeting for athletic fields is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Center Classroom. STAFF REPORTS There was no Staff Report. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no future agenda items discussed. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi. Motion carried. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. MAYOR CITY CLERK CONSENT AGENDA To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks & Recreation For: March 6, 2006 City Council Meeting Re: Beer/Wine Permit Requests & Special Use Permits COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION To approve the attached Beer/Wine Permits & Special Use Permit requests. BACKGROUND The attached list of permit applications have been received in our office with all fees and documentation properly submitted. TConaway/picnic permit consent agenda.doc FOR COUNCIL MEETING OF: March 6, 2006 Beer/Wine Permit Requests These are beer and wine permit requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address 07/29/06 Tom Schmidt Family 214 N Dale Ave, McH 08/19/06 Jackie Gross Family 614 N Hill Rd, McH 60051 Special Use Permit Requests Date of Picnic/Event Applicant Address Special Use 06/11/06 Harold Boelter Graduation 3517 W Beach Dr, McH music TConaway\picnic permit listing �Ico� Date of Picnic/Event SPECIAL USE APPLICATION - PARK FACILITIES Company or Organization: 1`�' V � W.-I 96 Q,\cu " Contact Person: Address: (— City/State/Zip: Home Phone: 25 ?� S �1 U Work Phone: 3 Park: ❑ Knox Park 1 Petersen Park ❑ Veteran's Memorial Park Area: Shelter A 0 Shelter B 0 Other: Arrival Time: 2-1 0( ) Departure Time: 00 Total Number Attending: 5 Fals�ing attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Will beer/wine be present: Yes(complete beer/wine application) ❑ No Brief description of program(i.e. company picnic, car show,craft show, etc.): List all activities that will be held: Items brought into park site: ❑ tent ❑ tables 0 chairs ❑ benches ❑ carnival rides music 0 animals ❑ model planes ❑ other ❑ other ❑ other 0 other Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: 0 dumpsters 0 portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits. I, (J � have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use application and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park property. Signature: Date:_ NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. ************ ***** ***** ******* *****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******** ******* *************** ***** Reservation Fee: $ Deposit Fee: $ Date Paid: Initials: Total Fee: $ Payment: ❑ Cash ❑ Check ❑ Charge City Council Approval: Confirmation Sent: initials: Restrictions: Forms\picnic forms\special use application CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator Ar FOR: February 20,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Resolution of Support for Centegra's Application to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for a New Open Heart Surgery Program at NIMC. Background. Mayor Low was approached by representatives of Centegra regarding their application to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for a new open heart surgery program at the Northern Illinois Medical Center. As described in the attached letter from Centegra, there are no open heart surgery programs in McHenry County. Staff feels that the addition of an open heart program in McHenry at NIMC would provide a valuable service to the community. Consequently, staff recommends passage of the attached resolution. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution declaring support from the City of McHenry for Centegra's application to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for an open heart surgery program at the Northern Illinois Medical Center. ++ Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center • +++CentegraHealthSystem 4201 Medical Center Drive McHenry,IL 60050 815-344-5000 February 8, 2006 The Honorable Susan Low, Mayor City of McHenry 333 South Green Street �� n McHenry, Illinois 60050 S'u e Dear r Low: As you may know, on December 30, 2005, Centegra Health System filed an application with the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for approval of a new open heart surgery program at Northern Illinois Medical Center. At the present time, McHenry County is the only county in the entire health service area which does not have its own open heart surgery program. As a part of the Certificate of Need process, the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board receives comments from members of the public, including municipal bodies like yours. Because of the positive impact that an open heart surgery program will have on the health and wellness of our residents, we are asking that your City Council consider adopting the attached resolution in support of the Centegra Open Heart Surgery Program. Before filing our application for a Certificate of Need, Centegra Health System teamed with one of the most respected groups of heart surgeons in the country, Cardiac Surgery Associates, which is the same group that performs cardiovascular surgery at Loyola University Medical Center, Edward Heart Hospital, and Good Samaritan Hospital. In addition, Centegra carefully reviewed our program, our capabilities, and need as confirmed by State standards, and verified that in applying for an open heart surgery program, we comply with all applicable State regulations. In fact, as your constituents would be aware, Centegra has been diligently expanding our cardiovascular program, not on impulse, but with careful planning, over a number of years. Presently, an estimated 480 residents are forced to leave McHenry County to receive open heart surgery and another 1,300 leave the county for cardiac catheterization. With the creation of our open heart surgery program, Centegra Health System will make it possible for community members to receive high quality heart care from preeminent surgeons and cardiologists right here at home, with their family and friends at their side to support and assist them. We are confident that this program will bring a substantial benefit to the community and we hope you will demonstrate your agreement with this belief by adopting the attached resolution. Should you have any questions or comments,please do not hesitate to contact me at 815-759-4369. Very truly yours, 1 Aaron T. Shepley Senior Vice President Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center RESOLUTION WHEREAS, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, State of Illinois, and McHenry County; and WHEREAS, McHenry County is the only county in Health Services Area #8 in which residents do not have open heart surgery available as a treatment for cardiovascular disease, including obstruction and valvular defects; and WHEREAS,because open heart surgery is not available in McHenry County, an estimated 475 community residents are required to leave the County annually to receive open heart surgery,and an additional 1,300 patients must leave the County to receive cardiac catheterization procedures;and WHEREAS, studies have shown that clinical outcomes improve when care is provided in a location where family members and friends are readily available to support the patient, and WHEREAS, Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center has filed an application with the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board to establish and operate an open heart surgery program;and WHEREAS,the City of McHenry believes that the creation of such a program will improve access to cardiac care for members of this community and elevate the health status of the community and improve patient outcomes. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved by the City Council of the City of McHenry that the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board should approve the application of Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center to establish and operate an open heart surgery program at Northern Illinois Medical Center because the service is needed by the residents of the City of McHenry will improve access to cardiac care for members of this community and will elevate the wellness of the community. DATED this Second day of February, 2006. City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation, By: Mayor SEAL ATTEST CLERK PASSED: APPROVED: CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator 00 FOR: February 20, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request from the McHenry Area Youth Commission for waiver of fees associated with their summer program held at Petersen Park Beach Background. A request was received (attached) from the McHenry Area Youth Commission (MAYC) to waive the fees for admission to the Petersen Park Beach for participants in two sessions of their summer program. The participants reside in McHenry and Johnsburg as well as unincorporated areas of McHenry and Nunda Townships. Each session may have 60 participants and they would look to use the beach twice per session (four total tentative dates - June 13 & 27 and July 11 & 25) from the approximate hours of 11:30 AM — 2:30 PM. Adult staff members will be accompanying the participants. Recommendation. Since the City of McHenry is a participating member of the MAYC, staff recommends waiving the admission fees for their use of the Petersen Park Beach on four dates in 2006 for their summer program. To: Doug Maxeiner From: Geri Condon Date: February 1, 2006 RE: MAYC use of Peterson Park The MAYC has two sessions of their summer program. Each session can take up to 60 children. They can reside in McHenry, Johnsburg, and McHenry and Nunda townships. Last summer about 1/3 of the campers were from within the city limits of McHenry. They would like to arrange two trips to Peterson Park beach each session, for a total of 4 trips. They would be there from approximately 11 am—2:30 pm. The dates they were proposing are June 13, 27 and July 11, 25. Besides the 60 campers there would be approximately 10 adult staff members. Since the City is a member of MAYC, they are asking if we would waive the fee for admittance. According to Pete, the cost is free to City of McHenry children and under the"Special Event" fee structure,would be $1 for children and $2 for the adults (staff). Can this be put on a Council Agenda as soon as possible so the MAYC program can be finalized and printed? Thanks, Geri CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: February 13, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Marina Maintenance and Repair Background. D's Marine notified the City that repairs are needed on the decking on the public access piers along the river at the Riviera Marina. This decking was not replaced in 2003 when the decking on the remainder of the boat slips was replaced. Mr. Danko from D's Marine obtained a quote to repair the riverfront piers from Reinwall Repairs which performed the pier repairs and replacement work in 2003. This item was pulled from the February 13t' agenda due to the existence of only one quote. In particular, one alderman had a concern about the cost of the materials included with the initial quote. Staff contacted D's Marine to encourage additional quotes. D's Marine was not able to obtain a quote from another contractor experienced in marine and pier decking applications. However,Reinwall Repairs,was asked to get three quotes on the supplies for the job. Three quotes were obtained(attached). Menard's (Woodstock)provided a quote of$1,314.94 followed by Alexander Lumber($1,337.00) and the McHenry Home Depot($1,520.04). Since the difference between the least costly McHenry quote(Alexander's) and the lowest overall quote(Woodstock Menard's) is minimal, staff is recommending authorizing the contractor to proceed with work using the materials quoted from Alexander Lumber in an amount not to exceed $2,837.00 (lumber- $1,337.00, supplies - $100.00, and labor- $1,400.00). The 2006/07 budget includes $15,000 for miscellaneous repairs and improvements at the Riviera Marina. Recommendation. Staff seeks Council's approval of Reinwall Repairs proposal to replace/repair the decking on the public piers along the Fox River at the Riviera Marina for an amount not to exceed$2,837.00. Ousn. Part No.And Description Prue TERMS; NET 7 DAYS p r21(.I A(A- -- Q Q 0 11E GUST. NO. -T Reinwall RepairsCr Labor V Amount O x /Z Z GARY REINWALL P.O. Box 97 Changes. 0 (815)728.0223 Ringwood, IL 60072 Change Oil 5� ChangeLub. i d' No r r Dal Trans.r Tra ❑ Dill. ❑ O Oil Filter 'J�r / f� p ddress City Al F11tai Ul 7'�GJ /� {.',C 227 Repack Q Res.Phone Bus.Phone Call Phone front wheels 2 65,`��Ja�' CJ /�L'L�IL' �r � Adj.er.kes Pager Year Make Model Mileage C Rolsts Tlna `�' r '` =c� l Serial No. Motor No. Written by Wash ❑ Polish ❑ Tune Motor M Z U) A ?!e god m t jef M t7 i fn W Accessories CD CO J J 1 hereby sulhonre the above repair work to be done along with necessary mete. Total Labor rlals.You and your employees may op • erase above vehicle for purposes of Gal.Gas @ Total Parts testing,inspection or delivery Al my risk. An express mechanic's Ilan Is acknowl- Ots.Oil @ Total Accessories Sublet sdaed on above vehicle to secure the amount of repatre thereto. You will not Lbs.Grease @ Total Sublet be hold responsible for loss or damage to vehicle or articles left In vehicle In case of firs.theft,accident or any other Total Gas-Oil-Grease cause beyond your control. c% .. /�14: G: Tax AJc) .. N Authorized By Total Total 2%per Month(24%Annual)Will Be Charged After 30 Days from Invoice Date. QUOTE No. 19__6__9_-__ 54' Store 1969 MCHENRY Phone: 1815 1 385-9503 Page 1 41 1 _9-- Q- 2461 RICHMOND ROAD r----� '------------ Contact Center, 1815 } 385-9503 f — 'r . m MCHENRY, IL 80050 Saiesperson: MRH96F- f f M j .i Reviewer: j I r c •� j f rMSMARINESVC e!alvA;, ; QUOTE HEATHER W WAUKEGAN RD (81 51 � AAr HE NRY I r State J!4 f)lScfi011a. IL �° 60050 �w.tr ells)^1Ess �s� iy--1! c MCHENRY f 12006.02.1417;08 �' ;Prices Valid Thru:021151209E Wo ------------------- CUSTOMER PIC,KUP'#I'. MERCHANDISE AMID SERVICE SUMMARY 8r �erv°' mercgiar> U sot<�9to cu°stornerse gvantil es o U m REf AW08 SlIU A515.664 customer pickup J YYill Ca11 =1 Z STOCK MERCHANDISE TO RE PICKED UP: ROl 125-597 18.00 EA 2X6-16 NO 2 PRIME PT "" w "' :fit: l I- V A02 168-746 1 1.00 EA 2X6-12FT./d0.2 PRIME PT SYP / d Y 514.97 $2&9.45 _7 R03 168-335 cn 12•QO EA 2Xfi•8FT.N0 2 PRIME PT SYP Y $9.97 S 109.67 w R04 128.813 / 1 i W 6•00 EA 5/4X6.12 5TD/BTR DECKING PT / Y $7.97 $95.64 R05 128.692 30,00 EA 5/4X8-10 STD/BTR DECKING PT 4 ' Y $7.97 547.82 W ROB 129.093 � 25.00 EA 5/4X6 8 STD/STR DECKING PT / Y 56.97 5209.10 S.Q.MERCHANDISE TD BE PICKED UP: SJD URIVERSAL FOREST P ESTIMATED ARRIVAL DATE Y 45.97 5149.25 C S07o1 435-090 10.00 EA 2X6-20 /2X6X2 e `— SEATED /2X6X20 a PRESSURE T Y �22•00 S220.00 N S0702 435-090 30.00 EA 514X ! 6X14 TREATED A SCBEDULFO PICKUP DATE Will be a schedul /5/4X6X 14 Y all SIO Merchandise $13.97 S419.10 .TOTAL.CHAR 4 ' r 1 $1 520 04 MEACRANDISE:& SERVICES MD(IFCUSTOMEAPICKUP-REF#Wdj.CU . t l S 1,520.04 N SALES TAX TOTAL $1,618.84 co 0 O`�' END-OF ORDER No. 1989-5481$ 9ALANCE DUE $1,618.84 Ln i to �" ge 1 of 1 No. 1969-54918 Feb 15 06 12: 52p D 'S MARINE SERVICE, INC. 8153449773 p. 3 rA1LEXANDER LXANDER LL111DE:R IYIC:HEIvf?Y LUMBER CO. 9 IVORTN �'F7L7nl'f STREET HENRY, IL. G0051 PEASONAL SERVICE IS OUR PLEDGE TO YOU 5 5-14;=a•, C—'—ESTIMATE CU87O:YIE1� D 1;bIZrCh SHIP TO D' S MARINE SERVICE F'F1GF: 1 -.3rc6 w WrauE:EGf-�N RD DrS MARINE S3^,Vi1rL 34(8 W WAUREGAN RD M ' HENRY MC HENRY IL. 611+050 IL 60050 !UOTE* a JW0a140GS HET 31 Dr4YS SLNN : HSE EXf'I;ZE' TN OF EIVTERED ULJAI�I-fl'!'Y DESCRIPTION PRICE tli�33. lElVS1pN I el. 0Q+ RC TREATED, d#1 ExG-20 2620I- !i LN#LN# - _........•-• 7. 4rCof/� 1�Efl------_ 17E>. Il1iZ+�+>< S is- Orb PCTREATED, -bi �;xG-i6 . 960 PEi: -8�,� c:5161"U 1 N I� l ilr 11. 010 r=C: TREnTEX), ai-i ::x6--1;L,% �.S6V+ PER c: 101 C. ETU I ._N# 1i 12. Orif PC TREATED, #i 2xC-•-Ci 'EJElTO i LN+i :.K+ 30. 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T)• f 1c;-irm;=w-r ov FiL.L ERRORS 1N EXTE.NSION OR FOOTING Z0/T0 3910d 83QNVX3-1V LZTbGBEGTB 90:01 900Z/bT/Z0 Feb 15 OG 12: 52p D 'S MARINE SERVICE, INC. 8153449773 p. 2 • 02/14/2006 13:03 8152064976 MENARDS WOODSTOCK CO PAGE 03f 03., Estimate From Q03M2��� ESTIMATE FOR: Estimate# 67400 STORE#3191 WOOD PHONE:(815)206A980 Page 1 of 1 D-e Marine service 2100 Lake Avenue FAX:(815)206-4974 913 Grrenville Road Woodstock,IL 60098 woodatock, IL 60090 Ph: 1815) 344-3250 ESTIMATE BY ESTIMATE DATE Bob G 02/14/06 SKU NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY TO ORDER ADDITIONAL ITEM INFORMATION 111-1002 2X6-20' AC2 TREATED tiC ARSENIC PP..EE LH 10 EACH 111.-1066 2X6-16' AC2 TREATED AG ARSENIC PRER LW 16 EACH 111-1040 2X6-121 AC2 TREATED AG ARSENIC PREE LW I. EACH 211-1024 2X6-8• AC2 TREATED AG ARSENIC FREE LW 12 EACH 1 p n 111-0656 141 AC2 THHICK CUSTOM DECKAG 30 EACH 111-0643 12' AC2 THICK CUSTOM DECXAG 6 EACH 111-0630 10, AC2 THICK CUSTOMDECK AG 30 EACH 111-0627 91 AC2 THICK CUSTOM DECK AC 2S EACH This is an esdmate.It is given oily forgenerat price iofoatoari,n.This Is not as offer end tae:e can be no 1%atty binding contract TODDY'S SUB-TOTAL: 31a 3 a between the partiesbascd upon this estimates The prices stated herein ate sabject to clange depen ding upon the mark n et uditions. The prices stated an this estirsaw are not frto for any firm period unless speciricaNy written ogmerttdse an this form.The availability of materials is subject to inventory conditions.MENARD.q IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS INCURRED BY THE GUEST WHO RELIES ON P1tICES SET FORTH HEREIN OR ON THE AvABAB1LITY OF ANY 09 THE MATERIALS STATED HRRF.IN.All information on this form.other dun price,has bteen provided by gucstud Menudr i4 not responsible for any errors in the information on this estimate,including but riot Hmiled to quantity,dimension and quality.Pl"w examine cbia estimalc STORE COPY carefully. M&tlARDS NAM NO REPRFSENTAT)ON40RAL,WRiiTEN OR OTHMWiSE THAlt THE MATMALS LIS=ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE BEING CONSM9RED BY THE GUST.BECAUSE OF WIDE VARIATIONS IN CODRS,7HERE ARE NO RF.PRESENTATIONS THAT THE MATERIAIS LISTEII HEREIN MEET PAGE 1 OF 1 YOUR CODE REQUIREMENTS. DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 6020668 100 34 1000 A-ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC 42599 REKEY LOCKS 02/20/06 0 021406 256.23 100.34.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 256.23 021406 6020634 100 00 2 AARON-LAKINS HOME DECO REFUND PERMIT #05-12-028 02/20/06 0 021406 30.00 100.00.3410 0602 021406 GLJ2516 30.00 021406 6020647 100 41 1073 ACCUCUT 356923R-PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 101.00 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 101.00 021406 6020648 100 22 1074 ACCURINT FOR LAW ENFORCE 20060131 SUBSCRIPTION 02/20/06 0 021406 75.00 100.22.5110 705543 0602 021406 GLJ2516 75.00 021406 75.00 6020635 100 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S JAN 06MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 1,269.40 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 798.10 021406 100.33.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 48.49 021406 100.34.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 105.20 021406 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 M 317.61 021406 6020636 510 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S JAN 06MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 862.15 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 619.75 021406 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 242.40 021406 6020649 100 33 1080 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO 609428SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 30.50 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 30.50 021406 6020655 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 319718SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 266.04 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 266.04 021406 6020656 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 320025SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 965.40 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 965.40 021406 6020657 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 320116SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 97.45 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 97.45 021406 6020658 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 320503SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 96.69 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 96.69 021406 6020650 100 41 1109 ADAMS OUTDOOR POWER EQUI 43641 M-SUPPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 51.15 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 51.15 021406 6020651 100 33 1109 ADAMS OUTDOOR POWER EQUI 43460 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 11.65 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 11.65 021406 6020652 100 33 1109 ADAMS OUTDOOR POWER EQUI 43543 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 69.30 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 1109 69.30 021406 6020653 100 41 1109 ADAMS OUTDOOR POWER EQUI 43528 M-SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 87.83 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 87.83 021406 6020654 100 41 1109 ADAMS OUTDOOR POWER EQUI 43501 M-SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 79.10 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 79.10 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020659 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 191274SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 24.49 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 24.49 021406 6020660 510 31 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 191511SUPPLIES 02/20/06 O 021406 86.14 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 86.14 021406 6020638 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72673 LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 66.01 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 66.01 021406 6020639 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72910 LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 97.50 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 97.50 021406 6020640 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72850 LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 18.00 100.33,6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 18.00 021406 6020641 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 73019 LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 50.63 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 50.63 021406 6020642 100 41 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72488 M-LUMBER 02/20/06 O 021406 12.80 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 12.80 021406 6020643 100 41 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72909 M-LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 56.55 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 56.55 021406 6020644 510 32 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72363 LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 70.76 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 70.76 021406 6020645 510 32 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 72487 LUMBER 02/20/06 0 021406 20.69 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 20.69 021406 6020637 510 32 5 AMERICAN HERITAGE BUILDE 1375583730WATER/SEWER OVERPAYMENT REF 02/20/06 0 021406 90.75 510.32.3660 0602 021406 GLJ2516 90.75 021406 6020646 100 03 1433 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI 147480AICP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 69.75 ZELLER 100.03.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2516 69.75 021406 6020661 100 41 1438 AMERICAN RED CROSS OF GR CST026742 P-CPR TRAINING MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 31.50 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 31.50 021406 6020628 510 31 1440 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 6001045186STANDARDS REVISIONS 02/20/06 0 021406 450.00 510.31.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2516 450.00 021406 6020631 510 31 1440 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 2000468212MEMBERSHIP FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 68.00 PALMER 510.31.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2516 68.00 021406 6020629 100 33 1495 ANDERSON TREE SERVICE IN NO INV # TREE REMOVAL SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021406 3,645.00 100.33.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 3645.00 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020633 100 41 1502 ANDERSON, KEN 2/2/06R-VOLLEYBALL OFFICIAL 02/20/06 0 021406 41.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 41.00 021406 6020630 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59325475-IEMPLOYEE CLOTHING 02/20/06 0 021406 83.89 100.33.4510 1 0602 021406 GLJ2516 83.89 021406 6020662 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59211503-2EMPLOYEE CLOTHING 02/20/06 0 021406 43.89 100.33.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 43.89 021406 6020663 100 41 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59561997-1EMPLOYEE CLOTHING 02/20/06 0 021406 345.04 100.41.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 345.04 021406 6020664 100 03 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59604258-1CREDIT FOR RETURNED ITEMS 02/20/06 0 021406 58.88- 100.03.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 58.88CR 021406 6020665 100 03 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59555246-1EMPLOYEE CLOTHING 02/20/06 0 021406 42.73 100.03.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 42.73 021406 6020666 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59611693-IEMPLOYEE CLOTHING 02/20/06 0 021406 210.93 100.33.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 210.93 021406 6020667 510 31 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 58030041-1EMPLOYEE CLOTHING 02/20/06 0 021406 81.73 510.31.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 81.73 021406 6020814 100 33 1632 ARAMARK WORK APPAREL & U 59710698 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021506 365.19 100.33.4510 0602 021506 GLJ2522 365.19 021506 6020632 510 31 1687 ASSURED FLOW SALES INC 4219 HYDRA-TAGS 02/20/06 0 021406 892.01 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 892.01 021406 6020500 100 03 2246 B AND H INDUSTRIES 681996LARGE COPIER PAPER 02/20/06 0 021406 131.76 100.03.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2511 131.76 021406 6020483 100 33 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 916 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE LUST 02/20/06 0 021306 6,532.86 100.33.8900 315967 0602 021306 GLJ2509 PW GARAGE LUST 6532.86 021306 6532.86 100-PWLUST 6020484 100 33 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 932 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE LUST 02/20/06 0 021306 2,215.93 100.33.8900 315967 0602 021306 GLJ2509 PW GARAGE LUST 2215.93 021306 2215.93 100-PWLUST 6020485 510 31 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 917 NON-CONTRACT SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021306 258.30 510.31.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 258.30 021306 6020509 100 41 2001 BAGGO BG-33973 SPECIAL EVENTS GAME 02/20/06 0 021406 139.40 100.41.8300 0602 021406 GLJ2511 139.40 021406 6020506 100 34 2022 BARTOLAI, MICHAEL J CDL REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 60.00 100.34.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2511 60.00 021406 6020482 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107723RIVERWALK PLACE SUBDIVISIION 02/20/06 0 021306 1,597.93 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1597.93 021306 6020486 580 31 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107057BCD WATER SUPPLY WELL #13 02/20/06 0 021306 1,743.90 580.31.8500 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1743.90 021306 580-WELL13 6020487 580 31 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107061WATER PLANT 1 RENOVATION 02/20/06 0 021306 13,077.15 580.31.8500 417999 0602 021306 GLJ2509 13077.15 021306 13077.15 580-WTRPLI 6020488 580 31 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107055WATER PLANT 1 RENOVATION 02/20/06 0 021306 2,174.65 580.31.6500 417999 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2174.65 021306 2174.65 580-WTRPLI 6020489 580 31 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107059WELLS 2&3 REHABILITATION 02/20/06 0 021306 2,325.99 580.31.8500 17986 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2325.99 021306 2325.99 580-WELLS2&3 6020490 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107053SHAMROCK FARM #9 02/20/06 0 021306 168.00 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 168.00 021306 6020491 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107051SHAMROCK FARM #2 02/20/06 0 021306 124.88 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 124.88 021306 6020492 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107048VILIAGE GREEN SENIOR FACILITY 02/20/06 0 021306 233.78 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 233.78 021306 6020493 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 234.00PARK RIDGE ESTATE 1 & 2 02/20/06 O 021306 234.00 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 234.00 021306 6020494 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107058LIBERTY TRAILS SUB UNIT 2 02/20/06 0 021306 143.73 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 143.73 021306 6020495 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107060MORGAN HILL PHASE 2 02/20/06 0 021306 225.00 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 225.00 021306 6020496 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107054MORGAN HILL SUBDIVISION 02/20/06 0 021306 3,659.48 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 3659.48 021306 6020497 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107052SHAMROCK FARM #3 02/20/06 0 021306 356.73 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 356.73 021306 6020498 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107050NORTHGATE DEVELOPMENT WEST 02/20/06 0 021306 970.56 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 970.56 021306 6020499 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107049KRESSWOOD TRAILS UNIT II 02/20/06 0 021306 783.26 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 783.26 021306 6020511 580 31 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 107722WATER PLANT 1 RENOVATION 02/20/06 0 021406 10,161.48 580.31.8500 417999 0602 021406 GLJ2511 10161.48 021406 10161.48 580-WTRPLI DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020517 100 41 2153 BERGGREN, LEE 2273 GARAGE DOOR REPLACEMENT PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 580.00 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 M 580.00 021406 6020510 510 32 2149 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 772825SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 26.46 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 26.46 021406 6020518 510 31 2149 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 772823WATER PLANT 44 HEATER 02/20/06 0 021406 901.02 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 901.02 021406 6020505 100 22 2300 BIRK, JOHN 3/5-7/06 ILEAS CONFERENCE MEAL ADVAN 02/20/06 0 021406 60.00 100.22.5420 0602 021406 GLJ2511 60.00 021406 6020502 100 41 1 BIRKHOFF, AUDREY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 02/20/06 0 021406 10.00 100.41.3631 0602 021406 GLJ2511 10.00 021406 6020501 100 41 1 BLAKE, AIMEE PARK PROGRAM REFUND 02/20/06 0 021406 57.00 100.41.3631 0602 021406 GLJ2511 57.00 021406 6020447 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003811 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 302.07 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 276.64 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 25.43 021306 6020448 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003813 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 187.66 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 187.66 021306 6020449 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003553 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 275.57 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 275.57 021306 6020450 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003814 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 83.00 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 83.00 021306 6020451 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002246 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 200.02 100.41.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 200.02 021306 6020452 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002847 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 164.82 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 164.82 021306 6020453 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002248 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 213.20 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 213.20 021306 6020454 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001604 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 88.68 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 88.68 021306 6020455 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000563 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 224.05 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 224.05 021306 6020456 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000012 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 90.90 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 90.90 021306 6020457 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003810 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 573.70 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 573.70 021306 60204SB 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003549 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 1,910.84 100.22.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1910.84 021306 6020459 100 XXKXK 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002844 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 2,305.47 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2209.70 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 95.77 021306 6020460 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000011 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 295.15 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 295.15 021306 6020461 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000562 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 265.70 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 265.70 021306 6020462 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001603 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 229.11 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 229.11 021306 6020463 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002247 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 404.30 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 404.30 021306 6020464 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002846 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 236.38 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 236.38 021306 6020465 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003550 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 1,830.24 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1738.87 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 91.37 021306 6020466 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003812 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 141.14 100.41.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 141.14 021306 6020467 510 31 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003552 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 507.88 510.31.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 507.88 021306 6020468 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1003551 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 100.69 100.41.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 100.69 021306 6020469 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002845 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 534.16 100.41.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 534.16 021306 6020470 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002842 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 2,033.83 100.22.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2033.83 021306 6020471 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002245 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 1,407.26 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1283.15 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 124.11 021306 6020472 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000559 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 1,419.49 100.22.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1419.49 021306 6020473 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001600 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 2,210.83 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC TJNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2210.83 021306 6020474 100 22 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1002244 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 2,191.48 100.22.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2191.48 021306 6020475 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001601 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 823.05 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 758.46 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 64.59 021306 6020476 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000560 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 1,193.02 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1170.99 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 22.03 021306 6020477 100 XXXXX 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 999500VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 2,762.46 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2685.67 021306 100.03.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 76.79 021306 6020478 100 41 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001602 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 145.03 100.41.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 145.03 021306 6020479 510 32 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1000111 VEHICLE FUEL 02/20/06 0 021306 69.55 510.32.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 69.55 021306 6020480 100 33 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001332 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 02/20/06 0 021306 392.90 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 392.90 021306 6020481 100 33 2532 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY 1001333 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 02/20/06 0 021306 817.85 100.33.6250 0602 021306 GLJ2509 817.85 021306 6020512 510 31 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 408640VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 02/20/06 0 021406 23.00 510.31.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 23.00 021406 6020513 100 33 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 408773VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTION 02/20/06 0 021406 15.50 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 15.50 021406 6020514 510 31 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 408838VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 48.51 510.31.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 48.51 021406 6020515 100 33 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 408894VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTION 02/20/06 0 021406 15.50 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 15.50 021406 6020516 100 03 2631 BRADY & ASSOCIATES, PHIL JAN 06PLUM13ING INSPECTIONS 02/20/06 0 021406 3,245.00 100.03.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 3245.00 021406 6020507 100 22 2635 BRANIFF COMMUNICATIONS I 0016608 OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN REPAI 02/20/06 0 021406 232.50 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 232.50 021406 6020508 100 22 2635 BRANIFF COMMUNICATIONS I 0016567 OUTDOOR WARNING SIREN REPAI 02/20/06 0 021406 1,245.00 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 1245.00 021406 6020504 100 22 2644 BROGAN, WILLIAM J 3/5-7/06 ILEAS CONFERENCE MEAL ADVAN 02/20/06 0 021406 60.00 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE B LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.22.5420 0602 021406 GLJ2511 60.00 021406 6020503 100 22 2742 BULL VALLEY BP DEC 05SQUAD CAR WASHES 02/20/06 0 021406 57.00 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 57.00 021406 6020519 100 22 2742 BULL VALLEY BP JAN 06SQUAD CAR WASHES 02/20/06 0 021406 30.00 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 30.00 021406 6020438 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21443 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 106.50 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 106.50 021306 6020439 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21485 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 102.06 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 102.06 021306 6020440 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21559 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 308.27 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 308.27 021306 6020441 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21620 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 143.56 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 143.56 021306 6020442 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21630 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 117.52 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 117.52 021306 6020443 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21639 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 71.78 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 71.78 021306 6020444 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21456 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 32.98 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 3VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 32.98 021306 6020445 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21482 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 282.91 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 282.91 021306 6020446 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 21597 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 65.74 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 65.74 021306 6020568 510 32 3007 CAREY ELECTRIC 018500EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 1,752.00 510.32.5375 0602 021406 GLJ2514 1752.00 021406 6020547 100 XXXKX 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR JAN 06VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 B11.04 100.03.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 57.70 021406 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 244.60 021406 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 495.75 021406 100.41.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 12.99 021406 6020536 580 31 3036 CB&I CONSTRUCTORS INC #6 ELEVATED WATER TANK #4 02/20/06 0 021406 172,882.98 580.31.8500 19151 0602 021406 GLJ2511 172882.98 021406 172882.98 580-ELVTK04 6020548 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC WC33722 LAPTOP MEMORY UPGRADE 02/20/06 0 021406 111.99 620.00.6270 0602 021406 GLJ2514 111.99 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020549 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC WD30461 PLOTTER MEMORY UPGRADE 02/20/06 0 021406 154.99 620.00.6270 0602 021406 GLJ2514 154.99 021406 6020550 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC WF17809 2-LINE PHONE 02/20/06 0 021406 79.99 620.00.5320 0602 021406 GLJ2514 79.99 021406 6020551 100 22 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC VS31556 BOOKING ROOM CAMERA 02/20/06 0 021406 91.99 100.22.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 91.99 021406 6020538 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 49553 WORKMANS COMP 02/20/06 0 021406 468.70 610.00.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2511 468.70 021406 6020540 100 22 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 49324 HEPATITIS PROGRAM 02/20/06 0 021406 60.00 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 60.00 021406 6020565 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 51193 NEW EMPLOYEE PHYSICAL 02/20/06 0 021406 136.75 100.01.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 136.75 021406 6020566 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 142.00IDOT PHYSICAL 02/20/06 0 021406 142.00 100.01.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 142.00 021406 6020817 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 50493 WORKMENS COMP 02/20/06 0 021506 393.75 610.00.6940 0602 021506 GLJ2526 393.75 021506 6020545 510 32 5 CENTEX HOMES 3 ACCTS WATER/SEWER OVERPAYMENT REF 02/20/06 0 021406 40.50 510.32.3660 0602 021406 GLJ2511 40.50 021406 6020567 510 31 3248 CHEMICAL PUMP SALES AND 65261 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 253.80 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 253.80 021406 6020531 100 22 3246 CHICAGO ARMY NAVY SUPPY 100 POLICE SAFETY VESTS 02/20/06 0 021406 3,447.35 100.22.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2511 3447.35 021406 6020537 100 41 3275 CHICAGO FLOWER & GARDEN 3/16/06 R-PARKS PROGRAM FIELD TRIP 02/20/06 0 021406 222.50 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 222.50 021406 6020532 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 112004955 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 407.73 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 407.73 021406 6020533 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 202048VEHICLE REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 558.28 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 558.28 021406 6020534 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 112005045 VEHICLE REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 3.70 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 3.70 021406 6020535 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 112005116 VEHICLE REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 65.00 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2511 65.00 021406 6020520 100 30 3249 CHICAGO TESTING LABORATO 0601817 SOIL BORING & TESTING 02/20/06 0 021406 1,200.00 100.30.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 1200.00 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020542 100 41 3284 CHRISMAN, CAROL 8/9/05SKATE PARK JAM 02/20/06 0 021406 165.00 100.41.6920 0602 021406 GLJ2511 165.00 021406 6020543 100 33 3266 CHRISTOPHER, DAVID CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 63.87 100.33.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2511 63.87 021406 6020524 100 34 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 83.00 100.34.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2511 83.00 021406 6020525 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 97.13 100.33.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2511 97.13 021406 6020526 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 105.00 510.32.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2511 105.00 021406 6020527 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 92.80 510.32.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2511 92.80 021406 6020528 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 FLOOR MAT & SHOP TOWEL RENT 02/20/06 0 021406 83.00 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 83.00 021406 6020529 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 38.11 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 38.11 021406 6020530 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 66.89 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 66.89 021406 6020522 100 XXXXX 3400 CLIFFORD-WALD IN00033338COPIER METER READINGS 02/20/06 0 021406 70.00 100.03.5110 1105022 0602 021406 GLJ2511 35.00 021406 35.00 100.30.5110 1105022 0602 021406 GLJ2511 35.00 021406 35.00 6020523 100 XXXXX 3400 CLIFFORD-WALD IN00033338COPIER METER READINGS 02/20/06 0 021406 7.50 100.03.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 3.75 021406 10D.30.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 3.75 021406 6020544 510 32 5 COLDWELL BANKER 2019191601WATER/SEWER OVERPAYMENT REF 02/20/06 0 021406 123.51 510.32.3660 0602 021406 GLJ2511 123.51 021406 6020521 510 31 3516 COLUMBIA PIPE & SUPPLY C 6932080 PLANT #3 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 1,743.02 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 1743.02 021406 6020559 100 XXXXX 3531 COMED JAN 06UTILITIES 02/20/06 0 021406 1,449.42 100.33.5520 0602 021406 GLJ2514 35.39 021406 100.41.5510 0602 021406 GLJ2514 1414.03 021406 6020560 510 XXXXX 3531 COMED JAN 06UTILITIES 02/20/06 0 021406 262.39 510.31.5510 0602 021406 GLJ2514 117.78 021406 510.32.5510 0602 021406 GLJ2514 144.61 021406 6020561 100 33 3528 COMED JAN 06STREET & HWY LIGHTS 02/20/06 0 021406 16,046.04 100.33.5520 0602 021406 GLJ2514 1572.55 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.33.5520 0602 021406 GLJ2514 14473.49 021406 6020562 510 XXXXX 3530 COMED JAN 06PUMPING CHARGES 02/20/06 0 021406 29,278.22 510.31.5510 0602 021406 GLJ2514 7965.83 021406 510.32.5510 0602 021406 GLJ2514 21312.39 021406 6020539 100 22 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T0625888 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 02/20/06 0 021406 115.00 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 115.00 021406 6020552 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112837996 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 14.90 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 14.90 021406 6020553 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112838548 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 402.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 402.00 021406 6020554 510 32 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112839397 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 70.58 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 70.58 021406 6020555 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112839668 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 126.39 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 126.39 021406 6020556 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112839939 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 19.20 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 19.20 021406 6020557 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112839939 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 18.23 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 18.23 021406 6020558 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112839939 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 14.66 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 14.66 021406 6020541 100 41 3661 CRYSTAL MANOR STABLE 4357 R-HORSEMANSHIP PROGRAM 02/20/06 0 021406 300.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2511 300.00 021406 6020563 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 60016 MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 334.88 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 334.88 021406 6020564 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 60105 MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 401.31 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 401.31 021406 6020676 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 590234BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 02/20/06 0 021406 14.50 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 14.50 021406 6020677 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 591592BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 02/20/06 0 021406 14.50 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 14.50 021406 6020678 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 591656BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 02/20/06 0 021406 29.00 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 29.00 021406 6020679 620 00 4144 DELL MARKETING LP K26923918 COMPUTER 02/20/06 0 021406 1,676.00 620.00.8300 0602 021406 GLJ2516 1676.00 021406 620-NEWEQUIP DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020674 100 41 4284 DICKMAN, ROB CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 95.84 100.41.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 95.84 021406 6020670 XXXXX 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 02585 LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGES 02/20/06 0 021406 801.00 620.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2516 33 285.00 021406 100.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2516 516.00 021406 6020671 XXXXX 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 03003 LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGES 02/20/06 0 021406 923.00 100.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2516 276.00 021406 620.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2516 647.00 021406 6020672 620 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 03192 LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGES 02/20/06 0 021406 364.00 620.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2516 03 182.00 021406 620.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2516 30 182.00 021406 6020675 100 22 4557 DON'S TOWING 35792 SQUAD CAR TOWING 02/20/06 0 021406 50.00 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 50.00 021406 6020673 100 34 4552 DOOR SYSTEMS INC 0608579-INSTEEL ROLLING DOOR REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 172.50 100.34.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 172.50 021406 6020683 510 31 5050 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 2752861 MANHOLE COVERS 02/20/06 0 021406 450.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 450.00 021406 6020684 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 297227EQUIPMENT RENTAL 02/20/06 0 021406 83.85 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 83.85 021406 6020685 510 31 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 297171EQUIPMENT RENTAL 02/20/06 0 021406 40.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 40.00 021406 6020686 510 31 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 297181EQUIPMENT RENTAL 02/20/06 0 021406 30.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 30.00 021406 6020687 510 31 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 297334EQUIPMENT RENTAL 02/20/06 0 021406 975.99 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 975.99 021406 6020688 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 296823EQUIPMENT RENTAL 02/20/06 0 021406 90.00 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 90.00 021406 6020689 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 297175SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 23.10 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 23.10 021406 6020680 230 00 5108 EDER CASELLA & CO 1292 AUDIT ASSISTANCE 02/20/06 0 021406 150.00 230.00.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 150.00 021406 6020681 230 00 5108 EDER CASELLA & CO 1293 POLICE PENSION ACCOUNTING SERV 02/20/06 0 021406 900.00 230.00.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 900.00 021406 6020682 100 41 5514 ENCHANTED CASTLE 7/20/06 R-DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 02/20/06 0 021406 60.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 60.00 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020700 100 22 6026 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 225208UNIFORM ALTERATIONS 02/20/06 0 021406 6.50 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 6.50 021406 6020693 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH DEC 05SQUAD CAR WASHES 02/20/06 0 021406 80.05 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 80.05 021406 6020701 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH JAN 06SQUAD CAR WASHES 02/20/06 0 021406 43.05 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 43.05 021406 6020696 100 41 6282 FIORITA, MARIA 12/15/06 R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 02/20/06 0 021406 119.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 119.00 021406 6020697 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 8994 MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 499.00 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 499.00 021406 6020698 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9013 MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 172.25 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 172.25 021406 6020699 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 9012 MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 180.32 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 180.32 021406 6020703 100 22 6292 FISHER, MARC DAMAGED CLOTHING REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 324.67 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 324.67 021406 6020692 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 516886COPIER METER READING 02/20/06 0 021406 159.10 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 159.10 021406 6020702 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 544044COPIER METER READING 02/20/06 0 021406 146.45 100.22.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 146.45 021406 6020704 100 22 6530 FOERSTER, JEFFERY S 2/7-8/06 TRAINING MEALS REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 16.00 100.22.5420 0602 021406 GLJ2516 16.00 021406 6020690 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29034 GRASS SEED 02/20/06 0 021406 303.88 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 303.88 021406 6020691 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 29034 SOD 02/20/06 0 021406 25.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 25.00 021406 6020694 100 22 6745 FUNK, PAUL D UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 161.50 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 161.50 021406 6020705 100 22 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 001044VEHICLE NUMBERS -02/20/06 0 021406 15.00 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 15.00 021406 6020707 100 22 7007 GALLS INCORPORATED W091603501HOLSTERS 02/20/06 0 021406 406.92 100.22.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 406.92 021406 6020708 100 22 7007 GALLS INCORPORATED 5808687500NIPAS UNIFORM ITEMS 02/20/06 0 021406 55.43 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 55.43 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 14 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020716 100 22 7007 GALLS INCORPORATED W093602001SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 169.51 100.22.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 169.51 021406 6020710 510 32 5 GARDNER, MAUREEN 1062401910WATER/SEWER OVERPAYMENT REF 02/20/06 0 021406 18.98 510.32.3660 0602 021406 GLJ2516 18.98 021406 6020709 100 03 7166 GEWALT, KARL CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 126.46 100.03.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 126.46 021406 6020706 100 22 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM 11626 2-WAY RADIO REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 130.00 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 130.00 021406 6020711 510 31 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM 10662 NEW 2-WAY RADIO 02/20/06 0 021406 517.00 510.31.8400 0602 021406 GLJ2516 517.00 021406 510-VEHWA 6020712 510 32 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM 10626 CREDIT-DUPLICATE PAYMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 517.00- 510.32.8400 0602 021406 GLJ2516 517.000R 021406 6020713 510 31 7633 GRAINGER 1410618118UNIT HEATER 02/20/06 0 021406 462.45 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 462.45 021406 6020821 510 31 7633 GRAINGER 9015784573SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 210.16 510.31.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 210.16 021506 6020714 510 32 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 139922SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 92.00 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 92.00 021406 6020715 100 41 7645 GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPL 30324 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 94.03 100.41.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 94.03 021406 6020816 100 41 7645 GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPL 30366 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 35.31 100.41.5370 0602 021506 GLJ2526 35.31 021506 6020722 510 31 8009 HACH COMPANY 4579124 LAB SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 215.90 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 215.90 021406 6020723 510 31 8009 HACH COMPANY 4579326 LAB SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 230.40 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 230.40 021406 6020726 620 00 8024 HARRIS & ASSOC INC, BRUC 69429 DIGITAL TAX MAPS 02/20/06 0 021406 325.37 620.00.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 325.37 021406 6020719 100 04 8172 HETTERMANN, KATHLEEN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 78.30 100.04.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2516 78.30 021406 6020717 280 41 8174 HEY AND ASSOCIATES INC 22672 MCHENRY SHORES PROJECT 02/20/06 0 021406 28.80 280.41.8800 0602 021406 GLJ2516 28.80 021406 280-MCHSHBEAC DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020718 280 41 8174 HEY AND ASSOCIATES INC 22673 MCHENRY SHORES PROJECT 02/20/06 0 021406 125.72 280.41.8800 0602 021406 GLJ2516 125.72 021406 280-MCHSHBP-AC 6020720 280 41 8174 HEY AND ASSOCIATES INC 22672 MCHENRY SHORES BEACH PRK 02/20/06 0 021406 150.00 280.41.8800 1205368 0602 021406 GLJ2516 150.00 021406 150.00 280-MCHSHBEAC 6020721 260 41 8174 HEY AND ASSOCIATES INC 22673 MCHENRY SHORES BEACH PRK 02/20/06 0 021406 500.00 280.41.8800 1205368 0602 021406 GLJ2516 500.00 021406 500.00 280-MCHSHBEAC 6020818 100 41 1 HONKALA, CHRIS PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 02/20/06 0 021506 45.00 100.41.3631 0602 021506 GLJ2526 45.00 021506 6020724 100 33 8882 HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND R 210143SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 25.39 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2516 25.39 021406 6020725 510 32 8881 HYDROTEX 512746SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 329.24 510.32.6250 0602 021406 GLJ2516 329.24 021406 6020738 100 22 9005 IACP 1543325 MEMBERSHIP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 100.00 WIGMAN 100.22.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2519 100.00 021406 6020739 100 22 9005 IACP 1595898 MEMBERSHIP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 100.00 BROGAN 100.22.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2519 100.00 021406 6020737 100 22 9385 ILEETA 4/25-29/062006 CONFERENCE REGISTRATIO 02/20/06 0 021406 295.00 ADAMS 100.22.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2519 295.00 021406 6020730 100 41 9392 ILLINOIS DEPT OF NATURAL 2006 B-RENTAL BOAT LICENSE 02/20/06 0 021406 54.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2516 54.00 021406 6020742 100 41 9513 INTEGRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 168137R-DIGITAL COPIER SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 62.40 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 . 62.40 021406 6020731 100 01 9564 IPELRA 10/23-26 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 02/20/06 0 021406 350.00 PAPROCKI 100.01.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2516 350.00 021406 6020727 100 41 9561 IPRA 86845 MEMBERSHIP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 180.00 LUNKENHEIMER 100.41.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2516 180.00 021406 6020728 100 41 9561 IPRA 80337 MEMBERSHIP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 180.00 WITT 100.41.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2516 180.00 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 16 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020729 100 41 9561 IPRA 1836 MEMBERSHIP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 180.00 MERKEL 100.41.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2516 180.00 021406 6020735 100 41 9565 IPRA UNRUH APO RECERTIFICATION 02/20/06 0 021406 85.00 100.41.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2519 85.00 021406 6020733 100 22 10211 J G UNIFORMS INC 12974 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 278.95 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 278.95 021406 6020736 510 31 10528 JOHNSON, SEAN CDL REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 50.00 510.31.5440 0602 021406 GLJ2519 50.00 021406 6020743 100 22 10533 JOSEPHSON INSTITUTE CCC25086 MEMBERSHIP DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 100.00 100.22.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2519 100.00 021406 6020740 100 33 10735 JULIE INC 12-05-094SUNDERGROUM LOCATE FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 70.10 100.33.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 70.10 021406 6020741 510 XXXXX 10735 JULIE INC 12-05-0948UNDERGROUND LOCATE FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 140.20 510.31.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 70.10 021406 510.32.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 70.10 021406 6020746 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 388290EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 19.50 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 19.50 021406 6020747 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 388289EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 50.85 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 50.85 021406 6020748 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 388157EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 33.45 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 33.45 021406 6020749 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 388755EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 196.35 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 196.35 021406 6020750 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 388761EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 53.50 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 53.50 021406 6020751 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 388152EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 24.50 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 24.50 021406 6020752 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 390578EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 267.00 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 267.00 021406 6020753 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 389109EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 192.83 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 192.83 021406 6020754 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 389187EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 107.00 100.22.4510 0602 021406 GLJ2519 107.00 021406 6020822 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 391213EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021506 148.25 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 17 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.4510 0602 021506 GLJ2526 148.25 021506 6020823 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 391214EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 02/20/06 0 021506 11.90 100.22.4510 0602 021506 GLJ2526 11.90 021506 6020825 100 34 11108 KDS TECH SERVICES INC 21672 LIGHT BULBS 02/20/06 0 021506 450.00 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 450.00 021506 6020755 100 41 11285 KIEFER & ASSOC, ADOLPH 000933647 EQUIPMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 230.97 100.41.8300 0602 021406 GLJ2519 230.97 021406 6020744 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 665929SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 372.58 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 372.58 021406 6020757 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 685858SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 321.98 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 321.98 021406 6020758 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 679513SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 275.67 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 275.67 021406 6020759 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 695704SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 212.08 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 212.08 021406 6020760 100 41 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 52603 M-FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 02/20/06 0 021406 118.00 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 118.00 021406 6020761 510 31 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 52571 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE 02/20/06 0 021406 166.00 510.31.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 166.00 021406 6020766 100 33 7 KONECKO, MARTA MAILBOX DAMAGE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 43.47 100.33.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 43.47 021406 6020756 100 04 5 KOTIW, DAVID 2025150400WATER/SEWER PAYMENT REFUND 02/20/06 0 021406 60.60 100.04.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 60.60 021406 6020745 100 41 1 KRUSE, NANCY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 02/20/06 0 021406 45.00 100.41.3631 0602 021406 GLJ2519 45.00 021406 6020762 510 32 11703 KTD INC 5931 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 170.41 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 170.41 021406 6020763 510 32 11703 KTD INC 5887 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 95.87 510.32.5375 0602 021406 GLJ2519 95.87 021406 6020764 510 32 11703 KTD INC 5862 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 107.12 510.32.5375 0602 021406 GLJ2519 107.12 021406 6020765 510 32 11703 KTD INC 5907 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 5.83 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 5.83 021406 6020815 100 02 11750 KUNZER, KATHLEEN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021506 260.57 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 18 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.02.4510 0602 021506 GLJ2522 260.57 021506 6020771 100 33 12017 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 57677 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 4.07 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 4.07 021406 6020772 100 22 12017 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 57523 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 5.19 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 5.19 021406 6020773 100 33 12142 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 541224SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 125.00 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 125.00 021406 6020774 100 33 12142 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 543856SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 40.44 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 40.44 021406 6020775 100 33 12142 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 543631SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 6.00 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2519 6.00 021406 6020768 100 41 12162 LET ME ARRANGE IT INC 3/16/06 R-FIELD TRIP TRANSPORTATION 02/20/06 0 021406 725.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 725.00 021406 6020770 100 XXXXX 12262 LIBERTY OFFICE PRODUCTS 1836490 OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 506.63 100.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2519 381.50 021406 100.04.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2519 120.66 021406 100.34.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2519 1.98 021406 100.04.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2519 2.49 021406 6020776 100 02 12530 LOCKER'S FLOWERS 417547GET WELL FLOWERS 02/20/06 0 021406 47.00 100.02.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2519 47.00 021406 6020777 100 02 12530 LOCKER'S FLOWERS 417232GET WELL FLOWERS 02/20/06 0 021406 36.00 100.02.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2519 36.00 021406 6020767 100 22 12745 LUMBER, ROBERT LAW 310 TUITION REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 1,750.00 100.22.5440 0602 021406 GLJ2519 1750.00 021406 6020769 100 41 12746 LUNKENHEIMER, PATTIE 1/26-27/06IPRA CONFERENCE EXPENSE REI 02/20/06 0 021406 61.83 100.41.5420 0602 021406 GLJ2519 61.83 021406 6020598 100 22 16015 MARATHON TOWING 106 SQUAD CAR TOW 02/20/06 0 021406 20.00 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 20.00 021406 6020569 100 04 13025 MARENGO DISPOSAL CO 184246YARDWASTE DROP OFF STICKERS 02/20/06 0 021406 16,000.00 100.04.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 16000.00 021406 6020626 100 02 13015 MARTENSON, LYNN G MILEAGE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 20.47 100.02.5420 0602 021406 GLJ2514 20.47 021406 6020597 100 01 14067 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF 01 105LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC 02/20/06 0 021406 6,800.00 100.01.5230 0602 021406 GLJ2514 6800.00 021406 6020614 510 31 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11010472 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 88.00 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 19 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 510.31.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 88.00 021406 6020615 510 31 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11010559 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 10.14 510.31.6250 0602 021406 GLJ2514 10.14 021406 6020571 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 0600050 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 02/20/06 0 021406 364.00 510.31.5110 18496 0602 021406 GLJ2514 364.00 021406 364.00 6020572 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 15635 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 02/20/06 0 021406 72.00 510.31.5110 18496 0602 021406 GLJ2514 72.00 021406 72.00 6020573 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 15713 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 02/20/06 0 021406 41.00 510.31.5110 18496 0602 021406 GLJ2514 41.00 G21406 41.00 6020575 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 15665 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 02/20/06 0 021406 160.00 510.31.5110 18496 0602 021406 GLJ2514 160.00 021406 160.00 6020599 100 XXXXX 14247 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 28642 ANNUAL DINNER DANCE 02/20/06 0 021406 1,360.00 100.02.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 1020.00 021406 100.01.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 340.00 021406 6020600 100 01 14247 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 28503 ANNUAL DINNER DANCE 02/20/06 0 021406 170.00 100.01.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 170.00 021406 6020601 100 02 14247 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 28611 STATE OF MCHENRY LUNCHEON 02/20/06 O 021406 18.00 100.02.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2514 18.00 021406 6020570 100 41 14240 MCHENRY AREA SOCCER FEDE WKS1-4R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTORS 02/20/06 0 021406 2,240.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 2240.00 021406 6020591 260 00 14276 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S JAN 06OPERATING FEES 02/20/06 O 021406 43,612.00 260.00.6970 0602 021406 GLJ2514 43612.00 021406 6020590 260 00 14275 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL JAN 06OPERATING FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 61,820.00 260.00.6970 0602 021406 GLJ2514 61820.00 021406 6020576 100 22 14253 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 2/28/06 MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 02/20/06 0 021406 36.00 100.22.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2514 36.00 021406 6020669 100 03 14255 MCHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE 246487TRAINING FEE 02/20/06 0 021406 199.00 100.03.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2516 199.00 021406 6020602 100 XXXXX 14296 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 0 1/25/06 DINNER MEETING 02/20/06 0 021406 175.00 100.02.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2514 140.00 021406 100.01.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2514 35.00 021406 6020623 100 01 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER JAN 06RECORDING FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 157.50 100.01.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 52.00 021406 100.01.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 1.50 021406 100.01.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 52.00 021406 100.01.6940 0602 021406 GLJ2514 52.00 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 20 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020616 510 31 14260 MCHENRY ELECTRIC & SUPPL I425668 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 18.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 18.00 021406 6020617 510 31 14260 MCHENRY ELECTRIC & SUPPL I427908 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 182.50 510.31.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 182.50 021406 6020618 510 31 14260 MCHENRY ELECTRIC & SUPPL I426143 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 295.23 510.31.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 295.23 021406 6020619 510 32 14260 MCHENRY ELECTRIC & SUPPL I426140 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021406 80.00 510.32.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 80.00 021406 6020593 100 41 14267 MCHENRY FAVORITE SPORT C 0001433 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 2,427.25 100.41.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 M 2171.25 021406 100.41.6920 0602 021406 GLJ2514 256.00 021406 6020620 100 33 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 013838SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 12.00 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 12.00 021406 6020621 100 33 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 013828SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 45.00 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 45.00 021406 6020622 100 33 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 013817SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 28.00 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 28.00 021406 6020603 100 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA JAN 06VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 868.90 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 137.85 021406 100.33.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 641.47 021406 100.41.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 89.58 021406 6020604 510 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA JAN 06VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 68.71 510.31.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 53.02 021406 510.32.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 15.69 021406 6020819 100 XXXXX 14476 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION F FY 04/05 REPLACEMENT TAXES 02/20/06 0 021506 1,894.53 100.2372 0602 021506 GLJ2526 1894.53 021506 6020820 100 22 14476 MCHENRY POLICE PENSION F 2/14/06 PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION 02/20/06 0 021506 11,235.41 100.22.4430 0602 021506 GLJ2526 11235.41 021506 6020581 100 00 14299 MCHENRY PRINTING SERVICE 23062 PRINTED STOCK FORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 242.91 100.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 242.91 021406 6020582 510 31 14299 MCHENRY PRINTING SERVICE 23062 PRINTED FORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 60.74 510.31.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 60.74 021406 6020583 100 XXXXX 14299 MCHENRY PRINTING SERVICE 23056 PRINTED FORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 427.54 100.00.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 228.53 021406 100.30.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 72.70 021406 100.33.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 36.35 021406 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 21 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.22.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 89.96 021406 6020584 510 31 14299 MCHENRY PRINTING SERVICE 23056 PRINTED FORMS 02/20/06 0 021406 187.87 510.31.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 187.87 021406 6020589 260 00 14270 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY JAN 06OPERATING FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 3,638.00 260.00.6980 0602 021406 GLJ2514 3638.00 021406 6020595 100 XXXXX 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2006-141 NAME PLATES 02/20/06 0 021406 9.00 100.01.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 4.50 021406 100.04.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 4.50 021406 6020596 100 04 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2006-137 NAME PLATE 02/20/06 0 021406 4.50 100.04.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 4.50 021406 6020587 100 22 14291 MCHENRY STORAGE, THE DEC/JAN STORAGE UNIT RENTALS 02/20/06 0 021406 590.00 100.22.5110 706299 0602 021406 GLJ2514 STORAGE UNIT RENTAL 590.00 021406 590.00 6020577 100 33 14285 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP ROAD DI 2004 2004 ROAD STRIPING 02/20/06 0 021406 5,901.00 100.33.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 5901.00 021406 6020594 100 41 13155 MERKEL, PETE REIMB IPRA/IAPD CONFERENCE EXPENSES 02/20/06 0 021406 183.47 100.41.5420 0602 021406 GLJ2514 183.47 021406 6020605 510 32 13164 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES 172471EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 225.05 510.32.5380 0602 021406 GLJ2514 225.05 021406 6020606 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 329695MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 180.40 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 180.40 021406 6020607 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 330420MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021406 198.60 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 198.60 021406 6020588 100 22 13283 MICROFLEX IN0873654 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 184.00 100.22.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 184.00 021406 6020608 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 66194WSUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 270.20 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 270.20 021406 6020578 100 22 13279 MID-STATES ORGANIZED CRI 7368 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES 02/20/06 0 021406 200.00 100.22.5410 0602 021406 GLJ2514 200.00 021406 6020592 620 00 13274 MIDCO 168882PHONE RELOCATE 02/20/06 0 021406 250.00 620.00.5320 0602 021406 GLJ2514 250.00 021406 6020609 290 00 13276 MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL CO 06-028ASBESTOS PROJECT/MEDICAL ARTS 02/20/06 0 021406 2,500.00 290.00.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2514 2500.00 021406 290-DWNTNREV 6020579 100 02 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 61216 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP 02/20/06 0 021406 25.50 WELTER DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 22 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.02.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 25.50 021406 6020580 100 22 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 61223 NOTRAY PUBLIC STAMP 02/20/06 0 021406 28.00 JENKINS 100.22.6210 0602 021406 GLJ2514 28.00 021406 6020624 100 03 13310 MITCHELL INSTRUMENT CO 023C78ANALOG MOISTURE METER PROBE 02/20/06 0 021406 321.00 100.03.6270 0602 021406 GLJ2514 321.00 021406 6020610 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 05-1811 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 58.50 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 58.50 021406 6020611 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 05-1810 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 58.50 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 58.50 021406 6020612 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 02-1812 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 58.50 100.22.5370 0602 021406 GLJ2514 58.50 021406 6020625 100 41 13540 MORRIS, MATT CDL REIMB 02/20/06 0 021406 50.00 100.41.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2514 50.00 021406 6020586 100 41 13543 MORTON ARBORETUM, THE 3/28/06 TREE CITY USA CONFERENCE FE 02/20/06 0 021406 90.00 100.41.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2514 90.00 021406 6020585 100 41 1 MUELLER, NANCY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 02/20/06 0 021406 85.00 100.41.3631 0602 021406 GLJ2514 85.00 021406 6020787 100 22 15008 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF 15588MI NASRO MEMBERSHIP 02/20/06 0 021506 30.00 100.22.5410 0602 021506 GLJ2521 30.00 021506 6020778 510 31 15013 NATIONAL WATERWORKS 3030161 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021406 363.00 510.31.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 363.00 021406 6020779 100 41 15139 NCISC 2006 P-SWIM TEAM CONFERENCE DUES 02/20/06 0 021406 1,000.00 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 500.00 021406 100.41.5110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 500.00 021406 6020836 100 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 639911516 CELL PHONES & 2-WAY RADIOS 02/20/06 0 021506 2,010.90 100.01.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 90.24 021506 100.02.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 200.37 021506 100.03.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 290.09 021506 100.22.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 793.76 021506 100.30.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 170.97 021506 100.33.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 208.85 021506 100.34.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 40.82 021506 100.41.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 215.80 021506 6020837 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 639911516 CELL PHONES & 2-WAY RADIOS 02/20/06 0 021506 228.08 510.31.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 101.73 021506 510.32.5320 0602 021506 GLJ2528 126.35 021506 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 23 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020347 100 41 15545 NICOR GAS JAN 06UTILITIES 02/20/06 0 021306 1,646.49 100.41.5510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1846.49 021306 6020348 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS JAN 06UTILITIES 02/20/06 0 021306 6,699.49 510.31.5510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 2765.93 021306 510.32.5510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 3933.56 021306 6020788 270 00 9427 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO 11342819 ICE CONTROL MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021506 6,081.30 270.00.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 6081.30 021506 6020789 270 00 9427 NORTH AMERICAN SALT CO 11352573 ICE CONTROL MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021506 7,856.22 270.00.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 7856.22 021506 6020785 510 31 15553 NORTH SUBURBAN WATER 3/9/06MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 02/20/06 0 021506 30.00 510.31.5440 0602 021506 GLJ2521 30.00 021506 6020781 100 22 15540 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 4278 MOBILE FIELD FORCE EQUIPMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 504.94 100.22.6110 0602 021406 GLJ2519 504.94 021406 6020782 100 22 15540 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 4445 MEMBERSHIP ASSESSMENT 02/20/06 0 021506 400.00 100.22.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 400.00 021506 602.0783 100 22 15540 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 4446 EMERGENCY SERVICES TEAM 02/20/06 0 021506 3,300.00 ASSESSMENT 100.22.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 3300.00 021506 6020784 100 22 15540 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 4447 MOBILE FIELD FORCE ASSESSMENT 02/20/06 0 021506 935.00 100.22.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 935.00 021506 6020790 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 608939ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 1,076.70 100.33.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 1076.70 021506 6020791 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 610453ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 382.11 100.33.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 382.11 021506 6020792 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 612778ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 69.66 100.33.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 69.66 021506 6020793 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 612475ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 57.46 100.33.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 57.46 021506 6020794 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 612468ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 266.80 100.33.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 266.80 021506 6020795 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 614192ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 87.52 100.33.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2521 87.52 021506 6020796 100 01 20668 NORTHWEST NEWS GROUP OF 100160LEGAL ADVERTISING 02/20/06 0 021506 722.95 100.01.5330 0602 021506 GLJ2522 722.95 021506 6020797 100 01 20668 NORTHWEST NEWS GROUP OF 10474 LEGAL ADVERTISING 02/20/06 0 021506 229.90 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 24 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.01.5330 0602 021506 GLJ2522 229.90 021506 6020827 100 33 15736 NUNDA TOWNSHIP ROAD DIST 1/26/06 CURRAN ROAD MAINTENANCE 02/20/06 0 021506 3,751.00 100.33.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 3751.00 021506 6020780 100 03 15561 NWBOCA 3/2/06MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 02/20/06 0 021406 45.00 100.03.5430 0602 021406 GLJ2519 45.00 021406 6020830 100 22 16250 O'HERRON CO INC, RAY 537631-IN HOLSTERS 02/20/06 0 021506 4,565.00 100.22.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 4565.00 021506 6020831 100 22 16250 O'HERRON CO INC, RAY 602792-IN SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 316.48 100.22.6270 0602 021506 GLJ2526 316.48 021506 6020834 XXXXX XXXXX 16177 OFFICE DEPOT INC JAN 06OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 1,581.61 100.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 905.13 021506 100.03.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 395.90 021506 100.02.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 9.16 021506 100.04.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 30.04 021506 100.22.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 133.67 021506 100.33.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 7.29 021506 100.41.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 30.95 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 179.13 021506 100.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 2795.73CR 021506 100.01.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 76.09 021506 100.02.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 18.60 021506 100.03.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 334.46 021506 100.04.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 471.63 021506 100.22.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 564.72 021506 100.30.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 186.88 021506 100.33.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 14.28 021506 100.34.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 48.03 021506 100.41.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 156.30 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 1 158.00 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 4 99.00 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 41 155.15 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 32 69.00 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 32 24.99 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 34 50.94 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 03 129.00 021506 620.00.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 30 129.00 021506 6020835 510 XXXXX 16177 OFFICE DEPOT INC JAN 06OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 109.66 510.31.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 50.80 021506 510.32.6210 0602 021506 GLJ2528 58.86 021506 6020832 510 31 16416 OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT C 149790SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 198.00 510.31.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 198.00 021506 6020833 100 41 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 605798873 R-PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 92.30 100.41.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 92.30 021506 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 25 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020828 100 01 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 16819 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021506 1,617.00 100.01.5230 0602 021506 GLJ2526 1617.00 021506 6020829 100 01 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 16399 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021506 2,524.50 100.01.5230 0602 021506 GLJ2526 2524.50 021506 6020359 100 01 17005 PACE 41871 05 DIAL-A-RIDE ADDITION 02/20/06 0 021306 10,364.50 100.01.5110 2051210 0602 021306 GLJ2509 OCT 2005 10364.50 021306 10364.50 6020365 100 01 17005 PACE 42013 05 DIAL-A-RIDE ADDITION 02/20/06 0 021306 9,954.65 100.01.5110 2051210 0602 021306 GLJ2509 NOV 2005 9954.65 021306 6081.77 6020356 510 32 5 PACINI GROUP RE 4 ACCTS REFUND WATER/SEWER OVERPAYM 02/20/06 0 021306 30.30 510.32.3660 0602 021306 GLJ2509 30.30 021306 6020360 100 41 1 PENROD, AMY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 02/20/06 0 021306 15.00 100.41.3631 0602 021306 GLJ2509 15.00 021306 6020358 100 41 17134 PETROW, STEPHANIE S 1/24/06 R-PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 02/20/06 0 021306 30.00 100.41.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 30.00 021306 6020363 100 04 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 10160 GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSES 02/20/06 0 021306 104.45 100.04.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2509 104.45 021306 6020378 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 10222 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 49.25 100.22.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 49.25 021306 6020379 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 10288 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 595.45 100.22.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 595.45 021306 6020380 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 10194 KNIT CAPS W/POLICE LOGO 02/20/06 0 021306 583.50 100.22.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2509 583.50 021306 6020349 100 22 17534 POLICE POLICY STUDIES CO 34 SEMINAR FEE 02/20/06 0 021306 650.00 100.22.5430 0602 021306 GLJ2508 650.00 021306 6020362 100 22 17547 PORTER LEE CORPORATION 4351 BEAST ANNUAL SUPPORT FEE 02/20/06 0 021306 675.00 100.22.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 675.00 021306 6020366 100 22 17549 POSTER COMPLIANCE CENTER 900760-IL UPDATED COMPLIANCE POSTERS 02/20/06 0 021306 139.00 100.22.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2509 139.00 021306 6020357 100 04 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL #126 FIRST CLASS PRESORT PERMIT 02/20/06 0 021306 160.00 100.04.5310 0602 021306 GLJ2509 160.00 021306 6020355 100 22 17557 POWERPHONE INC 10749 SEMINAR FEES 02/20/06 0 021306 756.00 100.22.5430 0602 021306 GLJ2509 756.00 021306 6020361 100 22 17557 POWERPHONE INC 10748 SEMINAR FEE 02/20/06 0 021306 289.00 100.22.5430 0602 021306 GLJ2509 289.00 021306 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 26 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020364 100 22 17600 PPCT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 34896 TRAINING MATERIALS 02/20/06 0 021306 616.50 100.22.5430 0602 021306 GLJ2509 616.50 021306 6020367 510 31 17634 PR DIAMOND PRODUCTS INC 42897 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 205.00 510.31.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 205.00 021306 6020368 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-004937 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 243.58 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 243.58 021306 6020369 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-004926 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 182.30 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 182.30 021306 6020370 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-013994 RETURNED SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 368.02- 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 368.02CR 021306 6020371 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-00739 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 232.49 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 232.49 021306 6020372 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-007908 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 188.22 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 188.22 021306 6020373 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-008098 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 300.94 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 300.94 021306 6020374 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-015907 RETURNED SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 75.00- 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 75.00CR 021306 6020375 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-008769 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 O 021306 237.74 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 237.74 021306 6020376 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-008307 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 302.44 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 302.44 021306 6020377 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-016047 REPAIR PARTS CORE DEPOSIT R 02/20/06 O 021306 75.00- 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 75.00CR 021306 6020800 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 139205BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 02/20/06 0 021506 16.65 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 16.65 021506 6020801 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 139079BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 02/20/06 0 021506 196.20 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 196.20 021506 6020802 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 139660BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 02/20/06 0 021506 22.20 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 22.20 021506 6020826 100 34 19666 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC 139842BOTTLED DRINKING WATER 02/20/06 0 021506 207.00 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 207.00 021506 6020811 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 90511 HEADSETS 02/20/06 0 021506 581.15 100.22.8300 0602 021506 GLJ2522 581.15 021506 100-EQUIPPD DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 27 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6020810 100 03 19144 REGNER, WILLIAM J CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021506 99.66 100.03.4510 0602 021506 GLJ2522 99.66 021506 6020803 510 31 19157 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 1/4/06WATER METER INSTALLATION 02/20/06 0 021506 105.00 510.31.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 105.00 021506 6020808 510 31 19157 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 1/19/06 WATER METER INSTALLATION 02/20/06 0 021506 105.00 510.31.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 105.00 021506 6020799 100 33 19147 REICHERT CHEVROLET 220708VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021506 12.96 100.33.5370 0602 021506 GLJ2522 12.96 021506 6020804 100 41 19286 RIETESEL, BYRON 1/23/06 M-SILO COVER/PETERSEN FARM 02/20/06 0 021506 585.00 100.41.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 585.00 021506 6020807 100 22 19288 RINGWOOD BP DEC 06SQUAD CAR WASHES 02/20/06 0 021506 54.00 100.22.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 54.00 021506 6020813 100 22 19288 RINGWOOD BP JAN 06SQUAD CAR WASHES 02/20/06 0 021506 48.00 100.22.5110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 48.00 021506 6020805 100 34 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 599880CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST 02/20/06 0 021506 174.54 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 20.62 021506 100.34.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2522 153.92 021506 6020812 100 01 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 605228MCMRMA FOOD 02/20/06 0 021506 20.62 100.01.6940 0602 021506 GLJ2522 20.62 021506 6020824 510 31 19531 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 20128 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021506 71.76 510.31.6110 0602 021506 GLJ2526 71.76 021506 6020809 100 22 6 ROTTER, KEVIN REFUNDPARKING TICKER OVERPAYMENT 02/20/06 0 021506 10.00 #P90398 100.22.3510 0602 021506 GLJ2522 10.00 021506 6020806 100 04 19765 RUSHING, RHONDA F LANG- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021506 21.72 100.04.4510 0602 021506 GLJ2522 21.72 021506 6020335 100 41 20666 S&S WORLDWIDE INC 5157006 R-PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 51.22 100.41.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 51.22 021306 6020319 100 41 20008 SAFARI LAND LLC 8/3/06R-DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP DEPOSIT 02/20/06 0 021306 175.00 100.41.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 175.00 021306 6020326 100 41 20016 SANTO SPORT STORE 0103193-INR-SOFTBALLS 02/20/06 0 021306 1,800.00 100.41.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1800.00 021306 6020338 100 XXXXX 1450 SEC JAN 06PAY PHONES & ALARM CIRCUITS 02/20/06 0 021306 854.88 100.01.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 27.86 021306 100.22.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 490.11 021306 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 28 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.41.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 316.96 021306 100.33.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 19.95 021306 6020339 510 XXXXX 1450 SBC JAN 06ALARM CIRCUITS 02/20/06 0 021306 629.64 510.31.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 45.73 021306 510.32.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 583.91 021306 6020340 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 SBC JAN 06PRI PHONE LINES 02/20/06 0 021306 2,347.37 100.01.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 343.81 021306 100.02.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 131.55 021306 100.04.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 175.40 021306 100.22.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 855.07 021306 100.30.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 131.55 021306 100.33.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 21.93 021306 100.34.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 43.85 021306 100.03.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 306.94 021306 100.41.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 197.33 021306 620.00.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 139.94 021306 6020341 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 SBC JAN 06CENTREX PHONE LINES 02/20/06 0 021306 1,573.16 100.01.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 199.44 021306 100.02.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 39.70 021306 100.22.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 477.03 021306 100.30.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 39.70 021306 100.33.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 380.01 021306 100.34.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 39.70 021306 100.41.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 290.68 021306 620.00.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 106.90 021306 6020342 510 XXXXX 1450 SBC JAN 06CENTREX PHONE LINES 02/20/06 0 021306 628.15 510.31.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 388.05 021306 510.32.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 240.10 021306 6020337 100 01 1452 SBC LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 02/20/06 0 021306 27.62 100.01.5320 0602 021306 GLJ2508 27.62 021306 6020312 510 31 20090 SCHMITT, JON CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 134.02 510.31.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 134.02 021306 6020327 510 31 20153 SECURITY BUILDERS SUPPLY 191964STEEL DOOR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 155.00 510.31.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 155.00 021306 6020294 100 01 20157 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 12/28/05 LEGAL SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021306 682.50 100.01.5230 0602 021306 GLJ2508 682.50 021306 6020320 510 32 20166 SETTLERS HILL RDF 257802041 SLUDGE DISPOSAL 02/20/06 0 021306 7,390.38 510.32.5580 0602 021306 GLJ2508 7390.38 021306 6020321 510 32 20166 SETTLERS HILL RDF 2567420415SLUDGE DISPOSAL 02/20/06 0 021306 6,957.61 510.32.5580 0602 021306 GLJ2508 6957.61 021306 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 29 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6020322 100 22 20172 SEXTON, ERIC M K-9 ESTA DOG FOOD REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 31.99 100.22.6310 0602 021306 GLJ2508 31.99 021306 6020323 100 22 20172 SEXTON, ERIC M UNIFORM DRY CLEANING REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 10.70 100.22.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 10.70 021306 6020297 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32432PLUMBING SERVICE WORK 02/20/06 0 021306 165.00 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 165.00 021306 6020298 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32546PLUMBING SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021306 156.00 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 156.00 021366 6020299 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32431BOILER REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 2,141.52 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 2141.52 021306 6020300 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32433EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 520.00 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 520.00 021306 6020328 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32704COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENT 02/20/06 0 021306 540.00 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 540.00 021306 6020329 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32713CLIMIT CONTROL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 208.00 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 208.00 021306 6020330 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32651CLIMIT CONTROL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 201.00 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 201.00 021306 6020331 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32604CLIMIT CONTROL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 484.20 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 484.20 021306 6020332 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32712CLIMIT CONTROL REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 180.77 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 180.77 021306 6020732 100 34 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S32856EXPANSION TANK REPLACEMENT 02/20/06 0 021406 1,975.60 MEDICAL ART BLDG 100.34.8200 0602 021406 GLJ2519 1975.60 021406 6020333 270 00 20284 SICALCO LTD 45546 CALCIUM CHLORIDE 02/20/06 0 021306 1,676.34 270.00.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1676.34 021306 6020324 100 22 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 60959116 TIME CLOCK SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 40.30 100.22.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2508 40.30 021306 6020325 100 22 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 60958295 TIME CLOCK REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 338.40 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2508 338.40 021306 6020314 100 22 20311 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB 0399647 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 58.02 100.22.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 58.02 021306 6020301 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333682EVERGREEN PARK SUBD 02/20/06 0 021306 360.00 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 30 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 360.00 021306 6020302 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333683PROFESSIONAL PLAZA SUBDIVISION 02/20/06 0 021306 235.00 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 235.00 021306 6020303 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333684PATRIOT ESTATES SUBD 02/20/06 0 021306 8,041.85 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 8041.85 021306 6020304 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333685RIDGEVIEW POINT 02/20/06 0 021306 382.50 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 382.50 021306 6020305 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 33368SLEGEND LAKES NH4 02/20/06 0 021306 373.65 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 373.65 021306 6020306 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333693LEGEND LAKES NH5 02/20/06 0 021306 97.50 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 97.50 021306 6020307 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333695LINCOLN HILLS 02/20/06 0 021306 829.15 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 829.15 021306 6020308 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333703MCHENRY COMMERCE CENTER 02/20/06 0 021306 4,797.50 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 4797.50 021306 6020309 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333085MEDELA SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 02/20/06 0 021306 1,217.50 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1217.50 021306 6020310 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333077BORDEN/120 DEVELOPMENT 02/20/06 0 021306 1,896.25 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1896.25 021306 6020311 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333086GRUEBNAU SUBDIVISION 02/20/06 0 021306 3,050.00 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2508 3050.00 021306 6020407 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333701GRUEBNAU SUBDIVISION 02/20/06 0 021306 286.25 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 286.25 021306 6020408 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333700ANGELUS OF MCHENRY 02/20/06 0 021306 278.75 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 278.75 021306 6020409 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333699THE SHIOPS ® FOX RIVER 02/20/06 0 021306 881.25 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 881.25 021306 6020410 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333698HOLY APOSTLES CHURCH 02/20/06 0 021306 170.00 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 170.00 021306 6020411 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333697COVE LANDING TOWNSHOMES 02/20/06 0 021306 2,838.13 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 2838.13 021306 6020412 740 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333694BORDEN/120 DEVELOPMENT 02/20/06 0 021306 427.50 740.00.5220 0602 021306 GLJ2509 427.50 021306 6020413 280 41 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333692PETERSEN FARM DEVELOPMENT 02/20/06 0 021306 22.53 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 31 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 280.41.8800 0602 021306 GLJ2509 22.53 021306 280-PETHISTIM 6020414 290 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333702RIVERWALK 02/20/06 0 021306 10,610.00 290.00.8900 0602 021306 GLJ2509 10610.00 021306 290-RIVERWALK 6020415 280 41 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333691PETERSEN FARM ROADWAY 02/20/06 0 021306 1,500.00 280.41.8B00 1205369 0602 021306 GLJ2509 280-PETHISTIMP 1500.00 021306 1500.00 280-PETHISTIM 6020416 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333696TRAFFIC SIGNAL STUDY 02/20/06 0 021306 5,723.75 440.00.8600 20033 0602 021306 GLJ2509 CRYSTAL LK RD/DARTMOOR 5723.75 021306 5723.75 6020417 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333680TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 02/20/06 0 021306 1,782.50 BULL VALLEY/MILLER RD/CHAPEL 440.00.8600 20005 0602 021306 GLJ2509 PROJECT #440-TRFIMPSTDY 1782.50 021306 1782.50 440-TRFIMPSTD 6020418 440 00 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333681ROUTE 31 & MCCULLOM LAKE 02/20/06 0 021306 1,567.50 440.00.8600 17442 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1567.50 021306 1567.50 440-MCCLK/31 6020419 510 XXXXX 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333687UTILITY SYSTEM ATLAS 02/20/06 0 021306 7,338.75 510.31.5110 20042 0602 021306 GLJ2509 3669.38 0213.06 3669.38 510-WATLAS 510.32.5110 20042 0602 021306 GLJ2509 3669.37 021306 3669.37 510-SATLAS 6020420 580 32 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333690CWWTP PLAN AMENDMENT 02/20/06 0 021306 125.00 580.32.8500 119793 0602 021306 GLJ2509 PROJ# 580-CWWWTP 125.00 021306 125.00 580-CWWTP 6020421 580 32 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333686SWWTP EXPANSION 02/20/06 0 021306 25,205.61 580.32.8500 19152 0602 021306 GLJ2509 580-SWWTP 25205.61 021306 25205.61 580-SWWTP 6020422 580 32 20430 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSUL 333802CWWTP PLAN AMENDMENT 02/20/06 0 021306 20,163.46 580.32.8500 119793 0602 021306 GLJ2509 PROJ# 580-CWWWTP 20163.46 021306 20163.46 580-CWWTP 6020315 100 22 20431 SMITH, JUDY UNIFORM ALTERATIONS REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 20.50 100.22.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 20.50 021306 6020334 100 41 20569 SPRI PRODUCTS INC 13574 R-PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 22.95 100.41.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 22.95 021306 6020313 100 41 20733 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC JAN/FEB 06R-PARK PROGRAM SPACE RENTAL 02/20/06 0 021306 1,188.00 100.41.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1188.00 021306 6020336 100 33 20708 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL & AU 34044 VEH/EQUIP REPAIR PARTS 02/20/06 0 021306 318.00 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 32 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2508 318.00 021306 6020295 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 216648INTERNET SERVICE 02/20/06 0 021306 569.00 620.00.5110 1505041 0602 021306 GLJ2508 569.00 021306 569.00 6020296 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 216647INTERNET SERVICES 02/20/06 0 021306 75.00 620.00.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 75.00 021306 6020343 100 41 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 217128RCOPIER METER READING 02/20/06 0 021306 159.49 100.41.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 159.49 021306 6020344 100 41 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 217128R-COPIER METER READING 02/20/06 0 021306 159.49 100.41.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 159.49 021306 6020345 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 217669INTERNET SERVICES 02/20/06 O 021306 75.00 620.00.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 75.00 021306 6020346 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 217670INTERNET SERVICE 02/20/06 0 021306 569.00 620.00.5110 1505041 0602 021306 GLJ2508 569.00 021306 569.00 6020316 100 03 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 7020276556OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/20/06 O 021306 241.75 100.03.6270 0602 021306 GLJ2508 234.95 021306 100.03.6270 0602 021306 GLJ2508 6.80 021306 6020317 100 XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 7020423035OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 66.80 100.00.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2508 15.84 021306 100.41.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2508 36.97 021306 100.33.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2508 13.99 021306 6020318 100 00 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 7020552255OFFICE SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 57.76 100.00.6210 0602 021306 GLJ2508 57.76 021306 6020423 290 00 20737 STS CONSULTANTS LTD 279626BOONECREEK WATER QUALITY STUDY 02/20/06 0 021306 4,702.50 290.00.8900 0602 021306 GLJ2509 4702.50 021306 290-RIVERWALK 6020424 100 41 21152 TEMPLE DISPLAY LTD 3658 M-CHRISTMAS DISPLAY LIGHTS 02/20/06 0 021306 187.51 100.41.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 187.51 021306 6020436 2S0 41 21260 THREE D DESIGN STUDIO LL 2006-01-8 SHAMROCK FARMS PARKS 02/20/06 0 021306 6,215.00 280.41.8800 1205482 0602 021306 GLJ2509 PROJ#280-SHAMROCK 6215.00 021306 6215.00 280-SHAMROCK 6020437 280 41 21260 THREE D DESIGN STUDIO LL 2006-01-8 SHAMROCK FARMS PARKS 02/20/06 0 021306 860.20 280.41.8800 0602 021306 GLJ2509 860.20 021306 280-SHAMROCK 6020432 510 31 21534 TONYAN & SONS INC, WILLI 5325 WATER MAIN REPAIR WORK 02/20/06 0 021306 1,090.00 510.31.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1090.00 021306 6020433 100 22 21538 TOPS IN DOG TRAINING COR 7570 K-9 MAINTENANCE TRAINING 02/20/06 0 021306 224.00 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 33 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.6310 0602 021306 GLJ2509 224.00 021306 6020434 100 22 21538 TOPS IN DOG TRAINING COR 7658 K-9 MAINTENANCE TRAINING 02/20/06 0 021306 200.00 100.22.6310 0602 021306 GLJ2509 200.00 021306 6020425 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45327 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 52.23 100.33.6110 0602 021306 G102509 52.23 021306 6020426 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45325 STREET SIGNS 02/20/06 0 021306 258.05 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 258.05 021306 6020427 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45198 STREET SIGNS 02/20/06 0 021306 298.84 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 298.84 021306 6020428 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45326 STREET SIGNS 02/20/06 0 021306 866.87 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 866.87 021306 6020429 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45382 STREET SIGNS 02/20/06 0 021306 281.24 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 281.24 021306 6020430 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45503 STREET SIGNS 02/20/06 0 021306 717.50 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 717.50 021306 6020431 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 45199 STREET SIGNS 02/20/06 0 021306 288.89 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 288.89 021306 6020435 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 44715 SIGN STAND 02/20/06 0 021306 118.02 100.33.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 118.02 021306 6020353 100 22 22494 UNIFORMITY INCORPORATED IN79571 NIPAS UNIFORM ITEMS 02/20/06 0 021306 30.86 100.22.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2508 30.86 021306 6020352 100 41 22493 UNITED INDUSTRIES INCORP 44084 P-POOL SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 559.27 100.41.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 559.27 021306 6020350 100 33 22495 UNITED LABORATORIES 03645 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 349.34 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2508 349.34 021306 6020351 510 31 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 098281SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 227.91 510.31.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 227.91 021306 6020354 510 XXXXX 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 145326/53 CHEMICALS 02/20/06 0 021306 1,534.50 510.32.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 2959.50 021306 510.31.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2508 1425.00CR 021306 6020385 100 22 24021 WALSH, THOMAS M UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 215.95 100.22.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2509 215.95 021306 6020386 100 22 24256 WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 136816SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 807.10 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 807.10 021306 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 34 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # IOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60203B1 580 32 24278 WILLIAM BROTHERS CONSTRU #5 SWWTP EXPANSION 02/20/06 0 021306 436,273.12 580.32.8500 18796 0602 021306 GLJ2509 580-SWWTP 436273.12 021306 436273.12 580-SWWTP 6020382 100 34 24294 WILLIAMS ELECTRIC SERVIC 3350 ELECTRICAL SERVICE WORK 02/20/06 0 021306 115.12 100.34.5110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 115.12 021306 6020383 510 31 22501 WILLIAMS, TOM CDL REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 60.00 510.31.5440 0602 021306 GLJ2509 60.00 021306 6020384 100 41 24307 WITT, CINDY REIMB IAPD/IPRA CONFERENCE EXPENSES 02/20/06 0 021306 44.01 100.41.5420 0602 021306 GLJ2509 44.01 021306 6020395 100 00 5 ZALKE, MARK REFUND PERMIT #05-11-060 02/20/06 0 021306 30.00 100.00.3410 0602 021306 GLJ2509 30.00 021306 6020393 510 31 27145 ZEE MEDICAL INC 100367683 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 50.15 510.31.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 50.15 021306 6020387 100 41 27146 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPAN 30223336 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 143.26 100.41.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 143.26 021306 6020397 100 33 27146 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPAN 30223790 SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 91.73 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 91.73 021306 6020388 510 31 27290 ZIEBELL WATER SERVICE PR 181886SUPPLIES 02/20/06 0 021306 873.80 510.31.6110 0602 021306 GLJ2509 873.80 021306 6020396 100 33 27295 ZIMMERMAN, BOB CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 02/20/06 0 021306 84.81 100.33.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2509 90.00 021306 100.33.4510 0602 021306 GLJ2529 5.19CR 021306 6020398 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 16319 TIRES 02/20/06 0 021306 344.80 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 344.80 021306 6020399 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 16301 TIRES 02/20/06 0 021306 344.80 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 344.80 021306 6020400 100 22 10146 ZMT INC 16310 TIRES 02/20/06 0 021306 344.80 100.22.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 344.80 021306 6020401 100 33 10146 ZMT INC 475.36TIRES 02/20/06 0 021306 475.36 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 475.36 021306 6020402 100 33 10146 ZMT INC 16313 TIRES 02/20/06 0 021306 267.50 100.33.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 267.50 021306 6020403 510 31 10146 ZMT INC 16303 TIRES 02/20/06 0 021306 489.28 510.31.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 489.28 021306 6020404 510 32 10146 ZMT INC 16322 FLAT TIRE REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 25.00 DATE 2/15/2006 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 35 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 2/20/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510.32.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 25.00 021306 6020405 510 32 10146 ZMT INC 16230 FLAT TIRE REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 25.00 510.32.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 25.00 021306 6020406 510 32 10146 ZMT INC 16281 FLAT TIRE REPAIRS 02/20/06 0 021306 20.00 510.32.5370 0602 021306 GLJ2509 20.00 021306 6020389 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 67621 LEGAL FEES 02/20/06 0 021306 5,336.15 100.01.5230 0602 021306 GLJ2509 5336.15 021306 6020390 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 67545 LIVING SPRINGS OF MCHENRY 02/20/06 0 021306 393.75 740.00.5230 0602 021306 GLJ2509 393.75 021306 6020391 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 67622 JAKE NEULIST 02/20/06 0 021306 112.50 740.00.5230 0602 021306 GLJ2509 112.50 021306 6020392 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 67604 HOME STATE BANK 02/20/06 0 021306 1,500.30 740.00.5230 0602 021306 GLJ2509 1500.30 021306 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 1,198,179.42 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 224,273.47 25,930.06 230 AUDIT EXPENSE FUND 1,050.00 260 ANNEXATION FUND 109,070.00 270 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 15,613.86 280 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 9,402.25 8,365.00 290 TIF FUND 17,812.50 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 9,073.75 9,073.75 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 83,797.73 7,975.75 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 684,133.34 682,389.44 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 862.45 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 6,423.39 1,138.00 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 36,666.68 **** 1,198,179.42 734,872.00 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Management Assistant for Community Relations FOR: February 20, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Wonder Lake Water Ski Team Request RECOMMENDATION: To approve the use of Petersen Park,placement of temporary advertising signs and to waive all park and sign permit fees for the Wonder Lake Ski Team Haunted Hayride Program on October 14,20, 21, 27 &28, 2006. BACKGROUND: The Wonder Lake Water Ski Team has requested the use of Petersen Park for its annual Haunted Hayride Program to be held throughout the month of October 2006. This will be the tenth year for this fundraising event. Rides will run from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm ensuring that all rides are completed and clean up has begun by 11:00 pm. The event will include a scaled down"Kiddie Matinee" family version that will run from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on Saturday, October 21. There will be games with prizes during the family matinee. The entire event was very successful last year and no complaints were reported. The Ski Team has also requested permission to display advertising signs on properties throughout the city for the month of October. The signs will be 4'x 4' freestanding sandwich style to be placed at the following locations: 1. 302 N. Front Street—Gerstad Property 2. Bull Valley Road & Crystal Lake Road—Northwest Corner 3. Chapel Hill Road—Liberty Trails 4. Lincoln Road—Liberty Trails 5. McCullom Lake Road&Riverside Drive—Southwest Corner 6. Petersen Park Road &McCullom Lake Road 7. R.A. Adams-Route 120 8. Ridge Road—Gerstad Property—Deerwood Lot 46 Attached is a letter from Janice Carlsten detailing the request. Representatives from the Wonder Lake Ski Team will be in attendance at the meeting to address the City Council. They would also like to take the opportunity to present the annual donations to the city and other charitable organizations on behalf of the ski team. January 24,2005 Mayor Sue Low City of McHenry Aldermen City of McHenry I S� 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Dear Mayor Low and Aldermen: Per my conversation with Mr.Bill Hobson,the Wonder Lake Water Ski Show Team Organization would like to address the McHenry City Council on Monday,February 20,2006. At that meeting,our team would like to present the annual donations to other charitable organizations on behalf of the ski team and the City of McHenry,as well as request the use of Petersen Park in October,2006, for the next annual Haunted Hayride. The dates for our Haunted Hayride this year are the same as those in past years: Saturday, October 14 (7—10:30 p.m.) Friday, Oct. 20(7— 10:30 p.m.)& Saturday,Oct. 21 (4—6 p.m., 7— 10:30 p.m.) Friday,Oct.27(7— 10:30 p.m.)& Saturday,Oct.28 (7— 10:30 p.m.) Our Saturday afternoon"Kiddie Matinee"was successful again this year. We were blessed with fairly good weather,and had quite a number of energetic little kids willing to brave the"haunted"wagon ride through Deadwood Forest. Parents were very pleased we offered a a scaled-down and less scary version during the daylight hours for smaller children. The kiddie ride is shorter and less elaborate,and offers games and prizes. As in past years,we are asking that all fees for use of the park and sign permit fees be waived for our event, since we are a not-for-profit organization. Thank you in advance for this assistance. The Haunted Hayride of 2005 was again very successful in terms of customer and neighborhood satisfaction,and we are unaware of any complaints from this past fall's Hayride. As last year,we are ending ticket sales at 10:30 p.m.to insure that all rides are completed and clean-up is begun promptly at 11:00 p.m.,or earlier if possible. Our Haunted Hayride is a major fundraiser for our National Champion Water Ski Show Team,and we appreciate the generosity and assistance of the City of McHenry in enabling us to hold our event. Our ski team has finished in the top five places in the national show ski team competition every year since 1996,which includes three first-place finishes! With your help,we anticipate further success this coming year,not only in our ski season,but also with the Haunted Hayride,and once again hope to donate a substantial portion of our gate receipts to charity on behalf of the City and the ski team. We hope to continue our successful partnership in the future, as it is only through the support of our community and its residents that our team can achieve the success we have enjoyed,as we pursue another National Show Ski Championship in 2006! If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me at 815/344-1386,or our President, Steve Nelson at 815/728-8041. Thank you again, Yangice Carlsten, Secretary Wonder Lake Water Ski Show Team Organization WONDER LAKE WATER SKI SHOW TEAM P.O. Box 518 -Wonder Lake, Illinois 60097 x AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: February 20,2006,Regular City Council Meeting qk RE: Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru in a Multi-Tenant Retail Building at 2182-2210 W. Route 120 Applicant: MD Development,Michael Baglio ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDD Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes dated 1/19/06 3. Application Packet 4. Site Plan,floor plan and elevation 5. Ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-thru at 2182-2210 W. Route 120 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit for a drive- thru at 2182-2210 W.Route 120. Description of Request The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru for the end tenant suite in the multi-tenant retail building currently under construction at 2182-2210 W.Route 120. The applicant does not have a specific user for the drive-thru. However, he believes a drive-thru will enhance the marketability of the site. Proposed uses for this drive-thm would be limited to a dry cleaner, video store or similar low-traffic, non-food user. The drive-thru tenant suite is located on the west side of the building. Patrons would need to drive behind the length of the building to access the drive-tluu. Staff Analysis The original request for a drive-thru use for this tenant suite raised several concerns regarding stacking location,traffic congestion and safety. The applicant withdrew that request. This new request limits the drive-thru users to a drycleaner,video store or similar low-intensity user and would not permit a food service user. Limiting the drive-thni user to a low-intensity use addresses all of the previous concerns staff had regarding a drive-thru user for this tenant suite. Staff evaluated the revised request and finds that it meets the criteria set forth in Chapter XIV Table 31 of the Zoning Code for Conditional Use Permits. Planning and'Zoning Commission The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru,subject to the use being limited to a non-food service user. Community Development Department Report January 19, 2006 File# Z-663 Applicant Michael Baglio 518 S. Illinois Route 31 McHenry, IL 60050 Requested Action • Conditional Use Permit for a drive-thru in a strip retail center Site Information Location and Size of Property The subject property is 1.46 acres located on the North side of Elm Street(Il Route 120), west of Chapel Hill Road. Commonly referred to as 2210 W. Elm Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation Commercial ExistinL7 Zoning and Land Use The subject property is currently zoned C-5 and the building is currently being constructed. Adiacent Zoning and Land Use North: R-1 McHenry County, Eastwood Manor Subdivision South: A-1 McHenry County agricultural land East: C-5, existing commercial development West: C-5, existing commercial development Description of Request The applicant has submitted plans to the City for the construction of a 13,490 square foot retail building on this property. To enhance the marketability of the building, the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a drive—thru facility in a strip retail center. The applicant proposes the drive-thru window on the east side of the building. The stacking lane is proposed along side and possibly behind the building adjacent to the building. The proposed drive-thru users will be limited to service drive-thru such as a video store, drycleaners or similar type business. No fast-foot or food service users will be allowed. The proposed service users will have a.minimal need for stacking, so previous concerns regarding this site are no longer applicable. Staff Analysis Staff has review the Conditional Use request and finds that the proposed service drive-thru users will not have a great need for stacking. The applicant has shown that there is stacking distance for two cars along side the building. Additional stacking may back up around the back of the building, but with the type of users proposed, the additional stacking will probably not be used, and if it is, it will be for a brief time as located on the side of the building between the columns. If a drive patrons can be processed faster than through a food service drive-thru. The drive-thru window will be -thru door is proposed, it will be architecturally incorporated into the window area on that side of the building. It shall also be noted to the applicant that revised plans shall be submitted.to the Building Department for approval. Site Plan and Elevations The plan shows one building approximately 13,490 square feet placed in the center of the site with the majority of parking in front of the building off of Il Route 120. Additional parking and the dumpster location is provided behind the building. The site has one entrance from Il Route 120. It also shows a future possible tie into the adjacent property to the cast. The front elevation contains significant File#Z-663 Pagel of 3 Community Development Department Report File#Z-663 January 19,2006 architectural details with each tenant having a window front. There are also columns, lights and canopies evenly spaced across the front of the building. The.column elements have carried over to the sides of the building. The east elevation contains 3 regular columns and 2 canopies over the window fronts, whereas the west elevation has the proposed drive-thru windows, a reduced depth column and the two regular columns and only one canopy over the window front. The side elevations do not provide a consistent symmetry in the architecture. The rear elevation is lacking any architectural details. Conditional Use Permit A Conditional Use Permit is required to allow a drive-thru tenant in the C-5 zoning district. There is no specific user for this drive-thin. Staff has reviewed the request based on Table 31 Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses in the Zoning Code. 1. Traffic Analysis. The addition of this drive-thru tenant will slightly increase the vehicle traffic at this location. The.request meets this requirement. 2. Environmental Nuisance. This drive-thru use will not create glare, dust, odor, blockage of light or air, significant noise or other adverse envirorunental effects of a type of degree not characteristic of Permitted Uses in the zoning district. The request meets this requirement. 3. Neighborhood Character. This proposed drive-thru use could fit harmoniously with the man- made character of the surrounding areas as other users in the C-5 Zoning District have drive-thru facilities. This request meets this requirement. 4. Public Services and Facilities. The proposed drive-thru use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of Permitted Uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area. This request meets this requirement. 5. Public Safety and Health. The proposed drive-thru use will not be detrimental to the safety of the employees, patrons, or visitors on this site. This request meets this requirement. 6. Other Factors. The limiting of the possible users for the drive-thru has eliminated staff s concerns regarding stacking and safety. This request meets this requirement. Staff supports the requested Conditional Use Permit. Staff Recommendation Prior to Public Hearing Conditional Use Permit. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-thru use to be limited to a non food service user. Staff finds that the requirements in Chapter XIV Table 31 of the Zoning Code have been met. Attachments • Location Map • Application Packet(Form A and Form C) • Narrative • Site Plan(3 sheets) • Building elevation File#Z-663 Page 2 of 3 Community Development Department Report File #Z-663 January 19, 2006 ot 1 1 r•' � 11} 1 w- cl , � rw �r 11 +r ter•+ I �-- •"''�,,Y 1 1 ;'✓ S '1 IJ 't�,ra�� r J R>;i r � t 1 i i l�.+l �• I .I I p_Ij t� � f rf, I Subject Site k-'.�..�• ---�-.__ •��- 1 1 1 / .� � r r♦ r 1 fi r r k p,, ��J I'^ �S✓ ;sa •~--y/, y '1 _1 L7i f ---------- ---------7_-T-_T_-_-_--__----___-- -__-__ ----------------- LOCATION MAP File#Z-663 Page 3 of 3 City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting January 19, 2006 Chairman Howell called the January 19, 2006 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Panning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. In attendance were commissioners Buhrman (who arrived at 7:31 p.m.), Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Also in attendance were Planner Zeller,Attorney Cahill,Community Development Department Secretary Oliver. Approval of Minutes Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2006 regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting as presented. Voting Aye: Buhrman,Cadotte,Ekstrom, Howell,Nadeau, Schepler,Thacker. Voting Nay: None Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: None Agenda Packets Discussion General discussion occurred regarding timeliness of agenda packet delivery.Planner Zeller noted the ten-day lead time was a requirement established by the City's Plan Commission. She stated the City Council currently receives agenda packets six days prior to their meetings. She also noted the Community Development Committee receives agenda packets five days prior to committee meetings. Planner Zeller stated the difficulty in delivering Packets ten days prior to commission meetings would be the delay of minute's approval as they would not be ready for inclusion in packets ten days prior to the next meeting. Commissioner Thacker stated he appreciates getting the packets on Friday. Commissioners Schepler, Cadotte and Nadeau concurred. In response to Chairman Howell's inquiry, the commissioners agreed packet delivery on the Friday preceding the Commission meeting was satisfactory. Public Hearing—MD Development File No. Z-663 Conditional Use Permit Chairman Howell at 7:35 p.m. called to order the Public Hearing for File No. Z-663, an application for a conditional use permit to allow a drive-thru establishment at 2210 West Route 120, as requested by Michael Baglio of MD Development. Chairman Howell stated notice of the Public Hearing appeared in the Northwest Herald on December 24, 2005. A Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Certified notices were mailed to all abutting owners of record. Certified receipts as well as an Affidavit of Service of Notification Requirements are on file in the City Clerk's Office. In attendance representing the applicant were Michael Baglio of MD Development and John Swierk of Direct Design who were sworn in by Chairman Howell. Mr, Swierk addressed the commissioners and noted the site plan design for the subject property 1 11---- - ----- -0--] --._..--..--_1...,4- .i..:..,. 4-L....., r.,:l:4- —,U — n A—, n1 mn"a, Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 2006 Page 2 Planner Zeller reported Staff had worked with the applicants to revise the initial request previously presented to the Commission. The request before the Commission this evening limits the drive-thru facility to a non-food service user. Planner Zeller noted a non-food service user does not typically utilize as many stacking spaces as a food service/restaurant would. The proposed two-vehicle stacking area along the side of the building should be adequate for such a use.Planner Zeller stated Staff recommends approval of the request. In response to an inquiry regarding the turning radius at the comer of the building, Mr. Swierk responded that a UPS truck could make the turn. Responding to inquiries regarding a possible restaurant being located in the strip center and the adequacy of parking for such a use, Mr. Swierk stated the applicant is not yet certain of any tenants. If a restaurant is proposed, adequate prig would be required. Planner Zeller stated Staff works with plans submitted and determines if there is enough parking for the types of businesses being proposed. Commissioners suggested all four disabled parking spaces should be located in front of the building. Responding to a question regarding internal traffic patterns, Mr. Swierk stated signage would be utilized as well a lane striping to direct motorists through the drive-thru area. In response to an inquiry,Mr.Baglio noted a sidewalk along Route 120 is included on the site plane plan and that it would be installed in conjunction with the monolithic curbs which are required by IDOT. In response to questions regarding signage on the premises Mr. Baglio stated there would be a single strip center sign with individual logo-type signs on the building. In response to Chairman Howell's inquiry,there was no one in the audience wishing to comment or ask questions regarding the application. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau,to recommend to City Council with regard to File No. Z-663 a request for conditional use permit to allow a drive-thru facility for a non-food service user on the property located at 2210 West Route 120 as submitted by MD Development, be granted; and that Table 31,the Approval Criteria for Conditional Use Permits, pages 356-357 of the Zoning Ordinance,has been met. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom,Howell,Nadeau, Schepler,Thacker. Voting Nay: None Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: None Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 7:50. Public Hearing-Enterprise Rent-A-Car File No - Z-664 Conditional Use Permit Chairman Howell at 7:51 p.m. called to order a Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-664, an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow outside storage of vehicles on the property 1. --4-.A m+*101)A Want Pmi+A 110 me milkmittwi 'kv RntPrnvicP Rent-A_C'.Rr. Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 2006 Page 3 Chairman Howell stated notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on January 1, 2006. A Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Certified notices were mailed to all abutting owners of record. Certified receipts as well as an Affidavit of Service of Notification Requirements are on file in the City Clerk's Office. In attendance was Gina Frizzo of Enterprise Rent-A-Car who was sworn in by Chairman Howell. Ms. Frizzo stated vehicles are parked and not stored on the subject property.Vehicles are rented out by Enterprise Rent-A-Car and customers return them to the premises. Sometimes the vehicles are parked on the site overnight. Ms. Frizzo noted the high turnover rate of the vehicles due to the nature of the vehicle rental business. In response to Chairman Howell's inquiry, Planner Zeller stated the building on the site is currently vacant. Planner Zeller noted the conditional use permit is required to provide for the occasional storage of vehicles on the premises for a 24-hour period or longer. She stated the vehicles would have no adverse affect on the area and that it would be good to have the building occupied. Responding to a question regarding the number of vehicles expected to be stored on the site, Frizzo stated most customers are local and would rent vehicles while their own cars are being repaired. She expected no more than seven or eight vehicles would be stored outside on the premises.Responding to further inquiry,Ms Frizzo stated employees take the cars home at night. Some discussion followed regarding the hours of operation and security measures which would be implemented. In response to an inquiry, Ms. Frizzo noted a cross-access easement agreement exists with Gerber Auto Repair, the business located on Lot 12. Ms. Frizzo anticipates a spring 2006 opening of the business. She stated a free-standing pole sign would be located on the site. In response to Chairman Howell's inquiry,there was no one in the audience wishing to comment or present questions regarding the application. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, to recommend to City Council with regard to File No. Z-664, a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Outside Storage of Vehicles on the property located at 3004 West Route 120, as submitted by Enterprise Rent-A-Car, be granted; and that Table 31, the Approval Criteria for Conditional Use Permits, pages 356-357 of the Zoning Ordinance,has been met. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom,Howell,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: None Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 8:02. Other Business Planning and Zoning Commission January 19, 2006 Page 4 A lengthy discussion occurred regarding traffic congestion on Route 120 due to Taco Bell/Long John Silver's. Planner Zeller noted there are no zoning violations involved. The traffic is the result of the new restaurant opening. Questions were raised regarding Wendy's, Advance Auto, and the SW corner of Crystal Lake Road and Rte 120. Planner Zeller reported she has received inquiries regarding the Wendy's site. The City's engineer is currently reviewing the engineering plans for Advanced Auto. Discussion followed regarding The Whale's Tail,Water Tower Marina,the O'Halleran property and pockets of land that are not in the City. Adj ournment Motion by Cadott, seconded by Nadeau to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom,Howell,Nadeau, Schepler,Thacker. Voting Nay: None Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: None Motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15p.m. Respectfully submitted, KathleenM. Kunzer,Deputy Clerk Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary C:Mayor,Aldermen,City Administrator,City Clerk.City Attorney,City Planner,City Engineers,Applicants,Landmark Commission Chairman, Chicago Tribune,Northwest Herald,Aldermen Conference Room,File Copy. FORM A File Number PUBLIC HEAPMG AMICATION Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Street o McHenry,IL 60050 ,Tel-.(815)363-2170 Fax:(815)363-217ff 3ii ll ( 1�a Tel Name of Appli 1. N cant ` NFZMZ k Fax_ s - � Address 11b Tel 2. Navie of Property Owner (��, Lam., �12 i other than Applicant)�1(�� '�a1- t � Fa •J Address �`-� y •L el � � 1 3. Naze of Engineer Fax &S---�_7 {t� (if represented�,� Address Tel 4, Name of Attorney (if represented) , r Fax Address �(� �•� � S• Common Address or Location of Property r 09 ' fo ° '7 6, gequested Actions) (check all that apply) Z=ing Variance-Minor Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning) 1/Conditional Use Permit Zoning Text Amendment Zoning Variance _Other Provide a brief description of the Requested Action(s). For example, the operation that requires a • Conditional Use Permit,the specific Zoning Variance needed, or the new zoning classification that's requested: k��,,++//� �'���1�1•L V�� �b-�- � , `t C� �r i.� -�- car 't�.,� �►`1V� �• a-��o ?age I of 3, FORM A U"�0 ? r Current Use of Property l i ` �t.. 8 f Property,Including Variances or Conditional Uses current ZoniUCI cation o 9, went Zoning Classification an�d1 Laud Use of Adjoining Properties South. Otxwk . East. West: ' 10. Required Attachments(check all items submitted) please refer to the Public Hearing Requirements Checklist to determine the required attachments. Application Fee(amount)$ Narrative Description of Request FORM A—Public Hearing Application 4. FORM B—Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning) Application J5. FORM C—Conditional Use Application 6. FORM D—Zoning Variance Application �7. Proof of Ownership and/or Written Consent from Property Owner in the Form of an Affidavit _.S. Plat of Survey with Legal Description � List of Owners of all Adjoining Properties _ O. Public Hearing Notice 1. Sign(Provided by the City,to be posted by the Applicant) Site Flan Landscape Plan _14. Architectural Rendering of Building Elevations _15. Performance Standards Certification _16. Traffic Analysis _17. School Impact Analysis 11. Disclvsu7e of Interest signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Appli�t must be the owner 'fhe ply € $ option holder of the subject or Estee of record, trust beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or op property or his or her agent or nominee. -'icant is Not Owner the application. shall disclose the If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, pP legal capacity of the Applicant and the full name, address,and telephone number of the owner(s). In addition,an affidavit of the owners(s) shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has the authority from the owners(s)to make the application. pgt�licant or Owner is Corooration or?artnershin the Applicant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land trust is a•-• If corporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name and address of the corporation's officers, directors,and registered agents, or the partnership's general partners and those shareholders or limited partners owning in excess of five percent of the outstanding stock or interest in the corporation or interest shared by the limited partners. -'icant ar Owner is a land Trust If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address, telephone number,and extent of interest of each beneficiary shall be disclosed in the application. I'), certification I hereby certify that I am aware of all code requirementsbed h in appli City of McHtionenry A comply at relate to this s property and that the proposed use or development such codes. I hereby request that a public hearing to consider this application be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission,and thereafter that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for the adoption of an ordinance(s) granting the requested action(s), including any modifications to this application or conditions of approval recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals or City Council. c;�natvre of Auulic�sL PrintName and Designation of Applicant(s) FORM C Pile Number CONDITIONAL USE PER?= Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Street G McHenry,IL 60050 c Tel:(915)363-2170 Fax:(915) 363-2173 Table 31 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance provides that in recommending approval or conditional approval of a Conditional Use Permit,the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written fbidiags that all of the conditions listed below apply to the requested action. eas to Mond to each of these conditions as it relates to your reauest- ra c ,ray adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minin-azed. ' rr.rironmental Nuisance Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust,waste disposal,blockage of light or air, or other adverse enviro �tal effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district have been appro y controlled. z e i ood Character The proposed use will tit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its surroundings and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character existing in the area or normally as ciated w permitted uses. the district. ' zl '�S �S q OV d public Services and Facilities The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district,'nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or f ' 'ties,in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area. c Public Safety and Health The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated the use nor of the general public in the vicinity. a� 6; Other Factors The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the Conditional Use and its panic lar location V f. �,r� ICJ U1 MDDEVELOPMENT INC . MY ��AA9 518 S. Route 31 Suite 250 In ■ M c H e n r y 1 :11inoi s 6 0 0 5 0 ■ 847-401-0501 a 815-363-9731 0 Conditional Use Permit Request McHenry Retail Center 2210 W.Route 120 McHenry,IL 60050 File#7,463 This request is hereby being re-applied for a Conditional Use Permit to accomadate a drive-thru conditioned on its use for a drycleaners with a sliding glass door to be incorporated to the glass window opening to the west side of the building located near the front or southern direction of the building.The intent would be of this nature as well as a video store with a ample drop box for returns only,or similar type use and for variances to both the stacking distance and the parking drive aisle behind the building.Tbank you for your consideration in regards to this request. Sincerely, Michael A.Baglio MD Development,Inc. ti sq•sz'�4' 0°' "ors WAr sum on SULDR c mu aw Posr PROPOSED RETAIL BUILDING �a MW 7NRU LANE 13,490 SQ. FT. Ff F-104.00 h 4 • 'DO NOT OM" SICK ON B=MC AND ON PW a N Q I9 N 89.46'57' E 251.94' BENCHMARK 8WU7H oT wmWD OF THMT Rly ASSUMED ELEVAMN-IOMOO ROUTE 120 � p � - n �''��A,h-,aat=� �k '_r� d"�r�,S +_ n ��4r� r� Y�ltr'�•t`�a;w e o - r h 1■■ f `r ee III 111 I11 111 111�111.:�i11 . - w Z G O ii s W cp MQ ME Ai0 • oftimom s _� ! 2 A' 1 J CAIGIttf! 0 r l�d.LA�RD�.fib• -� o . WWI ow Oe'1oN � aA A IV. I J fAcHENRY RETAIL CENTER 1 i• ! I 1plz FQOrAM N , 104 I„4s•. FLOOR PLAN 102 lOT*9t. 6Gdlb VD,•1•0" 100 St. rcwMaua 104 Ip02 5t. UM.Y POOK IO3 t•IOO OP. •� rA y ;t ti4i 107 1376 sr. -------- _ . .. Irsa 19'Tb sr. _ 4 ENLARGED PIER DETAIL a-os w• xolmgoerMxe WSW d sr ANAi K►nr�t+ulma a r r Vruff MWA S T N TYPES :5;: NC }JO ORAL frwo TO OAACI I .-(• ;` �•• ?S 4•}.J, �� ,~ A•" '•:� R IT CK Q M!r/�/. Q I'lrAl.�OOr ' 4 � Tu lw TAIL x-osmmom S � (,,ENLARGED PIER DETAIL ry °cu° Kac a b s�4•.r o� y p •L.TTD eNvt@+s FULL la"I W" ew e sc.V.Ei 5/4'.I�-0• �{�►`il��7 i y ' sua TYY!% At1pWT7pt 510•TM aw.OOAM O.*IZ f x OTP 00 i.•� 20"HR. �w ATTp1MAATp 3�2f&Ir ewe w of- W-A"M s /lfltlf�•dolr;l SW,Wo& ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DRIVE-THRU,AT 2210 WEST ELM STREET IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City by Michael Baglio requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru use as part of the inline retail development for the property legally described on "Exhibit A",attached hereto and incorporated herein;the"SUBJECT PROPERTY",and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on January 19,2006, in the manner prescribed by ordinance and statute; and WHEREAS, as a result of said hearing, the vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission recommending approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit was unanimously approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence and recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission and finds that the approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the objectives of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety,morals and general welfare of its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the SUBJECT PROPERTY be granted a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive- thru in substantial accordance with the site plan prepared by the applicant, attached hereto as Exhibit B, provided, however,that a drive-thru shall only be allowed for a non-food service user. SECTION 2: In granting said Conditional Use Permit, the City Council finds that requirements of Table 31 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met in that: 1. The requested use will not adversely impact traffic not otherwise typical for permitted uses in the zoning district; 2. The requested use will not create an environmental nuisance with any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air not otherwise typically of permitted uses in the zoning district; 3. The requested use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of the surrounding area; 4. The requested use will not require community facilities or services not otherwise typical for permitted uses in the zoning district; 5. The requested use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees,patrons or visitors associated with the use,nor the general public in the vicinity; and 6. The requested use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the conditional use and its particular location. 1 SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF 92006 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,2006 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 2 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Subject Property PAR T10T PART OF THE NORTHEM-iT 9 4 OF °o HP T N L'YWJ Q,R'tM OF A NE. 00 FEET TH.AND PARAU L., TO, THE ; THE NORTH QNE OF SECTt( *, a .11� �= WF197 OF THE OR'1"HEA8T O NtR � 8AI ��:�'1{��#; T�i��t�P 'U�f H ( ' IDEG EES' MINUTEt f As-r 162.40 F ET,10 A POINT:1-501 Ft's C)R�+# o 17HE CENTERLINEO3. I l ; THIE14 G WEST .t NE; .UO FtE� C PTA () T)4E:CEN TEF�11NE 6P R0 -TE 1,20,. t e HENCE NOR" AT.RIWr ANGL68 7: THE:LAST��`•�1�E�L�1�E �'L'+�.d�""� . NTH 4,1 'C3f t # ' 11 � REg1,N i#t!slG Its# �4cmth!RY COUWY, ILL►l ols.; T�4AT'P.AiR-rov t °4 "f-t SOOT r� C3UT!^ 1 EAST T , d a ft t." E � T O l�+€ '�`�1 �" 1�.��P :�E�� 66M 4 ?4' ' 1 T, EM Lim F S" ' " t1 ,. C �1 t d:ES •' T! LAST°DESCR t-INE,256,00 f�EETITHENMSMTI . e' RIGHT ANGLES 1 TO TM LlS"r DES I 0 t.INR 85,15 fEE,T K M 1RE P LfSSr tdO tOUTWLINE OF SAM St+CTI t! �5=_THENCF- EAS a ON 'fi'4 S U` H, LINE OF SECTON 26K 258.00 FELT 10 THE Pl.Aat F, SE 3N 61wt , IN 3 EXHIBIT B Site Plan On File with the City Clerk 4 ,r ut y. 1�. np 9 t .1 ��ji;�}Stisa o �I �fr! f y TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: February 20,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Zoning Map Amendment from E,Estate District to RS-2,Medium Density Single- Family Residential District,2623 Lincoln Road Applicant: Randy Lively ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDD Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, 1/5/06 3. Letter of Opposition from David and Leanne Miller 4. Application Packet STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To deny the requested Zoning Map Amendment from E, Estate to RS-2,Medium Density Single-Family Residential District,for 1.3 acres located at 2623 Lincoln Road. Description of Request The applicant is requesting approval of a Zoning Map Amendment from E, Estate to RS-2, Medium Density Single-Family Residential District,for 1.3 acres located at 2623 Lincoln Road. The property is currently developed with a single-family home. The applicant has indicated that if the map amendment is approved, he would split the property into two lots. This split is allowed without a subdivision plat by an exception in the State Plat Act. The lot with the existing home would be approximately 154' x 193' (30,426 sf.). The new lot would be approximately 81' x 193' (15,209 sf.). Both would conform to the RS-2 bulk requirements. Staff Analysis Although Staff initially expressed concerns about the proposed RS-2 zoning for this site, the original recommendation was to approve the requested map amendment. Subsequent to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and after considerable discussion with the City Attorney, Staff now is justified in denying the map amendment because the applicant does not meet all of the criteria for a zoning map amendment, specifically 1 and 4. Criterion one is compatible with use or zoning of environs. The lots on the south side of Lincoln Road are generally larger than would be the newly created lot-if the zoning was approved. Also,criterion 4 is furthers public interest. We believe that this zoning does not and only furthers the interest of the applicant. He would receive the zoning, split and sell the lot. Criterion 4 specifically states: "The proposed zoning classification promotes the public interest and not solely the interest of the applicant". Therefore, this zoning map amendment should really not be approved. The applicant is simply splitting his lot for economic purposes and this is not a justifiable reason for a zoning map amendment. It would create, proportionately more traffic on Lincoln Road, which is a minor arterial and generally not be consistent with the lot sizes on the south side of Lincoln Road. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation During the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, a representative from District 15 and nearby property owners expressed their objections to the proposed rezoning. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended denial of the proposed map amendment. Community Development Department Report File#Z-661 January 5,2006 Applicant Randy Lively 2623 Lincoln Road McHenry,IL 60050 Requested Action Zoning Map Amendment from E Estate District to RS-2 Medium-Density Single-Family Residential Site Information Location and Size of Property The subject property is 1.3 acres located on Lincoln Road. Comprehensive Plan Designation Low-Density Residential Existing Zoning and Land Use The subject property is currently zoned E,Estate District Adjacent Zoning and Land Use North: RS-2,Medium-Density Single-Family Residential,Liberty Trails South: A-1,Agriculture(McHenry County) East: E,Estate District, school district property West: E,Estate District,school district property Description of Request The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment from E, Estate District to RS-2 Medium-Density Single-Family Residential to allow the subdivision of the property in order to construct a second single- family residence. Staff Analysis Zoning Map Amendment The Zoning Map Amendment to RS-2 Medium-Density Single-Family Residential will bring this site into conformance with the surrounding area and is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. RS-2 allows the Owner to construct a single-family residence on this site. City Staff evaluated this request according to the Zoning Map Amendment requirements: 1. Compatible with Use or Zoning of Environs. The existing properties to the west are all large lot single-family residences. The Eastwood Manner subdivision to the east contains typical 80' wide lots fronting on Lincoln Road. The Liberty Trails subdivision to the north contains typical 80' wide lots backing to Lincoln Road. The proposed RS-2 zoning will be compatible with adjacent Liberty Trails RS-2 zoning to the north and the proposed single-family residence will be compatible with the adjacent uses. This request meets this requirement. 2. Supported by Trend of Development. This use will follow the trend of other residential development in the area. This request meets this requirement. 3. Consistent with Comprehensive Plan Objectives. The Land Use designation for this area is Low- Density Residential,which allows up to 4 units per acre. This rezoning is still in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. This request meets this requirement. 4. Furthers Public Interest. The rezoning of the property will allow the applicant to construct a second single-family residence. This request meets this requirement. File#Z-661 Pagel of 3 Community Development Department Report File# Z-661 January 5,2006 Staff Concerns Staff is concerned with the re-subdivision of the property. Currently the property is zoned E, Estate District and has a single-family residence in the middle of the lot. The new proposed lot will cause the existing house to be placed extremely close to the east property line. This will cause the property to look out of place. Access to the newly created lot will be restricted to the school's drive easement. The new lot will be too close to the curve radius to safely install a driveway. The applicant has provided documentation that the new property will be able to obtain access from that drive easement. The existing developed residence has a double driveway. This driveway configuration is allowable if it meets two conditions, minimum 100' of frontage on the roadway and if there is 50' between the two drives. This driveway does meet the minimum frontage requirement, but there is only about 36' between the two drives at the property line. It is noted as a concern by staff that one of the drives should be removed to create a better situation along Lincoln Road and to off set the impact of the newly created lot. Overall, Staff supports the requested Zoning Map Amendment. It shall be noted that this property is subject to an annexation agreement which requires a donation of $546 per residential unit at time of issuance of building permit. Also a donation of $1733 ($983 for School District 15, $693 for School District 156 and $58 for the library) at the time of issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Staff Recommendation Prior to Public Hearing Zoning Map Amendment. Approval of the Zoning Map Amendment from E, Estate District to RS-2 Medium-Density Single-Family Residential, subject to the following conditions: 1) A recorded plat of subdivision shall be provided to the city, 2) No access shall be granted to this lot from Lincoln Road Staff finds that the requirements in Chapter XVI Table 33 of the Zoning Code have been met. Attachments • Location Map • Application Packet • Existing site survey • Plat of Subdivision • Photos of property File#Z-661 Page 2 of 3 Community Development Department Report File# Z-661 January 5, 2006 zz— W 40101 , x,. a ■ ■ vo Ti. � V ��'�' , , :06N TER. ��t e■ -__.. i y - a ru. .�a+ � tt'� 4 1y 1[4•4Li � � t , L H [ - [ c C t t 1*r�N ® ~ r''•,� cr O z7 'aJ a ■ w. a !. a.� mm nil 100 100 120 ' 44 A.O. I. t , , ma , mm =2 a a ■ T- - Subject Site ; 14 1m' ----- ; f 1. a,+ a ■ .,L N 1d(I B; , FAJR)AE'JV q a ,w ■ ■ 1 1 --- --- 1 1 a 1 �[ •s 44, 1 1 1 ^,C�,rt�!• � �� k�k , aIt , •411 t W ------------- , t J 1 , - , I , d 1 1 1 1 Y .+' '•Y •apr' '•W . 1 ma t =m Y1 'ST B * •�� '�.f ��r LOCATION MAP File#Z-661 Page 3 of 3 P&Z Commission January 5, 2006 Page 2 arking layout and number of spaces provided dscape Plan has not been provided 5. Li ' g/Photometric Plan has not been provided 6.Lot c ination has not been completed and recorded with the Co 7. Quality ngineering Plans submitted 8. Adequate ri -of-way designated for Ringwood Road 9. Detention 10. Grading 11. Sanitary Sewer Se 12. Storm Water Plan. er Zeller noted in light o e deficie in the applicant's submittal, Staff s r ommending denial of the requests ap endment and lot width variance at this recommends approval of the 200-foo um lot width variance. e Commission asked if the applic was vvt to address Staff s concerns. Mr. Ne t r lied that he was if he was give ore time. P er Zeller suggested giving the applic t e weeks to return revised pl d to continue this g to the March 2,2006 commis n eting. tion by Cadotte, see o d by Thacker, to recessthe Public g regarding File No Z- 6 t arch 2, 2006 con ' ent upon Staff reviewing revised plans by y 26, 2006. V g Aye: B an, Cadotte,Nadeau, Schepler. V g Nay: om,Howell,Thacker. Voting: one. .. stainin • None. sent, None t' carried 4-3. Public Hearing—Randy Lively File No. Z•661 2623 Lincoln Road-May Amendment Chairman Howell at 7:50.m. convened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-661 for a map amendment to RS-2 for the property located at 2623 Lincoln Road as filed by Randy Lively. Chairman Howell stated notice of Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on December 19, 2005. Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk's office. Notices were mailed to all abutting property owners of record. Certified mailing receipts are on file in the City Clerk's Office. An affidavit of compliance with all'notification requirements is on file as well. Chairman Howell swore in applicant Randy Lively. Also in attendance were the following who expressed interest in this request: P&Z Commission January 5, 2006 Page 3 1. Bob Ungaro,District 15, 1011 N Green Street McHenry 2. David Miller, 2717 W Lincoln Road McHenry 3. Suzanne and Bill Kotomski, 2619 W Lincoln Road McHenry. Planner Zeller provided the Commission with the Staff Report regarding the proposed map amendment. She noted the property is comprised of 1.3 acres and is improved with a single family home. If the request is granted, the applicant intends to construct a second single family dwelling on a new subdivided piece of the property. Planner Zeller stated Staff supports the request as it meets the requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Howell opened the floor to questions and comments by the audience. Each person who spoke was sworn in by Chairman Howell prior to their speaking and/or making comments. Bob Ungaro, School District 15, stated that Mr. Lively does not have the legal right to access the easement. The school district has concerns for the school buses and the safety of the children. In response to a question from Chairman Howell,Mr. Ungaro acknowledged he did not have advice from the school district's attorney. Suzanne Kotomski, 2619 Lincoln Road, objected to the plan to add another home to the lot. She addressed drainage issues, safety of the children, and placement of a home on the lot. Mr. Lively responded that the school district had alleviated the drainage issue when they did the improvements to the easement and that he is very aware of the presence of the school buses and children as his children attend the school. David Miller, 2717 Lincoln Road, had submitted a letter dated January 2, 2006. He expressed concern for the placement of the home, chopping the lot in two, and the potential for the driveway creating safety problems for the school. Chairman Howell read Mr. Miller's letter(attached as Exhibit A) into the record. Attorney Cahill requested time to review documents to determine if Mr. Lively had an easement that would permit a driveway. Chairman Howell called for a five-minute recess at 8:12 p.m. The hearing reconvened at 8:18 .m. with all members still in attendance. Attorney Cahill stated whoever owns the property described on the plat of survey has the right to access the easement. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to recommend to City Council that with regard to File No. Z-661, a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to RS-2 Medium Density Single Family Residential Zoning District for the property located at 2623 Lincoln Road be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. A recorded plat of subdivision shall be provided to the City; 2. No Access from Lincoln Road shall be granted to the second lot; P&Z Commission January 5, 2006 Page 4 Iable 33, th—eApproval - Ordinance,has been met. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte. Voting Nay: Ekstrom, Howell,Nadeau, Schepler,Thacker. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion failed 2-5. Motion by Ekstrom, seconded by Schepler, to recommend the denial of the request by Randy Lively for a map amendment to RS-2 Medium Density Single-Family Residential District for the property located at 2623 Lincoln Road. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom,Howell,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 8:43 p.m. Public Hearin$—Home State Bank 31 andTamond Drive—Conditional Use Permit and Variance an Howell at 8:44 p.m. opened a Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-662, an ap do r itional use permit to allow a drive-thru facility at a financial institution varianc allow a oot setback for a proposed ATM kiosk on the Home State B perty locate the intersects Diamond Drive and Route 31. hairman Howell stated n of this Public Hearing was publis n the Northwest Herald n ecember 12, 2005. A Certific Publication is on file ' e City Clerk's Office. Noti s ere mailed to all abutting property o of record. Ce d mailing receipts are on file in e ity Clerk's Office. An affidavit of comp h otifscation requirements is also on f attendance representing the applicant Jame bon of Home State Bank and ian eno,Architect for Home State Bank were swom in 'rman Howell. Tanner Zeller provided the 'ssioners with a Staff Report regar a request. . Zambon and no presented their plans to the Commission. uestions raised regarding the appearance of the ATM drive-up. Some discussion ed egar d' a similarities to the Home State Bank facility on Prime Parkway. Attorney S el EXHIBIT "A" David B. and Leanne R. Miller 2717 West Lincoln Road "'1eHenfy it-6G050 January 2, 2006 John Howell, Chairman McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Dear Sir, This letter is in reference to Public Hearing Notice/File Z-661, the application of Randy and Tracey Lively to subdivide the property at 2623 Lincoln Road in McHenry. We are strongly opposed to this action for the following reasons: First, Mr. Lively should have put more thought into the positioning of his residence when it was built. He nicely placed it in the middle of the existing piece of property. If selling off a portion of this property was his intent down the road, he should have built his home centered on the western half of the property. As .positioned now, the sidewalk of the home abuts the proposed lot line. This is aesthetically unappealing. One look around the immediate neighborhood finds that the neighbor to the south is a one-plus acre parcel, and the multiple neighbors to the west are also one-plus acre parcels. Chopping this lot as proposed does not fit in with the current class of Estate. If both the city and the county put time, effort and money into the planning and zoning of properties, it should not be changed frivolously. In this case, on a whim and potential economic gain of one whose home is up for sale, an obvious sign he has no long-term interest and concern for the neighborhood. Additionally, no matter where the proposed driveway is placed, it poses safety issues for the school traffic, and congestion at best. Finally, but not conclusively, the negative economic impact on our school district far outweighs the added tax revenue it will receive from this undesirable rezoning.. As neighbors in close proximity for over 30 years, we strongly oppose this zoning change and ask that the commission deny this request. Sincerely, Dave and Leanne Miller FORMA FileNuinber Z-66 PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Street a McHenry,IL 60050 a Tel:(815)363-2170 a Fax.:(815)363-2173 1. Name of Applicant i`` Tel 8)� Address,I,(4 Ll*. �,c d,.I 14t;q� Fax 2. Name of Property Owner Tel (if other than Applicant) Address Fax 3, Name of Engineer t1c�' i Tel LS= (If represented) ,,rr Address �I l� , o , y .. E Li-► ,� CtENfr- Fax 4. Name of Attorney ry Tel (if represented) Address Fax 5. Common Address or Location of Property 6, Requested Action(s)(check all that apply) }� Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning) _Zoning Variance-Minor —Conditional Use Permit _Zoning Text Amendment Zoning Variance . + Other Provide a brief description of the Requested Action(s). For example, the operation that requires a Conditional Use Permit,the specific Zoning Variance needed, or the new zoning classification that is requested: 7, Current Use of Property i l , • ''� 8. Current Zoning Classification of Property,Including Variances or Conditional Uses 9, Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoining Properties North: _ - "�,c� -- - South: East: West: t 1 t 10, Required Attachments(check all items submitted) Please refer to the Public Hearing Requirements Checklist to determine the required attachments. _I. Application Fee(amount)$ 2. Narrative Description of Request __3. FORM A—Public Hearing Application _4. FORM B—Zoning Map Amendment(Rezoning) Application __5. FORM C—Conditional Use Application _6. FORM D—Zoning Variance Application _ _,.,7. Proof of Ownership and/or Written Consent from Property Owner in the Form of an Affidavit r8, Plat of Survey with Legal Description _9. List of Owners of all Adjoining Properties _I0. Public Hearing Notice _l 1. Sign(Provided by the City,to be posted by the Applicant) —12, Site Plan _13. Landscape Plan _14. Architectural Rendering of Building Elevations _15. Performance Standards Certification _l6. Traffic Analysis _17, School Impact Analysis ^^^' X " Paaa 7 of I 11. Disclosure of Interest The party signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Applicant must be the owner or trustee of record, trust beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or option holder of the subject property or his or her agent or nominee. Applicant is Not Owner If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, the application shall disclose the legal capacity of the Applicant and the full name,address, and telephone number of the owner(s). In addition, an affidavit of the owners(s) shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has the authority from the owners(s)to make the application. Appl'cant or Owner is Corporation or Partnership If the Applicant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land trust is a corporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name and address of the corporation's officers, directors, and registered agents, or the partnership's general partners and those shareholders or limited partners owning in excess of five percent of the outstanding stock or interest in the corporation or interest shared by the limited partners. Applicant or Owner is a land Trust If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof, the full name, address, telephone number,and extent of interest of each beneficiary shall be disclosed in the application. 12. Certification I hereby certify that I am aware of all code requirements of the City of McHenry that relate to this property and that the proposed use or development described in this application shall comply with all such codes. I hereby request that a public hearing to consider this application be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and thereafter that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for the adoption of an ordinances) granting the requested action(s), including any modifications to this application or conditions of approval recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals or City Council. Sio tur�e of Applicant(s) print Name and Designation of Applicant(s) �.�• ! �f1f7G. • /fit Z FORMS File Numb'�a to ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Street a McHenry,M 60050 o Tel: (815)363-2170 o Fax:(815)363.2173 Table 33 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance provides that in recommending approval of a Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning), the Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written findings that all of the conditions listed below apply to the requested action. Plea :respond to each of these conditions as it relates to your request 1 Comuatible with Use or Zoning of Environs The proposed use(s) or the uses permitted under the proposed zoning classification are compatible with existing uses or existing zoning of property in the environs. 2 Supported by Trend of Develc�ment The trend of development in the general area since the original zoning of the affected property was established supports the proposed use(s)or zoning classification. 3 Consistent with Comprehensive Plan Objectives The proposed uses)or zoning classification is in harmony with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City as viewed in light of any changed conditions since the adoption of the Plan. 4, Furthers Public Interest l The proposed use(s) or zoning classification promotes the public interest and not solely the interest of the applicant. ' - &wA41 E M OF PAVEMENT EASEMENT / 12" QUA DATE: 10/05/05 CHCWD BY: LAND TECHNOLOGY, INC. (815)363-9200 5116 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, IL 60050 LOCATION: CLIENT: DRAWING NUMBER: W HENRY LIVELY 05-458 1 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: February 20,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan Applicant: City of McHenry ATTACHMENT: Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: To direct staff to schedule a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration of the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan. Background On October 18, 2005, the Community Development Committee recommended that staff proceed to City Council with a draft of the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan. Staff had been working with the Committee for several months preparing the plan language. Sub-Area Plan The Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area is bounded by Hanley on the north and Dartmoor Drive on the South. Staff and the Committee looked at existing conditions in the Sub-Area and developed an overall goal for future development and redevelopment. Objectives for transportation and land use were then drafted and refined. Staff completed several exhibits depicting existing and proposed land uses and transportation enhancements. This Sub-Area Plan is needed to guide future development of the area to ensure its quality and compatibility with the surrounding area. Staff is seeking direction from the City Council to schedule a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider this plan. Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area Plan Prepared by: Community Development Department City of McHenry 2006 1 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Purpose and Intent 3 Planning Process 3 Comprehensive Plan Compliance 4 Hierarchy of Sub-Area Plan 4 History 5 Sub-Area Boundary 5 Comprehensive Plan Designation 6 Existing McHenry County Zoning 6 Existing City of McHenry Zoning 6 Previous Zoning Requests 7 Crystal Lake Road g Cold Springs Park g Plan Guidelines 10 Implementation of the Plan 10 Overall Goal 10 Transportation Objective 10 Land Use Objective 10 Transportation Planning 10 Land Use Planning 11 Recommendations 13 List of Exhibits EXHIBIT A (existing land uses) EXHIBIT B (existing transportation conditions) EXHIBIT C (final transportation and land use recommendations) 2 INTRODUCTION Purpose and Intent A Sub-Area Plan provides a vision for future development. This Sub-Area Plan has identified the Crystal Lake Road Corridor between Hanley Street and Dartmoor Drive as a unique area in need of more specific planning. Currently, the majority of this area is under McHenry County's jurisdiction and the City has not been involved in the review and approval process of development applications. New development will require annexation into the City's jurisdiction in order to tie into the City's utilities. In order to be prepared for the time when the properties annex and develop, this plan will provide guiding rules to ensure compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods. The City previously conducted a study of this area, the Crystal Lake Road-Corridor Planning Study,which was presented to the City Council in January of 2001. This study focused primarily on transportation issues and outlined 16 recommendations to make the area safer and less congested. The Community Development Committee prioritized these recommendations and several have since been implemented. Unfortunately,these recommendations did not focus on planning activities in the area,including land uses and internal circulation. The intent of this Plan is to guarantee compatibility of land uses and provide safe and efficient internal circulation. The area has evolved over the years from a predominantly residential area,to a diverse, heavily used transportation corridor in the City creating the desire from the property owners to convert quaint residential properties into home businesses or general retail properties. As the area further evolves, the City would like to be in a position to better plan for and control new development and redevelopment of the area. Property owners and developers will be better able to work with the City when they plan for improvement of the property. This Plan will give the City the tools and guidance to retain and enhance existing desirable uses, guide future development to appropriate areas, limit undesirable development and create a pleasing environment. Planning Process In May of 2005, the Community Development Committee first discussed the Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area. The first question asked was why prepare a plan for this area. City Staff and the Committee determined that there were three primary reasons for preparing this plan. First, the area is primarily unincorporated, which gives the City little if any say in how the area develops. The Sub-Area Plan allows the City to implement a strict set of guiding principles for future development, with an appropriate list of acceptable land uses and internal connections between properties. The uses that will be permitted in the commercial and office areas will be more compatible with the neighboring school and residents than typical commercial and office areas. Second, the multitude of curb cuts on Crystal Lake Road compromises safety in the area. The Sub-Area Plan recommends access control standards to consolidate future access points and reduce curb cuts onto Crystal Lake Road. This is the 3 main reason commercial and office zoning is being suggested, to allow development to occur on multiple lots and reduce unwarranted curb cuts improving the traffic circulation of the area. Third, access to Cold Springs Park is severely limited and should be enhanced. Another access into the park is planned along the north side near Ponca and Maryetta, as shown in this plan. The Committee, over the course of several months, established the boundaries of the Sub- Area, defined the overall goal of the plan and developed a list of policies and objectives. Several alternate land use and transportation scenarios were discussed and the following pages are the result of those discussions. The Sub-Area Plan shall be adopted by the City Council and be used by staff to distribute to the general public to help guide future development. Comprehensive Plan Compliance (goals) The City's Comprehensive Plan recommends adopting Sub-Area Plans for certain unique areas within our planning jurisdiction. The Crystal Lake area is identified as part of the Bull- Valley Corridor Sub-Area. The City believes that this area needs additional attention and has broken it out into its own Sub-Area. The Plan will still follow the already established Bull- Valley Corridor Goal,which states: The overall goal is to identify land uses, corridor design standards and access criteria which will guide development so that: • The capacity and safety of the corridor in serving its transportation function are enhanced; • The integrity of residential neighborhoods is respected and, cut-thru traffic is discouraged although street connections between residential neighborhoods are desired; • The environmental and aesthetic character of the corridor is enhanced. Hierarchy of Sub-Area Plan The Zoning Ordinance provides the specific criteria for development; such as; setbacks, height limitations. Zoning Ordinance The Sub-Area Plan provides a more specific guiding vision for an area. Sub-Area Plan The General Plan provides a future guiding vision for development across the City. General Plan 4 HISTORY Sub-Area Boundary The Crystal Lake Road Sub-Area is defined as starting from Hanley on the north to Dartmoor Drive on the south, including the uses on both sides of Crystal Lake Road, east over to Cold Springs Park and including the homes southwest of Lillian Street. Crystal Lake Road " J This exhibit shows a current aerial view of the sub-area and surrounding vicinity. At the far north end is Hanley Street, where the development is predominately residential. Further south, at the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive are commercial land uses, such as: Ace Hardware, First Midwest Bank and the Post Office. South of Royal Drive is the Marathon Gas Station and Alden Terrace, a nursing home and rehabilitation facility adjacent to the McHenry High School West Campus. Across from the High School is a variety of single-family residences and retail or office businesses. It is important to note that many of these single-family homes contain home-based businesses. Behind these lots is Cold Springs Park, a natural wetland area to be preserved as passive open space. The remaining surrounding area is predominately residential. 5 City Comprehensive Plan Designation The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Low-Density Residential to be consistent with McHenry County's A-1 Zoning Designation. The City believes that this designation is no longer appropriate due to the changing environment of the area. A revised Comprehensive Land Use Map with the new designation of Commercial and Office along the Crystal Lake Road frontage has been presented to the City Council for consideration. This Sub-Area Plan is in conformance with the revised Comprehensive Plan Land Use Maps. Existing McHenry County Zoning Ij 7 ` 7 s � x4 � 43 This map depicts the current McHenry County zoning classifications for the sub-area. The County's primary designation for this area is A-1 Agriculture, although there have been several rezoning applications,which include requests for R-2 two-family residential, A-1-C a conditional use request, and R-1-V a variation to single-family residential. Several of the properties have home-based businesses with commercial signage although they have not made a rezoning request nor are the uses permitted in the A-1 zoning. Existing City of McHenry Zoning 6 For the portions of the sub-area which have already been annexed and developed under the City of McHenry's jurisdiction, the following zoning map shows the current designations. .. w,y 4 J The City has several zoning designations in this area. The Cooney Heights subdivision is zoned RS-4, high-density single-family residential. There is one parcel on the east side zoned 0-1, local office. Further south, the Park Ridge Estates Subdivision and Cold Springs Park are zoned RS-2,medium-density single-family residential. On the west side of Crystal Lake Road the zoning is 0-2,office park, C-2, neighborhood commercial and C-3, community commercial for the office complex,bank, Ace Hardware and post office. Alden Terrace,the high school and the adjacent residential are zoned RS-3. Previous Zoning Requests Several zoning request have been made for development in this Sub-Area. The cases are listed below: Z-58 Lee and Carol Cooney Crystal Lake Road Zoning Change from R-3 to R-4 Multi-Family Requesting 16 Units Denied 7 Z-84 McHenry State Bank Trust#281 (Horn) Crystal Lake Road Zoning Change R-4 to R-4 Multi-Family Request change from 8 apartment building to 2 buildings One building to have 12 units with 1 bedroom One building to have 12 units with 2 bedrooms Denied Z-146 Jacob Farkas, Ronald Horwitz, Dorthy Kerr Crystal Lake Road and Front Royal Special Use Permit for Nursing Home with 312 beds (compatible with comp plan) Approved 0-76-82.75 Z-157 William and Vivian Richards 807 Lillian Street Re-classification from R-2 Single Family to R-4 Multi-Family Request to build a duplex. Approved 0-77-101.5 Z-158 Leonard Smith, Judith Smith, Leonard Molenda 4301 Sioux Lane Eliminate restrictions on number of units R-4 to R-4 Denied Z-183 George F. Cone 701 Lillian Rezone—Variance R-1 to R-3 Single Family Approved 0-78-177 Z-235 LaSalle National Bank Trust#104444 Bertram Miner& Lloyd Berhoff 803 Front Royal Amend zoning for special use 312 Bed Nursing home, amend for 1 story, 50-bed addition Approved 0-84-330 Z-251 Boro, Bien,Zielke 8 4725 Crystal Lake Road Annex and rezone from County A-1 to R-4 Multi-Family Total 18 Units Denied Z-272 McHenry State Bank Trust#3243 Bjorkman West side of Crystal Lake Road Re-zone from C-2 to C-3 to allow a hardware store Approved 0-87-436 Z-397 School District 156 4724 Crystal Lake Road Zoning Amendment, Conditional Use and Variance To construct second structure on school property Approved 0-95-709 Z-412 Bjorkman Ace Hardware 4520 Crystal Lake Road Use Variance for outside sales of landscape materials Approved 0-96-796 Z-426 Dr. Kevin G. &Beverly S. Wegrzyn 4811 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry Zoning Map Amendment to C-3 Community Commercial upon Annexation to allow a dentist's office Variance to the minimum lot width along Arterial Street Variance to Side Yard Setback adjacent to Residential Approved Z-427 William S. and Diane M. Weyde 4813 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry Zoning Map Amendment to C-3 Community Commercial upon Annexation to allow mini- storage Variance to the minimum lot width along Arterial Street Variance to allow multiple buildings on a zoning lot Approved Z-600 Bjorkman for Ace Hardware 4520 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry Conditional Use Permit to allow bulk fuel storage on site. 9 Approved Crystal Lake Road Crystal Lake Road has become a heavily traveled major corridor in and out of the City. Approximately 16,000 Average Daily Trips occur on this portion of Crystal Lake Road, which is similar to counts on Illinois Route 31 and Bull Valley Road. The heavy traffic volume and noise levels make this area more suitable for low intensity commercial and office development,rather than low-density residential. This is evident with the number of home- based businesses and rezoning applications through the County. The City believes that this area will continue to develop in this manner and planning for office and commercial uses will better facilitate redevelopment. Future development will be required to dedicate right-of-way to assure a minimum of 60-feet from center-line of pavement, an additional 20-foot municipal utility easement (M.U.E.), including sidewalk and bike path and a separate public utility easement to be negotiated with the private utility companies. When the properties annex there will be discussion regarding payment by the developer for roadway improvements and the relocation of existing overhead utilities underground. This corridor is heavily traveled; therefore the number of points of ingress and egress should be limited to improve the traffic flow. The City believes that future development of the properties will continue towards office and retail uses, thus creating multiple lot office and commercial projects reducing the number of driveways. The City has provided recommended traffic conditions on Exhibit C. The limited number of access points requires developers to work together to create a cohesive project rather than piece-meal development. Cold Springs Park Cold Springs Park is reserved as a passive recreation area with minimal walking paths. This plan allows for a possible second vehicular access off Maryetta Street and pedestrian access off Kelter Street. The vehicular access is planned off Maryetta on the north side of the park because the soils are adequate to handle the construction of an access road and parking lot in this location. The lack of active recreational opportunities in Cold Springs Park is due to the fact that the majority of the area is wetlands. This plan will be coordinated with the Master Plan prepared by the Parks and Recreation Department. 10 PLAN GUIDELINES Implementation of the Plan This plan will be used by City staff to guide future development. The goal and objectives of this Plan will be used to ensure new development's conformance to the City's standards and compatibility with the surrounding area. New development should be consistent with the guidelines established in this plan in regards to land use,transportation,permitted uses and bulk standards. Overall Goal This Plan is intended to guide future development and re-development to establish appropriate land uses,by regulating: the types of users,bulk and development standards and restructuring internal circulation and access onto Crystal Lake Road to reduce roadway congestion. Transportation Objectives • Reduce curb cuts along Crystal Lake Road • Maintain access to all properties • Provide secondary access to relieve Lillian Street Traffic • Provide additional access to Cold Springs Park • Provide better internal access between parcels • Vacate unneeded rights-of-way • Require dedication of new rights-of-way • Require adequate right-of-way and improvements for Crystal Lake Road Land Use Objectives • Provide for compatible uses to existing adjacent residences • Limit land uses to be appropriate for the area • Allow for larger users,to reduce driveways onto Crystal Lake Road • Preserve integrity of Cold Springs Park • Preserve trees and high-quality open areas 11 Transportation planning Existing transportation conditions are shown on EXHIBIT B. The existing number of driveways, as indicated by the arrows, creates a hazardous and congested traffic conditions. When property redevelops, driveways must be consolidated to improve traffic flow along Crystal Lake Road. A future roadway layout was proposed after several meetings with the Community Development Committee. The layout shows an internal "orange" street that bi-sects the long parcels, which provides more efficient internal circulation allowing residential uses to be maintained adjacent to Cold Springs Park and office or retail uses along the Crystal Lake Road frontage. Staff also proposed the"green" street to relieve the current traffic along Lillian Street. The existing Kelter Street right-of-way would remain to allow a second access into the new development. Building on this preliminary roadway layout, Staff has proposed final roadway and land use recommendations. Exhibit C Prelirru'nary ma This map depicts the proposed "orange" street which bisects the long parcels. It also shows the "green" street which creates a 4-way intersection at Royal Drive and Crystal Lake Road and a connection to Lillian Street to relieve some of the current traffic. A second connection across from Lillian Street to Garden Quarter, "pink" street, is proposed. Preliminary land uses are also indicated. 12 Land Use planning The existing land use conditions are shown on EXHIBIT A. Most of the area is designated as residential either medium density single-family residential or large lot residential. Although this area is currently zoned residential, many lots have developed into home-based business and retail uses. This has created a leap-frog of commercial and residential properties. The commercial development has created an impact on the traffic conditions in the area and on the remaining adjacent residences. This Sub-Area Plan will recommend some consistency for the area and help regulate the uses to ensure proper development. Although this area is developing towards retail and office uses it is important to remember the existing surrounding land uses. The high school is located on the west side of Crystal Lake Road. On the east side, Cooney Heights, Park Ridge Estates and Cold Springs Park will be more compatible with residential uses. New development must be light commercial and light office so as to not affect the existing character of the area. Due to the sensitive nature of this site being surrounded by residential uses, Cold Springs Park and the High School's West Campus, Staff is recommending limited uses in both the office and commercial zoning districts. In addition,bulk and other development restrictions should be placed on these uses to attract non-intrusive"light"development, which will be more compatible with the surrounding land uses. Each proposed use within the sub-area will be analyzed and reviewed on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the land use,bulk standards and development restrictions. Office Uses • Educational Uses (school,tutoring, administrative) • Dental offices (including surgery) • Professional Offices (attorney,real estate, engineer, architect, tax accountant or similar) • Institutional Uses Retail Uses Neighborhood retail uses, generally in accordance with the C-1 and C-2 zoning district classifications, such as but not limited to: general retail and sales, including: dry cleaners,hair salon, nail salon,barber or similar, gift, stationary, art supply sales,hobby shop or craft store, video store, grocery, clothing store, optician retail sales and limited restaurant uses, are considered appropriate. Other similar uses may be considered if it is determined that they will fit harmoniously with the surrounding uses. Child care can be considered,but would still require a Conditional Use Permit application. The following uses are not recommended: • Pawn shop • Tattoo Parlor • Gas Station or fuel storage • Outdoor storage • Financial institutions • Currency exchanges/Check cashing establishments • Liquor stores 13 • Fast-food restaurants • Automobile laundries • Adult businesses of any kind • Mini-warehouses • Motor vehicle repair and body shops • Transient housing • Hotels/motels The following bulk restrictions are proposed and will be considered when each of the parcels develops. Bulk Restrictions • Height-limited to 2 stories • Increased landscape setback along Crystal Lake Road required and increased buffer adjacent to proposed residential/Cold Springs Park-to preserve integrity of this natural area • Lighting restrictions • Noise restrictions • Odor restrictions • Restricted hours of operation. Offices shall maintain hours of operation between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Retail shall maintain hours of operation including loading and unloading between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Recommendations City Staff has prepared final Transportation and Land Use recommendations as shown on Exhibit C. Although this is the recommendation, this is a dynamic and evolving plan, in terms that it may be modified as actual development occurs and land use and transportation needs evolve over time. This Sub-Area Plan establishes the foundation for development of the area. The final recommendation for land use designations are office zoning along the majority of the Crystal Lake Road frontage, across from the High School's West Campus and commercial at the corner of Royal Drive and Crystal Lake Road. Office zoning would permit low- intensity uses to preserve the transition from the residences to the commercial area. The office uses would be limited to those listed in this plan. The commercial uses would also be limited to those listed in this plan. Commercial zoning is appropriate at the intersection of Royal Drive and Crystal Lake Road to create a commercial node with the existing commercial development currently at that intersection on the west side of Crystal Lake Road. The rear portion of the existing residential lots is planned for residential development. The current configuration of the lots,with the extended depth,would allow the rear portion of the lot to be divided into two lots with one lot backing to the office or commercial and the other backing up to Cold Springs Park with a local road between them for access, as shown on Exhibit C. The residential zoning will allow preservation of residential adjacent to existing residential and will have a minimal impact on Cold Springs Park. 14 The final recommendation for the roadway circulation is depicted by gray lines with arrows. The plan shows 5 connections to Crystal Lake Road: two driveways opposite the High School's existing driveways, Kelter Street right-of-way, a new roadway as a continuation of Royal Drive to continue along the existing residences where it will meet up with Lillian Street near the railroad tracks and a driveway opposite the combined Ace Hardware and Post Office driveway. In addition, an internal street is proposed to bi-sect the residential properties which would be accessed by Kelter Street. This new roadway provides an access for the residences separate from the office or commercial development. The plan also allows the ability for the office or commercial properties to provide cross-access to each other by a frontage road since an increased setback is required from Crystal Lake Road. The planned internal circulation will reduce nearly all of the existing curb cuts onto Crystal Lake Road,requiring development to combine several lots or for smaller projects to share parking and driveways with cross- access agreements. The proposed land uses will offer needed services to the surrounding residences and provide a buffer from the noise and congestion of Crystal Lake Road to the residential properties. The list of uses and the bulk development regulations will provide assurance to the residents of the area that any development will be compatible with the existing and newly proposed residential development. This plan offers needed guidance for future development for the Crystal Lake Road corridor. 15