HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 01/09/2006 - City Council Cityof MCHe4ry 333 South Green Street , www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 + Mayor's Office AGENDA (815) 363-2108 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fax (815) 363-2119 Monday, January 9, 2006, 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order Clerk's Office (815)363-2100 2. Roll Call Fax(815)363-2128 3. Pledge of Allegiance Administration (815)363-2108 4. Public Input Session — 10 Minute Limitation Fax(815)363-2119 5. Consent Agenda: Public works A. One-year lease agreement with Tom King for lease of former Cunat Property; Community B. One-year lease agreement James P. Finch for lease of former Levy Property; Development C. Two-year lease agreement with Michael Sikula, Jr. for lease of Hickory Creek Farm; (815)363- D. Request for payment from Performance paving, Ltd. for improvements to Whispering Fax(815)363-21-2173 Oaks Walk Path in the amount of $49,500; Parks and Recreation E. Request for payment from Greenhill Construction Co. for sidewalk replacement for a (815)363-2160 portion of West Elm Street in the amount of $22,285; Fax(815)363-3186 F. Final pay request from VOA Associates for electrical utility survey and relocation plan for overhead power lines along Riverwalk for $1,175; Police Non-Emergency G. Request to advertise for bids for asbestos abatement at the Medical Arts Building, 1110 (815)363-2200 N. Green Street; and Fax(815)363-2149 H. As Needed Checks. 6. Ordinance adopting a Text Amendment to City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance Article III relating Mayor Susan E.Low to Outdoor Lighting Regulations City Clerk 7• Ordinance adopting a Text Amendment to City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance Chapter IV,Table Janice C.Jones 4, Residential District Requirements Treasurer 8. Final Plat for Patriot Estates David M.Welter 9. Request to waive bid requirements and approve purchase of a Gravity Belt Thickener from Aldermen Komi ine-Sanderson for the CWWTP for an amount not to exceed $155,000 WARD 1 10. Award of bid to Reil Construction, Inc. for renovations to Center Street Park, McHenry Kiwanis Victor A. Santi Tot Lot, and Lakeland Park in the amount of $120,670 WARD 11. Engineering Services Agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for City of McHenry Andrew A.Glab GIS System for municipal utilities for $180,690 WARD 3 12. Mayor — Statement and Reports Jeffrey A. Schaefer WARD 4 13. Committee Reports Steven C.Murgatroyd 14. Staff Reports WARD 5 Richard W.Wimmer 15. Future Agenda Items WARD 6 16. Executive Session: Personnel Robert J.Peterson 17. Adjournment WARD 7 Geri A.Condon Posted and Mailed: January 4, 2006 Yy CONSENT AG E The Consent Agenda for the January 9, 2006 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. One-year lease agreement with Tom King for lease of former Cunat Property; B. One-year lease agreement James P. Finch for lease of former Levy Property; C. Two-year lease agreement with Michael Sikula, Jr. for lease of Hickory Creek Farm; D. Request for payment from Performance paving, Ltd.for improvements to Whispering Oaks Walk Path in the amount of $49,500; E. Request for payment from Greenhill Construction Co.for sidewalk replacement for a portion of West Elm Street in the amount of $22,285; F. Final pay request from VOA Associates for electrical utility survey and relocation plan for overhead power lines along Riverwalk for $1,175; G. Request to advertise for bids for asbestos abatement at the Medical Arts Building, 1110 N. Green Street; and H. As Needed Checks. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas P.Martin,Assistant City Administrator FOR: January 9,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Bids for Asbestos Abatement for the Medical Arts Building at 1110 North Green Street RECOMMENDATION: Authorization to advertise for bids for Asbestos Abatement at the Medical Arts Building, 1110 North Green Street. In conjunction with preparing the Medical Arts Building for demolition,the next step is the removal of the existing asbestos within the building. Following asbestos abatement and vacation by the remaining tenant in March, the structure will be ready for demolition. The asbestos abatement process will take approximately six weeks. A copy of the bid notice is attached to this supplement. CHECKLIST COMPLETE SECTION 00010 NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT: Project Name: Consultant: City of McHenry Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. 1110 North Green Street 4 Bonnie Lane McHenry, IL 60050 Yorkville, IL 60560 (630) 553-3989 Sealed Bids for the above named asbestos abatement project must be received at: City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Attention: City Clerk's Office Removal specifications may be obtained at the office of the Consultant: Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc.,4 Bonnie Lane,Yorkville, Illinois, Ph. 630-553-3989. Bidders must call at least 24 hours prior to picking up Removal Specifications or to reserve Removal Specification to be available at Pre-Bid walk through. There will be a one-time Pre-Bid Walk-Through in order for the contractors to review the premises on Monday,January 23, 2006 @ 1:00 p.m. Attendance at this walk through is mandatory. Failure to attend will result in disqualification of the bidders bid. By submission of bid it is understood that the Bidder has satisfied this mandatory requirement. BIDDING CATEGORIES Each Contractor is to submit a lump sum bid and requested alternate bids for the entire project. Contractor shall include the cost of the required performance and payment bond in this sum. The Asbestos Abatement Contractor is responsible for all work outlined in this specification which is not bid as a separate Contract, however, he will not be responsible for coordination of trades that are not part of his Contract. End of Section 00010 Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. 00010-01 CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas P. Martin, Assistant City Administrator FOR: January 9, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Lease Agreement between the City of McHenry and Tom King RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the Mayor's execution of the attached agreement between the City of McHenry and Tom King for the lease of the former Cunat property for a one-year term beginning March 1, 2006 and expiring on February 28,2007 with biannual payments of$1,305.45 each. The City purchased the Cunat property in 2002 in order to obtain the easements required for the McCullom Lake sewer extension. When the City purchased the property, there was an existing lease between the Cunats and Mr. King. Mr. King has been farming the property for several years and is interested in continuing to farm the land. Attached to this supplement is a proposed one-year lease beginning March 1, 2006 and expiring on February 28, 2007 with biannual payments of$1,305.45 each. The lease payment has been adjusted on an annual basis using the Consumer Price Index of All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for Chicago-GM-Kenosha, published by the U.S. Department of Labor. The increase is 3.5% for the upcoming one-year lease. KING LEASE AGREEMENT THIS INDENTURE, Made and entered into this day of , 2006; between City of McHenry, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, Lessor, and Tom King, 3907 Ringwood Road,McHenry,Illinois, Lessee, WITNESSETH, That Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be kept and performed by Lessee, has, by these presents, demised and leased to Lessee,the following described land for farming purposes only, to-wit: Approximately 20 acres located south of McCullom Lake Road (PIN 09-27-228- 002) on southern edge of Peterson Park, on the northerly border of Mill Creek Subdivision, McHenry, Illinois depicted on the "site plan" attached hereto as "Exhibit A," excluding the 80-foot easement area depicted on the site plan along the western boundary of the property and including the existing barn for hay and farm equipment storage purposes. in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois and containing about 20 acres. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME to Lessee, from the 1" day of March 2006, to the 28t' day of February 2007. And Lessee, in consideration of the leasing of the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with Lessor, to pay Lessor, at 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, as rent for the same, the sum of$2,610.90 payable $1,305.45 on June 1, 2006 and $1,305.45 on November 1,2006. Lessee covenants with Lessor, that at the expiration of the term of this lease, he will yield up the possession to Lessor, without further demand or notice, in as good order and condition as when the same were entered upon by Lessee, ordinary wear excepted. And it is further expressly understood and agreed between the parties hereto, as follows: 1. Lessee shall not to burn anything on said premises. 2. Lessee shall preserve and keep the trees, vines and shrubbery that now are or shall be planted on the premises, from injury by plowing, or from animals and further, to keep all necessary ditches and drains ploughed and cleaned out during the continuance of this lease. 3. Lessee shall keep said premises, including the hedges and fences, in proper and necessary repair. If Lessee fails to do so, Lessor may enter upon premises and make all proper and necessary repairs, and the cost thereof shall be additional rent, due and owing from Lessee to Lessor immediately. 4. Lessee further covenants not to remove any of the grain raised on said premises during the term of said lease, until the rent herein specified shall be fully paid, nor to sell the same or any part thereof; and if any grain raised on said premises during said term, shall be removed, or attempted to be removed, by any person or persons, before the payment of said rent, or if Lessee shall sell or attempt to sell said grain or produce, or any part thereof; or if the same or any part thereof shall be claimed or attached, or levied upon by execution, or claimed by any other person or persons, upon any pretense whatsoever, before said rent shall be fully paid, then upon the happening of any of said contingencies, said rent shall immediately become due and payable, and Lessor, or his legal representative, shall have the right to enter into the said premises and to take possession of the said grain, or wherever else the same may be found, and remove the same and sell the same, or any part thereof; or if the same shall not be sufficiently matured for harvesting or gathering, to cultivate the same, and to protect and preserve the same until it shall be fit, and then to harvest or gather and sell the same, or any part thereof, at private or public sale, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of the expenses and costs of carrying out the provisions of this lease, and the payment of said rent hereby reserved. 5. Lessor reserves the privilege of plowing the stubble ground when Lessee may have secured the grain grown thereon; and further, Lessor, or his legal representative, may enter upon said premises for the purpose of viewing, or seeding, or for any other purpose. 6. If Lessee shall fail to cultivate said premises as herein agreed, or shall fail to keep any of the covenants in this lease contained, or shall assign this lease, or shall sublet said premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of Lessor, then this lease shall, at the election of the Lessor, be null and void, and Lessor, or his legal representative, shall have the right to take possession of said premises, using such force as may be necessary, with out without process of law; and all damage growing out of a failure to perform any of the covenants of this lease shall be added to and become a part of the rent, recoverable as rent. 7. Lessee hereby waives and relinquishes all right of exemption from sale or seizure under distress or execution, that he now has, or may hereafter have, by virtue of any law of this State, exempting personal property from seizure and sale on execution or distress for rent, and hereby gives Lessor full power, authority and right, to take and seize any personal property, whether exempt by law or not, and sell the same or any part thereof, in satisfaction of said rent hereby agreed to be paid. 8. Lessor reserves the right for itself, its employees, and its officers assigns or respective buyers to enter upon said premises at any time, for the purpose of viewing same or making repairs or improvements thereon. 9. Lessor reserves the right, upon 30 days written notice to the Lessee, to sell or develop part or all of the premises during the term of this lease. Said portion of land removed from said lease will reduce said rental on a prorated basis. If there are crops on the premises being removed from said lease, crop loss shall be paid by Lessor based on fair market value in McHenry County. If the Lessor and Lessee are unable to reach an agreement as to the compensation due Lessee, each party will secure a representative who will be designated to resolve any disputes. The decision of the representatives will be final and binding on both 2 parties. Failure of the representatives to agree shall qualify either party to file suit to resolve the issues. 10. Lessee agrees to follow present soil conservation practices as required for by the Soil Conservation Service for McHenry County to control soil loss. 11. Lessee agrees not to use any hazardous materials on said premises. If Lessee does use any hazardous materials the cost of clean up will be paid by the Lessee. Lessor may initially pay, at its discretion for any cleanup; however, Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for any costs incurred in the clean up process. Any damage stemming from use of hazardous materials shall be construed as a material breach of this lease and shall be added to and become part of the rent, recoverable as rent. 12. This lease contains the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements between them respecting the subject matter. No representations, arrangements, or understandings except those fully expressed herein, are or shall be binding upon the parties. No changes, alterations, modifications, additions or qualifications to the terms of this lease shall be made or be binding unless made in writing and signed by each of the parties. 13. Lessee further agrees to pay and discharge all costs and attorney's fees and expenses that shall arise from enforcing any of the covenants of this lease by Lessor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals,the day and year first above written. CITY OF McHENRY By Mayor Susan E. Low Tom King Date: Date: 3 I �,16 fed �, /2.ar• $ /.5.oa /?-o/x >C ��-ors . /,?•0it S /,5-aoS /x-� aXov $ $/ti(ors /9-ore a g/drat /3ois , $/4Crss /3-aT M-av 1 CENTRAL gyLr S MY Ali /av 8 ?3a/ /.ay $ ?/-oro /•eo/ $ /9.eod /-ao✓ / I pC 2-W ,X.a/ z 0" ; /�ceo9 2,ar ? AT. - I If-m 3-`"" . 17-0tli0 •-3 Adw I 4-e06 . 20-0/4 4.x4 ' ' 1,10/3 4.. I • NO. .0 ^_' . . /¢a,t 5.ms , /7.ot/ 5.au , • /'JA�t .5.aas 5 N I ' ' -�-•--y/ • /8rx Gera /Ga4A dsiu ' Am6.rrs 101 s�rr. I ° ` vo7 a • /zo/1 Z�7 • �C5.OR? 7oaT , • /3qK N --?f- 7-aoT • � � :• �-r°e � • /6•eq O.aol T/4Coy B-as � /7•ays � � � . t t Xo 9 66 rA71 jp A �• r oa- Zd9 '' .• _+fir � • r r��- • ../ � e�• � { q S � � .gyp 1q �• � + .\,� O• j4'••R 6 g' .. ` BOA OD ? ` NV^CNOO a n got s • � v . n frV ylyT' 4• . . n. � 3 �so�s i N _ ?• $ �ni Q �, c_ O 5-002 1�1 H fs� AAVWIr {� � ,�'� .,Sic°.1,JG elawi ��-- tO� �R•• ��a�-.. 6 j AAA 90.,r CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas P. Martin, Assistant City Administrator FOR: January 9, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Lease Agreement between the City of McHenry and Jim Finch RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the Mayor's execution of the attached agreement between the City of McHenry and Jim Finch for the lease of the Levy Property for a one- year term beginning March 1, 2006 and expiring on February 28, 2007 with biannual payments of$1,078.94 each. As owner of the Levy Property, off of Curran Road, the City leases the land to a tenant farmer and for the past couple of years the property has been farmed by Jim Finch. With no plans in the near future for the use of the property, other than for farming purposes, Staff is recommending that a one-year lease be extended to Jim Finch, with biannual payments of$1,078.94 each. The lease payment has been adjusted on an annual basis using the Consumer Price Index of All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, published by the U.S. Department of Labor. The increase is 3.5% for the upcoming one-year lease. FINCH LEASE AGREEMENT THIS INDENTURE, Made and entered into this day of , 2006; between City of McHenry, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, Lessor, and James P. Finch, 4818 Inmans Way, Ringwood, Illinois, Lessee, WITNESSETH, That Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be kept and performed by Lessee, has, by these presents, demised and leased to Lessee,the following described land for farming purposes only,to-wit: Approximately 26 tillable acres located in the NE %4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 33, McHenry Township (T.45N. -R.8E.). in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME to Lessee, from the I" day of March 2006, to the 28 h day of February 2007. And Lessee, in consideration of the leasing of the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with Lessor, to pay Lessor, at 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, as rent for the same, the sum of$2,157.88 payable $1,078.94 on June 1, 2006 and$1,078.94 on November 1, 2006. Lessee covenants with Lessor, that at the expiration of the term of this lease, he will yield up'the possession to Lessor, without further demand or notice, in as good order and condition as when the same were entered upon by Lessee, ordinary wear excepted. And it is further expressly understood and agreed between the parties hereto, as follows: 1. Lessee shall not to burn anything on said premises. 2. Lessee shall preserve and keep the trees, vines and shrubbery that now are or shall be planted on the premises, from injury by ploughing, or from animals and further, to keep all necessary ditches and drains ploughed and cleaned out during the continuance of this lease. 3. Lessee shall keep said premises, including the hedges and fences, in proper and necessary repair. If Lessee fails to do so, Lessor may enter upon premises and make all proper and necessary repairs, and the cost thereof shall be additional rent, due and owing from Lessee to Lessor immediately. 4. Lessee further covenants not to remove any of the grain raised on said premises during the term of said lease, until the rent herein specified shall be fully paid, nor to seal the same or any part thereof; and if any grain raised on said premises during said term, shall be removed, or attempted to be removed, by any person or persons, before the payment of said rent, or if Lessee shall sell or attempt to sell said grain or produce, or any part thereof; or if the same or any part thereof shall be claimed or attached, or levied upon by execution, or claimed by any other person or persons, upon any pretense whatsoever, before said rent shall be fully paid, then upon the happening of any of said contingencies, said rent shall immediately become due and payable, and Lessor, or his legal representative, shall have the right to enter into the said premises and to take possession of the said grain, or wherever else the same may be found, and remove the same and sell the same, or any part thereof; or if the same shall not be sufficiently matured for harvesting or gathering, to cultivate the same, and to protect and preserve the same until it shall be fit, and then to harvest or gather and sell the same, or any part thereof, at private or public sale, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of the expenses and costs of carrying out the provisions of this lease, and the payment of said rent hereby reserved. 5. Lessor reserves the privilege of ploughing the stubble ground when Lessee may have secured the grain grown thereon; and further, Lessor, or his legal representative, may enter upon said premises for the purpose of viewing, or seeding, or for any other purpose. 6. If Lessee shall fail to cultivate said premises as herein agreed, or shall fail to keep any of the covenants in this lease contained, or shall assign this lease, or shall sublet said premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of Lessor, then this lease shall, at the election of the Lessor, be null and void, and Lessor, or his legal representative, shall have the right to take possession of said premises, using such force as may be necessary, with out without process of law; and all damage growing out of a failure to perform any of the covenants of this lease shall be added to and become a part of the rent, recoverable as rent. 7. Lessee hereby waives and relinquishes all right of exemption from sale or seizure under distress or execution, that he now has, or may hereafter have, by virtue of any law of this State, exempting personal property from seizure and sale on execution or distress for rent, and hereby gives Lessor full power, authority and right, to take and seize any personal property, whether exempt by law or not, and sell the same or any part thereof, in satisfaction of said rent hereby agreed to be paid. 8. Lessor reserves the right for itself, its employees, and its officers assigns or respective buyers to enter upon said premises at any time, for the purpose of viewing same or making repairs or improvements thereon. 9. Lessor reserves the right, upon 30 days written notice to the Lessee, to sell or develop part or all of the premises during the term of this lease. Said portion of land removed from said lease will reduce said rental on a prorated basis. If there are crops on the premises being removed from said lease, crop loss shall be paid by Lessor based on fair market value in McHenry County. If the Lessor and Lessee are unable to reach an agreement as to the compensation due Lessee, each party will secure a representative who will be designated to resolve any disputes. The decision of the representatives will be final and binding on both parties. Failure of the representatives to agree shall qualify either party to file suit to resolve the issues. 10. Lessee agrees to follow present soil conservation practices as required for by the Soil Conservation Service for McHenry County to control soil loss. 2 11. Lessee agrees not to use any hazardous materials on said premises. If Lessee does use any hazardous materials, the cost of clean up will be paid by the Lessee. Lessor may initially pay, at its discretion for any cleanup; however, Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for any costs incurred in the clean up process. Any damage stemming from use of hazardous materials shall be construed as a material breach of this lease and shall be added to and become part of the rent, recoverable as rent. 12. This lease contains the entire understanding between the parties and supercedes any prior understandings or agreements between them respecting the subject matter. No representations, arrangements, or understandings except those fully expressed herein, are or shall be binding upon the parties. No changes, alterations, modifications, additions or qualifications to the terms of this lease shall be made or be binding unless made in writing and signed by each of the parties. 13. Lessee further agrees to pay and discharge all costs and attorney's fees and expenses that shall arise from enforcing any of the covenants of this lease by Lessor. 14. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals, the day and year first above written. CITY OF McB ENRY By Mayor Susan E. Low James P. Finch Date: Date: 3 p ^ 1 vuG aryl 001 Amh LandJiYK o� ti .De uelop Lf I• �" i so a �o°��"C d.Pc7rtne,,ship J W 01 oy 49/ D H zc L9 Ol� l� BO 388.02 r �o`Vp o Io ] '\ a W D S' Bc tTH. Q i Dy TOMS: - 703 KUP 003 sow F z 0052 09 R T Am/1' Lo.,?(Y :: :: z <<RND R 009 ChI'ca o Tit/e • f 7-1-u Co., Tau f De ve/OpM en t 117 el; n/o. .Z 0 20 ("177/1 /2e0-11 7.? J 6708 O::e N ^ u . � � t6Ht.RND 018 p9 09 o B/ a 00 to-S(DE Z o1rLT RCHaRDwAY nF o Deg-I � , Ltd. ? a W /0B.66 4774 ,ParMe�- o73 uc�toa oas ogre Ob8 tp.g 0O5€t€ Z}LPsi.- M _.....::. �3 S!o 3s 2t7. off__:....._.. 0ii 012 OL S M B.R :::: f TRS •Ms. z BRITTAN DR, tCT Chico T�fle Trust Co., , �'o.Z ` .33/ �/ o ; Trust o. 532746 /Mey 007 so E .. . 0 ........................ 017 ply �Q Hol" pp5 Sfate Bnn 73 3 n Tiusf Cs�r SM owo.4G4,� t f3S5/I S.G2 cz'� . /�/// ■ Q C�ov 1]03 oO5 /007 b Cj (276.e8 L I 4.49 RID 005 Y` 0 COy /5.02 007 e 7 lTheoc�o 7.:..:: .= YNACT O t r ..... T nnebaurn� ;:;:: m. at kr TcNa. "" 2 WOOD EEK .......c�MJ :: :. ::.................... o e o O A RID R .0 _ ... . ............ ... O Ol N i BURNING TREE �� ROUND 4 .°: ,..._ ......:::: .Q.R.N'S._.. ESTATES BER_ 7 ......:........................ q0 G .......:................... ' ...... - 1.. 00 / .,BER No�f17e� - Z Tus Co. D R ~O n7/'O 9 -- Pesos cf°o3 T �ee� fate ank, 19 L EERWOOD 9 ::::: fa e k::: Alba 14 HI Arc 007 .t ooz oi3 �4.G RID c /Z Clow �°3OMcHenr S7`alei 9% �• .f/ 473 R TrustylVo.4991 I A/c /I/'T (� '�O "• '•.SfM,'dwe57�Tiu 033 022A/ 7759 03 /� Z 0 4s¢38BO D QAT nioO3Cq A 4� C R �� o w « •e7 :1.�. ylr oj•. � / a ODohne 1 'fruS7` H. M. f/C/7 B S Z ) � 0/7 009 004 C,,H. n 007 oi3 t7• CSE r.B�:s.^t . .... ................ • � H EFIf i U4. W PITS i ti CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas P. Martin, Assistant City Administrator FOR: January 9, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Hickory Creek Farm Lease Agreement RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the Mayor's execution of the attached agreement between the City of McHenry and Michael Sikula, Jr. for lease of Hickory Creek Farm for a two-year term beginning February 1,2006 through January 31,2008. Currently, the City leases the Hickory Creek Farm property, which is located south of McCullom Lake Road adjacent to Petersen Park referenced as Parcel 1 in the lease, to Michael Sikula Jr. Mr. Sikula conducts a horse boarding and horse training operation on the property and also farms on the north side of McCullom Lake Road, which is referenced as Parcel 2. The existing lease between the City of McHenry and Mickey Sikula for the Hickory Creek Farm property expires on January 31St. This is a two-year lease term established by the City Council in 2002 to reduce administration time involved in an annual renewal. Since there are no immediate plans to change the use of the property from its present use, renewing the lease for an additional two years is recommended. As in the past, a list of activities developed to expand the use of the barn for the public is incorporated into the lease agreement, on page 3. Since 1994, the original monthly lease amount of $1,650 has steadily been increased to its current level of $2,120 per month. The lease payment has been adjusted on an annual basis using the Consumer Price Index of All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, published by the U.S. Department of Labor. The increase is 3.5% for 2006, which equates to a monthly payment of$2,194 for 2006. The monthly lease payment will be increased by the CPI- U in 2007 as well. LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement is entered into on February 1, 2006, between the CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, an Illinois municipal corporation, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "City" or"Lessor": and MICHAEL SIKULA, JR., 5420 McCullom Lake Road, McHenry, Illinois,hereinafter referred to as "Lessee." WHEREAS, Lessee desires to lease from the City that part of Petersen Park which is located south of McCullom Lake Road and shown on Exhibit"A" as parcel 1, for the sole purpose of conducting a horse boarding and horse training operation thereon; and to be given permission to harvest hay from that part of Petersen park located on the north side of McCullom Lake Road, and shown on Exhibit "A" as parcel 2,under the terms and conditions set forth in this Lease Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS HERIN STATED, LESSOR AND LESSEE HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. LEASED PREMISES: Lessee leases from Lessor that part of the Premises shown on the attached Exhibit "A" as parcel 1, which is located south of McCullom Lake Road for the sole purpose of conducting a horse boarding and horse training operation thereon. In addition, during the term of this Lease Agreement, Lessee is hereby granted permission to enter upon that part of Petersen Park which is located on the north side of McCullom Lake Road, and shown as parcel 2 on Exhibit "A", for the purpose of mowing, making and removing standing crops of grass growing thereon. 2. TERM OF LEASE: The term of this lease Agreement shall commence as of February 1, 2006 and shall end on January 31, 2008. 3. RENT: Lessee shall pay rent in the amount of Two Thousand, One Hundred, Ninety-Four, and No/100 ($2,194.00) Dollars per month beginning February 1, 2006, at Lessor's address above, to be increased annually based on the Consumer Price Index of All Urban Consumers (CEP-U) for Chicago, Gary, Kenosha published by the U.S. Department of Labor. 4. CONDITION AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES: Lessee has examined and knows the condition of the Premises and acknowledges that no representations as to the condition and repair thereof have been made by Lessor, prior to or at the execution of this lease that are not herein expressed; Lessee will keep the Premises including all appurtenances, in good repair, replacing all broken glass with glass of the same size and quality as that broken, and will keep the Premises, including adjoining Premises, in a clean and healthful condition during the term of this lease at Lessee's expense, and upon the termination of this Lease, in any way, will yield up the Premises to Lessor, in good condition and repair, loss by fire and ordinary wear excepted, and will deliver the keys therefor at the place of payment of said rent. 5. LESSEE NOT TO MISUSE; SUBLET; ASSIGN: Lessee will not allow the Premises or any portion thereof to be used for any purpose that will increase the rate of insurance thereon, nor for any purpose other than that hereinbefore specified, and will not sublet the same or any part thereof, nor assign this lease, nor grant to any party an interest in the real estate, and Lessee will not permit any transfer by operation of law of the interest in the Premises acquired through this lease, and will not permit the Premises to be used for any unlawful purpose, or for any purpose that will injure the reputation or increase the fire hazard of the building thereon, and will not permit the same to remain vacant or unoccupied for more than ten consecutive days, nor permit any alteration of or addition to any part of the Premises; all alterations and additions to the Premises shall remain for the benefit of Lessor. 6. MECHANIC'S LIEN: Lessee will not permit any mechanic's lien or liens to be placed upon the Premises or any building or improvement thereon during the term hereof, and in case of the filing of such lien, Lessee will promptly pay same. If default in payment thereof shall continue for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from Lessor to the Lessee, the Lessor shall have the right and privilege at Lessor's option of paying the same or any portion thereof without inquiry as to the validity thereof, and any amounts so paid, including expense and interest, shall be so much additional indebtedness hereunder due from Lessee to Lessor and shall be repaid to Lessor immediately on rendition of bill therefor. 7. INDEMNITY: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Lessee shall indemnify, defend and save Lessor, its officers, employees and agents harmless and indemnified from all injury, loss, claims or damage to any person or property while on the Premises occasioned by an act or omission of Lessee, or anyone claiming by, through or under Lessee. Lessor and Lessor's officers, agents and employees shall not be liable for, and Lessee waives all claims for, damage to person or property sustained by Lessee or any person claiming through Lessee resulting from any accident or occurrence in or upon the Premises. 8. INSURANCE: At Lessee's sole expense, Lessee shall maintain, during the term of the lease, comprehensive public liability and property damage insurance, insuring Lessor and Lessee, their officers, employees and agents, against all claims, demands, or actions for injury, death or damage to property and protecting Lessor and Lessee from all causes, including their own negligence, in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) arising out of any one occurrence, made by or on behalf of any person, firm or corporation, arising from, relating to, or connected with the conduct and operation of Lessee's business son the Premises; Lessee shall also maintain at his expense, adequate insurance coverage, insuring such equipment, fixtures, horses, and personal property belonging to Lessee and his tenants. All of said insurance shall be in form and provided by responsible companies satisfactory to Lessor and shall provide that it will`not be subject to cancellation, termination or change except after at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Lessor. Such insurance may be provided under a blanket policy, provided than an endorsement naming Lessor and others as an additional insured. The policies or duly executed certificates for the same,together with satisfactory evidence of the payment of the premium thereon, shall be deposited with Lessor upon execution of this Agreement. 9. WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE CHARGES: Lessor will pay all water, gas and electric light and power bills taxed, levied or charged on the Premises, for and during the time for which this lease is granted. Lessee shall pay all telephone and related charges which are taxed, levied or charged on the Premises, for and during the time for which this lease is granted. 10. KEEP PREMISES IN REPAIR: Lessor shall not be obliged to incur any expense for repairing any improvements upon said Premises or connected therewith, and the Lessee, at his own expense, will keep all improvements in good repair (injury by fire, or other causes beyond Lessee's control excepted) as well as in a good tenantable and wholesome condition, and will comply with all laws and ordinances applicable thereto, Lessee will, as far as possible, keep said improvements from deterioration due to ordinary wear and from falling temporarily out of repair. If Lessee does not make 2 repairs as required hereunder promptly and adequately, Lessor may, but need not make such repairs and pay the costs thereof, and such costs shall be so much additional rent immediately due form and payable by Lessee to Lessor. 11. ACCESS TO PREMISES: Lessee will allow Lessor free access to the Premises for the purpose of examining or exhibiting the same, or to make any needful repairs, or alterations thereof which Lessor may see fit to make, or for any other purpose, and will not interfere with the same; including access to the property for construction and installation of utilities. . In addition, Lessee shall allow the general public free access to McCullom Lake and to the pond located on the Premises adjacent to McCullom Lake, for purposes of public enjoyment, so long as the public's access does not unreasonably interfere with Lessee's operation of his business expressed in the recitals to this Agreement. In addition, Lessee shall permit Lessor: ■ Hayrides: Use of the grounds for storage,of the hay wagon and for trips through the property north of McCullom Lake Road ■ Tours: Park Department tours for educational purposes including summer day camps and preschool field trips (information on care of horses) ■ Heritage Days/Open House Program: Scheduling of one open house program in the fall of the year to allow for public viewing and historical tours conducted by the McHenry Landmark Commission or McHenry County Historical Society ■ Advertisement: Information to be included in one of the City's seasonal brochures about the horse boarding facilities at the park 12. ABANDONMENT AND RELETTING: If Lessee shall abandon or vacate the Preemies, or if Lessee's right to occupy the Premises be terminated by Lessor by reason of Lessee's breach of any of the covenants herein, the same may be re-let by Lessor for such rent and upon such terms as Lessor may deem fit; and if a sufficient sum shall not thus be realized monthly, after paying the expenses of such re- letting and collecting to satisfy the rent hereby reserved, Lessee agrees to satisfy and pay all deficiency monthly during the remaining period of this lease. 13. HOLDING OVER: Lessee will, at the termination of this lease by lapse of time or otherwise, yield up immediate possession to Lessor, and failing so to do, will pay as liquidated damages, for the whole time such possession is withheld, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per day; but the provisions of this clause shall not be held as a waiver by Lessor of any right of re-entry as hereinafter set forth; nor shall the receipt of said rent or any part thereof, or any other act in apparent affirmance of tenancy, operate as a waiver of the right to forfeit this lease and the term hereby granted.for the period still unexpired, for a breach of any of the covenants herein. 14. EXTRA FIRE HAZARD: There shall not be allowed, pet, or used on the premises any inflammable or explosive liquids or materials save such as may be necessary for use in the business of the Lessee, and in such case, any such substances shall be delivered and stored in amount, and use, in accordance with the rules of the applicable statutes and ordinances now or hereafter in force. 15. CITY ORDINANCES: Lessee hereby covenants to comply with all ordinances of the City of McHenry,which shall be in effect from time to time. 3 16. DEFAULT BY LESSEE: If default be made in the payment of the above rent, or any part thereof, or in any of the covenants herein contained to be kept by the Lessee, Lessor may at any time thereafter at its election declare said term ended and re-enter the Premises or any part thereof, with or (to the extent permitted by law) without notice of process of law, and remove Lessee or any persons occupying the same, without prejudice to any remedies which might otherwise be used for arrears of rent, and Lessor shall have at all times the right to distress for rent due, and shall have a valid and first lien upon all personal property which Lessee now owns, or may hereafter acquire or have an interest in, which is by law subject to such distraint, as security for payment of the rent herein reserved. 17. NO RENT DEDUCTION OR SET OFF: Lessee's covenant to pay rent is and shall be independent of each and every other covenant of this lease. Lessee agrees that any claim by Lessee against Lessor shall not be deducted from rent nor set off against any claim for rent in any action. 18. RENT AFTER NOTICE OR SUIT: It is further agreed, by the parties hereto, that after the service of notice, or the commencement of a suit or after final judgment for possession of the Premises, Lessor may receive and collect any rent due, and the payment of said rent shall not waive or affect said notice, said suit, or said judgment. 19. PAYMENT OF COSTS: Lwill pay and discharge all reasonable costs, attorney's fees and expenses that shall be made and incurred by Lessor in enforcing the covenants and agreements of this lease. 20. RIGHT CUMULATIVE: The rights and remedies of Lessor under this lease are cumulative. The exercise or use of any one or more thereof shall not bar Lessor from exercise or use of any other right or remedy provided herein or otherwise provided by law, nor shall exercise nor use of any right or remedy by Lessor waive any other right or remedy. 21. FIRE AND CASUALTY: In case the Premises shall be rendered untenantable during the term of this lease by fire or other casualty, Lessor at its option may terminate the lease or repair the Premises within 60 days thereafter. If Lessor elects to repair, this lease shall remain in effect provided such repairs are completed within said time. 22. SEVERABILITY: Wherever possible each provision of this lease shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this lease shall be prohibited by or become invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this lease. 23. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: "Hazardous Substance" is any petroleum product, asbestos product or any other material, substance or waste that is recognized as being hazardous or dangerous to health or the environmental protection jurisdiction over the Premises. Lessee represents and warrants to Lessor that it has never generated, stored, handled or disposed of any hazardous Substance in or about the Premises. Lessee further represents, to the best of his knowledge, that Lessee is not aware of the generation, storage, handling, or disposal of any Hazardous Substance in or upon the Premises at any time by anyone else. Lessee shall indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all demands, claims, enforcement actions, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising 4 out of Hazardous Substance in existence in or upon the Premises subsequent to the date of this Lease. Lessee agrees not to generate, store, handle or dispose of any Hazardous Substance in or upon the Premises during the term of the Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument as the Date of Lease started above. LESSOR: LESSEE: City of McHenry, Illinois By: Mayor Susan E. Low Michael Sikula,Jr. Date: Date: 5 . < ? \ �\ �AOt \ u Hayfield # A L `� 7 \ 1 � TARCEL 1 1 \\ I \ 1 �\ / I AM / 0 111 / A( AN . 1 r co 371 s4,Q25 �F PA " 1 v Pond mlit 9 Q \ f x q NN t McCullom Lake Petersen Park r -V3 \ I crass \ CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: January 9, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Whispering Oaks walk path ATTACHMENTS: Performance Paving Ltd. Invoice Background. At the November 7, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting, the City Council approved the proposal from Performance Paving Ltd. for improvements to the Whispering Oaks walk paths in an amount not to exceed $49,500.00. This project consisted of replacing the main walk path adjacent to Royal Drive and extending to Oakwood Drive. Analysis. Performance Paving Ltd. has submitted the attached invoice to the City of McHenry and is requesting final payment. Public Works has inspected the project to ensure compliance with the specifications and is recommending final payment of$49,500.00 for work performed and material purchased for the project. Recommendation. Staff recommends the City Council approve the final payment to Performance Paving Ltd. for the improvements to the Whispering Oaks walk paths in an amount not to exceed$49,500.00. PERFORMANCE PAVING LTD. 520 Bonner Rd. Invoice Wauconda,IL 6000084 (847)526-8368 (815)334-8368 Fax(847)526-8218 TO : City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street a invoice Date invoice McHenry II. 600510 Job Location Whispering Oaks walking path Phone# 815-363-2192 DESCRIPTION Price Whispering Oaks walking path improvements $49,500.00 0 Total Due $49,500.00 Date Paid Amount Paid Days Due Check # CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko, Director of Public Works FOR: January 9, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: West Elm Street sidewalk ATTACHMENTS: Greg Greenhill Construction Co. Invoice Background. At the October 17, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting, the City Council approved the proposal from Greg Greenhill Construction Co. for the replacement of approximately 535 feet of sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street for an estimated amount of $19,585.00. Analysis. Greg Greenhill Construction Co. has submitted the attached invoice to the City of McHenry and is requesting a final payment. Public Works has inspected the project to ensure compliance with the specifications and is recommending final payment of$22,285.00 for work performed and material purchased for the project. This project is a unit price contract and is based on final quantities. Consequently the final price is $2,700.00 more than the awarded amount. The additional cost is a result of the reconstruction of a storm structure in the curb along Elm Street. The work was necessary to create the proper flow and prevent water from ponding on the pavement. Recommendation. Staff recommends the City Council approve the final payment to Greg Greenhill Construction Co. for the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street in an amount not to exceed $22,285.00. GREG GREENHILL CONST.CO.,INC. 5419 HAYDEN LN RINGWOOD,IL 60072 PH.(815)653-CURB FAX(815)728-9381 * I N V O I C E * * Document Number: 004485 Document Date: 11/30/05 Page: 1 Sold CITY OF MCHENRY le- To: 333 SOUTH GREEN ST MCHENRY IL 60050 :Terf 4 �5DV1etSavn i Cust I. D. : MCHENR Due Date. : 12/30/05 Job/Order No. : 1309I` Terms. . . . : NET 30 Salesperson. . : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove & Replace 3,210 sf Sidewalk @ $4 . 50 sf 14445. 00 E Remove & Replace 120 if Curb @ $12 . 00 if 1440. 00 E Manhole Reconstruct @ $600. 00 each 600. 00 E Manhole Adjust with Pavement Patch & Frame and Grate @ $600. 00 each 600. 00 E Manhole Adjust with Pavement Patch @ $2, 500. 00 lump sum 2500.00 E Bituminous Driveway Patching 2700. 00 E PUBLIC WORKS Subtotal: 22285. 00 Tax. . . . . . 0 . 00 . Total. . . : 22285 . 00 0E-C 1 My Or NRY C pNSEIVT AGENDA Mayor and City Council Relations TO: I Hobson, Management Assistant, Community FROM. J 9, 2006 Regular City C FOR: January Final Pay Request from VOA Associates for Electrical Utility Relocation PI Survey and RE: an for Overhead Power Lines along e i On September 8, 2004, th e City Council approved a proposal from VOA Associates electrical line and engineering services associated with developing an overhead design the path of the proposed Riverwalk. relocation plan for certain areas along e work has been completed and VOA is requesting a final payout of $1 ,175 to Th The approved contract amount was $23,500 including satisfy the contract. n 80/b of the 1 The 00 final total of the contract is reimbursable expenses no greater tha $23,521 .47, and the final pay out request is $ ,175 Recommendation: To approve the final pay request from VOA Associates in the amount of $1 ,175 for electrical utility survey and relocation plan for overhead power lines along the Riverwalk. architecture + plannin g g + interior design INVOICE. THE CITY OF MCHENRY November 9, 2005 Project No: 02484B.00 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET Invoice No: 0043497 ATTN: MR BILL HOBSON COMMUNITY PROJECTS COORDINATOR MCHENRY IL 60650 FOR: ELECTRICAL UTILITY COORDINATION WITH COMMON RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY IN MCHENRY RELATING WEALTH EDISON IN ORDER TO MAKE G TO UPDATING ELECTRICAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING Oct 2i 2005 Total Fee Percent Complete 23,500.00 100.00 Total Earned 23,500.00 Previous Fee Billing 22,325.00 Current Fee Billing 1 175.00 Total Fee 1,175.00 DUE DATE: December 24,2005 TOTAL THIS INVOICE $1,175.00 PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO VOA ASSOCIATES INCORPORATE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 224 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENU SUITE 1400 - I? CHICAGO, IL 60604 sha u ld _ wf ( M410 .Y k _� ._.::....__� .. Ctm }' DATE 12/30/2005 10:24 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 1/9/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5121222 100 33 1007 A-1 CONCRETE LEVELING 11/9/05 SIDEWALK REPAIRS 12/31/05 M 122905 1,090.00 722704 100.33.5110 0512 122905 GLJ2314 1090.00 122905 5121003 100 XXXXX 10160 ALBERTSONS NOV/DEC JEWEL PURCHASES 12/16/05 M 121505 3,178.00 722485 100.02.6910 0512 121505 GLJ2281 2263.60 121505 100.04.6210 0512 121505 GLJ2281 1.47 121505 100.02.6110 0512 121505 GLJ2261 37.92 121505 100.41.6920 0512 121505 GLJ2281 45.00 121505 100.02.6910 0512 121505 GLJ2281 829.81 121505 5121223 100 01 6289 BANKCARD SERVICES 12/6/05 AICPCU MATERIALS 12/31/05 M 122905 158.40 722705 100.01.5430 0512 122905 GLJ2314 158.40 122905 5120298 XXXXX XXXXX 2156 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 200512097 HEALTH & DENTAL INSURANCE 12/09/05 M 120905 18,186.65 722482 100.01.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 644.33 120905 100.02.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 152.51 120905 100.03.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 1527.80 120905 100.04.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 672.39 120905 100.22.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 8564.70 120905 100.30.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 820.35 120905 100.33.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 3467.23 120905 100.34.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 417.82 120905 100.41.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 1336.00 120905 620.00.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 152.51 120905 100.01.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 16.02 120905 100.02.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 3.57 120905 100.03.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 35.58 120905 100.04.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 17.19 120905 100.22.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 213.47 120905 100.30.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 19.18 120905 100.33,4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 82.31 120905 100.34.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 7.93 120905 100.41.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 32.17 120905 620.00.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 3.59 120905 5120300 510 XXXXX 2156 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 200512097 HEALTH & DENTAL INSURANCE 12/09/05 M 120905 2,848.09 505100 510.31.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 1677.22 120905 510.32.4310 0512 120905 GLJ2252 1104.23 120905 510.31.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 39.63 120905 510.32.4320 0512 120905 GLJ2252 27.01 120905 5121012 580 31 3255 CHARPIE CONSTRUCITON COM #10 TREATMENT PLANT 1 RENOVATION 12/22/05 M 122105 50,727.00 505158 580.31.8500 18000 0512 122105 GLJ2303 50727.00 122105 50727.00 580-WTRPLI 5121005 100 01 3559 COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE JENKINS NOTARY COMMISSION RENEWAL 12/16/05 M 121505 10.00 722486 100.01.6940 0512 121505 GLJ2281 10.00 121505 5121013 100 33 4154 DENNISON CORPORATION 06 DUMP VEHICLE PURCHASE 12/22/05 M 122105 41,170.35 722700 #430 100.33.8400 0512 122105 GLJ2303 41170.35 122105 100-VEHSTS DATE 12/30/2005 10:24 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 1/9/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5120194 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 12/31/05 M 120205 988.00 722706 100.214 0512 120205 GLJ2192 988.00 120205 5120755 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 12/31/05 M 121605 988.00 722706 100.214 0512 121605 GLJ2273 988.00 121605 5121014 290 00 7648 GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL GROU 23616 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 12/22/05 M 122105 1,600.00 722701 RE-ISSUE 290.00.5110 0512 122105 GLJ2303 CHECK RE-ISSUE 1600.00 122105 290-DWNTNREV 5121230 100 41 7646 GROUP SALES UNLIMITED 1/28/06 R-PARKS PROGRAM FIELD TRIP 12/31/05 M 123005 1,103.00 722716 100.41.5110 0512 123005 GLJ2322 1103.00 123005 5121229 100 22 8523 HOGUE INC PO 706-427WEAPON GRIPS 12/31/05 M 122905 783.05 722707 100.22.6110 0512 122905 GLJ2316 783.05 122905 5120296 100 XXXXX 8527 HOME DEPOT/GECF NOV 05MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12/08/05 M 120805 1,566.28 722481 100.33.6110 0512 120805 GLJ2248 1301.68 120805 100.34.6110 0512 120805 GLJ2248 264.60 120805 5120297 510 31 8527 HOME DEPOT/GECF NOV 05MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12/08/05 M 120805 255.45 505099 510.31.6110 0512 120805 GLJ2248 255.45 120805 5120284 100 01 9383 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF P NOV O5DEATH CERTIFICATE COPIES 12/01/05 M 120105 670.00 722478 100.01.6940 0512 120105 GLJ2202 670.00 120105 5120285 100 02 14269 MCHENRY DOWNTOWN THEATER CHRIST4AS ITEMS 12/01/05 M 120105 2,464.00 722479 100.02.6910 0512 120105 GLJ2202 2464.00 120105 5120286 100 02 14269 MCHENRY DOWNTOWN THEATER CHRISTMAS ITEMS 12/01/05 M 120105 522.06 722479 100.02.6910 0512 120105 GLJ2202 522.06 120105 5100204 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 100705 105.80 722708 100.207 0510 100705 GLJ1954 105.80 100705 5101065 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 102105 105.80 722708 100.207 0510 102105 GLJ2016 105.80 102105 5110208 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 110405 105.80 722708 100.207 0511 110405 GLJ2076 105.80 110405 5110991 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 111805 105.80 722708 100.207 0511 111805 GLJ2153 105.80 111805 5120189 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 120205 105.80 722708 100.207 0512 120205 GLJ2192 105.80 120205 5120751 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 121605 105.80 722708 100.207 0512 121605 GLJ2273 105.80 121605 DATE 12/30/2005 10:24 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 1/9/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5121213 100 14268 MCPOA POLICE ASN 12/31/05 M 123005 105.80 722708 100.207 0512 123005 GLJ2311 105.80 123005 5120193 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 12/31/05 M 120205 61.93 722709 100.2191 0512 120205 GLJ2192 61.93 120205 5120754 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 12/31/05 M 121605 61.90 722709 100.2191 0512 121605 GLJ2273 61.90 121605 5121015 100 33 15033 NAVISTAR FINANCIAL CORPO 050802/3 VEHICLE PURCHASES 12/22/05 M 122105 154,778.00 722702 100.33.8400 0512 122105 GLJ2303 154778.00 122105 100-VEHSTS 5120190 100 15079 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. IMRF LIFE 12/31/05 M 120205 335.00 722710 100.2041 0512 120205 GLJ2192 335.00 120205 5121006 100 03 15561 NWBOCA 1/5/05MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 12/16/05 M 121505 45.00 722487 100.03.5430 0512 121505 GLJ2281 45.00 121505 5120287 100 04 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL POSTAGE FOR WATER/SEWER BILLS 12/06/05 M 120105 1,057.85 722480 100.04.5310 0512 120105 GLJ2212 1057.85 120105 5121004 100 41 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL LETTERS FROM SANTA POSTAGE 12/16/05 M 121505 37.00 722488 100.41.6920 0512 121505 GLJ2281 37.00 121505 5121002 100 34 20015 SAM'S CLUB 003495SUPPLIES 12/16/05 M 121505 86.94 722489 100.34.6110 0512 121505 GLJ2281 86.94 121505 5121016 426 00 21245 THELEN SAND & GRAVEL INC 1ST& FINALHUNTERVILLE PARK W/S EXTENS 12/22/05 M 122105 121,225.43 722703 426.00.8500 18715 0512 122105 GLJ2303 121225.43 122105 1290721.10 426-HUNTERVL 5121000 290 00 21285 TICOR TITLE INSURANCE CO 1110 GREENBUILDING PURCHASE 12/16/05 M 121505 947,000.00 722490 290.00.8900 0512 121505 GLJ2281 947000.00 121505 290-DWNTNREV 5120301 290 00 21643 TREASURER STATE OF ILLIN C-0466-04 IEPA WATER QUALITY CERT 12/09/05 M 120905 10,000.00 722484 290.00.8900 0512 120905 GLJ2258 10000.00 120905 290-RIVERWALK 5121001 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 12/16/05 M 121505 59.91 722491 100.04.5310 0512 121505 GLJ2281 40.77 121505 100.01.5310 0512 121505 GLJ2281 19.14 121505 5121226 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X-485 UPS CHARGES 12/31/05 M 122905 37.83 722711 100.22.5310 0512- 122905 GLJ2314 10.94 122905 100.04.5310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 26.89 122905 5121224 100 XXXXX 22496 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR G-190822 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 12/31/05 M 122905 1,080.00 722712 100.224 0512 122905 GLJ2314 9.90 122905 DATE 12/30/2005 10:24 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 1/9/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.01.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 14.40 122905 100.01.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 72.90 122905 100.01.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 18.90 122905 100.02.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 8.10 122905 100.22.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 534.60 122905 100.30.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 40.50 122905 100.33.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 178.20 122905 100.34.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 24.30 122905 100.03.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 72.90 122905 100.41.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 89.10 122905 100.224 0512 122905 GLJ2314 8.10 122905 100.41.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 8.10 122905 5121225 510 XXXXX 22496 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR G-190822 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 12/31/05 M 122905 162.00 505159 510.31.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 85.05 122905 510.32.4310 0512 122905 GLJ2314 76.95 122905 5100203 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 100705 13.00 722713 100.205 0510 100705 GLJ1954 13.00 100705 5101064 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 102105 13.00 722713 100.205 0510 102105 GLJ2016 13.00 102105 5110207 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 110405 13.00 722713 100.205 0511 110405 GLJ2076 13.00 110405 5110990 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 111805 13.00 722713 100.205 0511 111805 GLJ2153 13.00 111805 5120188 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 120205 13.00 722713 100.205 0512 120205 GLJ2192 13.00 120205 5120750 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 121605 13.00 722713 100.205 0512 121605 GLJ2273 13.00 121605 5121212 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 12/31/05 M 123005 13.00 722713 100.205 0512 123005 GLJ2311 13.00 123005 5121227 100 41 23999 VELEZ, JENNIFER R-PROGRAM KITS 12/31/05 M 122905 250.00 722714 100.41.5110 0512 122905 GLJ2314 250.00 122905 5121228 100 XXXXX 24020 WALMART COMMUNITY NOV/DEC 05MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12/31/05 M 122905 500.12 722715 100.22.6110 0512 122905 GLJ2314 36.46 122905 100.22.6210 0512 122905 GLJ2314 19.01 122905 100.41.5330 0512 122905 GLJ2314 48.06 122905 100.41.6110 0512 122905 GLJ2314 R 54.59 122905 100.41.6920 0512 122905 GLJ2314 69.20 122905 100.34.6110 0512 122905 GLJ2314 223.80 122905 100.22.6110 0512 122905 GLJ2314 49.00 122905 RATE 12/30/2005 10:24 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 1/9/06 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 1,365,918.84 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 231,944.77 290 TIF FUND 958,600.00 426 HUNTERVILLE PARK SSA#6 121,225.43 1,290,721.10 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 3,265.54 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 50,727.00 50,727.00 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 156.10 **** 1,365,918.84 1,341,448.10 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J.Marcinko,Director of Public Works FOR: January 9,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Utility System Water and Sewer Atlas ATTACHMENT: Service Agreement from Smith Engineering Consultants,Inc. Backmund. The Public Works Department regularly utilizes a utility atlas or map to identify the location of utilities within right-of-ways or easements. The department is currently using documents prepared in 1981. Significant changes have occurred in the community in the last 25 years. In many instances, detailed engineering data on infrastructure can only be found on the individual subdivision drawings malting retrieval of utility information problematic during emergency situations or for planning purposes. Analysis. In the past year, the city switched engineering firms for water and sewer work. Since so much of the historical engineering data was at the disposal of the prior engineering firm, staff thought it would be a good time to update the water/sewer atlas. Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC) has submitted an engineering service agreement to update the city's utility mapping using a geographic information system(GIS). GIS facilitates fast and easy access to maps and associated descriptive data. Staff has reviewed the scope of services and recommends approval of the surveying services and the creation of an updated water and sewer atlas at this time. SEC will locate all of the water valves and hydrants, along with all visible sanitary and storm sewer structures. This is the first logical step in implementing a city-wide GIS of the infrastructure. The following is a cost analysis of the proposed services,at the end of which, Staff will have an electronic utility atlas,where water and sewer lines,as well as other utility appurtenances can be identified. The atlas can then in the future be used as a basis to do water and sewer modeling. GIS Base Setup 15,015.00 Horizontal&Vertical Survey 79,200.00 Invert Survey 57,600.00 Building GIS 28,875.00 Total $180,690.00 The proposed GIS services were budgeted in the Water and Street Division's Contractual Services account for $63,000.00. While the proposal exceeds the budgeted amount, the value of the updated atlas is such that staff is recommending proceeding the project. Recently released reserves from the Depreciation Reserve Fund and the Bond Reserve fund can be used to fiend the overage. Recommendation. Staff recommends the following: 1) a budget amendment increasing the contractual accounts in the Water/Sewer Fund $118,000; and, 2) Council approval of the engineering service agreement from Smith Engineering Consultants,Inc. for surveying services and the creation of a water and sewer utility atlas in an amount not to exceed$180,690.00. Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors i PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT . for ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING City of McHenry GIS System and Water and Sanitary Sewer Modeling Mr. Douglas Martin Assistant to the City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 SEC Job Nos.: MCHE-050432-3 Engineering MCHE-050432-4 Surveying November 21, 2005 4500 Prime Parkway,McHenry,1L 60050 www.smithengincering.com Telephone 815.385.1778 Fax 815.385.1781 Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIs and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 Page 2 of 8 ii s n u£UP,i �4 A. General Understanding/Assumptions 1. The City of McHenry desires to update its utility maps,water and sanitary sewer models and GIS data so that it will have the accurate information required by the City for its current uses and to build a solid foundation for the City's future GIS needs,public utility infrastructure development,and police and fire dispatching. 2. The following assumptions,were used to generate costs for this project: a. 586,137 total linear footage of public streets; b. 300' average distance between sanitary manhole= 2000 manholes; c. 3 00' average distance between fire hydrants=2000 fire hydrants; and d. 500' average distance between valve vaults with 4 vaults per intersection 3200 valve vaults. A. Surveying Services Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. (SEC) will provide a base map using the program ArcGIS 9.1,for use by the City of McHenry,using parcel data provided by McHenry and Lake Counties. The base map will show street names,centerlines,and right-of-way of streets from parcel lines provided, bodies of water, and railroad tracks. Future aerial mapping provided by McHenry County will be incorporated when the photos are ready at a later date. Smith Engineering Consultants (SEC)will obtain all necessary information to complete the project, including obtaining existing utility mapping and atlases from the City. SEC will utilize IDOT,NGS, local control monuments,published state plane coordinates, and elevations from monument records along with Trimble Geomatics software to establish a control network. Additional control points will be set throughout the City, as needed,using Trimble GPS equipment. Control points will also be set in pairs for use by Trimble Robotic Total Station equipment where a GPS location is not possible. All of the project coordinates will be in Illinois State Plane Coordinates East Zone 1983, 1997 adjustment. The projects vertical datum will be referenced.to NAVD 1988,unless a local vertical datum is requested. Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIs and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 Page 3 of 8 All visible water valves and hydrants, along with all visible sanitary and storm sewer structures,will be located using Trimble survey grade GPS equipment and Trimble Robotic Total Stations. This equipment provides for a+/- 0.08' tolerance both in the horizontal and vertical positions. Additional attributes collected will include the fire hydrant manufacturer and locations notes, invert and pipe size information for the sanitary sewer system. The structures will be located at$11.00 per structure for the amount of structures listed in the above assumptions. Additional structures will be located on a Time and Material basis at$11.00 per structure. SEC will require that City personnel identify and mark all visible structures to be located and to locate any buried(non-visible) structures that need to be included. B. GIS Data Conversion Services All field data collected will be processed in Trimble Geomatics Office software utilizing shape files for utility structures supplied by the City of McHenry. This same software will also be utilized for quality control and for exporting the field data to CAD and GIS software programs. SEC will follow the ESRI Water/Wastewater Design Model.in processing all of the colleted data so that it will be compatible with the City's existing GIS system and all water modeling software utilizing ESRI data. The data collected in the field by SEC and the existing information supplied by the City will be used in creating.a new water and sewer atlas utilizing ArcGIS 9.1, with Microsoft Access and SQL Server being utilized for the associated. information database. SEC will provide the City with a template for inputting future data into the water and sewer atlas. This template will provide the City with direction on how future data from both public and private sources should be incorporated into the atlas. C. Engineering Services 1. Sanitary Sewer Hydraulic Model a) Setup and input data into sanitary model. b) Monitor approximately 15 sites for flows in the system and analysis of collected data. c) Calibrate and run sewer model,preparing report from generated data. d) Present report to City. Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIs and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 Page 4 of 8 2. Watermain Model a) Collect flow and head loss data from field tests of existing system. b) Setup and calibrate model, inputting collected data. c) Evaluate system and analysis/report of generated data. d) Present report to City. D. Meetings/Administration/Coordination SEC will attend meetings for project coordination and determining preliminary requirements for the system. This item includes preparation of meeting minutes and distribution to meeting attendees. This also includes general administrative tasks associated with the proposal and conducting general coordination throughout the project with the City of McHenry and McHenry County. E. Information to be Provided by Client The City of McHenry will acquire data from both Lake and McHenry Counties to supplement the base file data provided by SEC. The City will be required to have its personnel identify and mark all visible structures to be located and to locate any buried(non-visible) structures that need to be included. The City will also need to provide SEC all existing water and sewer atlas information. F. Not Included in Contract Water service shut off valves, also called B-Boxes,will not be located by SEC at this time. Hard copy print outs of the water and sewer atlases are not included in this contract. They can be provided if requested by the City under a separate contract. Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIs and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 ri Page 5 of 8 Based upon our understanding of the project as detailed in this Contract,the following is a summary of man-hours and costs associated with the project. This Contract will be completed as a Time and Material,Not to Exceed Contract. ,V. R GIS Base Setup 143 $15,015.00 -- Horizontal &Vertical Survey 495 $79,200.00 -- Invert Survey 360 $57,600.00• -- Buildin GIS S stem 275 $28,875.00 -- E Watermain Field Tests 64 $8,000.00 -- Water Model Setup/Calibration 160 $20,000.00 -- Water Model Analysis 80 $10,000.00 -- Sanitary Sewer Model Setup 815 $101,875.00 -- Flow Monitoring 48 $6,000.00 $60,000.00 Sewer Model Analysis 360 $40,000.00 -- Final Modeling Report and Staff 373 $49,125.00 $4,800.00 Training $415,690.00 . $64,800.00 $480,490.00 Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIS and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 Page 6 of 8 IN Extra Work Any work required but not included as part of this contract shall be considered extra work Extra work will be billed on a Time and Material basis with prior written approval of the CITY OF MCHENRY. Outside Consultants SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC.(SEC)is not responsible for accuracy of any plans,surveys or information of any type including electronic media prepared by any other consultants,etc.provided to SEC for use in preparation of plans. SEC is not responsible for accuracy of topographic surveys provided by others. A field check of a topographic survey provided by others will not be done under this contract unless indicated in the Scope of Work. Design Without Construction Review It is agreed that the professional services of SEC do not extend to or include the review or site observation of the contractor's work or performance. SEC agrees to be responsible for its'employees negligent acts,errors or omissions. Attorneys'Fees In the event of any mediation arising from or related to the services provided under this AGREEMENT,the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred,including staff time,court costs,attorneys'fees and other related expenses. Job Site Safety Neither the professional activities of SEC,nor the presence of SEC's employees and subconsultants at a construction site,shall relieve the General Contractor and any other entity of their obligations,duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to,construction means,methods,sequence,techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. SEC and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. The CITY OF MCHENRY agrees that the General Contractor is solely responsible for job site safety,and warrants that this intent shall be made evident in the CITY OF MCHENRY AGREEMENT with the General Contractor. The CITY OF MCHENRY also agrees that the CITY OF MCHENRY,SEC and SEC's consultants shall be indemnified and shall be made additional insureds under the General Contractor's general liability insurance policy. Reuse of Documents All project documents including,but not limited to,plans and specifications furnished by SEC under this project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse,without specific written verification or adoption by SEC,shall be at the CITY OF MCHENRY's sole risk,and CITY OF MCHENRY shall indemnify and hold harmless SEC from all claims,damages and expenses including attorneys fees arising out of or resulting therefrom. Design Information in Electronic Form Because CADD information stored in electronic form can be modified by other parties,intentionally or otherwise, without notice or indication of said modifications,SEC reserves the right to remove all indicia of its ownership and/or involvement in the material from each electronic medium not held in its possession. The CITY OF MCHENRY shall retain copies of the work performed by SEC in CADD form only for information and use by the CITY OF MCHENRY for the specific purpose for which SEC was engaged. Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIS and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 Page 7 of 8 Any use or reuse of original or altered CADD design materials by the CITY OF MCHENRY,agents of the CITY OF MCHENRY,or other parties without the review and written approval of SEC shall be at the sole risk of the CITY OF MCHENRY. Dispute Resolution All claims,disputes or controversies arising out of,or in relation to the interpretation,application or enforcement of the AGREEMENT shall be decided through Mediation,in accordance with American Arbitration Rules. The parties further agree that the CITY OF MCHENRY will require,as a condition for participation in the project and their AGREEMENT to perform labor or services,that all Contractors,Subcontractors,Sub-subcontractors and Material Persons,whose portion of work amounts to five thousand dollars($5,000)or more,and their insurers and sureties shall agree to this procedure. Hazardous Materials It is acknowledged by both parties that SEC's scope of services does not include any services related to asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials. In the event SEC or any other party encounters asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials at the job site,or should it become known in any way that such materials may be present at the job site or any adjacent areas that may affect the performance of SEC's services,SEC may,at its option and without liability for consequential or any other damages,suspend performance of services on the project until the CITY OF MCHENRY retains appropriate specialist consultant(s)or contractor(s)to identify,abate and/or remove the asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials,and warrant that the job site is in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Exclusion This fee does not include attendance at any meetings or public hearings other than those specifically listed.in the Scope of Services. These work items are considered extra and are billed separately on an hourly basis. Payment 1. All work will be invoiced on a monthly basis. All invoices shall be paid within 30 days of the invoice date. Additionally,all outstanding invoices must be paid in full before Final Plats of Subdivision will be submitted for recording or record drawings are submitted to municipalities for final approval. Should the CITY OF MCHENRY fail to pay for professional services hereunder,as billed within 45 days of such billing,SEC shall be excused from rendering any finther services under this project. No work shall be signed or sealed until payment in full is received. . 2. This AGREEMENT shall not be enforceable by either party until each has in its possession a copy of this AGREEMENT signed by the other. Time Limit This AGREEMENT must be executed within thirty(30)days of the composition date to be accepted under the terms set forth herein. This contract shall expire one year from date of execution. Mr.Douglas Martin City of McHenry GIs and Modeling SEC Job No.: MCHE-050432-3,-4 November 21,2005 Page 8 of 8 We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to offer our services. If this AGREEMENT merits your approval and acceptance,please sign both copies,retain one(1)copy for your files and return one (1)to our office. This AGREEMENT is approved and accepted by the Client and Consultant upon both parties signing and dating the AGREEMENT. The effective date of the AGREEMENT shall be the last date entered below. Sincerely, SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. . J. Chad J. Pieper, Civil En6&eer II Approved by: ARobertW ener,P.E., cu ve Officer/President CJP/tz CLIENT: Accepted by: Printed/Typed Name: Title: Date: Client: N:UoWSti 6\2005W50432 MCHE-GISVAne nisvation\cm act\MCHE-050432-GIS_Mo&lmg-cjp-112105.doe i A s AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: January 9,2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Ordinance Adopting a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Relating to Outdoor Lighting Regulations ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDD Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes dated 7/21/05 3. Proposed Zoning Code Language for Lighting 4. Table of Light Level Readings Taken at Various Businesses 5. Ordinance Amending Article III of the Zoning Ordinance to add language regulating outdoor lighting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached ordinance approving a text amendment to Article III of the Zoning Ordinance to add language regulating outdoor lighting. Background In November of 20M, the Community Development Committee recommended changes to the City's outdoor lighting regulations. The proposed changes were designed to address inadequacies in the current language. Proposed Lighting Language The proposed lighting regulations address the following items for lighting on private property: • Purpose and definitions, including diagrams. (particularly showing cut-off angles and modifying existing fixtures to address glare and light trespass) Prohibits glare by requiring futl-cutoff luminaries, including wall packs and security packs for nonresidential areas, multi-family residential parking areas and any parking lot lighting in single-family residential developments. • Requires a photometric plan for all new nonresidential and multi-family residential developments. • Limits light trespass for all nomresidential properties adjacent to residential properties and roadways and from multi-residential parking areas to single-family residential areas. Establishes minimum illumination levels for parking lots and general security for all new nonresidential developments and parking areas,including multi-family residential districts. • Requires a maximum height for luminaires(25-30 feet). • Requires special provisions for certain uses,i.e.: service stations and automobile lots,based on a survey of what already exists. Includes nonconformity provisions, requiring all existing lighting to comply with the new regulations by June 1, 2007. It is anticipated that Staff would identify those sites in violation of the new regulations. Those business would be contacted regarding the new regulations and Staff would work with the property owners to bring the lighting into compliance. Planning and Zoning Recommendation In July of 2005,the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the draft lighting language and was pleased with the proposed language. Their main concern was with light spillage onto adjacent properties and this has been addressed in the proposed language. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval(5-0 vote)of the proposed text amendment. Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance Applicant City of McHenry Requested Action Zoning Code Text Amendment to address Outdoor Lighting. Background On July 20, 2004, staff met with the Community Development Committee to begin to discuss inadequacies relating to Outdoor Lighting requirements. Staff presented lighting suggestions to the Committee. These suggestions included regulating glare, height, fixture type and lighting levels and general nuisance issues and adding common jargon definitions. After agreeing on the items to include in the regulations, staff presented a draft Code Amendment to the Committee for consideration. Their recommendation was to forward the draft to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. At the July 21, 2005 meeting the Planning and Zoning Board had several questions and comments. This plan was changed per those comments and from staff discussions. One change from the original draft to this draft was the elimination of the fixture style and the lighting Description of Request The City Staff is presenting draft language for the Code Amendment to include lighting regulations as part of the Zoning Code. The proposed Ordinance will include: • Purpose and intent • Applicability • Definitions • Exempt Lighting • General Regulations • Regulations for the following: a) Temporary Lighting b) Gas Stations and Automobile Dealership Lighting c) Minimum lighting standards for parking lot lighting d) Building Lighting • Provision for requiring a lighting plan(photometric grid) for all new developments • Nonconformity provisions • Examples of full cutoff fixtures,how to modify an existing fixture • Examples of the typical lighting fixtures Staff Analysis Staff has prepared draft language that addressed all of the above suggestions from the Committee. Staff Recommendation Approval of the proposed Ordinance language and to direct staff to bring to the City Council for full consideration. Attachments • Ordinance language • City adopted lighting fixture design standard • Example of fixture modifications for full cutoff fixture • Community Development Committee minutes October 13,2004 • Community Development Committee minutes November 10,2004 Page 1 of 7 Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance OUTDOOR LIGHTING PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose and intent of this Section is to establish outdoor lighting standards which promote safety and security, encourage energy conservation, and reduce or eliminate light pollution, glare and light trespass. APPLICABILITY 1, This Section shall apply to uses that operate during hours of darkness, where there is public assembly or navigation, including but not limited to the following uses: Multi- Family Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Office, Business Park, Public-Recreation and Institutional. 2. Single-family residential shall be excluded from the provisions of this Section except where specifically stated. 3, The Zoning Administrator for the City may require lighting be incorporated for other uses or locations as deemed necessary. 4. Glare-control requirements contained herein shall apply to all uses. DEFINITIONS Emergency Lighting- Footcandle-A unit of light intensity stated in lumens per square foot and measurable with an illuminance meter or light meter. Full cutoff-A light fixture which cuts off all upward transmission of light and emits no luminous flux above the horizontal plane. Glare-The sensation produced by lighting that causes an annoyance, discomfort or loss in visual performance in an observer with a direct line of sight to a light source and often results in visual impairment. Light Standard—The pole upon which a Luminaire is mounted. Light Trespass-Light projected or emitted by a lighting installation onto a property from a fixture not located on that property. Lumen-Measure of brightness of the illumination existing on a bulb which is provided by a manufacturer. Luminaire-The complete lighting unit, including the lamp,the fixture and other parts. Lux-A unit of light intensity stated in lumens per square meter. There is approximately 10.7 lux per footcandle. Mounting Height-The vertical distance between the lowest part of the luminaire and the ground surface directly below the luminaire. Page 2 of 7 Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance Outdoor Lighting-any artificial open-air lighting device, fixture, lamp or other similar device, permanently installed or portable, which is intended to provide illumination for either visibility or decorative effects. Photometric Grid-An outdoor lighting plan depicting illumination levels from all exterior light sources on a site. Temporary Lighting-Lighting installed with temporary wiring and operated for not more than ninety(90) days in any calendar year at any one consecutive time interval. EXEMPT LIGHTING 1. Emergency Lighting. All emergency lighting and traffic control lighting are exempt from the provisions of this Section. 2. Single-Family Home Lighting. All single-family residential homes are exempt from the provisions of this Section, except in the instance where excessive glare and/or light trespass onto another property is apparent. 3. Recreational and Sports Lighting. Recreational and sports lighting are exempt from the provisions of this Section, provided that light pollution, glare and unwanted illumination of surrounding streets and properties are minimized. 4. Temporary Lighting. The temporary use of low wattage or low voltage lighting for public festivals, celebrations and the observance of holidays are exempt from the provisions in this Section except where they create a hazard or nuisance from glare or light trespass. Temporary lighting shall be permitted for a maximum of ninety (90) days from the date of installation. PROHIBITED LIGHTING 1. The use of search lights, laser lighting or lights that pulse, flash,rotate or simulate motion for advertising or promotions is prohibited. 2. Glare is prohibited in all instances. 3. Multi-purpose lighting or lighting intended to serve more than one specific purpose, e.g. a building and parking lot, is prohibited. 4. Lighting found to create a public hazard is prohibited and can be ordered removed at any time. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded and aimed so that illumination is directed only to . the areas designated for lighting. 2. Light trespass from nonresidential development onto residential development and from multi-family residential onto single-family residential development shall not exceed .5 footcandles at the property line. 3. Mounting heights of all lighting fixtures, except those fixtures existing as of the date of passage of this Section, shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in non-residential districts, and twenty-four(24) feet in residential districts. 4. All luminaries shall be full cut-off fixtures. Provide the City with Cut Sheets for review. 5. All outdoor lighting shall be turned off or reduced to minimum levels necessary for security purposes by 11:00 P.M. each night. This provision shall not apply to places of business or public venues that are open 24 hours. 6. Lighting shall be white in color. The preferred type is Metal Halide. Low or high- pressure sodium,mercury vapor and fluorescent lighting should be discouraged, unless in Page 3 of 7 Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance an area that required low lighting and where color discrimination is not needed, (ex. Nature conservation area parking lot). 7. No Neon lighting is allowed unless architecturally integrated into the building or signage. ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO GAS STATIONS AND AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIPS 1. Gas/Automobile Service Stations. The lighting levels on the convenience store apron or under the canopies shall be adequate to facilitate the activities taking place in those locations and not be used to attract attention to the business. A maximum of twenty-five (25) footcandles shall be permitted under the canopy of gas or automobile service stations with an average of twelve(12)uniformly spread across the canopy area. 2. Automobile Dealerships. The lighting levels shall be adequate for security purposes and not be used to attract attention to the business. A maximum of twenty (20) footcandles shall be permitted anywhere in the lot of an automobile dealership,provided off-site glare and light pollution are minimized by shielding light fixtures or using other appropriate methods. PARKING LOT LIGHTING parking lot lighting shall be required for all new development and other pedestrian areas as determined by the Zoning Administrator. A minimum of two (2) footcandles shall be required anywhere in a parking lot and a maximum of ten (10) footcandles shall be permitted anywhere in the parking lot with an average of five (5) footcandles uniformly spread across the parking lot. Security lighting intended to light the perimeter of a property may include motion sensors. If possible the light fixtures should be located in the asphalt areas of the parking lot and not in the landscape areas so as to not disrupt any required landscaping. BUILDING LIGHTING Lighting fixtures on buildings shall be full cutoff and located, aimed and shielded so that light is directed only onto the building surface. Ground mounted fixtures used to highlight a building shall shine upwards towards a building surface. Lighting fixtures shall not be directed toward adjacent streets or roads. LIGHTING PLANS REQUIRED A photometric grid shall be required for all new developments, excluding single-family. The location of all light standards and luminaries, and illumination levels in footcandles, shall be indicated within the site and at the property lines. A cut sheet of all types of proposed light standards and luminaries shall be provided, indicating the type of lighting to be used, the mounting height, cutoffs, and any other pertinent information as deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator. EFFECTIVE DATE/NONCONFORMITY PROVISIONS These provisions shall apply to all new lighting installations. All lighting not in compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be brought into compliance by July 1, 2006, except that any existing luminaire being replaced or relocated shall be a full cutoff luminaire. Heights or style of existing lighting fixtures shall not be required to be brought into conformance. Page 4 of 7 Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance TYPICAL CUT-OFF LIGHTING FIXTURE FOR ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL PARKING LOTS Cutoff t ri�l*�4 1�.7`T�•y��;s3�'y ''� ��n r j.ad,k� LR Br... .��Q�y,. ��yy a /rw 90, ,�. Mw .d4,l L. f',,�+J�.:..uYi,6 r .�.�drr7'i. nln•,5,'... „L ry Ii�, 'N'+1�:'�� Y}�. Page 5 of 7 Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance CITY STANDARD LIGHTING FIXTURE FOR DOWNTOWN OR HISTORIC AREAS < / \ ��`,.M aL�U1Lri This fixture is more appropriate for older areas of the City where historic preservation is prominent. This fixture still allows the ability to shield the lighting. Page 6 of 7 Community Development Department Report Proposed Lighting Ordinance EXAMPLES OF LIGHTING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE MODIFICATIONS t,.wk ,..tw+► i �—y +.bl cuaf fee � WWn ------------" .... NO CVMFF WMIMU WhUNAW Wn11 LW THAN W CUTOFF 90'CUTOfF LLlhVNAiRE Some Good and Bad Light A tuna Ty*A,%aV WX T�� What You Can Do To Modffy ExlWmg Mims % Ctatge v�... m ddf IL '•�•'• .1 plmdownyWdt .'•�i •, Ty*hi'Yard UDC ORMA Ad*= (t•tro in" ow"06... tothti imtall tttml 0/ 1 Ph ILs Aral Rose LV ka Rood U4ht M'`Itfl Hood Qli'Vt'SNIi... tD111It... or trA Lr IL Page 7 of 7 11+Iinutes of the City of McHenry PLANNING AND ZONING COIVIlV MON July 219 2W an ofthe enry P' ' g and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m, in the McHenry Municip Co " Chambers. Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstro arrived at 7:35 P. . Howell, Thacker, Absent:Nadeau, ScUepler. Also in attendance: City er Zeller, Director o ommunity Development Napolitano,Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Minute Approval Motion by B econded by Cadotte,to approve the minutes of une 16, 2005 Planning and Zoning Co,mmissi meeting as presented. Voting Aye: Bnhrman, otte,Howell, 'Thacker. Voting Nay: None, Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Ekstrom,Nadeau, Sch Motion carried 4-0. City Planner Zeller noted the July 7, 2005 mi should be amended in paragraph 5 of Public Hearing for File No Z-646 on page 1 to @ "...st a of towed vehicles for a miahnum of thirty days.."and"—following the mi ' um thirty-day period...". i Motion by Cadotte, seconded b uhrman,to approve the minute the July 7, 2005 Planning and Zoning Commission in " ' as amended. Voting Aye: Buhrman, otte, Howell. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: No Abstaining: ker. Absent: Ekstrom,Nadeau, Schepler. raMt-fi 4-0 Public Hearing—City of McHenrlr Ffle No.,Z-637 Teat Amendment—Lighting Regulations Chairman Howell opened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-637, a request for a teat amendment to incorporate lighting regulations into the City's Zoning Ordinance at 7:33 p.m. Chairman Howell announced notice of the-Public Hearing was published in the Northwest- Herald on July 6, 2005. City Planner Zeller informed the commissioners Staff has been working in conjunction with Council's Community Development Committee on the creation of lighting regulations and standards. Noting numerous complaints have been received regarding light glaze and nuisance overflow, the Community Development Department has researched various locations in town • P&.Z Commission July 21, 2005 Page 2 regarding available foot candles, color of lighting, cross-illumination (single light used for multiple purposes), and glow and overflow to adjacent property. Ekstrom arrived at 7:35 p.m. Planner Zeller stated proposed standards and regulations were presented to the Community Development Committee and received a unanimous recommendation to proceed to Council for review and consideration. The City Council directed Staff to present the regulations to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing for recommendation as to a zoning text amendment. This evening Staff is seeking the Commission's input regarding the proposed regulations and standards. Chairman Howell invited questions and/or comments from the commissioners. Responding to an inquiry, Planner Zeller stated all future developers would have to comply with the lighting regulations and standards. In addition, existing businesses would have to comply within one year of the ordinance date of approval by City Council. Referencing item #7 of the General Regulations, the commissioners suggested the language be amended to read "No exterior neon lighting is allowed unless architecturally integrated into the building or signage". Responding to request for clarification, Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the proposed lighting standards are for all non- single family uses within the City. He explained Staff had visited on-site several locations in town during evening hours and determined that white lighting is preferable to other bulbs. Staff also determined the desired foot candle maximums for various uses and these have been spelled out in the text of the ordinance. He cited the vast difference of lighting the Dominic's lot versus the adjacent K Mart lot. He stated the proposed regulations would require the businesses to prevent glare and overflow, change light bulbs, if necessary, implement protective shielding, etc. Compliance would be required within one year of Council approval. In response to an inquiry, Director Napolitanb stated neighboring communities have not yet implemented lighting standards or regulations. Director Napolitano noted the ordinance is applicable to private properly only and is not meant to regulate City lighting in the right-of-way. A brief discussion occurred regarding the 25 foot candle maximum allowed at gas stations, financial institutions, and auto dealerships. Question was raised as to the need for security cameras to be able to pickup on any trespassers. Suggestion was made to add a category for "Landscape Lighting". Director Napolitano concurred. He explained it was Staffs intention to make sure that onsite lighting is used for only one purpose. For example, parking lot lighting should not be used to illuminate the building. $'Commission July Il$'2005 Page 3 Some discussion followed regarding the glare and overflow from auto dealerships in town. It was noted the worst glare flows from Buss Ford. Director Napolitano stated all businesses would be alerted to the ordinance upon its adoption and advised they would have one year to bring their property into compliance. In response to Chairman Howell's inquiry, there was no one in the audience wishing to comment. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrinan, to recommend to Council that a text amendment to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance creating Outdoor Lighting Regulations and Standards be approved. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Howell,Ekstrom, Thacker. Voting Nay; None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: Nadeau, Scheeler. Motion carried 5-0. Comment bX Commissioners: ' Commissioner Buhiman: Commended Staff for their diligence in pursuing and creating the Outdoor Lighting Regulations. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 7:52 p.m. File No. Z-650 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Mao Chairman ell at 7:51 p.m. opened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z- , a proposed amendment to rehensive Plan Land Use Map, Chairman Howell stated notz f the Public Hearing was pub " in the Northwest Herald on July 6, 2005. Director Napolitano stated the City last a the Comprehensive Plan in 1999. Since that time several developments have been ed eir uses do not correlate to the Plan's Land Use Map. Director Napolitano a Community meat Committee has reviewed the proposed changes to the land map and recommended ap . He noted the major changes _on the Plan are: Prone Previous Land Use Provo and Use Adams Farm Low Density Residential Commerci reduced (Bull Vail & Curran Rd) and Commercial A Property Low Density Residential BP and Commercial removed of 120,W of Martin Woods) Commercial&BP Low Density Res reduced Estate added OUTDOOR LIGHTING A. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose and intent of this Section is to establish outdoor lighting standards which promote safety and security, encourage energy conservation, and reduce or eliminate light pollution, glare and light trespass. B. APPLICABILITY 1. To uses that operate during hours of darkness, where there is public assembly or navigation, including but not limited to the following uses: multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, office, business park, public-recreational and institutional. 2. Single-family residential shall be excluded from the provisions of this Section except where specifically stated. 3. Required lighting incorporated for other uses or locations as deemed necessary Zoning Administrator. 4. Glare-control requirements contained herein shall apply to all uses. C. EXEMPT LIGHTING 1. Emer encyLighting. All emergency lighting and traffic control lighting. 2. Single-Family Home Lighting.Zting. All single-family residential homes, except in the instance where glare and/or light trespass onto another property is apparent. 3. Recreational and Sports Li ling. Recreational and sports lighting, provided that glare and light trespass are minimized by shielding light fixtures or using other appropriate methods. 4. Temporary Lighting. The temporary use of low wattage or low voltage lighting for public festivals, celebrations and the observance of holidays, except where they create a hazard or nuisance from glare or light trespass. Temporary lighting shall be permitted for a maximum of ninety (90) days from the date of installation. 5. Public Right-of-Way Li Ming. Street lights installed or maintained in a public right-of-way. D. PROHIBITED LIGHTING 1. Use of search lights, laser lighting or lights that pulse, flash, rotate or simulate motion for advertising or promotions. 2. All lighting that produces glare. 3. Lighting intended to serve more than one specific purpose, e.g. a building and parking lot. 4. Lighting deemed a public nuisance by the Zoning Administrator. 1 E. LIGHTING REGULATIONS 1. General Regulations a. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded and aimed so that illumination is directed only to the areas designated for lighting. b. Light trespass from nonresidential development onto residential development and from multi-family residential onto single-family residential development shall not exceed one-half(5) footcandles at the property line. C. Mounting heights of all lighting fixtures, except those fixtures existing as of the date of passage of this Section, shall not exceed thirty(30) feet in non-residential districts, and twenty-four (24) feet in residential districts. d. All luminaries shall be full cut-off fixtures. e. All lighting on a premises shall be of the same color. f. All outdoor lighting shall be turned off or reduced to minimum levels necessary for security purposes by 11:00 P.M. each night. This provision shall not apply to places of business or public venues that are open 24 hours. 2. Parking Lot Lighting Parking lot lighting shall be required for all new development and other pedestrian areas. a. A minimum of one and a half(1.5) footcandles and a maximum of ten (10) footcandles shall be maintained in a parking lot. b. Security lighting intended to light the perimeter of a property may include motion sensors. C. All parking lot lighting standards and luminaires used to illuminate the same premises shall be of the same design and color. 3. Building Lighting Lighting fixtures on buildings shall be full cutoff and located, aimed and shielded so that light is directed only onto the building surface. Ground mounted fixtures used to highlight a building shall shine upwards towards a building surface. Lighting fixtures shall not be directed toward adjacent streets or roads. 4. Additional Regulations Applicable To Gas Stations and Automobile Dealerships a. Gas/Automobile Service Stations. A maximum of forty(40) footcandles shall be permitted under the canopy of gas or automobile service stations. b. Automobile Dealerships. A maximum of thirty-five (35) footcandles shall be permitted anywhere in the lot of an automobile dealership, provided off-site glare and light pollution are minimized by shielding light fixtures or using other appropriate methods. 2 F. LIGHTING PLANS REQUIRED A photometric grid shall be required for all new developments, excluding single- family. The location of all light standards and luminaries, and illumination levels in footcandles, shall be indicated within the site and at the property lines. A cut sheet of all types of proposed light standards and luminaries shall be provided, indicating the type of lighting to be used, the mounting height, cutoffs, and any other pertinent information as deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator. G. EFFECTIVE DATE/NONCONFORMITY PROVISIONS These provisions shall apply to all new lighting installations. All existing lighting not in compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be brought into compliance by June 1, 2007. DEFINITIONS Footcandle-A unit of light intensity stated in lumens per square foot and measurable with an illuminance meter or light meter. Full cutoff-A light fixture which cuts off all upward transmission of light and emits no luminous flux above the horizontal plane., Glare-The sensation produced by lighting that causes an annoyance, discomfort or loss in visual performance in an observer with a direct line of sight to a light source and often results in visual impairment. Light Standard—The pole upon which a Luminaire is mounted. Light Trespass-Light projected or emitted by a lighting installation onto a property from a fixture not located on that property. Luminaire-The complete lighting unit,including the lamp,the fixture and other parts. Mounting Height-The vertical distance between the lowest part of the luminaire and the ground surface directly below the luminaire. Outdoor Lighting-any artificial open-air lighting device, fixture, lamp or other similar device, permanently installed or portable, which is intended to provide illumination for either visibility or decorative effects. Photometric Grid-An outdoor lighting plan depicting illumination levels from all exterior light sources on a site. Temporary Lighting-Lighting installed with temporary wiring and operated for not more than ninety(90) days in any calendar year at any one consecutive time interval. 3 LIGHTING LEVELS Measurement of lighting levels(in footcandles)at various sites in the City of McHenry. Readings taken on 09/22/04,between 8:00 and 10:00 P.M.,unless otherwise noted. Light Level Site Location (footcandles). Outside Daylight unobstructed 2000 Daylight in shade 1000 City Hall Interior office 88 Under canopy at entrance 95 Under parking lot light pole 16 Parking lot between light poles 0.5 Knox Park 2nd row,first base bleachers,night game 4.5 Playground next to field during night game 0.4 Gary Lang Auto Group Entrance Door at 1107 S.Rt.31 55 Parking lot under light pole 63 Parking lot between light poles 14.1 _ Property line at Rt.31 entrance 1.4 Buss Ford Parking lot under light pole 16 Parking lot between light poles 19 Property line at Rt.31 entrance 28 BP Amoco,Rt.31 Under canopy by gas pumps 49 Mobil,N.Richmond Rd. Under canopy by gas pumps 33 Bank One Kiosk,W.Elm St. Under canopy by drive-thru ATM 23 Target Entrance Door 43 Parking lot under light pole 3.3 Parking lot between light poles 2.9 Wal-Mart Entrance Door 2.0 Parking lot under light pole 3.3 Parking lot between light poles 0.9 Meijer Entrance Door(south) 19 Parking lot under light pole 2.8 Parking lot between light poles 1.8 Kohl's Entrance Door 17.7 Parking lot under light pole 2.7 Parking lot between light poles 15 Riverside Drive Street light in front of Riverside Bakery 013 _ Green Street Street light in front of Michael's Bistro 0.91 Main Street Street light in front of Pino Veijo 0.63 Olde Mill Ponds Street light at Landings/Olde Mill intersection 0.7 Waters Edge Street light at Waters Edge/Devonshire 0.42 Park Ridge Estates Street light at Joyce/Loyola 0.85 Park Ridge Estates Street light at Loyola/Dartmoor 107 Lakeland Park Street light at Beach/Prairie 0.54 John Street Street light at John/Third 0.33 Fox Ridge Street light at Windridge/Dartmoor 1.07 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY TO INCLUDE LIGHTING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is in the best interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of McHenry to enact lighting regulations in the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Article III of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto Section N, Lighting Regulations, which language is attached hererto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,McHenry County, Illinois. 1 SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF . 2005 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF 22005 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 2 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Director of Community Development FOR: January 9,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Ordinance Adopting a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Chapter IV Table 4 Residential District Requirements Applicant: City of McHenry 0 ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDD Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2. Unapproved Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes dated 12/15/05 3. Proposed Table 4 Residential District Requirements 4. Ordinance Amending Table 4 Residential District Requirements STAFF RECOMMENDATION• To approve the attached ordinance amending Chapter IV Table 4 Residential District Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the minimum lot width from 40' to 50' in the RS-4 High Density Single-Family Residential Zoning District. Background At the August 16, 2005 Community Development Committee meeting, during the discussion regarding the proposed Teardown Guidelines,it was noted that the existing requirement for 40'wide lots was inadequate. It was explained that the minimum 40' lot width would allow for two standard 60' lots to be combined and resubdivided into three 40' lots. City Staff did not want to allow for the creation of three additional narrow lots. It was also noted that a 40' lot width does not allow ample area for a typical residence and garage while meeting the minimum setbacks. New construction would not be permitted on existing vacant 40' wide lots. Any 40' wide lot which has an existing residence would be able to remain as a non-conforming use. If that residence were destroyed it would be able to be reconstructed provided it would not make the non-conforming condition worse. The Community Development Committee moved to bring this item forward to full City Council for discussion. At the November 21,2005 City Council meeting the Council moved to bring this item forward to a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Staff has reviewed the parcel maps in the City to determine how many 40' wide lots exist currently. The only area where 40' wide lots were identified is along Charlotte, Victoria and Virginia Avenues,near the golf course. In many instances, existing homes in this area have been built on two (2)40' wide lots. Therefore,the effect of this proposed change is expected to be negligible. Planning and Zoning Commission On December 15,2005,the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment and supported staffs recommendation. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval (7-0 vote) of the proposed text amendment. Community Development Department Report File#Z-660 Text Amendment to the RS-4 Zoning requirements Applicant City of McHenry Requested Action Zoning Code Text Amendment to address RS-4 minimum lot width. Background Staff has been discussing new regulations for Teardown and Infill properties. During those discussions it came up that the minimum lot size of 40' in RS-4 zoning may be inappropriate. Under the existing requirements someone could come in and purchase two (2) standard 60' lots and re-subdivide them into three (3) 40' lots, in turn creating more lots. This is not the intent of the RS-4 zoning district. The Community Development Committee and City Council have recommended moving forward with the request to amend the Zoning Ordinance to change the minimum lot size required. Description of Request The City Staff is requesting modification of the Zoning Code Table 4 Residential District Requirements. Currently the table allows a minimum 40' lot width in the RS-4 Zoning District. This would be modified to 50' minimum lot width. The new Table 4 would be as follows: Table 41 Residential District Reauiremente ZONING DISTRICT Y [S] $fj R6-1a 161 U�_ EQ Fa -RAI .91_ E. Minimum lot AREA per drslling unit in aguare feet [91 Ell i [0] IIfficiaxcy unit Not %-itted 30,000 10,000 10,090 9,000 5,000 2,175 I'm 1,40; 1-Dedrosn unit 1 acre 30,000 19,000 10,990 9,000 5,000 2,200 2,178 1,816 2-IIedreon unit 1 aers 30,000 19,000 10,Q90 9,000 6,000 i,e60 3,610 3,111 1-➢edr000 unit 1 aara 20,000 1Q,000 10,Q90 9,000 5,000 7,260 G,iCS 0,3G0 d-Dedroon i larger unit 1 acre 30,000 1Q,000 10,Q90 9,000 6,D00 7,900 6.223 6,000 Minimum lot NIDTR Par duelling uait in fast 150 100 90 1 0 70 .50 40 30(a) 30(a) Abutting arterial atraet (b] 200 200 200 200 200 40 200 200 200 Minimum RIDZUIRID FRCUT YARD depth in ft [c][21 a 121 90 SO 40 30 30 25 30 30 30 Minimum I=UIPED 17RNE:R.SIDE YARD width in feet (el 25 15 15 15 15 15 16 15 15 Minimum INTIMIOR SIDS YARD Width in feets [a] (d] 10% Lot Width to- 10 10+ 10+ 6 15 15 19 Minimum MUIRM RIM YARDdepth in ft. [c] 40 00 35 30 25 25 25 29 26 Maximum building HIIIGRT in feet 35 _______________35 feet------------- for residential uses only --50 .fact-- Minimum percent of net site area in, 9NCDYIIR3N)Sppssce - _ _ NCN-YIIIII CJLAR Space _ _ - _ _ 731t 73t Re-MUTIC0 Space _ _ - - 06t iLt 6! L! PERNITTIID Uoe Orcup(o) [el A A A A A A A,C, A,C,D A.C,D CCNDITIOEAL Uoa Group(o) It) R D D a R R a 8,II 2.2 PARKING i LOADING _____________ As provided in Section YII. ----------___ LANCBCAPING i SCRUNING An provided in Section MIIL ------------- SIGNS ------------- As provided in Section IX. ------------- 07OUR R.eguirenent& As provided in General Residential District Regulations and General District Regulations. (11 UC-to-at/asangW Miaisn♦Lot Area 1r0e 7.500 to e,too q.ft. in as 3 (91 a1C-e/-its a3aagee eoquirea 7roat Term septa rroa It to 30 ft in Rig, 743, Rat, na, nu En Corratting typo to Met iron 30 to 50 141 1: Changed Changed 311aiv�m Lot Ate&is R47 rrw 10,000 to 10,690 sq. It. MCd [t1 31C31.ia3 Ward btete Diatri of Zoning Classification (e1 MC-Ol-7/i added a/-la Diet riot -90- Staff Analysis Staff has reviewed the parcel maps in the City to determine how many 40' wide lots exist currently. The only area where 40' wide lots were identified is along Charlotte, Victoria and Virginia Avenues, near the golf course. In many instances, existing homes in this area have been built on two (2) 40' wide lots. Therefore,the effect of this proposed change is expected to be negligible. Staff Recommendation Approval of the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment. Attachments • Application Page 1 of 1 UNAPPROVED Minutes of the City of McHenry PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 15,2005 Chairman Howell called the December 15, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Absent: None. Also in attendance: City Planner Zeller, City Attorney Cahill, Community Development Secretary Oliver. Minutes Approval Motion by otte, seconded by Nadeau, to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2005 Planning and Zo ' Commission meeting as presented. Voting Aye: Bu , Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Public Hearin . ichael BagJio File No. Z- 5 2210 W Route 120 -rninflitiobol Use Permit Chairman Howell announced he was in receipt of corre ndence from Applicant Michael Baglio of MD Development. Chairman Howell informed Commission Mr. Baglio has withdrawn his application for conditional use permit. Planner Zelle xplained that Mr. Baglio also needed to apply for a variance in order to complete the project as pr sed. Mr. Baglio had not advertised for the variance and so withdrew the application in order to rea Public Hearing—City of McHenry File No. Z-660 Text Amendment Chairman Howell at 7:33 p.m. convened the Public Hearing for a text amendment as filed by the City of McHenry. Chairman Howell stated notice of Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on November 30, 2005. Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk's office. planner Zeller provided the Commission with the Staff Report regarding the proposed text amendment. Planner Zeller noted the request before the Commission is to amend the lot width requirements for the RS-4 High Density Single Family Residential Zoning District. During discussions for Tear Down District Guidelines, it was noted the current 40' minimum requirement does not compare favorably to existing lot widths in other residential districts. Suggestion was made to amend the RS-4 District lot width to a minimum of 50' to discourage purchase of multiple lots and re-subdividing to 40 foot minimum width. The example was given of purchasing two adjacent 60' foot lots and re-subdividing into three 40' lots. The proposed text amendment would prevent this type of lot restructuring. P&Z Commission December 15, 2005 Page 2 Planner Zeller stated the amendment would not impact existing RS-4 lots which are 40' wide and currently have a residence on them. Existing vacant 40' wide lots are too small to provide adequate room for a standard residence and meet the required setbacks. No new lots could be recreated which would be less than 50' in width. Chairman Howell opened the floor to questions and comments by the commissioners. Responding to an inquiry Attorney Cahill stated the ordinance would take affect ten days followings City Council approval. Brief discussion followed regarding the necessity of re-subdivision being presented before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Plainer Zeller clarified that lots which are currently developed and are only 40' wide would not be affected by the ordinance change. Responding to further inquiry, Planner Zeller stated if an irregular shaped lot did not meet the minimum 50' lot width requirement, the owner would be able to request a variance before this Commission. There was no one in the audience desiring to present any questions or comments regarding the matter. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Nadeau, to recommend to City Council that with regard to File No. Z-660, a request for a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to amend the RS-4 High Density Single Family Residential District requirements from a 40' minimum lot width to a 50' minimum lot width,be granted. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Howell closed the Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m. Other Business Some discu occurred regarding tree preservation and replacement process. There was discussion a commissioners on how to get the audience more involved during public hearings. Suggestion made to provide dual easels and that the petitioners provide dual exhibits so that audience obseMhibi could view them as well as the commissioners. Another suggestion was made to display the ward the audience until the Hearing starts at which time the exhibits would be displayed toward th mmissioners. It was also suggested that the Commission could take a 5 minute break prior to eac blic hearing to allow the applicant time to set up and the audience time to look at the presentation erials. REVISED Table 4: Residential District Requirements ZONING DISTRICT B LS] R91 RS-la[6] RS2 PEI RS4 RA1 RM1 RM2 Minimum lot AREA per dwelling unit in aquare feet [g] [1] i [4] Bfficiencv unit Not Permitted 30,000 18,000 10,990 9,000 5,000 2,175 1,67S 1,405 1-Bedroom unit 1 acre 30,000 18,000 10,990 9,000 5,000 2,900 2,179 1,815 2-]Redreon unit 1 acre 30,000 19,000 10,990 9,000 5,000 4,850 3,630 3,ill 3-Bedroom unit 1 acre 30,000 19,000 10,990 9,000 S,000 7,250 5,445 4,356 4-Bedroom a lamer unit 1 acre 30,000 191000 10,990 9,000 5,000 7,900 6,223 4,840 Minimum lot ➢FIDTH per dwelling unit in feet 150 100 90 90 70 50 40 30(a) 30(a) Abutting arterial street []a] 200 200 200 200 200 40 200 200 200 Minimum RIQUIRED FRONT YIaRD depth in ft [c] [2) & [3] 60 50 40 30 30 25 30 30 30 Minimum RQjUIRED CORNER SIDS YARD width in feet [c] 25 15 15 15 1S 15 15 1S 1S Minimum INTERIOR SIDS YARD width in feet: [c] [d] 10% Lot Width 104 10 10+ 106 6 15 15 15 Minimum RD2UIRED REAR YARDdepth in ft. [c] 40 40 3S 30 29 25 25 25 25 Maximum building HBIGRT in feet 35 ---------------35 feet------------- --40 feet-- for L_aidential uaea only Minimum percent of net cite area in: UUCUdSRRD Space - - - - - - - 73t 73t BCH--%q ICULAR Space - - - - - - - 45t 45t RECREATION Space - - - - - - - St St PERMITTED Use Group(a) [e] A A A A A A A,C, A,C,D A,C,D CONDITIONAL Use Group(a) [f] B B B B 9 B B B,E B,E PiJMNG 4 LOADING ------------- An provided in Section VII. ------------- LAIMSCAPIN-3 & SCREENING ------------- Ac provided in Section VIII. ------------- SIGNS ------------- Aa provided in Section IX. ------------- OTRER Requirenenta Au provided in General Residential Diatrict Regulationa an3 General District Regulation. [1] NC-88-455 changed Ninimm Lot Area from 7,500 to 9,000 sq.ft. in Ra 3 [2] 10-68-456 changed Regaired front rand depth from 25 to 30 ft in R91, R83, RAI; RXI, RN9 [3] Correcting typo tan 291 from 30 to 50 [4] mc-91-553 changed Ninimm Lot Area in R82 from 10,000 to 10,990 sq. ft. [5] NC-91-553 added Estate District Zoning Classification [6] NC-01-786 added AS-la District -94- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER IV TABLE 4 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 15, 2005, in the manner prescribed by ordinance and statute, and as a result of said hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission did recommend to the City Council the granting of the requested zoning text amendment; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is in the best interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of McHenry to increase the minimum required lot width in the RS-4 Zoning District from 40-feet to 50-feet. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Chapter IV Table 4 Residential District Requirements, of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to require a minimum lot width of 50-feet in the RS-4 High Density Single-Family Residential Zoning District. SECTION 2. All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. 1 SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF 12006 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 2006 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK 2 - r C AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P.Napolitano,Community Development Director FOR: January 9,2006,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision for Patriot Estates Applicant: Cunat Development,Chris Zock ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDD Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2. Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes dated September 15, 2005 3. Ordinance granting approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision for Patriot Estates 4. Final Plat of Subdivision for Patriot Estates prepared by Scheflow Engineers, dated 12/11/05 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To consider the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the attached Ordinance approving the final plat of subdivision for Patriot Estates,subject to the resolution of all outstanding final engineering comments. Description of Request The petitioner is requesting approval of the Final Plat for Patriot Estates,which is approximately 87 acres and will contain 405 age-restricted, residential units. The community will have 101 single-family detached units, 100 duplex units and 204 townhome units. The site is currently zoned RS-3 Medium High-Density Single-Family Residential District and RM-2 High-Density Multi-Family Residential. Background On March 7,2005 the City Council approved a Zoning Map Amendment from BP,Business Park to RS-3 and RM-2 and variances for lot width and to allow multiple buildings on a zoning lot. The preliminary plat was approved by City Council on August 15,2005 Planning and Zoning Commission At their 9/15/05 meeting ,the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision for Patriot Estates,subject to the following conditions: 1) Approval of final engineering by the City Engineer, 2) The recordation of the plat shall occur within 6-months of City Council approval,and 3) No occupancy permits shall be issued until the South Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWWTP) expansion is completed and approved for use by the IEPA. Staff Recommendation Since receiving conditional approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the applicant has been working diligently to address final engineering concerns. As of the date of this report, the remaining engineering concerns are considered minor in nature. Staff is comfortable allowing the development to proceed and would recommend that the Final Plat of Subdivision for Patriot Estates be approved subject to the resolution of all outstanding final engineering comments. Community Development Department Report Final Plat of Patriot Estates Applicant Cunat,Inc.,by Christopher Zock Requested Actions , Final Plat of Subdivision Patriot Estates Site Information Location and Size of Property South of the southeast corner of Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road. Total site 87.1 acres. C,,rg%lehensive Plan Designation Business Park EXisl no Zoning and Land Use RS-3 Medium High-Density Single-Family Residential District and RM-2 High-Density Multi-Family. The property is currently vacant. Adiacent Land Use and Zoning North: BP and E,Holy Apostles Church A-1 (Unincorporated McHenry County), Jet Concrete and Tree Farm South: A-1,(Unincorporated McHenry County),Estate Residential and Agriculture East: BP,Inland Business Park West: A-1 (Unincorporated McHenry County),Agricultural Background On March 7, 2005 the City Council approved a Zoning Map Amendment from BP, Business Park to RS-3, Medium High-Density Single-Family Residential District and RM-2, High-Density Multi-Family, and Variances for lot width and to allow multiple buildings on a zoning lot. The Council also approved a Concept plan. This plan showed the general layout of 101 single-family residences, 100 attached duplex residences and 204 Townhouse residences. In addition several small recreation areas and detention ponds were scattered around the site. The preliminary plat was approved by City Council on August 15,2005. Description of Request The petitioner is requesting approval of the Final Plat for the Patriot Estates subdivision. Staff Analysis The final plat is in substantial conformance with the approved Preliminary Plat. Final Engineering plans are being reviewed by the City's contract Engineer. Staff believes that if the property is developed as shown on the final plat that this subdivision will be an asset to the City and provide high-quality sustainable neighborhoods for the residents. Staff Concerns The applicant is aware that no .homes can be built until the City's South Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion is completed. Staff Recommendation Prior to Public Hearing Final Plat of Patriot Estates Approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision Patriot Estates as presented subject to the following condition(s): 1) Approval of final engineering by the City Engineer,and 2) The recordation of the plat shall occur within 6-months of City Council approval. Staff finds that the Final Plat meets the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Attachments • Location Map • Final Plat,(3 pages) Pagel of 2 Community Development Department Report Final Plat of Patriot Estates yr y • F•',. r• r) / J •,ti M1 t •, J Ie o on 1 1 I V'J_ 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1---- ----- --- f I - •4 r 1 1 I 1 rl' I 1 1 n.I ' • 1 L.-.• -.J..7--1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1. i I 1 r It 1 1 w I I r ; I • I 1 '� ♦V. •. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 / SITE _ --- -------------------• SUBJECT - L J.----.4 If S I t• 1 I � 1 I 1 / 1 I J I . 1 I 1 1 _ ♦1 ♦ 1 Y w 1 Y 1 � II ♦ T` .- -��♦ ♦ .` - • `�I � III !/ / I r• �1 LOCATION MAP Page 2 of 2 Minutes of the City of McHenry PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION September 15,2005 Chairman Howell called the September 15, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Commission members in attendance: Buhrman, Cadotte, Ekstrom, Howell, Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Absent: None. Also in attendance: Alderman Glab, City Planner Zeller, City Attorney Rob Fetzaer,Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Minutes Auuroval Mo ' n by Buhrman, seconded by Ekstrom, to approve the minutes of the September 1, 2005 Plannin and Zoning Commission meeting as presented. Voting Ay • Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom, Howell,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker, Voting Nay: one. Not Voting: e. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Public Hearing—Jake Neulist File No.Z-656 Cove Landing on Ringwood Road Chairman Ho I at 7:32 p.m. opened the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-656, a request for • map amen ent to RM1; • variance to r ' ed lot width for dwelling units on a lot; • variance as to re q . ed lot width for property abutting a major arterial street as filed by Jake Neulist for a property located north of Brittany Park Subdivision on the east side of Ringwood Road. In attendance was Applicant Jake N 'st who was sworn in by Chairman Howell. Chairman Howell stated notice of the Pu 'c Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on August 31, 2005. A Certificate of Publicati is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Notice was mailed to all adjacent property owners and c 'ification of same has been provided to the City Clerk. Mr. Neulist informed the Commission he is seeking z . g and variances for his property along Ringwood Road so that he can build a six-unit townhom building on the premises. He intends to combine seven lots for this project. There would be tw ccess points onto Ringwood Road. Each townhome unit would have two bedrooms. Mr. Neulist oted the property is not located in wetlands or a flood plain. He intends to comply with all City or ' ances and codes. City Planner Zeller provided the commissioners with the Staff Repo, regarding this matter. She noted the applicant is seeking a map amendment from Cl Commerce to RM-1 Low Density Multi Family Residential District. The applicant intends to construct six-unit townhome building on the site. In order to accommodate this request, the applicant re Tres two variances P&Z Commission September 15,2005 Page 2 as o lot width: one for the individual dwelling units of the building, the other for the minimum lot 'dth for property located along an arterial street. Planner ller stated Staff is in favor of the zoning reclassification as it would be less intense than any co ercial use permitted in the Cl District. Staff has expressed numerous concerns which areot not the Staff Report. The City Engineers have concerns regarding water, sanitary sewer, drainage, driveway access onto Ringwood Road. The City Engineers have provided Staff with a three-pa report enumerating their concerns. This report and the Star Report have been forwarded to the ap "cant so that he can respond to the concerns noted. Staff is recommending this m er be recessed until all issues and concerns have been reviewed and addressed. Staff recommends ntinuing this public hearing on Thursday,November 3, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Schep r; to recess this Public Hearing until Thursday, November 3,2005 at 7:30 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom,Howel , adeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Howell recessed the Public Hearing at 7:41 p.m. Patriot Estates Final Plat In attendance were Christopher Zock of Cunat Inc., owners and developers of Patriot Estates, and Attorney Mark Saladin of Militello, Zanck and Coen. Mr. Zock stated the Final Plat of Patriot Estates is presented this evening as the next step in the process prior to City Council approval. Planner Zeller stated the proposed final plat is in substantial conformance to the recently reviewed and approved preliminary plat of subdivision., She noted the City Engineers are currently reviewing the final engineering and have yet to provide their continents regarding the final plat. Staff recommends approval of the final plat subject to the following: • Approval of final engineering by the City Engineers; • The recordation of the plat within six months of City Council approval. Chairman Howell invited questions and comments from the commissioners. Responding to an inquiry, Mr. Zock stated Outlot A will be for dry detention and is being reserved for the West McHenry Bypass. Outlot C will be wet-bottom retention. Maintenance will be the responsibility of the Home Owner's Association. A Backup Special Service Area will be P&Z Commission September 15, 2005 Page 3 implemented as a means of paying for maintenance should the HOA default in its obligation. Mr. Zock stated Outlot B has been provided for a walking path and will include features such as benches, gazebo, etc. In response to a question, Mr. Zock noted there is a full access intersection at Cunat Drive and Crystal Lake Road. Mr. Zock stated Cunat Drive also will extend to Bull Valley Road and provide joint access for both Patriot Estates and the recently discussed Gilger Property townhomes. Brief discussion followed regarding the issuance of building permits prior to the completion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. Mr. Zock stated the developer was aware no occupancy permits could be granted until the SWWTP expansion is completed and approved by the IEPA. Responding to a question, Planner Zeller stated the Patriot Estates Annexation Agreement prohibits carry over of non-issued building permits from year to year. Motion by Cadotte, seconded by Buhrman, to recommend to Council the Patriot Estates Subdivision Final Plat as prepared by Terra Technology Land Surveying Inc. subject to the following: 1. Approval of final engineering by City Engineers; 2. The recordation of the plat shall occur within six months of Council approval; 3. No occupancy permits shall be issued until the South Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWWTP) expansion is completed and approved fur use by the IEPA, and that the final plat meets the requirements of the City's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom,Howell, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: Nadeau. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 6-1. Comments byCommissioners: Nadeau: Likes the subdivision, but the lot sizes are just too small. He would prefer RS-2 minimum 10,890 square foot lots. Other Business Chairman Howell rep he sent correspondence to Director of Community Development Napolitano explaining issues concerns expressed at the last Planning and Zoning Meeting. He did not receive a response, but o commission members noted that some of the nuisance properties were cited. P&Z Commission September 15, 2005 Page 4 Chairman ell noted the Mayor has responded that she intends to schedule a joint meeting between the Mc City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission in the near future. Brief discussion occu regarding various concerns and nuisance issues. Adiournment Motion by Cadotte, seconded by E m, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Cadotte,Ekstrom, ell,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker, Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Respectfully submitted, Ka een M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk' Planning and Zoning Commission C.Mayor,Aldermen,City Administrator,City Cleric,City Attomey,City Placmer,City Engineers,Applicants,Landmark Commission Chairman, Chicago Tribune,Northwest Herald,Aldermen Conference Room,File Copy. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FOR PATRIOT ESTATES,IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, Cunat Inc. (referred to as the"OWNER")has requested approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision for Patriot Estates; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the final plat at a public meeting held September 15, 2005 and provided a written record of this meeting and its recommendation to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the approval of the final plat is in conformance with the Ordinances of the City. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry,McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That the final plat entitled, "Final Plat of Subdivision Patriot Estates,"prepared by Scheflow Engineers and bearing the date 12/11/05, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, be and the same is hereby approved with the conditions that: the recordation of the final plat shall not occur until final engineering is approved by the City Engineer, and no occupancy permits shall be issued until the South Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion is completed and approved for use by the IEPA. SECTION 2: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF 2006 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,2006 ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel J. Marcinko,Director of Public Works FOR: January 9, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Central Waste Water Treatment Plant ATTACHMENT: Gravity Belt Thickener Specifications and Proposal Background. At the November 14, 2005 Regular City Council meeting,the City Council approved the engineering service agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants,Inc. (SEC) for the facilities planning area amendment.As part of the agreement, SEC will provide the necessary engineering design services to implement the"band-aid"improvements to the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant as detailed in the Operational Needs Review(ONR). To remain compliant with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency(MPA)regulations the city agreed to evaluate the operations of the plant through an ONR to address any proposed treatment process changes. Analysis. As the Council is aware,the IEPA has accepted the ONR and its recommendations, and is expecting the City to comply with the recommendations by August 2006. The installation of a gravity belt thickener is the first of a number of activities required by the recommendations stated in the ONR. The gravity belt thickener is used in the dewatering portion of the waste water treatment process. Acquiring a gravity belt thickener requires an extremely long lead time. Therefore,it is recommended that the city procure this piece of equipment ahead of the rest of the design and construction bidding process. This will ensure the equipment will arrive on site in a timely fashion to keep the project on target with the due date. Staff is recommending the purchase of a gravity belt thickener from Komline-Sanderson for the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant as a proprietary purchase. The city currently uses Komline-Sanderson equipment and would like to continue our practice of standardizing equipment for maintenance and repair purposes. Recommendation. Staff requests Council authorization to purchase a gravity belt thickener from Komline-Sanderson for the central waste water treatment plant through a sole source purchase for an amount not to exceed$155,000. C� Komline-Sanderson 12 Holland Av Peapack, NJ 07977-0257 908-234-1000 Fax: 908-234-9487 www.komline.com October 6, 2005 Smith Engineering 4500 Prime Parkway McHenry, IL 60050 Attn: Mr. Paul Gassmann Reference: McHenry, Illinois Central WWTP K-S Ref#MWT-3515 Dear Mr. Gassmann: Our representative, Steve Truitt of Drydon Equipment, has asked us to send you some information on a two-meter wide gravity belt thickener with 304 stainless steel frame for your McHenry, Illinois, Central WWTP project. Enclosed is a booklet containing our suggested specifications and preliminary drawings for the proposed Model GSC-2 Gravabelt® and auxiliary equipment. Auxiliary equipment includes a washwater booster pump to raise the plant water pressure sufficiently to keep the belt clean, a hydraulic power unit to provide the power for the thickener belt tensioning and tracking systems, an electrical control panel with starters and controls as required for the entire thickening system and recommended spare parts. Although not included, we can also provide sludge feed pumping, polymer preparation and feeding and thickened sludge pumping equipment. Enclosed in this booklet are the following: 1 - Detailed Komline-Sanderson Gravity Belt Thickener System Specification for one Model GSC-2 two-meter wide Gravabelt, auxiliary equipment and electrical control panel. 2 - Preliminary drawings for the proposed Model GSC-2 Series III two-meter Gravabelt and auxiliary equipment per Drawing List dated October 6, 2005. The mechanical drawings fully represent the equipment we furnish on belt thickener projects. The electrical specifications and drawings reflect our standard control panel; however, these documents may be modified to incorporate your project specific requirements. Smith Engineering K-S Project Number MWT-3515 McHenry, IL Central WWTP October 6, 2005 3 - Gravabelt Features & Benefits. This briefly summarizes the process, mechanical and corrosion resistant features of the Gravabelt that provide users with reliable, trouble-free, high performance day-to-day operation. 4 - Section 4 of our gravity belt thickener Engineer's Manual entitled "System Design & Installation Considerations" This is included to assist you in the installation aspects of the sludge thickening equipment for this project and contains numerous ideas and suggestions regarding the installation of a gravity belt thickener and its auxiliary equipment. 5 - Specifications and drawings for the proposed gravity belt thickener and auxiliary equipment in electronic format. These are provided for user convenience when preparing the project plans and specifications. The specifications are provided in MS Word 2000 format and the drawings in AutoCAD 2000 format. The feature that enables the Gravabelt to achieve its superior performance characteristics (high production rates at high thickened solids concentrations) is our Roto-Kone High Rate Drainage System which increases the residence time of the sludge during thickening and provides for more thorough drainage. This advanced technology has allowed us to achieve loading rates well in excess of 300 GPM per meter of belt width, in fact, in excess of 500 GPM per meter on certain sludges. This is not to be confused with our suggested normal design loading rate for 1/2 to 1% waste activated sludge, however, in the 200 to 250 GPM per meter range, recognizing that by designing around a conservative rate, the equipment can handle almost any unexpected loading condition imposed upon it. If a representative sludge sample is available, we have lab testing facilities at our main office that can provide you with a definitive characterization of the sludge feedstock and an assessment of the degree of thickening that may be achieved. In addition, a trailer mounted sludge thickening system with a full scale one meter wide Gravabelt and all auxiliary equipment is available for on-site pilot work, at a nominal cost, which would provide the most definitive characterization and thickening assessment of the sludge and conclusively establish the performance capabilities of the gravity belt thickener. The estimated price for the equipment described in the enclosed specifications is $155,000.00 for equipment delivered within the next year. This price includes the Model GSC-2 Gravabelt and auxiliary equipment as described in the specifications, field services, spare parts as described herein and freight to the job site. Sludge feed pumps, polymer preparation and feeding system, thickened sludge pumps and installation for all equipment are not included in this estimate. Page 2 of 3 Smith Engineering K-S Project Number MWT-3515 McHenry, IL Central WWTP October 6, 2005 We hope the enclosed information is sufficient to suit your current needs and to acquaint you with Komline-Sanderson's gravity belt thickener. If additional information is required, or if we can be of further help to you on this project or other sludge handling projects, please do not hesitate to contact our representative, Mr. Steve Truitt of Drydon Equipment, at the address given below or us directly at the factory. Thank you for considering Komline-Sanderson's equipment for your project. We think our Gravabelt with its Roto-Kone High Rate Drainage System will provide the McHenry WWTP with gravity belt thickening equipment with not only superior performance characteristics, but also with unsurpassed quality and reliability. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Komli -Sanderson gineering Corporation J hn W. Dieckmann roduct Manager cc: Drydon Equipment Inc. 2035 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 110 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Phone: (847) 228-7878 S. Truitt Page 3 of 3 KOMLINE-SANDERSON GRAVITY BELT THICKENER SYSTEM SPECIFICATION GRAVABELT® MODEL GSC-2 SERIES III PROJECT: McHenry Central WWTP DATE: 10/06/05 ENGINEER: Smith Engineerinq PREPARED BY: J. Dieckmann 1.0 Work Included 1.1 The contractor shall furnish and install ONE gravity belt thickener complete with sludge conditioning unit, hydraulic power unit, belt washwater booster pump, electrical control panel and spare parts as specified herein and shown on the drawings for the thickening of waste activated sludge. Each thickener shall have an effective belt width of two meters with a measured belt width of 2.2 meters. In addition, the contractor shall furnish and install all necessary valves, interconnecting piping and wiring, instrumentation, anchor bolts and other necessary appurtenances for a complete and operating installation. 2.0 General 2.1 Each gravity belt thickener shall be of the continuous belt design and shall consist of a stainless steel frame, a dewatering belt, an inlet distributor, belt support/wiper bars, a Roto-Konen High Rate Drainage System, a discharge blade, rollers, bearings, a thickened sludge discharge hopper, a belt drive unit, belt tracking and tensioning systems, a belt wash system and a filtrate/belt washwater drainage system. Each gravity belt thickener shall be factory assembled including all internal piping, valving, wiring and control devices. 2.2 The manufacturer shall have a gravity belt thickener of the type specified herein successfully operating for a minimum of five years in each of at least ten wastewater treatment plants in the USA. Manufacturers who cannot meet this experience requirement shall furnish the owner a bond in the amount of 150% of the gravity belt thickening equipment cost which will provide for replacement of the equipment if necessary within the first five years of operation. 2.3 Compliance with the performance requirements of the specifications will not relieve the contractor of his responsibilities of supplying equipment having the specified structural, mechanical, corrosion resistant and operational features. Deviations from the requirements specified are not permitted. GSC-2 Series III 1 G/HN 0011 { 3.0 Performance Requirements 3.1 Each gravity belt thickener shall be capable of operating satisfactorily under the following performance conditions: 3.2 Type of sludge to be thickened: Waste activated sludge. 3.3 Sludge feed concentration: Average 0.5% dry solids. 3.4 Hydraulic throughput, solids throughput, thickened sludge concentration, solids capture (combined filtrate and washwater) and polymer use requirements: Feed Hydraulic Solids Thickened Solids Polymer Solids Throughput Throughput Sludge Capture Use, Lbs % GPM Lbs DS/hr % % Active Polymer/ Ton IDS 0.5 440 1100 6 95 6-8 4.0 Basis of Design 4.1 The plans and specifications have been prepared based on Komline-Sanderson's Model GSC-2 Series III Gravabelt Gravity Belt Thickener with stainless steel frame and appurtenances. If alternate equipment is proposed which requires an arrangement differing from that shown on the plans or if the details of design and construction are different from those specified, the contractor shall prepare and submit for review the necessary design calculations along with the necessary structural, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical and architectural drawing revisions. The manufacturer shall prepare and submit for review along with the required shop drawings, a specific listing of the material, design and construction differences between the proposed equipment and the specified equipment. All work associated with accommodating alternate equipment shall be at no additional cost to the owner even if the proposed substitution is rejected. GSC-2 Series III 2 G/HN 0011 5.0 General System Requirements 5.1 After proper flocculation of the sludge with polymer, thickening shall occur by gravity drainage through a filter belt traveling horizontally along the thickener. Thickened sludge discharge shall be assisted by a doctor blade at the end of the thickener. The belt shall be subsequently washed with high pressure, low volume water from a spray header before it returns to the head of the thickener. Washwater and filtrate shall be collected in drain pans for direction to a curbed concrete drainage basin surrounding the thickener. 5.2 The overall dimensions of each fully assembled gravity belt thickener shall not exceed 19'-6" long by 10'-8" wide by 5'-3" high. 5.3 The equipment furnished shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the best practices and methods and for continuous service at maximum conditions. All parts shall be so designed and proportioned as to have liberal strength, stability and stiffness and to be fully suitable for the intended conditions of service. Provisions shall be made for easy lubrication, adjustment or replacement of all parts. Corresponding parts of multiple units shall be interchangeable. Except as otherwise specified, steel plates and shapes shall have a minimum thickness of 3/8 inch, sheet metal shall be 14 gauge minimum and bolts shall be 1/2 inch diameter minimum. All welding shall be in accordance with the latest applicable codes of the American Welding Society. All materials used shall be of the best quality and fully suitable in every respect for the service intended. Unless otherwise specified, all materials in direct contact with sludge, polymer or filtrate shall be type 316 stainless steel or plastic. All fasteners shall be type 316 stainless steel. 6.0 Sludge Conditioning System 6.1 Each sludge conditioning system shall consist of an in-line polymer injection ring, a variable orifice mixing valve and a thickener mounted retention tank for final flocculation. 6.2 The polymer injection ring shall be of the multiport type to assure optimum polymer usage, shall be of polyethylene construction and shall be supplied with a polyethylene injection manifold complete with tubing and fittings for distributing polymer to the injection points on the ring. The mixing valve shall be of cast type 316 stainless steel construction and shall include provisions to vary the throat area through an external adjustably weighted lever arm for most effective instantaneous GSC-2 Series III 3 G/HN 0011 t polymer/sludge mixing. The mixing valve shall also include a removable inspection cover. 6.3 Each injection ring and mixing valve shall form a sludge/polymer mixing assembly which shall be located directly in the sludge feed line. The contractor shall provide spool pieces to simulate the mixing assembly at two additional locations in each sludge feed line to allow for repositioning the mixing assembly for most effective floc formation. The contractor shall also provide the necessary polymer piping and valving to accommodate the alternate mixing assembly locations. 6.4 The retention tank shall be mounted on the feed end of the thickener. The tank shall be constructed of type 316 stainless steel, have a capacity of 300 gallons and shall be arranged for feed at the bottom and discharge at the top by overflow into the belt thickener inlet distributor. The sludge inlet line to the tank shall incorporate a means of draining the tank. No mechanical or static mixing devices shall be included in the hopper or distributor as such devices become fouled and require frequent cleaning. Oversize pipe diameters or excessive pipe lengths in lieu of a feed hopper for final flocculation shall not be permitted. 7.0 Thickener Frame 7.1 Each side frame shall be constructed of welded members formed from 3/8 inch thick type 304 stainless steel plate. A minimum of four type 304 stainless steel cross members shall be bolted to the side frames to form a rigid structure, properly stiffened for supporting the belt thickener rollers and other components and to withstand the applied loading without deflection, deformation or vibration during operation. The main frame member shall be a 15-inch minimum channel shape with minimum moment of inertia of 262 inches4. Legs shall be 7-inch channel shapes with minimum moment of inertia of 44 inches4. Channel flanges shall be turned out to allow for convenient and thorough washdown. Frame construction shall allow easy access to and visual contact with all internal thickener components. 7.2 The frame shall have minimum safety factors in excess of 20 times the allowable yield strength in bending and in excess of 20 times the allowable shear stress at an applied belt tension of 40 pounds per linear inch. Frame deflection shall not exceed 0.002 inch under the same belt tension load. Design calculations shall be submitted to substantiate the required frame safety factors and deflection limit. 7.3 Carbon steel frames and cross members with hot dipped galvanized, painted, flame sprayed or fusion bonded powder coatings shall not be acceptable. GSC-2 Series III 4 G/HN 0011 8.0 Gravity Thickening Section 8.1 Each gravity belt thickener shall contain a gravity thickening section consisting of an inlet distributor, a filter belt, belt supports, sludge containment seals, a Roto-Kone High Rate Drainage System and a filtrate collection pan. 8.2 Conditioned sludge shall be fed to the thickener by overflow from the retention tank into a sludge distributor constructed of type 316 stainless steel. Even distribution of the sludge across the entire belt width shall be achieved without the use of a driven spreader mechanism by adjustment of the distributor balance and lead-in angle. 8.3 Gravity thickening shall occur on a horizontal traveling belt section with a minimum active dewatering length of 14 feet and a minimum active dewatering area of 100 square feet through which free water drainage shall occur. Inclined gravity drainage areas shall not be allowed due to the cloth blinding effect caused by pooling of fragile sludges. The belt shall be supported in this section by full width ultra high density molecular weight polyethylene support/ wiper bars 1-3/4 inches in diameter spaced on maximum 3-1/2 inch centers. The bars shall assure maximum free water drainage by repeatedly breaking the surface tension of the water on the underside of the belt. The bars shall be mounted in type 316 stainless steel support brackets. The bars shall be fabricated with square type 316 stainless steel plugs on each end which shall allow each bar to be rotated in 900 increments for extended life and reduced maintenance cost. The gravity drainage zone shall be so designed that the filter belt does not have to be removed to rotate or replace support bars. Replaceable rubber side seals with type 316 stainless steel holders shall be provided to contain the sludge on the belt. These seals shall not require bolted connections so that they may be easily and quickly replaced. 8.4 To promote enhanced thickening as well as high intensity drainage along the entire length of the belt, a Roto-Kone High Rate Drainage System shall be provided. The Roto-Kone elements shall be of high strength abrasion resistant plastic construction and shall be low profile cones approximately 6 inches in diameter with cone sides having slopes ranging from 150 to 300 from horizontal depending on their locations along the length of the filter belt. The elements shall increase drainage efficiency through the increased residence time and turning of the sludge attributed to the flow elevating and multi-directional sludge tumbling properties of the element shapes. A total of six Roto-Kone stations shall be provided. The first two stations shall contain elements of the lowest profile design for gentle movement. The succeeding four stations shall have elements with steeper sides to provide progressively greater flow elevation creating more residence time and turning of the sludge as it moves down-stream with the belt. Each station shall consist of 13 Roto-Kone elements mounted closely adjacent to one another GSC-2 Series III 5 G/HN 0011 suspended from a one and one-half inch square type 304 stainless steel crossbar by means of type 304 stainless steel posts with freely rotatable polyethylene sleeves covering the posts and polyethylene collars for clamping to the crossbar. The elements shall be supported so that they are self-locating and normally maintain positive contact with the belt. They shall be designed to be self-cleaning by being mounted to allow them to freely and independently rotate and/or raise to prevent or pass solids build-up. Each station shall be freely and easily adjustable along the length of the thickener and elements themselves shall be easily adjustable along the crossbars for maximum flexibility and optimum thickening results. A total of 78 Roto-Kone elements shall be provided on each gravity belt thickener. To facilitate convenient operator cleaning and to provide flexibility of operation, each station shall be arranged with a lifting handle to raise and lock the elements in an upright, out of service position. Lifting components shall be type 304 stainless steel and hot dipped galvanized malleable iron. 8.5 A 14 gauge type 316 stainless steel drain pan shall be provided beneath the gravity drainage section to collect the filtrate and to direct it to the collection sump beneath the thickener through a rigid PVC drain pipe on each side of the thickener. Other drain pan materials of construction are not acceptable due to possible cracking or breaking or failure of any applied corrosion resistant coating. 9.0 Belt 9.1 Each thickener shall be provided with one dewatering belt which shall be seamed and shall be fabricated of wear-resistant monofilament polyester. The mesh design, porosity and tensile properties shall be selected for optimum thickening of the specific sludge to be processed and for a minimum life of 2000 hours of continuous failure-free operation. Each belt shall be a minimum of 87 inches wide, providing an effective 2.0 meter operating belt width in contact with the sludge. 9.2 Belt edges shall be heat sealed and bonded for stability. A low profile type 316L stainless steel clipper seam shall be used to join the belt ends. Multiple coats of polyurethane adhesive shall be applied to the belt/clipper seam joint to provide a full and uniform bond at the joint, to reinforce the joint and to provide a smooth transition from belt to seam for proper doctor blade and drainage system element interface. 9.3 The belt shall be designed for ease of replacement with a minimum of thickener downtime. Belt replacement shall be such that disassembly of the equipment is not required. GSC-2 Series III 6 G/HN 0011 10.0 Belt Wash System 10.1 Each thickener shall be furnished with a belt wash system consisting of a spray header, a spray containment housing and a washwater collection box to thoroughly clean the belt after thickened sludge discharge. The belt wash system shall be suitable for use with plant effluent water furnished at a line pressure of psig at the belt thickener locale. A washwater booster pump shall be furnished with each thickener to provide an operating pressure of 85 psig to the belt wash system when adequate line pressure is not available. The system demand for each thickener shall be 40 GPM at 85 psig. 10.2 A self-cleaning spray header shall be furnished consisting of a schedule 10 type 316 stainless steel header, a series of replaceable type 317LM stainless steel spray nozzles providing an overlapping spray pattern on the belt, a replaceable stainless steel nozzle cleaning brush inside the header and an external handwheel operator which shall make the header self-cleaning. A full turn of the handwheel shall cause the brush to clean the nozzle orifices and shall allow the flushing water to pass through the header for discharge directly to the collection basin beneath the thickener. Thickeners without this or similar direct individual nozzle cleaning provisions shall not be acceptable. 10.3 A 14 gauge type 316 stainless steel enclosure shall surround the wash header both to contain spray mist and to collect and discharge the spent washwater. The wash header enclosure shall contain easily replaceable brush type seals above and below the belt at both the entry and exit of the enclosure to prevent the escape of spray mist. Seal replacement shall be convenient and quick and shall not involve the use of bolted connections. Spent washwater shall be directed to the collection sump under the thickener. Other enclosure materials of construction shall not be acceptable due to possible cracking or breaking or failure of any applied corrosion resistant coating. 10.4 A NEMA 4X solenoid valve and NEMA 4X pressure switch shall be provided in the washwater inlet piping both for on-off control and to shut the system down in the normal programmed mode and provide an alarm signal in the event of low washwater pressure. The spray header shall have a 150 psi Victaulic clamp connection to the water inlet piping to allow for belt spray direction adjustment. 10.5 When required, a washwater booster pump shall be furnished for each thickener to raise the system water pressure to the required 85 psig level. The pump shall be a horizontal end suction centrifugal pump in type 304 stainless steel construction with mechanical shaft sealing. The pump shall be driven by a direct coupled HP, 3600 RPM, TEFC motor and shall be furnished with a common steel channel base for the motor and drive and a coupling guard. GSC-2 Series III 7 G/HN 0011 11.0 Belt Tracking System 11.1 Each thickener shall be furnished with a continuous automatic belt tracking system consisting of a belt edge location sensor, a proportional tracking valve, a steering roller and a hydraulic cylinder for steering roller control for the belt along with a common hydraulic control system. Electromechanical belt tracking systems and belt tracking systems that are non-continuous shall not be permitted. The system shall constantly monitor belt location and through the proportional sensor continuously adjust the belt path as necessary to maintain a central location on the rollers thereby preventing over-steering and belt wrinkling and providing longer belt life. 11.2 A stainless steel sensing arm shall be in continuous contact with the belt edge and its location shall govern the position of a proportional pilot valve which in turn shall affect the position of a hydraulic cylinder which shall be connected to a pivotable belt steering roller. The cylinder shall cause the roller to skew from its transverse position and cause the beft to track centrally on the thickener rollers. The alignment system shall operate with smooth and slow motions resulting in a minimum of belt travel from side to side. Limit switches in NEMA 4X enclosures shall be furnished on both sides of the belt to sense gross belt misalignment and provide a signal to immediately shut the entire system down and sound an alarm in the event of tracking system failure. 11.3 A hydraulic control system shall be provided. For maximum corrosion resistance the hydraulic cylinder shall have a fiberglass body, Ryertex "G-10" heads, a chrome plated stainless steel rod and stainless steel hardware. Belt tracking and tensioning controls shall be located on the hydraulic power unit. All hydraulic lines shall be stainless steel tubing, neatly arranged and run along and across the thickener framing. 11.4 A hydraulic power unit shall be furnished for each thickener consisting of a 1-1/2 HP, 1800 RPM, TEFC motor, a variable volume pressure compensated pump, a system pressure gauge, a tension control/relieving valve, a tension system pressure gauge, a breather type filler cap, a return filter with bypass, a level sight gauge and a thermometer all mounted on a 5 gallon type 316 stainless steel reservoir. The power unit shall be mounted on the thickener frame. All system hydraulic piping and tubing shall be factory furnished and installed. A NEMA 4X pressure switch shall be included to sense low system pressure and provide a signal to shut the entire system down and sound an alarm in the event of the loss of system pressure. GSC-2 Series III 8 G/HN 0011 12.0 Belt Tensioning System 12.1 Each thickener shall be furnished with a belt tensioning system consisting of a tension roller, hydraulic cylinders to apply tension to the belt, a rack and pinion mechanism to synchronize the hydraulic cylinder motions and a hydraulic control system. A manual belt tensioning system shall not be permitted. 12.2 A tension roller shall be provided for the belt and it shall be powered by a hydraulic cylinder on each end of the roller. The motion of each cylinder shall be synchronized with its opposite side cylinder. This synchronization arrangement shall consist of a thickener frame mounted rack and a tension assembly mounted pinion on each side of the thickener. The pinions, rigidly connected to a cross-shaft, shall provide parallel movement of the tension roll ends thereby preventing belt tracking and alignment problems. For maximum corrosion resistance the pinions and racks shall be nylon and the hydraulic cylinders shall be furnished with fiberglass bodies, Ryertex "G-10" heads, chrome plated stainless steel rods and stainless steel hardware. 12.3 Belt tension shall be controlled at the hydraulic power unit by means of a tension control valve as previously described. The system shall be designed to provide a belt tension varying from 0 to 40 pounds per linear inch to assure positive traction for belt drive and steering and to impart the proper stretch to the belt to maximize its drainage characteristics. A directional control valve shall also be provided on the thickener for retraction of the tension cylinders when required. 13.0 Belt Drive System 13.1 Each thickener shall be provided with a belt drive system consisting of a rubber covered belt drive roll for the belt, an AC drive motor for variable frequency control and reduction gearing. Hydraulic belt drive motors shall not be permitted. 13.2 The belt drive motor shall be a 3 horsepower, 1800 RPM, TEFC, severe duty AC motor. The motor shall be C-face mounted to a helical-bevel reducer, AGMA Class II rated. The reducer shall be of the shaft mounted type for mounting on the drive roll drive shaft. The belt speed range shall be adjustable over a range of 10 to 95 feet per minute. For positive belt traction the drive roll shall include a 1/4 inch minimum rubber covering. 13.3 The drive motor shall contain a thermal sensor imbedded in the windings which shall provide a signal for alarm and system shutdown if excessive motor temperature develops. A loss of motion detector shall be provided on the thickener to sense belt drive failure or a broken belt condition and provide a signal for GSC-2 Series III 9 G/HN 0011 system shutdown and to sound an alarm in the event that either of these conditions occur. The drive motor shall be located away from and protected from high moisture areas. A variable frequency controller shall be furnished in the belt thickener electrical control panel to provide power and speed control for the belt drive motor. 14.0 Discharge Blade and Homer 14.1 Each thickener shall contain a discharge blade to assist in removing thickened sludge from the belt at the discharge end of the thickener. The blade shall also direct the thickened sludge to a thickener mounted discharge hopper with a flanged discharge connection. The discharge blade shall be replaceable and shall be made from high density polypropylene and each blade shall have two beveled edges for doubling the life of the blade. The blade shall be mounted on a hot dipped galvanized, stiffened, pivotable support member with arms at each end for mounting adjustable counterweights for maintaining the proper pressure between the blade and the discharge roll thereby reducing belt and closure wear. A lifting device shall be incorporated into the assembly to allow the belt seam to pass freely beneath the blade. A lockable handle shall be provided so that the blade shall be easily positioned away from the belt for cleaning. 14.2 A thickener mounted thickened sludge discharge hopper shall be furnished in type 316 stainless steel construction for collecting and discharging the thickened sludge through a flanged connection at the bottom of the hopper. 15.0 Rollers 15.1 Each thickener shall be furnished with the necessary rollers to provide belt drive, belt tensioning and belt tracking. All rollers shall be solid surface rollers. 15.2 All rollers shall be constructed of ASTM A-53 Grade B or ASTM A-106 Grade B carbon steel with wall thickness of 1/2 inch minimum. The belt drive and tension rolls shall have welded double end plate supported stub shaft construction on each end. The drive roll shall have 17-4 PH stainless steel shafts. The tension roll shall have either AISI 1045 steel or AISI 4140 heat treated steel shafts depending on the thickener width. The tracking roller shall have either deep bored shrink fit and welded AISI 1045 steel solid journal stub shaft construction on each end or welded double end plate supported stub shaft construction with AISI 4140 heat treated steel shafts on each end as appropriate depending on thickener width. Shaft diameters through the support bearings shall be 2-11/16 inches diameter minimum. GSC-2 Series III 10 G/HN 0011 15.3 The belt drive roller shall have a 1/4 inch thick 85 durometer vulcanized neoprene rubber covering for gripping the belt and for corrosion protection and shall have type 316 stainless steel end plates. Other rollers shall have a 30 mil thick black fusion bonded applied nylon coating for corrosion protection which shall cover the roll body, ends and shafts up to the point of insertion into the bearings. 15.4 All rollers shall be designed to withstand the stress reversals inherent in rotating elements and shall be designed with a minimum factor of safety of 3 over fatigue failure of the material for shafts and 5 over fatigue failure of the material for roller bodies. Roller design shall be based on operating at rated belt speed, a belt tension of 40 pounds per linear inch on the belt and rated drive horsepower. Shaft stress concentration shall be minimized by the use of generous, well polished radii. Deflection of all rollers shall be limited to 0.035 inch over the full width of the roll body when operating at a belt tension of 40 pounds per linear inch at rated drive horsepower. Calculations shall be furnished substantiating shaft sizing, roll construction design, fatigue failure safety factors and roller deflections. 16.0 Bearings 16.1 The shafts of all rollers on each thickener shall contain heavy duty self-aligning double row spherical roller bearings in split case four bolt base cast iron pillow block housings. Self-alignment shall occur within the housing. The housings shall permit the changing of bearings without disturbing the factory-set alignment of the rollers. 16.2 Bearings shall contain Triple-Chek contact seals and shaft mounted splash shields on the shaft side to provide adequate sealing from moisture and grime. Non-shaft sides of bearing housings shall be solid. Bearing housings shall have a factory applied 12 mil thick black fusion bonded applied nylon coating for added corrosion resistance. All bearing hardware shall be stainless steel. All roller bearings shall be main frame mounted and shall be greaseable while the thickener is in operation. 16.3 All roller bearings shall have an L-10 bearing life in excess of 2,000,000 hours with the belt tensioned at 40 pounds per linear inch and the belt traveling at rated speed. Calculations shall be furnished demonstrating compliance with these provisions. GSC-2 Series III 11 G/HN 0011 17.0 Miscellaneous 17.1 Each thickener shall be provided with a yellow safety trip cord on each side of the thickener. The cords shall be connected to NEMA 4X lever operated emergency stop switches which shall immediately stop the belt drive and shut down the entire system upon actuation of either switch. These switches shall be independent of the gross belt misalignment switches and shall require resetting at the thickener before the equipment can be restarted. 17.2 Each thickener shall be complete with all intra-unit power and control wiring terminating in a single thickener mounted NEMA 4X stainless steel junction box. All wiring shall be run in PVC coated rigid conduit for added corrosion resistance. 17.3 Each thickener shall be complete with all intra-unit hydraulic system and washwater piping. All filtrate and washwater drain lines shall be directed to the collection basin beneath the thickener. 17.4 For maximum corrosion resistance all miscellaneous parts such as brackets, spacers, etc. shall be fabricated from type 304 stainless steel or plastic and all guards shall be fabricated from type 304 stainless steel. 18.0 Electrical Control Panel Note to Consulting Engineers: This control panel description must be edited and altered to suit the control requirements of the specific auxiliary equipment items comprising the system being designed. 18.1 An electrical control panel shall be furnished with each gravity belt thickener to control the belt thickener functions and those of the related auxiliary equipment specified herein. The panel shall be preassembled and prewired and shall include all controls necessary for semi-automatic system operation with provisions also for manual control of individual items when desired. The panel shall be suitably wired for connection to a 480 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hertz power source. 18.2 The enclosure shall be fabricated from 14 gauge type 304 stainless steel, shall be floorstand mounted and shall be constructed to NEMA 4X standards. Instruments and control devices mounted on the enclosure door shall be rated for or installed in such a manner as to maintain NEMA 4X integrity. Nameplates shall be engraved laminated phenolic with black background and white letters to identify each component mounted on the panel face. Letter height shall not be less than 3/16 inch. Additionally, the complete panel, as an assembly, shall be built in accordance with UL 508A and shall have a UL serialized label. GSC-2 Series III 12 G/HN 0011 18.3 Wiring shall be accomplished in a neat workmanlike manner and run in PVC wiring duct where practical. Where not practical it shall be supported and tied in position with nylon cable ties. All wiring shall be identified with a number code and all wiring for external connection shall be brought to a numbered terminal strip. Wiring shall comply with the applicable requirements of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code. Interconnecting wiring between this panel and the thickener and other related equipment shall be the responsibility of the contractor. 18.4 The enclosure shall house a flange mounted dead front main disconnect, all motor starters, variable frequency controls, a programmable logic controller, interlocks, alarms, indicating lights and operator controls required for the operation of the gravity belt thickener and auxiliary equipment described in this specification section. Each AC motor, contactor and wiring shall be protected by a properly sized motor starter protector and overload relays. Variable frequency drives shall be protected by properly sized fuses. Indicating lights and operator controls only as required shall be included in this panel for other system auxiliary equipment items described in other sections of the specifications. Starters, variable speed drives, controllers, etc. for such other items shall be furnished by others and shall be located elsewhere. The following control interfaces shall be provided for this auxiliary equipment: dry contacts rated a 10A 125V for start/stop control, PLC inputs to accept dry contact 'on' status and motor overload/fail signals, 4-20 madc signals or high/low speed switch contact closures as required for speed command signals. System interlocking and logic shall be provided by an industrial grade programmable logic controller meeting the following minimum requirements: 1. Total input/output: As required, expandable 1/0. 2. Memory: EEPROM or FLASH. 3. Acceptable Allen Bradley Micrologix Series. Components shall be selected and the enclosure sized to limit the enclosure internal heat rise to 100 C while operating in a 400 C ambient. Calculations or method of determining compliance shall be submitted to the Engineer with the initial drawing submittal. A minimum of 20% spare terminal blocks shall be provided. The control panel shall be completely tested under simulated field conditions by the thickener manufacturer prior to shipment. The Operation and Maintenance Manual shall contain complete as-built drawings including schematics, physical layout and terminal connections. It shall also contain tabulated maintenance procedures. 18.5 The control panel face shall include the following controls and indicators. All start/stop controls shall be of the illuminated pull-to-start/push-to-stop type with status lights indicating steady on for run and flashing for fail or overtemperature. GSC-2 Series III 13 G/H/V 0011 1. Main disconnect switch. 2. System automatic cycle start/stop control with on status light. 3. Hydraulic power unit start/stop control with on status/motor fail light. 4. Belt washwater booster pump start/stop control with on status/motor fail light and/or washwater solenoid valve to open/close appropriately. 5. Belt drive start/stop control with on status/motor overtemperature light and speed control potentiometer. . 6. Sludge feed pump start/stop control with on status/motor fail light, speed control and speed indicator as required. 7. Polymer feed pump start/stop control with on status/motor fail light, speed control and speed indicator as required. 8. Thickened sludge pump start/stop control with on status/motor fail light, speed control and speed indicator if required. 9. Start/stop controls with on status/motor fail lights for any other auxiliary equipment items if required. 10. Belt prewet and post wash cycle indicator lights. 11. Motor run/jog selector switch. 12. Emergency stop pushbutton with alarm/emergency trip light. 13. Gross belt misalignment alarm light. 14. Low system hydraulic pressure alarm light. 15. Low system washwater pressure alarm light. 16. Belt drive fail/broken belt alarm light. 17. Alarm lights as required for other specified alarm conditions. 18. Audible alarm horn. 19. Alarm acknowledge pushbutton. 20. Alarm reset/lamp test pushbutton. 18.6 Semi-automatic operation of the entire system shall be controlled by a single start/stop cycle control. This control along with status and alarm contacts shall provide inputs to the programmable controller (PLC). The controller shall continuously scan the inputs and according to a logic program stored in memory, shall develop the appropriate run, stop, status or alarm signals for devices connected to its output. The PLC shall cause specific functions to be interlocked, timed, started or stopped as required during start up, run and shutdown modes of operation. These modes of operation may be operator initiated or caused by one of the inputs. Essentially, the PLC shall initiate and monitor each step of the cycle, check that all interlocks are satisfied and drive start-up is confirmed before proceeding to the next step, provide for prewetting the belt before polymer conditioned sludge is introduced to the thickener on start-up and provide for the proper timed intervals for complete discharge of thickened sludge and thorough belt washdown during the shutdown cycle. The control system shall allow unattended operation in the semi-automatic mode. In the manual mode of GSC-2 Series III 14 G/HN 0011 operation, the system shall be started and stopped by the actuation of each individual component control. 18.7 During operation in either mode, any of the following alarm conditions shall activate the alarm horn and respective alarm light or motor status indicator light causing the entire system to shut down either instantaneously or in the normal programmed sequence as appropriate: gross misalignment, low system hydraulic pressure, low washwater pressure, emergency stop at the thickener, belt drive fail, broken belt, belt drive motor overheated, auxiliary DC motors overheated, auxiliary AC motors overloaded or emergency stop at the control panel. Alarm annunciation shall follow ISA sequence AM. The motor status light shall serve as the alarm light, flashing for motor fault conditions or, in the case of remotely located starters, for overload trip or power off. If the operator can correct an alarm condition during programmed shutdown, the PLC shall allow continuation of full operation by reactivation of the cycle control. 18.8 For either semi-automatic system operation where the programmable logic controller assumes control or manual control where an operator assumes control, the sequence of operation shall be as follows: 1. Start-up Sequence: a) Start the hydraulic power unit. b) Start the belt washwater booster pump and/or open the washwater solenoid valve. c) Start the belt drive. d) After allowing the belt to become wet, start the polymer feed pump and then the sludge feed pump. e) Start the thickened sludge pump. f) Start any other auxiliary equipment item at the appropriate time during the sequence. g) Adjust belt speed and/or sludge and polymer feed rates and thickened sludge pumping rate if appropriate. 2. Shutdown Sequence: a) Stop the sludge and polymer pumps in that order. b) After allowing sludge to discharge completely from the belt and allowing for complete belt washdown, stop the washwater booster pump and/or close the solenoid valve. c) Stop the thickened sludge pump. d) Stop the belt drive. e) Stop the hydraulic power unit. f) Stop any other auxiliary equipment at the appropriate time during the sequence. GSC-2 Series III 15 G/HN 0011 19.0 Spare Parts 19.1 The following spare parts shall be furnished for each gravity belt thickener: One dewatering belt. One discharge blade. One set of sludge containment seals. One set of washwater box seals. One thickener roller bearing of each different size used. Three fuses of each size used. One oil filter for the hydraulic power unit. 20.0 Surface Protection 20.1 The gravity belt thickener materials of construction (stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, etc.) and protective coatings and coverings (hot dipped galvanizing, fusion bonded nylon, rubber, etc.) shall be completely corrosion resistant such that shop or field applied paint coatings are not required. 20.2 Miscellaneous parts such as brackets, spacers, guards, etc. shall be fabricated from type 304 stainless steel, galvanized steel or plastic and shall not require shop or field applied paint coatings. 20.3 Items such as motors, gear reducers, pumps, hydraulic power units and the like shall receive standard manufacturer's finish coatings. 21.0 Warrantv 21.1 The equipment shall be guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year after start-up not to exceed eighteen months after shipment during which time repairs or replacements shall be made without charge. Further, an additional four year warranty (total of five years) shall be provided for the belt thickener frame and its coating, the belt thickener rollers and their coatings and the belt thickener roll bearings. 22.0 Manufacturer's Supervisory Services GSC-2 Series III 16 G/HN 0011 22.1 The belt thickener manufacturer shall furnish the services of a competent and experienced person for a period of ten days to be covered in two trips to job site to check the installation, supervise the start-up, supervise the performance testing and provide operator instruction for the equipment furnished. Additional service, if requested, shall be available at the manufacturer's portal to portal per diem rate in effect at the time of service delivery, plus all travel and living expenses. 23.0 Performance Testing 23.1 The equipment manufacturer shall conduct a performance test to demonstrate that the installed equipment can meet the specified performance requirements. One thickener shall be selected for testing. The test shall occur as soon as possible after successful start-up and process and system stabilization has been accomplished. 23.2 The test period shall consist of two five hour steady state test runs on two consecutive days with sludge feed, thickened sludge and effluent (combined filtrate and washwater) samples taken at the start of each run and every hour thereafter resulting in a total of twelve samples of each type. The sludge feed and effluent samples shall be analyzed for total suspended solids content; the thickened sludge samples shall be analyzed for total solids content. The resulting solids contents shall be averaged and the average value of each type shall be used to judge satisfactory performance. Polymer solution strength and flow rate shall be recorded. Sludge feed rate shall be recorded. 23.3 The thickener manufacturer's representative shall operate the equipment during the test. The owner shall furnish personnel to assist in the operation and to take samples. The owner shall also furnish sludge, water, polymer, utilities, thickened sludge disposal, routine test equipment and laboratory services for analyzing the samples. The thickener manufacturer shall recommend the most suitable polymer for furnish by the owner. The contractor shall provide any special instrumentation for measuring sludge feed, polymer feed and effluent (combined filtrate and washwater) rates. GSC-2 Series III 17 G/HN 0011 23.4 The equipment shall have passed the performance test if the specified thickened sludge solids, solids capture and polymer use requirements are met with the thickener operating at the specified hydraulic and solids loading rates. 23.5 Should the installed equipment fail to meet the specified performance requirements, the manufacturer shall within 30 days make changes in the equipment or method of operation as necessary and the equipment shall be retested. If after a second 30 day period, the equipment still does not meet the performance criteria, the equipment shall have failed the performance test and the owner shall require its removal and replacement with the specified equipment at no additional cost to the owner. GSC-2 Series III 18 G/HN 0011 i AGENDA SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and City Council From: Pete Merkel, Director of Parks &Recreation For: January g, 20o6 Regular City Council Meeting Recommendation: To Approve the Recommendation from 3D Design Studio to award the Bid for Playground Renovations to Reil Construction, Inc Union,IL in the amount of$12o,670.00 Background Bids were received from six(6)contractors for the 20o6 Tot Lot Playground Renovation Program. Playgrounds on the schedule for renovation in this years' program are: Center Street Park, Kiwanis Tot Lot, and Lakeland Park. Work includes the installation of new playground equipment, curbing renovations, installation of new drainage,wood fiber safety surface installation and removal of existing sand base material. The removal and disposal of the old equipment was completed by the Park Maintenance Staff. The budget in this years' Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is $100,000.00. The McHenry Kiwanis Club has committed$15,000 towards purchase of playground equipment for the Kiwanis Tot Lot bringing the 2oo6 Project Budget to $115,000.00 Attachments: Bid Tabulation Form Recommendation Letter: 3D Design Studio /Pete/Agenda Supplements/2oog Agenda Supplements/Playground Renovations BID OPENING Tuesday, December 13, 2005 — moo am Parks & Recreation Department Tot Lot Playgrounds — Phase I In Attendance Were: Pete Merkel-Director of Parks&Recreation, Kathy Quick-Administrative Assistant, Craig Most-31)Design, Don Heinz-Custom Landscaping, David Beres-Monahan's Landscaping,Tim Cederlund-Reif Construction;Laurie Wagner-Stuckey Construction Company, Ken Copenhaver-Copenhaver Construction Cost Bid Bond Addendum Copenhaver Construction/Gilberts, IL $138,097•86 Yes Yes Monahan's Landscape/Arlington Hts., IL $162,738.00 Yes Yes Green Up Landscape/Plainfield, IL $146,432.44 Yes Yes Reil Construction/Union, IL $120,442.00 Yes Yes Custom Landscaping/McHenry, IL $143,700.6o Yes Yes Stuckey Construction/Waukegan, IL $177,177.00 Yes Yes /Pete/Bids/2005 Bids/Tot Lot Phase I 3D DESIGN STUDIO December 14, 2005 Pete Merkel City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Re: Tot Lot Playgrounds Phase I Dear Pete, On Tuesday, December 13, 2005, six (6) bids were received for the Tot Lot Playgrounds Phase I. The following outlines a summary of those bids: Tot Lot Playgrounds Phase I Bid Summary: COMPANY BID REIL Construction,Inc. $120,670.00 Cop enhaver Construction, Inc. $138,197.86 Custom Landscaping Design& Construction $143,700.60 Green-Up Landscape,Inc. $146,432.44 Stuckey Construction Company, Inca $160,145.23 Monahan's Landscape Co., Inca $162,738.00 It is our recommendation that the City of McHenry award the Tot Lot Playgrounds Phase I Contract to REIL Construction, Inc. in the amount of $120,670.00. We have worked with REIL Construction, Inc. many times in the past and have found them to be a reliable and reputable contractor. Very truly yours, Daniel D. Dalziel, ASLA Principal 529 BARRON BOULEVARD GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS 60030 (847) 223-1891 VOICE (847) 223-1892 FAX WEBSITE: www.3DDESIGNSTUDIO.COM EMAIL: INFO@3DDESIGNSTUDIO.COM