HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 01/11/2006 - Parks and Recreation Committee P AGENDA Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 11, 2oo6 McHenry Municipal Center 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room 1. Dog Park Development—Discussion of Project Status 2. Petersen Historic Farm Wetland Restoration 3. Pebble Creek Urban Forestry Program 4. Parks and Recreation Committee 2oo6 Discussion Items S. Parks and Recreation Directors Report A) NIKE/NRPA Pilot Project B) Update on Land Purchase— 4312 W. Lakewood Road C) Petersen Historic Farm Foundation Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 8, 20o6 Youth and Adult Athletic League Meeting /Pete/Park&Ree Mtgs/2oo6/Mtg of 1-11-06 AGENDA ITEM #i Dog Park Development — Discussion on Project Status The committee has discussed the development of a community dog park at several meetings in 2005. The last discussion was at the September 14, 2005 committee meeting. It was the consensus of the committee to table further discussion on the dog park until the results of the Needs Assessment Survey results were presented. Copies of the committee meeting minutes are attached that summarized the discussion on 9/14/05 (Attachment 1). The Needs Assessment Survey results have been presented to the City Council. The section of the report that identifies the dog park response is attached (Attachment 2). Preliminary plans have been developed for the sites that are near residential areas. A third potential site at the north section of the Petersen Farm was discussed at the 9/14/05 meeting. The committee can discuss several options on this new facility. I) Use of one of the two sites that were presented at a public meeting with preliminary plans completed. 2) Consider the use of a different location (Petersen Farm North). 3) Postpone a decision on location, and incorporate a dog park development in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process. 4) Do not consider development of a dog park facility at this time. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Comnlittee September 14, 2005 D Park Discussion Director Merkel reminded the Committee an open house was held in June information and obtain communityto provide input regarding a proposed dog park in the City. Negative comments were received from Riverside Hollow residents and others abutting the along Riverside Drive. No comments were made regarding the proposed Fox Ridge Proposed site Park site. Discussion occurred regarding the Dog Park placement in an ahead subdivision (i.e. Fox Ridge Park, an undeveloped area, or on a more,commerc'y developed site. Chairman.Peterson suggested the rear of the Petersen Historic Farm Pro Pe �v pally-centered good location for the Dog Parr particularly since Home Depot has recentlyp m would make a pO1nt through their subdivision. He noted the park is adjacent to commercial retail which access .not create problems similar to a location adjacent to residential develo went. would p Mr. Rapata inquired if the Dog Park would be fiscally viable. What percentage f Park users would take care of the park, clean u g o the what criteria the City uses to approval of new Programs,themed p r etc. � Rap further inquired residents. particularly those broached by the Alderman Condon stated her preference for locating the Dog Park in Fox Rid noted area residents would be more apt to use it if they could walk to it. Alderman S Ridge Park and stated there will be objectors no matter the ultimate location of the park or the a m Park Schaefer is created. Discussion occurred regarding possible alternate sites: p k Which Petersen Park field area which is currently used for Petersen Park large event parking; Cunat King parkland; p g; Shamrock Farm school properly on a temporary basis until school decides to build on i School site on Dartmoor Drive, t Alderman Santi opined the discussion appears to be moving in the wrong direction Committee seems to be broadening the search instead of narrowing the fo as the location. Alderman Condon suggested deferring further di a Dog Park discussion regarding for the after the results of the Needs Assessment Survey have been tabulated and reported. Park until It was the.consensus of the Committee to table further discussion scussion re far 30 days or until results of the Needs Assessment Surveyare known g the Dog Park Brief discussion was held regarding the conflict between the prohibits dogs in all City parks and the McHenryCoun City ordinance which dogs on a leash on its bike/pedestrian path. t3' Conservation District which permits Director Merkel reported: Director's Report I. The results of the Needs Assessment Survey will be reported to Council at its Mond October 17, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting. A brief presentatio ay' preceding Council discussion and action. n will be given 2. Petersen Park Waterfront Project will be inspected by the R in the wrapping up the grant. IDN near future prior to Table 2: Areas of Need-Facilities Added- Added User Yes No Tax Fee Restrooms in parks 81% 19% 66% 34% Jogging/walking trails 71% 29% 57% 43% Nature.Trails 71% 29% 55% 45% Bicycle trails 70% 30% 55% 45% Linked trails connecting arks 69%. 31% 60% 40% Outdoor swimming pool/water park 66% 34% 26% 74% Neighborhood parks 64% 36% 60% 40% Playground areas in parks 60% 40% 60% 40% Senior center 60% 40% 46% 54% Shelters in parks 59% 41% 49% 51% ature center 57% 43% 44% 56% Historical museum/farm 51% 49% 26% 74% Athletic fields in general 49% 51% 45% 55% i Golf learning center/driving range 48% 52% 5% 95% Athletic fields 47% 53% 45% 55% Public Golf Course 47% 53% 7% 93% Omamental parks/gardens 47% 53% 41% 59% Performing fine arts center 47% 53% 17% 83% Boat rentals 46% 54% 3% 97% Lighted athletic fields 45% 55% 44% 56% Outdoor tennis courts 45% 55% 34% 66% Canoeing 44% 56% 5% 95% Driving range 44% 56% 5% 95% Outdoor basketball courts 42% 58% 42% 58% Dog park 41% 59% 19% 81% Motorized boat launch to and for Fox River 39% 61% 6% 94% Running track 36% . 64% 39% 61% Archery range 23% 77% 6% 94% McHenry Parks and Recreation Department lg Needs Assessment Management Learning Laboratories AGENDA ITEM *2 Petersen Historic Farm Wetland Restoration Information on the Petersen Historic Farm Wetland Restoration was presented to the committee on 6/9/05. The city entered into an agreement with the Corps of Engineers to mitigate a wetland area at Petersen Farm for the McHenry Savings Bank construction on the Route 31 property. The Savings Bank deposited $48,000 with CorLands for mitigation costs. The city has worked with the CorLands and the McHenry County Soil and Water District (SWCD) to administer this project. Work that has been competed includes a tile inventory, tile abandonment, grading, installation of test monitoring wells and fence removal. Work that needs to be contracted to complete this project included prescribed burns, trail access and construction of a nature observation/interpretation deck area. The SWCD has received proposals for professional services to conduct a prescribed burn in the spring of 2oo6. The Park Maintenance staff will assist in coordinating the work of the contractor and the McHenry Township Fire Protection District. The new road access has been substantially completed in the wooded area behind the homestead. This new road will enable us to conduct this burn with proper equipment access. The development of the trail access and nature observation interpretation deck area will proceed this summer. Funds for the construction of this facility are included in the wetland restoration budget. A copy of the budget for this project is attached (Attachment #3). The budget estimate for the prescribed burn was $7,000. The cost submitted by JFNEW for these professional services is $3,800.00. The savings in the cost of the prescribed burn can be used to assist in the completion of the trail and deck development. The City of McHenry will be asked to sign the contract with JFNEW as a cooperating agency in this project (we are the land owner). The city will also be involved in efforts to secure an Illinois EPA Permit to conduct an environmental burn. Plans for the development of the trail and observation deck will come before the Parks and Recreation Committee for review. The City of McHenry will assume all future wetland management activities. The activities include periodic prescribed burns, removal of invasive plant species and monitoring reports. August 12, 2005 Subject: Updated Petersen Park Budget as of 8/11/05 This is an updated budget and plan for the Petersen Park wetland restoration project. On Thursday, August 11`h staff form the McHenryPark District,, (Pete Merkle and Tox�Ambros), Ken Fiske, and staff form the SWCD (Spring Duffey and Ed Weskerna)met to discuss the final wrap up of the Peterson Park wetland Restoration project. To date the following expenses and work have been completed. Total amount allocated for project $48,000.00 SWCD administrative fee $ 7,200.00 Not paid as of 8/11/05 $40,800.00 CorLands administrative fee $ 2,400.00 Not paid as of 8h 1105 $3 8,400.00 Tile inventory and drainage plan $ 5,860.00 Paid to Huddleston $32,540.00 Staking wetland boundary $ 200.00 Paid to Woodstock Land Survey $32,340.00 Crimping tile, ditch fill/earthwork $ 12,080.00 Paid to Huddleston $ 20,260.00 Ground preparation(prescribed burn) &plant material $ 7,000.00 Updated estimate (receipts required) $ 135260.00 Mowing/maintenance $ 3,000.00 Updated estimate $ 10,260.00 Observation Deck in lieu of trail $ 5,130.00 Updated estimate (receipts required) $ 5,130.00 Contingency funds $4,780.00 $350.00 paid to Woodstock Land Survey for re-surveying Tentative schedule to finish work. In the fall of 2005 the site will be burned and odd areas (that fail to burn) will be mowed. Any invasive trees and shrubs will also be removed. Estimates are currently being sought. In the spring of 2006 the observation deck will be installed. The observation deck was decided instead of a trail through or around the wetland area for a number of reasons, first fill material such as wood chips would have to installed which would be a violation of the permit, difficulties in maintenance was another consideration. Since the wetland will need to be burned on a regular basis it was decided to install the observation deck for these reasons. Estimates are currently being sought. $3,000.00 for mowing and maintenance and the$4,780.00 for contingency should be turned over to the McHenry Co SWCD by October 1, 2006. Use of these will be restricted to cover any costs associated with the maintenance and improvement of the wetland restoration project. Proof of these funds being placed in a restricted account will be necessary before CorLands can release these funds. AGENDA ITEM #.q Pebble Creek Urban ForestryProgram The Parks and Recreation Committee approved an Urban Forestry Demonstration Project for the planting of up to 6o parkway trees in the Pebble Creek subdivision. Information was mailed to all residents in this subdivision describing the program and detailing the process to assist in the purchase of trees. As of January 6, 2006, we have orders for 56 trees. The deadline for tree orders is Friday, January 13, 20o6. Staff will prepare a bid specification packet to send to area nurseries to provide tree stock and planting services for spring 20o6. An open house meeting was held on November 3, 2005 at the Municipal Center to answer any questions residents had on this tree planting program. A follow up letter was sent out in mid December reminding residents about the January 13th registration deadline and inviting them to consider the purchase of a tree for the holidays. Tom Schmidt will coordinate the planting project with a local nursery and assist in identifying the appropriate planting locations. A report on the results of this project will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Committee in September 20o6. The committee can begin to consider the next forestry effort for 2007. Attached: Pebble Creek Tree Order Form City of McHenry Department of Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry Demonstration Project — Parkway Trees Pebble Creek Subdivision Spring 20o6 INTRODUCTION The City of McHenry is proposing to expand its Urban Forestry Program in the area of parkway tree planting in residential areas. The initial program targeted an established neighborhood with a significant number of mature trees. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Phase II of this program will illustrate how parkway trees can be planted into a new residential subdivision. Pebble Creek subdivision has been selected because it is a residential area built on a former agricultural property. Typically the only trees left on these cropland areas are the scrub trees in the property lines or windbreaks. A cooperative tree planting program is being proposed between the City and residents of Pebble Creek. This program is similar to other communities that have a well developed forestry division responsible for planting,trimming and removable of all parkway trees. The Parks and Recreation Department will coordinate a Cost Share Tree Planting Program with interested residents in Pebble Creek. Selected tree species will be planted by a landscape contractor in the Spring of 20o6. Residents interested in having a tree(s) planted in the parkway in front of their home can enroll in this program. The cost is $1oo.00/tree for the purchase and tree planting. This 50/50 Cost Share Program is limited to the first 6o trees allocated to this program. The location of trees planted in the parkway must meet all the requirements for street tree planting as detailed in the City of McHenry Tree Ordinance. These requirements address planting near public utilities, minimum distances from driveways and intersections and size/species of trees. Final approval of the planting location will be completed by the City Forester. PROGRAM ENROLLMENT Applications for this program are available at the City of McHenry Parks and Recreation Department. The deadline for enrollment in this program is January 13, 20o6. Residents are encouraged to place their order early due to the limited number of trees available. Residents participating in this program will be recognized at the City of McHenry Annual Arbor Day Celebration on Friday,April 28, 20o6. CITY OF MCHENRY URBAN FORESTRY DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM PEBBLE CREEK PARKWAY TREES SPRING 20o6 ENROLLMENT FORM Name: Address: McHenry, IL 6o050 Home Phone: Work Phone: Email Address: Tree List Autumn Purple Ash Elms with Dutch Elm Disease Resistance Ginko Hackberry Honeylocust Kentucky Coffee Tree Littleleaf Linden Trees) Purchased @ $ioo.00 = $ Make checks payable to: City of McHenry DEADLINE TO ORDER TREES JANUARY 1�, 2oo6 Return to: City of McHenry/ Parks &Recreation Department 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 (Office Use Only) Lot #: Front Yard: Side Yard: Utility Conflicts: None: Alternate Location: Site Approval: Site Denial: /Pete/Trees/Pebble Creek Parkway Trees AGENDA ITEM #4 Parks and Recreation Committee 2006 Discussion Items Attached is a list of the discussion items for the Parks and Recreation Committee for the 2006 calendar year. This list was prepared by Parks and Recreation Director Merkel and Committee Chairman Peterson. If there are any additional items the committee would like to see added to this list they can be added into the agenda. Items can be assigned to the agenda at the direction of the Mayor and/or City Council. A note has been included at the bottom of this list about additional meetings that may be required in the end phase of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process. I would anticipate that our meetings in September, October and November will devoted to discussing recommendations made in this Master Plan. A copy of the list of discussion items is attached along with the schedule of 2006 meeting dates approved at our November meeting. Discussion Items For 20o6 Parks & Recreation Committee Meetin s Dog Park Development— Location Petersen Historic Farm Wetland Restoration January January Youth and Adult Athletic League Planning Meeting Playground Renovations — Last Year of Program February March Petersen Historic Farm — Building Maintenance March Wheeler Park Development March Shamrock Farms Park— Project Updates May Hickory Creek Farm Maintenance Storage Facility May Recreation Program Facility Usage May Parks and Recreation Master Plan — Progress Report June Urban Forestry Report— Identify 2007 Project Parks and Recreation Master Plan — Preliminary Draft September Sept./Oct. Althoff Park Turf Evaluation November Any and all items as assigned by the Mayor/City Council Special Projects Shamrock Farms Park Groundbreaking Spring/Dedication upon completion Parks &Recreation Master Plan — Phase II Note: Several committee meetings will be needed to discuss the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process. The committee and staff will be involved with the consulting firm on development of this planning document. 2oo6 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Schedule Wednesday, January 11, 2oo6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, February 8, 2oo6, 7:00 pm, Classroom #193, Youth and Adult Athletic League Scheduling Meeting Wednesday, March 8, 20o6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, May 17, 2oo6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, June 14, 2oo6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, September 13, 20o6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, October 19, 20o6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room Wednesday, November 8, 2oo6, 7:00 pm Aldermen's Conference Room /Pete/Parks&Recreation Meetings/Disc Items for 2006 AGENDA ITEM #ti A) NIKE/NRPA Pilot Program Attached is an information sheet on a joint program sponsored by NIKE and NRPA to provide cleated shoes to serving youth. Staff has applied to participate in this program. B) Update on Land Purchase - 4 312 W. Lakewood Road A brief report will be given on the acquisition and condition of this property. C) Petersen Park Farm Foundation A brief presentation will be made on the establishment of a foundation for the Petersen Historic Farm. Nike Cleats Pilot Project -National Recreation and Park Association Page 1 of 2 ., AIN Nati nat Recreat10 and Park , ssr C a is n SITE MA C 8uy�r's~�u�d -, htF p F�Stogy Cat�eer ce, ter Home Page > Programs&Partnerships > Baseball > Nike Cleats Pilot Project Home Nike Cleats Pilot Project About NRPA AIML NRPA and NIKE invite local agencies in Southern California and the metropolitan regions of Chicago and New York to put 10,000 Membership baseball/softball cleats on the feet of youth for the 2006 spring baseb Advocacy softball season! This pilot project is an initiative to support des that might otherwise not have the opportunity to play baseball or soft News spring. i Accreditation NRPA is committed to enhancing the quality of youth sports and expa Certification opportunities for youth served by local park and recreation agencies or local leagues. The target of distribution is under-served youth in your community that could benefit from participating in active Education&Conferences programs such as baseball and softball. Publications&Research Benefits of Participating in the pilot: Programs& • Assist in the development of a national strategy to provide under-served youth with sports 1 Partnerships equipment • Engage underserved youth in developing positive leisure pursuits Step Up To Health • Increase program participation levels of under-served youth ' GOOD SPORTS • Leverage your agency or league as a venue for giving resources back to the community Football Getting involved is easy! Tennis • Review the questions ' Golf • Complete the online application - click here ' Track&Field • Have questions, call Susan Potts at 703-858-2163 or email spottsCa)nrpa.org ' Baseball Basketball *Communities will be selected based upon their qualifications Research Init atives availability* ' Products Update Agency Info Project Timeline: Archives • November -January 6, 2006-Application Process • January 2006 - Site Selection I Contact Us • February 2006 - Product Fulfillment • March -June 2006 - Follow-up with local agencies Marketing Opportunities • April 2006 - Pilot site mid report due to NRPA • June 2006 - Pilot sites reports due to NRPA Resources • July 2006 - NRPA submits final report to NIKE Contact Us Flo Local Agency Requirements: exhibit & • Identify deserving youth • Complete the ordering and product distribution documents dp " U11l • Provide feedback on how you distributed and managed the pilot locally • Complete an online evaluation post-distribution NRPA will: M�. • Work with you to coordinate planning and distribution • Provide a joint press release for use at the local level to obtain public visibility • Cover your community on the website as a community example of best practices hnp://www.nrpa.org/content/default.aspx?documentId=3185 1/5/2006