HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 06/01/2009 - City Council City of McHenry 333 South Green Street www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 Mayor's Office AGENDA n!44,_K (815) 363-2108 i Fax (815) 363-2119 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 1, 2009, 7:30 PM Clerk's Office (815)363-2100 Fax(815)363-2128 1. Call to Order Administration 2. Roll Call (815)363-2108 Fax(815)363-2119 3. Pledge of Allegiance Public Works Community 4. Public Hearing: Amendment to Living Springs Annexation Agreement Development (815)363-2170 5. Proclamation: National Garden Week Fax(815)363-2173 Parks and Recreation 6. Presentation: PACE/Dial-a-Ride (815)363-2160 Fax(815)363-3186 7, Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation Police Non-Emergency (815)363-2200 8. Consent Agenda: Fax(815)363-2149 A. Special Use/Picnic Permits B. April 20, April 27, May 4, May 11, and May 18, 2009 City Council meeting minutes C. List of Bills Mayor Susan E.Low 9. Request for use of Knox Park Barn, temporary sign permit, and waiver of all associated fees for the Annual McHenry Area Jaycees Haunted House; City Clerk Janice C.Jones 10. Request for demolition permit,1202 North Riverside Drive Treasurer David M.Welter 1 1. Conditional use permit for daycare facility in Adams Commercial Center, Lot 4 Aldermen 12. Garage Sale Permit, Church of Holy Apostles, 5211 Bull Valley Road WARD 1 Victor A. Sand 13. Mayor — Statement and Reports WARD 2 14. Committee Reports Andrew A.Glab WARD 3 15. Staff Reports Jeffrey A. Schaefer 16. Future Agenda Items WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd 17. Executive Session: Property Acquisition WARD Collective Bargaining Richard W.Wimmer 18. Open Session regarding matters discussed in Executive Session WARD 6 Robert J.Peterson 19. Adjournment WARD 7 Geri A.Condon Posted and Mailed: May 27, 2009 r s � �t p TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin,Deputy City Administrator FOR: June 1, 2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: First Amendment to the Living Springs Annexation Agreement Background Heritage Woods supportive living facility on Crystal Lake Road was approved and constructed in 2006. The annexation agreement limits the facility to 99 congregate care senior living units, however, due to the fact that the building is modular there are actually 100 potential living units. Heritage Woods is currently at-capacity with all 99 living units being occupied and there is an extra room which is utilized as a common area. Description of Request Heritage Woods is requesting permission to use this extra room as a 1000' living unit. Due to the fact that the building is at capacity they would like the option of renting an additional living unit. Analysis The additional living unit, although part of the original modular building facility, is not approved for occupancy. The annexation agreement and Conditional Use Permit need to be amended to reflect 100 living units instead of 99. Staff does not have any concerns with this request in light of the other 99 units being already occupied. Attached is an ordinance executing the first amendment to the Living Springs annexation agreement and an ordinance amending the existing Conditional Use Permit to allow 100 living units. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE LIVING SPRINGS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT FOR THE APPROXIMATELY 4.7 ACRE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD, IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the OWNER and the City desire to enter into a First Amendment to the Living Springs Annexation Agreement to provide for the development of said real estate; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing was published in the Northwest Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of McHenry, within the time provided by law, notifying the public of a hearing on said First Amendment to the Living Springs Annexation Agreement before the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry have held the public hearing as required by law and have found that entry into said Annexation Agreement is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The First Amendment to the Livings Springs Annexation Agreement between the City of McHenry, a Municipal Corporation in the State of Illinois and Living Springs LLC ("DEVELOPER)be and the same is hereby approved. SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk to said Annexation Agreement for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2009 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF . 2009 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK AMENDMENT TO THE LIVING SPRINGS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT This AMENDMENT TO THE LIVING SPRINGS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (the "AMENDMENT") is made and entered into this day of June, 2009, by and between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation (the "CITY") and Living Springs of McHenry, LLC (the "DEVELOPER"). RECITALS A. The CITY, DEVELOPER and Kenneth and Patsy O'Halleran (collectively referred to as "OWNER") entered into the LIVING SPRINGS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT dated , 2005 (the "AGREEMENT"). After the execution of the AGREEMENT, the DEVELOPER acquired fee simple title to the real estate owned by OWNER. DEVELOPER is the successor-in-interest to OWNER's rights, title and interest in the AGREEMENT. B. DEVELOPER holds fee simple title to the real estate referred to as the"SUBJECT PROPERTY"in the AGREEMENT. C. The SUBJECT PROPERTY was annexed and zoned into the CITY pursuant to Ordinances 06- 1299, 06-1300 and 06-1301 and developed as a Supportive Living Senior Housing Facility in accordance with the AGREEMENT. D. DEVELOPER is the owner and operator of the Supportive Living Senior Housing Facility, which is known as Living Springs of McHenry. E. The CITY and DEVELOPER desire to amend the AGREEMENT in accordance with the terms and conditions of this AMENDMENT and the CITY has determined that this AMENDMENT is in the best interest of the CITY, will promote sound planning and growth of the CITY, and otherwise enhance and promote the general welfare of the CITY and its residents. F. Prior to the date of this AMENDMENT, all public hearings were held upon proper notice and publications as are required for the CITY to effect the terms of this AMENDMENT. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their respective agreements set out herein, the CITY and DEVELOPER HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Amendment of Conditional Use Permit. Immediately following the annexation of the SUBJECT PROPERTY, the CITY adopted an ordinance(Ordinance No. 06-1301)approving a conditional use permit to allow a 99-unit, Supportive Living Senior Housing Facility (SLF) on the SUBJECT PROPERTY, in substantial accordance with the AGREEMENT. The City hereby agrees to adopt an ordinance amending the CUP to allow the addition of one (1) additional senior supportive living unit to the existing facility on the SUBJECT PROPERTY to bring the total number of units permitted by the CUP to 100 units, immediately upon or simultaneously upon the execution of this AMENDMENT. The additional unit to the Supportive Living Housing Facility shall be from the conversion of existing space in the facility. Page 1 of 2 100587/0000122 914754/1 2. Zoning. The conversion of existing space in the Supportive Living Senior Housing Facility to an additional living unit is consistent with and permitted by the zoning of the SUBJECT PROPERTY, which is RM-2 High Density Multi-Family Residential District. 3. Severability If any provision of this AMENDMENT is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed to be excised herefrom and the invalidity thereof shall not affect any of the other provisions contained herein. 4. Miscellaneous. (a) This AMENDMENT shall be made a part of, and incorporated into, the AGREEMENT. (b) Except as modified by this AMENDMENT, the AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect without any other changes or amendments thereto, and CITY and DEVELOPER shall and hereby do ratify and affirm the AGREEMENT, as modified by this AMENDMENT. (c) To the extent that there is any conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this AMENDMENT and the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT, this AMENDMENT shall control and be binding upon the parties hereto. (d) This AMENDMENT may be executed and delivered in counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same document. (e) All undefined capitalized terms contained herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the AGREEMENT. (f) This AMENDMENT shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns pursuant to the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS HEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date indicated above. CITY OF MCHENRY By: MAYOR Attest: CITY CLERK DEVELOPER By: Print Name: Its: Page 2 of 2 100587/0000122914754/1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING AN AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ORDINANCE ORD-06-1301 FOR LIVING SPRINGS OF MCHENRY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD,IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by Living Springs of McHenry, LLC requesting an amendment to existing Conditional Use Permit Ordinance ORD-06-1301 for the property legally described on"Exhibit A", attached hereto and incorporated herein; the"SUBJECT PROPERTY"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence and recommendations and finds that the approval of the requested Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the objectives of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 2: That ORD-06-1301 is hereby amended to allow a total of one hundred (100) living units. SECTION 4: In granting said Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit, the City Council finds that the requirements of Table 31 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met in that: 1. Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. 2. Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled. 3. The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. 4. The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area; 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity; and 6. The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the Conditional Use and its particular location. SECTION 5: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2009 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF 12009 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Exhibit A Legal Description of the SUBJECT PROPERTY Lots 17 and 18 in Kelter Estate Subdivision Unit No. 1 being a subdivision of part of Section 34, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March 14, 1949 as Document Number 218953, in Book 10 of Plats,Page 112, in McHenry County, Illinois. And That part of the North Half of Section 34, Township 45 North,Range 8 East of the Third Principle Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Lot 17 in Kelter Estate Subdivision- Unit 1, being a subdivision of Part of said Section 34 recorded March 14, 1949 as Document Number 218953, said point also being the southwesterly corner of Lot 15 in Kelter Estate Subdivision—Init 2,recorded August 4, 1951 as Document Number 245499; Thence South 50 Degrees 11 Minutes 27 Seconds West, 59.91 feet(60 feet record)to a point on the northeasterly line of Lot 18 in said Kelter Estate Subdivision -Unit 1; Thence North 40 Degrees 23 Minutes 42 Seconds West, along said northeasterly line 77 8.10 feet, to the southeasterly right-of-way line of Crystal Lake Road(County Highway 6)said line being 40.00 feet southeasterly of and concentric to the centerline of said Crystal Lake Road; Thence northeasterly, 60.84 feet(60.8 feet record), along said southeasterly right-of-way line, being a non-tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 2824.93 feet, a chord bearing north 39 Degrees 31 Minutes 50 Seconds East, and a chord distance of 60.83 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 17;Thence south 40 degrees 23 Minutes 42 Seconds East, along said southwesterly line, 789.36 feet(789.58 feet record), to the point of beginning. PROCLAMATION TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: June 1 , 2009 Regular City Council Meeting Representatives from the McHenry Garden Club will be presented with a Proclamation declaring the week of June 7th at National Garden Week. PRESENTATION TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: June 1 , 2009 Regular City Council Meeting Mary Donner, representing PACE will be in attendance at the.meeting to announce PACE's decision to increase funding for the city's Dial-a-Ride services for 2009 contract year. CONSENT AGENDA► The Consent Agenda for the June 1 , 2009 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Special Use/Picnic Permits B. April 20, April 27, May 4, May 11, and May 18, 2009 City Council meeting minutes C. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: June 1, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Beer/Wine Permit Requests and Special Use Permit Requests RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached Beer/Wine Permits and Special Use Permit requests. Background. The attached list of permit applications have been received in our office with all fees and documentation properly submitted. TConaway/pic penn CA for.doc FOR COUNCIL MEETING OF June 1, 2009: Beer/Wine Permit Requests These are beer and wine permit requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address 06/07/09 Karly Bulinski Bday 4324 Lakewood Rd, McH 06/21/09 James Nicoline 1613 Flower St, McH 07/25/09 Rachel Plancon 606 S Meadow, McH 08/01/09 Larry Campana 7542 Tanager St, Hobart, IN 08/22/09 Moises Vazquez 1018 Somerset Mall, McH Special Use Application Requests There are special use application requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address Special Use 06/07/09 Karly Bulinski Bday 4324 Lakewood Rd, McH bounce house, bags, water balloons 06/14/09 Meghan Sullivan/Gard Quar 4508 Gard quart Rd, #36 inflatable jumpy, DJ 07/25/09 Rachel Plancon 606 S Meadow, McH moonwalk 08/30/09 Joe Cralli/Wheeling Wheelr PO Box 7304, Buff Grove food/non alcoholic rest stop for bikers Wonaway\pic penn list.doc 'SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION n° Date of Picnic: F. ompany11o��r organization: I � 0 )e Address: LQ6woo OI City/State/Zip: y�i�(�1_ IL 000�3O Home Phone: '56' `1 LQ Q - -7 l S) Work Phone: Park: 0 Knox Park XPetersenPark 0 Veteran's Memorial Park Area: 0 Shelter A X Shelter B O Shelter C ❑ Other: Arrival Time: /0 Departure Time: Total Number Attending:LAJY(Li- SO Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must.obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brief description of program(i.e. co picnic, car show,craft show,wedding, etc.): kA 'S List all activities that will be held: OU S ca l c o(1 Items brought into park site: ❑ tent &tables hairs ❑ benches ❑ carnival rides CgLmusic 0 animals ❑ model planes 0 other 0 other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Will beer/wine be present: Q'es ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS "Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year 0 9. Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied Q. Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date(number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) C2 Criss I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold,it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use and/or beer/wine application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of t park property. I al underst that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: Date: 5 — tg " o I Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: OFFICE USE ONLY* **t r***r****r ***ry*****r***r**************** * ******* Reservation Fee: $ Date Paid: I Q l Initials: Deposit Fee: $ J Payment: .0 Cash Check 0 Charge TotalFee: $ �s Submitted to City Council: Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Forms\picnic fonns\special use and beer and or wine application , XRENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Contact Person:yy1 C S Co L-1 to E Date of Picnic: Company or Organization: Address: � i 3 f=f DGX. :: S I _ City/State/Zip: nakPJAY Home Phone`_ LI743 3 — ?l!9 & Work Phone: Park: ❑ Knox Park Xtetersen Park 0 Veteran's Memorial Park Area: Shelter A(� O Shelter B 0 Shelter C ❑ Other: Arrival Time: "I Departure Time4116 Total Number Attending: 100 Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brief description of program i.e. co picnic, car show,craft show, wedding, etc.): C �(A(,A p p � (� P , , g, List all activities that will be held: Items brought into park site: ❑ tent ❑ tables 0 chairs ❑ benches 0 carnival rides 0 music 0 animals ❑ model planes 0 other ❑ other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Will beer/wine be present: Ai ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS "Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year O . Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied d . Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date(number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) SC'.S-�-- 2 L')4tie. �vq[eS I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use and/or beer/wine application(s)and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park property. I also derstand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. 4 Signature: Date:_ 12 ` )-.CDO 9 Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subj ect to further approval. Restrictions: OFFICE USE ONLY**********r******* *******r***********v ***�*(*Q**',*,** ****** Reservation Fee: $ Date Paid: Qq Initials: O ` Deposit Fee: $ Payment: 0 Cash C'hei'ck Ch , 10 arge Total Fee: $ a Submitted to City Council: 6 JON Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Forms\picnic foims\special use and beer and or wine application i 'AENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION contact Person: p( f' l 9A T'C A(y Date of Picnic: Company or Organization: -7 - a rj--0 Address:(00(0 S . �-x ) rA -City/State/Zip:_ Home Phone:_ 2 1 to Work Phone: Park: ❑ Knox Park 0 Petersen Park Veteran's Memorial Park Area: ❑ Shelter A ❑ Shelter B ❑ Shelter C ❑ Other: Arrival Time: 0 a.K,--- Departure Time: Lr�- Total Number Attending: Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: 0 dumpsters 0 MA toilets Brief description of program(i.e. co picnic,car show, craft show,wedding, etc.): t?l�`A OtOA List all activities that will be held: M o n n Gt )CO 9 Items brought into park site: ❑ tent ❑ tables ❑ chairs 0 benches 0 carnival rides C ,music ❑ animals ❑ model planes ❑ other 0 other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Will beer/wine be present: Yes ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS "Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year D. Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied_. Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date (number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use and/or beer/wine application(s)and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of th p operty. I also d that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: ate: 5 Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: OFFICE USE ONLY*********************************************** ** ******* Reservation Fee: $ Date Paid: -T:�5--Ocf Initials: Deposit Fee: $ Payment: ❑ Cash heck❑ Charge Total Fee: $ Submitted to City Council: 7006) Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Forms\picnic fonns\special use and beer and or wine application ,HENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Contact Person: ZL4-,s-1 ,�Kp/1� Date of Picnic: Company or Organization: E "u'09 Address: 7�70� City/State/Zip: A/1 /W �tG3y� Home Phone: di S Work Phone: ��� ' 73� /5/0 Park: ❑ Knox Park 0 Petersen Park 0 Veteran's Memorial Park Area: 0 Shelter A "e' elter B ❑ Shelter C 0 Other: Arrival Time: Departure Time: Total Number Attending: Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brief description of program(i.e. co picnic, car show,craft show,wedding, etc.): i��►�^� ty 4'vwe'l List all activities that will be held: Items brought into park site: 0 tent ❑ tables 0 chairs ❑ benches ❑ carnival rides ❑ music ❑ animals ❑ model planes ❑ other ❑ other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Will beer/wine be present: Yes. ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS "Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year . Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied_. Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date(number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) (V C,a s C,.. I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use and/or beer/wine application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the ar 1� 3' I so and stand that not complying with the Park Permit les will result in loss of deposit. Signatu Date: / o Health p 'ts are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: ******* ******************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************* r*******r*****r* *******r*r ** ******* l Reservation Fee: $ Date Paid: LI Initials: JLt Deposit Fee: $ 110V Payment: ❑ Cash❑ Check,*Charge Total Fee: $ /9:: Submitted to City Council: Jak\L Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Foams\picnic fonns\special use and beer and or wine application ko to 7 14.J� iVi vJI.JJV JVi .—.1--'"— 1 rl-1LlG Ul — FRrjl1 C I T,r OF MCHEPARY PAWS 2 REC PHONE ND. : 815 363 3186 !•!e^y. 15 CM9 5.'52AM PIP r,acrUTILi;; LNTAL t S.El AnrD;' ,zt�RANT J , ,aPI ICATION I�Sd� �wrrr.�w�rr t',:ot�cat..i I'crbola, Q6iC C�.171Li1:C,; C•ompuly or orgam a 'on.:_ L .�d::res : �.n �Caty/Stdta''Li NZ�A!( X=6 Phas*: ������(}' �- Work Phone: Park: 3 Kssox Park KPeter*enPark 2 Veteran`s'Niemorial?Wk AZOV XSMItw A 0 sb+lter B G SbeiraM C 0 other. .9MY41 ,DVarWPO AriW r,,,,�j Total Number.lrre,��.���. FalxifyLajr M*Miaifaa ntaribees mtl result In lass of depvslt Groups of 500 or more mti5+t obtuln additional: CI dumpsten l,, portable toilets Br.id dascriptioit of prograsn(i e. oG sous.;,car show,ortsft'show,w�5dctizq,ac):rjOm�AnAyu, pj, .�� List all activitift that will be held: 4.#L Cie //'n he...s brought into pet si* is tent "I tables 0 chaixs 7 benches C, c. Wval rid, + iznimic astltruls ❑ tidal pWum JX other l2c Q ��_ _ M other__... Watef,elwzdoity and roStrooms We av&UAble at all sites, 'Please explain My ad&tfon<tl utilitift needed �M1'yll bter�winC?�r*Lrtcstnt: XYC5 d Na V YOV CHECKED'4ES,PLEA,ST A,VS'PV R BFWW qiMSTIC)NS "kiiimte the=amber oftexr/wine permits issued:to the un wai.goe3:his ealendav yesr.Q—. Xrd catP the sat +Cx cf ben r�wRrie pe:rai:s denied In&=a amouut.of be er,*ine to be brL%% ht into the City Pau'k under tt;is ixxu�t can auoh tote(r►tunber of wine bott:es,beer cases,beer kegs,et—),1_ILed 1;agra a OW all the beer/wine omminen will be'removed by spplkwl or plaved in proper otszstawuors on sitc;on tl.e pvmilt date atsd that no undmmae or intaxie"person will be allowed to brrritoamc&%v of the b=7e wine laroughf into tt t. City of Mollextry park=dezr this permit, d agred a At Ocno,Of ere fie rr!wizia allowed to tha City of Meliawy park ptarri of to aria a;splicatirm 1&-W.be sold,it using undarsiood then the sale of boor/wine under this permit ia.srued pursuant to thys :apphcat!r..n is expressly prohibited, I have rend Find will cq�Wly with the City of T4IcHewy Patrk Permit ruins. I hive and and understand thm rusts and regtslattons thin'hva ben:sat forth,by the City of McHenry reSuding the spte'iol use and/or Lit/wins applications)and w•ilLl a sums rapnsibii:ry for any fora,da;nigC or liability euising frotax the use oft +��•�*]rr»,..�.� t o1 cr,uride,tstnrid that not wr:aply ng with the Park Permit rules uv!L revuh in loss of doposil. geslth pemits are requi by late for conceceioas sod catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTe- Appmvaal w ill be based ors the item Bated abode, Any other mqu=9 are sub;eot to fur:tsor approval. l�,atsxictions- , +rr�rr#errtrwttt«wr4rr�ewrtrrT*r.r►rw+�wr k M�t VkI//� h 'a 42 VS14n^R Xr•• —Y�,, ^ ' *exTT xxxL��4#'kk*t# h#a1'ly*R#*kY(*'t�fYHb;x#l:rirFM vWa bN4�kk.y Fetrwmkti;;n Fee: $ s� . _ Dote Paid, / _ Initials: I)cfscs,t erne: S c�S ._,...._ 1'a;�eGG ^ G`1LsIL�"t Cbs k Liaarg+� //ems "Total Fee: 5uboA ttCd to City CoUftoil... S;r�nli+7ssaun!►'�eat:,_,_, �_.lgitlels;_ City Couimil Approval, _ M.-tiWgicmir.orldb'eveclli asa aril bar mod or mr.•t appluxtinn r i i ,ficHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Contact Person: I p.an Sli{ It I V a M Date of Picnic: Company or Organ iz�'ation: rra,Cd e n 0j (I a C Ea' )�'uW ao cao6g �4�a'� Address: M 6� 4en �!.(i A& g Z(� City/State/Zip:��n-+-r-��`�� � 0 Home Phone:9 L�7'�3 — 355 Work Phone: --' Park: ❑Knox Park �etersen Park ❑ Veteran's Memorial Park Area: ❑ Shelter A Shelter B 0 Shelter C ❑ Other: Arrival Time: )jkt4,,D"eep_ parture Time. OP41( Total Number Attending: Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brief description of program(i.e. co picnic,car show, craft show,wedding, etc.):et"C4( r"G List all activities that will be held:- i 4 ` Items brought into park site: 0 tent ❑ tables ❑ chairs 0 benches 0 carnival rides music ❑ animals ❑ model planes ❑ other ❑ other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities.needed: Will beer/wine be present: ❑ Yes P`* IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS "Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year . Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied_. Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date (number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold,it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use and/or beer/wine application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: Date: Health permits re required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: **t**** **********r*****r*************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************r***r* ****** *** ***** ** ****r********** Reservation Fee: $ IS Date Paid:5'1 c;� Initials: ^ Deposit Fee: $ 70 Payment: ❑ Cash Check (�U heck❑��Char�g7e� Total Fee: $ Submitted to City Council: `l�+'� � Q Confumation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Fonns\picnic fonns\special use and beer and or wine application HENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Contact Person: , O cij C_F P�L-L- 1 Date of Picnic: gh 3o r zoo Company or Organization: l,J 4 r.-r- L-)v,)r 4g-€1 MA Address: R 0 , Z O —7 O 4- City/State/Zip: 13v FEN-b Caci u, I Home Phone: 3 47— q Z b—so 1—o Work Phone: Park: YKnox Park ❑ Petersen Park ❑ Veteran's Memorial Park Area: Shelter A 0 Shelter B ❑ Shelter C ❑ Other: Arrival Time: bb kA Departure Time: ( -WPM Total Number Attending: (570 Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brief description of program(i.e. co picnic, car show,craft show,wedding, etc.): S-r p List all activities that will be held: 13 1 C \-(e L.( S-T S 1 L L S"T'o M M G Atj-t� RA:s rt rig 1 -69 .7-: a-TIfi C, 1)el ►i �41,y6 IJoN A -calAOLlc Items brought into park site: ❑ tent ❑ tables ❑ chairs ❑ benches ❑ carnival rides ❑ music ❑ animals ❑ model planes ❑ other ❑ other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Will beer/wine be present: ❑ Yes ,/KNo IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS "Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied_. Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date(number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by ap t or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will billowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree t one of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold, it bein tier�d that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly proh' i�read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have rea understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special and/or beer/wine application(s)and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Sigtnature: QDate: S 02 Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: ***********r*** **********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******* ***w*****r******** ***r****************r**x******** Reservation Fee: $ Date Paid: Initials: Deposit Fee: $ Payment: ❑ Cash ❑ Check Marge Total Fee: $ Submitted to City Council: Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Fonns\picnic fonns\special use and beer and or wine application REGULAR MEETING AP RI L 20, 2009 A regular meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2009 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer and Condon. Absent: Peterson. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Finance Director Black, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, Public Works Director Schmitt. PROCLAMATION: LOOK AT LOCAL HISTORY MONTH —"THIS PLACE COUNTS" In attendance were Landmark Commissioners Patrick Wirtz and Kaaren Gies. Mayor Low read into the record of the meeting a proclamation declaring May 2009 as "Look at Local History Month: This Place Counts" in the City of McHenry. Mayor Low then presented the framed proclamation to Landmark Commissioners Wirtz and Gies. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Condon commented she is happy to be working with the McHenry Area Soccer Federation and accepts Staffs recommendation to limit the sign display to ten days. Alderman Glab inquired if Nicolino's would have adequate parking for its Trackside event. City Administrator Maxeiner responded arrangements have been made with the business to the south to provide additional parking for the event. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance; B. McHenry Area Soccer Federation request for temporary advertising signs and waiver of associated fees; C. Special Event Liquor License— Nicolino's Trackside; D. Purchase of 90 fall seasonal banners from Four Seasons Displays - $5,394; E. Special Use/Picnic Permits; F. List of Bills: AALTO, BRIAN 16.00 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 3,331.93 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 2,597.19 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 130.16 April 20,2009 Page 2 ADAMS, JOHN 31.30 AHLBORN EQUIPMENT INC 100.84 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 1,416.42 ALTERNATE POWER INC 2,368.00 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER 175.91 AQUAPREP 4,158.00 ARAMARK 71.48 AT&T 71.64 BUSS FORD SALES 231.69. CAREY ELECTRIC 1,518.34 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR 58.43 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 1,542.60 CERTIFIED SERVICES INC 49.24 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 413.13 CHRISTOPHER, DAVID 37.44 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 1,238.71 CLIFFORD-WALD 196.02 COMCAST CABLE 74.90 COMED 34,119.07 COMMISSION ON ACCREDITAT 135.50 CONSERV FS 7,881.40 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 299.46 CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATI 3,675.50 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 46.50 DELL MARKETING LP 140.36 DILLON, JOHN 100.56 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 130.70 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU 69.00 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 62.25 ENTENMANN-ROVIN CO 69.84 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 72.00 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 107.15 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 106.46 FOX VALLEY CHEMICAL CO 441.60 FOX VALLEY FENCE & SUPPL 25,781.40 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 209.00 FRONTIER CHIROPRACTIC 30.00 G IMPRESSIONS INC 84.00 GALWAY, BROOKE 75.00 GANDOR, MARK 77.50 GLICK, DEBORAH A 203.91 HACH COMPANY 211.51 HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON 65.00 HARKER, MAUREEN B 525.00 HAWKINS INC 1,859.99 HESTER, DANIEL E 8.70 HOLIAN, CAROL 164.00 IAHPC 50.00 INDUSTRIAL SHELVING SYST 498.00 INNOVATIVE PACKAGING INC 526.45 IPRA 409.00 JOHNS TREE SERVICE 800.00 KALE UNIFORMS INC 962.33 KEEVIL, JAMES 10.04 KEN-CO SERVICES 292.07 KIMBALL MIDWEST 555.43 KING, LAURA 1,750.00 KOLLENKARK, WILLIAM 8.70 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 244.44 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 117.24 LEXISNEXIS 118.00 LINDSEY, ORLY 85.00 LYNCH, CAROLYN 54.99 MARCHEWKA, MIKE 1,020.00 MARLER, DENISE 65.00 MARTELLE WATER TREATMENT 1,275.70 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF 6,800.00 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 80.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S 6,188.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL 9,858.75 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 0 192.00 April 20,2009 Page 3 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 400.00 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 36.00 MCHENRY NAPA 1,761.17 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY 472.00 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PR 64.00 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 225.44 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 999.31 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING 56.59 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 1,765.00 NATIONAL AWARD SERVICES 23.42 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 454.00 PETROLIANCE LLC 6,440.15 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 149.00 POPP, LARRY 20.70 PRIME TACK & SEAL CO 714.42 PROSAFETY INC 104.00 R&J CONTRUCTION SUPPLY C 30.00 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 225.00 REID, MICHAEL 38.34 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 4,275.42 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 103.22 SASAK, TODD 197.47 SCHEEL, BRYAN 123.70 SEC GROUP INC 3,944.85 SECRETARY OF STATE / POL 78.00 SEXTON, ERIC M 16.00 SHAW SUBURBAN MEDIA 144.80 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 331.02 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB 127.49 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC 833.25 STAN'S FINANCIAL SERVICE 222.00 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 179.00 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 363.13 SULLIVAN, CAROL 164.00 TOMARK SPORTS INC 855.70 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 638.45 TRI-STATE CARPET & DECOR 250.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 49.42 USA BLUEBOOK 174.86 VALLEY VIEW ACRES 170.00 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 1,568.90 WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 147.35 WITT, CINDY 73.43 XYBIX SYSTEMS INC 321.00 GRAND TOTALS 157,673.87 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 85.,418.62 ANNEXATION FUND 15,202.00 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 25,781.40 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 250.00 WATER/SEWER FUND 25,329.54 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 27.44 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 1,474.11 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 4,390.76 TOTALS 157,873.87 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. April 20,2009 Page 4 REQUEST FOR THE FOLLOWING FROM THE MCHENRY AREA JAYCEES FOR JULY 4. 2009: 1) USE OF PETERSEN PARK CITY SUPPORT SERVICES AND WAIVER OF ALL ASSOCIATED FEES FOR ANNUAL JAYCEES DAY FOURTH OF JULY EVENT: 2) AWARD CONTRACT TO MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC FOR ANNUAL JAYCEES DAYS FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF$20,000 In attendance representing the McHenry Area Jaycees was Bob Bell. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated a request has been received from the McHenry Area Jaycees to host their annual Jaycees Day Fourth of July Event this year. The event would take place on Saturday, July 4th at Petersen Park. The request includes park rental, City support services, and waiver of associated fees. In addition, the request includes authorization to award a contract to Melrose Pyrotechnics Inc in the amount of $20,000 for the fireworks display. As in the past, the Jaycees will partner with the City to provide the fireworks program. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the Jaycees have arranged for a local band, Always Frantic, to perform at the event. Staff has reviewed the request and supports the Fourth of July Event. Alderman Glab noted he has not been impressed with the fireworks display and choreographed music for the last couple of years. He opined the quality of the program has diminished. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the McHenry Area Jaycees request for the following as presented: 1) Use of Petersen Park, City support services and waiver of all associated fees for Annual Jaycees Day Fourth of July event; 2) Award contract to Melrose Pyrotechnics Inc for Annual Jaycees Days Fourth of July Fireworks Program in the amount not-to-exceed $20,000. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: Petersen. Motion carried. REQUEST FROM HDC ENTERPRISES INC D/B/A JIMANO'S PIZZERIA 366 BANK DRIVE FOR: 1) FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT: 2) CLASS H LIQUOR LICENSE: AND 3) APPROVE ORDINANCE INCREASING THE NUMBER OF CLASS H LIQUOR LICENSES FROM TWO TO THREE In attendance was Jimano's Pizzeria business owner Rod Seale. April 20,2009 Page 5 City Administrator Maxeiner stated a petition was received from HDC Enterprises d/b/a Jimano's Pizzeria at 366 Bank Drive to secure a conditional use permit and Class H Liquor License to allow the service of beer and wine at their restaurant. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered the request at a Public Hearing held at its March 19, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting. The Commission unanimously approved the request. City Administrator Maxeiner noted the applicant has provided all necessary paperwork and paid appropriate fees to secure a Class H Liquor License for the premises. The Mayor, following a meeting with the applicant, recommends approval of the liquor license, subject to a satisfactory fingerprint report and BASSET training for all restaurant staff involved with the service of alcoholic beverages. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, 1) to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to pass an ordinance granting a conditional use permit to HDC Enterprises Inc to allow the service of alcoholic beverages at Jimano's Pizzeria located at 366 Bank Drive; 2) to accept the Mayor's recommendation to grant a Class H Liquor License to HDC Enterprises Inc d/b/a Jimano's Pizzeria located at 366 Bank Drive, subject to the following: a) satisfactory fingerprint report; b) all restaurant staff involved with the service of alcoholic beverages completing BASSET training; 3) pass an ordinance increasing the number of Class H Liquor Licenses from two to three. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. LILLIAN STREET RESURFACING PROJECT: 1) RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY: 2) LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH IDOT: 3) ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SEC GROUP IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,402.90 City Administrator Maxeiner stated on December 1, 2008 Council authorized an engineering services agreement for the Phase I and Phase II engineering on the Lillian Street resurfacing project with SEC Group. The McHenry County Council of Mayors approved this project as a Local Agency Pavement Preservation (LAPP) project with funding to come from the Surface Transportation Program (STP). STP will fund 80% of the construction costs and Phase III engineering with a local match of 20%. City April 20,2009 Page 6 Administrator Maxeiner noted this project is currently scheduled for IDOT June bid letting. City Administrator Maxeiner noted the engineering services agreement submitted by SEC Group for the project startup, construction observation, administration, coordination, project close-out and material testing is in an amount not-to-exceed $22,402.90. City Administrator Maxeiner noted SEC Group estimates the total cost of construction including the Phase III engineering to be $262,500. This correlates to STP Funding in the amount of $210,000 and City cost of $52,500. The City's portion would be funded by MFT Funds. City Administrator stated the request before Council this evening is three-fold: 1. Approve a "Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code"; 2. Approve a "Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation"; 3. Approve a Phase III engineering services agreement with SEC Group in the amount not-to-exceed $22,402.90. Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the following with regard to the Lillian Street Resurfacing Project: 1. Approve a "Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code"; 2. Approve a "Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation"; 3. Approve a Phase III engineering services agreement with SEC Group in the amount not-to-exceed $22,402.90. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CITY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4225 SIOUX LANE, INCLUDING INSTALLATION OF WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ON ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK AND CONSTRUCTION OF PERTINENT STRUCTURES ON THE PREMISES— U.S. CELLULAR Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted by U.S. Cellular to construct wireless telecommunications equipment on city property located at 4225 Sioux Lane. Antennas would be mounted on the elevated water storage tank and pertinent structures would be constructed on ground. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted, due to the results of structural analysis of the elevated storage tank, this is the last provider that will be considered for this site. He noted structural analysis has been done pursuant to each request to utilize the Sioux Lane Elevated Storage Tank for this purpose. April 20,2009 Page 7 Deputy City Administrator Martin stated Staff has worked with U.S. Cellular to develop an Option and Structure Lease Agreement to accommodate the request. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the terms of the Agreement contain the following provisions: 1. One year option period whereby the tenant would complete all due diligence work and obtain all approvals and permits. Payment for this option period to the City is $1,500; 2. Initial lease term of five years with the option of four additional five-year terms; 3. Monthly rental payment of$2,000 ($24,000 annually); 4. At the beginning of year two, and each year thereafter, the monthly rent increases by 3% over the previous year's rent; 5. Agreement requires a $50,000 security bond to ensure removal of the equipment upon lease termination. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated Staff has reviewed all elements of the Agreement and supports the request for rental of the City's property located at 4225 Sioux Lane subject to the terms of the Option and Structure Lease Agreement. Alderman Murgatroyd requested assurance that the property would be returned to its original condition upon termination of the lease. Deputy City Administrator acknowledged the security bond could be utilized to return the property to its original condition if the applicant failed to do so when the lease expires. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve an ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of an Option and Structure Lease Agreement with U.S. Cellular for the use of the Sioux Lane Elevated Water Storage Tank and grounds for the construction of wireless telecommunications equipment as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. ORDINANCE GRANTING VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT A RADIO EQUIPMENT SHELTER ON CITY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4225 SIOUX LANE — U.S. CELLULAR Deputy City Administrator Martin stated in conjunction with the City's acceptance of the Option and Structure Lease Agreement with U.S. Cellular, a request was made to allow variances to permit the radio equipment shelter on the premises. A petition was filed before the City's Planning and Zoning Commission to grant the following relief from the Zoning Ordinance: 1. To allow multiple principal buildings on the property located at 4225 Sioux Lane; 2. To allow reduction in the required rear yard setback from 25 feet to 12 feet. April 20,2009 Page 8 Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the request at its February 5, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting and unanimously recommended support of the request. It is also Staffs recommendation to approve the request subject to the following conditions: 1. The building be heavily landscaped with mid-high growing evergreen trees and bushes; 2. The building be architecturally similar to the existing building and overall character of the neighborhood; 3. The additional fencing be of similar height, style and appearance as the existing fence. Alderman Glab suggested language be included requiring the continued maintenance of the landscaping. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Wimmer, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, to pass an ordinance providing for the following zoning relief to U.S. Cellular for construction of a radio equipment shelter on the City's property located at 4225 Sioux Lane: 1. To allow multiple principal buildings on the property located at 4225 Sioux Lane; 2. To allow reduction in the required rear yard setback from 25 feet to 12 feet. subject to the following conditions being met.- 1. The building be heavily landscaped with mid-high growing evergreen trees and bushes; 2. The building be architecturally similar to the existing building and overall character of the neighborhood, 3. The additional fencing be of similar height, style and appearance as the existing fence. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. IDENTITY THEFT PREVENTION POLICY Finance Director Black stated the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued new "Red Flag" rules which apply to many types of financial institutions and creditors. These rules are in response to problems incurred with identity theft. The rules apply to municipalities that provide a service for which payment is deferred until a later date. This includes water and sewer provided by the City and paid for by the consumer at the end of the billing cycle. Director Black stated the FTC rules mandate that creditors develop and implement a written Identity Theft Prevention Program that helps protect its consumers April 20,2009 Page 9 by responding to possible signals of identity theft known as "Red Flags". In order to comply with the rules, the City will implement several measures: 1. Develop a written policy outlining examples of warning signs of identity theft and include a plan of how the City will detect, prevent and minimize the impact of identity theft. This policy must be adopted by May 1, 2009. 2. City employees that deal with relevant accounts and personal identification information must be trained on the new policy. This would involve only Finance Department employees. 3. The City must ensure that service providers accessing customer personal identification information must have an identity theft prevention program. This would be applicable to the City's collection agency. Director Black stated it is Staffs recommendation to adopt the Identity Theft Program and Prevention Policy as presented. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staffs recommendation to pass an ordinance adopting the Identity Theft Program and Prevention Policy as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. AWARD OF PROPOSAL FOR WEBSITE RECONSTRUCTION — ONE ZERO CHARLIE IN THE AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $8,000 Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated the City initially developed the website in 2001 The site has been modified and expanded by Staff in order to accomplish more things online. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the site has become somewhat outdated and is not as fluid or user-friendly as it should be. A website employee review committee was established in an effort to determine recommendations for website improvements. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated Staff contacted three local firms as well as the current website provider in order to discuss potential improvements to the City's website. Subsequently price quotes were submitted from three firms for site- redevelopment work: 1. One Zero Charlie, Greenwood, Illinois $8,000 2. Verity Three, McHenry, Illinois $8,085 3. Dobbe Marketing, Crystal Lake, Illinois $14,600 Assistant City Administrator Hobson identified the difference in the work which would be provided between One Zero Charlie and Verity Three. He noted it is Staffs recommendation to accept the quote from One Zero Charlie in the amount not-to- exceed $8,000. April 20,2009 Page 10 Alderman Condon noted she is glad to see the website is being restructured. She opined it could be more user-friendly. City Administrator Maxeiner stated that throughout the budget process it has been discussed that the website will be used more frequently. It will save the City money in the long run as well as providing the City with an opportunity of going green in disseminating information. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to accept Stafrs recommendation to award a contract to One Zero Three for City Website Redevelopment in the amount not- to-exceed $8,000. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT There was no statement or report by Mayor Low. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Maxeiner announced the Arbor Day Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, April 24, 2009 at 3 p.m. in the Council Chambers. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: SALE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY AND PERSONNEL Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to go into Executive Session at 8:04 p.m. to discuss Sale of Public Property and Personnel. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. Council went into Executive Session at 8:07 p.m. April 20,2009 Page 11 Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to go back into Open Session at 8:36 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 8:36 p.m. OPEN SESSION: MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to authorize Administration to implement layoffs and the Early Retirement Incentive Program as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Mayor City Clerk ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 27, 2009 The Annual Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Finance Director Black, Chief of Police Brogan, Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg, Public Works Director Schmitt, and Parks and Recreation Director Merkel. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wimmer, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Ordinances amending Municipal Code Chapter 2, Article IV, Sec 2-112 and Sec 2-140 relating to annual appointments of City Attorney and City Engineer; B. Fiscal Year 2008/2009 Bills for Approval: A-YARD CORP 45.00 ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 250.00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 1,039.89 AFTERMATH INC 245.00 ALEXANDER EQUIPMENT COMP 30.40 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 182.00 ANDERSON, LORI 255.13 ANDREWS, MAUREEN J 193.50 ' ANTIOCH CYCLERY 768.75 ASHLAND SPECIALTY CHEMIC 2,610.00 AT&T 3,129.72 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 75.81 BATTERIES PLUS 162.29 BERGGREN, LEE 1,960.00 BERRYMAN EQUIPMENT COMPA 667.21 BOWERS, APRIL 4.0.00 BROGAN, WILLIAM J 19.03 BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY 100.03 BUSS FORD SALES 58.82 CATCHING FLUIDPOWER INC 131.44 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 213.28 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 107.80 CENTURY SPRINGS 319.60 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 252.49 COMCAST CABLE 82.78 COMMISSION ON ACCREDITAT 130.00 CONAWAY, TINA 31.92 CONSERV FS 42.60 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 36,161.95 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 134.04 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 1,123.59 DIXON CONSTRUCTION GROUP 2,529.73 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO 300.86 DUCAK, JASON 32.00 April 20,2009 Page 2 DUCAK, KELLY 102.32 DUFFY, DANIEL 101.64 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 76.80 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 922.00 EJ EQUIPMENT 182.14 FONE ZONE-MCHENRY, THE 49_99 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 66.00 FRIEDLE, JEFFFREY M 75.43 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 649.44 GROVE, KELLY 121.88 HARM'S FARM 3,000.00 HAWKINS INC 562.50 HEADLEY, JEAN 42.63 HOYER, KIM 61.15 ILLINOIS AUDIO PRODUCTIO 198.00 IRISH PRAIRIE RECREATION 900.00 JOHNS TREE SERVICE 900.00 JOHNSBURG BOWL 880.00 KALE UNIFORMS INC 985.20 KIMBALL MIDWEST 424.45 KING, LAURA 6.70 KLEAN, TRACY 44.98 LAMBERT, KATHY 54.54 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 105.39 LIBERTY TAX SERVICE 30.00 LINE, GARY 16.52 MARCHEWKA, MIKE 525.00 MARYS FLOWERS & GIFTS 64.00 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 95.03 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 555.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL 1,086.75 MCHENRY COUNTY SAFE KIDS 200.00 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 275.20 MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRI 2,200.00 MERKEL, PETE 27.00 MTS SAFETY PRODUCTS INC 146.05 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 338.17 NEXTEL 3,198.62 NICOR GAS 1,789.96 NORTHERN KEY & LOCK INC 315.00 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 94.71 NOWIKOWSKI, TINA 14.00 OSTINI, TERRY 32.00 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 437.50 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 690.66 PETROLIANCE LLC 5,218.50 PITEL SEPTIC INC 637.50 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 47.66 PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION 30.00 R&J CONTRUCTION SUPPLY C 146.00 REINWALL REPAIRS 14,499.60 REX AUTO BODY 2,457.81 RIDGEVIEW ELECTRIC INC 165,200.00 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 185.90 RUZICKA, RUSSELL 75.41 SADOWSKI, LISA 445.50 - SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE 120.00 SEC GROUP INC 35,016.08 SECRETARY OF STATE / POL . 78.00 SEXTON, ERIC M 88.00 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 1,508.32 SHORELINE MARINE CONTRAC 2,400.00 SPRINT 118.66 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 127.09 STUMPS 77.89 SYMBOLARTS 360.00 TASER INTERNATIONAL 271.61 THINK INK INC 104.43 THOME, BRYAN 21.94 TOPS IN DOG TRAINING COR 250.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC •51.18 April 20,2009 Page 3 TRASKASKI, NICHOLE 42.00 TRITON ELECTRONICS INC 840.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 155.10 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 6,392.30 VLCEK, PEGGY 181.73 WALMART COMMUNITY 737.81 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 10,184.90 WINANDY, CHANDA 14.00 ZAHN, DAN 720.00 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 6,344.00 GRAND TOTALS 331,220.13 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 43,893.91 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 163,000.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 37,545.81 WATER/SEWER FUND 62,921.37 MARINA OPERATIONS FUND 10,255.30 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 9,102.31 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 1,044.93 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW .3,456.50 TOTALS 331,220.13 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent; None. Motion carried. FISCAL YEAR 2009/2010 ANNUAL BUDGET Director Black stated four months ago Staff began developing revenue estimates, personnel cost projections and assembling departmental requests for the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year operating budget. Due to the state of the economy the budget process has been challenging. Director Black noted an initial presentation was made to the City Council in March. The Finance and Personnel Committee then met and began budget discussion and deliberation. Following three meetings, the Committee voted to recommend the operating budget that is before Council for consideration this evening. Director Black stated the budgeted revenues in the General Fund are $16,298,497 which represents a decrease of $761,300 from the prior year. The total General Fund expenditure budget is $16,306,259, a decrease of $732,500 over the previous year. Director Black noted the Water and Sewer Fund is an Enterprise Fund, indicating that revenues derived from the operation of the utility should fully fund its operations. The Capital Improvements Fund budget is greatly reduced from the prior year. The budget includes expenditures of $497,500. At this time funds are not currently budgeted for Water and Sewer Improvement project in the Utility Improvements Fund. Director Black thanked Staff and members of the Finance and Personnel. Committee for their diligence and efforts in bringing forth a balanced budget. Director Black stated it is the recommendation of Staff and the Finance and Personnel Committee to approve the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year Operating Budget as presented. April 20,2009 Page 4 Alderman Murgatroyd stated he concurs with Director Black in that this was an extremely difficult task to develop a balanced budget, particularly in light of the economy and projected reduction in revenues. He suggested the budget be monitored closely throughout the year. He noted it is imperative the City stay on a sound financial platform. Alderman Condon concurred with Alderman Murgatroyd, noting Staff and the Finance and Personnel Committee were very prudent in their deliberations. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to accept the recommendation of Staff and the Finance and Personnel Committee to approve the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year Operating Budget as presented Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. YEAR 2009/2010 ANNUAL LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS City Administrator Maxeiner stated annually all owners of establishments in the City limits serving and/or selling alcoholic beverages must renew their liquor licenses by the end of the fiscal year. Applicants and managers have been fingerprinted and all license fees have been paid. City Administrator noted an ordinance'has been prepared amending Municipal code Chapter 4 decreasing the number of Class A liquor licenses from 28 to 25 due to the closing of Joey T's Cafe Italiano and Haystack Manor, as well as the temporary closing of Fernando's Mexican Grill. City Administrator Maxeiner stated Mayor Low, as Liquor Commissioner, has recommended renewal of all current license holders as follows: CLASS A BEER&LIQUOR-$1,400 A-1 McHenry Country Club(Club) A-2 Fire Wood Restaurant A-3 Fox Hole Tap&Pizzeria A-4 Ye Olde Corner Tap A-5 Chili's Grill&Bar A-6 - The Gambler of McHenry A-8 Dunhill's Prime Steakhouse A-9 Bimbo's Bar&Grill A-10 The Old Bridge Tavern A-11 Town Club A-12 After the Fox A-13 Main Street Saloon A-14 Bambino's Pizzeria&Pub A-15 Zubrzycki's Warsaw Inn A-16 Village Squire of McHenry A-17 Main Street Station A-18 Mulligan's Saloon A-21 Plum Garden Restaurant A-22 Monaco's. A-23 Vickie's Place April 20,2009 Page 5 A-24 Las Palmas Mexican Rest&Bar A-25 Applebee's Neighborhood Bar&Grill A-26 The Olive Garden Restaurant, A-27 Nicolino's A-28 Green Peapod Restaurant CLASS Al BEER&WINE-$1,250 Al-1 Corkscrew Pointe CLASS B PACKAGED BEER&WINE-$700 B-1 Aldi B-2 Jewel Food Store B-3 7-Eleven CLASS D BEER&LIQUOR(NFP)-$100 D-1 Liberty Club of McHenry D-2 McHenry American Legion Post#491 D-3 VFW Veterans Club,Inc. CLASS ES SPECIAL OCCASION FACILITY-S1.500 None CLASS E2 SPEGAL OCCASION FACILITY(NFP)$100 None CLASS F-1 PACKAGED BEER&LIQUOR-$1,100 Fl-1 Binny's Beverage Depot F1-2 McHenry Liquors,Inc. F1-3 Liquor&Wine Place F1-4 Bull Valley Liquors,Inc. CLASS F-2 PACKAGED BEER&LIQUOR-$800 F2-1 Sullivan Foods F2-2 Osco Drug Store F2-4 River Road Shell - F2-5 Sunrise Grocery&Liquor F2-6 Family Food Mart F2-7 La Huerta Carniceria F2-8 Angelo's Fresh Market F2-9 Meijer Store#218 F2-30 Riverside Shop-N-Go CLASS G3 BEER&LIQUOR SERVICE BAR-$700 G1-1 Nana's Kitchen G1-2 Touch of Italy G1-3 Toluca's III GI-4 Windhill Restaurant G1-5 Green Street Caf6 CLASS H BEER&WINE ONLY-$700 H-1 Pizza Hut H-2 McHenry Country Club(Halfway House) H-3 Jimano's Pizzeria City Administrator Maxeiner stated Mayor Low, as Liquor Commissioner, recommends renewing the liquor licenses as presented and approving an ordinance reducing the number of Class A Liquor License from 28 to 25. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to accept Mayor Low's recommendation to approve the following Annual Liquor License Renewals for the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year: April 20,2009 Page 6 CLASS A BEER&LIQUOR-$1 400 A-1 McHenry Country Club(Club) A-2 Fire Wood Restaurant A-3 Fox Hole Tap&Pizzeria A-4 Ye Olde Corner Tap A-5 Chili's Grill&Bar A-6 The Gambler of McHenry A-8 Dunhill's Prime Steakhouse A-9 Bimbo's Bar&Grill A-10 The Old Bridge Tavern A-11 Town Club A-12 After the Fox A-13 Main Street Saloon A-14 Bambino's Pizzeria&Pub A-15 Zubrzycki's Warsaw Inn A-16 Village Squire of McHenry A-17 Main Street Station A-18 Mulligan's Saloon A-21 Plum Garden Restaurant A-22 Monaco's A-23 Vickie's Place A-24 Las Palmas Mexican Rest&Bar A-25 Applebee's Neighborhood Bar&Grill A-26 The Olive Garden Restaurant A-27 Nicolino's A-28 Green Peapod Restaurant CLASS Al BEER&WINE-$1,250 Al-1 Corkscrew Pointe CLASS B PACKAGED BEER&WINE-$700 B-1 Aldi B-2 Jewel Food Store B-3 7-Eleven CLASS D BEER&LIQUOR(NFP)-$100 D-1 Liberty Club of McHenry D-2 McHenry American Legion Post#491 D-3 VFW Veterans Club,Inc. CLASS E1 SPECIAL OCCASION FACILITY-$1 500 None CLASS E2 SPECIAL OCCASION FACILITY(NFP)$100 None CLASS F-1 PACKAGED BEER&LIQUOR-$1 100 Fl-1 Binny's Beverage Depot 171-2 McHenry Liquors,Inc. F1-3 Liquor&Wine Place F1-4 Bull Valley Liquors,Inc. CLASS F-2 PACKAGED BEER&LIQUOR-$800 1:2-1 Sullivan Foods F2-2 Osco Drug Store 172-4 River Road Shell F2-5 Sunrise Grocery&Liquor F2-6 Family Food Mart F2-7 La Huerta Carniceria F2-8 Angelo's Fresh Market F2-9 Meijer Store#218 F2-10 Riverside Shop-N-Go CLASS 61 BEER&LIQUOR SERVICE BAR-$700 G1-1 Nana's Kitchen G1-2 Touch of Italy April 20,2009 Page 7 G1-3 Toluca's III G1-4 Windhill Restaurant G1-5 Green Street Caf6 CLASS H BEER&WINE ONLY-$700 H-1 Pizza Hut H-2 McHenry Country Club(Halfway House) H-3 Jimano's Pizzeria and to pass an ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 4 decreasing the number of Class A Liquor Licenses from 28 to 25. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT—ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Mayor Low stated it is customary to approve annual appointments for City Administrator, Department Heads, Municipal Consulting Firms, Boards, Commissions and Standing Committees of Council. Mayor Low thanked the department heads for their leadership on a daily basis and noted there has been a strong emphasis on customer service and professionalism. Mayor Low noted the recent passing of longtime Planning and Zoning Commissioner George Cadotte and stated her recommendation to. appoint Paul Morck to complete Mr. Cadotte's unexpired term. All other Board and Commission appointments are renewals. Mayor Low requested approval of her annual appointments as presented. Alderman Condon noted Paul Morck would be a good addition to the Commission, particularly in light of his background. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Peterson, to accept the recommendation of Mayor Low with regard to the following annual appointments: City Administrator/Department Heads City Administrator Douglas K Maxeiner 4/30/2010 Director Construction&Neighborhood Services Ryan L Schwalenberg 4/30/2010 Director Finance Christopher J Black 4/30/2010 Director Parks&Recreation Peter J Merkel 4/30/2010 Chief of Police William J Brogan 4/30/2010 Director Public Works Jon M Schmitt 4/30/2010 Municipal Consulting Firms Corporate Attorney Zukowski,Rogers Flood&McArdle 4/30/2010 Labor Attorney Ottosen Britz Kelly Cooper&Gilbert Ltd 4/30/2010 Traffic Court Attorney Patrick J McAndrews 4/30/2010 City Engineer SEC Group Inc 4/30/2010 Administrative Adjudication Officer Harry Semrow 4/30/2010 Boards and Commissions Planning and Zoning Commission Neal Schepler 4/30/2014 Paul Nadeau 4/30/2014 April 20,2009 Page 8 ' Paul Morck 4/30/2010 Landmark Commission Mary A Dixon 4/30/2012 Ron Glosson 4/30/2012 James Johnson 4/30/2012 Gerhard Rosenberg 4/30/2012 Environmental Advisory Commission Margie McCarthy 4/30/2011 Police Pension Board Ormel Prust. 4/30/2011 Emergency Services&Disaster Agency Jon Schmitt 4/30/2011 Ryan Schwalenberg 4/30/2011 Standing Committees of Council Community Development Committee Alderman Condon,Chairman 4/30/2010 Alderman Santi 4/30/2010 Alderman Glab 4/30/2010 Finance and Personnel Committee Alderman Murgatroyd,Chairman 4/30/2010 Alderman Schaefer 4/30/2010 Alderman Wimmer 4/30/2010 Parks and Recreation Committee Alderman Peterson,Chairman 4/30/2010 Alderman Santi 4/30/2010 Alderman Schaefer 4/30/2010 Public Works Committee Alderman Wimmer,Chairman 4/30/2010 Alderman Glab 4/30/2010 Alderman Murgatroyd 4/30/2010 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried ADJOURNMENT Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Mayor City Clerk r REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 2009 A regular meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 2009 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk. Jones, City Treasurer Welter, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Public Works Director Schmitt. OATH OF OFFICE: NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Low invited City Treasurer David Welter to come forward to administer the Oath of Office to City Clerk Janice C. Jones. Subsequently, City Clerk Jones administered the Oath of Office to the following newly elected officials: Mayor Susan E. Low Alderman Ward 1 Victor A. Santi Alderman Ward 3 Jeffrey A. Schaefer Alderman Ward 5 Richard W. Wimmer City Treasurer David M. Welter. Mayor Low thanked Council for their participation in community service and noted she is glad to continue serving the City as its Mayor. Mayor Low also expressed gratitude to the families of the elected officials for their support. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer,seconded by Glab,to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Resolutions: IDOT Obligation Retirement for years 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008; B. NIPCL Annual Membership Assessment, $27,306.27; C. Purchase of 22 Zebra RW420 Printers from McHenry County for Police Department vehicles, $20,500; D. Purchase of Panasonic Arbitrator Digital Video Equipment from CDS Office Technologies for Police Department vehicles, $11,500 E. Purchase of four Datalux Mobile Computers from Future Link of Illinois for Police Department vehicles, $21,000; F. Appointments to Police Commission; G.. Reduction in Subdivision Bond No. 104666877 pending receipt of Maintenance Bond and acceptance of public improvements for the Shops at the Fox River development; H. Estimate from Certified Fleet Services, Inc to refurbish Public Works Hi-Ranger, $18,339; and May 4,2009 Page 2 I. City Council Minutes: March 16, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd,Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST TO CONNECT TO MUNICIPAL SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM — MARK HOFFMAN 80S NORTH RIVER ROAD Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted, and approved by Council in February, by Mark Hoffman to connect his property located at 801 North River Road (also known as Snug Harbor and Mookies) to the municipal sanitary sewer system. Mr. Hoffman submitted an additional request on April 15, 2009 seeking sanitary sewer connection to his adjacent property located at 805 North River Road, as well. As the property would not be contiguous to the City at this time,the applicant would pay non-resident permit and connection fees, with the understanding that if the property becomes contiguous, annexation would be required within 90 days. Deputy City Administrator noted the nearest sanitary sewer is located on River Road approximately 2,135 feet north of the site. The depth of this line is too shallow to allow the applicant to use a gravity sewer. Consequently, the applicant is proposing an E-one pump station with a force main. The line would be directionally bored from the site in order to minimize the disruption to the River Road right-of-way. Deputy City Administrator also noted that Staff has reviewed the request and determined that the proposed sewer line would be a service line and any problems incurred would be the responsibility of the owner. Alderman Glab inquired if the connection is not made, how long would the permission to do so remain in effect. Deputy City Administrator responded it would remain in effect unless otherwise spelled out.Alderman Glab suggested a time Limit be established.. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to accept the recommendation of Staff to approve the municipal sanitary sewer connection of the property located at 805 North River Road as requested by Mark Hoffman, as presented, subject to payment of non-resident permit and connection fees, and with the understanding that the property will be annexed within 90 days of its becoming contiguous to the City. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. May 4,2009 Page 3 REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENT — PAMELA DIETMEYER, 29.19 MOURINE LANE Deputy City Administrator Martin stated Pamela Dietmeyer, property owner of 2919 Mourine Lane, has requested annexation of her property to the City. The subject property is adjacent to Hunterville Park Subdivision and is therefore contiguous to the City. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing held on April 2, 2009 unanimously recommended approval of the Applicant's request for zoning reclassification to RS-4 upon annexation. It is therefore Staffs recommendation to approve the annexation and reclassification of the property located at 2919 Mourine Lane as requested. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the applicant had secured a building permit over the counter to do some work and was advised she would have to comply with County codes, as her property was currently in the County, or be annexed to the City and thereby conform to City codes. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Santi, to accept recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to: 1. Pass an ordinance annexing the property located at 2919 Mourine Lane to the City of McHenry; 2. Pass an ordinance providing for the zoning map amendment to RS-4 of the property located at 2919 Mourine Lane; as requested by property owner Pamela Dietmeyer. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon, Low. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR USE OF PETERSEN HISTORIC FARM FOR ANNUAL ANTIQUE TRUCK/TRACTOR SHOW, INCLUDING LIVE MUSIC, CITY SERVICES, TEMPORARY SIGNS AND. WAIVER OF ALL ASSOCIATED FEES Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated Darick Franzen has once again requested use of the Petersen Historic Farm property to host his fifth annual Antique Truck and Tractor Show on October 3 and 4, 2009. The request includes permission to have live music, CSO services for traffic control, temporary advertising signs and waiver of all associated fees. Event attractions would be similar to years past: petting zoo, pony rides, raffle, hayrides, farmers market and a garden tractor pull. Concessions will be sold; permission for live music is requested from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday only. The applicant will charge a $3 admission fee with proceeds going to the McHenry Township Food Pantry. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the show May 4,2009 a Page 4 has raised more than $27,000 over the past three years for the local food pantry. It is Staffs recommendation to approve the request as presented. In response to Alderman Peterson's inquiry regarding recent news coverage relating to the status of FISH Food Pantry, Mayor Low indicated she has heard from a reliable source that the local McHenry Township food pantry will continue to operate. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Condon, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the request submitted by Darick Franzen to host the fifth Annual Antique Truck and Tractor. Show at Petersen Historic Farm on October 3, 2009 and October 4, 2009, and to approve the following in conjunction with the event: 1. Permit live music, with a live band on Saturday October 3, 2009, between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.; 2. Utilize CSO services for traffic control; 3. Allow temporary advertising signs; 4. Waive all associated fees. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS WITH MCHENRY TOWNSHIP- AND CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT INC IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED 34 296.10 Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated the City typically partners with McHenry Township to provide mosquito management in the City. The City is in receipt of an Intergovernmental Agreement with McHenry Township in the amount of$12,337.50 to provide this service for that portion of the City within McHenry Township. Additionally, The City partners with Nunda Township and Clark Environmental to provide the same services for that portion of the City contained in Nunda Township.The terms of the agreements are as follows: 1. Agreement with McHenry Township to provide mosquito management services in an amount not-to-exceed $12,337.50; 2. Agreement with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management in an amount not-to- exceed $7,000 for a one time application for larval control in Nunda Township and adult mosquito control city-wide; 3. No more than two additional city-wide treatments as needed in an amount not-to- exceed $6,916.80 per application; 4. Sprayings at Veterans Memorial Park as needed prior to the City Band Concerts in an amount not-to-exceed $1,125. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted Staff is seeking authorization in the amount of$34,296.10, should the additional as-needed applications be required. May 4,2009 Page 5 Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staff's recommendation to approve the following with regard to mosquito management for the 2009 season: 1. Authorization to enter into an agreement with McHenry Township to provide mosquito management services in an amount not-to-exceed$12,337.50; 2. Authorization to enter into an agreement with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management in an amount not-to-exceed $7,000 for a one time application for larval control in Nunda Township and adult mosquito control city-wide; 3. Authorize two additional city-wide treatments as needed in an amount not-to-exceed$6,916.80 per application; 4. Authorize sprayings at Veterans Memorial Park as needed prior to the City Band Concerts in an amount not-to-exceed$1,125. Voting Aye, Santi, Glab,Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT There was no statement or report by Mayor Low. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Maxeiner announced 2009 vehicle stickers are now on sale at the Municipal Center. Stickers must be purchased and displayed by June 30, 2009. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Glab requested Staff investigate signs being posted along Richmond Road in the right-of-way announcing the Wolf Camera going-out-of-business sale. Deputy City Administrator noted Bankruptcy Court orders take precedence over City ordinances with regard to sign posting. City Administrator Maxeiner stated the City is taking the position that the business does not have the right to display signs in the right-of-way. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer,seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab,Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m. Mayor City Clerk r REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 2009 A regular meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 2009 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the. following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Public Works Director Schmitt; Finance Director Black, City Engineer Steve Cieslica. PROCLAMATION: RECOGNIZING CHELSEA GRAVES AS"MAYOR FOR THE DAY" Mayor Low announced Chelsea Graves, a student from Riverwood Elementary School, was in attendance at this evening's meeting. She noted Chelsea won a "silent auction" item which provided Chelsea to be "Mayor for the Day". Mayor Low read into the record of the meeting a Proclamation honoring Chelsea Graves as Mayor for the Day. Also in attendance was Principal Robinson of Riverwood Elementary School PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Final pay request for Petersen Park Field #2 improvements, Fox Valley Fencing, in an amount of$25,781.40; B. Final pay request for Petersen Park Field #2 improvements, North Shore Netting Systems, in an amount of$22,998; C. Final pay request for Sanitary Lift Station SCADA improvements, Ridgeview Electric Inc, in an amount of$4,822.70; D. Picnic/special use permits; E. City Council Minutes: March 30, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting; April 6, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting; April 13, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting; F. List of As-Needed Checks: ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CO 9,340.55 BANKCARD SERVICES 652.68 BEESON'S 851.70 BENEFIT SYSTEMS & SERVIC 6,908.07 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 0 108,794.24 DREILING CONSTRUCTION CO 2,525.00 FIRST NAT'L BANK OF MCH 750,000.00 FOP UNITS I/II 1,843.00 GALLAGHER RISK MANAGEMEN 29.00 GARAVENTA USA INC ANTIOC 5,216.60 HOME DEPOT/GECF 2,364.26 HUMMEL, MICHAEL J 533.14 INTERIOR CONCEPTS INCORP 5,751.00 May 11,2009 Page 2 IUOE, LOCAL 150 1,976.14 J&E DUFF INC 4,600.00 JUST RITE ACOUSTICS INC 1,397.00 MAY DECORATING II INC 3,525.00 MCCAULEY, MARTIN E 20,351.87 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I 42.33 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 320.00 PETTY CASH FUND 66.93 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 4,630.83 PRAYER BREAKFAST COMMITT 175.00 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES 181.30 SECRETARY OF STATE/INDEX 10.00 SECTION 8 DOORS & HARDWA 10,490.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 83.68 UNUM 1,674.37 ZAHN, DAN 960.00 GRAND TOTALS 945,295.69 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 15,698.30 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 63,197.02 WATER/SEWER FUND 669.06 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 750,000.00 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 115,702.31 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 29.00 TOTALS 945,295.69 G.List of Bills: ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 1,859.67 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO 157.50 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 68.57 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 188.00 AFTERMATH INC 245.00 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 197.84 AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR B 279.00 AQUAPREP 5,544.00 AT&T 3,802.82 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 1,216.00 BANK OF NEW YORK, THE 65,497.50 BAXTER & WOODMAN 3,940.60 BUNCH DISTRIBUTING INC 99.96 BUSS FORD SALES 2,130.71 CAHILL, CHARLENE 60.00 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR 241.93 CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY 786.06 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 2,211.98 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 320.62 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 1,443.36 COMCAST CABLE 74.90 COMED 33,670.12 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING 115.00 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 4,723.36 COUGHLIN, PATRICIA 169.00 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 477.48 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 46.50 DIEDRICH, KEN 9.29 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO 2,796.63 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 198.10 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU 115.00 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 20.00 ELLMANN, ELIZABETH 338.00 FBI NAA 50.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH 948.44 FONE ZONE-MCHENRY, THE 99.96 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 239.50 G IMPRESSIONS INC 15.00 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 291.52 May 11,2009 Page 3 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 179.97 HARM'S FARM 41.88 HAWKINS INC 670.73 HBK WATER METER SERVICE 1,722.40 ILLINOIS SECTION AWWA 35.00 IMAGETEC LP 101.50 IPAC 50.00 IPELRA 375.00 JOHNS TREE SERVICE 800.00 JW TURF INC 300.00 KALE UNIFORMS INC 1,094.26 KDS TECH SERVICES INC 354.30 KIMBALL MIDWEST 391.54 KTD INC 85.39 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 22.76 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 105.39 LEE AUTO MCHENRY 39.75 LEXISNEXIS 119.00 LIBERTY PROCESS EQUIPMEN 1,472.18 MAR-VEL INTERNATIONAL IN 341.58 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF 6,800.00 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 120.68 MCCUTCHAN, SHARON 50.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S 854.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL 1,152.00 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 42.00 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 726.70 MCHENRY NAPA 1,244.99 MCHENRY PEDIATRICS 30.00 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY 64.00 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PR 64.00 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 69.77 MERKEL, MARISA 74.50 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 136.80 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 407.66 NICOLET SCENIC TOURS 7,728.00 NICOR GAS 1,080.01 NORTH SUBURBAN WATER 30.00 O'NEILL, KITTY 169.00 OHLIN SALES INC 249.26 OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT C 131.62 ONE ZERO CHARLIE . 4,000.00 OPEN CONTROLS SOLUTIONS 2,919.65 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 1,242.50 PACE 9,412.62 PADDOCK, TIMOTHY 158.63 PAYLINE WEST INC 1,023.71 PENZE, JACQUELINE S 200.00 PERRICONE GARDEN CENTER 519.00 PETROLIANCE LLC 6,356.32 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 1,357.00 PLASTINA, DARREN 29.83 PRATHER, PAUL 5.86 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 1,016.49 PROSAFETY INC 277.12 R&J CONTRUCTION SUPPLY C 165.40 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 190.00 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 871.87 RESERVE ACCOUNT 1,694.81 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 83.14 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 73.88 SALON TE ELLE CE 30.00 SASAK, TODD 21.84 SCHMIDT, LINDA 59.00 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS 75.00 SEC AUTOMATION INC 420.00 SEC GROUP INC 33,089.75 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC 2,204.00 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC 636.30 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 64.25 STEKL, DIANE 335.75 May 11,2009 Page 4 STRATEGIC VALUATIONS LLC 4,567.80 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 490.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 555.30 UNITED LABORATORIES 99.50 VALLEY POPCORN CO 863.50 VAN METER & ASSOCIATES I 145.00 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 11,115.50 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 8,777.59 YORK, ESTATE OF VILMA 14.23 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 331.00 GRAND TOTALS 259,711.68 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 92,587.52 PAGEANT FUND 74.50 ANNEXATION FUND 2,134.00 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 1,000.00 DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 65,497.50 WATER/SEWER FUND 53,713.26 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 30,375.55 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 23.89 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 6,612.41 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 7,693.10 TOTALS 259,711.68 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR HONORARY STREET SIGN Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted by Tina Hill who asked that an honorary street be dedicated to Jackson Grabow, an infant who passed away as a result of brain cancer. Ms. Hill noted Jackson was an inspiration to many, particularly students and Staff at McHenry High School West Campus. Ms. Hill further stated that Jackson helped raise awareness of the need for pediatric cancer research through the St Baldrick's Research Foundation. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated it is Staffs recommendation to approve a resolution designating the intersection of Riverside Drive and Washington Street as "Honorary Jackson Grabow Way". Alderman Condon stated she was honored to be present during the St. Baldrick's Day Assembly at West Campus. She noted the young child pulled the community together. It was remarkable how the St. Baldrick's Day fundraiser also pulled the high school students together. Mayor Low acknowledged Tina Hill, and Jackson Grabow's grandparents, Mr. Rupp and Mr. and Mrs. Grabow, who were in attendance. Motion by Condon, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staffs recommendation to pass a resolution designating the intersection of Riverside Drive and Washington Street as "Honorary Jackson Grabow Way". , May 11,2009 • Page 5 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCE — TOLUCA'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 929 NORTH FRONT STREET Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was received from Toluca's Mexican Restaurant located at 929 North Front Street seeking a variance to allow a projecting sign on their premises. The business owner states many customers have a difficult time locating the restaurant and the projecting sign would be helpful. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the proposed sign is 34 square feet in area and would project from the face of the building. It is the intent of the owner to utilize the projecting sign in lieu of erecting a freestanding sign on the site. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted Staff has reviewed the request and believes the projecting sign would be more practical than a freestanding sign on the site. Staff supports the requested variance. Alderman Peterson stated he would like to see some of the neon signs removed if the variance for the projecting sign is approved. Alderman Glab concurred with Alderman Peterson. He stated he finds it difficult to support additional signage in light of the existing numerous neon signs in place on the windows. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to grant a variance to allow a projecting sign on the face of Toluca's Mexican Restaurant located at 929 North Front Street as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab, Peterson. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FROM E ESTATE TO RM-2 HIGH DENSITY MULTI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL—DAVID KOTIW, 3320 BULL VALLEY ROAD In attendance were applicants David and Sherri Kotiw and their attorney Thomas Zanck. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated an application was submitted by David Kotiw seeking a zoning map amendment from E Estate to RM-2 High Density Multi-Family District for his property located at 3320 Bull Valley Road which was recently annexed to the City. It is the applicant's intent to construct two two-story multi-family residential buildings, each containing 12 units for a total of 24 dwelling units. A covered walkway Would connect the buildings May 11,2009 Page 6 resulting in a "single" building for zoning purposes. A multi-car garage would accommodate 10 vehicles. An additional 54 open parking stalls would be provided. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the matter was presented at a Public Hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 19, 2009. However, there was no recommendation from the Commission as the final vote was 3-3 on a motion to recommend denial. Attorney Zanck provided Council with an overview of the applicant's request and their intended use of the subject property. He noted the project's architect and engineer were also in attendance. Mr. Zanck noted if the project moves forward, municipal water and sanitary services would be extended across the property. This might ultimately allow for a connection to municipal water for the McHenry Shores Subdivision, which would be advantageous to those residents. Mayor Low invited Spokesman Paul Antens of 3321 Bull Valley Road to speak on behalf of the numerous opponents to the project who were in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Antens presented Council with a Petition of Objection signed by 187 residents of the area. He thanked Mayor Low for the opportunity to speak on their behalf. Mr.Antens noted the proposed project would be intrusive. The proposed apartments would not be consistent with existing construction in the neighborhood. Area residents do not see any benefits to the project moving forward. Alderman Santi acknowledged the concerns of the residents. He inquired if a fire hydrant would be constructed on the site. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded a fire hydrant would be required. Alderman Santi also inquired about potential parking lot lighting overflow to adjacent neighbors. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the lighting plan has not been submitted for Staff review, but it would have to comply with City code. Alderman Santi inquired if there would be drainage issues resulting from the project. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded the McHenry County Groundwater Management Ordinance must be followed which states that the rate of surface water runoff following development of the property cannot exceed the rate of flow prior to development. Alderman Glab noted Staff did an excellent job of covering all aspects of the proposal and in providing the information to Council. He stated he does have some concerns. He recalled a previous promise that the property would remain single-family residential. Alderman Glab stated he does not like the configuration of the plan and opined the project density is higher than what is appropriate for the property. He further noted it would be a travesty if this project were to be approved. More research needs to be done before approving this type of development. Alderman Glab stated his belief that additional information is required regarding the Charles Miller Road Improvement Project before this type of development can be approved. May 11,2009 Page 7 Alderman Schaefer stated it appears preservation of right-of-way for the Charles Miller Road expansion has been taken into consideration on the site plan. Alderman Schaefer noted it is an attractive development and believes it could be a good buffer between Charles Miller Road and the McHenry Shores community. Alderman Murgatroyd indicated he has concerns regarding traffic congestion as well as the proposed ingress/egress for the project. Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry regarding landscape issues, Jeff Letzter of Aspect Design Architects stated he expects to buffer the parking areas from Charles Miller Road. Answering further inquiry, Mr. Letzter stated the building height is approximately 26 feet. Alderman Murgatroyd inquired if there is certainty that Charles Miller Road Improvements would actually occur. City Administrator Maxeiner responded the County is currently undergoing Phase 111 Engineering and the project is 85%funded. Alderman Wimmer inquired if adequate parking was being provided for the development. City Administrator Maxeiner responded the parking, including the garage and open spaces, exceeds City code requirements. Alderman Wimmer then inquired if adequate open space was being provided in the development. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded sufficient open space was shown on the site plan. Alderman Peterson stated he does not see any difficulty with the apartments in proximity to single-family homes. He opined additional open space on the site would be preferable. He also expressed concerns that if this project is approved there might be similar projects developed to the east. of the site. Alderman Peterson expressed concern that the widening of Charles Miller Road might require additional land would which would not be available if this project is approved and constructed. Alderman Condon stated this is a difficult piece of property. She acknowledged she is overwhelmed by the amount of opposition to the project. She stated she takes the residents' opposition to the project seriously. However, the developer seems to have met all of the required criteria and legal requirements. Alderman Condon noted Council must take into consideration what is in the best interest of the City as a whole. She admitted the widening of Charles Miller Road is a concern. City Administrator Maxeiner stated the widening of Charles Miller Road has been taken into consideration during the engineering of the project. Alderman Glab stated the City should not be so anxious to grant the zoning request until it is known how much property would be required for the Charles Miller Road expansion. He noted he has serious concerns with drainage issues in the McHenry Shores Subdivision. He opined the new development should make accommodations for existing developments. Alderman Glab stated the City should wait until engineering for the Charles Miller Road expansion has been completed before approving any development in this area. He opined further discussion of the project should be tabled. May 11,2009 Page 8 Alderman Condon inquired if the garages would be constructed if desired by the tenants. Mr. Kotiw responded garages tend to be occupied. Typically, demand exceeds supply. The plan at this time is to build the garage concurrent with the apartments. Alderman Condon noted if Council based every decision on "what if' matters, i.e. the unknowns of the Charles Miller Road expansion, no decisions would ever be made. She noted a decision has to be made on what issues are currently known and before Council at this time. Alderman Santi noted since Charles Miller Road and the bridge were constructed, only about three developments have come before Council for consideration. He noted no one has suggested a single-family home development. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a house may have been built, but no developments have come forth. Alderman Glab stated again additional time should be taken before a decision is made regarding this project. Alderman Murgatroyd suggested the motion reflect that the building cannot be higher than two stories. City Attorney McArdle stated it could be done, but it would be illegal. He noted the applicant would have to start the process over again and proceed in another way. Motion by Santi, seconded by Murgatroyd, to consider the deliberations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and to accept Staffs recommendation to approve an ordinance granting a Zoning Map Amendment from E Estate to RM-2 High Density Multi-Family District, to David Kotiw for his property located at 3320 Bull Valley Road. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Condon., Voting Nay: Glab, Wimmer, Peterson. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE AT MCHENRY COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted by Regency Centers for a variance to allow a 150 square foot temporary banner on their property located at McHenry Commons Shopping Center.The banner would be attached to the front facade of the building. The request includes an extension of the maximum allowed 60 cumulative days for temporary sign display. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted Staff reviewed the request and believes in order to maintain the economic viability of the shopping center, the variance is acceptable, subject to a 12-month term. Alderman Glab stated he could not support the request. He opined the banner would be unsightly. May 11,2009 Page 9 Alderman Schaefer stated the City needs to do everything possible to support the visibility of the lease options for the property. Motion by Condon, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve a variance requested by Regency Centers to allow a 150 square foot temporary advertising banner on the front fagade of the building located at McHenry Commons Shopping Center for a maximum of twelve months. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR RIDGE ROAD RESURFACING - SEC GROUP, IN THE AMOUNT OF 520,000 City Administrator Maxeiner stated the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) has earmarked approximately $4.7 million for transportation projects for local governments in McHenry County. The McHenry County Council of Mayors decided to divide the allocation equally among its members. City Administrator Maxeiner noted the City submitted the Ridge Road Resurfacing for ARRA funding and it was approved. SEC Group estimates the total cost of construction_including Phase III engineering at $262,105 (100% funded by ARRA) and the project will be let for bid in June 2009. City Administrator Maxeiner stated SEC Group has submitted a proposal for Phase I and II engineering to include completing and submitting all required forms to IDOT and Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), as well as preparation of contract plans, specifications and estimates.The proposal is in the amount of$20,000 which will be charged to the MFT Fund. City Administrator Maxeiner stated it is Staffs recommendation to approve an engineering services agreement for Ridge Road Resurfacing in the amount of$20,000 with SEC Group as presented. Alderman Condon requested clarification as to whether the agreement is in an amount not-to-exceed or a lump sum. Steve Cieslica of SEC Group acknowledged the agreement is in a lump sum amount. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to authorize the Mayor's execution of an engineering services agreement with SEC Group for the Ridge Road Resurfacing in the amount of$20,000. May 11,2009 Page 10 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT There was no statement or report by Mayor Low. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Alderman Peterson announced a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 7 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PROPERTY ACQUISITION Motion by Condon, seconded by Wimmer, to go into Executive Session to discuss Property Acquisition. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab,Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council adjourned to Executive Session at 9:12 p.m. Motion by Condon, seconded by Wimmer,to go back into Open Session at 9:42 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd,Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: . None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 9:42 p.m. OPEN SESSION REGARDING MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no action taken with regard to matters discussed in Executive Session. May 11,2009 Page 11 ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m.. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. Mayor City Clerk REGULAR MEETING MAY 18,2009 A regular meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 18, 2009 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Request for special event liquor license and waiver of fees for MBA Family Picnic Day, June 6, 2009,VFW Post 4600; B. Request for special use/picnic permits; C. List of Bills: ACRES GROUP 2,179.10 AMERICAN HEATING & COOLI 160.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 75.00 AT&T 3,191.64 AUTO TRUCK GROUP 352.90 BARRIER GROUP LLC, THE 10,000.00 BROWNELLS INC 843.50 BUSS FORD SALES 229.16 CHEMICAL PUMP SALES AND 94.20 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 507.79 COMCAST CABLE 75.78 COMED 221.05 CROSS MATCH TECHNOLOGIES 1,620.00 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 1,983.42 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 90.00 ENGLISH, PATTI 145.00 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 144.03 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORPORATI 184.00 FIRST STUDENT 1,770.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH 1,947.75 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 934.36 G IMPRESSIONS INC 40.00 GITZKE, WILLIAM J 229.95 GMIS INTERNATIONAL 75.00 GMIS-IL 100.00 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 160.40 HARM'S FARM 44.78 HAWKINS INC 1,914.98 INNOVATIVE DATA SOLUTION 1,351.25 INTEGRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 295.00 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTE 161.90 J G UNIFORMS INC 38.96 JC LICHT AND COMPANY 114.88 JULIE INC 38.00 KALE UNIFORMS INC 56.99 KIMBALL MIDWEST 522.19 KLITZ CUTTING TOOLS INC 164.14 LAI LTD 4,735.00 May 18,2009 Page 2 MCH COUNTY DEPT OF HEALT 45.00 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 477.50 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 0 52.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 400.00 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 272.27 METALMASTER ROOFMASTER 295.00 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 291.16 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 308.88 NORTHEASTERN IL REGIONAL 27,306.27 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 1,335.00 PAYLINE WEST INC 13.36 PERFORMANCE DIESEL 1,850.00 PETROLIANCE LLC 2,521.42 PETROW, STEPHANIE S 50.00 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 46.00 R&J CONTRUCTION SUPPLY C 360.00 RADICOM INC 6,835.41 RADIOSHACK CORPORATION 59.97 RAMOS, ABELARDO 1,500.00 RAXCO SOFTWARE 853.28 REBARS & STEEL COMPANY 21.00 RIDGEVIEW ELECTRIC INC 106,000.00 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 62.90 S&S WORLDWIDE INC 430.26 SAM'S CLUB 774.90 SCHMITT, MATTHEW 14.72 SHERATON CHICAGO NORTHWE 100.00 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC 550.20 SPRINT 116.67 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 298.78 TAYLOR, LEE ANN 105.00 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 735.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 184.02 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 8,188.00 VAN GALDER BUS COMPANY 624.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 7,395.02 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 4,700.00 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 108.00 WIRCH, STEVE 148.70 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 297.00 GRAND TOTALS 212,518.79 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 57,412.94 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 107,947.75 WATER/SEWER FUND 24,659.73 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 22,498.37 TOTALS 212,518.79 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR USE OF PETERSEN PARK TEMPORARY SIGNS AND WAIVER OF ALL ASSOCIATED FEES FOR ANNUAL LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL JUNE 10 THROUGH JUNE 13 2009 City Administrator Maxeiner stated a request was received from the McHenry Lions Club to host their annual carnival at Petersen Park on June 10 through June 13, 2009.The Club is also seeking permission to post temporary advertising signs and for a waiver of all associated fees. City Administrator Maxeiner noted the carnival company will submit an employee list for background checks in addition to the standard paperwork such as site plan and insurance. May 18,2009 Page 3 Additionally, the carnival workers would like to stay overnight in campers on the site. This requires Council action to waive Municipal Code Section 16-25 which prohibits overnight stays in City parks. City Administrator Maxeiner noted Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval as presented. Alderman Condon stated it is a good family event and she would support its approval. Alderman Glab concurred with Alderman Condon. Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi,to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the request submitted by the McHenry Lion's Club to host its annual carnival at Petersen Park on June 10-13, 2009, including: 1. Use of Petersen Park for the carnival; 2. Waiver of park use and sign permit fees for the event; 3. Waiver of Municipal Code Section 16-25 to allow overnight stays in the park for the duration of the event. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT TO HOST TWO OFF-SITE VEHICLE SALES EVENTS IN THE MCHENRY COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER PARKING LOT LOCATED AT 2000 NORTH RICHMOND ROAD—GARY LANG AUTO GROUP In attendance was Gary Lang of Gary Lang Auto Group. City Administrator Maxeiner stated a request was received from Gary Lang seeking permission to host two off-site vehicle sales events at the McHenry Commons Shopping Center. The purpose of the events is to attract customers from northern Lake and McHenry Counties as well as customers from southern Wisconsin. The events would occur during June and August; each event would run for approximately one week. City Administrator Maxeiner stated Mr. Lang intends to erect two 20' by 20' tents and utilize one of the vacant store fronts for sales, billing, etc. Property owner Regency Center Corporation has agreed to the proposed use of its property. City Administrator Maxeiner noted Staff has reviewed the request and recommends its approval as presented. Alderman Schaefer stated the events would provide good exposure for Gary Lang Auto Group as well as for potential leasing of the vacant spaces in the shopping center. May 18,2009 Page 4 Alderman Murgatroyd stated unusual times call for thinking outside of the box. He supports the request. Mr. Lang stated he is hoping to draw customers from Wisconsin. He noted with all of the retail in the immediate vicinity of the shopping center, he believes it will be a good opportunity for his business. Alderman Glab stated he had questions regarding the advertising balloons. Mr. Lang responded the balloons are 40' tall, similar to those typically used for his on-site sales events. In response to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Mr. Lang stated the event hours would extend until 9 p.m. unless there are customers on the premises, in which case it might be 10 p.m. . Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staffs recommendation, to approve a request submitted by Gary Lang Auto Group to hold two off-site vehicle sales events at the McHenry Commons Shopping Center located at 2000 North Richmond Road, formerly known as Dominick's Store, and to approve the use of two 40' advertising balloons for the events,as presented,subject to: 1. The balloons shall not be located in City right-of-way; 2. The balloons shall not obstruct traffic vision or pose a hazard to traffic in any way. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab,Schaefer, Murgatroyd,Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low reminded Council of the Memorial Day Ceremony scheduled for 10 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Park. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Maxeiner noted Staff is investigating a way to restrict events such as the off-site vehicle sales events proposed by Gary Lang Auto Group to local dealers only. City Administrator Maxeiner announced the Grand Opening Ceremony of Petersen Park Field #2 is scheduled for Friday, May 22, 2009 at 4:30 p.m. The ceremonial first pitch will be thrown at 4:00 p.m. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Condon stated the grass along Crystal Lake Road is getting very high in several places, and requested Staff look into alleviating the issue. May 18,2009 Page 5 Alderman Wimmer requested additional discussion take place regarding last week's Executive Session regarding Property Acquisition. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer,seconded by Schaefer,to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Mayor City Clerk DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9050905 100 33 1807 A W TOOL SALES INC 164747TOOL ALLOWANCE 06/01/09 0 052609 79.95 ROGERS 100.33.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 79.95 052609 9050902 100 22 1077 ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 4612 SQUAD CAR TOWING 06/01/09 0 052609 25.00 100.22.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 25.00 052609 9050674 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 4464 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 051909 80.00 100.33.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 80.00 051909 9050903 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 283186SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 38.00 100.33.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8528 38.00 052609 9051222 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 283139SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 231.52 100.33.5370 0905 052709 GLJ8536 231.52 052709 9050853 100 47 1421 AMELIO, ROBERT 4/24-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 282.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 282.00 051909 9050875 100 01 1427 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER 8744524 WALL MOUNT WATER COOLER 06/01/09 0 051909 642.89 100.01.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 642.89 051909 9050904 510 31 1632 ARAMARK 12420999 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 06/01/09 0 052609 350.39 KURZ 510.31.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 350.39 052609 9051223 100 45 1632 ARAMARK 12409288 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 06/01/09 0 052709 145.98 THOME 100.45.4510 0905 052709 GLJ6536 145.98 052709 9051224 100 45 1632 ARAMARK 12423302 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 06/01/09 0 052709 76.98 THOME 100.45.4510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 76.98 052709 9051225 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T MAY/DUNE ALARM CIRCUITS 06/01/09 0 052709 1,263.67 100.22.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 805.84 052709 100.43.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 111.21 052709 100.45.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 346.82 052709 9051226 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T MAY/JUNE ALARM CIRCUITS 06/01/09 0 052709 903.36 510.31.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 83.01 052709 510.32.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 820.35 052709 9051227 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 AT&T 815R262388PRI PHONE LINES 06/01/09 0 052709 2,369.39 100.01.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 376.09 052709 100.02.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 134.84 052709 100.04.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 179.79 052709 100.22.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 854.01 052709 100.30.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 134.84 052709 100.33.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 44.95 052709 100.03.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 314.64 052709 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 134.84 052709 100.44.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 22.47 052709 100.46.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 66.94 052709 100.47.5320 0905 052709 GLJ8536 22.48 052709 620.00.5110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 83.50 052709 9050876 100 01 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 857237047 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 06/01/09 0 043009 .90 100.01.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 .90 043009 9050877 100 XXXXX 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 06/01/09 O 043009 58.75 100.01.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 56.24 043009 100.22.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 .06 043009 100.30.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 .12 043009 100.33.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 1.22 043009 100.41.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 .53 043009 100.45.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 .58 043009 9050878 510 XXXXX 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 06/01/09 0 043009 2.61 510.31.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 1.32 043009 510.32.5320 0905 051909 GLJ8505 1.29 043009 9050982 100 XXXXX 4 AT&T SERVICES INC REFUNDVEHICLE STICKER OVERPAYMENT 06/01/09 0 052609 42.00 100.220 0905 052609 GLJ8532 42.00 052609 9050983 100 33 1739 AUTO TRUCK GROUP 394226VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 06/01/09 0 052609 890.92 100.33.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8532 890.92 052609 9050879 300 00 2021 BANK OF NEW YORK, THE MCHENRY06 DEBT SERV REGISTERED INTERE 06/01/09 O 051909 56,915.00 300.00.7200 0905 051909 GLJ8505 56915.00 051909 9050974 300 00 2021 BANK OF NEW YORK, THE 111763PAYING AGENT & REGISTRAR FEES 06/01/09 0 052609 400.00 300.00.7300 0905 052609 GLJ8531 400.00 052609 9050854 100 47 2148 BENTZ, DONALD J 4/24-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 127.50 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 127.50 051909 9051228 100 01 2153 BERGGREN, LEE 246267SALLYPORT DOOR REPAIRS 06/01/09 0 052709 95.00 100.01.5110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 95.00 052709 9050984 510 32 2155 BERRYMAN EQUIPMENT COMPA 09-0505 EQUIPMENT FILTERS 06/01/09 0 052609 3,241.57 510.32.5375 0905 052609 GLJ8532 3241.57 052609 9050880 510 31 2161 BEST WAY 24 HOUR TOWING 02853 VEHICLE TOWING SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 53.00 510.31.5370 0905 051909 GLJ8505 53.00 051909 9050985 600 00 2408 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 0 830865HEALTH & DENTAL PREMIUMS 06/01/09 0 052609 120,813.30 600.00.4310 0905 052609 GLJ8532 113534.01 052609 600.00.4320 0905 052609 GLJ8532 7279.29 052609 9050975 100 47 2549 BOONE CREEK GOLF CLUB IN MAY 09PARKS GOLF PROGRAM 06/01/09 O 052609 450.00 100.47.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 450.00 052609 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 9050855 100 47 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H 4/24-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 78.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 78.00 051909 9050906 100 22 2644 BROGAN, WILLIAM J UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 06/01/09 0 052609 27.60 BROGAN 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 27.60 052609 9050978 100 47 2741 BUENZLI INC, JAMES J MAY 09PARKS PROGARM INSTRUCTOR 06/01/09 0 052609 620.00 100.47.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 620.00 052609 9050881 100 41 1 BURTON, DIANN PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 06/01/09 O 051909 20.00 100.41.3636 0905 051909 GLJ8506 20.00 051909 9050882 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 32593 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 06/01/09 0 051909 322.50 100.22.5370 0905 051909 GLJ8506 322.50 051909 9050869 510 31 3247 C&H DISTRIBUTORS INC 10628566 LOCKERS 06/01/09 O 051909 809.59 510.31.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 809.59 051909 9050892 100 22 3019 CALEA 36812 ANNUAL CONTINUATION FEE 06/01/09 0 051909 4,195.00 100.22.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 4195.00 051909 9050883 620 00 3134 CDS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 445864PCS/GPS ANTENNAS 06/01/09 0 051909 1,100.00 620.00.6270 0905 051909 GLJ8508 1100.00 051909 9050884 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PBS7372 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 06/01/09 0 051909 390.49 620.00.6270 0905 051909 GLJ8508 390.48 051909 9050885 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PBG0958 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT/ROUTER 06/01/09 0 051909 2,614.51 620.00.6270 0905 051909 GLJ8508 2614.51 051909 9050886 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PBR0575 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT/SPEAKERS 06/01/09 0 051909 73.01 620.00.6270 0905 051909 GLJ8508 73.01 051909 9050887 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PBF2739 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT/TAPE SAC 06/01/09 0 051909 4,887.63 620.00.6270 0905 051909 GLJ8508 4887.63 051909 620-NEWEQUIP 9050890 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111101861 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 06/01/09 0 051909 27.26 100.33.5370 0905 051909 GLJ8508 27.26 051909 9050891 510 32 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111101847 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 06/01/09 0 051909 44.32 510.32.5370 0905 051909 GLJ8508 44.32 051909 9050986 100 45 3539 CONSERV FS 1207028 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 505.00 100.45.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 505.00 052609 9050987 100 45 3539 CONSERV FS 1208900 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 132.95 100.45.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 132.95 052609 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9050893 510 XXXXX 3565 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 1156053 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 06/01/09 0 043009 37,165.88 510.31.5510 0905 051909 GLJ8508 7653.96 043009 510.32.5510 0905 051909 GLJ8508 29511.92 043009 9050894 440 00 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112133817 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 051909 255.00 440.00.8200 0905 051909 GLJ6508 255.00 051909 100-1415IND 9050888 100 33 3663 CRYSTAL LAKE RADIATOR & 86689 VEHICLE REPAIRS 06/01/09 0 051909 130.00 100.33.5370 0905 051909 GLJ8508 130.00 051909 9051229 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 70469 MATERIALS 06/01/09 0 052709 4,059.26 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 4059.26 052709 9051230 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 70389 MATERIALS 06/01/09 0 052709 968.00 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 968.00 052709 9050856 100 47 4146 DELISI, PHIL 4/24-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 25.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 25.00 051909 9050895 XXXXX 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 42897 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 06/01/09 0 051909 2,500.00 100.00.6210 0905 051909 GLJ8508 2142.00 051909 620.00.6210 0905 051909 GLJ8508 22 299.00 051909 620.00.6210 0905 051909 GLJ8508 41 59.00 051909 9050988 620 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 43446 PRINTER CARTRIDGES 06/01/09 0 052609 456.00 620.00.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8532 456.00 052609 9050907 510 31 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I641393 EQUIPMENT 06/01/09 0 052609 233.36 510.31.6270 0905 052609 GLJ8528 233.36 052609 9050896 100 01 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 331883CLEANING SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 051909 17.50 100.01.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 17.50 051909 9051231 100 01 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 332066CLEANING SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 70.65 100.01.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 70.65 052709 9050908 100 33 5309 EJ EQUIPMENT 32909 STREET SWEEPER REPAIR PARTS 06/01/09 0 043009 313.15 100.33.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8528 313.15 043009 9050898 100 00 2 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF REFUND PERMIT #09-04-047 06/01/09 0 051909 30.00 100.00.3410 0905 051909 GLJ8508 30.00 051909 9051232 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12404 MATERIALS 06/01/09 0 052709 566.12 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ6536 566.12 052709 9051233 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12387 MATERIALS 06/01/09 0 052709 1,132.25 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 1132.25 052709 9051234 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12380 MATERIALS 06/01/09 0 052709 1,018.71 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 1018.71 052709 100-1415IND DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9051235 510 XXXXX 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12380 MATERIALS 06/01/09 0 052709 524.79 510.31.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 463.05 052709 100-1415IND 510.32.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 61.74 052709 100-1415IND 9050979 100 47 8000 FIX AND FIT GOLF CORP 523201-C PARKS PROGRAM INSTUCTOR 06/01/09 0 052609 175.00 100.47.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 175.00 052609 9050899 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD OJJ097 1 CRIME LAB PRINTER SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 051909 567.10 100.22.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 567.10 051909 9050900 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD OJF373 1 COPIER METER READING 06/01/09 0 051909 115.18 100.22.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 115.18 051909 9050857 100 47 6554 FOWLER, JEFF R 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 23.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 23.00 051909 9050901 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35081 SOD 06/01/09 0 051909 27.20 510.31.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 27.20 051909 9051236 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35096 SOD 06/01/09 0 052709 78.00 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 78.00 052709 9051237 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35106 GRASS SEED 06/01/09 0 052709 179.00 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 179.00 052709 9051238 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35117 GRASS SEED 06/01/09 0 052709 89.50 510.31.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 89.50 052709 9050858 100 47 6630 FRANKLIN, JAMES B 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 75.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 75.00 051909 9050989 100 45 7149 G & E GREENHOUSES INC 148101VETS PARK PLANTINGS 06/01/09 0 052609 129.60 100.45.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 129.60 052609 9051239 100 01 7149 G & E GREENHOUSES INC 148102LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 578.40 100.01.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 578.40 052709 9050990 100 44 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 08-001563 SIGNS 06/01/09 0 052609 30.00 100.44.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 30.00 052609 9050909 100 41 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM J 11481 2-WAY RADIO SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 92.43 100.41.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8528 92.43 052609 9050910 510 31 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM J 11481 2-WAY RADIO SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 92.42 510.31.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8528 92.42 052609 9050991 100 44 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 200565CONCESSION SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 409.49 100.44.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 409.49 052609 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9050992 100 45 7536 GOPHER 7729517 SOCCER NET 06/01/09 0 052609 161.24 100.45.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 161.24 052609 9050993 100 45 7536 GOPHER 7731143 SOCCER NET 06/01/09 0 052609 161.24 100.45.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 161.24 052609 9050911 100 22 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 143972EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 06/01/09 0 052609 13.50 WALSH 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 13.50 052609 9050912 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 364841POOL SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 100.07 100.42.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 100.07 052609 9050913 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 364541POOL SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 2,788.54 100.42.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 2788.54 052609 9050994 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 365411POOL SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 21.32 100.42.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 21.32 052609 9050914 100 22 8741 HUFFMAN, DAWN 5/7/09TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 06/01/09 0 052609 59.48 100.22.5420 0905 052609 GLJ8528 59.48 052609 9050915 100 XXXXX 9413 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE IL056120L LIQUOR LICENSE FINGERPRINT 06/01/09 0 052609 500.00 COST CENTER 4002 100.220 0905 052609 GLJ8528 LIVESCAN 500.00 052609 9051240 100 33 9520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTE FD1830BATTERIES 06/01/09 0 052709 47.76 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 47.76 052709 9050897 100 42 5521 JC LICHT AND COMPANY 5178730 POOL PAINT 06/01/09 0 051909 211.05 100.42.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8508 211.05 051909 9050916 100 33 10527 JOHNS TREE SERVICE 1011 TREE STUMP REMOVALS 06/01/09 0 043009 450.00 100.33.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 450.00 043009 9050917 100 33 10527 JOHNS TREE SERVICE 1010 TREE STUMP REMOVALS 06/01/09 0 043009 450.00 100.33.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 450.00 043009 9051241 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1070791 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 167.96 100.33.5370 0905 052709 GLJ8536 167.96 052709 9050918 100 22 11289 KING, LAURA UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REIMB 06/01/09 0 052609 27.65 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 27.65 052609 9050919 100 22 11289 KING, LAURA 4/21-22/09TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 06/01/09 0 043009 8.00 100.22.5420 0905 052609 GLJ8528 8.00 043009 9050920 100 01 11290 KIRCHNER FIRE 27751 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICES 06/01/09 0 043009 72.00 100.01.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 72.00 043009 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9050997 100 41 1 KRATER, JULIE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 06/01/09 0 052609 88.00 100.41.3634 0905 052609 GLJ8532 40.00 052609 100.41.3637 0905 052609 GLJ8532 48.00 052609 9050998 510 32 11703 KTD INC 9030 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 444.94 510.32.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 444.94 052609 9050859 100 47 11764 KUS, TOM 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 51.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 51.00 051909 9051242 100 01 12026 LAKESIDE PEST CONTROL SE 056930PEST CONTROL SERVICES 06/01/09 0 043009 100.00 100.01.5110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 100.00 043009 9050981 100 XXXXX 12283 LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE 112916SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 2,270.40 100.42.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 1001.65 052609 100.42.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 1092.55 052609 100.43.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 176.20 052609 9050999 100 42 12283 LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE 112916SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 39.90 100.42.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 39.90 052609 9050923 100 22 13036 MAR-VEL INTERNATIONAL IN UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REIMB 06/01/09 0 052609 74.66 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 74.66 052609 9050922 100 22 13041 MARTEL JR, ROBERT E 5/11-15/09TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 06/01/09 0 052609 36.45 100.22.5420 0905 052609 GLJ8528 36.45 052609 9050860 100 47 13045 MAZZUCA, JOE 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 115.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 115.00 051909 9050926 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 22345 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 06/01/09 0 052609 60.00 510.31.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 60.00 052609 9051001 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 22370 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 06/01/09 0 052609 1,410.00 510.31.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 1410.00 052609 9050927 100 01 14242 MCHENRY COUNTY LATINO CO GQNRC ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS 06/01/09 0 052609 8,000.00 100.01.4220 0905 052609 GLJ8528 8000.00 052609 9050928 620 00 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 2009512-15LAREDO 3RD QUAUTER USAGE 06/01/09 0 052609 250.00 620.00.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 250.00 052609 9051002 100 46 14267 MCHENRY FAVORITE SPORT C 105466PARKS PROGRAM SHIRTS 06/01/09 0 052609 27.00 100.46.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 27.00 052609 9051245 100 03 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2009-557 NAME PLATE 06/01/09 0 052709 5.00 MOREK 100.03.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 5.00 052709 9051246 510 32 14424 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 27922934 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 205.83 510.32.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 205.83 052709 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9051243 510 32 13164 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES 217665UTILITY SYSTEM REPAIR PARTS 06/01/09 0 052709 635.29 510.32.5380 0905 052709 GLJ8536 635.29 052709 9050862 100 47 13170 MEYER JR, DONALD 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 50.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 50.00 051909 9051244 100 01 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 80377WSUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 199.25 100.01.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 199.25 052709 9050980 100 41 1 MILLER, JACKIE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 06/01/09 0 052609 85.00 100.41.3634 0905 052609 GLJ8531 85.00 052609 9050925 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 70554 BUSINESS CARDS 06/01/09 O 052609 36.50 MARTIN 100.01.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8528 36.50 052609 9051000 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 70473 DAY AT PETERSEN FARM BANNER 06/01/09 0 052609 115.00 100.01.4220 0905 052609 GLJ8532 115.00 052609 100-LDMKCOM 9050861 100 47 13534 MOORE, KEVIN 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 255.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 255.00 051909 9050929 XXXXX XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL 639911516 CELL PHONE USAGE 06/01/09 0 043009 2,579.54 100.01.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 171.66 043009 100.03.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 277.09 043009 100.22.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 1339.13 043009 100.30.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 134.80 043009 100.33.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 268.51 043009 100.41.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 327.11 043009 620.00.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 61.24 043009 9050930 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL G39911516 CELL PHONE USAGE 06/01/09 0 043009 311.62 510.31.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 209.36 043009 510.32.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8528 102.26 043009 9050931 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS APRIL/MAY UTILITIES 06/01/09 0 043009 66.96 510.31.5510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 42.67 043009 510.32.5510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 24.29 043009 9050932 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS APRIL/MAY UTILITIES 06/01/09 O 052609 66.96 510.31.5510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 42.66 052609 510.32.5510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 24.30 052609 9051247 100 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS APR/MAY UTILITIES 06/01/09 0 052709 613.94 100.43.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 72.72 052709 100.45.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 213.65 052709 100.46.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 58.74 052709 100.33.5520 0905 052709 GLJ8536 229.77 052709 100.22.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 27.23 052709 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.01.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 11.83 052709 9051248 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS APR/MAY UTILITIES 06/01/09 0 052709 1,059.76 510.31.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 368.95 052709 510.32.5510 0905 052709 GLJ8536 690.81 052709 9050933 100 41 1 NORSTROM, TERRI PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 06/01/09 0 052609 38.00 100.41.3636 0905 052609 GLJ8528 38.00 052609 9050935 100 22 15532 NORTH EAST MULTI-REGIONA 119229MEMBERSHIP FEES 06/01/09 0 052609 4,050.00 100.22.5430 0905 052609 GLJ8528 4050.00 052609 9050934 100 22 15526 NORTHEASTERN IL REGIONAL 449 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 06/01/09 0 052609 3,000.00 100.22.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 3000.00 052609 9050936 100 22 15540 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 6387 EMERGENCY SERV TEAM ASSESSMENT 06/01/09 0 052609 3,300.00 100.22.5110 0905 052609 GLJ6528 3300.00 052609 9051003 100 41 15549 NORTHERN ILLINOIS SPECIA FY 09/10 MEMBER DISTRICT DUES 06/01/09 0 052609 138,108.00 100.41.5410 0905 052609 GLJ8532 138108.00 052609 9050937 100 XXXXX 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 631568652 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 99.70 100.43.6920 0905 052609 GLJ8528 13.30 052609 100.44.6920 0905 052609 GLJ8528 26.59 052609 100.46.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 59.81 052609 9051004 100 46 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 631748122 PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 131.56 100.46.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 131.56 052609 9050938 100 01 17005 PACE 48528 LOCAL SHARE DIAL-A-RIDE 06/01/09 0 043009 392.68 100.01.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 392.68 043009 9050939 100 33 17035 PAYLINE WEST INC S13350VEHICLE REPAIRS 06/01/09 0 052609 947.30 100.33.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8528 947.30 052609 9050940 100 46 17163 PENZE, JACQUELINE S 5/2/09PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 06/01/09 0 052609 200.00 100.46.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 200.00 052609 9050941 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072676 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 043009 84.49 100.33.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 84.49 043009 9050942 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072679 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 043009 542.39 100.33.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 542.39 043009 9050943 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072895 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 410.78 100.45.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 410.78 052609 9050944 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072810 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 283.06 100.45.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 283.06 052609 9050945 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072807 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 66.18 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.03.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 66.18 052609 9050946 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072892 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 113.76 100.03.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 113.76 052609 9050947 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072896 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 310.90 510.31.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 310.90 052609 9050948 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072811 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 113.59 510.31.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8528 113.59 052609 9051005 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072893 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 1,746.30 100.22.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8532 1746.30 052609 9051006 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072809 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 595.51 100.33.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8532 595.51 052609 9051007 100 XXXXX 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072894 VEHICLE FUEL 06/01/09 0 052609 866.35 100.33.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8532 809.97 052609 100.01.6250 0905 052609 GLJ8532 56.38 052609 9050949 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 17604 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 06/01/09 0 052609 104.00 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 T KLEAN 51.00 052609 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 ZOOK 53.00 052609 9051008 100 45 19028 PITEL SEPTIC INC 5505 PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS 06/01/09 0 052609 600.00 100.45.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 600.00 052609 9050950 100 22 17542 POPP, LARRY UNIFORM CLEANING REIMB 06/01/09 0 052609 23.60 100.22.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8528 23.60 052609 9050951 760 00 17669 PUCHALSKI, RICHARD J MARCH 09 LEGAL SERVICES 06/01/09 0 043009 4,751.32 760.00.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8528 4751.32 043009 9050952 100 33 19000 R&J CONTRUCTION SUPPLY C 826396SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 26.68 100.33.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 26.68 052609 9051249 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1246750 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 12.60 100.45.5370 0905 052709 GLJ8536 12.60 052709 9051009 400 00 19285 RIDGEVIEW ELECTRIC INC 31894 MECHANIC EQUIPMENT RELOCATION 06/01/09 0 052609 1,000.00 400.00.8200 0905 052609 GLJ8532 1000.00 052609 100-1415IND 9050953 100 33 19555 ROWE, HERBERT W 5/12/09 PW FACILITY PAINTING 06/01/09 0 052609 200.00 100.33.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 200.00 052609 100-1415IND 9050954 100 04 19765 RUSHING, RHONDA F LANG- CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 06/01/09 0 052609 42.80 100.04.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 42.80 052609 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9050955 100 42 20086 SCHATZ, DONALD 6/17/09 DJ SERVICES 06/01/09 0 052609 195.00 100.42.6920 0905 052609 GLJ8531 195.00 052609 9050956 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 25/356754 MILLER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 06/01/09 0 043009 34,241.64 440.00.8900 21587 0905 052609 GLJ8531 PROJ# MILLERCMAQ 34241.64 043009 34241.64 440-MILLERCMA 9051250 100 46 20247 SHERATON CHICAGO NORTHWE 6/11/09 DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 06/01/09 O 052709 400.00 100.46.5110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 400.00 052709 9051251 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 547052PLUMBING REPAIRS 06/01/09 0 043009 233.15 100.01.5110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 233.15 043009 9051252 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S46982PLUMBING REPAIRS 06/01/09 0 043009 385.49 100.01.5110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 385.49 043009 9051010 100 33 20576 SPRING ALIGN OF PALATINE 77185 VEHICLE REPAIRS 06/01/09 0 052609 982.51 100.33.5370 0905 052609 GLJ8532 982.51 052609 9050957 100 03 20707 STAN'S FINANCIAL SERVICE 9932 LARGE FORMAT COPIER/SCAN 06/01/09 0 052609 222.00 100.03.5110 11080352 0905 052609 GLJ8531 222.00 052609 222.00 9050958 100 03 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 261104COPIER METER READING 06/01/09 0 043009 159.95 100.03.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 159.95 043009 9050959 XXXXX XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8012477742OFFICE SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 642.64 100.00.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 1599.65CR 052609 620.00.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 88.22 052609 100.01.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 55.84 052609 100.04.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 493.60 052609 100.03.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 55.84 052609 100.22.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 207.15 052609 620.00.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 22 699.00 052609 100.00.6210 0905 052609 GLJ6531 519.53 052609 100.03.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 76.17 052609 100.22.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 46.94 052609 9050995 100 33 20714 STATE TREASURER IDOT 35137 TRAFFIC LIGHT MAINTENANCE 06/01/09 O 052609 6,971.79 100.33.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8532 6971.79 052609 9050960 100 XXXXX 20820 SWIFT CO INC, JOHN S 25605 PARKS & REC BROCHURE PRINTING 06/01/09 0 043009 3,366.00 100.46.5330 0905 052609 GLJ8531 1683.00 043009 100.47.5330 0905 052609 GLJ8531 1683.00 043009 9050864 100 47 21147 TEGTMEIER, TERRY 4/27-5/15 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 06/01/09 0 051909 92.00 100.47.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 92.00 051909 9050961 100 XXXXX 21262 THINK INK INC 20090710 STAFF SHIRTS 06/01/09 0 052609 1,070.10 100.42.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 58.34 052609 100.43.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 58.33 052609 100.44.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 14.09 052609 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.45.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 56.39 052609 100.46.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 84.58 052609 100.46.6110 0905 052609 GLJ6531 478.76 052609 100.47.4510 0905 052609 GLJ8531 84.58 052609 100.47.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 184.05 052609 100.47.6920 0905 052609 GLJ8531 50.98 052609 9050962 100 22 21262 THINK INK INC 20090710 CHARACTER COUNTS T-SHIRTS 06/01/09 0 052609 116.40 100.22.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 116.40 052609 100-CHARACTER 9050963 100 45 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 965372MULCH 06/01/09 0 052609 770.00 100.45.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 770.00 052609 9050964 100 22 21538 TOPS IN DOG TRAINING COR 11013 K-9 MAINTENANCE TRAINING 06/01/09 0 043009 250.00 100.22.5430 0905 052609 GLJ8531 250.00 043009 9050965 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 63527 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 365.62 100.33.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 365.62 052609 9051253 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 63615 STOP SIGNS 06/01/09 0 052709 433.22 100.33.6110 0905 052709 GLJ8536 433.22 052709 9050966 510 31 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2009448636WIRELESS INTERNET 06/01/09 0 052609 45.06 510.31.5320 0905 052609 GLJ8531 45.06 052609 9050967 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2008162694WIRELESS INTERNET 06/01/09 0 052609 55.02 620.00.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 55.02 052609 9050968 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2008162693WIRELESS INTERNET 06/01/09 0 052609 55.02 620.00.5110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 55.02 052609 9050969 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 189458CHEMICALS 06/01/09 0 043009 776.00 510.32.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 776.00 043009 9050970 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 188927CHEMICALS 06/01/09 0 043009 4,324.00 510.32.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 4324.00 043009 9050971 100 XXXXX 24020 WALMART COMMUNITY APRIL 09 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 043009 213.61 100.01.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 6.56 043009 100.22.6210 0905 052609 GLJ8531 140.38 043009 100.44.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 20.56 043009 100.46.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 46.11 043009 - 9050972 100 XXXXX 24020 WALMART COMMUNITY MAY 2009 SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052609 186.82 100.01.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 155.62 052609 100.41.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 6.84 052609 100.46.6110 0905 052609 GLJ8531 24.36 052609 9050973 100 41 1 WARNER, LISA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 06/01/09 0 052609 60.00 100.41.3636 0905 052609 GLJ8531 60.00 052609 DATE 5/27/2009 11:02 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 6/1/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9050871 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 214703SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 051909 6,151.00 510.31.6110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 6151.00 051909 9050872 100 22 24171 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 818303143 2009 IL VEHICLE CODE PAMPHL 06/01/09 0 051909 1,404.00 100.22.5450 0905 051909 GLJ8505 1404.00 051909 9051254 510 31 24256 WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 170630SUPPLIES 06/01/09 0 052709 141.02 510.31.5370 0905 052709 GLJ8536 141.02 052709 9050873 100 22 24536 WOOD, ROLAND CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 06/01/09 0 051909 58.84 100.22.4510 0905 051909 GLJ8505 58.84 051909 9050865 100 46 27010 ZAHN, DAN 5/12/09 PARK PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 06/01/09 0 051909 240.00 100.46.5110 0905 051909 GLJ8505 240.00 051909 9050866 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 83692 LEGAL FEES - CORP 06/01/09 0 043009 5,497.50 100.01.5230 0905 051909 GLJ8505 5497.50 043009 9050867 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 83693 KIMBALL HILL 06/01/09 0 043009 3,770.00 740.00.5230 0905 051909 GLJ8505 3770.00 043009 9050868 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 83694 US CELLULAR 06/01/09 0 043009 145.00 740.00.5230 0905 051909 GLJ8505 145.00 043009 9050869 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 83695 CURTIS/MCHENRY RIVERWALK 06/01/09 0 043009 942.50 740.00.5230 0905 051909 GLJ8505 942.50 043009 9050870 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 83696 PAMELA DIETMEYER 06/01/09 0 043009 300.00 740.00.5230 0905 051909 GLJ8505 300.00 043009 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 519,471.98 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 225,105.67 222.00 15,096.36 300 DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 57,315.00 400 RECREATION CENTER FUND 1,000.00 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 34,496.64 34,241.64 34,241.64 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 59,660.92 42,647.07 600 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 120,813.30 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 11,171.63 61.24 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 5,157.50 5,157.50 760 POLICE PENSION FUND 4,751.32 4,751.32 **** 519,471.98 34,463.64 101,955.13 c s AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Maxeiner,City Administrator FOR: June 1,2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Demolition request for the structures at 1202 N Riverside Drive STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request for demolition of the principal and accessory structure located at 1202 N Riverside Drive(former Joey T's property) Description of Request The owner of the former Joey T's property, original Dobyn's home, is requesting permission to demolish the existing structures at 1202 N Riverside Drive. The principal building underwent extensive fire.and smoke damage. Photos of the principal and accessory structure are attached to this supplement. As is the case with all pertinent demolition permit applications,the Landmark Commission reviewed the application. The commission failed, however, to take a position on the application, which is interpreted as a position of non- support. The property is not designated as an historic structure under the city's Historic Preservation Ordinance. Staff Analysis Staff supports granting this request for demolition. It was an unfortunate incident which led to this point however staff believes the property owner has the right to move-on and determine the ultimate disposition of their property. CITY OF McHENRY PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT NO. PROPERTY OFFICE USE ONLY ADDRESS 12 o L f?iySJZ,,;'1bZ- b{c v yIc. LOT NO. ZONING DIST: C q Old SUBDIVISION P-I.N.#�- -. y7'7- FLOOD ZONE: A NAME 9rS771�-11� ® OWNER ❑ TENANT . TOWNSHIP: HOME PHONE(_) WORK PHONE ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION$_=3 y G,o c . 40 CON YDE DE19 TYPE OF USE: ❑SINGLE FAMILY ❑ MULTI-FAMILY ❑ NEW ❑ADDITION MAY U 8 200,4 ❑COMMERCIAL ❑ INDUST/OFFICE ❑ ALTERATION g OTHER D&4 c L i7b7,r GENERAL CONTRACTOR © rt. ;;Tc�rc ?i# QuZ. e. r-..� fr�� ADDRESS 51/72 Ab A144^ 1y PHONE PERMIT FEES ROOFING CONTRACTOR LICENSE# ADDRESS PHONE BUILDING: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE PLUMBING: LICENSE NO. ISSUING JURISDICTION DEV.DONATIONS: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR: SANITARY TAP: NOTE!Submit the following: Letter of intent,on plumbing contractors letterhead (with corporate seal,or notary seal)stating that they are doing this job; WATER TAP: copy of plumbing license;copy of certificate of State registration. WATER METER: NOTES: S` v WATER CAP.DEV. n SAN.CAP.DEV. /�c� l^ // �'� n ANNEXATION: c� n ". -m4er- .U - ItiJ \� t7A PW BOND: $o �� � Gil fit vn Q A `ice-` // p ( r L r.� MISC. •/ TOTAL: 7 �Z�©CJ so OPERATIONS: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN AND ATTACHED IS CORRECT AND AGREE IN CONSIDERATION OF AND UPON ISSUANCE OF PERMIT,TO DO OR ALLOW TO BE DONE ONLY SUCH WORK AS HEREWITH APPLIED FOR AND THAT SUCH PREMISES AND ITS EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS ISTRU SHALL BE USED OR ALLOWED TO BE USED FOR ONLY SUCH PURPOSES AS SET FORTH. SIGNED: DATE: ---?—d'9 (OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) THIS PERMIT 1S GRANTED AND ACCEPTED WITH THE EXPRESS UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT THAT SAID BUILDING AND CONNECTIONS SHALL CONFORM IN ALL RESPECTS WITH THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF McHENRY AS NOW IN FORCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. ` DATE: 1 (DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) 333 S.GREEN STREET McHENRY ILLINOIS 60050 (815)363-2170 ♦rl ,S� ' 7 � I r 1 �yt♦y. �-,ya I 'L I t y 1 V� rr� • �+* 100 �. Of ` M 1 wl :�4_. .v. <F;-r �e�b w, ,.�.; �,::fir : r. .,,�n�'• .�,� #...�*Y„��r .. i,.., � �,r, " ��C>�..+�ii � u TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin,Deputy City Administrator FOR: June 1, 2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: . Conditional Use Permit to allow the operation of a Daycare Facility Description of Request The applicant has been in business operating a daycare facility in McHenry for several years. They are currently located at 2214 W.Route 120 and are hoping to expand their business by constructing a new 8,400 square foot child daycare facility within the Adams Commercial Center. Staff Analysis The character of the neighborhood around the subject property is primarily service and retail. Daycare facilities are common in commercial areas and do not alter the character of the area. In addition, the proposed daycare would not create any adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses within the zoning district. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use or of the general public in the vicinity. The site plans shows that there is adequate parking provided for the size and use of the building. The applicant will be providing a lane for drop-off and pick-up near the front door of the building. Access to the site is via a full access at Adams Drive off of Route 120 where there is a left turn lane or a right- in right-out off of Barney Court. The outdoor play area will be approximately 7,500 square feet and consist of a concrete path, grass open space and shaded areas. The play area will be surrounded by a six foot fence. Signage on the site will consist of one free standing sign and up to two wall signs. Staff has no concerns with the request. Recommendation Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a child day care facility and outdoor storage of equipment to be used in conjunction with a children's play area, in accordance to the site plan by Pearson, Brown and Associates, Inc. and subject to the condition that the Conditional Use Permit shall expire and become null and void if the business (A Child's Place) closes (defined by not being operational i.e., serving customers) for a period of six (6) continuous months. Staff finds that the requirements in Table 31 of the Zoning Code have been met. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A CHILD DAYCARE FACILITY AND OUTDOOR STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A CHMDREN'S PLAY AREA, IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY, H LINOIS WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City by Brian Blaze requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a child daycare facility and outdoor storage of equipment to be used in conjunction with a children's play area, for the property located at the southwest corner of Adams Drive and Barney Court and legally described on Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein, the "SUBJECT PROPERTY"; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 7, 2009, in the manner prescribed by ordinance and statute, and as a result of said hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission did recommend to the City Council the granting of the requested Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the evidence and recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and finds that the approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the objectives of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:That the SUBJECT PROEPRTY is hereby granted a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of a child daycare facility and outdoor storage of equipment to be used in conjunction with a children's play area in accordance with the site plan by Pearson, Brown and Associates, Inc. and subject to the condition that the Conditional Use Permit shall expire and become null and void if the business (A Child's Place)closes (defined by not being operational i.e., serving customers) for a period of six (6)continuous months. SECTION 2: In granting said Conditional Use Permit, the City Council finds that the requirements of Table 31 of the Zoning Ordinance have been met in that: 1. Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. 2. Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust,waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled; 3. The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or man-made character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. 4. The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area; 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity; and 6. The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the Conditional Use and its particular location. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2009 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2009 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Exhibit A Legal Description of the SUBJECT PROPERTY Community Development Department Report File # Z-741 May 7, 2009 Public Hearing Applicant Brian Maze A Child's Place 2214 W.Route 120 McHenry, IL 60050 Requested Actions • Conditional Use Permit for a child day care facility; • Conditional Use Permit for outdoor storage of equipment to be used in conjunction with a children's play area. Site Information Location and Size of Property The subject property is located within the Adams Commercial Center at the southwest corner of Adams Drive and Barney Court,Lot 4. The lot is approximately 1.29 acres in size. Comprehensive Plan Designation Commercial Existing Zoning and Land Use The subject property is currently zoned C-5 and the property is currently vacant. Adjacent Zoning and Land Use North: BP, Business Park South: C-5 Highway Commercial East: C-5 Highway Commercial West: C-5 Highway Commercial Description of Request The applicant has been in business, operating a daycare facility, in McHenry for several years. They are currently located at 2214 W. Route 120 and are hoping to expand their business by constructing a new 8,400 square foot child daycare facility within the Adams Commercial Center and providing a children's play area. Staff Analysis The character of the neighborhood is primarily service and retail. Daycare facilities are common in commercial areas and do not alter the character of the area. In addition the proposed daycare would not create any adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses within the zoning district. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use or of the general public in the vicinity. The site plans shows that there is adequate parking provided for the size and use of the building. The applicant will be providing a lane for drop-off and pick-up near the front door of the building. Access to the site is via a full access at Adams Drive off of Route 120 where there is a left turn lane or a right-in right-out off of Barney Court. The outdoor play area will be approximately 7,500 square feet and consist of a concrete path, grass open space and shaded areas. The play area will be surrounded by a six foot fence. Signage on the site will consist of one free standing sign and up to two wall signs. Staff has no concerns with the request. File#Z-741 Community Development Department Report File# Z-741 May 7, 2009 Public Hearing Staff Recommendation Prior to Public Hearing Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a child day care facility and outdoor storage of equipment to be used in conjunction with a children's play area, in accordance to the site plan by Pearson, Brown and Associates, Inc. and subject to the condition that.the Conditional Use Permit shall expire and become null and void if the business (A Child's Place) closes (defined by not being operational i.e., serving customers) for a period of six(6)continuous months. Staff finds that the requirements in Table 31 of the Zoning Code have been met. Attachments • Location Map • Application Packet • Narrative File#Z-741 Community Development Department Report File # Z-741 May 7, 2009 Public Hearing LOCATION MAPS , • • ... : � = Subject Site CT- eratut. f i •'[�itl; •� ... � � 4 � � w s -----..__..._---_---.._...... mem .. ... r. .. f - ---•---- Subject Site l File#Z-741 DrWtf A Child's place of McHenry A Childs Place oFVolo Early Learning Center Early Learning Center 2214 W. Route 120 401 E. Route 60 McHenry, Illinois 60051 Volo, Illinois 60073 815-385-3311 847-201-1760 815-385-9917(fax) 847-201-1761 (fax) April 3, 2009 Conditional Use Permit Narrative To whom it may concern: A Child's Place Inc. located at 2214 W IL Rt. 120 McHenry Il. 60051 is requesting that the Village of McHenry grant our request for a conditional use permit to allow for a fenced outdoor play space adjacent to our new construction building planned for opening November 2009. The new daycare center and play area will be located on Lot 4 in the Adams Commercial Park located on Rt. 120 in McHenry. The specific lot is on the southwest corner of Adams Dr. and Barney Court. The outdoor play space will be approximately 7500 square feet surrounded by a 6 foot fence. The interior of the play area will be divided by fencing into 3 sections to separate certain age groups of children while on the playground. The playground will consist of an extended concrete path for children to use for riding toys and other activities, grass open space for general play, age appropriate playground equipment surrounded by play-safe surfaces, and shaded areas for the children to rest under. The playground space will accommodate 25%of our enrollment at any time(a DCFS regulation), or 35-40 children. Thank you for your time and effort in considering this matter. We look forward to receiving your decision. Sincerely, Brian Maze A Child's Place Inc. FORM`4 File Number PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHemy 333 South Green Street a Mcfienry,EL 60050 c Tel:(815)363-2170-Fax; (815)363-2173 I. Name of Applicant G r 11 I rO-t-_ P 0,(L 1 4 AddressejCt ( 7 2. Name of Property owned Yl� L d C�t`n(�S L L t_ (If other than Applicant) Address Fax I No of Engineer 12��,j I e+(.s s m c- P f FvncQ �, ,`� 6-agC0 (If represented) 7^" Address 57 5 cJ G r►tiesnc e, 'iJa b l3 Ilf01 0 (oc,9 7 3 Fax 4. Name of Anorney _T'�LLC4 LIOA Tel +. r (If represented) Address 0 O Fax 5. Common Address or Location'of Property L of L4 A c6.M.3 COM rhe&CA0-� 6. Requested Action(s)(check all that apply) � ZZOu g Map Amendment(Rezoning) —Zoning Variance-Minor Y Conditional Use Permit —Zoning Text Amcndmcr t Zoning Variance Off. Provide a brief description of the Requested Actioa(s). For mamplr., the operation that requires a Conditional Use Permit, the specific Zoning Variance needed, or the new zoning classification that is requested; tj4_1 (� R QUAV6-HAq 4 Concji tojc, U v� Cc,vl FORM A Page I of 3 7. Current tise of property CtA1 un S. Currant Zoning Classification of property,Including Variances or Conditional Uses f GZS t -& WaA ' . 9. Current Zoning Classification and Land Use of Adjoining Properties North: C 0„+\Yv Q d�uw� iJ South: � A,) East: `� YL Ge.0 n at, Cw�k �• 'Wiest: IAL L �n'f 10. Required.Attachments(check all items submitted) Plcase rrl`czr to the Public hearing Requirements Checklist to determine the required attachments. 1. Application Fee(amount)$ Narrative Description of Request FORM A—Public Hearing Application p'O��. �tional Use Application it�'toxt-- Proof of Ownership and/or Wnttea Consent $om Affidavit Pmperty Owner in the Form of an —Z9. Plat of Survey with Legal Description 10. List of Owners of all Adjoining properties 11. Public Hearing Notice 12. Sign(Provided by the City,to be poeted by the Applicant) 13. Site Plan ,,;,, 1Q, T enrTna� e_Ul 16. Perf ttons orwance Standards Certification FORM A 'Page 2 of 3 j 11. Disclosure of Interest The Party signing the application shall be considered the Applicant. The Applicant must be the owner or trustee of record, trust beneficiary, lessee, contract purchaser, or option holder of the subject ProPaty or his or her agent or nominee. AA'oRcant is Not Owner If the Applicant is not the owner of record of the subject property, the application shall disclose the legal capacity of the Applicant and the full name,address,and telephone number of the owner(s). In, addition, as affidavit of the owucrs(s)shall be filed with the application stating that the Applicant has the authority from the owners(s)to make the application. Applicant or Owner is Corporation or partnership, If the Applicant, owner, contract purchaser, option holder, or any beneficiary of a land trust is a corporation or partnership, the application shall disclose the name and address of the corporation's officers, directors, and registered agents, or the partnershiP's general partners and those shareholders or Iimited partners owning in excess of five peroent of the outstanding stock ur interest in the corporation or interest shared by the limited partners. M91icant or Owner is a land Trust If the Applicant or owner is a land trust or other trust or trustee thereof the full name, address, telephone number,and extent of intcrest of each beatfiulary shall be disclosed in the application. 12. Certification I hereby certify that I am aware of all code requirements of the City of McHenry that relate to this property and that the propusrd use or development descn'bed in this application shall comply with all such codes. I hereby request that a public hearing to consider this application be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission, and thereafter that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council for the adoption of an ordinance(s) granting the requested action(s), including any modifications to this application or conditions of approval recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals or City Council. Signature of Anylicaut(s) Print Name and Designation of Applicant(s) Cal7 , ov FORM A Page 3 of 3 FORM C File Number CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Planning and Zoning Commission City of McHenry 333 South Greco Strut o McHenry,IL 60050 o Tel;(815)363-2170 Fax:(815)363-2173 Table 31 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance provides that in recommending approval or conditional approval of a Conditional Use Permit,the Planning and 7.nning Commission shall transmit to the City Council written findings that all of the conditions listed below apply to the requested action. Please resQond to each of these conditions as it relates to your 1. Traffic Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. 2. 1nvironmental Nuisance Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not charactarictic of permitted uses in the zoning district have been appropriately controlled. -��'�l l')�--. ��1(�t o1-�1 M Z���"` j�►'�l SG�t'.,�5 {���.L'✓1` 3. Neighborhood Character The proposed use will fit hanuoLduusly with tho existing natural or m=-made character of its surroundings and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. p try{ I t - t 1�1 f��ll,t�►1�1�i c�x j l�, W��c� 01 Cd�wty' W't lk CAM -J +0— L`�n'y�""'-k✓� c� = �-� �����'awrw�+� FORM C Page I of 2 4- Public Services and Facilities The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree dicer ortdor=te that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities,in such a way as to place undue burdens uponcisting development in the area. ct 1�'- _ Uor f I rl 'l�'✓1 S. Public Safety and Health The proposed use will not be detrimental to the.safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity. i S N o O,L h6.,1+iA �LZi c S s(.)(-'S �• S (� C. Lu,--L cat'- - 6. Other Factors The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the Conditional Use and its particular location. CC(.'yu' FARM C Page 2 of 2 Public Hearine Notice File#: Notice is hereby given that the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the McHenry Municipal Center,333 South Green Street,McHenry,IIlinois 60050,at 7:30 P.M.on May 7,2009 to consider an application by A Child's Place Inc.2214 W.IL.Rt. 120 McHenry IL.50051,for the following request(s),in accordance with the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance: A conditional use permit to allow for a fenced outdoor play space adjacent to our new construction childcare center building planned for opening November 2009. The outdoor play space will be approximately 7500 square feet surrounded by a 6 foot fence. The interior of the play area will be divided by fencing into 3 sections to separate certain age groups of children while on the playground The playground will consist of an extended concrete path for children to use for riding toys and other activities, grass open space for general play, age appropriate playground equipment surrounded by play-safe surfaces, and shaded areas for the children to rest under. The playground space will accommodate 25%of our enrollment at any time(a DCFS regulation), or 35-40 children. The property consists of 1.29 acres,more or less, and is located m Lot 4 in the Adams Commercial Center located on Rt. 120 in McHenry.The specific lot is on the southwest corner of Adams Dr.and Barney Court,which is legally described as follows: Lot 4 in Adams Commercial Centre, being a Subdivision ofPart of the South 112 of Section 25 and Part of the Northeast 114 of Section 36, Township 45 North,Range 8,East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof Recorded December 8, 1999 as Document Number 1999R0083506, in McHenry County,Illinois PIN(Property Identification Number)of subject property: 09-25-377-013-000 The property is currently zoned C5 A copy of the application is on file and may be examined during regular business hours in the City Clerk's Office at the McHenry Municipal Center, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, 815-363-2100. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.Published by order of the Planning and Zoning Commission,City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois. John Howell Chairman,Planning and Zoning Commision . LBBAI.DEBCRB'TIDN R v s,aex Alm � 81iE BENCH IIgRI(8 �gTI N ARIJN W11MlRC4L I, NOA o.ru,rrfie +aa 11 �I�if� r. A pi5ioraRT ar NORIIEART OF crni11.7ow�wnoRM RANGE A. �r�;,. � / ruR.NgrouNweRNr�Ri �,cnoR � i c�OpRpFy7q�T M�.R7ry�rAgLRROF RN11.1N�A! c�run*un Awe ���L1� TATC ,NA AIN �7� DOCI11�iT�,NM011 �,�Mil'1 WIWi �'{��o � t� � III p1.eFRf 7m ORNl R.,A...._l -- —.. R.•„r�=<m NORTH - f Y = y [trxior[[+uit VAR j --- 4 si'JY A - -•'•%l 1\; � I it \ n •� .w J � e.,1•I �, .Ak + h' 4eL w .•. ... �• � -R,r now AKi W �R�flae A►1e � REVISIONS W ............. --.• -._..._. .._.Yu�ii4 vn..--__•y\•- 1'Y,611 AAY�� __ .. txrr � gyp n `� wr sursacf-�"-1'—t _ C•nwucE Gs.'x - '`L.x•[� ?� tt .i�7.SS �eJILW TeeF 9t.�a`I .� (LF�ICIC.[MThIR iw ±� ,ero_i -1 -�Q�. //1I O \ tP P O NIClTNNREII €i Tt"ss.But DM d a_1_NNNen � FROM :Lundgren Law Office FAX NO. :18478389388 Apr. 03 2009 11:08AM P2 APR-01-2029 13:07 HAMER SCHUH CUDA 215 338 59W I IW'- .+.ru w r AP '01-2m le:12 I IAMEiti �.(E'� �UW��®a7t ��1 1 F9r. 31 20M 12:49PM P3 FROM =Lundgren Lao+ Of F�G� I 1; • II TIO A i ; Ntft f OLi�INGS, i,,l.L'� 01,MCM of rx�d;ji�the ro,11cvArIg &scrlbcd tcal atatr. hwa by auchc�nre tic contract Futc . A Cfi�.0'9 #I AG£. INC., W BI.*Y fM all Mxiled putt with Or- City of MaF{csvy l'br the amstr edm at UN of said IKQN�Y for the ptttp�oaes d r, weeded by ih* amt pmth�wr: i i I� 4 in Adams Co�um C 1 h�+ a Subdivistog of Y= DF ft south K of soctiion 7-5 � Fwt of the Nye ✓� of S9ao 36, 'x' F S 1+TOAt e g East of the TYA Ptinci of Me tier,; tt�d4 to the Flat thane 9 ed Decettth� $. I9 q as i,)vr moat ii NuCttba {g�MR009350b.in McH , E".D1IJ1tXy iI1Lt14iB �I ?IN: D9-25-377-013-DAD Contcs�t pwrhas, ! e in egxmscs itm bed in the P=r t.apptiruttan pet nrah In a�iditiDD.;f c ==am XnaaWer ag» *ot in five �dtalt be lwtt� by the contract P mr.II r event closing do= not occur far 01 0=Quisitian to the p14paty,the cmzmt Fmvha=shall tekc I all st^pg nacemry in mt=the gnt city m ils omginal Simi' s. M ' DIN LLC Sy,iRa aWb0riVd Wnt I Ii i II TOTAL_ P.03 uwoiearu�owm -,r aIrz AARA rAu[ � � A WWWEAAYA• FW,iTQ • L ._ — a OM 1'AIIC it,/Uv ! l 250 FINE `� PAR �1�G NORTH# i PANOIq AREA EIIIRIARY lip ACCgAW�MAGA� —� I 1 -'�-I"� RAEOAM VACEL• a I (�!e A i�p r \ a 'l7N FlgP YDM DETAL ACCEpBEITY PARgNO EION ACCItIAIIIY PARIOND RMACl DETAL IDN n t p •..--"_.M10l0lED A �_ m ano FURN i I PROPOE®fWIOKR i WW ® PROPOSED f WIUR.K I a DA/0Eit • 1M •� ; I = t Et�tl PpLgA�y�p WF RDEETIRO•TRR3T LIENf I'I o PROPOSEDPYTAIJR' ,. PROPOSED I YWIUR47 RARrt turn i •� ACC!• •sILITY UM i eAYFprt wl�l/10E �� - PROPOSEDPWWARAR raj r &AW am I � euRE i . �.. - I PROPOSED V VJALK I REVISIONS PROPOSED EROLOEED DWE'iTER PAD O R xEW Ensr EEE MCNi801UAL PLARE FOR OETAIy_.__ .._-�C I - g ,T O-Cy.CUIP a BUT TE HEM SECT.rO TCTb.10 CE RCYLVC - �—• w4u�� + TODVREtE • —1 q E70F11R0•IR®f I.IDIIT 1 d. Z � 8 I LTAO TC KW-YCT.TC Ek NItETMUNOlR E nw Re Rartayru 1.7(STIt.11�',dtI:LDING \ 8 O 11 �\� �� a City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting May 7, 2009 Chairman Howell called the May 7, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m.- In Attendance were the following: Buhrman, Ekstrom, Howell, Morck, Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Absent: None. Also in attendance were: Attorney Jennifer Gibson, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Public Hearing: A Child's Place File No.Z-741 Lot 4 Adams Commercial Park Conditional Use Permit Chairman Howell called the Public Hearing to order at 7:31 p.m. regarding File No. Z-741, an application for conditional use permit to allow a child day care facility and outside storage to be used as a children's play area as requested by Brian Maze for Lot 4 of Adams Commercial Park. Chairman Howell stated notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald on April 18, 2009. Notices were mailed to all abutting property owners of record via certified mailing. The subject property was posted as required by ordinance. The Certificate of Publication, certified mailing receipts, and affidavit of posting are all on file in the City Clerk's Office. In attendance representing the applicant were Brian Maze, proprietor of A Child's Place, and Travis Wiersma of Platford Group, contractors of the site. Both were sworn in by Chairman Howell. Mr. Maze stated A Child's Place is currently located at 2214 West Route 120. The child care center has been located at this site since 2005. The Child care center currently has 5,700 square feet and the business has outgrown its present location. Students currently fill five classrooms. The indoor play space is being utilized as a sixth classroom. The school is filled to more than capacity allows. There is a before and after school program. There is no more room to grow. The lease on the current site expires on 12/31/09, so they have decided to move to a new site, a building to be constructed according to their needs in Adams Commercial Center. Mr. Maze stated the new building will have 8,000 square feet and will include seven classrooms plus a new pre-school classroom and before/after, school classroom. Additionally, a 7.150 outdoor playground is proposed. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Staff Report regarding this matter. He noted the character of the area is service-related. The proposed site is adjacent to the Commercial Park. Safety concerns have been addressed as a bus drop off/pick up lane has been designated on the site plan. Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval as presented. Chairman Howell invited questions and comments from the Commission. Planning and Zoning Commission May 7,2009 Page 2 Responding to an inquiry, Mr. Maze stated the drop off/pick up lane would be used by buses only. Parents must come inside to sign their child(ren) in and out. Concern was expressed regarding pedestrian crossing the drop off lane. It was noted the drop off/pick up lane will be one-way traffic only. Question was raised as to the current capacity of the center. Mr. Maze responded current capacity is 101 students (at any one time). With the new facility capacity will grow to 133. Further inquiry was made as to the possibility of retaining the present facility and adding a second facility as well. Mr. Maze noted that would require two licenses, two directors and staff. It is their intention to vacate the present facility before the 12/31/09 lease expires. They hope to have November occupancy in the new facility. Mr. Maze stated the anticipated construction timetable of the new facility is 5 months. Some discussion occurred regarding the need for sidewalks on the site. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted sidewalks are required in a commercial district. If the applicant does not install sidewalks, he would be required to make a contribution to the City's Sidewalk Fund. Responding to an inquiry, Mr. Maze stated the building should be large enough. He noted this is a business which has a large turnaround. The center fills up, then parents lose their jobs, and there are openings once again. Mr. Maze did acknowledge they have plenty of room to grow. In answer to a question about the lot size, Mr. Wiersma stated the lot is oversized for the building; however, the entire lot is being utilized for outside play are, drop-off lane, parking, etc. He noted there might be enough space to add two additional classrooms in the future, but there is no intention of doing so at this time. Question was raised if there.would be a canopy over the entrance. Mr. Wiersma indicated a portico which is shown over the entrance. It extends approximately 8' over the entrance. Mr. Wiersma noted the building will be a residential-style structure. Responding to a question regarding facility buses, Mr. Maze noted the 15-passenger vans used for field trips, and the Center's mini-buses, will be parked in regular parking spaces. They will not require oversized parking spaces. In response to another inquiry,Mr. Maze noted the site will be landscaped as required by ordinance. The dumpster enclosure will match the building exterior and be unobtrusive. Responding to questions regarding the proposed signage, Mr. Maze stated a monument sign would be posted on the comer of Adams Drive and Barney Court and a wall sign will be mounted on front of the building. Chairman Howell noted there were no public comments or questions regarding this matter. Motion by Nadeau, seconded by Schepler, to recommend to the McHenry City Council, that with regard to File No. Z-741, a request for conditional use permit to allow a child day care facility . and conditional use permit for outside storage to be used as a children's play area on the premises located on Lot 4 of Adams Commercial Park, in accordance with the site plan provided Planning and Zoning Commission May 7,2009 Page 3 by Pearson, Brown and Associates, be granted; subject to the condition that the conditional use permit shall expire and become null and void if the business(A Child's Place) closes(defined by not being operational, i.e. serving customers) for a period of six continuous months; and that Table 31, the Approval Criteria for Conditional Use Permits, pages 357-358 of the Zoning Ordinance, has been met. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Ekstrom, Howell, Morck,Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. Chairman Howell closed the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. Other Business Chairman Howell welcomed new Planning and Zoning Commissioner Paul Morck Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the next meeting of the Commission will be June 4, 2009. Adjournment Motion by Schepler, seconded by Ekstrom, to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Voting Aye: Buhrman, Ekstrom,Howell, Morck, Nadeau, Schepler, Thacker. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting: None. Abstaining: None. Absent: None. Motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen M. Kunzer, Deputy Clerk City of McHenry r �{„ gyp.yam. '4::ni.._%ne TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin,Deputy City Administrator FOR: June 1, 2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: The Church of Holy Apostles Garage Sale Description of Request The Church of Holy Apostles is seeking permission to hold a community-wide garage sale on their property at 5211 Bull Valley Road The sale is proposed in the parking area adjacent to Bell Tower Place. Participants can rent one or more spaces from the church to utilize and the money generated from the rent will go back to the church,however, the profits from the actual sale of merchandise will go directly to the people selling the items. The sale date proposed is June 6'' to be conducted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A letter from Pastor Sherry explaining the event is attached to this supplement and a schematic drawing of the property depicts the sale location. Staff Analysis The City's Municipal Code addresses garage sales in the attached chapter. Typically these types of sales are permitted in residential areas by obtaining a garage sale permit from the City and the permit is free. The parking area adjacent to Bell Tower Place is zoned E Estate District and the attached ordinance does exclude charitable and religious organizations from the ordinance provisions if the sale being held is entirely a fund-raising activity for that organization. Since the Holy Apostles sale is a "hybrid" sale of sorts relating to where the money will go staff thought it was appropriate to bring the proposal to the City Council for consideration. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of a garage sale at 5211 Bull Valley Road, on June 6, 2009 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Doug Martin From: Robert Sherry [rsherry@thechurchofholyapostles.org] Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 4:44 PM To: Doug Martin Cc: 'John Jelinek'; 'Jeanne Fraser' Subject: Parking Lot Sale-June 6, '09 Dear Doug Martin and Members of the McHenry City Council: This is a Formal Request for a Conditional Use of our own parking lot for the purpose of holding a COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE from 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM on Saturday June 6, 2009. Set up time begins at 8:00 AM on that date. Individual,families or groups are invited to rent one parking space for$10.00 or two parking spaces for$15.00. They will set the prices of their own items, which could vary throughout the day. Participants have been invited to call our Youth Minister John Jelinek to reserve their space(s). Anything that does not sell that day is to be taken home by the participant who brought it. We are seeking a permit from the McHenry County Health Department for the sale of hot dogs and beverages(non- alcoholic). (if any item are unsold and left remaining, they will be transported to St. Mary's School, McHenry, to be offered at that annual sale.) Sales person will be allowed to use the bathroom facilities within our building. If you need any further information, I shall be pleased to provide it. God Bless your work. Father Bob Sherry, Pastor 1 � _ ` •�• unmunm Homo `, mwunnn uuuu � mono IF a mtmt u1T""�� i y� e � 1/08 MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 10.50 GARAGE SALES See. 10.50-1. Purpose. It is the purpose of this Chapter to provide for the regulation of the nature and frequency of garage sales, in order to insure public safety, provide proper parking control and to prevent any annoyance or harm which might _otherwise occur from the.uncontrolled operation of such sales in districts not zoned for commercial use._ Sec. 10.50-2. Definition. For purposes of this Chapter, the term "garage sale" shall mean and include all sales of tangible personal property conducted on premises in the City that are zoned for residential use, regardless of the name by which such sale may be called. See. 10.50-3. License required; fee; display. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct any garage sale in the City of McHenry without first filing with the City Clerk the information hereinafter specified and obtaining from the City Clerk a license to do so, to be known as a "garage sale license." Each license issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be prominently displayed on the premises upon which the garage sale is conducted throughout the-entire period of the licensed sale. No fee shall be charged for such license. Sec. 10.50-4. Information to be filed. ­�e information to be filed with the City Clerk pursuant to this Chapter shall be as follows: (a) Name of the person, firm, group, corporation, association, or organization conducting said sale. (b) The address at which said sale is to be conducted. (c) The date(s) of the sale. (d) The number of days of the proposed sale. (d) The hours of the sale. (e) The number of garage sales held on the premises during the current calendar year. 360 1/08 1ec. 10.50-5. Number of sales. No more than two garage sales shall be conducted on the same premises by the same household within any calendar year. See. 10.50-6. Time limitations. No garage sale shall be conducted over a period of more than three.consecutive calendar days, nor shall any such sale begin before 8:30 a.m. or continue later than 5:00 p.m. on any given day. Sec. 10.50-7. Types of merchandise. Garage sales shall be limited to the sale of household goods and furnishings which have been in use in the dwelling unit located on the premises on which such sales are conducted. No person, fmn or corporation shall, at any garage sale, sell at retail any goods purchased or acquired in wholesale lots. See. 10.50-8. Signs. Any person, firm or corporation licensed under the provisions of this Chapter may erect two signs advertising the licensed sale. One such sign shall be located on the premises where the sale is to take place, and the other shall be located at the nearest major intersection to the sale premises, giving directions to the sale. All signs shall be removed no later than three hours after conclusion of the sale. Sec. 10.50-9. Persons and sales excepted. The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to or affect the following persons or sales: (a) Persons selling goods pursuant to an order or process of a court of competent jurisdiction. (b) Persons acting in accordance with their powers and duties as public officials. (c) Any persons selling or advertising for sale an item or items of personal property which are specifically named or described in the advertisement and which separate items do not exceed five (5) in number. (d) Any sale which falls within the provisions of ILCS. (e) Any sale conducted by a charitable or religious organization where the sale is being held entirely as a fund-raising activity for said organization. 361 (The next page is 370)