HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 06/10/2009 - Parks and Recreation Committee AGENDA Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Wednesday, June 10, 2009 McHenry Municipal Center 7:30 pm Alderman's Conference Room L Public Input— 5 Minute Total 2. Disc Golf Development Proposal 3. Reports to Committee a. CABA Tournament b. Fireworks Program 4. New Business Next Meeting: September 9, 2009 NOTE: Meeting time moved to 7:30 pm to accommodate scheduled presenters. AGENDA ITEM #2— DISC GOLF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Staff has been working with the McHenry Kiwanis Club and local citizens to develop a plan for a disc golf course in Cold Springs Park. Attached is a preliminary plan for the site along with cost estimates and information on the development of the facility. Representatives from the McHenry Kiwanis Club and volunteers will be attending the meeting to present this plan to the committee for review. This planning group is looking for input from the committee and support to bring this project to the City Council for consideration. Attachments: Work Plan Site Plan Proposed Budget Innova Disc Golf— disc Golf Course Design & Equipment Information COLD SPRINGS PARK DISC GOLF COURSE WORK PLAN — PROPOSED The development of the disc golf course will be accomplished with the use of volunteers. The McHenry Kiwanis Club and disc golf enthusiasts will provide the leadership to coordinate this volunteer effort. Work completed by the volunteers will include installation of target baskets, tee boxes, mulch and the clearing of brush. This work will be completed on scheduled weekends in the fall of 2009 and the winter/spring of 2010. The city will be responsible for the development of an access road and parking area near Lillian Street, extension of the trail system north to the Lillian Street access and installation of all signage. Installation of water fountains (2), utilities and necessary fencing will be coordinated by the city. Any work that will require the assistance of a landscape contractor will be scheduled by the Park Maintenance staff. Timeline— Pending Approval by City Council 2009 July -Review and approval by City council Aug./Sept. -Planning meetings— Kiwanis Club/Volunteer group. -Discuss access with ComEd Real Estate Division. Sept./November -Volunteer work weekends -Community Fundraising/Solicitation of Hole Sponsors. 2010 January/March -Confirmation of Lillian Street access and agreement -Volunteer work weekends April/May -Completion of brush clearing. -Installation of tee boxes, targets and signage. -Installation of access road and parking area. -Installation of utilities (if needed) -Benches, tables, trash cans installed June -Official opening/dedication Preliminary Project Budget Budget to include all costs for development of site and installation of equipment. Costs Purchase of Equipment Targets (19) $ 6,000 Signage 2,400 Tee-Box Material 2,000 Water Fountains (2) 1,500 Tables & Benches 3,000 Installation/contracted Work Lillian St. Parking Lot/Access $50,000 Utilities (Water) 3,000 Fencing (Split Rail/Woven Wire) 7,000 Brush Removal/Landscape Work 10,000 Materials and Supplies 3,000 $87,900 Funding City of McHenry/Developer Donations $67,900 McHenry Kiwanis Club - Contribution 10,000 Fundraising/Community Donations/Hole Sponsors (Hole Sponsorships & Memorial Donations) 10,000 $500 X 18 holes and additional donations $87,900 Cost Does Not Include A/E costs for design on parking lot or contract Administration Alternate Project Amenities Trail Construction - Limestone Screening (Completion of trail from Park Ridge Estates to Lillian Street access) 1- /` f O t i ,, r� , 9► , ty �V ' `�•j• +;its ',' a�-• }��• A��^ �► '�� PAR At 240 WN ya = �4 � f� i � �� �: *•C' ip .s> , � ya r}? ;�♦ # �t t ' ply ,g r+•' A` a,t + ,f i DISCIGOLF -COUIRSE DESIGN &,.,,EQ. 'UlrllM,'AENT Disc Golf Just the Facts. Z4'hat is llisc Crow? L)isc 0F)1f a a f-art growilli,outdoor Activity e•,TL Onr can enjcT. S'inula:to golf,tLe abject of 1}isc Golf iti to c«tijTllnte Y.:i{:l1 hole irl 35 ftKv thnnv;s- -or strnkes—ao pcessible. lralead of usirng Rnlf ehlh sill a golf ball,disc.golfens unc a fltlixg golf disc Y�l traverse the]pole. l•:arh f.olestarts wilt a teeing area and is ec)utple.tod r1rme the dis;;laadr in the 1:1101e",wh'sch is a d:sc-catr.hirg tar6et. ti'V11ile Vise.. (ioL can he plaved%tb Jast one glint d15c.golf discs are designed to lly with diffrr(-nt charaoleris.iCs. L)iffesrnt disci caube ttsed to honk and curve arotrrd obstacles,rull on tlx^.grrarnd.or fly uver trees. «'!to ploys T)isc C�cll1:' T)iz.Gulf is an econoTnieal spor L for all to ri ijoy. it can be played from sclwol c-w to 901den sass, maidlig it a terrilir lifetime auurt. It is nort tin wamarun to hear that.wimeone lui�,bccn"hitten 'Gy'-fie DLIL Uolf DUR", AdditionaDy, 1)i90 Grnlf is <:n atfordable sport in wbirh to get slarke.., Cnlf dis..s can be purchaved for irnurd$10w,and mns-t courses ire free or cost lit*ln to Play. Disc S-olf is snrsrossiblr to practical':,c-rrsone. Why should 1 inxt-M a Disc Golf oowsc? Disc Golf is an iae LpengNT•,traffic genie.ali.-tg recreational acmity. Fur a f-action of le cost o: oilier activities(i.e.,teuuis courts or pla;6L.0iU xda); k•u u can hpvc n n i R hole Disc.colf covrrse l]ral will serve up to^:Z pc�op.e aL a time from dawn to dusk. This translates to hundreds of patrnns visitial;to plap Disc Golf on any Riven day. Disc Golf Msn has the ability tn tntilize spacee that are typically not used by othor actin Lies. V}sc ' Gvli holes can ho.routed Lhrrjugh worlds.aver lxills, , auross fields. nrar tncuns-nd 'nkos. The possibili- w 5 ' , , are trulyrndless. E��a!t leave an urea dliatyou `" •- i51:rou could Hn more with,a I)isc C:e.�]i�uurse May be the porfcnct-A)LI iou. Some solatrd areas x.trac+nn=;1vor �and Lalwanted activities. Ad iL,2 1 i)i.-;c Gulf course will incxeas+r�fhat traffic, LLcFr helping Lu reduce unwautcd hchavriarb:11 111C 17M). � C 1 Y a .. - 1NNOVAMSCOOCF Wast.800-408-8449 Eart!800-476-3968 www.innovadiscs.coin Disc Golf Courses: Just the Facts. How a nich apace do 1 need to dedicate to the Disc.Golf cxiursr? tjisc(:calf ling aeen installed u1a a.� [WLY as 4 acree- ()T n%ina1 v as iov. I'hr amuun.of land heeded NAM dgwrt l utt tlic, im.anti luc:atiun taf your propei ty, the tertaiii,c;thc�.r Park uses ur well as your target drrnugj-xpl'.ifi. W mciml courses c:?I1 be installed on 'r.;ver wzes than a;time crpeu viurse, as the trees contain:llae hali.s and allure c:luser placement of fainways without intq!rterence, RV T)o I need a rpeciali t tta desiwi the L)isc Golf couaa-ce;' You do not need A spoeitihFt to drrs7gn the course,Nit an expexienecd dcsignrr will be able to design n Ftife,fair wid challc:nping crnar.,,e-,ur players of all abilities. Local placers can design Dise Golf eciur ; hL1 bur the 1W.4 Tr.5ult4,lauk fur a professional Dh3e Calf imirse designer. INNUV can;nark%%ith you Lo locate a cxtume designer in l OWT region. Kmn installx the course? 111stalling taTgets i s i;M Pam'and cats easily be dwie by the m,6utcnance crew. O(wit.,local disc. &&ecs are wore than AiIlin-0 to mist in iourr-c ir.-lallation. Slounds mat,bW how much is it gain;to o)st? For a en-rplete break do:,,v of the course rnsrs. please.refer to page 1•i. Lund Consideratioanas Tfow- nuc:h laud+%V vo,.i nee(I fi)r yuur Disc Gulf s a rule of ibunih,an arse per aule is a goad calir-SO For starters, t deperlds cm who will be using estimate,ba,the morr. land you have avuLable, :t If;'our target audieiwc is Sdionl r.hildrer:who the hotter your Lvurse csa-1 hn.Tf you have.µ cl-Loice need to enrnPlete the cxaurs�dtn�ng gyre class,yuu cif areas. lcaok for�uaa7r of thy,fri`nr that;al��:a 'a can use as little a s two Lo three acres and make a enhance as cuaarroe:uiatutr tires;rhariges in eleva- course thAt is i,c►oo to 2,000 feet lnng.But if you lion,creeks, and ixju&-. t' henrcrr poti:;ihle,pul 4'oux i course in an area away from Other m—iioitiea anti hope to Bost a majorc;_iatnpionshir,}�n;a rna?•need '30-,i a axes to i old a L:ourse thFt's 7;c7Oo to 10,000 ""MT-e%. feet or longer. A qualified protessiumd cc r:cr ran help yuu ViK Calf courses wrark in all kinds of settings; Pick the be,#Place to puL your ev.11'Fr.Using the tltex-e axe c*tsses in the+flraud plains of the.Via;sis- bit fCAMTre of your proper(y,the d.-:{io er eNilt 111ea sippi liner And or,the:ski !o,)es of C'crl<}i'{,do.fine(14 create a plating rx-perience Lha:is et all-mging,fun. Disc Golfs most Rttramve quaAies is that courtier gc.fr, and fa:r. Can be 9uew-49fai nn ale=test:iny size plot,in v=rhaally every h po.of trrrnin,and with any kind of foiiaco.. INNOVA OISC GOLF West. 800-408-8449 Cast'_800-476-3968 ww w.fnnovadiscs.cam -��- Where is .Disc Golf Played? Ma Golf Course Growtl1 'nip 15 Reasons to Install a T*%L llisc:Golf has graw-i drr inatically in the pat 10 i',NUS. Peram.r,..•mi Disc.Gulf courtier, rZollf t'a►Ur'Se. haye it cre'han trir,1M over tae Periud lrt)m 1997 M ,c,oc.l4fure players wall lie intrn- clumJ to the.pan.,,than e,,vr 1vfure.Are you going to be ready wltetr Dist Golf hits Your 15. Disc(gulf is a l(J%v iMpaet, :egior.? ewuurniLal dt:EV .y that MU he added to mtmt Barks in as little Course in the United Stntp% Top 20 xtatrs as a vmv.k. for Disc Calf 14.A Disc Calf course cau be 28 19 11 �� Star: auM. 1 &Sigurd irtu under-utili7Vrl 17 - Pexa: 145 areas c)f your Cauihl.'. 27 1 13 ; • 2 3. cal:x•rnia 115 1..The prates of organizing and i tQ blinn_37`a lit oridering^v'ervthing you'll $ i 9 5. %viscoumn trx} nerd YoquirC`s just a few easy 17 15 G. Illinois 11rw2 chaires. 7. hTichigen Sq s. ,i1;41 71; 1•.!.Disc Gull tends to de creme �. ,III-AC14: 771 wide4irahle acri-v i.tv in under. 21 l 19 15 ,�.�;.Cmilin ;�j uLl Zed areas of A paTL is.T?Ilri.':i ya 11.Dis,eGoIf is a spurt that 14 r7,. :I „« ;r 4- is-�i q Pe-... lvdmia- everyor.d.[-,in play, regardless 1z.]rKlidr,a } of agr.;)hilit�',bT gealder. July 2O07 Alehema 4' xa.?.single Disc;Gu.l course ia.Nebraska 34j Ca:1 enef'l;:in i ineey or mare rlissouri 3I) people at une time. ,•''1'snne=gee ;" 9. Disc.Go'f is gre it for th0te net iverc9ted in team.spurts,_yet Arc driver.to compete. >3, llisc Gulf is a gm-it lifetime r ' • �r r r • r • r •e , • spurt. scnie of his best work in designing a chompionship di-sr qolf course.' 7. I jw,Golf is co niucli:fut,y u u won't-e crn rcilize you are exerri.,ing. 6. Disc Got,+attracts peuple fruit other areas of tie State and country to your park. ,. Park deparrments are pleasantly'srirpriged At the snhrnteer spirit of disc golfers. 4. llisc Gulf is easy to learn bui provides a lifetime of challenge to 11laster. �. Disc Gulf is inexpensivn to play. `iou can start playing-Kith u sir41e disc fna less than $io. 2. 1?i;c.Golf can be a scarce of revenae for a park department ' Or a>aAv- o-play facilitV. -bu? rr I .c Gu%�'cou,-sc'... i Tf}-crtt build tt,they will come. MOVA MSC GOLF West.80,0-408-8449 East•=476-.3968 www.innovadiscs.cam DLw Golf Atmundthe World Top Cokin tries The sport of Disc G031 1W for Disc Golf spmad Lo Diany evurtrLi-it-j. e n,.der, i,lapiin bul]i�ave a USA a if)ng Iji;:ItoT3,of emjcyiug the SPOIL i- CLLHIU 75 nt)6 Etirjv—andktda should see JUPW) �7 :,ro-vLvLh'T the, conijug years az L4 rLcsre P.CA-IPIzt e-xp�xitllce the Epoit. h.-i.;,:.n.staiIvd manv IXsc Du I LLLL IV G C7,,Lf in rela Livulv sjjiafl F.L;. N urluam A urv.,u,, lxirkL-. Sviederi has been a Hotbed I(].Nve.&Ltud uf Dise.(Ikilf activiLk,for Ilearlylo rj, AuMm"" :i Man Kajiyama ftom Japan e ar.S. 9 abu 6 I�,o fiturt!of Disc Go'f around -Disr Goff courses have been instaVed in Alationaf Lll-�wo r*(L is i)ruui!&a4. With mny a 14-AM K-.E-�W I ' , Disc Goff is reco cc-ler.7merjt Parks across Japan yaLced coji-itTiesjusL&coveriag the as a'Sport for Alf"and was honored by being intmduced spy Irt,T)i.--.c Golf is LrUI v becoming at the 2001 Wo rid Carries irp Akita,Japan. Daspfta the rttt irtematkmaL aantr. challenges of iandshortages(end Urn Nd days off to pfuy, people continue to erijoy and discover Disc Gaff in JuPaa.' Mr.Kom Shinijo �Ire%, I ent of Hera 1)6E.--apa-i =CO 2 Rapid Growth in Cmir". IVI-th the imxud=.iou olthe lan mra DIK&tdie c Taget in 095, ashi)t in the arm.W.'&u 4 yezrs, permanent Disc Golf couLses; wfluld double.By-00,s, It wotild double again. The'titnry of course growth iT -1 i.;jIIqtISPTVMiS .1g.Wht1:eL IWO the pnst tno Tin ajorit,,v tA ptuple - disc golff u jurses were pushing f%�r AUZ�A'V I-ve, -e the play-rs themse, s,we di Etarth)g to see a shift.Park izian- agers arc.snnin-Dim- as;m luexpeasiYe and Popular addi- LiviL Lo a pairk.Uti c s with a s;i nEjt COLLrSe aL)e:ooking to i dd more CaUtSe6 t1 UIC flItUTP.Some 1?Luk5 are p�=dng d0c galf into their tirs L phases.Disc I-J,G!f is being I.LVL- Inram-C Cho alded Lis,x gvtA addition to alnw!A 1. 00"M ;jnv par-k. Disc golf course in OcAlotIons worldwide since 1976 rNnovA DfSr GOLF West:800-408-8449 East-SM-476-3968 wwmianovadisa-cotn P sc Golf is For Everyone Disc Golf offers fun and di-Aenge for play-r_rx ac r"M a wide speeLrutu. • Itiexpi n,ivE-actkity Cur the en-lire family. • Eaay to korn,yet take,a hIeUme to maste_. • Can se.ployed and enjoye d:,y ptople of aE ages from srhi,ol year$to t4C goldrn ge:rTs_ • Provides uppo---tun:tt,for-he specially-abed aLd ptwlicipate in a mainssrwam 1rtiv�trr. • A loin impac 7 act ity:hat i--vulvrs a good awwirt of waWng. • offers both upper and lm-ver body cc}_ dhiuniu,g. • Alkyo.,plaV-ers of lanitcd Timms 1--wcls Vo st7Tt :J,- %4y and inerea&e lc d of playas fitne5-i improves. • An o'.t dour acdvity tLat can be planed year Tnilwd in a 11 'Weather wiuliduus from rain,end snow to heal dad buiaiditi. • Seniors,thn fr_,:test gnnvin};dernugrapliic,attic taldnp:to dice golf in revord numbers. • EDGE program(sre sollming pap) introduces-.ite sport to school Age chrdr^n. . W i '.. io ow A-0 l . �. .' M I)i w(`,rrlfDemul,;rapltics Dise Golf is onr of:he few_uutu;Lia,ear, appoal to playe.s aL,yutuia as 5 on tip into their fkk-:.Disc Gul pruyidcE k v impact exercise Kith -ate chal.t:ti�c.a'golf.The low cull rnttlws it ner -sihle to many pwylr. Ad;a Ina rme Education un Zo ems* 5`.alish S�o"r.R!Prnfemiiinal Umu c;,.;lfAswJation — - INNOVA DISC GOLF West:800-408-8449 Fast~8Oa476-3968 www.ir?novadiscs.com Course Design: What Makes a Course Great Course T)e.%4;n La Vhlg our a Disc:Gulf course c.au be a da•antirg taQ.L While fiDding a good flow,neyUtiatiis Astacles.cresting burigning 11.L.1c;,,ar-d dcsignin6 a f-Or murz:e are iiimortant,,;,fet,, sh-cmld atvways be fie top priucity.GAting the 111m)e,pleasing and safe(to t oUb players and pfl;Tk 11,;;eTS"►`[It;rs►! retluiits care-5W plannui-, Why Good Dmign In Important Lksign is Lt critical factor in LLQ lujig-tcrm;uu*ss of any rise Gulf cuux,wc,.The desigaer starts by rec- wujn,�nd`ng at.ideal'_ocatic►n for a cXsur30,ta"juto acenn:-►t terrain, u6clur fralures, acd other park acLivitirs,A qualified do signer well L ieii 1pl';nduc t an overa`l la VOUL,-%7tt the hole.lengths, and dlle.M.►i.ue the?ors—all based on what's best L'vr Ycaiir site aid playoT Katie.The• sk,i:7pe c m:se designcr-4ill then nluim.7.e,UUr thsr.Gulf lnvv-,A- tt',mt 1YlthLu the conrrnints voa establish. -- INN0VA DISCGoLF Wesfi 800-408-8449 Fast.800-476-3968 www.inrrdvadfscs.com Course Design: Planning Your Course (C and Comwe,Dead u 1aauld Take Into Aecnual 5everrtl l'=tui*. Safety— \'ariely— • :t Course loxrcrs The Course should--cquire a the M&for Wsc golfeLs smd wide varir of uifferont skills nut;-4li..w.gulfers alike. (shots)to 11VI d obstnrIes, Lu • Dini't thr[7w.•tuwwds path:if siegotia,to tc,.rT-aiu rha1l[•.-tges and p asi,ilylo.Desiga holes to nlar :U score Twc'il. n�+xti ft car i acl:ve areas, Route players up, down :end • Fairways sh+uulcl uewr c:rns� aCt�Gss ter-.:tln.Mix wick[►l�ett eac`ti other tiu:cause play ras iu holes-^ith tighter vs. tllu�,ti`tn�catur other'tninways, Place b�c►rts to tlir,left, rialti. hatslrtG or Lees. and center of llte fairn-ay�. • �Trver 1�1,:}`luv.ard p�)PyRr[ruiuls. D-lore.varit,ty meau�Ma.yers become well rounded frin}i4 TaiiFrlt�sa9 your•cour9C. • A f�.ir[xautsc re ar dh good throws,puaifhrs had 1.1irows, Slydtegv'— ard provides wrving degrees rat 'Me design should c.n tse plN}`ryas st ra'ss fur tianit4 ill between. to put a t►reu um on correct Good couxse din-ign doesn't shot. and placenieut. 7hP best Gesig�r4 Fey tore diStinttiNe amenniate the viemeul of A par four hole.adds more ti;,cs and inrwk;a.iVP',rfMts that an- chttncr. strategy thaai a par three. ;.:en c.and lair.Pw the ho:torr.lire:!,the 8 sntne sti atepic.rh[aicxs pLylty experien:.e:i-r-.iust trrcbude sn�:rt- • !lacing target ttooc,c�se t4 v*.aging options,upjxt.unt:i�es for ruk ot*t--rf-;htatuL&ate i.%cult ft3r your l: l four holes, whet`i hna,e[l cu�ttests Cxn '-ac wut.• n��,nagc�n'renL ei•;1 th,e r�ei for s�:sr pry punish wd thrrnas and lead to of shots_and n ha%to be:novel ;u11 to frtisstraxtrd plr'.y s s. keep players corn°rq k aL C • TuLILCI Shorts re}kardzw-r-aray, C',har�wLer— hut sbo-Ad leave:1-oo1n for good Wurv!design should bighl:ghl -John HoucL desiWerof the recvYety€110bi [Or those Who the spmial features and W.R.Jackson MemorlaI course at the Interru"anal Disc eiq}f Center in don1 a e'ute the dove, irliw`t'.nt 1?cauly of the,land AppNng,C,J1 :pelf, Ratan Find a unique ubstacle..tree, u:- • A-well,halau�rI course wi11 latul feature.:nd Cueate Fl grNit have a,mix of long and short, hole wound it. open-nd tight,left, ri}fltl and h ssiug cif holes that l:'l h7.0 a -F,.j,;;,c course designer hm drtaded otrcight fairwa'V x:6. unique aslx to your cour.� July�ilerigz eft'he fliyrit patens of • lterncmhe T that players are Can rnakc:it rneuwra ie. -no,INrri d?scs,Keepa ul)a:•rt',trends in both rig'nt aad I ft handed, and F..mpha:siae the luial fIcTa or. •revise r.rsign,aid is fwnilw with b" tluov%backhLuid and furebaud, your cxiurse.if posa:Ule. c:Lrsesarr..ur�dvieviutldf • 1'. not to stritig together hole: their 1erClt11i1'f`the 58117C s'trui over Harold puvalt,desipneraf more than 2i? wurses,iaduding the famous Wint Fop wed Ovex. Gold Coursw,home of the US okr Golf Championship INNOVADIMGOLF West•800-408.6449 Fast-WO-476-3968 w►vw.innowdisc&com Course .Equ*ment: 'gns Ter.&C'arurse Sign-, S7grl`S cae flu irnpol rant p,,rL of le ch met- rid wmaiulli:r relat.io"as c]l .9 D-bc Gc1 f c[Futse. Over,i-2w sup.Rules . signs t'duclttc pinyrts nUcl t i9itors bot,t i Bryan mccidn Park izd Lev �atti?Ly nn��prnprrpli.V. It7rlivi ?ur�l t Platinum el $i�rj sit�t19 krrli thro cros rm ta-get a sv,�a--e of�szsrtds anal tiafet-v iasnos. 1.2 b 1 Fr anted. whit Lexan xi; '{ The ultimate in disc Wlf mapping. Reautifulh rendered and detailed. ,.. Tull-C4.o?'L'1!•eGi,rrFp.tll�,Lti'kllti,', .il�ill rl.I"NiJ,}y" AL pe-iiatut lw;e i.nfnr-nrjtion_out, f-1mur. , ''1 Jn.i ndmiori;:t,I� Aiji•ri.t,paths ZL.n'J zoo& •'.`-�=• Rules "It,r.•l�gr:s Aprn?c_iate you-club and spunscr Safety • .v8u"agu.lizn6�r h, LT,-trsisw.it in —' -�• jL 'G;-,-.inized 6terl frdr�r:, htiri]wnri,: LP-can +aver 12•� by 18"� hicludes attac" a s t•m rwtmtin h: c;i,rt fax ca_� ir-Amilmliwi;ml,astandardpole 125 t includes professio:ial w- aphu'a dt-sigh a Cast;�$hc►lcx�:33�� 9 lug $i��.i • Essential nilen and rcnjrt"y of die.golf,plus y-Ullr cl.alorn,;rfrt}r irs;.vcticros • Full-valor In}'out,graphics.and logx //--..� • .u8u"a urniuurr�wiLtr U -i�esis_aW.inks:LTV- I Gold Level $12 J oral-1_-affiti-_+es1stsnt wafn,, OpLiunaifraire Find.Leuan rmer r. ailahle 9" by lZ"17�-amed, wjLextT. ' • t,. "ti - Pill! t�ltfi-atGti�-e hole maps with e fi>tll-color graphics. • Deftn:tive map feat;res like fairwk'u -• ` ;ha r anc-,,-atcr 2 0� • One:V}r,U 2jr city,Narks drpl, .dub, • .090"slt1utinttut s`.gr,with UV L'MAS at:it . iiakirixcd stLeE fratre,bard%are,and Lexan aa-,=er • Mounts ersily uriw a btx &nc ,pule ' a In professk)nal graphics resign ..� 18 holtc4$w*o 9 h0k-1 *U25 " PAM .i.• Overview mot#by.,?6- $26 ' $40 Display your entire course. Orients player.and enhances the experience. � u� . �-t i-nibrirmPti sy Ii. OWN tla o� • Wi;7 P imiji SSl ows eJtlrs.-flow,liI](1[[:dCIIC?. rmLicLiviW, Gk • YL` *Uu-t>*n 1 ra saitty ltei:n� and TcwiR ...:-' PARi • C�nirk rt 1.^.trncr distance and Dur Wr eacb lu,le t •. .obo" altatnin��m s'grrt fittte lxilt nnrn • tt U�0.' 'variety'ut lxk4t' Fall-rrlr�•-rustom graphics vith rxnn i';rr l;:gn.; ,; t� , , UV-re.sW?,4 in.raand [7 -sod�rafEti • 1 rAX1r tioQ fum 7kI'i�aAv Lie crTn%-_..a?,,I t I,y(' SM Antonia ,' ,Z'Si8tAl1: 'rx+sFi-7g Ir toumxrPLts, ; • ,080'?luRA ULU%::h U -resistant irk.; OV ^nd 1€�Wes t� y holm 8,00 6Mffjti-re 1•�:Ynt criali 1% .1 240 feet a • th-ei-dew fnric nva;l-W-.r,kicAk plans:upon 7cquc5t Call us for additional sign choices INNQVAAlSCGOLF W+est:800•-408-8449 East7800-476-3968 www.inf?ovudlscs.com —0— 26' _.. -J I - er L11SCatct7 - 4,. 18 ! Z.Sralnl!ffi lRil rB'iear_c` �' DISC Golf Target `f °`"'tr""'y 1K Permanent Model Specifications TargeRTop Duryel cvo target Dc ps a-e rrrad�e fr�:nv Sta inlms Steel.I hry 5r^_21 i rches xrc-ss-an 4-rrhr,high. • e;' ruDara.rncs��. 2Y' a The bane Is also stzinlass steel rrelced to sWirrlet_i,t"l ;�vkp5'.each target ton Is thcr no-wder canted in bight P y�llare ror best vlslblllty on the:outsa. Chains—Ou-c hairs are trrdde:a har d e ahl sr.24 st•nnds of ga hanl�ed 1;r�chains.I1[c�:t-r,?�rr.i tsd E,t5 i n re r'� OL t • Basket—0w rayskets will arovldti ears of loyal service. TI•e;d•rr,;ade us:ntj 3.Wat-Pl rM, h1hI&Is!)ot-dip ha:rl Wkr i,Vilo geIvanized t,t%IUvnJi'yvir.i of han:1-wvxher. •11t76 rJr'.�T�:.LIP JAJh. • Pole - Q.lr hot-dl3 galtanized;4`pulit c'vteis varcials. 't".ri:h-l9`vlails t3 p•event tending or tuttire.-aci1 is pre drillec t.-rtargat top,baskek arc cu:ldr hdrdivrdrle. • Locking Collar--Hct-raip galva i`7fe finisi.3.2cj,c y firs ow,r pt:li,rm) •rtefl wit],tamper reslstant screws. ■ InstallatianTube-24'IQ-ighvl,4iz;galvanizeds:er-1 tube-Frovldcs a snug fit For-he-3rget at Pr(") s dztl:rrrt;d "r2. ha:g,i„Locicng t.b aligns with Iv[.hiq culler for se;urily D1SCatcher PRO Benefits MIEN VISIBILITY TARGET TOP Cvr yellaw povod:r coated:arget top makes the NW WA a'�;as.rvsca°' if,l UISCatcher PRO h gh'y visial-aryl ahir+tc►�,•.0':hswnd the Ml7,lkpte•n . clerierts.l,nde-:he p7•Ndrt Ludlum ii all staid~<c r P¢I cons*rictior making it lon,94asting and maintert6rlce Irse. i A EALVANIZED CONSTRUCTION tint-dipqa'varizeu bei-.6t, chins a • . Ul$Ca.:.her PRO tdrUBt Lo weather tie P4-.mens bct-nr-hay 1 g , painted ar zinc,-plate-1 xm kp!s. • THREE TIERED CNAINS 24„ : 12 cPwvr g-as your c1sc.whi a 12 more inner chains r . h.r tPr.ard�lelrt thQ disc,Irrpr_.hrc,,natching perfbrrr�aneF. This ni:ak-as the DISCatcher a fa•Ocrte target v:playe's. d ■ ., P96A APPROVED -he DzKatc-ier il-tQ is PDC;A appruved r ar 10Wnarnert pray. Of f J<cla!*rget of the Installation Tips U.S.Disc swtihampionship ;ere are six tips th?t•oil realty hel:a tc3 rri.akr y:r_t -,str.l'ator 54.ce!Sfu I. 1. Make suie your tsrget pipe isalumb tI o.rlevi-141:,,echEir set a--,d Its-ir.gs 3i an ndica,) r 4 ne:,Irvot is.•%.ell,14r. `s Rcr-e')b?r the ieckt?bs aretc Its.-swl At of lin.l:e»:I;!arcunt L7�SC GaL v I,zvel. ?. htaka su-sto leave erouch rco7.. wtwerr•-t,w.,,t:ur�-,e EAST COAST SALES V,'E5 COAST SALES co-Cre-a 31C.the lockilg`Ab) SC thrr thr IiAdiixk-an_re access^d eas It 2950 Cc rtme-ce Dr. 11077 A" w,Roll:e 4. Use ruaber;'vinyl,-lac lo::s that-xaN rrrn ll':,ru„q:•ly Rock WI, SC 29730 Rancho Cucanong., (A r1730 luoric3ted tktoreinstalbticn. 5. ?.Ilgn pad cck tat tvrck tr-ovv l thr ihr ir:I!d•.*..h:jle ,urn�el Tell Free f,�(}plf7di 3�r68 'c.l Fee (800;1405-8449 decalta=e_eee.rea 6. C rder a set of match nrU pndl r k%err in.'cick nanu:-ucure-. www innCivadiSCS.com 2009 JAYCEE DAY FIREWORKS Evening Program 6:30—9:15 pm Band "Always Frantic" 9:15 —9:20 pm Welcoming/Jaycee Recognition 9:20—9:25 pm Introduction of 2009 Miss McHenry and Court 9:25 — 9:30 pm Presentation of Colors —Combined Veteran's Organization 9:30—9:35 pm National Anthem - West Campus Choral Group Taylor Hanson —Soprano Rachel Holm —Alto Alan Warnecke—Tenor John Swinney— Bass 9:35 pm Fireworks — Melrose Pyrotechnics Rain Date: Sunday, July 5, 2009 —Same Schedule