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Packet - 08/17/2009 - City Council
City of McHenry _:�t' � 333 South Green Street www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 Mayor's Office (815) 363-2108 Fax (815) 363-2119 AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Clerk's Office Monday, August 17, 2009, 7:30 PM (815)363-2100 Fax(815)363-2128 Administration 1. Call to Order (815)363-2108 Fax(815)363-2119 2. Roll Call Public Works 3. Pledge of Allegiance Community Development 4. Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation (815)363-2170 Fax(815)363-2173 5. Consent Agenda: A. Contract purchase order for rock salt through State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Parks and Recreation Program not to exceed $247,656; (815)363-2160 B. Sale of surplus property by auction; Fax(815)363-3186 C. Picnic Permit; D. August 3, 2009 City Council minutes; Police Non-Emergency E. As Needed Checks; and (815)363-2200 F. List of Bills. Fax(815)363-2149 6. Request for fence variance at 312 Creekside Trail Mayor 7. Request from Pioneer Center for Human Services for temporary use permit for Antique Car Susan E.Low and Motorcycle Show fundraiser on August 22"d at 3941 Dayton Street City Clerk Janice C.Jones 8. Request from the McHenry Downtown Business Association for use of Veterans Memorial Park, special event liquor license, and waiver of all associated park and permit fees for Treasurer annual Wine Festival on September 12, 2009 David M.Welter 9. Request for special use from Kelly Miller Circus to host a circus at Petersen Park on Aldermen September 15 through 18, 2009 and temporary waiver of Municipal Code Section 16-25 to allow overnight stays in the park. WARD 1 Victor A. Santi 10. Committee Reports WARD 2 1 1. Staff Reports Andrew A.Glab WARD 3 12. Future Agenda Items Jeffrey A. Schaefer 13. Adjournment WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd Posted and Mailed: August 12, 2009 WARD Richard W.Wimmer WARD 6 Robert J.Peterson WARD 7 Geri A.Condon CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the August 17, 2009 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Contract purchase order for rock salt through State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program not to exceed $247,656; B. Sale of surplus property by auction; C. Picnic Permit; D. August 3, 2009 City Council minutes; E. As Needed Checks; and F. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: August 17, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Bulk Rock Salt Purchase ATTACHMENT: State of Illinois—Joint Purchasing Requisition Background. Annually, the city purchases rock salt for ice control through a contract bid by the Department of Central Management Services of the State of Illinois. The city provides an estimate of the tonnage needed for the coming year and the contract price is then valid for the city to purchase tons of salt in amounts between 100% and 120%of the estimated amount. The estimate submitted to the state for 2009-10 is 3,400 tons. The city will need to issue a contract purchase order to be used on an as-needed basis for amounts purchased between 3,400 tons (100% of the estimate) and 4,080 tons (120% of the estimate). The state has informed the city that the contract price for 2009-10 is $60.70 per ton, a decrease of$77.82 per ton from last year. Funding for the purchase of salt for snow and ice control is budgeted in the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Fund at $306,000 in the 2009/10 budget. Recommendation. Staff requests approval of a contract purchase order for rock salt though the State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Program to Morton International Inc. of Chicago, Illinois in an amount not to exceed $247,656. '02/2009 11:46 8153632214 CITY OF MCHENRY f-Aknt nz .EASE R.ETIMN TO: isminoir.Department of IL Central Mavagelno�eot Services SOl WM.C•Stratton Building INO Q PU�C P,S �r REQtASITION aot S.Spying stlreet Sprfadgtield,II. 627016 Faz: (217)782-5187 Joint Purchasing#: , L 3506 - 3506 Date: 2 J 19 12009 Government Unit: City of McHenry, Delivery point Mailing Address: 333 S. Green Street City/State I Zip: McHenry, IL 60050 County: McHenry Contact Person: Jon Schmitt Telephone Number: 815-363-2190 Fax Number: 815-363-2214 Contact Email: j schmi tt@ci .mchenry-i 1 .u s Please provide Email Address ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTTI'Y UNT'Z MEASURE AMOUNT BUDGET I~IS-- _� ASIiTQMl4 Read Salt or9QyVlent (Total Tonnage 1 {222-25 on 1 Truck-) (Local GoygtM_rital Use Only Rock Saiy Bulk 3,400 Toas $306,000 _ - - kyl pr 011 - :1�3 4 'C-D 70 Please note your Purchase ConmAment Percentage for total tonnage quantity stated above(choose one): OPTION 1 80%minimum purchase requirement/120%maximum purchase requirement OPTION 2 X 100%minimum piuclwe requirement/120%maximum purchase requirement CMS requests your response to potential Contract Renewal for 2009 -2010 season with content vendor(s) Please note your Govenunental Unit's response. We cannot confirm such action at this time and will oominunicate relevant details of any such agr"caent prior to contracting your new requirements. Interest in Contract Renewal with current season vendor(s)? Yes X No (Not a final commitrumt) J.P.Urxit's � ___.. Cornrnertls: I certify that funds are available for the purchase of the items on this Requisition and that such items are for the sole use of this government unit and not far the personal use of any official or individual. In addition,I agree to abide by the Joint Purchasing Procedure established by the Department of Central Managernmt Services. �( City Administrator SIGNATURE OpJAUTHORIZED OFFICIAL.OR AGENT TITLE Printed on Recycled Paper I L L I N O I S _ Pat QijiLnp, Governor DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES CMS James P. Sledge, Director July 17, 2009 Dear Joint Purchasing Participant: Subject: 2009-2010 Rock Salt, Bulk Contract Information In completing the 2009—2010 Rock Salt.season contract re-procurement, the State of Illinois did not encounter the types of supply-related issues experienced in the 2008 — 2009 season. We have made every effort to secure Road Salt at the best available price for participants in our contract re-procurement, and can gladly report that all locations across the State were able to have their supply needs met through the State's procurement efforts. We do recommend that participating agencies and governmental entities examine their application rates and roadway priorities in order to minimize next season's cost while also ensuring the safety of the public. Enclosed is a copy of the requisition you submitted to us for the purchase of rock salt. The information from the requisition, including purchase commitment, can be used to submit your requirements to this year's contract vendor: Contract: PSD 4015783 Tenn: July 2009 - June 2010 Morton International Inc., FEIN Number: 364140798 Morton Salt Division 123 N. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Order Phone(888) 800-8905 The contract price per ton, F.O.B. destination, is $ . GO .7 d Emergency pickup of salt at vendor's warehouse is available at base price of$-80.00 per ton. Warehouses are open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please contact the vendor during regular business hours for the specific warehouse location in your area. The additional price per ton to have rock salt delivered in trucks equipped with coal/grain chute openings in the tailgate to permit controlled off-loading of rock salt onto conveyors is $5.00 per ton. Contact vendor for availability in your area and scheduling deliveries. You are responsible for issuing your own purchase order document to the vendor. Orders may be placed with the vendor via telephone, with a written or fax confinnation to follow immediately. You are strongly encouraged to order early and to.-tore as much salt as possible in order to help prevent potential salt shortages this winter. Also, you need to make every effort to place orders in full truckload lots (22-25 tons). Page 1 of 3 801 Stratton Office Building,401 South Spring Street, Springfield, IL 62706 Printed on Recycled Paper I L L I N O I S _ _ Pat Quinn, Governor DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES CMS James P. Sledge, Director Your governmental unit is responsible for ensuring that the 80 or 100 percent minimum guaranteed purchase commitment (as noted on your Requisition ) is net before the end of the winter season, June 30, 2010. The vendor is required to furnish not less than 120- percent ( if needed) of the contract quantity by March 1, 2010. Your governmental unit is responsible for processing vendor invoices in a timely manner. Delivery shall be made as soon as possible after vendor receipt of order by phone or mail. The maximum time from receipt of order to the actual delivery for orders placed between December 1, 2009 through April 1, 2010 shall not exceed seven working days,unless as modified in the Order Guidelines herein.. For orders placed between December 1, 2009 and April 1, 2010, if a vendor is unable to make delivery within the order timeline, local governmental units shall have the right to retain $.20 per ton per working-day as liquidated damages on the undelivered portion of the order. For orders placed prior to 9:00 a.m. on a given day, that day to be considered as the first calendar day of the seven-day delivery period. For an order placed after 9:00 a.m. on a given day, the following day shall be considered as the first calendar day of the seven day delivery period. CMS reserves the right to mitigate application of liquidated damages imposed against a vendor, in the event of orders exceeding the maximum percentages outlined below: An agency may order up to 20-% of their awarded contract tonnage in any given week and vendor shall deliver within 7 working-days after receipt of order. Quantity ordered above the 20-% threshold shall have an extended deliver time of orte-working-day for each one-percentage-point above the 20-% guideline. For example, if an agency orders 25-%of their awarded total 100 ton, delivery of the first 20 ton ( 20-% ) shall be within 7 working-days after receipt of order, the remaining 5 ton should be delivered within 12 working-days after receipt of order. If after seven working-days of liquidated damages assessment, the vendor has still failed to deliver, local governmental unit shall have the right to terminate an order and purchase road salt or abrasives from another source, or take action consistent with public safety as needed to continue daily business. Any and all additional costs incurred may be collected from the original vendor, in addition to liquidated darnages, by participant's legal action. All deliveries shall be covered with approved weatherproof materials. The vendor shall ensure that delivery person inspects the inside of the trailer and that all salt is removed from the trailer before leaving a delivery point. The vendor will ensure all weights and measures shown on delivery tickets are correct. Local governmental units reserve the right to require that delivery trucks occasionally be directed to a scale in the vicinity of the delivery point as a check on delivered truckloads. Pae.e.2 of 3 801 Stratton Office Building, 401 South Spring Street, Springfield, 11, 62706 Printed on RrcYcled Paper CMSi L L I N 01 S _ _ Pat Quinn, Governor DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVJCES James P. Sledge, Director Deliveries of rock salt containing any foreign material such as mud, rocks, grader teeth, wood, tarpaulins, etc., may be rejected at the delivery site. In the event that any foreign material is discovered in dumped deliveries, the salt and foreign matter may be reloaded onto the cartage hauler's truck by the local govemmental unit and returned for credit, or the vendor shall immediately ship a specification compliant load of replacement salt, or issue a refund to the governmental unit consistent with the contract price. In December 2009, the contract vendor shall have in place stockpile(s) located in or near Illinois covering the tonnage awarded for the northern regions of the State, and in January of 2010 the contract vendor shall have in place stockpile(s) in or near to Illinois covering the total tonnage awarded for all regions of the State. At our discretion, we will inspect the stockpiles to ensure that these stockpiles are in sufficient quantities, and that vendor commitments to the stockpiles are with the users of this contract. The contract pricing shall remain firm for the entire contract period, for up to the 120-% guaranteed limit, unless otherwise changed by mutual agreement. The contract price for purchases made in excess of the 120% guaranteed limit is subject to increase if vendor's costs for providing rock salt increase by more than 5-%. Contract vendor must submit to CMS documentation justifying the increase for acceptance prior to implementation. Unless an emergency exists, those local governmental units under their 120-% purchase threshold shall receive salt deliveries prior to those local governmental units over their 120-% purchase threshold. In the case of an emergency, effort will be made to have the vendor ship enough salt to aid affected local governmental units through the emergency. The Department of Central Management Services requested pricing for an enhanced rock salt option in the invitation for bid, and Enhanced Rock Salt 2009— 2010 availability was not provided for by this vendor in this season's procurement process. You are under contractual percentage purchase obligation to contracted tonnage of rock salt from the vendor awarded your location. Purchase of an enhanced rock salt will not lessen this agreement, and would be in addition to your required purchase tonnage. I.t is hoped that this information will be beneficial to you in the utilization of this contract. If you have any further questions concerning the rock salt contract, please feel free to contact me at (217) 782-8091. Sincerely, Wayne Ilsley, Buyer Bureau of Strategic Sourcing And Procurement GovSalt.doc Page 3 of 3 801 Stratton Offwc Building. 401 South Spriiig Street, Springfield, IL 62706 1'1-iY?IM 0 t F Re r7'ch°d raper' CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and Aldermen Fm: Deputy City Clerk Kunzer For: August 17, 2009 Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting Re: Sale of Surplus Property by Auction Recommendation: • Authorize the Mayor's execution of the Auction Agreement between the City of McHenry and McHenry County Council of Governments(MCCG) • Approve attached ordinance authorizing the Sale by Public Auction of Surplus City Property Background The McHenry County Council of Governments (MCCG) is coordinating an auction of surplus municipal/government public property on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at the McHenry County Fairgrounds in Woodstock. The City of McHenry has been invited to participate. In order to participate in the auction, an Auction Agreement between the City of McHenry and MCCG must be executed. In addition, an ordinance authorizing the sale of itemized surplus municipal property must be passed. The list of property itemized in the attached ordinance has been compiled by the Clerk's Office from all City departments. At this time, Staff is seeking authorization for the Mayor's execution of the attached Auction Agreement which must be sent to MCCG along with the executed ordinance providing for the sale of City surplus property at the annual auction. /kmk McHenry County Council of Governments Local Government Vehicle and Equipment Auction Agreement This is an agreement between the ,hereafter called Seller, and the McHenry County Council of Governments,hereafter called the Auctioneer. The Auctioneer hereby agrees to offer for sale at public auction the property declared by the Seller on lists provided to the McHenry County Council of Governments. The Seller hereby agrees to turnover and deliver to the Auctioneer, to be sold at public auction,property delivered by the Seller to the McHenry County Fairgrounds,Route 47 and Country Club Road,Woodstock, IL on Friday September 11,2009. No item shall be sold or withdrawn from the sale prior to the auction except by mutual agreement between the Seller and Auctioneer. The auction is to be held at the McHenry County Fairground,Route 47 and Country Club Road,Woodstock, Illinois on Saturday September 12, 2009. It is mutually agreed that all said property be sold to the highest bidder.The Auctioneer does not guarantee that any item offered will be sold.The seller must remove any item not sold by Monday September 14, 2009. Items not removed by 5:00 pm on September 14,2009,will be disposed of. It is mutually agreed that the Auctioneer shall deduct a fee of six percent (6%) for all items from the gross sales receipts on the items sold. The Seller covenants and agrees that he/she has good title and the right to sell and said goods are free from all encumbrances. Seller agrees to provide title to all equipment for delivery to purchasers the day of the auction. The Seller shall save and hold harmless the Auctioneer and/or its agents from and against all liability, claims and demands of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of, or connected with, the sale of said property. Seller. Auctioneer. Agency: McHenry County Council of Governments Address: 44 N.Virginia Ste. 2-A City/State: Crystal Lake,EL 60014 Telephone: 815-477-2090 Signature: Signature: Authorized Official Anna Bicanic Moeller Executive Director Name and Title: Date: Date: McHenry County Council of Governments Local Government Vehicle and Equipment Auction Name of Entity: Contact Person: Phone: Date: Quanti Item Description ORDINANCE NO.ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF McHENRY WHEREAS,in the opinion of at least three-fourths of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,it is no longer necessary or useful to or for the best interests of the City of McHenry to retain ownership of the personal property hereinafter described;and WHEREAS,it has been determined by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenryto sell said personal property at public auction for cash. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY as follows: SECTION I: Pursuant to Section 5/11-76-4 of Illinois Compiled Statutes,Chapter 65,the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry find that the following described personal property now owned by said jurisdiction is no longer necessary or useful to said jurisdiction and said jurisdiction would be best served by the said personal property sale: Sale by Auction Ordinance August 17,2009 Page 2 Description Make Model Serial Skew# 1. Vehicle Year 2000;92,000 miles Ford Taurus 1FAFP5322YG222225 Fleet 305 2. Vehicle Year 2003;90,000 miles Ford Crown Victoria 2FAFP71W03X314271 Fleet 342 3. Vehicle Year 2003;98,000 miles Ford Crown Victoria 2FAFP71W33X216597 Fleet 343 3. Mobile Data Terminal Motorola F51498 314SXG0314 4. Mobile Data Terminal Motorola F41598 314SXG0315 5. Mobile Data Terminal Motorola F41598 314SXG0318 6. Mobile Data Terminal Motorola F51498 314SXG0320 7. Mobile Data Terminal Motorola F51498 314SXG0321 8. Video Camera&Recorder Kustom 200-1466.00 ES-24220 9. Video Camera&Recorder Kustom 200-1466.00 ES-15624 10. Video Camera&Recorder Kustom 200-1466.00 ES-20572 11. Video Camera&Recorder Kustom 200-1466.00 ES-15690 12. Video Camera&Recorder MPH DOCUCAM 00715 13. Dash Radar Unit MPH K55 15314-D 14. Dash Radar Unit MPH K55 K55266000584 15. External Modem BOCA 56K 16. External Modem BOCA 56K 17. External Modem US Robotics 56K 18. Data Sharer Black Box RS-232 19. Modem Black Box ME800A 9112 20. Box Misc Cables 21. Dot Matrix Printer Epson LX300+ 22. Monitor WYSE U4-370 08410800025 23. Monitor WYSE WY-370 0841320064 24. Monitor WYSE WY-370 08413601340 25. PS 2 Keyboard 26. PS 2 Keyboard 27. External Modem Haynes 231AA 27531083406 28. Monitor Viewsonic VCDTS21454-eM AE91500095 29. CPU&Keyboard Vectra VE U591615687 30. RJ-45 Port Modular Equinox MW08891 31. TTY Phone Ultratec Superprint 7270001509 32. TTY Phone Ultratec Superprint 7210001241 33. TTY Phone Ultratec Superprint SPR-104699ES 34. Digital Audio Recorder Marathon 00719 35. Digital Video Recorder GE SDVR-4A-80 D504-YA7-421323 36. Digital Video Recorder GE SDVR-4A-80 D504-YA7-421317 37. (2)Turf Tires&Rims Firestone 48X31.00-20 flotation 23 DT 38. (2)Turf Tires and Rims Goodyear 29X12.50-15NHSTerra Tire 39. Stereo Clarion DRB2475 40. CD Car Stereo Xtreme 2311230095 41. CD:The Essential 42. CD:Jason Maraz 43. CD:Pink Floyd 44. CD:AC/DC 45. Game:Madden 05 Playstation 2 46. Game:Roadkill Playstation 2 47. Game:Burnout 3 Playstation 2 48 IPod;30 GB;earphones;USB cable 2.0 Apple Black 49. FM Transmitter Belkin Tunecast If 50. Silver Cell Phone("Rick"on display) Verizon Samsung 51. Cell Camera Phone Motorola 52. Silver Wrist Watch Geneva 53. Tool Bit Set Milwaukee 54. Case containing Framing Nailer Senco Frame Pro 600 55. Pink IPod with iTrip attachment 56. Phone Charger Nextel 57. Branch Cutter Tool 58. Wooden box of Silverware 59. IPod Car Charger 60. IPod: Nano 61. DVDs:(3)Sopranos;(2)Smallville 5t'Season;(2)Smallville 6"'Season 62. Box various plumbing materials 63. Orange Impulse Nail Gun Paslode Standard sz nails 990492245GH 64. Orange Impulse Nail Gun Paslode Finishing nails 65. Boys Silver Bicycle Road Master Ultra terrain 66. 8 GB IPod Apple 67. Pink/White Girls Bicycle Mountain 68. Light blue Girls Bicycle Schwinn Deelite SNCABO5006229 w/pink/purple basket 69. Green Girls Bicycle Schwinn 12-speed Mountain Sale by Auction Ordinance August 17,2009 Page 3 70. 24"Boys Bicycle Nishiki Bravo Mountain A9127332 71. Silver/Red Bicycle Murray E5528058 72. 16"Bicycle Mongoose Hoopd sngn05j17258 73. 20"Boys Dirt Bike/yellow lettering Huffy Rocket SNHEZ06K42412 74. Boys Copper Bicycle Next Rampage GS070458616 75, Purple/white Girls Bicycle 76. Blue/silver Bicycle Schwinn Z-force 77. Blue Bicycle Rand Trail Blazer 78. Child's Bicycle Next 02TD3250342 79. Rec Bicycle Rhino 80. 18-speed Blue Bicycle Next Power Climber 89336120 81. Boys Chrome Bicycle Huffy Rampant KOIB019806 82. 20"Green Dirt Bike Hoffman Condor C1C22G0485 83. 20"Red Bicycle Next 37171953 84. Purple/white Childrens Bicycle Next Tropical Splash 49267828 85. Red/silver Bicycle Giant Boulder SE 86. Green Bicycle Montg.Wards Hawthorne D213693 87. (6)Pool Sticks 88. 20"Black/orange Dirt Bike Mongoose Hoop d SNGNP06005628 89. Green Bicycle Lamanai Pine Ridge CE4070504 90. 26"Silver/shite Girls Bicycle Roadmaster Mountain SNFSDO7DP0546 91. 26"Red Bicycle Honda Racing HR-260fs UV05524617 92. 20"6-speed Bicycle Qhasar 93. Green Bicycle Huffy Mountain GBOOL07187 94. Orange Bicycle Viper Diamondback 95. Rose/Purple Girls Bicycle 02TD3076590 96. Red/black Bicycle MGX GXR M000234166 97. Gray Bicycle Iron Horse Stomp acg05c002721 98. 26"Black/gray Bicycle Diamondback Response AC9L00238 99. Black iPod a1136 JQ6106UTXL 100. v1 Paintbail Gun j042408270411 101. v1 Paintball Gun j262408275091 102. (3)Brass Eagle CO2 Cylinders 103. Vehicle Year 2000 Ford Crown Victoria 2FAFP71WYX103081 104 Backhoe Bucket Adapter 105. Frost Tooth 106. 18"Backhoe Bucket-without teeth 107. 18"Backhoe Bucket-with teeth 108. 3"Homelite Trash Pump 243835314 109. Concrete Saw Stihl TS 350 1290 110. Plate Compactor Mikasa Sangyo MVC88GH K7677 ill. Compactor Base Mikasa Sangyo MZC88GH H3064 112. Weed Whip Stihl F5120 2438 Sale by Auction Ordinance August 17,2009 Page 4 SECTION 2: Pursuant to said Section 5/11-76-4,the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to sell the above described personal property now owned by the City of McHenry,to the highest bidder,at a public auction. SECTION 3: Upon payment of the full auction bid price,the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to convey and/or transfer title to the aforesaid personal property to the successful bidder. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage of at least three-fourths of the corporate authorities,and approval in the manner provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 17ih day of August,2009. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: August 17, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Beer/Wine Permit Requests RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached Beer/Wine Permits requests. Background. The attached list of permit applications have been received in our office with all fees and documentation properly submitted. Wonaway/pic perm CA for.doc FOR COUNCIL MEETING OF August 17, 2009: Beer/Wine Permit Requests These are beer and wine permit requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address 08/23/09 Margarita Bentura 1"Bday 3318 Cottonwood Ct, McH Xonaway\pic peen list.doc M"CHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEERIWINE APPLICATION ' Contact Person: r i T Date of Picnic: Company or Organization: atm Address:'J)20 (6 CoT-T--© N U) 0()D CT MCA nru City/State/Zip: 6 ofo Home Phone:_ P)q-4- 3 q 6— 7028 Work Phone: _S 1 J- 3�4 J4 —y 3 6 Park: ❑ Knox Park L etersen Park ❑ Veteran's Memorial Park Area: 0 Shelter A Shelter B 0 Shelter C ❑ Other: Arrival Time: Departure Time: Total Number Attending: Q Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit Groups of 500 or more must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brief description of program(i.e. co picnic, car show, craft show,wedding, etc.):_ List all activities that will be held: Items brought into park site: ❑ tent ❑ tables ❑ chairs ❑ benches ❑ carnival rides ❑ music ❑ animals ❑ model planes- ❑ other 0 other Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain any additional utilities needed: Will beer/wine be present: f 'Yes ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE ANSWER BELOW QUESTIONS **Indicate the number of beer/wine permits issued to the undersigned this calendar year. Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on such date(number of wine bottles,beer cases,beer kegs, etc.) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold,it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the special use and/or beer/wine application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park property.' I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature:_ t:A Q Y Q q f i UG Date:_ Qj �- /0 Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Make arrangements to obtain permits NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subj ect to further approval. Restrictions: t t*******r t t t t* r******t*t****t*t t***r OR OFFICE USE ONLY******** Reservation Fee: $ Date Paid: �� Initials: Deposit Fee: $ Payment: Cash❑ Ch/ck�❑ Charge Total Fee: $ 0 6 Submitted to Ci. Council: hW� Confirmation Sent: Initials: City Council Approval: Forms\picnic fonns\special use and beer and or wine application REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 2009 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled August 3, 2009 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Absent: Schaefer. Also in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, City Engineer Cieslica. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minutes of Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to accept the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Picnic/special Use Permits; B. City Council Minutes: July 13,2009 regularly scheduled meeting; July 20,2009 regularly scheduled meeting; C. List of Bills: Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A MONOPOLE WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY AND VARIANCES AS TO HEIGHT AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS—PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, 1415 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE In attendance was Ed Murray, Verizon Wireless Facilities consultant. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted by Verizon Wireless for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a monopole wireless telecommunications facility on the City's Public Works Facility grounds located at 1415 Industrial Drive. Additionally, the request included variances as to height and setback requirements. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the lease area is 40' by 40'. The conditional use permit would allow the construction of a telecommunications tower facility on the premises which would be 100' in height (requiring a variance from the maximum allowed of 55') as well as a 345 square foot equipment shelter. The request includes a setback variance permitting a rear yard setback of 31'6" and side yard setback of 6'. Page 2 August 3,2009 Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the matter was presented before the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Public Hearing held on 6/4/09. The Commission unanimously recommended approval subject to the applicant entering into a lease agreement with the City for use of the Public Works property located at 1415 Industrial Drive. Alderman Santi inquired if there would be additional space for expansion of the number of tower users. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded there would be room for two additional users of the facility. Alderman Glab requested clarification as to who has authorization over the tower. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded Verizon would have control of the tower and the City would maintain control of the ground space. Consultant Ed Murray provided Council with additional information regarding the circumference of the tower and the additional coverage which would be gained for Verizon Wireless users. Alderman Murgatroyd opined the tower would not present an obstruction to neighboring properties. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to pass an ordinance granting the following to Verizon Wireless for its telecommunications facility to be located at 1415 Industrial Drive: 1. Conditional Use Permit to allow a 100'monopole wireless telecommunications facility; 2. Variance as to maximum 55'height limitation for telecommunications towers; 3. Variances as to rear and side yard setback requirements allowing a rear yard setback of 31'6"and side yard setback of 6'; 4. Subject to the applicant and the City of McHenry enter into a lease agreement for the subject property. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH CHICAGO SMSA LP D/B//A VERIZON WIRELESS TO CONSTRUCT A 100' MONOPOLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER AND INSTALL GROUND- MOUNTED EQUIPMENT—PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, 1415 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the terms of a lease agreement worked out between the City and Verizon Wireless for Public Works property located at 1415 Industrial Drive. He noted the lease agreement is similar to those entered into with US Cellular, T-Mobile and A T & T for facilities constructed on City property located at 4225 Sioux Lane. The leased area would be 40' by 40'. Highlights of the agreement include the following: 1. Monthly rent of$2,000;$24,000 annually; 2. Annual rent increases,beginning with year two of 3%over the previous year; 3. Term of agreement of five years with a potential of four five-year extensions; Page 3 August 3,2009 4. Posting by applicant of$25,000 surety bond to ensure removal of all equipment upon lease termination. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated it is Staffs recommendation to pass an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of a lease agreement with Verizon Wireless for the City property located at 1415 Industrial Drive, as presented. Alderman Peterson inquired if there was a difference to the City regarding the lease of ground space. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded each lease agreement is determined and worked out on a case-by-case basis. Alderman Condon inquired if the proposed lease agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney. City Attorney McArdle responded in the affirmative. Alderman Glab inquired about the height of the fence to be constructed around the tower. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the fence would be approximately 8' in height. Alderman Glab expressed concerns that the tower would be located behind Jewel Foods. He wondered if any additional building is going to take place behind Jewel Foods in the future. Alderman Glab also inquired as to the amount of the proposed surety bond. He opined it should be greater than $25,000. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded the surety bond amount was negotiated and is in line with other land lease agreements for the tower located at 4225 Sioux Lane. Alderman Glab stated the bond amount should be increased to allow for the additional amount required in the future to dismantle the tower. There should be an inflationary clause. He stated he could not support the lease agreement which included a $25,000 surety bond submittal. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to accept Staff's recommendation to pass an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of a land lease agreement with Chicago SMSA LP, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, for the City property located at 1415 Industrial Drive as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: CONSIDER CONCEPT PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A DISC GOLF COURSE IN COLD SPRINGS PARK In attendance were Kiwanis members Dan Jannotta and Tom Cichowski and disc golf course enthusiast Tom Chrisman. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated the Parks and Recreation Committee has reviewed plans for the development of Cold Springs Park as a Disc Golf Course for the past few months. He noted, initially, the McHenry Kiwanis Club approached the City suggesting they Page 4 August 3,2009 partner with the City in a community service project consisting of the development of a disc golf course. The Parks and Recreation Committee has identified Cold Springs Park as the best option for location of such a course. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated a preliminary plan and budget was presented to the Committee at its June meeting with an estimated construction budget of $88,000. Funding for the project includes a $15,000 commitment from the Kiwanis Club, a fundraising target of $10,000 through hole sponsors and donations, with the remainder to be funded through parks donations. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the largest single item in the budget is the construction of a gravel parking lot off of Lillian Street.The budget also includes the installation of water fountains, utilities and any necessary fencing. Engineering costs and construction observation have not been included, nor has the cost for trail connection to Lillian Street. Assistant City Administrator Hobson concluded stating the Committee is seeking Council recommendation regarding the concept plan as presented. He noted the matter would be coming back to Council for further consideration once solid project budget numbers have been established. Dan Jannotta thanked Assistant City Administrator Hobson for his very thorough presentation. Alderman Condon stated the disc golf course plan is a good concept and would fulfill a need in the community. She inquired as to the presently-available number of parking spaces located off of DePaul Court. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded there were 12-14 available spaces. Alderman Condon inquired how many spaces were proposed off of Lillian Street. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded the area would accommodate 40-50 spaces. Alderman Santi stated he has a better understanding of the proposed disc golf course and likes the amount of activity which would be generated by such a use of Cold Springs Park. Alderman Glab inquired if disc golf is just a passing phase or is it something that will continue to be utilized. He also inquired if the City is prepared to address issues which may arise from the disc golf course, such as Staff time devoted to course maintenance. He noted when the subdivision was built, the property (Cold Springs Park) was supposed to remain a nature park. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded that the disc golf course would not require a lot of mowing. He concurred it would be best if the area retains its natural vegetation. Alderman Glab expressed concerns regarding expansion of the parking off of Lillian Street. He questioned why the plan did not include expanding the existing parking off of DePaul Court. Assistant City Administrator Hobson replied it is not feasible to expand the DePaul Court parking area due to the presence of wetlands in this area. Page 5 August 3,2009 Alderman Glab inquired if all the Park Ridge Estates Covenants and associated paperwork had been researched to make sure the project is feasible. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded not everything has been checked at this point. Alderman Condon thanked the Kiwanis for coming forward with the project. She noted Cold Springs Park has not been utilized appropriately and believes a controlled environment will improve the park. Alderman Condon opined the proposed project has great potential. She stated she would be willing to also look at Ponca Street for parking and access to the park. Alderman Peterson stated he learned a lot about disc golf during the Parks and Recreation Committee discussions. He noted some areas of Cold Springs Park can be quite dense. It is a beautiful area and should be converted and utilized more fully. He believes the project can be dealt with on a volunteer basis. He encourages Council to approve the concept plan. Alderman Wimmer stated his support for moving forward with the concept plan for the project. He stated he would like to see the park utilized and believes that Ponca is a better venue for parking and access. Alderman Glab stated he does not think in this economy the City has the capacity to maintain the park adequately. Mayor Low stated partnering with the Kiwanis in this project and improving the park is advantageous to the City. The City will still have an attractive park. Mayor Low stated she likes the beauty of the project and noted it would be good for all ages. Alderman Santi concurred with Alderman Condon. He thanked the Kiwanis Club members. He noted he likes the volunteerism aspect of the project. The park has been dormant for years. He opined this is a good project for City residents. He can see the possibilities and agrees with Alderman Wimmer that Ponca is a good location for parking and access to the park. Mayor Low thanked the Kiwanis Club for all the support they have extended to the community. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to accept the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee, to approve the concept plan for a disc golf course in Cold Springs Park as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab, Murgatroyd. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Page 6 August 3,2009 MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low noted it has been an incredible week in the community. She referenced CABA World Series Games were being played all week at Petersen Park and VFW Fields. Saturday, she witnessed the return of a young man in the military at a reception held at the VFW. Mayor Low stated all City departments have done a spectacular job in partnering through the various summer events. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Maxeiner reported the City Band series is over. However, the Fireball 8 will be performing on Thursday,August 6t"and the Navy Band will perform on August 13t" FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Glab opined CABA should do a better job next year. He noted all hotel rooms were not full during the time of the event. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Peterson, seconded by Santi,to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Mayor City Clerk SATE 8/03/2009 12:37 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9070519 100 XXXXX 10160 ALBERTSONS JUNE 09 SUPPLIES 07/14/09 M 071309 151.87 740589 100.22.6210 0907 071309 GLJ8806 32.99 071309 100.41.6110 0907 071309 GLJ8806 2.99 071309 100.44.6110 0907 071309 GLJ8806 4.49 071309 100.46.6110 0907 071309 GLJ8806 111.40 071309 9070077 100 46 1422 AMERICA'S ACTION TERRITO 7/9/09DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 07/02/09 M 070209 300.00 740426 100.46.5110 0907 070209 GLJ8756 300.00 070209 9070979 100 01 1632 ARAMARK 12478963 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 07/22/09 M 072209 176.64 740706 DILLON 100.01.4510 0907 072209 GLJ8859 176.64 072209 9070081 100 01 6289 BANKCARD SERVICES ICSC FEES 07/07/09 M 070709 630.00 740429 100.01.5430 0907 070709 GLJ8768 630,00 070709 9070082 205 00 6289 BANKCARD SERVICES MISS MCHENRY DINNER 07/07/09 M 070709 200.55 740430 205.00.5110 0907 070709 GLJ8768 200.55 070709 9070982 600 00 2408 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 0 830865HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS 07/24/09 M 072409 116,477.51 740709 600.00.4310 0907 072409 GLJ8869 109350.95 072409 600.00.4320 0907 072409 GLJ8869 7126.56 072409 9070520 100 00 2743 BULL VALLEY LIQUORS OF I LIQUOR LICENSE FEE REFUND 07/14/09 M 071309 1,100.00 740590 100.00.3310 0907 071309 GLJ8806 1100.00 071309 9070972 100 46 5514 ENCHANTED CASTLE 7/23/09 DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 07/21/09 M 072109 340.25 740705 100.46.5110 0907 072109 GLJ8848 340.25 072109 9070444 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 07/31/09 M 071009 855.00 740710 100.214 0907 071009 GLJ8779 855.00 071009 9070935 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 07/31/09 M 072409 855.00 740710 100.214 0907 072409 GLJ8847 855.00 072409 9070981 100 47 2549 FORE GOLF LLC MAY 2009 PARKS GOLF PROGRAM 07/22/09 M 072209 450.00 740708 100.47.5110 0907 072209 GLJ8860 CHECK RE-ISSUE 450.00 072209 9070083 100 XXXXX 8527 HOME DEPOT/GECF MAY/JUNE09MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 07/07/09 M 070709 514.51 740431 100.01.6110 0907 070709 GLJ8768 507.74 070709 100.45.6110 0907 070709 GLJ8768 6.77 070709 9070448 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 07/31/09 M 071009 242.55 740711 100.218 - 0907 071009 GLJ8779 242.55 071009 9070451 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 07/31/09 M 071009 738.04 740712 100.218 0907 071009 GLJ8779 738.04 071009 9070938 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 07/31/09 M 072409 242.55 740713 100.218 0907 072409 GLJ8847 242.55, 072409 DATE 8/03/2009 12:37 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9070941 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 07/31/09 M 072409 738.04 740714 100.218 0907 072409 GLJ8847 738.04 072409 9070661 100 42 11298 KISHWAUKEE YMCA 7/18/09 SWIM TEAM DIVISIONALS 07/15/09 M 071509 538.00 740591 100.42.6110 0907 071509 GLJ8827 538.00 071509 9070662 100 42 14226 MCGUIRE AQUATICS 7/18/09 SWIM TEAM DIVISIONALS 07/15/09 M 071509 276.00 740592 100.42.6110 0907 071509 GLJ8827 276.00 071509 9070076 205 00 13154 MERKEL, MARISA MISS MCHENRY EXPENSES REIMS 07/02/09 M 070209 535.39 740427 205.00.6940 0907 070209 GLJ8756 535.39 070209 9070443 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 07/31/09 M 071009 21.17 740715 100.2191 0907 071009 GLJ8779 21.17 071009 9070934 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 07/31/09 M 072409 21.16 740715 100.2191 0907 072409 GLJ8847 21.16 072409 9070440 100 15079 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. IMRF LIFE 07/31/09 M 071009 320.00 740716 100.2041 0907 071009 GLJ8779 320.00 071009 9070078 100 04 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL POSTAGE FOR WATER/SEWER BILLS 07/05/09 M 070609 1,400.00 740428 100.04.5310 0907 070609 GLJ8759 1400.00 070609 9070980 100 41 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL FALL 2009 PARKS BROCHURE MAILING 07/22/09 M 072209 650.00 740707 100.41.5310 0907 072209 GLJ8859 650.00 072209 9070084 100 XXXXX 17644 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES 122659VOLUNTARY PAY DEDUCTIONS 07/07/09 M 070709 181.30 740432 100.2192 0907 070709 GLJ8768 181.30 070709 9071177 100 46 20247 SHERATON CHICAGO NORTHWE 8/6/09DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 07/31/09 M 072909 848.00 740717 100.46.5110 0907 072909 GLJ8898 848.00 072909 9070518 100 04 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485279 UPS CHARGES 07/10/09 M 071009 56.45 740525 100.04.5310 0907 071009 GLJ8798 56.45 071009 9071178 100 XXXXX 22521 UNUM 133278LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 07/31/09 M 072909 671.65 740718 100.01.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 57.00 072909 100.01.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 19.00 072909 100.02.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.70 072909 100.224 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.98 072909 100.04.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 11.12 072909 100.04.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 28.50 072909 100.22.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 336.30 072909 100.22.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 11.40CR 072909 100.30.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.70 072909 100.30.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 11.40CR 072909 100.33.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 102.60 072909 100.224 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.70 072909 100.03.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 37.05 072909 100.03.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.70 072909 DATE 8/03/2009 12:37 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 62.70 072909 100,224 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.70 072909 100.41.4330 0907 072909 GLJ8898 5.70 072909 9071180 100 XXXXX 22521 UNUM 1332790010VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE 07/31/09 M 072909 759.62 740718 100.2241 0907 072909 GLJ8898 759.62 072909 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 130,291.25 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 13,077.80 205 PAGEANT FUND 735.94 600 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 116,477.51 **** 130,291.25 ,DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080293 100 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S JULY 2009 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081009 1,891.69 100.01.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 137.29 081009 100.33.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 126.98 081009 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 593.15 081009 100.42.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 803.61 081009 100.44.6110 0906 081009 GLJ8948 5.81 081009 100.45.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 224.85 081009 9080294 510 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S JULY 2009 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081009 714.94 510.31.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 284.85 081009 510.32.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 430.09 081009 9080387 100 XXXXX 1101 ACRES GROUP 75210 LAWN MOWING SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081109 7,616.68 100.41.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 5300.00 081109 100.33.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 2316.68 081109 9080388 510 XXXXX 1101 ACRES GROUP 75210 LAWN MOWING SERVICES O8/17/09 0 081109 3,963.32 510.32.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1766.64 081109 510.31.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 2196.68 081109 9080296 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 414421VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081009 167.06 100.33.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8948 167.06 081009 9080389 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 414743SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 38.77 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 38.77 081109 9080390 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 414882SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 5.00 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 5.00 081109 9080297 510 32 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 284521SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081009 4.00 510.32.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 4.00 081009 9080295 100 22 1111 ADAMS, JOHN CRJ214TUITION REIMB 08/17/09 0 081009 285.00 100.22.5440 0908 081009 GLJ8948 285.00 081009 9080298 100 22 1200 AFTERMATH INC JC1285BIO-HAZARD CLEAN UP 08/17/09 0 081009 95.00 100,22.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 95.00 081009 9080299 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 17165 LUMBER 08/17/09 0 081009 97.20 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 97.20 081009 9080300 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 17389 LUMBER O8/17/09 0 081009 56.00 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 56.00 081009 9080301 100 33 1392 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO 17681 LUMBER 08/17/09 0 081009 95.14 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 95.14 081009 9080283 100 47 1421 AMELIO, ROBERT 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES O8/17/09 0 081009 540.50 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 540.50 081009 9080302 100 01 1433 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI 090503MEMBERSHIP O8/17/09 0 081009 456.00 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 x LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MARTIN 100.01.5410 0908 081009 GLJ8948 456.00 081009 9080345 100 45 1632 ARAMARK 12570748 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 08/17/09 0 081009 136.97 CROWDER 100.45.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8951 136.97 081009 9080392 100 42 1663 ARVIDSON POOL & SPAS - C 130559-1 POOL SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081109 25.97 100.42.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 25.97 081109 9080303 100 22 1456 AT&T 41165 VOICEMAIL PRODUCTION FEE O8/17/09 0 081009 150.00 100.22.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 150.00 081009 9080304 100 45 1450 AT&T 8153442792PETERSEN PARK ELECTRONIC SI O8/17/09 0 081009 27.81 100.45.5320 0908 081009 GLJ8948 27.81 081009 9080393 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T AUG 2009 ALARM CIRCUITS 08/17/09 0 081109 99.40 100.43.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 25.93 081109 100.46.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 27.02 081109 100.33.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 46.45 081109 9080394 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T AUG 2009 ALARM CIRCUITS 08/17/09 0 081109 10.52 510.31.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 9.28 081109 510.32.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1.24 081109 9080395 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 AT&T AUG 2009 CENTREX PHONE LINES O8/17/09 0 081109 2,582.09 100.01.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 526.31 081109 100.02.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 51.60 081109 100.22.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 620.02 081109 100.30.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 219.78 081109 100.33.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 553.57 081109 100.41.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 103.21 081109 100.42.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 56.93 081109 100.43.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 52.34 081109 100.44.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 103.22 081109 100.45.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 163.26 081109 620.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 131.85 081109 9080396 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T AUG 2009 CENTREX PHONE LINES 08/17/09 0 081109 704.25 510.31.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 431.63 081109 510.32.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 272.62 081109 9080305 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 209299TIRES 08/17/09 0 081009 215.50 100.22.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8948 215.50 081009 9080306 100 30 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 144888KRESSWOOD TRAILS UNIT II 08/17/09 0 081009 670.45 100.30.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 670.45 081009 9080284 100 47 2148 BENTZ, DONALD J 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 153.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 153.00 081009 DATE 8/12/2009 06:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080307 510 32 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 477836VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTION 08/17/09 0 081009 23.00 #636 510.32.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8948 23.00 081009 9080285 100 47 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 52.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 52.00 081009 9080308 510 31 2638 BRIGHT INSIGHT COMPUTER 2009-702 ACCESS DEVELOPEMENT SESSION O8/17/09 0 081009 150.00 510.31.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 150.00 081009 9080310 100 47 2741 BUENZLI INC, JAMES J 623202-B PARKS GOLF PROGRAM 08/17/09 0 081009 180.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 160.00 061009 9080311 100 47 2741 BUENZLI INC, JAMES J 623201-2-APARKS GOLF PROGRAM O8/17/09 0 081009 1,047.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 1047.00 081009 9080312 510 31 2758 BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY PL63623 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 130.47 510.31.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8948 130.47 081009 9080313 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 33473 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081009 53.60 100.22.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8948 53.60 081009 9080397 100 XXXXX 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR JULY 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS O8/17/09 0 081109 192.50 100.22.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 162.13 081109 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 30.37 081109 9080314 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PTN2590 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 361.94 620.00.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 361.94 081009 9080398 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PVJ7308 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 920.00 620.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 920.00 081109 9080399 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC PVJ7315 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 1,800.00 620.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1800.00 081109 9080315 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 73162 MEDICAL SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 68.60 100.01.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 68.60 081009 9080316 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 73232 MEDICAL SERVICES O8/17/09 0 081009 39.20 100.01.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 39.20 081009 9080317 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111106484 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081009 250.59 100.33.5370 0908 061009 GLJ8948 250.59 061009 9080319 100 01 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 08/17/09 0 081009 90.80 100.01.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 90.80 081009 9080320 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 08/17/09 0 081009 100.60 100.33.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 100.60 081009 9080321 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 08/17/09 0 081009 152.00 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510.32.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 152.00 081009 9080322 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 08/17/09 0 081009 182.78 510.32.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 182.78 081009 9080323 100 01 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 08/17/09 0 081009 487.00 100.01.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 487.00 081009 9080324 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 08/17/09 0 081009 87.20 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 87.20 081009 9080325 100 45 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355698124 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM PURCHASE 08/17/09 O 081009 187.40 CROWDER 100.45.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8946 187.40 081009 9080326 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 SOAP & FLOOR MATS 08/17/09 0 081009 122.25 510.32.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 122.25 081009 9080327 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 SOAP & FLOOR MATS 08/17/09 O 081009 181.05 510.32.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 181.05 081009 9080318 100 01 3387 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOS 6327635 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 08/17/09 0 081009 6,916.80 100.01.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 6916.80 081009 9080328 100 01 3387 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOS 6327774 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT 08/17/09 0 081009 1,750.00 100.01.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 1750.00 081009 9080329 620 00 3509 COMCAST CABLE 8/4-9/3/09HIGH SPEED INTERNET 08/17/09 0 081009 74.90 620.00.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 74.90 081009 9080400 100 33 3509 COMCAST CABLE 8/12-9/11 HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE O8/17/09 0 081109 50.01 100.33.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 50.01 081109 9080401 510 XXXXX 3509 COMCAST CABLE 8/12-9/11 HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE 08/17/09 0 081109 25.77 510.31.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 22.73 081109 510.32.5320 0908 081109 GLJ8955 3.04 081109 9080330 510 XXXXX 3531 COMED JULY 09 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 08/17/09 O 081009 6,299.83 510.31.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 4327.65 081009 510.32.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 1972.18 081009 9080331 100 XXXXX 3531 COMED JULY 09 UTILITIES O8/17/09 0 081009 3,437.24 100.33.5520 0908 081009 GLJ8948 315.49 081009 100.42.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 2256.84 081009 100.44.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 93.89 081009 100.45.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 689.58 081009 100.46.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 81.44 081009 9080332 510 XXXXX 3531 COMED JULY 09 UTILITIES O8/17/09 0 081009 654.96 510.31.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 263.96 081009 510.32.5510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 391.00 081009 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080333 100 33 3528 COMED 5433098004STREET LIGHTS 08/17/09 0 081009 1,622.59 100.33.5520 0908 081009 GLJ8948 1622.59 081009 9080334 100 33 3528 COMED 8990135056STREET LIGHTS 08/17/09 0 081009 21,575.41 100.33.5520 0908 081009 GLJ8948 21575.41 081009 9080402 510 32 3531 COMED 1095029076WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES O8/17/09 0 081109 101.81 510.32.5510 0908 081109 GLJ8955 101.81 081109 9080403 620 00 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T0944707 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 08/17/09 0 081109 115.00 620.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 115.00 081109 9080335 100 41 3546 CONAWAY, TINA CLOHTING ALLOWANCE REIMB O8/17/09 0 081009 32.71 100.41.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8948 32.71 081009 9080404 100 41 3546 CONAWAY, TINA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 08/17/09 0 081109 21.39 100.41.4510 0908 081109 GLJ8955 21.39 081109 9080405 100 33 3537 CONCRETE SOLUTIONS 13021 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 150.00 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 150.00 081109 9080336 100 46 3536 CONKLIN, CHARLENE 7/22/09 PARKS THEATER CAMP 08/17/09 0 081009 560.00 100.46.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 560.00 081009 9080337 100 45 3539 CONSERV FS 1231868-INFIELD MARKING PAINT 08/17/09 0 081009 505.00 100.45.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 505.00 081009 9080406 100 45 3539 CONSERV FS 1234985 SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081109 117.95 100.45.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 117.95 081109 9080338 510 32 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-139649ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 59.40 510.32.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 59.40 081009 9080339 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-139168ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 37.61 510.31.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 37.61 081009 9080340 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 71165 MATERIALS O8/17/09 0 081009 2,516.66 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 2516.66 081009 9080341 510 31 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 71165 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081009 124.66 510.31.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 124.66 081009 9080342 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 71219 MATERIALS 08/17/09 O 081009 2,810.26 100.33,6110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 2810.26 081009 9080343 620 00 3757 CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATI 3259 PARKING LOT CAMERA REPAIRS O8/17/09 0 081009 92.50 620.00.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 92.50 081009 9080344 620 00 3757 CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATI 3255 DOOR ENTRY BUTTON REPAIRS 08/17/09 O 081009 92.50 620.00.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 92.50 081009 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080407 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING JULY 2009 BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 08/17/09 0 081109 38.75 510.32.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 38.75 081109 9080286 100 47 4146 DELISI, PHIL 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 250.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 250.00 081009 9080346 100 41 1 DENOVO, KIRA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 08/17/09 0 081009 18.36 100.41.3634 0908 081009 GLJ8951 18.36 081009 9080347 100 46 4291 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 7813460001PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 207.11 100.46.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 207.11 081009 9080408 740 00 4316 DIXON ENGINEERING INC 09-9886 AT&T ANTENNA INSPECTIONS 08/17/09 0 081109 1,300.00 740.00.5220 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1300.00 081109 9080348 100 42 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I649653 POOL REPAIRS 08/17/09 0 081009 270.00 100.42.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 270.00 081009 9080349 100 42 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO I654858 POOL REPAIRS O8/17/09 0 081009 196.73 100.42.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 196.73 081009 9080350 100 01 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 334349BUILDING CLEANING SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 349.35 100.01.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 349.35 081009 9080351 100 33 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU JULY 2009 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 08/17/09 0 081009 149.00 100.33.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8951 149.00 081009 9080352 510 31 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU JULY 2009 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 08/17/09 0 081009 34.00 510.31.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8951 34.00 081009 9080353 100 01 6025 FAMILY SERVICES 71509 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 08/17/09 0 081009 5,616.00 100.01.5110 0908 081009 GLJ6951 5616.00 081009 9080354 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH JULY 2009 SQUAD CAR WASHES O8/17/09 0 081009 158.00 100.22.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8951 158.00 081009 9080355 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12640 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081009 592.38 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 592.38 081009 9080356 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12618 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081009 583.63 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 583.63 081009 9080357 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12634 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081009 700.88 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 700.88 081009 9080358 100 22 6536 FONE ZONE-MCHENRY, THE MC19810ELL PHONE BATTERIES 06/17/09 0 081009 135.00 100.22.5320 0908 081009 GLJ8951 135.00 081009 9080359 100 33 6536 FONE ZONE-MCHENRY, THE MC19310ELL PHONE CLIP O8/17/09 0 081009 12.99 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 12.99 081009 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080360 510 32 6536 FONE ZONE-MCHENRY, THE MC1967CELL PHONE HOLSTER 08/17/09 O 081009 12.99 510.32.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 12.99 081009 9080287 100 47 6554 FOWLER, JEFF R 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 230.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 230.00 081009 9080361 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35638 SOD 08/17/09 0 081009 43.52 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 43.52 081009 9080362 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35619 SOD 08/17/09 0 081009 173.20 100.33.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 173.20 081009 9080363 205 00 7 GARCIA, LLUVIA 2009 MISS MCHENRY 08/17/09 O 081009 100.00 205.00.6940 0908 081009 GLJ8951 100.00 081009 9080364 510 31 7158 GERBER COLLISION & GLASS 1072445 VEHICLE REPAIRS 08/17/09 O 081009 252.92 510.31.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8951 252.92 081009 9080365 100 44 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 204203CONCESSION SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 1,049.10 100.44.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 1049.10 081009 9080367 100 04 7558 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC 75702 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 08/17/09 0 081009 375.00 100.04.5410 0908 081009 GLJ8951 BLACK #300053189 225.00 081009 100.04.5410 0908 081009 GLJ8951 LYNCH #300151751 150.00 081009 9080368 510 31 7633 GRAINGER 9049959365SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 59.81 510.31.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 59.81 081009 9080409 510 31 7633 GRAINGER 9047983953SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 647.10 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 647.10 081109 9080410 100 33 7645 GROWER EQUIPMENT & SUPPL 41796 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 69.90 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 69.90 081109 9080369 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 371302POOL SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 1,637.04 100.42.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 1637.04 081009 9080370 100 41 8018 HAPPY JACKS 7/31/09 PARKS STAFF APPRECIATION PA 08/17/09 0 081009 113.97 100.41.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 113.97 081009 9080411 510 31 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9334945 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 1,047.25 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1047.25 081109 9080412 510 31 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9335119 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 234.49 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 234.49 081109 9080413 510 31 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9335146 SUPPLIES O8/17/09 O 081109 20.81 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 20.81 081109 9080414 510 31 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9287449 SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081109 272.00 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 272.00 081109 9080415 510 31 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9287475 SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081109 272.00 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 272.00 081109 9080416 610 00 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9287418 FIRE HYDRANT REPAIRS 08/17/09 0 081109 240.00 610.00.5980 0908 081109 GLJ8955 240.00 081109 9080371 100 22 9085 IDENTATRONICS INC 51460 ID PRINTER RIBBONS 08/17/09 0 081009 163.20 100.22.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 163.20 081009 9080374 620 00 9523 IN TIME SOLUTIONS INC 5838 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT 08/17/09 0 081009 693.00 620.00.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 693.00 081009 9080372 100 45 9500 INNOVATIVE PACKAGING INC IVC20542 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 104.12 100.45.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 104.12 081009 9080417 100 01 9500 INNOVATIVE PACKAGING INC IVC20473 BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLI 08/17/09 0 081109 10,095.65 100.01.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 10095.65 081109 9080375 100 46 10300 JIMANOS PIZZERIA MCHENRY08 PIZZAS FOR DAY CAMP O8/17/09 0 081009 33.00 100.46.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 33.00 081009 9080376 100 22 10533 JOSEPHSON INSTITUTE INV0015692CHARACTER COUNTS SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 186.43 100.22.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 186.43 081009 100-CHARACTER 9080377 205 00 7 JUSKE, TRACY 2009 MISS MCHENRY O8/17/09 0 081009 100.00 205.00.6940 0906 081009 GLJ8951 100.00 081009 9080378 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 364601EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 08/17/09 0 081009 175.16 DEBOLT 100.22.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8951 175.18 081009 9080379 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 364601SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 61.19 100.22.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 61.19 081009 9060380 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 364603SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081009 13.00 100.22.6110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 13.00 081009 9080418 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1149570 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS O8/17/09 0 081109 110.24 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 110.24 081109 9080419 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1157533 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 121.61 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 121.61 081109 9080381 510 32 5 KOENIG & STREY GMAC REAL 2011480302WATER/SEWER OVERPAYMENT REF O8/17/09 0 081009 24.68 510.32.3660 0908 081009 GLJ8951 24.68 081009 9080420 510 32 11703 KTD INC 9061 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 160.45 510.32.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 160.45 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9080382 100 01 12026 LAKESIDE PEST CONTROL SE 58252 PEST CONTROL SERVICES O8/17/09 0 081009 100.00 100.01.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8951 100.00 081009 9080383 510 31 12017 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 77936 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 O 081009 72.25 510.31.5370 0908 081009 GLJ8951 72.25 081009 9080384 100 33 12141 LECHNER, ANDY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 08/17/09 0 081009 188.13 100.33.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8951 188.13 081009 9080421 100 22 1074 LEXISNEXIS 20090731 PHONES PLUS SEARCHES 08/17/09 0 081109 125.00 100.22.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 125.00 081109 9080422 100 02 12530 LOCKER'S FLOWERS 474642MEMORIAL FLOWERS 08/17/09 0 081109 52.00 M. SMITH JR. 100.02.6940 0908 081109 GLJ8955 52.00 081109 9080385 100 22 12747 LUNSMANN, JOAN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 08/17/09 0 081009 65.83 100.22.4510 0908 081009 GLJ8951 65.83 081009 9080386 100 22 12747 LUNSMANN, JOAN CLASSROOM SUPPLIES REIMB 08/17/09 0 081009 24.95 100.22.6210 0908 081009 GLJ8951 24.95 081009 9080288 100 47 13045 MAZZUCA, JOE 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES O8/17/09 0 081009 230.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 230.00 081009 9080434 100 01 14067 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF O1 105LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC 08/17/09 0 081109 6,800.00 100.01.5230 0908 081109 GLJ8955 6800.00 081109 9080435 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11022004 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 43.38 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 43.38 081109 9080436 510 31 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11022005 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 63.80 510.31.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 63.80 081109 9080437 260 00 14276 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S JULY 2009 OPERATING FEES 08/17/09 0 081109 5,474.00 260.00.6970 0908 081109 GLJ8955 5474.00 081109 9080438 260 00 14275 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL JULY 2009 OPERATING FEES 08/17/09 0 081109 7,497.00 260.00.6970 0908 081109 GLJ8955 7497.00 081109 9080439 100 XXXXX 14296 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL 0 20 JULY DINNER MEETING O8/17/09 0 081109 90.00 100.01.5430 0908 081109 GLJ8955 30.00 081109 100.02.5430 0908 081109 GLJ8955 60.00 081109 9080443 100 01 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER JULY 2009 RECORDING FEES 08/17/09 0 081109 1,687.00 100.01.6940 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1687.00 081109 9080442 510 31 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 16600 TIRES O8/17/09 0 081109 266.56 510.31.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 266.56 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080444 100 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA JULY 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 480.39 100.03.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 4.55 081109 100.33.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 17.94 081109 100.22.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 220.34 081109 100.41.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 59.98 081109 100.45.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 177.58 081109 9080445 510 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA JULY 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 128.37 510.31.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 59.29 081109 510.32.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 69.08 081109 9080440 260 00 14270 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY JULY 2009 OPERATING FEES 08/17/09 0 081109 414.00 260.00.6980 0908 081109 GLJ8955 414.00 081109 9080441 260 00 14261 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PR 20 OPERATING FEES 08/17/09 0 081109 64.00 260.00.6990 0908 081109 GLJ8955 64.00 081109 9080446 510 32 14424 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 33643652 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 63.15 510.32.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 63.15 081109 9080423 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 641899TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 08/17/09 0 081109 586.85 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 586.85 081109 9080424 205 00 13154 MERKEL, MARISA MISS MCHENRY PAGEANT DIRECTOR 08/17/09 0 081109 1,500.00 205.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1500.00 081109 9080425 510 32 13164 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES 21839OUTILITY SYSTEM REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 926.00 510.32.5380 0908 081109 GLJ8955 926.00 081109 9080426 510 32 13164 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES 220425EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 1,412.88 510.32.5375 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1412.88 081109 9080427 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 227574MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081109 25.15 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 25.15 081109 9080428 100 33 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 89242WSUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 358.64 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 358.64 081109 9080429 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 9624-IN SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 1,210.96 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1210.96 081109 9080430 100 01 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 70911 PETERSEN FARM BROCHURE 08/17/09 0 081109 114.00 100.01,4220 0908 081109 GLJ8955 114.00 081109 100-LDMKCOM 9080431 100 22 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71051 NOTARY STAMP 08/17/09 0 081109 28.00 BIRK 100.22.6210 0908 081109 GLJ8955 28.00 081109 9080432 100 22 13522 MOBILE OFFICE DESIGNS IN 09-1387 VEHICLE COMPUTER SUPPLIES 08/17/09 O 081109 242.20 100.22.6270 0908 081109 GLJ8955 242.20 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080289 100 47 13534 MOORE, KEVIN 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 331.50 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 331.50 081009 9080433 100 02 13742 MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF 09/10 MEMBERSHIP 08/17/09 O 081109 80.00 JONES & KUNZER 100.02.5410 0908 081109 GLJ8955 80.00 081109 9080448 510 32 15077 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 256616SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 555.45 510.32.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 555.45 081109 9080447 100 46 15294 NICOLET SCENIC TOURS 8/29/09 PARKS FIELD TRIP 08/17/09 0 081109 3,498.00 100.46.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 3498.00 081109 9080449 100 45 15548 NORTHERN KEY & LOCK INC 72013 LACK & KEYS 08/17/09 0 081109 145.00 100.45.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 145.00 081109 9080450 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 927743SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 11.96 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 11.96 081109 9080451 100 46 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 633045352 PARKS PROGRAM SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 46.20 100.46.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 32.50 081109 100.46.6920 0908 081109 GLJ8955 13.70 081109 9080452 100 47 17007 PADDOCK, TIMOTHY 8/4/09PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 08/17/09 0 081109 176.25 100.47.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 176.25 081109 9080291 100 47 17142 PEARCE, JAMISON 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 49.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 49.00 081009 9080453 100 22 17141 PECHOUS, ROGER CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 08/17/09 0 081109 75.41 100.22.4510 0908 061109 GLJ8955 75.41 081109 9080454 100 44 17156 PEPSI-COLA GENL BOT 9727620915CONCESSION SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 461.08 100.44.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 461.08 081109 9080455 100 XXXXX 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8700204 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 O 081109 103.81 100.01.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 35.35 081109 100.03.6250 0908 081109 GLJ6955 68.46 081109 9080456 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8697296 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 2,125.08 100.22.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 2125.08 081109 9080457 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1072808 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 1,550.35 100.22.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1550.35 081109 9080458 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8700209 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 1,926.91 100.22.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1926.91 081109 9080459 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8703429 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 904.74 100.22.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 904.74 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080460 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8697295 VEHICLE FUEL O8/17/09 0 081109 691.68 100.33.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 691.68 081109 9080461 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8700208 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 755.81 100.33.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 755.81 081109 9080462 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8700207 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 349.05 100.45.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 349.05 081109 9080463 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8703913 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 101.54 100.45.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 101.54 081109 9080464 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8703370 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 665.00 100.45.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 665.00 081109 9080465 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8697293 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 387.88 510.31.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 387.88 081109 9080466 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8703369 VEHICLE FUEL O8/17/09 O 061109 180.42 510.31.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 180.42 081109 9080467 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8703427 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 38.45 510.31.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 38.45 081109 9080468 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8700206 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 272.65 510.31.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 272.65 081109 9080469 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 1073545 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 291.21 510.32.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 291.21 081109 9080470 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8697292 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 248.65 510.32.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 248.65 081109 9080471 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8700205 VEHICLE FUEL 08/17/09 0 081109 377.57 510.32.6250 0908 081109 GLJ8955 377.57 081109 9080472 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18296 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 08/17/09 0 081109 321.00 100.22.4510 0908 081109 GLJ8955 FISHER 80.33 081109 100.22.4510 0908 081109 GLJ8955 KREASSIG 120.34 081109 100.22.4510 0908 081109 GLJ8955 SCIAME 120.33 081109 9080473 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18309 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS O8/17/09 0 081109 343.97 AALTO 100.22.4510 0908 081109 GLJ8955 343.97 081109 9080474 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-082207 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 60.83 100.22.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 60.83 081109 9080475 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-066468 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS O8/17/09 0 081109 12.00- 100.22.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 12.00CR 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080476 100 33 17635 PRIME TACK & SEAL CO 26465 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 1,035.18 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1035.18 081109 9080477 510 32 19019 RASMUSSEN REBUILDING & M 2157 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 240.00 510.32.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 240.00 081109 9080478 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1258810 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 08/17/09 0 081109 1,427.76 100.45.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1427.76 081109 9080479 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1260936 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 21.25 100.45.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 21.25 081109 9080480 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1259379 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 6.42 100.45.5370 0908 081109 GLJ8955 6.42 081109 9080482 100 33 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 1910 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081109 676.20 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 676.20 081109 9080483 510 31 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 1910 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081109 1,188.71 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1188.71 081109 9080484 100 33 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 1813 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081109 848.10 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 848.10 081109 9080485 510 31 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 1813 MATERIALS 08/17/09 0 081109 608.79 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 608.79 081109 9080486 100 00 2 RIVERVIEW THEATRE CO REFUND PERMIT #09-07-039 08/17/09 0 081109 30.00 100.00.3410 0908 081109 GLJ8955 30.00 081109 9080487 100 XXXXX 17158 ROBERTS, PATRICIA J 7/30/09 LIFEGUARD TRAINING 08/17/09 0 081109 544.00 100.42.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 304.00 081109 100.43.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 112.00 081109 100.46.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 128.00 061109 9080488 100 33 19531 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22206 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 81.36 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 81.36 081109 9080489 100 46 19548 ROTH, SALLY 7/22/09 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 08/17/09 0 081109 560.00 100.46.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 560.00 081109 9080490 100 47 19877 RYBA, RON ARCHERY SUPPLIES REIMB 08/17/09 0 081109 25.11 100.47.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 25.11 081109 9080510 100 46 20094 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC 8102800189PARKS PROGRAM SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 101.08 100.46.6110 0908 061109 GLJ8955 101.08 081109 9080511 100 30 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357457DOCUMENT REVIEW 08/17/09 0 081109 48.75 100.30.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 48.75 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 14 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080512 510 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357457NPDES IEPA RESPONSE 08/17/09 0 081109 260.00 510.32.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 260.00 081109 9080513 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357461LEGEND LAKES NH 5 08/17/09 0 081109 1,260.00 740.00.5220 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1260.00 081109 9080514 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357467LEGEND LAKES NH 6-8 08/17/09 O 081109 4,115.00 740.00.5220 0908 081109 GLJ8955 4115.00 081109 9080515 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357463LEGEND LAKES NH 1 08/17/09 0 081109 3,135.00 740.00.5220 0908 081109 GLJ8955 3135.00 081109 9080516 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357462OAKS AT IRISH PRAIRIE 08/17/09 0 081109 65.00 740.00.5220 0908 081109 GLJ8955 65.00 081109 9080517 270 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357459LILLIAN STREET LAPP 08/17/09 0 081109 1,000.00 270.00.8600 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1000.00 081109 440-LILLIAN 9080518 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357460RIDGE ROAD ARRA LAPP 08/17/09 0 081109 7,000.00 440.00.8600 0908 081109 GLJ8955 7000.00 081109 440-RIDGE 9080519 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 27/357423 MILLER ROAD IMPROVEMENTS O8/17/09 0 081109 5,191.96 440.00.8900 . 21587 0908 081109 GLJ8955 PROJ# MILLERCMAQ 5191.96 081109 5191.96 440-MILLERCMA ' 9080520 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357465SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 08/17/09 0 081109 87,499.45 580.32.8500 0908 081109 GLJ8955 87499.45 081109 580-SWWTP 9080522 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357464WATER TOWER #2 08/17/09 0 081109 130.00 580.31.8500 80108 0908 081109 GLJ8955 PROJ# 580-ELVTK02 130.00 081109 130.00 580-ELVTK02 9080523 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 357466WATER MAIN EXTENSION-EAST SIDE 08/17/09 0 081109 7,901.65 580.31.8500 0908 081109 GLJ8955 7901.65 081109 580-RT120WATE 9080524 100 45 20168 SETON IDENTIFICATION PRO 9309712917SIGNS 08/17/09 0 081109 295.78 100.45.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 295.78 081109 9080525 100 01 20668 SHAW SUBURBAN MEDIA JULY 2009 LEGAL ADVERTISING 08/17/09 0 081109 3,029.01 100.01.5330 0908 081109 GLJ8955 3029.01 081109 9080526 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S47725REPAIR SERVICE WORK 08/17/09 0 081209 348.54 100,01.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 348.54 081209 9080527 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S47724MAINTENANCE ON MAIN RTU'S 08/17/09 0 081209 1,562.94 100.01.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 1562.94 081209 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080528 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S47663PLUMBING SERVICE WORK 08/17/09 0 081209 238.00 100.01.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 238.00 081209 9080529 100 33 20257 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC SS034058 TRAFFIC PAINT 08/17/09 0 081209 2,204.00 100.33.6110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 2204.00 081209 9080530 100 22 20260 SHUETT, DEBORA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 08/17/09 0 081209 32.09 100.22.4510 0908 081209 GLJ8956 32.09 081209 9080531 100 01 20291 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 40114006 PHOTO AND HEAT SENSORS 08/17/09 0 081209 210.00 100.01.6110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 210.00 081209 9080532 100 02 20582 SPRINT 523579813 CELL PHONE USAGE 08/17/09 0 081209 118.97 100.02.5320 0908 081209 GLJ8956 118.97 081209 9080534 100 47 20600 SROKA INC, KURT 623201-B PARKS GOLF PROGRAM INSTRUCT 08/17/09 0 081209 210.00 100.47.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 210.00 081209 9080535 100 21 20704 STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC 13591 POLICE OFFICER CANDIDATE TEST 08/17/09 0 081209 2,655.73 100.21.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 2655.73 081209 908OS36 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 263535INTERNET SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081209 179.00 620.00.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 179.00 081209 9080537 100 XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013124535OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081209 182.50 100.00.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 139.01CR 081209 100.41.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 5.00 081209 100.03.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 134.01 081209 0908 081209 GLJ8956 124.95 081209 100.22.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 15.98 081209 100.41.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 41.57 081209 9080538 100 XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013072831OFFICE SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081209 402.42 100.00.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 266.07 081209 100.04.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 13.10 081209 100.22.6210 0908 081209 GLJ8956 123.25 081209 9080539 100 33 20714 STATE TREASURER IDOT 35447 TRAFFIC LIGHT MAINTENANCE 08/17/09 0 081209 6,971.79 100.33.5110 0908 081209 GLJ8956 6971.79 081209 9080504 100 33 21628 TAPCO 321706SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 495.00 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 495.00 081109 9080292 100 47 21147 TEGTMEIER, TERRY 7/6-7/31 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081009 322.00 100.47.5110 0908 081009 GLJ8948 322.00 081009 9080505 100 46 21535 TONYAN, LUCY 8/3/09PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 08/17/09 0 081109 2,304.00 100.46.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 2304.00 081109 9080506 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 64205 STREET SIGNS O8/17/09 0 081109 452.49 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 452.49 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 16 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9080507 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 64110 STREET SIGNS 08/17/09 0 081109 200.90 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 200.90 081109 9080508 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 64207 STREET SIGNS 08/17/09 0 081109 53.45 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 53.45 081109 9080509 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 64206 STREET SIGNS O8/17/09 0 081109 33.60 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 33.60 081109 9080498 100 22 22510 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UFINI281 TRAINING FEE 08/17/09 0 061109 250.00 KEENE 100.22.5430 0908 081109 GLJ8955 250.00 081109 9080499 100 47 3661 VALLEY VIEW ACRES 5441 PARKS PROGRAM 08/17/09 0 081109 595.00 100.47.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 595.00 081109 9080500 100 00 2 VERBICK, JIM REFUND PERMIT # 09-07-058 08/17/09 0 081109 1,500.00 100.00.3410 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1500.00 081109 9080501 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2269309190WIRELESS INTERNET SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081109 55.02 620.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 55.02 081109 9080502 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2269309189WIRELESS INTERNET SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081109 55.02 620.00.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 55.02 081109 9080503 510 32 23289 VISU-SEWER OF ILLINOIS L 5169-AJOHN ST SEWER MAIN CLEANING O8/17/09 0 081109 4,380.00 510.32.5110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 4380.00 081109 9080491 510 32 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 1552522904SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 08/17/09 0 081109 7,901.76 510.32.5580 0908 081109 GLJ8955 7901.76 081109 9080492 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 21SS94SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081109 164.76 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 164.76 081109 9080493 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 215954SUPPLIES O8/17/09 0 081109 495.74 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 495.74 081109 9080494 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 216211SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 1,134.34 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 1134.34 081109 9080495 510 31 24038 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 26887 CHEMICALS 08/17/09 0 081109 4,700.00 510.31.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 4700.00 081109 9080496 510 32 24151 WELCH BROS INC 1335208 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 86.00 510.32.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 86.00 081109 9080497 100 33 24151 WELCH BROS INC 1335517 SUPPLIES 08/17/09 0 081109 124.00 100.33.6110 0908 081109 GLJ8955 124.00 081109 DATE 8/12/2009 08:42 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 17 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 8/17/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 323,305.79 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 140,346.63 205 PAGEANT FUND 1,700.00 260 ANNEXATION FUND 13,449.00 270 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 1,000.00 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 12,191.96 5,191.96 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 44,401.37 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 95,531.10 130.00 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 240.00 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 4,570.73 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 9,875.00 **** 323,305.79 5,321.96 i AGENDA SUPPLEMENT' TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: August 17, 2009, Regular City Council Meeting RE: Fence Variance to install a five-foot picket fence in the required front yard for the property located at 312 Creekside Trail ATTACHMENTS: 1. Example of a picket fence 2. Location Map 3. Photos of Subject Property 4. Plat of Survey STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve a variance to allow a five-foot picket fence in the required front yard for the property located at 312 Creekside Trail Background/Request The applicant is requesting a fence variance to allow a five-foot picket fence in the required front yard for the property located at 312 Creekside Trail. This home sits on a pie-shaped property on Creekside Trail. In accordance with the City's fence ordinance only 42-inch high split rail fences are permitted in the front yard. The applicant would like a variance to allow a five-foot picket fence in the required front yard. Analysis Staff has no concerns with this request. A specific criterion for variances includes hardships imposed on the property owner due to the physical layout of the property. The property in question is oddly-configured. As a result of its shape the applicant has no substantial rear yard and no interior side yard north of the home. The proposed fence location is appropriate to maximize usable lot area. at, t .�4 r Subject Property DART MOOR DR, 8 DARTMOOR ............. saw -1,9 46 ------------- WELLIN GT ON 4(i I lb. - ----------- --------------- B AS TA 1)R.3 AR FARING `f 1 �a�Fa v a y Photo looking south onto site r.� Lit -t s Photo looking north from site F r Lot 13 in'Block 3 in MINDING CREEK UNIT N0. 39 being a Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and part' of the Northeast ' ouart4rr of Section 4, Township 44 Nov th• Range A,' East. of the Third Principal "viridian, according to the plat tAetreof, recprded January 6; 19" as Docueant No. 87"879 in Nelljown y County, . Illinois. N1690 r //0. Sr Sy rp l l I N I ti 14 1 / O I} 1 4w l� I l f- . V I i 13 r N T.2342 •3 '� RED 'LAND i t:4URVEYOR I', f STATE OF ILLINOIS t I COUNTY OF LAKE $ S• 1 ' Registered:land Su yo +� ' Scale: 9•' •Sd tlt i lots oyYn . N within property lines and that:the ad�nfng improYemer>ts do.not encr�ft on said premises,except where shown. Dated at Waukegan,Lake County,Illinois th'ISZ day of �,./y A.D., 198!" Registered Illinois Surveyor: NOTE: This survey has been made for use in connection with a mortgage loan transaction and is.not to be used for any other purpose. All building lions and eYlFn.nta.Mrson MOM WO Itoln Mcord plat. S AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin,Deputy City Administrator FOR: August 17, 2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Temporary Use to allow an Antique.Car and Motorcycle Show at 3941 Dayton Street ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Mark Klocek,Pioneer Center for Human Services 2. Location Maps 3. Plats of Survey of site STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve a temporary use for the property at 3941 Dayton Street to allow an Antique Car and Motorcycle Show as a fundraiser for Pioneer Center for Human Services Description of Request Attached is a letter from Mark Klocek from the Pioneer Center for Human Services seeking permission from the City Council to hold a one-day Antique Car and Motorcycle Show on their property located at .......... 3941 Dayton Street on Saturday August 2Vd from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pioneer Center will be renting out spaces to people wishing to display their antique car or motorcycle on-site. There will be no admission charge for guests. Food will be available for purchase and musical entertainment will also be on-site during the event. The event is open to the public and is a fundraising endeavor for the Pioneer Center. Staff Analysis Attached are plats of survey of the site. Pioneer Center actually owns four lots within the Tonyan Business Park. Their building is located at 3941 Dayton Street and an additional parking area is located at 4031 Dayton Street. Parking for cars and motorcycles will be in the parking area between 3941 and 4001 Dayton Street and people patronizing the event can park at 4031 Dayton Street. PIONEER ® Center for Human Services 4001 Dayton Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 • www,pioneercenter.org • 815,344,1230 • fax: 815.344,3815 7-31-2009 Pioneer Center New Directions Psychosocial Services 3941 Dayton Street McHenry, IL 60050 815-759-7012 or 815-759-7012 Contact; Kris Murray, Clinical Supervisor Or Mark Klocek, Recovery Specialist City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, I160050 Dear Mc Henry City Council: Please accept our request for a one day permit to have an Antique Car/Motorcycle Show as a fundraiser for our not-for-profit program. The date will be August 22nd from 9:00a.m.-3:00p.m in the parking lot between 3941 Dayton Street and 4001 Dayton Street. We have parking for approximately 75 cars and motorcycles. Parking for spectators will be available at our parking lot at 4031 Dayton Street. It will be staffed by pioneer employees and our client's. We will be charging $15 for people to show their car admission free to spectators. Money raised will be used for the New Directions Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services Program. The building at 3941 Dayton will be open so people may use our washrooms. We will have a DJ playing oldies or a live band. We will have trophies for best of show and a raffle of donated prizes and dash plaques. Food will be provided by the PSR Men's Group and a permit will be applied for pending approval from the Mc Henry City Council. We greatly appreciate your request for a permit. Sincerely, Mark Klocek, Recovery Specialist 815-759-7046 3941 Dayton Street Mc Henry, IL 60050 Fax: 815-759-7298 "Empowering Individuals To Achieve Their Full Potential" Subject Property � wtlwn',a,I u4 �4� (;iEiD tr •� �+ 1 �YY i.i r,iar�'Y ii - ! kl .�r a k AP ' T �: - I 3 a H w. � o r p .,o - 4fil -- n � c� 04 ' ' 1Fo1'o — �07o µoo� 3,bd 39ov / a.•: f)AYTGN TRf ET O ► _ yval YoO Yo3► yoal _� to AT"I 04 G I v 16 17 1: 15 44 13 '2 1 W 20 23 v, 21 22�y� / 13 I o � 0``v �•r' V 1 V? \ ❑� � �1 N� /�� y�rAT[� • 13o Y�eo �• MoYo O AL6A►fY STREET Yltf 9161 kf31 >f101 golf 4oYr ti 39tr ]all 0 24 S7 G 34 �D3 3 3t ` �30 29 2e z7 35 75 I 1 z 6 36 Y O )k . �„1 f PLAT OF SURVEY �- Conway INCvsyying 1213 N.Riverside 18151 385-M01 McHenry,Illinois 8U►L�1NU r;ITY or- LOT 13 IN TONYAN'S INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1. BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION'10 AM PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION it, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, WW.. Q EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL NF.RIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED APRIL 13, 1977 AS DOCUIENT NO. GSL537, IN MRF.NRY Comm, II.I.INOIS. Refer to abstract, title and local ordinances for additional resements sad/or building restrictions. Cosspare all points before using sane and at once report any difference. a DAYMN STREET No representation as to ownersbip, use or possession W-14rr.--o should be bereon implied. Declaration is made to the present title owner, the present purchaser and their Title Insurer, and Lender, -' it i+ not tronsfarroblo to additional institutes or f subsequent owners:` �s No oodarground lsrpr"onents have been located or sbawn. � . No distance should be assumed by scaling. ;« ZE9 - _ i� r 6 504. o lwildiy IineT i 4» 1 5� 's ;s c n y-+ta ma a, rg 1 Y � y t.,t•n rf � r r� 14NORI*H Da SCALE, "tom e I inch equcls jiO feet b :any Z State of Illinois > I E s 1 s.s. a County of McHenry 1 s..s•ee� r• We, Conway Surveying, Inc., do bereby state that, we have caused the above described property to be surveyed according to the found artirical man- umentation and that the plat hereon drawn is a �r1� correct representation of said survey. d 1 b��wi, LOT At McHenry, this of Ce.lorudrr r I _ e01 nok-snau eowr—I h.ue prcuenkd Y loe.#in9 ease}<d9es.i pnue.n eni;,, =r L S �lisl.i r.ls•, e roLF. ujlr�y eoscmeni 3 - for Conway Surveying, Inc .T— Robert Is Conway, PLS 35-2624 150.05'.-,e.e, rep 1 i0.0'r .rJ •� . 401' Survey No. 14-11-151-011 3941 Dayton Street, McHenry, Alines 1 � r R lPg4�rrS OFa �E aFdY C<R4lSrtC�4� r THE popno�AI G. +too.o' QLAF35 �• �iT� UrGiC.iF�I pR;s T iSs I Aow�w I G � r°�a tp ;5?�Li!�'�'•-`"�St�PEP,C�"J'�-�4`X._"_� ti i , o ALAS pCE 1Li~ t:IYY Or Ol tlrlC,'soGS Get A �,�Pi1CtZ $ Or TyR t Arz4 la h G n l u cl� l a R REG11001)ykY 4LlINO15 ! 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Nam•-����� ry�p•P- qU •-IN����I�•Ll4R•� IN mw•Ag�y��•��� `1'VNTE►1lL'tY1D�1..i1l�PNq �1.i-J-P•07•U-�B••A-�IU-.-•-Ni w.�um►�a-•ro.-a►ms•-•w.-•v�n r a rr a- "r e rr r rr AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: August 17, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: 3" Annual Downtown Business Association Wine Festival Recommendation: To approve a) special use request from the Downtown Business Association to host the 3'd annual Wine Festival in Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday, September 12, 2009 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM with a rain date of Saturday, September 19t''; b) special event liquor license for sale of wine at the festival; and, c) waiver of all associated park and permit fees The Downtown Business Association is requesting permission to host the third annual Wine Festival in Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday, September 12th from 1 :00 PM to 5:00 PM, special event liquor license for the sale of wine, and waiver of the $100 fee for use of the park. Patrons will be charged a $10 admission fee and receive a wristband, wine glass, and five tickets for a one-ounce tasting. Music will be provided in the gazebo and a food area will be setup similar to a summer band concert. Grape stomping demonstrations and a wine making presentation are also planned. Although several vendor tables will be utilized, the focus of the festival continues to be the promotion of Illinois wineries. As in the past, organizers will install temporary fencing and special event barricades to cordon-off the southern portion of the park. The DBA will be responsible for security and wrist banding at the admission gate. Alcohol will not be allowed outside the event area. Park restrooms and playground will remain open to the public and .portable toilets will be installed. Attached is a site plan for the event and special event liquor license application. The DBA has paid the $25 application fee and will submit a certificate of insurance naming the city as additional insured for general and liquor liability prior to the event. The DBA has hosted this festival in Veterans Memorial Park for the past two years, drawings crowds from throughout McHenry County. The festival provides exposure for McHenry's downtown businesses. Proceeds from the festival will be used to fund future events. SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF MCHENRY FEE $25.00 APPLICATION DATE August 12,2009 I COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION: Riverside Area Business Association (RABA) ADDRESS: !402 No. Riverside drive c/o Corkscrew Pointe CITY: McHenry PHONE NUMBER: 815-578-8360 TYPE OF BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION: Local Area Business Association 2. LICENSE APPLICANT_John Macrito c/o RABA DATE OF BIRTH: 08/20/1955 ADDRESS: 1402 N. Riverside Drive CITY: McHenry DAYTIME TELEPHONE NO.: 815-578-8360 EVENING TELEPHONE NO.815-307-2288 3. LOCATION WHERE SPECIAL EVENT HELD: Veterans Park 4. OWNER OF LOCATION WHERE SPECIAL EVENT HELD: OWNER'S ADDRESS: City of McHenry CITY: McHenry TELEPHONE NUMBER: 815-363-2100 5. DATE(S)OF EVENT: September 12`h (Rain Date Sept. 19`h) Hours: 1-5pm (not more than 3 days) 6. TYPE OF ALCOHOL TO BE SERVED: BEER WINE XXXX LIQUOR 7. NO UNDER-AGED OR INTOXICATED PERSON(S)SHALL BE SERVED ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. 8. DRAM SHOP INSURANCE MUST BE OBTAINED AND A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF McHENRY) STATE OF ILLINOIS) s5 by hereby states that the City of McHenry shall not be held liable for any loss,damage or injury sustained by any person whatever,by reason of the negligence of the Company,Organization,person or persons to whom this license has been issued,and shall hold the City of McHenry harmless in connection with any and all claims arising as a result of the consumption of alcoholic liquor or as a result of the issuance of this license. The undersigned certifies that they will not violate any of the laws of the City of McHenry,of the State of Illinois,or of the United States of America,in the conduct of this Special Event Liquor License and that the statements contained in this application are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. John Macrito via E-mail Signature of Applicant SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me this day of 20 Notary Public DATE ISSUED LICENSE NO. EFFECTIVE DATE(S) 03/03 r t A A L S r n 6 i t - _ I i min t �I = I + ^ -_ i � T p J r � J F � I ® Vendor Tent Wine Booth 1 Food Tent - Portable Toilets Event Entrance f . AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: August 17, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Kelly Miller Circus Request Background. The Kelly Miller Circus is requesting a special use in conjunction with the reservation of Petersen Park on September 15-18, 2009 to host a circus. The circus will arrive on September 15th and setup in the hayfield parking lot for (2) one-hour and a half shows each evening. Each show is expected to draw approximately 400-500 people. The special event park usage fee for groups with an estimated attendance of 1,001-3,000 people is $1,000.00. The event will have minimal impact on staff consisting primarily of the removal of trash bags and cans the following day. In addition, the circus will have access to the water at the beach to provide for the animals. The costs associated with water use are included as a part of the reservation fee. The Kelly Miller Circus performed at Petersen Park on September 24 and 25 2008 and there were no issues associated with that event. In the past carnival and circus workers have stayed in campers on-site overnight. While this allows for greater oversight of equipment and animals during off hours it does require waiver by the city council of Section 16-25 of the municipal code prohibiting overnight stays in the parks. Recommendation. To grant a special use to the Kelly Miller Circus to host a circus at Petersen Park September 15-18, 2009 and waive Section 16-25 of the municipal code to allow for overnight stays in the park. Attachment: Special Use Application FROM : CITY OF M0gENRY PARK$ & qFG PHONE No. : 915 363 3166 Aug. 04 2W9 91:38PM P1 MG,RMLY-PA,R.K F'ACIDTIES,SPECIAL tUSE An/0R BE .R�N' ARRLYCAT�ON Contact Person,_ 1�. SLR _ z>ate of t - 1'1 Company or Organirtti,on; a� c� LzaLoS Address:V S-2 eityfstAt. - Horns l�horte: ?� - �'�k'�- '.-��1$�.. Work Phone:,� Pak 0 XU=park XPateraen PA& 0 Veterarell Memorial Park Area: 0 Shelter A ❑shelt+e:r B D Shelter C ❑O her., Arrit+at Tlnee.a'l� �Departura ; 1: a otaZ Nr� berlit.¢ndtng':,,, AWfying adendance numbers wlli result in loss oldeposit Grbups of$00 or more tmnst o>btaft Additional: 0 dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Brie'dcsoription of program(i.c.co picnic,car show,cri.:lt show,weddix+g, List all activities Hutt will be held: �'��C,1l z j,t)Ing', �C'�t sS�i4.—��.� Items broui; t into park site: Xte nt. 0 tables "Chairs 0 be=bm 1..7 carnival rides )r'psic YMIZAls a model plants )(paper rn—= AMVFI 0 orher Water,elootricity and rest rooms are available at all iites, Plesee explain my a tionat utilities need.od: Will beery bo pmont: ❑ Yes No W YOU 14 YU,>PLEAn AV$WER BELOW QLTSTIONS "Indicate the cumber of bw/\wine perms isoved to the und+w%ipe>d this ca:er dar ytar__,,,,,, badicate the munber of beet'/wizte permits dealed_, Tr4ode 4=vu t of bme wl ,t to be'brmght into the City Park urAer this pwmh on,each,date(number of witae bottles,bw oases,beer koA etc,) I agree that III the beer/wiue acmtRiiners will be 0mn-ed by applicant or plac:,d in propca cot><uiners oa site on the pmdt date and that no A derage or iutoxioated person will be a',lowgd to o=wum airy of the becrlwitte brought ivao the City of McHenry park undex this permit, X egrce that acne of the beer/wint allowad im the City of McHenry park pursuant to this application will be sold,It being undarstood that t 0 sale of boer/wime under this permit issued pta r=to this appl,ientlon is expressly pt+ bibited. t have read and will)e=ply with the City of MuHenzy Park Permit rules. I have food and understand the rules and mVdati,ons ftt have been sat forth by the City of McUeary reaming the speeoiat use and/or boor/wine a Boation(s)and will assume responsibility for any lo!i�s,dmm�ge or liability wising from the use of%a,peck pr � etrlrtauad that not complying with the Perk Peirmit Its will result in loss of deposit. ; Sitwa: Date: Realt h pertaaits are ro law for aonce4sious s zW catering. Make mangemomts to atstsin petits NOTE: Approval will b6odontboftawllstedaboVie. Any odww requags are mbj eot to£tectb,er approval. Restrictions er�eersl+esM,ww,v*�*ax��*r++r**'►+��++r+rRwPOR0i1fPrCMU93tONLY**"**"**************►wee.«,.w.to"eeewv**k�a«r+4kar#1�w**.a«�«� Deposit Fee: S kryment ❑Cash 0 Chwl;0 Clsargc ToW Fee: $ Submitted to City Counoil; C0zftmati0n Setttz, Infti�ls:_ ,__ City Couecii AWoml; t cmr,sl ) *f=A*=iW u0 cad bat&%A er w1w ep`►ttaww