HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/26/2010 - City Council oty of McHenry 333 South Green Street ,, ` , www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 ` Mayor's Office (815) 363-2108 Fax (81.5) 363-2119 AGENDA Administration REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING (815) 363-2100 Monday, July 26, 2010, 7:30 PM Fax (815) 363-2119 Construction and Neighborhood Services (815) 363-2170 1, Call to Order Fax (815) 363-2173 2. Roll Call Finance Department (815) 363-2100 3 Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation Fax (815) 363-2119 Parks and Recreation 4. Consent Agenda: (815) 363-2160 A. Special Event Liquor License for The Church of Holy Apostles annual Fall Fest; Fax (815) 363-3186 B. July 19, 2010 City Council meeting minutes; and C. List of Bills. Police Non-Emergency (815) 363-2200 5. Authorization to seek bids for solids handling system upgrades at the Central and South Fax (815) 363-2149 Wastewater Treatment Plants Public Works 6. Mayor Statement and Reports (815) 363-2186 Fax (815) 363-2214 7, Committee Reports 8. Staff Reports Mayor g. Future Agenda Items Susan E. Low City Clerk 10. Adjournment Janice C. Jones Treasurer Posted: July 21, 2010 Steven C. Murgatroyd Aldermen WARD 1 Victor A. Sand WARD 2 Andrew A. Glab WARD 3 Jeffrey A. Schaefer WARD 4 Geoffrey T. Blake WARD 5 Richard W. Wimmer WARD 6 Robert J. Peterson WARD 7 Geri A. Condon CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the July 26, 2010, City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Special Event Liquor License for The Church of Holy Apostles annual Fall Fest; B. July 19, 2010 City Council meeting minutes; and C. List of Bills. CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Christopher J. Black, Interim City Administrator FOR: July 26, 2010 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request from The Church of Holy Apostles for a special event liquor license to serve beer and wine at the annual "Fall Fest" on Friday, September 17, and Saturday, September 18, 2010. The Church of Holy Apostles is hosting their annual "Fall Fest" in the church Bell Tower room on Friday, September 17th and Saturday, September 18th. The church is requesting permission to serve beer and wine at the event from 6:00 PM to 1 1 :00 PM on Friday, and 12:00 PM to 1 1 :00 PM on Saturday. Attached is a letter from Michael Schneider, Business Manager for the church and special event liquor license application. The $25 license fee has been paid and all required information has been submitted to the city. If approved, this would be the church's fourth special event license this year. The Municipal Code currently allows no more than eight special event liquors licenses in a calendar year. Recommendation: To grant a special event liquor license to The Church of Holy Apostles to serve beer and wine on church property for a church event on Friday, September 17th from 6:00 PM to 11 :00 PM, and Saturday, September 18th from 12:00 PM to 1 1 :00 PM. THE CHURCH OF HOLY APOSTLES 5211 West Bull Valley Road • McHenry, IL 60050-7429 (815) 385-LORD (5673) • Fax (815) 385-6045 E-mail: haposties@thechurchofholyaposties.org Website: www.thechurchofholyaposties.org Marci Geraghty July 19, 2010 City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 815 363 2119 Fax Dear Marci, We will be holding our annual Fall Fest on Friday and Saturday September 17, and 181n from noon—midnight at the Church of Holy Apostles, 5211 W. Bull Valley Road McHenry. Please use this notice that we will be requesting a liquor license to sell beer and wine at the event Thanks for your help in getting the license issued. Please advise if the license gets approved and when we can pick it up. Sincerely, Michael Schneider Business Manager The Church of Holy Apostles 5211 W. Bull Valley Road McHenry, IL 60050 815 385 LORD (5673) REGULAR MEETING July 19, 2010 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled July 19, 2010 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance were Interim Administrator Black, Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney Richard Flood, Construction and Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg, Public Works Director Schmitt, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, Chief of Police Brogan. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Block Party request: Ron Bielski,1719 Jennifer Lane,Mill Creek Subdivision,August 28,2010; B. City Council Minutes: July 12,2010 regularly scheduled meeting; C. List of Bills: ABIOL, CONNIE 85.00 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 2,340.30 ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 125.00 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 167.76 AGS REBUILDERS 159.00 AMERICAN RED CROSS OF GR 17.00 ANCHOR TOWING 125.00 ANELLI, MAUREEN 20.00 AT&T 3,540.63 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 1.05 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 845.00 BAXTER & WOODMAN 5,764.50 BELLMORE, STEVE 40.00 BRENNAN, DAN 980.00 BUSS FORD SALES 1,780.04 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR 702.10 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 205.29 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 826.36 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 1,615.64 COMCAST CABLE 75.79 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING 105.00 COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE 10.00 CULVERS OF MCHENRY 224.00 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 4,954.36 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 62.00 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 307.96 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO 123.84 DUNNING, TAMMY 165.00 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 752.18 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 1,665.00 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 56.80 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 105.69 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 102.48 FUTURE LINK OF ILLINOIS 10,620.00 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 15.45 HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT, DON 65.00 f Regular Meeting Page 2 July 19,2010 IIMC 165.00 ILLINOIS EPA 1,000.00 IPMA-HR 360.00 KIMBALL MIDWEST 158.76 KING CUT CONCRETE CUTTER 600.00 KOMLINE-SANDERSON ENGINE 3,979.97 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 369.96 LEE AUTO MCHENRY 166.73 MARTIN, DOUG 31.92 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 103.74 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S 1,627.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL 2,306.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 761.50 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 292.43 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY 135.00 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 80.00 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 244.84 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 30.45 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 182.25 MJ'S COFFEE BAR 48.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 2,068.40 OTTER SALES & SERVICE IN 344.22 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 1,190.00 OWSLEY, MIKE 156.15 PACE 8,984.60 PETROLIANCE LLC 3,403.30 PITEL SEPTIC INC 1,625.00 PROSAFETY INC 5.96 REINDERS INC 877.82 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 230.68 ROCKALL, KRISTIAN 2,958.75 ROGERS, MATT 113.94 SAM'S CLUB 1,470.65 SCHAFER, PAT 174.45 SEC GROUP INC 30,377.40 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 1,786.41 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB 231.66 SPRINT 117.55 STAN'S FINANCIAL SERVICE 222.00 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 276.26 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 222.02 SUPERVALU 106.35 TASER INTERNATIONAL 1,061.55 ULINE 149.63 ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICAIT 532.23 UNITED LABORATORIES 625.70 VERIZON WIRELESS 221.51 WARD & ASSOC INC, ROBERT 6,200.00 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 4,800.00 GRAND TOTALS 122,127.96 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 4,7636.63 ANNEXATION FUND 4,068.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 36,577.40 WATER/SEWER FUND 22,099.75 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 11,746.18 TOTALS 122,127.96 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Page 3 July 19,2010 REQUEST FOR FENCE VARIANCE-LINDA HIATT 3207 FOXVIEW HIGHLANDS DRIVE Mayor Low noted the Agenda Item regarding the request for a fence variance as submitted by Linda Hiatt of 3207 Foxview Highlands Drive has been pulled from consideration on this evening's agenda. REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCES-PATRIOT ESTATES SUBDIVISION In attendance was Stefanie Spitson of Cunat Inc., developer of Patriot Estates Subdivision. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted by Cunat Inc. for sign variances for its Patriot Estates Subdivision. The request is for two advertising banners and two additional informational signs at the subdivision entrance at Crystal Lake Road. The signs would be as follows: • Two sixteen square foot freestanding informational signs; • Two twenty-four square foot banners. The applicant is seeking permission to post the signs until April 1, 2011. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted, in conjunction with the request is the condition that the sign variances approved on October 6, 2008 be repealed. If Staff determines the banners become tattered, worn or unsightly, they would have to be replaced with identical banners. Alderman Glab stated he does not care for the sign. The sign colors of red and yellow are unappealing. He stated he cannot support the request. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the age-restricted language would be addressed. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded in the affirmative. Motion by Condon, seconded by Blake, to accept Staff's recommendation to approve sign variances for Patriot Estates Subdivision as submitted by Cunat Inc. as follows: • Two sixteen square foot freestanding informational signs to be located at the subdivision entrance at Crystal Lake Road; • Two twenty-four square foot banners to be placed on existing homes within the subdivision; Subject to the banners being replaced with identical banners if Staff determines that they have become tattered, worn or unsightly. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab, Peterson. Absent: None. Motion carried. Regular Meeting Page 4 July 19,2010 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR RECAPTURE AGREEMENT— MICHAEL ECKSTEIN, 1910 ORCHARD BEACH ROAD Deputy City Administrator Martin stated on June 29, 2010 Council approved an ordinance entering into a pre-annexation agreement with Michael and Ann Eckstein for their property located at 1910 Orchard Beach Road (ORD-09-1471). The ordinance allowed the Ecksteins to connect to the City's sanitary sewer system, even though their property is currently located in unincorporated McHenry County. The pre-annexation agreement was subsequently amended by Ordinance No ORD-10-1498 and now contains a provision for the Ecksteins to be able to recapture fees expended in extending the sanitary sewer main to their property. The recapture fees would impact benefited property owners. The amount to be recaptured from the benefitted property owners is $23,256.94. Staff is recommending approval of an ordinance providing for the terms of a 20-year recapture agreement between the City and Michael and Ann Eckstein. Alderman Schaefer requested clarification regarding the need for reimbursement to the Ecksteins. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded the Ecksteins expended a total of $29, 300.08 of which approximately $6,000 was the cost of running the sanitary sewer line to their residence.The difference of$23,256.94 would be shared among the four benefitted properties. Alderman Glab noted this is a distressed property that required use of the municipal sanitary sewer. Deputy City Administrator Martin concurred. Alderman Glab stated it is his belief there should be a penalty for those who wait until their property is distressed before deciding to connect to the City sanitary sewer. Alderman Glab cited a copy of state statute 651LCS5/9-5-1 et seq. (Reimbursement of subdivider for facilities, roadways or improvements beneficial to public) which he provided to Council and stated that recital should be eliminated as it does not apply to a home rule community. Attorney Flood stated it does apply as it provided additional coverage. Alderman Glab stated he would approve the agreement this evening but requests the inquiry be looked into further. Attorney Flood stated it does not hurt anything to remove it and noted he would investigate the issue further. In response to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Attorney Flood stated the recapture agreement remains attached to the benefited property. Alderman Schaefer inquired about the interest rates included on past recapture agreements approved by Council. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the standard was between 8% and 9%. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to pass an ordinance providing for the Mayor's execution of a recapture agreement with Michael and Ann Eckstein regarding their property located at 1910 Orchard Beach Road in the amount of$23,256.94. Regular Meeting Page 5 July 19,2010 Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low thanked the Chamber for their efforts this past week in producing Fiesta Days. Mayor Low also expressed her appreciation to the City employees who did a phenomenal job during the event. Mayor Low reported the opening ceremonies for CABA 2010 are scheduled for Sunday, July 251h at Petersen Park. The Fast Pitch Frenzy Softball Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, July 25th at Petersen Park. Family Faith Night is scheduled for Saturday,July 315E COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Future Agenda Items discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PERSONNEL Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel at 7:59 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went into Executive Session at 8:01 p.m. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to go back into Open Session at 8:52 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 8:52 p.m. Regular Meeting Page 6 July 19,2010 OPEN SESSION REGARDING MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to terminate effective July 13, 2010 the Employment Agreement with Douglas Maxeiner which was executed June 29, 2009. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Condon, seconded by Wimmer,to adjourn the meeting at 8:52p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. Mayor City Clerk DATE` 7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10070675 100 33 1001 A-YARD CORP 7/13/10 MATERIALS 07/26/10 0 072010 45.00 100.33.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0647 45.00 072010 10070667 580 32 1113 ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 1095 SCADA SYSTEM INTEGRATION 07/26/10 0 072010 2,924.77 580.32.8500 1007 072010 GLJ0647 2924.77 072010 580-CWWSWW 10070668 100 41 1 AKEY, JENNIFER PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 74.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJ0647 74.00 072010 10070669 100 46 1422 AMERICA'S ACTION TERRITO 7/29/10 DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP #4 07/26/10 0 072010 594.00 100.46.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0647 594.00 072010 10070670 510 31 1440 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 7000222304TRAINING REGISTRATION FEE 07/26/10 0 072010 75.00 PALMER 510.31.5430 1007 072010 GLJ0647 75.00 072010 10070673 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T JULY 2010 ALARM CIRCUITS 07/26/10 0 072010 132.68 100.42.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 29.56 072010 100.45.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 103.12 072010 10070671 100 XXXXX 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 07/26/10 0 072010 85.86 100.01.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 81.58 072010 100.22.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 .78 072010 100.30.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 .25 072010 100.33.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 2.26 072010 100.41.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 .46 072010 100.42.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 .23 072010 100.45.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 .30 072010 10070672 510 XXXXX 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 07/26/10 0 072010 2.45 510.31.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 1.56 072010 510.32.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0647 .89 072010 10070674 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 218445TIRES 07/26/10 0 072010 296.88 100.22.5370 1007 072010 GLJ0647 296.88 072010 10070676 510 31 2149 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 287815SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 70.67 510.31.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0647 70.67 072010 10070677 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 37309 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/26/10 0 072010 33.42 100.22.5370 1007 072010 GLJ0647 33.42 072010 10070678 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 37321 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/26/10 0 072010 28.10 100.22.5370 1007 072010 GLJ0647 28.10 072010 10070679 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC TGX2523 LAPTOP COMPUTER 07/26/10 0 072010 713.50 620.00.6270 1007 072010 GLJ0650 713.50 072010 10070680 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC TDZ5420 WIRELESS ROUTER 07/26/10 0 072010 199.66 620.00.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 199.66 072010 DATE 7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE - 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10070681 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83166 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 53.90 610.00.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 53.90 072010 10070682 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83334 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 58.80 610.00.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 58.80 072010 10070683 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83361 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 58.80 610.00.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 58.80 072010 10070684 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83653 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 14.70 610.00.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 14.70 072010 10070685 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83655 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 499.44 610.00.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 499.44 072010 10070686 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83732 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 137.20 100.01.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 137.20 072010 10070687 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 83965 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 284.81 100.01.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 284.81 072010 10070688 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 84033 MEDICAL SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 58.80 610.00.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 58.80 072010 10070689 100 33 3160 CERTIFIED FLEET SERVICES S12683HI-RANGER REPAIRS 07/26/10 0 072010 3,490.43 100.33.5370 1007 072010 GLJ0650 3490.43 072010 10070690 620 00 3200 CFA SOFTWARE INC 10904 ANNUAL SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 07/26/10 0 072010 2,400.00 620.00.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 2400.00 072010 10070691 510 31 3395 CLA-VAL CO 535346SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 105.27 510.31.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 105.27 072010 10071021 100 41 1 COUGHLIN, PATRICIA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072110 179.00 100.41.3636 1007 072110 GLJ0653 179.00 072110 10070692 100 01 3559 COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE LUNSMANN NOTARY COMMISSION 07/26/10 0 072010 10.00 100.01.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0650 10.00 072010 10070693 100 41 1 DEZANEK, LORI PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 50.00 100.41.3637 1007 072010 GLJ0650 50.00 072010 10070694 510 31 4285 DIGI-KEY CORPORATION 31977249 SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 44.10 510.31.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 44.10 072010 10071022 100 47 4746 DUNN, TAMMY 7/12/10 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/26/10 0 072110 17.50 100.47.5110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 17.50 072110 10070695 100 47 5300 EISERMAN, JERRY SUPPLIES REIMB 07/26/10 0 072010 22.40 100.47.6920 1007 072010 GLJ0650 22.40 072010 DATE '7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10070696 100 47 6026 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 612769TENNIS NET REPAIRS 07/26/10 0 072010 5.00 100.47.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 5.00 072010 10070697 100 41 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH 7/13/10 VEHICLE WASH 07/26/10 0 072010 14.95 100.41.5370 1007 072010 GLJ0650 14.95 072010 10071023 510 31 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 13456 MATERIALS 07/26/10 0 072110 1,224.00 510.31.6110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 1224.00 072110 10070698 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36774 SOD 07/26/10 0 072010 50.80 100.33.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0650 50.80 072010 10070699 100 41 1 GILLELAND, LAURA PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 37.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJ0651 37.00 072010 10070700 100 44 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 216603CONCESSION SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 578.55 100.44.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 578.55 072010 10070701 100 44 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 216948CONCESSION SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 616.94 100.44.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 616.94 072010 10070702 100 44 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 21737000NCESSION SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 557.34 100.44.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 557.34 072010 10070703 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 387669POOL SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 377.28 100.42.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 377.28 072010 10070704 100 01 10520 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES 55027750 RIVERWALK IRRIGATION SUPPLI 07/26/10 0 072010 247.68 100.01.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 247.68 072010 10070705 100 33 10735 JULIE INC 06-10-099SUNDERGROUND LOCATES 07/26/10 0 072010 123.16 100.33.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 123.16 072010 10070706 510 XXXXX 10735 JULIE INC 06-10-0995UNDERGROUND LOCATES 07/26/10 0 072010 246.34 510.31.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 123.17 072010 510.32.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 123.17 072010 10070707 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 465418SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 59.96 100.22.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 59.96 072010 10070708 100 41 1 LENZEN, DEREK PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 15.00 100.41.3637 1007 072010 GLJ0651 15.00 072010 10070709 100 22 16015 MARATHON TOWING 14209 VEHICLE TOWING SERVICES 07/26/10 0 072010 40.00 100.22.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 40.00 072010 10070710 100 02 13038 MARYS FLOWERS & GIFTS 2010219 MISS MCHENRY FLOWERS 07/26/10 O 072010 141.00 100.02.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0651 141.00 072010 10070711 580 32 14043 MAXIM CONSTRUCTION CORP 1018500001SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 07/26/10 0 072010 79,610.40 DATE 7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 580.32.8500 1007 072010 GLJO651 79610.40 072010 580-SWWTP 10070715 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 29078 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 07/26/10 0 072010 60.00 510.31.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 60.00 072010 10071024 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 1002948 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 07/26/10 0 072110 430.00 510.31.5110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 430.00 072110 10070716 100 46 14283 MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & M 6762 MIRROR 07/26/10 0 072010 9.00 100.46.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 9.00 072010 10070717 100 02 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2010-785 KEY TO THE CITY 07/26/10 0 072010 22.00 100.02.6940 1007 072010 GLJ0651 22.00 072010 10070718 100 47 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2010-801 SOFTBALL PLAQUES 07/26/10 0 072010 400.00 100.47.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 400.00 072010 10070719 510 32 14424 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 60115781 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 07/26/10 0 072010 146.83 510.32.5375 1007 072010 GLJ0651 146.83 072010 10070712 100 41 13148 MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC 13449 FIREWORKS DISPLAY 07/26/10 0 072010 15,000.00 100.41.6920 1007 072010 GLJO651 15000.00 072010 10070713 100 41 1 MILLER, DOLORES PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 264.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJO651 264.00 072010 10070714 100 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 73219 STOCK PRINTED SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 1,270.26 100.00.6210 1007 072010 GLJO651 1130.36 072010 100.04.6210 1007 072010 GLJ0651 83.94 072010 100.41.6210 1007 072010 GLJ0651 55.96 072010 10070720 XXXXX XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL JUNE 2010 CELL PHONE USAGE 07/26/10 0 072010 1,593.25 100.01.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 133.47 072010 100.03.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 185.71 072010 100.22.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 860.26 072010 100.30.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 58.11 072010 100.33.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 123.70 072010 100.41.5320 1007 072010 GLJO651 50.11 072010 100.45.5320 1007 072010 GLJO651 66.06 072010 100.46.5320 1007 072010 GLJO651 24.65 072010 100.47.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 37.69 072010 620.00.5320 1007 072010 GLJO651 53.49 072010 10070721 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL JUNE 2010 CELL PHONE USAGE 07/26/10 0 072010 212.14 510.31.5320 1007 072010 GLJO651 99.54 072010 510.32.5320 1007 072010 GLJ0651 112.60 072010 10070722 100 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS JUNE/JULY UTILITIES 07/26/10 0 072010 815.58 100.42.5510 1007 072010 GLJ0651 781.06 072010 100.46.5510 1007 072010 GLJ0651 34.52 072010 DATE. 7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10070723 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS JUNE/JULY UTILITIES 07/26/10 0 072010 326.33 510.31.5510 1007 072010 GLJ0651 109.20 072010 510.32.5510 1007 072010 GLJ0651 217.13 072010 10070724 100 00 2 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP REFUND PERMIT #10-05-004 07/26/10 0 072010 30.00 100.00.3410 1007 072010 GLJ0651 30.00 072010 10070725 100 41 1 NUSBAUM, APRIL PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 55.00 100.41.3635 1007 072010 GLJ0651 55.00 072010 10071025 100 41 1 O'N_EILL, KITTY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072110 179.00 100.41.3636 1007 072110 GLJ0653 179.00 072110 10070726 100 46 16415 OLD TOWNE PIZZA 7/16/10 DAY CAMP PIZZAS 07/26/10 0 072010 44.00 100.46.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 44.00 072010 10070727 100 41 1 OSIECKI, IRENE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 358.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJ0651 358.00 072010 10070728 100 46 17163 PENZE, JACQUELINE S 7/1/10PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/26/10 0 072010 576.00 100.46.5110 1007 072010 GLJO651 576.00 072010 10070729 100 44 17156 PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 1729818104CONCESSION SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 798.43 100.44.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 798.43 072010 10071026 100 44 17156 PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 172981951000NCESSION SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072110 337.84 100.44.6110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 337.84 072110 10070730 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 20321 SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 732.19 100.22.6110 1007 072010 GLJO651 732.19 072010 10070731 100 22 17542 POPP, LARRY UNIFORM CLEANING REIMB 07/26/10 0 072010 21.90 100.22.4510 1007 072010 GLJ0651 21.90 072010 10070732 100 47 17655 PRO PLAYER CONSULTANTS I 7/8/10PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/26/10 0 072010 2,220.00 100.47.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 2220.00 072010 10070733 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 96524 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 07/26/10 0 072010 116.23 100.22.5370 1007 072010 GLJ0651 116.23 072010 10070734 100 42 19285 RIDGEVIEW ELECTRIC INC 32336 POOL LIGHT REPAIRS 07/26/10 0 072010 305.42 100.42.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 305.42 072010 10070735 100 41 1 ROMANO, ROSALIE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 358.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJ0651 358.00 072010 10070736 100 41 20430 SEC GROUP INC 68346 COLD SPRINGS PARK SURVEY 07/26/10 0 072010 107.50 100.41.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 107.50 072010 10070737 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 68350 LEGEND LAKES BUILDOUT 07/26/10 0 072010 4,586.25 DATE 7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE , 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 440.00.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 4586.25 072010 440-KIMBALL 10070738 510 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 68347 NPDES PHASE 2 07/26/10 0 072010 1,241.83 510.32.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 1241.83 072010 10070739 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 68380 SEWER SYSTEM UPGRADES 07/26/10 0 072010 82,571.95 580.32.8500 1007 072010 GLJ0651 82571.95 072010 580-CWWSWW 10070740 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 68348 SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 07/26/10 0 072010 11,850.29 580.32.8500 1007 072010 GLJ0651 11850.29 072010 580-SWWTP 10070741 100 41 1 SERPICO, FRANK PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 358.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJ0651 358.00 072010 10071027 100 33 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC J22899HVAC ROOFTOP COMPRESSOR 07/26/10 0 072110 1,824.24 100.33.5110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 1824.24 072110 10071028 510 XXXXX 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC J22899HVAC ROOFTOP COMPRESSOR 07/26/10 0 072110 939.76 510.31.5110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 829.20 072110 510.32.5110 1007 072110 GLJ0653 110.56 072110 10070742 100 03 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 273556LARGE COPIER METER READING 07/26/10 0 072010 147.07 100.03.5110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 147.07 072010 10071029 100 41 1 SULLIVAN, MARY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072110 358.00 100.41.3636 1007 072110 GLJ0653 358.00 072110 10070743 510 31 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 188828SUPPLIES 07/26/10 0 072010 113.11 510.31.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 113.11 072010 10070744 100 41 1 VENEZIANO, ANN MARIE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 07/26/10 0 072010 54.00 100.41.3636 1007 072010 GLJ0651 54.00 072010 10070745 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 203713CHEMICALS 07/26/10 0 072010 2,328.40 510.32.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 2328.40 072010 10070746 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 203732BARREL DEPOSITS 07/26/10 0 072010 630.00- 510.32.6110 1007 072010 GLJ0651 630.00OR 072010 10071030 510 31 24035 WATER WELL SOLUTIONS 10-06-109 WELL #3 REHABILITATION 07/26/10 0 072110 36,403.00 510.31.8200 1007 072110 GLJ0653 36403.00 072110 510-WELLREHAB 10071031 510 31 24035 WATER WELL SOLUTIONS 10-06-108 WELL #3 REHABILITATION 07/26/10 0 072110 241.49 510.31.8200 1007 072110 GLJ0653 241.49 072110 510-WELLREHAB 10070747 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89197 LEGAL FEES - CORP 07/26/10 0 072010 7,940.00 DATE, 7/21/2010 10:12 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/26/10 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.01.5230 1007 072010 GLJ0651 7940.00 072010 10070748 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89200 LEGAL FEES - CORP 07/26/10 0 072010 287.80 100.01.5230 1007 072010 GLJ0651 287.80 072010 10070749 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89198 KRESSWOOD TOWNHOMES 07/26/10 0 072010 435.00 740.00.5230 1007 072010 GLJ0651 435.00 072010 10070750 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89202 MEDELA 07/26/10 0 072010 580.00 740.00.5230 1007 072010 GLJ0651 580.00 072010 10070751 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89199 CUNAT/PATRIOT ESTATES 07/26/10 0 072010 3,045.00 740.00.5230, 1007 072010 GLJ0651 3045.00 072010 10070752 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89203 ECKSTEIN ANNEXATION 07/26/10 0 072010 580.00 740.00.5230 1007 072010 GLJ0651 580.00 072010 10070753 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 89201 JASON GOLNIK 07/26/10 0 072010 175.00 740.00.5230 1007 072010 GLJ0651 175.00 072010 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 278,925.63 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 44,875.16 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 4,586.25 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 43,580.72 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 176,957.41 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 744.44 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 3,366.65 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 4,815.00 **" 278,925.63 Y AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black,Interim City Administrator FOR: July 26,2010 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Wastewater Treatment Plants Solids Handling ATTACHMENTS: SEC Group, Inc. Opinion of Probable Cost Background. At the January 18, 2010 Regular City Council Meeting, the City Council approved an engineering services agreement with SEC Group, Inc. for solid handling upgrades at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWWTP) and the South Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWWTP). The engineering services agreement included the engineering design, bidding assistance and construction observation. Consolidating the treatment of the wastewater solids is a step towards abandoning the CWWTP while providing the sanitary sewer system more flexibility to handle additional flow capacity. This investment is a cost effective means to keep the CWWTP in operation for a minimum of ten additional years. Analysis. SEC Group, Inc. has finalized the plans, specifications and bid documents for the consolidation of the solids handling at the SWWTP. The engineer's estimate on the attached opinion of probable cost (EOPC) is $2,860,000. The EOPC does not include SCADA system integration or equipment pre-purchase. As authorized earlier by the City Council, funding sources for the project will be bond proceeds and Capital Development Fees. Recommendation. Staff requests authorization to publicly bid the solids handling system upgrades at Central and South Wastewater Treatment Plants. HRG Project 090039.01 90°f� CITY OF MCHENRY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST July 20, 2010 SUMMARY Central Plant-Sitework 70,000 South Plant-Site Work 89,000 Central Plant-Headworks Building 399,000 Central Plant-Thickener Building 52,000 Central Plant-Chlorine Building 46,000 South Plant-Solids Handling Building 1,708,000 Subtotal 2,364,000 General Requirements 10% 236,400 Subtotal 2,600,400 Contingency 10% 260,000 TOTAL PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST $2,860,000 City of McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Cost July 20, 2010 Page 2 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost CENTRAL PLANT-SITEWORK Demolition Surfacings Bituminous pavement 31 sq yd 15.00 465 Generator fuel tank relocation Lump Sum 7,000 Storage building partial demolition Lump Sum 3,000 Earthwork Embankments and fill Granular fill 64 cu yd 33.00 2,112 Surfacings Bituminous Pavement 85 sq yd 31.00 2,635 Fencing Chain link fence remove and replace 90 lin ft 35.00 3,150 Yard piping 16-20" 227 lin ft 150.00 34,050 6" 20 lin ft 50.00 1,000 16"x16-20"Tapping sleeve and valve Lump Sum 10,000 1" Service connection w/shutoff valve in valve box Lump Sum 700 1"Yard hydrant Lump Sum 600 1"Copper water service 80 lin ft 25.00 2,000 Erosion control Lump Sum 1,000 Landscape restoration 0.5 acre 5,000.00 2,500 Total-Central Plant Sitework $70,000 SOUTH PLANT-SITEWORK Demolition Surfacings Concrete 284 sq yd 10.00 2,840 Bituminous Pavement 147 sq yd 15.00 2,205 Concrete retaining wall Lump Sum 3,000 Clearing&Grubbing Lump Sum 2,500 Earthwork Embankments and fill Rough grading and on-site spoils disposal 504 cu yd 12.00 6,048 Granular trench backfill 44 cu yd 33.00 1,452 Furnish and place 6"of topsoil 403 cu yd 12.00 4,836 Surfacings Concrete drive w/6"agg base 270 sq yd 80.00 21,600 Bituminous Pavement 724 sq yd 31.00 22,444 Concrete sidewalks/stairs 171 sq ft 22.00 3,762 Fencing Chain link fence remove and replace 100 fin ft 35.00 3,500 Yard piping 6" 239 lin ft 36.00 8,604 Erosion Control Lump Sum 4,000 Seeding&sodding 0.5 acre 5,000.00 2,500 Total-South Plant Sitework $89,000 City of McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Cost July 20, 2010 Page 3 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost CENTRAL PLANT-HEADWORKS BUILDING Demolition Remove existing handwheel operator Lump Sum 500 Remove slab-mounted motor Lump Sum 500 Influent Sluice Gate/Operator Removal Lump Sum 2,500 Comminutor Removal Lump Sum 2,500 Electrical/Controls Demolition Lump Sum 2,500 Excavation&backfill Structural excavation 30 cu yd 15.00 450 Compacted Backfill 16 cu yd 12.00 192 Compacted granular fill 0 cu yd 25.00 0 Helical Piers 7 each 2,000.00 14,000 Concrete, cast-in-place Slab on grade/footing grade beam 14 cu yd 300.00 4,200 Concrete,precast hollow core plank 450 SF 15 6,750 Metals Ships Ladder 12 riser 435.00 5,200 Screen support beams Lump Sum 6,000 Grating, 2"aluminum 120 sq ft 50.00 6,000 Guardrail,aluminum 55 lin ft 67.00 3,700 Bollards Lump Sum 300 12"Concrete Brick 812 sq ft 18.67 15,200 8" Concrete Brick 476 sq ft 16.00 7,600 Thermal and Moisture Protection EPDM Roofing 510 sq ft 2.10 1,100 Roofing Insulation Lump Sum 2,300 Flashing 100 lin ft 5.22 500 Downspout Lump Sum 300 Pearlite Wall Insulation 1,288 sq ft 1.54 2,000 Siloxine Water Repellent 1,288 sq ft 0.95 1,200 Process Equipment Mechanical Screen-Furnish and Install 1 each 159,500 159,500 Washer/compactor- Furnish and Install 1 each 71,500 71,500 Dumpsters 4 each 0 0 Process piping-compactor drain Lump Sum 1,500 Aluminum Door 1 each 1,375 1,400 Fiberglass Overhead Door 1 each 3,450 3,500 Roof Hatch 1 each 3,000 3,000 Mechanical HVAC Lump Sum 20,000 Instrumentation (4%) Lump Sum 13,000 Electrical (12%) Lump Sum 40,000 Total-Central Plant Headworks Building $399,000 City of McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Cost July 20, 2010 Page 4 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost CENTRAL PLANT-THICKENER BUILDING Process Piping Modifications Lump Sum 24,000 GBT removal Lump Sum 5,000 GBT feed pump removal Lump Sum 5,000 GBT polymer system removal Lump Sum 1,250 Instrumentation Lump Sum 15,000 Electrical (12%) Lump Sum 1,400 Total-Central Plant-Thickener Building 52,000 CENTRAL PLANT-CHLORINE BUILDING Demolition and removal Lump Sum 5,000 Chlorine equipment- Furnish and Install Lump Sum 12,000 Makeup water piping- Furnish and Install Lump Sum 0 Concrete floor cut and replacement Lump Sum 0 FRP Door-Furnish and Install Lump Sum 5,000 Ventilation fan/intake louver-Furnish and Install Lump Sum 8,500 Electrical Lump Sum 15,000 Total-Central Plant-Chlorine Building 46,000 SOUTH PLANT-SOLIDS HANDLING BUILDING Demolition and removal Lump Sum 25,000 Earthwork Structural excavation 200 cu yd 15.00 3,000 Compacted Backfill 57 cu yd 12.00 684 Compacted granular fill 0 cu yd 25.00 0 Helical Piers 8 each 1,500.00 12,000 Concrete, cast-in-place Slab on grade/footings 143 cu yd 300.00 42,900 Walls&columns 81 cu yd 700.00 56,700 Suspended slabs&beams 76 cu yd 1,100.00 83,600 Concrete,precast hollow core plank 3,640 SF 15 54,600 Metals-steel beam &columns Lump Sum 15,000 Thermal&moisture protection EPDM Roofing 7,000 SF 2.10 14,700 Roof Insulation Lump Sum 50,500 Wall Insulation Lump Sum 16,200 Parapet Flashing Lump Sum 2,900 Downspouts 7 each 500 3,500 8"CMU (interior and exterior) 6,422 SF 8 52,018 4" Brick 5,837 SF 17 96,311 Aluminum Doors 5 each 1,375 6,875 Overhead Aluminum Door 1 each 5,000 5,000 Relocate 6 Windows Lump Sum 6,000 12'x 10' Knockout Panels Lump Sum 12,000 City of McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Opinion of Probable Construction Cost July 20, 2010 Page 5 Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Painting Lump Sum 20,000 Process Equipment 2 m BFP-Furnish and Install Lump Sum 348,000 2 m GBT- Re-install Lump Sum 5,000 0.75 m GBT-move and install (platform included) Lump Sum 5,000 BFP pumps-Furnish and Install 2 each 25,000 50,000 GBT standby pump-Furnish and Install 0 each 30,000 0 0.75 m GBT feed pump-Furnish and Install 1 each 25,000 25,000 Thickened Sludge Pumps- Furnish and Install 2 each 35,000 70,000 Polymer feed systems (3)-Furnish and Install Lump Sum 75,100 Access hatch (3'x T) Lump Sum 5,000 2-m BFP Access Platform Lump Sum 15,000 Mechanical Piping/Fittings- New 4"Line 32 LF 16 519 4"90 degree elbow 1 each 43 43 4x6 reducing elbow 2 each 117 234 46 reducer 8 each 39 313 4" Plug Valve 1 each 681 681 4"Check Valve 1 each 616 616 6" Line 214 LF 19 3,983 6"90 degree elbow 0 each 68 0 6" Plug Valve 8 each 1,119 8,952 6"Check Valve 6 each 1,201 7,206 6" Expansion Joint 5 each 330 1,650 6x8reducer 6 each 65 391 6"Tee 6 each 99 593 6"Blind Flange 1 each 60 60 8" Line 69 LF 25 1,747 8"90 degree elbow 3 each 100 301 8"Tee 3 each 148 444 8" Plug Valve 2 each 1,365 2,730 Installation of Re-used Fittings Lump Sum 5,000 Pipe supports Lump Sum 20,000 Polymer feed piping Lump Sum 20,000 HVAC Lump Sum 160,000 Plant Water(W3) Package System Lump Sum 5,000 Plumbing Piping Lump Sum 25,000 Instrumentation &Controls Lump Sum 55,000 Electrical Lump Sum 210,000 Total-South Plant-Solids Handling Building 1,708,000