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Packet - 09/21/2009 - City Council
city of McHenry i 333 South Green Street r www.ci.mchenry.i1.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 ' Mayor's Office (815) 363-2108 Fax (815) 363-2119 AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Clerk's Office Monday, September 21, 2009, 7:30 PM (815)363-2100 Fax(815)363-2128 Administration (815)363-2108 Fax(815)363-2119 1. Call to Order Public Works 2. Roll Call Community Development 3. Pledge of Allegiance — McHenry Webolos Pack 131 (815)363-2170 Fax(815)363-2173 4. Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation Parks and Recreation 5. Consent Agenda: (815)363-2160 A. Final payment to Water Well Solutions in the amount of $35,954 for Well No. 2 Fax(815)363-3186 Rehabilitation and change order adding $4,985 to contract amount; B. Committee Recommendation Financial Policies; Police Non-Emergency C. Request for Block Party; and (815)363-2200 Fax(815)363-2149 D. List of Bills. 6. Request for extension to submit final plat for proposed Brook Estates development Mayor Susan E.Low 7• Agreement with Harrison &Associates, Inc. not to exceed $13,200 for easement appraisal for sanitary sewer conveyance line City Clerk Janice C.Jones 8. Mayor — Statement and Reports 1Yeasurer 9. Committee Reports David M.Welter 10. Staff Reports Aldermen 11. Future Agenda Items WARD 1 Victor A. Santi 12. Adjournment WARD Andrew A.Glab Posted and Mailed: September 16, 2009 WARD 3 Jeffrey A. Schaefer WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd WARD 5 Richard W.Wimmer WARD 6 Robert J.Peterson WARD 7 Geri A.Condon CONSIENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the September 21 , 2009 City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Final payment to Water Well Solutions in the amount of $35,954 for Well No. 2 Rehabilitation and change order adding $4,985 to contract amount; B. Committee Recommendation: Financial Policies; C. Request for Block Party; and D. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: September 21, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Well#2 Rehabilitation Final Pay Request Background. At the June 29, 2009 City Council meeting, a contract was awarded to Water Well Solutions in the amount of$30,969 to perform a high rate injection process (Hy-RIP) to improve the production capacity of well #2. The contract also included the installation of a water level pressure transducer. Analysis. Water Well Solutions has submitted a change order in the amount of$4,985 due to an unusually high buildup of iron on the well screen which required brushing prior to the treatment process. Also included in the change order was the installation of a flanged port on the well casing so future treatment may be performed without removing the pumping equipment. This was not included in the original scope of work. The 2009-10 Water Division Budget includes $55,000 for well rehabilitation. Staff has reviewed the final invoice and recommends approval of the final pay request. Recommendation. Staff requests the City Council approve a change order adding $4,985 to the original contract amount for the final pay request for well #2 rehabilitation to Water Well Solutions in an amount not to exceed$35,954.00. CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black, Finance Director FOR: September 21, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Financial Policies Background. Financial policies, whether formal or informal, establish the groundwork for the City's financial decision making, identify acceptable or unacceptable courses of action, and establish parameters in which the government can operate. In practice, policies should provide guidance for our annual budget process and be used as a planning tool to assure long-term financial stability. As an added benefit, establishing policies is an action the bond rating agencies view as one indicator of good fiscal management. Analysis. Municipalities create financial policies to govern a number of functions, including operating budget, revenues and expenditures, reserves, debt management, capital improvements, and investments. The City established investment and capital improvement policies in 1999 and 2002, respectively. For that reason, the attached document only addresses the areas of operating budget and expenses, fund reserves, and debt management. Staff has developed the policies for the essential functional areas. The common goal for each of the policy areas is brevity and being general in nature to limit the policies from being overly complicated or restrictive. The policies reflect common sense practices that the City currently follows. As with all policies, these should be updated periodically to reflect changes in conditions. The Finance and Personnel Committee reviewed and approved the attached policies at meeting held on August 31 st Recommendation. Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached policies. CITY OF MCHENRY FINANCIAL POLICIES City of McHenry, Illinois 3. Grant revenues shall be pursued to provide The following City financial policies, along with or enhance City services. However, the previously approved Investment and Capital recurring activities shall be initiated with Improvement Program policies, establish the grant funds only if the activity can be framework for McHenry's overall fiscal planning terminated in the event grant funds are and management. discontinued or the activity should and can be funded within recurring City revenues. Operating Budget and Expense Policies 4. All non-enterprise user fees and charges will be examined annually to determine the 1. The city shall annually adopt a balanced direct and indirect cost of service recovery budget where operating revenues are equal rate. The acceptable recovery rate and any to, or exceed, operating expenditures in associated changes to user fees and each fund. charges will be approved by the City Council. 2. Beginning fund balance should only be appropriated to the extent it supports non- 5. The City will set fees and user charges for recurring expenditures, replaces temporary the Water and Sewer funds at a level that declines in revenue, or is reasonably fully supports the total direct and indirect anticipated to be offset by an increase in costs of the activity. Indirect costs include revenue. the replacement of the capital assets of the fund. 3. As part of the annual budget review process, the City will project General Fund revenues Fund Reserve Policies and expenditures for four years beyond the budget year and compare the projected 1. The City will maintain an unreserved fund balances to the fund balance policy. This will balance in the General Fund equal to 20% allow the City to identify potential problems expenditures budgeted for the fiscal year. If early enough to correct them. the fund balance level falls below 20% due to unforeseen reasons, a replenishment plan 4. The City Council shall be provided monthly will be developed. actual revenues and expenditures for all funds. Any departments or divisions 2. The Water and Sewer Fund will maintain an projected to exceed their annual spending operating reserve in cash and short-term authority for the year shall work with the City receivables equal to 25% of budgeted Administrator to reduce expenses. This may expenditures for the fund. include a deferral of hiring and major expenses for goods and services. Debt Management Policies Revenue Policies 1. The City limits long-term debt to only those 1. The City shall maintain a diversified and capital improvements that cannot be financed from current revenues and have an stable revenue system to the extent provided by law to insulate it from short-term estimated useful life of at least ten years. fluctuations in any one revenue source. 2. For General Obligation Debt, the City will 2. The City will not budget one-time revenue maintain a debt to assessed valuation ratiothat is 25% more stringent than the state sources to fund annual operating debt limit. expenditures. Such revenues will fund non- recurring activities, such as capital projects and major capital equipment purchases. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT To: Mayor and City Coun ��/ Fm: Deputy Clerk Kunzer For: September 21, 2009 regularly scheduled City Council Meeting Re: Block Party Request Traditionally, during the summer and fall months, the Clerk's Office receives numerous requests for permission to hold block parties within the City limits. The requests usually entail blocking off streets at specific locations within a particular subdivision. The Public Works Department provides barricades. The Fire Department offers a visit by personnel and/or a fire truck, as well. Inasmuch as City streets are closed for these events, City Council permission must be granted. Following council approval, the Police Department Public Works Department, McHenry Township Fire Protection District and the Applicant are notified in writing of the approval. The following Block Party Request was received and requires Council approval:. Saturday, September 26 h from 1 p.m. until 10 p.m. Mark Nunley of 2710 Bush Terrace is requesting the closure of Bush Terrace between Reagan Boulevard and Tyler Trail in Liberty Trails Subdivision. Copy of the request and PIQ map are attached for your edification. /kmk Block Party Permit Application l Revised 2/09 Application submitted by: A9Y,,_ U U MI-ti Street Address: a`l 10 22 US a (r©M-9 Date Submitted: ' icy ,04 NOTE: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO PROPOSED BLOCK PARTY Date of Block Party: 200_1 Hours of Proposed Street Closure: 1 . 00 a.m.n until F r3 oo a.m.(p.m Subdivision Name: L i 5raf—T-4 1—If--A iU-5; Specific Location of Proposed Street Closure(i.e. from what intersection to what intersection): 41 U.S R _TEP_.e_AC 1� S#eet from M0j)F_t_S '?,q"jhjG Lzir (jig-ATto '%rG omstiC Z 1%RL9`rEAI1_ Contact Person(s): HULK. t ktSA IyuNaV Contact Person(s)Address: a) 10 .1�_,S }I Tir_e_AcC Daytime Phone Number: O4-)-3t 9.34`77 Evening Phone Number: I hereby certify that all persons who will be impacted in my neighborhood by the closure of this street have been -n_ottiified of same. Signed: Date: �l0/ p9L UPON COMPVON,PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION TO: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET MCHENRY 11L 60050 OR FAx: 815-363-2173 OR E-MAII.: kkunzer(a),ci.mchenry.il.us OFFICE USE ONLY COUNCIL APPROVAL oN: / / NOTIFICATION MADE To: ❑ MCHENRY POLICE DEPT. ❑ MCHENRY PUBLIC WORKS STREET DVN ❑ MCH TowNsHtP FIRE PRoTECTIoN DISTRICT ❑ ADMINISTRATION OFFICE. 0 APPLICANT i,l y AMT rA e ° � v F3Locac -PAO- y ! r ! to MYA G AV w "" �. a +gar SCOTT �' L'}y 1'e.G-,�'q��Lfr r.. •x,.' rye- .!, � COUNTRY KASlIM! ACRM AV tlxi r r' w .w q KAJdA AL DMA .,,,1R�wi�c1. ya4`Ikt •'u' ,,,,, ,..a. 1+. .iPkl' CT Apek,r-tiles,,. qr RIVERSIDE "Olww A,A*. AR 0 LN - ° WOODLAWN PA*K RDi � L 1 SERTY i'RAlLS # 401 40 WA x CT EW AV , � },��, F► LINC FitLfL OLN lQQL� S[MIa01d, sve a. Ra Ay l�Aoevifw L M ' -DOEWOOp LM w000LAN V ADAMS I MMERCIAL pcl y d 1 'V.!"1�It.. .ti B E aft CHOCOLATS 120 FACTORY lilo�P DAV!asm nATE 9/15/2009 02:53 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 9/21/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9090445 510 31 1077 ACE TOWING & RECOVERY 5507 VEHICLE TOWING SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 55.00 510.31.5370 0909 091509 GLJ9123 55.00 091509 9090446 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 285408SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 5.00 100.33.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 5.00 091509 9090447 510 32 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 285452SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 10.00 510.32.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 10.00 091509 9090448 100 45 1632 ARAMARK 12752735 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 09/21/09 0 091509 59.97 CROWDER 100.45.4510 0909 091509 GLJ9123 59.97 091509 9090449 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT 09 ALARM CIRCUITS 09/21/09 0 091509 78.61 100.43.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 25.93 091509 100.46.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 26.66 091509 100.33.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 26.02 091509 9090450 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT 09 CENTREX PHONE LINES 09/21/09 0 091509 2,548.49 100.01.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 518.67 091509 100.02.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 51.69 091509 100.22.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 621.37 091509 100.30.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 213.21 091509 100.33.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 539.87 091509 100.41.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 103.39 091509 100.42.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 52.43 091509 100.43.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 51.75 091509 100.44.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 105.42 091509 620.00.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 131.85 091509 100.45.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 158.84 091509 9090451 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T SEPT. 2009CENTREX PHONE LINES 09/21/09 0 091509 684.25 510.31.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 422.98 091509 510.32.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 261.27 091509 9090452 100 47 2137 BECKER, CASSANDRA L 6/24-9/5 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 09/21/09 0 091509 310.00 100.47.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 310.00 091509 9090453 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 8/13/09 MOWING SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 210.00 100.03.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 210.00 091509 9090454 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC QDM8603 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 09/21/09 0 091509 1,560.00 620.00.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 1560.00 091509 9090455 100 33 3509 COMCAST CABLE 9/12-10/11INTERNET SERVICE 09/21/09 0 091509 50.01 100.33.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 50.01 091509 9090456 510 XXXXX 3509 COMCAST CABLE 9/12-10/11INTERNET SERVICE 09/21/09 0 091509 25.77 510.31.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 22.73 091509 510.32.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 3.04 091509 DATE 9/15/2009 02:53 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 9/21/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9090457 620 00 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T1003587 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 09/21/09 0 091509 115.00 620.00.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 115.00 091509 9090458 100 45 3539 CONSERV FS 1247069 SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 117.95 100.45.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 117.95 091509 9090459 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-141880ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 100.28 100.33.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 100.28 091509 9090460 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-142355ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 70.58 100.33.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 70.58 091509 9090461 100 01 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-142029ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 21.74 100.01.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 21.74 091509 9090462 100 47 4150 DEMARAIS, DAVE 9/9/09MILEAGE REIMB 09/21/09 0 091509 33.00 SWIM TEAM MEETING 100.47.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 33.00 091509 9090463 100 47 2549 FORE GOLF LLC SUMMER 09 PARKS GOLF PROGRAM 09/21/09 0 091509 815.00 100.47.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 815.00 091509 9090464 100 01 7530 GEOGLEIN, EUGENE 9/09-5/10 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION LES 09/21/09 0 091509 3,375.00 09/10 COTRIBUTIONS 100.01.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 3375.00 091509 9090465 510 31 8042 HAWKINS INC 3048992 CHEMICALS 09/21/09 0 091509 1,511.38 510,31.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 1511.38 091509 9090466 100 01 9559 IPMA-HR 24154891 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 09/21/09 0 091509 360.00 ZINANNI 100.01.5410 0909 091509 GLJ9123 360.00 091509 9090467 100 33 12152 LEMBKE TRUCK SERVICE INC 9976 VEHICLE REPAIRS 09/21/09 0 091509 287.20 100.33.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 287.20 091509 9090468 100 47 12998 MACDONALD, BJ 9/9/09SWIM TEAM MEETING MEAL REIMB 09/21/09 0 091509 30.00 100.47.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 30.00 091509 9090469 100 41 1 MARTEL, SUSAN PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 09/21/09 0 091509 43.00 100.41.3637 0909 091509 GLJ9123 43.00 091509 9090470 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11022367 SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 64.11 100.33.5370 0909 091509 GLJ9123 64.11 091509 9090473 610 00 14274 MCH CTY MUNICIPAL RISK M 28 2009 POOL CONTRIBUTION PYMT #2 09/21/09 0 091509 328,765.00 610.00.5950 0909 091509 GLJ9123 328765.00 091509 9090471 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 23066 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 09/21/09 0 091509 60.00 510.31.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 60.00 091509 OATE 9/15/2009 02:53 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 9/21/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9090472 510 32 14424 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 36790134 SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 47.77 510.32.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 47.77 091509 9090474 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 642553TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 09/21/09 0 091509 184.94 100.33.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 184.94 091509 9090475 100 33 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M2609 SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 34.60 100.33.5370 0909 091509 GLJ9123 34.60 091509 9090476 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 9867-IN SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 61.50 510.31.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 61.50 091509 9090477 100 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71246 PRINTING SERVICES 09/21/09 0 ,091509 268.15 100.00.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 201.11 091509 100.30.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 67.04 091509 9090478 100 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71245 PRINTING SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 347.05 100.00.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 242.92 091509 100.04.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 104.13 091509 9090479 XXXXX XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL 639911516 CELL PHONES 09/21/09 0 091509 1,535.93 100.01.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 139.17 091509 100.03.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 185.73 091509 100.22.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 836.77 091509 100.30.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 24.60 091509 100.33.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 123.46 091509 100.41.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 49.36 091509 100.45.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 61.73 091509 100.46,5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 24.60 091509 100.47.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 37.13 091509 620.00.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 53.38 091509 9090480 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL 639911516 CELL PHONES 09/21/09 0 091509 235.85 510.31.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 123.46 091509 510.32.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 112.39 091509 9090481 100 22 15545 NICOR GAS JULY/AUG UTILITIES 09/21/09 0 091509 419.35 100.22.5510 0909 091509 GLJ9123 419.35 091509 9090482 100 33 15557 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUP 936209ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 65.60 100.33.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 65.60 091509 9090483 100 01 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 39394 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 1,120.00 100.01.5230 0909 091509 GLJ9123 1120.00 091509 9090484 100 01 17005 PACE 3682 DIAL A RIDE LOCAL SHARE 09/21/09 0 091509 6,866.89 100.01.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 6866.89 091509 9090485 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8721448 VEHCILE FUEL 09/21/09 0 091509 435.76 100.45.6250 0909 091509 GLJ9123 435.76 091509 DATE 9/15/2009 02:53 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 9/21/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9090486 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1268123 REPAIR PARTS 09/21/09 0 091509 28.00 100.45.5370 0909 091509 GLJ9123 28.00 091509 9090487 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1266362 REPAIR PARTS 09/21/09 0 091509 170.99 100.45.5370 0909 091509 GLJ9123 170.99 091509 9090488 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1266593 REPAIR PARTS 09/21/09 0 091509 166.72 100.45.5370 0909 091509 GLJ9123 166.72 091509 9090489 100 44 20015 SAM'S CLUB 8/7/09CONCESSION SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 139.83 100.44.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 139.83 091509 9090490 100 01 20095 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS 19437 PEST CONTROL SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 75.00 100.01.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 75.00 091509 9090491 100 45 20095 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS 19438 PEST CONTROL SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 90.00 100.45.6110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 90.00 091509 9090492 100 01 20152 SECRETARY OF STATE / POL #303 VEHICLE REGISTRATION RENEWAL 09/21/09 0 091509 79.00 100.01.6940 0909 091509 GLJ9123 79.00 091509 9090493 100 03 20707 STAN'S FINANCIAL SERVICE 10396 LARGE FORMAT COPIER/SCAN 09/21/09 0 091509 222.00 LEASE PYMT 100.03.5110 11080352 0909 091509 GLJ9123 222.00 091509 222.00 9090494 100 )U(= 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013419872OFFICE SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 224.99 100.00.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 108.11CR 091509 100.03.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 35.72 091509 100.41.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 72.39 091509 100.00.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 72.93 091509 100.02.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 14.31 091509 100.03.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 2.53 091509 100.22.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 77.70 091509 100.41.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 57.52 091509 9090495 510 31 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013419872OFFICE SUPPLIES 09/21/09 0 091509 36.09 510.31.6210 0909 091509 GLJ9123 36.09 091509 9090496 510 31 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2283634647GIS DATA COLLECTOR 09/21/09 0 091509 45.06 510.31.5320 0909 091509 GLJ9123 45.06 091509 9090497 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2282335045MOBILE BROADBAND 09/21/09 0 091509 55.02 620.00.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 55.02 091509 9090498 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2282335046MOBILE BROADBAND 09/21/09 0 091509 55.02 620.00.5110 0909 091509 GLJ9123 55.02 091509 9090499 510 32 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 1559622905SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 09/21/09 0 091509 7,154.69 510.32.5580 0909 091509 GLJ9123 7154.69 091509 9090500 100 41 24307 WITT, CINDY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 09/21/09 0 091509 83.94 DATE 9/15/2009 02:53 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 9/21/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.4510 0909 091509 GLJ9123 83.94 091509 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 361,616.08 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 20,953.45 222.00 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 9,927.36 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 328,765.00 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 1,970.27 **** 361,616.08 222.00 r' TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: September 21, 2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for extension to submit Final Plat for Brooke Estates Applicants: Andre and Deb Szechowycz ATTACHMENT: Letter from Andre and Deb Szechowycz STAFF RECOMMENDATION:.To approve a one-year extension for Brooke Estates to submit a final plat for review and approval no later than September 21, 2010 Background Brooke Estates, which consists of a 6.46 acre property off of Ridge Road and surrounded to the north, south and east by Deerwood Subdivision, was annexed to the City on September 10, 2007 for the development of six single-family homes zoned RS-1, Low-Density Single-Family Residential. At that time the preliminary plat was approved along with the annexation agreement for the subdivision. The City's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance states approval of a preliminary plat is effective for a period of 12 months. Prior to the expiration of the twelve months, either a final plat or a letter requesting an extension for the twelve months is required. If neither of these are completed the preliminary plat is considered null and void As a result of the difficult economic times a final plat has not yet been submitted for Brooke Estates and a two-year extension is being requested by the developers. The City Council did authorize a one-year extension last August. Staff Analysis Due to the uncertainty associated with the state of the economy staff believes that an additional one-year extension is warranted at this time and in a year the request can be revisited Douglas P. Martin Deputy City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry Illinois 60050-5495 September 11, 2009 Subject: Brooke Estates Final Plat and Annexation Fee Reference: City of McHenry letter dated September 3, 2009, same subject, from Mr. Martin Dear Mr. Martin: Last August the City Council granted a one year extension for the final plat submittal for the Brooke Estates Subdivision. At the City Council meeting, we had requested a two year extension due to the developing national financial crisis and corresponding impact in real estate. The impact on housing sales and duration of the housing market crisis was a common mutual concern between the City Council and us. The housing market situation had worsened since that City Council meeting with many businesses associated with the real estate market going out of business and the inventory of houses for sale continuing to increase. The housing market woes have not yet hit bottom. Sales of new construction in the area have been slow and difficult. Houses put on the market are with a deep discount and with little movement due to the glut of housing, buyer reluctance, and availability of houses at foreclosure/short sale pricing. We expect this situation to continue at least for the next year. At this time the risk of moving forward with the Brooke Estates Subdivision is too high. Due to the circumstances and the slow economic recovery, we request a two year extension. We continue to be highly interested in the Brooke Estates Subdivision. We are residing on our property and look forward to an improvement in the market which would make development at Brooke Estates viable. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely 4'w"'f"'4 :r Andreas and Deborah Szechowycz 804 North Ridge Road Andre Cell 630 699 6496 Deb Cell 630 8819457 McHenry Illinois 60050 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K.Maxeiner,City Administrator FOR: September 21,2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Easement Appraisal for Sanitary Sewer Conveyance Line ATTACHMENTS: 1)Location maps of proposed easements 2)Harrison&Associates,Inc.Appraisal Proposal Background. On March 30, 2009 City Council authorized an engineering services agreement with SEC Group, Inc. for sanitary sewer improvements involving the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CWWTP) and South Wastewater Treatment Plant (SWWTP). One of the facets of the engineering services agreement was to identify the necessary easements required to construct the sanitary sewer conveyance lines between the CWWTP and SWWTP. Analysis. SEC Group has analyzed all possible routes for the sanitary sewer force mains and has determined a best case route. This route crosses the McHenry Country Club's property in two locations. The attached location maps show the proposed route of the force mains with a proposed 20' wide municipal utility easement and proposed locations for temporary construction easements. SEC Group and city staff have been in discussions with the board president of the McHenry Country Club in an effort to acquire the proposed easements. It has been determined the best way to move forward is to obtain an appraisal of the proposed permanent and temporary easements. Harrison & Associates, Inc. has submitted a proposal for the appraisal of the required easements. Their proposal is broken into three phases: • Phase I involves consulting services to determine the exact details of what needs to be appraised in an amount not to exceed$3,200 • Phase II involves valuation services to include a appraisal report culminating an opinion of compensation for the required easements in an amount not to exceed$10,000 • Phase III involves post appraisal services such as negotiations, updating the appraisal, conferences,preparation, deposition time,court stand by,court appearance and testimony for an hourly rate of$320. Recommendation. Staff requests authorization to enter into an agreement with Harrison & Associates, Inc. for Phase I and Phase II of the attached proposal for the appraisal of the proposed easements on the property owned by the McHenry County Club in an amount not to exceed$13,200. r .•yu. � ,+ir w e b. Y 1 1 •1 :/ 1 ./ w - \/ ILI it r ti, _4-.k- RT )�•M : + _,n _ ---AWL Lec iend Proposed Easements O :. ML i 1 1 :1 .1 1 •:1 •1 • _ f ii u� 9: y - Legend Main—RouteForce �.� - - oSoil—BoringLocations 1 1 •1 :1 1 .1 !�, A 1 ll rY+�l i i i 0 :• ... .Pea I 4.-A 1 lw LegendIlk 7r; — Force—Main—Route me o R. a. I � - i 1 i ARRISON Associates,, Inc w' :,r 1 kM`'' y. 1 vd"Y bb�Tk't7 ! ^.sovss,t '"ti+Fs'tru"fx11 fi: RE Fm Land Use& Valuation Consultants Frank E.Harrison,MAI,CRE State Certified-General-Illinois 1601 North Route 47 July 16,2009 Post Office Box 684 John N.Butzow Woodstock,Illinois 60098.0684 State Certified-General-Illinois Telephone: (815)338.3004 Fax:(815) 338.3387 Kathy A.Harrison Daniel P.Honea email:appraise@mc.net Para-Appraiser Research Associate By First Class Mail and By E-Mail 6sckm1t1 a c1.mclrenry.il.us) I&Jon M. Schmitt Director of Public Works City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry,IL 60050 In Re: Fee Proposal—McHenry Country Club Permanent and Construction Easements Dear Jon: This letter is intended to complement our telephone conversation last week relative to the above- captioned matter. The subject property in this instance consists of a portion of the McHenry Country Club. This particular portion consists of the driving range and an undeveloped tract of land south of the driving range,also owned by the McHenry Country Club. As I understand the situation,based upon the aerial photographs that you sent to me,the City of McHenry is seeking to acquire a 20-foot permanent municipal utility easement running in a north/south direction through the westerly portion of the driving range and the tract adjacent to the south. In addition, McHenry is seeking to acquire a 20-foot permanent municipal utility easement running diagonally from John Street across Hole#1 of the McHenry Country Club,ultimately connecting to McHenry's existing wastewater treatment plant at the east terminus of Waukegan Road. The permanent municipal utility easement would be used to install a force main to accommodate. wastewater transfer from the Waukegan Road plant to the south plant, In addition to the permanent municipal utility easements,there are several proposed construction easements that would need to be acquired as well. All of these easements are shown on the aerial photographs that you provided to me. On behalf of the City of McHenry,you have asked me to furnish a fee proposal relative to i developing an opinion of the total compensation to which the McHenry Country Club would entitled as a result of these easements being acquired by McHenry. Typically, when easements in Illinois are sought by governmental agencies,the value of the easements is calculated as the i i i i i i i i I Mr.Jon W. Schmitt,Fee Proposal,McHenry Country Club Easements,July 16,2009,Page 2 difference between the value of the subject property before impressment of the easement(s)and the value of the subject property after impressment of the easement(s). On the face of it, since the easements cross integral portions of the McHenry Country Club,it would appear as if the entire property to be appraised both before and after in this situation is the entire McHenry Country Club. However,a conference should probably be set up with you,me, Doug Martin,Dave McArdle(if appropriate),and anyone else that might be appropriate to determine what exactly needs to be appraised. I am pleased to quote the City of McHenry a three-phase fee for services that would be rendered in this matter. • The first phase of the assignment would involve consulting services. During this phase of the assignment,meetings would be held and the exact details of what needs to be appraised in this assignment will be determined. My fee for the first phase of the assignment would be billed at my customary hourly rate of$320 per hour. I do not anticipate that my time commitment for this phase would exceed 10 hours, and therefore the fee would probably not exceed$3,200. • The second phase of the assignment would involve valuation services. These services include rendering opinions of the various components of the subject property in this assignment, culminating with an opinion of total compensation to be paid to the McHenry Country Club for the easements sought. Included in this portion of the assignment would be development of an appraisal report appropriate to the assignment. At this point,not knowing the exact property that is to be appraised,I cannot give you a definitive fee quotation. However, it is reasonable to assume that the fee for the second phase of the assignment would not exceed $10,000. • The third phase of the assignment involves post-appraisal and, if appropriate,litigation support work. Potential components of this phase could include negotiations,updating the appraisal, conferences,preparation, deposition time,court stand-by, or court appearance and testimony. These services would also be billed at my customary hourly rate of$320 per hour. Typically,for these additional litigation support services I will send an invoice on a periodic(monthly)basis,detailing the services rendered in the preceding month. My terms are payment upon receipt of each periodic statement. In summary,the three-phase quotation for consulting,valuation,and post appraisal litigation support services includes a fee of$320 per hour for the initial consulting phase of the assignment, a fee not to exceed $10,000 for the second valuation phase of the assignment,and a fee of$320 per hour for the third post-appraisal and litigation support phase of the assignment. As information about the assignment becomes more clear,I can give you a closer range of what the City of McHenry can anticipate for my services in this assignment. Based on the amount of information contained on my desk at the present time,I should be able to commence the initial phase of this assignment within 30 days of engagement. I i i ARRISON Associates, Inc. Mr.Jon W. Schmitt, Fee Proposal,McHenry Country Club Easements,July 16,2009,Page 3 i The date of value will be the date that the subject subj � property is physically inspected. Because no eminent domain action will have been taken by that time, it is reasonable to believe that if and when such an action is filed, the appraisal and appraisal report will be updated to that date. The appraisal and appraisal report prepared in conjunction with the second phase of the assignment will conform to the valuation and report writing standards-of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice(USPAP). The appraisal report will be a summary appraisal report,which is appropriate for this type of assignment. If the description of services,the fee quotations,and the time frame are acceptable,I will need to have several things from you. First,I will need to have an engagement letter, indicating that the I City of McHenry has found my proposal acceptable and wishes to have me render consulting, I valuation,and, if appropriate,additional consulting and litigation support services as described throughout this proposal. In case you do not wish to prepare such a letter,simply sign this proposal,date it,and fax or e-mail the signature page back to me. Given the long-standing professional relationship between my firm and the City of McHenry,I will not require any retainer on this matter. Detailed invoices will be sent to the City of McHenry at appropriate times during the assignment. My terms are that the invoices are to be paid in full immediately upon receipt. Please note that the confidential client relationship in this matter will be between my firm and the City of McHenry. However,this confidential relationship may be extended by the City of McHenry as they wish. Also,please note that the amount and payment of any consulting,valuation, and litigation support fees are not dependent upon any pre- determined value opinions, on any pre-determined direction of value,on the outcome of any negotiations or court proceedings on this matter,on the success of negotiations with the McHenry Country Club, or on any other contingencies. Whenever I appraise a property,I always want to have as much information as I can provided to me at the outset of the assignment. Having this information expedites the appraisal process,and helps in the familiarization of the property. I have appraised the McHenry Country Club for them flu-ee times in the past(1988, 1994 and 2003),and I have all of the information about the property from those prior appraisals. However, rather than provide you with a long list of items that might be appropriate to the assignment,my preference at this time would be to wait to request additional items until after we have had our initial meeting on this matter. At this point, the only things that I have from you are the aerial photographs. I trust that this would meet with your approval. I look forward to providing professional consulting,valuation,and, if necessary, litigation support services to the City of McHenry on this matter. I am confident that we have the expertise to deal with this matter in a timely and professional manner. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at any time. Please forward the engagement letter, or a signed copy of this proposal,and anything else that you feel is appropriate to this assignment at this stage when you can. Once I have received the engagement letter,I will open a file on this matter and place it in I line for commencement. I will commence the assignment along the time frame noted previously, j recognizing that the initial step will probably be to set up a meeting of concerned parties. I 1 I i i i ARRISON C.7 Associates, Inc. Mr.Jon.W. Schmitt,Fee Proposal, McHenry Country Club Easements,July 16,2009, Page 4 Please note that this proposal is valid for 30 days. Also,please note that any delay in receiving the engagement letter or the other requested items in this proposal will result in a later completion date and, depending upon my work load,may not allow me to complete the assignment in a timely manner. ery trul yours, Frank E. Harrison, MAI, CRE FEH:kah Accepted Date ARRISON & Associates, Inc.