HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 11/30/2009 - City Council � a City of McHenry F/ Lc �1 n ti 333 South Green Street _ www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 i . Mayor's Office AGENDA (815) 363-2108 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fax (815) 363-2119 Monday, November 30, 2009, 7:30 PM Clerk's Office (815)363-2100 1. Call to Order Fax(815)363-2128 2. Roll Call Administration (815)363-2108 3. Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation Fax(815)363-2119 4. Consent Agenda: Public Works A. Resolution authorizing annual adjustment for water/sewer rates; Community B. Resolution in support of McHenry County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan; Development C. Committee Recommendation to schedule a Public Hearing for proposed Highway (815)363-2170 Overlay District; Fax(815)363-2173 D. November 16, 2009 City Council meeting minutes; E. List of Bills. Parks and Recreation (815)363-21.60 5. Request for one-year extension to existing use variance, 1213 North Riverside Drive Fax(815)363-3186 6. Committee Recommendation: Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 14, Sec. 14-32, Police Non-Emergency Damaging Property and Graffiti (815)363-2200 Fax(815)363-2149 7. Renewal of PACE/Dial-a-Ride Local Share Agreement Mayor 8. Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds with IDOT and SEC Susan E.Low Group, Inc. for an amount 5% or equal to awarded contract cost not to exceed $150,000 and authorization to advertise for bids for 2010 Street Program City Clerk Janice C.Jones 9. Mayor Statement and Reports Treasurer 10. Committee Reports David M.Welter Aldermen 11. Staff Reports WARD 1 12. Future Agenda Items Victor A. Sand 13. Executive Session: Collective Bargaining WARD 2 Andrew A.Glab 14. Action on matters discussed in Executive Session WARD 3 15. Adjournment Jeffrey A. Schaefer Posted: November 23, 2009 WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd WARD 5 Richard W.Wimmer WARD Robert J.Peterson WARD 7 Geri A.Condon i CONSENT AGENDA. The Consent Agenda for the November 30, 2009, City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Resolution authorizing annual adjustment for water/sewer rates; B. Resolution in support of McHenry County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan; C. Committee Recommendation to schedule a Public Hearing for proposed Highway Overlay District; D. November 16, 2009 City Council meeting minutes; E. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black, Finance Director FOR: November 30, 2009 Regular Council Meeting RE: Annual Adjustment for Water and Sewer Rates ATTACHEMENTS: 1. Combined Rates—Other Communities 2. Resolution Background. In 2008, the Finance and Personnel Committee reviewed water and sewer rates because expenditures for operating and maintain the system were growing at a greater rate than revenues. At the time, the Finance and Personnel Committee and staff recommended that 7% increases, rather than CPI based adjustments, were necessary the next three fiscal years (2009/10 — 2011/12) to avoid operating deficits and allow for funding of necessary capital improvements. Analysis. Based on the financial analysis presented to the City Council in July 2008 and a review of water and sewer revenues and expenses for the 2008/09 fiscal year, to reaffirm the necessity of the rate increases, staff recommends adhering to the previously determined strategy of adjusting water and sewer rates 7%. For the 2008/09 fiscal year, the Water/Sewer Fund experienced a deficit of approximately$390,000. The deficit is expected to decrease significantly in 2009/10. The new rate schedule is included in the attached resolution. In addition, staff has attached combined rates for other communities showing that the City of McHenry remains near the lowest in the county. Recommendation. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached resolution. Water/Sewer Rates October 2009 (Per 1,000 Gal.) (Per 6,500 Gal.) Most Combined Additional Combined Basis for Recent Date of Rate Fees Monthly Increase Increase Increase Crystal Lake $4.65 $7.00 $37.22 Internal Review 3.1% 7/1/2008 Huntley 5.86 0.37 $38.46 CPI-U 4.1% 5/1/2009 McHenry 5.47 3.00 $38.56 Internal Review 7.0% 2/1/2009 Algonquin 6.38 0.00 $41.47 5 yr. Rate Study 7.0% 2/1/2010 Cary 6.19 2.00 $42.22 Internal Review 3.3% 5/1/2010 Carpentersville 6.12 6.86 $46.64 Internal Review 8.0% 1/1/2009 West Dundee 6.50 2.50 $44.75 Internal Review 29.5% 5/1/2007 Marengo 6.26 8.76 $49.45 5.0% 4/1/2009 Fox River Grove 5.88 20.61 $58.83 Internal Review 6.0% 5/1/2009 Barrington 7.34 14.25 $61.96 Internal Review 5.0% 2/1/2009 East Dundee $8.69 $13.90 $70.39 Internal Review 14.5% 8/1/2009 Proposed Rate Increase McHenry 5.85 3.00 $41.03 Internal Review 7.0% 2/1/2010 R-09-_ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Finance and Personnel Committee of the McHenry City Council reviewed and considered current and future water and sewer rates in May and June 2008; and WHEREAS, the Finance and Personnel Committee determined that adjusting water and sewer rates based on a CPI-U-All Urban Consumers, Chicago has not resulted in water and sewer usage fees supporting the actual cost of repairs, maintenance, and replacement of water and sewer public infrastructure. NOW THREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry,Illinois that the following rates shall be in effect as of February 1,2010: User rates in corporate limits: Water $2.75/1000 gallons Sewer $3.10/1000 gallons User rates outside corporate limits: Water $4.13/1000 gallons Sewer $4.65/1000 gallons Sewer flat rate/Basic user Fee Sewer $31.09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be made a permanent part of the City Council minutes. PASSED and APPROVED this 30th day of November, 2009. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstained: Susan E. Low, Mayor ATTEST: Janice C. Jones, City Clerk CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: November 30, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: McHenry County Natural Hazards Mitigation Planning STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution Attached is a resolution of support for McHenry County's natural hazards mitigation planning effort for the County. Municipalities are invited to participate in this county-wide planning effort and the City of McHenry will attend the meetings. Resolution No. 09- Whereas the City of McHenry is subject to natural hazards, such as, floods, tornadoes, severe winter and summer storms that can damage property, close businesses, disrupt traffic, and present a public health and safety hazard; and Whereas McHenry County is undertaking a natural hazards mitigation plan for the County; and Whereas the County has invited the City of McHenry to participate in and benefit from this planning effort; and Whereas several Federal programs require that the City of McHenry have an adopted hazard mitigation plan to qualify for their benefits; Now,therefore, be it resolved that: 1. The City of McHenry hereby states its interest in participating in the County's mitigation planning process. 2. Deputy City Administrator Douglas Martin is hereby appointed as our representative on the County's Mitigation Committee. He is charged with: a. Attending the regular meetings of the County's Mitigation Committee; b. Keeping City staff and this Council informed of the Committee's activities and recommendations; c. Assisting the County's efforts to collect information about the hazards facing the City of McHenry and our current policies and programs that can mitigate the impacts of those hazards; and d. Obtaining input from City staff on mitigation issues relevant to their work. 3. When the County's Mitigation Committee has completed its work and presents its recommended plan, this Council will review it with the intention of adopting all or parts of it. It is understood that this resolution of commitment to participate in the planning process does not constitute a commitment to enact the recommended plan. ADOPTED this the 301h day of November, 2009 Clerk of the City of McHenry, Illinois 1 APPROVED this the 301h day of November, 2009 Mayor of the City of McHenry, Illinois 2 CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: November 30, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Highway Overlay District Ordinance COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: To direct staff to present attached draft of the Highway Overlay District ordinance to the City Council for direction to schedule a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Background Over the past several months, the Community Development Committee discussed the possibility of creating a special type of zoning district which could be used to regulate development in certain areas of the city. Specifically, this ordinance would apply to certain areas along major roadways. This discussion came about as the result of the proposed Richmond Road widening and how these properties should be zoned upon a roadway widening and potentially how they should be redeveloped and to what zoning classification. Staff Analysis Staff has drafted a Highway Overlay District Ordinance (HOD). This ordinance is patterned after the City's Downtown Overlay District ordinance. An overlay ordinance is an ordinance in addition to the underlying zoning where it is applicable. The boundaries to which this ordinance is applicable are included in addition to specific development-related guidelines along these roadway corridors. HIGHWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT A. PURPOSE,INTENT AND GOALS The purpose of the Highway Overlay District (HOD) is to preserve and protect the existing historical and neighborhood character of areas along major transportation routes in the City. The HOD seeks to provide guidance for those exterior alterations and encourage new infill development. The HOD augments design guidelines for residential, commercial and mixed-use development with special criteria designed to create a cohesive and attractive roadway corridor while preserving the integrity of the existing surrounding neighborhoods. The primary goals of the HOD ordinance are as follows: • Plan for new commercial, residential and mixed-use infill development that is compatible to the character and function of the neighborhoods surrounding these highway corridors; • Encourage the use of appropriate building materials and facades so as to enhance the character and continuity of these areas; • Continue to maintain the historical fabric of these neighborhood areas; In order to accomplish these goals, the City recognizes that new development, redevelopment, and building modifications within the boundaries of the HOD is more likely to require relief from strict compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Instead of using the traditional zoning and variance processes to consider this relief, the HOD provides a mechanism, the site plan review process, for allowing flexibility from the Zoning Ordinance requirements. Through the site plan review process, development proposals in the HOD can be reviewed on a more comprehensive level to ensure the goals and objectives of the district are met. B. OVERLAY BOUNDARIES The HOD boundaries include any portion of a roadway designated as a major arterial on the Official 2008 City of McHenry Future Transportation Map. The 2008 Future Transportation Map is attached hereto and incorporated herein as part of this ordinance. C. APPLICABILITY The requirements of the HOD are applicable to all parcels falling within the established HOD boundaries. D. SITE PLAN REVIEW Site plan review shall be applicable to all development, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance, and any other activity requiring a building permit. I. Administrative Site Plan Review. Administrative site plan review shall be required for all development and other activities requiring a building permit that comply with the regulations for permitted and conditional uses, bulk requirements such as lot area, width and coverage, required yards, building height, and floor area ratio, as provided in the underlying zoning district in which said property is located; and all other applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including parking, accessory uses and structures, landscaping, lighting, signage, etc. 2. Expanded Site Plan Review. Any development and any other activity requiring a building permit that is unable to meet any of the requirements of the underlying zoning district or other applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be subject to the expanded site plan review procedures. E. PROCEDURE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW The procedure for administrative site plan review shall be as follows: 1. Application. Applications for administrative site plan review shall be made on forms provided by the City. 2. Required Submittals. The following information shall be submitted with all applications for administrative site plan review: a. Narrative description of the proposal describing the request and how it meets the purpose, intent, goals, and Criteria for Review of the HOD. b. Completed building permit application. c. Recent plat of survey of the subject property, indicating all existing improvements on the site. d. Two (2) copies of detailed plans of the proposed construction or activity, sign, awning, etc., including but not limited to site plan, elevations, materials, method of construction and landscaping. e. Any other information deemed necessary by City Staff to perform a complete analysis of the request in accordance with the HOD requirements. All required information shall be submitted to the Department of Construction and Neighborhood Services for processing. The Director of Construction and Neighborhood Services, in his/her sole discretion, may waive the submittal of one or more of the required submittals if it is determined that such information is unnecessary or irrelevant to the review. 3. Administrative Review. Each request for administrative site plan review shall be reviewed independently by City Staff based on conformance with the purpose and intent, goals, and criteria for review of this Chapter. 4. Administrative Decisions. Within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of all required submittals, the Director of Construction and Neighborhood Services shall approve, approve with modifications or deny the request. Approval shall be in the form of issuance of a valid building permit. Denials will be provided to the applicant in letter form explaining the reasons for denial. 5. Appeals. Any person aggrieved by the decision made by the Director of Construction and Neighborhood Services in conjunction with this Section may file an appeal in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVIII of the Zoning Ordinance. F. PROCEDURE FOR EXPANDED SITE PLAN REVIEW The procedure for expanded site plan review shall be as follows: 1. Application. Applications for Expanded Site Plan Review shall be made on forms provided by the City. 2. Required Submittals. The following information shall be submitted with all applications for expanded site plan review: a. Narrative description of the proposal describing the request and how it meets the purpose, intent, goals, and criteria for review of the HOD, and describing all departures from the underlying zoning requirements. b. A plot plan/site plan depicting setbacks, the relationship of buildings on the site,parking areas, driveways, walkways, landscaping and lighting. c. Building plans for all proposed buildings. d. Exterior elevations with material designations and exterior color descriptions, including facade improvements. e. Plans for all signs,their dimensions, size and location on the property. f. Recent plat of survey of the subject property, indicating all existing improvements on the site. g. Any other information deemed necessary by City Staff to perform a complete analysis of the request in accordance with the HOD requirements. All required information shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for processing. 3. Review. All applications for expanded site plan review shall be required to obtain a conditional use permit and shall follow the conditional use permit process in the City's Zoning Ordinance. Each application shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission for conformance with the purpose and intent, goals, and criteria for review of this chapter. The Planning and Zoning Commission may require that additional information be provided by an applicant in order to perform a complete analysis of the request in accordance with the HOD requirements. 4. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation. Within thirty (30) days after the close of the public hearing, a recommendation to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application shall be rendered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and forwarded to the City Council for final action. 5. City Council Action. The City Council shall take final action on an application for expanded site plan review at a regularly scheduled meeting. The City Council shall not approve any application unless it finds that the criteria for review in this Chapter have been met. The City Council may make its approval subject to any conditions or restrictions it deems necessary to ensure the viability of the development and its compatibility with the downtown. G. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW All applications for administrative site plan review and expanded site plan review shall be reviewed for compliance with the following criteria. • Harmony and compatibility of proposed uses with neighboring properties and structures; • Providing cross-access easements to reduce/limit the number of curb cuts onto the adjacent roadway; • Locating on-site parking to the rear of the buildings; • Architecture and construction materials which are in keeping with the character of the neighborhood; • Hip and gable roofs; roofs which are not flat are encouraged; • Additional noise considerations to minimize impact on surrounding residents; • Increased buffer yards or screening adjacent to single-family residential land uses; • Design and orientation of new buildings preserving and enhancing existing views; • Relationship of the proposed activity to the existing site characteristics, e.g.: topography; Relationship of the proposed activity to existing vehicular and pedestrian circulation; • Adverse impacts on the health, safety and welfare of the general public; • Harmony and compatibility of proposed materials and colors with neighboring properties and structures; • Benefit associated with the development of the property, related to but not limited to the following: 1) Economic benefits to the City. 2) Elimination of blighted conditions. 3) Enhancements to city tax base CDC January 27, 2009 Page 2 02 streetscapes and other physical design elements. Additionally, Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with formation gleaned from the recent survey and the following proposed chapters of the Core wntown Sub- Area Plan(the"Plan"), which Staff prepared: • Introduction • The Evolution of Downtown • Core Downtown Vision • The Planning Process • Land Use Patterns and Development Needs • Streetscape Improvements • Circulation and Implementation Roles Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated a ma issue in the Plan is parking. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Condon arding residential parking on the street, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that resi is are permitted to park on the street; however; parking is restricted and there is no ove ' t parking. Alderman Schaefer opined he is c erned about the integrity of the neighborhoods changing. Chairman Alderman Condo tated she is not overly concerned that the residential area would be impacted, however she i nsure of what type of business she would be willing to support in the area off Richmond d. She opined that row houses in the area might be nice. Chairman Alderman Condo dicated she does not believe the area should change significantly from what ZA1de!rmG1'ab ief discussion ensued. ted he doesn't care for access directly onto Route 31. Alderman Glab mount of property homeowners are losing with the widening of Route 120. 91.21=01catea it is appr Discussion Regardine North Richmond Road (Dtinois Route 31) Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that in 2011 the intersection of Illinois Route 120 and Illinois Route 31 (Richmond Road) is scheduled for improvement. Along with the improvement is the planned widening of Richmond Road north to Washington Street in order to match the existing cross section leading to the City's major retail corridor. Deputy City Administrator Martin restated that an open house was held in December 2008. At that time many of the residents living along Richmond Road expressed concerns that the improvements would impact their home values and the future of their properties. He noted that specifically, the question most asked was if the road is widened to five lanes does the property remain viable as a single-family residential area. Many of the residents expressed an interest in CDC January 27, 2009 Page 3 the option of rezoning their property to something other than single-family residential. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that with the exception of one or two of the properties, all of the properties are currently zoned RS4, High-Density Single-Family Residential District. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the question is should the properties be rezoned to multi-family residential, or some other classification, which would make them more marketable to potential buyers? He indicated that a couple of the homeowners expressed an interest in rezoning their property for mixed or office uses. He noted that some of the homes are rental properties, but there are still several owner-occupied homes. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that it is Staffs opinion that this area is too far north to be considered part of the Core Downtown Sub-Area. He noted that another issue germane to the discussion is the fact that this area is part of old McHenry. Some of the residents would like the area to remain a viable neighborhood and maintain the single-family residential zoning status. Staff ascertained that with the road project moving forward it would be an advantageous time to bring the matter before the Community Development Committee. Alderman Glab stated he would not support any rezoning until a plan was actually formulated. Chairman Alderman Condon opined she would like to see a plan which leaves a lot of property residential. All present concurred. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he will speak with personnel at SEC Group and IDOT regarding access points. Following a discussion it was determined that a corridor-type plan would be the most agreeable. Other Business ity Administrator Martin informed t e mem ers or Clardim Restaurant is now open for business. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding whether the survey taken downtown by Staff was worthwhile, Deputy City Administrator responded affirmatively. He informed the Committee that Staff was on each stre . effort to obtain a good perspective. Chairman Alderman Condon wondered aloud a results of the survey would have been if the survey had been taken in good we s opposed to mid-winter. Alderman stated he would like to discuss the fence ordinance at a future Community Deve ent Committee meeting. He opined the ordinance sboul-d "left. Community Development Committee Meeting April 28, 2009 Page 2 a committee comprised of members of Staff and the Landmark Commission will be formed o review permits and procedures. Following a brief discussion, it was clarified that should an applicant not agree with th ecisions of the Landmark Commission they may appeal directly to the City Council. Chairm Alderman Condon opined that the appeal process is important. She suggested it be address in the Design Guidelines and during the process. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Karen Gies stated that a realtor and/or listing agent information must be disclosed regarding property that is locate thin an historic district. She noted that an attempt is being made to get historic properd plagued. Alderman Glab opined that the information should be contained in the legal escription and be on record. Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated he would look int a matter. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that in the Frequen Asked Questions (FAQ) No. 2, she noted she would prefer if the terminology regarding " use of discretion" be removed and the sentence reworded. Additionally, the words "Lan ark Commission" should be replaced by "Review Committee." Chairman Alderman Condon indicated that ' FAQ No. 6, the words "horror stories" should be replaced or removed. Following a brief d' ssion it was determined that the question"What are the disadvantages to owning property i e local historic district?" would be replaced with"Are there disadvantages to owning prop in the local historic district?" and the first paragraph following the questions would be r oved in its entirety. Chairman Alderman Condo ddressed the first sentence in FAQ No. 7. Following a brief discussion it was determin that the first sentence would be removed in its entirety. Chairman Alderman don noted that the fact that only the fagade is addressed in this process regarding the histori istrict needs to be addressed in the packet. Following a bri discussions, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he would lik o make the revisions suggested to the forms and return to the Committee once again with amended documents prior to moving forward. Cha' Alderman Condon announced that Deputy City Administrator Martin is unavailable to atten a next scheduled Community Development Committee meeting on May 19, 2009, as he wo d be out of town on a work-related matter. She asked the Committee members to consider / Discussion: North Richmond Road (Minois Route 31) Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at its January 2009 meeting, the Committee discussed the North Richmond Road corridor and the impact future road widening would have on existing single-family homes. Since the last meeting, Staff has had the Community Development Committee Meeting April 28, 2009 Page 3 opportunity to discuss the issue with the City Engineer, in terms of how the Illinois Department of Transportation("IDOT")would treat.any new access points upon redevelopment. The City Engineer suggested that the City develop a proposed plan to present to IDOT, which would include recommendations for the 120/31 roadway improvement plan. It was indicated that IDOT would be more receptive to the City's wishes if there is a plan in place. Currently, in addition to the side street there are nine (9) curb cuts onto Richmond Road, seven (7) on the east side and two (2) on the west side, from Pearl Street to Washington Street. It has been determined that many of the accesses can be combined as properties redevelop. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that there are twenty-three property owners and four renters. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a parcel map indicating where future access points should be located. Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated that at the January 2009 meeting, the Committee discussed the potential for multi-family residential land uses immediately along the corridor, but not extending to the interior lots on either side of Richmond Road. Staff has determined that it would be advantageous to discuss different development-related policies relating to the future redevelopment along this corridor. Such policies could include: • Requiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; • Locating parking in the rear of buildings; and • Utilizing architectural features which are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Alderman Glab opined that a future plan is necessary for the entire corridor, not just from Pearl Street to Washington Street. He strongly suggested that if something is to be done it should be done properly. Carol Cooney noted that if the corridor is extended it will go right through her home. Alderman Schaefer opined that residents are concerned with rezoning issues. The people he has spoken with have expressed a desire that the property remain residential. Additionally, concerns have been expressed regarding the loss of property. Alderman Glab stated that he would support multi-family zoning in this are but would be opposed to commercial zoning. Chairman Alderman Condon opined she has difficulty justifying commercial use due to traffic issues. She suggested row houses as a use, citing low traffic impact. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the viability and merits of row houses. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested that Staff obtain photographs and additional information regarding row house developments for presentation to the Committee at a later date. Ms. Franks departed the meeting at 8:15 p.m. CDC June 2, 2009 Page 3 Discussion Regarding North Richmond Road (Illinois Route 31) Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated that at the April meeting the Committee discussed the north Richmond Road corridor and the impact future road widening would have on existing single-family homes. At that time, the Committee requested some examples of different types of row homes. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with several pictorial examples of multi-family housing, including row houses. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that as the Committee had discussed at its January meeting the potential for multi-family residential land uses immediately along the corridor, but not extending to the interior lots, on either side of Richmond Road. Staff believes it would be advantageous to discuss and adopt development-related policies for future redevelopment along the corridor. He suggested that such policies may include: 1. Requiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; 2. Locating parking in the rear of the buildings; 3. Architecture which is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; 4. Hip and gable roofs should be encouraged, while flat roofs should be discouraged; 5. Construction materials should be primarily of brick or other masonry material; 6. Noise restrictions should be considered to minimize impacts on nearby land uses; 7. Additional lighting restrictions should be considered; 8. Increased buffers should be encouraged for yards adjacent to single-family residential land uses; 9. Height should be limited to two stories or less. Alderman Glab suggested the construction should be limited to a certain height, rather than a specific number of stories. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that since the location of development and redevelopment would occur sometime in the future, access points should not be finalized. He advised that should the above guidelines be established, multiple access points would be addressed in addition to architectural and site design. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's request for clarification, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that even if the Committee adopted certain requirements, should a developer approach the City with a plan and met all the criteria the developer would not have to go before Council for approval. He stated that the document would actually serve as more of a suggestion to developers regarding development. He reiterated that the suggestions are future ideal guidelines, a vision. Alderman Schaefer expressed concerns that a developer could come into the area and construct whatever he chooses. He suggested.an ordinance be passed that would be unique to the area. Chairman Alderman Condon acknowledging Alderman Schaefer's concerns opined that the City cannot micro-manage each subdivision in the City. Alderman Glab concurred with Chairman Alderman Condon stating that the City cannot put restrictions on zoning. CDC June 2, 2009 Page 4 Alderman Santi noted that in this particular area space is an issue. He opined that if the City has guidelines in place it is more likely that a developer would look to the City for compatible ideas regarding construction. Alderman Glab suggested establishing a new zoning category, to address a particular unique area that would establish restrictions for development. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested Staff research the idea. Ms. Cooney informed the Committee that some of the property north of her property is not very deep. She opined that should the property be developed as multi-family lighting might be an issue. Alderman Glab stated that with new technology directional lighting has been created that does not have the"halo" effect of old lighting systems. Referring to No. 8 in the guidelines suggested by Star Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the buffer would depend on how the property is developed. She suggested the wording be revised as follows: 8. Increased buffer yards or screening should be encouraged adjacent to single- family residential land uses; Ms. Cooney inquired about how a buffer is created against a two-story building. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a buffer can be a fence or bushes. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested another guideline be added as follows: 10. New buildings should be positioned at the front of the property line. Alderman Glab inquired about set back, stating he would like to see sufficient right-of-way. Ms. Cooney inquired about where the pictures presented to the Committee were taken. She opined they do not seem like suitable dwellings to construct on a 5-lane highway. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested another guideline be added as follows: 11. Design and orientation of new buildings should preserve and enhance the existing views in the neighborhood. [As an example he used, St. Mary's Church.} Following a brief discussion Chairman Alderman Condon asked if there was consensus regarding the guidelines outlined by Staff. Alderman Glab opined he is not in favor of establishing policies for only a specific area. He indicated he would prefer pursuing an ordinance regarding rezoning. Alderman Schaefer reiterated that the document is a vision, a guideline. Chairman Alderman Condon instructed Staff to explore the matter regarding new zoning but there is consensus regarding the following development-related policies: 1 Requiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; 2. Locating parking in the rear of the buildings; CDC June 2, 2009 Page 5 3. Architecture which is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; [keeping the character of the community.] 4. Hip and gable roofs should be encouraged, while flat roofs should be discouraged; 5. Construction materials shall be primarily of brick or other masonry material; 6. Noise should be considered to minimize impacts on nearby land uses; 7. Additional lighting considerations should be reviewed; 8. Increased buffer yards or screening should be encouraged adjacent to single- family residential land uses; 9. Height should be limited to two stories or less. 10. New buildings should be positioned at the front of the property line. 11. Design and orientation of new buildings should preserve and enhance the existing views in the neighborhood(i.e., St. Mary's Church.) Alderman Glab suggested that if staircases are part of the construction they should be in the back of the dwelling, with the entrance to the structure in the back. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded in the negative to an inquiry by Alderman Schaefer regarding whether an update has been prepared regarding road construction. Of the six photographs of multi-family housing and row houses provided to the Committee by Staff the comments were as follows: • Nos. 1 and 2 were eliminated entirely. • No comments regarding No. 3. • No. 4, Chairman Alderman Condon opined she preferred more character on a building. • Nos. 5 and 6, Chairman Alderman Condon liked, Alderman Glab disliked. • No. 7, Chairman Alderman Condon expressed concern that the stairs could be an issue, but liked the green space in between the structures. She liked the character and dimension to the structures. • No. 8, it was determined that the configuration of the building would create issues for snow removal. Other Business informect Me CommiTtee TM sTO Is curfundy-umttitig-with representatives regarding the upcoming census. ���,,,�,.►•�°"'"� Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee th opers from Shoppes of Fox River have informed staff that they are in the proces ablishing another restaurant close to Olive Garden. The developer has expressed ance in disclosing the name of the restaurant to be constructed. Alderman Santi inquire ut certain parking places in front of the retail establishment, Harbor Wallbangers. ted he has received many telephone calls from constituents who have expresse cern regarding safety when heading south on State Route 31 from Main Street. He no is sometimes diffi n space ser o tate Route 31. Alderman Santi expressed reluctance to reduce parking for any Community Development Committee Meeting July 21, 2009 Page 3 es not be ieve any entity is entitled to exemption. He stated th charitable institution wishes to be considered for exemption it should be re u' a efore Council for authorization. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested All ions, such as churches, schools or organization that hold garage s events for fundraising purposes should be reviewed separately. It was sensus of the Committee to direct Staff to research the matter further and provide information at a ruture meeting.- Discussion Regarding Proaosed Highway Overlay District Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at the June 2, 2009 Community Development Committee meeting the possibility of creating a special type of zoning district, which could be used to regulate development in certain areas of the City was discussed. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that specifically, this ordinance would apply to certain areas along major roadways. The discussion came about as a result of the proposed Richmond Road widening and how certain properties should be zoned upon widening of the roadway and potentially how the properties should be redeveloped and according to what zoning classification. Deputy City Administrator Martin presented the Committee with a proposed Highway Overlay District Ordinance ("HOD"), which Staff drafted. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the proposed HOD is patterned after the City's Downtown Overlay District Ordinance. He explained that an overlay district provides use and development regulations superimposed over the underlying zoning where it is applicable. The boundaries to which this overlay district is applicable are included in addition to specific development-related guidelines along the roadway corridors. The proposed HOD boundaries are: • Richmond Road from Illinois Route 120 north to Washington Street; • Front Street from Bull Valley Road north to Illinois Route 120; • Crystal Lake Road from Dartmoor Drive northeast to Illinois Route 120; • Ringwood Road from Illinois Route 120 north to Flanders Road; and • Illinois Route 120 from Ringwood Road to Chapel Hill Road. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that the overlay district would accomplish the same outcome as creating a new and distinct zoning district.. Alderman Glab opined he has concerns regarding an overlay district creating some conflict. He suggested the City use caution regarding establishing an overlay district ordinance. He suggested that actual zoning along each roadway be reviewed, but indicated that if an overlay district was done correctly he would support it. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab regarding whether roadway access could be restricted with an overlay district, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that over time restrictions could be instituted. Community Development Committee Meeting July 21, 2009 Page 4 Chairman Alderman Condon opined some concerns regarding over-regulation. She suggested the boundaries of the overlay district should be more defined. Alderman Glab suggested some incentives could be instituted to encourage developers to adhere to the City's criteria. None were specified. Alderman Santi noted he is pleased with the direction that the proposed Highway Overlay District is taking. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee he would continue to research the matter and bring additional information to a future Committee meeting. Discussion Regarding Proposed National Main Street Program een apprMcIlle of occasions by Perry Moy, owner of Plum Garden, regarding the possibility of a Main St et Program in McHenry. Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at the Ju 2, 2008 Community Development Committee meeting the Committee directed Staff to r earch Main Street Programs. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Street Program is primarily a volunteer-driven preservation-based community revitalizatio program that promotes historic preservation and economic development within a commu 's downtown business district(s). He indicated there are 69 Illinois Main Street comm ties and 1,600 nationwide. Both Crystal Lake and Marengo are designated Main Stree communities. Woodstock is classified as an associate member and Harvard was formerl Main Street community, which folded. In the City of McHenry, in addition to the McHe Area Chamber of Commerce, there is a Riverwalk Area Business Association, which s formerly the Downtown Business Association. Both of these organizations promote siness within McHenry's downtown and other areas. Both of the organizations have expres d concerns regarding the relative success of the downtown business district. Staff researched the matter and ascertaine t the first step toward achieving the Main Street designation is to form a working group stakeholders who are actively involved and interested in promoting the downtown business istrict. This is essential as Main Street programs are volunteer-based. Typically, the ain Street organization is a 501(C)3, not-for-profit organization. Partial funding fo a Main Street Program is provided by the local community and there is a paid Main Str Coordinator who oversees the daily operations of the program, along with a broad-based erning board. Events and fundraising are standard parts of a Main Street organization. T average sized Main Street Program includes 40-60 active volunteers and assorted other p -time volunteers. The local coordinator manages the Program, organizes the volunteer init' ves and acts as primary spokesperson for the organization. Deputy it dministrator Martin informed the Committee that Crystal Lake uses its hotel/motel tax to sally fund their Main Street Program; however, this is only partial funding. Deputy City ministrator Martin noted that he has spoken at length with the Main Street coordinator in C al Lak Community Development Committee Meeting August 25, 2009 Page 3 �sensus of the Committee to duect Staff to revise the regulations and ordinancertherputoinputorovide the Committee with a revisedrsion at auture meeting. Discussion Regarding Proposed Highway Overlay District- continued Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a draft of the Highway Overlay District Ordinance ("HOD") as discussed at the July 21, 2009 Community Development Committee meeting. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the Ordinance is patterned after the City's Downtown Overlay District Ordinance. He reiterated that an overlay ordinance is an ordinance which provides restrictions in addition to those found in the underlying zoning district where it is applicable. The boundaries to which the ordinance is applicable are included in addition to specific development-related guidelines along the roadway corridors. Alderman Glab suggested that the HOD not be site specific. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that a HOD could not be created with a single site, but must create a boundary. Alderman Glab opined he would like every major roadway covered. Chairman Alderman Condon expressed concerns regarding over-regulation, but stated she sees the benefit to the City. Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab to direct Staff to present the Highway Overlay District Ordinance to the City Council for scheduling of a Public Hearing. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Regarding Damaging Property Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the City cu as an ordinance which addresses damage to property, including graffiti. Hopool,015 Ordinance is vague and does not include specific language addressing the re the graffiti by the owner of the property that has been vandalized. As an example, Deputy Cit strator Martin cited a recent occurrence where graffiti appeared on the gar private commercial property owner but the owner did not want to incur th a of having the graffiti r h costly. CITY F , IICIIE' � FUT P �'P_�_�-,�}�'O�' TATI �_1 t P � � w" I UA - - - 20 -- �� �{ c °f ...� �,. of Oft z I /_!all _' f 3 F r 1 IT ems.. I S 1RAMGX M.MCNtN h' fNl fir. NYNDA ■. x<yo* `pa }, —_)TOWNSHIP - RANGE 91C. L I/ � , x ✓E o r Y Y jl r r p'1 �' z° °z mPs •[Cai•In••LrYL r,a01•ILaaO � — — —�—— —r —— � i 3 D D � GRAPhIf SCALe CmILCTE••TIHi .t•M-1,•aa YA.l e P i1 it m m —LOCLL•TA[T U t�YMI X �.��-... •j Z _ re-rasa•ra ' ` _ �I �� r� n••r•r r irwm•o►u.u.u•— n.wn row.mu•uw•or amw s � \ � .I � e`✓��-:� ra u.1or v rwrror.•�imL�� � � � na-t�er cc F .//{ l Y0= 1 k:F�QY V4 SEC GROUP.INC. �, � �� �� Pp► .�l REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 2009 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled November 16, 2009 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance were: Geoffrey T. Blake, City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director Construction Neighborhood Services Schwalenberg, Public Works Director Schmitt, Finance Director Black, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel. Mayor Low invited Megan Spohn to lead the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Low, noting Council's recommendation to accept her appointment of Geoffrey T. Blake to fill the unexpired term of Alderman Ward 4 recently vacated by Steven C. Murgatroyd, requested City Clerk Jones swear in Mr. Blake to this position. City Clerk Jones swore in Geoffrey T. Blake to fill the unexpired term of Alderman Ward 4 with a term expiring April 30, 2011. Mayor Low welcomed Alderman Blake to the Council. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minutes of Public Input Session provided by Council. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer,seconded by Santi, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. IDOT resolution of intent authorizing use of MFT Funds to finance local street resurfacing program; B. Request to advertise for bids for municipal mowing services; C. St.Patrick's Day Parade on March 14,2010 sponsored by the McHenry Rotary Club; D. City Council Minutes: November 2,2009 regularly scheduled meeting; E. List of As-Needed Checks: BELLMORE, STEVE 1,100.00 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD O 239,844.06 FOP UNITS I/II 1,919.00 IUOE, LOCAL 150 2,941.77 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I 42.33 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 320.00 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 1,484.00 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES 181,30 SAVORY FOODS INC 1,820.70 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 82.78 UNUM 1,588.17 GRAND TOTALS 251,324.11 Page 2 November 16,2009 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 11,348.94 WATER/SEWER FUND 131.11 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 239,844.06 TOTALS 251,324.11 F. List of Bills: ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S 1,592.94 ACRES GROUP 11,580.00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 109.07 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 168.00 AFTERMATH INC 95.00 AGS REBUILDERS 129.00 ALBERTSONS 12.00 ANDERSON, LORI 313.88 AQUAPREP 5,544.00 ASHLAND SPECIALTY CHEMIC 2,610.00 AT&T 56.82 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 1,153.86 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 5,093.74 BAXTER & WOODMAN 481.80 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 3,162.44 BERRYMAN EQUIPMENT COMPA 8,498.45 BIRK, JOHN 16.00 BRENNAN, DAN 420.00 BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY 90.08 BUSS FORD SALES 538.05 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR 1,119.14 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 99.13 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 29.40 CERTIFIED SERVICES INC 15.53 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 590.27 CHRISTIE, BRITTANY 1,452.00 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 1,046.32 COMCAST CABLE 74.90 COMED 6,328.78 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING 115.00 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 39,878.31 COOPER, TOM 50.00 COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE 10.00 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 108.30 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 35.00 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING 1,765.00 CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATI 92.50 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 38.75 DOOR SYSTEMS INC 395.25 DOWELL, MARK 25.00 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 267.00 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 856.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU 115.00 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 165.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH 2,407.08 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 427.51 FOUR SEASONS DISPLAY INC 380.00 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 78.00 HACH COMPANY 260.40 HINSHAW & CULBERTSON 4,708.42 HOGUE INC 99.82 ILLINOIS DIRECTOR OF 10,494.00 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGU 5.00 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTE 109.95 JARR, ROB 50.00 JUNGMANN, MARLENE B 234.00 KALE UNIFORMS INC 3,068.09 KAY, DEREK 39.42 KIMBALL MIDWEST 464.66 KRANZ, ANNE 116.61 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY 244.87 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 68.02 Page 3 November 16,2009 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 101.34 LEE AUTO MCHENRY 31.96 LEXISNEXIS 112.50 LIBERTY FLAG & SPECIALTY 100.45 LUNSMANN, JOAN 4.35 MARTIN, DOUG 37.30 MASSOURAS, NICOLE 30.00 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF 6,800.00 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 182.95 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 1,775.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S 7,213.00 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL 9,900.00 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 42.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 1,294.50 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 599.50 MCHENRY NAPA 1,356.70 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY 551.00 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 62.00 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PR 132.00 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 1,000.00 MEIER & SONS FENCE MFG, 175.00 MERTZ, GARY 16.02 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 582.01 NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC 300.00 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 861.41 NENA 120.00 NICOR GAS 471.10 NORTHERN ILLINOS WINTER 1,065.69 NWBOCA 50.00 PACE 6,745.63 PADDOCK, TIFFANY 50.00 PECHOUS, ROGER 46.47 PETERSON, DEAN 50.00 PETROLIANCE LLC 7,643.84 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 2,490.38 PITTMAN, ERIN 15.00 POLERECKY, ROSS 50.00 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 67.44 PRESSING MATTERS LTD 203.78 PROSAFETY INC 381.00 RADICOM INC 50.00 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 446.62 REX AUTO BODY 4,034.60 RICCI, DONNA 21.42 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 83.66 RUSHING, RHONDA 175.00 SALGADO, ANTHONY 59.00 SANDOZ, CHRISTOPHER 112.34 SCHNEIDER, EMILY 41.00 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS 135.15 SEC GROUP INC 28,237.47 SHAW SUBURBAN MEDIA 1,658.18 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC 561.50 SPRINT 116.89 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 682.69 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 341.68 STUART, JIMMY 75.00 SYMBOLARTS 1,170.00 TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 92.63 TRIEBOLD IMPLEMENT INC 37.72 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 9,459.68 WALAT, HOLLY 112.34 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 14,084.20 WELCH BROS INC 957.96 WERDERITCH, CHRISTINA 50.00 WILLIAMS ELECTRIC SERVIC 112.50 ZAHN, DAN 462.00 ZEP SALES & SERVICE 369.68 ZIMMERMAN, BOB 54.55 GRAND TOTALS 236,099.54 Page 4 November 16,2009 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 79,686.22 ANNEXATION FUND 17,796.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 1,179.60 WATER/SEWER FUND 98,469.90 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 25,742.47 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 4,098.22 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 1,651.91 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 7,475.22 TOTALS 236,099.54 Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Alderman Peterson stated he is looking forward to the second annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. He noted it was a great event. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION TO UPDATE PARKS AND RECREATION FEES STRUCTURE Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated the Parks and Recreation Committee recently conducted its annual review of department fee structure for facility use and rental.The committee recommended a 10% increase in fees. He noted the ordinance for consideration this evening would implement the 10% increase in fees as specified: pool passes, pool party rentals, beach boat rentals and picnic rentals. Alderman Santi noted he is comfortable with the fee increase. Alderman Schaefer sought clarification regarding the fees which would be increased. Alderman Peterson responded the increased fees are intended to assist in covering direct costs associated with park use. Alderman Condon stated it is unfortunate the fees have to be increased but concurred with the reasoning to implement the increase. Motion by Santi, seconded by Blake, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee to pass an ordinance increasing by 10% the fees structure relative to pool passes, pool party rentals, beach boat rentals and picnic rentals. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab,Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. o Page 5 November 16,2009 ORDINANCES FOR THE ABATEMENT OF VARIOUS BOND ISSUES Finance Director Black stated the City has issued a variety of bonds that pledge various funding sources for repayment backed by full faith and credit of the City. The bond ordinances require the County Clerk to levy property taxes for the debt service required on the bonds unless an abatement of the property tax by the City is approved and filed with the County Clerk. Each year the City passes ordinances to abate the property taxes regarding its bond issues. This year's ordinance would abate the property taxes regarding the following bond issues: 1. Series 2000A GO Bonds $460,912.50 2. Series 2002 GO Bonds $386,775.00 3. Series 2005 GO Bonds $157,885.00 4. Series 2006 GO Bonds $238,705.00 5. Series 2007 GO Bonds $246,395.00 Director Black noted additionally an ordinance of abatement is required regarding the City's annual payment toward Special Service Area #1A in the amount of $25,000.00 which represents the City's portion of the financing of the Shamrock Lane and Route 31 intersection improvements. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve ordinances abating the levy of property taxes payable for the 2009 Tax Levy Year as follows: 1. Series 2000A GO Bonds $460,912.50 2. Series 2002 GO Bonds $386,775.00 3. Series 2005 GO Bonds $157,885.00 4. Series 2006 GO Bonds $238,705.00 5. Series 2007 GO Bonds $246,395.00 6. Special Service Area 1A $ 25,000.00. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low stated her recommendation to appoint Alderman Blake to the Council's Finance and Personnel Committee and Public Works Committee. In addition, Mayor Low recommends the appointment of Alderman Schaefer as Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee. She requested a motion confirming her recommendations. Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to accept the Mayoral appointment of Alderman Blake to the Council's Finance and Personnel Committee and Public Works Committee, and the appointment of Alderman Schaefer as Chairman of Council's Finance and Personnel Committee. Page 6 ' November 16,2009 Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS Assistant City Administrator Hobson reported next weekend is the annual Downtown Christmas Walk, the Toys for Tots Parade at and Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony on Sunday, November 22"d. He noted the tree lighting will occur at 5 p.m. in Vets Memorial Park. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Future Agenda Items were discussed. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer,to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. Mayor City Clerk DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110653 100 00 2 3 DIMENSIONS SALON REFUND PERMIT # 09-10-057 11/30/09 0 112309 30.00 100.00.3410 0911 112309 GLJ9455 30.00 112309 9110609 100 XXXXX 1101 ACRES GROUP 79195 MOWING SERVICES 11/30/09 0 112309 5,712.51 100.41.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 3975.00 112309 100.33.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1737.51 112309 9110610 510 XXXXX 1101 ACRES GROUP 79195 MOWING SERVICES 11/30/09 0 112309 2,972.49 510.31.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1647.51 112309 510.32.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1324.98 112309 9110475 510 32 1120 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC 11396 SERVICE BOILER REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 111809 332.50 510.32.5375 0911 111809 GLJ9429 332.50 111809 9110470 100 47 1421 AMELIO, ROBERT THRU 11/13SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 211.50 100.47.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 211.50 111809 9110583 100 46 1664 ARNET, ALICE PRESCHOOL SUPPLIES REIMB 11/30/09 0 112009 12.27 100.46.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9442 12.27 112009 9110476 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV 2009 CENTREX PHONE LINES 11/30/09 0 111809 2,555.73 100.01.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 516.70 111809 100.02.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 51.42 111809 100.22.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 634.79 111809 100.30.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 209.17 111809 100.33.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 545.28 111809 100.41.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 102.84 111809 100.42.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 52.96 111809 100.43.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 51.42 111809 100.44.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 102.88 111809 100.45.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 156.42 111809 620.00.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 131.85 111809 9110477 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV 09CENTREX PHONE SERVICE 11/30/09 0 111809 680.44 510.31.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 418.79 111809 510.32.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 261.65 111809 9110584 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV 2009 ALARM CIRCUITS 11/30/09 0 112009 205.86 100.43.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 52.51 112009 100.45.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 99.75 112009 100.46.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 27.60 112009 100.33.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 26.00 112009 9110673 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV/DEC 09ALARM CIRCUITS 11/30/09 0 112309 1,321.96 100.22.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 921.07 112309 100.43.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 100.45 112309 100.45.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 300.44 112309 9110674 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV/DEC 09ALARM CIRCUITS 11/30/09 0 112309 583.70 510.31.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 100.45 112309 510.32.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 483.25 112309 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110675 XXXXX XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV/DEC 09PRI PHONE LINES 11/30/09 0 112309 400.25 100.01.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 59.48 112309 100.02.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 20.32 112309 100.04.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 27.10 112309 100.22.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 128.72 112309 100.30.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 20.32 112309 100.33.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 6.77 112309 100.03.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 47.42 112309 100.41.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 20.32 112309 100.44.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 3.39 112309 100.46.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 36.77 112309 100.47.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9460 3.39 112309 620.00.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9460 26.25 112309 9110585 100 XXXXX 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE OCT 2009 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 11/30/09 0 112009 28.56 100.01.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 25.89 112009 100.22.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 .44 112009 100.30.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 .18 112009 100.33.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 1.11 112009 100.41.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 .17 112009 100.45.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 .67 112009 100.46.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 .10 112009 9110586 510 XXXXX 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE OCT 2009 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 11/30/09 0 112009 2.75 510.31.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 1.12 112009 510.32.5320 0911 112009 GLJ9442 1.63 112009 9110478 100 33 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 212114TIRES 11/30/09 0 111809 310.23 100.33.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9429 310.23 111809 9110587 100 33 1739 AUTO TRUCK GROUP 413880VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 112009 425.14 100.33.5370 0911 112009 GLJ9442 425.14 112009 9110479 100 22 16080 BIRK, ADRIANA 11/3-5/09 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 11/30/09 0 111809 24.00 100.22.5420 0911 111809 GLJ9429 24.00 111809 9110611 100 22 2300 BIRK, JOHN CITIZENS POLICE ACADEMY 11/30/09 0 112309 131.26 GRADUATION SUPPLIES REIMB 100.22.6210 0911 112309 GLJ9455 131.26 112309 9110471 100 47 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H THRU 11/13SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 52.00 100.47.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 52.00 111809 9110480 100 45 2758 BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY PL65088 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 111809 114.50 100.45.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9429 114.50 111809 9110481 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 34599 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 111809 124.86 100.22.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9429 124.86 111809 9110482 100 33 3007 CAREY ELECTRIC 23598 ELECTRICAL SERVICE WORK 11/30/09 0 111809 885.72 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.33.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 885.72 111809 9110483 510 XXXXX 3007 CAREY ELECTRIC 23598 ELECTRICAL SERVICE WORK 11/30/09 0 111809 456.28 510.31.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 402.60 111809 510.32.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 53.68 111809 9110484 280 41 2999 CARMICHAEL CONSTRUCTION 3572 PETERSEN HOMESTEAD REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 111809 13,673.00 280.41.8800 0911 111809 GLJ9429 13673.00 111809 280-PETHISTIM 9110588 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC QVP0234 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 124.62 620.00.6270 0911 112009 GLJ9442 124.62 112009 9110589 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC QVQ0612 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 197.16 620.00.6270 0911 112009 GLJ9442 197.16 112009 9110676 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 76851 MEDICAL SERVICES 11/30/09 0 112309 107.80 100.01.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9460 107.80 112309 9110485 510 31 3248 CHEMICAL PUMP SALES AND 69717 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 106.00 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 106.00 111809 9110486 510 32 3398 CLEVELAND MOTION CONTROL 193432EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 111809 4,393.00 510.32.5375 0911 111809 GLJ9429 4393.00 111809 9110487 510 32 3398 CLEVELAND MOTION CONTROL 193296EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 111809 12,682.83 510.32.5375 0911 111809 GLJ9429 12682.83 111809 9110488 100 33 3509 COMCAST CABLE NOV/DEC 09HIGH SPEED INTERNET 11/30/09 0 111809 50.01 100.33.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 50.01 111809 9110489 510 XXXXX 3509 COMCAST CABLE NOV/DEC 09HIGH SPEED INTERNET 11/30/09 0 111809 25.77 510.31.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 22.73 111809 510.32.5320 0911 111809 GLJ9429 3.04 111809 9110490 100 41 3546 CONAWAY, TINA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/30/09 0 111809 68.30 100.41.4510 0911 111809 GLJ9429 68.30 111809 9110677 100 45 3537 CONCRETE SOLUTIONS 15011 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 51.00 100.45.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9460 51.00 112309 9110491 100 46 3536 CONKLIN, CHARLENE 9/10-11/12PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/30/09 0 111809 380.00 100.46.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 380.00 111809 9110492 440 00 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 146527ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 39.26 440.00.8200 0911 111809 GLJ9429 243.05 111809 100-1415IND 440.00.8200 0911 111809 GLJ9429 DISCOUNT 3.97CR 111809 100-1415IND 440.00.8200 0911 111809 GLJ9429 RETURNS INV#145610 199.82CR 111809 100-1415IND DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110493 440 00 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 146270ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 100.27 440.00.8200 0911 111809 GLJ9429 102.31 111809 100-1415IND 440.00.8200 0911 111809 GLJ9429 DISCOUNT 2.04CR 111809 100-1415IND 9110494 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 146458ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 45.39 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 46.31 111809 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 DISCOUNT .92CR 111809 9110495 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 146356ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 42.60 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 43.47 111809 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 DISCOUNT .87CR 111809 9110590 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-146682ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 45.51 100.33.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9442 45.51 112009 9110598 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-146783ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 39.36 100.33.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 39.36 112009 9110496 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 72288 MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 1,853.94 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 1853.94 111809 9110497 100 22 4031 DAWSON, CHRISTINE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/30/09 0 111809 35.36 100.22.4510 0911 111809 GLJ9435 35.36 111809 9110498 100 22 4136 DEBOLT, JUSTIN 11/9/09 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 11/30/09 0 111809 8.00 100.22.5420 0911 111809 GLJ9435 8.00 111809 9110499 620 00 4144 DELL MARKETING LP XDFPMT3R5 COMPUTERS 11/30/09 0 111809 1,339.40 620.00.6270 0911 111809 GLJ9435 1339.40 111809 9110500 620 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 54974 PRINTER SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 198.00 620.00.6210 0911 111809 GLJ9435 22 198.00 111809 9110501 620 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 55344 PRINTER SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 299.00 620.00.6210 0911 111809 GLJ9435 03 299.00 111809 9110502 620 00 4530 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 0626CMCREDIT FOR RETURNED PART 11/30/09 0 111809 248.75- 620.00.6210 0911 111809 GLJ9435 03 248.75CR 111809 9110612 100 00 2 DUNKIN' DOGS GROOMING REFUND PERMIT #09-10-052 11/30/09 0 112309 30.00 100.00.3410 0911 112309 GLJ9455 30.00 112309 9110591 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 134901601 PROPANE REFILL 11/30/09 0 112009 71.04 100.33.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9442 71.04 112009 9110599 230 00 5108 EDER CASELLA & CO 6747 AUDIT EXAMINATION 11/30/09 0 112009 12,350.00 230.00.5110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 12350.00 112009 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110503 100 33 5309 EJ EQUIPMENT 35127 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 111809 112.43 100.33.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9435 112.43 111809 9110504 510 32 5309 EJ EQUIPMENT 35545 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 111809 65.78 510.32.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9435 65.78 111809 9110592 510 32 5309 EJ EQUIPMENT 35671 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 112009 93.55 510.32.5370 0911 112009 GLJ9442 93.55 112009 9110593 510 32 5519 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE A 561420LAB SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 142.10 510.32.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9442 142.10 112009 9110613 100 22 6026 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 802275UNIFORM ALTERATIONS 11/30/09 0 112309 11.00 100.22.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 11.00 112309 9110505 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH OCT 2009 CAR WASH SERVICE 11/30/09 0 111809 144.60 100.22.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9435 144.60 111809 9110507 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12961 MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 521.25 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 521.25 111809 9110508 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12967 MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 1,355.25 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 1355.25 111809 9110509 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12987 MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 625.50 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 625.50 111809 9110600 100 47 6304 FITNESS FIRST 78269APROGRAM SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 529.00 100.47.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 529.00 112009 9110506 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD ONC173COPIER MAINTENANCE 11/30/09 0 111809 93.86 100.22.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 93.86 111809 9110601 510 32 6536 FONE ZONE-MCHENRY, THE MC2102CELL PHONE HOLSTER 11/30/09 0 112009 12.99 510.32.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 12.99 112009 9110381 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 11/30/09 0 111309 950.00 100.214 0911 111309 GLJ9384 950.00 111309 9110890 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 11/30/09 0 112709 950.00 100.214 0911 112709 GLJ9465 950.00 112709 9110510 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35945 SOD 11/30/09 0 111809 91.60 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 91.60 111809 9110511 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 35969 SOD 11/30/09 0 111809 183.20 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 183.20 111809 9110512 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36018 SOD & PALLET DEPOSITS 11/30/09 0 111809 39.12- 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 10.88 111809 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 50.00CR 111809 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110594 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36096 GRASS SEED & STRAW BLANKET 11/30/09 0 112009 316.30 100.33.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9443 316.30 112009 9110595 510 31 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36054 STRAW BLANKET & SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 127.20 510.31.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9443 127.20 112009 9110596 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36027 SOD & TOP SOIL 11/30/09 0 112009 130.40 100.33.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9443 130.40 112009 9110927 100 46 6644 FREUND, LORETTA MRS CLAUS 11/30/09 0 112409 40.00 100.46.6920 0911 112409 GLJ9466 40.00 112409 9110513 100 22 7007 GALLS AN ARAMARK CO LLC 510183530 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 627.59 100.22.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9435 627.59 111809 9110514 100 04 7391 GLICK, DEBORAH A CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/30/09 0 111809 22.73 100.04.4510 0911 111809 GLJ9435 22.73 111809 9110614 100 22 7640 GREAT LAKES FIRE & SAFET 144936EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/30/09 0 112309 48.97 LUMBER 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 48.97 112309 9110602 510 31 8042 HAWKINS INC 3070410 CHEMICALS 11/30/09 0 112009 1,952.80 510.31.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 1952.80 112009 9110615 610 00 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9763119 DAMAGED FIRE HYDRANT REPAIR 11/30/09 0 112309 262.00 610.00.5980 0911 112309 GLJ9455 262.00 112309 9110616 510 31 15013 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 9763152 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 1,671.60 510.31.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1671.60 112309 9110603 300 00 8532 HOME STATE BANK 12/1/09 BOND PRINCIPAL & INTEREST 11/30/09 0 112009 48,987.50 300.00.7100 0911 112009 GLJ9449 45000.00 112009 300.00.7200 0911 112009 GLJ9449 3987.50 112009 9110617 100 22 8545 HP SHOOTING CENTER INC MPD1009 SHOOTING RANGE FEE & AMMO 11/30/09 0 112309 187.01 100.22.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 187.01 112309 9110515 100 01 9403 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGU 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES 11/30/09 0 111809 1,626.00 100.01.5410 0911 111809 GLJ9435 1626.00 111809 9110928 100 41 9561 IPRA 2010 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 11/30/09 0 112409 717.00 LUNKENHE IMER-MERKEL-WITT 100.41.5410 0911 112409 GLJ9466 717.00 112409 9110385 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 11/30/09 0 111309 235.62 100.218 0911 111309 GLJ9384 235.62 111309 9110388 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 11/30/09 0 111309 718.54 100.218 0911 111309 GLJ9384 718.54 111309 a DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110893 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 11/30/09 0 112709 235.62 100.218 0911 112709 GLJ9465 235.62 112709 9110896 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 11/30/09 0 112709 718.54 100.218 0911 112709 GLJ9465 718.54 112709 9110604 100 33 10735 JULIE INC 10-09-0988UNDERGROUND LOCATES 11/30/09 0 112009 81.25 100.33.5110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 81.25 112009 9110605 510 XXXXX 10735 JULIE INC 10-09-0988UNDERGROUND LOCATES 11/30/09 0 112009 162.50 510.31.5110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 81.25 112009 510.32.5110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 81.25 112009 9110516 100 46 8028 JUNGMANN, MARLENE B 1083 FACE PAINTING SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 412.00 100.46.6920 0911 111809 GLJ9435 412.00 111809 9110517 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 394542EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111809 132.57 100.22.4510 0911 111809 GLJ9435 132.57 111809 9110518 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 394543EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111809 286.94 100.22.4510 0911 111809 GLJ9435 286.94 111809 9110519 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 395533EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111809 383.65 100.22.4510 0911 111809 GLJ9435 383.65 111809 9110618 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 397007SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 232.15 100.22.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 232.15 112309 9110619 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 397647EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 112309 213.15 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 213.15 112309 9110620 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 398685SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 7.66 100.22.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 7.66 112309 9110520 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1275749 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 152.18 100.33.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9435 160.35 111809 100.33.5370 0911 111809 GLJ9449 DISCOUNT 8.17CR 111809 9110606 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1283872 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 171.36 100.33.5370 0911 112009 GLJ9449 179.53 112009 100.33.5370 0911 112009 GLJ9449 DISCOUNT 8.17CR 112009 9110621 100 22 11289 KING, LAURA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/30/09 0 112309 42.78 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 42.78 112309 9110607 510 32 11703 KTD INC 9110 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 34.08 510.32.6110 0911 112009 GLJ9449 34.08 112009 9110521 100 02 11750 KUNZER, KATHLEEN 11/11/09 LUNCHEON MEETING FEE 11/30/09 0 111809 16.00 100.02.5430 0911 111809 GLJ9435 16.00 111809 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING•11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110608 100 41 7 LEAGUE OF IL BICYCLISTS 1/29/10 BICYCLE PLANNING SEMINAR 11/30/09 0 112009 50.00 WITT & MARTIN 100.41.5430 0911 112009 GLJ9449 50.00 112009 9110522 610 00 13014 MARSH USA INC 236046PUBLIC OFFICIALS BOND 11/30/09 0 111809 1,118.00 610.00.5960 0911 111809 GLJ9436 1118.00 111809 9110523 610 00 13014 MARSH USA INC 769007PUBLIC OFFICIAL BONDS 11/30/09 0 111809 4,020.00 610.00.5960 0911 111809 GLJ9436 4020.00 111809 9110472 100 47 13045 MAZZUCA, JOE THRU 11/13SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 92.00 100.47.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 92.00 111809 9110535 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 23439 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 11/30/09 0 111809 60.00 510.31.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 60.00 111809 9110536 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 0904545 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 11/30/09 0 111809 350.00 510.31.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 350.00 111809 9110537 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 23473 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 11/30/09 0 111809 15.00 510.31.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 15.00 111809 9110538 100 22 14253 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 2010 ASSOCIATION DUES 11/30/09 0 111809 105.00 BROGAN-PECHOUS-JONES 100.22.5410 0911 111809 GLJ9436 105.00 111809 9110629 510 31 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 16816 TIRES 11/30/09 0 112309 276.00 510.31.5370 0911 112309 GLJ9455 276.00 112309 9110539 100 02 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2009-1243 NAME PLATE 11/30/09 0 111809 5.00 100.02.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 5.00 111809 9110540 100 33 14285 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP ROAD DI 10/26/09 ROAD PAINT STRIPING 11/30/09 0 111809 9,116.60 100.33.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 9116.60 111809 9110630 510 32 14424 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 41603787 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 44.00 510.32.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 44.00 112309 9110524 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 643478TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 11/30/09 0 111809 119.80 100.33.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 119.80 111809 9110623 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 643532TRAFFIC SIGNAL REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 112309 122.42 100.33.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 122.42 112309 9110525 100 45 13153 MENARDS - WOODSTOCK 92934 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111809 284.04 100.45.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 284.04 111809 9110624 100 33 13149 MENNON RUBBER & SAFETY P 29392 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/30/09 0 112309 104.56 BURRAFATO 100.33.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 104.56 112309 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110625 100 33 13149 MENNON RUBBER & SAFETY P 29391 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/30/09 0 112309 67.63 LANGE 100.33.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 67.63 112309 9110526 510 32 13164 METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIES 223864UTILITY SYSTEM REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 111809 1,893.62 510.32.5380 0911 111809 GLJ9436 1893.62 111809 9110527 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 232577MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 52.50 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 52.50 111809 9110528 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 232736MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 59.19 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 59.19 111809 9110529 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 233143MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 51.25 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 51.25 111809 9110530 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 233009MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 27.50 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 27.50 111809 9110531 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 233311MATERIALS 11/30/09 0 111809 653.47 510.31.6110 0911 111809 GLJ9436 653.47 111809 9110626 510 31 13288 MIDWEST METER INC 12670-IN SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 451.18 510.31.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 451.18 112309 9110532 100 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71705 PRINTING SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 374.50 100.00.6210 0911 111809 GLJ9436 262.15 111809 100.03.6210 0911 111809 GLJ9436 112.35 111809 9110627 510 32 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71776 AFTER THE STORM FLYERS 11/30/09 0 112309 660.58 510.32.6210 0911 112309 GLJ9455 660.58 112309 9110935 620 00 13527 MOLNAR, JAMES REIMB MOBILE COMPUTER HARD DRIVE 11/30/09 0 112409 75.40 620.00.6270 0911 112409 GLJ9466 75.40 112409 9110473 100 47 13534 MOORE, KEVIN THRU 11/13SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 25.50 100.47.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 25.50 111809 9110628 100 22 13548 MORITZ, SHERRIE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/30/09 0 112309 43.09 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 43.09 112309 9110534 100 02 13743 MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF LAKE K KUNZER MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 11/30/09 0 111809 20.00 100.02.5410 0911 111809 GLJ9436 20.00 111809 9110380 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 11/30/09 O 111309 21.17 100.2191 0911 111309 GLJ9384 21.17 111309 9110889 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 11/30/09 0 112709 21.16 100.2191 0911 112709 GLJ9465 21.16 112709 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110929 100 42 15076 NCISC ATTN: C MURRAY AQU 2010 SWIM TEAM DUES 11/30/09 0 112409 800.00 100.42.5110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 800.00 112409 9110377 100 15079 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. IMRF LIFE 11/30/09 0 111309 304.00 100.2041 0911 111309 GLJ9384 304.00 111309 9110631 XXXXX XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL OCT/NOV 09CELL PHONE USAGE 11/30/09 0 112309 1,550.36 100.01.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 129.55 112309 100.03.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 185.01 112309 100.22.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 854.71 112309 100.30.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 24.58 112309 100.33.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 123.34 112309 100.41.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 49.16 112309 100.45.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 63.18 112309 100.46.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 24.58 112309 100.47.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 37.09 112309 620.00.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 59.16 112309 9110632 510 XXXXX 15169 NEXTEL OCT/NOV 09CELL PHONE USAGE 11/30/09 0 112309 235.61 510.31.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 123.34 112309 510.32.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 112.27 112309 9110633 100 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS OCT/NOV 09UTILITIES 11/30/09 O 112309 1,323.33 100.45.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 147.46 112309 100.46.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 80.01 112309 100.22.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 29.95 112309 100.01.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1065.91 112309 9110634 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS OCT/NOV 09UTILITIES 11/30/09 0 112309 1,319.09 510.31.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 294.52 112309 510.32.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1024.57 112309 9110678 100 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS OCT/NOV 09UTILITIES 11/30/09 0 112309 1,094.59 100.43.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9460 112.46 112309 100.45.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9460 387.79 112309 100.33.5520 0911 112309 GLJ9460 594.34 112309 9110679 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS OCT/NOV 09UTILITIES 11/30/09 0 112309 438.47 510.31.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9460 402.45 112309 510.32.5510 0911 112309 GLJ9460 36.02 112309 9110541 100 22 15540 NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 6880 NIPAS MANDATORY UNIFORM ITEM 11/30/09 0 111909 20.00 100.22.6110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 20.00 111909 9110635 510 32 15550 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMEN 20810534 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 51.43 510.32.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 51.43 112309 9110542 100 01 15556 NORTHWEST HERALD 67499/ADMNSUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 11/30/09 O 111909 211.60 100.01.5450 0911 111909 GLJ9437 211.60 111909 9110622 510 32 16416 OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT C 230517-IN SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 95.82 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510.32.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 95.82 112309 9110936 100 01 16491 ONEYS TREE FARM 8078 CHRISTMAS GREENS 11/30/09 0 112409 340.00 100.01.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 340.00 112409 9110543 100 46 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 635065429 PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111909 34.56 100.46.6110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 34.56 111909 9110597 100 46 16636 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 635096619 PARKS PROGRAM SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112009 277.56 100.46.6920 0911 112009 GLJ9449 277.56 112009 9110544 100 01 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 40601 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111909 612.50 100.01.5230 0911 111909 GLJ9437 612.50 111909 9110545 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8752487 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 O 111909 62.55 100.03.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 62.55 111909 9110546 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8755294 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 84.33 100.03.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 84.33 111909 9110547 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748030 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 456.93 100.22.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 456.93 111909 9110548 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748595 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 1,204.41 100.22.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 1204.41 111909 9110549 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748594 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 326.84 100.33.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 326.84 111909 9110550 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748029 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 408.58 100.33.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 408.58 111909 9110551 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8752490 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 194.94 100.45.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 194.94 111909 9110552 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8752489 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 370.78 510.31.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 370.78 111909 9110553 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748592 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 244.24 510.31.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 244.24 111909 9110554 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748027 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 49.10 510.32.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 49.10 111909 9110555 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748591 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 111909 190.96 510.32.6250 0911 111909 GLJ9437 190.96 111909 9110636 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8752491 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 112309 801.84 100.33.6250 0911 112309 GLJ9455 801.84 112309 9110637 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8755297 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 112309 222.40 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.45.6250 0911 112309 GLJ9455 222.40 112309 9110638 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8755296 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 112309 86.96 510.31.6250 0911 112309 GLJ9455 86.96 112309 9110639 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8752488 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 112309 505.96 510.32.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 505.96 112309 9110680 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8755299 VEHICLE FUEL 11/30/09 0 112309 1,953.17 100.22.6250 0911 112309 GLJ9460 1953.17 112309 9110556 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18845 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111909 206.26 100.22.4510 0911 111909 GLJ9437 206.26 111909 9110557 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18844 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111909 299.47 100.22,4510 0911 111909 GLJ9437 299.47 111909 9110558 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18821 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111909 179.99 100.22.4510 0911 111909 GLJ9437 179.99 111909 9110559 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18846 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111909 175.44 100.22.6110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 175.44 111909 9110560 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18860 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111909 180.00 100.22.4510 0911 111909 GLJ9437 180.00 111909 9110561 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18847 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 111909 55.99 100.22.4510 0911 111909 GLJ9437 55.99 111909 9110640 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18892 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 112309 209.98 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 209.98 112309 9110641 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18907 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/30/09 0 112309 179.99 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 179.99 112309 9110642 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18912 NEW EMPLOYEE UNIFORM 11/30/09 0 112309 24.00 100.22.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 24.00 112309 9110562 100 45 19028 PITEL SEPTIC INC 6191 PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS 11/30/09 0 111909 375.00 100.45.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 375.00 111909 9110643 100 22 17547 PORTER LEE CORPORATION 8562 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 35.00 100.22.6210 0911 112309 GLJ9455 35.00 112309 9110563 100 46 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL POSTAGE FOR SANTA LETTERS 11/30/09 0 111909 44.00 100.46.6920 0911 111909 GLJ9437 44.00 111909 9110564 100 33 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-088061 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 111909 234.96 100.33.5370 0911 111909 GLJ9437 234.98 111909 9110565 100 46 17637 PROMISING PICASSOS INC 17597 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/30/09 0 111909 290.00 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.46.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 290.00 111909 9110566 100 41 18738 QUICK, KATHLEEN 11/12/09 RECTRAC TRAINING EXPENSE RE 11/30/09 0 111909 41.69 100.41.5420 0911 111909 GLJ9437 41.69 111909 9110681 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 95811 RADIO SERVER REPAIRS 11/30/09 0 112309 529.98 100.22.5370 0911 112309 GLJ9460 529.98 112309 9110682 100 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 11/30/09 0 112309 1,191.19 100.01.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 98.47 112309 100.02.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 71.63 112309 100.03.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 128.43 112309 100.04.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 442.14 112309 100.22.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 189.68 112309 100.30.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 22.63 112309 100.41.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 238.21 112309 9110683 510 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 11/30/09 0 112309 536.41 510.31.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 530.87 112309 510.32.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9460 5.54 112309 9110567 100 33 19531 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 22342 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111909 81.36 100.33.6110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 81.36 111909 - 9110568 100 46 19548 ROTH, SALLY PARK PROGRAM SUPPLIES REIMB 11/30/09 0 111909 100.41 100.46.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 100.41 111909 9110569 100 46 19548 ROTH, SALLY 9/10-11/12PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/30/09 0 111909 380.00 100.46.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 380.00 111909 9110570 100 22 20096 SCHMITT, MATTHEW 11/3-5/09 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 11/30/09 0 111909 24.00 100.22.5420 0911 111909 GLJ9437 24.00 111909 9110571 440 00 20102 SCHULHOF COMPANY 2708420 SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 111909 743.27 440.00.8200 0911 111909 GLJ9437 743.27 111909 100-1415IND 9110572 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 64300 ITH PARKING LOT 11/30/09 0 111909 890.00 740.00.5220 0911 111909 GLJ9437 890.00 111909 9110573 100 01 20430 SEC GROUP INC 64301 GENERAL CONSULTATION 11/30/09 0 111909 995.00 LOT 54 SALE 100.01.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 995.00 111909 9110644 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 64293 EVERGREEN PARK 11/30/09 0 112309 520.00 740.00.5220 0911 112309 GLJ9455 520.00 112309 9110645 440 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 2/64212 LILLIAN STREET RESURFACING 11/30/09 0 112309 2,820.37 440.00.8600 0911 112309 GLJ9455 2820.37 112309 440-LILLIAN DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 14 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110646 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 64294 SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 11/30/09 0 112309 16,180.10 580.32.8500 0911 112309 GLJ9455 16180.10 112309 580-SWWTP 9110647 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 64296 MILLSTREAM DRIVE LIFT STATION 11/30/09 0 112309 874.90 580.32.8500 0911 112309 GLJ9455 874.90 112309 580-BOONESW 9110648 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 64299 EAST SIDE WATER MAIN EXTENSION 11/30/09 0 112309 5,298.15 580.31.8500 0911 112309 GLJ9455 5298.15 112309 580-RT120WATE 9110930 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S48666PLUMBING SERVICE WORK 11/30/09 0 112409 132.00 100.01.5110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 132.00 112409 9110931 100 01 20250 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC S48665SUPPLIES 11/30/09 O 112409 143.00 100.01.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 143.00 112409 9110574 300 00 20566 SPEER FINANCIAL Dll-09/2 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111909 384.64 300.00.7300 0911 111909 GLJ9437 384.64 111909 9110649 100 33 20576 SPRING ALIGN OF PALATINE 79180 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/30/09 0 112309 745.16 100.33.5370 0911 112309 GLJ9455 745.16 112309 9110576 100 03 20707 STAN'S FINANCIAL SERVICE 10632 LARGE FORMAT COPIER/SCAN 11/30/09 0 111909 222.00 100.03.5110 11080352 0911 111909 GLJ9437 222.00 111909 222.00 9110575 100 21 20704 STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC SA14105 POLICE PROMOTIONAL TESTING 11/30/09 0 111909 2,829.50 100.21.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 2829.50 111909 9110577 100 33 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 266017COPIER SERVICE AGREEMENT 11/30/09 0 111909 279.17 100.33.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 279.17 111909 9110578 510 XXXXX 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 266017COPIER SERVICE AGREEMENT 11/30/09 0 111909 279.18 510.31.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 139.59 111909 510.32.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 139.59 111909 9110579 100 XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013937947OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/09 O 111909 385.14 100.00.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 18.54CR 111909 100.04.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 1.55 111909 100.22.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 16.99 111909 100.00.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 226.23 111909 100.01.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 63.26 111909 100.02.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 49.35 111909 100.03.6210 0911 111909 GLJ9437 46.30 111909 9110650 100 00 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013993191OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112309 7.75 100.00.6210 0911 112309 GLJ9455 7.75 112309 9110580 100 22 20695 STATE POLICE SERVICES FU 480-14NEW RECRUIT TRAINING 11/30/09 0 111909 5,055.48 100.22.5430 0911 111909 GLJ9437 5055.48 111909 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110581 100 33 20714 STATE TREASURER IDOT 35758 TRAFFIC LIGHT MAINTENANCE 11/30/09 0 111909 5,937.79 100.33.5110 0911 111909 GLJ9437 5937.79 111909 9110932 100 47 20721 STEKL, DIANE 9/15-11/19PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/30/09 0 112409 510.00 100.47.5110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 510.00 112409 9110474 100 47 21147 TEGTMEIER, TERRY THRU 11/13SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 11/30/09 0 111809 138.00 100.47.5110 0911 111809 GLJ9429 138.00 111809 9110651 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 965170TOP SOIL 11/30/09 0 112309 245.00 100.33.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 245.00 112309 9110652 100 33 21254 THOMAS TRUCKING INC, KEN 965178TOP SOIL 11/30/09 0 112309 245.00 100.33.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 245.00 112309 9110654 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 65177 STREET SIGNS 11/30/09 0 112309 235.23 100.33.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 235.23 112309 9110655 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 65178 STREET SIGNS 11/30/09 0 112309 30.75 100.33.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 30.75 112309 9110656 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485469 UPS CHARGES 11/30/09 0 112309 29.86 100.04.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9455 13.89 112309 100.22.5310 0911 112309 GLJ9455 15.97 112309 9110657 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2309834922PUBLICSAFETY MOBILE BROADBA 11/30/09 0 112309 55.02 620.00.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 PUBLICSAFETY MOBLE BROAD 55.02 112309 9110658 620 00 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2309834923PUBLICSAFETY MOBILE BROADBA 11/30/09 0 112309 55.02 620.00.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 55.02 112309 9110659 510 31 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 2311304389GIS DATA COLLECTOR 11/30/09 0 112309 45.06 510.31.5320 0911 112309 GLJ9455 45.06 112309 9110660 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 195595CHEMICALS 11/30/09 0 112309 4,299.00 510.32.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 4299.00 112309 9110661 440 00 23289 VISU-SEWER OF ILLINOIS L 5283 TV/GROUT TRUCK & JET 11/30/09 0 112309 2,932.50 440.00.5110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 2932.50 112309 440-KIM13ALL 9110662 100 22 24017 WALAT, HOLLY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/30/09 0 112309 77.07 100.22.4510 0911 112309 GLJ9455 77.07 112309 9110933 100 XXXXX 24020 WALMART COMMUNITY OCT/NOV 09MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11/30/09 0 112409 668.57 100.01.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 165.69 112409 100.03.6210 0911 112409 GLJ9466 36.19 112409 100.22.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 129.00 112409 100,22.6210 0911 112409 GLJ9466 147.12 112409 100.33.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 104.18 112409 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 16 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.41.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 18.99 112409 100.46.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 10.62 112409 100.47.6110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 2.00 112409 100.46.6920 0911 112409 GLJ9466 54.78 112409 9110684 510 32 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 1578122903SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 11/30/09 O 112309 8,268.93 510.32.5580 0911 112309 GLJ9460 8268.93 112309 9110663 510 31 24038 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 27309 CHEMICALS 11/30/09 O 112309 4,700.00 510.31.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 4700.00 112309 9110664 510 31 24038 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 27458 CHEMICALS 11/30/09 0 112309 4,700.00 510.31.6110 0911 112309 GLJ9455 4700.00 112309 9110934 100 46 27010 ZAHN, DAN 11/24/09 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/30/09 O 112409 278.00 100.46.5110 0911 112409 GLJ9466 278.00 112409 9110665 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 86028 LEGAL FEES - CORP 11/30/09 O 112309 2,812.50 100.01.5230 0911 112309 GLJ9455 2812.50 112309 9110666 100 01 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 86030 LEGAL FEES - CORP 11/30/09 0 112309 300.00 100.01.5230 0911 112309 GLJ9455 300.00 112309 9110667 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 86031 CURTIS/MCHENRY RIVERWALK 11/30/09 0 112309 870.00 740.00.5230 0911 112309 GLJ9455 870.00 112309 9110668 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 86029 KRESSWOOD TOWNHOMES 11/30/09 0 112309 217.50 740.00.5230 0911 112309 GLJ9455 217.50 112309 9110669 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 86033 MORGAN HILL SUBDIVISION 11/30/09 0 112309 1,595.00 740.00.5230 0911 112309 GLJ9455 1595.00 112309 9110670 740 00 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 86034 MEDELA 11/30/09 0 112309 2,682.50 740.00.5230 0911 112309 GLJ9455 2682.50 112309 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 254,820.38 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 78,394.25 222.00 230 AUDIT EXPENSE FUND 12,350.00 280 DEVELOPER DONATION FUND 13,673.00 300 DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 49,372.14 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 6,635.67 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 57,555.04 DATE 11/24/2009 12:03 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 17 LIST OF HILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/30/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 22,353.15 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 5,400.00 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 2,312.13 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 6,775.00 **** 254,820.38 222.00 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K.Maxeiner,City Administrator FOR: November 30,2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: 2010 Street Program Engineering Services Agreement ATTACHMENT: Engineering Services Agreement on IDOT form BLR 05510 Background. On October 12, 2009, the City Council approved a list of 33 streets including alternates for the 2010 street resurfacing program. The City anticipates selling approximately $3.44 million in bonds to finance this project. Repayment of General Obligation Bonds will be from Motor Fuel Tax(MFT). Analysis. SEC Group, Inc. has submitted an engineering services agreement on the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) required form when using Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds. The scope of work includes preparation of detailed contract plans, cost estimate, assistance in bid tabulation and recommendation of the award of bid. As outlined on the attached form, the engineering services fee is an amount equal to 5%of the awarded contract cost of the 2010,Street Program, not to exceed $150,000. Staff anticipates opening bids for this project in February of 2010. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the following: 1) the attached Illinois Department of Transportation Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for Motor Fuel Tax Funds with SEC Group Inc. in an amount equal to 5% of the awarded contract cost of the 2010 Street Program, not to exceed $150,000.00; and 2) authorization to publicly bid the 2010 Street Program. ' Municipality L Name -McHenry O 1 C SEC Group Incl An HR Green C Of Tf8rmOirtsum 0 Company Township A S Address L 420 n Front Street Preliminary Engineering U county A Services Agreement L city G For T ty E Motor Fuel Tax Funds A McHenry McHenry N Section C T State 09-00072-00-RS Y IL • THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered day of between the above Local Agency(LA)and Consultant(ENGINEER)and covers certain professional engineering services in connection with the improvement of the above SECTION. Motor Fuel Tax Funds, allotted to the LA by the State of Illinois under the general supervision of the State Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the"DEPARTMENT",will be used entirely or in part to finance ENGINEERING services as described under AGREEMENT PROVISIONS. Section Description Name 2010 Street Resurfacing Route Various List) Length 9.7280 Mi. 51,364 FT (Structure No. ) Termini Various( See attached list of Streets) Description: Rehabilitation of Various Streets by Pulverization, Hot Mix Asphalt Surface Removal, Base repair, curb and gutter removal/Replacement, Resurfacing with Binder and Surface courses, Aggregate Shoulders and all Miscellaneous work Agreement Provisions The Engineer Agrees, 1. To perform or be responsible for the performance of the following engineering services for the LA, in connection with the proposed improvements herein before described, and checked below: a. ❑ Make such detailed surveys as are necessary for the preparation of detailed roadway plans b. ❑ Make stream and flood plain hydraulic surveys and gather high water data, and flood histories for the preparation of detailed bridge plans. c. ❑ Make or cause to be made such sal surveys or subsurface investigations including borings and soil profiles and analyses thereof as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. Such investigations are to be made in accordance with the current requirements of the DEPARTMENT. d. ❑ Make or cause to be made such traffic studies and counts and special intersection studies as may be required to furnish sufficient data for the design of the proposed improvement. e. ❑ Prepare Army Corps of Engineers Permit, Department of Natural Resources-Office of Water Resources Permit, Bridge waterway sketch, and/or Channel Change sketch, Utility plan and locations, and Railroad Crossing work agreements. f. ❑ Prepare Preliminary Bridge design and Hydraulic Report, (including economic analysis of bridge or culvert types) and high water effects on roadway overflows and bridge approaches. g. ® Make complete general and detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates of cost and furnish the LA with five(5)copies of the plans, special provisions, proposals and estimates. Additional copies of any or all documents, if required, shall be furnished to the LA by the ENGINEER at his actual cost for reproduction. h. ❑ Furnish the LA with survey and drafts in quadruplicate of all necessary right-of-way dedications, construction easement and borrow pit and channel change agreements including prints of the corresponding plats and staking as required. Note: Four copies to be submitted to the Regional Engineer Printed 11/17/2009 Page 1 of 4 BLR 06510(Rev.11/06) i. ® Assist the LA in the tabulation and interpretation of the contractors'proposals ❑ Prepare the necessary environmental documents in accordance with the procedures adopted by the DEPARTMENT's Bureau of Local Roads&Streets. k. ❑ Prepare the Project Development Report when required by the DEPARTMENT. (2) That all reports, plans, plats and special provisions to be furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to the AGREEMENT,will be in accordance with current standard specifications and policies of the DEPARTMENT. It is being understood that all such reports, plats, plans and drafts shall, before being finally accepted, be subject to approval by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. (3) To attend conferences at any reasonable time when requested to do so by representatives of the LA or the Department. (4) In the event plans or surveys are found to be in error during construction of the SECTION and revisions of the plans or survey corrections are necessary,the ENGINEER agrees that he will perform such work without expense to the LA, even though final payment has been received by him. He shall give immediate attention to these changes so there will be a minimum delay to the Contractor. (5) That basic survey notes and sketches, charts, computations and other data prepared or obtained by the Engineer pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be made available, upon request,to the LA or the DEPARTMENT without cost and without restriction or limitations as to their use. (6) That all plans and other documents furnished by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT will be endorsed by him and will show his professional seal where such is required by law. The LA Agrees, 1. To pay the ENGINEER as compensation for all services performed as stipulated in paragraphs 1 a, 1g, 1 i, 2, 3, 5 and 6 in accordance with one of the following methods indicated by a check mark: a. ® A sum of money equal to 5 percent of the awarded contract cost of the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT(Not to exceed $150,000). b. ❑ A sum of money equal to the percent of the awarded contract cost for the proposed improvement as approved by the DEPARTMENT based on the following schedule: Schedule for Percentages Based on Awarded Contract Cost Awarded Cost Percentage Fees Under $50,000 (see note) % Note: Not necessarily a percentage. Could use per diem, cost-plus or lump sum. 2. Cost for the pavement cores for determination of Pavement Structure is included in the not to exceed cost of$150,000 Printed 11/17/2009 Page 2 of 4 BLR 05510(Rev.11106) 3. That payments due the ENGINEER for services rendered in accordance with this AGREEMENT will be made as soon as practicable after the services have been performed in accordance with the following schedule: a. Upon completion of detailed plans, special provisions, proposals and estimate of cost-being the work required by paragraphs 1a through 1g under THE ENGINEER AGREES-to the satisfaction of the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, 90 percent of the total fee due under this AGREEMENT based on the approved estimate of cost. b. Upon award of the contract for the improvement by the LA and its approval by the DEPARTMENT, 100 percent of the total fee due under the AGREEMENT based on the awarded contract cost, less any amounts paid under"a° above. By Mutual agreement, partial payments, not to exceed 90 percent of the amount earned, may be made from time to time as the work progresses. 4. That, should the improvement be abandoned at any time after the ENGINEER has performed any part of the services provided for in paragraphs 1 a, through 1 h and prior to the completion of such services,the LA shall reimburse the ENGINEER for his actual costs plus 163 percent incurred up to the time he is notified in writing of such abandonment-"actual cost" being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. 5. That,should the LA require changes in any of the detailed plans, specifications or estimates except for those required pursuant to paragraph 4 of THE ENGINEER AGREEs, after they have been approved by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER for such changes on the basis of actual cost plus 1e3 percent to cover profit, overhead and readiness to serve-"actual cost"being defined as in paragraph 2 of THE LA AGREES. It is understood that"changes"as used in this paragraph shall in no way relieve the ENGINEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set of plans and specifications. It is Mutually Agreed, 1. That any difference between the ENGINEER and the LA concerning their interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be referred to a committee of disinterested parties consisting of one member appointed by the ENGINEER, one member appointed by the LA and a third member appointed by the two other members for disposition and that the committee's decision shall be final. 2. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by the LA upon giving notice in writing to the ENGINEER at his last known post office address. Upon such termination, the ENGINEER shall cause to be delivered to the LA all surveys, permits, agreements, preliminary bridge design &hydraulic report, drawings, specifications, partial and completed estimates and data, if any from traffic studies and soil survey and subsurface investigations with the understanding that all such material becomes the property of the LA. The ENGINEER shall be paid for any services completed and any services partially completed in accordance with Section 4 of THE LA AGREES. 3. That if the contract for construction has not been awarded one year after the acceptance of the plans by the LA and their approval by the DEPARTMENT, the LA will pay the ENGINEER the balance of the engineering fee due to make 100 percent of the total fees due under this AGREEMENT, based on the estimate of cost as prepared by the ENGINEER and approved by the LA and the DEPARTMENT. 4. That the ENGINEER warrants that he/she has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he/she has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For Breach or violation of this warranty the LA shall have the right to annul this contract without liability. Printed 11/1712009 Page 3 of 4 BLR 05510(Rev_11106) IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused the AGREEMENT to be executed in quadruplicate counterparts, each of which shall be considered as an original by their duly authorized officers. Executed by the LA: City of McHenry of the (Munlelpalltyrrownsh ip/Cou nty) ATTEST: State of Illinois, acting by and through its By City Clerk By Susan E Low (Seal) Title Mayor Executed by the ENGINEER: SEC Group Inc/An HR Green Company 420 N Front Street ATTEST: McHenry, Illinois 60050 By By Tina Morin Akram Chaudhry Title Executive Assistant Title Principal Approved Date Department of Transportation Regional Engineer Printed 11/17/2009 Page 4 of BLR 05510(Rev, 11/06) City of McHenry 2010 Road Program 11/17/2009 SEC Job No. MCHE 090328 Street Name: Length; Northside Avenue 495 Ramble Road 1,820 Tomlinson Drive 3,000 Ojibwa Lane 3,020 Thomwood Drive 1,632 Burning Tree Drive 3,050 Bennington Lane 1,660 Bennington Lane 2 280 High Street 1,503 Freund Avenue 1,370 Whiting Drive 4,470 Park Street 430 Fairway Drive 2,585 Meadow Lane 2,392 Heritage Drive 580 Victor Drive 400 Dale Avenue 620 Pearl Street 320 Anne Street 1,910 Greenbrier Drive 715 Silver Glen Road 695 Huntington Drive 1,475 Prime Parkway 4,090 Beach Drive 1,120 Dale Avenue 2 957 Golfview Avenue 850 Borden Street 380 Burning Tree Cicrle 3,650 Mill Street 765 Malibu Court 1,700 Sub-Total 47,934 Alternate Street Names: Length: Bretons Drive 2,380 Church Street 400 Eagle Point 650 Sub-Total 3,430 Project coneft n Total 51,864 w r AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin,Deputy City Administrator FOR: November 30, 2009,Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for an extension to the existing Use Variance for the property located at 1213 North Riverside Drive ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Letter from Demos Archos requesting a one-year extension of the existing use variance at 1213 North Riverside Drive Background. At the October 20, 2008 City Council meeting Jim Archos was granted a temporary use variance to allow a residential living unit on the first floor of his building located at 1213 North Riverside Drive. The temporary variance was granted for a period of one year. The City Council will recall that the applicant requested a temporary use variance to allow a residential use on the first floor of a C-4 downtown commercially-zoned property. The property was originally built as a single-family home and since been converted to a duplex building. The first floor unit was previously used as a commercial business and after the business left the applicant had a difficult time trying to lease the first floor unit to another commercial user. He subsequently decided to rent the first floor unit as a residence. Staff Analysis. Staff supports the request for a one-year time extension for the temporary use variance due to the stagnant nature of the economy and the fact that the applicant has not received any property maintenance violation notices within the last 12 months for that property and has addressed outstanding building violations. Staff does not believe this area will necessarily remain residential but at the same time does not want a vacant building until such time that redevelopment does occur. The applicant does understand the dynamics of the area and realizes that this location will most likely redevelop in the future. Recommendation. To approve the request for a one-year extension to the existing use variance at 1213 North Riverside Drive to allow a residential unit on the first floor of the building expiring on October 20, 2010. Location Map 76 41P Site T(r MX` b 25 It B �"! '� r�� 6 �!�' b +➢ �. F "fit? , a �rT 4 fj •• ,,;`fie - P � + eba T� `�1fi • j ' C x roo ham' 4 ' L4pan �FF ii k.lLy V1 tvlcriCnry Building & Zoning 333 S Green St McHenry, Il 60050 Re: Temporary Zoning 1213 Riverside Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 Att: Ryan Schwalenberg Due to the economic conditions I have been unable to secure a commercial tenant, therefore I am requesting a 12 month extension to my temporary zoning. Thank You Demos Archos 7.'d G/QI.-RQi-QI.R SOQWIP wq:Rn Rn l.l. noel i` y AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black, Finance Director FOR: November 30,2009 Regular Council Meeting RE: Renewal of PACE/Dial-A-Ride Local Share Agreement Background. Since 1987, the City of McHenry has entered into an annual Local Share Agreement with PACE offering a curb-to-curb, Dial-A-Ride program. The program is funded through a mixture of user fees, PACE subsidies, and a local share portion. Analysis. In the 2009 contract year,the City's share was originally estimated at $139,687. Due to the tough economic times, PACE amended the original agreement increasing its subsidy and lowering the City's estimated costs to $70,311. For the 2010 contract year, PACE has continued its higher level of financial support for the Dial-a-Ride program. PACE proposes the following funding mix for the estimated $309,868 program. The proposed estimate reflects a local share decrease of$1,971. Revenue Source 2010 2009 Rider Fares $14,000 $8,500 PACE Subsidy 227,528 223,725 Local Share 68,340 70,311 $309,868 $302,536 The cost of the city's portion of the service, service hours, and a listing of holidays on which service is not provided are detailed in Exhibit A of the attached agreement along with ridership statistics from January through August 2009. The total number of trips originating and ending within the city has increased by 595 or 3.0%from the same period last year. The fare charged to riders is listed below; fares have remained the same since 2000. Reduced fare rates are provided to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, students and children age seven through 11 years. The ciity's cost for the Senior Bus Pass Program has increased by$430 (7.25%)from the same period last year. Full Fare $1.75 Reduced Fare 0.75 Transfer 0.10 Reduced Transfer 0.05 Recommendation. Staff recommends authorizing the Mayor's execution of the attached Local Share Agreement with PACE for the term of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 for the local share amount of$68,340. PACE PARATRANSIT LOCAL SHARE AGREEMENT City of McHenry This agreement is made this day of , 2009 by and between the Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) operating under the name and hereinafter referred to as "Pace", an Illinois municipal corporation, and the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality". The parties, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set forth, hereby agree to the following: 1. TERM - This agreement will be in effect beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2010. 2. SERVICE DESCRIPTION-The Municipality will participate in the financial support of the transportation service described in the attached Exhibit A. Exhibit A is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. 3. REPORTING - Pace will provide to the Municipality on a monthly basis, a report with the following: A. Number of one way trips(for Dial-A-Ride trips originating and ending within Municipal boundaries). B. Total vehicle service hours (provided for Dial-A-Ride service as outlined in Exhibit A of this Agreement). C. A billing for Local Share, determined as outlined in Section 4 of this Agreement. 4. LOCAL SHARE FUNDING -The Municipality agrees to reimburse Pace monthly for the Local Share incurred in operating the service described in Exhibit A of this Agreement. The Local Share will be calculated in the following manner: A. The Total Expense of the project will be calculated by multiplying the actual number of vehicle service hours delivered per this Agreement by the hourly rate charged to Pace by the Contractor. Operating Deficit will be defined as Total Expense less fare revenue. B. The Pace Contribution will be the lesser of 1) 75% of the actual Operating Deficit attributed to a maximum of 5,200 vehicle hours of service, or 2) $227,528. The Pace Contribution shall be calculated monthly on a year-to-date basis to adjust for actual vehicle hours of service and ensure that the annual Pace Contribution is not depleted in advance before the end of the term of this agreement. The Local Share is the Total Expense, as described in Section 4 A, minus fares, minus the Pace Contribution. C. The Municipality shall pay Pace within thirty (30) days of receiving the monthly bill for the Local Share. 2010 LSA Page 1 City of McHenry AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black, Finance Director FOR: November 30, 2009 Regular Council Meeting RE: Renewal of PACE/Dial-A-Ride Local Share Agreement Background. Since 1987, the City of McHenry has entered into an annual Local Share Agreement with PACE offering a curb-to-curb, Dial-A-Ride program. The program is funded through a mixture of user fees, PACE subsidies, and a local share portion. Analysis. In the 2009 contract year, the City's share was originally estimated at $139,687. Due to the tough economic times, PACE amended the original agreement increasing its subsidy and lowering the City's estimated costs to $70,311. For the 2010 contract year, PACE has continued its higher level of financial support for the Dial-a-Ride program. PACE proposes the following funding mix for the estimated $309,868 program. The proposed estimate reflects a local share decrease of$1,971. Revenue Source 2010 2009 Rider Fares $14,000 $8,500 PACE Subsidy 227,528 223,725 Local Share 68,340 70,311 $309,868 $302,536 The cost of the city's portion of the service, service hours, and a listing of holidays on which service is not provided are detailed in Exhibit A of the attached agreement along with ridership statistics from January through August 2009. The total number of trips originating and ending within the city has increased by 595 or 3.0%from the same period last year. The fare charged to riders is listed below; fares have remained the same since 2000. Reduced fare rates are provided to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, students and children age seven through 11 years. The city's cost for the Senior Bus Pass Program has increased by $430 (7.25%)from the same period last year. Full Fare $1.75 Reduced Fare 0.75 Transfer 0.10 Reduced Transfer 0.05 Recommendation. Staff recommends authorizing the Mayor's execution of the attached Local Share Agreement with PACE for the term of January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 for the local share amount of$68,340. PACE PARATRANSIT LOCAL SHARE AGREEMENT City of McHenry This agreement is made this day of , 2009 by and between the Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) operating under the name and hereinafter referred to as "Pace", an Illinois municipal corporation, and the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality". The parties, in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set forth, hereby agree to the following: 1. TERM - This agreement will be in effect beginning January 1, 2010 and ending December 31, 2010. 2. SERVICE DESCRIPTION-The Municipality will participate in the financial support of the transportation service described in the attached Exhibit A. Exhibit A is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. 3. REPORTING - Pace will provide to the Municipality on a monthly basis, a report with the following: A. Number of one way trips(for Dial-A-Ride trips originating and ending within Municipal boundaries). B. Total vehicle service hours (provided for Dial-A-Ride service as outlined in Exhibit A of this Agreement). C. A billing for Local Share, determined as outlined in Section 4 of this Agreement. 4. LOCAL SHARE FUNDING -The Municipality agrees to reimburse Pace monthly for the Local Share incurred in operating the service described in Exhibit A of this Agreement. The Local Share will be calculated in the following manner: A. The Total Expense of the project will be calculated by multiplying the actual number of vehicle service hours delivered per this Agreement by the hourly rate charged to Pace by the Contractor. Operating Deficit will be defined as Total Expense less fare revenue. B. The Pace Contribution will be the lesser of 1) 75% of the actual Operating Deficit attributed to a maximum of 5,200 vehicle hours of service, or 2) $227,528. The Pace Contribution shall be calculated monthly on a year-to-date basis to adjust for actual vehicle hours of service and ensure that the annual Pace Contribution is not depleted in advance before the end of the term of this agreement. The Local Share is the Total Expense, as described in Section 4 A, minus fares, minus the Pace Contribution. C. The Municipality shall pay Pace within thirty (30) days of receiving the monthly bill for the Local Share. 2010 LSA Page 1 City of McHenry 5. AMENDMENT - This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto. Any proposed changes in this Agreement shall be submitted to Pace for its prior approval. Except for minor service changes, no modification, addition, deletion, revision, alteration or other change to this Agreement shall be effective unless and until such changes are reduced to writing and executed by the authorized representatives of parties hereto. - 6. TERMINATION-This contract can be terminated upon thirty(30)calendar days written notice by Pace, if: 1) sufficient funds have not been appropriated to cover the estimated requirements by Pace or by any other agency funding the service;2)Pace develops alternative public transportation services which, as determined by Pace will better meet the transportation needs of the public; or, 3) the Municipality fails to make payments as required by Section 4 of this agreement. 7. FAILURE TO PERFORM- Pace will not be responsible for any failure on the part of the Contractor to provide service due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor or Pace. Pace shall make every reasonable effort to have service restored as soon as practical under the circumstances. No fees will be charged for service not performed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be made effective and executed as of the date first set forth above by their duly authorized officials. SUBURBAN BUS DIVISION OF THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PACE CITY OF McHENRY By: By: Thomas J. Ross, Executive Director Susan E. Low, Mayor Date: Date: Attest: Attest: Date: Date: 2010 LSA Page 2 City of McHenry COST ESTIMATE WORKSHEET 2010 LOCAL SHARE AGREEMENT PROJECT: CITY OF MMENRY REVENUE 14,000 EXPENSE $309,868 DEFICIT $295,868 PACE SUBSIDY $227,528 LOCAL SHARE 68,340 RIDERSHIP 309000 VEHICLE HOURS 53200 Cost Estimate Worksheet 2010 Local Share Agreement Exhibit A TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CITY OF McHENRY TYPE OF SERVICE Curb-to-Curb Dial-A-Ride Bus Service SERVICE OPERATED BY Pace will contract with a transportation provider(the"Contractor")to provide the service which is the subject of this Agreement. TRIP RESERVATION METHOD Rides will be scheduled by calling the dispatcher sixty(60)minutes in advance of the time the trip is being requested. The dispatcher will notify the passenger of the appropriate pick-up time. The Contractor will also attempt to minimize ride time and ensure that trips originating and ending within McHenry ride no longer than thirty(30)minutes. SERVICE AREA The service will operate within an area to include the City of McHenry and contiguous areas. SERVICE HOURS Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m.to 6:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Additional service may be provided as mutually agreed upon by Pace and the Municipality. Service will not operate on the following holidays: ➢ New Year's Day ➢ Memorial Day ➢ Independence Day ➢ Labor Day ➢ Thanksgiving Day ➢ Christmas Day ONE-WAY FARE Full Fare- $ 1.75 Reduced Fare- $0.75 FARE STRUCTURE All fares are subject to change at the discretion of Page. The reduced fare category includes senior citizens age 65+,persons with disabilities who have an RTA Reduced.Fare Card,RTA ADA Paratransit Identification Card,or an RTA ADA Paratransit Services Card, students(high school or younger with proper identification)traveling to or from school only, during school hours and children ages 7 to 11. Children under the age of 7 can only ride when accompanied by a fare paying passenger. The first two children under the age of 7 can ride free,with any additional children paying the Reduced Fare Rate. RIDER ELIGIBILITY General Public Exhibit A 2010 Local Share Agreement 1.OTYC?F- "RYINF ?N1�4T1£1N: A.TOTAL TRIPS ORIGINATING AND ENDING - -:2421 2401 75�4' 58,0` ; 2483 t:- ...2 7 �.'�,�74 r .,+ 2603 '. _ �:Q _-<. (� 17 - _1 20593 1716 WITHIN THE CITY MONDAY THOUGH FRIDAY 2243 2270 2604 2412 2311 2527 2501 2414 0 0 0 0 19282 1607 SATURDAY 131 1'40 i68 `; �172:= _ -150 4�73 189 �0 0 0 # 1311 109 B.TRIPS/DAY(ORIGINATING AND ENDING WITHIN THE CITY) MONDAY THOUGH FRIDAY 107 114 118 110 116 115 114 115 113 SATURDAY 36 33 35 42 34 40 43 38 38 C.HOURs �442.17. 433.89 474 02 456 45 .;�.432.03 467.85 455.51 :'' 433.38 -` -0 00 �0.00 0.00 0:00 3601.30 300.11 MONDAY THOUGH FRIDAY 410.66 414.53_ 449.97 431.87 399.61 443.59 429.21 401.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3381.32 281.78 SATURDAY 31.51 25.3fi 24 05 4 .-32.42 26.;.> -26 30 31.50 O.;UO .00 0.00 OAA 219.98 18.33 D.TRIPS/HOUR MONDAY THOUGH FRIDAY 5.46 5.48 5.79 5.59 5.78 5.70 5.83 6.01 5.70 5.70 SATURDAY 5.65 5.17 5.82 6.83 5.31 6.60 6.58 6.00 5.96 5.99 E.CITY OF MCHENRY COST $8,757.87 $8,569.39 -$613.14 $5,749.68 $5,721.81 $5,774.69 $5,838.37 $5,608.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45,407.15 $3,783.93 F.PACE MINIMUM FARE DIFFERENTIAL $236 5 $204.13' ,$230.$7,. :$23L27 , ,$201$a , $2$9.40 U1,415 $188.28 `-'$Otgo , ;.'.�'$8.00 '$0.00�_ $0 _ $1,763.16 $146.93 G.VOUCHER REIMBURSEMENT $52T.55 $839.10 ;$T74;95 °;$800 8fl ".;$85245 =. x,$85,280 ..,$955.35 .`,`$9,3$.85`,: '`.'$(T.00..,!�, ;:50.00 - $0.00 $fhOf1 $6,341.85 $528.49 Woo , . .0 $0 $0.00G.LlOuloareo DAMAGES $0.00 ;QO 0 $ 00 $0£0 .00 G.TOTAL CITY OF MCHENRY COST $9,521.97 $9,412.62 $392.68 $6,787.75 $6,776.07 $6,866.89 $7,008.57 $6,745.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $53,512.16 $4,459.35 F.CITY'S COST PER TRIP $3.93 $3.92 $0.14 $2,63 $2.73 $2.56 $2.62 $2.59 $21.12 $2.64 ll.SIJPF!L'EM,EPiT L INF FA II A.- A. ON TIME PERFORMANCE 1.AVERAGE WAIT(MINUTES) 2.%OF TRIPS WITH WAIT<30 MINUTES (80%MINIMUM) 3.%OF TRIPS WITH WAIT<15 MINUTES (45%MINIMUM) CITY OF Md4ENRY RH)ERSFUP INFORMATION 1988-2007 Y (PS PER QAY•WEEKDAY a MONTH 1988 = 1989 1990 �L 199 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 � ,1997 1898 1 2000 2001 �2�2,�� :2 :��2064 � 2006 2007 .. 200 JAN 45 63 86 105 87 115 127 109 144 116 123 141 116 94 111 1- 109 91 113 113 101 107 FEB 57 56 67 105 96 117 142 116 135 118 124 138 125 103 115 105 121 101 115 113 100 114 MAR 59 61 98 98 101 125 136 130 142 113 117 123 126 103 116 111 127 101 126 116 112 118 APR 54 70 89 104 104 147 120 140 137 114 120 115 127 101 116 112 128 99 125 110 102 110 MAY 52 61 111 100 116 134 120 137 136 117 118 120 116 100 116 111 125 94 113 104 107 116 JUN 50 72 92 109 98 159 116 132 135 119 141 139 126 102 119 113 121 110 121 114 104 115 JUL 52 88 97 101 124 148 117 133 144 123 129 125 110 102 112 118 121 110 117 111 112 114 AUG 52 68 100 102 108 123 114 125 131 114 150 117 113 100 120 116 130 106 120 109 123 115 SEP 56 74 102 99 112 123 123 138 133 109 134 123 108 96 115 112 135 117 121 100 121 OCT 56 90 96 105 111 135 113 135 142 122 138 111 99 101 120 108 128 114 123 100 118 NOV 60 Be 103 104 106 137 108 141 119 112 132 113 103 98 124 108 118 117 117 110 109 DEC 64 84 104 95 110 122 98 126 107 114 128 100 91 87 107 102 110 112 105 96 99 TOTAL 55 73 97 102 106 132 120 130 134 116 130 122 114 99 116 110 123 106 118 108 110 114 TRIPS PERYEAR r t y,MONTH 1988 1989 1 .1 1' '.t992 1 i994 1994 997 i 1 2000 2001. = , 10D9a JAN 1011 1444 2032 2471 2035 2504 2839 2543 3387 2775 2839 3,030 2Al2 2,252 2,678 2446 2454 2059 2518 2621 2360 2421 FEB 1282 1300 1911 2245 2097 2514 3065 2531 3051 2588 2645 2,909 2,663 2.249 2,493 2246 2663 2184 2465 2399 2395 2401 MAR 1443 1522 2086 2202 2351 3066 3313 3123 3310 2848 2775 2.969 3.086 2.507 2,036 2517 3059 2447 3030 2716 2565 2744 APR 1275 1490 2038 2414 2427 3387 2717 3039 3217 2698 2803 2,666 2.743 2.278 2,893 2540 2007 2255 2699 2436 2412 2580 MAY 1176 1439 2304 2302 2491 2893 2696 3234 3190 2676 2715 2,588 2.734 2,376 2.680 2477 2683 2129 2035 2417 2461 2483 JUN 1182 1678 2072 2317 2316 3671 2729 3059 2986 2705 3269 3,169 3.005 2,295 2.583 2474 2820 2572 2822 2565 2360 2687 JUL 1169 2218 2454 2335 2938 3338 2536 2854 3326 2892 3121 2,795 2.447 2,288 2,582 2711 2722 2347 2512 2449 2619 2074 AUG 1240 1695 2434 2386 2440 2884 2774 3065 3113 2455 3376 2,710 2,750 2,455 2,801 2468 3005 2614 2927 2636 2806 2603 SEP 1282 1661 2104 2103 2476 2777 2755 2900 2870 2605 2983 2,748 2.353 1,998 2,433 2479 2948 2594 2622 2082 2724 OCT 1303 2142 2348 2528 2585 3024 2557 3168 3484 2478 3237 2.522 2.319 2,508 2,909 2595 2865 2610 2839 2435 2907 NOV 1370 1942 2270 2221 2268 3053 2427 3160 2829 2303 2813 2.537 2.320 2,194 2,600 2211 2600 2625 2601 2432 2277 DEC 4457 1868 2253 2142 2561 2889 2303 2779 2447 2691 2970 2,442 2,014 1,891 2.400 2359 25" 2506 2261 2103 2311 TOTAL 15190 20399 26312 27666 28973 35998 32711 35541 36989 31512 35546 33087 31046 27289 31374 29528 3321E 28942 31929 29291 30217 20593 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin,Deputy City Administrator FOR: November 30,2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Amendment to Municipal Code Relating to Damaging Property and Graffiti Background. The city currently has an ordinance which addresses damage to property including graffiti;however,the ordinance is vague and does not include specific language that addresses the removal of the graffiti by the owner of the property that was vandalized. The city has dealt with graffiti on public and private property in the past but does not currently have an enforcement mechanism to require the property owner to remove graffiti from their property. Staff Analysis. Attached are proposed ordinance revisions considered and recommended by the Community Development Committee. The majority of the revisions relate to the removal of graffiti by a private property owner. Along with the Community Development Committee this ordinance has been reviewed by the Department of Construction and Neighborhood Services as well as the Police Department. Minutes from the Community Development Committee meetings are attached to this supplement. Committee Recommendation. To approve the attached ordinance revisions. Ordinance No MC-09- An Ordinance amending Chapter 14 Sect 14-32 of the City of McHenry Municipal Code Relating to Damaging Property and Graffiti BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF MCHENRY, McHenry County, Illinois as follows: SECTION 1: That Chapter 14 Offenses—Miscellaneous,Article I In General, Section 14-32 Damaging Property of the City of McHenry Municipal Code is hereby amended by repealing it in its entirety and replacing it with the following: Sec. 14-32. Graffiti and Damage to Property. (A)Graffiti and Damage to Property Prohibited. It shall be unlawful, and is hereby declared a nuisance to place graffiti upon any public or private curb stone, flagstone, brick, sidewalk or any portion of any part of any sidewalk or street, or upon any tree, lamp post, telephone pole,utility box, utility pole, stanchion, postal mail receptacle, sign, hydrant, fence, door, wall, window, garage or enclosure, vehicle, bridge, pier or upon any other public or private structure or building. It shall also be unlawful, and is hereby declared a nuisance, to actively damage, befoul, disturb, destroy or deface any City property or any public or private property without permission of the owner. A violation of this subsection is an ordinance violation with a minimum fine of $400. Restitution by the violator shall also be made to the owner of any property damaged or destroyed. Nothing herein shall preclude such additional civil remedies available to the person whose property has been damaged or destroyed. (B)Graffiti Defined. Graffiti is any permanent display of any name, identification, letter, numeral, figure, emblem, insignia, picture, outline, character, spectacle, delineation, illustration, symbol or any combination thereof, which without authorization, or, despite advance authorization, is marked, written, drawn, painted, scratched, inscribed or affixed, and which is a different color from the color of the exterior of those objects or structures described above and to which is affixed. Graffiti shall not include any sign, marking, or communication permitted or required to be permitted by law and inscribed, placed, or otherwise displayed with the permission of the landowner. (C)Removal of Graffiti by Property Owner or the City. Property Owner Responsibility. It shall be unlawful for any person who is the owner or who has primary responsibility for control of the property or for repair or maintenance of property in the City to permit property that is defaced with graffiti or otherwise damaged in violation of subsection (A) above to remain defaced or damaged for a period of two days after written notice of the defacement violation has been provided by the City with the ability of a time extension being granted if the property owner contacts the Department of Construction and Neighborhood Services within the specified time frame. Said written notice shall contain the following information: i. The street address or legal description of the property sufficient for identification of the property; ii. A statement that the graffiti must be removed or the damage fixed within two days after receipt of the written notice; and iii. If the graffiti or damage is not abated within the specified time frame, the City will declare the property to be a public nuisance, subject to abatement procedures. 1. Exception to Property Owners Responsibility. The removal requirement of Subsection 14-32.1(C) shall not apply if, in the City's discretion, the property owner has demonstrated that: i. An extension of the time is needed due to weather, temperature or physical limitations. An extension of time may be granted by the City upon application of the property owner to and approval by the Director of Construction and Neighborhood Services and/or his designee; or ii. The property owner or responsible party has an active program for the removal of graffiti and has scheduled the removal of the graffiti as part of the program; however, it shall be unlawful to permit such property to remain defaced for a period of seven days after service of written notice; or iii. The property damage in question is not the result of an intentional act of property damage but rather due to general neglect in maintaining the property, or due to a weather event or other natural or accidental cause. In such a case, the City shall determine if the property otherwise violates City codes on property maintenance, and shall determine whether to issue a citation to the owner based on the above violation. 2. Abatement by the City upon noncompliance. i. Any property owner who fails to remove graffiti or otherwise repair property damage within two days after receiving written notice from the City shall receive a non-traffic citation and notice to appear at an Adjudication Hearing for a violation of this Chapter 14 Subsection 14- 32.1(C). ii. Upon the failure of any owner or agent so notified to remove graffiti or otherwise repair property damage, the Director of Construction and Neighborhood Services is hereby authorized and empowered to pay for the removal or to order the removal by the City; upon which the City will use all powers available to recoup expenses/costs incurred by said abatement for noncompliance. SECTION 2: That Chapter 1 General Provisions of the City of McHenry Municipal Code, Section 1-12 Settlement of Offenses, Sub-Section A. Payments be amended by adding the following to the table contained therein: SECTION OFFENSE COLUMN A COLUMN B 14-32(C) Failure to remove graffiti $50 $100 SECTION 3: If any section,paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form (which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. Passed and Approved this day of , 2009. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Not Voting: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED: Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk Community Development Committee Meeting August 25, 2009 Page 3 ommittee to lirect Staff to revise the- regu a ions an or m further pursuant to input from the Committee and to provide the Committee with a revis version at a future meeting. Discussion Re ardin Proposed Hi hwa Overla District- continue Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a draft of the Hi ay Overlay District Ordinance ("HOD") as discussed at the July 21, 2009 Commu ' Development Committee meeting. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the inane is patterned after the City's Downtown Overlay District Ordinance. He reiterated t an overlay ordinance is an ordinance which provides restrictions in addition to those foun ' the underlying zoning district where it is applicable. The boundaries to which the ordi ce is applicable are included in addition to specific development-related guidelines alon a roadway corridors. Alderman Glab suggested that the HOD not be s' pecific. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that a HOD could a created with a single site, but must create a boundary. Alderman Glab opined he wou 1 e ever major roadway covered. Chairman Alderman Condon ex p ed concerns regarding over-regulation, but stated she sees the benefit to the City. Motion by Santi, sec ed by Glab to direct Staff to present the Highway Overlay District Ordinance to the ' Council for scheduling of a Public Hearing. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. N . None. sent: None. on c Discussion Resardine Damaging Prouerty And Graffiti Ordinance Revisions Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the City currently has an ordinance which addresses damage to property, including graffiti. However, the Ordinance is vague and does not include specific language addressing the removal of the graffiti by the owner of the property that has been vandalized. As an example, Deputy City Administrator Martin cited a recent occurrence where graffiti appeared on the garage of a private commercial property owner but the owner did not want to incur the expense of having the graffiti removed because it has been a recurrent action and having it removed was becoming costly. Community Development Committee Meeting August 25, 2009 Page 4 The City has dealt with graffiti issues on public and private property in the past, but does not currently have an enforcement mechanism to require the property owners to remove graffiti from their property. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that no deletions are proposed to the new Ordinance, but simply additional language to clarify the intent of the Ordinance. The majority of the revisions relate to the removal of graffiti by a private property owner. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the proposed Ordinance has been reviewed by both the Department of Construction and Neighborhood Services and the Police Department. Chairman Alderman Condon opined it is as if the victim of the graffiti, the property owner, is being punished twice. Alderman Glab suggested the City Attorney review the Ordinance and provide the Committee with information regarding clean-up costs and fines for damage being imposed on the perpetrators, when and if they are discovered. It was the consensus of the Committee to have the City Attorney review the Ordinance as proposed and that the Ordinance be returned to Committee for further deliberation prior to submission to full Council. Other Business WE n on informed the Uommittee that erman Peterson has-brought o some concerns regarding the clean-up and general maintenance of rental properties. He s provided a booklet, obtained from the Village of Wauconda, requiring all rented re ' ntial dwellings to be inspected by the City/Village prior to being re-rented. Chairm derman tu Condon opined that she believes this to be a good idea, however; unfornat appears the City of McHenry is currently unaware of the exact number of rental prop e ' ocated within the municipality and how often they turn over. She recalled the pre tion made by Officer Adams regarding the Crime Free Program, stating she would ' o see the Committee work with Officer Adams when the Program goes into effect to about closer monitoring of rental properties. A brief discussion ensued. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the ttee that Perry Moy has expressed a desire for signage on Main Street listing each b ' ss. Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated that this would be difficult due to the over in businesses. Chairman Alderman on announced the next meeting of the Community Development Committee wo a place on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Con re om. The following items would tentatively be on the agenda: ollow-u Code compliance update. Community Development Committee Meeting October 27, 2009 Page 3 Voting Aye: Santi ondon. Voting Na ne. Ab None. arced. 00 Continued Discussion: Damaging Property and Graffiti Ordinance Revisions Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the City Attorney reviewed the proposed amendment to the Property Damage and Graffiti Ordinance. The City Attorney made some language revisions and amendments. However, the ordinance is basically the same as that presented to the Committee at its August meeting. Referencing the Committee's concern regarding restitution, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated there is a paragraph which covers the requirement that restitution by the violator shall be made to the property owner. It will not be the City's responsibility to ensure that restitution is made, however. Alderman Glab inquired if it would be the City's responsibility to collect the restitution. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he would clarify language which would relieve the City of any liability or culpability to collect restitution. Chairman Condon expressed her concerns regarding providing only two days for a property owner to remove the graffiti. She suggested the ordinance read compliance should be required within seven days of written notification of the graffiti violation. She stated a homeowner might not have the financial means or the time available or have extenuating circumstances which could prevent compliance within two days. Discussion ensued regarding the timeframe for requiring compliance. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated Staff would prefer retaining the two-day compliance requirement following written notification. He noted the ordinance provides that Staff has the leeway to offer an extension during extenuating circumstances. It was the consensus of the Committee to leave the two-day compliance requirement stand. Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to recommend that Staff prepare for presentation to Council the revised Property Damage and Graffiti Ordinance as amended. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.