HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 11/16/2009 - City Council City of McHenry 333 South Green Street _ www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry,Illinois 60050-5495 Mayor's Office AGENDA (815) 363-2108 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fax (815) 363-2119 Monday, November 16, 2009, 7:30 PM Clerk's Office (815)363-2100 Fax(815)363-2128 1. Call to Order Administration (815)363-2108 2. Roll Call i Fax(815)363-2119 � Public Works 3. Oath of Office: Ward 4 Alderman Geoffrey T. Blake Community Development 4• Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation (815)363-2170 Fax(815)363-2173 5. Consent Agenda: A. IDOT Resolution of Intent authorizing use of MFT funds to finance local street Parks and Recreation resurfacing program; (815)363-2160 B. Request to advertise for bids for municipal mowing services; Fax(81.5)363-3186 C. McHenry Rotary Club St. Patrick's Day Parade; D. November 2, 2009 City Council meeting minutes; Police Non-Emergency E. As Needed Checks; and (815)363-2200 F. List of Bills. Fax(815)363-2149 6. Committee Recommendation: Update to Parks and Recreation fee structure Mayor 7. Ordinance for the abatement of various bond issues Susan E.Low 8. Mayor Statement and Reports City Clerk Janice C.Jones 9, Committee Reports Treasurer 10. Staff Reports David M.Welter Aldermen 1 1. Future Agenda Items WARD 1 12. Adjournment Victor A. Santi Posted: November 11, 2009 WARD 2 Andrew A.Glab WARD 3 Jeffrey A. Schaefer WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd WARD 5 Richard W.Wimmer WARD 6 Robert J.Peterson WARD 7 Geri A.Condon CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the November 16, 2009, City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. IDOT Resolution of Intent authorizing use of MFT funds to finance local street resurfacing program; B. Request to advertise for bids for municipal mowing services; C. McHenry Rotary Club St. Patrick's Day Parade; D. November 2, 2009 City Council meeting minutes; E. As Needed Checks; and F. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black,Finance Director FOR: November 16, 2009 Regular Council Meeting RE: Resolution of Intent for the Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds to Pay Debt Service on General Obligation Bonds Background. The local street resurfacing program to be completed next year will be financed through General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source) that will be repaid using Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds. To use this funding mechanism, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) requires the local agency to approve a Resolution of Intent. IDOT will also require the City to annually approve an MFT authorization and resolution for the amount actually used for bond principal and interest payments. The City anticipates selling approximately$3.44 million in bonds in February 2010. Debt service will be roughly $400,000 annually and the final debt service payment will occur in December 2020. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution of Intent, which will be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation following City Council approval. Illinois Deparbrimt Local Agency Of Tt'teti0� Resolution of Intent (MFT/G.O. Bond) BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the County Board,City Council,President,Board of Trustees City of McHenry , Illinois that the following County,City,Vlilage,Town Name improvement be made in accordance with the Illinois Highway Code: Name of Thoroughfare Intersecting Street Description of Improvement From To Construction As described in Attachment A Engineering-Design As described in Attachment A Engineering-Const.Observation As described in Attachment A BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the improvement shall be known as Section 09-00072-00-RS 2. That said work is to be done by contract. 3. That the proposed improvement shall be financed with the proceeds of a(General Obligation, MFT Fund)bond and it is the intention of the City of McHenry to retire County,City,Village,Town Name all or a portion of such bonds,together with interest thereon,from the City's County's,Citys,Village's,Town's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds. 4. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Zero dollars ($ 0 )from the City's County,City,Village,Town allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for direct payment of Engineering and Construction costs Engineering,Right-of-Way,Construction associated with subject improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOVED that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit four certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation at Schaumburg , Illinois. Approved I, Janis Jones Clerk in and for the City of McHenry County,City,Village,Town Name Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing is true, perfect,and complete copy of a Date resolution adopted by the City Council County Board,City Council,President,Board of Trustees at a meeting on November 16, 2009 Department of Transportation Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of Regional Engineer (SEAL) County,City,Village or Town Clerk Page 1 of 1 Printed 10/1/2009 BlR 09112(Eff.01/16/08) Attachment A MFT Section 09-0072-00-RS Project Descriptions Engineering Costs(Est.) Preliminary/Design Engineering $ 153,500.00 Construction Observation Engineer 182,500.00 Total 337,700.00 Construction Street Name Boundary Costs (Est.) Northside Avenue (Route 120 to Plymouth) 26,327.81 Ramble Road (Home to North) 104,091.87 Tomlinson Drive (Whiting to Whiting) 188,312.50 Ojibwa Lane (Matanuska to Curran) 229,681.07 Thornwood Drive (Dartmoor to Waters Edge) 109,355.03 Burning Tree Drive (Ridge to Eagle Point) 203,512.94 Bennington Lane (Martin to Martin) 249,204.36 Bennington Lane 2 (Martin to Tomlinson) 16,216.28 High Street (Timothy to Front) 87,493.34 Freund Avenue (Church to Maple) 55,609.52 Whiting Drive (Tomlinson to Dead End) 273,448.04 Park Street (Route 120 to Pearl) 60,922.40 Fairway Drive (Green to Dead End) 141,475.36 Meadow Lane (Route 120 to Shore) 114,081.79 Heritage Drive (Greenbrier to Winding Creek) 31,045.14 Victor Drive (Sunset to Parkside) 18,078.00 Dale Avenue (High to Young) 63,675.18 Pearl Street (Park to Riverside) 37,462.40 Anne Street (Front to Green) 135,104.84 Greenbrier Dr. (Creekside to Huntington) 47,463.24 Silver Glen Road (Burning Tree to Timber Trail) 51,342.93 Huntington Drive (Greenbrier to Dartmoor) 155,879.31 Prime Parkway (Route 31 to Miller Parkway) 188,767.13 Beach Drive (Green to Bonita) 42,472.52 Dale Avenue 2 (Anne to High) 40,029.15 Golfview Avenue (John to Golfview Terrace) 29,035.30 Borden Street (Route 120 to North) 19,652.71 Burning Tree Circle (Eagle Point to Eagle Point) 234,850.13 Mill Street (Crystal Lake to Dead End) 53,799.52 Malibu Court (Crystal Lake to Heritage) 74,111.93 Total $ 3,082,501.74 Alternate Streets Boundary Costs (Est.) Bretons Drive (Green to Ronda) 162,410.41 Church Street (Freund to Grand) 18,201.29 Eagle Point (Burning Tree Crl to Dead End) 38,734.19 CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: November 16, 2009, Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request to advertise bids for mowing services Recommendation: To advertise for bids for a three-year contract with an option to renew for two additional one-year terms for municipal mowing services. Staff is seeking authorization to advertise for bids for municipal mowing services as described in the attached bid specifications. The present contract with Acres Group expires on November 30, 2009. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE: Conditions of bid that include the word "must" or "shall" describe a mandatory requirement. All specifications are defined as mandatory minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. If no bidder is able to comply with a given specification or condition of the bid,the City of McHenry reserves the right to delete that specification or condition from the bid. FAILURE TO MEET A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT SHALL DISQUALIFY YOUR BID. This Contract bid document and the awarded bidder's (Contractor's) response information shall become the Contract. CURRENT SITUATION The estimated annual service quantities identified in the "SPECIFICATIONS" are for bid purposes only. The City of McHenry does not guarantee to purchase any specific quantity or dollar amount. Bids that state the City of McHenry shall guarantee a specific quantity or dollar amount will be disqualified. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BID 1. CLARIFICATION AND/OR REVISIONS TO THE BID DOCUMENT: If a Bidder discovers any significant ambiguity, error, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other deficiency in this bid no later than five working days before the date of bid opening, they shall immediately notify the below named individual of such error. Any modification or clarification of the bid document will be at the sole discretion of the City of McHenry. Kathleen Kunzer Deputy Clerk City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2107 Fax: (815) 363-2119 If the Bidder fails to notify the City of McHenry no later than five working days before the date of bid opening of any condition stated above that reasonably should of been known to the Bidder, and if a Contract is awarded to that Bidder, the Bidder shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time by reason of the error or its correction. Revisions to this bid will be made only by an official written amendment as determined and issued by the City of McHenry. DEFINITIONS The following definitions are used throughout the bid: Bidder means a firm submitting a bid. City means City of McHenry. Contractor means contractor awarded the contract. 2. CONTRACT TERM: The initial term of this contract is April 1, 2010 or the date of award, through April 30, 2013 subject to the annual appropriation of funds by the City Council with options to renew for two additional one-year terms, all with ending dates of April 30. The City of McHenry reserves the right to extend beyond the Contract Term if deemed to be in the best interest of the City of McHenry. The City of McHenry has the option to automatically extend this contract into its fourth and fifth years unless notified, in writing,by the Contractor; or notifies the Contractor, in writing, 90 calendar days prior to expiration of the initial and/or succeeding Contract term(s) of the Contractor's intent not to extend the Contract. 3. INVOICING REQUIREMENTS: Invoices for Purchase Orders: Contractor must agree that all invoices shall reflect the prices established for the items on this contract. Before payment is made,the City must verify that all invoiced charges are correct as per this Contract. Only properly submitted invoices will be officially processed for payment. Prompt payment requires that invoices be clear and complete. The original invoice must be sent to City of McHenry, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 4. ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Additional related services may be added to this Contract at the discretion of the City of McHenry. Prices shall be in line with the Contract prices for like services currently included in the Contract. 5. CONTRACT TERMINATION After the initial term of the Agreement, the City of McHenry may terminate the Agreement at any time, without cause, by providing 30 days written notice to the Contractor. If the Agreement is so terminated, the City is liable only for payments for product or services provided or performed,to date of the termination. This Contract may be terminated by either party for the following conditions: 5.1 Shall either party fail to perform under the terms of this Contract; the aggrieved party may notify the other party in writing via certified mail of such failure and demand that the same be remedied within 10 calendar days. Should the defaulting party fail to remedy the same within said period, the other party shall then have the right to terminate this Contract by giving the other party 15 calendar days written notice. Performance failure can be defined as but not limited failure to provide any of the conditions of the Specifications or Special Conditions of Bid. 5.2 If at any time the contractor performance threatens the health and/or safety of the City of McHenry,the City has the right to cancel and terminate the Contract without notice. 5.3 Failure to maintain the required Certificates of Insurance, Permits, Licenses, and Blanket Fidelity Bond shall be cause for Contract termination. If the Contractor fails to maintain and keep in force the insurance, the City has the right to cancel and terminate the Contract without notice. 5.4 If at any time a petition in bankruptcy shall be filed against the contractor and such petition is not dismissed within 90 calendar days, or if a receiver or trustee of contractor's property is appointed and such appointment is not vacated within 90 calendar days, the City has the right, in addition to any other rights of whatsoever nature that it may have at law or inequity, to terminate this Contract by giving 90 calendar days notice in writing of such termination. 5.5 All notices of performance failure must be submitted in writing to the City of McHenry, Public Works Department, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050. The City of McHenry shall be final authority for all performance resolutions. 6. PAYMENT: Payment shall be paid upon positive approval. 7. QUALIFICATIONS: To be eligible for a Contract award, you must be qualified and able to provide the following as required or your bid will be disqualified. 7.1 Bidder must be in the business of providing lawn mowing services for the past 3 years. 7.2 Bidder must designate a person to provide on-going communication, coordinate servicing, answer questions, and expedite service. 7.3 Bidder must supply a client list of 3 firms to which similar services have been provided during the past 3 years to a comparable sized institution or company. All information received from those clients, if contacted, must verify that a high level of satisfaction was provided in that service trade. Include contact names, addresses and phone numbers. 7.4 Contractor must have covered telephone service from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST/CDT Monday through Friday in order to respond promptly to requests for service. 8. SPECIFICATIONS OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: Specifications may not be revised without an official written amendment issued by the City of McHenry. Failure to provide service specifications and information may disqualify your bid. The City will be the sole judge of equivalency and acceptability. 8.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR LAWN MOWING: 8.1.1 Site Conditions l All services provided by the Contractor shall be consistent with quality standards of grounds maintenance industry. As directed by the City, the Contractor shall coordinate the work with adjacent work and shall cooperate with all other trades so as to facilitate the general progress of the work. Interference with, or inconvenience to City operations shall be kept to a minimum. All exits, doors, passageways, and walks are to be kept in an unobstructed manner at all times. In no case will any Contractor be permitted to exclude from the premises or work, any other Contractor or their employees, or interfere with any other Contractor in the execution or installation of their work. .2 Contractor shall be responsible for moving debris and items of value found on lawns away from the path of equipment, and grounds maintenance activities (e.g. bicycles, children's toys,picnic tables, wire, bottles, tin cans, sticks,paper and litter discarded by others)prior to beginning mowing, and during mowing operations if also necessary. Return picnic tables to original location after area is mowed. Accumulated trash and debris shall be properly disposed of in on-site trash containers. Items of value that are damaged while carrying out this contract shall be paid for by the Contractor at replacement cost for the item. .3 Contractor shall confine to the greatest possible extent, all operations, equipment, apparatus and placement of materials to the immediate area of work. Contractor shall ascertain, observe and comply with all rules and regulations in effect on the work site, including,but not limited to parking, traffic laws, use of walks, security restrictions, hours of allowable ingress and egress. .4 The Contractor shall notify the City of McHenry verbally or in writing of any defects noted in such surfaces that are to receive their work if such defects may affect lawn mowing operations, or in-general present a safety concern. The City will direct such surfaces to be remedied. .5 Storage of equipment shall be off-site, not on City property. Contractor or their authorized representative must be present to accept delivery of all equipment and/or materials shipments. City personnel will not knowingly accept, unload or store anything delivered to the project site addressed to the Contractor or for the Contractor's use. Inadvertent acceptance of delivery by any representative of the City shall not constitute acceptance or responsibility for any of the materials or equipment. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to assume all liability for equipment and material delivered to the job site. 8.1.2 Personnel 1 Contractor shall have in its employ, or under its control, sufficient qualified and competent personnel to perform work promptly and in accordance with a schedule or work program, as approved by the City. .2 Contractor shall employ only such workers as are skilled in the tasks to which they are assigned. Workers shall act appropriately and professionally at all times. Offensive language, gestures or actions while in this family-based residential community are not acceptable. The City may require the Contractor not to assign any employee the City deems incompetent, careless, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable to work on City of McHenry property. 8.1.3 Safety Standards 1 Contractor's employees shall be especially aware of the large number of children in this community, and shall take necessary precautions to safeguard their well- being. .2 Contractor's employees shall follow all applicable safety standards including operating all equipment in conformance with the manufacturer's operating instructions for each, and in compliance with OSHA standards and requirements. .3 Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the protection of persons, (including employees) and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. Machinery, equipment and all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with applicable safety provisions. .4 Mower discharge shall at all times be aimed away from people, buildings, children and vehicles. Mower guards must be used as intended at all times for safety. .5 The Contractor shall provide and maintain in working order during work such fire protective equipment and devices as required by applicable safety standards and as they deem necessary and suitable for any possible class or type of fires. Extinguishers shall be non-freeze type of not less than(10)pound capacity each. .6 Mowers,weed trimmers and other equipment shall be properly maintained to operate at "normal" operating sound levels. Equipment that is generating excessive noise or is otherwise objectionable to the City shall be discontinued from use, at the City's request, until repairs can be made. The City of McHenry shall be the sole judge of acceptable equipment under this section. 8.1.4. Property Damage 1 Wherever any existing material, equipment or appurtenances are damaged by the Contractor,the cost of repair or replacement shall be charged to the Contractor. Items covered by this provision include, but are not limited to curbs, sidewalks, lawns (to include scalped areas),plantings,trees, signs, down spouts, and refuse containers. .2 Injuries to any person and damage to City property, the property of residents, or any property not belonging to the Contractor shall be reported immediately to the City of McHenry. .3 Repair work due to damages caused by the Contractor shall be coordinated through, and subject to the approval of the City. Repairs shall be made with like materials in a manner acceptable to the City. .4 Contractor shall acquaint himself with the location of utilities, which may be encountered or be affected by their work, and shall be responsible for damage caused by neglect to provide proper precautions or protection. .5 The Contractor shall repair, to its original state, any landscape damaged by failure to provide proper and adequate protection, to the satisfaction of the City, or remove and replace with new work at the Contractor's expense. 8.1.5 Site Inspection: The City of McHenry will, at its discretion, conduct site inspections before, during, and after each service to evaluate the quality, and completion of the work performed. 8.1.6 winning and End of Season: The lawn mowing season will begin on the second full week of April of each year of this Contract, and end on October 30, or as mutually agreeable due to weather conditions. 8.1.7. Frequency .1 Mowing shall take place on an as-needed basis (approximately 30 mowings). .2 Cancellation of a scheduled weekly mowing, or any portion of the mowing, is permitted by the City if any part of the scheduled mowing is determined to be unnecessary or undesirable by the City of McHenry. The City agrees to provide notice of cancellation by noon of the day preceding scheduled work to be canceled. 8.1.8 Day(s) Of The Week: Work shall be scheduled to take place on a weekly basis on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, excluding holidays, or as mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the City. 8.1.9 Time Allotted From Mowing Beginning To End: 1 All scheduled mowing and spraying shall be commenced and completed in one day as specified unless otherwise rescheduled due to inclement weather. Contractor shall be obligated to complete mowing and spraying in one day, weather and other conditions permitting. Failure to do so may be grounds for termination of this Contract. .2 Weather permitting, work shall be continuous. 8.1.10 Inclement Weather Rescheduling: l Contractors may cancel all or part of a scheduled mowing due to inclement weather. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to contact the City on or before 9:00 a.m. of the day to be canceled, when such cancellation is desired. .2 Inclement weather shall be defined as weather that both the Contractor and the City agree makes the accomplishment of quality work unfeasible, unusually time- consuming, or potentially dangerous, or harmful. In the event mutual agreement cannot be reached for a particular mowing,the inclement weather determination shall be made by the Contractor. However in the event the City feels the Contractor is inappropriate in their use of this provision, the City reserves the right to cancel this Contract. .3 Any part of a scheduled mowing that is canceled due to inclement weather shall be rescheduled by the Contractor to a date within three calendar days of the cancellation. .4 The City may, at its option, elect not to reschedule any part of a mowing. The City of McHenry shall have sole authority to cancel all or part of a mowing. .5 Any portion of a mowing that is canceled and not rescheduled shall not result in a mowing charge. .6 In the event of on-going wet weather, the Contractor and the City of McHenry will negotiate a strategy to accomplish the necessary work. .7 In areas of poor drainage which adversely affect the work of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for informing the City of the affected area. The City will have discretionary authority to waive work quality standards in areas which both the City of McHenry and the Contractor agree are problematic. 8.1.11 Work Hours: Contractor shall not operate lawn mowers, blowers, "weed whackers" or other noise generating machinery outside of the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 8.1.12Mowing Height: .1 Lawns shall be mowed at a height of 3 inches. .2 The Contractor shall adjust lawn mowing heights at the written request of the City of McHenry. .3 City Hall shall be mowed in an alternating pattern. 8.1.13Trimming: Contractor shall be responsible at EVERY lawn mowing for trimming around trees, sign posts, fencing, near buildings, in curbs and gutters, around all dumpsters and dumpster area, etc. and any other part of the lawn area where the lawn mowers may not be able to reach during routine mowing. Areas to be trimmed shall be brought to the same level as the mowing level of the lawn. 8.1.14Picking Up Grass Clippings: Contractor shall be responsible for removing grass clippings from sidewalks,parking areas,planted areas, barked areas, sand boxes, and other areas that are not part of the grassy area being mowed. 8.1.15Grass Clippings Removal: .1 Mowers shall be of a type which causes clippings to be distributed evenly over the cut area. If the type of mowers used causes the cut grass to windrow,the windrowed grass shall be removed and hauled away. .2 Windrowed grass caused by mowing heavily dewed grass shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove. 8.1.16 Directions Of Cut: The Contractor shall alter the mowing direction for each successive mowing by approximately ninety degrees. Areas where such alteration of mowing direction is not practicable may be exempted at the discretion of the City of McHenry. 8.1.17Pro ep r Equipment Type and Maintenance: 1 Equipment shall be adequate for the completion of the work being bid. The cutting edges of all mowing equipment used in the performance of work shall be kept in sharp condition. Grass bruising or rough cutting will not be accepted, and may require the Contractor to perform rejuvenation procedures to bring it out of a stress condition. .2 The maintenance and upkeep of equipment is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The staff of the contractor shall not ask for any assistance or equipment parts from the City. 8.1.18 Waste Disposal: Grass clippings, oil cans,personal refuse and other items for disposal shall be disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with local, state and federal laws. 9. BID RESPONSE REOUIREMENTS: In order for your bid to be considered,the following forms/information must be completed and submitted with your bid. Failure to provide these forms/information with your bid submittal may disqualify your bid. Equipment Manufacturer's List Bidder's Certification in Compliance with the State of Illinois Drug Free Workplace Act Mowing Contract Bid Submittal Failure to provide these forms/information with your bid submittal may disqualify your bid. 10. BIDDER PROTESTS: Any protest of the City's solicitation or intent to award must be made no later than five working days after the date of solicitation or the notice of intent to award is issued by the City,written notice of intent to protest must be received by: City Clerk City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2100 The complete protest must be received by the City Clerk no later than ten working days after the date of solicitation or the intent to award is issued. The protest must be in writing. Protesters should make their protests as specific as possible and should identify statutes and provisions that are alleged to have been violated. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR REQUESTS FOR BIDS/PROPOSALS 1. SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications in this request are the minimum acceptable. When specific manufacturer and model numbers are used, they are to establish a design, type of construction, quality, functional capability and/or performance level desired. When alternates are bid/proposed, they must be identified by manufacturer, stock number, and such other information necessary to establish equivalency. The City of McHenry shall be the sole judge of equivalency. Bidders/proposers are cautioned to avoid bidding alternates which may result in rejection of their bid/proposal. 2. DEVIATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS: Deviations and exceptions from original text, terms, conditions, or specifications shall be described fully, on the bidder's/proposer's letterhead, signed, and attached to the request. Each deviation and exception must be identified by the section, page and paragraph to which it applies. In the absence of such statement, the bid/proposal shall be accepted as in strict compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications and the bidder/proposer shall be held liable. 3. QUANTITIES: The quantities shown on this request are based on estimated needs. The City of McHenry reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities to meet actual needs. 4. ACCEPTANCE-REJECTION: The City of McHenry reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposals, to waive any technicality in any bid/proposal submitted, and to accept any part of a bid/proposal as deemed to be in the best interest of the City of McHenry. 5. ORDERING: Purchase orders shall be placed directly to the contractor by the City of McHenry. No other purchase orders are authorized. 6. PAYMENT TERMS AND INVOICING: The City of McHenry normally will pay properly submitted vendor invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt providing goods and/or services have been delivered, and accepted as specified. 6.1 Payment shall be considered timely if the payment is mailed, delivered, or transferred within thirty (30) days after receipt of a properly completed invoice, unless the vendor is notified in writing by the agency of a dispute before payment is due. Invoices submitted not in accordance with these instructions will be removed from the payment process and returned within ten(10) days. 7. TAXES: The City of McHenry, an agency of the State of Illinois, is exempt from payment of all federal tax and Illinois State and local taxes. 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: These Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply to any contract or order awarded as a result of this request except where special requirements are stated elsewhere in the request; in such cases, the special requirements shall apply. Further, the written contract and/or order with referenced parts and attachments shall constitute the entire agreement and no other terms and conditions in any document, acceptance, or acknowledgment shall be effective or binding unless expressly agreed to in writing by the City of McHenry. 9. APPLICABLE LAW: This contract shall be governed under the laws of the State of Illinois. The contractor shall at all times comply with and observe all federal and state laws, local laws, ordinances, and regulations which are in effect during the period of this contract and which in any manner affect the work or its conduct. The City of McHenry reserves the right to cancel any contract with a federally debarred contractor or a contractor which is presently identified on the list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non-procurement contracts. 10. ASSIGNMENT: No right or duty in whole or in part of the contractor under this contract may be assigned or delegated without the prior written consent of the City of McHenry. 11. DISPUTES: Disputes should be addressed to the City of McHenry, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050—Attention: City Clerk's Office 12. NONDISCRIMINATION/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: 12.1 In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, developmental disability as defined in Illinois Statutes. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Except with respect to sexual orientation, the contractor further agrees to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities. 12.2 The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available for employees and applicants for employment, a notice to be provided by the contracting state agency that sets forth the provisions of the State of Illinois nondiscrimination law. 12.3 Failure to comply with the conditions of this clause may result in the contractor's becoming declared an "ineligible" contractor, termination of the contract, or withholding of payment. 13. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: All materials, equipment, and supplies provided to the City of McHenry must comply fully with all safety requirements as set forth by the Illinois Administrative Code, Rules of the Industrial Commission on Safety, and all applicable OSHA Standards. 14. INSURANCE RESPONSIBILITY: The contractor performing services to the City of McHenry shall: 14.1 Maintain worker's compensation insurance as required by Illinois Statutes for all employees engaged in the work. 14.2 Maintain commercial liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance against any claim(s) which might occur in carrying out this agreement/contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) liability for bodily injury and property damage including products liability and completed operations. Provide motor vehicle insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles that are used in carrying out this contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence combined single limit for automobile liability and property damage. 14.3 The city reserves the right to require higher or lower limits where warranted. 14.4 Upon request by the City, the contractor is required to provide a Certificate of Insurance with a minimum 30 day cancellation notice, from an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Illinois, with a minimum AM Best rating of A-, and signed by an authorized agent. 15. CANCELLATION: The City of McHenry reserves the right to cancel any contract in whole or in part without penalty due to nonappropriation of funds or for failure of the contractor to comply with terms, conditions, and specifications of this contract. 16. PUBLIC RECORDS ACCESS: It is the intention of City of McHenry to maintain an open and public process in the solicitation, submission, review, and approval of procurement activities. Bid/proposal openings are public unless otherwise specified. Records may not be available for public inspection prior to issuance of the notice of intent to award or the award of the contract. 17. DISCLOSURE: If a city public official, a member of a city public official's immediate family, or any organization in which a city public official or a member of the official's immediate family owns or controls a ten percent (10%) interest, is a party to this agreement, and if this agreement involves payment of more than three thousand dollars ($3,000) within a twelve (12) month period,this contract is voidable by the state unless appropriate disclosure is made according to Illinois Statutes, before signing the contract. 17.1 City classified and former employees and certain City of McHenry staff are subject to separate disclosure requirements. 18. FOREIGN CORPORATION: A foreign corporation (any corporation other than a Illinois corporation) which becomes a party to this Agreement is required to conform to all the requirements of Illinois Statutes, relating to a foreign corporation and must possess a certificate of authority from the State of Illinois, unless the corporation is transacting business in interstate commerce or is otherwise exempt from the requirement of obtaining a certificate of authority. City of McHenry Agreed and Accepted, By: Mayor, City of McHenry Date By: Contractor Date Attested: By: City Clerk, City of McHenry Date EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS' LIST CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS MOWING BIDDER'S lump sum price proposed on the Bid Form is based upon one of the following items of equipment as described in the Specifications. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS FULLY COMPLETED FORM WITH THE BID FORM, OR REVISION THE LISTED MANUFACTURERS IN THIS FORM SHALL CAUSE REJECTION OF THIS BID AS NON- RESPONSIVE. SPECIFICATION SECTION DESCRIPTION OF ITEM MANUFACTURER BIDDER CERTIFICATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS DRUG FREE WORKPLACE ACT Ill. Comp. Stat. Ch. 30-580 The contractor certifies and agrees that it will provide a drug free workplace by: A. Publishing a statement: 1. Notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including cannabis, is prohibited in the Contractor's workplace. 2. Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 3. Notifying the employee that, as a condition of employment on such contract, the employee will: a. abide by the terms of the statement; and b. notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. B. Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about: l. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace. 2. The Contractor's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace. 3. Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs. 4. The penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations. C. Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee engaged in the performance of the contract and to post the statement in a prominent place in the workplace. D. Notifying the contracting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice under Part B of Paragraph 3 of subsection A above from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. E. Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program by, any employee who is so convicted, as required by Section 5 of the Drug Free Workplace Act. F. Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation is required and indicating that a trained referral team is in place. G. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act. THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIRMS, UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, THAT HE OR SHE IS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THIS CERTIFICATION ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED ORGANIZATION. Printed Name of Organization Signature of Authorized Representative Printed Name and Title Date Policy Number: Commercial General Liability Property Insurance THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Additional Insured—Owners, Lessees or Contractors (Form B) This endorsement modified insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. PROPERTY INSURANCE SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organizations: (Owner) (Others as required by the Contract Documents) (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of"your work" for that insured by or for you. Authorized Representative Dated this day of Mowing Contract Bid Submittal (Itemized Bid List) (Bidder's Name), having read the specifications dated hereby submits its bid to perform the following mowing at the unit prices listed below: Bid/Price Approx. Per Cutting Site Location Area 1. Center Street Park 915 Center Street 1.20 acre 2. Cold Springs Park 319 DePaul Court < 1 acre 3. Creekside Park 3200 Beach Drive 2.58 acres 4. East Beach Park 4526 Shore Drive 1.16 acres 5. Fox Ridge Park 5408 Dartmoor Drive 3.2 acres 6. Freund Field 3905 West Avenue 4.0 acres 7. Green Street Park 3442 Elm Street 0.33 acres 8. Jaycees Park 115 Cross Trail 5.0 acres 9. Kiwanis Tot Lot 4201 Sioux Lane 0.91 acre 10.Lakeland Park Boat Launch 4904 Shore Drive 0.25 acre 11. Lakeland Park Community Center 1717 N. Sunset 1.57 acres 12. Liberty Trails Park 7 1717 Tyler Trail 2.0 acres 13. Malibu Playground 5221 Malibu Court 0.31 acre 14. McHenry Shores Baseball Field 814 S. Riverside Drive 4.0 acres 15. McHenry Shores Beach 814 S. Riverside Drive 0.36 acre 16. Municipal Center 333 S. Green St. 10.0 acres 17.Neumann Park 1246 N. Green St. 0.14 acre 18.North Oak Park 3300 Chestnut Drive 1.7 acres 19. Overton Park 3204 Crescent Ave. 1.0 acres 20. Pebble Creek Park 934 Amberwood 2.0 acre 21. Pheasant Valley Park 1401 Scully Drive 4.0 acres 22. Riverside Hollow Park 2108 Hemlock Drive 0.51 acre 23. Rotary Park 3710 Waukegan Road 0.20 acre 24. Miller Riverfront Park 2900 Charles Miller Road 2.0 acres 25. Walsh Park 1202 N. Green St. 0.17 acre 26. Weber's Park 1408 N. Riverside Drive 0.44 acre 27. West Beach Park 5016 Shore Drive 1.41 acres 28. Wheeler Park 215 Loch Glen(parkway only) 4450 sq.ft. 29. Whispering Oaks Park 4300 Front Royal Drive 20.0 acres 30. Whispering Oaks Trails Several locations&various sizes 2.0 acres 31. Wheeler Fen Park Across from City Hall(333 S. Green) 8.0 acres 32. Water Plant 2&ROW 1401 Beach Rd. 6.3 acres 33. Water Plant 3 115 S. Crystal Lake Rd. 0.5 acre 34. Water Plant 4 2007 Pine Street 0.29 acre 35. Water Tower 1 4201 Sioux Lane 0.42 acres 36. Water Tower 2 3907 Albany Street 1.0 acre 37. Water Tower 3 2812 Barney Court(E. of River) 2.5 acre 38. Water Tower 4 701 S. Crystal Lake Road 0.75 acres 39. Court Street garage 1208 Court Street 0.2 acre 40. Sioux Lane ROW 4301 Sioux Lane 7,205 sq ft 41. Central Wastewater Treat. Plant 3306 W. Waukegan Street 1.66 acres 42. South Wastewater Treatment Plant 222 McHenry Ave. 3.0 acres 43. Hemlock Drive Lift Sta. &ROW 1928 Hemlock Lane 0.5 acre 44. Diamond Drive Lift Station 3621 Diamond Drive .02 acre 45. Blake Blvd. Islands Blake Blvd. east of N. Rt. 31 1380 sq.ft. 46.Lakeland Park Ditch Lots Home, Willow, Sunset,Beach 1.35 acres 47. Boulder Creek Park 3500 Beach Drive 3.0 acres 48. Kensington/Oakwood Dr. property Behind 5001 Oakwood Drive: 0.75 acre including both sides of the ditch 49. Green/Waukegan NW corner island 2,175 sq ft 50. Washington/1S`Avenue Island north side Washington 450 sq ft 51. Court Street Parking Lot South of Illinois Rt. 120 382 sq ft 52. Commuter Parking Lot Main St east of Crystal Lk Rd 6,747 sq ft 53. Green Street parking Lot West side of Green Street 4,123 sq ft 54.N. Entrance Green St Parking Lot South side 120 1,236 sq ft 55. Shore Drive ROW 5308 & 5012 Shore Dr. :(North side) 13,590 sf 56. Washington/Fox River East side Riverside @ Washington 4,1.25 sq ft 57. Orleans Island Orleans@ McCullom Lake Rd. 2000 sq ft 58. Brookwood island Brookwood &Bull Valley Rd 516 sq ft 59. Oakwood ROW Between 901 & 807 Oakwood Drive 5,300 sq ft 60. City Marina 3302 W. Waukegan Ave. 39,295 sf 61. Royal Drive Islands(total of 4) Royal Dr.: East of Crystal Lake Rd. 3,950 sq ft 62. Cumberland Circle Island Cumberland Circle 6,000 sq ft 63. Boone Creek Subdivision N. of Cobblestone Trail 4.62 acres 64. Oaks of McHenry Phase II South of Illinois FAP 420/53 ROW 3.5 acres 65. Waters Edge&Dartmoor ROW N. side Dartmoor& W. side Water Ed 9,765 sq ft 66.North Point ROW Burning Tree Subdivision 6000 sq ft 67. Eagle Point ROW Burning Tree Subdivision 6000 sq ft 68. Wedgewood Trail ROW Boone Creek Unit Five Subdivision 6000 sq ft 69. Municipal Drive(Northside only) 333 S. Green St. .44 acres 70. Public Works Garage 1415 Industrial Drive 2 acres 71. Carrick Lane Lift Station 1105 Carrick Lane 13,700 sq. ft. $ Total Cost per week for Lawn Mowing City of McHenry--Agreed and Accepted, By: Mayor, City of McHenry Date By: Contractor Date Attested: By: City Clerk, City of McHenry REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 2,2009 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled November 2, 200S meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the followi ig Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. Also n attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, )eputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director Constructic n Neighborhood Services Schwalenberg, Public Works Director Schmitt, Finance Director BI ick, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, Police Chief Brogan,City Engineer Cieslica. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION There was no one who signed in to speak during the Ten Minutes of Public Input Session provided by Council. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer,to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Annual Toys for Tots Downtown Christmas Walk and Parade; B. Resolution establishing 2010 City Council Meeting Schedule; C. Snowplowing services for Feger Subdivision; D. Request from McHenry Garden Club for temporary advertising signs and waiver of associated fees for Holiday Floral Extravaganza; E. Special Event Liquor License for Church of Holy Apostles November 13t'fundraiser, F. Special Event Liquor License for Church of Holy Apostles November le fundraiser; G. Waive.bid requirements and authorize the purchase of 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan from Sunnyside Company of McHenry in the amount not-to-exceed$17,085; H. City Council Minutes: October 12,2009 regularly scheduled meeting; October 19,2009 regularly scheduled meeting; I. List of Bills: AMELIO, ROBERT 376.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASS 75.00 ASCAP 314.17 AT&T 3,448.78 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 61.05 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 1,182.42 BENTZ, DONALD J 255.00 BREMER, CURTIS H 104.00 BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY 49.80 BUSS FORD SALES 720.32 CAREY ELECTRIC 852.00 CASSIDY, MAUREEN 94.00 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 511.35 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 1,938.44 CERTIFIED FLEET SERVICES 8,975.66 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 134.96 CHICAGO TROLLEY CO 1,666.00 COMED 583.27 CONAWAY, TINA 49.55 CONCRETE SOLUTIONS 1,710.30 CONSERV FS 599.30 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 44,916.92 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5,155.71 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 4,309.52 CYNOWA, LEROY A 142.50 Page 2 November 2,2009 DEBOLT, JUSTIN 37.95 DOCUMENT IMAGING DIMENSI 1,256.98 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO 3,267.21 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU 23.00 EJ EQUIPMENT 115.05 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 8.00 FEES, DAVID W 89.25 FISCHER BROS FRESH 4,789.36 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD 209.15 FOWLER, JEFF R 184.00 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 68.00 GERAGHTY, MARCI 120.30 GLICK, DEBORAH A 63.42 GOODMARK NURSERIES LLC 1,575.00 HACH COMPANY 505.95 HAWKINS INC 2,135.12 HBK WATER METER SERVICE 29.89 HETTERMANN, KATHLEEN 179.30 HOJNACKI, DALE 32.00 HOME DEPOT/GECF 1,029.68 ILLINOIS FIRE & POLICE 375.00 JOHNS TREE SERVICE 475.00 KALE UNIFORMS INC 317.47 KIMBALL MIDWEST 420.57 KIWANIS CLUB OF MCHENRY 630.00 KTD INC 1,137.31 LORCH, NANCY 99.00 MAD SCIENCE OF MCHENRY C 1,008.00 MARYS FLOWERS & GIFTS 57.00 MAZZUCA, JOE 138.00 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 455.00 MCHENRY AREA YOUTH COMM 6,000.00 MCHENRY ENTERPRISES INC 300.00 MCHENRY MIDDLE SCHOOL PT 300.00 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 33.00 MCMAHON, JASON 48.13 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 122.13 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 2,117.45 MILLIGAN, COURTNEY 153.90 MORRIS, MATT 300.30 NATIONAL AWARD SERVICES 23.44 NESTER, F PETER 123.83 NEXTEL 1,772.82 NICOLET SCENIC TOURS 5,014.00 NICOR GAS 3,759.01 NOVOTNY SALES INC 408.40 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC 42.01 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 1,312.50 OWSLEY, MIKE 86.03 PADDOCK, TIMOTHY 94.00 PETROLIANCE LLC 9,155.15 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 1,687.99 PITEL SEPTIC INC 900.00 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 288.23 PRIME TACK & SEAL CO 874.80 PROMISING PICASSOS INC 493.00 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 120.00 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 1,023.62 ROTH, SALLY 65.03 SCHMITT, JON 465.11 SEC GROUP INC 13,349.72 SEMROW JR, HARRY H 910.00 SHERMAN MECHANICAL INC 9,280.00 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGI 10,271.53 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC 524.70 STAN'S FINANCIAL SERVICE 222.00 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 7.42 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 579.65 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 119.98 TEGTMEIER, TERRY 184.00 THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV 750.00 Page 3 November 2,2009 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 103.48 ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICAIT 154.54 UNITED LABORATORIES 268.67 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 71.70 USA BLUEBOOK 85.19 VALLEY VIEW ACRES 255.00 VAN GALDER BUS COMPANY 724.00 VISU-SEWER OF ILLINOIS L 3,355.00 VOGT, MARY ANN 50.00 WAGGONER, CAROL A 200.00 WALMART COMMUNITY 79.37 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 51.94 WELCH BROS INC 66.00 WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 319.04 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 165.50 ZIMMERMAN, BOB 96.96 ZOETMULDER, NICOLE 122.50 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 14,760.00 GRAND TOTALS 193,288.77 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 92,930.69 BAND FUND 314.17 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 15,519.40 WATER/SEWER FUND 74,249.68 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 230.30 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 1,932.03 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 8,112.50 TOTALS 193,288.77 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYORAL RECOMMENDATION TO APPOINT GEOFF BLAKE TO FULFILL THE REMAINDER OF THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF WARD 4 ALDERMAN WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF 4/30/2011 Mayor Low stated applications were submitted by eight candidates who expressed interest in fulfilling the unexpired term of Alderman Ward 4. She noted any of the applicants would have made a suitable candidate. After careful deliberation and interviews of all candidates being conducted, Mayor Low stated she arrived at the difficult decision to recommend the appointment of Geoff Blake as Ward 4 Alderman. If confirmed by Council this evening Mr. Blake would be sworn in at Council's November 16, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting. Alderman Condon stated she has known Mr. Blake for years and opined he is a very conscientious individual and would be an asset to the Council. Alderman Santi stated all eight candidates were impressive. Alderman Glab noted he had spoken with some parties who know Mr. Blake and he had heard many good things regarding his possible appointment. Alderman Schaefer stated he has known Mr. Blake for a long time and opined he is a good choice. Page 4 November 2,2009 Alderman Wimmer also noted Mr. Blake is a fine choice. Motion by Condon, seconded by Peterson, to accept Mayor Low's recommendation to appoint Geoff Blake to fulfill the unexpired term of Ward 4 Alderman with a term expiring April 30, 2011. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR HONORARY STREET SIGN—CARMON L HODGES WAY Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a request was submitted by Michael Hodges seeking an honorary street sign in memory of his father, Carmon L. Hodges. Carmon Hodges founded the original McHenry Area Rescue Squad in 1971 and served as a paramedic until 1983. Mr. Hodges was also a staff sergeant in the Army during World War II and was present at the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Mr. Hodges passed away fifteen months ago. His children would like to honor his lifetime accomplishments by having the intersection of Bonner Drive and Beach Road named Carmon L. Hodges Way in his honor. Staff has reviewed the application and recommends it approval. Mayor Low stated she knew Mr. Hodges and noted he was instrumental in the formation of the McHenry Area Rescue Squad. Alderman Peterson noted Mr. Hodges was a member of the McHenry Kiwanis and was a "doer" in the community. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staffs recommendation to pass a resolution approving the designation of the intersection of Bonner Drive and Beach Road as the Honorary Carman L.Hodges Way in the City of McHenry. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. LANDMARK COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD FACADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF 52 000 TO ART GURDA FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3622 WEST ELM STREET Deputy City Administrator Martin stated an application was submitted to the Landmark Commission for a Facade Improvement Grant by Art Gurda for the work he is doing on his property located at 3622 West Elm Street. Mr. Gurda is currently improving his property and has expended more than $10,000 on the project. The Landmark Commission considered Mr. Page 5 November 2,2009 Gurda's request at its October 2009 regularly scheduled meeting and recommended approval of a Fagade Improvement Grant in the amount of$2,000. Alderman Schaefer stated he is pleased the improvements are being made to the property. Alderman Peterson noted the building is looking better every day. Alderman Glab inquired if the structure is the original building on the premises. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded he believes the building to be the original structure on the site. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Peterson, to accept the recommendation of the Landmark Commission to award a Fagade Improvement Grant in the amount of$2,000 to Art Gurda for the work on his building located at 3622 West Elm Street. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH MCHENRY COUNTY FOR PARTICIPATION IN A PILOT PROGRAM FOR A COORDINATED PACE DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICE PROGRAM BETWEEN MULTIPLE AGENCIES AND SERVICE AREAS City Administrator Maxeiner stated McHenry County has been working in conjunction. with PACE and local communities and townships to arrive at a plan for inter jurisdictional PACE Dial-A-Ride service for the past two years. All barriers blocking 'participation by the various entities have now been removed. Staff supports entering into the Memorandum of Understanding with participating entities for a Pilot Program offering expanded PACE Dial-A- Ride service between the named entities. He noted participation in the program would not diminish service to McHenry residents nor increase the City's cost of ridership. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, City Administrator Maxeiner stated the County is underwriting the cost of the program. There would be no additional cost to the City. Answering further inquiry from Alderman Glab, City Administrator Maxeiner noted the City's Senior Citizen Vouchers for PACE service would be valid only within the City's service area. Alderman Glab stated he does not understand why the Vouchers would not be valid for inter- jurisdictional trips. He expressed his disappointment that other entities do not have a voucher program to take care of senior citizens. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staffs recommendation to authorize the Mayor's execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with McHenry County for participation in a pilot program for a coordinated PACE Dial-A-Ride Service Program between multiple agencies and service areas as presented. Page 6 November 2,2009 Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE 2009 TAX LEVY Finance Director Black stated the City's population was determined to be 27,525 by a special census completed in 2008. As a result of recent legislation,the City is now considered a Home Rule community and is no longer subject to Property Tax Extension Limit Law (PTELL). Consequently, the property tax levy extension calculated by the City will no longer be reduced by the County Clerk as part of the property tax levy process. Director Black noted it is critical that the property tax levy be established in the amount the City needs for its operations. Director Black stated Staff is proposing a 2009 Tax Levy in the amount of $4,618,466 which represents an increase of 2.9% over last year's levy. It is Staffs recommendation to pass a resolution establishing the 2009 Tax Levy amount of$4,618,466 and to set a date for a public hearing regarding the proposed levy. Alderman Glab inquired about the City's Home Rule status. City Administrator Maxeiner responded that the State of Illinois Secretary of State Index Department has been notified of the results of the special census. The City is awaiting documentation of certification of the census results. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staff's recommendation to pass a resolution establishing the date of December 7, 2009 for a Public Hearing to consider the City's 2009 Tax Levy in the amount of$4,618,466. - Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SEC GROUP INC FOR SANITARY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED 510.000 City Administrator Maxeiner stated the City Council at its March 30, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting approved an Engineering Services Agreement for Sanitary System Improvements with SEC Group in the amount of $521,709. The work covered by the contract includes engineering and design services associated with the improvements to both the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and the South Wastewater Treatment Plant as well as the conveyance line to be constructed between the two facilities. SEC Group has submitted a proposal to increase the original scope of work to include the following items, generating an increased cost of$10,000 to the original Engineering Services Agreement: 0 Relocation of the solid handling process from the Central Plant to the South Plant; Page 7 ' November2,2009 • Engineering, IEPA permitting and bidding services for the solids handling force main; • Modification of the proposed easement for force main route. City Administrator Maxeiner stated it is Staffs recommendation to approve Addendum No. 1 to the Engineering Services Agreement with SEC Group for sanitary system improvements in the amount not-to-exceed$10,000. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi, to accept Staffs recommendation to approve the Mayor's execution of Addendum No. 1 to the Engineering Services Agreement with SEC Group Inc for sanitary system improvements in the amount not-to-exceed$10,000. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low reported a Veteran's Day ceremony has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at the VFW. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS City Administrator Maxeiner requested all public officials sign their public official bond applications and return them to administration as soon as possible. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Future Agenda Items were discussed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: DISPOSAL OF PUBLIC PROPERTY Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer, to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Disposal of Public Property at 8:02 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab, Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went into Executive Session at 8:03 p.m. 1 Page 8 November 2,2009 Motion by Glab,seconded by Wimmer,to go back into Open Session at 8:11 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 8:11 p.m. OPEN SESSION REGARDING MATTERS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to accept Stafrs recommendation to authorize the Mayor's execution of a real estate contract with Medela Inc. for the sale of Lot 54 in Inland Business Park in the amount of$184,965.36. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer, Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer,seconded by Schaefer,to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi,Glab,Schaefer,Wimmer, Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Mayor City Clerk DATE 11/09/2009 12:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTING Fo/16/09 C' -M # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9100679 100 00 2139 BELLMORE, STEVE REFUND-LIQUOR LICENSE FEE 10/21/09 M 102109 1,100.00 741180 100.00.3310 0910 102109 GLJ9296 1100.00 102109 9100678 600 00 2408 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD O 830865HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS 10/15/09 M 101509 117,399.01 741179 600.00.4310 0910 101509 GLJ9272 117399.01 101509 9100730 600 00 2408 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD O 830865HEALTH & DENTAL INSURANCE PREM 10/23/09 M 102309 122,445.05 741182 600.00.4310 0910 102309 GLJ9311 114964.99 102309 600.00.4320 0910 102309 GLJ9311 7480.06 102309 9100186 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 10/31/09 M 100209 969.00 741184 100.214 0910 100209 GLJ9187 969.00 100209 9100636 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 10/31/09 M 101609 950.00 741184 100.214 0910 101609 GLJ9263 950.00 101609 9100190 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 10/31/09 M 100209 242.55 741185 100.218 0910 100209 GLJ9187 242.55 100209 9100193 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 10/31/09 M 100209 738.04 741186 100.218 0910 100209 GLJ9187 738.04 100209 9100639 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 10/31/09 M 101609 242.55 741187 100.218 0910 101609 GLJ9263 242.55 101609 )642 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 10/31/09 M 101609 738.04 741188 100.218 0910 101609 GLJ9263 738.04 101609 9101101 100 9529 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION DUES 10/31/09 M 103009 242.55 741189 100.218 0910 103009 GLJ9334 242.55 103009 9101105 100 9528 IUOE, LOCAL 150 UNION ADM DU 10/31/09 M 103009 738.04 741190 100.218 0910 103009 GLJ9334 738.04 103009 9100185 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 10/31/09 M 100209 21.17 741191 100.2191 0910 100209 GLJ9187 21.17 100209 9100635 100 15019 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I UNIV. LIFE 10/31/09 M 101609 21.16 741191 100.2191 0910 101609 GLJ9263 21.16 101609 9100182 100 15079 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. IMRF LIFE 10/31/09 M 100209 320.00 741192 100.2041 0910 100209 GLJ9187 320.00 100209 9100209 100 04 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL POSTAGE FOR W/S BILLS 10/02/09 M 100109 1,484.00 741177 100.04.5310 0910 100109 GLJ9194 1484.00 100109 9101133 100 XXXXX 17644 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES 122659MONTHLY PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 10/31/09 M 103009 181.30 741193 100.2192 0910 103009 GLJ9347 181.30 103009 9100808 100 46 20024 SAVORY FOODS INC A0031889 MUNCHKIN PRESCHOOL FUNDRAIS 10/26/09 M 102609 1,820.70 741183 100.46.6110 0910 102609 GLJ9323 1820.70 102609 DATE 11/09/2009 12:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 AS-NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MTING tQ/16/09 CT"TM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9100323 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485409 UPS CHARGES 10/13/09 M 101309 59.52 741178 100.04.5310 0910 101309 GLJ9251 24.50 101309 100.22.5310 0910 101309 GLJ9251 35.02 101309 9100680 100 04 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485429 UPS CHARGES 10/22/09 M 102209 9.00 741181 100.04.5310 0910 102209 GLJ9302 9.00 102209 9100681 510 31 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485429 UPS CHARGES 10/22/09 M 102209 14.26 509590 510.31.5310 0910 102209 GLJ9302 14.26 102209 9101134 100 XXXXX 22521 UNUM 1332780013LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 10/31/09 M 103009 683.05 741194 100.01.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 51.30 103009 100.01.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 19.00 103009 100.02.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.70 103009 100.224 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.98 103009 100.04.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 11.12 103009 100.04.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 28.50 103009 100.22.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 330.60 103009 100.30.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.70 103009 100.33.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 108.30 103009 100.224 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.70 103009 100.03.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 31.35 103009 100.03.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.70 103009 100.41.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 62.70 103009 100.224 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.70 103009 100.41.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 5.70 103009 9101135 510 XXXXX 22521 UNUM 1332780013LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS 10/31/09 M 103009 116.85 509591 510.31.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 59.85 103009 510,32.4330 0910 103009 GLJ9347 57.00 103009 9101136 100 XXXXX 22521 UNUM 1332790010VOLUNTARY INSURANCE 10/31/09 M 103009 788.27 741194 100.2241 0910 103009 GLJ9347 788.27 103009 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 251,324.11 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 11,348.94 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 131.11 600 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 239,844.06 +•+* 251,324.11 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110056 100 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S OCT 2009 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 1,005.61 100.01.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 170.97 110909 100.01.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 132.28 110909 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 29.68 110909 100.22.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9379 24.20 110909 100.33.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 25.98 110909 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 357.57 110909 100.44.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 5.81 110909 100.45.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 259.12 110909 9110057 510 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S OCT 2009 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 587.33 510.31.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 373.90 110909 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 213.43 110909 9110404 100 XXXXX 1101 ACRES GROUP 78848 MOWING SERVICES 11/16/09 0 111009 7,616.68 100.41.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 5300.00 111009 100.33.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 2316.68 111009 9110405 510 XXXXX 1101 ACRES GROUP 78848 MOWING SERVICES 11/16/09 0 111009 3,963.32 510.32.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1766.64 111009 510.31.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 2196.68 111009 9110027 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 418913VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110509 6.00 100.33.5370 0911 110509 GLJ9371 6.00 110509 9110028 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 418932VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110509 13.77 100.33.5370 0911 110509 GLJ9371 13.77 110509 9110029 100 33 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 419288VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110509 89.30 100.33.5370 0911 110509 GLJ9371 89.30 110509 9110030 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 286292SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110509 88.00 100.33.6110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 88.00 110509 9110058 100 33 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 4645 YEARLY BOTTLE RENT 11/16/09 0 110909 80.00 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 80.00 110909 9110031 100 22 1200 AFTERMATH INC JC09-0040 BIO-HAZARD CLEAN-UP 11/16/09 0 110509 95.00 100.22.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 95.00 110509 9110406 100 33 1251 AGS REBUILDERS 1337 FORKLIFT STARTER 11/16/09 0 111009 129.00 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 129.00 111009 9110122 100 46 10160 ALBERTSONS 10/16/09 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 12.00 100.46.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 12.00 110909 9110032 100 47 1497 ANDERSON, LORI 9/22-11/29PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/16/09 0 110509 313.88 100.47.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 232.50 110509 100.47.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 81.38 110509 9110033 510 32 1561 AQUAPREP 10797 CHEMICALS 11/16/09 0 110509 5,544.00 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 510.32.6110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 5544.00 110509 9110059 510 32 1670 ASHLAND SPECIALTY CHEMIC 92866392 CHEMICALS 11/16/09 0 110909 2,610.00 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 2610.00 110909 9110407 100 XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV 2009 ALARM CIRCUITS 11/16/09 0 111009 46.65 100.45.5320 0911 111009 GLJ9386 26.90 111009 100.33.5320 0911 111009 GLJ9386 19.75 111009 9110408 510 XXXXX 1450 AT&T NOV 2009 ALARM CIRCUITS 11/16/09 0 111009 10.17 510.31.5320 0911 111009 GLJ9386 8.97 111009 510.32.5320 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1.20 111009 9110034 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 211827TIRES 11/16/09 0 110509 409.00 100.22.5370 0911 110509 GLJ9371 409.00 110509 9110060 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 212187TIRES 11/16/09 0 110909 319.00 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 319.00 110909 9110061 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 212175TIRES 11/16/09 0 110909 425.86 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 425.86 110909 9110042 510 31 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 146789SUPPORT SERVICES 11/16/09 0 110509 1,851.04 510.31.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 1851.04 110509 9110414 100 33 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 146790PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE LUST 11/16/09 0 111009 485.00 100.33.8900 20392 0911 111009 GLJ9386 PROJ# 100-PWLUST 485.00 111009 485.00 100-PWLUST 9110415 510 31 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 146791SCADA IMPROVEMENTS 11/16/09 0 111009 2,757.70 510.31.8300 0911 111009 GLJ9386 2757.70 111009 510-EQUIPWA 9110035 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 146766LIBERTY TRAILS 11/16/09 0 110509 165.00 740.00.5220 0911 110509 GLJ9371 165.00 110509 9110036 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 14678BLIBERTY TRAILS 11/16/09 0 110509 206.80 740.00.5220 0911 110509 GLJ9371 206.80 110509 9110037 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 146787MORGAN HILL SUBDIVISION 11/16/09 0 110509 110.00 740.00.5220 0911 110509 GLJ9371 110.00 110509 9110409 XXXXX XXXXX 2149 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 83982 FURNACES & BLOWERS 11/16/09 O 111009 2,488.27 440.00.8200 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1179.60 111009 100-1415IND 100.33.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1308.67 111009 9110410 510 XXXXX 2149 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 63982 FURNACES & BLOWERS 11/16/09 0 111009 674.17 510.31.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 594.85 111009 510.32.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 79.32 111009 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110411 510 32 2155 BERRYMAN EQUIPMENT COMPA 09-1013 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 111009 8,498.45 510.32.5375 0911 111009 GLJ9386 8498.45 111009 9110038 100 22 2300 BIRK, JOHN 10/21-22 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110509 16.00 100.22.5420 0911 110509 GLJ9371 16.00 110509 9110039 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 10/29/09 MOWING SERVICES 11/16/09 O 110509 420.00 100.03.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 420.00 110509 9110413 100 45 2758 BURRIS EQUIPMENT COMPANY PL65056 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 90.08 100.45.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 90.08 111009 9110040 510 32 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 34392 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 O 110509 235.18 510.32.5370 0911 110509 GLJ9371 235.18 110509 9110041 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 34480 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110509 17.26 100.22.5370 0911 110509 GLJ9371 17.26 110509 9110062 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 34470 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 155.05 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 155.05 110909 9110063 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 34471 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 130.56 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 130.56 110909 9110416 100 XXXXX 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR OCT 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 O 111009 623.26 100.22.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 344.67 111009 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 278.59 111009 9110417 510 32 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR OCT 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 111009 495.88 510.32.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 495.88 111009 9110418 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC QRB3855 SOFTWARE UPGRADE 11/16/09 0 111009 99.13 620.00.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 99.13 111009 9110043 610 00 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 76216 MEDICAL SERVICES 11/16/09 O 110509 29.40 610.00.6940 0911 110509 GLJ9371 29.40 110509 9110044 510 XXXXX 3163 CERTIFIED SERVICES INC 2323 COLLECTION SERVICES 11/16/09 O 110509 15.53 510.31.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 7.77 110509 510.32.5110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 7.76 110509 9110419 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111111385 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 111009 554.25 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 554.25 111009 9110420 510 32 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111111932 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 111009 36.02 510.32.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 36.02 111009 9110412 100 46 3265 CHRISTIE, BRITTANY FALL 2009 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/16/09 O 111009 1,452.00 100.46.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1452.00 111009 9110045 100 01 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 11/16/09 0 110509 105.66 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.01.4510 0911 110509 GLJ9371 105.66 110509 9110046 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 11/16/09 0 110509 164.84 100.33.4510 0911 110509 GLJ9371 164.84 110509 9110047 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 11/16/09 0 110509 179.68 510.32.4510 0911 110509 GLJ9371 179.68 110509 9110048 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 11/16/09 0 110509 184.08 510.32.4510 0911 110509 GLJ9371 184.08 110509 9110049 100 01 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 11/16/09 0 110509 273.90 100.01.6110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 273.90 110509 9110050 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 11/16/09 0 110509 11.68 100.33.6110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 11.68 110509 9110051 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 FLOOR MAT RENTALS & SOAP 11/16/09 0 110509 39.72 510.32.6110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 39.72 110509 9110052 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 FLOOR MAT RENTALS & SOAP 11/16/09 0 110509 86.76 510.32.6110 0911 110509 GLJ9371 86.76 110509 9110064 620 00 3509 COMCAST CABLE 11/4-12/3 HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE 11/16/09 0 110909 74.90 620.00.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 74.90 110909 9110065 100 XXXXK 3531 COMED SEPT/OCT09UTILITIES 11/16/09 0 110909 1,989.77 100.33.5520 0911 110909 GLJ9379 53.20 110909 100.42.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1110.04 110909 100.44.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 144.42 110909 100.45.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 589.78 110909 100.46.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 92.33 110909 9110066 510 XXXXX 3531 COMED SEPT/OCT09UTILITIES 11/16/09 0 110909 760.05 510.31.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 295.79 110909 510.32.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 464.26 110909 9110067 510 KXKKK 3531 COMED OCT 2009 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 11/16/09 0 110909 1,621.34 510.31.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 286.83 110909 510.32.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1334.51 110909 9110421 100 33 3528 COMED 5433098004STREET LIGHTS 11/16/09 0 111009 1,957.62 100.33.5520 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1957.62 111009 9110068 620 00 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T1011764 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 11/16/09 0 110909 115.00 620.00.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 115.00 110909 9110069 510 KXKKK 3565 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 1463033 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 11/16/09 0 110909 39,878.31 510.31.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 11468.54 110909 510.32.5510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 28409.77 110909 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110422 100 41 1 COOPER, TOM FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 50.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.00 111009 9110070 100 01 3559 COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE COX NOTARY COMMISSION RENEWAL 11/16/09 0 110909 10.00 100.01.6940 0911 110909 GLJ9379 10.00 110909 9110423 100 45 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-145803ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 50.32 100.45.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.32 111009 9110424 100 33 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-145821ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/16/09 O 111009 57.98 100.33.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 57.98 111009 9110071 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 71882 CONCRETE DUMPING CHARGE 11/16/09 0 110909 35.00 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 35.00 110909 9110425 100 45 3753 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING 1523 PETERSEN PARK DRAINAGE 11/16/09 0 111009 1,765.00 100.45.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1765.00 111009 9110072 620 00 3757 CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATI 3329 ELECTRONIC REPAIRS/TRAINING RM 11/16/09 0 110909 92.50 620.00.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 92.50 110909 9110426 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 686138130TTLED DISTILLED WATER 11/16/09 0 111009 15.50 510.32.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 15.50 111009 9110427 510 32 4004 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING 682726BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER 11/16/09 0 111009 23.25 510.32.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 23.25 111009 9110073 100 01 4555 DOOR SYSTEMS INC 710154-IN ROLLING STEEL DOOR REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 110909 395.25 100.01.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 395.25 110909 9110428 100 41 1 DOWELL, MARK FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 25.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 25.00 111009 9110429 100 01 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 336586CLEANING SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 267.00 100.01.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 267.00 111009 9110074 100 33 5050 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 3214075 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 856.00 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 856.00 110909 9110430 100 33 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU OCT 2009 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 11/16/09 0 111009 23.00 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 23.00 111009 9110431 510 31 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU OCT 2009 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 11/16/09 0 111009 92.00 510.31.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 92.00 111009 9110075 100 47 6285 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH NOV/DEC PARKS RENTAL SPACE 11/16/09 0 110909 165.00 100.47.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 165.00 110909 9110076 510 31 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12864 MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 110909 544.25 510.31.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 544.25 110909 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110077 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12942 MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 110909 990.38 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 990.38 110909 9110078 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12943 MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 110909 573.38 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 573.38 110909 9110079 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 12915 MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 110909 299.07 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 299.07 110909 9110080 100 22 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD ON0865 1 COPIER SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 427.51 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 427.51 110909 9110432 100 01 6566 FOUR SEASONS DISPLAY INC 2735 FALL BANNER INSTALLATION 11/16/09 0 111009 380.00 100.01.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 380.00 111009 9110433 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36017 SOD 11/16/09 0 111009 78.00 100.33.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 78.00 111009 9110434 510 32 8009 HACH COMPANY 6472953 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 260.40 510.32.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 260.40 111009 9110083 740 00 8320 HINSHAW & CULBERTSON 10888345 KIMBALL HILL 11/16/09 0 110909 4,708.42 740.00.5220 0911 110909 GLJ9379 4708.42 110909 9110084 100 22 8525 HOGUE INC 95094 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 99.82 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 99.82 110909 9110085 100 XXXXX 9391 ILLINOIS DIRECTOR OF 802562UNEMPLOYMENT PAYMENTS 11/16/09 0 110909 10,494.00 100.01.4010 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1428.00 110909 100.03.4010 0911 110909 GLJ9379 9066.00 110909 9110086 100 03 9398 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGU 2010 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 11/16/09 0 110909 5.00 100.03.5450 0911 110909 GLJ9379 5.00 110909 9110466 100 01 9520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTE 40014744 GENERATOR BATTERY 11/16/09 0 111009 109.95 100.01.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9388 109.95 111009 9110435 100 41 1 JARR, ROB FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 50.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.00 111009 9110087 100 46 8028 JUNGMANN, MARLENE B 10/22/09 FACE PAINTING SERVICES 11/16/09 0 110909 234.00 100.46.6920 0911 110909 GLJ9379 234.00 110909 9110088 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 386040INITIAL ISSUE UNIFORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 929.15 RIGAN 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 929.15 110909 9110089 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 391262INITIAL ISSUE UNIFORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 301.12 RIGAN 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 301.12 110909 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9110090 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 389577EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 783.99 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 783.99 110909 9110091 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 391346INITIAL ISSUE UNIFORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 858.89 BEAUDOIN 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 858.89 110909 9110092 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 392124EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 194.94 GANDOR 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 194.94 110909 9110093 100 22 11032 KAY, DEREK 10/5-9/09 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 39.42 100.22.5420 0911 110909 GLJ9379 39.42 110909 9110436 100 33 11286 KIM13ALL MIDWEST 1267898 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 118.06 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 125.49 111009 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 DISCOUNT PAID BY 11/27 7.43CR 111009 9110437 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1267614 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 120.60 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 128.77 111009 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 DISCOUNT PAID BY 11/27 8.17CR 111009 9110438 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1258774 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 111009 226.00 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 237.34 111009 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 DISCOUNT PAID BY 11/19 11.34CR 111009 9110094 100 04 11635 KRANZ, ANNE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 116.61 100.04.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 116.61 110909 9110095 100 22 12010 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY 1014299588SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 244.87 100.22.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9379 244.87 110909 9110096 100 22 12017 LANG PONTIAC-CADILLAC-SU 79816 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 68.02 100.22,5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 68.02 110909 9110439 100 33 12142 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC 712577VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 111009 101.34 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 101.34 111009 9110097 100 22 12143 LEE AUTO MCHENRY 67841 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 31.96 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 31.96 110909 9110440 100 22 1074 LEXISNEXIS 20091031 CUSTOM COMPREHENSIVE REPORT 11/16/09 0 111009 112.50 100.22.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 112.50 111009 9110441 100 01 12282 LIBERTY FLAG & SPECIALTY 10090474 TRANSPARENT BULBS 11/16/09 0 111009 100.45 100.01.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 100.45 111009 9110098 100 22 12747 LUNSMANN, JOAN 10/23/09 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 4.35 100.22.5420 0911 110909 GLJ9379 4.35 110909 9110099 100 01 13017 MARTIN, DOUG 10/28-30 SHOPPING CENTER CONVENTION 11/16/09 0 110909 37.30 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPENSE REIMB 100.01.5420 0911 110909 GLJ9379 37.30 110909 9110100 100 41 1 MASSOURAS, NICOLE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 11/16/09 0 110909 30.00 100.41.3636 0911 110909 GLJ9379 30.00 110909 9110106 100 01 14067 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF O1 105LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC 11/16/09 0 110909 6,800.00 100.01.5230 0911 110909 GLJ9379 6800.00 110909 9110442 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11022696 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 111009 182.95 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 182.95 111009 9110107 100 47 14247 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF 40355 WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE PRIZES 11/16/09 0 110909 1,775.00 100.47.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1775.00 110909 9110108 260 00 14276 MCHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH S OCT 2009 OPERATING FEES 11/16/09 0 110909 7,213.00 260.00.6970 0911 110909 GLJ9379 7213.00 110909 9110109 260 00 14275 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL OCT 2009 OPERATING FEES 11/16/09 0 110909 9,900.00 260.00.6970 0911 110909 GLJ9379 9900.00 110909 9110112 100 22 14253 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 11/24/09 MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING 11/16/09 0 110909 42.00 100.22.5430 0911 110909 GLJ9379 42.00 110909 9110113 XXXXX XXXXX 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OCT 2009 RECORDING FEES 11/16/09 0 110909 1,294.50 100.01.6940 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1244.50 110909 740.00.6960 0911 110909 GLJ9379 KIMBALL HILL 50.00 110909 9110443 100 33 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 16762 TIRE REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 111009 49.50 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 49.50 111009 9110444 100 33 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 16809 TIRES 11/16/09 0 111009 550.00 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 550.00 111009 9110114 100 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA OCT 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 1,356.70 100.01.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 12.35 110909 100.03.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 37.54 110909 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 741.18 110909 100.33.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 528.63 110909 100.45.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 37.00 110909 9110110 260 00 14270 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY OCT 2009 OPERATING FEES 11/16/09 0 110909 551.00 260.00.6980 0911 110909 GLJ9379 551.00 110909 9110115 100 22 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2009-1176 K-9 PLAQUES 11/16/09 0 110909 62.00 100.22.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9379 62.00 110909 9110111 260 00 14261 MCHENRY TOWNSHIP FIRE PR OCT 2009 OPERATING FEES 11/16/09 0 110909 132.00 260.00.6990 0911 110909 GLJ9379 132.00 110909 9110101 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY I 643257TRAFFIC SIGNAL TESTING 11/16/09 0 110909 1,000.00 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.33.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1000.00 110909 9110102 100 33 13141 MEIER & SONS FENCE MFG, 6293 FENCING MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 110909 175.00 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 175.00 110909 9110103 100 33 13156 MERTZ, GARY UNIFORMS CHECK RE-ISSUE 11/16/09 0 110909 16.02 #737881 DATED 10/13/08 100.33.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9379 16.02 110909 9110104 100 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71619 PRINTED FORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 205.17 100.22.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9379 60.83 110909 100.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9379 144.34 110909 9110105 100 00 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71653 PRINTED STOCK FORMS 11/16/09 0 110909 376.84 100.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9379 376.64 110909 9110445 100 01 15032 NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC 30127 IRRIGATION WINTERIZATION 11/16/09 0 111009 300.00 RIVERWALK 100.01.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 300.00 111009 9110117 510 32 15077 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 261003LAB SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 861.41 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 861.41 110909 9110116 100 22 15160 NENA 253379MEM13ERSHIP DUES 11/16/09 0 110909 120.00 100.22.5410 0911 110909 GLJ9379 120.00 110909 9110446 510 31 15545 NICOR GAS 4017981000UTILITIES 11/16/09 0 111009 471.10 510.31.5510 0911 111009 GLJ9386 471.10 111009 9110118 100 47 15521 NORTHERN ILLINOS WINTER 09/10 DUES & MEMBERSHIP FEE 11/16/09 0 110909 1,065.69 100.47.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9379 1065.69 110909 9110119 100 03 15561 NWBOCA 2010 MEMBERSHIP RENEAWAL 11/16/09 0 110909 50.00 100.03.5410 0911 110909 GLJ9379 50.00 110909 9110123 100 01 17005 PACE 13837 LOCAL SHARE DIAL A RIDE 11/16/09 0 110909 6,745.63 100.01.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 6745.63 110909 9110447 100 41 1 PADDOCK, TIFFANY FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 50.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.00 111009 9110124 100 22 17141 PECHOUS, ROGER CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 46.47 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 46.47 110909 9110448 100 41 1 PETERSON, DEAN FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 50.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.00 111009 9110125 100 01 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748590 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 24.56 0911 110909 GLJ9381 24.56 110909 9110126 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748026 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 39.98 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.03.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 39.98 110909 9110127 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8745578 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 175.43 100.03.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 175.43 110909 9110128 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8745583 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 2,116.24 100.22.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 2116.24 110909 9110129 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8742342 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 2,009.95 100.22.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 2009.95 110909 9110130 100 XXKXX 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8742341 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 905.14 100.33.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 847.55 110909 100.01.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 57.59 110909 9110131 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8745582 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 950.01 100.33.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 950.01 110909 9110132 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748593 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 41.93 100.45.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 41.93 110909 9110133 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8745581 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 362.07 100.45.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 362.07 110909 9110134 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8745580 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 249.25 510.31.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 249.25 110909 9110135 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8748028 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 43.12 510.31.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 43.12 110909 9110136 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8745579 VEHICLE FUEL 11/16/09 0 110909 318.16 510.32.6250 0911 110909 GLJ9381 318.16 110909 9110137 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8749835 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 226.50 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 226.50 110909 9110138 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8747646 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 181.50 510.32,6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 181.50 110909 9110139 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18785 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 246.99 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 246.99 110909 9110140 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18801 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 183.97 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 183.97 110909 9110141 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18750 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 207.00 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 207.00 110909 9110142 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18739 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 165.00 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 165.00 110909 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110143 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18800 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 221.99 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 221.99 110909 9110144 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18803 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 124.00 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 124.00 110909 9110145 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18741 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 299.99 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 299.99 110909 9110146 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18740 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 165.00 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 165.00 110909 9110147 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18804 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 389.00 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 389.00 110909 9110148 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18751 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 81.99 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 81.99 110909 9110149 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18725 TRAFFIC TICKETS 11/16/09 0 110909 405.45 100.22.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 405.45 110909 9110150 100 41 1 PITTMAN, ERIN CHECK RE-ISSUE/PK PRGRM REFUND 11/16/09 0 110909 15.00 #740245 DATED 6/15/09 100.41.3636 0911 110909 GLJ9381 15.00 110909 9110449 100 41 1 POLERECKY, ROSS FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 50.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.00 111009 9110450 100 33 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-087761 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 111009 67.44 100.33.5370 0911 111009 GLJ9386 67.44 111009 9110151 100 22 17642 PRESSING MATTERS LTD 14359 CHARACTER COUNTS PLEDGE CARDS 11/16/09 0 110909 203.78 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 203.78 110909 100-CHARACTER 9110152 510 31 17656 PROSAFETY INC 2/643940 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 300.00 510.31.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 300.00 110909 9110153 510 31 17656 PROSAFETY INC 2/644600 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 11/16/09 0 110909 81.00 510.31.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 81.00 110909 9110154 100 22 19015 RADICOM INC 95763 DISPATCH HEADSET REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 110909 50.00 100.22.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9381 50.00 110909 9110451 100 33 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 2173 MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 111009 174.93 100.33.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 174.93 111009 9110452 510 31 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 2173 MATERIALS 11/16/09 0 111009 271.69 510.31.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 271.69 111009 9110155 610 00 19175 REX AUTO BODY 5927 VEHICLE REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 110909 2,438.48 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 610.00.5980 0911 110909 GLJ9381 2438.48 110909 9110156 610 00 19175 REX AUTO BODY 5894 VEHICLE REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 110909 1,596.12 610.00.5980 0911 110909 GLJ9381 1596.12 110909 9110157 l00 46 19281 RICCI, DONNA PROGRAM SUPPLIES REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 21.42 100.46.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 21.42 110909 9110453 XXXXX XXXXX 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP OCT 2009 FOOD FOR MEETINGS 11/16/09 0 111009 83.66 100.02.6940 0911 111009 GLJ9386 49.44 111009 610.00.6940 0911 111009 GLJ9386 34.22 111009 9110158 100 46 19764 RUSHING, RHONDA 110309FFMBPARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/16/09 0 110909 175.00 KNITTING 100.46.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 175.00 110909 §110168 100 41 1 SALGADO, ANTHONY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 11/16/09 0 110909 59.00 100.41.3636 0911 110909 GLJ9381 59.00 110909 9110169 100 33 20013 SANDOZ, CHRISTOPHER CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 112.34 100.33.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 112.34 110909 9110170 100 41 1 SCHNEIDER, EMILY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 11/16/09 0 110909 41.00 100.41.3636 0911 110909 GLJ9381 41.00 110909 9110171 100 46 20095 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS PEST CONTROL SERVICES 11/16/09 0 110909 135.15 100.46.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 135.15 110909 9110172 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 63581 LEGEND LAKES NH#1 11/16/09 0 110909 1,157.50 740.00.5220 0911 110909 GLJ9381 1157.50 110909 9110173 740 00 20430 SEC GROUP INC 63582 LEGEND LAKES NH#6-8 11/16/09 0 110909 1,077.50 740.00.5220 0911 110909 GLJ9381 1077.50 110909 9110174 100 01 20430 SEC GROUP INC 63603 GENERAL CONSULTATION 11/16/09 0 110909 260.00 100.01.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 260.00 110909 9110454 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 63601 WATER TOWER #2 11/16/09 0 111009 390.00 580.31.8500 80108 0911 111009 GLJ9386 PROJ# 580-ELVTK02 390.00 111009 390.00 580-ELVTK02 9110455 580 32 20430 SEC GROUP INC 63606 SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 11/16/09 0 111009 18,564.97 580.32.8500 0911 111009 GLJ9386 18564.97 111009 580-SWWTP 9110456 580 31 20430 SEC GROUP INC 63608 EAST SIDE WATER MAIN EXTENSION 11/16/09 0 111009 6,787.50 580.31.8500 0911 111009 GLJ9386 6787.50 111009 560-RT120WATE 9110457 100 XXXXX 20668 SHAW SUBURBAN MEDIA OCT 2009 LEGAL ADVERTISING 11/16/09 0 111009 1,658.18 100.01.6940 0911 111009 GLJ9386 104.90 111009 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100.04.5330 0911 111009 GLJ9386 1553.28 111009 9110175 100 33 20257 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC SS035228 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 381.50 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 381.50 110909 9110458 100 01 20257 SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC SS035227 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 11/16/09 0 111009 180.00 100.01.6110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 180.00 111009 9110459 100 02 20582 SPRINT 523579813 CELL PHONE USAGE 11/16/09 0 111009 116.89 100.02.5320 0911 111009 GLJ9386 116.89 111009 9110176 100 41 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 266004COPIER METER READING 11/16/09 0 110909 92.34 100.41.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 92.34 110909 9110177 100 41 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 265707ANNUAL COPIER MAINTENANCE 11/16/09 0 110909 375.00 LLPCC 100.41.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 375.00 110909 9110178 100 03 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 266015COPIER METER READING 11/16/09 0 110909 36.35 100.03.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 36.35 110909 9110460 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 266451INTERNET SERVICES 11/16/09 0 111009 179.00 620.00.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 179.00 111009 9110179 XXXXX XXXXX 20711 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 8013812416OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 341.68 100.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 1958.74CR 110909 100.03.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 123.49 110909 100.02.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 20.53 110909 100.04.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 343.21 110909 100.22.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 257.23 110909 100.41.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 122.90 110909 620.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 41 379.67 110909 620.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 22 453.00 110909 620.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 03 139.71 110909 620.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 01 119.00 110909 100.00.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 158.18 110909 100.01.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 20.75 110909 100.02.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 25.70 110909 100.30.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 48.28 110909 100.33.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 60.01 110909 100.41.6210 0911 110909 GLJ9381 28.76 110909 9110461 100 41 1 STUART, JIMMY FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 75.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 75.00 111009 9110180 100 22 20888 SYMBOLARTS 119199NEW HIRE BADGES 11/16/09 O 110909 450.00 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 450.00 110909 9110181 100 22 20888 SYMBOLARTS 119374NEW HIRE BADGES 11/16/09 0 110909 720.00 100.22.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 720.00 110909 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 14 J LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9110121 100 33 15671 TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 6101613 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 92.63 100.33.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9379 92.63 110909 9110167 100 33 21639 TRIEBOLD IMPLEMENT INC 319444MOWER PARTS 11/16/09 0 110909 37.72 100.33.5370 0911 110909 GLJ9381 37.72 110909 9110164 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 194577CHEMICALS 11/16/09 0 110909 8,902.78 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 8902.78 110909 9110165 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 195071CHEMICALS 11/16/09 O 110909 1,767.10 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 1767.10 110909 9110166 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 195109CYLINDER DEPOSITS 11/16/09 0 110909 1,210.00- 510.32.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 1210.000R 110909 9110162 100 22 24017 WALAT, HOLLY CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 11/16/09 0 110909 112.34 100.22.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 112.34 110909 9110462 510 32 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 1571022902SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 11/16/09 0 111009 5,557.22 510.32,5580 0911 111009 GLJ9386 5557.22 111009 9110463 510 32 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 1574222905SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 11/16/09 0 111009 8,526.98 510.32.5580 0911 111009 GLJ9386 8526.98 111009 9110163 510 31 24151 WELCH BROS INC 1344261 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 957.96 510.31.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 957.96 110909 9110464 100 41 1 WERDERITCH, CHRISTINA FALL COED SOFTBALL 11/16/09 0 111009 50.00 100.41.3637 0911 111009 GLJ9386 50.00 111009 9110465 100 01 24294 WILLIAMS ELECTRIC SERVIC 3562 EXTERIOR LIGHTING REPAIRS 11/16/09 0 111009 112.50 100.01.5110 0911 111009 GLJ9386 112.50 111009 9110161 100 46 27010 ZAHN, DAN 11/3/09 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 11/16/09 0 110909 462.00 GUITAR LESSONS 100.46.5110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 462.00 110909 9110160 100 33 27146 ZEP SALES & SERVICE 30402078 SUPPLIES 11/16/09 0 110909 369.68 100.33.6110 0911 110909 GLJ9381 369.68 110909 9110159 100 33 27295 ZIMMERMAN, BOB UNIFORMS CHECK RE-ISSUE 11/16/09 0 110909 54.55 #739049 DATED 2/9/09 100.33.4510 0911 110909 GLJ9381 54.55 110909 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 236,099.54 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 79,686.22 485.00 DATE 11/10/2009 02:44 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 11/16/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 260 ANNEXATION FUND 17,796.00 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 1,179.60 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 98,469.90 580 UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 25,742.47 390.00 610 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 4,098.22 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 1,651.91 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 7,475.22 ` " 236,099.54 875.00 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson,Assistant City Administrator FOR: November 16,2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Updates to the Revenue Policy and Fee Structure for Parks and Recreation Department . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: To adopt the attached fee structure for the Parks and Recreation Department and to make associated revision to Chapter 16 of the city of McHenry municipal code. Background. An updated fee structure was presented to the Parks and Recreation Committee on October 14, 2009 for discussion. The fee structure is part of the Revenue Policy which states an annual review should be conducted. No changes were proposed to the Revenue Policy but the committee recommended a few changes to the fee structure for 2010, including an increase in pool pass fees,pool party rentals, beach boat rentals and picnic rentals. All other fees remain the same as they were in 2009 including daily admissions for Knox Park Pool, Petersen Park Beach and McHenry Zone Skate & Bike Park, and rental fees for special events and softball,baseball and soccer fields. Attachments: Proposed Fee Schedule Associated Revision to the Municipal Code—Chapter 16 Minutes for the October 14,2009 Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Family and Company Picnic Shelter Rentals PROPOSED #People 2009 2010 Deposit Fee Reservation Fee Reservation Fee (unchanged) Group 25-50 $53.00 $55.00 $25.00 Resident/Non 51-150 $79.00 $83.00 $50.00 Profit 151+ $105.00 $110.00 $75.00 Non-Resident 25-50 $105.00 $110.00 $25.00 51-150 $158.00 $165.00 $50.00 151-250 $210.00 $220.00 $75.00 250+ $263.00 $275.00 $100.00 Company In City Limits $210.00 $220.00 $150.00 Outside Limits $420.00 $440.00 $150.00 Special Events for #People Resident Non-Resident Profit Less than 500 $300.00 $500.00 501-1000 $400.00 $750.00 1001-3000 $500.00 $1,000.00 More than 3000 Negotiated Negotiated Family and Company Field Rentals PROPOSED 2009 2010 Deposit Fee Reservation Fee Reservation Fee (unchanged) Ballfield/ Weekday/Picnics $25.00 unchanged $25.00 Soccer Field Weekend w/Prep $50.00 unchanged $50.00 Lights(2 hrs) $25.00 unchanged Lights(addl hr) $15.00 unchanged Ordinance No MC-09- An Ordinance providing for revision to Chapter 16 of the City of McHenry Municipal Code BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF MCHENRY,McHenry County, Illinois as follows: SECTION 1: That Section 16-48 of Chapter 16 Parks and Recreation of the City of McHenry Municipal Code is hereby repealed and replaced with the following: Sec. 16-48. Charges for park and recreation facilities.(MC-88-445; MC-06-882) (A) Picnic Reservations.The rental fee and deposit for group picnic reservations will be as follows: Rental Fee Deposit Total Family&edding/Non-Profit Organization City Resident: 25-50 people $55.00 $25.00 $80.00 51-150 people $83.00 $50.00 $133.00 151 and over $110.00 $75.00 $185.00 Family/Wedding/Non-Profit Organization Non-City Resident: 25-50 people $110.00 $25.00 $135.00 51-150 people $165.00 $50.00 $215.00 151-250 people $220.00 $75.00 $295.00 250+ $275.00 $100.00 $375.00 Company and Corporation: Located in City of McHenry $220.00 $150.00 $370.00 Located outside City of McHenry $440.00 $150.00 $590.00 (B) Special Event Park Rentals at Petersen Park. The daily rental for the use of Petersen Park for Special Events will be as follows: Special Events For-Profit: Resident Non-Resident Less than 500 people $300.00 $500.00 501-1,000 people $400.00 $750.00 1,001-3,000 people $500.00 $1,000.00 More than 3,000 people Negotiated Negotiated (C) Field Rentals.The daily rental fee and deposit for the use of a baseball, softball,and soccer field by any team that does not participate in organized league play will be as follows: Rental Fee Deposit Total Weekend Picnic Group $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 Weekday Group $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 Weekend with preparation $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 Lights(2 hours) $25.00 $25.00 Lights(each additional hour) $15.00 $15.00 (D) Knox Park Swimming Pool Rentals. Daily and season passes for Knox Park Pool are available for purchase at the Parks and Recreation Department Office. The rental fee for exclusive use of Knox Park Swimming Pool shall be as follows: Rental Fee Total Rental of Entire Pool: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays From 7:15 p.m.until 9:15 p.m. $170.00 $170.00 Includes two lifeguards SECTION 2: If any section,paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof,which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form(which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. Passed and Approved this day of , 2009. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Not Voting: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED: Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk Marc! Geraghty From: Bill Hobson Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 3:20 PM To: Marci Geraghty Subject: FW: Saint Patrick's Day Parade ���---- --- From: phil sweeney [mailto:psweeney@bancgroup.org] Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 5:33 PM To: Bill Hobson Subject: Saint Patricks Day Parade Bill, The McHenry Rotary Club is planning for another St. Patrick's Day Parade.The date will be Sunday, March 14`h at 1pm. The parade route will start at the River Walk bridge near the Old Joey T's and go north on Riverside to Broad Street,west on Broad to Court street, south to Pearl,then east to Park,then north on Park.The parade will end along the east side of Veterans Park. The parade theme will again be "Rotary Salutes Local Volunteers". I'm requesting a parade permit. Please let me know if you need anything from me or if I have to attend the City Council meeting to make this request. Thanks, Phil Sweeney 213 Barnwood Trail McHenry Cell 847-409-7445 1 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, October 14,2009 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: Mr. Curt Pepe, 304 DePaul Court, McHenry IL 60050. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Public Input Mr. Curt Pepe addressed the Committee. He requested information regarding how best to work with the Parks and Recreation Committee and Staff in connection with improvements to the nature trail in Cold Springs Park. Assistant City Administrator Hobson suggested that the topic be addressed on the agenda of a future Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. He advised Mr. Pepe to contact Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel to obtain assistance putting together a proposal for submission to the Committee. Discussion Regarding 2010 Picnic/Facilities Rental Fee Schedule Superintendent of Recreation Witt informed the Committee that pursuant to the Revenue Policy and Fee Structure for the Parks and Recreation Department, adopted by the Council on February 9, 2009, an annual review should be conducted. Superintendent Witt stated that she assembled some statistical sheets providing the Committee with pertinent information regarding a proposed 2010 Fee Schedule. The proposed changes include: • Knox Park Pool—an approximate 5%increase in pool pass fees; • Knox Park Pool—a$5.00 increase for pool parties; • Petersen Park Beach—a$1.00 increase in boat rental hourly rates; • Shelter Rentals — an approximate 4% increase on resident, non-resident and company rental fees. Superintendent Witt noted that the proposed fees are in accordance with the Revenue Policy. The increases at Knox Park Pool are made in an attempt to cover all direct costs for the facility within a two year period. The proposed increases for boat and picnic rentals are for the privilege of exclusive use. Superintendent Witt announced that Staff is recommending all other fees remain as they are in 2009. Those fees include the following • Knox Park Pool—daily admission; Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting October 14, 2009 Page 2 • Petersen Park Beach—daily admission; • McHenry Zone Skate & Bike Park—no fee for daily admission; • Special Event Rentals; • Field Rentals. A brief discussion ensued regarding Staff s proposals, use of the baseball field and the success of adding an additional day for pool parties at Knox Park Pool. Each topic presented was summarized by Superintendent Witt and the merits of each proposal discussed. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded that if concession revenues are included, pool costs are covered. He noted with the proposed rate increase Knox Park Pool would be in good shape. Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that the City has received $6,000, which represents the first payment from the McHenry Baseball Association Boys' League. He noted that $6,000 will be received annually over a 5-year period. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer has received requests from girls' traveling leagues for a home field. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer regarding the hourly cost to run the lights on the baseball fields, Assistant City Administrator Hobson advised he would look into the matter. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer regarding information as to what event fees are traditionally waived, Superintendent Witt assured the Committee the information would be compiled and provided. Following a brief discussion it was determined the shelter rental fees should be increased by 10%rather than 4%. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to adopt the proposed changes for 2010 as suggested by Staff with the following change: • Knox Park Pool—a 5% increase in pool pass fees • Knox Park Pool—a$5.00 increase for pool parties • Petersen Park Beach—a$1.00 increase in boat rental hourly rates • Shelter Rentals — a 10% increase on resident, non-resident and company rental fees. • All other fees will remain the same. Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chris Black,Finance Director FOR: November 16,2009 Regular Council Meeting REc Abatement of Real Estate Taxes for Various Bond Issues Background. Over the years, the City of McHenry has issued a variety of bonds that pledge various funding sources for repayment backed by the full faith and credit of municipality. In pledging the full faith and credit of the municipality, the bond ordinances require the County Clerk to levy property taxes for the debt service required on the bonds unless an abatement of the property tax by the local municipality is approved and filed with the County Clerk. Analysis. In structuring the bonds in this manner,it was the intent of the City to annually abate the taxes provided the primary source of repayment is sufficient to cover the debt service requirement. Historically, the primary source of repayment has been sufficient to cover the debt service and the property tax has been abated. Projections show that revenue sources in the coming year will continue to provide adequate coverage for debt service requirements allowing the abatement of the property tax. Consequently, in order for the County Clerk to abate or reduce the property taxes levied, the City Council will need to approve the attached ordinances authorizing the abatements as follows: 1: GO Bonds(Alternate) Series 2000A $460,912.50 2. GO Bonds (Alternate) Series 2002 $386,775.00 3. GO Bonds(Alternate) Series 2005 $157,885.00 4. GO Bonds(Alternate) Series 2006 $238,705.00 5. GO Bonds(Alternate) Series 2007 $246,395.00 An additional abatement is required on the Special Service Area#IA. As the Council is aware, financing for the signal and intersection improvements at Rt. 31 and Shamrock Lane was structured so that the City would contribute $25,000 toward the debt on an annual basis. The remainder of the debt service is to be provided by property taxes on the property owners in the defined special service area. In order to abide by this financing plan,the City Council will want to abate property taxes for the Special Service Area#lA in the amount of$25,000. Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of the attached ordinances for the abatements as listed. ORDINANCE NO. ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ABATEMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE 2009 TAX LEVY YEAR PURSUANT TO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS,ON OCTOBER 18, 2000, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,500,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, (MOTOR FUEL TAX ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE),SERIES 2000A OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS,an ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry,Illinois on October 18, 2000 providing for the issuance of $3,500,000 General Obligation Bonds (Motor Fuel Tax Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2000A of the City of McHenry, Illinois, prescribing the details of said bonds and providing for collection, segregation,and application of certain motor fuel taxes to pay said bonds;and WHEREAS, the Series 2000A Bonds are payable from, and are secured by a pledge of, the City's distributive share of motor fuel taxes imposed by the State of Illinois;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Supplemental Ordinance a direct tax has been levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year in the amount of$460,912.50 for the payment of the principal and interest due in the year 2010 on the Series 2000A Bonds authorized by said ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City's distributive share of motor fuel taxes imposed by the State of Illinois which have been pledged for the payment of the principal and interest on the Series 2000A Bonds otherwise payable from such levy for the 2009 Tax Levy Year are on deposit in the Series 2000A Debt Service Fund established by Section 12 of the aforesaid Ordinance and it is therefore the determination of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois that the real estate taxed levied for the Tax Levy Year 2009 pursuant to said Ordinance shall be abated. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,as follows: SECTION 1. All real estate taxes authorized to be levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year pursuant to the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on October 18,2000,providing forthe issuance of$3,500,000 General Obligation Bonds,(Motor Fuel Tax Alternate Revenue Source)Series 2000A of the City of McHenry, Illinois, be and they are hereby abated in the amount of 100%thereof. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION S. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16T"day of November, 2009. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ABATEMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE 2009 TAX LEVY YEAR PURSUANT TO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS,ON MAY 20,2002, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF$3,900,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS(ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE),SERIES 2002 OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE EDGEBROOK DRAINAGE AND NORTH INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECTS. WHEREAS,an ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry,Illinois on May 20, 2002 providing for the issuance of$3,900,000 General Obligation Bonds(Alternate Revenue Source),Series 2002 of the City of McHenry, Illinois, for the purpose of financing the Edgebrook Drainage and North Interceptor Sewer Projects;and WHEREAS, the Series 2002 Bonds are payable from, and are secured by a pledge of, the City's distributive share of sales and use taxes imposed by the State of Illinois and derived from transactions at places of business located within the boundaries of the City, including monies paid by the State in replacement of the City's distributive share of such taxes;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the aforesaid Supplemental Ordinance a direct tax has been levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year in the amount of$386,775 for the payment of the principal and interest due in the year 2010 on the Series 2002 Bonds authorized by said ordinance;and WHEREAS,the City's distributive share of sales and use taxes imposed by the State of Illinois and derived from transactions at places of business located within the boundaries of the City which have been pledged for the payment of the principal and interest on the Series 2002 Bonds otherwise payable from such levy for the 2009 Tax Levy Year are on deposit in the Series 2002 Project Fund established by Section 12 of the aforesaid Ordinance and it is therefore the determination of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry,Illinois that the real estate taxed levied for the Tax Levy Year 2009 pursuant to said Ordinance shall be abated. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,as follows: SECTION 1. All real estate taxes authorized to be levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year pursuant to the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on May 20, 2002, providing for the issuance of$3,900,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds,Series 2002 of the City of McHenry,Illinois,for the purpose of financing the Edgebrook Drainage and North Interceptor Sewer Projects; be and they are hereby abated in the amount of 100%thereof. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication,as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16T"day of November, 2009. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ABATEMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE 2009 TAX LEVY YEAR PURSUANT TO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS,ON JULY 11, 200S, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF$2,560,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS SERIES 2005 OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS,FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS(SALES TAX ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE),SERIES 1997A AND A PORTON OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS(ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE),SERIES 2002. WHEREAS,an ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on July 11, 2005 providing for the issuance of$2,560,000 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2005 of the City of McHenry, Illinois,for the purpose of refunding the outstanding General Obligation Bonds(Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source)Series 1997A and a portion of the outstanding General Obligation Bonds(Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2002;and WHEREAS, the Series 2005 Bonds are payable from, and are secured by a pledge of, the City's distributive share of sales and use taxes imposed by the State of Illinois and derived from transactions at places of business located within the boundaries of the City, including monies paid by the State in replacement of the City's distributive share of such taxes;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Supplemental Ordinance a direct tax has been levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year in the amount of$157,885.00 for the payment of the principal and interest due in the year 2010 on the Series 2005 Bonds authorized by said ordinance;and WHEREAS,the City's distributive share of sales and use taxes imposed by the State of Illinois and derived from transactions at places of business located within the boundaries of the City which have been pledged for the payment of the principal and interest on the Series 2005 Bonds otherwise payable from such levy for the 2009 Tax Levy Year are on deposit in the Series 2005 Debt Service Fund established by Section 13 of the aforesaid Ordinance and it is therefore the determination of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry,Illinois that the real estate taxes levied for the Tax Levy Year 2009 pursuant to said Ordinance shall be abated. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,as follows: SECTION 1. All real estate taxes authorized to be levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year pursuant to the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on July 11, 2005, providing for the issuance of$2,560,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds,Series 2005 of the City of McHenry,Illinois,for the purpose of refunding the outstanding General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) Series 1997A and a portion of the outstanding General Obligation Bonds(Alternate Revenue Source),Series 2002, be and they are hereby abated in the amount of 100%thereof. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication,as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16T"day of November, 2009. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ABATEMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE 2009 TAX LEVY YEAR PURSUANT TO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS,ON AUGUST 14, 2006, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,995,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE), SERIES 2006 OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE RIVERWALK PHASE I CONSTRUCTION. WHEREAS,an ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry,Illinois on August 14, 2006 providing for the issuance of$2,995,000 General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2006 of the City of McHenry, Illinois,for the purpose of financing the Riverwalk Phase I Construction; and WHEREAS, the Series 2006 Bonds are payable from, and are secured by a pledge of, the Tax Increment Financing Funds generated by a Tax Increment Financing(TIF)District established forthe purposes of downtown redevelopment;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Supplemental Ordinance a direct tax has been levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year in the amount of$238,705 for the payment of the principal and interest due in the year 2010 on the Series 2006 Bonds authorized by said ordinance;and WHEREAS,the Tax Increment Financing Funds have been pledged for the payment of the principal and interest on the Series 2006 Bonds otherwise payable from such levy for the 2009 Tax Levy Year are on deposit in the Series 2006 Project Fund established by Section 12 of the aforesaid Ordinance and it is therefore the determination of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry,Illinois that the real estate taxed levied for the Tax Levy Year 2009 pursuant to said Ordinance shall be abated. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS,as follows: SECTION 1. All real estate taxes authorized to be levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year pursuant to the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on August 14,2006,providing for the issuance of$2,995,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds,Series 2006 of the City of McHenry,Illinois,for the purpose of financing the Riverwalk Phase I Construction Project; be and they are hereby abated in the amount of 100%thereof. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16TH day of November, 2009. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ABATEMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE 2009 TAX LEVY YEAR PURSUANT TO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS,ON MAY 21,2007, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF$3,275,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS(ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE),SERIES 2007 OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY TO HOUSE THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. WHEREAS,an ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on May 21, 2007 providing for the issuance of$3,275,000 General Obligation Bonds(Alternate Revenue Source),Series 2007 of the City of McHenry, Illinois,for the purpose of financing the purchase of property located at 1415 Industrial Drive to house the Public Works Garage; and WHEREAS, the Series 2007 Bonds are payable from, and are secured by a pledge of, the City's distributive share of sales and use taxes imposed by the State of Illinois and derived from transactions at places of business located within the boundaries of the City, including monies paid by the State in replacement of the City's distributive share of such taxes;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid Supplemental Ordinance a direct tax has been levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year in the amount of$246,395 for the payment of the principal and interest due in the year 2010 on the Series 2007 Bonds authorized by said ordinance;and WHEREAS,the City's distributive share of sales and use taxes imposed by the State of Illinois and derived from transactions at places of business located within the boundaries of the City which have been pledged for the payment of the principal and interest on the Series 2007 Bonds otherwise payable from such levy for the 2009 Tax Levy Year are on deposit in the Series 2007 Debt Service Fund established by Section 13 of the aforesaid Ordinance and it is therefore the determination of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry,Illinois,that the real estate taxes levied for the Tax Levy Year 2009 pursuant to said Ordinance shall be abated. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,as follows: SECTION 1. All real estate taxes authorized to be levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year pursuant to the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on May 21, 2007, providing for the issuance of$3,275,000 General Obligation Bonds,Series 2007 of the City of McHenry,Illinois,for the purpose of financing the purchase of the property located at 1415 Industrial Drive to house the Public Works Garage; be and they are hereby abated in the amount of 100%thereof. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16T"day of November,2009. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTI NG: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.ORD-09- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AN ABATEMENT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES LEVIED FOR THE 2009 TAX LEVY YEAR PURSUANT TO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,ILLINOIS,ON DECEMBER 13,1999,AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF SPECIAL SERVICE AREA#1A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERWRITING THE COST OF INSTALLING TRAFFIC LANE IMPROVEMENTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION ATTHE INTERSECTION OF SHAMROCK LANEAND ILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31. WHEREAS, an ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois on December 13, 1999 Authorizing the Creation of Special Service Area#1A in the City of McHenry, Illinois for the purpose of defraying the cost of installing traffic lane improvements and traffic signalization at the intersection of Shamrock Lane and Illinois State Route 31 for the City of McHenry, McHenry, Illinois. WHEREAS, it has hereby been estimated that the cost of providing the services identified in the ordinance will not be more than $800,000; WHEREAS,it is in the public interest that bonds in an amount not-to-exceed$800,000 be issued for the purpose of paying the cost of providing the services identified in the ordinance establishing Special Service Area#1A; and WHEREAS,the bonds shall be retired by the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds and to discharge the principal thereof at maturity;and WHEREAS,the City of McHenry has agreed to pay its fair share of the annual debt service cost on these bonds and it has been determined the City's annual public benefit portion for the debt service cost to be$25,000. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY,MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,as follows: SECTION 1. All real estate taxes authorized to be levied for the 2009 Tax Levy Year pursuant to the ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of McHenry,Illinois on December 13,1999,authorizing and providing for the creation of a Special Service Area #1A in the City of McHenry, Illinois, be and they are hereby abated in the amount of$25,000. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Offices of the Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois after the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof be and the same hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the Corporate Authorities of the City of McHenry, Illinois. SECTION S. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this 16..day of November, 2009. AYES: NAYS: NOT VOTING: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk MAYOR'S REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Mayor Susan E. Low FOR: November 16, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Committee Assignments for Remainder of the 2009/10 Fiscal Year Prior to his resignation as Ward 4 Alderman, Steve Murgatroyd was the Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee as well as a member of the Public Works Committee. With the appointment of Geoff Blake to fulfill the remaining term of 4 h Ward Alderman, I am recommending the assignment of Alderman Blake to the Finance and Personnel and the Public Works Committees in addition to the appointment of Alderman Schaefer as the Chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me prior to the meeting if you have any comments or concerns regarding these modifications. EXECUTIVE SESSION TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Doug Maxeiner,City Administrator FOR: November 17, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Employment Agreement—City Administrator At the August 4, 2008 City Council meeting, the City Council discussed a renewal of my City Administrator's Employment Agreement. The original agreement- a simple two page document that had no expiration date-has not been amended or renewed since my appointment to the position in November of 2002. At the August meeting, it was discussed that several sources have suggested that the employment agreement may no longer be valid if the term extends beyond that of the Mayor. In addition,there were some areas of omission in the prior agreement that needed to be addressed. The City Council had questions about the term of the revised agreement that have been addressed in the current version. The term of the agreement is retroactive to May 1, 2008 with an expiration of April 30, 2009. There is no provision for the automatic extension of the agreement. Please review the proposed agreement for discussion and consideration Monday evening. After the discussion in closed session, the City Council will need to vote on the item in open session before the agreement is valid. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT This Employment Agreement("Agreement") is made and entered into this day of , 2008,by and between the City of McHenry("Employer") and Douglas K. Maxeiner("Employee"). Recitals A. Employer desires to continue to employ the services of Employee as City Administrator; and B. The terms of this Agreement supersedes in its entirety, the terms of a certain written agreement with the Employee dated September 16, 2002; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. Duties. Employer hereby continues to employ Employee as City Administrator of said Employer to perform functions and duties specified in said McHenry City Code and to perform other duties and functions as its City Council shall from time to time assign. 2. Term. This Agreement shall remain in effect from , 2008 until April 30, 2009 unless terminated earlier by the Employer or Employee. The parties hereto understand that this Agreement must terminate by law on April 30, 2009, however,both parties have every intention of renewing this Agreement thereafter. 3. Termination and Severance Pay. As provided herein, either party hereto may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason or no reason at all it being acknowledged that Employee is an at will employee of Employer. . a. In the event the Employer terminates Employee's employment, Employee shall be paid as severance, continued semi-monthly payments for six months thereafter in an amount equal to Employee's then semi-monthly salary prior to separation, less employment taxes usually withheld. During the severance period, the Employee and his dependents shall also remain in the group health plan(medical, dental, vision and wellness) and continue receiving the life insurance benefits provided to the Employee prior to separation. Employee's rights under C.O.B.R.A. shall commence at the end of said six month severance period. In the event Employee is terminated because of an action deemed by a court of law to constitute any illegal act related to his duties hereunder, Employer shall have no obligation to pay the aggregate severance sum designated in this paragraph. Upon the City Council's determination that grounds for such an illegal act exist, all severance payments may be withheld until a court of law enters an order directing payment to be made hereunder. In addition, in the event Employee obtains employment by another employer while receiving severance payments hereunder, all severance benefits shall terminate upon said reemployment of Employee and it shall be the duty of Employee to notify Employer immediately of the commencement of employment of Employee following separation from Employer. b. The following events shall be deemed, at Employee's option, to be Employer's termination of this Agreement thereby activating the severance payment obligations of Employer: 1) Upon Employer reducing the salary or other financial benefits of Employee in a greater percentage than applicable across-the-board reduction for all employees of Employer; 2) Employer's wrongful refusal to comply with any payment obligations of Employer herein; 3) Employee resigns following instructions or suggestions by the City Council that he resign, which instruction or suggestion is documented by the minutes of a City Council meeting, in that event; or 4) Upon the City Council determining that Employee is permanently disabled or otherwise 2 unable to perform his duties because of sickness, accident, injury,mental incapacity or health for a period of four successive weeks beyond any accrued sick leave. C. In the event Employee voluntarily resigns from the City Administrator position, he shall be entitled to no severance benefits. 4. Sa ar . a. Employer shall pay Employee for his services rendered pursuant hereto an annual salary of$123,393 (Grade 29, Step 10 in the City's Compensation Plan), payable in installments at the same time as the other employees of the Employer are paid. b. This Agreement shall be deemed to automatically be amended to reflect any future salary and/or benefit adjustments that are provided or required by the Employer's Compensation Plan. C. Employer shall review compensation and adjust salary and/or benefits of Employee in such amounts and to such extent as the City Council may annually determine based on a salary review of said Employee. 5. Performance Evaluation. a. The City Council shall review and evaluate the performance of the Employee at least once annually. Said review and evaluation shall be in accordance with specific criteria developed jointly by Employer and Employee. Said criteria may be added to or deleted from as the City Council may from time to time determine in consultation with the Employee. Further, the Mayor shall provide the Employee with a summary written statement of the findings of the City Council and provide an adequate opportunity for the Employee to discuss his evaluation with the City Council. 3 b. The City Council and Employee shall define such goals and performance objectives that they determine necessary for the proper operation of the City of McHenry and in the attainment of the City Council's policy objectives and shall further establish a relative priority among those various goals and objectives, said goals and objectives to be reduced to writing. They shall generally be attainable within the time limitations as specified and the annual operating and capital budgets and appropriations provided. 6. Hours of Work. It is recognized that Employee must devote a great deal of time outside the normal office hours to business of the Employer, and to that end Employee will be allowed to take compensatory time off as he shall deem appropriate during said normal office hours. 7. Outside Activities. Employee may work in a compensated position teaching or consulting position outside of the Employer so long as the City Council is made aware of such additional activities and the additional activity does not interfere with Employee's job performance for the Employer. 8. Residency Requirements. Employee shall not be required to live within the corporate boundaries of the City of McHenry. However, Employee shall live within a reasonable distance of the corporate boundaries to be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and Employee. 9. Automobile. Employee shall provide, maintain, repair and insure a vehicle for his official use while performing City business at his own expense, for which he shall receive a monthly car allowance of$400, payable with the first paycheck of each month. 10. Vacation and Sick Leave. A. Employee shall accrue 20 days of vacation leave and four days of personal leave annually. Vacation time shall be posted to the Employee's account on his anniversary date(November l Vh). Accrued personal time shall be posted to 4 Employee's account in a manner consistent with the other employees of the Employer. Employee's sick time shall accrue and be credited to his account at the same rate and in the same manner generally as other employees of the Employer. 11. Health and Life Insurance. a. Employer shall pay 100% of the premiums for health, dental, and vision insurance for the Employee and provide a contribution for Employee's dependents in the same manner generally provided to other employees. b. Employer shall purchase and pay the required premiums on a$100,000 term life insurance policy with the beneficiary named by Employee to receive the benefits paid. This policy shall be in effect for the duration of the time the Employee is employed by the Employer. 12. Dues, Subscriptions and Professional Development. Employer shall budget for and to pay for: a. professional dues, subscriptions and professional development costs for his continued full participation in the Credentialed Manager program; b. travel and subsistence expenses of Employee for professional and official travel, meetings, and occasions adequate to continue the professional development of Employee and to adequately pursue necessary official functions for Employer, including but not limited to the ICMA Annual Conference, the ILCMA Annual Conference, and such other national, regional, state, and local governmental groups and committees thereof which Employee serves as a member; 5 C. travel and subsistence expenses of Employee for short courses, institutes, and seminars that are necessary for his/her professional development and for the good of the Employer; and d. up to two memberships plus expenses incurred by Employee of such local civic clubs or organizations chosen by Employee 13. Indemnification. Employer shall defend, save harmless, and indemnify Employee as provided by any City ordinance or any Illinois law and against any lawsuit, claim, demand or other legal action arising out of an alleged act or omission in the performance of Employee's duties as City Administrator. 14. Bonding. a. Employer shall pay the full cost of any fidelity or other bonds required of the Employee under any law or ordinance. b. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs at law and executors of Employee. C. This Agreement shall apply retroactive to May 1, 2008. EMPLOYER: EMPLOYEE: By Susan E. Low, Mayor Douglas K. Maxeiner Z:\M\McHenryCityof\EmployeeAgmt2008.Maxeiner.doc 6 CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: November 16, 2009, Regular City Council Meeting RE: St. Patrick's Day Parade RECOMMENDATION: To authorize the intermittent closure of Riverside Drive from its southern terminus and portions of Broad Street between Riverside Drive and Park Street on Sunday, March 141h from 1:00 PM to 1 :30 PM for the McHenry Rotary Club St. Patrick's Day Parade. The city received a request from the McHenry Rotary Club for permission to hold the second annual St. Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday, March 141h at 1 :00 PM. The proposed parade route is identical to last year. The parade will be staged near the Riverwalk bridge on Riverside Drive and proceed north to Broad Street following a course around and concluding at Veterans Memorial Park.