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Packet - 12/14/2009 - City Council
City of MCHenry � 333 South Green Street 3_ www.ci.mchenry.il.us McHenry, Illinois 60050-5495 -,r AGENDA ayor's Office 815 May 363-21 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Fax (815) 363-2119 Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:30 PM Clerk's Office (815)363-2100 1. Call to Order Fax(815)363-2128 Administration 2. Roll Call (815)363-2108 Fax(815)363-2119 3. Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation Public Works 4. Consent Agenda: Community A. December 7, 2009 City Council meeting minutes Development (815)363-2170 B. List of Bills Fax(815)363-2173 5. Request from Outlaws of McHenry County Baseball Organization for temporary Parks and Recreation advertising signs and waiver of associated fees (815)363-2160 Fax(815)363-3186 6. Amendment to the Development Agreement with Curtis Commercial for the Police Non-Emergency development of 1110 North Green Street (815)363-2200 Fax(815)363-2149 7. Mayor Statement and Reports Mayor B. Committee Reports Susan E.Low 9. Staff Reports City Clerk Janice C.Jones 10. Future Agenda Items Treasurer David M.Welter 1 1. Executive Session: Collective Bargaining Aldermen 12. Action on matters discussed in Executive Session WARD I Victor A. Santi 13. Adjournment WARD 2 Posted: December 9, 2009 Andrew A.Glab WARD 3 Jeffrey A. Schaefer WARD 4 Steven C.Murgatroyd WARD 5 Richard W.Winner WARD 6 Robert J.Peterson WARD Geri A.Condon CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the December 14, 2009, City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. December 7, 2009 City Council meeting minutes B. List of Bills REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 7, 2009 Mayor Low called the regularly scheduled December 7, 2009 meeting of the McHenry City Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were the following Aldermen: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. Also in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Deputy City Administrator Martin, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Construction Neighborhood Services Director Schwalenberg, Public Works Director Schmitt, Finance Director Black, Parks and Recreation Director Merkel, Chief of Police Brogan, City Engineer Gary Rozwadowski. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF CITY OF MCHENRY 2009 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE Mayor Low opened the Public Hearing for consideration of the City's 2009 Tax Levy at 7:28 p.m. Finance Director Black stated Council passed a resolution at its November 2, 2009 regularly scheduled meeting establishing the Public Hearing for consideration of the 2009 Tax Levy as December 7, 2009. Upon Council approval the signed ordinance providing for the 2009 Tax Levy must be filed with the County Clerk by the last Tuesday in December. Director Black noted the proposed 2009 Tax Levy is in the amount of $4,618,466. It is Staffs recommendation to approve the tax levy as presented. Mayor Low inquired if there was anyone present who wished to address Council regarding the proposed tax levy. There was no one. In response to the Mayor's inquiry, City Clerk Jones stated there had been no written or oral comments received in the Clerk's Office regarding the tax levy. Motion by Santi, seconded by Wimmer,to close the Public Hearing at 7:29 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. APPROVE ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 2009 TAX LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF S4,618.466 Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staff's recommendation to approve an ordinance providing for the 2009 Tax Levy in the amount of$4,618,466. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Page 2 December 7,2009 PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Joyce Story of 1617 Leonard Avenue addressed Council regarding video gambling. Ms. Story suggested it is important to ban video gambling in the municipality and not just outside the City limits as accomplished by recent action of the McHenry County Board. She stated she is against video gambling because it is an addiction and she believes it is important that the City address this matter as soon as possible. Ms. Story further stated video gaming is harmful to individuals and families. She provided Council with copies of the recently approved County ordinance which prohibits video gaming in the unincorporated areas of McHenry County. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Ordinance amending Municipal Code under Home Rule Powers of the City of McHenry; B. City Council Minutes: November 30,2009 regularly scheduled meeting; C. List of As-Needed Checks: BANKCARD SERVICES 1,617.86 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD O 119,048.04 FBI NAA 50.00 FIRST NAT'L BANK OF MCH 1,700,000.00 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 1,841.40 ROUTE 66 HOTEL & CONFERE 27.52 SAM'S CLUB 684.90 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 64.32 UNUM 1,482.72 GRAND TOTALS 1,824,816.76 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 1,705,724.95 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 119,048.04 RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 43.77 TOTALS 1,824,816.76 D. List of Bills: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 96.89 ANELLI, MAUREEN 116.50 APCO INTERNATIONAL INC 69.00 AQUAPREP 5,544.00 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 609.38 BECKER, CASSANDRA L 38.75 COMED 51,010.54 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY 27,349.41 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 3,722.78 EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS 4,975.00 FIREGUARD OF ILLINOIS IN 950.00 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 20.40 GOTT, LISA M 62.00 GROVE, KELLY 341.25 HOUFF COMPANY, THE ROY 648.95 ICSC 100.00 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTE 74.97 JOHNSBURG BOWL INC 353.33 KIMBALL MIDWEST 123.57 MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OF 6,800.00 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF 42.00 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL O 192.00 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 250.00 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY 250.00 MCHENRY SCHOOLS TRANSPOR 395.88 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 71.58 Page 3 December 7,2009 MIDCO 267.50 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 1,486.64 NICOR GAS 291.30 ONE ZERO CHARLIE 3,142.50 PETROLIANCE LLC 4,132.02 PETROW, STEPHANIE S 150.00 RELIABLE MAINTENANCE COR 1,100.00 SECTION 8 DOORS & HARDWA 30.00 ST PAULS EPISCOPAL CHURC 381.60 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA 565.23 STULL, RICH 31.32 VALLEY VIEW ACRES 170.00 WIRCH, STEVE 72.72 GRAND TOTALS 116,029.01 FUND TOTALS GENERAL FUND 69,219.22 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 950.00 WATER/SEWER FUND 42,130.79 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 3,729.00 TOTALS 116,029.01 Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. COMPLETION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR LEGEND LAKES SUBDIVISION: 1. APPROVE ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT DOCUMENT PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION OVERSIGHT WITH SEC GROUP IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED 554.340: 2. AUTHORIZE STAFF TO WAIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND TO SEEK REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FROM A LIST OF QUALIFIED CONTRACTORS TO CONSTRUCT THE UNFINISHED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SUBDIVISION City Administrator Maxeiner stated on September 21, 2009 the City Council accepted a proposal from Arch Insurance to fund the remaining public improvements in the Legend Lakes Subdivision. The proposal provided an unrestricted cash payment of $1.0 million to the City in exchange for the release of Arch Insurance from any future obligations to complete the public improvements in the subdivision. City Administrator Maxeiner stated SEC Group has submitted an engineering services agreement for project document preparation to prepare requests for proposals to complete the public improvements in Legend Lakes Subdivision. The scope of the work includes contract plans and contract recommendations as well as assisting Staff with limited construction management services. City Staff will be responsible for performing mark outs, verification of quantities and quality control. City Administrator Maxeiner noted the requests for proposals will be divided into four categories: 1) lot grading/restoration and erosion control; 2) sidewalk, curb, and driveway apron repair; 3) roadway repair and resurfacing; and 4) shotcrete curb and gutter repair. Page 4 December 7,2009 City Administrator Maxeiner stated Staff is also seeking authorization to waive the bidding process and request proposals for the four categories of the project. City Administrator Maxeiner noted SEC Group was represented this evening by Chad Pieper, the City's primary contact moving forward, and Gary Rozwadowski. The gentlemen were available to respond to any questions of Council. Alderman Condon stated she is glad to see the City is moving forward to get this project completed. Aldermen Santi and Blake concurred. Alderman Peterson inquired approximately how many firms would be listed in each of the four categories and which would ultimately provide the City with proposals. City Administrator Maxeiner responded proposals will be sought from approximately 5 firms in each category. Motion by Condon, seconded by Blake, to accept Staff's recommendation as follows with regard to the completion of public improvements for Legend Lakes Subdivision: 1. Approve Engineering Services Agreement for project document preparation and construction oversight with SEC Group in an amount not-to-exceed $54,340; 2. Authorize Staff to waive bidding requirements and to seek requests for proposals from a list of qualified contractors to construct the unfinished public improvements in the subdivision. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT There was no Mayor Statement or Report. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS There were no Staff Reports. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Alderman Glab inquired if the City has any control over video poker/gaming. City Administrator Maxeiner responded he believes they are prohibited if no licensing is provided. Page 5 December 7,2009 ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Santi,to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Blake, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. Mayor City Clerk DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETINO 12/14/09 CLAIM ►{ FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY $ LAC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE '------------------------------------------------------- ---------- 9120123 100 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S NOV 2009 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 1,889.45 100.01.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 950.43 120809 100.33.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 65.68 120809 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 255.68 120809 100.45.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 112.46 120809 100.45.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 505.20 120809 9120124 510 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S NOV 2009 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 363.45 510.31.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 291.52 120809 510.32.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 71.93 120809 9120125 100 45 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 287040SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 40.83 100.45.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 40.83 120809 9120428 100 45 1450 AT&T 8153442792PETERSEN PARK ELECTRONIC SI 12/14/09 0 120909 26.93 100.45.5320 0912 120909 GLJ9530 26.93 120909 9120126 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 212768TIRES 12/14/09 0 120809 428.00 100.22.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 428.00 120809 9120127 100 22 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 212991TIRES 12/14/09 0 120809 211.25 100.22.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 211.25 120809 9120133 100 33 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 147394PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE LUST 12/14/09 0 120809 583.00 100.33.8900 20392 0912 120809 GLJ9522 583.00 120809 583.00 100-PWLUST 9120128 100 33 2006 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 19912MB RECYCLED SURFACE CHARGE 12/14/09 0 120809 101.66 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 101.66 120809 9120129 740 00 2035 BAXTER & WOODMAN 147392MORGAN HILL SUBDIVISION 12/14/09 0 120809 1,117.10 740.00.5220 0912 120809 GLJ9522 1117.10 120809 9120429 510 31 2149 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 124084SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 486.48 510.31.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9530 486.48 120909 9120130 510 32 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 48418OVEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 12/14/09 0 120809 15.50 510.32.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 15.50 120809 9120131 510 32 2550 BOTTS WELDING & TRUCK SE 48383OVEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 12/14/09 0 120809 23.00 510.32.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 23.00 120809 9120132 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 34768 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 282.82 100.22.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 282.82 120809 9120134 760 00 3006 CAPITAL GAINS INCORPORAT 1572 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES 12/14/09 0 120809 4,335.00 760.00.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 4335.00 120809 9120430 100 22 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR NOV 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120909 453.62 100.22.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9530 453.62 120909 DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9120431 510 32 3015 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STOR NOV 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120909 123.31 510.32.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 123.31 120909 9120135 620 00 3134 CDS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 478446EQUIPMENT 12/14/09 0 120809 275.00 620.00.6270 0912 120809 GLJ9522 275.00 120809 9120136 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC QXX0857 SOFTWARE UPGRADE 12/14/09 0 120809 20.00 620.00.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 20.00 120809 9120137 620 00 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC QZJ4561 SOFTWARE UPGRADES 12/14/09 0 120809 270.00 620.00.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 270.00 120809 9120138 100 01 3157 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL ME 77039 MEDICAL SERVICES 12/14/09 0 120809 62.72 100.01.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 62.72 120809 9120159 100 22 3246 CHICAGO ARMY NAVY SUPPY 10255 SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 168.75 100.22.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 168.75 120809 9120139 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111113851 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 128.03 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 128.03 120809 9120140 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111113000 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 235.06 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 235.06 120809 9120141 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111112902 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 266.28 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 266.28 120809 9120142 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111112621 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 1,724.25 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 1724.25 120809 9120143 100 33 6635 CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL TR 111113738 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 284.16 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 284.16 120809 9120144 100 01 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 115.33 100.01.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 115.33 120809 9120145 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 138.56 100.33.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 138.56 120809 9120146 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 204.96 510.32.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 204.96 120809 9120147 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 209.36 510.32.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 209.36 120809 9120148 100 01 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01002 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 186.00 100.01.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 186.00 120809 9120149 100 33 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-01000 FLOOR MAT RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 11.68 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 11.68 120809 DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LAC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- 9120150 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00992 SOAP & FLOOR MAT RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 39.72 510.32.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 39.72 120809 9120151 510 32 3285 CINTAS CORPORATION #355 355-00999 SOAP & FLOOR MAT RENTALS 12/14/09 0 120809 86.76 510.32.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 86.76 120809 9120152 620 00 3509 COMCAST CABLE 12/4-1/3 HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE 12/14/09 0 120809 74.90 620.00.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 74.90 120809 9120432 510 32 3531 COMED 939117085 UTILITIES 12/14/09 0 120909 108.28 510.32.5510 0912 120909 GLJ9532 108.28 120909 9120153 620 00 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T1015955 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 12/14/09 0 120809 115.00 620.00.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 115.00 120809 9120154 100 33 3537 CONCRETE SOLUTIONS 15147 SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 233.69 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 233.69 120809 9120433 510 XXXXX 3565 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY NOV 2009 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 12/14/09 0 120909 14,281.97 510.31.5510 0912 120909 GLJ9532 3870.16 120909 510.32.5510 0912 120909 GLJ9532 10411.81 120909 9120155 100 01 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-147859ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 11.95 100.01.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 11.95 120809 9120156 100 45 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-147550ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 25.16 100.45.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 25.16 120809 9120157 100 01 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-143569ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 89.12 100.01.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 89.12 120809 9120158 510 31 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-147872ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 7.27 510.31.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 7.27 120809 9120160 100 33 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 72534 BROKEN ASPHALT DUMPING CHARGE 12/14/09 0 120809 - 20.00 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 20.00 120809 9120161 510 31 3742 CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPA 72534 BROKEN ASPHALT DUMPING CHARGE 12/14/09 0 120809 20.00 510.31.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 20.00 120809 9120434 510 32 4637 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTO 1671447 SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 72.93 510.32.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 72.93 120909 9120162 100 01 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 337158CLEANING SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 84.00 100.01.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 84.00 120809 9120163 100 33 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU NOV 2009 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 12/14/09 0 120809 92.00 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 92.00 120809 9120164 100 22 6026 FAMILY TAILOR SHOP 802282EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ALTERATIONS 12/14/09 0 120809 27.00 MCKEEN DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.22.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 27.00 120809 9120165 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH NOV 2009 SQUAD CAR WASHES 12/14/09 0 120809 196.85 100.22.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 196.85 120809 9120166 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 13017 MATERIALS 12/14/09 0 120809 729.75 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 729.75 120809 9120167 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 13036 MATERIALS 12/14/09 0 120809 489.88 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 489.88 120809 9120168 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 13060 MATERIALS 12/14/09 0 120809 538.75 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 538.75 120809 9120169 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 13064 MATERIALS 12/14/09 0 120809 538.75 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 538.75 120809 9120435 100 33 6559 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 36134 GRASS SEED AND STRAW BLANKET 12/14/09 0 120909 121.90 100.33.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 121.90 120909 9120170 100 45 6639 FRIEDLE, JEFFFREY M CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 12/14/09 0 120809 32.33 100.45.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 32.33 120809 9120436 620 00 6780 FUTURE LINK OF ILLINOIS 29772 MOBILE DATA SYSTEM 12/14/09 0 120909 5,435.00 620.00.6270 0912 120909 GLJ9532 5435.00 120909 9120437 100 41 1 GARCIA, CINDY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 12/14/09 0 120909 15.00 100.41.3636 0912 120909 GLJ9532 15.00 120909 9120438 510 32 7151 GENESIS TRUCK PARTS 95936 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120909 51.50 510.32.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 51.50 120909 9120171 100 22 7074 GITZKE, WILLIAM J 11528 2-WAY RADIO REPAIRS 12/14/09 0 120809 188.40 100.22.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9522 188.40 120809 9120172 100 22 8025 HARRIS, JAMES 11/3-5/09 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 12/14/09 0 120809 24.00 100.22.5420 0912 120809 GLJ9522 24.00 120809 9120173 100 46 8533 HOLTZ, CHUCK 12/05/09 SANTA CLAUS FEE 12/14/09 O 120809 40.00 100.46.6920 0912 120809 GLJ9522 40.00 120809 9120174 100 03 9509 ICC 2750543 MEMBERSHIP DUES 12/14/09 O 120809 100.00 100.03.5410 0912 120809 GLJ9522 100.00 120809 9120175 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 396894NEW OFFICER UNIFORMS 12/14/09 0 120809 75.94 100.22.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 75.94 120809 9120176 100 22 11025 KALE UNIFORMS INC 401156NEW OFFICER UNIFORMS 12/14/09 0 120809 140.98 100.22.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 140.98 120809 9120439 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 1300458 SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 190.95 DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100.33.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 202.29 120909 100.33.5370 0912 120909 GL09532 EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 11.34CR 120909 9120177 100 47 11295 KING, LAURA 9/16-10/8 PARK PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 12/14/09 0 120809 85.25 100.47.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9522 85.25 120809 9120178 100 22 11289 KING, LAURA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 12/14/09 0 120809 59.98 100.22.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 59.98 120809 9120179 100 22 11289 KING, LAURA TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 12/14/09 0 120809 7.64 100.22.5420 0912 120809 GLJ9522 7.64 120809 9120180 100 02 11750 KUNZER, KATHLEEN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 12/14/09 0 120809 350.00 100.02.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9522 350.00 120809 9120440 100 22 12143 LEE AUTO MCHENRY NOV 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120909 158.75 100.22.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 158.75 120909 9120181 100 22 1074 LEXISNEXIS 20091130 PHONE PLUS SEARCHES 12/14/09 0 120809 110.00 100.22.5110 0912 120809 GL09523 110.00 120809 9120183 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 23487 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 12/14/09 0 120809 135.00 510.31.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 135.00 120809 9120184 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 23573 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 12/14/09 0 120809 1,820.00 510.31.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 1820.00 120809 9120186 100 XXXXX 14275 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL FALL 2009 PARKS PROGRAM RENTAL SPACE 12/14/09 0 120809 1,283.63 100.46.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 438.38 120809 100.47.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 845.25 120809 9120185 XXXXX XXXXX 14258 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER NOV 2009 RECORDING FEES 12/14/09 0 120809 612.50 100.01.6940 0912 120809 GLJ9523 480.00 120809 740.00.6960 0912 120809 GLJ9523 131.00 120809 100.03.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 1.50 120809 9120444 100 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA NOV 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120909 1,423.50 100.03.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 92.32 120909 100.22.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 757.43 120909 100.33.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 442.58 120909 100.45.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 131.17 120909 9120445 510 XXXXX 14251 MCHENRY NAPA NOV 2009 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120909 174.82 510.31.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 37.40 120909 510.32.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 137.42 120909 9120187 100 02 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2009-1276 CHRISTMAS PARADE PLAQUES 12/14/09 0 120809 90.00 100.02.6940 0912 120809 GLJ9523 90.00 120809 9120441 100 33 13140 MEADE ELECTRIC COMPANY 1643555SIGNAL DETECTOR LOOP INSTALL 12/14/09 0 120909 675.00 100.33.5110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 675.00 120909 t DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9120442 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 115470W SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 424.00 510.31.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 •424.00 120909 9120443 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 115477W SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 216.00 510.31.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 216.00 120909 9120182 100 02 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 71871 SELF INKING STAMP 12/14/09 0 120809 44.00 100.02.6210 0912 120809 GLJ9523 44.00 120809 9120446 510 32 16416 OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT C 228597-IN SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 141.74 510.32.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 141.74 120909 9120447 510 32 16416 OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT C 226864-IN SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 202.00 510.32.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 202.00 120909 9120448 100 01 16491 ONEYS TREE FARM 12/2/09 HOLIDAY DECORATIONS 12/14/09 0 120909 144.00 100.01.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 144.00 120909 9120188 100 01 17136 PERRICONE GARDEN CENTER 919/5732 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 46.80 100.01.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 46.80 120809 9120189 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761666 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 32.56 100.03.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 32.56 120809 9120190 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761670 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 259.01 100.22.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 259.01 120809 9120191 100 XXXXX 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8755298 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 835.17 100.33.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 768.45 120809 100.01.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 66.72 120809 9120192 100 XXXXX 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761075 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 222.11 100.33.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 149.22 120809 100.01.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 72.89 120809 9120193 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8754471 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 12/14/09 0 120809 394.20 100.33.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 394.20 120809 9120194 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761074 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 37.06 100.45.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 37.06 120809 9120195 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761668 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 197.35 100.45.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 197.35 120809 9120196 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761073 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 95.38 510.31.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 95.38 120809 9120197 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8761667 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 34.22 510.31.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 34.22 120809 DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------- 9120198 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8755295 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 36.43 510.32.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 36.43 120809 9120199 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 8759277 VEHICLE FUEL 12/14/09 0 120809 410.99 510.32.6250 0912 120809 GLJ9523 410.99 120809 9120200 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18893 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 12/14/09 0 120809 64.98 100.22.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9523 64.98 120809 9120201 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18987 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 12/14/09 0 120809 29.99 100.22.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9523 29.99 120809 9120202 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18969 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 12/14/09 0 120809 165.00 100.22.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9523 165.00 120809 9120203 100 22 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 18971 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 12/14/09 0 120809 69.00 100.22.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9523 69.00 120809 9120449 100 XXXXX 17295 PITNEY BOWES INC 863277POSTAL SECURITY DEVICE RENTAL 12/14/09 0 120909 198.33 100.01.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.33 120909 100.02.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.33 120909 100.03.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.33 120909 100.04.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.33 120909 100.22.5310 0912 120909 GL09532 28.33 120909 100.30.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.34 120909 100.41.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.34 120909 9120450 510 XXXXX 17295 PITNEY BOWES INC 863277POSTAL SECURITY DEVICE RENTAL 12/14/09 0 120909 56.67 510.31.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.34 120909 510.32.5310 0912 120909 GLJ9532 28.33 120909 9120204 100 03 17530 POLERECKY, ROSS CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 12/14/09 0 120809 116.48 100.03.4510 0912 120809 GLJ9523 116.48 120809 9120451 100 33 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-071670 CORE DEPOSIT 12/14/09 0 120909 60.00- 100.33.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 60.00CR 120909 9120452 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 06-089129 VEHICLE BATTERY 12/14/09 0 120909 465.00 100.22.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 465.00 120909 9120453 100 22 17640 PRECISION SERVICE & PART 03-072583 CORE DEPOSIT 12/14/09 0 120909 75.00- 100.22.5370 0912 120909 GLJ9532 75.00CR 120909 9120205 100 33 17635 PRIME TACK & SEAL CO 28317 SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 972.00 100.33.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 972.00 120809 9120206 100 46 17637 PROMISING PICASSOS INC 17637 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 12/14/09 0 120809 812.00 100.46.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9523 812.00 120809 9120454 510 31 17656 PROSAFETY INC 2/647220 EMPLOYEE UNIFORM ITEMS 12/14/09 0 120909 94.50 510.31.4510 0912 120909 GLJ9532 94.50 120909 DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9120417 510 32 19019 RASMUSSEN REBUILDING & M 2199 DRILL & TAP SERVICES 12/14/09 0 120809 40.00 510.32.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9525 . 40.00 120809 9120455 100 41 1 RICHARDS, GAYLE PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 12/14/09 0 120909 50.00 100.41.3636 0912 120909 GLJ9532 50.00 120909 9120418 100 02 19312 RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 727665OATH OF OFFICE RECEPTION CAKE 12/14/09 0 120809 52.44 100.02.6940 0912 120809 GLJ9525 52.44 120809 9120419 100 01 20668 SHAW SUBURBAN MEDIA NOV 09LEGAL ADVERTISING 12/14/09 0 120809 86.70 100.01.5330 0912 120809 GLJ9525 86.70 120809 9120456 100 02 20582 SPRINT 523579813 CELL PHONE USAGAE 12/14/09 0 120909 124.86 100.02.5320 0912 120909 GLJ9532 124.86 120909 9120420 440 00 20708 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL & AU 44341 EQUIPMENT-MECHANICS AREA 12/14/09 0 120809 521.00 440.00.8200 0912 120809 GLJ9525 521.00 120809 100-1415IND 9120421 620 00 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 267241INTERNET SERVICES 12/14/09 0 120809 179.00 620.00.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9525 179.00 120809 9120422 100 22 21023 TASER INTERNATIONAL SI1182884 TASER BATTERIES 12/14/09 0 120809 273.36 100.22.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9525 273.36 120809 9120457 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 65249 STREET SIGNS 12/14/09 0 120909 229.27 100.33.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 229.27 120909 9120458 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 65248 STREET SIGNS 12/14/09 0 120909 61.50 100.33.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 61.50 120909 9120459 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 65247 STREET SIGNS 12/14/09 0 120909 564.41 100.33.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 564.41 120909 9120423 100 33 15671 TRANSCHICAGO TRUCK GROUP 6104957 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 12/14/09 0 120809 13.02 100.33.5370 0912 120809 GLJ9525 13.02 120809 9120460 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 196270CHEMICALS 12/14/09 0 120909 8,670.60 510.32.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 8670.60 120909 9120461 510 32 23287 VIKING CHEMICAL COMPANY 196035CHEMICALS 12/14/09 0 120909 7,701.30 510.32.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 7701.30 120909 9120462 510 32 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 1581022900SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 12/14/09 0 120909 7,481.87 510.32.5580 0912 120909 GLJ9532 7481.87 120909 9120463 510 31 24037 WATER PRODUCTS - AURORA 218217SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120909 403.62 510.31.6110 0912 120909 GLJ9532 403.62 120909 9120424 510 31 24035 WATER WELL SOLUTIONS WK09-286 WELL #8 REPAIRS 12/14/09 0 120809 931.87 DATE 12/09/2009 10:51 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEEETING 12/14/09 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT ACCOUNT AMOUNT CHECK P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 510.31.8200 0912 120809 GLJ9525 931.87 120809 9120425 100 22 24536 WOOD, ROLAND 11/17-19 CALEA CONFERENCE EXPENSE RE 12/14/09 O 120809 125.41 100.22.5420 0912 120809 GLJ9525 125.41 120809 9120426 100 22 25875 XYBIX SYSTEMS INC 12890 SUPPLIES 12/14/09 0 120809 30.00 100.22.6110 0912 120809 GLJ9525 30.00 120809 9120427 100 46 27010 ZAHN, DAN 12/1/09 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 12/14/09 0 120809 278.00 100.46.5110 0912 120809 GLJ9525 278.00 120809 EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 80,567.54 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 22,929.04 583.00 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 521.00 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 45,165.50 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 6,368.90 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 1,248.10 760 POLICE PENSION FUND 4,335.00 *# * 80,567.54 583.00 i \ AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: December 14, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Approval of Temporary Signs for the Outlaws of McHenry County Baseball Organization and waiver of all associated fees ATTACHMENT: Letter from Kellye Jensen dated 12/8/09 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To allow ten temporary signs at the locations specified in this supplement and approve the waiver of the $175 sign variance fee and $60 temporary sign permit fee Background. A request was received from Kellye Jensen of Outlaws of McHenry County baseball organization to place 32 temporary signs in the right-of-way to advertise their December 19 fundraiser at Edgebrook Elementary School from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Additionally, she is requesting waiver of all applicable fees. The proceeds from the fundraiser will be utilized to fund a trip to a baseball tournament in Cooperstown, New York. Staff Analysis. Staff believes that 32 signs is excessive and is proposing the following ten sign locations be considered for approval. • Illinois Route 31 (N. Richmond Road) and McCullom Lake Road • Illinois Route 120 (Elm Street) and Crystal Lake Road • Illinois Route 120 (Elm Street) and Meadow Lane • Illinois Route 31 (Front Street) and Kane Avenue • Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road • Illinois Route 31 (N. Richmond Road) and Pearl Street • Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive • Illinois Route 120 and Ringwood Road • Chapel Hill Road and Lincoln Road (NW corner) • Illinois Route 31 and Veterans Parkway The signs would be required to be removed the day following the event. The signs are of a relatively low impact and will be up for only a short period of time. 4 / ' 12/8/2009 Dear Mr. Doug Martin, The McHenry County Outlaws is a youth baseball organization for competitive players. We provide young athletes with a fun and competitive environment where the boys can achieve a higher level of baseball skill. We accomplish this goal by focusing on baseball fundamentals, advanced instruction, and a disciplined approach to the game; combined with regular practice, hard work, and dedication. The McHenry County Outlaws are hosting a Craft/Vendor scheduled for December 19, 2009 from 9 am - 3 pm at Edgebrook Elementary School. The proceeds from the Craft/Vendor show will help us fund a trip to a baseball tournament at the All Star Village in Cooperstown NY. This trip will give the Outlaws players an opportunity to bond as a team as well as a family. This baseball tournament and facility is designed for the whole family and the players will experience playing teams from all over the world. This tournament has been labeled 'The Ultimate Cooperstown World Series'. We are asking for your help with our upcoming fundraiser. We would like to request a fee waiver for signs we have made to advertise the craft/vendor show. We have 32 signs that we would like to place in busy traffic areas around McHenry. Some of the specific locations include: Intersections of Rt. 31 and Veterans Pkwy.; Rt. 31 and Charles Miller Rd.; Green St. and Charles Miller Rd.; Green St. and Kane Ave.; Green St. and James St.; Green St. and John St.; Green St. and Waukegan Rd.; Rt. 120 and Richmond Rd.; Richmond Rd. and Pearl St.; Richmond Rd. and McCullom Lake Rd.; Richmond Rd. and Blake Blvd.; Rt. 120 and Front St.; Rt. 120 and Crystal Lake Rd.; Rt. 120 and Oak Dr.; Rt. 120 and Meadow Ln.; Rt. 120 and Ringwood Rd./Draper Rd.; Bull Valley Rd. and Crystal Lake Rd.; Crystal Lake Rd. and Royal Dr.; Crystal Lake Rd. and Lillian St.; Front St. and Kane Ave.; Front St. and Anne St.; Charles Miller Rd. and River Rd.; Chapel Hill Rd. and River Rd.; Chapel Hill Rd. and Rt. 120; Chapel Hill Rd. and Lincoln Rd.; Lincoln Rd. and Pearl St.; Pearl St. and Riverside Dr.; Riverside Dr. and Washington St.; Riverside Dr. and McCullom Lake Rd. Thank you for your consideration of our request, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. With Sincere Thanks, Kellye Jensen (815)260-2927 Kiensen4@gmail.com www.mchenacoun�outlows.com AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Markin,Deputy-City Administrator FOR: December 14,2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Approval of Temporary Signs for the Outlaws of McHenry County Baseball Organization and waiver of all associated fees ATTACHMENT: Letter from Kellye Jensen dated 12/8/09 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To allow ten temporary signs at the locations specified in this supplement and approve the waiver of the$175 sign variance fee and $60 temporary sign permit fee Background. A request was received from Kellye Jensen of Outlaws of McHenry County baseball organization to place 32 temporary signs in the right-of-way to advertise their December 19 fundraiser at Edgebrook Elementary School from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Additionally, she is requesting waiver of all applicable fees. The proceeds from the fundraiser will be utilized to fund a trip to a baseball tournament in Cooperstown, New York. Staff Analysis. Staff believes that 32 signs is excessive and is proposing the following ten sign locations be considered for approval. • Illinois Route 31 (N. Richmond Road)and McCullom Lake Road • Illinois Route 120(Elm Street) and Crystal Lake Road • Illinois Route 120(Elm Street) and Meadow Lane • Illinois Route 31 (Front Street) and Kane Avenue • Crystal Lake Road and Bull Valley Road • Illinois Route 31 (N. Richmond Road)and Pearl Street • Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive • Illinois Route 120 and Ringwood Road • Chapel Hill Road and Lincoln Road(NW comer) • Illinois Route 31 and Veterans Parkway The signs would be required to be removed the day following the event. The signs are of a relatively low impact and will be up for only a short period of time. .1 12/8/2009 ` Dear Mr. Doug Martin, The McHenry County Outlaws is a youth baseball organization for competitive players. We provide young athletes with a fun and competitive environment where the boys can achieve a higher level of baseball skill. We accomplish this goal by focusing on baseball fundamentals, advanced instruction, and a disciplined approach to the game; combined with regular practice, hard work, and dedication. The McHenry County Outlaws are hosting a Craft/Vendor scheduled for December 19, 2009 from 9 am - 3 pm at Edgebrook Elementary School. The proceeds from the Craft/Vendor show will help us fund a trip to a baseball tournament at the All Star Village in Cooperstown NY. This trip will give the Outlaws players an opportunity to bond as a team as well as a family. This baseball tournament and facility is designed for the whole family and the players will experience playing teams from all over the world. This tournament has been labeled 'The Ultimate Cooperstown World Series'. We are asking for your help with our upcoming fundraiser. We would like to request a fee waiver for signs we have made to advertise the craft/vendor show. We have 32 signs that we would like to place in busy traffic areas around McHenry. Some of the specific locations include: Intersections of Rt. 31 and Veterans Pkwy.; Rt. 31 and Charles Miller Rd.; Green St. and Charles Miller Rd.; Green St. and Kane Ave.; Green St. and James St.; Green St. and John St.; Green St. and Waukegan Rd.; Rt. 120 and Richmond Rd.; Richmond Rd. and Pearl St.; Richmond Rd. and McCullom Lake Rd.; Richmond Rd. and Blake Blvd.; Rt. 120 and Front St.; Rt. 120 and Crystal Lake Rd.; Rt. 120 and Oak Dr.; Rt. 120 and Meadow Ln.; Rt. 120 and Ringwood Rd./Draper Rd.; Bull Valley Rd. and Crystal Lake Rd.; Crystal Lake Rd. and Royal Dr.; Crystal Lake Rd. and Lillian St.; Front St. and Kane Ave.; Front St. and Anne St.; Charles Miller Rd. and River Rd.; Chapel Hill Rd. and River Rd.; Chapel Hill Rd. and Rt. 120; Chapel Hill Rd. and Lincoln Rd.; Lincoln Rd. and Pearl St.; Pearl St. and Riverside Dr.; Riverside Dr. and Washington St.; Riverside Dr. and McCullom Lake Rd. Thank you for your consideration of our request, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. With Sincere Thanks, Kel lye Jensen (815)260-2927 KLiensen4@gmail.com www.mchen�countyoutlaws.com MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator Date: February 25, 2009 Subject: December 14, 2009 City Council Meeting Agenda No. 6 Staff is awaiting additional information from the developer for agenda item #6 and consequently, the agenda supplement and supporting documentation for the Amendment to the Development Agreement with Curtis Commercial will be distributed to the City Council on Thursday. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator Date: December 10, 2009 Subject: December 14, 2009, City Council Meeting Agenda Item No. 6 Enclosed is the agenda supplement for an Amendment to the Agreement with Curtis Commercial for Redevelopment of the former Medical Arts site. Please include the supplement in your December 14t"City Council meeting packet as agenda item No. 6, thank you. AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Doug Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: December 14,2009 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Amendment to the Agreement with Curtis Commercial for the Redevelopment of the former Medical Arts Site Background. In 2007, the City Council approved a redevelopment agreement for the city- owned former Medical Arts Building site at the northeast corner of Waukegan Road and Green Street. The city's participation in the project per the agreement called for a $1.575 million contribution realized as land acquisition ($1.348 million) and permit fees ($227,000) and for $424,028 in TIF reimbursements generated from property taxes generated by the project for parking and site improvements. In 2008, an amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement was approved increasing the TIF reimbursement amount to $624,028 for parking and site development expenses due to increases of approximately$400,000 in the original project budget. It should be noted that the increase in property values from this $11.5 million project were expected to generate over$5.0 million in property taxes to the TIF District during the life of the TIF resulting in a return of over 127%on the city's investment. At the present time, the main building housing the commercial space and the 27 residential units is nearing completion. Construction on the parking structure, however, has not started. The developer informed staff that bids for the parking structure came in at approximately $1.92 million which is $537,000 over the amended budget of $1.38 million. As a result of these increases as well as the condition of the overall project budget, the developer is requesting to reduce the scope of the parking structure to reduce costs. Mr. Curtis' proposal is to construct 16 individual garages with 13 uncovered spaces all of which would be at ground level as depicted in Attachment 1. Only five of the 29 parking spaces would be reserved for public use. The Development Agreement as amended in 2008 calls for a parking structure containing 46 public parking spaces in addition to those reserved for owners of the residential units. Staff Analysis. Staff has examined the project budget and the developer's documentation closely to determine the necessity of the request. In short,there have been a number of increased expenses that have driven the project budget to $13.7 million. However, perhaps more importantly, market conditions have reduced the projected revenues from the project due to discounted sales prices and reduced rental rates that make it unrealistic to assume the developer can complete the project with a multi-story parking deck. In considering the developer's request, the options available to the City Council are: 1) Accept the developer's proposal for an amendment to the development agreement; 2) Reject the developer's proposal for an amendment to the development agreement; or, 3) Amend the agreement in some other manner suitable to both parties. Option #1 will entail modifying the development agreement resulting in reduced costs to the developer while meeting the parking needs of the future residents of the development but also adding a lesser amount of parking available for public use. Staff has also suggested that in lieu of constructing the parking deck, the developer construct a parking lot on city owned property at the former Wahl Appliance site on Court Street. This proposal would add 25 parking spaces to the downtown parking inventory in addition to the five spots dedicated for public use in the Curtis lot. Pursuing this option will allow the developer to realize enough savings to enable him to complete the project. Option #2 will entail rejecting the developer's proposal and require him to construct the multi- story deck providing 46 public parking spaces. The developer has stated that he and his partners do not have the financial resources to be able to accommodate this in light of the increased costs elsewhere on the project and the reduced expectations on the revenue side of the equation. As such, should the City Council elect to pursue option #2, it is highly likely that the developer would walk away from the project with the lender (bank) taking over the project. It is unlikely that a parking deck will be built regardless of which private party owns the project. To meet the expectations for 46 public parking spaces at this location, a third option will require a greater commitment of public funds. Such a scenario could entail having the city take over the parking component while applying the developer's budgeted line item for parking toward a parking structure. However, the cost of the parking deck appears unrealistic with the current financial conditions facing the city. It is expected that the city would need to commit over $1.4 million(in addition to the developer's contribution) to accomplish this option. While none of the three options is optimal, the first option is most preferable from the perspective of staff and is perhaps the only feasible alternative for seeing the project completed. Staff s recommendation is to approve Option #1 which would require the approval of an ordinance (Attachment #2) amending the development agreement with Curtis Commercial, Inc. Also attached is the original Development Agreement approved by ordinance in March of 2007 (Attachment#3) as well as the first amendment to the agreement (Attachment#4). Staff will be making a presentation at the meeting Monday evening to provide additional information. In addition, the developer and his partners will be on-hand to answer questions. Recommendation. Staff recommends that the second amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement with Curtis Commercial be approved by the City Council requiring Curtis Commercial to construct a modified parking facility encompassing 16 individual garages and 13 uncovered spaces at ground level adjacent to the Riverwalk Center development and to construct a 25 space parking lot on the former Wahl Appliance Building property on Court Street. --- _ M A Architects SCALE:P a 10' 13 \\\ DB`147 P R*V T E ( CA D) "' L A N E ■ Go \ wa.as \ - O Z° O Nil .. QZa 35z wwx ' o -- -------- o 0 1 wB E3 \ �.•A'• ...... Mill 1 \ u o T owTc DFS Dl': Al1B i• MID • W OHW DII OIIW CHf:U.D\-_ AfU 31ltT �W &HAEGER ENGINEERING C 1.1 A 11 A 71 �-- Attachment#1 Attachment#2 ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Authorizing Execution of a Second Amendment of a Redevelopment Agreement with McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC WHEREAS, the City has the authority to adopt ordinances and to promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs and that protect the public health,safety,and welfare of its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF McHENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute Second Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry, McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC, Curtis Commercial Inc. and Curtis Commercial,Inc. a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof,which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3:All ordinances or parts of ordinances and motions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form(which publication is hereby authorized)as provided by law. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED: Mayor Susan E. Low (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk Janice C. Jones Passed: Approved: Z:NMcHenryCityof\Ordinances\Curtis2ndAmendmentord.doc 2 - 1 CERTIFICATION I,JANICE C.JONES,do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed,acting and qualified Clerk of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois,and that as such Clerk,I am the keeper of the records and minutes and proceedings of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City of McHenry. I do hereby further certify that at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of McHenry,held on the day of , 2009, the foregoing Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Authorizing Execution of a Second Amendment of a Redevelopment Agreement with McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC,was duly passed by the City Council of the City of McHenry. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. ,including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the City Hall, commencing on the day of_ 2009, and continuing for at least 10 days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the City Clerk. I do further certify that the original,of which the attached is a true and correct copy,is entrusted to me as the Clerk of said City for safekeeping,and that I am the lawful custodian and keeper of the same. GIVEN under my hand and seal this day of 2009. Janice C. Jones,Clerk City of McHenry, McHenry County,Illinois (SEAL) 2 ' � Second Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Second Amendment") is entered into this day of , 2009, between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation ("Cit)"), McHenry Riverwalk Center, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company ("Developer") and Curtis Commercial, Inc ("Former Developer"). RECITALS A. On or about March 5, 2007 the City entered into a Redevelopment Agreement with the Former Developer ("Original Agreement"), which, in accordance with the terms of this Second Amendment, the Former Developer desires to hereby assign all of its right title and interest in and to the Original Agreement to the Developer pursuant to this Second Amendment. All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definitions set forth in the Original Agreement. B. On or about April 7, 2008, the parties to the Original Agreement executed a First Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement ("First Amendment"). C. The parties hereto desire to entirely replace the First Amendment with this Second Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. All of the recitals contained in this Second Amendment are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into this Second Amendment as though they were fully set forth in this Section 1. This Second Amendment replaces in whole the First Amendment and the terms of this Second Amendment shall be deemed effective as of April 7, 2008. 2. Return of Expense Deposit. Developer shall be entitled to remove the Expense Deposit that it deposited in connection with the Original Agreement from the segregated account and shall have no further obligations with respect to the Expense Deposit. 3. Construction. a. Section 4 of the Original Agreement is hereby amended by deleting "but in any event not later than August 1, 2007." b. Section 4 of the Original Agreement is hereby amended to provide that any boat piers constructed by Developer on Boone Lagoon, shall be constructed at its cost and be designed and constructed the same as those constructed as part of the Riverwalk Place Subdivision to the east of the Subject Property. Any and all boat piers so constructed by Developer on Boone Lagoon shall be and available to.the general public and be constructed parallel to the Subject Property water front and be in the nature of a temporary docking (not overnight) use. The City shall provide Developer with necessary construction and access easements from the Subject Property to Boone Lagoon for the construction and use of boat piers. 11. Title Company. All references in the Original Agreement to "Heritage Title Company" shall be revised to read"First American Title Insurance Company." 12. Title Insurance. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Original Agreement, the Title Policy paid for by the City shall be in an amount equal to $1,348,972, which is the agreed upon value of the Subject Property. 13. Exhibit B. The floor plan for the First Floor attached as Exhibit B to the Original Agreement shall hereby be deemed amended to delete the reference to "2 Level Parking Garage" and read "A parking lot providing five (5) open public parking spaces on the east side of the parking lot, eight(8) covered private parking spaces and sixteen(16)private parking garages and shall be constructed here." 14. Exhibit D. Exhibit D of Original Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced with Exhibit D attached hereto. 15. Exhibit E. Section 7 of the Original Agreement shall be amended replacing the provision in section 7 (iii) with the following: "7 (iii) reimburse the Developer for $624,028 relating to the following costs: public parking spaces within the parking lot ($182,430), public boat pier ($47,000) landscaping improvements ($110,598) and site development ($284,000);" and no other changes to Section 7. In addition, Exhibit E to the Original Agreement shall be amended replacing the reference to "Public Parking Deck...$424,028" with the following: "$624,028... (allocated as follows: public parking spaces within the parking lot ($182,430), public boat pier ($47,000) landscaping improvements ($110,598) and site development ($284,000);". In addition, Exhibit E to the Original Agreement shall be amended replacing the reference to $2,000,000 with $2,200,000. No other changes to Exhibit E to the Original Agreement are hereby made. 16. Advertising Signs. During construction of the Project, Developer shall be permitted to place advertising information on one side of its construction fencing along Green Street. 17. Conflicts. In the event the terms of this Second Amendment conflict with the terms of the Original Agreement, the terms of this Second Amendment shall govern. Except as specifically provided herein,the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Second Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the above date at McHenry, Illinois. City of McHenry McHenry Riverwalk Center, LLC By: BY: Its Mayor John Curtis, Its Manager Curtis Commercial, Inc. By: John Curtis, Its President Ou, •. _ S'c le: 1 - • z ,. let • Y R K_ l tit Yr � j'w lop, 1 6 Y F�7 • , „ � 1 s "" * Lei � a Striped-off spac:e at r existing Utility pule 1 • R�` • '.� �. s PARKING • �.P t EXHIBIT • CURTIS COMMERCIAL 4 X./ McHENRY, IL ` - 0 HAEGER ENGINEERING .�„' • ��,���• consulting engineers land surveyors 1300 R—an...Rao{5d—W—&l 60173-Ut 867.396.66a0 Fac M7.396.660R ... - L Pro jed Manager. MLA Engineer: Sheet Dula: 10-6-09 Project W. 07.039E 1 �1 PW Date: Oct 06,2009-12:23pm Plotted By:mike-a layout:8.501-IS Zxhibit A to Second Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement ©2M M-9.E.O-..n,11C 66 Name:P:\2007\07039\Drawings\Workspace-Engineen\McHenry Public Parking lot.dwg McHENRY RIVERWALK 2nd AMENDED DEVELOMENT PRO FORMA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 7-Dec-09 LAND Land $ 1,348,972 Closing Costs $ 10,000 TOTAL LAND $ 1,358,972 CONSTRUCTION Parking Garage $ 524,096 Site Work $ 749,126 Shell,Residential and Retail $ 6,630,557 Contingency $ 55,052 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 7,958,831 SOFT COSTS Permits and Fees $ 237,000 Interest Expense $ 718,000 Other Soft Costs $ 3,245,057 Contingency $ 140,000 TOTAL SOFT COSTS $ 4,340,057 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 13,657,860 LESS:Land and Permit $ (1,575,972) NET PROJECT COSTS $ 12,081,888 TIF Reimbursement $ 624,028 FORECASTED REVENUE $ 11,283,330 FORECASTED PROFIT $ (174,530) Exhibit D to Second Amendment to Redevelopment Aareement Pier and Boat Slip Access Easement and Assignment Prepared By/Mail To: David W.McArdle ZUKOWSKI,ROGERS, FLOOD&McARDLE '50 Virginia Street Crystal Lake,IL 60014 This space Is for RECORDER'S USE ONLY WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation, ("Grantor's is the. owner of certain real property described on Exhibit 1,attached hereto and made apart hereof("Real Estate'};and WHEREAS,there is located adjacent to the Real Estate in the Riviera Marina("Marina"),a number of piers and boat slips including 4 piers labeled.A-D,containing 8 boat slips numbered I-8 depicted on Exhibit 2,attached hereto.and made a part hereof("Conveyed Piers and Slips");and WHEREAS,McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC("Grantee")is the developer and owner of a certain proposed condominium project in the City of McHenry C'Projecel;and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to provide for a perpetual easement of access to the Conveyed Piers and Slips by Grantee, its successors and assigns and assignment of the Conveyed Piers and Slips to Grantee. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the promises and covenants made in this document and related closing documents,the Parties hereto agree as follows: EASEMENT AND LICENSE CONVEYANCE 1. The Grantor does hereby grant and convey to Grantee,its successors and assigns,an exclusive perpetual easement of access to the Conveyed Piers and Slips along and across that part of the Real Estate legally described and shown as "10' Pedestrian Access Easement"on Exhibit 2("Exclusive Easemenfl. 2. The Grantor does hereby further grant and convey to Grantee, its successors and assigns,a nonexclusive revocable license for vehicular access,loading,automobile parking, and related uses over that part of the Real Estate depicted as "Vehicle License" on Exhibit 2 ("Vehicle License'). The Vehicle License is revocable and terminable by the Grantor, in its discretion, at any time, upon 30 days notice to Grantee and all persons or entities owning and holding rights in the Conveyed Piers and Slips; provided, however, that Grantor shall not be allowed to revoke or terminate the Vehicle License while any party other than Grantor,its successors or assigns has a right to use parking spaces on the Real Estate. Exhibit R to Second Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement ., 3. The term of the Exclusive Easement shall commence on the date of this instrument and shall run in perpetuity unless sooner terminated by: (a) written agreement executed by all persons and entities owning and holding rights in the Conveyed Piers and Slips and the Grantor,or(b)a written termination agreement recorded by Grantor or First American Title Company,as designated escrowee,upon Grantee's material breach of its obligations under that certain Redevelopment Agreement dated March 5, 2007 between Grantor and Grantee. The term of the Vehicle License shall commence on the date of this instrument and shall run in perpetuity unless sooner terminated by: (a)a written notice executed by Grantor,or(b)a written termination agreement recorded by Grantor or First American Title Company, a designated escrowee, upon Grantee's material breach of its obligations under that certain Redevelopment Agreement dated March 5,2007 between Grantor.and Grantee. 4. During the term of the Exclusive Easement and the Vehicle License,Grantor shall maintain the Exclusive Easement area and the Vehicle License area in good condition . at its own cost and expense. 5. The Exclusive Easement,Vehicle License,the restrictions hereby imposed and the covenants herein contained shall be easements,licenses,restrictions and covenants running with the title to the Real Estate and shall be binding upon,and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective heirs, assigns and successors-in- interest and/or title. The Real Estate shall hereafter be owned,held,transferred,sold, conveyed,demised,devised,leased,mortgaged,occupied,used and enjoyed subject to the benefits and burdens,as the case may be,of the provisions of this instrument until such time as this instrument is released,terminated or cancelled,in whole or in part,as provided for herein. 6. Grantor warrants and covenants that Grantor has fee simple title to the Real Estate. 7. Neither Grantee, nor its successors and assigns, shall transfer, sell or assign said Exclusive Easement or said Vehicle License without the written consent of the Grantor except that,without the prior written consent of Grantor: (a) Grantee may assign an interest in said Exclusive Easement and an interest in said Vehicle License to(i)owners of units in the Project and to owners of Slips(as hereinafter defined),or to('ii)an association or agent for the benefit of unit owners in the Project or owners of Slips,and(b)owners of Slips may convey their interest in the Exclusive Easement and their interest in the Vehicle License to any person or entity to which they convey their Slip. 8, Grantee, its successors and assigns agree to abide by all rules and regulations imposed by Grantor or other regulatory agencies regarding the use of the Conveyed Piers and Slips, which rules and regulations may be instituted and amended from time to time pertaining to the use of all Conveyed Piers and Slips on the Real Estate. In addition to such rules and regulations instituted from time to time by Grantor or other regulatory agencies regarding the use of the Conveyed Piers and Slips,prior to the sale of any Conveyed Piers and Slips, Developer shall develop rules and regulations ("Slip Regulations') to be incorporated by reference in any document evidencing the sale and assignment of a Slip. The Slip Regulations shall be subject to review and approval by the City and shall include a provision that the City is a third parry beneficiary thereof with the power•to enforce the same. Such Slip Regulations shall include,at a minimum: a. Proof of insurance for each boat owner is required. b. Boat slips must be owner occupied—no rentals.. c. Slip owners must pay flat fee for electric and water costs/year in accordance with the fees imposed by the operator of the Marina. d. No TV antennas are allowed; dishes are permitted e. Dock boxes are not allowed—only use of previously designated area will be allowed. f. The marina operator shall have the ability to shut-offboat air conditioners left running. g. No boatl.ifts are allowed. h. No parking on the grass is allowed. i. The piers must be kept in good and well kept condition. j. Only one vehicle per Slip shall be permitted at any one time in the Vehicle License area. k. The license plate number of each vehicle parked in the Vehicle License area must be provided to the current operator of the Marina. 1. No overnight parking of vehicles shall be allowed. m. A Slip owner shall not be permitted to park a vehicle in the Vehicle License area during those periods that the owner's boat has been removed from the water. 9. In the event all of the Conveyed Piers and Slips are relocated off-site of the Marina in which they are currently located,the Exclusive Easement and the Vehicle License shall be deemed abandoned and terminated without any further action by the Grantor or Grantee. 10. In the event that the Grantor's conveyance of Slips is ineffective or void for any reason, Grantor shall take all necessary action to convey the same number of Slip rights to Grantee from its previously acquired Stanton Bay Reserve. In the event that Grantor chooses to remove the Conveyed Piers from the Riviera Marina for any . reason,then the Grantor shall either(x)at its sole expense,and with full cooperation of the Slip owners,relocate the same number of Slips to another location within the same trading zone as the Rivera Marina or(y)repurchase each Slip right from the current Slip owner for a purchase price of$30,000 each provided,however,in this situation, a Slip owner shall not be forced to resell its Slip right to Grantor. In connection with a relocation of replacement piers,the Grantor shall grant to the Slip owners any easements,to which it has rights, necessary to access the replacement piers. In addition,to the extent that Grantor has right or title to adjacent or nearby parking area, the Grantor shall grant each Slip owner the right, by easement or license, to use the same. The Grantor shall bear all costs in connection with the relocation of the Slip owners to the replacement piers. PIERS AND BOAT SLIP ASSIGNMENT 1. Grantor hereby sells and assigns to Grantee all of its right,title and interest in and to the 4 piers labeled A-D ("Piers') on Exhibit 2 along with the contiguous 8 slips numbered 1-8 on Exhibit 2("Slips')(including all rights to transfer such right,title and interest in the Slips elsewhere in the trading zone). Based upon the Department of the Army's letter to the City Attorney dated January 3,2008 reference ProjectNo. LRC-2007-557, Grantor hereby warrants title to the Conveyed Piers and Slips to Grantee to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances 2. Grantor warrants and covenants that Grantor has title to the Conveyed Piers and Slips. 3. Grantee,its successors and assigns shall have the right to transfer the Conveyed Piers and Slips without the prior written consent of Grantor,provided,however,Grantor hereby reserves and Grantee hereby grants to Grantor,a first right of refusal("Right of First Refusal")with respect to any sale of a Pier and/or Slip to a third party(other than sales to owners of units in the Project or sales of Piers and Slips in connection with the sales of units in the Project) by any successor owner to Grantee (each a "Seller'. This Right of First Refusal shall not apply to sates by Grantee-which sales are governed by section 4 below. In the event that a Seller shall receive a bona fide offer to purchase a Slip, such Seller shall deliver to Grantor a copy of the offer. Grantor shall have until the seventh(7*) business day after the date of Grantor's receipt of the offer within which to exercise the Right of First Refusal by providing to Seller a written contract signed by Grantor on the same material terms and conditions as contained in said offer. If Grantor shall decline to exercise the Right of First Refusal by not submitting such written contract to purchase the Slip or does not respond within such seven(7)business day period,Seller may sell the Slip to such bona fide offeror without further notice or obligation to Grantor. 4. Grantor hereby reserves,and Grantee hereby grants to Grantor,a right of first offer ("Right of First Offeel with respect to any sale of a Pier and Slip by Grantee to a third party that is not also a purchaser or owner of a unit in the Project. Prior to beginning sales of piers and slips to non-owners or non-purchasers of units at the Project,Grantee shall provide Grantor with notice of Grantee's intent to begin sales of piers and slips separately from the sale of units in the Project. Grantor shall have until the fourteenth(141')business day after the date of Grantor's receipt of the notice within which to exercise the right of First Offer and then Grantor and Grantee shall enter into a contract with Grantee to purchase any of the piers and slips on the same terms and conditions as the piers and slips will be offered to the public,except for the purchase price,which shall be equal to$30,000. If Grantor shall decline to exercise the Right of First Offer and not enter into a written contract to purchase any of the piers and slips or does not respond within such fourteen (14)business day period, Grantee may sell the piers and slips to third parties that are not purchasers or owners of units in the Project without further notice or obligation to Grantor. 5. Grantee shall be prohibited from leasing Piers and Slips to anyone other than owners of units in the Project. This prohibition on leasing shall not apply to Slip owners other than the Grantee and such Slip owners shall be permitted to lease their Slips without the consent of Grantor." [Signature Page Follows] Wherefore the Parties have executed this Agreement,this day of ,2008. Grantor: City of McHenry Grantee:McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC. By. usan E. Low,Mayor By: z;\w\md4enryCitYcAcurda\Pier and Boat Slip Anipmont2.DOC State of Illinois ) ss. County of McHenry ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT Susan E.Low,the Mayor of City of McHenry,an Illinois Municipal Corporation,and attested to by personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,appeared beforq me this day in person, and acknowledged that as such Mayor and they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of the corporation,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this day of ,2008. My commission expires: Notary Public State of Illinois ) ss. County of Cook ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ,the of McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC,an Illinois limited liability company,personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that as such , s/he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as his/her own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of the limited liability company,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this day of ,2008. My commission expires: Notary Public TICOR'IT E INSURANCE COMPANY •t OWNER'S POLICY (1992) ' (CoNTnw=) POLICy NO.: 2000 000659777 SM scx DULs n 5. THE LAND REFERRED To YN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: HE FOX RMR THAT PART OF TEE NORTHEAST NORTH,CT RANGE 81/EAST OF THE THIRD RINCIPAAL blERIDIAN,' OF SECTION 35, TOWDiSH DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSe 4 07 SAID CONMNCING AT THE E NORTHEAST COMM OF THE LONG THE WESTELINE ST /OFOTHE NORSAST 1/4F THE NORTHEAST /OF TEE • SECTION 35; T� NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 143.88 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF I�7A I,A3Tg AS SHOW ON THE PLAT VENICE PARK, UNIT N0. 1, FOR THE PLACE OF A 8R BEGINt�=G;'T�CE CownTum SOUTHERLYOF ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE E OF 445.5 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST No AST 1/4 OF SA=D SECTION, A DISTANCE 4 OF CORN OFD�.CTSENCE TgASTIdRLY ALONG ALINE BTHAT FODEW RM3CAN ANGLE OF0873 ER DEGREES DEEDS, PAGE 33 ► ION of IM LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A 44 MINUTES TO TM LEFT WITH TS PROLONGAT DISTANCE OF 865.2 FEET TO TIM WESTERLY SHORE LIN� OF THE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY SHORE LINE, A DISTANCE O OF 298 FEET, MORE OR F RIVER; TRENCH LESS, TO TEE SOUTEMY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO CHARLES COLES.BY DEED RECORDED ZN BOOK 392 OF DEEDS, PAGE 505; THENCE WRTAWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINT, OF SAID CHARLES COLES TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 464.0 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID COLES TRACT; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LZLm BYOF SAM CI TY COLES TRACT AND ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF A TRACTHAD IN OF LAND ACS2UI COUNTY COURT OF MC HENRY OF MC HENRY THROUGH PROCEEDING IS�CE �.18.21YFEET To THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A ILLINOIS AS CASE NO. 2593, PRIVATE LANE AS SHOWN SOUTHERLY, Op VENICE _LINE, A DISTANCE F 230.3fFEEEETNTO THE PLACE OF NORTiiWESTERLY ALONG BEGINNTNG; (EXCEPTING THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST PRINCLIO�IDIAN,ODESCRIBED AS/ TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THEPRIVATE 37 NE MI TEE NIMS EIVVENICEBPARK AADDITION TO MC HENRY, UNIT N0. 1; THENCE SOUTH, 0 DEGREES THENCE NORTH 86 DEGREES 45 MANTES WEST, 33.03 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 37 MINIITES WEST, 130.53 FEET To 82 YTHENCE LINE F SAID PRIVATE LANE; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 49. , SOUTH 0 DEGREES 37 MINUTES EAST, 137.99 FEET; TMyCE SOUTH 86 DEGREES 45 MINUTES HEY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. AIM EAST, 20.09 FEET TO TST�T PART OF SACE OF G) ,SIN MC 35R80O1CbEb AND DESCRIBED AS ALSO (EXCEPTING THEREFROM FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PIECE OF LAND DEEDED BY IN THE GOPHRONIA BECKWITH TO GEORGE H. BECKW'T'OIS�IN BOOK 84GOFDEEDS DEED g ON PAGE 312, RECORDERS OFFICE OF MCHENRY COMM, SAID POINT BEIggKNOWN OA STEE SOUON 39WETOWNg sT OH PR45 NORTH OF LOT 5 ORANGE 8CEAST OF THE'THIRD PLAT OF THE NOR / PRINCIPAL MERIDIANS TI;ENCE BAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PIECE OF LAND SO FOR A ; THENCE DEEDED 500 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST C6 M THEREOF OR LESS PLACE THE FOX RIVER; BOUTS B7 DEGREES 44 MINUTES EAST, THENCE WEST . THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE WATE. EDG R 15 FEET; THEN E OF THE FOX RIVE Exhibit 1 t0 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PjAr and Boat Slip Access Easement and t. TBIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTA ort, z PM 06/22/00 14:19:06 • TICOR.TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OWNER'S POLICY (1992) POLICY NO. s 2000 0006S6777 SM SCBEDVLE A (CONTINUED) PARALLEL WITH THE LAST ABOVE DESCRIBED COURSE SSS FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF TSE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 35 AFORESASDj THENCE SOOTS 15 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, (EXCEPTINGf AND RESERVING THEREFROM TEE WESTERLY 40 FEET THEREOF) , ALL IN MCH NRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. i THIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTACBEE►. OPOLAM L _ i 7 PM 06/22/00 14:19:06 r • �A pue XTa cq Z.:tTq II WK 1/4 IT 1/4 ttG101t 96'M-a fy ��r-.'• �� Q V IC�aR IRilzaat LAGOON � 1d m sua � m \ srssav ezzeeaa �Z x �, tTj aremr � Z c\�'•.� I of fill 191 i 6 Rea .y+•�,. •• r �� �sit 9 sass M,'ytt` h g� Alt �� S3 dxzzxg gg mesa �431• # 8 sea 1 gills fl d . g �9 Attachment#3 Ordinance No. DRIB-07-1359 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORI?.II'dG THE EXECUTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WrM CURTIS COMMERCIAL INC FOR THE REDEVELOI'WNT OF AN APPROXIMATELY 1.105 ACRE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GREEN STREET AND WAUEEGAN ROAD AND SOUTH OF BOONE LAGOON,IN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:The redevelopment agreement bearing the date of March 5, 2007,between the City Of McHenry, a Municipal Corporation in the State of Illinois,and Curtis Commercial Inc.,be and the same is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy of said redevelopment agreement, labeled "Redevelopment AgreemeW,is attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2:The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk to said redevelopment agreement for the uses and purposed therein set forth. SECTION 3:All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois. SECTION 5:This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage,approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 5*day of March,2007. Voting Aye: Sand,Glab,Schaefer,Murgatroyd,Peterson,Condon,Low. Voting Nay: None. Not Voting. None. Abstained:- None. Absent: Wimmer. ATTEST: or City 9 iK f-y 3-1 1/31/2007 11:04 AM HAMCHENRY\Redeve1opAgmt.77.doc REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into this .2�th day of_ 01 A 01c.4 2007, between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation("Cit)") and ,1 P-d-S _, an Illinois corporation("Developer"). RECITALS A. In a certain Redevelopment Project Area defined below,the City has identified a severe need for the location and development of adequate and available multi-family housing, as well as commercial development, to provide a mix of community activities including business, entertainment,recreation and civic gatherings to residents thereby retaining current residents and attracting new residents to the City; and, B. Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the State of Illinois, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1, et seq., as from time to time amended ("TIFAct"), the Mayor and City Council("eorporate Authorities") approved a redevelopment plan and project for the Downtown McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area("Redevelopment Project Area's as set forth in the document entitled"Downtown McHenry Tax Increment . Redevelopment Project and Plan"("Redevelopment Plan"), dated January 25, 2002. The Redevelopment Plan sets forth a plan for the redevelopment and revitalization of the Redevelopment Project Area; and, C. The Corporate Authorities adopted tax increment allocation financing for the purpose of implementing the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area; and, D. The Corporate Authorities have determined that the presence of certain blighting factors described in the TIF Plan are detrimental to the public and impair development and growth in the Redevelopment Project Area, with the result that it is necessary to incur extraordinary costs in order to develop the Redevelopment Project Area. The presence of blighting factors in the Redevelopment Project Area will continue to impair growth and development but for the use of tax increment allocation financing to undertake certain obligations as hereinafter provided to pay Redevelopment Project Costs (as defined in the TIF Act and in this Agreement) which necessarily must be incurred to implement the aforesaid program of redevelopment; and, E. The Developer proposes to develop an approximately 62,000 square foot mixed- use multi-family residential housing condominium and commercial project consisting of not less than twenty(20) condominium homes (45,000 square feet) and approximately 17,000 square feet of commercial space to be marketed as Riverwalk Center("Development") on certain property within the Redevelopment Project Area and legally described on the attached Exhibit A ("Subject Property"); and, F. The Developer's proposal obligates the Developer to do the following in cannection with development of the Subject Property: (i)undertake and pay for the costs of all 3 studies, surveys,plans and specifications,professional fees and permits; (ii) construct any public works or improvements necessary for the provision of utilities and City services to the Subject Property; (iii)provide all landscaping for the Subject Property; and (iv) construct,market and sell not less than twenty(20)residential housing units and approximately 17,000 square feet of commercial space on the Subject Property; and, G. The Corporate Authorities have determined that the Development of the Subject Property is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and is located within the Redevelopment .Project Area; and, H. Pursuant to the TIF Act the City is authorized under the TIF Act to incur Redevelopment Project Costs and to make and enter into all contracts necessary or incidental to the implementation of its Redevelopment Plan; and, I. In order to induce the Developer to undertake the development and marketing of the Subject Property, the Corporate Authorities have determined that it is in the best interest of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City for the City to reimburse the Developer for certain eligible Redevelopment Project Costs incurred by the. Developer detailed as follows: (i)the transfer of the Subject Property to the Developer; (ii) providing Developer four(4)piers to accommodate eight(8) boat slips, in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement; (iii)a portion of the cost of construction of a parking structure, in accordance with this Agreement; and(iv)waive certain other fees in accordance with this Agreement; and, J. The Corporate Authorities have determined that the provision by the City to the Developer of the benefits described herein and the development of the Subject Property pursuant to this Agreement are in the best interests of the City and the health, safety,morals and welfare of its residents and taxpayers and will be in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan and thereby help provide for economic development and housing opportunities for the inhabitants of the City, enhance the tax base of the City and other taxing districts and add to the welfare and prosperity of the City and its inhabitants. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. All of the recitals contained in this Agreement are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as though they were fully set forth in this Section 1. 2. Non-refundable Payment to City. In consideration of the option to terminate this Agreement hereinafter provided to the Developer, upon execution of this Agreement, Developer shall pay to the City the sum of$25,000 ("Good Faith Deposit') and shall place $100,000 into a segregated account controlled by the Developer (which the City will receive a full accounting of) ("Expense Deposit"). Upon issuance of building permits pursuant to the Site Development Plans 3 - '� referenced below,the Good Faith Deposit shall be returned in full to the Developer. Developer shall use the Expense Deposit to assemble a bid set of engineering drawings and specifications including architectural drawings to develop the Subject Property in accordance with the Site Development Plans during its option period referenced in paragraph 9,below. In the event Developer exercises its option to terminate this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 9,below,the Good Faith Deposit balance of$25,000 shall be retained by the City as Liquidated Damages and not a penalty,the parties having agreed that it would be difficult to ascertain damages as a result of said option exercise. Provided, however,upon exercise of said option,Developer shall also provide the City with possession of and all right,title and interest in and to a set of architectural drawings and engineering specifications and other documents developed to date to be used by bidders to fully develop the Subject Property in accordance with Site Development Plans. 3. Submittal of Site Development Plans. Within thirty(30)days of full execution of this Agreement, the Developer shall submit to the City for its review and consideration: (i) the applicable planning and zoning public hearing application("Public HearingApplication");(ii)Site Development Plans substantially as depicted on the attached Exhibit B;(iii)landscape plans;and(iv) building and parking structure renderings (collectively the "Site Development Plans"). The City shall review the Site Development Plans and Public Hearing Application and promptly(in no case more than 30 days after receipt of the Site Development Plans)schedule a public hearing before the. Planning and Zoning Commission. Within ninety (90) days of the date of approval of the Public Hearing Application and Site Development Plans by the City Council,the Developer shall submit a building permit application for development of the Subject Property, in accordance with the approved Site Development Plans. All required submissions of the Site Development Plans shall comply with all applicable federal,state,county,municipal or administrative laws,ordinances,rules, regulations, codes and orders (collectively, the"Legal Requirements") relating in any way to the Development. 4. Construction of Improvements/Permits/Pier Construction. Promptly following the last to occur of the following,but in any event not later than August 1, 2007 (provided that the City does not unreasonably delay approval of all of the Site Development Plans or issuance of all required building permits): (a) City approval of all of the Site Development Plans;(b)Developer's receipt of all required building permits for the .Development; and (c) satisfaction of all of Developer's lender's conditions to commencement of construction the Developer shall commence construction of the improvements on the Subject Property. Construction shall be done solely at the Developer's expense subj ect to reimbursement for such expenses pursuant to this Agreement and all improvements shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with all applicable codes,ordinances,rules and regulations of the City. It shall be Developer's responsibility to apply and pay for all required construction permits. All piers constructed by Developer, permanent or temporary,shall be constructed at its cost and be designed and constructed the same as those constructed as part of the Riverwalk Place Subdivision to the east of the Subject Property. Subject to the Developer providing to the City for its approval, at Developer's expense, an engineering study confirming the capacity of the City's existing storm sewer system, the City covenants that the Developer shall be permitted to tie the Development into the existing storm sewer 3 - s system and shall not be required to construct storm water detention systems in connection with the Development of the Subject Property. Developer shall be permitted to install two temporary signs advertising the construction and development of the Subject Property each being not more than forty-eight(48) square feet in size. One of the signs should be located at the comer of Green and Waukegan Streets and the other off Green Street adjacent to the riverwalk and gazebo. The signs shall be removed from the Subject Property no later than December 31,2008. 5. Transfer of Property. The City represents and warrants that it owns fee simple title to the Subject Property and all right,title and interest to four(4)piers to accommodate eight(8)boat slips on the Fox River,to be located in the City-owned Riviera Marina. Following(i)approval of the Site Development Plans by the Corporate Authorities;(ii)deposit in escrow with Heritage Title by Developer of a fully executed deed of reconveyance of the Subject Property and the four(4)piers to accommodate eight (8) boat slips to the City; and (iii) filing with the City Clerk the Letter of Credit referenced herein(which deposit shall be made simultaneously upon conveyance of title to the Subject Property to Developer), the City shall convey all right, title and interest in the Subject Property and the four (4) piers to accommodate eight (8) boat slips, at no cost to Developer in accordance with the terns of this Agreement, upon the earlier to occur of the following: (a) the - Developer Termination Option Date (as hereinafter defined); or (b) upon waiver of Developer's Termination Option Date,within five(5)business days after City's receipt of a written request from Developer to complete the conveyance. 6. Security for Project Construction. The purpose of the escrow,letter of credit and deed of reconveyance referenced in the preceding paragraph shall be to secure completion of the obligations of the Developer under this Agreement. The escrow agent,Heritage Title, and escrow instructions for the deed of reconveyance shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C. The escrow instructions shall provide that,upon the reasonable determination of the Corporate Authorities that the Developer is in material breach of its obligations under this Agreement, as referred to in paragraph 23,below,following all notice and remedy periods provided for herein,the deed of reconveyance shall be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for McHenry County. The deed of reconveyance shall be released back to the Developer upon satisfaction of all of its obligations under this Agreement or release of the letter of credit, referenced below, which ever occurs first and the escrow instructions shall so provide. To further secure performance of the Developer's obligations under this Agreement,including payment of all subcontractors working on the Subject Property,Developer shall file with the City Clerk a clean,irrevocable and unconditional letter of credit,in the sum of$1,500,000("Letter of Credit"). The Letter of Credit shall be procured as a part of(and not an addition to)the line of credit being obtained by the Developer with respect to the development of the Subject Property. The terms of the Letter of Credit shall provide, among other provisions reasonably required by the City,that upon the reasonable finding by the Corporate Authorities that the Developer is in material breach of its obligations under this Agreement, as . referred to in paragraph 23 below(after lapsing of all applicable notice and remedy periods)the City may draw on the Letter of Credit to pay lien holders,subcontractors and material suppliers for labor and materials previously provided and to complete development of the Subject Property and install all required public improvements in accordance with the Site Development Plans. In the event that the Corporate Authorities draw on the Letter of Credit and cause the deed of reconveyance to be transferred,this Agreement shall be deemed terminated with no right of recourse in the future by the parties hereto against each other for any reason. The City Administrator in his reasonable discretion shall approve the form of and institution,which the Letter of Credit is drawn. Upon certification by Developer to the City,supported by reasonable documentation,that it has spent eighty percent(80%) of the costs set forth in the projected project budget attached hereto as Exhibit D, the City shall release the Letter of Credit. If requested by Developer's lender,the City agrees to(a)subordinate its rights in connection with the Letter of Credit and the deed of reconveyance to Developer's lender; and (b) provide Developer's lender with reasonable notice and cure periods related to this Agreement,provided that the City be granted the right to review and approve all requisition requests of the Developer to Developer's lender. Such review and approval rights shall be limited to ensuring that all requested requisitions are for costs related to the Development and the City shall have no right to disapprove a requisition request for any other reason. The City shall have three(3)business days after receipt of a requisition request to review and approve the request, and if neither an approval nor denial is issued within such three(3)business day period,the requisition request shall be deemed approved. 7." Redevelopment Project Incentives. As specified in Exhibit E hereto,the City shall: (i)transfer title to the Subject Property,including four(4)piers accommodating eight(8)boat slips, at no cost; (ii) waive the first $227,000 and 50% in excess of$287,000 of the required building permit and capital development fees relating to the Subject Property, (iii)reimburse Developer for $424,028 relating to the costs of the public portion of the parking deck to—Mr—co—n-structed on the S'-bj ect Property; an (iv) defer trans er )f titleto the Subject roperty to Developer until construction is ready to proceed. Item (iii) is hereinafter referred to as "Redevelopment Project Costs". Request for reimbursement of Redevelopment Project Costs shall follow the procedure hereinafter set forth below. Reimbursement of the Redevelopment Project Costs shall be paid out of tax increment funds generated from Development of the Subject Property on a first priority basis before payment to other parties(including the City). No interest shall accrue on all Redevelopment Project Costs from the time they are incurred by Developer until Developer receives reimbursement from the City. 8. Procedures for and Application of Reimbursement to the Developer. a. The Developer shall advance all funds and all costs necessary to: (i) to develop the Development; and(ii) undertake other matters eligible for reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement in connection with the foregoing. b. To establish a right of reimbursement for a specific Redevelopment Project Costs under this Agreement,the Developer shall submit to the City a written statement in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit F("Request for Reimbursement")setting forth the amount of reimbursement requested and the specific Redevelopment Proj ect Costs for which reimbursement is sought. Each Request,for Reimbursement shall be accompanied by such bills,contracts, invoices, lien waivers or other evidence as the City shall reasonably require to evidence the right of the 3 - 7 Developer to reimbursement under this Agreement. The City shall have thirty(30)days after receipt of any Request for Reimbursement from the Developer to approve or disapprove of such Request and,if disapproved,to provide the Developer in writing and in detail an explanation-as to why it is not prepared to pay such reimbursement. The only reasons for disapproval of any expenditure for which reimbursement is sought shall be that such expenditure is not an eligible Redevelopment Project Cost,that it is not contained on Exhibit E, or that it was not incurred and completed by the Developer in accordance with all applicable Development Code requirements and the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation all plans and specifications for the improvements submitted to and pre-approved by the City. The parties acknowledge that the determination of Redevelopment Project Costs and qualification for reimbursement under this Agreement are subject to the TIF Act, all amendments to the TIF Act both before and after the date of this Agreement,and administrative rules and judicial interpretations rendered during the term of this Agreement. The City has no obligation to the Developer to attempt to modify said rules or decisions but will cooperate with the Developer in obtaining approval of Redevelopment Project Costs. c.. The City shall pay the Developer per the amount requested on the Request for Reimbursement within sixty(60) days of receipt of a Request for Reimbursement. d. Upon written notice from the Developer, the City, within five (5) days of receipt of such written notice, shall provide the Developer with a financial statement of the Redevelopment Project Area. 9. Term. a. Unless earlier terminated pursuant to this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of execution and end on December 31,2025 ("Termination Date"). b. On or prior to the date that is ninety(90)days after the date of this Agreement ("Developer Termination Option Date"),Developer shall have the unilateral right to terminate this Agreement without further obligation to Developer, if Developer (i) determines that the total estimated cost of the development of the Subject Property, as determined by competitive construction bids received, exceed the total estimated cost set forth in the projected project budget attached hereto as Exhibit D, by more than $250,000; (ii) receives an environmental assessment report indicating that Hazardous Materials (as hereinafter defined) are present on the Subject Property or that the asbestos removal and remediation by the City was not effective or created any adverse condition; or(iii) is unable to obtain a hard financing commitment for the Development. Developer shall exercise this right to terminate the Agreement by delivering written notice to the City before the Developer Termination Option Date stating that the Developer is terminating the Agreement. Said written notice of termination shall provide an explanation of why the Developer Termination Option is being exercised and include documentation supporting such explanation ("Termination Notice"). The termination of the Agreement shall be effective five(5)business days after the City's receipt of the Termination Notice,unless the parties agree, in writing, otherwise. C. In the event that Developer exercises its right to terminate the Agreement,the Corporate Authorities may,in its sole discretion, amend Exhibit E hereto to increase the amount of incentives provided by the City to the Developer so long as the sole source of such increased amount of incentives is tax increment funds generated from Development of the Subject Property. If the City and the Developer do not agree to such amendment within twenty(20)business days of the City's receipt of the Termination Notice,this Agreement shall terminate,without any further action by any parry hereto. 10. Verification of Tax Increment. The Developer shall use its best efforts to cooperate with the City in obtaining copies of all real estate tax bills payable in 2008, and paid in each subsequent year during the term of this Agreement, for the Development. 11. No Liability of City to Others for Developer's Expenses. The City shall have no obligations to pay costs of the Development or to make any payments to any person other than to the Developer,as provided for in this Agreement,nor shall the City be obligated to pay any contractor, subcontractor,mechanic, or material man providing services or materials to the Developer for the development of the Subject Property. 12. Time;Force Majeure. Time is ofthe essence of this Agreement,provided,however, a party shall not be deemed in material breach of this Agreement with respect to any obligations of this Agreement on such party's part to be performed if such party fails to timely perform the same and such failure is directly due in whole or in part to any strike,lock-out,labor trouble(whether legal or illegal),civil disorder,inability to procure materials,wet soil conditions,failure or interruptions of power, restrictive governmental laws and regulations, condemnations, riots, insurrections, war, terrorism, fuel shortages, accidents, casualties, floods, earthquakes, fires, acts of God, epidemics, quarantine restrictions,freight embargoes,acts caused directly or indirectly by the other party(or the other party's agents,employees or invitees)or similar causes beyond the reasonable control of such party("Force Majeure"). If one of the foregoing events shall occur or either party shall claim that such an event shall have occurred,the party to whom such claim is made shall investigate same and consult with the party making such claim regarding the same and the party to whom such claim is made shall grant any extension for the performance of the unsatisfied obligation equal to the period of the delay,which period shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the Force Majeure; provided that the failure of performance was reasonably caused by such Force Majeure. 13. Assignment. This Agreement may not be.assigned by the Developer without amendment of this Agreement. However,this Agreement and all Developer rights hereunder maybe collaterally assigned to Developer's lender without any further action and without the consent of the City. 14. Developer Indemnification. The Developer hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the City,its agents,officers and employees against all injuries,deaths,losses,damages,claims,suits, liabilities,judgments, costs and expenses (including any liabilities,judgments, costs and expenses and reasonable attorney's fees) which may arise directly or indirectly from the failure of the Developer or any contractor,subcontractor or agent or employee thereof(so long as such contractor, 3- I subcontractor or agent or employee thereof is hired by the Developer)to timely pay any contractor,. subcontractor,laborer or material man;from any default or breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Developer; or from any negligence or reckless or willful misconduct of the Developer or any contractor,subcontractor or agent or employee thereof(so long as such contractor,subcontractor or agent or employee is hired by the Developer). The Developer shall, at its own cost and expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attorneys, costs and other expenses arising there from or incurred in connection therewith. If-any judgment shall be rendered against the City, its agents, officers, officials or employees in any such action, the Developer shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. This paragraph shall not apply,and the Developer shall have no obligation whatsoever,with respect to any acts of negligence or reckless or willful misconduct on the part of the City or any of its officers, agents, employees or contractors. To secure this indemnification, Developer shall require its insurer to name the City as an additional insured on all applicable insurance policies during construction of improvements on the Subject Property. Evidence of compliance with this insurance requirement shall be tendered to the City Administrator upon request. The City hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the Developer,its agents, officers and employees against all injuries,deaths,losses,damages,claims,suits,liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses (including any liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses and reasonable attorney's fees)which may arise directly or indirectly from any breach or default of the terms of this Agreement by the City,or from any negligence or reckless or willful misconduct of the City or agent or employee thereof. The City shall, at its own cost and expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attorneys, costs and other expenses arising there from or incurred in connection therewith. If any judgment shall be rendered against the Developer, its agents, officers, officials or employees in any such action, the City shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. This paragraph shall not apply, and the City shall have no obligation whatsoever,with respect to any acts of negligence or reckless or willful misconduct on the part of the Developer or any of its officers, agents, employees or contractors. 15. Retained Personnel. Following execution of this Agreement,Developer shall,at all times, comply with the City's retained personnel ordinance,but in no case shall be responsible for reimbursement of legal fees incurred by the City in the negotiation or drafting of this Agreement. 16. . No Recourse. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant or provision of this Agreement,or for any claim based thereon or otherwise in respect thereof shall be had against the City,its officers,agents and employees,in any amount or in excess of any specific sum agreed by the City to be paid to the Developer or anyone of them, hereunder, subject to the terms and conditions herein; and no liability, right or claim at law or in equity shall attach to or shall be incurred by the City,its officers, agents,and employees in excess of such amounts; and all and any such rights or claims against the City,its officers,agents and employees are hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Agreement by the City. 17. Waiver. Any party to this Agreement may elect to waive any remedy it may enjoy hereunder,provided that no such waiver shall be deemed to exist unless the party waiving such right or remedy does so in writing. No such waiver shall obligate such party to waive any right or remedy - ry hereunder,or shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of other rights and remedies provided said party pursuant to this Agreement. 18. Severability. If any section, subsection,term or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstance shall,to any extent,be invalid or unenforceable,the remainder of said section,subsection,term or provision of this Agreement or the application of same to parties or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable;shall not be affected thereby. 19. Notices. All notices, demands, requests, consents, approvals or other instruments required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the party or an officer, agent or attorney of the party, and shall be deemed to have been effective as of the date of actual delivery, if delivered personally, or as of the third (3rd) day from and including the date of posting, if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To the Developer: John B. Curtis Curtis Commercial,Inc. 1128 West Algonquin Road Lake in the Hills, Illinois 60156 And Jeffrey W. Krol Jeffrey W: Krol and Associates, Ltd. Presidents Plaza 8700 W. Bryn Mawr, Suite 810 North Chicago, Illinois 60631 To the City: City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050-5494 20. Successors in Interest. Except as otherwise restricted herein,this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and assigns. 21. No Joint Venture, Agency or Partnership Created; No Recourse. Neither anything in this Agreement nor any acts of the parties to this Agreement shall be construed by the parties or any third person to create the relationship of a partnership, agency, or joint venture between or among such parties. 22. No Discrimination-Construction. The Developer for itself and its successors and assigns agrees that in the construction of the improvements on the Subject Property provided for in this Agreement the Developer shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Developer shall take affirmative action to require that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment,without regard to their race,creed,color,religion,sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising and solicitations or advertisements for employees;layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms,of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Developer agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment,notices,which may be provided by the City,setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. Developer shall pay wages according to applicable law including the Prevailing Wage Act(820 ILCS 130/1,et.seq.),if required to be paid under such applicable law. 23. Remedies -Liability. a. If Developer fails to comply with any material provision of this Agreement, the City shall provide the Developer with a written statement indicating in adequate detail any failure on the Developer's part to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Except as required to protect against further damages,the City may not exercise any remedies against the Developer in connection with such failure until thirty (30) days after giving such notice. If such default cannot be cured within such thirty(30) day period, such thirty(30)day period shall be extended for such time as is reasonably necessary for the curing of the same (including as much time as is necessary to remove any liens on the Subject Property,as long as Developer is diligently pursuing the release),so long as the Developer diligently proceeds with such cure; if such default is cured within such extended period,the default shall not be deemed to constitute a breach of this Agreement. A default not cured as provided above shall constitute a breach of this Agreement("Breach"). Any failure or delay by the City in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default or alleged default or Breach shall not operate as a waiver of any such default or Breach of any rights or remedies it may have as a result of such default or Breach. b. If there is a Breach of this Agreement by the Developer or ifthe Developer is in default under any agreement for the assembly of land for the Development,or if all or a portion of any such agreement is terminated,the City may elect to terminate this Agreement or exercise any right or remedy it may have at law or in equity, including the right to specifically enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If any voluntary or involuntary petition or similar pleading under any section or.sections of any bankruptcy or insolvency act shall be filed by or against the Developer which is not dismissed within sixty (60) days, or any voluntary or involuntary proceeding in any court or tribunal shall be instituted to declare the Developer insolvent or unable to pay the Developer's debts which proceeding is not dismissed within sixty(60)days,or the Developer makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors,or a trustee or receiver is appointed for the Developer or for the major part of the Developer's property,the City may elect,to the extent such election is permitted by law and is not unenforceable under applicable federal bankruptcy laws, but is not required, with or without notice of such election and with or without entry or other action by the City, to forthwith terminate this Agreement. To effect the City's termination of this Agreement hereunder, the City's sole obligation shall be to record, in the office of the McHenry County Recorder,a Certificate of Default,executed by the President of the City or such other person as shall 3 `2- be designated by the City,stating that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, in which event this Agreement by virtue of the recording of such certificate, shall ipso facto automatically become null and void and of no further force and effect. C. If, in the Developer's judgment, the City is in material default of this Agreement, the Developer shall provide the City with a written statement indicating in adequate detail any failure on the City's part to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. The Developer may not exercise any remedies against the City in connection with such failure until thirty(30)days after giving such notice. If such default cannot be cured within such thirty(30) day period, such thirty(30)day period shall be extended for such time as is reasonably necessary for the curing of the same, so long as the City diligently proceeds with-such cure; if such default is cured within such extended period,the default shall not be deemed to constitute a breach of this Agreement. A default not cured as provided above shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Any failure or delay by the Developer in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default or any alleged default or breach shall not operate as a waiver of any such default or breach of any rights or remedies it may have as a result of such default or breach. d. If the City materially fails to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement after notice is given by the Developer and'.any cure periods described this Agreement have expired,the Developer may elect to terminate this Agreement or exercise any right or remedy it may have at law or in equity,including the right to specifically enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement. e. In addition to any other rights or remedies, a party may institute legal action against the other party to cure, correct or remedy any default, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purpose of this Agreement,either at law or in equity,including,but not limited to the equitable remedy of an action for specific performance;provided,however,no recourse under or upon any obligation contained herein or for any claim based thereon shall be had against the City,its officers, agents,attorneys,representatives or employees in any amount or in excess of any specific sum agreed to be paid by the City hereunder,and no liability,right or claim at law or in equity shall be attached to or incurred by the City,its officers,agents,attorneys,representatives or employees in any amount in excess of any specific sums agreed by the City to be paid hereunder and any such claim is hereby expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Agreement by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event either party shall institute legal action against the other party because of a breach of any agreement or obligation contained in this Agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all cots and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with such action. f. The rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by a party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it,at the same time or different times,of any other rights or remedies for the same default or for any other default by the other party. � _ � 3 24. Conveyance. a. The Subject Property shall be conveyed by the City to the Developer by warranty deed("Deed"). The conveyance of the Subject Property shall be consummated through an escrow with Heritage Title, in accordance with the provisions of a "New York Style" escrow agreement with such special provisions inserted as may be required to conform to this Agreement and the requirements of any lender of Developer. Concurrently with the deposit of the Deed, the City shall deposit an affidavit of title and other documentation reasonably requested by the title company in order to effectuate the closing. b. As a condition to the acceptance of the Subj ect Property by the Developer,the City shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Developer,not later than thirty(30)days prior to the date of the conveyance,a title commitment for an ALTA 1992 Form Owners Title Insurance Policy ("Title Policy") issued by Heritage Title showing title to the Subject Property in the name of Developer subject only to the permitted exceptions set forth in the Owners' policy issued by Ticor Title, under policy no. 682953, dated December 16, 2005, Exhibit G attached hereto. The Title Policy shall contain affirmative endorsements against all mechanic's lien claims and over all of the standard general exceptions contained in the policy. The City shall cause the Title Policy to be issued to the Developer on the date of conveyance. C. The City shall pay all costs associated with providing an accurate survey of the Subject Property and title policy. Developer shall pay all closing costs and any other costs associated with the transfer of the Subject Property,pursuant to this Agreement. 25. Environmental Matters. The City hereby represents and warrants to the Developer that the environmental condition of the Subject Property is set forth in a certain written Environmental Assessment Reports prepared by the Green Environmental Group, Ltd.; dated October 28, 2005 and Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. dated March 13, 2006, previously provided to Developer. Other than statements and representations made therein, the Corporate Authorities represent and warrant they have no actual knowledge that Hazardous Materials (as hereinafter defined)have been placed,held,located or disposed on or at(i)the Subject Property or any part thereof; (d)the surface waters or ground waters on or under the Subject Property;(iii)the soils comprising the Subject Property;or(iv)any improvements located thereon with respect to any of which the removal, clean-up or taking of any remedial action is or would be required under any federal,state or local environmental or similar statute,law or ordinance,and the Subject Property has never been used as a dump site or storage site(whether permanent or temporary)for any Hazardous Material,with respect to any of which the removal, clean-up or taking or any remedial action is or would be required under any federal,state or local environmental or similar statute,law or ordinance. For the purposes of this Agreement,the term "Hazardous Material"means any hazardous,toxic or dangerous waste,substance or material. Provided,however,Developer acknowledges that asbestos referenced in said Report was recently removed by the City in relation to the Medical Arts Building demolished by the City in approximately 2006. It is Developer's responsibility to further investigate, if it wishes,to determine whether the asbestos removal and remediation by the City was completely effective or caused any adverse condition to the Subject Property. 26. Amendment. This Agreement,and any exhibits attached to this Agreement,may be amended only in a writing signed by all the parties with the adoption of any ordinance or resolution of the City approving said amendment,as provided by law,and by execution of said amendment by the parties or their successors in interest. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and discussions relative to the subject matter hereof. 27. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the above date at McHenry, Illinois. City of McHenry By: -. Its Mayor Developer CIO! C, .� . By: s EWUBIT A to Redevelopment Acreenent PARCEL 1 : THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 26 AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT SOUTH 70 AND 3/4 DEGREES EAST, 132 FEET FROM A POINT NORTH 32 AND 3/4 DEGREES EAST, 68 FEET FROM THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26, THENCE NORTH 19 AND 3/4 DEGREES EAST, 135.10 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PRIVATE LANE (NOW VACATED) AS SHOWN IN PLAT OF VENICE PARK ADDITION; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD, 56 ,FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH IT AND 3/4 DEGREES WEST 135.1 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF WAUKEGAN ROAD 56 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; IN MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 2: TRAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE B EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A STAKE WHICH STANDS NORTH 32 AND 3/4 DEGREES EAST, 68 FEET FROM THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE SOUTH 70 AND 3/4 DEGREES EAST, 132 FEET; THENCE NORTH 19 AND 1/4 DEGREES EAST, 13500 FEET TO A POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PRIVATE LANE (NOW VACATED) AS SHOWN IN PLAT OF VENICE PARK ADDITION; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PRIVATE LANE (NOW VACATED), 44.37 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE 30 FEET TO A POINT •IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF•SAID VACATED PRIVATE LANE, SAID LINE ALSO BEING THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 2 IN VENICE PARK ADDITION; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, 44.43 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1, 101.55 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY' 112.2 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF GREEN STREET, SAID POINT BEING 145.61 FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE ANGLE POINT IN SAID GREEN STREET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF GREEN STREET 145.61 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 157.53 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GREEN STREET TO THE- POINT OF BEGINNING; IN MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 3: THAT PART OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 2 IN VENICE PARK ADDITION TO MCHENRY, UNIT NO. 1, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST FRACTIONAL 1/4 OF SECTION 26 AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST FRACTIONAL 1/4 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1941 AS DOCUMENT NO. 152920 IN BOOK 7 OF PLATS, PAGE 68, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BOONE LAGOON WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1 AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 28 DEGREES AND 31 MINUTES WEST, ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, FOR A DISTANCE OF 48.41 FEET TO A POINT;. THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ON A LINE FORMING AN ANGLE OF 106 DEGREES AND 38 MINUTES TO THE LEFT, WITH A PROLONGATION OF THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE, AT THE LAST DESCRIBED POINT, FOR A DISTANCE -OF 31 .97 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ON A LINE FORMING AN ANGLE OF 83 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 50 SECONDS TO THE LEFT WITH A PROLONGATION OF THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE, AT THE LAST DESCRIBED POINT, FOR A DISTANCE OF 43.17 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID BOONE LAGOON; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF' SAID BOONE LAGOON FOR A DISTANCE OF 23 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS-. ^ 07 -� ' 3 - 1 (�. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Vacant laud, .05 acres?McHenry,111ivais THAT PART OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 2 IN VENICE PARK ADDITION TO McHENRY,UNIT N0. 1,A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF TIE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION?26 AND PART 01*THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35,ALL IN TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH,RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT TBEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1941 AS DOCUMENT NO. 152920,IN BOOK 7 OF'PLATS,PAGE 69,DESCRIBED AS POLLO WS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 THENCE NORTH 28 DEGREES 42 ivL TES 56 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1,A DISTANCE OF 62.27 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 77 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 04 SECONDS EAST,A DISTANCE OF 31.97 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 17 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST,A DISTANCE.OF 64.82 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID L«OT 1;THENCE NORTH 71 DEGREES 33 MIlT=S.47 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE,A DISTANCE OF 43.90 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING,IN MCHENRY COUNTY,'ILLINOIS. h -�, - I -7 aw, u fr"s•,pk,,�.,., M I t �, ri .4x+ r ;}• ii jrRairoao ''^. ¢.r♦ xt'-'.fqb ) i ry �' �.y.% t..l Ph +a r7P"^' � °I ,4 rs, tr Y. ,��{ d' iErf Ir.4p s .�, µx y, ? 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Sara; � 4 f Retail Y I •y 'I Reteti 2 Level Parking Garage ' Petail. ,h EXHIBIT C to Redevelopment Agreement Date: Escrow Officer: Escrow No.: STRICT SOLE ORDER ESCROW To: Heritage Title Company 4405 Three Oaks Road Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 The accompanying Warranty Deed and PTAX Real Estate Transfer Declaration form are hereby deposited with Heritage Title Company, as escrowee, to be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for McHenry County upon. written letter of direction signed by the Mayor of the City of McHenry representing that the McHenry City Council has determined that the Developer referenced in a Redevelopment Agreement dated , 2007 ("Redevelopment Agreement") is in material breach of its obligations there under, has been given all required notice and has failed to remedy the breach and that the Warranty Deed deposited in escrow shall be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for McHenry County or in obedience to the process or order of the Court as aforesaid. The Heritage Title Company, as escrowee, is hereby expressly authorized to disregard, in its sole discretion, any and all notices or warnings given by any of the parties hereto, or by any other person or corporation, but the said escrowee is hereby expressly authorized to regard and to comply with and obey any and all orders,judgments or decrees entered or issued by any Court with or without jurisdiction, and in case the said escrowee obeys or complies with any such order,judgment or decree of any court, it shall not be liable to any of the parties hereto or any other person, firm or corporation by reason of such compliance, notwithstanding any such order,judgment or decree was entered without jurisdiction or be subsequently reversed, modified, annulled, set aside or vacated, in case of any suit or proceeding regarding this escrow, to which said escrowee is or may be at any time a party it shall have a lien on the contents hereof for any and all costs, attorneys' and solicitors" fees, whether such attorneys or solicitors shall be regularly retained or specially employed and other expenses which may have incurred or become liable for on account thereof, and it shall be entitled to reimburse itself therefore out of said deposit, and the undersigned jointly and severally agree to pay to said escrowee upon demand all such costs and expenses so incurred. In no case shall the Warranty Deed deposited herewith be surrendered except upon the above-referenced written letter received from the City of McHenry or in obedience to a Court order, or upon written notice from the City of McHenry that Developer has completed all of its obligations under the Redevelopment Agreement and that the Warranty Deed shall be returned to the City of McHenry. The foregoing terms, conditions and instructions have been read and approved and the Escrow Fee is to be charged to and paid by the following parties upon the execution of this escrow agreement: CITY OF McHENRY DEVELOPER By: City Administrator Agreed to and accepted by Escrowee,Heritage Title Company By EXHIBIT D to Pedevelopme t A ae�t ,Rn7E9WA "1 LACE ' �4�D I`�Toi�th Green Stx�et . Mc lie�T,:U n is TOTAL REVENUE Condominiums(24 Unils) $ 7;4'C6,000 •Ccrnmerciat( TC=sq 1t) S 3,a2s,6o0 Beat$tips,Net S 140,1)Ott Camme ciaf Rmrnt l Revenue $ 184,417 TOTAL REVENUE r 11,S6 IT PROJECT COSTS TOTAL LAN13 Lalid;4cquf§Itfon $ 1,348,572 Closing Ctssl;' `$ Ztf,000 SUErWAL.LAM) $ 1,35t3,972 SITE I/MOVW TS ICI-LEVEL PARtdNG GARAGE $ 619,550 Wlib jC-.SITE $ 81;000 CAISOf+$ $ OT�IEft $ �80 St1&OTAL srtE 1MRRAVEIIe atTS S i,067,230 NEW COIKMUCTIOtt COSTS S4elt1 $ t.'5144-m-p onaq $ 1,8D0,00(! R6ad $ 726.000 Genenkl Condiders $ 240,000 Contingency. ..... . �. °360,000 SUSTOTALlJElqCOhiSTRUt;T►d4 5 •9864,6w SOFT COSTS Reg l Estate Tars 48,f�0o" P'e(mftr,/Impact Flies $; Suivty and Flf McMng $ 25,000 AnNWd $ 1;8,000 Legal-fgmzhase $ fQ,000 Lagat-Lease 5 2S.DW l:ega#-Cando Closes, 5 25,6b Legal:C(Oses $ i0,000 T1 Affovrance $ .1:5,000 Rent Abatement $ A�cquniiig 17`a�c $ Zo,000 ari;res="o Few(ConsulbnW.SWt td) 521e58.Mijlriefi oOffiee• $ 50;000 l3'rvkes F�5•�Resfdeniial $ 37(3;190t3' Bmok r•Fees.*Cammerdal tsasing $ 85,OaG Broker Fees-Com'merdal Fit $ 1.14,750 CIW�"A da,is(corldo,J re'taH) 116,i6 • GC Fee $' 575,000 Pmjoct G i£A $ 425;000 pidjetit lnsesra'nce S 150;Qd0. Soft Cost.Con6ngency. $ 10Q,000 Office $ 120,D00 Inbeest $ 850,000 Loan C:osis 5 5t7,t)00 SUBToT.ALSOFTCOSTS $ 3,767,204 TOTA VEVEI_OPME*C08T $ 13,U57,,406 Z3 Exhibit E to Redevelopment Agreement Redevelopment Project Incentives Land Acquisition/Site Preparation(including 4 piers accommodating 8 boat slips) $1,348,972 Permit Fee/Impact Fee Reimbursement $ 227,000, plus 50%of any fees in excess of $287,000 Public parking.deck 424,028 $2,000,000, plus 50%of any fees in excess of $287,000 3 - Exhibit F to Redevelopment Agreement Form of Request for Reimbursement REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT City Administrator City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry,Illinois 60050-5494 Re: Redevelopment Agreement, dated , 200_ (the "Agreement'), by and between the City of McHenry,an Illinois municipal corporation and (collectively the"Developer' Dear Sir: You are requested to disburse funds from the Special Tax Allocation Fund pursuant to Section 4(b) or Section 4(c) of the Redevelopment Agreement described above in the amount(s), to the person(s) and for the purpose(s) set forth in this Request for Reimbursement. The terms used in this Request for Reimbursement shall have the meanings given to those terms in the Redevelopment Agreement. 1. Request for Reimbursement No.: 2. Payment due to: 3. Amount to be Disbursed: 4. The amount requested to be disbursed pursuant to this Request for Reimbursement will be used to reimburse the Developers for those Redevelopment Project Costs of the Development detailed in Schedule 1 attached to this Request for Reimbursement. 5. The undersigned certifies that: (i) the amounts included in 3 above were made or incurred in connection with the construction of the Development and were made or incurred in accordance with the construction contracts,plans and specifications heretofore in effect; (ii) the amounts paid or to be paid,as set forth in this Request for Reimbursement,represents a part of the funds due and payable for Redevelopment Project Costs; (iii) the expenditures for which amounts are requisitioned represent proper Redevelopment Project Costs identified in the Redevelopment Project Costs Exhibit B to the Agreement, have not been included in any previous Request for Reimbursement,have been properly recorded on the Developers'books and are set forth on the attached Schedule 1,with paid invoices attached for all sums for which reimbursement is requested; (iv) the moneys requisitioned are not greater than those necessary to meet obligations due and payable or to reimburse the Developers for its funds actually advanced for Redevelopment Project Costs; (v) the amount of Redevelopment Project Costs to be reimbursed in accordance with this Request for Reimbursement, together with all amounts reimbursed to the Developers pursuant to the Agreement (excluding there from interest on Notes) is not in excess of (vi) the Developers are not in default under the Redevelopment Agreement and nothing has occurred to the knowledge of the Developers that would prevent the performance of its obligations under the Redevelopment Agreement. 3 - 2-5 6. Attached to this Request for Reimbursement is Schedule 1, together with copies of invoices or bills of sale and Mechanic's Lien Waivers covering all items for which reimbursement is being requested, and a copy of the Redevelopment Project Cost Schedule on which it has been noted all Redevelopment Project Costs heretofore reimbursed to the Developers. Developer Date: By. Its . --".. . , ." .. - .IT1"MU_" j"AtaQMQN"W4QyUyUj .As["" :.,;,W;Q-- 4.. k F 0 A W n 1 A "�I I'- .1-... ..,�,,�.. �-.*��.1 . 1, 1. .. .. 4" !,;a "41.',�,1,1f'j4!'�-`1,!-,.! ,jriklflr,v,��'I'J�,��'5 1 i;-,Mqpr.j ,1.l1'1 -I�,jmr.11p-!� �.i�.;6.."."."�" "e.0-1"'I 11.1"Fi. -%:�:!--`� ,. ,:l:-�, , ,11 1,1'Ili"',',.,1 1!1-:4", ,1- ,. ,;,: I ..;: ,�._, , ` " " UqS.W.P -7 .1-1_ , 4 - �'�;. . ;,1: .:-'�:z,;,,c'), I Iq V, qqt - "'. ".. . - , - �.. a , - li,1i V —.1"W'."'. . ofl-111.1 .! io�,_',,-;� ,.� ,�i L. j,`;.,". ...Aq� -q�jyjw r'? "Z.."'.�1`,;,j,i , , . ; — i woo U W", .. 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L S✓ i.!A '.(, r .f!. 4�,. ..".. „ .,., r. !..,..IH1 w /�} QY II! J,F,_,�.' ,.rr.f! .,. ,r. .er.,+!k.. ,i!MI, J0.,pr•.,. .,Y14^•x2!:rr. .. ._ r... 4 J ! .. Attachment#4 ORDINANCE NO.ORD-08-1419 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 07-1359 and Authorizing Execution of a First Amendment of a Redevelopment Agreement with Curtis Commercial Inc and McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC,Execution of Pier and Boat Slip Access Easement and Assignment and Related Closing Documents WHEREAS,the City has the authority to adopt ordinances and to promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs and that protect the public health,safety,and welfare of its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF McHENRY, McHenry County,Illinois,as follows: SECTION 1:The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the following documents:(1) First Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement between the City of McHenry,McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC and Curtis Commercial Inc.,a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto; (2)Pier and Boat Slip Access Easement and Assignment, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto;(3)Closing documents(City of McHenry to McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC)including Warranty Deed,ALTA Statement,Statement of Owner relating to property manager, PTAX-203 form and Plat Act Affidavit; (4) Closing documents (McHenry Riverwalk Center LLC to City of McHenry)including Warranty Deed,PTAX-203 form and Plat Act Affidavit;. and(5)Strict Sole Order Escrow,Termination of Pier and Boat Slip Access Easement and License Reconveyance of Piers and Slips and PTAX-203. SECTION 6:If any section,paragraph,subdivision,clause,sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof,which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 7:All ordinances or parts of ordinances and motions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 8:This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage,approval and publication in pamphlet form(which publication is hereby authorized)as provided by law. Passed and approved this Vh day of April 2008. Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer,Wimmer,Peterson,Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Abstain: None APPRO ED: M 'o (SEAL) r Susan E. Low ATTEST; kQln X Cie- City crk Jar n Jones First Amendment to Redeveloument Agreement THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("First Amendment") is entered into this .q4A day of "R-t L. 2008, between the City of McHenry, an Illinois municipal corporation ("City'), McHenry Riverwalk Center, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company ("Developer') and Curtis Commercial, Inc ("Former Develvpeto). RECITALS A. On or about March 5, 2007 the City entered into a Redevelopment Agreement with the Former Developer ("Original Agreement') which, in accordance with the terms of this First Amendment, the Former Developer desires to hereby assign all of its right title and interest in and to the Original Agreement to the Developer pursuant to this First Amendment. All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definitions set forth in the Original Agreement. B. The parties hereto desire to amend certain terms and provisions of the Original Agreement pursuant to this First Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. All of the recitals contained in this First Amendment are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into this First Amendment as though they were fully set forth in this Section 1. 2. Return of Expense Deposit. As of the date of this First Amendment, Developer shall be entitled to remove the Expense Deposit that it deposited in connection with the Original Agreement from the segregated account and shall have no further obligations with respect to the Expense Deposit. 3. Construction. a. Section 4 of the Original Agreement shall be amended by deleting"but in any event not later than August 1,2007." b. Section 4 of the Original Agreement shall be amended to provide that any boat piers constructed by Developer on Boone Lagoon, shall be constructed at its cost and be designed and constructed the same as those constructed as part of the Riverwalk Place Subdivision to the east of the Subject Property. Any and all boat piers so constructed by Developer on Boone Lagoon shall be and available to the general public and be constructed parallel to the Subject Property water front and be in the nature of a temporary docking (not overnight) use. The City shall provide Developer with necessary construction and access easements from the Subject Property to Boone Lagoon for the construction and use of boat piers. q- 3 4. Parking Requirements. The Developer shall perpetually reserve not less than forty-six (46)parking spaces within the seventy-four(74)parking space structure constructed on the Subject Property for use, at no charge,by the general public. The parking spaces so reserved and their location within the parking structure shall be mutually agreed upon by the Developer and the City prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for the Subject Property and shall include the required number of handicapped spaces, in accordance with the current applicable Illinois Accessibility Code. 5, Covenants. Prior to issuance of any occupancy permits, Developer shall draft and file with the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds restrictions and covenants against the Subject Property ("Covenants"). The Covenants shall be subject to review and approval by the City and shall include provisions that the City is a third party beneficiary thereof with the power -to enforce the same,and that no amendment that affects the rights of the City thereunder shall be effective without the prior written consent of the City,which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Covenants shall include the following, at a minimum: (a) any construction of Boone Lagoon piers must be consistent with that of Riverwalk Place subdivision.; (b) use of Boone Lagoon piers shall be for temporary docking only, available to the general public and shall not be used overnight; (c) the association created shall have all maintenance obligations with regard to the parking structure constructed on the Subject Property and the adjacent pier constructed on Boone Lagoon; and (d) the allocation and reservation of the public parking spaces required hereunder. The parties hereto acknowledge that .all maintenance of the Subject Property, improvements constructed thereon,including the public parking garage, shall be the obligation of the Developer and the covenants shall so reflect. 6. Transfer of Property Conditions. Section 5 of the Original.Agreement shall be modified by deleting "and (iii) filing with the City Clerk the Letter of Credit referenced herein (which deposit shall be made simultaneously upon conveyance of title to the Subject Property to Developer)." 7. Letter of Credit. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Original Agreement,Developer shall file the letter of credit referenced therein with the City Clerk's office no later than April 30,2008. 8. Security for Project Construction. If Developer is required to post security in connection with the construction of public improvements, such security shall be in the form of a letter of credit rather than a surety bond. The form and substance of the letter of credit shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the City attorney. 9. Conveyance of Piers/Slips. The City shall convey the four(4) piers and eight(8) slips via a Pier and Boat Slip Access Easement and Assignment in substantially the same form as attached hereto as Exhibit H. 10. Assignment. The Former Developer hereby assigns all of its right title and interest in and to the Original Agreement, as amended by this First Amendment, to the Developer and the City hereby consents to such assignment. L(' 11. Title Company. All references in the Original Agreement to "Heritage Title Company"shall be revised to read"First American Title Insurance Company." 12, Title Insurance. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Original Agreement, the Title Policy paid for by the City shall be in an amount equal to $1,348,972, which is the agreed upon value of the Subject Property. 13. Exhibit B. The floor plan for the First Floor attached as Exhibit B to the Original Agreement shall be amended to delete the reference to "2 Level Parking Garage" and read"An attached Parking Garage providing at least seventy-four(74)parking spaces,including 46 public spaces,shall be constructed here." 14. Exhibit D. Exhibit D of Original Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced with Exhibit D attached hereto. 15. . Exhibit E. Section 7 of the Original Agreement shall be amended replacing the figure:$424,028 referenced therein with the figure $624,028, with no other changes to Section 7. In addition, Exhibit E to the Original Agreement shall be amended replacing.the reference to $424,028 with the following: 1624,02811. In addition, Exhibit E to the Original Agreement shall be amended replacing the reference to $2,000,000 with $2,200,000. No other changes to Exhibit E to the Original Agreement are here by made. 16. Advertising Signs. During construction of the Project, Developer shall be permitted to place advertising information on one side of its construction fencing along Green Street. 17. , Cont'licts. In the event the terms of this First Amendment conflict with the terms of the Original Agreement, the terms of this First Amendment shall govern. Except as specifically provided herein,the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. [Signature Page Follows] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this First Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the above date at McHenry,Illinois. City of McHenry By: is Mayor McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC By. Nam • e� Its: /P?,2—G g P/ Curtis Commercial,Inc. By: �' John Curtis,Its President RIVFRWALK CENTER 3KV200a 1110 Forth Green Street Me How7f UUno(s FORECAS7ED REVENUE Condominium Sales-Sue $ 6,441,700 Condominium Sales-Upgrades $ 170,OOD Boat Slip Sales $ 240.0(* Less Pm-Constrtntion D�wowtts/lncoiUM' (20D.00D) Ret21 Rent Revemie ; 50,ODD Commercial Sale S 4,509,W TOTAL NET FORECASTED REVENUE $,13,207a LESS CLOSING AND SEL M EXPENSES Condo/ReW Claft Stamps S 19,377 Condo/Reol Closing Costs S 201000 Cowp OondornWwn Sale Commb#Wn(25% 2.6%) S 60.000 iWlart ears camy"M a 3.0% s 135ASO Wall t easbV Corfxnhobrt(13,400 aq ft $4) W,ODD LESS TOTAL SALES COSTS s 289,657 NET FORECASTED SALES i 12,918,143 FORECAST90 EXPENSES Land and Permit $ 1.575.972 Hard Cost•Garap(LEVELS 1.2 AND 3) $ 1.383.020 Hard Coal-911a Improwm ds 654,351 Hand Cost-Bmbv Shell S 4,328,614 Rani Cost-Buldirq Finish $ 1,320,138 Hard Cost•Contingency $ 396.107 Soft Costs S _. 3,415,500 See Demil TOTAL FORECASTED EXPENSES $ 13.288,702 PROJECT PROFIT BEFORE TiF AND CITY $ (37Q,S59 LAND AND PERMIT WRITE DOWN $ 1.576.072 . 'PAY-AS-YOU-GO'11F BENEFITS $ 824,029 NET PROJECT PRpf7T 1129:� Exhibit D to Redevelopment Aunt . it- -7 RIVERWALK CENTER 3/1212008 it io North Grow Street Me Henry,111001s EXPENSES RELATED TO LEGAL/TI ALLOWANCE 1000 Legal-Condo Oocurnents Review 1,000 Legal.Condo contract Review . Legal-Wan CbskV Bank $ 10,000 Legal-Land 1 1.0an Cbs(rg t)evetapers 20 000 Legal-Condo Ct Wrrps 1315005 Legal-Retell CIQ4(rrg 5 0 Legal-TIF $ �, 0 0 � Legal-T6rw8nt Leases 2 00 S TI Allowance-UNIT 8 (4,000 sq� 200,000OO TI Allowance-(14.700 a S'l0 Per$A ft) s 1147.aao TOTAL LEGAL/T)EXPENSES F-t--�436,000 EXPENSES RELATED TO FINANCING S- Sank Fee$ Interest Expense A a00= Inspection Fees 251 Appraisal Fee 71500 Misc Closing Casts fi floc TOTAL FINANCE EXPENSES MARKETING COSTS 5,000 On Promise Sign $ales mater(ab E 15,000 Sates Tralior Start Up Expanses S 20 000 $ales Trailer Renist Expenows/Utah"(is Moathts) 1188,0 Sales Trailer-Personnel(15 months) 85 000 Condominium sale commwon Bonus 5 000 Mise Office Expense S Q Initial Ad gverttsb%; 13000 ,000 Ongoing Advertising Comwierdal/Retafi Advertising WO TOTAL MARKETING EXPENSES 6E00 OTHE SOFT COSTS Architect 176 000 Engineers S 40 surveys.Renderings,swings,Etc. 20 000 Permits 10 000 RE Taxes(18 Months) S 30000 Misc Leal S 20,0W Misc lax S 20 0. Mise Consulting/Studies S 15,000 Builders Risk,GL,WC Insurance $ 100,000 GQnera)Contracting Fee(10%) 810 0W Curtis Ofte I Overhead(S5,oW X 24) S 120,000 Partner Reirttbursernent($1,000 X 18) $ $4 000 Pr*ct Supervision S 225,000 tutisc OWOng Expenses 130,0D0 Son Cost contingency $ Wow TOTAL OTHER SOFT COSTS -1 TOTAL SOFT COSTS 3415,a Pier and Boat Slip Access Easement and Assignment Prepared By/Mail To: David W. McArdle ZUKOWSKI,ROGERS, FLOOD&McARDLE 50 Virginia Street Crystal Lake,IL 60014 This space is for RECORDER'S USE ONLY WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation, C'Grantor'D is the owner of certain real property described on Exhibit 1,attached hereto and made a part hereof("Real Estate');and WHEREAS,there is located adjacent to the Real Estate in the Riviera Marina("Marina7%a number of piers and boat slips including 4 piers labeled A-D,containing 8 boat slips numbered 1-8 depicted on Exhibit 2, attached hereto and made a part hereof("Conveyed Piers and Slips");and WHEREAS,McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC("Grantee)is the developer and owner of a certain proposed condominium project in the City of McHenry("Project');and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to provide for a perpetual easement of access to the Conveyed Piers and Slips by Grantee, its successors and assigns and assignment of the Conveyed Piers and Slips to Grantee. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the promises and covenants made in this document and related closing documents,the Parties hereto agree as follows: EASEMENT AND LICENSE CONVEYANCE 1. The Grantor does hereby grant and convey to Grantee,its successors and assigns,an exclusive perpetual easement of access to the Conveyed Piers and Slips along and across that part of the Real Estate legally described and shown as "10' Pedestrian Access Easement"on Exhibit 2 ("Exclusive Easement'). 2. The Grantor does hereby further grant and convey to Grantee, its successors and assigns,a nonexclusive revocable license for vehicular access,loading,automobile parking, and related uses over that part of the Real Estate depicted as "Vehicle License"on Exhibit 2 ("Vehicle License"). The Vehicle License is revocable and terminable by the Grantor, in its discretion, at any time, upon 30 days notice to Grantee and all persons or entities owning and holding rights in the Conveyed Piers and Slips; provided, however, that Grantor shall not be allowed to revoke or terminate the Vehicle License while any party other than Grantor,its successors or assigns has a right to use parking spaces on the Real Estate. Exhibit H to Redevelopment Agreement i 3. The term of the Exclusive Easement shall commence on the date of this instrument and shall run in perpetuity unless sooner terminated by: (a) written agreement executed by all persons and entities owning and holding rights in the Conveyed Piers and Slips and the Grantor,or(b)a written termination agreement recorded by Grantor or First American Title Company,as designated escrowee,upon Grantee's material breach of its obligations under that certain Redevelopment Agreement dated March 5, 2007 between Grantor and Grantee. The term of the Vehicle License shall commence on the daze of this instrument and shall run in perpetuity unless sooner terminated by: (a)a written notice executed by Grantor,or(b)a written termination agreement recorded by Grantor or First American Title Company, a designated escrowee, upon Grantee's material breach of its obligations under that certain Redevelopment Agreement dated March 5,2007 between Grantor and Grantee. 4. During the term of the Exclusive Easement and the Vehicle License,Grantor shall maintain the Exclusive Easement area and the Vehicle License area in good condition at its own cost and expense. 5. The Exclusive Easement,Vehicle License,the restrictions hereby imposed and the covenants herein contained shall be easements,licenses,restrictions and covenants running with the title to the Real Estate and shall be binding upon,and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective heirs, assigns and successors-in- interest and/or title. The Real Estate shall hereafter be owned,held,transferred,sold, conveyed,demised,devised,leased,mortgaged,occupied,used and enjoyed subject to the benefits and burdens,as the case may be,of the provisions of this instrument until such time as this instrument is released,terminated or cancelled,in whole or in part,as provided for herein. 6. Grantor warrants and covenants that Grantor has fee simple title to the Real Estate. 7. Neither Grantee, nor its successors and assigns, shall transfer, sell or assign said Exclusive Easement or said Vehicle License without the written consent of the Grantor except that, without the prior written consent of Grantor: (a) Grantee may assign an interest in said Exclusive Easement and an interest in said Vehicle License to(i)owners of units in the Project and to owners of Slips(as hereinafter defined),or to(ii)an association or agent for the benefit of unit owners in the Project or owners of Slips,and(b)owners of Slips may convey their interest in the Exclusive Easement and their interest in the Vehicle License to any person or entity to which they convey their Slip. 8, Grantee, its successors and assigns agree to abide by all rules and regulations imposed by Grantor or other regulatory agencies regarding the use of the Conveyed Piers and Slips, which rules and regulations may be instituted and amended from time to time pertaining to the use of all Conveyed Piers and Slips on the Real Estate. In addition to such rules and regulations instituted from time to time by Grantor or other regulatory agencies regarding the use of the Conveyed Piers and Slips,prior to 14 f0 the sale of any Conveyed Piers and Slips, Developer shall develop rules and regulations ("Slip Regulations") to be incorporated by reference in any document evidencing the sale and assignment of a Slip. The Slip Regulations shall be subject to review and approval by the City and shall include a provision that the City is a third parry beneficiary thereof with the power to enforce the same. Such Slip Regulations shall include,at a minimum: a. Proof of insurance for each boat owner is required. b. Boat slips must be owner occupied—no rentals.. c. Slip owners must pay flat fee for electric and water costs/year in accordance with the fees imposed by the operator of the Marina. d. No TV antennas are allowed; dishes are permitted. e. Dock boxes are not allowed—only use of previously designated area will be allowed. f. The marina operator shall have the ability to shut-off boat air conditioners left running. g. No boatlifts are allowed. h. No parking on the grass is allowed. i. The piers must be kept in good and well kept condition. j. Only one vehicle per Slip shall be permitted at any one time in the Vehicle License area. k. The license plate number of each vehicle parked in the Vehicle License area must be provided to the current operator of the Marina. 1. No overnight parking of vehicles shall be allowed. m. A Slip owner shall not be permitted to park a vehicle in the Vehicle License area during those periods that the owner's boat has been removed from the water. 9. In the event all of the Conveyed Piers and Slips are relocated off-site of the Marina in which they are currently located,the Exclusive Easement.and the Vehicle License shall be deemed abandoned and terminated without any further action by the Grantor or Grantee. 10. In the event that the Grantor's conveyance of Slips is ineffective or void for any reason, Grantor shall take all necessary action to convey the same number of Slip rights to Grantee from its previously acquired Stanton Bay Reserve. In the event that Grantor chooses to remove the Conveyed Piers from the Riviera Marina for any reason,then the Grantor shall either(x)at its sole expense,and with full cooperation of the Slip owners,relocate the same number of Slips to another location within the same trading zone as the Rivera Marina or(y) repurchase each Slip right from the current Slip owner for a purchase price of$30,000 each provided, however, in this situation, a Slip owner shall not be forced to resell its Slip right to Grantor. In connection with a relocation of replacement piers,the Grantor shall grant to the Slip owners any easements, to which it has rights, necessary to access the replacement piers. In addition,to the extent that Grantor has right or title to adjacent or nearby parking area, the Grantor shall grant each Slip owner the right, by easement or license, to use the same. The Grantor shall bear all costs in connection with the relocation of the Slip owners to the replacement piers. VIERS AND BOAT SLIP ASSIGNMENT 1. Grantor hereby sells and assigns to Grantee all of its right,title and interest in and to the 4 piers labeled A-D ("Piers') on Exhibit 2 along with the contiguous 8 slips numbered 1-8 on Exhibit 2("Slips')(including all rights to transfer such right,title and interest in the Slips elsewhere in the trading zone). Based upon the Department of the Army's letter to the City Attorney dated January 3,2008 reference Project No. LRC-2007-557, Grantor hereby warrants title'to the Conveyed Piers and Slips to Grantee to be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances 2: Grantor warrants and covenants that Grantor has title to the Conveyed Piers and Slips. 3. Grantee,its successors and assigns shall have the right to transfer the Conveyed Piers and Slips without the prior written consent of Grantor,provided,however,Grantor hereby reserves and Grantee hereby grants to Grantor,a first right of refusal("Right of First Refusal")with respect to any sale of a Pier and/or Slip to a third party(other than sales to owners of units in the Project or sales of Piers and Slips in connection with the sales of units in the Project) by any successor owner to Grantee (each a "Seller"). This Right of First Refusal shall not apply to sales by Grantee-which sales are governed by section 4 below. In the event that a Seller shall receive a bona fide offer to purchase a Slip, such Seller shall deliver to Grantor a copy of the offer. Grantor shall have until the seventh (7h) business day after the date of Grantor's receipt of the offer within which to exercise the Right of First Refusal by providing to Seller a written contract signed by Grantor on the same material terms and conditions as contained in said offer. If Grantor shall decline to exercise the Right of First Refusal by not submitting such written contract to purchase the Slip or does not respond within such seven(7)business day period, Seller may sell the Slip to such bona fide offeror without further notice or obligation to Grantor. 4. Grantor hereby reserves,and Grantee hereby grants to Grantor,a right of first offer ("Right of First Offer") with respect to any sale of a Pier and Slip by Grantee to a third party that is not also a purchaser or owner of a unit in the Project. Prior to beginning sales of piers and slips to non-owners or non-purchasers of units at the Project,Grantee shall provide Grantor with notice of Grantee's intent to begin sales of piers and slips separately from the sale of units in the Project. Grantor shall have until the fourteenth(14`h)business day after the date of Grantor's receipt of the notice within which to exercise the right of First Offer and then Grantor and Grantee shall enter into a contract with Grantee to purchase any of the piers and slips on the same y - �� terms and conditions as the piers and slips will be offered to the public,except for the purchase price,which shall be equal to$30,000. If Grantor shall decline to exercise the Right of First Offer and not enter into a written contract to purchase any of the piers and slips or does not respond within such fourteen (14)business day period, Grantee may sell the piers and slips to third parties that are not purchasers or owners of units in the Project without further notice or obligation to Grantor. 5. Grantee shall be prohibited from leasing Piers and Slips to anyone other than owners of units in the Project. This prohibition on leasing shall not apply to Slip owners other than the Grantee and such Slip owners shall be permitted to lease their Slips without the consent of Grantor." [Signature Page Follows] Wherefore the Parties have executed this Agreement,this day of 02008. Grantor: City of McHenry Grantee:McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC. By' usan E. Low,Mayor By: ZNn\MoHenryCityoACurds\Pier and Boat Slip Assignment.2.DOC Lt State of Illinois ) ss. County of McHenry ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT Susan E. Low,the Mayor of City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation,and attested to by personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that as such Mayor and they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of the corporation,for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this day of .2008. My commission expires: Notary Public State of Illinois ) ss. County of Cook ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ,the of McHenry Riverwalk Center,LLC,an Illinois limited liability company,personally known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that as such s/he signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument as his/her own free and voluntary act and as the free and voluntary act of the limited liability company, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal,this day of_ 12008. My commission expires: Notary Public TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 4 OWNER'S POLICY (1992) POLICY NO.: 2000 000656777 SM SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) I S. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:, THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST FRACTIONAL 1/4 (ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE FOX RIVER) OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8, EAST OF THE THIRD RINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 35; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 143.88 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A PRIVATE LANE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF VENICE PARK, UNIT NO. 1, FOR THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; 'THENCE CONTINUING SOUTHERLY ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 445.5 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LANDS CONVEYED TO CHAUNCEY BECKWITH BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 34 OF DEEDS, PAGE 337; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG A LINE THAT FORMS AN ANGLE OF 87 DEGREES 44 MINUTES TO THE LEFT WITH THE PROLONGATION OF ±H3 LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 865..2 FEET TO THE WESTERLY SHORE LIN� OF THE FOX RIVER; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY SHORE LINE, A DISTANCE OF 298 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO CHARLES COLES .BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 392 OF DEEDS, PAGE 505; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID CHARLES COLES TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 464.0 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID COLES TRACT; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LILNE OF SAID " COLES TRACT AND ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF MC HENRY THROUGH PROCEEDING HAD IN THE COUNTY COURT OF MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS CASE NO. 2593, A DISTANCE OF 118.21 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A PRIVATE LANE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF VENICE PARK, UNIT NO. 1; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 230.3 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; (EXCEPTING THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST FRACTIONAL 1/4 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PRIVATE LANE IN THE VENICE PARK ADDITION TO MC HENRY, UNIT NO. 1; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 37 MINUTES EAST, 118.21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 86 DEGREES 45 MINUTES WEST, 33.03 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 37 MINUTES WEST$ 130.53 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PRIVATE LANE; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 49 MINUTES WEST, 21.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 37 MINUTES EAST, 137.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 86 DEGREES 45 MINUTES EAST, 20.05 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING) , IN MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. AND ALSO (EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PART OF SAID SECTION 35 BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A PIECE OF LAND DEEDED BY SOPHRONIA BECKWITH TO GEORGE H. BECKWITH, SAID DEED BEING RECORDED IN THE RECORDERS .OFFICE OF MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN BOOK 84 OF DEEDS, ON PAGE 312, SAID POINT BEING KNOWN AS THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S PLAT OF THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PIECE OF LAND SO DEEDED 500 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF FOR A PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 87 DEGREES 44 MINUTES EAST, 865 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE FOX RIVER; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE WATER'S EDGE OF THE FOX RIVER 15 FEET; THENCE WEST CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Exhibit 1 to P er and Boat Slip Access Easement and cnment THIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTA6*.g oruisvz L(_ I� PM 06/22/00 14:19:06 TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY _r OWNER'S POLICY (1992) POLICY NO.z 2000 000656777 SM SCHEDULE A (COINTINUSD) PARALLEL WITH THE LAST ABOVE DESCRIBED COURSE 855 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 35 AFORESAID; TEENCE SOUTH 15 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, (EXCEPTING AND RESERVING THEREFROM THE WESTERLY 40 FEET THEREOF) , ALL IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ' THIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTACHED. OPOLA292 j�_ 7 PM 06/22/00 14:19:06 •. •VSS& PLAT OF EASEMENT v w waastsaaMiaft Norfh.Eaag. 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