HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 03/03/2008 - Committee of the Whole (2) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING
MARCH 3, 2008
A Committee of the Whole Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order
by Mayor Low at 8:19 P.M. on Monday, March 3, 2008 in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Santi, Glab, Schaefer,
Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were:
City Administrator Maxeiner, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, Deputy City Administrator Martin,
Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Finance Black, Director of Public Works
Schmitt, Chief of Police O'Meara, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel. Absent: City
Attorney McArdle, City Clerk Jones.
City Administrator Maxeiner noted the purpose of this evening's Committee of the
Whole Meeting is to provide the Committee with a broad overview of the proposed budget
for fiscal year 2008/2009 and to present the 2008/2009 Capital Improvements Plan. In
addition, SEC Group has planned a brief presentation of the City's Utility Modeling
Finance Director Black provided the Committee with an overview of the upcoming
budget. He noted he did not include all of the detail sheets. Totals were indicated by
department and fund.
Director Black noted the proposed budget would do the following:
- Maintain existing services
- Project a stable 2008 property tax rate
- Reduce staffing by one full-time position (vacant building maintenance worker
- Reduce capital equipment expenditure by $390,000 (58%)
- Indicate expenditures surpass revenues by $300,000.
Director Black stated the projected actual expenditures and revenues for Fiscal Year
2007/2008 are as follows:
Rental Income (largely due to Public Works Building Tenant) $ 90,000
State Grant for Underground Storage Tank Removal $170,000
Building Permits (SF Homes down 132 permits from prev yr) ($170,000)
Traffic fines (Police staff reduction reflects in lower fines) ($ 90,000)
Interest (Interest paid on City investments greatly reduced) ($ 90,000)
Total Revenues—Amount Under Budget ($ 90,000)
Police Overtime (mainly to cover staff shortage due to WC Claims) $ 80,000
Snow and Ice Control Overtime (High snowfall year) $ 60,000
Underground Storage Tank Removal (Reimbursable) $ 60,000
Health Insurance (claims are higher than prev yr) $ 50,000
Total Expenses—Amount Over Budget $ 250,000
Net Change in General Fund ($340,000)
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Director Black stated preliminarily the General Fund Analysis for 2008/2009 show
the following in relation to the 2007/2008 FY:
2008/2009 Revenues
Property Taxes increased by $228,960
Intergovernmental increased by $370,400
Other Local Sources decreased by ($387,600)
Miscellaneous increased by $ 67,000
Total change in revenues $278,760
2008/2009 Expenses
Salaries increased by $490,800
Fringe Benefits increased by $122,200
Contractual Services increased by $ 79,908
Supplies/Equipment increased by $ 88,700
Other increased by $213,056
Capital Equipment decreased by ($388,150)
Total change in expenses $606,473
Director Black noted the following cost-saving measures might assist with bringing
the budget more into balance:
- Evaluate all staff openings— opportunities to reduce staff through attrition ._.,
- Review program fees/user fees (particularly in Parks Programs) '
- Review permit and license charges to ensure they are covering cost of
- Review reimbursements for services.
Director Black also noted long-term financial issues resulting from the General Fund
Restore dollars for capital equipment
- Infrastructure Funding
- Police Pension Funding
- Health Insurance Costs
- Restore Fund Balance.
City Administrator Maxeiner stated there will be some difficult budget discussions at
the committee level which will begin next week.
Bob Wegener and Edwin Coggin of SEC Group provided the Committee with a
Power Point presentation regarding GIS Mapping and Water/Sewer Utility Modeling. Mr.
Wegener noted the software program offers an opportunity for infrastructure management.
The program provides information which can assist Staff in determining how best to utilize
existing facilities and determining the best way to maximize current infrastructure.
Mr. Wegener stated the modeling program will save the City funds in the future and
will likewise help developers to know what services are available when they come into the
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City Administrator Maxeiner briefly summarized the 2008/2009 Capital Improvement
Program (CIP) as distributed to Council. He noted the CIP is broken down into the following
general areas:
Drainage Projects
Municipal Facility Projects
Economic Development Projects
Transportation Projects
Water/Sewer Utility Projects.
City Administrator Maxeiner briefly overviewed each of the projects in the general
areas and explained when each project would likely fit into the CIP:
Drainage Proiects
Northside Avenue Drainage 2009-2011
Lakeland Park Drainage—Dredging Ditch 2009-2013
Storm Sewer Mapping 2011-2012
Municipal Facility Proiects
Financial Software Package 2008-2009
City Administrator Maxeiner noted the current financial software is no longer being
upgraded and Staff is recommending purchase of a new package at this time.
_ Public Works Garage 2006-2010
Park Facility Development 2008-2013
Petersen Farm Homestead Renovations 2008-2013
City Administrator Maxeiner stated estimates have been submitted for the foundation
work on the Petersen Farm Homestead Renovations in the amount of$50,000.
Recreation Center 2010-2011
City Administrator Maxeiner stated in light of development slowdown (and reduction
in developer donations as a result of the state of the economy), the recreation center
cannot be constructed at this time.
Salt Storage Facility 2011-2012
Economic Development Proiects
Riverwalk Phase INV 2008-2010
City Administrator Maxeiner noted this matter would come before Council when TIF
increment funds come in and would be paid for from Tourism Funding.
Gateway Signage 2008-2011
City Administrator Maxeiner stated downtown street signs need to be installed.
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Streetscape Improvements 2010-2011
Parking Facility Development 2011-2012
City Administrator Maxeiner noted Riverside Drive area will require parking facilities
particularly when the Riverwalk has been expanded to the east and north.
Transportation Proiects
School Crossing Flashing Pedestrian Signal 2008-2009
Alderman Condon expressed her desire to implement the flashing signal at
Dartmoor Drive and Crystal Lake Road as soon as possible. She noted many concerns
expressed by her constituents whose students cross Crystal Lake Road going to
Riverwood School or McHenry High West Campus.
Brief discussion followed regarding the need to install the traffic signal at Dartmoor
Drive and Crystal Lake Road. City Administrator Maxeiner stated the Dartmoor Drive traffic
signal is a top priority; however, the City needs to find a funding source for the project.
Responding to Alderman Glab's suggestion that the signal should be installed in 2008-
2009, City Administrator Maxeiner stated if Council decides to include this project in the
2008-2009 budget, Council will have to cut services somewhere else or raise taxes.
Cross Access—Post Office/Ace 2008-2009
Rte 120& 31 Intersection Improvements 2008-2012
City Administrator Maxeiner stated it will be difficult finding funding for this project.
Street Program 2008-2013
City Administrator Maxeiner stated the City needs a long-term solution to address
street repair/resurfacing and maintenance. At this time the City is unable to keep up with
the repair program. Repaired/resurfaced streets are not holding up until they appear on the
schedule again.
CurranBull Valley Intersection Improvements 2009-2011
City Administrator Maxeiner noted this project will be funded 50% Developer
Donations and 50% Annexation Fund.
Phase I Eastern Bypass 2009-2012
City Administrator Maxeiner stated City portion of this project would be $900,000
with the remainder to be funded by grant monies. _
Responding to Alderman Condon's inquiry, City Administrator Maxeiner stated all
dollar amounts indicated in the CIP reflect current dollar estimates.
Dartmoor Crystal Lake Rd Traffic Signal 2010-2011
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Rte 31 and Veterans Parkway Signal 2011-2012
City Administrator Maxeiner noted this project would be fully funded by Developer
Dartmoor Dr Extension 2011-2012
City Administrator Maxeiner stated this project would be undertaken by the
Developer at their expense.
Curran Rd/Dartmoor Signalization 2012-2013
In response to Alderman Santi's inquiry, City Administrator Maxeiner noted
developer donations from this area would likely pay for this project. The City looks towards
the development of the sod farm to assist in project funding.
Rte 31 and Park Place Signal 2012-2013
City Administrator Maxeiner noted this project will be developer driven.
Kresswood Dr Extension 2012-2013
Water/Sewer Utility Proiects
City Administrator Maxeiner noted all water/sewer projects have a dedicated
revenue stream to ensure their completion.
Barreville Rd Watermain Extension 2008-2009
Director Schmitt noted the watermain extension is required in order to loop the line
running from the Municipal Center to Pebble Creek Subdivision.
Elevated Storage Tank#2 Maintenance 2008-2009
Director Schmitt noted the project also includes the internal sandblasting of the tank
which escalates the cost of the project.
Millstream Lift Station and Force Main 2008-2010
Alderman Schaefer inquired if the Riverwalk would have to be completed at this
location before TIF increment funding could be utilized. City Administrator Maxeiner
responded in the negative.
Water Plant#5 2008-2010
Director Schmitt noted iron removal and a water softener in the plant are required in
order to treat water derived from Wells #12 and #13.
Richmond Rd Watermain Replacement 2009-2011
City Administrator Maxeiner noted Staff would like to complete this project prior to
the Route 31/120 intersection improvements are installed.
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Richmond and Elm Sewer Replacement 2009-2011 �-
City Administrator Maxeiner noted once again, it is appropriate to complete this
project prior to the major construction which would take place during the intersection
improvement project.
Conveyance Main & Pump Station CWWTP
To SWWTP 2009-2011
City Administrator Maxeiner noted this is a costly project; however, in the overall
picture, it is far less costly to convey the waste to the south plant than to acceptably
upgrade the central plant.
4.0 MGD Expansion SWWTP 2009-2011
City Administrator Maxeiner stated although this project would be painful to fund, it is
Green St Watennain Replacement 2010-2012
City Administrator noted it is necessary to replace the undersized watermain in order
to increase fire flow in this area.
Donovan Lift Station Upgrade 2011-2012
City Administrator Maxeiner noted this project is being funded by monies received
from McCullom Lake and Ringwood sanitary sewer user revenue.
Sanitary Sewer Main Rehab Program 2011-2012
Watermain Rehab Program 2011-2012
Water Plant#6 Adams Business Pk 2011-2013
Well#14 raw water line to Plant#6 _ 2011-2013
Water Plant#2 2011-2013
Director Schmitt stated Water Treatment Plant #2 requires an iron removal filter. City
Administrator Maxeiner stated rehabilitation of the plant is needed; however, funding the
project is the issue.
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Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Voting Aye: Santi, Glab, Schaefer, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
The Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.