HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - R-76-12 - 11/01/1976 - Police Double Deductions to Pension 11 -1-1(p RESOLUTION T I N WHEREAS, by modification of an Agreement entered into between the State of Illinois and the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, pursuant to Section 218 of the Social Security Act, 42 USC 418, Social Security coverage was extended to the services of all employees of the City of McHenry (with certain exceptions not here relevant), effective January 1, 1951; and WHEREAS, included in the aforesaid coverage group were the positions of police officers of the city, who, at said time, were not covered by any other retirement system; and WHEREAS, upon the population of the city of McHenry rising above 5,000 in 1967, in accordance with Illinois law, the city adopted and became a participant in the Police Pension Fund, thereby making said police officers of the city of McHenry participants in two retirement systems, the effect of which was and is to require that the city of McHenry cause to be deducted from each and every paycheck of all such police officers the amounts required under law to be paid into each such retirement system, which amounts currently total 14.35 percent of each and every paycheck of each police officer up to $15,300 annual compensation and 8.5 percent on all amounts of annual compensation in excess of $15,300; and WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly in 1967 passed and the Governor of Illinois signed a bill amending Section 21-112 of the Illinois Social Security Enabling Act surporting to terminate auto- matically the Social Security coverage under the aforesaid State and Federal agreement of police officers and fire fighters of a municipality • who had Social Security coverage prior to the municipality's participation in the Police Pension Fund, Firemen's Pension Fund, respectively, which amendment was designed to freee McHenry police officers and all police officers similarly situated from the dual coverage above des- cribed; and WHEREAS, both State and Federal officials have refused to recognize and give effect to the aforesaid State law on the grounds that coverage of the said police officers and fire fighters could not be terminated in violation of the federal enabling law authorizing the said State of Illinois/Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare agreement; and WHEREAS, the effect of the said agreement and enabling law is to deprive the police officers of the city of McHenry and all police officers of other municipalities in the State of Illinois similarly situated of the right to receive the same portion of their respective paychecks that other police officers in the State realize who are not subject to the dual withholding requirements of both Social Security and Police Pension Funds; and WHEREAS, the effect of the said agreement and enabling law is to deprive the police officers of the city of McHenry and all police officers of other municipalities in the State of Illinois similarly situated of the right to receive the same portion of their respective paychecks that other police officers in the State realize who are not subject to the dual withholding requirements of both Social Security and Police Pension Funds; and WHEREAS, said dual deductions unfairly and unjustly discriminate against the said police officers and deny them the guarantees of the -2- • equal protection clause of the United States Constitution; and WHEREAS, despite continuing efforts over a long period of time by the city of McHenry its police officers and others similarly situated to cause the United States Congress to amend and change the inequitable conditions hereinabove described, Congress has not seen fit to do so; and WHEREAS, because of the inequitable situation and condition thus allowed to exist for said police officers, a situation and condition which does not affect the majority of police officers in Illinois; through no fault of their own and by a quirk of law and legislative in- action over which they have no control, and over which the mayor and aldermen of the city of McHenry and those of other municipalities sim- r ilarly situated have no control, the earnings of such police officers are reduced below those of other municipalities in the State of Illinois which are not subject to such dual withholding, thereby placing the city of McHenry in an unjust, burdensome and less competitive position without it having any choice or control in the matter; and WHEREAS, the only apparent alternative or avenue open to the city of McHenry and its police officers to correct and cure the manifest in- justice and inequity suffered by them is by resort to the courts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, that the City of McHenry supports appropriate legal action on behalf of itself and its police officers, and all those municipalities and police officers similarly situated to correct said injustice and inequity brought about by the aforesaid laws and legal interpretations of the State of Illinois and the Federal Government. attest: - { City Clerk / _ / ✓ or -3- l\ PA__ 0LU7 / pIV SU/pa T tfT 7 i 7-o F4v D ,p a u F IbEJ ucr/ a ,u s Fifawi eot OFF( 'c F 311 fir Fs