HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/13/2003 - City Council REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 13, 2003 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, October 13, 2003 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson and Condon. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant Administrator Lockerby, City Attorney McArdle, Director of Public Works Marcinko, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Chief of Police O'Meara, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Director of Finance Kline. Absent: City Clerk Jones. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: • Award of bid for asphalt roller to Casey Equipment Company in an amount not-to- exceed $26,425; • As Needed Checks: GENERAL FUND AFLAC 1,548.58 AMERI-HOST INN 62.26 APWA 150.00 FBI NAA 215.00 FEDEX 19.63 FOP UNITS I/II 1,600.50 FREUND, ROBERT L 625.00 HOME DEPOT/GECF 32.92 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF 244.00 IMRF 38,494.10 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 90.00 MCHENRY SAVINGS BANK 450,000.00 MCPOA 669.30 MICHAEL'S 58.58 NATIONAL GUARDIAN LIFE I 110.08 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. 243.00 .PETTY CASH FUND 500.00 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 2,211.12 PUBLIC WORKS/PARKS ASSOC 648.00 RESERVE ACCOUNT 2,400.00 SAM'S CLUB 506.15 SECRETARY OF STATE 225.00 SECRETARY OF STATE / POL 78.00 SHAKESPEARE'S CHILD ACAD 5,096.00 SPRINGFIELD HILTON 335.50 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 139.57 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR 958.50 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO 252.00 US TREASURY 82.06 WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERS 90.00 RECREATION CENTER FUND HOME STATE BANK 150,000.00 WATER/SEWER FUND HOME DEPOT/GECF 436.93 RESERVE ACCOUNT 600.00 UNITED STATES LIFE INSUR 145.80 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND HOME STATE BANK 500,000.00 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND BENEFIT SYSTEMS 6 SERVIC 43,516.70 October 13, 2003 Page 2 DO THE RIGHT THING AMCORE BANK NA 526.18 POLICE PENSION FUND POL. PEN. FEDERAL W/H - 4,587.68 _ GRAND TOTALS 1,207,498.14 FUND TOTALS. GENERAL FUND 507,684.85 RECREATION CENTER FUND 150,000.00 WATER/SEWER FUND 1,182.73 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 500,000.00 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 43,516.70 DO THE RIGHT THING 526.18 POLICE PENSION FUND 4,587.68 GRAND TOTALS 1,207,498.14 Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AMENDMENTS TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE In attendance was Landmark Commissioner Greg Lofgren. Mr. Lofgren addressed Council noting in order to obtain Certified Local Government (CLG) approval, some amendments of the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance were required, namely: -- 1. Removal of Paragraph D on Page 5, Section 3 — addressing repair and maintenance of historic structures; 2. Amendment of Paragraph B, Section V on Page 6, Section 1 — changing a quorum from six to seven; 3. Amendment of Paragraph C on Page 12, Section 7 —denial of landmark designation (changing waiting period for reapplication from one year to 90 days); 4: Amendment of Paragraph B Subsections VI and VII on Page 14, Section 2 — Removing the requirement for developer's name and architect's/contractor's name on application. Commissioner Lofgren noted the proposed changes to the Historic Preservation Ordinance were minimal. If the changes are approved, the Landmark Commission will pursue Certified Local Government status. Alderman Murgatroyd stated his support for the City's application for Certified Local Government status. Alderman Glab opined the amendment reducing the waiting period for reapplication from one year to 90 days is not appropriate. However, he stated his support for CLG status. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Condon, to direct Staff to prepare an ordinance , amending the City's Historic Preservation as follows: 1. Removal of Paragraph D on Page 5, Section 3 — addressing repair and maintenance of historic structures; October 13, 2003 a Page 3 2. Amendment of Paragraph B, Section V on Page 6, Section 1 — changing a quorum from six to seven; 3. Amendment of Paragraph C on Page 12, Section 7 —denial of landmark designation (changing waiting period for reapplication from one year to 90 days); 4. Amendment of Paragraph B Subsections VI and VII on Page 14, Section 2 — Removing the requirement for developer's name and architect's/contractor's name on application. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Mr. Lofgren expressed the Commission's gratitude for Council's support of their activities. He noted other Commissioners in attendance include Marya Dixon, Merle Janssen, Patricia Schaffer, Gretchen Thomas, Gerhard Rosenburg, Ilene Wiedeman, Dawn Johnson, Judy Franks. Commissioner Lofgren noted the Commission hopes to continue educational activities such as the walking tours, cemetery walks, county barn tours, creating a second historic structures coloring book, plan for public use of Petersen Farmstead, inventory and display items from the Robert Petersen Trust. Commissioner Lofgren informed Council the Commission's office and meeting location is being moved to the Petersen Homestead. The Commission will continue to gather written and oral histories of McHenry citizens as well as survey historic structures. The pursuance of the Main Street Historic District designation is also a top priority. The Commission will continue to be involved in Riverwalk planning and events. Commissioner Lofgren stated the Commission will continue be involved in the review and approval of demolition permits. He asked for Council assistance in securing developer financial assistance and/or salvage rights in the preservation of historic structures as they.are annexed into the City. SIGN VARIANCE— NORTH GATE WEST COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT In attendance were Attorney Sam Diamond, Attorney Danielle Diamond; Curt Yost, General Manager for the developer of the project; and Developer Jim Schaid. In response to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the free-standing sign would be similar to the one located in front of the Meijer/Home Depot Shopping Center. The sign would be about the same size and height as that sign. Alderman Glab stated Council has previously denied requests to locate wall signs on the rear fagade of commercial buildings. He cited the rejected wall sign variances for Liberty Square Shopping Center at the intersection of Route 31 and Shamrock Lane. Alderman Glab expressed his concern with the abundance of sign variances and reduction in external brick on various commercial structures including sign standards. Alderman Murgatroyd stated he had no objection to the variance for the free- standing sign. However, he had some concerns regarding the requested additional wall signs. He noted it was redundant to vary both the free-standing signs and the additional October 13, 2003 Page 4 wall signs. He opined he would prefer to vary solely the free-standing sign and omit the additional wall signs. Alderman Wimmer stated his concurrence with Alderman Murgatroyd. _ Alderman Peterson opined two wall signs per business should be permitted for ease of identification. Alderman Bolger concurred with Alderman Peterson. Mr. Diamond noted although North Gate West Development is comprised of 23 acres, only 9 acres are contained outside of the wetlands and are developable. The proposed second monument sign would be for the entire project. Home State Bank would occupy the corner lot and would also have a monument sign identifying its location. Mr. Schaid noted the property restrictions due to the wetlands. Working with the environment and FAP420 right-of-way dedication causes development hardship resulting in the need for additional signage for building tenants. He noted a 240' distance from Route 31 centerline to the property line of the tenant building. Adding the building setback, it makes it difficult to entice building tenants to utilize the space. Rear fagade signage is critical to leasing the tenant spaces. Alderman Glab suggested the building front should face Route 31, removing the need for rear fagade sign variances. Mayor Low stated her support of both the monument _ sign variance and the rear fagade wall sign variances. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Bolger, to approve the requested sign variances to North Gate West as follows: • To permit two free-standing development entrance signs; and • To permit a second wall sign for each tenant in the proposed commercial building on Lots 8-20 on Schaid Court,,with a maximum 2' high capital letters, 1.5' high small letters: all letters to be blocked, all one color, and uniform along the rear of the building; no logos to be included. Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Wimmer, Peterson. Voting Nay: Glab, Murgatroyd. Abstained: Condon. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO TRAFFIC CODE ADDING THREE-WAY STOPS AT THE INTERSECTION OF KRESSOOD DRIVE AND CROSS TRAIL AND AT INTERSECTION OF KRESSWOOD DRIVE AND THE SUBDIVISION ENTRANCE DRIVE Director of Public Works Marcinko stated the Public Works Department has received numerous requests for the proposed three-way stop intersections. Alderman Glab stated his concerns regarding the close proximity of the entrance drive stop sign to the Bull Valley Road intersection. Noting the potential for stop sign backups south through the Bull Valley Road intersection, he stated he did not support the request as presented. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Director Marcinko stated he did not know the exact distance from the Bull Valley Road right-of-way to the entrance October 13, 2003 Page 5 drive and Kresswood Drive stop sign location. Director Marcinko estimated the distance to be 300' and noted approximately 15 cars could be stacked northbound at the stop sign without interfering with the Bull Valley Road and Kresswood Trails Entrance Drive intersection. - Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to deny the request for amendment to the Traffic creating three-way stop intersections: Kresswood Drive at its intersection with Cross Trail Kresswood Drive at its intersection with Kresswood Trails Entrance Drive. Voting Aye: None. Voting Nay: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Absent: None. Motion failed. Motion by Condon, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept Staffs recommendation and to direct Staff to prepare an ordinance amending the City of McHenry Municipal Code Chapter 13 Traffic Code creating three-way stop intersections as follows: Kresswood Drive at its intersection with Cross Trail; Kresswood Drive at its intersection with Kresswood Trails Entrance Drive Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT FOR VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO ILLINOIS ROUTE 120 TO THE STATE TREASURER Director of Public Works Marcinko stated.Council, at its January 14, 2002 regularly scheduled meeting, authorized the Mayor's execution of an Agreement with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for various Illinois route 120 improvements. The agreement obligates the City to pay 95% of the local share at the commencement of the project with the remainder to be paid upon completion. The local share prior to bidding was $296,635 which covered such improvements as traffic signals, new sidewalks, resurfaced parking lanes, additional parking lanes, various water main adjustments, and street lights. Following the bidding process, the City's local share was reduced to $216,083.50. At this time IDOT is requesting payment of the City's 95% portion, $205,279.33. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Director Marcinko stated at this time the City's share is estimated at $216,083.50. This actual amount may change at the conclusion of the project as it is a unit-price project. Mayor Low stated the Route 120 improvements is an IDOT project and the City has very little control over this project. tr ' tom' October 13, 2003 Page 6 Motion by Glab, seconded by Wimmer, to authorize payment of 95% of the City's share in the IDOT Illinois Route 120 improvement project in the amount of$205,279.33 Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT FOR SIOUX LANE ELEVATED STORAGE TANK ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR RP-MEDIATION — BAXTER AND WOODMAN Director Marcinko reminded Council during the painting of the Sioux Lane Elevated Storage Tank the contractor, Jetco Ltd, failed to properly contain some of the paint debris while sandblasting the tank. Ultimately the City was informed of the contractor's negligence by the IEPA. At that time Council authorized the hiring of Baxter and Woodman as project manager. Baxter and Woodman observed all tank painting operations at a cost not-to- exceed $18,700. Subsequently, Baxter and Woodman was asked to handle the investigation and remediation of the contaminated site. These services were beyond the original contract's scope of services. Baxter and Woodman has provided investigation and remediation services resulting in an additional expense to the City of approximately $25,000. These monies would ultimately be deducted from the final payment to Jetco Ltd. Staff is seeking Council authorization to pay Baxter and Woodman for these investigation and remediation services. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to authorize the payment to Baxter and Woodman for investigation and remediation services regarding the Sioux Lane Elevated Storage Tank Painting project in an amount not-to-exceed $25,000. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AMENDMENTS TO MUNICIPAL CODE AS RECOMMENDED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Director Napolitano stated all of the proposed amendments have been reviewed and considered at the Committee level. The Community Development Committee has recommended the following amendments: 1. Define Minor Permit and reference Minor Permit in both the Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance Table 19. 2. Assign a Minor Permit Duration in which the work must be started within 60 days or extension would be required. 3. Change fence to barrier in regards to swimming pools. 4. Add requirement for spotted survey and metal pins to be installed at all property _ corners prior to allowing framing to begin. 5. Require basement or crawl space floor elevation to be one foot above seasonal high water level. 6. Require lights above bathtubs and showers to be Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) protected. October 13, 2003 Page 7 Director Napolitano noted the proposed amendments are being requested to provide clarity as well as implementing within the Code requirements which have previously become department policy. The spotted survey requirement is included in most surrounding municipal codes. The requirement of a spotted survey would preclude many requests for variances resulting from discrepancies in building setbacks at time of issuance of certificate of occupancy. Director Napolitano noted the requested amendments are consistent with the requirements of other surrounding towns. Alderman Bolger stated he has some reservations with requiring the expense of a plat of survey prior to framing of a structure. In response to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, Director Napolitano stated the site elevations would be indicated on the spotted survey. In addition, the foundation elevation could be compared to the approved engineering plans to ensure compliance. In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Director Napolitano noted the spotted survey would only be required for the construction of a new single family home, a new commercial building or a new industrial building. Building additions would not require a spotted survey. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Condon, to direct Staff to prepare an ordinance amending the City's Municipal Code as follows: 1. Define Minor Permit and reference Minor Permit in both the Municipal Code and Zoning Ordinance Table 19. 2. Assign a Minor Permit Duration in which the work must be completed within 60 days or extension would be required. 3. Change fence to barrier in regards to swimming pools. 4. Add requirement for spotted survey and metal pins to be installed at all property corners prior to allowing framing to begin. 5. Require basement or crawl space floor elevation to be one foot above seasonal high water level. 6. Require lights above bathtubs and showers to be Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) protected. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. DISCUSSION: BUSINESS LOAN RETENTION PROGRAM Finance Director Kline stated the City has utilized a .Revolving Loan Program courtesy of a Department of Commerce and Community Affairs Grant since the 1980's. The Revolving Loan Program focuses on business expansion. The proposed Business Retention Loan Program (BRLP) would focus on business retention, particularly for those businesses adjacent to Route 120 and the current roadway improvement project. The BRLP would require payment of interest only up to eighteen months. Additionally, the Program would require review by a financial institution for the proposed credit application. L Director Kline noted the Retention Loan Committee would be comprised of Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman, City Administrator, and the Finance Director. Director Kline stated a $25 non-refundable application fee is being proposed. October 13, 2003 Page 8 City Administrator Maxeiner clarified the BRLP would not replace the Revolving Loan Program, but would augment another viable business loan option. Following review by the Retention Loan Committee, loan applications will be considered under the Consent Agenda at the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting. Some discussion occurred regarding the City's Revolving Loan Fund and its advantages to expanding businesses within the community. Alderman Murgatroyd opined the RLF has provided opportunity for several businesses over the years. Alderman Murgatroyd inquired if a sunset provision should. be implemented as far as the BRLF applications are concerned, i.e. no new applications would be accepted within six months of the completion of the Route 120 roadway improvement project. Alderman Murgatroyd and Alderman Condon expressed their desire to vote on this matter this evening and refrain from sending it to Committee for further consideration and delay. Alderman Glab expressed concern that the proposed loan amount of $7,500 per business would not be enough to keep a business operational during the construction inconveniences. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to refer the implementation of a Business Retention Loan Program to the Finance and Personnel Committee for further consideration, discussion and refinement. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab Voting Nay: Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Absent: None. Motion failed. In response to an inquiry, City Administrator Maxeiner stated there are no specific parameters as to the geographic location of participating businesses. City Administrator Maxeiner stated it would be the responsibility of the business person to state in their application how their business has been negatively impacted by the Route 120 construction improvements. It is entirely possible a business could be suffering from the Route 120 construction even though it is not adjacent to Route 120. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Wimmer, to accept Staff s recommendation and to approve the implementation of a Business Retention Loan Program with individual loan limits of $7,500 per business with a maximum aggregate limit of $75,000 exposure for the City, and the creation of the Retention Loan Committee comprised of the Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman, the City Administrator and the Finance Director Voting Aye: Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon Voting Nay: Bolger, Glab. Absent: None. — Motion carried. MAYOR—STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Low reminded Council of the Wednesday meeting with the Route 120 October 13, 2003 4 Page 9 businesses, IDOT and IDOT's general contractor. These update meetings have been held on a regular basis throughout the project's construction. Mayor Low commended City Administrator Maxeiner, Assistant Administrator Lockerby and Director of Public Works Marcinko who have been working diligently on a plan to assist City businesses and schools in the event the garbage haulers strike was not resolved. They made a concerted effort to come up with a relief plan which, thankfully, was not needed as the strike is now at an end. COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd informed Council a Finance and Personnel Committee meeting to discuss the City Clerk/Collector position and to discuss the City Auditor's report on the City's financial condition has been scheduled on Monday, October 20, 2003 at 6:30 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS There were no Department Head Reports. NEW BUSINESS Alderman Condon thanked Staff for their assistance in providing background information on Kresswood Trails Subdivision. Alderman Condon stated she has heard from several constituents who would like to see the web site enhanced. EXECUTIVE SESSION: POTENTIAL LITIGATION Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Wimmer, to go into Executive Session to discuss Potential Litigation at 8:25 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None Motion carried. Council went into Executive Session at 8:34 p.m. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to go back into Open Session at 8:47 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 8:47 p.m. October 13, 2003 Page 10 ADJOURNMENT Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The eeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m. MAYOR CL K