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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04/01/2002 - City Council REGULAR MEETING
APRIL 1, 2002
The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor
Althoff, at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, April 1, 2002 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd,
Wimmer. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Lobaito, City
Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, D9puty Chief of Police Donahue, Director Public
Works Marcinko, Director Community Development Napolitano and Director Parks and
Recreation Merkel.
Carol Chrisman, Chairman of the McHenry Zone Skate and Bike Park, thanked the
Council and community for their support of the Skate and Bike Park. She noted revenue
from donations and fundraising activities throughout the community has generated
$260,171.45 to date. Ms. Chrisman introduced project volunteers in attendance and
presented Alderman Low, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, with a check
in the amount of$65,000.
Kathy Lundy, a project volunteer, requested Council support of a helmet ordinance
in the Skate Park. Mayor Althoff suggested Ms. Lundy contact Director of Parks and
Recreation Merkel to request inclusion on the agenda of a Parks and Recreation
Committee meeting.
Mayor Althoff opened the Public Hearing regarding the City of McHenry Tax
Increment Financing (TIF) District at 7:37 p.m.
Mayor Althoff explained the Order of Proceeding for the Public Hearing and noted
the presence of a court reporter.
Mayor Althoff introduced TIF Attorney, Kathleen Field Orr of Kathleen Field Orr and
Associates; Lisa Lyon and Jack Pettigrew of Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne. Mayor
Althoff stated following the City's formal presentation, the floor would be open to audience
comments and/or questions.
Ms. Orr stated the TIF process is an important and extended process, which, by law,
requires numerous notices and meetings to inform interested parties. Ms. Orr noted
following the City's initial research into the possibility of a Tax Increment Financing District
a predetermined sequence of events ensued:
October 29, 2001; the Council adopted a Feasibility Study
January 14, 2002; a Public Meeting was held, following notice to all residents within
the area determined as the proposed TIF District
February 4, 2002, a meeting was held to review the TIF Redevelopment Project and
Plan and to pass an ordinance establishing a public hearing date for the TIF
Redevelopment Project and Plan;
February 26, 2002; the taxing districts met as a Joint Review Board for the
Proposed Redevelopment Project and Plan, to review the Eligibility Study and
determine if a TIF District is warranted.
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Ms. Orr stated the law ensures and the City of McHenry has strictly followed all
notice requirements in an effort to inform anyone with an interest in the City's course of
action involving Tax Increment Financing. She noted the law requires notification via
certified mail to all known tax payers for the parcels of land within the proposed TIF
District. In addition, notification by regular mail to all persons within 750 of the proposed
boundary of the TIF District is required. All persons and organizations of record on the
Interested Persons Registry must also be notified. Two publications, announcing the
Public Hearing, are required by law. Those publications were made in the Northwest
Herald on March 6, 2002 and March 19, 2002.
Following the Public Hearing date within 14-days, but no more than 90-days, the
following ordinances are presented to Council for consideration to initiate adoption of Tax
Increment Financing:
• Ordinance approving Downtown McHenry Redevelopment Project and Plan for the
City of McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area, which explains the
qualification of the project area;
• Ordinance designating the City of McHenry Tax Increment Financing
Redevelopment Project Area and adopts of the plan for development;
• Ordinance adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the City of McHenry Tax
Increment Redevelopment Area. The ordinance also sets forth: --`
o How the County Clerk shall calculate the increment due each taxing entity
o Mandates the City place funds in a specific Tax Allocation Fund
o Requires the City file an annual report with the State Comptroller's office as
soon as possible following the annual audit.
Mayor Althoff stated among the requirements and notifications the City is mandated
to provide with regard to the TIF District, the municipality must convene a Joint Review
Board comprised of representatives of each of the taxing entities and a public member-at-
large, who resides within the proposed redevelopment area. The City of McHenry's Joint
Review Board was comprised of representatives of the following:
• McHenry County
• McHenry Township
• McHenry Public Library District
• McHenry Township Fire Protection District
• McHenry County Community College District 528
• McHenry High School District 156
• McHenry Elementary School District 15
• City of McHenry
• Public Member-at-Large _
Mayor Althoff iterated the meeting of the Joint Review Board was conducted on
February 26, 2002. She noted the City received a unanimous affirmation of the proposed
redevelopment plan for the McHenry Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project
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Area and approval of the proposed plan and designation of the TIF Area as a
Redevelopment Project Area under the TIF Act. Mayor Althoff noted a baseline number of
students currently located within the District has been identified by both school districts.
She stressed the importance of this information as it relates to TIF legislation, which
provides schools be reimbursed on an annual basis for each new student created by a TIF
development in accordance with the school district's existing funding formula. Mayor
Althoff noted both school districts have expressed their support for the inclusion of
Landmark School and East Campus High School within the TIF District. Each school
district has also expressed interest in obtaining feasible and financially viable excess TIF
funds for future capital improvement projects for school properties located within the TIF
District. Possible amendments to the TIF District should consider additional school sites.
It is understood at the conclusion of the TIF, all the taxing entities, will be in a position to
reclaim or capture all of the tax increment accumulated over the period of the TIF, as
confirmed by the McHenry County Clerk, the City Attorney for McHenry, the attorney for
the School District, the Illinois Department of Revenue Technical Manual, and State
Statutes addressing property tax extension law.
Mayor Althoff noted McHenry Township Supervisor Schaefer expressed concern
regarding development of a relocation assistance program for residents in low-income
housing located within the TIF District. She suggested Council consider establishing a
written policy addressing these concerns prior to the approval of any future TIF
Ms. Lisa Lyons presented a brief overview of the basics of tax increment financing.
She summarized the function of Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne (TPAP) in the evaluation
process necessary to determine eligibility for a TIF District. TPAP will assist in the
formulation of future land use plans, goals, and objectives for the TIF Area over the lifetime
of the TIF District.
Ms. Lyons noted Tax Increment Financing is the primary tool utilized by local
governments for economic development and revitalization. Revenue generated from the
TIF District is reinvested in the area through economic incentives to encourage
development and expansion of businesses.
Mayor Althoff stated the establishment of a TIF District does not obligate the City of
McHenry to proceed with the Riverwalk Project. The Riverwalk Foundation is currently
investigating the possibility of moving forward utilizing grant monies received from State
and Federal entities. Once the studies have been completed the Council will make an
informed decision regarding the Riverwalk Project.
Alderman Murgatroyd stated if no financially viable plan is developed and in place
within three years, the TIF District can be terminated and any collected money is
redistributed to the taxing entities in pro rata shares. Ms. Lyons concurred with Alderman
�-- Murgatroyd, stating should no project be determined within seven years of establishment
of the TIF District, law requires the TIF be disbanded.
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Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding the prospect of additional parking
necessary resulting from the TIF project, and procurement of property outside the
boundaries of the TIF, Ms. Field-Orr stated there is a provision a taxing district may be
reimbursed for any capital cost incurred as a direct result of a TIF project.
Mayor Althoff opened the floor to public comment.
Ned Neumann, Chairman of the Public Relations Committee for the McHenry
Riverwalk Foundation, expressed strong support for the Riverwalk Project. He opined the
Riverwalk is a project encompassing the entire community, which would improve the
quality of life in McHenry, replacing blight with beauty, attracting developers and
merchants, and creating a vital center of commerce and revenue. Mr. Neumann
encouraged all residents of McHenry to assist in bringing the project to fruition. He stated
over$2,000,000 has been received from grants and solicitation efforts.
Pam Nolan, 3403 Venice, expressed numerous concerns regarding the TIF District
and the Riverwalk Project. She inquired specifically regarding the amount of money
required to finance the Riverwalk Project. Attorney Orr responded stating the Riverwalk
may ultimately be a component of the TIF District but is unrelated to the TIF District.
Rose Lillegard, a retail property owner at 1252 North Green Street, commended the '
Riverwalk Foundation on their efforts. Responding to Ms. Lillegard's inquiry regarding the
parameters used to monitor the spending of TIF funds Ms. Orr noted only specific uses are
permitted for the TIF funds and each of the uses must be approved by Council. Ms.
Lillegard expressed concern regarding the proposed Historic District. Mayor Althoff stated
the Historic District is a separate project from the TIF and is proposed for a designated
area encompassing Main Street, Waukegan Road and portions of John Street from Crystal
Lake Avenue to Green Street. Ms. Lillegard opined she is unwilling for anyone to tell her,
as a property owner, how to spend her money, and interpreting the Historic District's
intentions. Mayor Althoff informed Ms. Lillegard an open house regarding the Historic
District is scheduled for Thursday, April 4, 2002, at the Municipal Center.
Mayor Althoff responding to an inquiry from Richard Hignight, 715 North Lillian
Street, regarding the Riverwalk, stated specific questions concerning the Riverwalk Project
can not be answered this evening. She assured Mr. Hignight the Council would evaluate
every potential TIF project based on its own merit.
Kathy Walters, 1611 North Riverside Drive, expressed concern and a lack of
understanding regarding the effects of the TIF District on property taxes. Ms. Orr stated
the establishment of a TIF District does not affect taxes in an area. The redevelopment in
an area, which increases property value, ultimately increases property taxes.
Responding to an inquiry by Shelly Trost, 3510 Washington Street, regarding
whether property within a Historic District and also contained within a TIF District would be
in a position to benefit from TIF funds, Ms. Orr stated one of the programs beneficial to a
TIF District is the Facade Program, with matching grants and no-interest loans.
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Dr. William Dodds, Superintendent of Elementary School District 15, stated
concerns about the school districts ability to capture all the assessed valuation once the
TIF is terminated. He noted he has been given verbal assurances by a number of parties,
including the County Clerk, the school district is entitled to the funds resulting from a full
assessment for one year, according to the Tax Cap, when properties are newly assessed.
He stated it is his understanding there are some annual payments that can be made during
the term of the TIF for additional students entering the area as a result of redevelopment.
Dr. Dodds expressed satisfaction Landmark School is part of the TIF and stated
appreciation for any facade work or work on the property considered in the future. He also
stated his support for the District Offices of Elementary School District 15 being part of the
TIF at some point in the future. Alderman Bolger expressed the Council's support for the
School Districts.
Kit Carstens, President of the McHenry Riverwalk Foundation, Inc., stated
appreciation in working with cross sections of the community on the Riverwalk Project. Mr.
Carstens noted the Foundation has raised over $2,000,000 to date for the Riverwalk
Project and encouraged the Council to seriously consider the Riverwalk relative to the TIF
District, opining the community's eagerness to move forward.
Attorney Orr stated the final step in establishment of the TIF District would be
Council's approval of the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of three ordinances:
• An Ordinance Approving Downtown McHenry Redevelopment Project and Plan for
the City of McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area
• An Ordinance Designating the City of McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment
Project Area
• An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the City of McHenry
Tax Increment Redevelopment Area.
Ms. Orr advised the three ordinances must be filed with the McHenry County Clerk to
enable the County Clerk, by law, to redistribute incremental real estate taxes to the
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to close the Public Hearing at 8:55 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to direct Staff to prepare three
• An Ordinance Approving Downtown McHenry Redevelopment Project and Plan for
the City of McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Area
• An Ordinance Designating the City of McHenry Tax Increment Redevelopment
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Project Area, Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, As
• An Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for the City of McHenry
Tax Increment Redevelopment Area.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Althoff stated the three designated ordinances would be presented for review
and action at the regular City Council meeting scheduled for April 15, 2002.
Mayor Althoff called for a recess at 8:58 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:01
p.m. with all still in attendance.
No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session.
Alderman Glab requested Item#5, the Water and Sewer Billing Discrepancy Policy,
be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve the Consent Agenda as
■ Resolution designating April 7 through April 13, 2002 as International Building
Safety Week;
■ Recommendation to hire Bradford Fink as Assistant Director of Public Works;
■ Ordinance granting lot width variance and conditional use permit to Cornerstone
Material Recovery, Inc.;
■ Ordinance approving Special Service Area No. 2, Riverside Hollow Subdivision;
■ Request from Inland Real Estate Development for release of Letter of Credit for
Olde Mill Ponds Subdivision, in an amount not to exceed $350,000;
■ Purchase order for Sioux Lane Water Tower pier repairs to Consolidated
Concrete Restoration, in an amount not to exceed $5,320;
■ City Council Minutes: February 11, 2002 and February 18, 2002
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Glab expressed concern for the Water and Sewer Billing Discrepancy
Policy approved at the February 11, 2002 Council meeting addressing water consumption
discrepancies discovered during the ongoing City-wide meter change-out process. He
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suggested further research, review and discussion at Committee level prior to approval of
the resolution formalizing the policy.
Motion by Glab, to discuss the Water and Sewer Billing Discrepancy Policy at a
Public Works Committee meeting.
Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to pass a resolution approving the Water
and Sewer Billing Discrepancy Policy as presented.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: Glab.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
It was the consensus of Council to direct City Attorney McArdle to investigate the
Collector's authority and return the information to Council for further discussion and
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated he received a letter from a resident
of McHenry, Cindy Sullivan. Ms. Sullivan requested the use of Veteran's Park at noon On
Thursday, May 2, 2002, for a prayer service in observance of the National Day of Prayer.
Ms. Sullivan requested Council waive all fees.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to approve the request for use of Veteran's
Memorial Park on Thursday, May 2, 2002 at noon, for an observance ceremony for
National Day of Prayer and to waive all fees for the event.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
15, 2002
In attendance was Paul Polep, a firefighter and paramedic with the McHenry
Township Fire Protection District. Mr. Polep stated the McHenry Township Fire Protection
District is sponsoring a benefit concert on Saturday, June 15, 2002. The Fire District is
requesting Council's approval for the use of Petersen Park for a fund-raising event entitled
"Party in the Park II". The monies raised will sponsor severely burned children who will
attend a burn camp during the summer.
Mr. Polep stated he and Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel met with Acting
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Chief Donahue to review the plans for the event. Items addressed were:
• Park access
• Set-up
• Parking and traffic control
• County food vendor permits
• Security and police assistance
• Beer sales to adults 21 years of age and older, including wrist banding
• Liquor licenses and liability
• Publicity and sign permits
• First Aid
• Sanitation and trash removal
• Closing times and clean-up
Mr. Polep noted the event was first held in 1997 in Petersen Park. The event was
successful, organized and well-attended, raising in excess of $17,500. He stated the
Event Committee is requesting use of Petersen Park from 4:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. midnight.
He noted all of the firefighters and paramedics have shown support for the event and have
volunteered to provide security. Acting Chief Donahue stated two officers would be
assigned for traffic detail, noting twelve police officers have signed up to volunteer already
and he anticipates as many as twenty will volunteer for security. Acknowledging the noise
ordinance, Mr. Polep noted the band will cease playing at 11:00 p.m. and service of
alcoholic beverages will cease at 10:30 p.m.
Responding to Alderman Low's inquiry, Mr. Polep stated there will be five or six food
vendors, noting Director Merkel will be working with the County Health Department to
insure paperwork is in order for the event.
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry regarding the "Rock the Park" event,
Director Merkel noted "Rock the Park" is scheduled for Friday, June 14, 2002, with an
anticipated attendance of 200 to 300 persons. Director Merkel assured a smooth transition
is assured from the event on June 14`h to the event on June 15".
Motion by Glab, seconded by Low, to approve the use of Petersen Park by the
McHenry Township Fire Protection District for a Benefit Concert on Saturday, June 15,
2002 for a burn camp fundraising event and to waive all fees, subject to McHenry
Township Fire Protection District obtaining a Special Events Permit for the serving of beer
and wine, subject to the following:
■ serving of alcohol will cease at 10:30 p.m.;
■ the band will cease playing at 11:00 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd and Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
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In attendance was property owner Jerry Lubben of 4740 Loyola Drive, the corner lot
on Dartmoor Drive and Loyola Drive.
Director of Community Development Napolitano stated Mr. Lubben is requesting a
variance to allow the installation of a 4-foot high, scalloped picket fence, setback six feet
from the Dartmoor Drive property line. Director Napolitano noted fence regulations require
a 15-foot setback be maintained from Dartmoor Drive. Director Napolitano observed the
fence is attractive and similar variances have been approved in the past.
Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated in the Boone
Creek Subdivision, as part of the subdivision plat, there is a 30-foot building setback as
well as a 20-foot setback for any fence abutting Dartmoor Drive. He noted there are
additional restrictions pertaining to the Boone Creek Subdivision, along Dartmoor Drive
and Curran Road, which require fences be the same height, material, color and style.
Director Napolitano noted the Park Ridge Estate Subdivision, where this property is
located, does not contain these conditions.
City Administrator Lobaito, responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry, noted there are
two conditions in the Windsor Development Annexation Agreement for Park Ridge Estates:
�- ■ The developer is required to contribute funds to the City to be used for a traffic
signal at Crystal Lake Road and Dartmoor, should a traffic signal ever be
• The developer must contribute funds to the City for the eventual crossing of
Dartmoor Drive over the railroad tracks.
City Administrator Lobaito noted the funds are to be returned to the developer within a
specified period of time should either plan not come to fruition. City Administrator Lobaito
advised funds for the traffic signal at Crystal Lake Road and Dartmoor were returned to the
developer in 2001.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to approve a variance to allow a 4-foot
high, scalloped picket fence, setback 6-feet from the Dartmoor Drive property line, subject
to the possibility of removing the picket fence in order to comply with a future ordinance
should Dartmoor Drive become a thoroughfare.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Glab requested Staff research the Annexation Agreement regarding the
monies Park Ridge Estate contributed toward the railroad track crossing and advise
Council in the Friday Report of the date they must be returned to the developer.
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Director of Community Development Napolitano addressed Council noting the
subject property located along the south property line of Tonyan Industrial Park was
annexed to the Village of McHenry Shores in the 1970s. The ordinance annexing the
property permits the petitioner to use the property to maintain the existing pipeline facilities
and install additional facilities. Following the annexation of McHenry Shores to the City of
McHenry, the property was zoned 1-1, Industrial. The applicant has been granted the right
to use the subject property to operate and maintain an underground natural gas pipeline.
The applicant is requesting a variance to construct three buildings to run the operation of
the pipeline.
Director Napolitano noted the Zoning Board of Appeals at a Public Hearing held on
March 14, 2002 unanimously recommended approval of the variance subject to the
following conditions:
• The roofs of the buildings shall be steel replaceable sections
• The exterior of the buildings shall be covered with a brick-like material
• The applicant shall work with Staff in locating the fence only where deemed
necessary for screening or security purposes
• A right-of way easement shall be reserved at the western end of the property, size --`
and exact location to be determined at a later date. Staff to work with the applicant
in drafting an easement agreement
• There shall be no gas odors emanating from the subject property, at any time.
Director Napolitano introduced Patrick Cohen, representing Horizon Pipeline
Company, Dean Degenhardt, Senior Project Manager with the design firm EN Engineering
of Woodridge, Illinois and George Podalski, Land Planner for Horizon Pipeline Company.
Mr. Cohen stated Horizon is willing to comply with all recommendations of the Zoning
Board of Appeals and Staff.
Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mr. Degenhardt stated this facility is
a self-contained, automated facility providing protection of equipment and security, similar
to other facilities, measuring the flow of gas from one pipeline entity to another. A
technician visits the site every two weeks to calibrate and inspect the equipment. There is
a built-in alarm system, which notifies a local operating crew with Natural Gas Pipeline
Company of America, a partner of Horizon based in Shorewood, Illinois. Employees of
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America maintain the property and buildings. Mr.
Degenhardt noted panels on the exterior of the buildings require periodic removal to
facilitate removal of the meters for calibration at another facility.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve a variance to permit three
buildings on a zoned lot for Horizon Pipeline Company, LLC, subject to the following
• The roofs of the buildings shall be metal replaceable sections
• The exterior of the buildings shall be covered with a brick-like veneer, removable
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• The applicant shall work with Staff in locating the fence only where deemed
necessary for screening or security purposes
• A right-of way easement shall be reserved at the western end of the property, size
and exact location to be determined within 90-days; the right-of way shall be paved
as recommended by Staff
• There shall be no gas odors emanating from the subject property, at any time.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Public Works Marcinko addressed Council stating three additional
parking stalls, on the east side of Riverside Drive, were approved at the Public Works
Committee meeting held on March 18, 2002. Due to field verification and layout of the new
Weber Park Lift Station by City Engineers Baxter & Woodman, it has been determined the
location can accommodate only two additional parking stalls.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to approve the installation of two parallel
parking stalls on the east side of Riverside Drive south of the lift station, to be installed
following completion of the lift station construction and asphalt application to Riverside
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
City Administrator Lobaito reported the City's current health insurance plan covering
City employees expires March 31, 2002. The Finance and Personnel Committee met on
March 27, 2002 to discuss renewal options and quotations on excess insurance, as well as
establishing internal health insurance rate charges to the user departments for plan
participants. Council must formally approve:
■ A renewal quote for the medical plan's administrative and excessive insurance
■ Set the plan's internal medical and dental charges; and
■ Allow a delay in implementation of the new charges for retirees and COBRA
participants until May 1, 2002.
City Administrator Lobaito reported health insurance quotations received have been
more favorable, reflecting moderate increases of approximately 11-12%, opposed to last
�-- year's increase of approximately 38%:
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Specific Rates Aggregate Rates
39 92 Annual 39 92 Aggregate Aggregate Annual PPO/Pre Admin FbW Maximum
Single Family Specific Single Family Attachment Rate Aggregate Fees Fee Costs Exposure
$66.11 147.19 193,437 263.82 676.28 872,289 8.76 13,771 8,410 22,401 238,019 1,110,308
City Administrator Lobaito stated Staff is recommending the following:
■ Adjust the internal charge for single coverage medical insurance premium up to
$372.29 per month;
■ Adjust the internal charge for family coverage medical insurance premium up to
$873.06 per month;
■ Adjust the internal charge for single coverage dental insurance premium up to
$25.69 per month;
■ Adjust the internal charge for family coverage dental insurance premium up to
$48.98 per month;
■ Allow a delay in the implementation for retiree and COBRA participants until May
1, 2002.
City Administrator Lobaito stated in order to improve service to employees the third --
party administrator will be changed from Health Plan Management to Benefits Systems
and Services, Inc.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to approve Staff recommendation and to
approve the renewal of the City of McHenry Health Insurance Plan for 2002-2003 Plan
Year as follows:
■ Approve the renewal of the medical administrative and excess insurance portion
of the plan as quoted by Benefits Systems and Services, Inc. (15/12) $50,000
Specific as follows:
Specific Rates Asxaregate Rates
39 92 Annual 39 92 Aggregate Aggregate Annual PPO/Pre Admin Fused Maximum
Single Family Specific Single Family Attachment Rate Aggregate Fees Fee Costs Exposure
$66.11 147.19 193,437 263.82 676.28 872,289 8.76 13,771 8,410 22,401 238,019 1,110,308
■ Adjust the internal charge for single coverage medical insurance premium up to
$372.29 per month;
■ Adjust the internal charge for family coverage medical insurance premium up to
$873.06 per month;
■ Adjust the internal charge for single coverage dental insurance premium up to
$25.69 per month;
■ Adjust the internal charge for family coverage dental insurance premium up to
$48.98 per month;
■ Allow a delay in the implementation for retiree and COBRA participants until May
1, 2002.
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Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Althoff stated at the January 30, 2002 Community Development Committee
meeting a discussion took place regarding the possible annexation of several
unincorporated tracts of land surrounded by the City of McHenry. She informed Council
Illinois Statute 5/7-1-13 indicates specific conditions under which a municipality may
forcibly annex property. It was the recommendation of the Committee a letter should be
sent, under the Mayor's signature, directed to the identified property owners expressing
the City's interest in annexing the property, outlining the benefits of annexation and
encouraging voluntary annexation.
Responding to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mayor Althoff stated, depending
upon the responses received, the issue of forcible annexation would be revisited at a
future meeting.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Low, to direct Staff to prepare a letter under the
Mayor's signature, inviting identified property owners to voluntarily annex to the City of
McHenry within sixty days of the date of the letter.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
City Clerk Jones addressed Council stating pursuant to Alderman Glab's request
extensive research has been performed regarding the Solicitor/Peddler Ordinance. The
following has been determined:
• The distinction between a Peddler's License (requiring a $50 fee plus $5 for each
person authorized to peddle) and a Solicitor's License (no fee required) is whether
the entity has for profit or not-for-profit status.
• The City Clerk may issue either a Peddler's License or Solicitor's License. No
Council approval is required, unless the City Clerk for any reason denies the
request for license. Council may then choose to override the Clerk's decision.
• A Peddler's License permits door-to-door sales in the non-residential districts only.
peddling is permitted on Sundays.
• A Solicitor's License permits door-to-door solicitation by not-for-profit entities in
any district within the City subject to the following regulations.
o No more than two Solicitor's Licenses in residential areas shall be issued
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for the same month for which the application has been made.
o The order of granting Solicitor's Licenses shall be first to those applicants
affiliated with a national campaign, second to other persons, groups or local
o Supervision of minors ( under 18 years of age) is required.
o No solicitation is permitted of persons in motor vehicles.
o Solicitors shall honor all posted "No Solicitation" signs.
o Hours of solicitation permitted in a residential area are 9:00 a.m. until 9:00
p.m. on any weekday.
City Clerk Jones noted in the absence of Council permission the Clerk's office sent
out letters.on March 1" notifying applicants of the City's approval of the following dates:
(FISH)- ROTARY CLUB 05-04-02
City Clerk Jones stated future Tag Day schedules will not be brought to Council for
formal action, however, the final Tag Day Schedule will be included in the Friday Report
for Council's edification. Additionally, taking into consideration Alderman Glab's concerns
regarding the safety of minor's while soliciting, cautionary language will be incorporated
into the letters of notification of approval of requested Tag Days.
In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, City Clerk Jones agreed to obtain copies of
ordinances from surrounding municipalities for further clarification and consideration by
Council. Alderman Glab suggested Staff review the Solicitors and Peddlers Ordinance for
inclusion on the agenda at a future Community Development Committee meeting.
Mayor Althoff stated June 22, 2002 has been selected for the Boone Creek Clean-
up. Coordination of the event will continue.
Mayor Althoff informed Council she and Staff are meeting with a group on Thursday,
April 4, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the possibility of locating a baseball stadium within the
City limits. ._,
Mayor Althoff requested approval of a Proclamation recognizing Deputy Chief Gary
Wigman's participation in security at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah.
April 1, 2002
Page 15
Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger, to approve a Proclamation recognizing Deputy
Chief Gary Wigman for his efforts and participation in providing security at the 2002 Winter
Olympics in Utah.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Murgatroyd informed Council with the assistance of former Assistant City
Administrator Maxeiner the budget process has been completed and will be submitted to
Council for approval at the end of April.
Director of Public Works Marcinko advised Council Staff is working closely with the
contractor in an effort to complete the North Interceptor Sewer Project on Riverside Drive
to facilitate reopening the road as early as possible.
Director Napolitano reminded Council of the Main Street Historic District Open
House on Thursday, April 4, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal
Director Napolitano noted April 7 through April 13, 2002 is International Building
Safety Week and the Community Development Department will be conducting a drawing
on April 15, providing residents with an opportunity to win safety related household
City Clerk Jones informed Council final letters were mailed on April 1, 2002 by
Municipal Collection Services, Inc., in connection with the vehicle sticker collection
City Administrator Lobaito informed Council interviews were completed on Friday,
March 29, 2002 for the Assistant City Administrator position, noting he will submit a
recommendation to Council on April 15, 2002.
There was no new business to report.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to go into Executive Session at 10:21
p.m. to discuss Property Acquisition.
April 1, 2002
Page 16
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Council went into Executive Session at 10:22 p.m.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to return to Open Session at 10:35 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Council went back into Open Session at 10:35 p.m.
Motion by Low, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 10:36 p.m. ,--
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m.