HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 12/16/2020 - Planning and Zoning CommissionThe City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE DATE: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Zoom Web Conferencing Application Join Zoom Meeting: https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/95337389515 Phone: +1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 953-3738-9515 AGENDA 1.Call to Order 2.Roll Call 3.Public Input – (five minutes total on non-agenda items only) 4.Consideration of Approval of Meeting Minutes: November 18, 2020 5.Z-978 – a Zoning Map Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Zoning Variations to Accommodate an Automobile Fueling Station with Drive-Thru Restaurant: Petitioner: Graham Enterprise, Inc. of 750 Bunker Ct., Suite 100, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 (“Property Owner”). Requested Action: A Zoning Map Amendment to C-5 Highway Commercial District, a Conditional Use Permit to operate an Automobile Fueling Station and future Drive-Thru quick service restaurant, and various Zoning Variances including but not limited to site lighting, building perimeter landscaping, and any other variances required to effectuate the proposed gas station and convenience store with a drive-thru car wash. Location of Subject Property: The site consists of 4.49 acres, more or less, and is located on the north east corner of Elm Street and Ringwood Road, with a common address of 5520 W. Elm Street. 6.Z-977 – Various Text Amendments to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance: The City of McHenry is proposing various text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance including, but not limited to Chapter 2 Planning and Zoning Generally, Chapter 6 District Regulations, Chapter 12 Off Street Parking and Loading, Chapter 14 Accessory Uses and Structures, Chapter 16 Nonconformities, and Chapter 19 Variances. 7.A Resolution Approving the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2021. 8.Staff Report: Next Meeting Date: January 27, 2021 9.Adjourn City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes November 18, 2020 Chairman Strach called the November 18, 2020 regularly scheduled meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. In attendance were the following: Doherty, Gurda, Lehman, Strach, Sobotta, and Walsh. Absent: Thacker. Also in attendance were City Planner Cody Sheriff, Director of Economic Development Martin, Economic Development Coordinator Wolf, Community Development Director Polerecky, and Alderman Jeff Schaefer. Public Hearing Guidelines for a Virtual Meeting were presented. Chairman Strach opened the public portion of the meeting at 7:30 p.m. There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission with public comment. Approval of Minutes: Consideration of October 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion by Lehman and seconded by Gurda for approval. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Gurda, Lehman, Sobotta, Strach, and Walsh. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 1-absent: Thacker. Motion Carried. Public Hearing Z-965 Agenda Item #5 Chairman Strach stated the applicants for File No. Z-965, agenda Item #5 (First Midwest Bank Redevelopment/7-Eleven Automobile Fueling Station at 3510 and 3522 W. Elm Street) have requested their case be continued to the December 16, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Motion by Sobotta and seconded by Lehman to continue the hearing on File No. Z-965 to the December 16, 2020 meeting. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Doherty, Gurda, Lehman, Sobotta, Strach, and Walsh. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 1-absent: Thacker. Motion Carried. Commissioner Doherty recused himself as a Commissioner for the hearing on File No. Z-974, Agenda Item #6. He owns the property and will act as the petitioner. Public Hearing: JD and KA Doherty Tr Z-974 219 S. Barreville Rd. Use Variance to allow three horses and four chickens and any other variances required Chairman Strach called the continued Public Hearing to order at 7:37 p.m. regarding File No. Z- 974 an application for a Use Variance to allow three horses and four chickens and any other Planning and Zoning Commission November 18, 2020 Page 2 variances required to effectuate the request at the property located at 219 S. Barreville Rd., which was continued from the October 21, 2020 meeting. In attendance was Joe Doherty, 217 Loch Glen Lane, McHenry, IL. (Owner). Economic Development Director Martin gave the Staff Report stating since the October 21 meeting staff visited the site and observed four horses but no chickens, the north property line very well vegetated, and the fence and the shed/stable are in close proximity to 223 S. Barreville Road. He also noted, however, the applicant stated they would plant bushes from the stable south to the end of the fence line on the outside of the fence abutting 223 S. Barreville Road. There is a dumpster in the northernmost driveway. Director Martin also received and presented comments from Commissioners. It was stated the applicant would prefer to be treated as a nonconforming use or alternatively have a 20-year agreement with no provisions included pertaining to the sale of the property. Director Martin stated, after speaking with the City Attorney, Staff is recommending the Planning and Zoning Commission terminate the public hearing and make no recommendation due to a conflict of interest (applicant-member of Planning and Zoning Commission), however public input can be heard. Chairman Strach opened the floor to questions and comments from the public. Mr. Brian Kilinski, 213 S. Green St., McHenry was sworn in and thanked the commission for considering his comments. He is an abutting property and the smell and upkeep of the subject property is a concern and runoff from the property is also a major concern now and in the future. He suggests the horses be removed or allow them for a shorter time frame and not be replaced as well as not allowing any further animals. Mr. Kilinski requested the waste be removed and taken off-site on a timely basis because of the impact on his property value for resale and the impact on their daily lives. Commissioner Strach confirmed that Mr. Kilinski would have a chance to make comments at the City Council meeting and he would be notified when that meeting will occur. Attorney Guy Youman stated he is representing Ms. MaryAnn Knox who is an adjacent property owner. He stated the dust is a problem and is becoming a health concern. Water with manure was diverting into Mrs. Knox’s well area and the health department needed to be called for remediation. The horses were to be kept away from her property as a result of that call. Attorney Youman stated the Commissioner comments presented in the Staff Report are all very good and should be implemented, however they do not believe a 10 feet move is not far enough. They would like to see a 30’ setback from Mrs. Knox’s property line and opine it would help keep the dust down. He stated horses eat vegetation so any vegetation that would be planted should then be planted outside the 30’ setback fence line. They especially are in agreement with a no replacement clause on the animals that are present now. Attorney Youman stated he has reached out and not had any response from Mr. Doherty. Chairman Strach closed the public comment portion of the hearing at 8:00 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission November 18, 2020 Page 3 Chairman Strach recommended commissioners motion to terminate the public hearing based on a conflict of interest and forward the case to the City Council for consideration. Motion by Walsh seconded by Lehman, with regard to File No. Z-974, the petitioner’s request for a Use Variance at 219 S Barreville Road to permit the applicant to have three horses and four chickens subject to conditions as presented, to terminate the public hearing based on a conflict of interest and forward the case to the City Council for consideration. Roll Call: Vote: 5-ayes: Gurda, Lehman, Sobotta, Strach, and Walsh. 0-nays, 0-abstained, 1- absent: Thacker, 1-recused: Doherty. Motion Carried. Chairman Strach closed the Public Hearing regarding File No. Z-974 at 8:01 pm. City of McHenry File No. Z-977 Text Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance including but not limited to Chapter 2 Planning and Zoning Generally, Chapter 6 District Regulations, Chapter 12 Off Street Parking and Loading, Chapter 14 Accessory Uses and Structures, Chapter 16 Nonconformities, and Chapter 19 Variances Chairman Strach called the discussion to order at 8:02 p.m. regarding File No Z-977 a request for various text amendments to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance including but not limited to Chapter 2 Planning and Zoning Generally, Chapter 6 District Regulations, Chapter 12 Off Street Parking and Loading, Chapter 14 Accessory Uses and Structures, Chapter 16 Nonconformities, and Chapter 19 Variances. Chairman Strach stated Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Northwest Herald and a Certificate of Publication is on file in the City Clerk’s Office. City Planner Sheriff provided the Commission with the Staff Report regarding this file stating he is requesting feedback on the proposed changes in the staff report to present a final draft at the December Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Doherty left the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Discussion ensued and suggestions were presented regarding the text amendments for: Nonconformities: Planner Sheriff took notes on comments from Commissioners and will implement them in the final document to be presented in December. Commissioner Gurda stated he was not sure he could support some of the changes as presented. Planner Sheriff stated he has included reasonable provisions to accommodate single-family residences to appeal in extenuating circumstances. Commissioner Sobotta liked adding a provision that a building permit must be submitted within 6 months. Regarding nonconforming parking lots Planner Sheriff suggested making them conform once a change of use is implemented and that sales tax rebates could be offered to help alleviate some Planning and Zoning Commission November 18, 2020 Page 4 fees if the use does not change allowing some conformance to be obtained as well as giving Staff permission to do administrative reviews. Accessory Structures: Commissioner Gurda stated concern for residents with very large lawn equipment and furniture being restricted on structure size with overhead doors. Commissioner Strach confirmed there will be an appeal and variance process and suggested the addition of an administrative review process for extenuating circumstances. Chapter 2. Planning & Zoning Generally: No objections voiced including Planner Sheriff adding that a conceptual review filing fee was omitted on the presented staff report but would also be included in the final recommendation at the $950 filing fee. There were no objections, comments or suggestions for the revisions presented to: Use standards for Outdoor Storage Areas; Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements; Defining Towing Businesses and requiring a Conditional Use Permit; Minor Variances; or Fence Regulations. Chairman Strach invited questions and/or comments from the Public. There was nobody in attendance who wished to address the Commission with public comment. Commissioner Strach closed the public comment portion of the hearing at 9:00 p.m. Motion by Sobotta seconded by Gurda to recommend with regard to File No. Z-977, the hearing be continued allowing the proposed changes discussed to be presented in a final recommendation at the December Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Roll Call: Vote: 5-ayes: Gurda, Lehman, Sobotta, Strach, and Walsh. 0-nays, 0-abstained, 2- absent: Thacker, Doherty. Motion Carried. Chairman Strach closed the discussion regarding File No. Z-977 at 9:03p.m. Staff Report: The next regularly scheduled meeting is December 16, 2020. The time will be changed to 7:00 p.m. for the December 2020 meeting. Planner Sheriff shared a new development map that may be added to the City’s website. The 2021 meeting schedule will be presented at the December meeting. Director Martin stated five more annexations will be brought to City Council in December. Adjourn: Motion by Walsh and seconded by Lehman, all approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. __________________________________ Shawn Strach, Chairman Planning & Zoning Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Comments The following comments and conclusions are based upon staff analysis and review prior to this hearing and are to be considered viable unless evidence is established to the contrary. Staff may have additional comments based upon the testimony presented during the public hearing. BACKGROUND & REQUEST SUMMARY The petitioner, Graham Enterprise, Inc. (“Property Owner”) is requesting approval of the following zoning items: A Zoning Map Amendment to C-5 Highway Commercial District; a Conditional Use Permit to operate an Automobile Fueling Station and future Drive-Thru quick service restaurant; and various Zoning Variances including but not limited to site lighting, building perimeter landscaping, and any other variances required to effectuate the proposed gas station and convenience store with a drive-thru car wash. The petitioner is proposing a two-phased development project: Phase 1 – Construction of a 5846 square foot Convenience Store with 9 fuel pumps, and a car wash. Phase 2- Addition of a 1650 square foot Drive-Thru Quick Service Restaurant. The original gas station on the subject property were annexed and granted a conditional use permit in 1989. The property has remained vacant for approximately ten years. The nearest gas station is located approximately 0.85 miles to the east of the property on the southeast corner of Meadow Lane and IL-120. The proposed development is in substantial conformance with parking requirements with 74 spaces provided and 30 required by code. CITY OF MCHENRY ORDINANCES • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Zoning Amendments, listed in §11-5-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, listed in §11-15-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Variances, listed in §11-19-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • Applicable Outdoor Lighting regulations can be found in §11-16-4 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • Landscaping and Screening Standards can be found in §11-13-1 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. STAFF ANALYSIS: Current Land Use & Zoning: C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District (vacant) The subject property is zoned C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District and is currently vacant. The site is separated from Parkland Middle School by a 142-foot parcel owned by the school district. The site is adjacent to an office complex to the east (zoned C-2), a vacant but farmed parcel to the south and west (both zoned C-2), and Illinois State Bank to the southwest (zoned C-2). The subject property operated as a gas station with a car wash for approximately 15 years. As many are aware, traffic generated during school release time is an issue which causes many cars to back up onto Ringwood Road. Staff are actively working with School District 15 to remediate the traffic flow issues generated by the Middle School. Future Land Use Map Recommendation: Commercial/Office The future land use map recommends commercial use on the west half of the subject property with office use on the east half. Although partially in compliance, office space demand has significantly declined in recent years as work from home arrangements have become more accepted. Comprehensive Plan Objectives and Policies Overall, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies. Staff comments italicized. • Land Use, Objective – Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents. (p. 27) o Policy – “Preserve and expand areas of commercial land use.”  Approval of the applicant’s request would promote the preservation of existing commercial land uses by allowing commercial land use to expand and continue without negatively impacting the surrounding area. The site has remained vacant for over ten years and the City would benefit from the site being improved with landscaping and other on-site amenities. • Unique Character, Objective – Promote land uses that allow the expansion of services for residents. (P. 28) o Policy – “Locate intense commercial and office uses where they will not negatively affect residential or open space uses.”  The proposed development is located off a state route and is not directly adjacent to other residential properties. Approval of the request will not negatively impact residential or open space uses. STAFF ASSESSMENT: The petitioner is requesting approval of several zoning items. Please see staff comments and recommendations below for each item. 1. Zoning Map Amendment from C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to the C-5 Highway Commercial District. The future land use map recommends the west half of the property remain commercial while the east half is used for office space. Although inconsistent with office land-use on the east half of the subject property, the demand for office space has generally decreased over the years. This decline in office space demand has also been accelerated due to COVID-19 and working from home has become more accepted. Staff believes this trend will likely continue for the foreseeable future. The surrounding land use consists of Parkland Middle School (north), an office complex (east), vacant land (west and south, currently being farmed), and Illinois State Bank (southwest). A 1.87-acre vacant parcel (zoned C-2) owned by School District 15 provides a 142-foot buffer between the proposed commercial zoning and the school. Staff believes the C-5 Highway Commercial District is an appropriate zoning designation given its proximity to IL-120. Staff does not object to the petitioner’s request and recommends approval of the zoning map amendment. 1.a APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS (§11-5-5). Staff comments italicized below. A. Compatible With Use Or Zoning Of Environment: The proposed use(s) or the uses permitted under the proposed zoning classification are compatible with existing uses or existing zoning of property in the environs. The subject property is adjacent to a state route and C-5 Highway Commercial District zoning is appropriate. The prior use of the property was a gas station and car wash, the proposed use of the property for commercial purposes is compatible with the C-5 Highway Commercial District. B. Supported By Trend Of Development: The trend of development in the general area since the original zoning of the affected property was established supports the proposed use or zoning classification. The proposed change from C-2 to C-5 is supportive of the proposed use of the property. The subject property is adjacent to a state route and would match the growing trend of C-5 Highway Commercial Zoning along a state route. C. Consistent With Comprehensive Plan Objectives: The proposed use or zoning classification is in harmony with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City as viewed in light of any changed conditions since the adoption of the plan. The proposed use is similar to the prior use of the property as a gas station for approximately 15 years. The comprehensive plan supports the continued use of the property for commercial purposes. Although the future land use map recommends commercial office space on the east half of the subject property, the demand for office space has been in decline in recent years and is now accelerated by COVID-19. This is also accelerated by work places becoming more amenable towards working from home. D. Furthers Public Interest: The proposed use or zoning classification promotes the public interest and not solely the interest of the applicant. (Ord. 86-382, 12-22-1986) The nearest gas station from the subject property is approximately 0.85 miles east. Staff believes the proposed zoning map amendment supports the public interest by allowing a gas station on the west side of McHenry to serve the City’s residents in the area. If the Planning & Zoning Commission agrees with staffs’ assessment, then staff recommends the following motion: MOTION: I motion to approve the petitioner’s request to rezone the subject property from the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to the C-5 Highway Commercial District AND by making said motion, I agree with staff’s assessment as outlined in the staff report that the approval criteria for Zoning Map Amendments have been met. 2. Conditional Use Permit to allow a Drive-Thru quick service restaurant and gas station on the subject property. Both Gas Stations and Drive-Thru restaurants are a permitted conditional use within the proposed C-5 Highway Commercial Zoning District. The southwest portion of the property was previously utilized as a gas station for an approximate 15-year period. Staff does not believe that approval of the request would create any adverse impacts on the surrounding properties. The proposed future drive-thru quick service restaurant is another automobile oriented use which is appropriate being located on a state highway. However, staff does have several concerns with the overall site plan that have been outlined in the table below. The City’s Staff Engineer has also recommended the petitioner revise the access off Ringwood Road to a single access point. (See attached Staff Engineer Plat Mark-up) Site Element Proposed Staff Concern Recommendation Pedestrian Accommodations Staff could not identify any pedestrian accommodations to access the site from the side walk to the west and south. With Parkland Middle School to the north of the subject property, staff believes there is a high chance of children accessing the site. Staff recommends pedestrian accommodations be added such as crosswalks within the site to allow for safe pedestrian travel to the convenience store. Staff is recommending that a condition be added to require the property owner to work with the school district to determine the location and type of pedestrian crossings on site. Pedestrian Accommodations The petitioner has removed a section of sidewalk along the west side of the building in the future drive-thru site plan. Pedestrian accommodations are not adequately being met for the parking area directly west of the building. The petitioners should consider revising the site plan to add the sidewalk onto the west side of the building. Site Ingress/Egress Two access points along Ringwood Road. The Staff Engineer is concerned with the overall design of the double access off Ringwood Road. Staff is recommending that a condition be added to require the property owner to create a single access off Ringwood Road and any other interventions required as determined by the Staff Engineer. 2.a APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USES (11-15-5). Staff comments italicized below. A.Traffic: Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. Staff does not believe approval of the petitioner’s request would generate any adverse traffic impacts subject to the condition that improved site elements are added and both Ringwood Road and IL-120 ingress/egress points are limited to right-in and right-out only. B.Environmental Nuisance: Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled. Staff does not believe approval of the petitioner’s request would generate any environmental nuisances. Located on a state route, the proposed auto-dependent uses are appropriate for the area. Staff believes any impacts have been mitigated as a result of the buffer between Parkland Middle School and the proposed development. C.Neighborhood Character: The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or manmade character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. The surrounding land use and zoning consists of commercial and office oriented uses. The site was previously occupied by a gas station and the new landscaping associated with the development will increase the aesthetics of the vacant property. D.Public Services and Facilities: The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area. The site is presently serviced by City Water and Sanitary Sewer. E.Public Safety and Health: The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity. Staff does not believe the proposed use will generate any adverse impacts on public safety and health subject to appropriate conditions as outlined in the staff report. F.Other Factors: The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the conditional use and its particular location. Staff believes the proposed auto-dependent uses are appropriate due to being located on a state route. A buffer is provided between the subject property and the school to the north. Overall, staff believes the proposed uses are compatible with the surrounding uses. If the Planning & Zoning Commission agrees with staff’s assessment, then staff recommends the following motion: MOTION: I motion to approve the petitioner’s request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an automobile fueling station and future drive-thru quick service restaurant on the subject property subject to the following conditions: 1.The property owner shall work with the school district to determine where a pedestrian crossing or other on-site amenity is required to provide improved pedestrian access to the convenience store. 2.The property owner shall revise the proposed future quick service restaurant site plan to include a sidewalk along the west portion of the building to be approved by the Zoning Administrator. 3.The property owner shall design point(s) of accesses along Ringwood Road/Elm Street which shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works or Staff Engineer. 4.The proposed development shall be constructed to be in substantial conformance with the plans submitted and with the revisions outlined above. 5.All other state, federal, and local laws shall be met. (motion continues below) AND by making said motion, I agree with the staff’s assessment as outlined in the staff report that the approval criteria for conditional uses has been met. 3.Zoning Variations. The petitioner is requesting approval of several zoning variations that are outlined in the table below. Please see below for staff’s comments. Proposed Ordinance Requirement Staff Comments Zoning Variance – Building Perimeter Landscaping 23 foot lineal feet of landscaping on east perimeter. 5-ft wide perimeter (full length) composed of living plant material with a minimum of 13.5 lineal feet of shrubs on east and west side; and 32 lineal feet of shrub species along the front with remainder composed of living plant material. Staff recommends the petitioner comply with the Ordinance or be prepared to justify the hardship. Zoning Variance - Bicycle Parking None Required when parking exceeds 25 spaces. Staff recommends complying with the ordinance. Zoning Variance - Lighting 69 foot candles under canopy, and 12 foot candles in west parking lot area. Under gas station canopy, illumination cannot exceed 40 foot candles. In parking areas, illumination cannot exceed 10 foot candles. Staff recommends approval. All lighting will be required to be shielded and pointed downward in order to minimize glare as required by Code. 3.a VARIANCE APPROVAL CRITERIA (11-19-5). Comments of staff italicized below. A.Special Circumstances Not Found Elsewhere. Gas Stations typically have greater lighting requirements and often exceed the maximum allowed illumination. B.Circumstances Relate to the Property Only. Staff believes this is a special circumstance as a result of the use of the property as a gas station which requires additional illumination. C.Not Resulting From Applicant Action. The proposed use of the property for a gas station requires more illumination than most uses. D.Unnecessary Hardship. Staff believes if the city enforces the ordinance that it would cause undue hardship and potentially a hazard for the operation of the gas station. E.Preserves Rights Conferred By District: Staff believes this does not confer a special privilege for the subject property. F.Necessary For Use Of Property: Staff believes that without approval, the petitioner would be denied reasonable use and enjoyment of the property. G.Not Alter Local Character: Staff believes approval of the petitioner’s request would not substantially alter essential character of the locality nor have any other adverse impacts. Improvements to the subject property would positively impact the surrounding area. H.Consistent With Title And Plan: Staff believes the proposed illumination is appropriate for a commercial zoning district along a state route which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. I.Minimum Variance Recommended: Staff believes the proposed variance request is the minimum required. If the Planning and Zoning Commission agrees with staff’s assessment as outline in the staff report, then staff recommends the following motion: MOTION: I motion to approve the petitioner’s request for a zoning variance to allow 69 foot candles under the canopy and 12 foot candles in the west parking lot area, and from the building perimeter landscaping AND by making said motion, I agree with staff’s assessment as outlined in the staff report and that the approval criteria for Variances have been met. Attachments: •Petitioner’s Application •Staff Engineer plat mark-up November 20, 2020 Re: 5520 W Elm St. Ownership To Whom It May Concern, Below is the ownership of Graham Enterprise, Inc. Graham Enterprise, Inc. Shareholders/Directors Address Phone John C. Graham 750 Bunker Ct. Suite 100 847-837-0777 25% Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Eugene W. Graham 750 Bunker Ct. Suite 100 847-837-0777 25% Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Matthew X. Graham 750 Bunker Ct. Suite 100 847-837-0777 25% Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Patrick T. Graham 750 Bunker Ct. Suite 100 847-837-0777 25% Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Sincerely, Matthew Ackerman WT Group | Design & Program Management | Project Architect November 20, 2020 Attn: Doug Martin – Director of Economic Development 333 S. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Dear Mr. Martin, The proposed Trio Convenience Store and Car Wash is located at 5520 W Elm Street in the City of McHenry, IL. The Parcel totals 4.49 acres and is accessible from both Elm Street and Highway 120. The improvements include the construction of a new 6,057 SF Convenience Store with attached 1,650 SF Quick Service Restaurant, auto canopy, commercial canopy, 8,298 SF Car Wash, landscaping, and associated site work. The site is currently zoned as C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District. We are requesting the following Rezoning, Conditional use and zoning variances:  Rezoning to C-5 Highway Commercial District to allow a car wash on the site.  Conditional Use Permit for fuel sales.  Variance for landscape foundation plantings – For site safety, we are proposing moving the required front foundation plantings towards the perimeter of the site. This allows clear visibility between the interior of the convenience store and the site, helping maintain a safer environment.  Variance for signage – Due to the multiple services that the proposed fuel center will be providing, additional signage is being requested. An additional freestanding sign is being requested to differentiate between the car wash and fuel station. Eight wall signs are being proposed when two are allowed and would be distributed between the convenience store, car wash, and quick serve restaurant. One canopy sign is proposed to be .3 SF over the allowed and a directional sign over the entrance of the car wash is proposed to be one SF over the allowed. Additionally, three menu signs are being requested including one at the quick serve restaurant and two at the car wash pay stations as well as two ten SF promotional signs visible only to car wash patrons.  Variance for site lighting – For safety and sufficient task lighting we are proposing a maximum under canopy lighting of 69 footcandles, with an average undercanopy light level of 53.3 footcandles at the auto canopy and 27.52 footcandles at the diesel canopy. Although the zoning ordinance has a maximum of 40 footcandles, the Illuminating Society of North America recommends an average of 50 footcandles again for safety and the proper task lighting level. Additionally, the light level of the parking lot is proposed to be up to a maximum of 25.2 footcandles instead of the maximum 10 footcandles required. This increased light level is only located directly around the canopies, in the fueling area, due to the lighting requirements under the canopy. Sincerely, Matthew Ackerman WT Group | Design & Program Management | Project Architect JOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020COVER SHEETG001PROJECT DIRECTORYSCOPE OF WORKGENERAL BUILDING INFORMATIONLOCATION MAPDRAWING INDEXGEI BULLVALLEY MCHENRYNEW C-STORE AND CAR WASH5520 W ELM STMcHENRY, ILLINOISTHIS PROJECT REVOLVES AROUND THE RAZE AND REBUILD OF ANEXISTING VACANT FUEL SERVICE STATION. WORK IS TO INCLUDETHE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING CANOPY AND VACANTCONVENIENCE STORE. A NEW 6,057 SQUARE FEET C-STORE ANDAUTO AND TRUCK CANOPIES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG WITHAN 8,298 SQUARE FOOT CAR WASH. THERE WILL ALSO BE A FUTURE1,650 SQUARE FOOT QSR ADDITION ATTACHED TO THECONVENIENCE STORE. THE SITE WILL BE UPGRADED WITH NEWPAVING AND LANDSCAPING TO BEAUTIFY THE SITE.2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)2014 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)CURRENT ILLINOIS STATE PLUMBING CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)CURRENT ILLINOIS ACCESSIBILITY CODE2015 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (WITH AMENDMENTS)2015 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE(WITH AMENDMENTS)CURRENT ZONING ORDINANCEBUILDING DATACURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: C-2PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: C-5C-STORE BUILDING AREA: 6,057 SQ.FT.CAR WASH BUILDING AREA: 8,298 SQ. FT.FUTURE QSR ADDITION: 1,650 SQ. FT.THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS SHEET IS INTENDED AS AGENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT.SITE LOCATIONCITY OF MCHENRY ADOPTED CODESGENERALG001 COVER SHEETSITEA001 ZONING SITE PLAN PHASE 1A002 ZONING SITE PLAN PHASE 2A003 SITE SIGN PLANA004 SIGN ELEVATIONSLANDSCAPEL001 LANDSCAPE PLANL002 LANDSCAPE PLANL003 LANDSCAPE PLANL004 LANDSCAPE PLANARCHITECTURALA101 C-STORE FLOOR PLANA102 CAR WASH FLOOR PLANA102 CAR WASH FLOOR PLANA201 C-STORE ELEVATIONSA202 CAR WASH ELEVATIONSPHOTOMETRICLO-152791 LIGHTING PROPOSALSURVEYSUR-1BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYSUR-2BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYOWNERGRAHAM ENTERPRISE INC.ATTN: BRIAN WENTE750 BUNKER CT. SUITE 100VERNON HILLS, IL847.837.0777ARCHITECTTHE W-T GROUP, LLCATTN: MATT ACKERMANCHRISTIAN KALISCHEFSKI2675 PRATUM AVENUEHOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60192224.293.6960CIVIL ENGINEERTHE W-T GROUP, LLCJASON GREEN2675 PRATUM AVENUEHOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60192224.293.6333LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTCOUTURE LANDSCAPINGATTN: PAUL COUTURE505 SWIFT ROADLOMBARD, IL 60148630.627.1366STRUCTURAL ENGINEERTHE W-T GROUP, LLCATTN: TBDJEFFREY GUTWOSKY2675 PRATUM AVENUEHOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60192224.293.6333MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBINGENGINEERCARTLAND KRAUS ENGINEERING, LTD.BRAD BOLTON760 TELSER RDLAKE ZURICH, IL 60047847.719.1708 EXT. 111 STATE ROUTE 120 (ELM STREET)RINGWOOD ROAD 603.95'27.95'279.92'PARCEL1.7 ACRES212'-0" x 24'-0"AUTO CANOPY1966057 SFC-STORE88945'-0"20'-9"52'-0"25'-0"78'-3"14'-3"44'-1"105'-2"45'-0" x 20'-0"CFL CANOPY142.37'609.71'PARCEL1.05 ACRES50'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"361.22'34'-3"PARCEL1.71 ACRES1212154' CAR WASH107'-8"155'-0"60'-6"30'-0"42'-9 " 38'-5 " 47'-0 " 6'-3"42'-0 " 26'-0 " 28'-8 " 30' BUILDING SETBACK 10' UTILITY EASEMENT AND SETBACK 15' UTILITY EASEMENT STORM WATERDETENTIONEASEMENT15' UTILITY EASEMENT10'-0" U . E . 15'-0" P.U.E . 15'-0 " U.E. 5'-0" P.U. E .10' UTILITY EASEMENT AND SETBACK4'-5"11'-2" 10'-0" 66'-6"28'-0"43'-0"42'-0"12'-0"JOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020SITE ZONING(SECT. X)BUILDINGSETBACKS(SECT. 5ARTICLE B)PARKING /STACKING(SECT. VIIARTICLE C REQUIRED PROPOSEDPARKING: 4.5/1000 SF C-Store MIN (27) 1/EMPLOYEE Car Wash MIN (4) TOTAL REQUIRED 31 74 INCLUDING VACSSTALL SIZE: 18' x 9' MIN. C-Store: 18'x9' Vacuum: 18'x12'-6"ACCESSIBLE: 18' x 16' MIN. 18'x16'REQUIRED PROPOSEDFRONT YARD: 30' MIN. 80'-9"CORNER SIDE YARD: 30' MIN. 133'-4"SIDE YARD: 10' MIN. 72'-3"REAR YARD: 15' MIN. 94'-1"MUNICIPALITY: VILLAGE OF McHENRYEXISTING ZONING: C2 - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIALREQUIRED ZONING: C5 - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL -CONDITIONAL USESITE AREA(SECT. 5ARTICLE B)REQUIRED PROPOSEDLOT AREA: 4.49 ACRESFAR RATIO: 1.0 .074BUILDINGHEIGHT(SECT. 3ARTICLE G.2)REQUIRED PROPOSEDMAIN BUILDING: 35 FT. 33'-7"ACCESSORY: NONE 19 FT.CONCEPTUALSITE PLANA001SCALE:1'-0" = 30'-0"1CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN PHASE 1ZONING INFORMATIONN STATE ROUTE 120 (ELM STREET)RINGWOOD ROAD 603.95'27.95'279.92'PARCEL1.7 ACRES212'-0" x 24'-0"AUTO CANOPY1966057 SFC-STORE8945'-0"20'-9"52'-0"14'-3"44'-1"105'-2"45'-0" x 20'-0"CFL CANOPY142.37'609.71'PARCEL1.05 ACRES50'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"361.22'34'-3"PARCEL1.71 ACRES1212154' CAR WASH107'-8"155'-0"60'-6"30'-0"42'-9 " 38'-5 " 47'-0 " 6'-3"42'-0 " 26'-0 " 28'-8 "FUTURE1650 SFQSR30' BUILDING SETBACK 10' UTILITY EASEMENT AND SETBACK 15' UTILITY EASEMENT STORM WATERDETENTIONEASEMENT15' UTILITY EASEMENT10'-0" U . E . 15'-0" P.U.E . 15'-0 " U.E. 5'-0" P.U. E .10' UTILITY EASEMENT AND SETBACK4'-5"11'-2" 10'-0" 66'-6"28'-0"43'-0"42'-0"18'-0"11'-11"55'-0"6'-5"12'-0"30'-0"JOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020SITE ZONING(SECT. X)BUILDINGSETBACKS(SECT. 5ARTICLE B)PARKING /STACKING(SECT. VIIARTICLE C REQUIRED PROPOSEDPARKING: 4.5/1000 SF C-Store MIN (27) 10/1000 SF INITIAL QSR MIN (16) 1/EMPLOYEE Car Wash MIN (4) TOTAL REQUIRED 47 66 INCLUDING VACSSTALL SIZE: 18' x 9' MIN. C-Store: 18'x9' Vacuum: 18'x12'-6"ACCESSIBLE: 18' x 16' MIN. 18'x16'REQUIRED PROPOSEDFRONT YARD: 30' MIN. 80'-9"CORNER SIDE YARD: 30' MIN. 105'-10"SIDE YARD: 10' MIN. 72'-3"REAR YARD: 15' MIN. 90'-8"MUNICIPALITY: VILLAGE OF McHENRYEXISTING ZONING: C2 - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIALREQUIRED ZONING: C5 - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL -CONDITIONAL USESITE AREA(SECT. 5ARTICLE B)REQUIRED PROPOSEDLOT AREA: 4.49 ACRESFAR RATIO: 1.0 .082BUILDINGHEIGHT(SECT. 3ARTICLE G.2)REQUIRED PROPOSEDMAIN BUILDING: 35 FT. 33'-7"ACCESSORY: NONE 19 FT.CONCEPTUALSITE PLANA001SCALE:1'-0" = 30'-0"1CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN PHASE 2ZONING INFORMATIONN 603.95'27.95'279.92'PARCEL1.7 ACRES142.37'609.71'PARCEL1.05 ACRES361.22'PARCEL1.71 ACRES1212916191985186101711312141533324STATE ROUTE 120 (ELM STREET)RINGWOOD ROAD212'-0" x 24'-0"AUTO CANOPY6057 SFC-STORE45'-0" x 20'-0"CFL CANOPY154' CAR WASHFUTURE1650 SFQSR135'-2"155'-0"43'-3 1 / 2 " 55'-0"77771114NSCALE:1" = 20'-0"1SITE SIGN PLANSIGNAGE PLANA003SIGNAGE KEY123GROUND SIGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGNWITH, 60 SF SIGN, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS456711DIRECTIONAL SIGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN,"ENTRANCE", 18 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS121314DIRECTIONAL SIGN: NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN,"ENTRANCE", 11 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSDIRECTIONAL SIGN: NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN,"EXIT", 5 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSPROMOTIONAL SIGN: DIGITAL PROMOTIONALBOARD, 10 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSSITE ZONING(ZONING MAP)MUNICIPALITY: VILLAGE OF McHENRYEXISTING ZONING: C2 - NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIALREQUIRED ZONING: C5 - HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL - CONDITIONAL USEFREESTANDINGSIGN(SECTION 10-20-13)WALL SIGNS(SECTION 10-20-13)ALLOWEDPROPOSEDNUMBER OF SIGNS:28C-STORE NORTH:0 SF64 SFC-STORE EAST:0 SF23SFC-STORE SOUTH:202.75 SF 41 SFQSR SOUTH:0 SF25 SFC-STORE WEST:82.5 SF23 SFCAR WASH NORTH:0 SF0 SFCAR WASH EAST:0 SF33 SFCAR WASH SOUTH:0 SF50 SFCAR WASH WEST:0 SF113 SFTOTAL WALL SIGN AREA:285.25 SF 372 SFMENU BOARD(SECTION 10-20-13)ALLOWEDPROPOSEDNUMBER OF SIGNS:13CAR WASH LANE 1 SIGN:10 SFCAR WASH LANE 2 SIGN:10 SFFUTURE QSR SIGN: 32 SFTOTAL SIGN AREA:32 SF52 SFCANOPY SIGNS(SECTION 10-20-13)ALLOWEDPROPOSEDAUTO CANOPY NORTH AREA:424 SF0 SFAUTO CANOPY EAST AREA:48 SF 9 SFAUTO CANOPY SOUTH AREA:424 SF9 SFAUTO CANOPY WEST AREA:48 SF 9 SFTRUCK CANOPY NORTH AREA:40 SF0 SFTRUCK CANOPY EAST AREA:90 SF 23.4 SFTRUCK CANOPY SOUTH AREA:40 SF0 SFTRUCK CANOPY WEST AREA:90 SF 0 SFCAR WASH CANOPY EAST AREA:32.7 SF 33 SFCAR WASH CANOPY SOUTH AREA:21.6 SF 0 SFCAR WASH CANOPY WEST AREA:32.7 SF 18 SFTOTAL CANOPY SIGN AREA:1,291 SF 101.4 SFSIGN TYPE /QUANTITY(TITLE 10 -CHAPTER 20)WALL SIGNS: (1) DIRECTIONAL SIGN ALLOWED PER ENTRANCE/EXIT LOCATION OF CAR WASH, 10 SF MAXIMUMAREA AND 3 FOOT MAXIMUM HEIGHT. (2) ALLOWED FOR BUSINESS, 1.5 SF PER LF OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE.CANOPY SIGNS: A SIGN, OTHER THAN AN UNDER CANOPY SIGN, ATTACHED TO THE OR CONSTRUCTED IN OR ON ACANOPY. NOT TO EXCEED 2/3 FACE OF CANOPYFREESTANDING SIGNS: (1) ALLOWED, 0.5 SF PER LF OF LOT FRONTAGE, 200 SF MAXIMUM, 15'-0" MAX HEIGHT, 5FOOT MINIMUM SETBACK. DIRECTIONAL SIGNS ALLOWED, 10 SF MAXIMUM, 3 FOOT MAXIMUM HEIGHT.MENU BOARD SIGNS: (1) MENU BOARD PERMITTED AT DRIVE-THRU. 32 SF MAXIMUM AREA, 8 FOOT MAXIMUMHEIGHT IF FREESTANDING. SHALL BE LOCATED IN A SIDE YARD.SIGNAGE INFORMATIONTOTALSIGNAGEALLOWEDPROPOSEDTOTAL AREA:1,858.25 SF 705.4 SF15SUSPENDED DIRECTIONAL SIGN:NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN, 3 SF EACH BOARD,SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSALLOWEDPROPOSEDNUMBER OF SIGNS:12C-STORE FS SIGN SETBACK:5'-0" MIN 6'-9"CAR WASH FS SIGN SETBACK:5'-0" MIN 6'-2"C-STORE FS SIGN HEIGHT:15' MAX 15'CAR WASH FS SIGN HEIGHT:15' MAX 12'C-STORE FS SIGN AREA:60 SFCAR WASH FS SIGN AREA:61 SFTOTAL FS SIGN AREA:200 SF121 SFJOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020DIRECTIONALSIGNS(SECTION 10-20-13)ALLOWEDPROPOSEDELM ST. ENTRANCE:5 SF3.5 SFELM ST. ENTRANCE/EXIT:5 SF 3.5 SFRINGWOOD RD. EXIT:5 SF 3.5 SFRINGWOOD RD. ENTRANCE/EXIT:5 SF 3.5 SFCAR WASH EXIT:10 SF5 SFCAR WASH ENTRANCE:10 SF11 SFCAR WASH LANE IDENTIFIERS:10 SF 9 SF (3 SF X 3 LANES)TOTAL DIRECTIONAL SIGN AREA:50 SF39 SFCAR WASHPROMOTIONALONSITE SIGNAGEALLOWEDPROPOSEDNUMBER OF SIGNS:02PROMO SIGN AT WASH EXIT:10 SFPROMO SIGN AT WASH ENTRY:10 SFTOTAL SIGN AREA:0 SF20 SFGROUND SIGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGNWITH, 61 SF SIGN, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSCANOPY SOGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINTATEDSIGN, 9 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSCANOPY SOGN: VINYL LETTERS, 23.4 SF, SEESIGNAGE ELEVATIONSCANOPY SOGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINTATEDSIGN, 33 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSCANOPY SOGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINTATEDSIGN, 18 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSDIRECTIONAL SIGN: NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN,3.5 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS8910DIRECTIONAL SIGN: NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN,"ENTRANCE", 11 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSDIRECTIONAL SIGN: NON-ILLUMINATED SIGN,"EXIT", 5 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSDIRECTIONAL SIGN: NON-ILLUMINATED LANEIDENTIFIERS, 3 SF PER LANE = 9 SF, SEESIGNAGE ELEVATIONS16181719WALL SIGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN,113 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSWALL SIGN: INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN,50 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSPROMOTIONAL SIGN: DIGITAL MENU BOARD, 10SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONSPROMOTIONAL SIGN: DIGITAL PROMOTIONALBOARD, 10 SF, SEE SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS 1'-0"1'-0"3 1/2"6'-8"2'-6"4 3/4"7 3/8"4"4'-9" TYP.11"7'-1"4'-6 1/2"6'-0"SIGN BOX - 22 SFSIGN PROVIDEDBY OWNER ANDINSTALLED BYGC - 26 SFCAR WASHBOX - 4 SFTOUCHLESSLETTERS- 1 SFBRICK TO MATCHBUILDING, PAINT:LIGHT GRAYBP HELIOS - 6.25 SFALUMINUM SILL15'-0"ALUMINUM CAP3'-10 1/4"4'-0 1/16"10'-1"2'-4" 2'-7"HALO-LIT "TRIO"CHANNEL LETTERSCOLOR: PANTONE 424CFRONT-LITTRIANGLE LOGO.COLOR:PANTONE 390C3'-0"7'-7"1'-11" 1'-9"HALO-LIT "TRIO"CHANNEL LETTERS.COLOR:WHITEFRONT-LITTRIANGLE LOGO.COLOR:PANTONE 390C5'-0"12'-6 15/16"2'-10 3/4" 3'-1 15/16"FRONT-LITTRIANGLE LOGO.COLOR:PANTONE 390CHALO-LIT "TRIO"CHANNEL LETTERS.COLOR:WHITE3'-0"3'-0"INTERNALLYILLUMINATEDSIGN PROVIDEDBY OWNER12'-0"7'-6"5"5"3" 2'-4"5"7"11"5'-3" 9" 7"5"6'-9"4"4'-5"4'-7"AREA = 34 SFINTERNALLYILLUMINATED SIGN BOXWITH RAISED LETTERS -BACKGROUND ANDLETTERS ILLUMINATEDINTERNALLYILLUMINATED SIGNBOX-BACKGROUNDAND LETTERSILLUMINATEDNON-ILLUMINATEDORANGE BAND6'-0"TYP.AREA = 5 SFAREA = 4 SFAREA = 16 SFINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUALLETTERSNON-ILLUMINATEDORANGE BANDINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUALLETTERSNON-ILLUMINATEDGRAY BAND10'-0"LED INDIVIDUALLETTERS2'-1"9"1'-6"AREA = 2 SF3"DIGITAL MENUBOARD WITHSTAINLESSSTEEL FRAME6'-4"2'-5"4'-2" 3'-0" 1'-2"6'-6"6'-6"22'-11"INTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDSIGN BOX WITH RAISEDLETTERSINTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUAL LETTERSCARWASH2'-0" 4'-8"4'-8" 10"15'-3"HALO LIT INDIVIDUAL LETTERSINTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDSIGN BOX WITH RAISEDLETTERSCARWASH1'-6" 4'-0" 8"11'-5"3'-11"INTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUAL LETTERSINTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDSIGN BOX WITH RAISEDLETTERS4'-0" 1'-2"ENTRANCE3'-11"NON-ILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUAL LETTERS1'-2"9'-3"NON-ILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUAL LETTERS1'-6"ENTRANCE11'-11"INTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUAL LETTERS3'-0"1'-6"3"NON-ILLUMINATEDSIGN6"6'-0"5"NON-ILLUMINATEDINDIVIDUALLETTERS (TYP.)6"6'-0"6"6'-0"TRUCK DIESEL1'-6"15'-7"2'-6"10'-0"8'-0"4'-0"SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"160 SF MONUMENT SIGNSIGNAGE ELEVATIONSA004SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"1341 SF WALL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"1423 SF WALL SIGNJOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"1564 SF WALL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"39 SF AUTO CANOPY SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0261 SF MONUMENT SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0618 SF CANOPY SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0533 SF CANOPY SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"16113 SF WALL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-01750 SF WALL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-01810 SF MENU BOARDSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"73.5 SF DIRECTIONAL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0811 SF DIRECTIONAL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-095 SF DIRECTIONAL SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-01910 SF PROMOTIONAL BOARD (SIM)SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0103 SF DIRECTIONAL SIGNSSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"423.4 SF TRUCK CANOPY SIGNSCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"1125 SF QSR WALL SIGN (TBD)SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0"1232 SF QSR MENU (TBD) 603.63' 28.00'235.58'44.45'320.78'15,000 GALPNLDSLFLEX7,0007,00030,000 RNL91.18'303.86'299.48'352.25'RINGWOOD ROADSTATE ROUTE 120 (ELM STREET) AUTO CANOPY 212'-0" x 24'-0" STORE 5846 SF C- CFL CANOPY 45'-0" x 20'-0" 154' CAR WASH SET PLANTS AT SAME LEVEL AS GROWN IN CONTAINER ELEVATE BED 2-4" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 2" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 4" SPADED EDGE FINISHED GRADE IF NECESSARY VERTICALLY SLICE ROOTS VARIES VARIES EXISTING SUBGRADE 2" GREATER THAN CONTAINER SIZE PREPARE PERENNIAL BED TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 30% COARSE SAND 40% TOPSOIL 30% MUSHROOM COMPOST SOIL MIX AS FOLLOWS: USE ONLY locally GROWN NURSERY STOCKNOT TO SCALE PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL BRANCHES ONLY PRUNE DEAD AND BROKEN FINISHED GRADE 3 - 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE FOR BERM INSTALLATIONS SORB AG PER CU. YD. OF BACKFILL INCORPORATE 10-12 OZ. OF TERRA NOT TO SCALE USE ONLY locally GROWN NURSERY STOCK SUBGRADE SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED FROM ROOT BALL AND TRUNK CUT SYNTHETIC CORDS AND TWINE FLOOD PIT TO ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS BACKFILL PIT WITH AMENDED TOPSOIL PLANTING PIT PERIMETER PREPARE A 3" MIN. SAUCER AROUND ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL SLIGHTLY SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL BRANCHES ONLY PRUNE DEAD AND BROKEN REMOVE FOLLOWING SPRING PROTECT TRUNK WITH TREE WRAP 3 - 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH FINISHED GRADE UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE FOR BERM INSTALLATIONS SORB AG PER CU. YD. OF BACKFILL INCORPORATE 10-12 OZ. OF TERRA SUBGRADE SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED FLOOD PIT TO ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS BACKFILL PIT WITH AMENDED TOPSOIL FROM ROOT BALL AND TRUNK CUT SYNTHETIC CORDS AND TWINE PLANTING PIT PERIMETER PREPARE A 5" MIN. SAUCER AROUND ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL SLIGHTLY see general note#7 SHEETS L-1.0 HOSE FOR STAKING 12 GA STEEL WIRE AND 1/2" 2 PLY 3 METAL STUDDED T POST 7'6" WITH USE ONLY locally GROWN NURSERY STOCKNOT TO SCALE TREE PLANTING DETAIL 10. SEE SHEETS L002, L003, L004 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANTING DETAILS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNERS REPRESENTITIVE. 9. NO PLANT SPECIES OR SIZES SHALL BE SUBSITUTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THESE MINIMUM SIZES SHALL BE REJECTED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 8. PLANT SIZES LISTED ARE THE MINIMUM SIZE REQUIRED. PLANTS THAT DO NOT MEET PLANTS REMAIN PLUMB UNTIL THE END OF GUARANTEE PERIOD. 7. IT IS CONTRACTORS OPTION TO STAKE TREES, BUT HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO ASSURE RESTORE ALL OTHER DAMAGED LAWN AREAS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION (V.I.F.). TO MAINTAIN LAWNS UNTIL APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE BY OWNERS REPRESENTITIVE. 6. ALL NEW LAWN AREAS TO BE A BLENDED BLUEGRASS SOD. CONTRACTOR PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS TO ALL PLANT BED AREAS. AND SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM LAWN AREAS WITH A SPADED EDGING. APPLY TREFLAN HERBICIDE 5. ALL PLANT BED AREAS TO BE MULCHED WITH PREMIUM SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 3" DEEP 4. CONTRACTOR TO GUARANTEE PLANT MATERIAL FOR ONE YEAR FROM TIME OF PLANTING. PLANTING.ENSURE ALL AIR POCKETS ARE REMOVED AROUND ROOT BALL. 3. ALL PLANTINGS SHALL BE WATERED THOROUGHLY IN THE FIRST 24 HOURS AFTER TO STANDARDS SET BY THE AMERICAN NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION. (A.N.L.A.) BURLAPPED 'B & B' UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. PLANT MATERIAL TO BE GROWN IN ACCORDANCE LOW TYPE JUNIPER, GROUNDCOVERS, PERENNIALS, SHRUBS UNDER 36" SIZE, BE BALLED AND 2. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE LOCALLY GROWN. ALL PLANT MATERIAL WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ALL MATERIALS QUANTITIES ON SITE. 1. QUANTITY LISTS ARE SUPPLIED AS A CONVENIENCE. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY NOTE: NORTH 0 30 10 60 90 120 150 20 PAULA.CO U TURE #157-000326 REGISTERED STATE OF ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL 2021 L001 LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWN: PAC CHECK: CPSTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATIONLAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTINGDESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICALWT GROUPIL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.20192675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444wtengineering.comCOPYRIGHT 2018 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUE DATETO 10/28/20REVIEWEngineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. ConsultingŸ Design ŸEngineering JOB:1912649DTRIO MCHENRY5520 W ELM STREETMCHENRY , ILLINOIS TRIO Landscape Plans Prepared By: IL. License Number 157-00328 P.L.A. A.S.L.A.Paul A. Couture,Scale 1"= 30'-0" Landscape Plan PLANT LIST QTY CODE PLANT NAME SIZE 12 PKF CALAMAGROSTIS SPECIES KARL FOERSTER GRASS 2 GAL 149 PDS SPOROBOLUS SPECIES PRAIRIE DROPSEED 1 GAL 20 PMG MISCANTHUS GRACILLIMUS MAIDEN GRASS 2 GAL 14 PAN PANICUM VIRGATUM SWITCH GRASS 2 GAL 9 PRA ASTILBE SPECIES COLOR FLASH ASTILBE 1 GAL 85 PCG GERANIUM SPECIES MAX FREI GERANIUM 1 GAL 73 PWN NEPETA RACEMOSA WALKERS LOW CATMINT 1 GAL 14 PSM SALVIA NEMOROSA ROSENWEIN SALVIA 1 GAL 85 PRP HEUCHERA MICRANTHA GEORGIA PEACH CORALBELL 1 GAL 75 PSY HEMEROCALLIS SPECIES rosey returns DAYLILY 1 GAL 22 PMC COREOPSIS VERTICILLATA ZAGREB COREOPSIS 1 GAL 288 SDK SEDUM KAMTCHATICUM YELLOW STONECROP 3" 144 GMW LYSIMACHIA AUREA GOLDEN MONEYWORT 3" 25 HYB HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA BLOOMSTRUCK HYDRANGEA 30" 14 RHA RHUS COPPELIANA PRAIRIE FLAME SUMAC 3' HT" 16 ROC ROSA SPECIES CORAL CARPET ROSE 18" 52 ROS ROSA SPECIES KNOCKOUT SHRUB ROSE 18" 32 WEG WEIGELA SPECIES DARK HORSE WEIGELA 24" 10 WES WEIGELA SPECIES SPILLED WINE WEIGELA 18" 10 EAC EUONYMUS ALATUS COMPACT BURNING BUSH 4' HT 3 HMV HAMAMELIS VERNALIS VERNAL WITCHHAZEL 4' HT 52 JCG JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS SEA GREEN JUNIPER 18-24" 15 JCS JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS SARGENT JUNIPER 18-24" 48 TXT TAXUS TAUTONI TAUTON YEW 24" 12 TXH TAXUS HICKSI HICKS YEW 3' HT 21 thO THUJA OCCIDENTALIS TECHNEY ARBORVITAE 5' HT 1 SYJ SYRINGA RETICULATA JAPANESE TREE LILAC 8-9' 6 MSP MALUS SPECIES prairie fire CRAB 8-9' HT 3 amc amelanchier grandiflora Princess d.serviceberry 8-9' HT 5 PYR PYRUS CALLERYANA CHANTICLEER PEAR 2.5"CAL 6 PBH PICEA DENSATA BLACK HILL SPRUCE 8'HT 8 PPB PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE 8' HT 4 COH CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS HACKBERRY 2.5"CAL 3 GYM GYMNOCLADUS SPECIES KENTUCKY COFFEE TREE 2.5"CAL 6 TAX TAXODIUM DISTICHUM BALD CYPRESS 2.5"CAL 3 ULM ULMUS SPECIES ACCOLADE HYBRID ELM 2.5"CAL 3 QUS QUERCUS BICOLOR SWAMP WHITE OAK 2.5"CAL 8 CRP CARPINUS BETULUS EUROPEAN HORNBEAM 2.5"CAL 3 ASU ACER SACCHARUM SUGAR MAPLE 2.5"CAL 5 Ars ACER FREEMANI AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE 2.5"CAL 3 GTI GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST 2.5"CAL DETENTION AREA STORM WATER 1 asu 5 pbh 5 pbh 3 msp 3 msp 9 tho 9 tho 3 amc 3 gym 1 asu 1 qur 1 qur 5 ppb 3 ppb 2 crp 3 crp 1 crp 1 crp 1 gti 1 gti 3 ulm 1 pyr 1 pyr 1 pyr1 pyr 1 pyr 1 ars 1 ars 1 ars 1 coh 1 coh 1 coh 1 coh 3 tax 1 gti 1 asu 1 qur 3 tax 5 txt 5 txt 3 txt 3 txt 5 jcs 5 jcs 5 jcs 3 tho 3 rha 3 rha 5 ros 3 txt 5 weg 7 weg 5 ros 5 ros 5 jcg 3 txt 3 hyb 3 hyb 3 hyb 1 syj 3 txt 5 ros 48 sdk 12 pkf 3 ros 1 rha 3 ros 5 pds 5 ros 5 pds 5 pds 7 pan 7 pan 12 pwn 7 pwn 3 ros 3 ros 5 txt 7 pmc 9 pra72 sdk 72 sdk blended sod 15 pcg 5 wes 5 wes15 pcg 1 crp blended sod blended sod 9 psy 18 pwn 5 hyb 72 gmw 72 gmw 5 hyb 15 jcg 3 hmv 9 psy 3 txt 5 jcg 5 jcg 5 eac 1 eac 3 txt 3 txt 5 ros 15 pmc 5 weg 7 pds 7 psm 15 pds 5 pds 3 eac 3 txt 20 prp 3 txt 5 pds 7 rha 3 jcg 10 pmg 10 pmg 6 txh 5 roc 7 roc 3 jcg 3 jcg 6 txh 6 roc 5 weg 5 weg 5 weg 5 ros 5 jcs 9 pwn 20 psy 7 pwn 15 pcg 15 pcg 1 ars 15 pcg 15 psy 20 pds 15 prp 15 prp 3 jcg5 ros 25 pds 1 ars 15 pds 5 jcg 6 hyb 5 jcg10 prp 10 prp 20 pwn 48 sdk 48 sdk blended sod sod blended blended sod blended sod blended sod blended seed blended sod 800-892-0123 YOU DIG CALL BEFORE WARNING & drive thru building expansion phase 2 3 txt 15 pgp 5 psm 10 pcg 7 pds 14 pds 7 psy 15 psy 3 ros 7 pds 14 pds These general requirements apply to all landscape operations. Refer to specification sections for specific general, product, and execution requirements. A. Comply with all applicable local, state and federal requirements regarding materials, methods of work, and disposal of excess and waste materials. B. Obtain and pay for all required inspections, permits, and fees. Provide notices required by governmental authorities. C. Owner shall appoint a qualified representative to oversee the work and assure its adherence to the plans and these specifications. Henceforth, this person shall be designated as Owners Representative. D. Contractor to have an experienced English speaking supervisor / foreman onsite at all times that can adequately communicate with owners representative when necessary, and have experienced installers who have completed landscaping work similar in material, design, and extent as to that indicated for this project with a record of successful landscape establishment. E. Contractors workforce shall be knowledgeable and or make themselves knowledgeable of all safety regulations and requirements pertaining to this project including wearing all protective gear needed to comply with these requirements. Workman not in compliance can and will be denied access to the jobsite by the General Contractor . A safety class for workers may be required by the General Contractor. A. Locate and identify existing underground and overhead services and utilities within contract limit work areas. Contact utility locate at 811. Provide adequate means of protection of utilities and services designated to remain. Repair utilities damaged during site work operations at Contractors expense. B. When uncharted or incorrectly charted underground piping or other utilities and services are encountered during site work operations, notify the applicable utility company immediately to obtain procedure directions. Cooperate with the applicable utility company in maintaining active services in operation. C. Locate, protect, and maintain benchmarks, monuments, control points and project engineering reference points. Re-establish disturbed or destroyed items at Contractors expense. D. Obtain governing authorities written permission when required to close or obstruct street, walks and adjacent facilities. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways when required by governing authorities. E. Control dust caused by the work. Dampen surfaces as required. Comply with pollution control regulations of governing authorities. . F. Protect existing buildings, paving, and other services or facilities on site and adjacent to the site from damage caused by work operations. Cost of repair and restoration of damaged items at Contractors expense. G. Protect and maintain streetlights, utility poles and services, traffic signal control boxes, curb boxes, valves and other services, except items designated for removal. Remove or coordinate the removal of traffic signs, parking meters and postal mailboxes with the applicable governmental agency. H. At the conclusion of each work day, the Contractor is responsible for leaving the site in a clean and safe condition. A. Submit the following material samples, if requested: 1. Mulch -Bulk or Bagged. 2. Decorative Stone or Gravel -Bag or Bulk B. Submit the following materials certification, if requested: 1. Topsoil source and pH value. 3. Plant fertilizer. A. Deliver fertilizer materials in original, unopened and undamaged containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. Store in manner to prevent wetting and deterioration. B. Take all precautions customary in good nursery practice to prepare plants for transport. Workmanship, which fails to meet the highest standards, will be rejected. Spray deciduous plants in foliage with an approved Anti- Desiccant immediately before digging to prevent dehydration when in leaf. Dig, pack, transport, and handle plants with care to ensure protection against injury. C. Cover plants transported on open vehicles with a protective covering to prevent windburn. D. Moisten all burlap root ball before transporting. prevent surface from drying during transporting A. Work notification: Notify Owners Representative at least two 2 working days prior to installation of plant material. B. Protect existing utilities, paving, and other facilities from damage caused by landscaping operations. Call 811 to mark underground utilities a minimum of 48 hours before digging. C. A complete list of plants, including a schedule of sizes, quantities, and other requirements is shown on the drawings. In the event that quantity discrepancies or material omissions occur in the plant materials list, the planting plans shall govern. Payment shall be based on actual installed plant count. A. Warrant plant material to remain alive and be in a healthy, vigorous condition for a period of one 1 year after acceptance, provided plants are given proper care by owner during this period. 1. Contractor to call for final inspection of plants. 2. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to inspect the watering, cultivation and other maintenance operations performed by the Owner during the warranty period. 3. Any methods or practices, which the Contractor considers unsatisfactory and not in accord with standard horticultural practices shall be reported to the Owner in writing. 1.03 SUBMITTALS 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS 1.06 WARRANTY 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.01 DESCRIPTION 2. Peat moss, compost, or other organic soil amendments SECTION 0001 CONTINUE SECTION 0002 TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING PART 1 GENERAL PART 2 PRODUCTS A. Examine proposed planting areas and conditions before installation. Do not start planting work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. A. Coordination and Scheduling - Time of Planting Coordinate installation of planting materials during normal planting seasons for each type of plant material required. Normal seasons for the installation of plant material shall be as follows: 1. Spring Planting: Perform from time soil becomes workable to June 15. Install evergreen trees prior to new growth beginning in the spring. 2. Fall Planting: Perform from September 1 to November 15. Perennials and ground covers shall be completed by October 15. 3. Summer Planting: Planting performed between June 15 and August 31, shall be considered unseasonable and will require Owner's approval. B. Planting shall be performed only by experienced workmen familiar with planting procedures under the supervision of a qualified supervisor. C. Locate plants as indicated on drawings. If obstructions are encountered that are not shown on the drawings, do not proceed with planting operations until Owner's Representative has selected alternate plant locations. D. Excavate circular plant pits with vertical sides, except for plants specifically indicated to be planted in beds. Provide shrub pits at least twice as wide as the root system and 24" greater for trees. Depth of pit shall be no greater than the root ball depth. Scarify bottom of the pit. Remove excess excavated materials from the site. E. Planting mixture for use around the balls and roots of trees and shrubs shall consist of five 5 parts existing soil to are an equivalent substitute for peat moss. A. Set plant material in the planting pit to proper grade and alignment. Set plants upright, plum and faced to give the best appearance or relationship to each other or adjacent structure. Set plant material no lower than the finish grade or 2"-3" above finished grade. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stems. Back fill the pit with existing soil or approved top soil or mix. Form a ring of soil around the edge of each planting pit to retain water. B. After plants are set, muddle planting soil mixture around bases of balls and fill all voids. 1. Remove all synthetic burlap and ropes, and wires from the collar of balls. 3.01 INSPECTION 3.02 PREPARATION 3.03 INSTALLATION PART 3 EXECUTION A. Materials and equipment: As selected by Contractor, except as indicated. B. Equipment: IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction C. Materials: IDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work is to be performed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. B. Consult the available records and drawings of adjacent work and of existing services and utilities which may affect work operations, as provided by owner. END OF SECTION 0001 A. Provide Trees and Shrubs as shown and specified. The work includes: 1. Soil preparation. 2. Trees, Shrubs. 3. Planting mixes. 4. Mulch and planting accessories. 5. Existing plant relocation. B. Related work: A. Comply with Section 00001 requirements. B. Comply with Section 00003 requirements when applicable . C. Provide stock true to botanical name. Do not substitute without permission of owner or owners representative. Nonconforming plants will be rejected at Contractors expense. D. Comply with sizing and grading standards of the latest edition of 'American Standard for Nursery StocK'. A plant shall be dimensioned as it stands in its natural position. Nonconforming plants will be rejected at Contractors expense. E. All plants shall be locally grown under climatic and soil conditions similar to those in the locality of the project. F. Stock furnished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable within reason, at no additional cost to owner. Root systems must meet ANLA standards as specified. Plants should not be altered by pruning or other means to meet specifications. G. Provide 'specimen' plants with a special height, shape or character of growth. Specimen trees or shrubs may be tagged at the source of supply. The Owner's Representative may choose to inspect specimen selections at the source of supply for suitability and adaptability to selected location. When specimen plants cannot be purchased locally, provide sufficient photographs of the proposed specimen plants for approval if so requested. No 'Park Grade' material will be accepted. H. Plants may be inspected and approved at the place of growth, for compliance with specification requirements for quality, size and variety. B. Remove and immediately replace all plants, as determined by the Owners Representative, to be unsatisfactory during the initial planting installation. C. Replace once, in accordance with the drawings and specifications, all plants that are dead or, as determined by Owner's Representative, are in a severely unhealthy condition within warranty period. Replacements to be installed at next best planting season. D. Warranty shall not include damage or loss of trees, plants, or ground covers caused by fires, floods, drought, freezing rains, lightning storms, or winds over 75 miles per hour, winter kill caused by extreme cold and severe winter conditions not typical of planting areas; acts of vandalism, animal destruction or negligence on the part of the Owner. Any replacement attributed to these causes must be in addition to the contract amount. A. Plants: Provide plants typical of their species or variety; with normally developed branches and vigorous root systems. Provide only sound, healthy, vigorous plants free from defects, disfiguring knots, sunscald injuries, frost cracks, abrasions of the bark, plant diseases, insect eggs, borers, and all forms of infestation. 1. Dig balled and burlapped plants with firm, natural balls of earth of sufficient diameter and depth as necessary for full recovery of the plant. Provide ball sizes complying with the latest edition of the 'American Standard for Nursery Stock'. Cracked or mushroomed balls are not acceptable. 2. Container-grown stock shall have grown in a container for sufficient length of time for the root system to have developed to hold its soil together, firm and whole. a. No plants shall be loose in the container. b. Container stock shall not be pot bound. 3. If the use of larger than specified plants is acceptable, increase the spread of roots or root ball in proportion to the size of the plant. 4. The height of the trees, measured from the crown of the roots to the top of the top branch, shall not less than the minimum size and variety designated in the plant list and according to the ANLA Standards for Nursery Stock. 5. Shrubs and small plants shall meet the requirements for spread and/or height indicated in the plant list and be in accordance with ANLA standards. A. Topsoil for planting beds: Fertile, friable, natural topsoil without admixture of subsoil material, obtained from a well-drained arable site, reasonably free from clay, lumps, coarse sands, stones, plants, roots, sticks, and other foreign materials, with acidity range of between pH 5.5 to 6.0 and be typical of the area. 1. Identify source location of topsoil proposed for use on the project. 2. Provide topsoil free of substances harmful to the plants which will be grown in the soil. B. Peat moss: Brown to black in color, weed and seed free granulated raw peat or baled peat, containing not more than 9% mineral on a dry basis. C. Organic Matter- Organic matter can be from peat moss, compost, or locally available organic waste. Organic matter should be well composted, free from debris, weed seeds, and insects or diseases which may be harmful to the intended planting. D. Mulch: dark Premium grade , double processed shredded hardwood unless otherwise approved by owners representative. E. Fertilizer: 1. Plant fertilizer: Commercial type approved by the Owners Representative, containing 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphoric acid and 10% potash by weight or equivalent in a slow released granular form. F. Pre Emergent Herbicide: Treflan, Ronstar-G or approved equivalent applied in accordance with manufacturers instructions to all plant bed areas unless otherwise indicated. G. Anti-Desiccant: Protective film emulsion providing a protective film over plant surfaces; permeable to permit transpiration. Mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. H. Water: Hoses or other methods of transportation to be furnished by Contractor. Water to be provided by the Owner at the site. I. Stakes for staking: Hardwood, 2" x 2" 6-8' long 2x4 pine is permissible. J. Stakes for guying: Hardwood, 2" x 2" x 24" long or 'Duckbill' or 'Speed Stake' earth anchors. K. Guying/staking wire: 12- or 14-gauge galvanized wire. 1. Turnbuckles: Galvanized steel of size and gauge required to provide tensile strength equal to that of the wire. Turnbuckle openings shall be at least 3". L. Staking and guying hose: Two-ply, reinforced garden hose not less than 1/2" inside diameter. Shall be uniform in color. M. Plastic guy material no less than 1/4". Shall be uniform in color and level as applied. N. Twine: Two-ply jute material. O. Weed control barrier: 'if indicated' Rot resistant polypropylene fabric or equivalent, water and air permeable. foliage. G. Pruning: 2.01 MATERIALS 2.02 ACCESSORIES 3.06 CLEANING 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.01 DESCRIPTION 3.01 PREPARATION 2.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SECTION 0002 TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING PART 3 EXECUTION PART 1 GENERAL PART 2 PRODUCTS C. Space plants in accordance with scaled drawings. D. Watering: Water planting thoroughly to pull soils against root ball and settle air pockets. Additional soil may be needed, water again to ensure complete compaction. E. Mulching: Trees and shrubs shall have mulch applied immediately after planting. After watering, rake mulch to provide a uniform finished surface. 1. Mulch trees and shrubs with required mulching material 3-4" 2. Mulch perennial beds 2- 3" deep 3. Mulch ground cover beds to a depth of 1-2" no more than 2" before installing groundcover plants. Brush mulch off of F. Wrapping, guying, staking: It is the contractors to option to stake trees, but his responsibility to assure plants remain plumb until end of the guarantee period. 1. Wrapping should be done only on an as need basis. 2. Staking/Guying If NEEDED a. Stake/guy should only be used when trees are loose or weak stemmed. See Staking details on the drawings 1. Remove or cut back broken, damaged and asymmetrical growth of new wood. 2. Unless otherwise directed, prune evergreens only to remove broken or damaged branches. H. Existing plant relocation: 1. Transplant trees and shrubs designated for relocation to locations shown on the drawings. Prune, dig, ball and burlap, move and plant in accordance with specified tree planting requirements. 2. Prune, dig, ball and burlap, and move designated trees for relocation to the designated plant storage area for heeling-in of materials until final planting areas are prepared, if required. a. Maintain plants in storage areas by bracing plants in vertical position and setting balls in an enclosed berm of topsoil or bark. Water as required to maintain adequate root moisture. b. Re-burlap plant balls if required before final transplanting operations. c. Move to final locations shown on the drawings and plant in accordance with specified tree planting requirements. 3. Transplants are not under warranty unless indicated. A. Maintenance of installed and accepted plantings will be performed by the Owner. B. Contractor's maintenance shall include pruning, cultivating, weeding, watering, and application of appropriate insecticides and fungicides necessary to maintain plants free of insects and disease until acceptance. 1. Re-set settled plants to proper grade and position. Restore planting saucer and adjacent material and remove dead material. 2. Tighten and repair guy wires and stakes as required, only if originally needed. 3. Correct defective work as soon as possible after deficiencies become apparent and weather and season permit. 4. Water all plant material as necessary . A. Planted areas will be inspected at completion of installation and accepted subject to compliance with specified materials and installation requirements. B. Inspection upon contractors request to determine acceptance of planted areas will be made by the Owner's Representative. 1. Planted areas will be accepted provided all requirements have been complied with and plant materials are alive and in a healthy, vigorous condition. C. Sections of the work may be accepted when complete upon agreement of the Owner's Representative and the Contractor. D. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume plant maintenance. A. Perform cleaning during installation and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, soil, debris, and equipment. Repair damage resulting from planting operations. 3.05 ACCEPTANCE 3.04 MAINTENANCE END OF SECTION 0002 4. section 00003: Perennial , Ornamental Grass, Groundcover Planting. 3. Section 00005: Sodding. 2. Section 00004: Seeding. 1. Section 00000: Earthwork. LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS one 1 part peat moss and lb. plant fertilizer for each cubic yard of mixture or equivalent. Bagged bark professional mixes PAULA.COU TURE #157-000326 REGISTERED STATE OF ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL 2021 Landscape Plans Prepared By: IL. License Number 157-00328 P.L.A. A.S.L.A.Paul A. Couture,L002 LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWN: PAC CHECK: CPSTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATIONLAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTINGDESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICALWT GROUPIL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.20192675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444wtengineering.comCOPYRIGHT 2018 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUE DATETO 10/28/20REVIEWEngineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. ConsultingŸ Design ŸEngineering JOB:1912649DTRIO MCHENRY5520 W ELM STREETMCHENRY , ILLINOIS TRIO LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 0003 A. Provide perennials, ornamental grasses and ground covers as shown and specified. The work includes: 1. Soil preparation. 2. Perennial, Ornamental Grasses and groundcovers. 3. Planting mixes. 4. Mulch and planting accessories. B. Related work: 1. Section 00000: Earthwork. A. Comply with Section 00001 requirements. Comply with Section 00002 when applicable. B. Landscape contractors shall provide stock true to botanical name and legibly tagged. Do not substitute without permission of Landscape Architect. C. Comply with sizing and grading standards of the latest edition of 'American Standard for Nursery Stock'. A plant shall be dimensioned as it stands in its natural position. 1. Specified pot sizes and plant grades should comply with the standards accepted by the ANLA. These standards list minimum dimensions for containers in various classes and define minimum standards for bare root liners, divisions, and field clumps. the project. E. Stock furnished shall be at least the minimum size indicated. Larger stock is acceptable within reason, at no additional cost to owner. Root systems must meet ANLA standards as specified. Plants should not be altered by pruning or other means to meet specifications. F. Plants may be inspected and approved at the place of growth, for compliance with specification requirements for quality, size and variety. A. After preparation, a sample of the planting soil shall be submitted to the landscape if requested, prior to installation of the plants. Additional organic matter and preparation may be required based on the physical properties of the sample submitted. A separate sample from each planting bed shall be submitted if requested. B. A sample of the organic matter specified shall be submitted to the landscape architect for approval prior to use. A laboratory analysis may be requested if deemed necessary. C. Prior to use, labels of all soil amendments shall be inspected by the landscape architect to verify compliance with the design specifications. Samples may be requested for laboratory analysis. D. Each separately containerized plant brought to the site shall be labeled within reason. Flats of the same plants may have one label per flat. Each bundle of bare root plants shall be labeled. These labels must show the botanical name of the plant.The landscape architect shall inspect the labels, container sizes, and division sizes of bare root plants for compliance to the design specifications prior to planting. The landscape architect shall also verify that the plants delivered to the site are labeled true to name. Upon acceptance of the plants by the owner, the landscape contractor shall provide written maintenance procedures for maintenance of the plants. E. Following the installation, the landscape contractor shall provide the landscape architect with a copy of the original plan noting any site adjustments to that original plan A. Plants: Provide plants typical of their species or variety; with normally developed habit and vigorous root systems. Provide only sound, healthy, vigorous plants free from defects, sunscald injuries, plant diseases, insect eggs, and all forms of infestation. 1. Container-grown stock shall have grown in a container for sufficient length of time for the root system to have developed to hold its soil together, firm and whole. a. No plants shall be loose in the container. b. Container stock shall not be pot bound. 2. If the use of larger than specified plants is acceptable, increase the spread of roots or container size in proportion to the size of the plant. 3. plants shall meet the requirements for spread and/or height indicated in the plant list and be in accordance with ANLA standards. A. Perennial and groundcover plants are specified for design by the container class and size i.e. 2" square container or 1 quart container, etc. or, if bare root, by grade as accepted by ANLA Standards for nursery stock and the production trade i.e. 1-eye division, 2-3 eye division, field clump, etc. . B. Perennials are specified by type: 1. Container-grown - grown to a specified size in a container. 2. Bare root - purchased free of any growing medium regardless of growing method. 3. Field-potted - field-grown plants which are potted for delivery as they are dug from the field. Depending on existing conditions of topsoil onsite, required soil mix may be prepared onsite through manual and mechanical means, or in the event existing soil is in unacceptable condition and makeup , New Topsoil or a complete mix to be installed after existing soil is excavated to proper depth and removed / disposed offsite. Final soil composition in perennial , ornamental grass and groundcover beds to be 40% topsoil , 30% organic matter, 30% coarse sand, plus 1 lb. fertilizer per cubic yard of soil mix A. Soil for perennial beds should be rototilled 8 inches deep minimum. Groundcover beds at 6" minimum unless otherwise noted. Top soil should be dry, loose, and free of debris. Where hardpan exists beneath the prepared bed, deeper preparation may be specified. Additionally, The landscape contractor should immediately notify the landscape architect if any beds do not drain properly. Bagged bark professional mixes are an equivalent substitute for peat moss. A. Topsoil: Topsoil for planting beds: Fertile, friable, natural topsoil without admixture of subsoil material, obtained from a well-drained arable site, reasonably free from clay, lumps, coarse sands, stones, plants, roots, sticks, and other foreign materials, with acidity range of between pH 5.5 to 6.0 and be typical of the area. 1.Identify source location of topsoil proposed for use on the project. 2.Provide topsoil free of substances harmful to the plants which will be grown in the soil. B. Organic Matter- Organic matter can be from peat moss, compost, or locally available organic waste. Organic matter should be well composted, free from debris, weed seeds, and insects or diseases which may be harmful to the intended planting C. fertilizers: To be delivered to the job site in their original packaging with legible, intact labels indicating nutrient content and source. Labels should be checked prior to use and a sample may be requested for laboratory analysis. 1. Commercial type approved by the Owner's Representative, containing 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphoric acid and 10% potash by weight or equivalent in a slow released granular form. D. Coarse Sand: GRADATION FA-2 D. All plants shall be locally grown under climatic and soil conditions similar to those in the locality of PART 1 GENERAL PART 2 PRODUCTS 1.01 DESCRIPTION 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.03 SUBMITTALS 2.01 MATERIALS 2.02 PLANT SPECIFICATIONS 2.03 SOIL REQUIREMENTS 2.04 AMENDMENTS 2. Section 00004: Seeding. 3. Section 00005: Sodding. 4. Section 00002: Tree and Shrub Planting. Perennials - Ornamental Grasses - Groundcover Planting A. Pre-planting. 1. Plants shall be brought to the site the day they are to be installed, if possible. If situations arise where earlier delivery cannot be avoided of if planting is delayed after the plants have been delivered, they shall be stored where they can be properly watered, sheltered from direct sunlight, and protected from mechanical damage by construction equipment, animals, etc. If storage needs to be more than two days, the plants shall be separated far enough from each other to provide good air circulation to their tops, reducing the risk of fungus. Bare root plants which must be held shall be healed-in where they can be watered as needed. 2. All plants shall be watered thoroughly and allowed to drain prior to planting. 3. While planting, bare root plants must be protected from hot sun and drying wind by shading them with burlap, landscape fabric, straw or other breathable material. Plastic is unacceptable. Containerized plants must be left in their containers until each is planted. They shall not be removed from the containers to be laid out on the bed where sun and wind will damage the roots prior to planting. 4. Any dead or damaged plant parts shall be removed from the plants upon planting. 5. Spacing: Space groundcovers and perennials in accordance with designated areas on drawings. In case of area size discrepancies , a tighter spacing is preferred . B. Post-planting 1. Mulch: Where mulching is specified, the mulch must be pulled away from the stems and crowns of perennials and groundcovers to reduce the occurrence of rot or rodent damage. Mulch thickness in bed areas should be 2-3" for perennials and 1-2" for groundcovers. 2. Perennial and groundcover bed areas to be thoroughly watered immediately after installation and cleanup. A. The landscape contractor is responsible for the maintenance of the perennials from the time they are brought onto the job site until they are planted and accepted by the landscape architect . 1. Plants shall be watered often enough to prevent wilting prior to planting. After planting, they shall be watered initially to settle the soil, then to prevent wilting and to allow them to become established on the site. 2. The beds shall be free of weeds at planting time and shall be maintained weed free by the contractor until the planting is accepted by the client. 3. Should insects or diseases attack the plants after installation and prior to acceptance of the planting, appropriate pesticides shall be properly applied to correct the situation. 4. The beds should be checked regularly for soil settling which may expose the root balls or otherwise endanger the health of the planting. Should this occur, the contractor shall correct the settling problems. 5. Newly planted perennials and groundcovers may be heaved out of the ground by alternate freezes and thaws. Should this occur prior to acceptance of the planting, the contractor shall re-set those affected plants. 6. Any noted defects, such as reversions, errant growth or color not typical for the species or cultivar, shall be brought to the attention of the landscape architect. The recommendations of the landscape architect shall be followed to correct the situation. Recommendations may include removal of the entire plant. B. The client or the client's assigned agent becomes responsible for the maintenance of the plants after the planting has been accepted by the landscape architect. Failure to properly maintain the planting shall void any warranty. 1. The client shall water the plants to prevent wilting. The schedule will vary with the growth of the plants and prevailing climate. Generally, new plantings will need to receive 1 inch of water per week. A rain gauge should be placed in the planting to catch both rainfall and irrigation water to verify the amount of application. 2. The client shall properly pinch, prune, and deadhead the herbaceous perennials as needed and as required to meet the aesthetic goal of the planting. 3. The client shall maintain the planting free from competing weeds. 4. The client shall regularly inspect the planting for insects and diseases, notifying the landscape architect of any noted occurrences. If pesticides are deemed necessary, they shall be applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. 5. After the acceptance of the planting, the client is responsible for correcting any settling of the planting beds. 6. After acceptance, the client is responsible for setting any plants which are heaved out of the ground in whole or in part by climate changes. 7. Unsatisfactory performance of the perennials and groundcovers noted by the client after acceptance of the planting should immediately be brought to the attention of the landscape architect. All plants will be guaranteed to be true to name as labeled and free from insects, diseases, and mechanical damages when delivered to the site. All plants will be guaranteed to resume active growth in the appropriate season and to survive for a minimum of one year after acceptance by the client, provided the recommended maintenance procedures are followed by the client. Maintenance includes, but is not limited to watering, fertilizing, mulching, pruning, protecting from unseasonable weather and all other normal cultural practices. END OF SECTION 0003 3.03 WARRANTY 3.02 MAINTENANCE 3.01 PRE-PLANTING AND POST-PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS PART 3 EXECUTION SET PLANTS AT SAME LEVEL AS GROWN IN CONTAINER ELEVATE BED 2-4" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 2" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 4" SPADED EDGE FINISHED GRADE IF NECESSARY VERTICALLY SLICE ROOTS VARIES VARIES EXISTING SUBGRADE 2" GREATER THAN CONTAINER SIZE PREPARE PERENNIAL BED TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 30% COARSE SAND 40% TOPSOIL 30% MUSHROOM COMPOST SOIL MIX AS FOLLOWS: USE ONLY locally GROWN NURSERY STOCKNOT TO SCALE PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL BRANCHES ONLY PRUNE DEAD AND BROKEN FINISHED GRADE 3 - 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE FOR BERM INSTALLATIONS SORB AG PER CU. YD. OF BACKFILL INCORPORATE 10-12 OZ. OF TERRA NOT TO SCALE USE ONLY locally GROWN NURSERY STOCK SUBGRADE SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED FROM ROOT BALL AND TRUNK CUT SYNTHETIC CORDS AND TWINE FLOOD PIT TO ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS BACKFILL PIT WITH AMENDED TOPSOIL PLANTING PIT PERIMETER PREPARE A 3" MIN. SAUCER AROUND ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL SLIGHTLY SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL BRANCHES ONLY PRUNE DEAD AND BROKEN REMOVE FOLLOWING SPRING PROTECT TRUNK WITH TREE WRAP 3 - 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH FINISHED GRADE UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE FOR BERM INSTALLATIONS SORB AG PER CU. YD. OF BACKFILL INCORPORATE 10-12 OZ. OF TERRA SUBGRADE SET ROOT BALL ON UNDISTURBED FLOOD PIT TO ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS BACKFILL PIT WITH AMENDED TOPSOIL FROM ROOT BALL AND TRUNK CUT SYNTHETIC CORDS AND TWINE PLANTING PIT PERIMETER PREPARE A 5" MIN. SAUCER AROUND ABOVE FINISHED GRADE SET TOP OF ROOT BALL SLIGHTLY see general note#7 SHEETS L-1.0 HOSE FOR STAKING 12 GA STEEL WIRE AND 1/2" 2 PLY 3 METAL STUDDED T POST 7'6" WITH USE ONLY locally GROWN NURSERY STOCKNOT TO SCALE TREE PLANTING DETAIL PAULA.COU TURE #157-000326 REGISTERED STATE OF ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL 2021 Landscape Plans Prepared By: IL. License Number 157-00328 P.L.A. A.S.L.A.Paul A. Couture,L003 LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWN: PAC CHECK: CPSTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATIONLAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTINGDESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICALWT GROUPIL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.20192675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444wtengineering.comCOPYRIGHT 2018 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUE DATETO 10/28/20REVIEWEngineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. ConsultingŸ Design ŸEngineering JOB:1912649DTRIO MCHENRY5520 W ELM STREETMCHENRY , ILLINOIS TRIO LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS corrected. rubbish, and extraneous matter. sodding. 1. June 16th to August 14th B. Sodding: installation requirements. lawn is provided. A. Analyze the condition of existing turf areas to remain, and determine the extent of necessary reconditioning. Provide unit cost and estimate of work. Obtain Owner’s approval prior to commencement of work. B. Recondition existing lawn areas damaged by Contractor’s operations, including storage of materials or equipment and movement of construction vehicles, and existing lawn areas as indicated. C. Provide fertilizer, seed and soil amendments as specified for new lawns and as required to provide a satisfactorily reconditioned lawn. Provide topsoil as required to fill low areas and meet new finished grades. D. Cultivate bare and compacted areas thoroughly. E. Remove diseased or unsatisfactory lawn areas. Do not bury into soil. Remove topsoil containing foreign materials resulting from Contractor’s operations, including oil drippings, stone, gravel, and other construction materials. F. Where substantial but thin lawn remains, rake, aerate if compacted, or cultivate soil; fertilize and seed. A. Maintenance of installed and accepted seeded lawns will be performed by the Owner. A. Seeded areas will be inspected at completion of installation and accepted subject to compliance with specified materials and installation requirements. C. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume lawn maintenance. A. Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, debris, and equipment. Repair damage resulting from seeding operations. END OF SECTION 00004 A. Provide sodded lawns as shown and specified. The work includes: 1. Soil preparation. 2. Sodding lawns. B. Related work: 1. Section 02200: Earthwork. 2. Section 00004: Seeding. 3. Section 00002: Trees and Shrub Planting, 4. Section 00003: Perennial, Ornamental Grass, Groundcover Planting A. Comply with Section 00001 requirements. A. Cut, deliver and install sod within a 24-hour period. 1. Do not harvest or transport sod when moisture content may adversely affect sod survival. 2. Protect sod from dehydration prior to installation. B. Protect existing utilities, paving, and other facilities from damage caused by sodding operations. C. Provide hose and lawn watering equipment as required. Owner to provide water on site. A. Disclaimer - Acts of God and other conditions beyond the landscape contractor’s control such as vandalism shall not be the responsibility of the landscape contractor. Any re-sodding or re-grading contributed to this must be an addition to the contract amount. B. Provide well-rooted, healthy sod. Provide sod uniform in color, leaf texture, density and development when planted. C. Fertilizer: 1. Granular, non-burning product composed of not less than 50% organic slow acting, guaranteed analysis professional fertilizer. 2. Starter fertilizer containing 5% nitrogen, 10% phosphoric acid and 10% potash by weight, or according to special provisions. D. Water: Free of substance harmful to sod growth. Hoses or other methods of transportation furnished by Contractor. Water will be provided by the Owner on site. A. Provide seeded lawns as shown and specified. The work includes: 1. Soil preparation. 2. Seeding lawns, and other indicated areas. 3. Mulching. 4. Reconditioning existing lawns. B. Related work: 1. Section 00000: Earthwork. 2. Section 00004: Sodding. 3. Section 00002: Trees and Shrub Planting, 4. Section 00003: Perennial, Ornamental Grass, Groundcover Planting A. Comply with Section 00001 requirements. B. Comply with all Illinois State Certification seed standards. A. Deliver seed and fertilizer materials in original unopened containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. Store in such a manner to prevent wetting and deterioration. A. Work notification: Notify Owner's Representative at least five 5 working days prior to start of seeding operations. B. Protect existing utilities, paving, and other facilities from damage caused by seeding operations. C. Perform seeding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has been completed. D. The Owner is responsible for restricting traffic from lawn areas upon notification of completion of work. E. Provide hose and lawn watering equipment as required. Owner to provide water on site. A. The Contractor warranties all seeded areas to be installed according to specifications, until accepted by Owner's Representative. B. Disclaimer - Acts of God and other conditions beyond the landscape contractor's control such as vandalism shall not be the responsibility of the landscape contractor. Any over-seeding or re-grading contributed to this must be in addition to the contract amount. A. Lawn seed: Recommendation of seed mix from local extension service for that area. Fresh, clean, and new crop seed mixture. B. Seed type: as specified on drawings or recommended from local extension service. C. Fertilizer: 1. Granular, non-burning product composed of not less than 50% organic, slow acting, guaranteed analysis professional fertilizer. 2. Starter fertilizer containing 5% nitrogen, 20% phosphoric acid, and 20% potash by weight, or similar approved composition. D. Mulch: Type / method specified on drawing 1. Straw: Clean oat or wheat straw, well seasoned before baling, free from mature seed-bearing stalks or roots of prohibited or noxious weeds. Should be free of rot and mildew. 2. Hydro-seed :Cellion fiber mulch or equal. 3. Erosion blanket: North American Green sc150, Curlex, or approved equal. Typical Roll 8'x90' 720sq' E. Water: Free of substance harmful to seed growth. Hoses or other methods of transportation furnished by Contractor. Water provided by Owner on site. A. Examine finish surfaces, grades, topsoil quality, and depth. Do not start seeding work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. A. Limit preparation to areas which will be immediately seeded. rubbish, and extraneous matter. D. Grade lawn areas to a smooth, free-draining, even surface with a loose, moderately coarse texture. E. Restore prepared areas to specified condition if eroded, settled, or otherwise disturbed after fine grading and prior to seeding. A. Seeding: 1. Seed immediately after preparation of bed. Spring seeding between April 1 and June 15 and fall seeding between August 15 and October 15, or at such other times acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. 2. Seed indicated areas within contract limits. Areas outside contract limits disturbed as a result of construction operations will be charged according to area and in addition to contract. right angles to each other. 5. Incorporate seed into top 1/8" of soil and roll. B. Mulching: 1. Place straw ,fiber mulch , or erosion blanket on seeded areas within 24 hours after seeding. 3. Secure straw to soil by approved methods. 4. Secure Erosion Blanket to soil as per manufacturers specification. SEEDING SODDING SECTION 00004 SECTION 00005 1.01 DESCRIPTION 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIONS WARRANTY MATERIALS 3.01 INSPECTION 3.02 PREPARATION 3.03 INSTALLATION 3.04 RECONDITIONING EXISTING LAWNS 3.05 MAINTENANCE 3.06 ACCEPTANCE 3.07 CLEANING 1.01 DESCRIPTION 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.03 SUBMITTALS 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS 1.06 WARRANTY 2.01 MATERIALS 3.01 INSPECTION 3.02 PREPARATION 3.03 INSTALLATION 3.04 MAINTENANCE 3.05 ACCEPTANCE 3.06 CLEANING CONTINUE SECTION 00004 - SEEDING END OF SECTION 00005 END PART 1 GENERAL PART 1 GENERAL PART 2 PRODUCTS PART 3 EXECUTION PART 2 PRODUCTS PART 3 EXECUTION B. Loosen topsoil of lawn areas to minimum depth of 3", if compacted. Remove stones over 1" in any dimension, sticks, roots, C. Apply fertilizer to indicated turf areas at a rate equal to 1.0 lb. of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. 220 lbs./acre. 3. Apply seed with a rotary or drop type distributor. Install seed evenly by sowing equal quantities in two 2 directions, at 4. Sow grass seed at a rate recommended by type of seed used. Typical bluegrass blend -5 LB. per 1000 Sq' 2. a . Place straw mulch uniformly in continuous blanket at the rate of 2.5 tons per acre, or 2 bales per 1,000 sq. ft. of area. A mechanical blower may be used for straw mulch application when acceptable to the Owner's Representative. b A cellulose fiber or approved equal may be used in aqueous mixture at the rate of 1500 lbs./acre. A. Sod: To be harvested from local sod nursery and unless otherwise indicated to be a 5 five way minimum bluegrass blend. five varieties of bluegrass 1. Furnish sod uniformly machine-stripped from 3/4" - 1 1/2" thick with clean cut edges. A. Work notification: Notify Owner's Representative at least five 5 working days prior to start of sodding operations. A. Submit sod grower's certification of grass species. Identify source location. B. Sod: Comply with American Sod Producers Association ASPA classes of sod materials. B. Sections of the work may be accepted when complete upon agreement of the Owner's Representative and the Contractor. 5. Stake sod on slopes over 2:1 to anchor. to be charged according to size of area. A. Examine finish surfaces, grades, topsoil quality, and depth. Do not start sodding work until unsatisfactory conditions are A. Limit preparation to areas which will be immediately sodded. or other approved methods. Fertilize areas inaccessible to power equipment with hand tools and incorporate it into soil. E. Grade lawn areas to smooth, free-draining and even surface with a loose, uniformly fine texture. F. Restore prepared areas to specified condition if eroded, settled, or other wise disturbed after fine grading and prior to A. Sod to be irrigated by automatic sprinkler system or B. Sod to be irrigated by manual means with sufficient quantities of hose and sprinkler heads so as to keep sod lush and healthy until time of knitting and mowing maintenance has begun. Watering to be monitored Dailey. for sod installation by Landscape Architect. 1. Lay sod to form a solid mass with tightly-fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of sod strips. Do not overlay edges. Stagger strips to offset joints in adjacent courses. Remove excess sod to avoid smothering of adjacent grass. Provide sod pad top flush with adjacent curbs, sidewalks, drains, and seeded areas. 2. Install initial row of sod in a straight line, beginning at bottom of slopes, perpendicular to direction of the sloped area. Place subsequent rows parallel to and lightly against previously installed row. 3. Tamp or roll with roller to ensure contact with sub- grade soil. 4. Water sod thoroughly immediately after laying. C. Sod indicated areas within contract limits. Areas outside contract limits disturbed as a result of construction operations are A. Maintenance of installed and accepted sodded lawns will be performed by the Owner. A. Sodded areas will be inspected at completion of installation and accepted subject to compliance with specified materials and 1. Sodded areas will be acceptable provided all requirements have been complied with, and a healthy, even-colored viable C. Sections of the work may be accepted when complete upon agreement of the Owner’s Representative and the Contractor. D. Upon acceptance, the Owner will assume lawn maintenance. A. Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, debris, and equipment. Repair damage resulting from sodding operations. CONTINUE SECTION 00005 - SODDING B. Rototill topsoil of lawn areas to minimum depth of 3", if compacted. Remove stones over 1" in any dimension, sticks, roots, D. Apply fertilizer at the rate equal to 1.0 lb. of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. 220 lbs./acre . Apply fertilizer by mechanical rotary or drop type distributor: thoroughly and evenly incorporate it into the soil to a depth of 3" by disking A. Time of Installation: The acceptable time to install sod and be considered 'in season' are as follows. 1. Spring - From the time the soil is workable and sod is being harvested, until June 15th. 2. Fall - From august 15th to November 1st. All other times are considered 'out of season' and are not acceptable to install sod at this time without approval of Landscape Architect LA and with the additional conditions as follows: 2. After November 1st. Sod may only be installed with LA approval and mild temperatures / conditions exist. Sod may not be installed on frozen ground and until final fine grading and ground preparation has been approved B. Inspection to determine acceptance of sodded lawns will be made by the Owner's Representative, upon Contractor's request. PAULA.COU TURE #157-000326 REGISTERED STATE OF ILLINOIS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL 2021 Landscape Plans Prepared By: IL. License Number 157-00328 P.L.A. A.S.L.A.Paul A. Couture,L004 LANDSCAPE PLAN DRAWN: PAC CHECK: CPSTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATIONLAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTINGDESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICALWT GROUPIL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.20192675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444wtengineering.comCOPYRIGHT 2018 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUE DATETO 10/28/20REVIEWEngineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. ConsultingŸ Design ŸEngineering JOB:1912649DTRIO MCHENRY5520 W ELM STREETMCHENRY , ILLINOIS TRIO 105'-2"30'-0"55'-0"NSCALE:3/16" = 1'-0"1FLOOR PLANJOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020C-STOREFLOOR PLANA101 10547'-7"150'-2"SCALE:3/16" = 1'-0"1CAR WASH FIRST FLOOR PLANCAR WASHFLOOR PLANA102JOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020N 47'-7"150'-2"SCALE:3/16" = 1'-0"1CAR WASH SECOND FLOOR PLANCAR WASHFLOOR PLANA103JOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020N CULTUREDSTONE VENEER,PROFIT MODERALEDGESTONE,COLOR: CARBONALUMINUM CAP,COLOR:GAUNTLET GRAYEIFS, COLOR: LAZYGRAYMETAL COPINGWITHINTEGRATED LEDLIGHT, COLOR:CHARTREUSEALUMINUMSTOREFRONTSPANDREL GLASS.COLOR ANODIZEDALUMINUMACM BAND WITHINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDFACEEIFS: COLORGAUNTLETGRAYMETAL COPINGCOLOR: SLATEGRAYINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDSIGNAGEACM VERTICALELEMENT WITHINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDFRONT FACET/ SLABELEV: 0' - 0"T/ AWNINGELEV: 11' - 0"T/ BUILDINGELEV: 18' - 10"T/ TRIANGLEELEV: 22' - 9"CULTUREDSTONE VENEER,PROFIT MODERALEDGESTONE,COLOR: CARBONCULTUREDSTONE CAST-FITWAINSCOT,COLOR: CARBONALUMINUMSTOREFRONTSPANDREL GLASS.COLOR ANODIZEDALUMINUMEIFSHORIZONTALBAND COLOR:ORANGEEIFS, COLOR: LAZYGRAYMETAL COPINGWITHINTEGRATED LEDLIGHT, COLOR:CHARTREUSEEIFS: COLORGAUNTLETGRAYMETAL COPINGCOLOR: SLATEGRAYINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDSIGNAGESLIDING WINDOWWITH TRANSOM,ANODIZEDALUMINUMALUMINUMSTOREFRONTENTRANCE, COLORANODIZEDALUMINUMFUTURE QUICKSERVERESTAURANTADDITIONEIFS: COLORGAUNTLETGRAYMETAL COPINGCOLOR: SLATEGRAYINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDSIGNAGEEIFS, COLOR: LAZYGRAYMETAL COPINGWITHINTEGRATED LEDLIGHT, COLOR:CHARTREUSEALUMINUMSTOREFRONTSPANDREL GLASS.COLOR ANODIZEDALUMINUMACM BAND WITHINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDFACECULTUREDSTONE VENEER,PROFIT MODERALEDGESTONE,COLOR: CARBONALUMINUM CAP,COLOR:GAUNTLET GRAYACM VERTICALELEMENT WITHINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDFRONT FACEEIFS: COLORGAUNTLET GRAYT/ SLABELEV: 0' - 0"T/ AWNINGELEV: 11' - 0"T/ BUILDINGELEV: 18' - 10"T/ TRIANGLEELEV: 22' - 9"FUTURE QUICKSERVERESTAURANTADDITIONFUTURE SIGNAGETBDCULTUREDSTONE VENEER,PROFIT MODERALEDGESTONE,COLOR: CARBONALUMINUM CAP,COLOR:GAUNTLET GRAYEIFS, COLOR: LAZYGRAYMETAL COPINGWITHINTEGRATED LEDLIGHT, COLOR:CHARTREUSEALUMINUMSTOREFRONTCOLOR: ANODIZEDALUMINUMMETAL LOUVEREDAWNING WITHINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDFACEEIFS: COLORGAUNTLETGRAYMETAL COPINGCOLOR: SLATEGRAYINTERNALLYILLUMINATEDSIGNAGE ALUMINUMTRIANGLEEIFS, COLOR: LAZYGRAYMETAL COPINGWITHINTEGRATED LEDLIGHT, COLOR:CHARTREUSECULTUREDSTONE VENEER,PROFIT MODERALEDGESTONE,COLOR: CARBONALUMINUM CAP,COLOR:GAUNTLET GRAYSCALE:1/8"=1'-0"3NORTH ELEVATIONJOB:1912649DCHECK:CKDRAWN:MASTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2019 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2019 THE W-T GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATEFORTRIO 5520 W ELM ST TRIO MCHENRY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ ConsultingZONING 11/20/2020SCALE:1/8"=1'-0"2EAST ELEVATIONEXTERIORELEVATIONSA201SCALE:1/8"=1'-0"4WEST ELEVATIONSCALE:1/8"=1'-0"1SOUTH ELEVATION JOB: 1912649DCHECK:FIMDRAWN: MWOSHEET 1 OF 2BOUNDARY &TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYSTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2021 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2020 THE WT GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATETOMcHENRY, ILLINOIS 5520 W. ELM STREET (IL ROUTE 120)SUR-1Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ Consulting11/9/20CLIENTN11/13/20CLIENT11/17/20CLIENT JOB: 1912649DCHECK:FIMDRAWN: MWOSHEET 2 OF 2BOUNDARY &TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYSTRUCTURALMECHANICALTELECOMMUNICATION LAND SURVEYCIVILAQUATICACCESSIBILITY CONSULTING DESIGN & PROGRAM MANAGEMENTPLUMBINGELECTRICAL WT GROUP IL. License No: 184.007570-0015 Expires: 04.30.2021 2675 Pratum Avenue | Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 T: 224.293.6333 | F: 224.293.6444 wtengineering.com COPYRIGHT 2020 THE WT GROUP, LLC©ISSUEDATETOMcHENRY, ILLINOIS 5520 W. ELM STREET (IL ROUTE 120)SUR-2Engineering with Precision, Pace and Passion. Engineering Ÿ Design Ÿ Consulting11/9/20CLIENTN11/13/20CLIENT11/17/20CLIENT Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Cody Sheriff, City Planner FOR: December 16, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission RE: Various text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. ATT: Draft Nonconformities Language Agenda Item Summary: The City of McHenry is proposing changes to the Zoning Ordinance including but not limited to: •Chapter 2 Planning and Zoning Generally; •Chapter 6 District Regulations; •Chapter 12 Off Street Parking and Loading; •Chapter 14 Accessory Uses and Structures; •Chapter 16 Nonconformities; and •Chapter 19 Variances. Request: Staff is requesting feedback on the proposed changes to present a final draft at the December Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. 1.Nonconformities The McHenry Zoning Ordinance currently allows for the replacement of structures that are not in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. These structures typically are legally permitted at one point in time but have since fallen out of compliance with subsequent amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. A structure is nonconforming if it specifically does not comply with the following Zoning District Requirements under our current ordinance: •yards (setbacks) •building height •lot area per dwelling unit •lot width Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us • floor area ratio • off street parking and loading • signage • and landscaping and screening It is standard practice to include a sunset provision within a zoning ordinance. An example would be if a structure is damaged or destroyed to the extent of 50% or more that it cannot be replaced unless it complies with applicable zoning district bulk and setback requirements. The goal is that overtime, these nonconformities should correct themselves. (Draft language is attached in separate document) 1.a What does this mean for a resident? What’s being proposed largely does not impact most residents. It was the decision of staff to grandfather all existing lawfully created nonconforming single-family principal structures and nonconforming detached garages. Particularly in older legacy neighborhoods near the waterfront, many residences have a variety of nonconformities. Staff felt it would create an excessive amount of nonconformities and it would be more appropriate to address these areas with supplemental Overlay Zoning District Regulations or to grandfather these nonconforming principal residential structures – with the latter being recommended. However, this ordinance does not grandfather in accessory structures such as fences and sheds. 1.b What does this mean for businesses? Nonconforming non-residential principal and accessory structures will no longer be able to be rebuilt if damaged or destroyed to the extent of 50% or more of the replacement value unless it conforms with the underlying zoning district regulations. Staff have provided exceptions that is standard language from other municipalities to exempt nonconformities created as a result of right-of-way acquisition, waterway erosion, or if it’s a result of a court order. Those affected will always have the ability to correct the nonconformity by requesting a variance. 1.c Why is a nonconformities ordinance important? The Zoning Ordinance is one of the strongest tools a municipality has to create its vision of the future. The nonconformities section of the ordinance is what gives a municipality the authority to correct existing legally permitted structures that have since fallen in conflict with subsequent amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. This can become more compounded overtime as more amendments to the Zoning Code are adopted. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Zoning Ordinance Comparison: Key Provisions Table McHenry (Current) Crystal Lake South Elgin Woodstock McHenry County Replacement of Nonconforming Structures Yes No (50% rule) No (50% rule) No (50% rule) No (50% rule) Enlargement or Expansion of Nonconforming Structures Unspecified. Zoning Admin Interpretation: Yes, as long as degree of nonconformity isn’t increased. Yes, as long as it does not increase the nonconformity. Yes as long as it doesn’t increase nonconformity or height. No. Yes as long as it meets side yard setback requirements and doesn’t increase degree of nonconformity. Sunset Timeline Nonconforming Uses 30 days 90 days 90 days 1 year 1 year Enlargement or Expansion of Nonconforming Uses No No No No No Repairs less than 50% of replacement value Yes Yes, but must obtain building permit within 6 mos. Yes, but must obtain building permit within 6 mos. Yes. Yes Other unique provisions. Provision that any changes to nonconforming parking lots will require conformance with code. Extension of walls provision for nonconforming single-family and two-family Dwellings Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 1.d Comparison of Municipalities & Summary Comments on the Nonconformities Text Amendments. Of the municipalities examined, the City of McHenry is one of the only municipalities that doesn’t have a 50% provision. Staff has drafted and proposed an entirely new nonconformities chapter for the Planning & Zoning Commission to review. Staff specifically would like the Commission to discuss the grandfathering provision for existing nonconforming residential principal structures and detached garages as well as nonconforming commercial structures. --- The color key provided below is for text amendments hereafter. Green = New Language Black = Unchanged Language Red= Deleted language --- 2.Text Amendments to Zoning District Regulations (11-6-19) to adopt use standards for Outdoor Storage Areas. Staff wanted to address unpaved outdoor storage areas as well as incorporate use standards that are commonly referenced as conditions of approval. This is mainly to address older conditional use permits for outdoor storage which are vague and do not clearly identify where on the property the storage area is restricted to. This would allow staff to apply these standards as commercial entities that occupy these conditional use permits expand and evolve over time. 11-6-19: Outdoor Storage A.Applicability. The following standards apply to outdoor storage as an accessory to a non-residential use. The storage of construction equipment and materials on properties under active construction are not subject to these restrictions. 1.All outdoor storage shall be paved with asphalt or concrete unless determined by the Zoning Administrator to not be necessary. 2.Outdoor storage is prohibited within the required front and corner side yard setback of the underlying zoning district. 3.Outdoor storage of bulk materials is prohibited unless enclosed within a storage container. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 4.All materials stored onsite shall be related to a permitted use of the property and shall be maintained in a neat and orderly appearance as determined by the Zoning Administrator. 5.No required parking area can be used for outdoor storage. 6.Outdoor storage areas shall be reasonably screening from view off the property by any combination of buildings, solid fencing, or solid landscaping. a.The fencing or landscaping shall have a minimum height of six (6) feet at the time of installation. Storage is prohibited outside the screened area. b.The Zoning Administrator may require the installation of fencing in addition to solid landscaping. 3. Text amendments to Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements (11-12-2). The Community Development Department has run into several issues with property owners paving or using brick pavers to create ancillary parking spaces within their property. Currently, they are not required to connect to a right-of-way or driveway which inherently causes damage to green space overtime. The proposed standards would mitigate any potential damage to green space and prevent ‘Frankenstein’ parking pads composed of different materials. 11-12-2: Off Street Parking Requirements H.Parking Of Recreational Vehicles And Trailers: 1. Residential Districts: 1.Only one recreational vehicle or trailer shall be permitted in the required front yard or required corner side yard, as defined in section 11-3-1 of this title; 2.Trailers and recreational vehicles must be properly licensed; 3.Additional recreational vehicles and trailers shall be maintained, kept, stored and/or parked on an approved solid parking surface no less than the minimum dimensions of the vehicle or trailer being parked thereon, but in no case shall the parking surface be less than nine feet by eighteen feet (9' x 18'). 4.Said parking surface shall be constructed of paved, permanent, dust-free, homogenous material or brick pavers provided the parking surface does not allow grass or other vegetation to grow within, on or above the solid parking surface unless approved by the Zoning Administrator. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 5.Said parking surface shall be required to connect to the right-of-way. 4. Text Amendments to Accessory Structures. The follow text amendments are targeting accessory residential structures used to store transportation vehicles. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance does not distinguish between garages and sheds. This can become problematic with homeowners that desire to build a car sized garage but insist it’s a shed and doesn’t require a paved connection to the driveway or right-of-way. 11-14-1(K) K.Accessory Storage Buildings: All garages and other common accessory structures used for storage shall be considered accessory storage buildings. Accessory storage buildings with a foundation and size capable of supporting and storing a motor vehicle, recreational vehicle or trailer used for transportation that will be accessing the right-of-way, shall not be permitted to have an overhead door unless connecting to the right-of-way. The Zoning Administrator may waive this requirement based on site specific circumstances. L.Text Amendments to Zoning District Regulations to define Towing Businesses and require a Conditional Use Permit. It has been directed by staff over the years to consider all towing businesses conditional uses separate from outdoor storage. This would clear up any confusion when communicating with towing businesses now and in the future. Staff will add this change to all appropriate areas. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 6. Text Amendments to Minor Variances (11-19-3). As we have moved through this new administrative processes, staff would like to add language to clarify that the Zoning Administrator has the ability to deny these requests or to approve with conditions as long as it meets all of the approval standards identified below. This is also to correct an error by staff which accidentally excluded 11-9-3(C)2 from the final Ordinance. 11-19-3: Minor Variances A.Purpose and Scope: The purpose of Minor Variance procedures is to reduce the time and expense to homeowners of obtaining approval of simple variances that are likely to have minimal adverse impact in residential neighborhoods. B.Application: The fee owner, contract purchaser, or option holder of a single family detached or attached dwelling or single family detached or attached building lot that wishes to request a variance for that dwelling or lot may apply under Minor Variance procedures. C.Administrative Variation: Applications for Minor Variances may be reviewed and approved administratively. 1.The Zoning Administrator will review, and may approve with conditions, Minor Variance applications that meet the following standards: a.A complete application has been submitted to the Zoning Administrator. b.A notice has been delivered via certified mail, return receipt requested, to adjacent property owners that are abutting or across a public right-of-way. c.No written objections have been received. If any noticed property owner files a written objection to the administrative variation within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of such notice, the Minor Variance shall be denied. 1.If denied, the property owner may submit an application for Minor Variance to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. Applicants requesting a review by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council shall follow all procedural requirements as provided for in Section 11-19-3(D) Filling Submissions. 2.The Zoning Administrator may deny administrative variation requests if he or she believes it will negatively impact property values or negatively impact the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. D.Filing Submissions: Filing submissions shall be as determined on a case by case basis by the Zoning Administrator and may be less than required for other variances in Table 1 of the Filing Procedures section of this Ordinance. Other procedures and requirements shall be as provided for variances in the Filing Procedures section. Minor Variance procedures shall not apply to an application involving more than one dwelling or more than one building lot. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 7. Text Amendments to Fence Regulations. Staff wanted to get the feedback from Planning & Zoning Commission regarding proposed changes to fence regulations. Fence regulations fall within our building regulations and do not require Planning & Zoning Commission approval. Staff felt it was still important to have Planning & Zoning Commission discuss the changes highlighted below. 10-13-4: Fences A.Front And Corner Side Yards: No fence shall be installed closer than the required front or corner side yard setback established by the zoning district, except as follows: 1.Split rail, picket and wrought iron style fences may be installed in a required front yard so long as the fence does not exceed 50% opacity and the height of said fence does not exceed forty two (42’’) forty eight inches (48"); 2.Any style fence may be installed in a corner side yard; provided, that the maximum height of said fence shall not exceed seventy two inches (72"), is located no closer than five feet (5') from a corner side lot line, and providing that a clear line of sight for pedestrians and vehicles is maintained; 3.On a double frontage lot, split rail, chainlink or wrought iron style fencing may be located in a required front yard abutting a street, provided: i.Said yard shall not provide a means of vehicular access to the site; and ii.Maximum height of fencing shall not exceed seventy two inches (72"). B.Through-lots (double frontage lots): 1.Any fencing less than or equal to 50% opacity may be installed in a required front yard of a through lot; provided: a.Said yard shall not provide a means of vehicular access to the site; and b.Maximum height of fencing shall not exceed seventy two inches (72’). 2.Any fencing greater than 50% opacity may be installed in a required front yard of a through lot; provided: a.Said yard shall not provide a means of vehicular access to the site; and b.Maximum height of fencing shall not exceed seventy two inches (72’); and c.Is located a minimum of 5 feet from the rear lot line. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 8. Text Amendments to Chapter 2. Planning & Zoning Generally. As the end of the year approaches, staff is in the process of updating its fee schedule. As you may be aware, the City has separate fees for various zoning items. In addition to the filing fee, the Zoning Ordinance also requires a retained personnel fee of $500 for select zoning items. This $500.00 fee is outdated and most consultants require a $1,000.00 minimum. The retained personnel fee is also rarely used. Staff is proposing to delete this provision and simply add to the original zoning fee; however, staff would still be able to assess a retained personnel fee as necessary. It is important to note that the City does not charge for multiple zoning items. The new fees would be as followed, those fees not identified will remain unchanged: Current Fees Proposed Zoning Map Amendments, Conditional Use Permits, Zoning Variations, Use Variations, Staff Plat Review Committee (New – see below) $450 filing fee + $500 retained personnel fee Flat $950.00 filing fee. Zoning Variance - Minor $175.00 $175.00 §11-1-6 STAFF PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A.The Director of the Department of Community Development shall determine on a case-by-case basis if a development proposal requires review by Staff Plat Review Committee. B.A fee shall be assessed in the amount of $950.00 to be paid by the applicant. C.The Staff Plat Review Committee has the power and authority to review and recommend approval of subdivision plans and plats, and site plans that meet Ordinance requirements D.The voting members of the Staff Plat Review Committee shall consist of the following City staff: 1.Director of the Department of Community Development (Chairman) 2.City Planner 3.Director of Public Works 4.Staff Engineer 5.Director of Economic Development 6.Director of Parks and Recreation Department (ad hoc member) 7.Chief of Police (ad hoc member) Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us E.The City Planner shall serve as the primary staff liaison between applicants and the Staff Plat Review Committee. F.If a Staff Plat Review Committee member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, he/she may send one (1) designated voting representative. G.For subdivision applications, additional non-voting ex-officio members of the Staff Plat Review Committee consist of the following: 1.Applicable township highway commissioner(s). 2.Applicable fire chief(s). 3.Applicable school superintendent(s). 4.If an ex-officio member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, he/she may send an alternate representative. Ex-officio members provide information to the applicant and voting members regarding design of the subdivision and/or site plan and requirements for the ex-officio member’s signature of the plat, if required. H.The Staff Plat Review Committee has the following powers, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance: 1.To make final decisions on sketch plans of subdivision. 2.To make recommendations on preliminary plats of subdivision. 3.To make recommendations on final plats of subdivision. 4.To review and make final decisions on site plan review. 5.To review and make final decisions on technical adjustments. 6.To review and make recommendations to City Council on capital and development fee adjustments or waivers. 7.To review and determine if an application is complete and ready to schedule for a public meeting or hearing. 8.To review and determine if an application is required to have a conceptual review by City Council. If the Planning & Zoning Commission agrees with Staff’s recommended changes to the Zoning Ordinance, then staff recommends the following motion: MOTION: I motion to approve text amendments to the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance as outlined in the staff report. CHAPTER 16 NONCONFORMITIES SECTION: 11-16-1: Purpose 11-16-2: Applicability 11-16-3: Nonconforming Uses 11-16-4: Nonconforming Structures 11-16-5: Nonconforming Lots of Record 11-16-1: PurposeThe purpose of this Section is to regulate uses, structures, and lots that were in compliancewith previous zoning regulations, but do not conform to current zoning regulations as aresult of adoption of or amendments to this Ordinance. The intent of this Section is tospecify the circumstances under which legal nonconforming uses, structures, and lots maybe continued, altered, or expanded as well as circumstances under which suchnonconformities shall be gradually eliminated. 11-16-2: ApplicabilityA.Authority to Continue1.Any use, structure, or lot that was established legally as of the effective dateof this Ordinance, or its subsequent amendments, may continue as long as itremains lawful.2.Any use, structure, or lot that was established legally as of the effective dateof this Ordinance, or its subsequent amendments, and has been madenonconforming due to the regulations of this Ordinance, or its subsequentamendments, is a legal nonconforming use, structure, or lot and maycontinue subject to the provisions of this Section as long as it remainsotherwise lawful.3.Any use, structure, or lot that was established illegally as of the effective dateof this Ordinance, or its subsequent amendments, shall remain illegal if itdoes not conform with the requirements of this Ordinance.4.If property is used in a manner that was classified as a permitted use prior tothe effective date of this Ordinance, and that use is now classified as aconditional use as of the effective date of this Ordinance, that use is deemed anonconforming use. Such uses are allowed to continue and are controlled bythe provisions of this chapter. However, any addition, enlargement, orexpansion of the use is required to obtain a conditional use permit at thetime of the addition, enlargement, or expansion.B.Nonconforming Status. The legal nonconforming status of a nonconforming use,structure, or lot rests with the property and shall not be affected by changes inproperty ownership, tenancy, or management. C. Burden of Establishing Legal Status. The burden of establishing the legal status of a nonconforming use, structure, or lot under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be the responsibility of the owner of such use, structure or lot. 11-16-3: Nonconforming Uses A. Applicability. A legal nonconforming use is the use of land that at one time conformed to applicable zoning regulations, but no longer conforms due to subsequent amendments to this Ordinance. B. Expansion of Use. A legal nonconforming use shall not be expanded, enlarged, or increased in intensity to include any land area or structure not previously occupied by such legal nonconforming use. C. Relocation of Use. A legal nonconforming use shall not be relocated on the same lot or any other lot unless the relocation of such use meets the requirements of the zoning district in which the use is relocated. D. Damage or Destruction of Use. 1. In the event that any structure devoted in whole or in part to a legal nonconforming use is damaged or destroyed to the extent of 50% or more of its replacement value, then the use cannot be continued unless it meets the requirements of the subject zoning district. 2. In the event that a legal nonconforming structure is damaged or destroyed to the extent of less than 50% of its replacement value, the structure may be repaired provided that: a. The repairs will not create any new nonconformity or increase the degree of any existing nonconformity. b. A building permit is obtained for such repairs within 180 days of the date of damage or destruction, and such repairs are completed within one year of issuance of the building permit. 3. The replacement value of the legal nonconforming structure shall be established by: a. The sale of the structure within the previous year, or if that is not applicable; b. An appraisal of the structure within the last two years, or if that is not available; c. The amount for which the structure was insured prior to the date of damage or destruction, or if that is not available; d. An alternative method determined acceptable by the Zoning Administrator. E. Change of Use. A legal nonconforming use shall not be changed to any other use unless the use is allowed within the subject zoning district. F. Discontinuation or Abandonment of Use. If a legal nonconforming use is discontinued, or the structure that it occupies becomes vacant or remains unoccupied for a continuous period of at least 30 days, such use shall be deemed abandoned and shall not be reestablished regardless of the intent to continue the use. Any subsequent use or occupancy of such land or structure shall meet the requirements of the subject zoning district. The following exceptions apply: 1.If the period of such discontinuance is caused by government action or actsof God, it is not included in calculating the length of discontinuance.2.If the property owner files notice in writing of the suspension of anonconforming use with the Zoning Administrator prior to the expiration ofthe continuous period of at least 30 days. The Zoning Administrator mayapprove an extension of such timeframe not to exceed 30 days. 11-16-4: Nonconforming StructuresA.Applicability. A legal nonconforming structure is a principal or accessory structurethat at one time conformed to applicable zoning regulations, but no longer conformsdue to subsequent amendments to this Ordinance. For the purposes of this Section,legal nonconforming structures shall include signs (see §10-20-8: NonconformingSigns), on-site development, off-street parking and loading facilities, and landscapecharacteristics.B.Ordinary Maintenance and Repair. Ordinary maintenance and repair may beperformed on any legal nonconforming structure provided that such activities willnot create any new nonconformity or increase the degree of any existingnonconformity.C.Structural Alterations, Enlargements, and Additions. Structural alterations,enlargements, and additions shall not be performed on any legal nonconformingstructure, except in the following situations:1.When the alteration, enlargement, or addition is required by law or isnecessary to restore the structure to a safe condition as determined by theZoning Administrator.2.When the alteration, enlargement, or addition is for the purpose of creating aconforming structure.3.When the alteration, enlargement, or addition will not create any newnonconformity, extends no further than the existing non-conforming setback,and does not increase the height of the existing structure.D.Relocation. A legal nonconforming structure shall not be relocated on the same lotor any other lot unless the relocation of such structure meets the requirements ofthe zoning district to which the structure is relocated.E.Damage or Destruction.1.In the event that a legal nonconforming structure is damaged or destroyed tothe extent of 50% or more of its replacement value, then the structure maynot be repaired unless it meets the requirements of the zoning district inwhich the structure is located.2.In the event that a legal nonconforming structure is damaged or destroyed tothe extent of less than 50% of its replacement value, the structure may berepaired provided that:a. The repairs will not create any new nonconformity or increase thedegree of any existing nonconformity. b.A building permit is obtained for such repairs within 180 days ofthe date of damage or destruction, and such repairs are completedwithin one year of issuance of the building permit.3.The replacement value of the legal nonconforming structure shall beestablished by:a. The sale of the structure within the previous year, or if that is notapplicable;b.An appraisal of the structure within the last two years, or if that isnot available;c.The amount for which the structure was insured prior to the date ofdamage or destruction, or if that is not available;d.An alternative method determined acceptable by the ZoningAdministrator.F.Extension of Walls for Nonconforming Single-Family and Two-FamilyDwellings. Where a single-family or two-family dwelling is a legal nonconformingstructure because of encroachment into the required setback, the structure may beenlarged or extended vertically along the same plane as defined by its existingperimeter walls, so long as the resulting structure complies with the required sideyard setbacks and does not increase the degree of the existing nonconformity orotherwise violate this Ordinance.G.Principal Single-Family and Two-Family Residential Structures Deemed Conforming.Lawfully created principal single-family and two-family residential structures,which also may include a legal nonconforming detached garage, that do not meet theunderlying zoning district requirements as of the effective date of this ordinanceshall be allowed to be rebuilt in the same building footprint if damaged or destroyedprovided that:1.It does not increase the degree of the nonconformity;2.The nonconforming principal residence and/or detached garage isreconstructed within one year of being damaged or destroyed. 11-16-5: Nonconforming Lots of RecordA.Applicability. A legal nonconforming lot of record is a lot of record that at one timeconformed to applicable zoning regulations, but no longer conforms due tosubsequent amendments to this Ordinance.B. Contiguous Nonconforming Lots of Record. If two or more contiguous lots of recordare owned by a single party, or by related parties, and one or more of the lots doesnot meet the requirements for lot area or lot width as established by this Ordinance,then the lots of record shall be developed as a single entity.C.Nonconforming Residential Lots of Record. Any lawfully created lot of record as ofthe effective date of this title that is located in a Residential District, that has nosubstantial structure upon it, and is legal nonconforming may be used for a single-family detached dwelling without elimination the nonconformity provided theresidence meets the underlying zoning district’s setback requirements. D. Lots or Parcels Deemed Conforming. Lots or parcels created as a result of the following actions are deemed conforming for the purposes of this Ordinance: 1. When land area is acquired by a government agency for expansion of right-of-way 2. When the action of waterways that forms the boundaries of a lot reduce the lot area. 3. When property lines are established by a court order in order to settle a boundary dispute between adjacent property owners. Department of Community & Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. R-20-001 RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, that the following schedule of Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings (with starting times set opposite the month) for the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 is hereby adopted: 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings JANUARY - 7:00 P.M. FEBRUARY - 7:00 P.M. MARCH - 7:00 P.M. 27 Wednesday 17 Wednesday 17 Wednesday APRIL - 7:00 P.M. MAY - 7:00 P.M. JUNE - 7:00 P.M. 21 Wednesday 26 Wednesday 16 Wednesday JULY - 7:00 P.M. AUGUST - 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER - 7:00 P.M. 14 Wednesday 18 Wednesday 15 Wednesday OCTOBER - 7:00 P.M. NOVEMBER - 7:00 P.M. DECEMBER - 7:00 P.M. 20 Wednesday 17 Wednesday 15 Wednesday PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2020. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: Signed:/s/Shawn Strach____________________________ Shawn Strach, Chairman City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission