HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/30/2001 - City Council REGULAR MEETING
MAY 30, 2001
�- The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor
Althoff, at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, Low,
Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator
Lobaito, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Kostecki, Director
Community Development Napolitano, Director Public Works Batt, Director Parks and
Recreation Merkel, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner. Absent: None.
Randy Zornow, 5212 Shorehill Drive, addressed Council, regarding banning all
burning within the City of McHenry, with the sole exception of recreational burning. He
noted the affects of burning on the health of persons suffering from emphysema, chronic
bronchitis, allergies, asthma and heart disease, as well as children and senior citizens. Mr.
Zornow provided the City Clerk with documentation as to the effects and impact to
residents of burning in the City and McHenry County.
Alice Howenstein, 4614 Pioneer Road, addressed Council, regarding the need to
ban open burning in the City of McHenry. Ms. Howenstein polled both Crystal Lake and
Woodstock regarding their burning restrictions. She noted Crystal Lake bans all burning
with the exception of recreational burning in a burn pit. Woodstock, likewise, prohibits all
burning. Each of these municipalities provides for an alternative program to dispose of
yard waste, brush and leaves, similar to the program established in the City of McHenry. In
closing, Ms. Howenstein requested the City Council consider banning all burning with the
exception of recreational burning within the City of McHenry.
It was noted that Community Development Committee Chairman Alderman Wimmer
could address this item under New Business, at which time Council could suggest it be
addressed at the Committee level prior to Council consideration as a regular Agenda Item.
Anna Rich, McHenry Public Library representative, addressed Council regarding a
"Rock the Park" event, sponsored by the Library for teens this summer. The Library is
proposing this event at Petersen Park on Friday, August 3, 2001. The Program would
consist of competition among local teen bands at the Park. The various bands would
submit sample tapes, which would be screened as to their appropriateness prior to the
event. The hours of"Rock the Park" would be 6 p.m. until 10 p.m.
It was noted this matter would be presented before Council for consideration as a
regular Agenda Item at a future Council Meeting.
In attendance were Carol Chdsman, Chairman of Project Zone Skatepark
Fundraising Committee, Brian Hutchinson and Mary Fisher from McDonald's, and Officer
Meryl Eschbach, representing the Police Officer's Association.
Fundraising Chairman Chrisman stated McDonald's offered a fundraising campaign,
from 4pm until 8pm on May 2, 2001, the Project Zone Skatepark was given 15% of the
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sales raised during this time period. At this time, Brian Hutchinson and Mary Fisher
presented Ms. Chrisman with a check in the amount of$2,089.35 towards the construction
cost of the City's Skatepark. Mayor Althoff thanked McDonald's for their support of this
Officer Eschbach, on behalf of the McHenry Police Officers Association, presented
a check to Ms. Chrisman in the amount of $1,000. Officer Eschbach noted $500 was
designated toward the construction of the Skatepark and $500 toward the construction of
the Bike Park. Officer Eschbach stated the Police Officers of McHenry support both the
Skatepark and the Bike Park.
Ms. Chrisman requested Council consider passing an ordinance requiring all who
utilize the skatepark and bike park to wear helmets, with a $30 fine for first offense, $50 for
the second offense, and thereafter a ban from the skatepark and bike park.
In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, discussion occurred regarding the legality
and ramification of passing such an ordinance.
Ms. Chrisman, referencing information provided to Council in the Agenda Packet,
noted the fundraising committee has raised over $250,000 for this project. She noted the
following donations toward park construction: excavating, gravel, concrete installation, and
steel. Ms. Chrisman noted the construction of the bike park would cost an additional
$35,000-$40,000, which the committee is requesting Council advance toward the project.
Ms. Chrisman said this would allow both the Skatepark and the Bike Park to open
simultaneously. She noted several fundraising efforts are yet to be conducted.
In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Ms Chrisman stated the committee would
ultimately raise all monies to construct the entire project. Alderman Murgatroyd noted the
committee is asking the City to front the money necessary to construct the bike park in the
amount of $35,000-$40,000, and expressed concern with the last-minute nature of the
request. He suggested the matter be sent to Finance and Personnel Committee for further
consideration. He noted the project is good for the community; however, the manner in
which the request was presented was atypical and did not follow usual Council
Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger, to approve the expenditure of up to $40,000
toward the construction of the City's Bike Park, with the understanding the monies will be
reimbursed to the City following fundraising efforts.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Staff complimented Committee Chairman Chrisman for her efforts on behalf of the
Community in initiating and following through on the Skate Park and Bike
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�.. Path Project.
In closing, Chairman Chrisman thanked Council and members of the community for
their support of this project.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to approve the Consent Agenda as
■ Approval: Proclamation recognizing June Stuart and declaring June Stuart Day,
June 8, 2001;
■ Approval: Resolution to Amend 2001 City Council Meeting Schedule;
■ Approval: Promotion to Water Operator ll, William Regner
■ Approval: Reduction of Letter of Credit No. 219 and 113-1, Boone Creek Unit 2
■ Approval: Debt Service Payment:
■ Special Service Area #1A $12,100
■ Series 2000A Alternate GO Bonds $98,700
■ Series 2000B Alternate GO bonds $37,566.66
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Community Development Napolitano stated he met with Mrs. Robert
Leavy, party to the proposed Driveway License Agreement. Mrs. Leavy stated they are in
the process of securing a $1 million umbrella policy as recommended by Council at the
May 16, 2001 regularly scheduled Council Meeting.
It was noted the subject property cannot be sold to the Leavy's as it is contained
within a City drainageway.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk's
execution of the Driveway License Agreement between the City of McHenry and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Leavy for the driveway located at 1711 Lakewood Avenue, as amended by
Council and the procurement of a $1 million umbrella insurance policy.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Public Works Batt reported the proposed amendment to the Traffic Code
is a result of the Public Works Committee Meeting held on May 9, 2001. He noted
Riverside Drive Merchants at the meeting expressed their concerns regarding parking
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difficulties on Riverside Drive. Concurrently, a request has been made to dissolve the
permit parking stalls adjacent to Veterans' Memorial Park on Park Street. Director Batt
noted inasmuch as 38 permit parking stalls would be available in the Riverside Drive
Municipal Lot, the elimination of 13 stalls along Park Street should not present any burden
to area residents or merchants. Director Batt also stated none of the stalls in the Riverside
Drive Municipal Lot would be posted as "Permit Parking." A map indicating all designated
Permit Parking Stalls would be provided to all purchasers of Parking Permits. Even though
additional stalls would be provided, there is no intent to sell additional Parking Permits
each quarter.
In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Director Batt stated there appears to be
no need to create additional Permit Parking stalls. Director Batt clarified unless a Parking
Permit is displayed, all vehicles parked in the Riverside Drive Municipal Lot are limited to
four-hour parking. Aldermen Bolger and Low stated their support of the proposed
ordinance amending the permit parking stalls and expressed concern for support of
downtown merchants and their parking needs.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to pass an ordinance amending
Municipal Code Chapter 13, Section 13-606, deleting the designation of 13 permit parking
stalls on Park Street, and including the designation of 38 regular parking stalls to be
utilized for permit parking as long as Parking Permits are secured by the user.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd.
Voting Nay: Wimmer.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
In attendance was Mr. Eric Grabowski of Heidner Property Management. Director
Community Development Napolitano stated Heidner Property Management manages
McHenry Market Place. Even though there are two property owners, Heidner manages the
entire site. Heidner has embarked on a site improvement renovation project including
facade improvement, parking lot improvements and are proposing sign replacement for the
two freestanding signs. Director Napolitano stated the two signs would be of similar size
and display. The only difference would be delineating the tenants on each sign.
Director Napolitano stated the request is for two signs each with an area of 200
square feet and a maximum height of 25'. Staff is recommending approval of the two signs
for the McHenry Market Place.
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mr. Grabowski stated Eagle would
still have its own sign. East side tenants would be shown on the Easternmost pole sign.
West side tenants would be shown on the westernmost pole sign. Alderman Glab opined
the sign improvements would improve the aesthetics of the shopping center.
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`.. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to approve the request to replace two existing
free-standing signs at the McHenry Market Place; and that each sign be no more than 200
square feet in area and 25' in height; and that the sign structures be similar in style as
presented by the site manager, Heidner Property Management.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mr. Grabowski requested, on an associated matter, that parking islands including
landscaping and trees, currently being required following Staff review of a building permit
application for a restaurant on the Market Place Shopping Center premises, be located in
front of the building, as opposed to behind the building as suggested by Staff comment.
Mayor Althoff responded this matter should be referred to the Community Development
Department for review and comment. Director Napolitano could then bring the matter
before Council for consideration.
Director of Community Development Napolitano summarized the property developer,
`- Pacini Brothers, request noting the request is for the installation of a 14' X 16' (224 square
feet) sign at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Route 31. The
sign would be an offsite sign advertising the Kresswood Trails Townhome Subdivision.
Director Napolitano noted Kresswood Trails is being developed by the Pacini Brothers. He
informed Council the request is for the sign to be posted until May 1, 2007.
Staff noted Council in the past has granted variances for offsite advertising signs,
provided the request is reviewed on an annual basis. He also noted Pacini Brothers has
previously been granted a variance to permit an offsite sign at this location; however, it
blew down in the wind. The request before Council this evening is for a new sign, although
similar in size to the original sign.
Alderman Glab requested what the sign which blew down displayed. Director
Napolitano stated the sign was for Kresswood Trails. In response to Alderman Glab's
inquiry, Director Napolitano stated the Pacinis could still place a real estate sign with a
maximum size of 32 square feet on the subject property, in addition to the offisite
advertising sign. Director Napolitano stated there is a real estate sign, approximately 225
square feet in area, on the property further north near Warsaw Inn. Alderman Glab opined
the applicants should be limited to only one offsite advertising sign at this location.
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Director Napolitano stated there is an
existing advertising sign on the Kresswood Trails property which is approximately 12' X 16'
(192 square feet). Alderman Murgatroyd opined a smaller sign is preferable to the 224
square foot sign. In response to City Administrator Lobaito's inquiry, Alderman Glab stated
he would prefer a restriction to no more than two advertising signs on this property as a
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whole, including the existing sign near Warsaw Inn.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to grant a sign variance to Pacini Brothers
Inc. to allow an offsite sign advertising Kresswood Trails Townhome Subdivision, located
at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Route 31 subject to the
following restrictions:
■ The sign be a maximum of 14' X 16' (224 square feet);
■ That no other sign be permitted at this location;
■ That the variance be granted for no more than one year, at which time Council review
shall be required.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: Murgatroyd.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
In attendance were Attorney Thomas Zanck; Kit Carstens and Allen Miller, principals
of Prime Commercial; Scott Smith of Smith Engineering Consultants.
Attorney Zanck stated Prime Commercial is in the process of negotiating with several
national chains, possible purchasers of remaining property in the McHenry Corporate
Center Business Park. Attorney Zanck noted the McHenry Corporate Center Plat of
Subdivision prohibits direct access onto Route 31 from Unit 8, Lot 1. The national chains
are requesting a minimum right in/right out access to Route 31. Illinois Department of
Transportation has indicated this would be considered, but only if the City of McHenry
would approve the right in/right out access, as well. In conclusion, Attorney Zanck
requested Council consider passing a resolution supporting a right in/right out access from
Route 31 to Lot 1 of Unit 8. The Petitioners would then prepare and present a preliminary
and final plat, providing for a right in/right out access to Route 31.
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Attorney Zanck stated the Petitioners
would provide necessary turn lanes, road improvements, and any other requirements as
per City Codes and Ordinances.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to pass a resolution in support of a right in/right
out access from Lot 1 of Unit 8 of the McHenry Corporate Center onto Route 31.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
In attendance were McHenry Savings Bank principals Kathleen and James
Marinangel, Kathy Pelz, Wayne Amore, Jim Condon, Condon Consulting Engineers, and
Project Manager Michael Anderson.
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Director of Community Development Napolitano stated McHenry Savings Bank is
before Council this evening requesting approval of their Final Plat of Park View Plaza
Subdivision located on South Route 31 adjacent to Knox Park. He noted the Plan
Commission at its April 19, 2001 meeting unanimously recommended the plat be
approved. Staff is recommending Final Plat approval, subject to the following conditions:
1. The final plat shall be recorded within six months of the date of approval;
2. Illinois Department of Transportation shall approve the engineering plans and final plat;
3. Covenants shall be recorded providing for the continued function and maintenance of
stormwater detention areas, access easements, landscaping, architectural review, and
other applicable provisions. The document number of the recorded covenants shall be
added to the certificate on the plat before it is recorded;
4. Recording of an easement for the sanitary sewer extension through the adjoining
property to the north;
5. Provision of a title insurance policy covering the fair market value of the real estate that
is to be dedicated to the City;
6. Compliance with all revisions to the engineering plans and final plat recommended by
the City Engineer;
7. Provision of a separate letter of credit providing for the extension of sanitary service to
Lots 37-55;
8. Renaming Park Place as Dartmoor Drive;
9. Submission and approval of a landscaping and grading plan to be installed by the
developer within a 30-foot wide area on the western edge of Knox park property.
Project Manager Michael Anderson, stated the Applicants are before Council this
evening seeking approval of the Final Plat of Park View Plaza Subdivision. Mr. Anderson
stated the Applicants concur with all items specified by Staff with the exception of #6 and
Mr. Condon noted Item #6 refers to Baxter and Woodman correspondence which
recommends the road cross-section consist of 4 inches of aggregate, 7 inches of B.A.M.
Base and 2 and 'h inches of Class I Surface (bituminous concrete). Mr. Condon noted
Baxter and Woodman is classifying the road as a collector/commercial street. The actual
width of the road is proposed and approved as 28' back to back, which would classify it as
a minor street. A minor street requires only 10' of aggregate and 2 and '/2 inches of
bituminous. The applicant meets this requirement and requests this be acceptable to the
City. Mr. Condon noted this cross-section was approved on the preliminary plat as
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the roadway width of 28' and the
requirements of a commercial roadway as stated in the Subdivision Control Ordinance.
Project Manager Anderson stated, with regard to Item #8, the Applicants would prefer
NO-, to maintain the name of Park Place for the following reasons:
■ Dartmoor Drive does not at the present time extend east of the railroad tracks;
■ The Plan Commission approved Park Place as opposed to Dartmoor Drive.
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It was noted Staff appeared to require the renaming of Park Place to Dartmoor
Drive as there are already several streets in town having "Park" in them, i.e. Parklane
Avenue, Park Street, etc. Discussion occurred regarding the name of the street. Alderman
Murgatroyd noted if the railroad crossing is granted and Dartmoor Drive is extended to
Route 31, the street name of Park Place could be confusing. Discussion continued
regarding the naming of Park Place. It was the consensus of Council to allow the street in
Park View Plaza to be named Park Place.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to accept the unanimous recommendation of
the Plan Commission, and to approve the final plat of Park Place Plaza prepared by
Vanderstappen Surveyors, dated April 3, 2001 with a revision date of May 9, 2001, subject
to the following:
■ Resolution of the engineering issues of the construction and composition of Park
Place, as specified by City consulting engineers, Baxter and Woodman; and
■ Recording of the final plat within six months of its approval.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Assistant Administrator Maxeiner stated the request is to provide for a third possible
administrator for the employees' 457K deferred compensation plan. Each employee would
then choose which of three potential administrators would administrator their deferred
compensation monies. It is Staffs recommendation to include Prudential Insurance
Company of America and Retirement Plan Advisors as a third administrator for the City of
McHenry 457K Deferred Compensation Plan.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to approve the inclusion of Prudential
Insurance Company of America and Retirement Plan Advisors as a third administrator for
the City of McHenry 457K Deferred Compensation Plan.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Assistant Administrator Maxeiner stated McHenry County Municipal Risk
Management Agency (MCMRMA) is seeking a two-week advance premium to assuage a
cash flow difficulty. He noted the 2001-2002 Budget includes a line item in the amount of
$350,000. MCMRMA is seeking an advance payment of premium in the amount of
$250,000. It is Staffs recommendation to approve partial pre-payment of MCMRMA's
annual premium in the amount of$250,000.
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16 .
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to approve partial pre-payment of
MCMRMA's annual premium in the amount of$250,000.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated the Parks and Recreation
Department is seeking Council approval to purchase a utility vehicle. In response to
request for quotes, two quotations were received. Director Merkel noted the City's 2001-
2002 Budget includes a line item in the amount of $6,500 for this vehicle. The low quote
was in the amount of $6,900 from Harvard Implement Inc., of Harvard, Illinois. It is Staffs
recommendation to award the purchase of a John Deer Gator Utility Vehicle in an amount
not-to-exceed $6,900.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to award the purchase of a John Deer Gator
Utility Vehicle from Harvard Implement, Inc., of Harvard, Illinois, in an amount not-to-
exceed $6,900.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated the request to replace a 1996
Chevrolet van which would be then be utilized by the Recreation Supervisor, Park
Rangers, and concession programs, who are currently using an old police squad car, a
1991 Chevrolet Caprice with 130,000 miles. The new 2001 Ford Taurus would be utilized
by Parks and Recreation Administration.
City Administrator Lobaito noted the City has recently established a rotating vehicle
replacement program. At this time, the replacement of the 1991 Chevrolet Caprice is a part
of that rotation process. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Director Merkel
stated he would be the primary driver of the new vehicle. Discussion occurred regarding
the advisability of purchasing a Ford Taurus, and the appropriateness of the size of the
It was Staffs recommendation to approve the purchase of a 2001 Ford Taurus
through the State of Illinois Purchasing Contract Program in an amount not-to-exceed
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Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve the purchase of a 2001 Ford
Taurus through the State of Illinois Contract Purchase Program, with Buss Ford of
McHenry as the local dealer, in an amount not-to-exceed $15,065.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated the request for approval to purchase
a replacement piece of equipment to be utilized in the mowing and maintenance of City
park property. Through the State of Illinois Purchase Program the cost to the City would be
$14,290. Director Merkel noted there would be a request in the fall to purchase the cab
and snow blower attachment for this vehicle. He noted the 2001-2002 Budget reflects a
$26,500 line item for this equipment.
In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the equipment
would be secured within the next two weeks.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to authorize the purchase of the Toro
Mowing Unit through the State of Illinois Purchase Program in an amount not-to-exceed "1
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Althoff reported she would like to schedule a Committee of the Whole Meeting
for Monday, June 25, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers for the purpose of
discussion development of 14 acres of the Busch-Knox Property.
Mayor Althoff informed Council Karen Patel was named the McHenry County
Economic Development Commission President.
Mayor Althoff stated she would like to create a committee to look at redistricting the
City as State Statutes require seven wards once the City reached a population of 20,000.
The 2000 Census establishes the City of McHenry population as 22,501. Mayor Althoff
noted Alderman Glab has volunteered to chair the Redistricting Committee. Mayor Althoff
stated she is seeking two additional Council member volunteers for this Committee.
Alderman Bolger stated his willingness to participate on the Redistricting Committee.
Mayor Althoff stated with regard to elected official participation in the Fiesta Days
Parade this year, she is suggesting the City secure a float upon which all elected officials
and their families would ride.
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`.. Mayor Althoff requested Council members provide a brief biography to the City
Clerk. The biography material and accompanying photos would be utilized on the City's
Web Site, which is expected to be up and running within the next 45 to 60 days.
Mayor Althoff also informed Council the Village of McCullom would soon be
appearing before Council to seek connection to City of McHenry sewers as their
referendum seeking approval passed in the April Consolidated Election. Village Trustees
will be appearing before the Council advising of the next step in the process, provide
Council with information, and ask for Council assistance in securing connection.
Parks and Recreation Committee Chairman Alderman Low informed Council she will
schedule a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting for the latter part of June to discuss
the Recreation Center and other Parks and Recreation issues. Chairman Alderman Low
noted an exact meeting date would be provided at the June 6, 2001 regularly scheduled
Council Meeting.
Director of Community Development Napolitano reported May has been a banner
month for building permit issuance. Director Napolitano also reported City Planner Maggio
has accepted another position with a private firm. His last day with the City is June 15,
2001. Director Napolitano requested, in light of the critical nature of this position, Council
authorize advertisement to fill the vacant City Planner position.
Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger, to authorize the advertisement for the vacant
position of City Planner.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Chief of Police Kostecki informed Council a telecommunications officer has
submitted his resignation. He noted a background check on a previous applicant who has
expressed continued interest in this position is currently being done. Chief Kostecki
informed Council that Department Secretary Lubben is in the hospital.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel provided Council with an update regarding
park programs. He noted Knox Pool was scheduled to open last weekend, however, due to
cold whether, this was postponed. The pool has been filled, the new liner is in place, and
the mechanical operation is up and running. The construction of the Project Zone
Skatepark is progressing with an anticipated completion date of June 15I'. Council will be
kept apprised of both the Skatepark and Bike Park projects.
Alderman Murgatroyd reported he received notification in the mail regarding the
"For the Kids' hand car races which is tentatively scheduled for August 19, 2001. A
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"Grudge Match" feature is being added this year.
Alderman Glab requested the island on Cumberland Circle be cleared of weeds and
refuse. City Administrator noted Staff would address the matter immediately. In response
to Alderman Glab's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito reported Illinois Department of
Transportation has purchased additional right-of-way in order to correct the intersection of
Crystal Lake Road and Elm Street.
Director Merkel reminded Council the first City Band Concert of the season is
scheduled for Thursday, June 7t' at 7:30 p.m. at Veteran's Memorial Park, at which time
band members who have participated for 25 years or more will be honored. Director
Merkel noted eight Band Concerts have been planned on consecutive Thursday evenings.
The City Newsletter will include more information on the diversified themes of the concerts.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to go into Executive Session at 9:10 p.m. to
discuss Potential Litigation and Property Acquisition.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried. '1
Council went into Executive Session at 9:10 p.m.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to go back into Open Session at 9:35 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Council went back into Open Session at 9:35 p.m.
Motion by Low, seconded by Murgatroyd, to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
The Meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m.