HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/02/2001 - City Council REGULAR MEETING JULY 2, 2001 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Althoff, at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 2, 2001 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Alderman Glab arrived at 8:01 p.m. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Jones, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Kostecki, Director Public Works Batt, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner and Director Community Development Napolitano. Director Parks and Recreation Merkel arrived at 8:30 p.m. OATH OF OFFICE Chief of Police Kostecki and Police Commission Chairman Timothy Wirfs were recognized by Mayor Althoff. Chief Kostecki stated this evening the City is welcoming three new members to the McHenry Police Department: Lawrence L. Popp Dale A. Hojnacki Richard A. Rewiako. Police Commission Chairman Wirfs officiated at the swearing-in of the new patrol officers for the McHenry Police Department. Mayor Althoff and Council congratulated the new officers and wished them well in their new career. Chief Kostecki noted the new officers will be ready to serve the community by approximately January 1, 2002 following �.. orientation, probationary period and education pt the Police Academy. Chief Kostecki recognized the following officers for outstanding service to the McHenry Community: ■ Officer Mary Lee Eschbach — Second successive award for exemplary performance in enforcing laws against intoxication while driving. ■ Officer Eric Sexton —Award for exemplary performance in enforcing laws against intoxication while driving. ■ Sergeant Jeffery Foerster — Exemplary performance March 6, 2001, armed robbery at Burrito Express. ■ Sergeant Tom Beyer— Exemplary performance March 6, 2001, armed robbery at Burrito Express. ■ Officer Brian McKeen — Exemplary performance March 6, 2001, armed robbery at Burrito Express. ■ Officer Kevin Cox — Exemplary performance March 6, 2001, armed robbery at Burrito Express. ■ Deputy Chief Gary Wigman — Exemplary performance in investigating the armed robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. ■ Sergeant William Brogan — Exemplary performance in investigating the armed robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. ■ Detective Robert Lumber — Exemplary performance in investigating the armed `.. robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. ■ Detective Daniel Kreassig — Exemplary performance in investigating the armed robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. Page 2 7/2/01 ■ Detective John Jones — Exemplary performance in investigating the armed robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. ■ Detective Mary Lee Eschbach — Exemplary performance in investigating the armed robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. ■ Detective Roger Pechous - Exemplary performance in investigating the armed robbery and satisfactory solution at Burrito Express. Chief Kostecki invited the newly sworn officers, the recognized officers and their families to attend a brief reception in the Police Department Training Room. Chief Kostecki left the meeting at 7:39 p.m. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT Greg Lofgren, City of McHenry Landmark Commission Chairman, addressed Council regarding the First Annual Family Heritage Days sponsored by the Landmark Commission on June 23'" and 24th from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Chairman Lofgren noted the two-day weekend event was successful and well-attended for a first-time event. Part of the Landmark Commission's Mission is to educate the community, this event was sponsored at the City's Hickory Creek Farm in an effort to educate the community on the City's farming heritage. Chairman Lofgren commended 'the members of the Commission as well as individuals within the community who volunteered to support and staff this event. Chairman Lofgren also noted the two I dmark historic walking tours during Fiesta Days on Saturday, July 14th at 10 a.m. and WeNnesday, July 181t' at 6 p.m. He pointed out both tours will be conducted on both Saturday and Wednesday. There is no charge for the tours. Mayor Althoff commended the Landmark Commission for promoting community events and trying to encourage the connection to the City's rural history. PUBLIC HEARING: ANNEXATION AND ZONING - 502 S. ROUTE 31, SWIERK Mayor Althoff opened the Public Hearing regarding the annexation and zoning of the Rosemary Swierk property located at 502 South Route 31at 7:44 p.m. In attendance was Applicant Rosemary Swierk. Ms. Swierk requested Council consider waiving the $500 annexation fee. Ms. Swierk noted the subject property will be used solely for parking and no structures will be constructed on the site. In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Ms. Swierk stated there are no plans to utilize this property other than for parking. Alderman Murgatroyd suggested the annexation agreement include language if the specific use of the property as a parking lot changed, the $500 becomes payable to the City at that time. In response to Mayor Althoffs inquiry, City Clerk Jones stated there were no written and/or verbal comments received in the Clerk's Office with regard to this matter. Page 3 7/2/01 City Administrator Lobaito stated there is a typographical error in Paragraph 9, Page 3, the last line indicates the subdivision must take place within 90 days and should read within one year. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to close the Public Hearing regarding the annexation and zoning of 502 South Route 31 at 7:49 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Glab. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to direct Staff to draft ordinance providing for the execution of the annexation agreement, the annexation, and zoning reclassification of the Rosemary Swierk Property located at 502 South Route 31. Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Glab. Motion carried. Mayor Althoff noted the ordinances would be prepared and presented for formal Council action on the July 11, 2001 regularly scheduled Council Meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Low, seconded by Bolger, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: ■ Reject Bids for Police Department Radar Trailers; ■ Request to Advertise for Bids- Police Department Radar Trailers; ■ Request to Advertise for Bids- Public Works Department Vehicle Purchase; ■ Ordinance granting Conditional Use Permit-4030 West Main Street; ■ Request to connect to Police Alarm Panel - Valley View Commons Office Complex; ■ Picnic/Special Use Permits - Parks and Recreation Department; ■ Block Party Requests: ■ Saturday, August 25th, Michael and Diane Etten, North Cross Trail; ■ Saturday, July 28th, Beckie Bordenaro, Highbridge in Boone Creek Subdivision; ■ Saturday, July 21St, Mike and Liz Campana, Windhaven Trail and Windhaven Court; ■ City Council Minutes: ■ June 6, 2001 regularly scheduled Meeting. �- Voting Aye: Bolger,Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Glab. Motion carried. Page 4 7/02/01 "C REQUEST FOR CLASS A LIQUOR LICENSE — NO WAY JOSE, 1237 N GREEN STREET In attendance were Jose and Juanita Nanez, proprietors of No Way Jose located at 1237 North Green Street. Mayor Althoff stated she had met with the proprietors of No Way Jose Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Nanez have agreed to always have an English-speaking person on premises, as well as to attend the next BASSET training, as is required for new liquor license holders. Alderman Glab arrived at 8:01 p.m. Alderman Bolger commended the Nanez's for painting the building. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Mayor Althoff noted a BASSET training class is scheduled every 60-90 days. The applicant will be notified of the next training session. Motion by Low, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve the Class A Liquor License for No Way Jose, at 1237 North Green Street, subject to satisfactory fingerprinting results; and that an ordinance be approved increasing the number of Class A Liquor Licenses from twenty four to twenty five. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glaby Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST TO RENEW TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT — MCHENRY CORPORATE CENTER ON RIDGEVIEW DRIVE Director of Community Development Napolitano reminded Council a permit for a temporary sign to the McHenry Corporate Center on the Ridgeview Drive north entrance to the business park in June, 2000. The applicant was required to renew the permit annually. The sign is 32 square feet (4 X 8) with a height of six feet. Director Napolitano stated the applicants are requesting the sign be allowed until December 31, 2002. It is anticipated the business park could be built-out by December 31, 2002. Alderman Glab inquired if a precedent would be set in granting a 1 '/2 year temporary sign permit. He noted typically developers are granted one year temporary sign permits. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Wimmer, to approve the renewal of a temporary sign permit for a 32 square foot sign with a height of six feet, in the McHenry Corporate Center at the north entrance on Ridgeview Drive with an expiration date of December 31, 2002. Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Wimmer. Voting Nay: Glab, Murgatroyd. Absent: None. Motion carried. Page 5 7/02/01 SHAMROCK FARM DEVELOPMENT ANNEXATION AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL In attendance were Developer John Greene of Concorde Development, Property Owners George Johnson, and Christian and Joan Galli. Mayor Althoff reminded Council the Shamrock Farm Property Development has been presented before Council on numerous occasions. Tonight will consider the annexation of the property which is comprised of 600 acres, spanning both Draper and Curran Roads, including 761 residential units. Of the 761 residential units, 240 owner- occupied multi-family units and 521 single family homes. Mayor Althoff thanked Council and Staff for the time and attention devoted to the review of the Shamrock Farm Property Development. Mayor Althoff also thanked the Public for their input, comments and questions as this project has been reviewed by the City. Finally, Mayor Althoff extended thanks to the developer and property owner for listening to the concerns of Council, Staff and the Public regarding the development of the Shamrock Farm Property, and incorporating the comments into the concept plan being presented this evening. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel arrived at 8:30 p.m. Mayor Althoff summarized concerns expressed by Council, Staff and the general public during the course of the review of this project: 1. Impact of local school districts: The City of McHenry has higher impact fees in this Annexation Agreement than any other taxing entity in McHenry County. Additionally, there was a significant land donation to District 15 and annual building permit limitations have been incorporated into the Annexation Agreement. 2. Impact on area transportation: The developers and property owners have agreed to specific improvements to intersections that this development will affect, as well as their pro rate share of other improvements that the City will undertake in the amount of $90,000. 3. Impact on environment: The developers and property owners have agreed to have an expert review engineering and all drainage issues. The City has been granted first right- of refusal to the purchase of a 55-acre parcel of the property on the east side of Curran Road for a period of three years. Correspondence has been received from the McHenry County Conservation District stating they are not interested in purchasing this property at this time. 4. Impact on population: Projected figures for increased population are in concurrence with the Naperville School Formula. 5. Future growth and development policy: Council is putting into place a policy which will require every future annexation to have annual building permit limitations. `.. Mayor Althoff opened the floor to audience comment. Page 6 7/02/01 '1 Janice Johnston, President of Bull Valley Association, addressed Council stating the Bull Valley Association has steadily voiced its concern regarding the impact of this development on Bull Valley. The developer's modifications will greatly reduce the impact of the development. However, the Bull Valley Association continues to object to the high density of the Shamrock Farm Property development. Bruce Uhl, 701 Woodridge Trail in Deerwood Estates Subdvision, addressed Council stating he likes the layout of the subdivision, particularly the 30-foot landscape easements along Curran Road, Dartmoor Drive, Farmstead Road, and Draper Road. He noted the lots have increased in size and the inclusion of two tot lots is a benefit to the City. The City's limitation in the number of building permits granted annually is also a benefit to the City. The location of the retention basins is good. Mr. Uhl noted Units 3, 4,5, and 6, which include the larger number of homes, should be reduced in density and lot width should be increased. He also requested a 40' setback from the road for lots in these units. Mr. Uhl noted the three proposed inter-connections between Shamrock Farm Property and Burning Tree and Deerwood Estates, should be monitored by the City. He expressed concern with people utilizing these connections for direct-route shortcuts. Mr. Uhl addressed Unit 10 and the lot width of only 125' and suggested the lot width for these lots be increased. Tom Fenwick, 401 S. Draper Road, addressed Council stating the scope of the Shamrock Farm Proposal will greatly impact all abutting residents. He noted he has three concerns: 1. The plan does not insulate southern neighbors. The larger lots are in place along Draper Road running south; however, the lots are only % acre in size to the south of the development. Mr. Fenwick requested the size of these lots be increased along Bull Valley Road. 2. Area neighbors are concerned regarding the possibility of forced annexation following the annexation of the Shamrock Farm Property. 3. Any left over annexation fees paid should be utilized to revamp business areas along Route 31 south of Route 120 and all business areas along Route 120. In closing, Mr. Fenwick requested the City and the property owners closely monitor the_-, project to assure all conditions of the Annexation Agreement are enforced. Dan Sullivan, 7811 Swarthmore in Pine Ridge Subdivision, addressed Council, stating he moved to McHenry due to the openness of the area and the ability to enjoy nature. He expressed concern regarding the ten-year build-out of the project and the ramifications of construction occurring adjacent to his property over the course of ten years. He also expressed concern regarding the increased traffic in the area due to construction. Beverly Verstege, 3916 West Avenue, addressed Council, stating her disappointment in the developing of this large parcel of land. Page 7 7/02/01 `.. Don Heinz, 216 S. Draper Road, addressed Council, stating his concerns regarding the zoning of his property which is currently agricultural and any potential impact on abutting residences in the Shamrock Farm Development. Dale Moran, 6703 Bull Valley Road, addressed Council, concurring with Mr. Fenwick's statement regarding the smaller lots along Bull Valley Road. He agreed with the feathering which has been done; however, additional insulation on the perimeter lots adjacent to County property should be considered. Alderman Bolger thanked Mr. Fenwick for his interest and involvement in the development of the Shamrock Farm Property plan. He noted there would be no forced annexation of any abutting property. Alderman Bolger also stated the Economic Development Commission is pursuing business retention, expansion and development in the commercial districts. Alderman Glab, referencing the preliminary plat, requested the exact location of the Farm Club Site be designated prior to signing off on the plat. Alderman Glab expressed concern regarding the third segment of Paragraph #14 on page 5, and requested it be eliminated in its entirety. The segment in question reads: The CITY agrees that the above building permit limitations shall no longer apply to the OWNER if, at any time in the future, the CITY,fails to impose building permit limitations on property that is annexed to the CITY and rezoned to RS-2 after the execution of this agreement. Alderman Bolger opined the removal of this segment would not significantly alter the annexation agreement. Discussion occurred regarding Council policy going forward in annually limiting building permit issuance in future annexations. Alderman Murgatroyd noted the language of Paragraph #14 is not specific and should refer to a minimum-sized development, such as 50 units or 100 units. Mr. Greene concurred with Alderman Murgatroyd's suggestion of placing a minimum limit on this paragraph. The limitation concept presented in this agreement was drafted to assist the City in growth management. The intent of this portion of the agreement is to utilize this same language in the future and to place these same parameters on future:-- annexations of comparable developments. Staff noted the language contained in the Agreement does not impose any negotiating restrictions on future Council. Alderman Glab opined the sanitary sewers should be located in the middle of the streets. He also stated the construction trailers, following the buildout of 75% of the phase, should be relocated at least 300' away from the nearest home. Alderman Bolger referencing Paragraph #6(f inquired if Staff has agreed to the language regarding the stubbing of sanitary sewer to all lots. Staff concurred this is standard procedure. Alderman Glab requested the right-of-way reserved for the West McHenry Bypass be reserved indefinitely, whether the Bypass is ever installed. Mr. Greene stated a notation Page 8 7/02/01 will be made on the plat to dedicate the right-of-way for the City or State, if necessary. Alderman Bolger, stated the review of the Shamrock Farm Property has been a long, tedious procedure. The result is a well-thought out development and annexation agreement. He noted McHenry does not encourage housing projects. The City has the highest impact fees in the County to support the growth and development of new annexation. McHenry will benefit from the results of the negotiations with the Johnson Family. Alderman Glab noted the 17-acre park site will abut a side street and limited frontage on Dartmoor Drive. It will become a regional park with limited access. Mr. Greene replied the lots can be shifted if it is Council's desire. Staff will work with the developers on relocating the park to provide more frontage on Dartmoor Drive. Alderman Glab, noting an easement for future right-of-way dedication along the back lots 1 through 10 on Neighborhood #6, stated if the property is utilized as right-of- way, the property would still be owned by the homeowners. Mayor Althoff concurred with Alderman Glab, and suggested the right-of-way be dedicated as opposed to reserved. Mr. Greene stated the plat will be amended. Alderman Glab, stating the density of 761 is still high. Many issues have been resolved, however, the density is still too high. , Alderman Murgatroyd stated this has been a long process. He noted the developers have submitted architectural standards and a landscape plan, have incorporated feathering including larger-sized lots, and have included green belts and open space. The City has retained the option to purchase 55 acres of open space to retain wetlands in this are, as well. He noted the density ratio is 1.2 units per acre which is not a high density development. It conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. In conclusion, Alderman Murgatroyd expressed his gratitude for everyone working together to make this a viable beneficial project for the City and the developer. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to pass and approve an ordinance authorizing the execution of the Annexation Agreement between the City of McHenry and the Johnson Family for the Shamrock Farm Property, subject to the amendments stated above. Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Althoff. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Low, seconded by Wimmer, to pass and approve an ordinance annexing -, the Shamrock Farm Property located at Draper and Curran Road, comprised of approximately 600 acres. Page 9 7/02/01 Voting Aye: Bolger, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer, Althoff. Voting Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to pass and approve and ordinance granting a zoning map amendment to the Shamrock Farm Property located at Draper and Curran Road as follows: 1. RA-1 Attached Residential,for 2 parcels; 2. RS-1 Low Density Single Family Residential for 1 parcel 3. RS-2 Medium Density single Family Residential for 1 parcel. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Wimmer, seconded by Bolger, to approve the Preliminary Plat prepared by Manhard Consulting on September 24; 2000 last revised June 11, 2001, subject to the amendments referenced above. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Mr. Greene thanked Council and Mayor Althoff for their hard work in coming to a satisfactory conclusion for all. Mr. George Johnson expressed his gratitude to Mayor Althoff, members of the City Council, City Clerk Jones, Plan Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Administrator Lobaito and his competent City Staff. Mr. Johnson also thank former Mayor Cuda who listened with kind interest when the vision of this development was first presented three-- years ago. He also thanked members of the development team, headed by Mr. John Greene of Concorde Development and assisted by Joan Marie Johnson-Galli (Mr. Johnson's daughter), Christian Galli (Mr. Johnson's son-in-law), George Johnson Jr., Vern and Jean Schiller (property managers), and Attorney James Cowlin. Mr. Johnson expressed his thanks to the neighbors who will be affected by this project, for their patience and consideration during the many consultations which were held to express their legitimate concerns. All members of the negotiating team on behalf of the City and the developer listened to and responded to all concerns expressed by neighboring parties. Mr. Johnson noted growth and change has been experienced by the City, especially within the past fifteen years. The City of McHenry has acted responsibly in reviewing, negotiating and resolving outstanding issues with regard to the development plan for Shamrock Farm Property. Mr. Johnson stated it is the intent of the developer and owners Page 10 7/02/01 to make this one of the finest developments in this area. REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR BUILDING INSPECTOR I POSITION Assistant Administrator Maxeiner reminded Council the 2001-2001 Budget provides for the addition of a Community Development Department employee, Building Inspector I position at Grade 8 with a salary range of $32,024 to $43,975. The current Building Inspector's title would change to Building Inspector II, but remain within the current Grade 9. Assistant Administrator Maxeiner noted the Building Inspector I would review plans and conduct inspections for minor residential construction projects and assist with code compliance inspections and follow-up. Assistant Administrator Maxeiner noted the creation of the two-tiered building inspector position allows for more flexibility within the Community Development Department. The request is for permission to advertise to fill this position. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to direct Staff to change the title of the existing Building Inspector to Building Inspector II at a Grade 9 position; to create the position of Building Inspector I at Grade 8; and to advertise for candidates to fill the Building Inspector I position as proposed. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PURCHASE OF MULTIPLE VEHICLES - $130,000 Mayor Althoff noted the request this evening is to purchase two large snowplow equipped dump trucks. The 2001-2001 Budget provides for the expenditure of $130,000 for these vehicles. The proposal before Council this evening is to purchase the two vehicles at a cost of$130,634 as follows: ■ Two chassis from Navistar International, Springfield, IL in the amount of $76,136; ■ Two add-ons from R.A. Adams, McHenry, IL in the amount of$54,498. It is Staffs recommendation to purchase two dump truck chassis from Navistar International at a cost of$76,136, and two snowplow add-ons from R.A. Adams at a cost of $54,498. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Low, to approve the purchase of: ■ Two chassis from Navistar International, Springfield, IL at a cost not-to-exceed $76,136; and ■ Two add-ons from R.A. Adams, McHenry, IL at a cost not-to-exceed $54,498. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. -, Motion carried. Page 11 7/02/01 �. REVISION TO BAXTER AND WOODMAN ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT — NORTH INTERCEPTOR SEWER Director of Public Works Batt stated the North Interceptor Sewer Project has had several changes since this engineering services agreement was first approved and engineering completed for this project. In addition to the project actually changing, several properties have changes hands, which causes additional paperwork and research to obtain appropriate easements necessary to complete the project. Director Batt also stated a water main was added as part of the project to accommodate V3 Realty's Riverside Hollow Subdivision. The scope of the original agreement has changed considerably and warrants the additional request of$15,000. In response to Mayor Althoff's inquiry, Director Batt stated the City will be reimbursed for the accommodations made for V3 Realty. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, if V3 Realty does not proceed with the development of Riverside Hollow, the installation of the water main would come back to Council for review and discussion. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded-, by Wimmer, to approve the revision to the Engineering Services Agreement for the Interceptor Sewer between the City of McHenry and Baxter and Woodman Inc. in an amount n9t-to-exceed $15,000. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORT Mayor Althoff invited all members of Council to join her Thursday, July 5, 2001 at Joey T's on the Fox, at 11:00 a.m., at which time Senator Durbin is making a short stop to consider the City of McHenry's Riverwalk Project. The meeting will be posted. Mayor Althoff distributed the results of the Strategic Planning Seminar. She also_., noted she attended her first McHenry County Council of Mayors Meeting, has been appointed to the Community Development Block Grant Board, and is the Secretary for the McHenry County Municipal Association. Mayor Althoff noted she is still in the process of meeting with area village presidents and/or mayors in an effort to develop consensus on regional planning issues. There is talk of the initiation of an Adjudication Court, a cooperative effort among several villages and/or cities. �.. COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works Committee Chairman Alderman Bolger scheduled a Public Works Committee Meeting for July 9, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen Conference Room. Page 12 7/02/01 Community Development Committee Chairman Alderman Wimmer scheduled a Community Development Committee Meeting for Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. in the Aldermen Conference Room. Topics for discussion include, the tree preservation ordinance, sump pump language, burning, TA trailers. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS Director of Community Development Napolitano reported the permit for the new Border's Book Store was issued on Friday, June 291h , as was the permit for the remainder of the in-line shopping center stores, between Kohl's and Circuit City on the east side of Route 31. On July 18t', Director Napolitano will bring forward the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals with regard to the creation of a new residential zoning district with a lot size between 10,890 square feet and 30,000 square feet. City Administrator Lobaito noted he distributed this evening a memorandum seeking Council authority to solicit the assistance of a plan review service for the Community Development Department. This was discussed during the budget review process. With the approval of the second Building Inspector, it is anticipated this person would be hired within sixty days. Immediate assistance,, however, is needed to expedite the building permit review process. It is the recommendation of Staff to secure a permit review service and to authorize the expenditure of an amount not-to-exceed $10,000. In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry, Staff responded other municipalities, particularly small villages, regularly utilize such a service. Alderman Bolger suggested the process be closely monitored. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Staff stated the consultant would be brought in and the permitting process explained, codes would be provided. Initially the custom home permits would be reviewed by the service first with others to follow as necessary. Staff noted this is the busiest time during the building season. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept Staffs recommendation and to authorize an expenditure of an amount not-to-exceed $10,000 for permit review services. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Chief of Police Kostecki reported there was a drowning tragedy in McCullom Lake over the past weekend. The tragedy occurred at the Village of McCullom Lake Beach and because the Lake is within the City's corporate limits, the City's Police Department was involved in the incident. Chief Kostecki thanked the Parks and Recreation Department. The call for assistance went out and Parks Lifeguards aided in the efforts to assist the individuals. Page 13 7/02/01 L.. Director of Parks and Recreation reported the annual fireworks were held at Petersen Park on Saturday, June 30tn. Several citizens called to inquire why the display occurred on the 30tn as opposed to the 4tn of July. Director Merkel reminded Council the Jaycees sponsor the fireworks and traditionally hold the event on Saturday with a rain date of Sunday. Director Merkel also reported Fiesta Days will begin July 13tn. He also noted the Skatepark will be ready by the end of the month with a ribbon cutting on July 281n. The Skatepark Committee is working on securing lighting donation for the facility. The amount of the donation has not been determined at this time. Mayor Althoff referenced her memorandum regarding the possible combining of the two advisory boards, the Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. She noted if the boards were combined, the result would be a seven-member board and not nine as stated in her memo. Mayor Althoff also advised Council the City's elected officials would be riding in one vehicle in the Fiesta Days Parade and not in individual convertibles. NEW BUSINESS Alderman Glab stated a constituent called and advised the Boone Creek dam at Oakwood is blocked with silt and requested City crews clean it. He also requested an update on the Silbury Court situation within the next few days. Finally, Alderman Glab stated the High School building permit was issued and picked up on Friday, June 29tn �-- Director Napolitano stated the permit was issued subject to several conditions, including appropriate landscaping, paved width of driveway access. Alderman Glab stated the staked out driveway is more than 20 feet in width which is the maximum permitted by code. He requested Staff monitor this closely and verify the driveway will be in compliance with all City codes. Alderman Bolger stated the street light at Ridgeview Drive and Bull Valley Road is poor quality lighting and is not currently working. Staff was directed to look into this matter. In response to Alderman Bolger inquiry, Alderman Glab responded there have been several complaints regarding a residence on Silbury Court. The residence is overcrowded and overpopulated. Staff noted the City previously took the owner of the residence to court, and once again there appears to be an overcrowding issue. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to go into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. to discuss Personnel, Tuition Reimbursement and Potential Litigation. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. Page 14 7/02/01 Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to return to Open Session at 10:09 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 10:09 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Low, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. eo "\ YOR �` CITY L RK