HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 03/13/1996 - City Council (2) REGULAR MEETING
MARCH 13, 1996
The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor
Cuda at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, March 13, 1996 in the Council Chambers of the
Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Lawson,
Baird. Bates arrived at 7:37 P.M. Absent: Locke. City Staff in attendance was City
Clerk Althoff. Absent: Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Parks and Recreation
Merkel, Chief of Police Joyce, Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito, City Attorney
Curt and Donna Pepe of 3609 Cornell Court addressed Council stating their
strong opposition to the Use Variance request of Jiffy Lube International, which is
scheduled for Council's consideration at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting
March 20, 1996. The Pepes presented a visual rendering of the Jiffy Lube's proximity
to the adjacent homeowners to the west, stating their concerns with safety, potential
home devaluation and excess noise and exhaust fumes.
Alderman Bates arrived at 7:37 P.M.
The Pepes respectfully requested Council keep their concerns in mind when
considering the Use Variance request of Jiffy Lube International on Wednesday, March
20 ,1996.
Mayor Cuda reminded Council that at the beginning of the 1994 calendar year,
Council determined that the second regularly scheduled meeting of each month would
be utilized as a working meeting to discuss relevant issues concerning development,
planning and other City related matters.
Finance Committee Chairman David Lawson referred Council to the proposed
_ Capital Outlay Projects list. Lawson explained if all the proposed water capital
development projects are included in the 1996-97 Budget, an approximate $380,000
deficit is contemplated. He, therefore, recommended Council review the Water
Division proposed capital projects, prioritizing these projects in order of need in an
attempt to eliminate the $380,000 projected deficit.
Millstream - Maple Avenue Water Main Replacement
It was the decision of Council to retain this capital expenditure of $200,000 in
the 1996-97 Budget.
Repainting of Sioux Avenue Tower
Discussion noted that repainting the Sioux Avenue Water Tower had been
postponed for the past two years, and painting extends the life of the tower. It was
the decision of Council to defer this $120,000 project to the 1997-98 Budget.
The replacement of Truck #522 in the amount of $25,000, and the plate
compactor for $1 ,800, as well as the $50,000 expenditure for Water Plant #1 were
retained in the 1996-97 Budget.
Donovan Street Lift Station
Alderman Lawson stated the Inland - McCullom Lake Road Annexation
Agreement provides for an additional $70,000 toward this project, and as the City
was successful in its bid for the Community Development Block Grant in an amount
of $185,000, the actual expense to be incurred by the City for this project will be
approximately $156,000. It was the determination of Council to retain this project as
part of the 1996-97 Budget in compliance with the Community Development Block
Grant Contract.
City Clerk Althoff was directed to provide the payment schedule for the
$70,000 as stipulated in the Inland - McCullom Lake Road Annexation Agreement, as
well as the payment terms of the Community Development Block Grant Contract.
March 13, 1996 Page 2
River Road Property Purchase
It was the determination of Council to take the balance of the 1115 River Road
property purchase for the purpose of constructing a lift station from the Capital
Development Fund. Financing of the extension of sanitary sewer to the "East of the
River" properties, as well as the expansion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant,
needs to be investigated further and discussed at length by Council.
Alderman Lawson noted Harold Warren of Warren & Associates had made a
bond presentation to the Finance Committee earlier this evening. Lawson explained
that if it is determined by Council to issue revenue bonds to finance the extension of
sanitary sewer lines to the "East of the River" properties, sales tax revenue from this
area shall be used to underwrite the bonds, which will decrease the General Fund by
approximately $375,000. The return sludge piping and control renovation project for
$50,000, the concrete work for $48,000 and the Anne Street lift station piping for
$40,000 were retained in the 1996-97 Budget proposal.
City Clerk Althoff was requested to provide further information on all three of
these projects.
Alderman Lawson stated the Recreation Program Fund would also reflect a
deficit balance if all the capital development projects proposed were included in the
1996-97 Budget. Council, therefore, should again prioritize these proposed projects
in order of need and importance.
City Clerk Althoff noted the budgeted $3,000 chlorine feed system project will
in actuality be expended during the 1995-96 Fiscal Year.
A new account was established for the Mass Barn improvements capital project.
After lengthy discussion, it was the determination of Council to reduce the proposed
$154,850 project to $21 ,000, reflecting the barn's rental income amount. The
$21 ,000 will be used for fence and barn safety repairs. It was the consensus of
Council to postpone further expenditures on this project until a decision is made for
a permanent use of this structure.
City Clerk's Department
All capital projects in the proposed budgeted amounts for the City Clerk's
department shall be included in the 1996-97 Budget, with the exception of the
$15,000 car expense which has been replaced with a $250.00 per month, or $3,000
per year, car allowance.
Police Department
All capital projects in the proposed budgeted amounts for the Police Department
shall be included in the 1996-97 Budget. It was noted that $31 ,000 collected during i
a drug sting operation will be utilized to defray the $48,544 expense for eight mobile
data terminals.
Public Works/Administration
After a lengthy discussion, it was the determination of Council to reduce the
proposed $15,000 amount for City mapping to $2,500.
Public Works/Streets and Park Division
All capital projects in their proposed budgeted amounts for the Public
Works/Streets and Park Division shall be included in the 1996-97 Budget, with the
exception of the automatic sprinkler for Veteran's Park in the amount of $7,500 and
the automatic sprinkler for the Knox Park soccer field in the amount of $6,500, which
were completely struck from the budget, and the replacement of a sewer jet in the
amount of $163,000 of which one-half will be budgeted in the 1996-97 Fiscal Year
and the remainder shall be budgeted in the 1997-98 Fiscal Year.
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Public Works/Building and Grounds
Only the Council room's video and monitoring equipment shall be included in
the 1996-97 Budget. The resurfacing of the Municipal Center parking lot and storm
sewer, as well as the removal and straightening of the northwest corner of the parking
lot were struck from the 1996-97 Budgeted capital projects.
Building and Zoning
All capital projects in the proposed budgeted amounts for the Building and
Zoning Department shall be included in the 1996-97 Budget, with the exception of the
$15,000 budgeted for the City map development which was lowered to $2,500.
It was the determination of Council to Budget $50,000 in the Road and Bridge
Fund for a comprehensive traffic study consultant.
Alderman Lawson noted that much of the City of McHenry's Street and
Sidewalk Program is budgeted through this fund, and although 1996-97 is the City's
"off year", monies need to be reserved for the 1997-98 Streets and Sidewalk
Program. It was the determination of Council to include all the proposed Motor Fuel
Tax capital projects in the 1996-97 Budget as follows:
• Crystal Lake Road/Dartmoor traffic signals - $ 60,000
• Green Street Stage III construction and engineering $125,000
• Route 31/Shamrock Lane traffic signal - $ 10,000
• Route 31 turn lane at Gary Lang Auto Group - $ 50,000
• Main Street/Borden Street improvements - $200,000
Route 31/McCullom Lk. Road engineering was eliminated from the budget. In
addition, $150,000 was budgeted for the straightening of Industrial Drive.
Discussion of Motor Fuel Tax capital projects included the intent to submit
Stage III Green Street construction to the Council of Mayors for Federal monies.
Although lowering the Route 31/Shamrock Lane traffic signal project from $100,000
to $10,000, Council stated their willingness to work with the Illinois Department of
Transportation and other affected property owners to obtain a traffic signal for this
The Main Street capital project was increased from $150,000 to $200,000 in
order to improve all of Main Street from Green Street west to the railroad tracks. If
any monies are left after all Main Street improvements are completed, consideration
should be given to the curb and guttering of Borden Street.
In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, Mayor Cuda stated the left turn lane
to be constructed by Gary Lang in front of his automotive dealership on Route 31 is
scheduled for completion in August of 1996, as per the annexation agreement. Staff
was directed to give an updated status report on this project at the next regularly
scheduled Council meeting on March 20, 1996.
All the capital projects at the proposed budgeted amounts shall be included in
the 1996-97 Budget, with the exception of the Brookside Park development project,
which was decreased from $300,000 to $75,000.
Alderman Lawson reported that this year's Brookside Park grant application
would be resubmitted for consideration, and Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel
informed Council that the $75,000 amount would be sufficient to begin the park's
development this season.
Alderman Baird also recommended $200,000 from the General Fund be
transferred into the Parks Donation Fund and earmarked for the construction of a
recreational center.
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An amount of $50,000 was budgeted for each of the downtown areas:
Riverside Drive, Main Street and Green Street.
Alderman Lawson stated that during Finance Committee meetings, several
miscellaneous projects had been designated for further discussion. A list of these
miscellaneous items was included in Council's agenda packet and Council was
directed to refer to this list for further consideration.
Lakeland Park Stormwater Engineering and Contracted Drainage Work
After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of Council to decrease the
proposed $100,000 for the Lakeland Park stormwater engineering project to $30,000,
limiting the scope of this project to mowing and cleaning the ditch on a regular basis.
No engineering studies or dredging will be contemplated within this fiscal year.
Contracted mowing will remain in the 1996-97 Budget in an amount of $100,000,
with the addition of Petersen and Knox Parks to the 1996-97 mowing contract.
Travel, training and dues in an amount of $3,000, as well as miscellaneous well
improvements under the contractual line item in the amount of $20,000 shall be
retained in the 1996-97 Budget.
Contractual weed mowing, in the amount of $10,000 shall be included in the
1996-97 Budget.
The Beautification Committee line item was decreased from $15,000 to
$10,000 in the 1996-97 Budget. The Economic Development Commission
contribution was eliminated altogether. The $45,000 budgeted for the Special Census
shall be included in the 1996-97 Budget, however, ordinance codification and planning
consultant amounts will be discussed under Personnel issues at a later regularly
scheduled Finance Committee meeting.
Council also determined that $5,000 should be budgeted in the Capital
Development Projects account in Building and Grounds for a garage door replacement
in the Police Department's sally port. It was also the consensus of Council to budget
$15,000 in the Recreation Program's Capital Development Fund for ice rink
improvements at the Freund Field tennis court.
Alderman Bates stated he had previously had discussion with Curt and Donna
Pepe and iterated their offer to visit their property and view the proximity to the
proposed Jiffy Lube International building.
Motion by Bates, seconded by Baird, to adjourn.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Bates, Lawson, Baird. _
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Locke.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
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