HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/31/1996 - City Council (2) REGULAR MEETING JULY 31, 1996 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Cuda on Wednesday, July 31 , 1996 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Jordan, City Attorney McArdle, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel. Absent: Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito, Chief of Police Joyce. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION Earl Smith of West Shore Beach addressed Council regarding the large amounts of algae accumulating just beyond the banks of McCullom Lake's West shore. He requested the City consider assisting West Shore Beach residents with the removal of the algae. Mr. Smith also noted McCullom Lake was much cleaner this season due to the efforts of the State of Illinois' Clean Lakes grant monies obtained by the City of McHenry. PUBLIC HEARING - CHROMA CORPORATION INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS Mayor Cuda opened the Public Hearing at 7:38 P.M. on the issuance and sale of $1 ,300,000 in Industrial Revenue Bonds for Chroma Corporation. Al Esche, Vice President of Chroma Corporation, noted that at its April 17, 1996 regular meeting, Council had passed the preliminary resolution needed to begin the process of the acquisition of real estate in Tonyan Industrial Park, as well as to construct and equip a manufacturing building through these bonds. In response to Council inquiry, Attorney McArdle noted he had reviewed all the documents and found them in satisfactory condition. Mayor Cuda asked if there were any comments from either the Aldermen or the audience. There were no comments. Mayor Cuda asked City Clerk Althoff if any public comments had been received by her office either in writing or by telephone. City Clerk Althoff responded she had received no comments. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Baird, to close the Public Hearing. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:40 P.M. Motion by Baird, seconded by Bolger, to pass a resolution authorizing the issuance of $1 ,300,000 in Industrial Revenue Bonds to Chroma Corporation for the acquisition of Tonyan Industrial Park real estate and the construction and equipping of a manufacturing building; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents in connection therewith. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Attorney McArdle reported that Chroma Corporation's bond counsel, Carlson & Hug, had provided all documents in good order and in a timely fashion. CONSENT AGENDA Alderman Bates questioned the issuance of a Picnic/Beer permit to the Mid- American German Shepherd Dog Club, citing potential clean-up problems. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council the club would be utilizing the hayfield area normally used for parking facilities and used by the Walker Bros. Circus during Fiesta Days, and, therefore, would not pose an inconvenience to other park users. Merkel also noted the organization will be required to clean up after the event. July 31 , 1996 Page 2 Motion by Lawson, seconded by Baird, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: (1) July 10, 1996 Regular City Council meeting minutes; (2) Block Party requests: - Cheryl Wigstrom, Jennifer Lane on August 24, 1996 from 12pm-12am; (3) Tuition Reimbursement Request - Richard Stull, Principles of Management, $124:00; (4) Picnic/Beer Permits; (5) Lists of "As-Needed Checks" for approval. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. CLEAN LAKES PROGRAM - McCULLOM LAKE PRESENTATION Mayor Cuda introduced Gregg Good, Watershed Supervisor from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and Bob Kirschner of the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission. Mr. Good addressed Council stating his pleasure in presenting the City of McHenry with four "Welcome To.." signs denoting the City of McHenry as a Clean Lakes Program Participant. Mr. Good noted and congratulated the City of McHenry for the extraordinary and apparently successful work involved in restoring McCullom Lake to its natural splendor. He also enumerated the wide variety of media coverage the cleaning of McCullom Lake received nationwide. Alderman Locke questioned the availability of additional funds to assist the City of McHenry with continuing lake maintenance and for the elimination of West Shore Beach residential septic systems currently emptying into lakeside fields. Mr. Good stated his intent to provide staff with the name(s) of appropriate State officials to contact regarding these types of grant monies. Mayor Cuda thanked Mr. Good and Mr. Kirschner for attending this evening's meeting and presenting the City of McHenry with the Clean Lakes signs. CITY PLANNER POSITION City Administrator Jordan distributed a proposed job description for a City Planner and noted the 1996-97 Budget contains monies for an administrative/management position to be determined later by the newly hired City Administrator. Jordan informed Council it was his opinion and the consensus of staff that a City Planner would be the best use for these monies. Jordan substantiated his comment noting currently the planning process involves the Director of Public Works, the Director of Building and Zoning, the City Engineer, the City Clerk and the City Administrator. He stated the need for one individual to be responsible for coordinating,tracking and reviewing all proposed developments from beginning to end, as well as to be the liaison among the departments, the Council and the developers and the Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission. Jordan also noted the hiring of a Planner would allow some additional internal reorganization with regard to the current Deputy Clerk's January, 1997 retirement. Some discussion ensued. At the request of Alderman Lawson, Council postponed the discussion of the hiring of a City Planner to the August 7, 1996 regular Council Meeting. City Administrator Jordan was directed to provide the Job Description and the organizational flow chart depicting the Planner's position in relation to all current City staff positions. Alderman Locke suggested Council consider discussing boundary plans before hiring a planner in order to facilitate planning direction. July 31 , 1996 Page 3 USE VARIANCE FOR OPEN SALES LOT - WORKMAN ACE HARDWARE, 4520 CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD Petitioners Steven and Craig Bjorkman and their attorney John Roth were in attendance. Attorney Roth stated the Bjorkmans own and operate a 30,000 square foot commercial building housing an Ace Hardware operation at 4520 Crystal Lake Road. The subject property is currently zoned C-3, Community Commercial Zoning District, and the petitioners are seeking a use variance to allow the operation of an open sales lot on the subject premises. The petitioners require the use variance as current City ordinance restricts the operation of open lot sales to a 90-day temporary use permit. Roth stated the petitioners are requesting the operation of an open sales lot from March 1 through October 31 annually. It was noted that last year the petitioners sought and were granted an extension of 90 days for the temporary use permit. The Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously recommended granting the use variance for outdoor garden and landscape supply sales, subject to the following conditions: (1) The period of operation would be effective March 1 through and including October 31 of each year; (2) Sales are to take place only during the normal hours of operation at the principle business' location at 4520 Crystal Lake Road; (3) The location of the outdoor sales is to be limited and restricted to the area defined on the site plan; and, (4) Sales shall be conducted in a clean and safe manner, with all materials and products kept within the area defined in the site plan. Mayor Cuda noted it was the recommendation of the Director of Building and Zoning to limit the variance to the petitioners and their family. After some discussion, it was the consensus of Council to accept Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito's recommendation and include a fifth condition limiting the use variance to the Bjorkman family. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Baird, to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and pass an ordinance granting a use variance permitting outdoor sales of garden and landscape supplies at 4520 Crystal Lake Road, known as Ace Hardware, subject to the following conditions: (1) The period of operation would be effective March 1 through and including October 31 of each year; (2) Sales are to take place only during the normal hours of operation at the principle business' location at 4520 Crystal Lake Road; (3) The location of the outdoor sales is to be limited and restricted to the area defined on the site plan; and, (4) Sales shall be conducted in a clean and safe manner, with all materials and products kept within the area defined in the site plan. (5) The use variance itself shall be limited to the Bjorkman family. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ORDINANCE GRANTING ADDITIONAL CONDITIONAL USE, 809 N. FRONT STREET- FISH OF McHENRY Barbara Pierce, Director of FISH (Friends in Service Here) and Judith Moore, McHenry Public Library Board President, were in attendance. Ms. Pierce addressed Council noting the service organization commonly known as F.I.S.H. is seeking an additional conditional use permit to operate a food pantry in the rear portion of the McHenry Public Library located at 809 N. Front Street. The subject property is currently zoned C-5 Highway Commercial Zoning and has been granted a conditional use permit to allow the library in a commercial zoning district. It was also noted that in March, 1995 the City approved an ordinance allowing City equipment to be stored in the accessory storage on-site. The Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously recommended granting the additional conditional use permit to operate a philanthropic organization in a commercially zoned district. July 31 , 1996 Page 4 It was noted at the Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing that the food pantry is staffed by volunteers approximately 20 hours per week with regular hours on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. F.I.S.H. operates during the daytime hours only. Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and pass an ordinance granting an additional conditional use permit to operate a philanthropic organization known as FISH in a commercially zoned district at 809 N. Front Street owned by the McHenry Public Library District. _ Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. REQUEST FROM RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP, 1309, 1311, AND 1313 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Property owner Bernie Rice was in attendance. Mr. Rice addressed Council requesting Council approval for the installation of a mansard roof at his building located at 1309 through 1313 Riverside Drive. He explained that although the roofing meets the 8-foot minimum clearance per ordinance requirement, approximately 2.5 feet would encroach into the public right-of-way. It was noted that Council approved a similar request for the Olde World Coin building located at the corner of Elm Street and Riverside Drive, approximately 3 years ago. In response to Council inquiry, Mr. Rice stated that representatives of the Riverside Drive Merchants Association had reviewed and approved his facade improvements in conjunction with the downtown revitalization efforts. Director of Public Works Batt also substantiated Mr. Rice's statement and noted his improvement would in no way impede revitalization work. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Bolger, to approve Mr. Bernie Rice's request to install a mansard roof on his building located at 1309 through 1313 Riverside Drive, subject to a minimum 8-foot clearance requirement and the waiver of encroachment into the public right-of-way not to exceed 3 feet. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION AND AMENDMENT TO LIQUOR LICENSE ORDINANCE Mayor Cuda informed Council that at the petitioner's request, and due to a discrepancy in the liquor license application, this agenda item has been postponed. REQUEST FROM McHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - ANNUAL COUNTRY MEADOWS CRAFT SHOW Mayor Cuda informed Council that the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce is requesting the waiving of all fees associated with four 4X4 apple signs for the Chamber's annual Country Meadows Craft Show at Petersen Park on September 15, 1996. Cuda reported Council had previously approved the waiving of all signage fees and deposits for this annual event. Motion by Baird, seconded by Bolger, to waive all sign deposit fees associated with the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce Fourth Annual Country Meadows Craft Show to be held on September 15, 1996. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. July 31 , 1996 Page 5 1996-97 ANNUAL MCMRMA PREMIUM PAYMENT City Administrator Jordan stated the City of McHenry has been a member of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency (MCMRMA) since its inception in 1988. MCMRMA provides self-funding and re-insurance for Workers' Compensation, Property and General Liability and Public Officials Insurance Risk. Last year's premium was $256,1 10 and was based on an 83.34% funding level. Although the MCMRMA Board has expressed a willingness to fund at a 90% funding level for the 1996-97 policy year, the Treasurer has invoiced each community at the original funding level of 83.34%. At the current funding level, the City of McHenry's premium is $249,048. The next MCMRMA Board meeting is scheduled for September 5, 1996, at which time the Board may formally vote to increase the funding level to 90%, in which case a supplementary billing will be made. City Administrator Jordan noted $280,000 has been budgeted for the MCMRMA premium this fiscal year, with an additional $75,000 budgeted for any supplemental billing which may arise. It was also noted that at the last MCMRMA Board meeting, the board decided to distribute excess premiums collected since MCMRMA's inception. The City of McHenry should receive a refund in excess of $82,000. Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to approve the payment of $249,048 to the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency for the 1996-97 self- insurance premium. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. BROOKSIDE PARK DEVELOPMENT Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council that bid specifications were prepared by Smith Engineering and approved by the City Council for turf development of the Brookside Park site. The project was first bid on June 24, 1996. No bids were received. A second bid date was set for July 16, 1996. No bids were submitted on the second bid date of July 16, 1996. Merkel concurred with Smith Engineering's recommendation to rebid the project for construction in 1997. He explained that in discussions with local contractors, wet weather conditions were cited, causing significant delays with most current projects. Contractors stated their disinterest in taking on additional projects with current uncompleted workloads. Some discussion followed. Alderman Locke, noting the proximity of Brookside Park to Lakeland Park, inquired whether any turf development proposed for the Brookside Park area could assist the Lakeland Park area with their drainage problem. Director of Public Works Batt responded the Brookside Park was downstream, however, he will instruct City Engineers Baxter &Woodman to include Brookside Park in their Lakeland Park engineering studies. Mayor Cuda reported he had received complaints about the height of the grass at Brookside Park. Director of Public Works Batt was instructed to mow back for 200 feet the Brookside Park perimeter. Alderman Lawson recommended the Brookside Park development bids for work to be completed during the 1997 Spring season be let in November, 1996 to ensure bid participation. MAYOR - STATEMENT AND REPORTS Mayor Cuda reported he, City Administrator Jordan, Alderman Bolger and Director of Public Works Batt had met with St. Paul Church representatives and Ed Carey of St. Paul Avenue regarding the extension of sanitary sewer to their properties. A cost estimate just under $17,000 had been provided. Cuda suggested Council consider a 21 .27% public benefit contribution which is the same public benefit percentage contributed for the Country Club Estates sewer extension. The church will incur all costs with the City reimbursing them for the public benefit portion. Mayor Cuda requested Council's thoughts on allowing St. Paul Church to proceed with the sanitary sewer extension project. July 31 , 1996 Page 6 Some discussion followed regarding the public benefit percentage. Alderman Locke inquired as to whether all the St. Paul Avenue residents had been contacted regarding potential sanitary sewer service. Director of Public Works Batt was instructed to poll the balance of St. Paul Avenue residents to determine interest in obtaining sanitary sewer service. Council consensus was to place further discussion of this project on the August 7, 1996 Regular City Council Meeting agenda. City Administrator Jordan was directed to provide Council with the public benefit percentages of all past special assessment projects over the past 15 years. STAFF REPORTS Director of Public Works Batt reported the Riverside Drive downtown revitalization project was progressing. He noted the bid specifications and associated documents were being prepared for the Lakeland Park drainage project. Director of Public Works Batt also informed Council the McHenry County Health Department was urging the sanitary sewer hook-up of St. Paul Avenue residents to City of McHenry sanitary sewer service. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council that State of Illinois grant staff had visited the City to review and inspect the City's Brookside Park development grant. City Administrator Jordan stated the enabling ordinance for sanitary sewer expansion and wastewater treatment plant expansion will be on the Council's regularly scheduled August 14, 1996 agenda. Director Batt took this opportunity to inform Council that the City of McHenry had received a compliance analysis at the South Wastewater Treatment Plant from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency informing the City that the South Wastewater Treatment Plant may soon be placed on restrictive status. Sanitary sewer flow is being re-routed to the Green Street lift station to alleviate the problem. It was noted that diverting some of the sanitary sewer flow to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant was not feasible at this time. Further discussion ensued. It was the consensus of Council to place further discussion on this issue on the regularly scheduled August 14, 1996 Council Meeting agenda. City Clerk Althoff informed Council that she had been in contact with the Census Bureau and apparently the special census for the City of McHenry will be initiated in late September. NEW BUSINESS Alderman Lawson, Chairman of the Finance Committee, scheduled a Finance Committee meeting for Wednesday, August 7, 1996 at 6:30 P.M. in order to review the 1995-96 Audit. In response to Alderman Lawson's inquiry, City Administrator Jordan stated he will provide an agenda supplement on the status of police negotiations at the August 7, 1996 regularly scheduled Council Meeting. Alderman Baird questioned the status report of the proposed Main Street reconstruction project. He recalled Council had requested cost estimates for work from Green Street to Route 31 , as well as from Route 31 to Crystal Lake Avenue. Batt reported that cost estimates of $150,0004175,000 were obtained for the Main Street project from Green Street to Route 31 . Cost estimates for the Main Street project from Route 31 west to Crystal Lake Avenue were not obtained due to downtown revitalization concerns. Some discussion followed regarding which section of Main Street should be reconstructed first. It was the consensus of Council to refer further discussion on this project to the Public Works Committee. Alderman Baird then requested a meeting with staff to review the concrete work done by Colella Concrete in the Winding Creek area. Baird also complimented staff on the City picnic held July 27, 1996 and voiced his support for the Applebees restaurant. Alderman Bates also expressed his support for the Applebees restaurant and requested Mayor Cuda review the objectors' concerns. Mayor Cuda informed Council at this time he had scheduled a meeting with the objectors for Monday, August 5, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Center. All Aldermen were invited to attend. July 31 , 1996 Page 7 Alderman Bates thanked staff for their quick response to his recent requests made at the Council meeting last week. Staff also noted the McCullom Lake traffic study, which was requested by Alderman Bates, will be done by Public Works staff and will be presented at a Council meeting in the near future . In response to Council inquiry, City Clerk Althoff updated Council on the Rotary signs, indicating that the Rotary will be providing one sign this year and another sign the following year due to financial constraints. ADOURNMENT Motion by Bates, seconded by Locke, to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. OR CIT CLERK