HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/16/1996 - City Council (2) REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1996 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Cuda on Wednesday, October 16, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Lawson. City Staff in attendance were: City Clerk Althoff, City Administrator Jordan, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, and Chief of Police Joyce. City Attorney McArdle arrived at 8:24 P.M. Absent: None. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA In response to Alderman Bates' request, Item No. 1 of the Consent Agenda, the Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson invoice for the month of August, 1996, in the amount of $1 ,818.75, was removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Lawson, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: (2) Career Development Program Payments to Police Officers: Police Officer I Category: • Thomas Beyer $ 500.00 • Daniel Kreassig $ 500.00 • Robert Lumber $ 500.00 • James Molnar $ 500.00 Police Officer II Category: • William Brogan $1,000.00 • Jeffery Foerster $1,000.00 • Roland Wood $1,000.00 (3) Investigator Stipends: • Roger Pechous $ 375.00 • Jeffery Foerster $ 375.00 (4) Police Clothing Allowances: Patrick Joyce, Raymond Donahue, Gary Wigman, Gregory Burg, George Erkenswick, Daniel Kinnerk, Anthony Militano, Kenneth Prazak. (5) Monthly Treasurer's Report; (6) Monthly Budget Report; (7) Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund 84182 BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE $ 675.92 84183 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO $ 387.00 84184 DAN ADAMS STEEL SERV INC $ 105.64 84185 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC $ 206.42 84186 AHLBORN EQUIPMENT INC $ 239.52 84187 ALEXANDER BATTERY CO INC $ 131.76 84188 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO $ 33 .98 84189 ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES INC $ 604.67 84190 AMERITECH $ 1113 .36 84191 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP $ 1108.32 84192 ARMSTRONG MEDICAL $ 69.15 84193 ARROW UNIFORM RENTAL INC $ 174.24 84194 BADGER UNIFORMS $ 1178.35 84195 BATTERY NETWORK INC $ 149.85 84196 BAT GRAPHIC PARTNERS INC $ 132.00 84197 BAXTER & WOODMAN $ 215.00 84198 BERTHOLD NURSERY $ 127.50 84199 THOMAS S BEYER $ 18.50 84200 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY $ 4793 .43 84201 BOTTS WELDING & TRK SERV $ 58.45 84202 BRUCE MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT $ 70.91 84203 BUILDERS PLUMBING SUPPLY $ 17.12 84204 BURGESS ANDERSON & TATE $ 362.07 84205 BURNS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY $ 78.98 84206 BUSS FORD SALES $ 76.28 84207 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES $ 556.00 84208 CELLULAR ONE - CHICAGO $ 159.54 84209 CENTEGRA-NORTHERN $ 336.00 84210 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES $ 140.61 84211 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL $ 1219.00 84212 BOB COMBS $ 112.98 84213 COMED $ 18729.45 84214 COMED $ 119.83 84215 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING $ 425.00 84216 CONSERV FS $ 297.00 I October 16, 1996 Page 2 General Fund (cont'd) 84217 CONE KALB WONDERLICK $ 13 .46 84218 CONTRACTING & MATERIAL CO $ 1184.05 84219 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY $ 39.43 84220 D & J AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY $ 351.95 84221 DAY-TIMERS INC $ 87.85 84222 DIRECT SAFETY CO $ 720.30 84223 JOSEPH DOHERTY $ 59.05 84224 DON'S TOWING $ 35.00 84225 DYNA SYSTEMS $ 44.32 84226 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC $ 75.00 84227 EMPLOYEE DATA FORMS INC $ 33 .50 84228 EXTECH COMPANY $ 97.35 84229 FISCHER BROS FRESH $ 5846.94 84230 FISCHER BROS CONST CO INC $ 144.00 84231 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC $ 1805.51 84232 JEFFERY S FOERSTER $ 36.01 84233 FOTO FAST $ 23.56 84234 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC $ 708.14 84235 FOX VALLEY CHEMICAL CO $ 422 .00 84236 GEORGE P FREUND INC $ 297.94 84237 FREUND INTERNATIONAL $ 45.50 84238 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CO $ 50.00 84239 WILLIAM J GITZKE D/B/A $ 412.30 84240 W W GRAINGER INC $ 274.21 84241 DON HANSEN'S ALIGNMENT $ 35.00 84242 DAVID HERDA $ 50.50 84243 HIGH PSI LTD $ 507.70 84244 HORIZON DISTRIBUTORS INC $ 87.40 84245 HOYLE ROAD EQUIPMENT CO $ 4925.00 84246 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE $ 293 .00 84247 INLAND DETROIT DIESEL $ 158.79 84248 INNOVATIVE PACKAGING INC $ 181.08 84249 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM $ 109.90 84250 JEWEL FOOD STORES $ 4.29 84251 JML EQUIPMENT SALES $ 3140.60 84252 PATRICK J JOYCE $ 30.26 84253 KAR PRODUCTS $ 294.36 84254 TOM KING $ 48.00 84255 KIRCHNER FIRE $ 83.75 84256 KROHN LAWN & LANDSCAPE $ 5335.00 84257 LAKESIDE REPAIR SHOP $ 12.93 84258 GARY LANG PONTIAC- $ 288.23 84259 PATRICIA A LAYCOCK $ 157.34 84260 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC $ 161.98 84261 LETN $ 388.00 84262 LIBERTY FLAG & SPECIALTY $ 900.68 84263 JOHN A LOBAITO $ 575.59 84264 MANPOWER $ 311.30 84265 MAIN PAINT & DECORATING $ 50.20 84266 JAY MAYWALD $ 19.95 84267 MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE $ 359.76 84268 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY $ 3294.87 84269 MICROFLEX $ 324.00 84270 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH $ 2852.34 84271 MILLER FORMLESS CO INC $ 51.23 84272 LAURA MOATS $ 146.41 84273 MORRIE & SONS $ 294.48 84274 MYRON MANUFACTURING CORP $ 319.52 84275 MCCANN CONSTRUCTION SPEC $ 120.10 84276 MCCANN POWER & EQUIPMENT $ 75.33 84277 MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF $ 40.00 84278 MCHENRY AUTO PARTS $ 1126.86 84279 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY INC $ 806.46 84280 MCHENRY LUMBER $ 738.28 84281 MCHENRY FIRESTONE $ 265.20 84282 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL $ 2184.00 84283 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL $ 1536.00 84284 MCHENRY CTY HISTORICAL $ 20.00 84285 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES $ 35.00 84286 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO $ 68.88 84287 NCR CORPORATION $ 185.75 84288 NORTHERN ILLINOIS $ 3190.00 84289 NORTHWEST AUTO ELECTRIC $ 69.00 84290 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL $ 170.34 84291 NORTHWEST HERALD $ 1766. 92 84292 NORTHWESTERN ILLINOIS $ 25.00 84293 RAY O'HERRON CO INC $ 296.55 84294 OLSON AUTO BODY $ 45.00 84295 PEDERSEN GMC $ 12.09 84296 PETERSEN SAND & GRAVEL $ 501.60 84297 PRO-CLEAN INC $ 2565. 00 84298 QUINLAN PUBLISHING CO INC $ 70.78 84299 REILLY GRAHAM MCANDREWS & $ 5600.00 84300 REX AUTO BODY $ 472 .50 84301 R & N TRUCKING $ 310.00 84302 ROC CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY $ 118.53 84303 ROCKFORD INDUSTRIAL $ 108.07 84304 MATT ROGERS $ 180.94 84305 SAFEGARD EXTERMINATING CO $ 162.00 84306 RYAN SCHWALENBERG $ 105.00 October 16, 1996 Page 3 General Fund (cont'd) 84307 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO $ 907.02 84308 SKOKIE VALLEY ASPHALT CO $ 2513.34 84309 STANS OFFICE MACHINES INC $ 120.00 84310 STATE TREASURER $ 369.09 84311 RICH STULL $ 29.27 84312 SUMMERS PORTABLE TOILETS $ 138.00 84313 THOMPSON ELEVATOR $ 82 .00 84314 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP $ 312.50 84315 TRUCK INDEX INC $ 25.00 84316 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE $ 85.08 84317 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV $ 660.00 84318 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $ 10140.00 84319 VARGA & ASSOCIATES $ 3200.00 84320 WAL-MART STORES INC $ 35.66 84321 WEARGUARD $ 115.97 84322 WEST PUBLISHING CORP $ 71.30 84323 WHOLESALE DIRECT INC $ 83.27 84324 WOLF CAMERA & VIDEO $ 253.69 84325 WORKING WORLD STAFFING $ 358.50 84326 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC $ 97.00 84327 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE $ 64.90 84328 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & $ 8043 .80 84329 THE BUTTES $ 746.44 84330 CHRISTMAS STABLE $ 170.10 84331 BECKY EDEN $ 15.00 84332 EUCLID CONSTRUCTION $ 30.00 84333 FIRST NAT'L BANK CHICAGO $ 30.00 84334 DEBBIE HEISLER $ 42 .55 84335 JUST FOR FUN ROLLER RINK $ 60.00 84336 RON KOEHN $ 57.00 84337 KEITH MAHER $ 5.00 84338 DONNA SMITH $ 18.00 84339 SENIOR SERVICES $ 30.00 64340 ANTHONY SLOVE $ 10.00 Report Totals 124715.30 Water/Sewer Fund 12957 BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE $ 188.28 12958 ALEXANDER BATTERY CO INC $ 40.68 12959 ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP $ 972 .00 12960 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK & $ 103212 .50 12961 AMERITECH $ 578.16 12962 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP $ 117.54 12963 AQUAPREP $ 584.64 12964 ARROW UNIFORM RENTAL INC $ 257.40 12965 BAXTER & WOODMAN $ 36609.95 12966 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY $ 1358.37 12967 BOTTS WELDING & TRK SERV $ 17.75 12968 BURGESS ANDERSON & TATE $ 6.85 12969 CAREY ELECTRIC $ 423 .00 12970 CHLORINATING LTD INC $ 225.00 12971 COMED $ 50227.97 12972 COMED $ 59.93 12973 ROBERT J CONWAY $ 325.00 12974 CRAFT CONCRETE PRODUCTS $ 388.00 12975 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY $ 3.92 12976 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING $ 44.45 12977 D & J AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY $ 18.15 12978 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC $ 50.00 12979 ENVIREX INC $ 2343.50 12980 JOS D FOREMAN & CO $ 900.00 12981 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC $ 147.20 12982 GEORGE P FREUND INC $ 34.76 12983 GEOCORP INDUSTRIAL $ 186.61 12984 W W GRAINGER INC $ 94.40 12985 GREAT LAKES FIRE AND $ 179.77 12986 HACH COMPANY $ 200.00 12987 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM $ 225.90 12988 JEPSEN TIRE CO INC $ 25.00 12989 THE KJELL CORPORATION $ 2247.50 12990 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY $ 153 .70 12991 LASALLE NATIONAL TRUST NA $ 427.59 12992 MARBLEHEAD LIME COMPANY $ 1732.35 12993 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY $ 358.32 12994 MID AMERICAN WATER $ 437.52 12995 MIDWEST METER INC $ 133.82 12996 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER $ 492.00 12997 MCHENRY AUTO PARTS $ 244.07 12998 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY INC $ 125.40 12999 MCHENRY ELECTRIC CO INC $ 254.54 13000 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC $ 595.35 13001 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS $ 1914.03 13002 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL $ 16.32 13003 PETERSEN SAND & GRAVEL $ 2551.65 13004 WILLIAM J REGNER $ 360.00 13005 RELIANCE SAFETY EQUIPMENT $ 67.40 13006 ROWELL CHEMICAL CORP $ 2287.88 13007 SIDENER SUPPLY COMPANY $ 364.14 13008 SMITH ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS $ 133.32 13009 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE $ 24.69 13010 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV $ 200.00 October 16, 1996 Page 4 Water/Sewer Fund (cont'd) 13011 WARNING LITES OF ILLINOIS $ 62 .71 13012 WATERPRO $ 753 .00 13013 WOODLAND RECYCLING & $ 5095.50 13014 WOODSTOCK-HICKSGAS INC $ 538.85 13015 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY $ 97.69 Report Totals 221716.02 Parks Fund 6790 BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE $ 14.30 6791 AMER ACADEMIC SUPPLIERS $ 42 .55 6792 AMERITECH $ 244.56 6793 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP $ 151.14 6794 ARVIDSON INTEGRATED WATER $ 31.97 6795 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY $ 34.95 6796 BSN SPORTS $ 586.07 6797 BURGESS ANDERSON & TATE $ 50.18 6798 CHIPPER BY THE DOZEN $ 25.00 6799 COMED $ 300.05 6800 CRYSTAL MANOR STABLE $ 268.00 6801 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL $ 10.00 6802 DEVIL'S HEAD $ 50.00 6803 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC $ 288.00 6804 RAY FELTSON $ 325.00 6805 THE FIRESIDE $ 1560.70 6806 WILLIAM J GITZKE D/B/A $ 75.00 6807 HARM'S FARM $ 12 .00 6808 HARRISON & ASSOCIATES INC $ 750.00 6809 HOOKED ON FISHING $ 55.00 6810 ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION OF $ 200.00 6811 JONES COACH TRAVEL $ 324.00 6812 LEONARDI'S PIZZA $ 164.80 6813 LORENE MARCINEK $ 62 .56 6814 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL $ 84.00 6815 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS $ 669.44 6816 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL $ 253 .50 6817 R & B ENTERPRISES $ 800. 00 6818 VIOLET SCHADECK $ 95.00 6819 SMITH ENGINEERING CONSULT $ 60.00 6820 SPORTIME $ 149.68 6821 S & S ARTS & CRAFTS $ 674.41 6822 HENRY A ST CLAIR $ 240.00 6823 STANS OFFICE MACHINES INC $ 68.46 6824 BONNIE MEYER THIEL $ 135.00 6825 TODD TROCKI $ 120.00 6826 SHELLY TROST $ 23 .21 6827 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE $ 7.39 6828 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERV $ 140.00 6829 WAL-MART STORES INC $ 44.45 6830 TOM WARREN $ 140.00 6831 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH $ 240.00 6832 BARBARA BRAATEN $ 64.00 6833 CHUCK BRUMMOND $ 17.85 6834 BETTY DEVOS $ 30.00 6835 FABRIK INDUSTRIES $ 50.00 6836 BONNIE FORNER $ 14.72 6837 KATHY HINTZ $ 19.50 6838 DENISE KAUFMAN $ 62 .00 6839 MICHAEL KRATZKE $ 37.00 6840 CRYSTAL MCCLURE $ 39.00 6841 CHERYL NEVITT $ 10.00 6842 CAROL RICCHIO $ 17.85 6843 BHUPINDER SAINI $ 30.00 6844 KATHLEEN SULLIVAN $ 60.00 6845 DONNA SCHAEFER $ 30.00 6846 PAM VANNERSON $ 50.14 6847 KRIS WILDER $ 43 .50 Report Totals 10165.93 Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Some discussion followed regarding the half-hour charge by Attorney Long for the review of Attorney Kramer's letter to Mayor Cuda regarding interest arbitration. City Clerk Althoff was directed to contact Attorney Long at Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson for further clarification and report back to Council. October 16, 1996 Page 5 STAFF RECOMMENDATION REGARDING MARK TOWNE DEVELOPMENT-McHENRY CITY CENTRE BUSINESS PARK Director of Public Works Batt informed Council that he and City Administrator Jordan had met with developer Mark Towne and contractor Jack Pease. Batt reported that as of this evening, all the underground work has been completed and the curb and gutter work is scheduled for completion by Friday, October 25, 1996. Batt also noted the new Oak Drive will be winterized and opened for traffic by the end of the month, weather permitting. In conjunction with the construction of Mr. Towne's McHenry City Centre development, Orleans Drive will be reduced to one lane effective immediately. Brake Parts distribution facility, located at the intersection of Orleans and Industrial Drive, has been notified. In response to Alderman Bates' inquiry, Director of Public Works Batt stated that if the new Oak Drive is not completed in time for the winter season, the old Oak Drive will be made passible at Mr. Towne's expense. Some discussion followed regarding the size and placement of the informational signage to be installed at Whispering Oaks Park. Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito noted an agreement had been reached between City staff and Mr. Towne, allowing a 4' X 8' sign with a maximum height of 10', to be displayed at Route 120 in Whispering Oaks Park. The sign shall be removed when the City begins the realignment of Industrial Drive in the Spring. A second sign measuring 4' X 5' with a maximum height of 7' will be located at the first turn in Industrial Drive that further describes Oak Drive's location. This sign shall be removed when the City completes the realignment of Industrial Drive. A lengthy discussion followed. Mayor Cuda directed staff to contact the Illinois Department of Transportation in an effort to discover when IDOT plans to install the new standard sign on the traffic light at the intersection of Route 120 and Industrial Drive designating the new Oak Drive location. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Locke, to approve: (1) staff's recommendation allowing a 4' X 8' sign with a maximum height of 10' to be displayed at Route 120 in Whispering Oaks Park until the City of McHenry begins the realignment of Industrial Drive in the Spring; (2) a second sign measuring 4' X 5' with a maximum height of 7' being displayed at the first turn in Industrial Drive, to be removed when the City of McHenry completes the realignment of Industrial Drive; (3) the elimination of any subdivision identification for the McHenry City Centre Business Park; and, (4) the continued monitoring by Director of Public Works Batt of new Oak Drive construction, keeping old Oak Drive. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Baird. Voting Nay: Bates, Lawson. Absent: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENT OF 1996-97 ESTIMATED TAX LEVY FIGURE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING City Administrator Jordan, explaining he had just recently received the 1995 estimated assessed valuation for properties recently annexed east of the Fox River and distributed a revised 1996-97 estimated tax levy. He explained in order to comply with State Statutes regarding notice and publication of the annual property tax levy, it is necessary for Council to announce a proposed tax levy and to set a date for a public hearing. Jordan explained the proposed 1996-97 property tax levy of $2,052,545.00 assumes an increase in property taxes by the rate of inflation of 2.5%, and that the City's 1995 Equalized Assessed Valuation will increase by 4.0% in Nunda Township and by 3.35% in McHenry Township, plus new growth, annexations and improvements to existing properties within the City for a total of $340,000,000.00. Jordan also informed Council that he had increased the Police Pension Fund Levy, since pending litigation may establish a lesser time to amortize these funds and to lower the current 8% rate of return to a more realistic 7.75% rate. Mayor Cuda noted the increase in the Police Pension Fund would not involve raising property taxes. October 16, 1996 Page 6 Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to set the public hearing date for the property tax levy for Wednesday, November 6, 1996 and announce the proposed 1996-97 tax levy to be in the amount of $2,052,545.00. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC AUCTION ORDINANCE Director of Public Works Batt informed Council that McHenry County is holding their Second Annual Auction of public items on October 26, 1996 at the McHenry County Fairgrounds located at Route 47 and Country Club Road in Woodstock, Illinois. The auctioneer shall deduct a fee of 6% for all items from the gross sales receipts on items sold. Director of Public Works Batt noted in the past the City of McHenry has paid auctioneers a rate of as high as 15%. It is the recommendation of staff to approve an ordinance delineating the properties to be auctioned and to authorize the execution of the Auction Agreement between the City of McHenry and McHenry County by the appropriate City official. Motion by Locke, seconded by Baird, to pass an ordinance authorizing the sale of personal property owned by the City of McHenry held at public auction by the County of McHenry on October 26, 1996 at the McHenry County Fairgrounds located at Route 47 and Country Club Road in Woodstock, Illinois. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Locke, seconded by Lawson, to authorize the execution of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of McHenry and the County of McHenry to auction personal property owned by the City of McHenry at the McHenry County Auction to be held on October 26, 1996. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Mayor Cuda reminded Council that at the beginning of the 1994 calendar year, Council determined that the second regularly scheduled meeting of each month would be utilized as a working meeting to discuss relevant issues concerning development, planning and other City-related matters. DISCUSSION OF PRIORITIES FOR THE 1997-98 BUDGET YEAR Mayor Cuda stated the next portion of this evening's meeting was the workshp segment and would be used to discuss, review and establish priorities for the 1997-98 budget year. Director of Public Works Batt reviewed the status of projects budgeted for the 1996-97 Fiscal Year. He noted Council had approved funds for Phase I of the -- Lakeland Park drainage project, and bid specifications were being prepared for the Donovan Street lift station, realignment of Industrial Drive and East of the Fox River extension of sanitary sewer service. The extension of sanitary sewer service and the realignment of Industrial Drive bid specifications are scheduled for Council review at the October 30, 1996 regularly scheduled Council meeting. October 16, 1996 Page 7 The County's McHenry bypass project has been postponed until 1998-99 because of the numerous ongoing projects undertaken by the County's transportation department. Director of Public Works Batt continued, noting the Main Street parking lot project will not be completed this fiscal year, however, demolition of the existing building is scheduled, if weather permits, for this Fall or next Spring. Some discussion followed regarding the revitalization of Main Street in the 1997-98 fiscal year. Batt reported the Riverside Drive project is scheduled for completion the week of October 21 , 1996. Additional budgeted projects for the 1996-97 fiscal year include: • The Route 31/Gary Lang left-hand turn lane: • Crystal Lake Avenue traffic signal: • 1997-98 Sidewalk Program; and, • The expansion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Anne Street lift station project is currently in progress and the Water Plant (No.1 ) project is currently on hold until the remediation of the underground storage tanks is resolved. Council then requested the remainder of staff enumerate their 1997-98 budget priorities. City Administrator Jordan stated consideration of a G.I.S. (Geographic Informational System) be included in 1997-98 budget discussions. He recommended the Finance Committee schedule a demonstration in the near future. City Administrator Jordan also informed Council initial start-up costs would run between $100,000 and $125,000. Some discussion followed. Mayor Cuda suggested staff contact the County's Planning & Development Department for additional background information on the G.I.S. Alderman Lawson concurred with City Administrator Jordan's recommendation and stated his intent to schedule a Finance Committee meeting in the near future to review the G.I.S. program. City Administrator Jordan also recommended the inclusion of a Finance Director in the 1997-98 budget, or the 1998-99 budget. Some discussion followed. City Administrator Jordan also recommended the revision of the City of McHenry's Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan. Director of Public Works Batt also noted the 1996-97 budget contained monies for a traffic study. City Clerk Althoff presented her 1997-98 priorities. These priorities included the implementation of a fixed asset inventory and computerization of same, a part-time financial clerk, and distribution of the City newsletter on a quarterly basis, rather than three times annually. Chief of Police Joyce informed Council he will budget approximately $40,000 for two new squad cars. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reviewed his 1997-98 capital project list. He requested Council discuss and determine whether monies shall be budgeted for a recreational center or for the development of Brookside Park. Director Merkel also noted that the five-year park capital development plan, which was created in 1993, ends with the 1997-98 year. Most of the projects are completed or in the planning process. The Park plan for 1997-98 through 2002-03 should be one of the primary goals of the Parks and Recreation Department and the City Council in 1997. He noted the development of neighborhood parks: Pebble Creek, North Oak, and the Green Street and Elm Street park should be considered. Some downtown revitalization monies might be budgeted for the further development of the Green and Elm Streets park. Additional priorities included: • Roofing repairs for the Lakeland Park Community Center and for four picnic shelters located at Petersen, Knox and Veteran's Park; • Parking lot repairs for the Lakeland Park Community Center and Petersen Park's Oak Street lot, as well as, • Fencing for Cold Springs Park, Boulder Creek Park, and Pebble Creek Park. October 16, 1996 Page 8 In response to Alderman Locke's inquiry as to the status of Fort McHenry's washroom construction, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated bids will be let some time this Winter with hopes of a Spring, 1997 construction. Alderman Locke suggested the remaining holes from the Fort McHenry port-a-potty installation be filled in as a safety precaution. Alderman Locke also suggested Council consider the hiring of part-time persons to assist Park patrons in availing themselves of park services and equipment. Alderman Baird requested individual Aldermen enumerate their project priorities. Baird stated his support for a recreation center, extension of the sanitary sewer lines east of the Fox River, Phase II of the Bull Valley arterial road, and a long-term solution for the McHenry Shores Water Company problem. Alderman Bates stated his support for continued infrastructure improvements, including the Donovan lift station, the McHenry Bypass, Phase II of the Bull Valley Road arterial, extension of sanitary sewer service to east of the Fox River, and the expansion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant facility. Alderman Bates noted a recreational facility would require staffing, equipment and continual maintenance, all at a very high rate of expense. He suggested Council consider approaching this project as a cooperative with another agency. Alderman Locke concurred with Alderman Bates' statement, and suggested Council discuss the feasibility of soliciting a private agency to provide the community with a health/recreational facility. Alderman Bolger stated his support for the West McHenry Bypass, the straightening of the McCullom Lake Road/Route 31 intersection, the expansion of the South Wastewater Treatment Plant, the extension of sanitary sewer lines East of the Fox River, the Donovan Street lift station construction, construction of a water reservoir in the southwest corner of town, improvement of the Mass Barn, a recreational center developed as a cooperative effort, development as a park of the northeast corner of Elm and Green Streets, and the construction of a METRA station in conjunction with the development of the Pacini property. Alderman Locke suggested Council consider the construction of an elevated water tower behind the Amoco gas station at Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Avenue as a Community Development Block Grant application. Alderman Lawson stated his support for all the infrastructure improvements previously enumerated by Aldermen Bolger and Bates. He also stated his support for the completion of the downtown revitalization projects and the Lakeland Park drainage project. Alderman Baird stated his support for all the enumerated infrastructure improvements, as well, and the continuation of the downtown revitalization projects and the Lakeland Park drainage project. He also noted the Mass Barn improvements were not a high priority of his. Mayor Cuda stated his support of the East McHenry Bypass and Phase II of the Bull Valley Road arterial project. He stated the possibility of annexation to the City of McHenry of the Roberts' property being promoted by the County as consideration for right-of-way property for Phase II of the Bull Valley Road arterial. -- Alderman Baird also suggested the lift station construction be submitted as a possible Community Development Block Grant application. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel also recommended Council consider development of a new five-year Master Plan for the Parks and Recreation Department. October 16, 1996 Page 9 MAYOR - STATEMENT AND REPORTS Mayor Cuda informed Council the City of McHenry was in receipt of the deed from McHenry State Bank for the property located at the northeast corner of Elm and Green Streets. He also reported that he, Director of Public Works Batt, City Attorney, Matt Fiascone and Lucky Spooner had met on Monday, October 14, 1996 at Inland's Olde Mill Pond development to discuss the concerns raised by Mill Creek residents at the October 10, 1996 Plan Commission meeting on Olde Mill Pond's final plat. Mayor Cuda stated Inland representatives Matt Fiascone and Lucky Spooner's willingness to address four concerns outlined in the City Attorney's letter of October 15, 1996. City Clerk Althoff was directed to provide a copy of this letter to Council in their Friday agenda packets. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, Alderman Bates, reported the Parks and Recreation Committee had met last evening, Tuesday, October 15, 1996. The minutes will be forthcoming in the October 30, 1996 agenda packet. Chairman of the Public Works Committee, Alderman Bolger, reported the Public Works Committee had met this evening at 6:30 p.m., prior to the regularly scheduled Council meeting. Minutes will be forthcoming in the next agenda packet. STAFF REPORTS Director of Public Works Batt reported since the City of McHenry is hosting a snowplow rodeo on Friday, November 1, 1996 at 8:00 A.M. for as part of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency's loss prevention program, he invited any interested Council member to attend. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated three Parks and Recreation Committee items will be presented for full Council consideration at the October 30, 1996 regularly scheduled Council meeting. Chief of Police Joyce reported a negotiations session with McHenry Police Officers Association, Unit 2 has been scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 1996 at 2:00 P.M. He also informed Council there has been no response from the State's Attorney's Office regarding additional language in the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement regarding sex offenders which was presented at the October 2, 1996 regularly scheduled Council meeting. He also reported that eight mobile terminals budgeted for the 1996-97 fiscal year will be purchased when the appropriate tower has been constructed in Lake County. City Administrator Jordan reported staff has scheduled a closed meeting with selected Orleans Street residents for Tuesday, October 22, 1996 at 6:30 P.M. to discuss possible solutions to the Orleans Street traffic problem. NEW BUSINESS Alderman Bates initiated further discussion regarding the Olde Mill Ponds subdivision. It was noted a new 6' chain link fence will be installed along the development's south property line. Director of Building and Zoning also noted final grading has occurred, eliminating the steep slope along the development's south property line. Alderman Bates requested additional clarification regarding the meeting with Foxview Highlands developer Joe Dieschbourg. City Administrator Jordan explained Mr. Dieschbourg is requesting annexation of additional 11 acres which is adjacent to and south of Foxview Highlands subdivision. Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito noted Mr. Dieschbourg was requesting the same RS-2 zoning for this new 11 acres, as exists in the current Foxview Highlands subdivision. Alderman Lawson requested City Administrator Jordan schedule a GIS demonstration at 6:30 P.M. on either November 6, 1996 or November 13, 1996 as part of a Finance Committee meeting. October 16, 1996 Page 10 Alderman Baird stated his dissatisfaction with staff's current mail distribution procedure. He requested staff review and revise this procedure providing better mail distribution to the Aldermen. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Bates, seconded by Bolger, to go into Executive Session to discuss Property Acquisition and Potential Litigation. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went into Executive Session at 9:15 P.M. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Locke, to go back into Open Session. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 9:40 P.M. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Locke, to approve the revised purchase agreement with the Charles J. Miller Estate for property located on Riverside Drive for the construction of a lift station with a 20-year reservation of an access easement to the current property owners; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the appropriate documents. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bates, seconded by Lawson, to approve the developer donation fee agreement between the City of McHenry and developers Frank J. Gradishar and J. Scott Hunt and the Intergovernmental Agreement between the McHenry Count 9 9 Y Y Building Department and the City of McHenry to collect developer donation fees from White Oak Ridge developers Frank J. Gradishar and J. Scott Hunt, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of both agreements. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Bates, seconded by Lawson, to adjourn. -- Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. /' V MAYOR CIT CLERK