HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 06/07/2000 - City Council REGULAR MEETING JUNE 7, 2000 A Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Cuda at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, McClatchey, Baird. Absent: Murgatroyd. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Lobaito, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Kostecki, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Community Development Napolitano, Assistant Administrator Maxeiner. Absent: City Clerk Althoff, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO ANNEXATION AGREEMENT—AMOCO OIL Mayor Cuda called to order the Public Hearing regarding an amendment to the Amoco Oil Corporation Annexation Agreement for the property located at the southwest corner of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road at 7:31 p.m. In attendance were Amoco Attorney Scott Saef, Engineering Consultant Dale Gray, and purchasers and developers of Lot 2, Jack Pease and Kathy Loos Shaw. Director of Community Development Napolitano stated the Amoco Property, a 4.965 acre parcel, is located at 5301 Bull Valley Road and consists of two lots. The Amoco Service Station (Lot 1) is zoned C-1 commercial with a conditional use permit to allow the operation of a service station. Lot 2 is currently vacant and zoned RS-1 residential, but is under contract to be purchased and improved with a condominium office building. Amoco originally subdivided the property into the two parcels. Prior to the sale of Lot 2, Amoco is seeking resubdivision of this property to increase the size of Lot 1 by a 30' strip along the west and south boundary of Lot 1. Director Napolitano noted the 30' strip was originally required by the terms of the annexation agreement to buffer the service station from the adjacent residentially zoned Lot 2. Inasmuch as Lot 2 is being reclassified to 0-1 for use as an office condominium complex, the 30' buffer is no longer needed between the two lots. Amoco is seeking reclassification of the 30' strip, and requesting resubdivision of the property to incorporate the 30' strip into Lot 1 and remove it from Lot 2. In summary, Director Napolitano stated Amoco is requesting an amendment to the existing annexation agreement be deleting the following: ■ the landscaping requirements pertinent specifically to the 30 ' buffer; and ■ the restrictive hours of operation of the car wash. City Administrator Lobaito noted the annexation agreement originally provided that the car wash could not operate after midnight and that the convenient store should not be a 24-hour operation. He stated Amoco has been operating the convenient store as well as the car wash on a 24-hour operation, actually in violation of the annexation agreement. City Administrator Lobaito stated there have been no complaints from the neighbors. Alderman Baird stated his concerns regarding the ingress/egress to Lot 2 from Crystal Lake Road. He opined there should be a joint access onto Crystal Lake Road for Lots 1 and 2. City Administrator Lobaito noted the City is attempting to work with both Amoco and the purchaser of Lot 2, to determine the best way to access Lot 2 from Crystal Lake Road. Staff opined the County will not allow a second access point onto Crystal Lake Road, as long as there is one access point on Amoco's lot. A lengthy discussion occurred regarding the need for a cross access to accommodate a Crystal Lake Road ingress/egress for both Lots 1 and 2. Attorney Saef stated it was not the intent of Amoco Corporation to permit a shared curb cut for both Lots onto Crystal Lake Road. He noted a cross easement agreement is being discussed between the two lots to assist with internal circulation. However, a joint curb cut onto Crystal Lake Road has not been discussed with the contract purchaser of Lot 2. Page 2 6/7/00 Alderman Baird stated his preference for relocating the existing Amoco Crystal Lake Road curb cut further south, away from the Bull Valley Road intersection. In response, Mr. Saef noted Amoco is currently working on an emergency exit onto Crystal Lake Road for Lot 2. Developer Jack Pease noted he has been working with the County in an effort to secure a Crystal Lake Road access for Lot 2. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, Mr. Pease stated there has been no discussion with Amoco retarding the closure of their curb cut on Crystal Lake Road and/or the relocation of their curb cut further south. Mr. Pease stated the three parties must determine what is best for this intersection. Once this has been determined, a meeting with the County Highway Department should be set to seek their approval of the agreed upon access to this development. City Administrator Lobaito opined the County would most likely not object to moving the curb cut further south on Crystal Lake Road. However, the County would not grant an additional curb cut on Crystal Lake Road. Alderman Glab stated his preference of a cross-access easement similar to that installed on the Mobile Outlot connecting it to Wal-Mart at Richmond Road and McCullom Lake Road. He concurred with Alderman Baird's suggestion the Amoco curb cut be relocated further south on Crystal Lake Road. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, Attorney Saef noted if the zoning reclassification for the 30' strip of land is not granted by Council, the existing RS-1 residential zoning would hinder the development of the office condominium project. Mayor Cuda opined the parties should revisit the access to both Lots 1 and 2. The City is willing to support the agreed upon access and would assist in seeking County approval for curb cuts on County highways which would be needed. Mayor Cuda asked for audience comment and/or questions regarding the proposed amendment to the Amoco Annexation Agreement. There were no comments and/or questions. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, Deputy Clerk Kunzer stated no written or verbal comments were received by the City Clerk. Motion by Baird, seconded by Glab, to close the Public Hearing regarding the proposed amendment to the Amoco Annexation Agreement at 7:55 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. It was the consensus of Council to direct Staff to draft an ordinance amending the existing Amoco Annexation Agreement for the property located at 5301 West Bull Valley Road. City Administrator Lobaito stated City Staff will assist the property owner and developer in seeking County approval for the agreed upon Crystal Lake Road curb cut. CONSENT AGENDA At the request of Alderman McClatchey, Consent Agenda Items #2, Resolution recognizing retiring Sergeant Kenneth Prazak, was removed from the Consent Agenda. At the request of Alderman Glab, Consent Agenda Item #3, Resolution rescinding the 50/50 disbursement of the Park Developer Donation Fees between the Park Donation Fund and the Recreation Center Fund, was removed from the Consent Agenda. „ y Page 3 6/7/00 Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Bolger, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows, subject to the removal of Consent Agenda Item #2, Resolution recognizing retiring Sergeant Kenneth Prazak, and Consent Agenda Item #3, Resolution rescinding the 50/50 disbursement of the Park Developer Donation Fees between the Park Donation Fund and the Recreation Center Fund, as follows: ■ Request to Advertise for Sid - Police Department Radio Equipment ■ Approve Minutes: ■ May 23, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA #2: RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING SERGEANT KENNETH PRAZAK ON HIS RETIREMENT Mayor Cuda read the resolution recognizing Sergeant Kenneth Prazak. Motion by Baird, seconded by McClatchey, to pass a resolution recognizing Sergeant Kenneth J. Prazak on his retirement from the McHenry Police Department following 28 years of service. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. Mayor Cuda commended Sergeant Prazak for his dedicated service to the City of McHenry. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS #3: RESOLUTION TO RESCIND 50/50 DISBURSEMENT OF PARK DEVELOPER DONATION FEES Assistant Administrator Maxeiner reported at the April 26, 2000 Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting, it was the consensus of the Committee to recommend to full Council the 50/50 disbursement of the Park Developer Donation Fees between the Park Donation Fund and the Recreation Center Fund. Assistant Administrator Maxeiner stated the resolution would not dissolve the Recreation Center Fund, but would eliminate contributions from incoming park developer donations to that fund. Alderman Glab opined the elimination of contributions to the Recreation Center Fund would suggest Council no longer supports the development and construction of the Recreation Center. He stated this is not consistent as it is the intent of Council to place this referendum question on the November ballot. He recommended, if Council believes in the development of a recreation center, these monies should continue to be set aside for the purpose of construction and operation of a recreational center from incoming developer donation fees. Alderman Baird suggested the matter be discussed at greater length at the next Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting scheduled for June 28, 2000. He concurred with Alderman Glab' statement. Mayor Cuda withdrew the resolution rescinding the 50/50 disbursement of Park Developer Donations between the Park Donation Fund and the Recreation Center Fund from the Agenda and sent it to the Finance and Personnel Committee. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT —5403 BULL VALLEY ROAD, PEASE/LOOSSHAW Petitioner and land developer Jack Pease and Kathy Loos-Shaw were in attendance. Mr. Pease stated he is proposing the construction of an upscale office condominium facility on Lot 2 of the Amoco Subdivision. The building would be constructed of insulated concrete panels, which give the appearance of limestone. The Petitioners hope to attract degreed professionals, i.e. attorneys, doctors and accountants. Mr. Pease noted the only issue remaining is the resolution access to the site. He stated the County Page 4 6/7/00 has denied direct access to Amoco Lot 2 from Crystal Lake Road. He noted the site plan depicts two entrances from Bull Valley Road: ■ One through an access-easement with Midwest Bank of McHenry County; and ■ One adjacent to Amoco Lot 1. Petitioner Pease stated, as per Council requirement, monies have been deposited with the City of McHenry by adjacent property owner Midwest Bank of McHenry County for future Bull Valley Road improvements, including the addition of a left turn lane and/or deceleration lane. He stated he would be willing to contribute to these improvements as well. Discussion followed regarding the feasibility if the establishment of a recapture agreement to obtain monies from properties adjacent to the north, which would also, benefit by the Bull Valley Road improvements. Alderman McClatchey inquired why the County is prohibiting a second curb cut on Crystal Lake Road. Mr. Pease stated the County's position is that as long as access can be gained via another route, in this case Bull Valley Road, a curb cut shall be denied. Alderman Baird opined he preferred a single shared curb cut on Crystal Lake Road. Citing safety issues, he stated both property owners needed to work together to determine the best single access point. In response to the Mayor's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito stated if the map amendment is not granted, the zoning on Amoco Lot 2 would remain RS-1. A building permit could not be issued for the office condominium unless the reclassification is completed. In response to further inquiry, City Administrator stated if the zoning reclassification were granted for Lot 2, but no other action taken regarding the Amoco Subdivision this evening, a building permit still could not be issued to the developers of Lot 2. The setback for the office building would have to meet the more stringent requirements of office adjacent to residential zoning district, as the 30' strip adjacent to Lot 1 would still _ be zoned residential until the Amoco Resubdivision and Reclassification is granted. Mayor Cuda suggested formal action be deferred until access to both lots is determined and agreed to by the County. Alderman Glab concurred egress/ingress onto Crystal Lake Road must be addressed before this project moves forward. He also requested more detailed elevation drawings be submitted for Council approval when this matter comes back to Council for review and formal action. Mayor Cuda instructed the Petitioners to meet with Amoco and determine an agreed upon access from Crystal Lake Road. He stated the City's willingness to support an agreed upon access point on Crystal Lake Road. Further discussion followed regarding the potential roadway improvements on Bull Valley Road. Council directed Staff to include in Friday's Agenda Packet possible Bull Valley Road improvements, including left turn and deceleration lanes. VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE — 2102 WEST ROUTE 120, THORNTON OIL CORPORATION ._ Tim Ryan of Thornton Oil Corporation and Property Owner Ron Bykowski were in attendance. Director of Community Development Napolitano reminded Council Thornton Oil was requesting a variance and conditional use permit to allow the construction and operation of an automobile service station within 600' of an existing service station. The proposed site, approximately one-acre in size, is located at the northwest corner of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road behind the Riverside Chocolate Factory. The site is currently part of a nine-acre property owned by Ron Bykowski and zoned C-5 Highway Commercial. The proposed Thornton site will be subdivided,,from the larger parcel to facilitate the development of the remainder of the property. Thbmton Oil Corporation is proposing the construction of a new 3,600 square foot gas station and convenience store with ten fuel pumps and a canopy. Page 5 6/7/00 Director Napolitano stated this matter was initially presented for formal action to Council on May 31, 2000 at a regularly scheduled Council Meeting. At that time, Council deferred action until the Petitioner could meet with and address ingress and egress safety concerns expressed by adjacent property owner and proprietor, Mr. Robert Hunter of Riverside Chocolate Factory. Mr. Ryan stated he had met with Mr. Hunter and his daughter. Mayor Cuda noted Mr. Hunter previously indicated he would like to retain both entrances to his property, one from Route 120 and one from Chapel Hill Road, and that he had no desire to have a cross-access easement with the Thornton Service Station. Mr. Bykowski stated he spoke with Mr. Hunter since the last meeting. Mr. Hunter has agreed to close the Route 120 curb cut provided his employees would be able to utilize Thornton Property for parking. Mr. Hunter will agree to close off his route 120 curb cut provided he has a shared access on Chapel Hill Road. City Administrator Lobaito stated the County would not grant Thornton access on Chapel Hill Road if there is a cross-access easement with Riverside Chocolate Factory, even if Thornton informally permits access to Riverside Chocolate Factory. Mr. Hunter's daughter, Tabitha, who was also in attendance, stated her father would not be willing to give up his Route 120 curb cut if he would be required to enter into a 50150 cross-access easement maintenance agreement. She stated this would not be equitable as the lot size of Riverside Chocolate Factory is much smaller than the Thornton property. She stated her father would like to see an open shared area; however, maintenance of that area should be rated for on a percentage basis. City Administrator Lobaito stated the City could provide for future cross-access point on Thornton's site plan. Mr. Ryan stated Thornton could design the site plan to accommodate a future access-easement location. Attorney McArdle noted once there is a cross-access easement agreement it must be recorded in order to be enforced. Alderman Baird opined a cross-access easement would benefit Riverside Chocolate Factory. He commended the Petitioner for their efforts in addressing Council concerns and the needs of Riverside Chocolate Factory. Alderman Glab concurred that a cross-access easement is appropriate; however, he expressed concern that Riverside Chocolate Factory could ultimately be landlocked if both of its existing curb cuts are removed. Mayor Cuda suggested a potential future cross-access easement be clearly shown on Thornton's site plan. The easement could then be negotiated at some point in the future. Included in the easement agreement would be a pro rate share maintenance of the easement area. Council directed Attorney McArdle to draft appropriate language to be included in a potential cross-access easement agreement and to direct Staff to draft an ordinance approving the granting of the conditional use permit and variance to allow the construction and operation of an automobile service station on the property located at 2102 West Route 120 within 600' of an existing service station, subject to the following conditions: ■ The subject property shall be developed in substantial conformance with the latest building elevations submitted by Thornton's dated 3/22/00; ■ The property shall be developed in substantial conformance with the latest site plan prepared by Thornton Oil Corporation dated 3//7/00 and last revised on 5/8/00; ■ A detailed landscape plan for the property shall be approved by the City Council prior to final occupancy approval; ■ The permitted ground sign for the subject property shall be limited to a monument type design, with a maximum height of eight feet. (The ground sign shown on the site plan does not show the required 5' setback from the property line). Page 6 6/7/00 MAYOR STATEMENT AND REPORTS Mayor Cuda reported he had been notified by a Northwest Herald Reporter that Gerstad Builders are proposing to bring their Diedrich Farm Property before the Village of Lakemoor for presentation on Thursday, June 8, 2000. The plan includes 117 homes and a 5-acre commercial strip center along Chapel Hill Road. Mayor Cuda noted Lakemoor building and contribution fees are considerably less than those charged by the City of McHenry. He stated he is uncertain how this development would impact the school districts. Alderman Glab opined the development of 117 homes on well and septic in close proximity to the Fox River would not be in the best interests of the community. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS Director of Public Works Batt reported the bid opening for the 2000 Street Reconstruction Program were opened Tuesday, June 6, 2000. The project will come in at approximately $1,100,000 which is within the 2000-2001 budget. Chief of Police Kostecki reported Sergeant Brogan graduated last Friday, June 2, 2000 from Northwestern University Traffic Institute School of Police Staff and Command. He will be returning to duty within the next week. In response to Alderman McClatchey's inquiry, Chief Kostecki stated the speed trailer would be delivered late this summer. NEW BUSINESS In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito stated he received notification today, June 7, 2000, the Pace route and schedule for the stops in the McHenry Corporate Center will soon be forthcoming. Alderman Glab, in speaking with a City resident this evening, noted the City was commended for its efforts to accommodate and welcome the participants of the Twin Cities-Chicago AIDS Ride. He asked that Staff be commended. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PROPERTY ACQUISITION -- Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to go into Executive Session to discuss Property Acquisition at 8:55 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. Page 7 6/7/00 Council went into Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. y M Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to go back into Open Session at 9:08 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. Council went back into Open Session at 9:08 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Murgatroyd. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:09 p.m. OR DEPUTY OLERK