HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/02/2000 - City Council REGULAR MEETING
AUGUST 2, 2000
A Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Cuda
at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, August 2, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey,
Murgatroyd, Baird. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Lobaito,
City Clerk Althoff, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Kostecki, Assistant Director Public
Works Marcinko, Director Parks and Recreation Merkel, Planner Maggio, Assistant
Administrator Maxeiner. Absent: Director Public Works Batt, Director Community
Development Napolitano.
Diana Mantzoros of 1904 North Oak Drive addressed Council reminding them of the
damage her property sustained from a water main break on June 18t'. She expressed
dissatisfaction with the City's apparent lack of response to her insurance claim.
Alderman Steven Murgatroyd presented Mayor Cuda with a $5,000 check from the
McHenry Pigtail Organization to offset the expense of purchasing and installing lights at
the Petersen Park ballfield. Alderman Murgatroyd also conveyed the McHenry Pigtail
League's interest in providing additional financial assistance toward the purchase of
breakaway bases.
Mayor Cuda thanked the McHenry Pigtail League Organization and stated his intent
to send a letter of thanks on behalf of the City of McHenry.
In response to Alderman Glab's request, Consent Agenda Item #1, Baxter and
Woodman Engineering Services Agreement for the John Street Sanitary Sewer
Replacement, was removed from the Consent Agenda.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows,
subject to the removal of Consent Agenda Item #1, Baxter and Woodman Engineering
Services Agreement for the John Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement:
■ Approval: Request from Church of the Holy Apostle for Temporary Signs, Special
Event Liquor License and waiver of all associated fees;
■ Approval: Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Surplus Property by Auction;
■ Approval: Sale of Delinquent Special Assessments Process;
■ Approval: Request to connect to Police Alarm Panel by Buss Ford, Route 31
■ Approval: Block Party Requests:
■ Polish legion of American Veterans - Park Street (August 6, 2000)
■ Ron and Sue Roeser - Veretta Court (August 12, 2000)
■ Michelle DeCoursey - Colony Trail (August 20, 2000)
• Linda Parisi - Geneva Place (August 26, 2000);
■ Approval: Picnic/Special Use Permits by Parks and Recreation Dept.;
■ Approval: City Council Minutes:
• July 12, 2000 regularly scheduled City Council Meeting;
■ July 19, 2000 regularly scheduled City Council Meeting.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
In response to Alderman Glab's request, Assistant Director of Public Works
Marcinko explained during the City's videotaping of sanitary sewer lines prior to
conducting the current year Streets Improvement Program, Staff discovered significant
deterioration of sanitary sewer pipe beneath John Street between Front Street and Third
Street. This project will also require the complete reconstruction of John Street as the
depth of the sanitary sewer pipe requires street removal in order to conduct repairs. In
addition, as the area is experiencing storm water drainage problems, Staff is
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recommending drainage improvements be incorporated in the scope of this project. Some
discussion followed.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Bolger, to approve an Engineering Services
Agreement with City engineering firm, Baxter and Woodman, for the replacement of
sanitary sewer pipe lines under John Street between Front and Third Streets, in addition to
the reconstruction of John Street and storm water drainage improvements in an amount
not-to-exceed $11,200.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
City Administrator Lobaito stated as per Council direction at the July 19th regularly
scheduled Council Meeting the continual flooding problem experienced by Mr. Ron
Samuelson of 4903 Willow Lane, was investigated by Staff. Mr. Samuelson has
experienced flooding problems at his residence, located at the southwest corner of Willow
and Knoll, for the past fifteen years. Mr. Samuelson has suggested the City consider
purchasing his home for $255,000. He states in his letter of June 26, 2000, the $255,000
incorporates the fair market value of his home of $150,000 plus $105,000 in remodeling
expenditures, replacement costs, and the loss of intangible items. City Attorney McArdle,
Director of Public Works Batt and Alderman Bolger inspected the site on Thursday, July
20, 2000. Staff is suggesting Council consider the following three options:
■ Option #1: Dredge a small portion of the Lakeland Park ditch at Meadow Lane.
Cost projection for this option is approximately $22,500 based on a $75/foot _
■ Option #2: Reconfigure drainage systems to isolate the Samuelson residence
from any drainage not resulting from his property; and isolate his property from
the Lakeland Park ditch with the use of a permanent pump, pumping any
drainage resulting from his property into the Lakeland Park ditch;
■ Option #3: Dredge the ditch from Meadow Lane to Oak Drive. Cost projection for
this option is approximately $200,000 for the section of ditch east to Meadow
Lane; $100,000 from Meadow Lane to Knoll Avenue; $300,000 from Knoll
Avenue to Home Avenue, for a total cost in excess of$600,000.
Alderman Bolger suggested Council consider adopting Option #1, dredging the
Lakeland Park ditch at Meadow Lane. Council could then consider at a later date dredging
the balance of the Lakeland Park ditch from Meadow Lane to Oak Drive. It is Staffs
opinion commencement of Option #1 will result in the faster and more efficient
disbursement of storm water. Currently, it is also Staffs opinion the Lakeland Park ditch in
this area is only working at a 60% capacity. City Administrator Lobaito reported the County
Transportation Department has agreed to lend the City of McHenry the necessary
equipment needed to clean and clear the ditch at Meadow Lane.
A lengthy discussion followed. Staff explained over the years, the original Lakeland
Park stormwater drainage design plans have been misplaced. Therefore, any attempt(s) to
recreate the original drainage design profile, may prove to be costly and ineffective. It is
Staffs opinion the Lakeland Park stormwater system is undersized, utilizing today's
engineering standards. Staff also noted Council, in 1992, considered upstream detention.
This option was never fully explored. However, since 1992, Meyer Material has installed
on site detention at their Route 120 gravel pit facility, alleviating some of the area drainage
City Administrator Lobaito stated a comprehensive engineering study of the entire
Lakeland Park area would be necessary to obtain an accurate drainage design solution.
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Alderman Glab requested Staff attempt to determine the source of water flowing down
Sherman Hill at Route 120 and Ringwood Road, and, ascertain if it might be redirected,
prior to reaching the Lakeland Park drainage ditch. He also requested Staff investigate
storm water retention on the Chesapeake Hills Condominium Property located at the
northwestern corner of Route 120 and Ringwood Road. He opined the storm water flow
may have been altered when the condominiums were constructed.
Alderman McClatchey recommended Staff investigate State funding assistance.
In response to Council inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito also reported the
Lakeland Park drainage improvements completed thus far have successfully corrected
area drainage problems.
In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito noted the
loss of original storm water drainage design plans prohibits the determination of current
storm water volume capacity.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by McClatchey, to direct Staff to dredge the Lakeland
Park drainage ditch at Meadow Lane as presented.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
City Administrator Lobaito stated the Meadow Lane dredging as presented, is a
short-term solution to the overall problem. Council will need to address a long-term
solution in the near future.
Alderman Glab suggested Staff develop and present long term solutions for Council
consideration within sixty days, or present a services agreement to conduct a
comprehensive study of the Lakeland Park storm water drainage system with a projected
cost estimate. Further discussion ensued.
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Murgatroyd, to direct Staff to clean out the
Lakeland Park drainage ditch and culverts on an annual basis.
Voting Aye: Bolger, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: Glab.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Cuda recognized Diana Mantzoros of 1904 Oak Drive. Ms. Mantzoros
informed Council, although debris had been removed from the ditch and culverts, it has not
yet been collected from the creek bank.
WOODMAN, $74,900
City Administrator Lobaito presented an Engineering Services Agreement with City
engineering firm Baxter and Woodman, to update the City's Facilities Planning Report. A
Facilities Planning Report is a multi-task detailed investigation of an entity's wastewater
management requirements. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency requires the
development of a Facilities Plan prior to the submission of any expansion design
documents. The recent acquisition of the Riviera Marina Property adjacent to the City's
Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, enables Staff to proceed with the planned treatment
plant improvements and associated expansion. In addition, numerous developments
• Execution of a boundary agreement with the Village of Johnsburg;
■ City agreement to provide sanitary sewer service to neighboring municipality, the
Village of McCullom Lake;
■ The completion of the City's Comprehensive Plan Update; and
■ The renewal with more stringent requirements of the Central Wastewater
Treatment Plant's NPDES Permit;
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support the need for an updated Facilities Planning Report more reflective of the City of
McHenry's current wastewater management conditions.
The Facilities Planning Report will:
■ Determine the current and future wastewater treatment needs of the City;
■ Evaluate alternatives to meet those needs;
■ Determine the most cost-effective program and evaluate environmental impacts
of the program.
City engineering firm Baxter and Woodman representative Robert Benson was in
attendance. In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, Mr. Benson noted, although the
NPDES Permit renewal cycle is every five years, the updated Facilities Planning Report
addresses City of McHenry future wastewater treatment system needs for the next twenty
years. Baxter and Woodman representative Benson also stated the Facilities Planning
Services proposal does not include a sewer system evaluation survey to identify
infiltration/inflow sources, geo-technical investigations, archeological surveys, wetland
delineations, or detailed field surveys.
In response to Council inquiry, Mr. Benson noted, in all likelihood, a sewer system
evaluation survey would not be required. Some discussion followed regarding the effect of
minor Comprehensive Plan deviations on the completed Facilities Planning Report. Mr.
Benson noted numerous minor variations could potentially impact the Facilities Planning
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve the Mayor's execution
of an Engineering Services Agreement to update the City of McHenry Facilities Planning
Report in an amount not-to-exceed $74,900.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Boone Creek Venture representatives Roger Gerstad of Gerstad Builders, and
David Backhaus of American Heritage Builders, were in attendance. Mr. Gerstad informed
Council the Boone Creek Venture Development had acquired approximately 20 additional
acres of property adjacent to Boone Creek Unit 4. The adjacent property is located on the
east side of Curran Road, north of the existing Boone Creek Unit 4 Subdivision. The
Boone Creek Venture Development is requesting Council consideration and approval of an
amendment to the Preliminary Plat of Boone Creek incorporating the additional 20 acres,
with 26 new single family lots and a revised street layout. Zoning of the additional 20 acres
would remain consistent with Unit 4's zoning of RS-2. The additional 20-acre parcel also
includes a storm water detention basin designated as Outlot F and wetland areas
designated as Outlots D and E. The wetlands have been identified to follow the existing
drainage swale through the property and would be disturbed only as required for street
extensions. The developers will comply with all permitting requirements. _
Mr. Gerstad also noted the additional parcel has two significant limitations:
■ The existence of a large area of wetlands; and
■ A gas main easement.
The preliminary plat amendments include:
■ Egress to Curran Road from the subdivision has been moved further north to
Blue Grass Trail;
■ Cobblestone Road has been extended west to include sanitary sewer
infrastructure; and
■ Two dry detention areas will be dedicated to the City of McHenry.
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Mr. Gerstad stated he appeared before the City of McHenry Plan Commission on July 6,
2000, and has agreed to adopt three of the four Plan Commission's recommended
conditions including:
■ The elimination of the Blue Grass Trail connection to Curran Road;
■ Reserving property for a future connection from Blue Grass Trail to the adjacent
property to the north; and
■ The elimination of the Wimbleton Trail connection to Dartmoor Drive.
Mr. Gerstad stated, although Lot 6 has been stubbed, public improvements would
not be installed until a road connection is proposed with the subdivision to the north. The
elimination of the Wimbleton Trail connection to Dartmoor Drive will require a variance to
permit a 585' cul-de-sac on Wimbleton Trail. As the curb cut to Dartmoor Drive is already
installed, if a variance is granted, the developer will incur the expense of removing said
curb cut. Mr. Gerstad is unwilling to reconfigure Lots 189 through 191, the fourth condition
recommended by the Plan Commission.
Alderman Glab concurred with the cul-de-sac variance and elimination of the
Wimbleton Trail connection to Dartmoor Drive. He expressed concern regarding the
possibility of a speed problem on Wedgwood Trail. Some discussion followed.
Citing aesthetics, it was the consensus of Council to require a 30' setback for Lots
189 and 191. In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Mr. Gerstad noted only 26 single
family lots will be developed on the additional twenty acres, which equates to a density of
less than two units per acre. The wetlands are of poor quality, and will be maintained by a
homeowners' association.
Alderman Murgatroyd, although not in favor of long cul-de-sacs, supported the
applicants' request for a cul-de-sac variance, citing the need to eliminate the Curran Road
access. He also suggested the placement of stop signs within the subdivision be
addressed at this time. City Administrator Lobaito informed Council stop sign placement
will be addressed during Final Plat approval. Some discussion followed regarding possible
alternatives to the proposed cul-de-sac variance.
Motion by Baird, seconded by Bolger, to acknowledge the affirmative
recommendation of the Plan Commission, and to approve the Boone Creek Preliminary
Plat revision as prepared by Howard Surveying Company, dated May 17, 2000, subject to
the following conditions:
■ Elimination of the Blue Grass Trail connection to Curran Road;
■ Reserving property for a future connection from Blue Grass Trail to the adjacent
property to the north;
■ Elimination of the Wimbleton Trail connection to Dartmoor Drive; and
■ Placement of a 30' setback restriction on Lots 189 and 191;
and that a variance to permit a 585' cul-de-sac on Wimbleton Trail be granted.
Voting Aye: Bolger, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: Glab.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mr. Gerstad explained Boone Creek Unit 4 is comprised of two separate parcels.
Parcel #1 is located north of Dartmoor Drive and east of Curran Road, consisting of
approximately 22.5 acres. Parcel #2 consists of 14.3 acres and straddles the extension of
Whitmore Trail in Section 33 of McHenry Township. The Final Plat has incorporated, as
per Staff recommendation, a U-shaped roadway.
Alderman Murgatroyd requested the placement of stop signs be addressed by Staff.
The Final Plat of Boone Creek Unit 4 appeared before the Plan Commission on July 6,
2000. The Final Plat received unanimous approval subject to the following conditions:
1. Compliance with all recommended easements, following the City Engineer's review of
the Final Plat;
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2. Based on the signature blocks used on previous plats, the references to "First Midwest
Bank" and "Owner" on the various certificates should be changed to "First Midwest
Trust Company" and "Trust Officer";
3. The date in the first paragraph of the City Clerk's Certificate should be changed to
4. Verification of the FIRM panel number referenced in the Surveyor's Certificate, as the
property included in this subdivision appears to be in the map issued for the City
(170483 0002D,7/5/83);
5. A separate document indicating the special restrictions regarding fencing and berming
shall be recorded against the lots along Dartmoor Drive;
6. Castlewood Court should be renamed to Steeplechase Court (as suggested by the
developer) so that it is dissimilar to Castlewood Trail.
7. Realignment of Lot 178 as per the previously approved Boone Creek Preliminary Plat
Staff noted Mr. Gerstad has agreed to comply with all seven Plan Commission
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Baird, to acknowledge the unanimous
recommendation of the Plan Commission, and to approve Boone Creek Unit 4 Final Plat as
prepared by Howard Surveying Company on June 7, 2000, subject to the following
1. Compliance with all recommended easements, following the City Engineer's review of
the Final Plat;
2. Based on the signature blocks used on previous plats, the references to "First Midwest
Bank" and "Owner" on the various certificates should be changed to "First Midwest
Trust Company" and "Trust Officer";
3. The date in the first paragraph of the City Clerk's Certificate should be changed to
4. Verification of the FIRM panel number referenced in the Surveyor's Certificate, as the
property included in this subdivision appears to be in the map issued for the City
(170483 00020,7/5/83);
5. A separate document indicating the special restrictions regarding fencing and berming
shall be recorded against the lots along Dartmoor Drive;
6. Castlewood Court shall be renamed to Steeplechase Court (as suggested by the
developer) so that it is dissimilar to Castlewood Trail.
7. Realignment of Lot 178 as per the previously approved Boone Creek Preliminary Plat
8. Final Plat shall be recorded within six months of approval.
Voting Aye: Bolger, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: Glab.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
John Greene of Concorde Development Corporation, Mr. George Johnson Jr., Peter
Johnson, Verne Schiller, Joan Galli and Christian Galli were in attendance.
Director of Community Development Napolitano in his supplement stated the
property owners and developers had appeared before the City's Plan Commission on
February 3, 2000 and presented the first concept plan to the McHenry City Council at a
Committee of the Whole Meeting held on April 10, 2000. The subject property is located
south of Route 120, north of Bull Valley Road, between Curran Road and Draper Road,
consisting of approximately 600 acres. The property extends beyond Draper Road to the
northwest where it abuts the City adjacent to both the Burning Tree and Deerwood Estates
Subdivisions. Council at its April 10'' Committee of the Whole Meeting directed the
property owners and developers to proceed with their annexation plans, revising the
concept plan based on Council recommendation and suggestion. In addition, Mayor Cuda
suggested a draft annexation agreement be developed. A revised concept plan was being
presented as well as specific annexation agreement items for Council consideration and
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Concorde Development Corporation representative John Greene addressed
Council noting no formal Council action was anticipated this evening with regard to their
revised concept plan and proposed annexation. John Greene presented the revised
concept plan for Council comment and review. He noted, in response to previous Council
input, Shamrock Drive, originally the main thoroughfare serving the proposed
development, had been eliminated. It was the opinion of the developer and property
owners the Curran and Draper Roads intersection improvements and the future
development of the West McHenry Bypass negated the need for a major roadway through
the proposed subdivision. Water and sewer infrastructure will be extended to serve the
development and monies allocated for the future traffic signal and intersection
improvements at Draper and Dartmoor Roads. Overall lot sizes have been increased with
the smallest size 10,890 square feet; lots west of Draper, approximately 30,000 square
feet; lots abutting the Deerwood Estates and Burning Tree Subdivisions, a minimum of one
acre in size. The cul-de-sac street designs were eliminated. Only one cul-de-sac remains.
Mr. Greene also noted discussion with McHenry Elementary School District 15
representatives gleaned their willingness to consider a developer donation contribution
consisting of property and cash. The developer donation cash contribution would be made
on an accelerated payment scheduled, and the property designated for an early childhood
center and future elementary school site. Conversations with McHenry High School District
156 representatives revealed their interest in receiving only cash developer donation
Alderman Glab expressed concern regarding the extension of Dartmoor Drive to the
subdivision. He cited the potential daily use of Dartmoor Drive by an additional 227
students from the Shamrock Farm Development traveling to West Campus High School.
Further discussion followed regarding McHenry Elementary School District 15's site
request, as well as the potential need for a high school site. Council directed Mayor Cuda
and Alderman Bolger to meet with McHenry High School District 156 representatives to
obtain their comments and concerns regarding the proposed Shamrock Farm
Mr. Greene, responding to Alderman Glab's concerns regarding Draper Road, noted
the main roadway access to the proposed subdivision would be Draper Road. Dartmoor
Drive has been designed in such a fashion as to prohibit a direct vehicular route to Draper
and Bull Valley Roads. Mr. Greene also requested Council consider the donation of park
lands as a partial payment towards the Parks Developer Donations Fees. Staff suggested
each of the 21 unresolved annexation and developmental provisions be addressed
Item #1: Preliminary Plat approval, single family residential and multi-family zoning
density, and a detailed road layout, was deferred.
Item #2: A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the City of McHenry's proposal to
include language in the annexation agreement establishing a maximum number of permits
issued per calendar year for the proposed development. City Staff is suggesting a
maximum of 175 units be approved per year. This number would result in a five to six year
buildout for the proposed development. Mr. Greene explained the proposed development
includes four distinct home product lines:
■ Single family detached;
■ Single family attached; and
■ Multi-family units.
The 175 maximum building unit permits per calendar year restriction would be cost
prohibitive. The developers anticipate simultaneous development of all product lines. Mr.
Greene also opined the simultaneous development of these product lines will have less
impact on City services, schools, and roadways.
Mayor Cuda suggested an established per year building permit maximum for each
zoning classification. Some discussion followed. It was the consensus of Council to direct
Staff to develop several maximum building permit formulas for further consideration by the
developers and Council.
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Item #3: City requirement of 50% brick or masonry exterior for townhomes. Mr.
Greene expressed concern with the 50% brick/masonry requirement, opining a better
architectural standard could be developed outside this requirement. Some discussion
followed regarding the market value of these proposed units. Mr. Greene stated the
developers will agree to architectural standards for all proposed multi-family
Item #4: The developers are aware of and agree to incurring all expenses and costs --�
associated with amending the City of McHenry's Facility Plan Area to incorporate the
proposed development.
Item #5: The developers are aware of and agree to underwriting the cost and
expenses incurred associated with the expansion and improvement of the City of
McHenry's existing water and sewer systems to meet the demands of the proposed
Item #6: The developers are seeking "credit" for the prepayment of water/sewer tap
and capital development fees, reserving available capacity for the proposed development.
Item #7: The developers are seeking Council approval to install sanitary sewer
mains in parkway easements. Citing significant cost savings, Mr. Greene distributed a list
of other area municipalities which permit the installation of sanitary sewer mains in
parkways. Some discussion followed. Staff noted the difficulty of maintaining and repairing
sewer main located in parkways, specifically, with the City's existing aquatech equipment.
Director of Public Works Batt noted in the supplement City of McHenry ordinance requires
homeowners to incur repair costs for sanitary sewer service lines. The placement in
parkways would create an unfair disadvantage to homeowners with property located on the
opposite side of the selected parkway. Council directed Staff to further investigate the
feasibility of this proposal.
Item #8: Council has agreed in principal to granting a variance to the City's
Subdivision Control Ordinance allowing the developers to utilize existing onsite excavated
materials as trench backfill, subject to the developers meeting all acceptable engineering
and Illinois Department of Transportation standards.
Items #9 through #11: The developers have agreed to incur all associated costs
with the reconstruction and realignment of the existing Draper and Curran Roads
intersection, subject to the City's cooperation in obtaining required easements and/or
rights-of-way and the City's vacation of the existing right-of-way for Draper Road, which
will no longer be required for access. Mr. Greene did stated, however, the developer's
unwillingness to incur additional costs associated with correcting the existing Draper and
Curran Roads intersection.
Items#12 and #13: The developers have agreed to pay their proportionate share of
the improvement costs at the intersections of.
■ Curran/Bull Valley Roads;
■ Curran Road/Illinois Route 120;
subject to the condition the City of McHenry make the improvements and collect the
balance of the cost from appropriate entities. City Staff is recommending the developer be
obligated to make the improvements; however, the City would agree to obtain required
easements and/or right-of-way, in addition to developing and approving a recapture
agreement. As per Staff recommendation, the developers have agreed to pay their
proportionate share and place into escrow the cost of new traffic signals at the
intersections of:
■ Curran/Bull Valley Roads;
■ Curran Road/Dartmoor Drive;
■ Curran Road/Illinois Route 120.
After a lengthy discussion, Staff recommended the developers be obligated to make the
improvements at the intersection of Curran and Bull Valley Roads as well as Curran Road
and Illinois Route 120. City Planner Maggio reminded Council if the developers are not
required to complete these improvements, the City of McHenry assumes the obligation.
.page 9
Funding for these improvements must then be addressed by Council.
Alderman Baird opined the developers should be required to make the
improvements at Curran and Bull Valley Roads, Curran Road and Route 120, as well as
Crystal Lake and Bull Valley Roads. He stated if a recapture agreement were necessary,
this was an acceptable condition. A lengthy discussion followed. It was the consensus of
Council to investigate these issues further. Council also suggested Staff schedule
consideration of annexation agreements as sole agenda items at Council Meetings or as a
Special Meeting.
Item #14: As per Staff recommendation, the developer has agreed to dedicate to
the designated jurisdiction that portion of property necessary for the proposed West
McHenry Bypass.
Item #15: Staff noted the dedication of a ten-acre site to McHenry Elementary
School District 15 was addressed earlier. McHenry High School District 156 will receive
the full school developer donation amount in cash contribution.
Item #16: The developer has offered to convey and dedicate to the City three park
sites totaling 34 acres. The developers are requesting park developer donation credit for
the land donation. The balance of the required park developer donation fees will be paid in
cash. The land donation represents 75% of the parks donations required, and 25% will be
the balance paid in cash. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel recommended
combining the 34 acres into one site adjacent to the McHenry Elementary School District
15 property.
Mayor Cuda supported this recommendation, noting the proposed 13-acre park site
along Draper Road was currently under water.
Alderman Baird stated his preference for one combined park site and, in the event
park developer donation credit is given the developers, the park site when dedicated to the
City, must be completely developed. Alderman Baird proposed language in the annexation
agreement requiring Staff approval of park design and development.
Director Merkel also recommended the donated park land be credited for a
maximum of 50% of the required park developer donation fees. Mr. Greene noted the
proposed development includes a substantial amount of open green space in addition to
the dedicated park properties. He suggested the 13-acre park site located along Draper
Road be exchanged for one of the designated open green space areas.
Item #17: Mr. Greene noted the developers are suggesting the annexation fee of
$604,000 be paid at the $1,000/acre rate at the time of final platting for each
developmental phase.
Mayor Cuda noted the City of McHenry has always required the payment of
annexation fees within 60 days of an approved annexation agreement.
Alderman Murgatroyd, citing the need to negotiate numerous other improvement
projects, suggested the payment of annexation fees could be a negotiable item. He
suggested, if a payment schedule were agreeable, payments be increased by an annual
Consumer Price Index.
Item #19: The developers are suggesting the annual Consumer Price Index
adjustment to the developer donation fees for schools, parks, library and fire district be
limited to a 5% maximum.
Mayor Cuda again stated City of McHenry has never agreed to any type of cap or
limitation to fees established in an annexation agreement.
Item #20: The developer is proposing a 50% reduction in the operations fee for all
multi-family units. Mr. Greene cited the production of a reduced number of children from
these units.
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In addition to the items referenced previously, the developers are also requesting
language in the proposed annexation agreement permitting the continued operation of a
farm and the presence of cattle, including horses, until the proposed development is
completely built-out.
Mr. Greene also expressed some concern regarding the City's proposal to require
the burying of existing above-ground utilities located on the adjacent property. Council
directed Staff to further investigate these claims.
Some discussion followed regarding the installation of backyard fences along
Draper Road. The developers requested further input from Council and/or Staff regarding
fence type, height, and other required standards, including the defining the required
minimum setback from Draper Road to protect the aesthetic view from the roadway.
Mayor Cuda reported City Staff was in possession of two checks, one from the
Illinois Department of Natural Resources in the amount of$141,500 for the development of
Althoff Park, and one in the amount of $500,000 from Representative Franks Member
Initiative monies for the elevated water storage tank installation.
There were no Committee Reports.
Assistant Director of Public Works Marcinko reported the Streets Reconstruction
Program with contractors Peter Baker and Sons was 40% complete, with a total completion
date of September 30th . The 2000 Streets Maintenance Program is 60-70% complete with
a total completion date of August 30th. Assistant Director Marcinko also noted the
Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch debris referenced by Ms. Mantzoros would be picked up by
the Public Works Street Division by the end of the week.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the OSLAD Grant Staff conducted
an inspection tour of the Petersen Farm Homestead Property yesterday afternoon. He
noted all successful grant applicants will be notified in October. Council will be kept
apprised of any developments.
Chief of Police Kostecki informed Council the Police Department Staff will be
participating in a bus accident drill with the McHenry Township Fire Protection District in
front of Edgebrook School on Monday, August 7, 2000. He also noted Northern Illinois
Medical Center experienced an armed robbery at the pharmacy on Friday, July 28t`' at
10:00 p.m. The perpetrator was in search of narcotics. Chief Kostecki reported a suspect
was arrested on Monday, July 31't.
City Administrator Lobaito noted Executive Session would be deferred until the next
regularly scheduled Council Meeting, August 16, 2000. Some discussion followed
regarding the scheduling of Special Meetings to consider annexations and/or new concept
plans. It was the consensus of Council to schedule all future developmental meetings as
Special Meetings on Monday evenings.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Baird, to direct Staff to develop a policy requiring the
posting of Special Meetings for the single purpose of consideration of annexations and/or
new concept plan presentations.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
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Alderman Bolger, noting the Illinois Department of Transportation has approved the
installation of a deceleration and left turn lane on Route 120 at Valley View School with the
provision the City of McHenry bear the total cost of the project, suggested Council solicit
funds from State Representative Franks.
Alderman Glab requested Staff investigate reports of existing trash and debris at the
corner of Anne Street and Route 31. He also requested Staff investigate removal of a boat
parked on Crystal Lake Road across from the Oaks Marathon Service Station.
In response to Alderman McClatchey's inquiry, Director of Parks and Recreation
Merkel noted bid specifications will be developed and sought for Freund Field Playground
equipment. Installation is anticipated by early fall. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel
also informed Alderman McClatchey the bike path north of McCullom Lake Road is still
under repair. It is anticipated this section of bike path will be open to traffic within the next
few weeks. The Petersen Park playground equipment is scheduled for removal and
replacement next year.
Some discussion followed regarding the developmental proposal for Freund Field.
In response to Alderman Glab's request, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated
the next Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting will include an Agenda item addressing
the ponds at Whispering Oaks Park.
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 p.m.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.