HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/08/2000 - City Council SPECIAL MEETING
NOVEMBER 8, 2000
A Special Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Cuda
at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, November 8, 2000 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal
Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey,
Murgatroyd, Baird.. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator
Lobaito, Deputy Clerk Kunzer, Director of Community Development Napolitano.
Mayor Cuda stated the purpose of this evening's meeting was to consider Crystal
Lake Road Corridor Planning Study presented by Mr. Peter Pointner of Planning
Resources of Wheaton, Illinois. Council initially began discussion and review of this study
at its October 18, 2000 regularly scheduled Council Meeting; however, as Mr. Pointner
was unable to attend that meeting, the discussion and review of the Crystal Lake Road
Corridor Planning Study was deferred to this evening's Special Meeting. Mayor Cuda
stated no formal Council action is anticipated this evening.
Mayor Cuda introduced Mr. Peter Pointner who then provided an overview of the
Crystal Lake Road Corridor Planning Study for Council edification.
Mr. Pointner stated the purpose of the Study was to look at traffic patterns and
congestion on Crystal Lake Road from Bull Valley Road north to Hanley Drive. The Study
reviewed potential short and long-term means of improving vehicular, pedestrian and
bicycle traffic congestion and flow in this area. Mr. Pointner opined no one specific action
will solve the traffic problems in this area. Some proposed suggestions are complex and
costly; some are controversial; some could be more easily implemented than others. He
stated it is for the McHenry City Council to decide which of the proposed suggestions
should be implemented and in what sequence.
Mr. Pointner noted all streets basically serve two functions:
■ To carry traffic from one part of the City to another;
■ To serve the property along the roadway.
Crystal Lake Road, the subject of the Study, is designed and depicted on the City's
Comprehensive Plan as a Major Arterial Roadway. There are many existing uses and
access points along the stretch of Crystal Lake Road. Mr. Pointner observed there is an
inherent conflict which must be resolved in that there is a steady flow of moving traffic on
this major arterial roadway, as well as local access for area residences and businesses
which interrupts the flow of traffic.
Mr. Pointner stated a major concern highlighted in the Study was the southern-most
entry/exit to the McHenry West Campus High School. In light of the City of McHenry's two-
campus system, high school shuttle buses entering and exits the site throughout the
school day. Additionally, there are 31 long, narrow lots containing 20 residential and 6
commercial driveways located directly across from West Campus High School. Both these
factors exasperate the existing Crystal Lake Road traffic problem. A goal of this Study was
to recommend solutions to reduce or eliminate these concerns. Additionally, the Study
attempts to reduce the numerous sidewalk gaps along this stretch of roadway. A
continuous sidewalk would route pedestrian traffic to the two schools, West Campus High
School and Riverwood Elementary School, located along Crystal Lake Road.
Mr. Pointner anticipated there would be a 20-30% reduction in the volume of
existing vehicular traffic on Crystal Lake Road upon completion of the West McHenry
Mr. Pointner provided a brief overview of the outcome of the Crystal Lake Road
Corridor Planning Study, noting the following:
■ A proposed access drive for exiting traffic only from the High School West
Campus onto Oakwood Drive, with a left-hand turn restriction onto Oakwood
Drive. This option would include signage and landscape treatment preventing
cut-through traffic north on Royal Drive to Route 120;
■ Traffic signalization at Royal Drive at Crystal Lake Road;
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■ Create a median safety island by widening the roadway in front of West Campus
High School;
■ Create deceleration lanes on Crystal Lake Road for southbound traffic entering
the High School West Campus;
■ Re-orient bus traffic movements in drive from northbound to southbound so that
students do not cross drive when exiting or entering the buses;
■ Improve Kelter Street and extend a new section along the rear of the deep
properties facing Crystal Lake Road. Improve Marietta Street and connect it with
Ponca, providing an alternative pedestrian, cycle and vehicular route to Lillian
Street. This option would:
■ Prohibit future commercial development along the adjacent stretch of Crystal
Lake Road;
■ Require the annexation of affected properties;
■ Require the acquisition of right-of-way to develop local street connection from
Kelter Street to Lillian Street;
■ Allow for re-subdivision of affected deep lots along Crystal Lake Road;
■ Create bike-pedestrian pathway along the new connecting road between
Kelter Street and Lillian Street;
■ Install traffic signal at Dartmoor Drive;
■ Extend Lillian Street west across Crystal Lake Road which would include:
■ Acquiring right-of-way from Northfox Condominium Association and Garden
Quarter Association to connect through to Oakwood Drive which causes the
following concerns:
■ If the Dartmoor Drive traffic signal is installed, it is possible the City would
not be able to meet warrants for the installation of a signal at Front Royal
■ If Lillian Street is extended, and the exit onto Oakwood from the High
School Campus is installed, there is a potential to mix commercial traffic
with high school traffic. An alternative option would be to cul-de-sac the
Lillian Street extension and not connect to Oakwood Drive;
■ Provide pull-over area for buses providing transportation to day care facility on
Crystal Lake Road so that all four lanes of traffic are not impacted when the bus
stops to load/unload students in front of the day care center.
In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Mr. Pointner stated a traffic signal installed
in front of the High School would not meet traffic warrants if used only during peak times.
He stated the most cost-effective way to accommodate traffic flow and congestion is via
use of personnel directing traffic. Alderman Glab opined there is significant cut-through
traffic utilizing the following streets located within the Whispering Oaks Subdivision: Royal
Drive to Chesterfield to Oakwood Drive. High school students traveling to and from the
western subdivisions to the high school campus utilize this cut-through route. He opined
creating an exit onto Oakwood Drive from the West Campus property would exacerbate
this problem.
Alderman Glab recommended the following alternative: extend Lillian Street to a
dead end across Crystal Lake Road. Provisions to permit existing area commercial entities'
access to the Lillian Street light should be addressed. Additionally, this alternative could
provide the Garden Quarter Apartment Complex with access onto the Lillian Street
extension providing direct access to the traffic signal. Alderman Glab concluded this
alternative would encompass an internal restructuring and consolidation of traffic flow in
this commercial area. Mr. Pointner responded Alderman Glab's recommendation would
only consolidate access to the commercial area, subject to the businesses granting cross-
access easements.
Alderman Glab, referencing the Kelter Street option, noted a new cut-through street
would be created impacting residents in this area. Mr. Pointner responded the creation of
the Kelter Street extension would assist West Campus bicycle and pedestrian traffic gain
access to the residential neighborhoods east of Crystal Lake Road.
Discussion followed regarding the possible installation of a Dartmoor Drive traffic
signal and the extension of Dartmoor Drive east over the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks to
Route 31.
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In response to Alderman McClatchey's comment Mayor Cuda, citing the passage of
the McHenry High School District 156 referendum, stated West Campus parking lot
configuration and usage may be redesigned permitting both the north and south lots to
access the proposed Oakwood Drive egress.
Mr. Pointner concurred and suggested the following Oakwood Drive egress
improvements be considered by Council prior to its construction:
■ Limited hours of use;
■ Prohibiting bus traffic;
■ Creating a design which prohibits cut-through traffic through the Whispering
Oaks Subdivision on Front Royal Drive.
Alderman Murgatroyd echoed Alderman McClatchey stating students and buses
would not use the Oakwood Drive egress, if the West Campus parking lot configuration
does not change. He agreed high school students currently cut-through Whispering Oaks
Subdivision from Route 120 to Royal Drive. Referencing the deep lots on Crystal Lake
Road and the Kelter Street extension option, Alderman Murgatroyd stated forced
annexation of the properties along Kelter Street east of Crystal Lake Road is not a viable
option. He also stated previous attempts to secure cross-access easement agreements
between the Post Office, Ace Hardware and First Midwest Bank have not proven fruitful.
Businesses can not be forced to forfeit private property to facilitate municipal
improvements. Alderman Murgatroyd iterated the City is currently at a fact-finding stage
and not prepared to implement any options at this time.
In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, Mr. Pointner stated the median safety
island would not be a barrier, but a soft island, possibly painted white. It would provide a
safety zone for traffic leaving the West Campus parking lot waiting to turn north. Alderman
Baird inquired if the proposed exit onto Oakwood Drive would be right-turn only. Mr.
Pointner responded in the affirmative. In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, Mr.
Pointner stated left-hand turns onto Front Royal from Oakwood could be inhibited via
Mayor Cuda reminded the audience the proposed options are not necessarily ready
for implementation. The City does not have the right to make improvements on private
property. Consequently, some of the options being proposed the City has control over;
others are at the behest of private property owners, such as High School District 156.
In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito stated the City
controls the right-of-way via the permitting process. At the present time, the City does not
regulate the number of permitted curb cuts on Oakwood Drive. Discussion followed
regarding the proposed Oakwood Drive egress from the West Campus property. It was
noted the current lot width of the proposed Oakwood Drive egress is 25'. The required
width of a one-way access lane is 12'.
Alderman Bolger agreed some of the proposed alternatives will be implemented,
while others will not. He opined:
■ The cross-access easements at the rear of Ace, the Pose Office and First
Midwest Bank are a good alternative as long as Lillian Street ends in a cul-de-
sac and is not extended through to Royal Drive.;
■ The West McHenry Bypass will reduce existing traffic on Crystal Lake Road by
as much as 20-30% and should be supported by the City;
■ The proposed deceleration lanes should be installed as soon as possible.
Aldermen Bolger and Murgatroyd suggested the City initiate the Crystal Lake Road
alternatives which are financially feasible and logistically possible.
Mayor Cuda directed Staff to contact Smith Engineering of McHenry regarding an
engineering services agreement for the installation of a traffic signal at Crystal Lake Road
and Royal Drive.
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Alderman Baird noted Council must decide the following:
■ Council's position on the proposed West Campus Oakwood Drive egress;
■ Pursuing the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Royal Drive and
Crystal Lake Road;
■ Installation of a median safety island and how should it be delineated;
■ Resolution of the bus stop in front of the day care center, located at 4717 West
Crystal Lake Road;
■ Installation of acceleration and/or deceleration lanes in front of West Campus.
Alderman Baird continued, noting there has been little or no support for the Lillian
Street extension through to Royal Drive. He opined the proposed Oakwood Drive egress is
not in the best interest of the neighborhood, the students or the community. Alderman
Baird noted the intersection of Winding Creek Drive and Crystal Lake Road is very
dangerous. He suggested signage alerting traffic to the pedestrian crosswalk and the
elementary school should be installed. He suggested Staff investigate the purchase and
installation of a pedestrian crosswalk flashing yellow light. He also noted a traffic light at
Winding Creek Drive and Crystal Lake road would alleviate traffic congestion at the
intersection of Dartmoor Drive and Crystal Lake Road. Alderman Baird stated his
preference for the installation of a traffic signal at Winding Creek Drive and Crystal Lake
Road, citing the proximity of Riverwood Elementary School.
Mayor Cuda reiterated the West Campus remodeling and construction resulting
from the passage of School District 156's referendum will potentially impact the traffic
congestion and flow on Crystal Lake Road. Some of the suggested alternatives should be
postponed until the impact is known.
Mayor Cuda opened the floor to audience questions and/or comment.
Mike Etten, citing the current Boone Creek Subdivision increased traffic, stated his
support for the proposed traffic signalization of Dartmoor Drive and Crystal Lake Road
intersection. He also informed Council Park Ridge Estates residents have been assured a
traffic signal as well as a streetlight will be installed at this intersection. Discussion
followed regarding the prerequisites for the installation of the Dartmoor Drive traffic signal,
as specified in the Park Ridge Estates Annexation Agreement. Mayor Cuda directed Staff
to provide Council with a review of the Albert's Park Ridge Estates Annexation Agreement,
particularly as it pertains to the intersection signalization.
Dottie Thurlwell, a resident of Northfox Condominiums, stated the condominium
association has not been informed about the possibility of a Lillian Street extension
traversing their property. She noted there are 96 residents who would be affected by the
installation of this proposed extension. She objected to any road improvements increasing
the amount of commercial traffic in this residential area. Mayor Cuda responded there is no
Council support for this extension proposal..
Jim Zeinz expressed the following concerns with regard to the Crystal Lake Road
Corridor Planning Study:
■ The suggested alternative regarding the proposed West Campus Oakwood
Drive egress would not provide traffic congestion relief for students exiting West
■ Sidewalks in the area would provide safety for students/pedestrians in the area.
He requested sidewalks be included along the West Campus property line along
Crystal Lake Road;
■ The installation of the Dartmoor Drive and Crystal Lake Road traffic signal
should not be dependent upon the crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks
by Dartmoor Drive. He noted traffic is steadily increasing on Dartmoor Drive due
to the increased development of Boone Creek Venture Subdivision;
■ The developers of Park Ridge Estates were required to provide easements for
the extension of the bike path through this subdivision. He noted it will be
completed in Park Ridge Estates Phases III and IV;
■ The potential culmination of traffic at the intersection of Oakwood and Royal
Drives could have a heavy impact on the neighborhood, particularly the resident
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at the northwest corner of this intersection. Mr. Pointner responded there could
be a reduction in through traffic via an increase in appropriate landscaping
Carol Moran, a resident of Park Ridge Estates, noted there are 150 single family
homes yet to be developed in the Park Ridge Estates Subdivision. She opined, as this
subdivision is developed further, becomes increasingly difficult to safely cross Crystal Lake
Road. She stated it is impossible for high school pedestrian students to cross this road to
get to West Campus High School. In response to Ms. Moran's inquiry regarding the status
--- of the Dartmoor Drive traffic signal escrow funds, if not utilized for the installation of the
traffic signal, Mayor Cuda directed Staff to provide Council with a summary of the
language contained in the Park Ridge Estates Annexation Agreement with regard to the
utilization of these funds. This information will be distributed in the Friday November 101'
Agenda Packet.
Alderman Bolger .left the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Mayor Cuda stated, prior to the City spending monies on Crystal Lake Road
improvements, the proposed changes must be carefully researched and reviewed to
ascertain the most feasible and cost-effective ways to reduce traffic congestion on this
Steve Bjorkman, local resident and businessman, stated the installation of a traffic
signal at the intersection of Royal Drive and Crystal Lake Road, may create the Crystal
Lake Road traffic backups, causing his customers difficulty entering and exiting his
business, Ace Hardware. He suggested Lillian Street be extended west in a cul-de-sac
design providing access to his business, the Post Office and First Midwest Bank. Mr.
Pointner suggested a consortium be developed consisting of area residents, business
owners and City representatives, to determine the best possible way to alleviate
congestion at this stretch of the roadway.
Don Butler, of the Whispering Oaks Condominium Association, stated the members
of the Association object to the proposed Oakwood Drive egress. He noted traffic utilizing
this egress would increase the amount of traffic in the Whispering Oaks Subdivision. He
opined it will cause light pollution for adjacent condominiums created by lights shining from
vehicles leaving the high school. He noted the Association is in favor the following
■ signalization of the Royal Drive and Crystal Lake Road intersection;
■ deceleration lanes in front of the high school;
■ a pullover lane for buses dropping off/picking up children from the day care
facility located at 4717 West Crystal Lake Road;
■ signalization of the Dartmoor Drive and Crystal Lake Road intersection.
Mark Nielsen, a resident of Royal Drive, stated he is opposed to the proposed
Oakwood Drive egress. He noted the current high volume of traffic currently cutting
through Whispering Oaks Subdivision from Route 120 to Crystal Lake Road. The
proposed Oakwood Drive egress would exacerbate this problem. He concurred with some
of the proposals contained within the Study. However, he stressed it is important to find
ways to alleviate the traffic congestion, and not to just move it from one street to another,
creating difficulties for other neighborhoods. It is important to determine how each
proposed change would impact the area as a whole.
Judy Szilak, a resident of Fox Ridge, stated it is important the City conduct a
comprehensive long range plan of the Crystal Lake Road area. There is a need to
decrease curb cuts along Crystal Lake Road. She noted the proposed addition to West
Campus will create an estimated 200 additional student parking spaces. Ms. Szilak
suggested the City prohibit further development along Crystal Lake Road until the traffic
issue has been resolved. She opined the installation of the Lillian Street and Crystal Lake
Road traffic signal was a mistake. This traffic signal creates
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traffic backups, making it impossible for students to safely cross Crystal Lake Road to
West Campus. She stated a flashing yellow light in front of West Campus would not solve
the problem. She opined a pedestrian crossing light should be installed.
An unidentified Northfox Condominium resident expressed concern with the current
amount of cut-through traffic from Meadow Lane to Crystal Lake Road. ...�
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Glab, to adjourn at 9:38 p.m.
Voting Aye: Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Bolger.
Motion carried.
The Meeting was adjourn at 9:38 p.m.
Mayor Deputy Clerk