HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 05/03/2021 - City CouncilThe City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, May 3, 2021, 7:00 p.m. In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting will be held remotely only. The public can observe and participate by connecting online via Zoom at https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/91675653156 Or call 312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 916 7565 3156 1.Call to Order. 2.Roll Call. 3.Pledge of Allegiance. 4.Public Comments: If you wish to submit any public comment, please email: dmorefield@cityofmchenry.org in advance of the meeting. The City will read such public comments during the public commentary portion of the meeting and the comments will be entered into the official record of the meeting. Any comments received during the meeting will be provided in writing to the Council after the meeting. 5.Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A.Pay Application Request #31 & final payment to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements in the amount of $96,722.84 ; (Public Works Director Strange) B.Approve the Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests; (Parks & Recreation Director Hobson) C.April 19, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes; D.Issuance of Checks in the amount of $205,962.27. 6.Individual Action Item Agenda. A.Motion to authorize the execution of a Commercial Tenant Grant agreement between the City of McHenry and the owners of Village Squire Restaurant, 4512 W. Elm Street, McHenry, in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000. (Economic Development Director Martin) B.Motion to approve a Class G Liquor License to All Marine Retro Rentals at Miller Point Park, 1202 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. (Mayor Jett) C.Motion to amend the Revocable Concession Agreement between the City of McHenry and All Marine Retro Rentals to allow for the sale and consumption of alcohol within a defined 50’x 50’ area immediately adjacent to the operator’s shipping containers within Miller Point Park, and to restart the 3-year term of the agreement from the date the agreement is executed by both parties. (Parks & Recreation Director Hobson) 7.Discussion Items. 1 8.Staff Reports. A.May 3, 2021 Staff Report Provided. 9.Mayor’s Report. 10.City Council Comments. 11.Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.cityofmchenry.org. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. 2 Department of Public Works  Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works  1415 Industrial Drive  McHenry, Illinois 60050  Phone: (815) 363‐2186  Fax: (815) 363‐2214  www.cityofmchenry.org    The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest    quality of programs and services in a customer‐oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner.    CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT  DATE:  May 3, 2021    TO:  Mayor and City Council    FROM:  Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works    Greg Gruen, P.E., Staff Engineer      RE:  McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Pay Application #31    ATT:    HR Green, Inc. Pay Application #31 Recommendation   ______________________________________________________________________________    AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY:    Staff requests City Council to approve pay application #31 & final for the McHenry Wastewater  Treatment Plant Improvements to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. in the amount of  $96,722.84.    BACKGROUND:   Williams Brothers Construction is requesting $96,722.84 for work performed as of February 28,  2021 on the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. HR Green has reviewed the  pay application, final waiver of lien and certified payroll and found all documents to be in general  conformance with the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan requirements. HR Green and City Staff  recommend approval of pay application #31. SRF loan procedures require City Council to approve  this pay application prior to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) disbursement of  funds. Once the City receives the SRF loan disbursement, the City will pay Williams Brothers  Construction’s request for pay application #31. As of February 28, 2021 pay applications #1 thru  #31 total $30,601,129.63.    Pay application #31 is the final pay request.  Staff’s final costs relative to the loan are as follows:    Total Loan Amount:    $33,600,000.00  Engineering:     ($2,768,188.00)  Construction Costs Pay Requests #1‐#30:  ($30,601,129.63)                                     .  Under/(Over) Loan Amount:    $230,682.37 Under Total Loan Amount    3 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest    quality of programs and services in a customer‐oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner.  The final project cost is approximately $230,000 under budget.  The project is now 100%  complete including all approved change orders.  Final inspection by the IEPA occurred the week  of April 12.  RECOMMENDATION:   Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve pay application request #31 & final  to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant  Improvements in the amount of $96,722.84.  4 420 North Front Street | Suite 100 | McHenry, IL 60050 Main 815.385.1778 + Fax 815.385.1781 HRGREEN.COM March 26, 2021 Mr. Troy Strange, PE Director of Public Works City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 RE: McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Pay Application Request #31 - FINAL HR Green Job No.: 86130341.03 Dear Mr. Strange, Attached is FINAL Pay Application #31 from Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project. Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. is requesting an amount of $96,722.84 for the work performed as of February 28, 2021. HR Green has reviewed the remaining documents in this submittal (partial/final waiver of liens) and found them to be in general conformance with the SRF loan requirements. All Final Waivers have been received for this project. At this time, HR Green recommends the City approve th is Pay Applications in the amount of $96,722.84 which leaves a balance, including retention, of $0.00 on the project. Upon approval, the pay application will be sent to the IEPA for approval and disbursement of funds from the City’s SRF loan. After approval, please sign on the application on the “Owner” line and return the documents to me for processing at the IEPA. If you have any questions, please call me at (815) 759 -8346. Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. Chad J. Pieper, P.E. Project Manager CJP/ Attachments cc: Mr. Russell Ruzicka – City of McHenry Mr. Greg Gruen, City of McHenry. Hrgmhnas:\\O:\86130341.03\Construction\Pay Request \Pay Request #31 - FINAL\ltr-032621-Recommendation of approval PayApp31_cjp.docx 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation McHenry Recreation Center 3636 Municipal Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2160 Fax: (815) 363-3119 www.cityofmchenry.org/park_recreation The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: May 3, 2021 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests ATT: Permit List and Applications All fees and documentation have been satisfactorily submitted for the attached McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use permit requests. 22 FOR COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 3 Shelter Rental Alcohol Permits These are alcohol permit requests associated with shelter rentals Date Applicant Address Park Purpose 07/24/21 Sue Morningstar 1310 Hilltop Blvd PP A/B Family Reunion 07/25/21 St. Patrick’s Church 3500 Washington St Vets Church Picnic 08/07/21 Deborah Lindaur 4909 Home Ave PP A Family Reunion Special Use Permits These are special use permit requests associated with shelter rentals Date Applicant Address Park Special Use 06/13/21 Sheila Sartin 708 N Green St PP A/B Family Picnic 07/25/21 St. Patrick’s Church 3500 Washington St Vets Church Picnic Recreation Center Room Rental Alcohol Permits These are alcohol permit requests associated with Recreation Center room rentals or programs. Date Applicant Address Rec Center Purpose 23 24 25 26 27 City of McHenry Council  Meeting Minutes    4.19.21  1  MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, April 19, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Call to Order: The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was in compliance with the Open Meetings Act per guidelines by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk, City Planner Sheriff, and City Clerk Ramel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led the pledge. Public Hearing: Call to order a Public Hearing for the proposed Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget No public comment. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Glab to close the Public hearing as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Motion to adopt the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Harding to approve the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Public Comments: Geri Condon encouraged Council members to consider having a restriction on the number of terms that a Council member could serve. Keith Varkalis commented that there were discussions and responses left out of the minutes from the previous meeting. He also shared that he heard one Council member was told by one paid 28 City of McHenry Council  Meeting Minutes     4.19.21          2    and one elected public official that they must vote yes for the Continental proposal, and he was hoping they could explain that. Kristine Reinhard echoed the statement that there is missing information in the minutes. She also asked for an apology from the Mayor for his accusations towards Ms. Reinhard and the way he and staff have handled the Continental Properties proposal. Sam Catalano expressed his concern for property values and public safety in regards to the Continental proposal. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A. Pass a Resolution Designating May 2nd through May 8th, 2021 as National Small Business Week in the City of McHenry; (Economic Development Director Martin) B. Pass an Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article F: Professional Examinations: Appointments, Section 6-2F-3: Polygraph Examinations of the McHenry Municipal Code; (Police Chief Birk) D. Motion to (1) authorize the City Administrator to enter into a lease/loan agreement with First Midwest Bank for a term of 5 years in an amount not to exceed $171,627.00 for the purchase of vehicles, (2) waive the required competitive bidding called for within the City’s Purchasing Policies allowing the City to purchase locally, (3) purchase five vehicles from Buss Ford and Sunnyside Dodge and (4) purchase emergency vehicle equipment from Ultrastrobe Inc. and Eby Graphics for four vehicles for an amount not to exceed $40,371.41; (Police Chief Birk) E. Motion to a) accept the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Fiesta Days event schedule; b) use of Parks, Police, and Public Works for various services related to the event at 50% of the actual cost; c) approve the special event liquor license ; and, d) approve the placement of temporary advertising signs as presented; F. Motion to approve the 2021/22 Liquor License Renewals; (Mayor Jett, Deputy City Clerk Johnson) G. Motion to approve the 2021/22 Video Gaming License Renewals; (Mayor Jett, Deputy City Clerk Johnson) H. Motion to approve the 2021/22 Position, Board and Commission Appointments; I. April 5, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes; J. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $150,043.59; K. Issuance of As Needed Checks in the amount of $396,607.05. L. Motion to (1) authorize the City Administrator to enter into a lease/loan agreement with First Midwest Bank for a term of 5 years in an amount not to exceed $171,627.00 for the purchase of vehicles, (2) waive the required competitive bidding called for within the City’s Purchasing Policies allowing the City to purchase locally, (3) purchase five vehicles from Buss Ford and Sunnyside Dodge and (4) purchase emergency vehicle equipment from Ultrastrobe Inc. and Eby Graphics for four vehicles for an amount not to exceed $40,371.41; (Police Chief Birk) M. Motion to a) accept the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Fiesta Days event schedule; b) use of Parks, Police, and Public Works for various services related to the event at 50% of the actual cost; c) approve the special event liquor license ; and, d) approve the placement of temporary advertising signs as presented; 29 City of McHenry Council  Meeting Minutes     4.19.21  3  N. Motion to approve the 2021/22 Liquor License Renewals; (Mayor Jett, Deputy City Clerk Johnson) O.Motion to approve the 2021/22 Video Gaming License Renewals; (Mayor Jett, Deputy City Clerk Johnson) P. Motion to approve the 2021/22 Position, Board and Commission Appointments; Q. April 5, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes; R. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $150,043.59; S. Issuance of As Needed Checks in the amount of $396,607.05. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Devine to approve Consent Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. *Clerks note item below pulled buy Alderman Glab for separate consideration. C.Pass an Ordinance amending Title 7; Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 2; General Regulations, Section 7-2-5, Operation of Non-Highway Motor Vehicles on City Street by amending Section E: Time, adding the month of April; (Police Chief Birk). Alderman Glab stated his concerns regarding the snowfall that can occur in April, he wants to make sure that safety is the concern. A motion was made by Alderman Harding and seconded by Alderwoman Miller: to pass an Ordinance amending Title 7; Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 2; General Regulations, Section 7-2-5, Operation of Non-Highway Motor Vehicles on City Street by amending Section E: Time, adding the month of April Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 1-nays- Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Motion to approve the transfer of a Class A liquor license from Kelsey 3 d/b/a Metalwood Grille, Inc. to McHenry Country Club, located at 820 N. John Street. (Mayor Jett) No public comment. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. 30 City of McHenry Council  Meeting Minutes     4.19.21          4    B. Subject to the approval of agenda item 8A, motion to approve a Video Gaming License for five (5) video gaming terminals to McHenry Country Club, located at 820 N. John Street. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson) No public comment. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Harding to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. C. Motion to approve an Ordinance granting approval of a Final Plat of McHenry Plaza Resubdivision; and, a motion to approve an Ordinance granting approval of a Use Variation on Lot 1, a Conditional Use Permit on Lot 3, and Zoning Variations for the Final Plat of McHenry Plaza Resubdivision. (Community Development Director Polerecky) No public comment . Steven Schwarts presented plat of resubdivision for the three lots, currently located where Stock N’Field had been. During this time a presentation was shown to The Council regarding the future plans for the addition of: Aspen Dental, WellNow, a storage facility, and pace for a future restaurant. Pearls Streetcommercial LLC, Director Polerecky, and City Planner Sherriff worked with the development team to increase the ideas for the surrounding landscaping as well. The Council was offered time for discussion, Alderman Harding asked for clarification on the drive through for the storage facility it was confirmed that the width is 25 feet, which allows vehicles to pull to one side also allowing other vehicles to move past. It was expressed that the building will be compliant with codes for public safety. Alderman Schaefer questioned what type of vehicles are allowed on the neighboring roads. Alderman Glab voiced concerns about the loss of retail space. Alderman Santi, asked if there will be trailer or vehicle storage, it was confirmed that there will not be any storage of vehicles. This discussion went on for some time. Public Comment: Several residents commented. Keith Varkalis questioned the financial benefit regarding the above motion. Director Polerecky explained the struggle to fill the empty areas with the loss of Big Box Stores, this development helps fill those spots, and it is not as much revenue as retail, however pointed out that this can help bring in other interest to this location. Kristine Reinhard questioned if incentives are offered for smaller retailers, confirmed by Director Martin we do offer those. Sheila Thomas expressed her approval of the area being occupied again. In Summary Steven Schwarts and team expressed appreciation of The City Council, for the time and approval. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Schaefer to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman 31 City of McHenry Council  Meeting Minutes     4.19.21          5    Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. D. Motion to approve an Ordinance to dissolve the Economic Development Commission and delete Chapter 2 in its entirety from the McHenry Municipal Code. (Mayor Jett, Economic Development Director Martin) Director Martin explained that they would like a nine member commission, this would be a community navigator panel, where independent subject matter experts help support what they are knowledgeable in. This would allow using the same members but would be more productive. Per Mayor Jett expressed that this will help with new residents coming to town. It was confirmed to Alderman Glab these are not paid positions. No Public Comment. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Harding to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Discussion Items: A. Discussion regarding 2021 Honorary Street Sign Applications (Public Works Director Strange) Per Director Strange starting to get more requests for areas that already have approval. Per Alderman Glab would like to stick with the three applications that were originally discussed. There are several people present that wanted to speak. Public Comment: Sue Meyer , Geri Condon and Erin Smith all residents, gave examples and support for those they would like to honor with street signs, along with support to increase the number from 3 to 5 awards. Alderwoman Miller, supported the idea of the five outstanding citizens since it has been a difficult year, along with Alderman Santi. After discussion, all of The Council members are in agreement in supporting five families for this year. Alderman Schaefer also brought up the point of supporting five in the future. Alderman Glab stated that if we should support an ordinance, either change it or stay with what the ordinance states, maybe not even including an ordinance and utilize dates for applications. Mayor Jett stated that he is not in favor of changing the ordinance but would bend this year, due to the circumstances that surrounded this trying year. Executive Session to discuss employee performance pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). *Clerks Note there was no executive Session needed. 32 City of McHenry Council  Meeting Minutes     4.19.21  6  Motion to authorize the Mayor to execute a City Administrator Employment Agreement between the City of McHenry and William Derik Morefield for the period May 1, 2021 through April 25, 2025. Many positive comments to Administrator Morefield, by Alderman Santi along with Alderwoman Miller. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Administrator Employment Agreement as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Staff Reports: A. Transmittal of Staff Report for April 19, 2021 Per Alderman Morefield, he added the director’s information that will be included in The Council Packets. No other questions. Mayor’s Report: Asked residents that were on the call, regarding Blake Farms Appartments, to meet with him at City Council in person. He asked the residents to gather as a sit down conversation. Jeff Schaefer and Chad Mihevc were thanked for his service with The City Council. Congratulations and welcomes from Frank McClatchey for Ward 3, Shawn Strack, Alderman Santi and City Clerk Trisha Ramel as well. City Council Comments: Troy Strange will hold a public works committee in May. Adjourn: A motion was made Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Harding to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM. Roll Call: Vote:7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Harding, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried. X Mayor Wayne Jett X City Clerk Trisha Ramel 33 Expense Approval Register   McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting ‐ 5‐3‐21       Vendor Name  Payable Number  Post Date  Description (Item)  Account Number  Amount   Vendor: AEP ENERGY   AEP ENERGY     INV0011397    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐33‐5520    2,808.40 AEP ENERGY     INV0011397    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐42‐5510    284.89 AEP ENERGY   INV0011397  04/30/2021  UTIL  100‐45‐5510  463.89 AEP ENERGY     INV0011397    04/30/2021    UTIL    400‐00‐5510    2,029.47 AEP ENERGY     INV0011398    04/30/2021    UTIL    510‐31‐5510    10,212.81 AEP ENERGY     INV0011398    04/30/2021    UTIL    510‐32‐5510    20,429.57 Vendor AEP ENERGY  Total:   36,229.03   Vendor: BT MCHENRY LLC  BT MCHENRY LLC    079121    04/30/2021    WSC WATER‐SW 1/5‐3/15/21    100‐01‐5110    105.41 Vendor BT MCHENRY LLC Total: 105.41   Vendor: COMED  COMED    INV0011402    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐33‐5520    24.60 COMED    INV0011402    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐33‐5520    34.98 COMED    INV0011402    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐45‐5510    24.16 COMED    INV0011403    04/30/2021    UTIL    510‐32‐5510    15.78 Vendor COMED Total:   99.52   Vendor: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS OF EMERGENCY DISPATCH  INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS    721‐573    04/30/2021    EMD RECERT FITZGERALD,    100‐23‐5430    220.00 Vendor INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS OF EMERGENCY DISPATCH Total:   220.00   Vendor: MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK  MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW  4‐19‐21  04/30/2021  APRIL MTHLY TRAFFIC   100‐01‐5230  4,000.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC, THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total: 4,000.00   Vendor: NICOR GAS  NICOR GAS  INV0011399  04/30/2021  UTIL  100‐42‐5510  420.82 NICOR GAS    INV0011399    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐43‐5510    213.46 NICOR GAS    INV0011399    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐45‐5510    445.13 NICOR GAS    INV0011399    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐46‐5510    36.48 NICOR GAS    INV0011399    04/30/2021    UTIL    400‐00‐5510    550.64 NICOR GAS  INV0011400  04/30/2021  UTIL  510‐31‐5510  1,298.49 NICOR GAS    INV0011400    04/30/2021    UTIL    510‐32‐5510    7,364.94 NICOR GAS    INV0011401    04/30/2021    UTIL    100‐01‐5110    2,051.28 Vendor NICOR GAS Total:   12,381.24   Vendor: OTTOSEN DINOLFO HASENBALG & CASTALDO, LTD  OTTOSEN DINOLFO    134270    04/30/2021    LABOR    100‐01‐5230    495.00 Vendor OTTOSEN DINOLFO HASENBALG & CASTALDO, LTD Total: 495.00   Vendor: PLATINUM TERRAIN, LLC  PLATINUM TERRAIN, LLC  2  04/30/2021  CWWTP PLANT DEMO  510‐32‐8500  5,792.29 Vendor PLATINUM TERRAIN, LLC Total:   5,792.29   Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD  ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD    21040068    04/30/2021    RIVERW SW REL PRJ     510‐32‐8500    10,028.90 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total:   10,028.90   Vendor: SPEER FINANCIAL INC  SPEER FINANCIAL INC    d10/20‐9    04/30/2021    DISC INV    300‐00‐7300    830.00 Vendor SPEER FINANCIAL INC Total:   830.00   Vendor: SYNCB/AMAZON  SYNCB/AMAZON    1231 4/10/21    04/30/2021    MTHLY PD    100‐01‐8200    560.90 SYNCB/AMAZON    1231 4/10/21    04/30/2021    MTHLY PD    100‐22‐6210    369.98 SYNCB/AMAZON    1231 4/10/21    04/30/2021    MTHLY PD    100‐23‐6210    149.99 SYNCB/AMAZON  7880 4‐10‐21   04/30/2021  MTHLY  100‐03‐6110  375.97 SYNCB/AMAZON    7880 4‐10‐21     04/30/2021    MTHLY    100‐44‐6110    41.79     4/28/2021 12:24:26 PM   34 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02093 ‐ 5‐3‐21 AP CKS   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   SYNCB/AMAZON    7880 4‐10‐21     04/30/2021    MTHLY    100‐45‐6110    345.96 SYNCB/AMAZON  7880 4‐10‐21   04/30/2021  MTHLY  100‐45‐6210  20.98 SYNCB/AMAZON    7880 4‐10‐21     04/30/2021    MTHLY    100‐46‐6110    12.16 SYNCB/AMAZON    7880 4‐10‐21     04/30/2021    MTHLY    100‐47‐6110    43.98 SYNCB/AMAZON    7880 4‐10‐21     04/30/2021    MTHLY    400‐00‐6110    99.75 SYNCB/AMAZON  7880 4‐10‐21   04/30/2021  MTHLY  400‐40‐6110  71.37 SYNCB/AMAZON  7880 4‐10‐21   04/30/2021  MTHLY  400‐40‐6142  10.95 Vendor SYNCB/AMAZON Total:   2,103.78   Vendor: UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY COUNTY  UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY  21‐03‐012  04/30/2021  REF ON TEMP SIGN  100‐00‐3410  30.00 Vendor UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY COUNTY Total:   30.00   Vendor: US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE  US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE    440632974    04/30/2021    ADMIN, CH, 2 PD COPIERS    620‐00‐5110    598.56 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE  441141090  04/30/2021  2 RICOHS  620‐00‐5110  336.21 Vendor US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Total:   934.77   Vendor: VIVINT SOLAR  VIVINT SOLAR    20‐09‐038    04/30/2021    PERMIT REFUND     100‐00‐3410    50.00 Vendor VIVINT SOLAR Total:   50.00   Vendor: WARD & ASSOC INC, ROBERT H  WARD & ASSOC INC, ROBERT H    21‐114A    04/30/2021    SHOTCRETE CURB REPAIR    100‐33‐5110    18,894.00 WARD & ASSOC INC, ROBERT H    21‐114B    04/30/2021    SHOTCRETE CURB REPAIR    100‐33‐5110    9,306.00 Vendor WARD & ASSOC INC, ROBERT H Total:   28,200.00   Vendor: WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO  WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO    7659    04/30/2021    SLUDGE    510‐32‐5580    1,579.60 Vendor WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO Total:   1,579.60   Vendor: ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE  ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD &  148644  04/30/2021  CORPORATE  100‐01‐5230  4,810.00 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD &    148645    04/30/2021    TRAFFIC    100‐01‐5230    8,670.54 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD &    148646    04/30/2021    COVID    100‐01‐5230    416.25 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD &    148647    04/30/2021    COBBLESTONE    100‐01‐5230    2,900.00 Vendor ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & MCARDLE Total:   16,796.79        Grand Total:   119,876.33           4/28/2021 12:24:26 PM   35 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02093 ‐ 5‐3‐21 AP CKS Fund Summary  Fund Expense Amount   100 ‐ GENERAL FUND 58,627.00  300 ‐ DEBT SERVICE‐1997A FUND 830.00   400 ‐ RECREATION CENTER FUND 2,762.18   510 ‐ WATER/SEWER FUND 56,722.38   620 ‐ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 934.77  Grand Total:   119,876.33   36 Expense Approval Register   McHenry, IL #2 List of Bills Council Meeting 5‐3‐21       Vendor Name  Payable Number  Post Date  Description (Item)  Account Number  Amount   Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A  ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A    11034    04/30/2021    415 box repair (11034)    100‐33‐5370    5,000.00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A    18025    04/30/2021    413 (18025)    100‐33‐5370    5,000.00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A  38135  04/30/2021  429 (38135)  100‐33‐5370  140.00 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A    38328    04/30/2021    428/429 (38328)    100‐33‐5370    1,728.94 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A Total:   11,868.94   Vendor: AT&T  AT&T    9662 4‐11‐21    04/30/2021    Voice Over IP ‐ IP‐Flex    620‐00‐5320    380.83 Vendor AT&T Total:   380.83   Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC  AUTO TECH CENTERS INC    64706    04/30/2021    812   invo64706    510‐35‐5370    440.64 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total:   440.64   Vendor: BENCE, JENNIFER  BENCE, JENNIFER    722070D 4‐16‐21    04/30/2021    Cont ‐ Cupcake Club    100‐46‐5510    28.00 Vendor BENCE, JENNIFER Total:   28.00   Vendor: BENSON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC  BENSON ELECTRICAL  20‐665  04/30/2021  PD RENOVATION  100‐01‐8200  8,001.00 Vendor BENSON ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC Total:   8,001.00   Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES  BUSS FORD SALES  5040817  04/30/2021  323 (5040817)  100‐22‐5370  134.64 BUSS FORD SALES  5040881  04/30/2021  325 (5040881)  100‐22‐5370  30.84 BUSS FORD SALES    6070847/5040320    04/30/2021    327 (6070847)    100‐22‐5370    182.40 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 347.88   Vendor: CABAY & COMPANY INC  CABAY & COMPANY INC  64334  04/30/2021  Cleaning SUpplies  400‐00‐6111  236.00 CABAY & COMPANY INC    64336    04/30/2021    Paper supplies    100‐45‐6110    180.00 CABAY & COMPANY INC    64350    04/30/2021    floor cleaner (64350)    100‐33‐5370    225.50 Vendor CABAY & COMPANY INC Total:   641.50   Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC  CDW GOVERNMENT INC    B594423    04/30/2021    FOXIT PHANTOMPDF BUS V10    620‐00‐6210    178.19 CDW GOVERNMENT INC    B799857    04/30/2021    QTY‐6 Lift station UPS    510‐32‐5380    408.54 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total: 586.73   Vendor: CINTAS   CINTAS     5059774602    04/30/2021    Shop supplies    100‐45‐6110    44.54 Vendor CINTAS  Total: 44.54   Vendor: CONNOR CO  CONNOR CO    S9513309.001    04/30/2021    plumbing supplies    100‐45‐6110    2.94 Vendor CONNOR CO Total:   2.94   Vendor: CONSERV FS  CONSERV FS    65115680    04/30/2021    field supplies    100‐45‐6110    257.25 Vendor CONSERV FS Total:   257.25   Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE  DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE    412794    04/30/2021    shop supplies    100‐45‐6110    153.60 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total:   153.60   Vendor: EDESIGN CHICAGO  EDESIGN CHICAGO    2016584    04/30/2021    Brochure ‐ Summer Design    100‐41‐5330    675.00 Vendor EDESIGN CHICAGO Total:   675.00   Vendor: ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC  ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC  319986  04/30/2021  Tile and Carpet Stripper Rental  100‐03‐5120  170.00 Vendor ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC Total:   170.00     4/28/2021 12:26:45 PM   37 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02097 ‐ 5‐3‐21 RECT INV   Vendor Name    Payable Number    Post Date    Description (Item)    Account Number    Amount   Vendor: FAULK BROS CONSTRUCTION INC  FAULK BROS CONSTRUCTION  347795  04/30/2021  ballfield supplies  100‐45‐6110  321.25 FAULK BROS CONSTRUCTION    347796    04/30/2021    ballfield supplies    100‐45‐6110    473.50 FAULK BROS CONSTRUCTION    348990    04/30/2021    Ballfield Supplies    100‐45‐6110    812.15 Vendor FAULK BROS CONSTRUCTION INC Total:   1,606.90   Vendor: FISCHER BROS FRESH  FISCHER BROS FRESH    15268    04/30/2021    2021 Rd Pgrm ‐ Concrete ‐    100‐33‐6110    550.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15277    04/30/2021    2021 Rd Pgrm ‐ Concrete ‐    100‐33‐6110    616.50 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15288    04/30/2021    2021 Road Program ‐ Concrete    100‐33‐6110    787.50 FISCHER BROS FRESH  15302  04/30/2021  2021 Rd Pgrm ‐ Concrete ‐  100‐33‐6110  595.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15303    04/30/2021    2021 Rd Pgrm ‐ Concrete ‐    100‐33‐6110    649.25 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15314    04/30/2021    2021 Road Program ‐ Concrete    100‐33‐6110    910.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15325    04/30/2021    2021 Road Program ‐ Concrete    100‐33‐6110    670.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15342    04/30/2021    2021 Road Program ‐ Concrete    100‐33‐6110    471.00 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15350    04/30/2021    2021 Road Program ‐ Concrete    100‐33‐6110    685.01 FISCHER BROS FRESH    15380    04/30/2021    Concrete ‐ Utility Sidewalk    510‐35‐6110    907.50 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total: 6,841.76   Vendor: FOX WATERWAY AGENCY  FOX WATERWAY AGENCY    0000589‐IN  UTY    04/30/2021    Topsoil ‐ UTY ‐ INV# 0000589‐   510‐35‐6110    400.00 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY    0000589‐IN    04/30/2021    Topsoil ‐ STS ‐ 0000589‐IN    100‐33‐6110    400.00 FOX WATERWAY AGENCY    0000590‐IN    04/30/2021    Topsoil ‐ STS ‐ #0000590‐IN    100‐33‐6110    120.00 Vendor FOX WATERWAY AGENCY Total:   920.00   Vendor: GALLS LLC  GALLS LLC    018089925    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Durband    100‐23‐4510    194.82 GALLS LLC    018089926    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Vasquez    100‐23‐4510    226.84 GALLS LLC    018092631    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Lopez    100‐22‐4510    199.70 GALLS LLC  018124635  04/30/2021  Uniform Order ‐ Rewiako  100‐22‐4510  23.19 GALLS LLC  018130375  04/30/2021  Uniform Order ‐ Hendrickson  100‐22‐4510  181.79 GALLS LLC    018137527    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Walsh    100‐22‐4510    42.99 GALLS LLC    018137533    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Pena    100‐22‐4510    36.55 GALLS LLC    018137570    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Noyes    100‐22‐4510    41.73 GALLS LLC  018144872  04/30/2021  Uniform Order ‐ Beaudoin  100‐22‐4510  449.08 GALLS LLC    018145406    04/30/2021    Uniform Order ‐ Nolan    100‐23‐4510    119.01 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 1,515.70   Vendor: HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC  HEARTLAND BUSINESS  435833‐H  04/30/2021  Microsoft Monthly M365  620‐00‐5110  4,005.94 HEARTLAND BUSINESS    438351‐H    04/30/2021    Council Chambers Cameras     620‐00‐6270    515.23 Vendor HEARTLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC Total:   4,521.17   Vendor: HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND REPAIRS INC  HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND  360899  04/30/2021  Fork Lift Hydraulic Hoses  510‐32‐5370  59.82 Vendor HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND REPAIRS INC Total:   59.82   Vendor: IMPRESSIVE IMAGES  IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    6831    04/30/2021    Embriodery    510‐35‐4510    45.00 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    6841 STS    04/30/2021    Summer Helper T‐Shirts ‐ STS ‐    100‐33‐4510    95.00 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    6841 UTY    04/30/2021    Summer Helper T‐Shirts ‐ UTY ‐    510‐35‐4510    95.00 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES    6841    04/30/2021    Summer Helper T‐Shirts ‐ WW ‐    510‐32‐4510    95.00 Vendor IMPRESSIVE IMAGES Total:   330.00   Vendor: IN‐PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC  IN‐PIPE TECHNOLOGY  1899  04/30/2021  Monthly service fee  510‐32‐5110  7,750.00 Vendor IN‐PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total:   7,750.00   Vendor: INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS OF EMERGENCY DISPATCH  INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS  IA10653  04/30/2021  EMD Re‐cert ‐ Fitzgerld,  100‐23‐5430  220.00 Vendor INTERNATIONAL ACADEMICS OF EMERGENCY DISPATCH Total:   220.00   Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST  KIMBALL MIDWEST    789632    04/30/2021    kimball stock (789632)    100‐33‐5370    280.76 KIMBALL MIDWEST  8777828  04/30/2021  kimball stock  100‐33‐5370  378.05 KIMBALL MIDWEST    8788552    04/30/2021    kimball stock    100‐33‐5370    119.34     4/28/2021 12:26:45 PM   38 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02097 ‐ 5‐3‐21 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount KIMBALL MIDWEST 8795340 04/30/2021 Anti‐Seize inv#8795340 100‐33‐6110 133.98 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total:   912.13 Vendor: MASTERCORP, INC  MASTERCORP, INC 2 1221‐103 04/30/2021 Dance ‐ Videographer 100‐46‐6110 1,125.00 Vendor MASTERCORP, INC Total:   1,125.00 Vendor: MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC  MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC INVPO8120 04/30/2021 Parts for partner saw 510‐35‐5370 581.19 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC INVPO8153 04/30/2021 Parts for parnter saw 510‐35‐5370 64.29 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC INVPO8219 04/30/2021 Parts for partner saw 510‐35‐5370 23.04 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC P20950 04/30/2021 construction supplies 100‐45‐6110 87.50 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC PO25831 04/30/2021 construction supplies 100‐45‐6110 149.14 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC PO8077 04/30/2021 Spark plug and filter 510‐35‐5370 46.42 Vendor MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC Total:   951.58 Vendor: MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC  MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & 10359 04/30/2021 landscape material 100‐45‐5110 3,100.00 Vendor MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC Total: 3,100.00 Vendor: METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC  METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC  E14781 04/30/2021 1415 Industiral ‐ NE Door 100‐33‐5115 300.00 Vendor METRO DOOR AND DOCK INC Total:   300.00 Vendor: MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC  MID AMERICAN WATER OF 238138W 04/30/2021 4"x3" Concentric Flange  510‐32‐5375 185.00 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total:   185.00 Vendor: MODERN FLOORING  MODERN FLOORING 4‐9‐21 04132021 04/30/2021 PD RENOVATION 100‐01‐8200 9,166.00 MODERN FLOORING 4‐9‐21 04132021C 04/30/2021 PD RENOVATION 100‐01‐8200 2,523.40 Vendor MODERN FLOORING Total:   11,689.40 Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS ‐ STARCOM21 NETWORK  MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS ‐ 8330190330 04/30/2021 Repair Consolette 100‐23‐5110 560.00 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS ‐ STARCOM21 NETWORK Total:   560.00 Vendor: NAC SUPPLY, INC  NAC SUPPLY, INC 49752 04/30/2021 Asphalt Lute 100‐33‐6270 153.75 Vendor NAC SUPPLY, INC Total:   153.75 Vendor: NCL OF WISCONSIN INC  NCL OF WISCONSIN INC 4533265 04/30/2021 Lab Supplies 510‐32‐6110 476.11 Vendor NCL OF WISCONSIN INC Total:   476.11 Vendor: NORTH EAST MULTI‐REGIONAL TRAINING INC  NORTH EAST MULTI‐REGIONAL    282592 04/30/2021 Firearms Program ‐ Lopez 100‐22‐5430 175.00 NORTH EAST MULTI‐REGIONAL    282631 04/30/2021 Defensive Tactics ‐ Polidori 100‐22‐5430 35.00 Vendor NORTH EAST MULTI‐REGIONAL TRAINING INC Total:   210.00 Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC  PETROCHOICE LLC 50484115 04/30/2021 Fuel 50484115 100‐22‐6250 1,482.15 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520522 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 50520522 510‐35‐6250 418.17 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520536 04/30/2021 Fuel Bill 100‐03‐6250 132.19 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520538 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ WTR ‐ 50520538 510‐31‐6250 178.10 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520539 04/30/2021 fuel50520539/50520594 100‐45‐6250 331.80 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520540 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ STS ‐ 50520540 100‐33‐6250 1,047.43 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520541 04/30/2021 Inv 50520541 100‐22‐6250 2,220.56 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520577 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 50520577 510‐35‐6250 445.87 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520591 04/30/2021 Fuel Bill 100‐03‐6250 52.07 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520592 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ WW ‐ 50520592 510‐32‐6250 161.01 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520593 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ WTR ‐ 50520593 510‐31‐6250 114.19 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520594 04/30/2021 fuel50520539/50520594 100‐45‐6250 231.80 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520595 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ STS ‐ 50520595 100‐33‐6250 373.24 PETROCHOICE LLC 50527163 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ WW ‐ 50527163 510‐32‐6250 277.82 PETROCHOICE LLC 50532711 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ UTY ‐ 50532711 510‐35‐6250 410.61 PETROCHOICE LLC 50532728 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ WW ‐ 50532728 510‐32‐6250 345.52 PETROCHOICE LLC 50532729 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ WTR ‐ 50532729 510‐31‐6250 156.06 4/28/2021 12:26:45 PM 39 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02097 ‐ 5‐3‐21 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount PETROCHOICE LLC 50532731 04/30/2021 Fuel ‐ STS ‐ 50532731 100‐33‐6250 381.79 PETROCHOICE LLC 50520596 04/30/2021 Fuel 50520596 100‐22‐6250 1,427.58 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total:   10,187.96 Vendor: PIECZYNSKI, LINDA S  PIECZYNSKI, LINDA S 7090 04/30/2021 Roll Call Newsletter 100‐22‐5450 166.00 Vendor PIECZYNSKI, LINDA S Total:   166.00 Vendor: PITEL SEPTIC INC  PITEL SEPTIC INC 19499 04/30/2021 Porta poties 100‐45‐5110 80.00 Vendor PITEL SEPTIC INC Total:   80.00 Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY  PROSHRED SECURITY 990082586 04/30/2021 Monthly Shred 100‐22‐5110 68.67 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 68.67 Vendor: RADAR MAN INC  RADAR MAN INC 4979 04/30/2021 Radar Repairs 100‐22‐6110 352.50 Vendor RADAR MAN INC Total:   352.50 Vendor: REBARS & STEEL COMPANY  REBARS & STEEL COMPANY 74790 04/30/2021 construction supplies 100‐45‐6110 244.00 Vendor REBARS & STEEL COMPANY Total:   244.00 Vendor: RNOW INC  RNOW INC 2021‐59824 04/30/2021 1"X117" SCH80 Pipe Nipple 510‐35‐5370 513.59 Vendor RNOW INC Total:   513.59 Vendor: TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP  TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP    23230 04/30/2021 K9 Food/Training 100‐22‐6310 356.49 Vendor TOPS IN DOG TRAINING CORP Total: 356.49 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC  TRAFFIC CONTROL & 106680 04/30/2021 Street Sign Materials 100‐33‐6110 3,744.50 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total:   3,744.50 Vendor: WELCH BROS INC  WELCH BROS INC 3124050 04/30/2021 Covid Barriers QTY 14 100‐33‐6110 700.00 WELCH BROS INC 3124051 04/30/2021 Covid Barriers QTY 14 100‐33‐6110 700.00 Vendor WELCH BROS INC Total:   1,400.00 Vendor: WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC  WILLIAMS BROTHERS 1820‐486 04/30/2021 Air freight charges for UV 510‐32‐5110 440.00 Vendor WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC Total:   440.00 Vendor: ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC  ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 0079051 04/30/2021 441 brush     0079051 100‐33‐5370 680.40 Vendor ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC Total:   680.40 Vendor: ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION  ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION    3260826 04/30/2021 AED Simulator 100‐41‐6110 302.26 Vendor ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Total: 302.26 Vendor: ZORO  ZORO INV9444642 04/30/2021 cleaning supplies 400‐00‐6110 522.40 Vendor ZORO Total:   522.40 Grand Total:   86,085.94 4/28/2021 12:26:45 PM 40 Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT02097 ‐ 5‐3‐21 RECT INV Fund Summary  Fund Expense Amount   100 ‐ GENERAL FUND 65,208.86  400 ‐ RECREATION CENTER FUND 758.40   510 ‐ WATER/SEWER FUND 15,038.49   620 ‐ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 5,080.19   Grand Total:   86,085.94   41 Department of   Economic Development  McHenry Municipal Center  333 Green Street  McHenry, Illinois 60050  Phone: (815) 363‐2110  Fax: (815) 363‐2128  www.ci.mchenry.il.us  REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT  TO:  Mayor and City Council   FROM:  Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development   FOR:  May 3, 2021, Regular City Council Meeting  RE: Commercial Tenant Incentive Grant Application for Village Squire Restaurant  located at 4512 W Elm Street  ATT:  Commercial Tenant Grant Application                   AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY:  Village Squire of McHenry, Inc. Restaurant, an existing business located at 4512 W Elm Street,  has submitted for a $15,000 Commercial Tenant Incentive Grant.    BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS:    Village Squire is seeking a $15,000 grant to pay for improvements including a new stone fireplace  on their patio and some new kitchen equipment, totaling approximately $61,000.  A copy of the  grant application, which provides more details regarding the request, is attached.    The maximum grant they are eligible to receive is $15,000.  This is a 50% matching grant that  would not be paid out until Fiscal Year 2022/2023.     RECOMMENDATION:  Therefore, if the City Council concurs, it is recommended that a Commercial Tenant Grant  agreement be executed between the City of McHenry and the owners of Village Squire  Restaurant, 4512 W. Elm Street, McHenry, in an amount not‐to‐exceed $15,000.        42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 City of McHenry  333 S Green Street  McHenry, Illinois 60050  Phone: (815) 363‐2100  Fax: (815) 363‐2119  www.cityofmchenry.org  The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner.     REGULAR AGENDA ITEM  DATE:  May 3, 2021    TO:  City Council    FROM:  Mayor Jett    RE: All Marine’s Retro Rental Liquor License      AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY:    All Marine’s Retro has submitted an application for the newly created Class G Liquor License.   The Class G license was recently passed to allow for the sale of beer and wine only and in a  designated area of Miller Point Park.      In considering this item, Council should be aware that approval will require amendment to  the existing Revocable Concession Agreement between the City of McHenry and All Marine  Retro.  This is included as a separate agenda item that follows.    Michelle Aevermann‐Streit and Dillon Streit have both passed the background check and are  now eligible to hold a liquor license in the City of McHenry.    RECOMMENDATION:    Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended a motion be made to approve a Class G  Liquor License to All Marine’s Retro Rentals at Miller Point Park, 1202 N Riverside Drive in  McHenry.    58 A, CITY OF r McHe I r OD H E A R T OFTHE FOX R I P E R Application for Liquor License License Classification Application Date* 4/12/2021 License Type* A Class"D"(Special Event'license has a separate application A B C E F G License Classifications-Link to classifications list in the City Code New/Transfer* New Business Transfer of License Applicant Business Name of Business* All Marine's Retro Rentals Name on License Name to appear on liquor license(if different than above). TBD Address* 1202 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, IL 60050/126 Jandus Cutoff Rd. Cary, IL 60013 Phone* 8474047140 Email* info@allmarinesretrorentals.com Type of Business*Sole Proprietor Partnership LLC or Corporation Principal Business Bar Restaurant Type* Retail Store Hotel Gas Station Gaming Parlor Other A separate application will need to be filled out for video gaming. The issuance of a qualified liquor license in the City of McHenry does not guarantee that a video gaming license will be issued. State of Filing List state of filing for LLC,Corporation,Partnership and Sole Proprietor IL Alcohol Sale Length How long has the business been in the business of selling alcohol?List date. 0 59 Zoning What Zoning Classification is the business property? Park Property Business Location History Date Date on which the business opened or will open at the above Business Location 5/15/2021 Property Ownership Is the property at which the applicant business is located owned or lesed by the applicant? Owned Leased List the property owner information for the leased property. A copy of the property lease agreement must also be submitted. If the property is owned by a land trust,trustee must file affidavit disclosing names and addresses of all beneficial owners and percentage of interest. Person or Business City of McHenry-Bill Hobson Name Address 1202 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 Phone Number 815.540.4882 Email Bhobson@cityofmchenry.org Location Is the location of the applican'ts business for which the license is sought within one hundred feet of any church, Qualificationsis schook,hospital,funeral home,home for aged or indigent persons or for veterands and their families or any military or naval station? No Yes Parking How many private property parking spaces are associated with the business location? Public parking Business Agent An agent is the authorized representative of the Licensee who has supervisory authority over all employees of he license premises.An agent may be an owner, partner, member,or designated manager. Full Name* Michelle Aevermann-Streit Date of Birth* Citizenship* Birth Naturalization Email* info@allmarinesretrorentals.com Business History History* Have the applicant(s)(including all 5%or higher owners),corporation,LLC,or partnership ever engaged in the business or sale of alcoholic liquor at any other location? No Yes 60 Business Licensing and Filing Identification ROT# Applicant's Retailer's Occupation tax(ROT)Registration Number TBD Delinquency* Has applicant been delinquent in the payment of the Retailer's Occupational Tax(Sales Tax)? No Yes Insurance List the name and address of dram shop insurance company along with the policy numbers for both the applicant business and owner of the building(if leased)in which the alcoholic liquor will be sold for the duration of the license. Insurance Company TBD Insurance Company Address Policy Number Owner Insurance Company Owner Insurance Address Owner Policy Number Background Questionnaire The following questions are in relation to the McHenry City Liquor Ordinance and Illinois law as it pertains to liquor licensing.All questions must be answered honestly. Failure to do so may disqualify you from the application process. Are you familiar with all the laws of the United States,State of Illinois and ordinances of the City of McHenry pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor;and will you abide by them? Yes No Will you maintain the entire premises in a safe,clean and sanitary manner free from conditions,which might cause accidents? Yes No Will you attempt to prevent rowdiness,fights and disorderly conduct of any kind and immediately notify the McHenry Police Department is any such events take place? Yes No Has any manufacturer, importing distributor or distributor of alcoholic liquors directly or indirectly paid or agreed to pay for this license,advanced money or anything else of value or any credit(other than merchandising credit in the ordinary course of business for a period not in excess of 90 days),or is such a person directly or indirectly interested in the ownership,conduct or operation of the place of business? 61 Yes No Have any of the applicants, including all listed agents and partners who have a minimum of a 5%ownership in the business been convicted of any violation of any law pertaining to alcoholic liquors? Liquor Violations?* Yes No Have any of the applicants, including all listed agents and partners who have a minimum of a 5%ownership in the business been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor? Felony/ Yes Misdemeanor?* No Will you and all your employees refuse to serve or sell alcoholic liquor to an intoxicated person or to a minor? Yes No Has any owner(s)or member(s)of a Partnership been issued a federal gaming devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? If a Corporation, has any officer, manager,or director thereof;or, any stockholder owning in the aggregate more than twenty(20)percent of the stock, been issued a federal wagering devise stamp or a federal wagering stamp by the federal government for the current tax period? Federal Yes Gaming/Wagering No Stamp* Have you,or any partner,or owner of 5%or more shares of the business or Agent,ever had a liquor license revoked or suspended? Suspension* Yes No Liqour Suspension Information For a large number of suspensions,a separate document may be submitted in lieu of filling out the boxes below. Name Date and Location of Offense Is any individual who is directly or indirectly interested in applicant's place of business,a law-enforcing official or elected public official(mayor,alderman,and member of any City commission,committee or board)? Official or Officer*Yes No Public Official or Officer Information Name Bill Hobson Address 3636 Municipal Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 Phone 8153632160 62 Have you ever been convicted of a gambling offense(if a partnership or corporation, include all partners,owners of 5%or more shares of the corporation and the local manager)? Gambling Offense Yes No Gambling Offense Information Name Date and Location of Offense Single Line Ownership Records A List of all owners, partners,stock holders and members must be listed below. In lieu of filling out multiple boxes, additional supporting paperwork may be submitted. Owner Information Name Michelle Aevermann-Streit Date of Birth Email info@allmarinesretrorentals.com Percentage of 51% Ownership Citizenship-Owner Birth Naturalization Name Dillon Streit Date of Birth Percentage of 49% Ownership Citizenship-Owner Birth Naturalization File Upload Upload supporting documents,certificate of insurance,etc 63 I,the undersigned, being first duly sworn,deposes and says that I(we), have read the above and foregoing Application,caused the answers to be provided thereto and all of the information given on said Application to be true and correct,and consent to investigation and background check by the Local Liquor Control Commissioner or his designee and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and the rules stated on this application. Signature of Authorized Agent of Corporation Acknowledgement* I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature and confirms that I have filled out this form to the best of my ability. Date* 4/12/2021 64 Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation  McHenry Recreation Center  3636 Municipal Drive  McHenry, Illinois 60050  Phone: (815) 363‐2160  Fax: (815) 363‐3119  www.ci.mchenry.il.us/park_recreation  REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT  DATE:  May 3, 2021    TO:  Mayor and City Council     FROM:  Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation    RE:  All Marine Retro Boat Rental Agreement Amendments    Attachment: All Marine Retro Proposed Amended Concession Agreement         AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY:   All Marine Retro has approached the city to amend their revocable concession agreement adding  one additional year, adding an additional structure, expanding and clearly defining a use area,  and the possibility of attaining a liquor license.  These items are the focus of the May 3, 2021 City  Council request.     They have also requested some additional signage opportunities and the use of pier space at  River Place and Miller Point to occasionally park a boat as an advertisement to draw awareness  for their business.  Staff would like to discuss all of these possibilities with the city council prior  to any action being presented.    BACKGROUND:  Last March the City Council approved a 3 year revocable concession agreement with All Marine  Retro Boats for the seasonal rentals of mini‐retro boats, a wheelchair accessible pontoon, paddle  boats, kayaks, and stand up paddle boards.  The agreement included a small concession  building/rental office, pier space and a portion of sandy shoreline along Boone Creek on Miller  Point.      The state‐imposed restrictions did not allow All Marine Retro to operate their business at all last  summer.  As these restrictions were eased in September 2020 the business was able to open and  garnered a great deal of attention and public support.  Despite being open only one month, the  operators were able see the potential of the business and partnership, as well as see some  opportunities to aid in the viability of the business and the experience for those partaking in the  amenities.     65 ANALYSIS:  Staff has worked with the city attorney to amend and present the attached proposal.  The  proposal represents further investment from the vendor and seemingly has little impact upon  the city or on any city services.  There are essentially only two changes to the proposal; one that  allows for the sale and consumption of alcohol, and one that allows for re‐starting of the clock  on a 3 year agreement.    The “G” Classification liquor license that was created at the last City Council Meeting has been  requested by the petitioner and will also appear on this agenda under separate title.  If approved  by Council, this would also require the amendment of this agreement.  Alcohol could be  purchased and consumed on site in a roughly 50’ x 50’ area framed on the west and north by the  refurbished shipping containers.  Alcohol could also be brought onto their boats.  It cannot  however, be consumed at any other location along the Riverwalk or in Miller Point Park without  further approval from City Council through a Special Use Request.    Finally, with what essentially amounted to a lost year last year, the petitioner would like to restart  the 3‐year clock on the agreement.  There are provisions that allow for either party to exit the  agreement in the event that is necessary in the future.    This agreement and partnership includes revenue sharing and giving back to the McHenry  Riverwalk Foundation.  It has improved the park and created activity that draws people to our  downtown and gives them access to the Fox River and Boone Creek.  It truly is the basis of what  we formulated much of our downtown plan on years ago.    If City Council concurs then a motion should be considered to amend the revocable concession agreement with All Marine Retro Rentals to allow for the sale and consumption of alcohol within a defined 50’ x 50’ area immediately adjacent to the operator’s shipping containers within Miller Point Park and to restart the 3 year term of the agreement from the date the agreement is signed by both parties.       66 Page 1 of 8 Fully Amended and Restated Revocable Concession Agreement--All Marine Retro Rentals This Fully Amended and Restated Revocable Concession Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on this day of , 2020 (the “Effective Date”), between the City of McHenry, 333 South Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050, an Illinois home rule municipality (the “City”) and All Marine Retro Rentals, 126 Jandus Cutoff Road, Cary, Illinois 60013 (“Concessionaire”), an Illinois corporation. Whereas, the parties hereto previously entered into a Revocable Concession Agreement dated March 16, 2020 (“Previous Agreement”), and each desires to fully amend and restate the Previous Agreement with this Agreement to continue the provision of services relating to the rental of retro boats, paddle boats, pontoon boat, kayaks, paddle boards and row boats to the general public at Miller Point Park, 1202 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, Illinois 60050 (“Subject Property”). NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree that the City and Concessionaire hereby fully amend and restate the Previous Agreement by the execution of this Agreement, and hereby continue the City’s grant to the Concessionaire of the revocable license and privilege to operate a rental operation of retro boats, paddle boats, pontoon boat, kayaks, paddle boards and row boats at the Subject Property solely within the Fox Waterway adjacent to the City corporate boundaries on the following terms and conditions: 1. Services. 1.1. Rental Operations. Concessionaire shall provide a rental boat services operation including a service kiosk, a storage container and all necessary rental and safety equipment at the Subject Property in a manner consistent with the accepted practices for other similar services and performed to City’s satisfaction (“Rental Operations”). 1.2. Customer Service. Concessionaire and all of its employees, agents, or representatives shall provide the highest quality of customer service and shall treat all customers with courtesy and respect. Concessionaire shall address all customer complaints in an expedited manner and will honor all reasonable requests for refunds, such refund determination at the sole discretion of the Concessionaire. 1.3. Employee Appearance. All of Concessionaire’s employees, agents, or representatives shall have a neat, clean and sanitary personal appearance and those who come in direct contact with the public shall wear clothing or identification, which distinguishes them as employees of Concessionaire. 1.4. Employee Training. Concessionaire shall provide a training program for its employees, agents, or representatives for the development of the skills and techniques necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement including but not limited to promoting customer service, product and service presentation, cleanliness, and a positive attitude. 1.5. Staffing. Concessionaire shall properly staff the Rental Operations to prevent undue delay to the public. Concessionaire shall plan its staffing in advance and anticipate to the best of its ability any events, such as holidays or special events, which may require additional staffing. In the event City determines in its sole discretion that Concessionaire is not adequately staffing the Rental 67 Page 2 of 8 Operations, it may notify Concessionaire and Concessionaire shall endeavor to immediately increase its staffing to meet City’s recommendation. 1.6. Hours of Operation. The Rental Operations shall remain open from 9:30 AM to 8:00 PM of each day Miller Point Park is open for business Starting May 15 - to Labor Day, weather dependent and barring extenuating conditions. From Labor Day to October 15 Rental Operations will only be open on weekends. Weather conditions will be monitored on an ongoing basis during business hours. Rain and/or lightening within thirty (30) miles will be a basis for temporary suspension of Rental Operations. Complete closing for the day will be based on weather radar projecting bad weather for a continuous period. 1.7. Parking. Concessionaire is responsible for the use and misuse by Concessionaire’s customers in City parking areas servicing the Concessionaire’s Rental Operations. No fee may be charged to the Concessionaire’s customers for any use of any parking areas. 1.8. Food. Concessionaire shall have the right to sell food and nonalcoholic beverages from the service kiosk subject to meeting McHenry County Health Department requirements and securing appropriate licensing, if required. 1.9. Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages may only be served or sold by Concessionaire in accordance with a City issued liquor license. 1.10. Pricing. Concessionaire is a private independent contractor and all pricing for any services or goods provided by the Concessionaire will be competitive and shall be determined by the Concessionaire at its sole discretion. 1.11. Concessionaire Information. The following information is represented by Concessionaire as true and accurate at the time if signing of this Agreement: i. The name, address and phone number of Concessionaire is All Marine Retro Rentals, 126 Jandus Cutoff Road, Cary, IL 60013; (847) 639 - 7403 ii. The name, address and phone number of the Manager of All Marine Retro Rentals is 126 Jandus Cutoff Road, Cary, IL 60013; (847) 639 - 7403 2. Rental Equipment 2.1. Delivery. Concessionaire agrees to deliver and/or install, within 1 month from the execution of this Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, the service kiosk, storage container and all equipment (“Rental Equipment”) required for its Rental Operations. Initial list of Rental Equipment supplied by Concessionaire is as follows: i. Four (4) Powered/Motorized Retro Boats ii. Two (2) Non powered Paddle boats iii. Six (6) Kayaks iv. Six (6) Paddle boards v. One (1) ADA compliant Powered/Motorized Retro pontoon boat A usage/demand review will be completed at the end of each month to determine if additional Rental Equipment is required. 68 Page 3 of 8 2.2. Safety. All the Rental Equipment will be registered as required by the State of Illinois and Fox Waterway. All Rental Equipment will be inspected to meet Coast Guard, Federal and State safety requirements. Life jackets will be provided for every individual using the Rental Equipment. All customers will be encouraged to wear a life jacket and all children under the age of thirteen (13) years will be required to have a life jacket on as per Coast Guard Regulations. Life vests are required for all non-motorized Rental Equipment and in addition all Rental Equipment will be equipped with all the required Coast Guard safety equipment. 2.3. Temporary Removal of Equipment. In the event City notifies Concessionaire that it desires the removal of the Rental Equipment at any time, due to maintenance or other issues, Concessionaire shall remove the Rental Equipment to allow access by the City. 2.4. Maintenance. Concessionaire shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain the service kiosk, the storage container and all Rental Equipment and maintain the surrounding real property in good condition and repair, including, but not limited to, maintaining the Concessionaire’s equipment(including Rental Equipment) in a neat, clean and sanitary condition and removing all garbage, trash or other debris on a regular basis to the City’s satisfaction. 2.5. Utilities, Taxes and Expenses. Concessionaire shall pay all costs and expenses associated with the Rental Operations other than utility expenses for water and power to the service kiosk, which will be paid by City. Concessionaire shall pay directly, before delinquency, all taxes levied or assessed upon its leasehold improvements, equipment, furniture, fixtures and personal property located on City’s property. 3. Term 3.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date of this Agreement and shall continue for a period of three (3) years (the “Term”). There will be a yearly performance review between Concessionaire and the City at the end of each operation season. This Term of this Agreement may be extended for additional periods of time upon the mutual written agreement of City and Concessionaire. 4. Termination. 4.1. Termination. Prior to the expiration of the Term of this Agreement, either party may terminate this Agreement, for any reason or no reason at all, upon thirty (30) day’s prior written notice to the non-terminating party. 4.2. Following the expiration or termination of this Agreement the Concessionaire shall remove all of Concessionaire’s property and equipment, including Rental Equipment, for the Rental Operations and shall leave all the City’s real property and improvements made to Miller Point Park pursuant to section 9 of this Agreement in a clean and undamaged condition, substantially as it existed at the time of the Effective Date. 4.3. In the event the Concessionaire defaults on its obligations to fully remove the Concessionaire’s property and equipment, including Rental Equipment, for the Rental Operations, the City may, but is not obligated to, remove the same left behind and perform any required clean up (“Remedial Actions”). The Concessionaire shall reimburse the City for all expenses incurred for the Remedial Actions. 69 Page 4 of 8 5. Compensation. 5.1. Total Compensation. The Concessionaire agrees to pay to City an amount equal to three and one-half percent (3.5%) of the Concessionaire’s Gross Monthly Revenue (hereinafter defined) less the applicable taxes referenced in section 5.5 and credit card fees for all rentals of Rental Equipment and merchandise sold (“Compensation”). Compensation will commence in one year after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Compensation for subsequent years may be adjusted by mutual written agreement of both parties. The term “Gross Monthly Revenue” shall mean the total amount charged by Concessionaire, its employees, agents, or representatives, whether for cash or other consideration or on credit card, and regardless of collections, including but not limited to orders taken at the service kiosk but filled elsewhere and orders taken elsewhere but filled at the service kiosk. 5.2. Payment Due Date. Concessionaire shall deliver the Compensation to City on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of each month (“Due Date”) for Compensation received during the preceding month. 5.3. Access to Records. Concessionaire shall provide a written statement to City on the Due Date detailing the Compensation for the preceding month (“Statement”). Concessionaire will provide City or its agents or representatives reasonable access to the books and records of Concessionaire for the purposes of auditing and inspecting the same to verify the Statement. The books and records of Concessionaire shall include documents from which the original transaction entry was made, including sales slips, cash register tapes, on-line sales and/or purchase invoices. 5.4. Concessionaire Responsible for Taxes. The Concessionaire shall be solely responsible for the payment of all taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment under this Agreement. 6. Compliance with Laws. 6.1. Concessionaire shall comply with and perform the Rental Operations in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and City laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended, including but not limited to the following: i. Federal, state and local health, safety and licensing laws relating to the sale of concession goods; and ii. City Code provisions requiring any person or entity doing business in the City to obtain a business registration. 7. Warranty. The Concessionaire warrants that it has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide the Rental Operations and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to being registered to do the business. 8. Independent Contractor/Conflict of Interest. 70 Page 5 of 8 8.1. It is the intention and understanding of the parties that the Concessionaire shall be an independent contractor and that City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Concessionaire sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. The Concessionaire shall pay all income and other taxes as due. Industrial or any other insurance, which is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Concessionaire, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. It is recognized that Concessionaire may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; provided, however, that such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Concessionaire’s ability to perform the Rental Operations in the Agreement. Concessionaire agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of City. Concessionaire agrees not to operate its Rental Operations to or in conjunction with any other city, town, county or business establishment along the Upper Fox Waterway (North of McHenry Dam) except for the City. This excludes marketing resources such as billboards, radio, television and cable television, Facebook, newsprint or any web based marketing sources. 9. City Obligations. 9.1. Improvements. City agrees to provide and pay for the following improvements: i. Location for two (2) temporary structures as set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein a) Stabilized pad for placement of one (1) of the temporary structures b) Electric power to the service kiosk only c) City water to the service kiosk only ii. A sandy beach area as set forth on Exhibit A to provide the following: a) Launch and beaching area for Kayaks/Paddle Boards b) Play area for children waiting on Rental Equipment availability iii. Piers as set forth on Exhibit A to provide the following: a) Piers to accommodate 4 Retro Boats and 2 Paddle Boats b) ADA compliant pier to accommodate ADA compliant Powered/Motorized Retro pontoon boat iv. ADA compliant access around all the temporary structures v. Public restroom facilities consisting of two (2) temporary portable toilets, including the following: a) Unisex Unit b) ADA Compatible Unit (hereinafter the “Improvements”) 9.2. The Improvements will become a part of the real property and are the property of the City and as such will be surrendered to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9.3. The City desires to permit the Concessionaire to utilize the Improvements for the Term of the Agreement for Concessionaire’s Rental Operations. 9.4. The materials for the service kiosk and storage container shall be approved by the City in writing prior to Concessionaire’s construction and/or installation. Concessionaire shall not make any other alterations, additions, or improvements to the Miller Point Park property without City’s prior written consent. In the event City consents to the making of any alterations, additions or 71 Page 6 of 8 improvements, the cost and expense shall be determined and agreed to by both parties in writing prior to beginning any alterations, additions or improvements. In the event such alterations, additions or improvements are made to a structure, building or other improvement attached to the real property, the same will become a part of the real property and are the property of the City and as such will be surrendered to City of upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 10. Indemnification. 10.1. Concessionaire Indemnification. The Concessionaire agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Concessionaire, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, representatives, or by the Concessionaire’s breach of this Agreement. Concessionaire’s indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers’ compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. 10.2. City’s Indemnification. City agrees to indemnify defend, and hold the Concessionaire, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of City, its employees or agents. 10.3. Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 11. Insurance. 11.1. The Concessionaire agrees to carry Workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State, and commercial liability, Automobile liability insurance and Workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating, which is satisfactory to City. At minimum, insurance amounts shall meet the following City requirements: a. Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate, including watercraft liability and naming the City as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. b. Commercial Auto Liability - $1,000,000 each occurrence and naming the City as an additional insured on a primary and noncontributory basis. c. Workers’ compensation including Jones act, Harborworkers, etc. coverage with a Coverage A Statutory limit and a $1,000,000 Coverage B limit. d. Waiver of subrogation in favor of the City. The City shall be named as additional insured on all such insurance policies, with the exception of workers’ compensation coverage. Concessionaire shall provide certificates of insurance, concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, evidencing such coverage and, at the City’s 72 Page 7 of 8 request, furnish City with copies of all insurance policies and with evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. All insurance policies shall contain a clause of endorsement providing that they may not be terminated or materially amended during the Term of this Agreement, except after prior written notice to the City. Concessionaire’s failure to maintain such insurance policies shall be grounds for City’s immediate termination of this Agreement and the thirty (30) day notice shall not be required. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 12. Exclusive Right. 12.1. This Agreement does grant Concessionaire an exclusive right for boat rentals at the City’s Miller Point Park location only. During the term of this Agreement, the City agrees not to grant to other persons or entities any of the rights relating to boat rentals contained herein for the Miller Point Park. 13. Signs. 13.1. Concessionaire shall be limited to placing a sign on the service kiosk and storage container only and can place signs relating to safety and customer direction in areas agreed to by the Concessionaire and the City. Concessionaire shall not place any sign, notice or advertising matter in or about the City’s real property, without its prior written consent. If required by the City Municipal Code, Concessionaire shall obtain all necessary permits in connection with any such signs. 14. General Provisions. 14.1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth all the promises, inducements, agreements, conditions and understandings between the Concessionaire and the City and there are no other promises, agreements, conditions or understandings, oral or written, express or implied, between them relative thereto. 14.2. Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Agreement, which is declared invalid or illegal shall in no way, affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 14.3. Assignment. Neither the Concessionaire nor City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party. 14.4. Successors in Interest. Subject to the foregoing Subsection, the rights and obligations of the parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns. 14.5. Attorney Fees. In the event either of the parties files a lawsuit to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred in that proceeding. 73 Page 8 of 8 14.6. No Waiver. Failure or delay of City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of City’s right to declare another breach or default. 14.7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois and any actions shall be brought in the 22nd Judicial Circuit of McHenry County. 14.8. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of City or Concessionaire represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Concessionaire or City. 14.9. Notices. Any notices required to be given by the parties shall be sent by certified mail or via a nationally recognized private carrier (such as Fed Ex or UPS), to the following addresses: If to the City: City of McHenry Attention: City Administrator 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 If to the Concessionaire: All Marine Retro Rentals Attention: Michelle Streit 126 Jandus Road Cary, Illinois 60013 14.10. Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. 14.11. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to City at law, in equity or by statute. 14.12. Equal Opportunity to Draft. The parties have participated and had an equal opportunity to participate in the drafting of this Agreement, and the Exhibits, attached. No ambiguity shall be construed against any party upon a claim that that party drafted the ambiguous language. 14.13. Amending Agreement. This Agreement may only be amended by way of a written instrument that is signed by both parties. City All Marine Retro Rentals By: By: Wayne Jett, Mayor Date Michelle Streit, President Date Michelle Streit, President Z:\M\McHenryCityof\ConcessionAgmt All Marine Retro.docx 74 DATE:  May 3, 2021    TO:  Mayor and City Council    FROM:  Derik Morefield, City Administrator    Department Directors    RE:  Staff Report for May 3, 2021      The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council and public with the most up‐to‐date  information regarding the latest projects and happenings within the municipal government of  the City of McHenry.  This report is organized by operating department and will be updated and  transmitted as part of each City Council Agenda Packet.  Council is welcome to contact any  Department Director for more information on any item included in this report, as well as topics  from previous reports or items not included in the report.  This report does not include projects  or other information that is considered confidential in nature.    COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT  Contact:  Ross Polerecky, Director of Community Development – 815/363‐2182    Central Wastewater Plant Request for Proposals  City Staff is in the process of developing a Request‐for‐Proposals document for the Central  Wastewater Treatment Plant property.  The target date is for the document to be completed by  the end of May for release in June.  Demolition work on the site has been completed.    1401 Riverside Drive  Partial demolition has begun on the former Town Club building at 1401 Riverside Drive. Plans  include to save the original square building but remove all the additions that have been added  over the years. A complete rehab of the building is planned with the final product being a tavern  showcasing the buildings history.  The property owner is exploring the idea subdividing the  property and building a freestanding restaurant on a new lot to the north next year.    Blake Farms   A tentative date of May 19th has been set for a Planning and Zoning hearing for the Blake Farms  development.                     75 POLICE  Contact: John Birk, Chief of Police – 815/363‐2200    Calls for Service  Between April 14th, 2021 and April 27th, 2021, the McHenry Police Department handled 824 calls  for service.  Including:   238 Traffic Stops   19 Motor Vehicle Accidents   Over 209 Business Checks and Foot Patrols    Public Relations / Affairs   On April 26th the McHenry Police Department hosted a Child Safety Seat check/installation event  in the 1900 Block of Richmond Road.  The event was very successful, with approximately twenty‐ five (25) child seats inspected/installed. Because of need, the department provided one caregiver  a booster seat to ensure the child they were caring for was safely secured in the vehicle.    Personnel Update   The following personnel have recently completed the respective years of service with the  McHenry Police Department:     Officer Paul Prather – 15 Years    Having been with the department since June of 2018, Officer Luis Peña submitted his  resignation from the McHenry Police Department effective May 4th, 2021.  Officer Peña will  continue his law enforcement career as a police officer with the Arlington Heights Police  Department.    Training   Officer Joseph Lopez was hired on January 11th, 2021 as a lateral transfer.  Officer Lopez was a  police officer with the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.  He recently  passed the Illinois Police Officer Certification Exam and has started the department’s Field  Training program.    All sworn officers in the department participated in firearms training. This training included the  mandatory State firearms qualification courses of fire for police officers.    Projects Update   First floor of Police Department: The remodeling of the department Squad Room, new report  writing area and common hallways continued with the removal of the old flooring.  Installation  of the new flooring has begun along with updated paint on the walls.        76 PUBLIC WORKS  Contact:  Troy Strange, Director of Public Works – 815/363‐2186    Street Division  All pre‐stage concrete work for the 2021 Road Program including ADA ramps has now been  completed and Street Division staff are completing landscape restoration.  Winter restoration  including asphalt patching of winter utility repairs and snowplow damage is currently  ongoing.    The pothole patching crew has now commenced work for this season and the first  city‐wide pothole cycle will be completed prior to the beginning of Brush Pickup.  Brush Pickup is  scheduled to begin May 3rd and regular Spring and Summer operations will commence shortly  thereafter.    Utility Division  Spring Hydrant Flushing is now complete and Utility Division staff have returned to winter  restoration work including b‐box adjustments and landscape restoration.    Water Division  Water Tower 4 on Crystal Lake Road will be cleaned in the next two weeks by Giant Maintenance  and Restoration, Inc. of Mundelein, Illinois.    Wastewater Division  The progressive cavity pump for the Wastewater Plant Dryer building has been furnished to the  City Wastewater Facility.  This purchase was approved by City Council in late winter of this year;  installation of the pump and automation integration will be completed and managed by City  Wastewater staff.    The Draft NPDES permit for the City Wastewater Treatment Plant is still currently out for public  comment.  The public notice for review was recently published in the Northwest Herald.  The  final approved permit is anticipated for issuance later this summer.    Central Wastewater Plant Demolition Project  Final grading and topsoil respread are nearly complete.  Final landscaping will be completed by  the end of this month.    2021 Road Resurfacing Program  Peter Baker and Son Company is anticipated to begin asphalt removals in the Winding Creek and  Trails of Winding Creek portions of the 2021 Road Program the first week in May.  A start date  for the Green Valley, Edgebrook Heights, 3rd, and 4th Street portions of the program has not yet  been finalized.  The Veteran’s Park Resurfacing program design is being finalized and will be  released for bidding in May of this year with construction to be completed in the Fall.   77