HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/12/1998 - City Council REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 12, 1998 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Cuda at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, August 12, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Joyce, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Director of Community Development Napolitano. Absent: None. Mayor Cuda informed Council Alderman Baird would be participating in this evening's regularly scheduled Council Meeting through teleconferencing by speakerphone. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. July 29, 1998 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 2. Block Party Requests: - Saturday, August 15, 1998, 12:00 noon - 11:00 p.m. - Jennifer Lane; Saturday, August 22, 1998, 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.- Broadway. 3. Payment No. 8 to J.J. Henderson in the amount of $222,473.40 for South Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements; Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ORDINANCES ANNEXING AND ZONING PROPERTY, AND PRELIMINARY PLAT - ADAMS COMMERCIAL PARK Petitioner Richard Adams and his Attorney Mr. Mark Saladin of Militello, Zanck and Coen were in attendance. Mayor Cuda reminded Council a Public Hearing on the Annexation, Zoning and Adams Commercial Park Preliminary Plat approval had been conducted on July 29, 1998. At that time, Council directed Staff to prepare the appropriate ordinances to: • Annex and zone the 20-acre parcel located adjacent to the northernmost boundary of the existing Adams property, east of the Fox River, north of Illinois State Route 120, and south of Lincoln Road; • Reclassify Lots 18 and 19 and the northernmost portions of Lots 4,5, and 6 as depicted on the Adams Commercial Park Subdivision Preliminary Plat to C5 Highway Commercial; and • Reclassify the easternmost half of Lot 7 as depicted on the Adams Commercial Park Subdivision Preliminary Plat to Business Park; • Amend the proposed Annexation Agreement with the revisions as agreed to by Council during the Public Hearing, including language limiting the development of the area zoned E Estate to one residential lot. Attorney Saladin addressed Council noting the required ordinances had been prepared and reviewed by Staff. The Annexation Agreement had also been amended as per Council direction. In response to Attorney Saladin's inquiry, Council had no further questions and/or comments. August 12, 1998 Page 2 Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Bolger, to pass an ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of an Annexation Agreement between the City of McHenry and Richard A. and Rita A. Adams, providing for the annexation and zoning of a 20-acre parcel of property located approximately 1600 feet north of Illinois State Route 120 and Adams Drive, north of Adams Enterprises Trailer Sales and Service. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird, Cuda. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to pass an ordinance annexing a 20-acre parcel of property located approximately 1600 feet north of Illinois State Route 120 and Adams Drive, north of Adams Enterprises Trailer Sales and Service, located at 2600 West Route 120, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd. Baird, Cuda. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Glab, seconded by McClatchey, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals and pass an ordinance zoning 16 acres of the 20-acre parcel, located adjacent to the northernmost boundary of the existing Adams property, east of the Fox River, north of Illinois State Route 120, and south of Lincoln Road, as E Estate; and the remaining 4 acres, Business Park. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Glab, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and pass an ordinance rezoning Lots 18 and 19, and the northernmost portions of Lots 4,5, and 6 as depicted on the Adams Commercial Park Subdivision Preliminary Plat to C5 Highway Commercial; and to rezone the easternmost half of Lot 7 as depicted on the Adams Commercial Park Subdivision Preliminary Plat to Business Park. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to accept the unanimous recommendation of the City of McHenry Plan Commission, and approve the Preliminary Plat of Adams Commercial Park Subdivision prepared by Charles A. Mionske, Inc. dated July 28, 1998. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - PURCHASE OF PARK MAINTENANCE VEHICLE - PICKUP TRUCK Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council the 1998-1999 Budget includes $25,000 for the purchase of a replacement truck. Three trucks in the Parks and Recreation Fleet are scheduled to be replaced over the next three years. The 1989 Chevrolet pickup truck was scheduled to be replaced in 1998. However, based on the mechanics report, it is recommended the 1990 Ford pickup truck with 73,084 miles be replaced. This specific vehicle is used for snow plowing, which has reduced the life of the vehicle. August 12, 1998 Page 3 In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the proposed bid specifications permit bids from all truck dealerships including Dodge, Chevrolet, Ford and GMC. Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Bolger, to authorize Staff advertise for the purchase of a four-wheel drive pickup truck with snow plow for the Park Maintenance Department. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - PURCHASE OF PARK MAINTENANCE VEHICLE - UTILITY TRACTOR Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council the 1998-1999 Budget reflects $12,000 for the purchase of a three-wheel utility tractor. This three- wheel utility tractor will be utilized for park maintenance duties including ball fields, beaches, sand play areas, and turf renovations. This tractor will replace 1975 and 1978 mid-sized tractors that will be retired from service. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the bid specifications will permit competitive bids from a minimum of three manufacturers. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to authorize Staff advertise for the purchase of a 1999 three-wheel utility tractor for the Park Maintenance Department. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. AWARD OF BID - BROOKSIDE PARK/WILLIAM H. ALTHOFF PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council the installation of a small playground area was included as part of the Brookside Park Site Plan. The 1998-1999 Budget reflects $9,500 for the purchase of playground equipment for Brookside Park. The Brookside Park playground area will be located in the west section of the park and consists of one multi-level climbing unit and a four-seat swing set. Director Merkel stated Requests for Proposals were sent to four commercial playground supply companies to submit equipment designs and specifications within a $9,500 budget. The companies who submitted Proposals were: • Recreation Concepts Inc. of Oswego, Illinois • Park and Recreation Supply Inc. of Geneva, Illinois • Howard White and Associates Inc. of Hoffman Estates, Illinois • New Toys Leisure Products of LaGrange, Illinois. It is the recommendation of Staff, based on the quality of materials and the variety of play components within the design, to purchase Option 1 , as presented by Recreation Concepts Inc. of Oswego, Illinois , in an amount not-to-exceed of $9,500. Director Merkel also noted Recreations Concepts Inc. is a sales representative of the GameTime commercial line of play equipment. The equipment installed at both Pebble Creek and North Oak Parks was supplied by this company. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the installation cost estimate was less than $20,000. August 12, 1998 Page 4 Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve the purchase of playground equipment from Recreation Concepts Inc. of Oswego, Illinois, in the amount of $9,500. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito stated although the Brookside Park Grant includes a line item budget, grant monies, within reason, are discretionary. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - INSTALLATION OF BROOKSIDE PARK/WILLIAM H. ALTHOFF PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AND SHELTER Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed Council the Brookside/William H. Althoff Park Grant requires the installation of wood chip surfacing and concrete barrier curbing for an area of 40' by 80'. In addition, the installation of a multi-level play unit and four-seat swing set playground equipment and a 24' hexagon picnic shelter, is stipulated. The hexagon picnic shelter will be installed adjacent to the 40' by 80' playground area, on the west side of the park. Bid specifications for the installation of playground equipment, wood chip surfacing, concrete curbing, and the 24' hexagon shelter, have been developed. Staff is requesting Council authorize the advertisement for bid of the installation of wood chip surfacing, concrete curbing, playground equipment, and a 24' hexagon shelter. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to authorize Staff to advertise for bid for the installation of wood chip surfacing and concrete barrier curbing for a 40' by 80' playground area; and the installation of playground equipment and a 24' hexagon —� shelter at the Brookside Park/William H. Althoff Park. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. In response to Mayor Cuda's request, City Administrator Lobaito noted Council shall be provided with an updated Budget Status Report at the August 19, 1998 regularly scheduled Council meeting. APPROVAL OF BID DOCUMENTS AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - MUNICIPAL CENTER AND RIVERSIDE DRIVE PAVING PROGRAM Director of Public Works Batt reported the Public Works Committee at their July 21, 1998 meeting, agreed to recommend to full Council the paving of the Municipal Building Lot, Riverside Drive, and Northside Avenue, be advertised for bid. The Committee made this recommendation with the understanding the estimated project cost for the Municipal Building Lot's paving was approximately $15,000 over budget. Staff in the process of preparing bid documents, discovered the need to maintain an appropriate height of exposed curb in the Municipal Building's Parking Lot, which required the inclusion of pavement milling in the bid specifications. This milling inclusion increased the Municipal Building Lot's Paving Project Cost from $50,000 to $65,000. Director Batt also informed Council Staff preparatory work has discovered the need to complete off-site drainage work on Northside Avenue prior to paving in order to avoid impacting downstream neighbors. The inclusion of this off-site drainage work significantly increases the cost of the Northside Avenue portion of the paving project. As the Municipal Building Lot's portion of the paving project is also significantly over- budget, Staff is recommending excluding the Northside Avenue portion from the paving program for 1998. August 12, 1998 Page 5 Some discussion followed regarding the feasibility of eliminating the pavement milling from the Municipal Building Parking Lot portion of the paving program to reduce the overall project cost. Alderman Bolger reminded Council, if the submitted project bids appeared too high, the project could be re-bid in February. In response to Council inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito noted the Northside Avenue off-site drainage may be resolved as area downstream property owners seek annexation to the City of McHenry. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Glab, to authorize Staff to advertise for bid the paving of the Municipal Building Parking Lot, including pavement milling, as well as for Riverside Drive, south of Illinois Route 120. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. WARRANT ANALYSIS FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD AND ROYAL DRIVE Director of Public Works Batt informed Council, Staff, as per Council direction during the June 3, 1998 regularly scheduled Council meeting, conducted traffic studies at the following intersections: • Oakwood Drive and Kensington Drive • Oakwood Drive and Royal Drive • Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive. Director Batt reported only the Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive intersection warrant a traffic signal. Director Batt stated this intersection may warrant a traffic light and recommended further study. The Public Works Committee agreed to recommend to full Council the performance by Smith Engineering of a Warrant Analysis for the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive at a cost not-to- exceed $3,175. The estimated cost for the balance of the engineering, should warrants be met, is approximately $46,000. Alderman Murgatroyd expressed some reservations with regard to the installation of a third traffic signal along this short stretch of Crystal Lake Road: the current Lillian Street traffic signal, the anticipated Dartmoor Drive traffic signal and the proposed Royal Drive traffic signal. Some discussion followed. Director Batt stated the traffic light signals could be timed to facilitate traffic flow. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to authorize the expenditure of $3,175 to Smith Engineering to conduct a warrant analysis for the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Royal Drive. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. _ MAYOR - STATEMENT AND REPORTS Mayor Cuda, in response to requests, named the following persons to the Miller/Walsh Dedication and Recognition Committee: Alderman William Bolger, Don Doherty, Vern Schiller, and Pam Althoff. The first Committee Meeting will be held in early September. Mayor Cuda then reported he was in receipt of a letter from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) regarding the proposed road improvement work on Illinois Route 120 from Route 31 west to Ringwood Road. IDOT is informing the City of McHenry of their intent to remove any and all street lights located within the project's construction area. The replacement and/or reinstallation of any street lights August 12, 1998 Page 6 located within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry shall be borne solely by the City of McHenry. The cost estimate for the reinstallation and/or replacement is approximately $750,000. Mayor Cuda expressed his concerns and reservations. He informed Council a letter had been sent to Illinois State Representative Michael Brown and Illinois State Senator Dick Klemm in protest, citing the extreme financial burden placed upon the City of McHenry without prior notification. Some discussion followed. Mayor Cuda noted he had been attending meetings regarding the next phase of the Illinois Route 120 road improvements since the initiation of his term in 1993. He had never been informed during this entire period of this potential cost. Mr. Ed Wilson, of [DOT, will be invited to attend the August 19, 1998 regularly scheduled Council Meeting to address this issue and answer any questions Council may have. Director of Public Works Batt, in response to Council inquiry, noted the City of McHenry and the State of Illinois do share equitably the cost to modernize traffic lights and install ADA compliant sidewalks. COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works Committee Chairman Alderman Bolger reported the Public Works Committee had met on Tuesday, July 21 , 1998. He noted several recommendations will appear before Council for final consideration and action. Specifically, Chairman Alderman Bolger cited: • The development of a policy including criteria requiring the appropriate committee(s) to review twice a calendar year individual public improvement requests; • The development of a process and fee structure to require special movement permits within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry. Finance Committee Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd reported the Finance Committee had met Tuesday, August 4, 1998 to discuss the U.S. Route 31 and Shamrock Lane traffic light installation and lane improvements project. The meeting minutes will be provided in a Friday Agenda Packet for Council review. Community Development Committee Chairman Alderman McClatchey reminded Council of the Community Development Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Illinois Route 120 and Crystal Lake Road Gerstad Builders advertisement sign. STAFF REPORTS Director of Community Development Napolitano informed Council McHenry High School District 156 was currently removing an underground tank in front of the East Campus facility. A tour of the Eppel Home located on Illinois Route 120 was scheduled with Landmark Commission representatives for Monday, August 18, 1998 at 8:00 a.m. as per the conditions of the 1988 Meyer Material Annexation Agreement. Director of Public Works Batt informed Council the first Open House for the City's River Road property is scheduled for Saturday, August 15, 1998 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the Fall Brochures had been distributed City-wide with a registration date of Monday, August 17, 1998. City Clerk Althoff reminded Council of the invitation extended to all elected officials to participate in the "For the Kids" Fund-raiser on August 23, 1998 at Petersen Park. Council members intending to participate were reminded to contact the City Clerk as soon as possible. City Administrator Lobaito, referencing the July 29, 1998 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency letter distributed in the Friday Packet, noted Director of Community Development Napolitano would be attending the informational meeting concerning the Illinois EPA's intent to remove Facility Planning Area boundaries from the Illinois Water Quality Management Plan and from the continuing planning process, on Thursday, August 13, 1998. August 12, 1998 Page 7 City Administrator Lobaito also noted zoning variance requests require a 2/3 majority from the Council to over ride a negative Zoning Board of Appeals recommendation. The McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals on July 6, 1998 voted unanimously to deny Mr. Dick Buchert's request for a parking variance at 4003 Main Street. Council at their August 5, 1998 regularly scheduled Council Meeting voted 3- 2 to approve Mr. Buchert's parking variance request. The motion required a minimum of 4 affirmative votes. City Administrator Lobaito informed Council Mr. Buchert, upon being notified of the situation, elected to withdraw his variance request and comply with the current City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance regarding parking requirements. The number of units for his proposed hotel will be reduced accordingly. Mayor Cuda stated future Council action requiring a super majority vote will be noted in the appropriate Agenda Supplement. NEW BUSINESS Alderman Glab requested Council discuss and consider taking formal action against a local developer with regard to the display of an alleged illegal advertising sign at the southwest corner of Illinois southwest corner 120 and Crystal Lake Road. He informed Council the same developer was responsible for 22 additional illegal advertising signs placed in the right-of-way throughout the corporate limits of McHenry. He noted a second local developer had recently been issued a ticket for the illegal display of an advertising sign. He expressed concerns with the apparent inequity of the action. Some discussion followed. Alderman Murgatroyd noted this specific issue was scheduled as an Agenda item for the August 19, 1998 Community Development Committee Meeting. He opined no action should occur prior to the Committee Meeting. Motion by Glab, seconded by Baird, to direct Staff to issue a one-time P Ticket in the amount of $25 to local developer Gerstad Builders for the illegal display of an advertisement sign at the corner of Illinois Route 120 and Crystal Lake Road. Voting Aye: Glab, McClatchey, Baird. Voting Nay: Bolger, Murgatroyd. Absent: None. Motion carried. In response to Alderman McClatchey's request, Staff was directed to investigate a downed tree and mattress in Boone Creek in the vicinity of 1402 Millstream Drive. ADJOURNMENT Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Glab to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. CITY CLERK MAYOR