HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/24/1998 - City Council SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 24, 1998 A Special Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Cuda at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, August 24, 1998 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Glab, Murgatroyd, Baird. Alderman Bolger arrived at 7:50 p.m. Absent: McClatchey. City Staff in attendance were: City Administrator Lobaito, City Clerk Althoff, City Attorney McArdle, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Community Development Napolitano. Absent: Chief of Police Joyce, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel. Also in attendance was Court Reporter Ginger Gaiser. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minutes of Public Input Session. PUBLIC HEARING - ANNEXATION AGREEMENT DIEDRICH PROPERTY/GERSTAD BUILDERS INC. APPLICANTS Mayor Cuda opened the Public Hearing on the proposed Annexation, Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the 119 acre Diedrich Farm Property at 7:34 p.m. Petitioners Roger and Donald Gerstad of Gerstad Builders Inc. were in attendance. Mayor Cuda outlined the procedure for this evening's Public Hearing stating the Petitioners would present their proposal, Council and Staff would have the opportunity to ask questions, and the floor would then be opened to public participation, questions, and comments. Petitioners and property owner Roger Gerstad addressed Council stating the property is comprised of approximately 119 acres and is located on the north side of Lincoln Road extending east to Chapel Hill Road. The property, comprised of trees and a rolling topography, is currently being used agriculturally and is zoned R-1 and E-1 , pursuant to the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance. Discussions have occurred with the Mayor and City Staff regarding the availability of sewer and water. The Petitioners have submitted a proposal for Council review to extend water east of the Fox River. The northern portion of the proposed subdivision lies within the proposed right-of-way for the State roadway FAP 420. Mr. Gerstad stated no correspondence had yet been received from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) regarding this right-of-way designation or their intent for its future use. Therefore, the conceptual plan for this development encompasses the entire parcel. In addition, McHenry High School District 156 has expressed interest in acquiring additional acreage contained within this proposed development. Negotiations are ongoing, however, no written commitment exists at this time. Mr. Gerstad stated the proposed development would benefit the City of McHenry with: • Additional property tax revenues, increasing the City's revenues; • Additional employment opportunities to area residents; • The extension of water east of the river; • The prepayment of water Capital Development Fees and Tap-on Fees to help pay for the construction of a much needed elevated water tank; • The extension of sanitary sewer lines to this area as an infrastructure improvement. Mayor Cuda suggested the proposed Annexation Agreement be reviewed. He noted this was a preliminary draft of the Agreement and eventually will more closely mirror the Hillside and Inland residential Annexation Agreements. Attorney McArdle outlined the obligations of the City enumerated in Title 1 . These obligations included: • Annexation; • RS-2 Medium High Density Single Family Residential Zoning; • Approval of the Preliminary Plat; • Approval of the subdivision development in phases with public improvements secured by Letters of Credit; • Approval of the construction and maintenance of model homes and/or sales trailers. August 24, 1998 Page 2 Alderman Bolger arrived at 7:50 p.m. City Administrator Lobaito noted the Petitioners were requesting Council approve proceeding through the Annexation Process with a Conceptual Plan as opposed to the Preliminary Plat. The Preliminary Plat would then be presented for approval at a future date. Alderman Murgatroyd suggested the Annexation Agreement language be amended to reflect the concession to a Conceptual Plan as opposed to the Preliminary Plat approval. In response to a request from Alderman Murgatroyd for clarification, City Attorney McArdle concurred if Council approves the Conceptual Plan, a commitment to the development's design and layout has been made. Council would be bound to approve a Preliminary Plat in substantial conformity with the previously approved Conceptual Plan. Language, however, could be included in the Annexation Agreement which permits alternative action. Mr. Gerstad stated a Concept Plan allows for more input from Council and Staff. Mayor Cuda noted the Diedrich Farm Concept Plan now before Council did not include plans for storm water retention. A Preliminary Plat, however, requires detention design. Some discussion followed. Mr. Gerstad stated the inclusion of storm water management in the Concept Plan would in all likelihood eliminate between 10 and 15 lots. The purchase of right- of-way by IDOT would eliminate an additional 46 lots. City Attorney McArdle returned to the Annexation Agreement review outlining the owner's obligations as enumerated in Title 2 of the Agreement. He noted the following: • Payment of Annexation Fees of $1000/acre and $500/residential unit; • Developer Donation Fees for Schools, Library, Parks and Fire District; • Operational Fees for School and Library Districts; • Capital Development Fees; • Associated costs incurred in providing water to the east side of the Fox River -- within eighteen months of obtaining all necessary approvals and Final Plat approval of Phase 1 of the development, with a recapture option for a minimum of 20 years; • The extension of an additional water main to the right-of-way on the south side of Lincoln Road; • Prepayment of water and Capital Development Fees for the construction of an elevated water tank; • Payment of the pro rata share of lost capacity of pumps located at the River Road Lift Station with the proration based on the portion of capacity used by the developer's property as described in the Annexation Agreement; • Extension of sanitary sewer lines along Lincoln Road to serve the developer's property with a recapture option; • Construction of required public improvements secured with Letters of Credit; and • The construction, maintenance, and occupancy of model units on parcels 1 and 2. A lengthy discussion followed regarding Title 2, #13, paragraph B, regarding permitted advertising signs. Clarification of the size and display time frame of Festival of Homes signs was provided. City Attorney McArdle stated Title 3, Reciprocal Obligations, included standard Annexation Agreement language. In response to ---- Alderman Baird's concerns, Attorney McArdle noted Annexation Agreement language referencing owner's and developer's obligations will be reworded for better clarification as the developer and owner are one and the same entity. Alderman Glab expressed concerns with Title 2, Section VII, addressing sales trailers, citing the existence of equipment trailers in another Gerstad development, Winding Creek, Phase 5. City Attorney McArdle noted more definitive language addressing sales trailers, existed on page 11 of the proposed Annexation Agreement, and should be duplicated in this Section. Further discussion ensued. Alderman Glab requested sales trailers be permitted only until the first model home was opened. Alderman Baird requested Council address whether further August 24, 1998 Page 3 discussion on this proposed Annexation should occur, citing unresolved issues affecting this property, specifically, the existence of IDOT right-of-way located on this property, and the potential purchase by McHenry High School District 156 of acreage on the property. He noted the water crossing would be a definite advantage to the City of McHenry, however, he expressed severe reservations with regard to the proposed subdivision density. In response to Council inquiry, Mr. Gerstad responded, the proposed river crossing will occur at McCullom Lake Road, where a 12 inch main currently exists. The size is adequate to supply water across the Fox River. Staff also noted further discussion would occur regarding the developer's pro rata share of lost capacity of the River Road Lift Station Pumps. City Administrator Lobaito noted this cost will be sufficient enough to purchase larger sized pumps which will be adequate to serve the expanded designated growth area. Mayor Cuda opined the approval of the proposed Annexation Agreement would provide additional important benefits to the City of McHenry, specifically, the extension of water service east of the Fox River and the partial cost of a much-needed elevated water tank. Donald Gerstad addressed Council stating, if Council wished to postpone Annexation of this property until the resolution of the State of Illinois right-of-way and potential land purchase by McHenry High School District 156, it might be years before any action could take place. The State of Illinois has been discussing the potential construction of FAP 420 for 32 years. He also cited the construction of homes in the State of Illinois designated right-of-way within the subdivision located directly east of his proposed subdivision development. He also suggested approval of the development might result in a definitive action by IDOT. Regarding the proposed land purchase by McHenry High School District 156, no consensus had been reached after two meetings. Alderman Glab suggested the reservation of the IDOT right-of-way, in the absence of IDOT's retention of the right-of-way, a two-lane highway might be developed by the City of McHenry and/or developers to loop around the City as discussed by the Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Committee. He also noted with zoning, the property becomes more valuable, and a future potential purchase by McHenry High School District 156, should not, by City action, cost the taxpayers more money. He opined further, however, the City should Annex this property in an effort to control growth. Alderman Baird, citing past problems with Comprehensive Plan roadway layouts, specifically requested any proposed Conceptual Plan associated with this proposed development, include more definitive roadway layouts and alignments. He also stated his discomfort with approving a Conceptual Plan. Mayor Cuda noted the Annexation Agreement could be approved by Council, eliminating the proposed Concept Plan and limiting the number of approved lots. Alderman Glab requested the developer consider a roadway layout design prohibiting a direct route connecting Lincoln Road and Chapel Hill Road. Don Gerstad stated the proposed development provides for only one egress and ingress each to Lincoln Road and Chapel Hill Road. If McHenry High School District 156 purchases property, an additional ingress and egress for the school will be provided. Mayor Cuda reminded Council language can be developed and inserted in the Annexation Agreement permitting additional Council input into the Conceptual Plan roadway layout. In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, Don Gerstad stated he was unsure as to IDOT's response if the proposed Illinois FAP 420 project moved forward after the construction of homes within the FAP 420 designated right-of-way. Mayor Cuda provided Council with a status reportregarding FAP 420. He explained as long as entities within Lake County objected to the extension of State Route 53 through their communities, the construction of FAP 420 would be postponed. If all objections dissolved, FAP 420 could conceivably be constructed within five years. Motion by Glab, to draft a letter to the appropriate State authorities expressing the City of McHenry's support of FAP 420's extension, and requesting information regarding future plans for designated FAP 420 rights-of-way located within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry. August 24, 1998 Page 4 Motion died for lack of a second. After further discussion, it was the consensus of Council to direct Staff or the Mayor draft a letter to the appropriate State authorities, requesting information regarding future plans for designated FAP 420 rights-of-way, and the consequences for property owners who construct homes within the designated FAP 420, located within the City of McHenry Corporate Limits. Some discussion followed with regard to the State response and action relating to the Stilling Woods Development, located adjacent to the proposed development. Staff was directed to obtain a copy of the IDOT letter to the developer of Stilling Woods regarding the construction of homes within the FAP 420 designated right-of-way. Alderman Murgatroyd noted a discrepancy in the number of units referenced in the Conceptual Plan and the Annexation Agreement. Don Gerstad responded stating the 271 units referenced in the proposed Annexation Agreement, is tied specifically to the prepayment of water Capital Development and Tap-on Fees. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, Don Gerstad stated they would not increase the $350,000 prepayment amount to account for increased number of units in the event IDOT released FAP 420 right-of-way. Alderman Murgatroyd also stated the prepaid amount should be reviewed in the event the number of units is reduced, as the purchase of land by McHenry High School District 156 is a possibility. Aldermen Murgatroyd and Glab expressed reservations regarding the proposed credit of prepaid water Capital Development and Tap-on Fees to future developments in the event the actual number of units built is less than the stated 271 units. A brief discussion followed regarding water retention. City Administrator Lobaito noted water retention issues are discussed during the Preliminary Plat review when engineering is required. In response to Alderman Glab's inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito noted approval of this development would not be considered without construction of a new elevated water tower. In response to Alderman Murgatroyd's concerns, Mayor Cuda noted additional language will be incorporated into the finalized draft of the proposed Annexation Agreement, addressing Developer Donations and Operating Fee Cost of Living increases. In addition, clarification was provided regarding Recapture Agreements as requested by Alderman Murgatroyd. City Attorney McArdle noted, if a single family property owner is affected by the Recapture Agreement, they would be obligated to pay their fair share. Additional discussion occurred regarding Cost of Living Increases for Operating Fees. Staff was directed to investigate this issue further. In response to Council inquiry regarding Section IX, Item #7 Roads, Staff explained no curb cuts or direct driveway access will be permitted on either Lincoln Road or Chapel Hill Road. In response to further Council inquiry, City Administrator Lobaito stated the Festival of Homes signs permitted in the proposed Annexation Agreement are also permitted other developments located within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry. The signs are located on the subject property and are 4' X 8' in size. In response to Council request, Roger Gerstad stated language will be included in the proposed Annexation Agreement specifying the Festival of Homes signs be located on the subject property site. Further discussion followed. Council directed Staff to review the sign language contained in Section IX, #13, paragraph B, regarding subdivision sale signs. Alderman Baird again stated the provisions of the Annexation Agreement regarding the extension of water to properties east of the Fox River was a great benefit to the City of McHenry, however, he expressed his deep reservations regarding the proposed development's density. Alderman Bolger reminded Council of the White Oaks Subdivision development which initially sought Annexation to the City of McHenry withdrew their Petition, citing developmental differences with the City of McHenry. He noted the City of McHenry will now experience the impact of the White Oak Ridge development, without the benefit of either annexation or impact fees. Mayor Cuda expressed concerns with the language contained in Section IX, #3, Paragraph A, regarding the installation of a water main crossing the river within 18 months of obtaining the required permits and Final Plat approval. Don Gerstad stated language could be developed clarifying the developer's intent to initiate the extension August 24, 1998 Page 5 of water east of the Fox River immediately. Their intent is to extend the water service in conjunction with Council's approval for Phase 1 development. Alderman Glab cautioned proposed language should not create a situation where Council would be forced to approve the Preliminary Plat in order to facilitate the extension of water service east of the Fox River. Alderman Glab expressed concern with regard to Section XVIII, permitting existing agricultural uses until the entire property is developed. He suggested agricultural uses be permitted until Phase 1 was initiated and Phase 2 was initiated. Some discussion followed. Council supported the proposed language permitting existing agricultural uses shall be permitted until the property is developed. Some discussion followed regarding the proposed vehicular entrances into the subdivision. In addition, discussion occurred regarding water runoff. Roger Gerstad noted the City of McHenry's Subdivision Control Ordinance prohibits increased runoff from a new development. In response to Council inquiry, Roger Gerstad noted the detention basin design is in compliance with the City of McHenry's Subdivision Control Ordinance. Discussion followed regarding the donation of land or cash for the required Parks Donation. Council requested the Petitioners consider excluding Elementary School District 15 and High School District 156 from the Recapture Agreements. It was noted no Preliminary Plan exists for obtaining the necessary easements to facilitate a river crossing. In addition, Staff informed Council results are still pending regarding the quality of water from the well located on the recently annexed Adams Property. Mayor Cuda called for a recess at 9:40 p.m. The Hearing was reconvened with everyone still in attendance at 9:45 p.m. Mayor Cuda opened the floor to audience comment. Stanley Archacki, of 2604 Lincoln Road, addressed Council, requesting Council require a stub off of Woodland Lane to his property which is located adjacent to the proposed development. Mr. Archacki stated McHenry County Planning and Development Committee had addressed this issue during review of the Lincoln Hill proposed residential development. Staff was directed to obtain a copy of the county's review and recommendation regarding Mr. Archacki's property. Paula Ekstrom, of 5505 Brittany Drive, addressed Council. She noted she was a member of the City of McHenry's Zoning Board of Appeals, which sent a negative recommendation for RS-2 Medium Density Single Family Zoning to Council. It was the consensus of the Zoning Board of Appeals the proposed development's density would create a negative impact on the City of McHenry. In addition, the Zoning Board of Appeals requested Council consider the following issues: • Lots at the north end of Woodlawn Park be granted a utility easement to insure access to existing well and septic systems; • A transition zoning or screening be implemented when lots from the subject property abut adjacent properties of one acre or more in size. Mike Oliver, of 1717 Woodlawn Park, addressed Council, concurring with the Zoning Board of Appeals recommendations. He also noted McHenry County's zoning permitted the development of only 167 units on this site, as opposed to the 337 units being proposed by the current property owner and developer. Citing the unique characteristics which surround the proposed development, one acre homesites and water front properties, Mr. Oliver opined the proposed development would not blend in aesthetically with the existing neighborhood. He stated his opposition to the rezoning and reclassification to RS-2 Medium Density Single Family District. He requested Council carefully consider the additional vehicular traffic entering and exiting the City of McHenry over the Pearl Street Bridge, particularly if McHenry High School District 156 pursues land acquisition in this area. Chris Nystrom, of 1615 Woodlawn Park, addressed Council, stating her concern with the proposed density and subsequent problems with traffic safety along Lincoln Road. August 24, 1998 Page 6 Tim Molley, of 1912 Woodlawn Park, addressed Council, stating his opposition to the proposed density. He also noted most of the homes located on Woodlawn Park are constructed on more than one lot. Dave Kurpier, of 1810 Woodlawn Park, addressed Council, stating his opposition to the proposed density. In response to Mr. Kurpier's inquiry, Mayor Cuda stated no well will be located on the Gerstad Property. Water service will be provided from the west side to the east side of the Fox River. In addition, the City of McHenry hopes to help Hunterville Park and Eastwood Manor Subdivisions solve their water and sewer problems. Only voluntary annexation of these subdivisions will be considered. Allen Hunt, of 2218 Woodlawn Park, addressed Council, clarifying the first hal mile of Woodlawn Park is a County Road. He stated his concern regarding road maintenance and repair if vehicular traffic was increased to 100 cars per day. Mayor Cuda clarified the location of the proposed elevated water tower is on the Adams Property located north of Route 120 at 2600 West Route 120. Frank Van Bree, of 2004 Woodlawn Park, addressed Council, stating his concern regarding water runoff. He also requested Council require a buffer zone between the existing homes and the proposed subdivision development. Some discussion followed regarding the forcible annexation of Woodlawn Park. Mayor Cuda stated he has never been in favor of forcibly annexing any properties. Council requested Staff provide a map of the area to be distributed with minutes of this evening's meeting. In response to Mayor Cuda's inquiry, it was the consensus of Council to go forward with the negotiations regarding the proposed Annexation, Zoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Diedrich Farm Property. Motion by Glab, seconded by Murgatroyd, to close the Public Hearing at 10:25 p.m. with the understanding any future meetings addressing the proposed annexation of the Diedrich Farm Property would permit audience participation. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Murgatroyd. Voting Nay: Baird. Absent: McClatchey. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Murgatroyd, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: McClatchey. Motion carried. The Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. CI CLERK MAYOR