HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 04/03/1996 - City Council REGULAR MEETING APRIL 3, 1996 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Cuda on Wednesday, April 3, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Clerk `- Althoff, Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito, Director of Public Works Batt, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Joyce. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel arrived at 7:50 P.M. Absent: None. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Lawson, seconded by Bolger, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: (1) March 13, 1996 Regular City Council Meeting minutes; (2) Alarm hook-up Request - McHenry School District 156 - Administrative Building at 4716 W. Crystal Lake Road; (3) Picnic/Beer Permits; (4) As Needed Checks for the month of March, as follows: AS-NEEDED CHECKS/MARCH 96 CHECK# VENDOR NAME AMOUNT 82569 SECRETARY OF STATE $ 10.00 82570 9TH ANNUAL N.D.O.A $ 150.00 82571 9TH ANNUAL N.D.O.A $ 150.00 82572 POSTAGE BY PHONE SYSTEM $ 612.64 82573 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL $ 27629.30 82574 HEALTH PLAN MANAGEMENT $ 7512.93 82575 PETTY CASH FUND $ 100.00 82576 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT $ 110.00 82577 HEALTH PLAN MANAGEMENT $ 1517.70 82578 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 $ 4324.04 82579 ILLINOIS DEPT OF REVENUE $ 4105.42 82580 PAYROLL ACCOUNT $ 100449.05 82581 POLICE PENSION FUND $ 4898.27 82582 MCHENRY STATE BANK $ 18999.18 82583 MCHENRY STATE BANK $ 23085.91 82584 MARY ANN MILITANO $ 400.00 82585 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL $ 1340.64 82586 INSURANCE CLAIMS ACCOUNT $ 20006.69 82587 PAYROLL ACCOUNT $ 327.47 82588 MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER $ 240.00 82589 POLICE PENSION FUND $ 389.82 82590 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW $ 250.00 82592 FORT DEARBORN LIFE $ 268.66 82593 SUN LIFE OF CANADA $ 643.95 82594 LAURA MOATS $ 23.79 82595 MICHAELS $ 53.82 82596 INSURANCE CLAIMS ACCOUNT $ 2476.00 82761 RECREATION PROGRAMS FUND $ 25000.00 82762 WATER/SEWER FUND $ 60.00 82763 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT $ 110.00 82764 HEALTH PLAN MANAGEMENT $ 1517.70 82765 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST-457 $ 3705.60 82766 ILLINOIS DEPT OF REVENUE $ 4220.25 82767 PAYROLL ACCOUNT $ 103155.95 82768 POLICE PENSION FUND $ 4898.27 82769 MCHENRY STATE BANK $ 19846.01 82770 MCHENRY STATE BANK $ 23457.15 82771 FBI NAA $ 24.00 82772 MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF $ 26.00 82773 SECRETARY OF STATE $ 24.00 82774 PETTY CASH FUND $ 95.53 82775 HEALTH PLAN MANAGEMENT $ 7718.07 82776 NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS $ 153.00 82777 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICERS $ 395.60 82778 UNITED WAY $ 79.14 82779 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICERS $ 1775.00 82780 HOLIDAY INN-EAST $ 150.00 r 82781 HOLIDAY INN-EAST $ 140.80 82782 IACP HOUSING BUREAU $ 75.00 82783 TRAVEL AGENTS INTERNAT'L $ 205.55 82784 MRS H WALCZUK $ 72.00 82785 INSURANCE CLAIMS ACCOUNT $ 8258.76 82786 DEVELOPER DONATIONS $ 14086.00 82787 WATER/SEWER FUND $ 16775.00 82788 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT $ 12834.00 82789 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL $ 26414.27 Report Totals 495347.93 April 3, 1996 Page 2 12444 POSTAGE BY PHONE SYSTEM $ 200.00 12445 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL $ 1005.39 12446 GENERAL FUND $ 21170.21 12447 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW $ 10.00 12448 RETIREMENT FUND $ 7916.67 10s 12449 BOND AND INTEREST $ 36122.92 12450 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE $ 4330.00 12451 SUN LIFE OF CANADA $ 103.35 12508 GENERAL FUND $ 15025.00 12509 GENERAL FUND $ 20942.60 12510 WHISPERING OAKS CONDO ASN $ 367.77 12512 GENERAL FUND $ 100529.03 Report Totals 207742.94 6092 POSTAGE BY PHONE SYSTEM $ 187.36 6093 GENERAL FUND $ 7985.81 6094 MORTON ARBORETUM $ 40.00 6095 DEVELOPER DONATIONS $ 403.25 6096 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE $ 910.00 6097 SECRETARY OF STATE $ 21.00 6098 SUN LIFE OF CANADA $ 23.85 6148 GENERAL FUND $ 9208.95 6149 MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & $ 193.25 6150 PETTY CASH FUND $ 56.11 Report Totals 19029.58 Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. SIGN VARIANCE REQUEST - McHENRY AUTO SALES 209 N. FRONT STREET James Pasternock, President of McHenry Auto Sales, addressed Council requesting a sign variance for the installation of three 30" X 72" used car canvass banners on existing light poles located in the McHenry Auto Sales lot at 209 N. Front Street. Mr. Pasternock noted that the existing streamers would be removed upon the installation of the banners. Staff is recommending approval as per past City Council action, however, Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito noted that previous approvals limited each sign to 25 square feet. Some discussion followed. Motion by Baird, seconded by Bolger, to approve the sign variance request of McHenry Auto Sales located at 209 N. Front Street for the installation of three used car canvass banners, subject to the removal of existing streamers and the approval of the banner size by Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito. --1 Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - HERITAGE INVESTMENT SERVICES (MILL POND COURT) 3714-3726 W. ELM STREET Ron Bykowski, representing Heritage Investment Services, and architect John Swierk were in attendance. Mr. Bykowski addressed Council stating he was seeking variances to allow the construction of a second principal building on one lot, and a side yard setback from the required 25 feet to 10 feet. He also stated that the three conditions, as follows, have been agreed to and will be included in the proposed ordinance: (1) Provide a sanitary sewer easement across the subject property for the benefit of White Hen Pantry; (2) Provide landscape screening consisting of deciduous and non-deciduous plants between the proposed building and the residential use to the north; and, (3) Provide a landscape plan to the Building and Zoning Department for approval for the area along the south property line abutting Route 120 between the west property line and the most westerly entrance from Route 120; John Swierk, Direct Design architect, explained that the subject property is the location of the former Jewel/Osco, and when sold in 1983, it contained a stipulation that a portion of the property be sold for the purpose of erecting a White Hen Pantry. The portion of the property sold fronts on Route 120 and is approximately 100' X 110'. The property now in question is located directly to the north of the White Hen April 3, 1996 Page 3 property. Mr. Swierk also noted that no objectors were present at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting March 4, 1996. Some discussion followed regarding the need for landscape screening between the residential area to the north and the property in question. In response to Council's stated concerns, the petitioners also noted there would be sufficient parking on this property to accommodate the second building and the height of the proposed building will be the same as, or lower than, the existing buildings on this lot. Motion b Bolger, seconded b Locke to acknowledge the no-recommendation Y 9 � Y � 9 vote from the Zoning Board of Appeals and pass an ordinance granting a variance to construct a second principal building on one lot located at 3714-3726 W. Elm Street, owned by Heritage Investment Services, and a 10-foot side yard setback variance, subject to the following conditions: (1 ) A sanitary sewer easement is to be provided across the subject property for the benefit of White Hen Pantry; (2) A landscape screening consisting of deciduous and non-deciduous plants is to be planted between the proposed building and the residential use to the north; (3) A landscape plan is to be provided to the Building and Zoning Department for approval for the area along the south property line abutting Route 120 between the west property line and the most westerly entrance from Route 120. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES FOR THE BIDDING AND LETTING OF CONTRACTS City Clerk Althoff stated that although Illinois Statutes require bidding for Public Works projects in excess of $10,000, it does not outline a bidding procedure or bidding criteria for selecting the lowest responsible bidder, and the Illinois Municipal Law Handbook suggests each municipality create an ordinance to establish the procedure and criteria. In addition, there are no standards set out in ordinance form for items not required by Statutes to be let by bid. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of Council to direct City Administrator Jordan, Mayor Cuda and City Clerk Althoff to establish a written bidding policy for subsequent Council review. Alderman Baird and Alderman Locke recommended the written policy incorporate the use of the Consent Agenda. �. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - POSSIBLE PROJECTS FOR SUBMISSION Director of Public Works Batt presented the criteria for submission of a Community Development Block Grant application. The following projects were presented for Council consideration: (1) The purchase and installation of street lights for the McHenry Shores and/or Lakeland Park areas; (2) Engineering and the possible dredging of the Lakeland Park drainage ditch; (3) Mass Barn renovation; (4) South Wastewater Treatment Plant sludge piping improvements; (5) Brookside Park development; (6) Main Street property acquisition for use of a parking lot; and, (7) The resubmission of the Maple Avenue/Millstream water main project. Alderman Locke noted that Community Development Block Grant applications are submitted on a yearly basis. Mayor Cuda stated that 1996 available grant fund monies are 10% less than those monies available in 1995 due to Federal cutbacks. Mayor Cuda, at this time, recognized Tom Quamme, President of the Waters Edge I Condominium Association. Quamme reminded Council he had appeared before at their March 6, 1996 Council meeting requesting Council consider taking over control of Devonshire Court, a private street, which was never dedicated to the City of McHenry. Quamme noted that during the process of obtaining quotes for the repair and reconstruction of Devonshire Court, it was suggested the Association apply for a Community Development Block Grant. Quamme informed Council that County officials recommended the grant be submitted under the auspices of the City of April 3, 1996 Page 4 McHenry, as the grant would be considered more favorably. Quamme then requested Councilsubmit a grant application on behalf of the Condominium Association for the repair and reconstruction work on Devonshire Court. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the appropriateness of the City of McHenry applying for grant monies to repair a private street. Council also discussed whether the submission of this grant application would negatively impact any other projects submitted for grant consideration by the City of McHenry. Judy Moore, of the Waters Edge I Condominium Association, addressed Council. She informed Council that the Association would fund 60% of the grant with Association monies. It was estimated that the street repair would cost approximately $12,000. Council then reviewed the seven projects recommended by Director of Public Works Batt for Community Development Block Grant submission. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of Council to submit a grant application for the clean-up, turf establishment and drainage correction for Brookside Park. Alderman Bolger recommended Council consider submitting a Community Development Block Grant application in 1997 for the development and construction of a water reservoir to be located in the southwestern area of the City. Motion by Baird, seconded by Locke, to pass the following Community Development Block Grant Resolutions authorizing the submission of grant applications -1 for: (1) Brookside Park site clean-up, turf establishment and drainage engineering at a 60% matching fund percentage; (2) Devonshire Court at a 60% matching fund percentage, and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all grant application documents. and to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all documents in connection with these two grant applications. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Baird. Voting Nay: Lawson. Absent: None. Motion carried. Council noted Director of Public Works Batt should assist Waters Edge I Condominium Association President Tom Quamme with the grant application, however, Mr. Quamme will be responsible for the presentation in front of the Community Development Block Grant Commission. MAYOR - STATEMENT AND REPORTS Mayor Cuda reported he had met with County Transportation Superintendent Mike Magnuson. The Ridgeview Drive project is progressing, with bid letting scheduled for early this Summer, and construction within the year. A few outstanding issues remain with the Army Corps of Engineers on the Bull Valley Road extension project, however, monies are still earmarked and bid letting is scheduled for the Fall. Once all issues are resolved, the County will submit formal application to the Army Corps of Engineers. County officials are also actively working with property owners to obtain right-of-way easements for Phase II of the Bull Valley Road extension project. COMMITTEE REPORTS Alderman Bates reported he had attended a NISRA meeting and had received a copy of their proposed 1996-97 Fiscal Year budget. The budget will be presented to Council for review and approval in the near future. '1 Alderman Lawson, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reminded Council of the Executive Session Finance Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, April 8, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. STAFF REPORTS Director of Public Works Batt reported that a bid opening had been held for the Millstream water main construction project. The apparent low bid, received from Gluth Brothers of Woodstock, Illinois, came in $17,000 less than the engineering estimate. This item will be on the regularly scheduled April 17, 1996 Council meeting April 3, 1996 Page 5 agenda for Council review and approval. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported he had received two tree donations and several tree transplant offers. He is coordinating the Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony with the City Clerk's office. A proclamation declaring April 26, 1996 as Arbor Day will be presented to Council at the regularly scheduled Council meeting April 17, 1996. City Clerk Althoff reported the Main Street property owners and tenants had met at 5:30 PM this evening to discuss downtown revitalization in the Main Street area. NEW BUSINESS Alderman Baird stated his concurrence with Alderman Bolger's recommendation to submit a Community Development Block Grant application in 1997 for the construction and development of a water reservoir in the southwestern area of the City. Some discussion occurred regarding the conflict with members of advisory boards and commissions who are representing developers in front of the same boards for which they serve and are voting members. Mayor Cuda noted that there were several openings on various City boards and commissions. Appointments are to be made at the annual meeting on April 24, 1996. Any interested City residents were encouraged to submit an application which are available in the City Clerk's office. Motion by Bates, seconded by Lawson, to adjourn the meeting. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. % � y `" MAYOR CITY CL K