HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 07/24/1996 - City Council REGULAR MEETING JULY 24, 1996 The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor Steven Cuda on Wednesday, July 24, 1996 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City Clerk low Althoff, City Administrator Jordan, City Attorney McArdle, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito. Absent: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel and Chief of Police Joyce. TEN MINUTE PUBLIC INPUT SESSION No one signed in to speak during the Ten Minute Public Input Session. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Lawson, seconded by Baird, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: (1) June 26, 1996 City Council Meeting Minutes; (2) Block party requests: - Patricia Harter, Oaks of McHenry, August 24, 1996; - Tina Black, Lakewood Drive in Lakeland Pk., July 27, 1996; (3) Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson Invoice - $585.52; (4) Tuition Reimbursement Requests: - David Bartik, Architectural Blueprint Reading, $1 17.00; - Kristine Paprocki, Effective Payroll Administration & Mgmt., $745.00; (5) Pay Request No. 1 to Gluth Bros. Construction in the amount of $98,083.80 for the Millstream Water Main Project; (6) May and June Treasurer's Reports; (7) June Budget Report; (8) June Bills for Approval as follows: General Fund 83520 CELLULAR ONE - CHICAGO $ 146.46 83521 SUSAN CHRISTENSEN $ 29.00 83522 CLARK MOSQUITO CONTROL $ 9692.60 83523 CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS $ 191.54 83524 COMARK GOVT EDUCATION INC $ 159.86 83525 COMED $ 84.84 83526 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING $ 425.00 83527 CREATIVE FORMS $ 164.67 83528 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY $ 144.38 83529 CUSTOM SPORTS $ 225.44 83530 DARE AMERICA MERCHANDISE $ 261.20 83531 DECKER SUPPLY CO INC $ 222.00 83532 D & J AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY $ 672.89 \.. 83533 D'S MARINE SERVICE INC $ 37.95 83534 JOSEPH DOHERTY $ 37.95 83535 DON'S TOWING $ 37.00 83536 DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP $ 184.96 83537 DURABILT FENCE COMPANY $ 2233.00 83538 DYNA SYSTEMS $ 105.07 83539 ECLIPSE TECHNOLOGIES+ INC $ 650.00 83540 EXTECH COMPANY $ 97.35 83541 FISCHER BROS CONST CO INC $ 232.19 83542 GORDON FLESCH COMPANY INC $ 474.09 83543 FLOWERWOOD $ 44.10 83544 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC $ 1053 .64 83545 GEORGE P FREUND INC $ 1202.46 83546 FREUND INTERNATIONAL $ 107.85 83547 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CO $ 50.00 83548 WILLIAM J GITZKE D/B/A $ 433 .60 83549 MARCI GERAGHTY $ 104.33 83550 GREAT LAKES APPAREL INC $ 773.25 83551 HALSEN PRODUCTS CO $ 31.15 83552 HARM'S FARM $ 67.01 83553 GREGG E HATTER $ 187.20 83554 IIMC $ 145.00 83555 TED JENSEN $ 15.00 83556 JEPSEN TIRE CO INC $ 30.00 83557 KAR PRODUCTS $ 479.28 83558 KROHN LAWN & LANDSCAPE $ 10375.00 83559 KTD MANUFACTURING AND $ 33 .38 83560 LANDGRAF'S LTD $ 2981.00 83561 GARY LANG PONTIAC- $ 747.30 83562 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC $ 152.68 83563 LETN $ 388.00 83564 LOCKER'S FLOWERS $ 47.50 83565 PAT LUBBEN $ 17.00 83566 MANPOWER $ 226.40 83567 MAIN PAINT & DECORATING $ 18.01 83568 MENARDS - CRYSTAL LAKE $ 468.14 July 24, 1996 Page 2 General Fund (cont'd) 83569 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY $ 615.23 83570 MID AMERICA TITLE COMPANY $ 105.00 83571 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH $ 2722.40 83572 MISSISSIPPI TOOL SUPPLY $ 30.48 83573 MPH INDUSTRIES INC $ 151.71 83574 MUSIC PERFORMANCE $ 3600.00 83575 CARYLE MCCAFFREY $ 27.09 83576 THOMAS MCCARTHY $ 3115.00 83577 MCHENRY AUTO PARTS $ 628.36 83578 MCHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE $ 410.00 83579 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY INC $ 258.24 83580 MCHENRY LUMBER $ 224.14 83581 MCHENRY FIRESTONE $ 564.44 83582 MCHENRY PUBLIC LIBRARY $ 1200.29 83583 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL $ 2912.00 83584 MCHENRY COMMUNITY SCHOOL $ 2048.00 83585 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS $ 41.85 83566 MCHENRY BEAUTIFICATION $ 1000.00 83587 CHRISTINE NEWMAN $ 191.38 83588 NORTHERN HYDRAULICS INC $ 87.88 83589 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS $ 103.58 83590 NORTHERN ILLINOIS SPECIAL $ 49976.00 83591 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL $ 617.34 83592 NORTHWEST HERALD $ 181.85 83593 RAY O'HERRON CO INC $ 13.63 83594 O.M.J.C. SIGNAL INC $ 62.12 83595 KRISTINE PAPROCKI $ 14.77 83596 PETALS & STEMS $ 400.00 83597 PETERSEN SAND & GRAVEL $ 54.80 83598 PITNEY BOWES $ 534.60 83599 PREFERRED STAFFING INC $ 1539.00 83600 RADIO SHACK $ 6.47 83601 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL $ 35.50 83602 REILLY GRAHAM MCANDREWS & $ 5600.00 83603 R & N TRUCKING $ 310.00 83604 ROCKFORD INDUSTRIAL $ 167.86 83605 R & S DISTRIBUTORS INC $ 215.25 83606 R & T SPECIALTY INC $ 162.50 83607 RHONDA F LANG-RUSHING $ 49.96 83608 SAFEGARD EXTERMINATING CO $ 136.00 83609 SAFETY KLEEN CORP $ 248.00 83610 SCAN-AM $ 3765.27 83611 THOMAS SCHMIDT $ 54.57 83612 SEARS $ 89.99 83613 SHERMAN PLUMBING & HEAT $ 1518.00 83614 SHORE GALLERIES INC $ 2040.00 83615 AL CAJTHAML D/B/A $ 300.00 83616 SKOKIE VALLEY ASPHALT CO $ 1809.62 83617 SMITH & WESSON COMPANY $ 768.00 83618 STANS OFFICE MACHINES INC $ 7.80 83619 STATE TREASURER $ 369.09 83620 SUCCESSORIES $ 289.35 83621 SUMMERS PORTABLE TOILETS $ 586.50 83622 SUN LIFE OF CANADA $ 683.70 83623 SUNNYSIDE COMPANY $ 76.50 83624 THOMPSON ELEVATOR $ 32.00 83625 TOOLLAND INC $ 78.00 83626 UNITED LABORATORIES $ 103.59 83627 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE $ 25.88 83628 UNITOG RENTAL SERVICES $ 35.30 83629 LAURA L VIRGILS $ 187.20 83630 KEITH A VLK $ 500.00 83631 WALLY'S BIKE HAVEN $ 8.51 83632 WAL-MART STORES INC $ 134.85 83633 THOMAS M WALSH $ 187.20 83634 WARNING LITES OF ILLINOIS $ 132.90 83635 WEARGUARD $ 201.98 83636 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE $ 77.65 83637 THE ZONING REPORT $ 58.00 83638 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & $ 5671.50 83639 BRIAN ANDERSON $ 43.20 83640 MICHAEL BAZAN $ 43.20 83641 DAVE BERNHARD $ 43 .20 83642 CLARK OIL. $ 30.00 83643 JOHN CUMMINGS $ 43.20 83644 BOB FREUND $ 43.20 83645 JAMES FREUND $ 43.20 83646 MICHAEL FREUND $ 43.20 83647 TODD HANSBERGER $ 43 .20 83648 LARRY HENRY $ 43 .20 83649 SHAREE HOLAS $ 12.00 83650 GEORGE D LANE AND $ 1000.00 83651 JACK LASPINA $ 43.20 83652 JOHN LEIGHTY $ 43.20 83653 BILL PELLANT $ 43.20 83654 GREG PLUCINSKI $ 50.00 83655 PMAC $ 79.00 83656 PRENTICE HALL $ 46.24 83657 REGAL RIVERFRONT $ 264.00 83656 MASON REINHART $ 12.00 83659 DON RHODES $ 43.20 83660 AL SKARONEA $ 43.20 July 24, 1996 Page 3 General Fund (cont'd) 83661 TODD SKARONEA $ 43.20 83662 ANDREW SHEPPARD $ 43.20 83663 HAL THOMPSON $ 43.20 83664 BILL TOALSON, $ 486.40 83665 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL $ 164.00 83666 BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE $ 810.84 83667 ACME BRICK & SUPPLY CO $ 798.00 83668 DAN ADAMS STEEL SERV INC $ 428.89 83669 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC $ 2795.76 83670 ADVANTAGE COMPUTER SUPPLY $ 53.60 83671 AHLBORN EQUIPMENT INC $ 39.26 83672 ALEXANDER BATTERY CO INC $ 27.36 83673 PAMELA J ALTHOFF $ 35.76 83674 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS $ 90.00 83675 AMERITECH $ 1073.53 83676 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP $ 1108.32 83677 ARROW UNIFORM RENTAL INC $ 196.24 83678 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC $ 15.40 83679 BADGER UNIFORMS $ 3697.10 83680 PETER BAKER & SON CO $ 290.50 83681 BECKER BEEPER $ 139.05 83682 G W BERKHEIMER CO INC $ 82.21 83683 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY $ 3766.73 83684 BOTTS WELDING & TRK SERV $ 47.80 83685 PHILLIP E BRADY & ASSOC $ 175.00 83686 GEO R BREBER MUSIC CO INC $ 148.50 83687 L M BROWNSEY SUPPLY CO $ 825.72 83688 BRUCE MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT $ 242.47 83689 BURGESS ANDERSON & TATE $ 1941.73 83690 BURNS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY $ 97.28 83691 BUSS FORD SALES $ 35.52 83692 MUSICIANS ASSN LOCAL 48 $ 34.20 83693 MCHENRY STATE BANK $ 378.97 83694 JOHN BAUMGARTNER $ 350.00 83695 BOB FREUND $ 350.00 Report Totals 159847.17 Water/Sewer Fund 12745 CAREY ELECTRIC $ 4280.00 12746 CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS $ 95.76 12747 COMED $ 32.99 12748 COUNTRYSIDE FLOWER SHOP $ 191.04 12749 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY $ 15.78 12750 CRYSTAL LAKE DISPOSAL INC $ 106.00 12751 D'ANGELO NATURAL SPRING $ 50.20 12752 D & J AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY $ 178.89 12753 FISCHER BROS CONST CO INC $ 1402.51 12754 FISHER SCIENTIFIC $ 286.20 12755 JOS D FOREMAN & CO $ 298.00 12756 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC $ 101.20 12757 RON GLOSSON $ 750.00 12758 GREAT LAKES APPAREL INC $ 257.75 12759 THE KJELL CORPORATION $ 1957.50 12760 KTD MANUFACTURING AND $ 99.00 12761 LEACH ENTERPRISES INC $ 77.28 12762 L & R MACHINE COMPANY $ 800.00 12763 MAIN PAINT & DECORATING $ 227.82 12764 MCCANN CONSTRUCTION SPEC $ 92 .10 12765 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER $ 165.00 12766 MCHENRY AUTO PARTS $ 139.80 12767 MCHENRY COUNTY SUPPLY INC $ 167.58 12768 MCHENRY ELECTRIC CO INC $ 87.41 12769 MCHENRY LUMBER $ 30.19 12770 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS $ 1.97 12771 NCL OF WISCONSIN INC $ 316.60 12772 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS $ 716.85 12773 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL $ 49.95 12774 NORTHWEST HERALD $ 137.85 12775 PETERSEN SAND & GRAVEL $ 704.00 12776 PITNEY BOWES $ 162.00 12777 RELIANCE SAFETY EQUIPMENT $ 114.15 12778 R & N TRUCKING $ 115.00 12779 ROCKFORD INDUSTRIAL $ 65.60 12780 ROWELL CHEMICAL CORP $ 3762.88 12781 SAFETY KLEEN CORP $ 198.25 12782 SCAN-AM $ 447.36 12783 JON SCHMITT $ 109.14 12784 SMITH ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS $ 38.82 12785 S-P-D INDUSTRIES INCORP $ 176.00 12786 SPRING GROVE DISTRIBUTORS $ 38.20 12787 SUN LIFE OF CANADA $ 95.40 12788 UNITED LABORATORIES $ 103.99 12789 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE $ 94.92 L 12790 UNITOG RENTAL SERVICES $ 55.51 12791 WIRFS INDUSTRIES INC $ 203 .30 12792 WOODLAND RECYCLING & $ 4500.00 12793 BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE $ 866.87 12794 DAN ADAMS STEEL SERV INC $ 80.64 12795 ALEXANDER CHEMICAL CORP $ 644.00 12796 AMERITECH $ 543 .23 12797 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP $ 117.54 12798 AQUAFLOW CORP $ 1635.00 12799 ARROW UNIFORM RENTAL INC $ 257.40 July 24, 1996 Page 4 Water/Sewer Fund (cont,d) 12800 THE BARN NURSERY $ 1068.65 12801 BAXTER & WOODMAN $ 15136.25 12802 BECKER BEEPER $ 77.25 12803 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY $ 31.40 12804 BOTTS WELDING & TRK SERV $ 11.95 Report Totals 44567.92 Parks Fund 6451 ACADEMY BROADWAY CORP $ 29.00 6452 CAREY APPLIANCE INC $ 40.00 6453 CHAPEL HILL GOLF COURSE $ 521.00 6454 THOMAS M MAUK D/B/A $ 511.00 6455 COMED $ 2921.26 6456 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS $ 57.75 6457 CRYSTAL MANOR STABLE $ 936.00 6458 JOHN DEBOER ENTERPRISES $ 1249.74 6459 EBY-BROWN CO $ 1779.74 6460 GOLD MEDAL - CHICAGO INC $ 682.24 6461 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY $ 263.84 6462 IPRA $ 310.00 6463 JEWEL FOOD STORES $ 20.25 6464 TOM KING $ 300.00 6465 K-MART STORES $ 30.59 6466 KYROTECH INC $ 65.00 6467 LEONARDI'S PIZZA $ 3024.50 6468 JERRY LUBBEN $ 160.00 6469 PATTIE LUNKENHEIMER $ 14.50 6470 MELROSE PYROTECHNICS INC $ 15000.00 6471 MCHENRY COUNTY GLASS & $ 475.00 6472 MCHENRY FAVORITE SPORT CT $ 75.00 6473 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES $ 116.00 6474 NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS $ 973.96 .� 6475 NORTHWEST HERALD $ 794.64 6476 ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC $ 37.35 6477 PITNEY BOWES $ 113 .40 6478 MARK E PRISCARO $ 580.00 6479 KATHLEEN QUICK $ 112.93 6480 RADIO SHACK $ 104.96 6481 RICHMOND FISHERIES $ 750.00 6482 SCAN-AM $ 447.37 6463 JERRY SCHILLER $ 80.00 6484 ROBERT J FRY D/B/A $ 135.00 6485 HENRY A ST CLAIR $ 260.00 6486 SULLIVAN FOODS $ 158.40 6487 SUMMERS PORTABLE TOILETS $ 590.00 6488 SUN LIFE OF CANADA $ 23 .85 6489 TODD TROCKI $ 220.00 6490 BRETT UNRUH $ 20.00 6491 LYNN C WAGNER $ 120.00 6492 WAL-MART STORES INC $ 126.15 6493 YOUNG REMBRANDTS INC $. 576.00 6494 JIM ZASADA $ 60.00 6495 PAM CRISANTI $ 17.52 6496 GERI CONDON $ 23 .00 6497 DONA DAMIANI $ 28.00 6498 DOUGLAS DOBLER $ 32 .00 6499 AUDREY DOEPKER $ 31.50 6500 LUCILLE ENGMARK $ 56.00 '1 6501 EXACTO INC $ 120.00 6502 BRIAN FOLEY $ 30.00 6503 KAREN GAUTCHIER $ 15.55 6504 DIANE GIBSON $ 48.00 6505 WALLY GLANZ $ 24.00 6506 DEBORAH HANSEN $ 6.00 6507 COLLEEN HORVATH $ 28.00 6508 TERESA JAEGER $ 23.00 6509 RANDY KLONTZ $ 30.00 6510 LAURALI KORUNA $ 23.00 6511 DAWN KOVAC $ 38.00 6512 SUE KYLANDER $ 12.00 6513 KEITH LARIMER $ 20.00 6514 MARIA LUBAS $ 43.00 6515 CHRISTINE LUDWIG $ 33.00 6516 GAIL LUNDSTEN $ 30.00 6517 LES LUNSMANN $ 39.00 6518 LAURIE MALM $ 33.00 6519 EILEEN MARZANO $ 30.00 6520 VICTORIA MILINAC $ 28.00 6521 LINDA MICHAEL $ 34.50 6522 MCHENRY LIMOUSINE SERVICE $ 60.00 6523 HELEN PIEKARSKI $ 60.00 6524 POLYMER COLOR $ 60.00 6525 JOAN REBMAN $ 30.00 6526 CAREN RISCHE $ 6.00 6527 GARY RUSS $ 60.00 6528 DONNA SCHAEFER $ 35.00 6529 BERNARD SCHOLZ $ 60.00 6530 CAREN SPRINGER $ 25.00 6531 ST MARY'S CHURCH $ 90.00 6532 KATHIE STEVENS $ 36.00 6533 NANCY THIEL $ 115.00 6534 JULIE THOMAS $ 32.00 6535 DEBBY WATERMAN $ 53.00 July 24, 1996 Page 5 Parks Fund (cont,d) 6536 DEBBIE WILDA $ 28.00 6537 JIM WISER $ 30.00 6538 BJORKMAN'S ACE HARDWARE $ 247.13 6539 VAL AMANDES $ 78.39 6540 AMERITECH $ 360.59 6541 AMERITECH CREDIT CORP $ 151.14 6542 THE BARN NURSERY $ 348.06 6543 BARRINGTON TRANSPORTATION $ 234.00 6544 DON BENTZ $ 60.00 6545 DANIEL BOLAND $ 500.00 6546 BONCOSKY OIL COMPANY $ 2.42 6547 BSN SPORTS $ 152.23 6548 BURGESS ANDERSON & TATE $ 290.64 6549 ALICE ARNET $ 33 .00 6550 GLORIA BEHRENS $ 30.00 6551 PEGGY BELLICH $ 14.00 6552 ULRIKE BENEDICT $ 33.00 6553 KELLY BLAZ $ 16.88 6554 WILLIAM BOLGER $ 30.00 6555 ROBERT BOTTS $ 60.00 6556 DEBBIE BRZTOWSKI $ 65.00 Report Totals 39658.97 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 22000507 BAXTER & WOODMAN $ 6711.05 Report Totals 6711.05 Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Alderman Baird requested an update on the Millstream water project, noting the first payment request to Gluth Brothers in the amount of $98,083.80. Director of Public Works Batt informed Council the water main is operational and only the restoration work remains. LAKELAND PARK DRAINAGE At its July 10, 1996 Regular Meeting, Council directed staff to provide written cost estimates to alleviate and/or correct the Lakeland Park drainage problems in an effort to allow Council to prioritize project phasing. Director of Public Works Batt reported the preliminary written cost estimates provided to Council contained corrections for only four of the five areas discussed. The Ramble/Home Avenue area has not yet been surveyed due to time constraints. Director of Public Works Batt noted the total cost estimate without the Ramble/Home Avenue area is $603,700.00. Batt also noted that only $30,000 for engineering was budgeted for the 1996-97 Fiscal Year. As Council had discussed, a $100,000 spending limit to begin this project, Director Batt recommended Council consider the Clearview/Eastern Avenue area. The cost estimate for this particular area is $1 19,000. Bid specifications and plans would be prepared in house and subsequently advertised. Funding would be available if the $81 ,500.00 budgeted for a sewer jet purchase was postponed until the 1997-98 Fiscal Year and the $50,000 which was budgeted for miscellaneous sanitary sewer repairs was used. It was the consensus of Council to go forward with this project, however, a lengthy discussion ensued regarding whether to finance the project via special assessment, special service area or with General Fund revenues applying for any grant monies and/or a revolving loan. Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to amend the 1996-97 City of McHenry Budget to reflect an $80,000 expenditure to begin Lakeland Park drainage corrections and to direct staff to budget a minimum of $150,000 over the next three years to complete the Lakeland Park drainage project, as presented in the July 24, 1996 agenda supplement. `- Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. July 24, 1996 Page 6 LAKELAND PARK DRAINAGE ENGINEERING Carl Moon, representing City Engineers Baxter &Woodman, was in attendance. Mr. Moon presented for Council consideration an engineering proposal to determine the capacity of the Lakeland Park drainage ditch culverts and the feasibility of the upstream water detention. He noted the cost for these services would not exceed $36,000.00. In response to Alderman Locke's inquiry, he reported the engineering survey will cover the entire watershed area, including Mark Towne's City Center Business Park property. Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to authorize City Engineers Baxter & Woodman to prepare the engineering services contract to determine the capacity of the Lakeland Park drainage ditch culverts and the feasibility of upstream water detention for final Council approval with a more definitive not-to-exceed amount. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Some discussion followed regarding Meyer Material's recent construction of a new, larger detention area and its subsequent positive effects on the Lakeland Park drainage problems. LINCOLN HILL SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE PLAT Property owner Raymond Walls of 2414 Lincoln Road was in attendance. Mr. Walls addressed Council requesting approval of the tentative plat for Lincoln Hill subdivision, which consists of 18.7 acres on Lincoln Road, roughly 1/2 mile west of Chapel Hill Road. The property is zoned R-1 in the County and is not seeking annexation to the City of McHenry. On April 18, 1996 the City of McHenry Plan Commission voted 5-1 to approve the Lincoln Hill Subdivision Tentative Plat, subject to the inclusion of berming specifications on the tentative plat. Director of Public Works Batt noted the Lincoln Hill Subdivision Tentative Plat conforms to all the requirements of the City of McHenry Subdivision Control Ordinance and the berming specifications required by the Plan Commission have been added to the Tentative Plat. Mayor Cuda recognized objectors Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Archacki of 2604 Lincoln Road. The Archackis explained that development of their property, which is adjacent to the Lincoln Hill Subdivision, will be seriously hindered if access through Mr. Wall's development (Lincoln Hill Subdivision) is not provided. It was noted, -� however, the County Board approved the Lincoln Hill Subdivision Tentative Plat without consideration to Mr. and Mrs. Archacki's plight. Mr. and Mrs. Archacki requested Council consider writing a letter to the County Board respectfully requesting reconsideration of the Archacki's request for a road "T" to be provided by the developer of the Lincoln Hill Subdivision to their property. Some discussion followed. Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to direct staff to write a letter to the County Board respectfully requesting reconsideration of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Archacki's request for a road "T" to their property by the Lincoln Hill Subdivision developer. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Baird, seconded by Lawson, to acknowledge the Plan Commission's recommendation and approve the Tentative Plat of the Lincoln Hill Subdivision located outside city Imits, but within the City's planning jurisdiction. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. July 24, 1996 Page 7 PROPOSAL FROM BAXTER & WOODMAN FOR ANNE STREET LIFT STATION REPAIRS AND VARIOUS CONCRETE AND PIPING REPAIRS AT THE TREATMENT PLANTS Carl Moon, representative of City Engineers Baxter & Woodman, was in attendance. Director of Public Works Batt explained that during the 1996-97 Budget preparation discussions it was determined the following projects needed to be completed: Return sludge piping; Concrete repairs; and the Anne Street lift station. City Engineers Baxter & Woodman are proposing a services contract to provide plans and specifications, as well as bidding documents for each of these three projects. The contract will not exceed $30,000.00. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Bolger, to approve the engineering services contract with Baxter & Woodman to provide plans and specifications, as well as bidding documents for the return sludge piping concrete repairs and the Anne Street lift station in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 and to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. PROMOTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT OPERATOR II Director of Public Works Batt recommended the promotion of Thomas Spaeth to the position of Wastewater Treatment Operator II, Grade 8, Step 3. Batt reported Mr. Spaeth had successfully passed his Wastewater Treatment Operator certification for a Class 4 Certificate. He recommended the promotion be retroactive to July 8, 1996. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Lawson, to approve the promotion of Tom Spaeth to the position of Wastewater Treatment Operator II, at Grade 8, Step 3, $30,370, retroactive to July 8, 1996. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. SEMI-ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF DEVELOPER DONATION FUNDS TO TAXING ENTITIES City Clerk Althoff provided an accounting for the developer donation fees collected during the first half of 1996. As outlined in the City's Subdivision Control Ordinance, Council must direct the Clerk to disperse these funds to the appropriate taxing bodies. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Baird, to approve the dispersement of semi- annual developer donation funds to the School Districts, Library District and Fire Protection District, as follows: McHenry School District 15 $ 81 ,260.40 McHenry School District 156 $ 43,755.60 McHenry Public Library District $ 8,480.00 McHenry Township Fire Protection District $ 8,480.00 TOTAL $141 ,976.00 Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. �- Motion carried. July 24, 1996 Page 8 MAYOR - STATEMENT AND REPORTS Mayor Cuda reported he and City Administrator Jordan had attended the County Board Meeting on July 15, 1996 as Metra representatives had been invited to make a presentation regarding future plans in McHenry County. The Metra representatives -� reiterated Metra's commitment to expand train service to McHenry and stated retaining train service in McHenry remains a high priority. Mayor Cuda also reported that staff had filed the City's formal objection to John Fuhler's County Zoning Petition #96-22 requesting a conditional use variance for mini- warehouses on Route 120, just outside of McHenry's City limits. A compromise was reached, however, by the County Board whereby the property in question will remain zoned agriculture with a conditional use for mini-warehouses, subject to all the conditions set forth by the City of McHenry, including: (1 ) Additional berming along the north property line; (2) Blacktopping the entire area; (3) Installation of low-intensity motion activated lighting; (4) Prohibition of outside storage of any kind; and, (5) Language limiting the County's B-3 General Business zoning to mini- warehouse use only. Cuda then distributed a letter received from Gary Lang's attorney, Daniel -1 Curran, regarding his annexation agreement's requirement to install a left-hand turn lane on Route 31 in front of his auto mall. Mr. Lang is requesting an extension of time to install the left-hand turn lane and requests this issue be an agenda item at the Council's regularly scheduled August 7, 1996 Council meeting. A brief discussion followed. It was the consensus of Council to require language to furnish a time frame for the installation of the left-hand turn lane and not to tie the project together with the Shamrock Lane improvements. COMMITTEE REPORTS There were no Committee Reports. STAFF REPORTS Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito reported he will be on vacation July 29 through August 12, 1996. Director of Public Works Batt, referencing his July 15, 1996 memo regarding the underground storage tank removal, stated when samples were taken to determine the amount of soil that would have to be removed due to contamination of gasoline and/or diesel fuels, it became apparent that more soil was likely contaminated than had earlier been anticipated. In order to remain in compliance with EPA requirements regarding contaminated soil, Director of Public Works Batt entered into a contract with City Engineers Baxter & Woodman for $13,000.00 to install monitoring wells, employee an analytical testing subcontractor and additional field services. He requested Council formally approve the engineering contract with City Engineers Baxter & Woodman in an amount not to exceed $13,000.00. Motion by Baird, seconded by Locke, to approve the expenditure of $13,000 and enter into an engineering services agreement with City Engineers Baxter & Woodman to install monitoring wells, employ an analytical testing subcontractor, and for additional field services in association with the removal of underground storage tanks and contaminated soil at the City garage on Green Street and to authorize Director of Public Works Batt to execute the agreement. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. City Clerk Althoff informed Council the 1995-96 annual audit had been completed. She requested Council direction as to scheduling. Council directed Finance Committee Chairman Lawson to schedule a Committee Meeting when the auditor, John Eder, can be present to explain the audit and answer any questions. July 24, 1996 Page 9 NEW BUSINESS Alderman Bates informed Council of debris along McCullom Lake Road and requested its removal. He also recommended Council consider reducing the speed limit on McCullom Lake Road in front of Inland's Olde Mill Pond future subdivision. ti Marty Stoeffel, of McCullom Lake Road, also contacted Alderman Bates requesting Council investigate the annexation agreement with Leisure Links to determine if there is any restriction as to lighting. Mr. Stoeffel stated the lights are on too late in the evening. In response to Alderman Bates' suggestion regarding reducing the speed on McCullom Lake Road, Alderman Locke requested Council consider restriping McCullom Lake Road, as well as Crystal Lake Road. Alderman Locke also requested Aldermen be able to include their comments in the City newsletter. In conclusion, Alderman Locke noted his concern with the recent increases in administrative salaries at High School District 156. He informed Council in light of this information, he will only approve the proposed police liaison program as it was originally proposed in the five- year funding format with the District splitting the cost with the City 70%/30%. Alderman Bolger informed Council that he had spoken with St. Paul Avenue representatives who in turn requested the City consider a 15% public benefit contribution for connection to the City's sewer system. Mayor Cuda suggested a meeting with Council and the St. Paul Avenue representatives be scheduled prior to a regularly scheduled Council meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion by Bolger, seconded by Lawson, to go into Executive Session at 9:23 P.M. to discuss Property Acquisition and Personnel Matters. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Locke, to go back into Open Session at 10:02 P.M. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Lawson, to confirm the Clerk's hiring of Sara Zelek as the new Water/Sewer Billing Clerk, effective August 5, 1996 at Grade 5, Step 1 , $22,136. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Lawson, to approve the hiring of Steven Wirch as the temporary Street Division Maintenance Man at Grade 6, Step 1 , $24, 277 effective July 29, 1996. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. July 24, 1996 Page 10 Motion by Lawson, seconded by Baird, to approve the hiring of Jeff Oland to the position of Building and Grounds Custodian at Grade 6A, Step 1 , $24,043, effective July 30, 1996. Voting Aye: Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. -� Voting Nay: Bolger. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Lawson, to authorize City Attorney McArdle to send a letter to the attorney for Busch-Knox, Guy Youman, indicating the obligations of the City and the Busch-Knox family in relation to the Bull Valley Road extension dedication. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: Bates. Absent: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bates, seconded by Lawson, to adjourn. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson, Baird. Voting Nay: None. '1 Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. 11 AYOR CITY LERK