HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 05/14/1997 - City Council REGULAR MEETING
MAY 14, 1997
The Regular Meeting of the McHenry City Council was called to order by Mayor
Cuda at 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 14, 1997 in the Council Chambers of the
��- Municipal Center. At roll call the following Aldermen were present: Bolger, Glab,
McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird. Absent: None. City Staff in attendance were: City
Clerk Althoff, City Attorney McArdle, Chief of Police Joyce, Director of Building and
Zoning Lobaito, Director of Public Works Batt, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel.
Absent: None.
Rory Mattioli of 4011 Prestwick addressed Council regarding the increased
volume of truck traffic in the Mill Creek Subdivision area, particularly on Prestwick.
Director of Public Works Batt noted much of this truck traffic may be due in part to
the Donovan Street lift station construction. In response to Alderman Bolger's inquiry,
Mr. Mattioli stated although the vehicular speeding problem seems to have decreased,
the volume of traffic has not.
Motion by Baird, seconded by Murgatroyd, to approve the Consent Agenda as
`., follows:
(1) April 30, 1997 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes;
(2) Semi-Annual Payment for 1990 General Obligation Bonds;
(3) Tuition Reimbursement Request - Laura Moats: Mkt. 110 (Princ.of
Marketing) and CLEP Test for Eng. 151 & Eng. 152: $206.00;
(4) Request from McHenry School District 15 for use of Municipal Center for
Student Art Display and Reception;
(5) Picnic/Beer Permits;
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Cuda requested Council consideration to address Agenda Item No. 5 -
Shamrock Lane Traffic Signal, as Smith Engineering representative Gary Rozwadowski
_ has a previous commitment. Council concurred.
In response to Alderman Baird's suggestion, Mayor Cuda provided a brief
synopsis of Council action on April 30, 1997 regarding the expenditure of $1 ,800 for
further studies the Shamrock Lane/Route 31 intersection. As per Council direction,
Smith Engineering representative Gary Rozwadowski was in attendance to provide
additional and more detailed information regarding the need for further studies. Mr.
Rozwadowski explained two issues were to be addressed in their study: 1) the
geometric improvements of Route 31 with the construction of a left turn lane; and, 2)
the installation of a traffic signal at the Route 31/Shamrock Lane intersection. Studies
were conducted and warrants met for a major street designation, however, Route 31
maintains an SRA, or Strategic Regional Arterial, designation and warrants were not
sufficient to require the installation of a traffic signal. The Illinois Department of
Transportation has requested additional information as in all likelihood the future
construction of the West McHenry Bypass will eliminate the SRA designation for this
section of Route 31 . The Illinois Department of Transportation is requesting a 12-hour
study and a collision diagram, as well as additional miscellaneous information. Mayor
Cuda again noted without the additional study, the Illinois Department of
Transportation has denied the installation of this traffic signal. Mr. Rozwadowski
expressed his opinion that with this additional information, even if warrants were not
met, political pressure may succeed in obtaining the traffic signal installation at this
May 14, 1997 Page 2
Motion by Baird, seconded by Glab, to authorize the expenditure of $1 ,800 to
Smith Engineering for additional traffic studies for the Illinois Department of
Transportation with regard to the installation of a traffic signal at the Route
31/Shamrock Lane intersection.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mr. Rozwadowski also noted the study did show the need for geometrical
improvements on Route 31 with a left-turn lane construction.
Public Works Committee Chairman Alderman Bolger reported the Public Works
Committee had met regarding this issue just before this evening's regularly scheduled
Council meeting. Alderman Bolger stated several area residents were in attendance
and the majority expressed opposition to the reopening of Beach Drive at Bonita. It
was the Committee's recommendation to amend the 1997 Street Program and pave --�
Beach Drive from Green Street to Hollywood Blvd. in an amount of approximately
$12,000.00. The Committee also recommended Beach Drive remain closed for the
immediate future and the City of McHenry conduct a written survey to determine the
majority opinion of area residents as to the permanent status of Beach Drive.
Mayor Cuda also informed Council of the pending annexation proposal of
property located directly southeast of McHenry Shores. The annexation's land plan
proposes to extend Hilltop Blvd. to State Park Avenue, which would also improve area
traffic patterns. Some discussion followed regarding the feasibility of installing stop
signs at the Beach Drive and Bonita and Beach Drive and Bicayne intersections.
Motion by Baird, seconded by Glab, to amend the City of McHenry's 1997
Street Program and pave Beach Drive from Green Street to Hollywood Blvd., and to
delay the reopening of Beach Drive for the immediate future.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Baird.
Voting Nay: Murgatroyd.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito reported the Building and Zoning
Committee had met on numerous occasions to discuss the ordinance regulating hours
of construction. The Committee met on February 25, 1997 to review the final draft
of the proposed changes and recommended approval. The proposed amendments are
very similar to the established hours of construction for surrounding communities. The
ordinance allows construction from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. weekdays, and from 8:00
a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturdays, and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays. The ordinance
does limit the use of machinery on Saturdays to 4:00 p.m. and prohibits the operation
of earthmoving equipment on Sundays altogether. Director Lobaito also noted the
hours of construction apply not only to developers, but also any homeowner who may _
be remodeling or building an addition on weekends and evenings. In response to
Alderman McClatchey's inquiry, Director Lobaito informed Council the proposed
ordinance amendments were initiated because of numerous complaints from City
residents regarding construction disturbances on Saturdays. Current City ordinance
prohibits construction on Saturdays, unless permitted by the Director of Building and
May 14, 1997 Page 3
Alderman Baird requested Council consider the addition of language permitting
greater regulation and restriction of construction hours by developers working near or
�+- next to existing residential developments. A lengthy discussion followed.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Murgatroyd, to accept the recommendation of
the Building and Zoning Committee and amend Section 14-8 of the City of McHenry
Municipal Code, paragraph F, reflecting the hours of construction to be weekdays
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Sundays and legal
holidays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with the following exceptions:
1) These activities may be conducted outside the specified times in the event of
emergencies in order to protect the health, safety or welfare of the public;
2) The hours may be extended when involving City projects when it serves the
best interest of the public good, provided the affect on the public health,
comfort, convenience, peace, safety and welfare are minimized;
3) Add Paragraph L - Machinery, allowing the hours of operation to be weekdays
7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Sundays and legal
holidays prohibited with the following exceptions:
a) These activities may be conducted outside the specified times in the
event of emergencies in order to protect the health, safety or welfare of
the public;
`. b) The hours may be extended when involving City projects when it serves
the best interest of the public good, provided the affect on the public
health, comfort, convenience, peace, safety and welfare are minimized;
c) The operation of motorized garden equipment only for the purpose of
preparing the soil for planting, subject to clarification by City Attorney
McArdle and the Director of Building and Zoning of the violation,
classification and penalty associated with this particular ordinance.
Alderman McClatchey requested the motion be amended to prohibit machinery
(i.e. equipment used for the purpose of excavating, scraping, moving, filling or leveling
of earth) on weekends. No amendment was forthcoming.
Alderman Glab requested the motion be amended to prohibit the use of
machinery (i.e. equipment used for the purpose of excavating, scraping, moving, filling
or leveling of earth) to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. No
amendment was forthcoming.
Mayor Cuda called the vote.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; McClatchey.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Cuda opened to the floor to audience comment.
Roger Gerstad of Gerstad Builders addressed Council, thanking them for
permitting construction work on weekends, noting construction in Illinois is seasonal
and any inclement weather conditions can be cost-restrictive. He also requested
Council consider extending the hours of construction on Saturdays, allowing a full
eight-hour workday. Mr. Gerstad also requested staff review the language in
Paragraph K. of Section 14-8 regarding internal combustion engines. As stated, the
use of lawn mowers, automobiles and snowblowers would be prohibited after 6:00
p.m. Staff thanked Mr. Gerstad and acknowledged his recommendation.
Judy Gertz of 1718 Leonard Avenue addressed Council and stated her
opposition to the extension of construction hours on weekends. She asked Council
to consider the rights of current property owners to a quiet, restful weekend and the
enjoyment of their home and property.
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Director of Public Works Batt drew Council's attention to the refuse collection
contract request for proposal specifications, noting the contract duration is for throe
years, beginning August 1 , 1997. A pre-bid conference was held on April 25, 1997
and was attended by Northshore Waste Control of Lake Bluff, IL; Waste Management
of Antioch, IL; and Marengo Disposal of Marengo, IL. Director Batt noted the
proposals are to be submitted by June 10, 1997, with Council award sought on June
25, 1997. Each contractor, at the pre-bid conference, requested definitive direction
be provided regarding curbside loose leaf pickup at the time of contract award. This
information would permit the needed time frame to procure the appropriate equipment
for curbside pickup. Director of Public Works Batt reviewed the specifications of
Section 7, the proposal for combined services, and noted the following provisions
were included in the Request for Proposal:
• Donation of $3,000 annually to provide for recycling educational
materials informing residents about the importance of recycling;
• The pickup of white goods (i.e. appliances) at a specified cost;
• Inclusion of wastewater screening to those additional services provided
by the waste hauler at no cost to the City;
• To include recycling service Class 3 recyclables and No. 5 and 6 plastics;
• Deletion of the clauses allowing a .020 per bag cost for Spring clean-up --�
and allowing a cost factor for Class 3 recyclables at the drop-off site;
• The availability of 10 and 20-yard dumpsters at a to be specified cost;
• The provision of refuse collection at City locations free of charge, as well
as for special City events;
• The provision of a Spring household clean-up program; and,
• That the monthly charge for toter service must be a minimum of 9X the
per bag price.
Mayor Cuda and Council congratulated Director Batt on the final draft of the
refuse contract proposal and his decision to host a pre-bid conference.
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Bolger, to authorize staff to advertise for
refuse collection contract Requests for Proposal in the form presented by Director of
Public Works Batt at this evening's May 14, 1997 regularly scheduled Council
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Director of Public Works Batt reported that in compliance with Motor Fuel Tax
requirements for the City of McHenry's 1997 Streets Program, material inspections
and testings must be conducted. Three quotes were sought. The lowest of
$7,255.70 was submitted by Schleede Hampton Associates of McHenry, IL. It is the
recommendation of staff to award the material inspections and testings contract to
Schleede Hampton Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00. Director
Batt noted the contracted work will vary depending upon the contractor's action as
to how much concrete can be placed in a given day.
Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Baird, to award the materials inspections
and testing for the City of McHenry's 1997 Streets Program in compliance with Motor
Fuel Tax requirements to the low quote by Schleede Hampton Associates, Inc. of
McHenry, IL in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
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Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the 1997-98 Budget reflects
�. funds for the purchase of replacement equipment for Parks maintenance. A new front
end mower with cab and snowblower replaces a 1990 Cushman mower. The cab and
snowblower attachment will be used to clear ice rinks and sidewalks in various parks.
The 6' mowing deck replaces an older mowing deck mounted on a mid 1970's Satoh
tractor and will be used on utility tractors for mowing athletic areas. Price quotes
were sought and submitted. The mower deck received two quotes, with the low
quote being George P. Freund of McHenry, IL in the amount of $1 ,750.00. The front
end mower also received two quotes, with the low quote being Chicago Turf and
Irrigation of Itasca, IL in the amount of $21 ,1 1 1 .00. It is the recommendation of staff
to approve the purchase of the two pieces of maintenance equipment for the Parks
and Recreation Maintenance Department: the mowing deck purchase from the low
quote, George P. Freund, Inc. of McHenry, IL in the amount of $1 ,750.00 and the
front end mower with cab and snowblower attachment from low quote Chicago Turf
and Irrigation of Itasca, IL in the amount of $21 ,1 1 1 .00.
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Murgatroyd, to authorize the expenditure
of $1 ,750.00 for the purchase of a 6' mower deck from George P. Freund of
McHenry, IL and to authorize the expenditure of $21 ,1 1 1 .00 for the purchase of a
front end mower with cab and snowblower attachment from Chicago Turf and
Irrigation of Itasca, IL.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Cuda reminded Council the City of McHenry entered into an agreement
with High School District 156 to provide a police liaison officer for the 1996-97 school
year. High School District 156 reimbursed the City of McHenry 70% of the average
total cost between a first year and fifth year officer. A request has been received
from High School District 156 Superintendent Robert Swartzloff to continue the
program into the 1997-98 school year. The City of McHenry's 1997-98 Budget
reflects all of Police Liaison Officer Kreassig's expenses, however, reimbursement
income from High School District 156 was not budgeted, awaiting Council's decision
with regard to continuing the liaison program. The cost to District 156 would be
$30,542.73, to be paid in equal increments over a period of nine months beginning
in September, 1997.
Motion by Bolger, seconded by Baird, to authorize the Mayor's execution of the
Police Liaison Agreement with McHenry High School District 156 for the 1997-98
school year, with a 70% reimbursement figure of $30,542.73, to be paid in nine equal
installments, beginning in September, 1997.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Mayor Cuda informed Council he had met with search firm David M. Griffith
representative Michael Casey on Monday, May 12, 1997. Mr. Casey provided a
verbal report regarding his firm's search for a City Administrator. A written report and
recommendations will be provided for distribution in the Friday agenda packets.
Discussion regarding direction and procedure with regard to the hiring of a City
Administrator will be scheduled for Executive Session at the next regularly scheduled
meeting on May 21 , 1997.
Alderman Baird reminded Department Heads to develop problem scenarios to
be submitted to City Administrator candidates for a written response.
May 14, 1997 Page 6
There were no Committee Reports.
Director of Public Works Batt informed Council the 1997 Streets Program was
in progress and work was being conducted on Front Royal and Chickaloon. Newly
constructed Oak Drive, formerly known as Industrial Drive, has been opened to traffic
this week. The Riverside Drive/McCullom Lake Road island construction is in progress.
Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the Fort McHenry washroom
construction project is anticipated to be completed within the next 2-3 weeks. The
extension of water and electrical service to the Learning Garden has been completed.
Chief of Police Joyce reported the next union negotiating session with the Police
dispatchers is scheduled for Friday, May 23, 1997.
City Clerk Althoff, noting the retirement of Sergeant Burg and Sergeant Kinnerk,
requested Council authorization for the expenditure of monies for a retirement star and
the passage of commendation resolutions for each Sergeant. -�
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Bolger, to pass the Commendation
Resolutions for Sergeant Burg and Sergeant Kinnerk, and to authorize the expenditure
of monies for the purchase of Police retirement stars, in an amount not to exceed
$100.00 per purchase.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; None.
Absent: None.•
Motion carried.
City Clerk Althoff reminded Council of the Illinois Municipal League's Newly
Elected Officials Conference the weekend of June 6 and 7, 1997. She also noted the
General Obligation Bond closing held on Tuesday morning, May 13, 1997 at 10:00
a.m. was completed successfully. Monies are being reallocated and invested
In response to Alderman Baird's inquiry, it was noted the Committee Meeting
of the Whole scheduled for Wednesday, May 28, 1997 would be for the purpose of
reviewing the Pleasure Drive ordinance and the installation of stop signs at Ronda on
Loch Glen, Katie, Turnberry, Bretons, Lorient, Skyway and Fairway.
Alderman Baird requested the installation of stop signs at the intersection of
Biscayne and Bonita and Beach and Hollywood be added as an agenda item for the
May 28th Committee Meeting of the Whole. Council concurred.
Director Batt responded to Alderman Baird's inquiry, informing Council the
drainage ditch along Beach Drive is in the process of being cleaned.
In response to Council inquiry, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel also
noted the Park Rangers have been in place since April 9, 1997.
Some discussion occurred regarding the possible uses of available monies
remaining in the 1996-97 Streets Program in light of the Beach Drive 1997 Streets
Program amendment. It was the recommendation of Director Batt to allow the funds
to roll over into the next fiscal year. Council concurred.
Alderman Baird requested staff investigate the status of work to be done at
5513 Winding Creek Drive.
May 14, 1997 Page 7
Alderman McClatchey announced a meeting with concerned Riverside Drive
residents has been scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, May 15, 1997 at McHenry
State Bank at 7:30 P.M. He also requested the installation of a dead-end designation
on Maple Avenue.
Alderman Murgatroyd requested staff investigate complaints of debris behind
the McDonalds Restaurant on Route 120.
Motion by McClatchey, seconded by Glab, to adjourn.
Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, McClatchey, Murgatroyd, Baird.
Voting Nay; None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.