HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 03/22/2021 - Public Works CommitteeThe City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Public Works Committee March 22, 2021 – 7:00 PM In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting will be held remotely only. The public can observe and participate by connecting online via Zoom at https://cityofmchenry.zoom.us/j/95476441175 or by phone at: (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 954 7644 1175 Meeting Agenda 1.Call to Order 2.Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public Comment may be restricted to three minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at all public meetings. 3.Motion to approve the January 11, 2021 Public Works Committee Meeting minutes. 4.Consideration of 2021 Honorary Street Sign Applications 5.Discussion on Township Road District Tax Levy History 6. Veterans Park Resurfacing Project Update 7.Staff Reports 8.Other Business 9.Motion to Adjourn 1 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2021 Page 1 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2021 Call to Order Alderman Santi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was in compliance with the Open Meetings Act per guidelines by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. Roll Call Deputy Clerk Johnson called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc. Others present: Public Works Director Troy Strange, Staff Engineer Greg Gruen, Steve Wirch, Russell Ruzicka, Russell Adams, Mike Harper, Bill Hobson, Pat Gorniak, Mike Lange Public Comment There was no comment from the public in attendance Approve August 24, 2020 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Glab to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2020, Public Works Committee meeting. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Annual Summary of National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit Russell Ruzicka, Treatment Operations Manager, explained that the NPDES permit is administered by the Illinois EPA, and we must give an annual update of our activities at a meeting. There are some recent changes to the program, and we must monitor more closely for a couple of pollutants in the Fox River. One significant elicit discharge occurred on May 20, 2020. While removing motor oil at 3610 W Elm Street, a contractor accidentally punctured a 500 gallon storage tank. The Police Department, Fire Department, and Public Works Departments were contacted and arrived at the scene. Approximately 400 gallons of used motor oil discharged onto the street, and barriers were put up to help stop the oil from going into the system. Alderman Glab asked if there was a charge for the cleanup. Director Strange explained that an itemized summary of the costs was prepared and submitted for reimbursement. 2 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2021 Page 2 The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency conducted a virtual audit of the City Of McHenry’s MS4 Program. After reviewing the City of McHenry’s annual MS4 report and internet presence (City website), the City Of McHenry was found to be in compliance with all requirements of the MS4 permit. However, the IEPA did request two things from the City Of McHenry. Due to the retirement of the City’s former qualified stormwater inspector Ryan Schwalenberg, the IEPA requested the name of the City’s qualified stormwater inspector for construction projects. The City Of McHenry also needs to work toward improving its Green Infrastructure Initiative. One example would be a rain barrel program which would be cost shared between the residents and the City. Staff is exploring several options to improve McHenry’s Green Infrastructure Initiative Alderman Santi requested that a presentation of the Green Infrastructure Initiative be presented at the next Public Works Committee meeting. Wastewater Dryer Feed Pump Replacement Request for Committee Approval Director Strange explained that we are at an important decision point with the dryer feed pump. This was going to be turned in as a capital item for next year’s budget, but the pump is at a point where it needs replaced or needs major maintenance to get it through the end of this fiscal year. Russell Ruzicka explained that the sludge cake dryer at the Wastewater Treatment Plant was part of the 2016 expansion/consolidation project. The sludge cake dryer reduces the volume of sludge cake sent to the landfill therefore reducing the City’s disposal costs. The use of the dryer has allowed the Wastewater Division to reduce sludge cake disposal costs from $195,000 per year in FY 2018/2019 to approximately $60,000 per year in FY 2020/2021. There are two types of pumps which can be used for the dryer feed operation. One type of pump is a called a progressive cavity pump. This type of pump has a slightly higher initial cost but tends to perform longer without maintenance or rebuilding. The other type of feed pump is a rotary lobe pump. The rotary lobe pump has a lower initial cost but requires replacement of wear items more frequently. The current dryer feed pump design utilizes a rotary lobe pump to feed the sludge cake to the dryer. Wastewater Division staff routinely rebuild the dryer feed pump three to four times per year at a cost of $3,000 to $4,000 annually. The need to rebuild the feed pump this often reduces the available run time on the dryer and increases the disposal costs due to having to temporarily shut down the dryer for pump repair. During these times the City also incurs the increased cost of taking wet sludge cake to the landfill. In addition to the increased disposal cost, an inconsistent sludge cake feed to the dryer results in the dryer temperature becoming too cold or too hot and thus affecting the dried product. If the 3 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2021 Page 3 sludge cake is not dried sufficiently the City is not realizing all the savings and there is a chance of spontaneous combustion due to the organic material and the moisture content. Switching to a Moyno dryer feed pump will reduce the maintenance and operating cost of the dryer and allow for a more consistent operation of the dryer. It is recommended by the Public Works Department that this item be approved now so that it can be ordered and save money instead of paying to fix the old one. Alderman Glab asked what the life expectancy is on a pump. Mr. Ruzicka explained that the current pump could have an expectancy of 15 years, but items are being worn out and replaced on a regular basis. The new pump would have a 20 year lifetime and would be rebuilt a fraction of the time. The Committee agreed that it made sense to get a new one ordered now so that extra costs aren’t incurred on the old pump. There was discussion if the new pump was ordered now and not paid for until May if a budget amendment would actually need to be adopted. Director Strange thinks a new pump could arrive in early April. A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Glab to present to the full City Council for approval and to approve the necessary budget amendment from the Water and Sewer Capitol Development Fund to fund the purchase of a Moyno Progressive Cavity Cake Feed Pump. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Staff Presentation on 2021 Public Works Operation Reforms Director Strange explained that through staff attrition, the Public Works Department has been able to earmark that money for capital funds for bigger projects, including road resurfacing. He shared a Powerpoint presentation to help explain some of the reform goals for the department. Included in the presentation was an explanation of the current financial and infrastructure challenges, a lack of capital resources for infrastructure and equipment needs, escalating operating costs, a lack of focus on fundamental maintenance operations, solutions to the challenges, and current public works operations objectives. Alderman Mihevc asked for some examples of how services have been shifted from internal to contractual. Director Strange explained how tree trimming is a major operation that has been outsourced. This has enabled the tree trimming cycle to go from a 7 year to a 5 year cycle. Pavement marking is also something that has been beneficial to contract out. He hopes to get out of the business of specializing in one area and get employees who have a diverse set of skills. Alderman Santi stated that streamlining staff and putting more money in capital is an excellent way of running a department. He has seen this work in the corporate world for 20 to 30 years. Discussion of Potential 2021 Supplemental Road Resurfacing Program 4 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2021 Page 4 Director Strange explained that after initial budgeting discussions, the consolidated personnel savings could be placed into a specific project that could be run out of the Street Division operating budget. When recommending the 20/21 MFT budget for approval, there was a desire for more resurfacing around the downtown area. Staff has now recommended that the Veterans Park streets and parking stalls be resurfaced. There is an extra $500,000 in the budget that can be used for this project. Terry Locke was present online for the meeting and explained that he likes the strategic plan, but from his observation of the last 8 years he believes that road resurfacing on the west end of town is lacking. He understands fixing up the downtown areas, but wants more work done in other parts of the town. He also suggested that catch basins be cleared off during the snow plowing process. Alderman Glab stated that this project is not just a street project but also should be supported through funding from the parks. If there was not a park on this block, the street and curb work would be reduced dramatically. He believes the parking for the park and those stripings should come from the Park Developer funds. He also would like to see other roads repaved that are in bad shape. Kensington from Waters Edge to Crystal Lake serves the entire community. He can’t see moving forward with this project without the Park Department helping to pay for the parking areas. Alderman Santi explained that he looks at Pearl Street being completed a couple of years ago, that there are sidewalk concepts, vital adjustments have been made to staging areas and the washrooms, and this is a presentation product for our community. People recognize us because of parks like this, and completing this could complement the area and wrap up the project. Alderman Mihevc agreed that this is a great asset to the community, but also agrees that it might make sense for the Parks Department to share in some of the funding. Alderwoman Miller was present at the meeting as a member of the public and not as a board member. She explained she met with Director Strange and Engineer Gruen to discuss the funding and the money that could be allocated for extra projects. She also wanted to remind everybody that we now have $2 million to work with this year towards road projects, and it is fully funded. In the past we did just enough to get by. We are now able to look at a schedule that can be committed to. Alderman Santi recognized Parks Director Bill Hobson. Be stated that he looks at the parking spaces around the park as on street parking and parking for the downtown. He tries to protect the Park Developer funds because they are limited. This is often the only funding source for projects for the parks. He is hesitant to use that money for the streets and those parking spaces but would be willing to listen to the Council and have a discussion. He is not sure where the road project would begin and where the park project would start. Alderman Glab would like to find a balance with taking care of the parks and taking care of the residents. Director Hobson stressed 5 Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes January 11, 2021 Page 5 that he is happy to work with other departments and he, Director Strange, and other departments always work well together. Alderman Glab questioned if we were to go out for bids for this project if we could have supplemental streets that could be considered. Director Strange recommended to keep this project separate and then look at other streets separately if extra funds were still available. A motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Santi to recommend to present the proposed project to the full City Council for approval to include in the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Street Division Operating Budget, and present for public bidding. Roll call: Vote: 2- ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Santi; 1-nay: Alderman Glab. Motion carried. Staff Reports Director Strange reported that there has been a lot of talk about different resurfacing locations, and he intends to run a selection meeting for the 2022 program. They are currently making preparations for that presentation. He would like to run that early in Fiscal Year 21/22. Staff Engineer Gruen thanked the Board for their positive feedback during the meeting. Mike Harper and Steve Wirch were also thanked for their work in giving the City the ability to operate lean to save money. Without their effort and abilities there would not have been toe opportunity to consider supplemental projects. Other Business Alderman Glab stated that he has been bugging a State Senator for two years now regarding our residents paying into the road funds for the township and the City not getting a fair share back. He feels that some changes need to happen in Springfield. He suggests that we work with Administrator Morefield to prepare a resolution for the Council that could be sent to State Senators and Representatives. It was also discussed amongst Board members that we could contact neighboring municipalities to get them on board with such a resolution. Director Strange will look into the issue and see what it will take to make such a resolution that could be brought before the Council. Adjournment A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. __________________________ ______________________________ Alderman Santi Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson 6 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 www.cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: March 22, 2021 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: 2021 Honorary Street Sign Applications ATT: 1) Honorary Street Sign Policy 2) Honorary Street Sign Applications (5 total applications) _____________________________________________________________________________ At the November 7, 2016 City Council Meeting, City Council approved the attached revised Honorary Street Sign Policy. As part of the review process the Public Works Committee reviews the applications and makes a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. The following Honorary Street Sign Applications (attached) have been submitted in the past year for consideration: Location Honoring Applicant Date of Application Municipal Drive & Green Street Mark Justen Brian Aalto 10/2/2020 Pearl Street & Riverside Drive James Keevil Sue Low Meyer 11/19/2020 Riverside Drive and Elm Street Kay Bates Carl Vallianatos 1/15/2021 Brookwood Trail and Abbey Drive Mike Linderman Geri Condon 1/18/2021 Kane Avenue and Green Street Judy Walsh Smith Erin Smith 2/8/2021 The Honorary Street Sign program provides citizens of the City of McHenry with an opportunity to honor people and/or family members who have made significant contributions to the City. To be considered, the proposed honoree is required to meet the following criteria: historical and or cultural influence on the City; proof of significant association to the City; clear geographical relationship of street to the area of interest of the candidate; known to be of good moral character and clearly defined community or public contribution made by the honoree. Staff seeks a recommendation from the Public Works Committee for Honorary Street Sign designations from the attached applications to be presented to the full City Council for 7 consideration. Because the policy allows for no more than three (3) honorary sign designations in a calendar year staff are seeking a recommendation for a recommendation for three (3) applications to be presented to the full City Council for approval. 8 Honorary Street Sign Application Date * Applicant Name * Applicant Email * Applicant Phone #* Name of Honoree * Existing Street Name * Requested Sign Location * Please complete the following criteria that will be used in the evaluation of your request. Attach additional documents if required. Honoree must be of good moral character. Historical and/or Cultural Infulence of the Honoree on the City Provide Proof of Significant Association or Family Ties to the City Establish Clear Geographical Relationship of Street to eh Area of Interest of the Applicant 10/2/2020 Brian Aalto bja1073@sbcglobal.net 8155294297 As it would appear on sign, Maximum 20 characters including spaces Mark R Justen Way Municipal Drive (intersection) Green Street/Municipal Drive Criteria for Designation Mark had an undeniable influence on the City of McHenry. He was the owner of a multigenerational family business, and dedicated his life to helping bereaved families to properly celebrate the lives of their departed loved ones. Mark was also a great asset to local law enforcement, in that he provided a training location and countless items of advice to many ceremonial honor guard units. Through his invaluable assistance on countless issues, these honor guard units were able to render final salutes to deceased police officers and firefighters. Furthermore, Mark was a force for good, due to having donated both money and services for deceased persons who would not normally have had a proper memorial service or burial. These people included veterans without local families, victims of drug abuse, and others. Mark was also intimately involved in one of the most tragic events of our nation's recent history, the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Mark was a founder of a multistate unit that assisted with identifying remains and ensuring that proper services took place for those who perished in those horrific events. He carried to New York decades of experience and dedication to his profession, and brought back to McHenry a unique perspective and appreciation for the magnitude of those events. Mark's family resided in McHenry since the 1890s, and throughout that time, they operated a prominent local business. Municipal Drive abuts the Justen Funeral Home, the flagship of Mark's multi-building business (he also operated funeral homes in Wonder Lake and Round Lake), and is the main street by which one accesses the funeral home. 9 Clrearly Defined Community or Public Contribution Made by the Honoree Signature * Simply put, Mark was a fixture in McHenry, both through his service as a member and trustee of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District, and as a prominent local businessman. Mark never hesitated to help someone in need of his expertise, and dedicated his life, both professional and personal, to helping better, or at least assist, other people. Mark personified service and assistance of others, and it is my belief that an honorary street designated for him would be a daily reminder to others of his steadfast enthusiasm for helping others in his community. Thank you for your consideration. 10 Honorary Street Sign Application Date * Applicant Name * Applicant Email * Applicant Phone #* Name of Honoree * Existing Street Name * Requested Sign Location * Please complete the following criteria that will be used in the evaluation of your request. Attach additional documents if required. Honoree must be of good moral character. Historical and/or Cultural Infulence of the Honoree on the City Provide Proof of Significant Association or Family Ties to the City Establish Clear Geographical Relationship of Street to eh Area of Interest of the Applicant Clrearly Defined Community or Public Contribution Made by the Honoree 11/19/2020 Sue Low Meyer mayorsue17@gmail.com 815-405-7240 As it would appear on sign, Maximum 20 characters including spaces James " Keev" Keevil Pearl Street (intersection) SE corner of Riverside Drive and Pearl Street Criteria for Designation James Keevil was born on Dec. 25, 1948 and raised in McHenry. He passed away on October 26,2020. Jim was a veteran on the Vietnam War serving in the US Navy. He was honorably discharged. Jim served as a Sgt. of the McHenry Police Department for 3 years .During that time he received recognition for meritorious police work for apprehending a murder suspect, Philip Soper, on Dec. 18, 1970. Soper had shot and killed two people in McHenry and was later convicted in 1971 of these crimes .One of these shootings took place in the office of Dr. Kohl on Riverside Drive. The suspect was captured at the Riverside Hotel. James went on to serve the McHenry Police Department for 29 years as Communications Supervisor, retiring in 2005. He is also a past member of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District. Jim and his family lived in McHenry all of his life. He served our country and he served our community his entire adult life, in addition to the things I've already mentioned. He had a passion for the city of McHenry and the people who lived here. Jim helped so many people, quietly, without need for recognition. The significant event in his police career took place on Riverside Drive. He grew up on Court Street and spent much of his childhood at Pearl street Park, now known as Veterans Memorial Park. He lived on Riverside Drive for at least 20 years. In his retirement he enjoyed his life there and he affectionately became known as "The Mayor of Riverside Drive." A lifetime of service to our city, most notably the apprehension of a murder suspect, later convicted of two murders in our city. 11 Signature * 12 Honorary Street Sign Application Date * Applicant Name * Applicant Email * Applicant Phone #* Name of Honoree * Existing Street Name * Requested Sign Location * Please complete the following criteria that will be used in the evaluation of your request. Attach additional documents if required. Honoree must be of good moral character. Historical and/or Cultural Infulence of the Honoree on the City Provide Proof of Significant Association or Family Ties to the City Establish Clear Geographical Relationship of Street to eh Area of Interest of the Applicant 1/15/2021 Carl Vallianatos vallianatoscarl@dist156.org 8154825850 As it would appear on sign, Maximum 20 characters including spaces Kay Rial Bates Green Street (intersection) NE or NW Corner of Green and Waukegan or Green and Elm Criteria for Designation Kay Rial Bates has been an employee of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce from 1991-2020 and has served as President since 2003. During this quarter- century of service to our community, chamber, and all businesses large and small we have seen the economy, culture, and spirit of fun and service to others flourish. I hear leaders around McHenry talk about how our community is an ideal one in which to LIVE, WORK, and PLAY. Kay has not only exemplified that but has helped to make that mantra come to fruition for so many families and businesses because of her tireless work that far exceeded any of her job descriptions. Great communities, businesses, and organizations prosper when people give of themselves. Kay has done that for our entire community, all our businesses, and our schools. Her time, sweat, and efforts are part of the very fabric of our city. Almost every business owner, leader, and organization has been personally impacted by her. Kay is a long-time resident of the City of McHenry and has raised her three children who have all attended McHenry Community High School. Kay has been an employee of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce since 1991 and its President since 2003. Kay has become a well known McHenry icon because of her ever- present servanthood in so many community endeavors. Lower Green Street south of Elm to Waukegan is the economic downtown and center of McHenry. It is also the location of the home office of the MACC, the location of so many events over the years, close to many of our businesses and the Riverwalk. We are suggesting either one of the southern corners of Green and Elm or one of the northern, highly visible corners of Green and Waukegan. 13 Clrearly Defined Community or Public Contribution Made by the Honoree Signature * The impacts and accomplishments of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce under Kay’s leadership are too numerous to name. Fundamentally, Kay’s stewardship, vision, and fiscal responsibility has enabled the MACC to grow into one of the premier chambers in the area. The MACC is financially stable and has grown in membership and impact over the decades. Its work and initiatives has also changed the landscape of McHenry. Kay and the MACC has been a driving force behind all the periods of economic prosperity in our community. The leadership on the Riverwalk project has also been part of the long-term vision and revitalization for the future connecting business to our most precious natural resource. Kay and the MACC has grown Fiesta Days into a premier summer festival and continues to look for new ground to break partnering on other community events like McHenry Shamrocks the Fox and philanthropies like St. Baldrick’s. Kay has also been a fervent supporter of our school systems and has helped McHenry High School foster an annual MTI (Manufacturing, Trades, and Industry) Career Expo. Kay has worked to coordinate other manufacturing week events and tours to inspire our young people to important careers that are the foundation of our industrial and trades workforce. 14 From:Vallianatos, Carl To:Troy Strange Subject:Re: Kay Bates Honorary Street Sign Date:Saturday, February 6, 2021 7:47:05 AM Hi Troy- In talking with a few people- we believe that the corner of 120 and Riverside south corners would be great alternative location close to the Riverside businesses and the RiverWalk for consideration of Kay Bates' sign. Thank you Carl On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 8:50 AM Troy Strange <tstrange@cityofmchenry.org> wrote: Carl, It appears that both signs on Green are due for the end of their ten year duration this year. I think we’ll be able to trade the dedications with no issues but just in case if you could provide a few alternate locations it would be appreciated. Thank You Troy Strange, P.E. Director of Public Works City of McHenry – Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 (o) 815-363-2186 (f) 815-363-2214 -- Carl D. Vallianatos, Ed.S. 15 Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction McHenry High School District #156 4716 W. Crystal Lake Road (815) 759-2261 @CarlVallianatos "Skills and achievement come through commitment and effort" - Carol Dweck 16 Honorary Street Sign Application Date * Applicant Name * Applicant Email * Applicant Phone #* Name of Honoree * Existing Street Name * Requested Sign Location * Please complete the following criteria that will be used in the evaluation of your request. Attach additional documents if required. Honoree must be of good moral character. Historical and/or Cultural Infulence of the Honoree on the City Provide Proof of Significant Association or Family Ties to the City Establish Clear Geographical Relationship of Street to eh Area of Interest of the Applicant Clrearly Defined Community or Public Contribution Made by the Honoree Signature * 2/17/2021 Geri A. Condon geri@captureyourpath.com 8154821678 As it would appear on sign, Maximum 20 characters including spaces Mike Linderman Brookwood (intersection) Brookwood/Abbey Criteria for Designation I was in a network group with Mike years ago and he was always quick to volunteer and help out. He led by example when people were in need, he was the first to step forward. When the city began the Shamrock Fest celebration and needed sponsors to offset the cost, Mike/All Pro Plumbing was the primary sponsor the first couple years. Without his financial support we would have been challenged getting this amazing event initiated. Mike/All Pro Plumbing has also donated to the Police Department, along with Wayne Jett/Jett's Hearing, for the Ballistic helmets. He has donated to Special Olympics, did the Polar Plunge both for the Police department. sponsored the Night Out with the police, donated to the Shop with a Cop program. Mike has also sponsored major events of Fiesta Days. Family residence Because Mike's business is on 120 and close to the VFW, it makes more sense to honor him my his home, where his family and neighbors can see this tribute. When he heard Girl Scout money had been stolen, he donated a replacement contribution. He has sent 200 care packages to the troops for the VFW along with donating turkeys for the VFW. He donated hot chocolate for the Holiday light display; sponsored a night with the Santa house. He has donated to the food pantry. Sponsored the Lemonade Brigade; sponsor of the Moose Car Show. 17 Honorary Street Sign Application Date * Applicant Name * Applicant Email * Applicant Phone #* Name of Honoree * Existing Street Name * Requested Sign Location * Please complete the following criteria that will be used in the evaluation of your request. Attach additional documents if required. Honoree must be of good moral character. Historical and/or Cultural Infulence of the Honoree on the City Provide Proof of Significant Association or Family Ties to the City Establish Clear Geographical Relationship of Street to eh Area of Interest of the Applicant Clrearly Defined Community or Public Contribution Made by the Honoree 2/8/2021 Erin Smith erinksmith227@gmail.com 224-723-9326 As it would appear on sign, Maximum 20 characters including spaces Judy Walsh Smith Kane ave. (intersection) Kane/green st. Criteria for Designation Judy Walsh Smith was born and raised in Mchenry, IL. She attended St. Patrick's school k-8, then McHenry East High School, where she graduated in 1960. Judy continues to live in McHenry, as she has her entire life. Judy worked as a teenager at Waddle's drug store on Green Street. She was a beautician after high school. She was a stay at home mom, while her children were growing. She then became a community service officer at the McHenry Police Department from 1989-2006. She is a member of St. Patrick's Church. She also has been a volunteer for the FISH pantry in McHenry for many years. Judy Walsh Smith's childhood home is 814 Center Street. She still owns this family home. She is the second daughter of Quentin and RoseAnn Walsh, who was the first nurse in McHenry. She currently resides on Kama Ave, in the McHenry Township. Judy Walsh Smith was the crossing guard at Edgebrook school for many years. I believe this would be a huge honor for her to have a street honorarily named after her at this location. Many children looked forward to seeing her smiley face everyday. As stated above, my mom, Judy, is a lifetime resident of McHenry. Her heart is a part of this city. As a community service officer, many would say hi to her as she would mark tires on Green and Main street. Children at Riverwood and mostly Edgebrook school looked forward to seeing her everyday. During her time at the police department, she only took 1 full week off of sick days. She LOVED working there. As her child, I hated going anywhere with her, as she knew (knows) everyone in this town. And now her work at St. Patrick's in the Lady's guild and working at the FISH food pantry, she loves to help. I truly think it would be honor to the city to name a street after her. 18 Signature * 19 City of McHenry Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 tstrange@cityofmchenry.org The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: March 22, 2021 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works RE: Township Road District Tax Levy History and Information ATT: McHenry Township Tax Levy History (2010-2019) Sheet Nunda Township Tax Levy History (2010-2019) Sheet McHenry & Nunda Township Tax Computational Reports (2010-2019) BACKGROUND: Staff is presenting a summary of findings and tax levy history for Township Road and Bridge levies as well as City of McHenry municipal distributions of such levies related to McHenry and Nunda Townships. SUMMARY: At the January 11, 2021 Public Works Committee Meeting, staff was directed by the Committee to research Township Road District tax levy history. Staff was further requested to research the possibility of City Council passing a resolution seeking to address the City’s concerns over lost municipal portions of Township Road District levies which have been reduced specifically by certain township Road Districts. City Staff has performed research of historical Township Road District tax levies for both McHenry and Nunda Township as well as the municipal share received by the City of McHenry from these levies. This research was performed to determine the potential revenue losses incurred as a result of adjustments in taxes levied by these two Township Road Districts. The corporate limits of the City of McHenry include land and properties in both McHenry and Nunda Townships. Within these townships, the roadways which are not maintained by municipalities are typically maintained by the Township Road Districts. Township Road Districts are their own taxing bodies and as such are allowed to levy taxes for their operating and capital costs. There are two levies which the Road Districts can implement to collect 20 revenues. The first levy is collected for the Road Districts “General Road and Bridge Fund”. The General Road and Bridge Levy is used for general purposes which can be either operational or capital uses. The second levy is collected for the Road District’s “Permanent Road Fund”. The Permanent Road Levy is typically utilized for roadway capital or construction type expenditures. The General Road and Bridge levy is capped at 0.165% of the equalized assessed value (EAV) of the taxable properties within the district. The General Road and Bridge levy is also transferred to local municipal agencies such as the City of McHenry whose municipal boundaries are within the boundaries of the Township Road District. The way the transfer works is that 50% of the General Road and Bridge funds collected from properties within each municipality are redistributed to the municipality. Therefore, the amount of General Road and Bridge Funds transferred to each municipality is a function of the percentage that each township levies and the EAV of the municipal properties in each township. The Permanent Road Levy is capped at 0.167% of EAV but can be increased up to a maximum rate of 0.25% as the result of a referendum passed during a general election. Municipal agencies receive no portion of the Permanent Road Levy. The amount of each levy is recommend by the Township Highway Commissioner and submitted by the Township Clerk. In recent years, the City of McHenry’s municipal share allotments have been declining. McHenry Township Road District has kept its balance between Road and Bridge Levy and Permanent Road Levy fairly consistent. Nunda Township has been slowly reducing its Road and Bridge Levy, which is shared with municipalities while increasing its Permanent Road Levy, which the Township retains 100% of, all while levying the same overall amount. While the Highway Commissioner has been able to tout that he is maintaining a “flat levy” by adjusting the levy distribution between the two, he has been able to increase his overall revenues at the expense of municipal agencies who have traditionally received a larger distribution of the overall levy. The attached spreadsheet highlights the Road and Bridge Levy history for Nunda Township from 2010 to 2019. For several years prior to the change in Highway Commissioner from Donald Kopsell to Mike Lesperance, the Road and Bridge Levy averaged approximately 0.10% but since this time the levy has been gradually reduced to 0.05% resulting in approximately a $50,000 annual revenue loss for the City of McHenry. City Council members have inquired with staff as to what means the City has to realize more of the Township Road and Bridge revenues. The following options can be explored at the direction of the City Council: 1.Request that both Nunda Township and McHenry Township levy a larger percentage of their overall levy as Road and Bridge funds. As is shown above, Nunda Township has reduced its Road and Bridge levies dramatically in the past few years but McHenry Township has not. Should Nunda restore its levy to its historical level of 0.1% the City can expect to realize $50,000 additional revenue per year. Neither of these Road and Bridge levies are currently set at the maximum level of 0.165%. An increase to the maximum levy would increase revenues to the City of McHenry but would also increase overall taxation for City residents. 2.Lobby for a change in the State Statutes to allow for a larger municipal share of the collected Road and Bridge revenues. Right now municipal collections are capped at 50% of the Road and Bridge 21 funds collected within the Municipality. An increase of this percentage up to possibly 100% distribution to municipalities would increase municipal revenues. This change will be extremely difficult to implement without the broader support of a coalition of municipal agencies which extends beyond McHenry County. This could reduce township revenues and ultimately result in higher levies to make up for lost revenue. 3. Lobby for a change in the State Statutes to allow for municipal sharing of Permanent Road Revenues. Any percentage sharing of this fund with municipal agencies would increase municipal revenues but again could result in higher levies should townships attempt to recoup lost revenues. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is seeking a recommendation regarding how to proceed with regard to the matter of seeking to increase and/or recover the lost the City of McHenry municipal share of Township Road District Tax Levies. 22 Year City EAV007 Road & Bridge Actual Levy007 Road & Bridge Max LevyCity CollectionTownship Total EAVTownship Total Road & Bridge Levy RevenuePermanent Road Levy RevenueTotal Township Road District Revenue2010 566,456,814.46$  0.00120237 0.00165000 340,545.34$          1,418,643,819.00$       1,705,734.77$               1,701,166.74$               3,406,901.50$               2011 500,920,660.18$  0.00123179 0.00165000 308,514.53$          1,247,184,027.00$       1,536,268.81$               1,870,613.91$               3,406,882.72$               2012 450,982,855.86$  0.00133165 0.00165000 300,275.66$          1,116,043,462.00$       1,486,179.28$               1,920,733.12$               3,406,912.40$               2013 395,131,211.77$  0.00153660 0.00165000 303,579.31$          971,091,035.00$          1,492,178.48$               1,942,822.99$               3,435,001.47$               2014 380,528,121.21$  0.00165000 0.00165000 313,935.70$          937,650,022.00$          1,547,122.54$               1,780,981.83$               3,328,104.36$               2015 379,722,769.24$  0.00163005 0.00165000 309,483.55$          949,131,725.00$          1,547,132.17$               1,780,979.24$               3,328,111.41$               2016 410,928,864.60$  0.00155928 0.00165000 320,376.58$          1,026,115,391.00$       1,600,001.21$               1,400,001.06$               3,000,002.26$               2017 438,708,947.19$  0.00141184 0.00165000 309,693.42$          1,096,089,429.00$       1,547,502.90$               1,330,005.87$               2,877,508.77$               2018 464,414,307.39$  0.00137719 0.00165000 319,793.37$          1,161,787,500.00$       1,600,002.13$               1,400,000.41$               3,000,002.54$               2019 487,331,786.90$  0.00130623 0.00165000 318,283.70$          1,224,902,073.00$       1,600,003.83$               1,400,001.82$               3,000,005.66$               McHenry Township Road DistrictTax Levy History 2010‐201923 Year City EAV007 Road & Bridge Actual Levy007 Road & Bridge Max LevyCity CollectionTownship Total EAVTotal Road & Bridge Levy RevenueTotal Permanent Road Levy RevenueTotal Road District Revenue2010 235,603,308.50$  0.00085235 0.00165000 100,408.24$          1,378,773,296.00$       1,175,197.42$               1,981,628.13$               3,156,825.55$               2011 204,848,954.99$  0.00096554 0.00165000 98,894.93$            1,227,438,038.00$       1,185,140.52$               1,998,367.32$               3,183,507.84$               2012 188,559,626.25$  0.00105524 0.00165000 99,487.83$            1,123,094,473.00$       1,185,134.21$               1,998,366.92$               3,183,501.13$               2013 169,481,686.83$  0.00115791 0.00165000 98,122.27$            1,006,240,013.00$       1,165,135.37$               1,998,372.54$               3,163,507.91$               2014 163,780,019.16$  0.00116892 0.00165000 95,722.87$            971,097,644.00$          1,135,135.46$               1,998,373.29$               3,133,508.74$               2015 165,403,280.31$  0.00081090 0.00165000 67,062.76$            986,072,020.00$          799,605.80$                  2,258,371.17$               3,057,976.97$               2016 177,721,674.70$  0.00055604 0.00165000 49,410.18$            1,047,778,621.00$       582,606.82$                  2,358,371.55$               2,940,978.38$               2017 185,957,304.42$  0.00053495 0.00165000 49,738.93$            1,089,086,455.00$       582,606.80$                  2,358,373.15$               2,940,979.95$               2018 195,433,787.83$  0.00051486 0.00165000 50,310.52$            1,131,576,571.00$       582,603.51$                  2,358,375.31$               2,940,978.82$               2019 214,092,172.43$  0.00049364 0.00165000 52,842.23$            1,180,220,474.00$       582,604.03$                  2,343,256.94$               2,925,860.97$               Nunda Township Road DistrictTax Levy History (2010‐2019)24 Tax Year: 2010Page 254 of 295McHenry County04/27/2011 11:10:05 AMFINAL Tax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.034800Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,705,7250.165000$1,705,734.771.0000000.1202370.000000$1,705,734.7750.06700.1202360.120237** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,701,1580.250000$1,701,166.741.0000000.1199150.000000$1,701,166.7449.93300.1199140.119915Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,406,88303,406,883$3,406,901.51$0.00$3,406,901.510.2401520.0000000.2401520.0000000.0000000.000000$3,406,901.51$0.00$3,406,901.51100.00000.0000100.00000.2401500.2401520.0000000.0000000.2401500.240152** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,425,806,188Total + OverlapFarmResidential 1,206,062,005CommercialIndustrial 13,001,994Mineral2,742,536State Railroad 505,055Local Railroad0County Total1,425,806,18811,105,08711,105,0871,203,443,894192,389,511 187,845,25313,001,9942,742,5361,418,643,819505,05501,418,643,819Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$1,505.86999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE$214.51999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE$148,355.94999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$31,603.78999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE$13,443.95999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$340,545.34999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE$23,669.15999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE$3.18999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE$23,396.96$582,738.67TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2009)3,317,315Limiting Rate0.240880% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment7,162,369New Property4,131,978New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property4,131,978PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2011 DEVNET Incorporatedsam25 Tax Year: 2010Page 256 of 295McHenry County04/27/2011 11:10:05 AMFINAL Tax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.034800Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 005 I.M.R.F18,6680.000000$18,668.590.9908670.0013410.000000$18,489.350.56470.0013540.001354** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,175,1960.165000$1,175,197.420.9908670.0844570.000000$1,164,470.5635.56230.0852350.085235** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,981,6240.250000$1,981,628.130.9908670.1424110.000000$1,963,524.8459.96510.1437240.143724** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE60,6910.000000$60,693.600.9908670.0043620.000000$60,142.091.83670.0044020.004402** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY68,4310.000000$68,442.310.9908670.0049190.000000$67,821.862.07120.0049630.004964Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,304,61003,304,610$3,304,630.05$0.00$3,304,630.050.2374900.0000000.2374900.0000000.0000000.000000$3,274,448.70$0.00$3,274,448.70100.00000.0000100.00000.2396780.2396790.0000000.0000000.2396780.239679** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,378,795,559Total + OverlapFarmResidential 1,118,099,159CommercialIndustrial 88,059,773Mineral671,109State Railroad 1,025,733Local Railroad0County Total1,378,795,55919,510,28919,510,2891,118,099,159151,429,496 151,429,49688,037,510671,1091,378,773,2961,025,73301,378,773,296Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$8,649.02999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY$117,878.14999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLA$11,788.59999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE$6,281.30999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE$50,660.37999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$7,946.35999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$100,408.24999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE$28,711.96999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE$45,168.85$377,492.82TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2009)3,171,077Limiting Rate0.237490% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment22,263New Property7,250,898New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property7,250,898PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2011 DEVNET Incorporatedsam26 Tax Year: 2011Page 254 of 295McHenry County04/20/2012 12:50:16 PMFINAL Tax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.017700Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,536,2660.165000$1,536,268.811.0000000.1231790.000000$1,536,268.8145.09290.1231790.123179** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,870,6170.250000$1,870,626.381.0000000.1499880.000000$1,870,626.3854.90710.1499870.149988Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,406,88303,406,883$3,406,895.19$0.00$3,406,895.190.2731670.0000000.2731670.0000000.0000000.000000$3,406,895.19$0.00$3,406,895.19100.00000.0000100.00000.2731660.2731670.0000000.0000000.2731660.273167** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,252,522,359Total + OverlapFarmResidential 1,051,114,711CommercialIndustrial 12,020,680Mineral2,497,528State Railroad 536,646Local Railroad0County Total1,252,522,35910,979,33210,979,3321,049,346,549175,373,462 171,803,29212,020,6802,497,5281,247,184,027536,64601,247,184,027Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$1,412.65999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE$201.36999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE$136,154.38999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$27,990.17999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE$8,450.41999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$308,514.53999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE$22,770.89999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE$3.40999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE$19,577.21$525,075.00TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2010)3,406,902Limiting Rate0.277970% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment5,338,332New Property3,119,197New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property3,119,197PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2012 DEVNET Incorporatedsam27 Tax Year: 2011Page 256 of 295McHenry County04/20/2012 12:50:16 PMFINAL Tax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.017700Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 005 I.M.R.F18,8170.000000$18,828.901.0000000.0015340.000000$18,828.900.56500.0015330.001534** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,185,1350.165000$1,185,140.521.0000000.0965540.000000$1,185,140.5235.56210.0965540.096554** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,998,3680.250000$1,998,379.601.0000000.1628090.000000$1,998,379.6059.96470.1628080.162809** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE61,2090.000000$61,212.331.0000000.0049870.000000$61,212.331.83680.0049870.004987** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY69,0250.000000$69,031.121.0000000.0056240.000000$69,031.122.07140.0056240.005624Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,332,55403,332,554$3,332,592.47$0.00$3,332,592.470.2715080.0000000.2715080.0000000.0000000.000000$3,332,592.47$0.00$3,332,592.47100.00000.0000100.00000.2715060.2715080.0000000.0000000.2715060.271508** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,227,446,632Total + OverlapFarmResidential 993,075,288CommercialIndustrial 77,585,997Mineral598,654State Railroad 1,087,753Local Railroad0County Total1,227,446,63218,171,55218,171,552993,075,288136,927,388 136,927,38877,577,403598,6541,227,438,0381,087,75301,227,438,038Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$9,928.97999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY$120,416.72999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLA$11,314.01999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE$6,482.86999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE$51,413.98999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$8,103.66999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$98,894.93999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE$29,151.50999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE$46,768.04$382,474.67TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2010)3,274,449Limiting Rate0.271650% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment8,594New Property3,894,865New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property3,894,865PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2012 DEVNET Incorporatedsam28 Tax Year: 2012Page 258 of 299McHenry County04/19/2013 10:21:41 AMFINAL Tax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.024300Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,486,1720.165000$1,486,179.281.0000000.1331650.000000$1,486,179.2843.62250.1331640.133165** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,920,7230.250000$1,920,733.121.0000000.1721020.000000$1,920,733.1256.37750.1721010.172102Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,406,89503,406,895$3,406,912.40$0.00$3,406,912.400.3052670.0000000.3052670.0000000.0000000.000000$3,406,912.40$0.00$3,406,912.40100.00000.0000100.00000.3052650.3052670.0000000.0000000.3052650.305267** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,120,186,539Total + OverlapFarmResidential 929,968,156CommercialIndustrial 11,055,777Mineral2,415,837State Railroad 607,034Local Railroad0County Total1,120,186,53910,595,40610,595,406928,489,321165,544,329 162,880,08711,055,7772,415,8371,116,043,462607,03401,116,043,462Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$1,405.17999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE$172.54999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE$134,777.47999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$27,399.76999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE$8,315.94999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$300,275.66999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE$22,231.80999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE$3.86999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE$19,581.65$514,163.85TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2010)3,406,902Limiting Rate0.315480% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment4,143,077New Property3,659,263New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property3,659,263PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2013 DEVNET Incorporatedsam29 Tax Year: 2012Page 260 of 299McHenry County04/19/2013 10:21:41 AMFINAL Tax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.024300Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 005 I.M.R.F18,8170.000000$18,823.061.0000000.0016760.000000$18,823.060.56480.0016760.001676** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,185,1350.165000$1,185,145.441.0000000.1055250.000000$1,185,145.4435.56230.1055240.105525** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,998,3680.250000$1,998,378.151.0000000.1779350.000000$1,998,378.1559.96470.1779340.177935** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE61,2090.000000$61,219.881.0000000.0054510.000000$61,219.881.83700.0054500.005451** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY69,0250.000000$69,025.391.0000000.0061460.000000$69,025.392.07120.0061460.006146Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,332,55403,332,554$3,332,591.92$0.00$3,332,591.920.2967330.0000000.2967330.0000000.0000000.000000$3,332,591.92$0.00$3,332,591.92100.00000.0000100.00000.2967300.2967330.0000000.0000000.2967300.296733** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,123,095,435Total + OverlapFarmResidential 907,212,775CommercialIndustrial 72,086,018Mineral528,549State Railroad 1,227,164Local Railroad0County Total1,123,095,43516,350,38616,350,386907,212,775125,690,543 125,690,54372,085,056528,5491,123,094,4731,227,16401,123,094,473Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$9,995.39999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY$122,917.24999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLA$11,537.68999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE$6,506.95999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE$43,638.11999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$7,936.79999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$99,487.83999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE$29,108.42999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE$47,617.80$378,746.21TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2011)3,332,592Limiting Rate0.306620% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment962New Property3,511,725New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property3,511,725PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2013 DEVNET Incorporatedsam30 Tax Year: 2013Page 258 of 299McHenry County04/23/2014 11:10:21 AMTax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.0Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,507,5430.165000$1,507,544.480.9999550.1536530.000000$1,507,475.8143.44040.1536600.153660** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,962,8260.250000$1,962,829.590.9999550.2000570.000000$1,962,741.2956.55960.2000660.200066Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,470,36903,470,369$3,470,374.07$0.00$3,470,374.070.3537100.0000000.3537100.0000000.0000000.000000$3,470,217.10$0.00$3,470,217.10100.00000.0000100.00000.3537260.3537260.0000000.0000000.3537260.353726** Subject to PTELLProperty Type983,938,068Total + OverlapFarmResidential 814,386,669CommercialIndustrial 9,766,543Mineral2,322,791State Railroad 750,018Local Railroad0County Total983,938,0689,882,8159,882,815813,206,492146,829,232 145,162,3769,766,5432,322,791981,091,035750,0180981,091,035Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$1,333.29999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE$174.26999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE$137,856.33999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$27,844.74999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE$8,330.90999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$303,579.31999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE$22,886.08999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE$4.67999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE$19,935.61$521,945.19TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2012)3,406,912Limiting Rate0.353710% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment2,847,033New Property1,531,408New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property1,531,408PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2014 DEVNET Incorporatedsam31 Tax Year: 2013Page 260 of 299McHenry County04/23/2014 11:10:21 AMTax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.0Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 005 I.M.R.F18,8170.000000$18,826.751.0000000.0018710.000000$18,826.750.56840.0018700.001871** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,165,1350.165000$1,165,135.371.0000000.1157910.000000$1,165,135.3735.17310.1157910.115791** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,998,3680.250000$1,998,372.541.0000000.1985980.000000$1,998,372.5460.32690.1985980.198598** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE61,2090.000000$61,209.581.0000000.0060830.000000$61,209.581.84780.0060830.006083** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY69,0250.000000$69,028.061.0000000.0068600.000000$69,028.062.08380.0068600.006860Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,312,55403,312,554$3,312,572.30$0.00$3,312,572.300.3292030.0000000.3292030.0000000.0000000.000000$3,312,572.30$0.00$3,312,572.30100.00000.0000100.00000.3292020.3292030.0000000.0000000.3292020.329203** Subject to PTELLProperty Type1,006,240,013Total + OverlapFarmResidential 811,103,027CommercialIndustrial 65,086,840Mineral498,859State Railroad 1,511,008Local Railroad0County Total1,006,240,01315,580,29915,580,299811,103,027112,459,980 112,459,98065,086,840498,8591,006,240,0131,511,00801,006,240,013Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$9,983.65999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY$122,062.43999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLA$11,472.94999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE$6,414.09999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE$43,306.41999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$7,818.25999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$98,122.27999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE$26,963.97999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE$46,729.93$372,873.94TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2011)3,332,592Limiting Rate0.337310% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment0New Property1,443,721New Property (Overlap) 0Total New Property1,443,721PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2014 DEVNET Incorporatedsam32 Tax Year: 2014Page 265 of 306McHenry County04/22/2015 08:47:52 AMTax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.0Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,751,8890.165000$1,547,122.541.0000000.1650000.000000$1,547,122.5446.48660.1868380.165000** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,780,9790.250000$1,780,981.831.0000000.1899410.000000$1,780,981.8353.51340.1899410.189941Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,532,86803,532,868$3,328,104.37$0.00$3,328,104.370.3549410.0000000.3549410.0000000.0000000.000000$3,328,104.37$0.00$3,328,104.37100.00000.0000100.00000.3767790.3549410.0000000.0000000.3767790.354941** Subject to PTELLProperty Type940,063,169Total + OverlapFarmResidential 776,371,306CommercialIndustrial 9,388,214Mineral1,704,047State Railroad 782,239Local Railroad0County Total940,063,1699,978,2689,978,268775,294,467141,839,095 140,502,7879,388,2141,704,047937,650,022782,2390937,650,022Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$1,364.39999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE$174.61999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE$142,067.20999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$28,471.62999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE$8,657.74999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$313,935.70999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE$23,416.79999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE$5.14999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE$19,710.61$537,803.80TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2013)3,470,217Limiting Rate0.376880% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment2,413,147New Property3,058,693New Property (Overlap)0Total New Property3,058,693PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2015 DEVNET IncorporatedLAG33 Tax Year: 2014Page 267 of 306McHenry County04/22/2015 08:47:52 AMTax Computation ReportTaxing DistrictTTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BREqualization Factor1.0Fund/NameLevy RequestCalc. RateMax. RateNon-PTELLExtensionPTELLFactorRateLimited% BurdenRateTotal ExtensionMcHenry CountyPercentActual Rate** 005 I.M.R.F18,8170.000000$18,819.871.0000000.0019380.000000$18,819.870.57330.0019380.001938** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE1,135,1350.165000$1,135,135.461.0000000.1168920.000000$1,135,135.4634.58070.1168920.116892** 009 PERMANENT ROAD1,998,3680.250000$1,998,373.291.0000000.2057850.000000$1,998,373.2960.87830.2057850.205785** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE61,2090.000000$61,218.001.0000000.0063040.000000$61,218.001.86490.0063030.006304** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY69,0250.000000$69,025.621.0000000.0071080.000000$69,025.622.10280.0071080.007108Totals (Capped)Totals (Not Capped)Totals (All)3,282,55403,282,554$3,282,572.24$0.00$3,282,572.240.3380270.0000000.3380270.0000000.0000000.000000$3,282,572.24$0.00$3,282,572.24100.00000.0000100.00000.3380260.3380270.0000000.0000000.3380260.338027** Subject to PTELLProperty Type971,097,644Total + OverlapFarmResidential 782,129,522CommercialIndustrial 63,241,983Mineral365,094State Railroad 1,573,897Local Railroad0County Total971,097,64414,766,51714,766,517782,129,522109,020,631 109,020,63163,241,983365,094971,097,6441,573,8970971,097,644Total EAVRate Setting EAVRoad and Bridge TransferMunicipalityFundAmount Extended999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE$9,432.69999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY$120,073.81999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLA$11,162.32999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE$5,904.95999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE$42,629.86999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE$7,612.21999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY$95,722.87999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE$26,227.12999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE$45,708.30$364,474.13TotalAnnexation EAV0Disconnection EAV0Recovered TIF EAV0Agg. Ext. Base (2011)3,332,592Limiting Rate0.349560% of Burden0.00%TIF Increment0New Property3,438,826New Property (Overlap)0Total New Property3,438,826PTELL ValuesCopyright (C) 1997-2015 DEVNET IncorporatedLAG34 Tax Year: 2015 Page 266 of 307 McHenry County 04/29/2016 09:51:06 AM Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0000 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 1,547,123 0.165000 $1,547,132.17 1.000000 0.163005 0.000000 $1,547,132.17 46.48670.163004 0.163005 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 1,780,981 0.250000 $1,780,988.73 1.000000 0.187644 0.000000 $1,780,988.73 53.51330.187643 0.187644 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,328,104 0 3,328,104 $3,328,120.90 $0.00 $3,328,120.90 0.350649 0.000000 0.350649 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,328,120.90 $0.00 $3,328,120.90 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.350647 0.350649 0.000000 0.000000 0.350647 0.350649 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 951,588,146Total + Overlap Farm Residential 793,607,753 Commercial Industrial 8,454,409 Mineral 1,668,343 State Railroad 939,099 Local Railroad 0 County Total 951,588,146 9,663,134 9,663,134 792,447,302 137,255,408 135,959,438 8,454,409 1,668,343 949,131,725 939,099 0 949,131,725 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $1,339.11 999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE $170.15 999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE $143,505.75 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $28,204.09 999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE $8,768.68 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $309,483.55 999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE $22,803.68 999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE $5.47 999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE $19,765.47 $534,045.95Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2013)3,470,217 Limiting Rate 0.369660 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 2,456,421 New Property 2,858,740 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 2,858,740 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2016 DEVNET Incorporated bxj 35 Tax Year: 2015 Page 268 of 307 McHenry County 04/29/2016 09:51:06 AM Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0000 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 005 I.M.R.F 88,817 0.000000 $88,825.37 1.000000 0.009008 0.000000 $88,825.37 2.70590.009007 0.009008 ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 799,601 0.165000 $799,605.80 1.000000 0.081090 0.000000 $799,605.80 24.35910.081090 0.081090 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 2,258,368 0.250000 $2,258,371.16 1.000000 0.229027 0.000000 $2,258,371.16 68.79880.229027 0.229027 ** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE 66,743 0.000000 $66,747.22 1.000000 0.006769 0.000000 $66,747.22 2.03340.006769 0.006769 ** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY 69,025 0.000000 $69,025.04 1.000000 0.007000 0.000000 $69,025.04 2.10280.007000 0.007000 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,282,554 0 3,282,554 $3,282,574.59 $0.00 $3,282,574.59 0.332894 0.000000 0.332894 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,282,574.59 $0.00 $3,282,574.59 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.332893 0.332894 0.000000 0.000000 0.332893 0.332894 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 986,072,020Total + Overlap Farm Residential 796,818,370 Commercial Industrial 63,515,533 Mineral 365,094 State Railroad 1,885,810 Local Railroad 0 County Total 986,072,020 15,526,893 15,526,893 796,818,370 107,960,320 107,960,320 63,515,533 365,094 986,072,020 1,885,810 0 986,072,020 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $6,474.43 999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY $84,337.60 999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLAGE $8,088.07 999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE $3,139.74 999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE $32,104.31 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $5,374.00 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $67,062.76 999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE $18,756.65 999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE $32,552.17 $257,889.73Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2012)3,332,592 Limiting Rate 0.341870 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 0 New Property 3,454,579 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 3,454,579 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2016 DEVNET Incorporated bxj 36 Tax Year: 2016 Page 270 of 311 McHenry County 04/11/2017 01:39:41 PM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0000 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 1,600,000 0.165000 $1,600,001.21 1.000000 0.155928 0.000000 $1,600,001.21 53.33330.155928 0.155928 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 1,400,000 0.250000 $1,400,001.06 1.000000 0.136437 0.000000 $1,400,001.06 46.66670.136437 0.136437 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 $3,000,002.27 $0.00 $3,000,002.27 0.292365 0.000000 0.292365 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,000,002.27 $0.00 $3,000,002.27 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.292365 0.292365 0.000000 0.000000 0.292365 0.292365 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,029,208,217Total + Overlap Farm Residential 861,314,020 Commercial Industrial 8,553,293 Mineral 1,693,883 State Railroad 955,367 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,029,208,217 10,585,909 10,585,909 859,979,248 146,105,745 144,347,691 8,553,293 1,693,883 1,026,115,391 955,367 0 1,026,115,391 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $1,401.18 999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE $170.76 999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE $148,381.64 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $29,889.78 999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE $8,940.01 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $320,376.58 999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE $23,229.37 999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE $5.59 999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE $20,325.10 $552,720.01Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2013)3,470,217 Limiting Rate 0.341510 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 3,092,826 New Property 2,850,593 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 2,850,593 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2017 DEVNET Incorporated BXJ 37 Tax Year: 2016 Page 272 of 311 McHenry County 04/11/2017 01:39:41 PM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0000 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 005 I.M.R.F 88,817 0.000000 $88,820.19 1.000000 0.008477 0.000000 $88,820.19 2.80580.008477 0.008477 ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 582,601 0.165000 $582,606.82 1.000000 0.055604 0.000000 $582,606.82 18.40450.055603 0.055604 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 2,358,368 0.250000 $2,358,371.55 1.000000 0.225083 0.000000 $2,358,371.55 74.50070.225083 0.225083 ** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE 66,743 0.000000 $66,743.50 1.000000 0.006370 0.000000 $66,743.50 2.10840.006370 0.006370 ** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY 69,025 0.000000 $69,027.66 1.000000 0.006588 0.000000 $69,027.66 2.18060.006588 0.006588 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,165,554 0 3,165,554 $3,165,569.72 $0.00 $3,165,569.72 0.302122 0.000000 0.302122 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,165,569.72 $0.00 $3,165,569.72 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.302121 0.302122 0.000000 0.000000 0.302121 0.302122 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,047,778,621Total + Overlap Farm Residential 848,767,713 Commercial Industrial 65,431,874 Mineral 380,216 State Railroad 1,917,546 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,047,778,621 16,557,719 16,557,719 848,767,713 114,723,553 114,723,553 65,431,874 380,216 1,047,778,621 1,917,546 0 1,047,778,621 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $4,704.97 999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY $61,678.47 999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLAGE $5,908.75 999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE $2,299.90 999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE $23,616.71 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $3,915.01 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $49,410.18 999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE $13,717.02 999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE $22,865.29 $188,116.30Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2013)3,312,572 Limiting Rate 0.319730 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 0 New Property 4,471,130 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 4,471,130 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2017 DEVNET Incorporated BXJ 38 Tax Year: 2017 Page 271 of 311 McHenry County 04/10/2018 09:49:25 AM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 1,547,500 0.165000 $1,547,502.90 1.000000 0.141184 0.000000 $1,547,502.90 53.77930.141184 0.141184 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 1,330,000 0.250000 $1,330,005.87 1.000000 0.121341 0.000000 $1,330,005.87 46.22070.121341 0.121341 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 2,877,500 0 2,877,500 $2,877,508.77 $0.00 $2,877,508.77 0.262525 0.000000 0.262525 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $2,877,508.77 $0.00 $2,877,508.77 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.262525 0.262525 0.000000 0.000000 0.262525 0.262525 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,100,240,161Total + Overlap Farm Residential 923,998,192 Commercial Industrial 8,835,268 Mineral 1,719,830 State Railroad 975,145 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,100,240,161 11,580,189 11,580,189 922,142,162 153,131,537 150,836,835 8,835,268 1,719,830 1,096,089,429 975,145 0 1,096,089,429 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $1,123.78 999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE $161.99 999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE $143,905.25 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $28,779.17 999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE $8,793.15 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $309,693.42 999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE $22,771.34 999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE $5.56 999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE $19,425.87 $534,659.53Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2015)3,328,121 Limiting Rate 0.310950 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 4,150,732 New Property 3,311,166 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 3,311,166 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2018 DEVNET Incorporated BXJ 39 Tax Year: 2017 Page 273 of 311 McHenry County 04/10/2018 09:49:25 AM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 005 I.M.R.F 88,817 0.000000 $88,825.89 1.000000 0.008156 0.000000 $88,825.89 2.80600.008155 0.008156 ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 582,601 0.165000 $582,606.80 1.000000 0.053495 0.000000 $582,606.80 18.40440.053495 0.053495 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 2,358,368 0.250000 $2,358,373.15 1.000000 0.216546 0.000000 $2,358,373.15 74.50050.216546 0.216546 ** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE 66,743 0.000000 $66,750.11 1.000000 0.006129 0.000000 $66,750.11 2.10860.006128 0.006129 ** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY 69,025 0.000000 $69,026.30 1.000000 0.006338 0.000000 $69,026.30 2.18050.006338 0.006338 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,165,554 0 3,165,554 $3,165,582.25 $0.00 $3,165,582.25 0.290664 0.000000 0.290664 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,165,582.25 $0.00 $3,165,582.25 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.290662 0.290664 0.000000 0.000000 0.290662 0.290664 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,089,086,455Total + Overlap Farm Residential 887,198,376 Commercial Industrial 66,582,889 Mineral 48,359 State Railroad 1,955,101 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,089,086,455 16,237,292 16,237,292 887,198,376 117,064,438 117,064,438 66,582,889 48,359 1,089,086,455 1,955,101 0 1,089,086,455 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $4,591.42 999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY $61,935.15 999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLAGE $5,958.44 999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE $2,300.10 999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE $23,964.00 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $3,941.16 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $49,738.93 999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE $13,842.18 999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE $22,434.27 $188,705.65Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2015)3,282,575 Limiting Rate 0.308930 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 0 New Property 4,202,730 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 4,202,730 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2018 DEVNET Incorporated BXJ 40 Tax Year: 2018 Page 270 of 310 McHenry County 04/15/2019 01:08:49 PM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 1,600,000 0.165000 $1,600,002.13 1.000000 0.137719 0.000000 $1,600,002.13 53.33340.137719 0.137719 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 1,400,000 0.250000 $1,400,000.41 1.000000 0.120504 0.000000 $1,400,000.41 46.66660.120504 0.120504 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 $3,000,002.54 $0.00 $3,000,002.54 0.258223 0.000000 0.258223 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,000,002.54 $0.00 $3,000,002.54 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.258223 0.258223 0.000000 0.000000 0.258223 0.258223 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,167,341,577Total + Overlap Farm Residential 981,198,002 Commercial Industrial 9,237,361 Mineral 1,745,809 State Railroad 1,047,913 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,167,341,577 12,543,652 12,543,652 979,099,572 161,568,840 158,113,193 9,237,361 1,745,809 1,161,787,500 1,047,913 0 1,161,787,500 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $1,155.83 999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE $159.71 999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE $149,567.72 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $30,198.21 999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE $9,155.26 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $319,793.37 999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE $23,207.76 999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE $5.84 999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE $20,210.11 $553,453.81Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2015)3,328,121 Limiting Rate 0.293270 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 5,554,077 New Property 3,111,585 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 3,111,585 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2019 DEVNET Incorporated BXJ 41 Tax Year: 2018 Page 272 of 310 McHenry County 04/15/2019 01:08:49 PM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.0 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 005 I.M.R.F 88,817 0.000000 $88,817.45 1.000000 0.007849 0.000000 $88,817.45 2.80570.007849 0.007849 ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 582,601 0.165000 $582,603.51 1.000000 0.051486 0.000000 $582,603.51 18.40440.051486 0.051486 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 2,358,368 0.250000 $2,358,375.31 1.000000 0.208415 0.000000 $2,358,375.31 74.50070.208414 0.208415 ** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE 66,743 0.000000 $66,751.70 1.000000 0.005899 0.000000 $66,751.70 2.10870.005898 0.005899 ** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY 69,025 0.000000 $69,026.17 1.000000 0.006100 0.000000 $69,026.17 2.18050.006100 0.006100 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,165,554 0 3,165,554 $3,165,574.14 $0.00 $3,165,574.14 0.279749 0.000000 0.279749 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,165,574.14 $0.00 $3,165,574.14 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.279747 0.279749 0.000000 0.000000 0.279747 0.279749 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,131,576,571Total + Overlap Farm Residential 921,773,909 Commercial Industrial 68,340,770 Mineral 48,744 State Railroad 2,099,407 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,131,576,571 17,879,502 17,879,502 921,773,909 121,434,239 121,434,239 68,340,770 48,744 1,131,576,571 2,099,407 0 1,131,576,571 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $4,387.40 999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY $62,015.45 999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLAGE $6,048.08 999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE $2,332.08 999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE $24,182.52 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $4,005.88 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $50,310.52 999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE $13,838.93 999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE $21,869.44 $188,990.30Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2015)3,282,575 Limiting Rate 0.297470 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 0 New Property 4,894,159 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 4,894,159 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2019 DEVNET Incorporated BXJ 42 Tax Year: 2019 Page 273 of 313 McHenry County 04/23/2020 10:17:15 AM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTMCR - MCHENRY TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.00 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 1,600,000 0.165000 $1,600,003.83 1.000000 0.130623 0.000000 $1,600,003.83 53.33340.130623 0.130623 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 1,400,000 0.250000 $1,400,001.82 1.000000 0.114295 0.000000 $1,400,001.82 46.66660.114295 0.114295 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 $3,000,005.65 $0.00 $3,000,005.65 0.244918 0.000000 0.244918 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,000,005.65 $0.00 $3,000,005.65 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.244918 0.244918 0.000000 0.000000 0.244918 0.244918 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,231,789,153Total + Overlap Farm Residential 1,038,637,495 Commercial Industrial 9,413,184 Mineral 1,765,883 State Railroad 1,143,577 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,231,789,153 13,256,454 13,256,454 1,036,344,108 167,572,560 162,978,867 9,413,184 1,765,883 1,224,902,073 1,143,577 0 1,224,902,073 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $2,024.23 999VCGW - GREENWOOD VILLAGE $161.68 999VCJB - JOHNSBURG VILLAGE $146,713.17 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $29,702.05 999VCMC - MCCULLOM LAKE VILLAGE $10,019.68 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $318,283.70 999VCRW - RINGWOOD VILLAGE $23,042.48 999VCSG - SPRING GROVE VILLAGE $5.98 999VCWN - WONDER LAKE VILLAGE $21,724.82 $551,677.79Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2018)3,000,003 Limiting Rate 0.250270 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 6,887,080 New Property 3,410,319 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 3,410,319 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2020 DEVNET Incorporated BND 43 Tax Year: 2019 Page 275 of 313 McHenry County 04/23/2020 10:17:15 AM FINAL Tax Computation Report Taxing District TTNUR - NUNDA TWP RD & BR Equalization Factor 1.00 Fund/Name Levy Request Calc. RateMax. Rate Non-PTELL Extension PTELL Factor Rate Limited % Burden Rate Total Extension McHenry County PercentActual Rate ** 005 I.M.R.F 88,817 0.000000 $88,823.39 1.000000 0.007526 0.000000 $88,823.39 2.80600.007526 0.007526 ** 007 ROAD AND BRIDGE 582,601 0.165000 $582,604.03 1.000000 0.049364 0.000000 $582,604.03 18.40430.049364 0.049364 ** 009 PERMANENT ROAD 2,343,368 0.250000 $2,343,374.96 1.000000 0.198554 0.000000 $2,343,374.96 74.02650.198553 0.198554 ** 035 LIABILITY INSURANCE 66,743 0.000000 $66,753.27 1.000000 0.005656 0.000000 $66,753.27 2.10870.005655 0.005656 ** 047 SOCIAL SECURITY 84,025 0.000000 $84,031.70 1.000000 0.007120 0.000000 $84,031.70 2.65450.007119 0.007120 Totals (Capped) Totals (Not Capped) Totals (All) 3,165,554 0 3,165,554 $3,165,587.35 $0.00 $3,165,587.35 0.268220 0.000000 0.268220 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 $3,165,587.35 $0.00 $3,165,587.35 100.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.268217 0.268220 0.000000 0.000000 0.268217 0.268220 ** Subject to PTELL Property Type 1,180,220,474Total + Overlap Farm Residential 960,036,242 Commercial Industrial 72,393,937 Mineral 49,336 State Railroad 2,290,920 Local Railroad 0 County Total 1,180,220,474 19,267,710 19,267,710 960,036,242 126,182,329 126,182,329 72,393,937 49,336 1,180,220,474 2,290,920 0 1,180,220,474 Total EAV Rate Setting EAV Road and Bridge Transfer Municipality Fund Amount Extended 999VCBV - BULL VALLEY VILLAGE $4,261.74 999VCCL - CRYSTAL LAKE CITY $61,507.75 999VCFRV - PORT BARRINGTON VILLAGE $6,195.63 999VCHH - HOLIDAY HILLS VILLAGE $2,888.79 999VCIL - ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE $25,520.09 999VCLM - LAKEMOOR VILLAGE $4,010.19 999VCMH - MCHENRY CITY $52,842.23 999VCOH - OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE $13,913.76 999VCPG - PRAIRIE GROVE VILLAGE $20,373.73 $191,513.91Total Annexation EAV 0 Disconnection EAV 0 Recovered TIF EAV 0 Agg. Ext. Base (2017)3,165,582 Limiting Rate 0.274850 % of Burden 0.00% TIF Increment 0 New Property 6,578,894 New Property (Overlap)0 Total New Property 6,578,894 PTELL Values Copyright (C) 1997-2020 DEVNET Incorporated BND 44 City of McHenry Department of Public Works  Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works  1415 Industrial Drive  McHenry, Illinois 60050  Phone: (815) 363‐2186  tstrange@cityofmchenry.org    The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest   quality of programs and services in a customer‐oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner.      COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT  DATE:  March 22, 2021  TO:  Public Works Committee    FROM:  Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works    RE:  Veterans Park Resurfacing Project Update    ATT:  Pre‐Final Site Plan      Staff is presenting for Public Works Committee’s information a project update regarding the Veteran’s  Park asphalt resurfacing project.    The project includes resurfacing of all roads which front Veteran’s Park including the resurfacing of parking  stalls, sidewalk replacement, pavement markings as well as other necessary and incidental work.  The  project will be funded as a capital expense out of the Public Works Street Division fiscal year 2021/2022  operating budget.  The project was presented in concept at the January 11, 2021 Public Works Committee  meeting and staff was approved to move forward with design and bidding at the February 1, 2021 City  Council meeting.  Staff intend to bid the project in Spring of this year and construction is planned to begin  after Labor Day to be completed in Fall of this year.    Design is approximately 90% complete and the project will be released for bidding within the next few  months.  Staff are presenting an update on the project to brief the Public Works Committee on progress  and to discuss some minor parking layout modifications to ensure that members of the Committee are  informed of such modifications.    The Pre‐Final site plan is attached to the agenda supplement for reference and discussion.  18.00' 27'+/-VARIES 36 SP@9'=324.00'1.50'35.84'WALK TO B/C 4.98'1.50'33.74'18.00'28'+/-VARIES1.50'5.00'R20.00'R5.00'R5.00'25 SP@9'=225.00'19.69'19.27'1.50'1.50' 6.00'R3.00'R3.00' 24 SP@12.73'=305.47' 4.24' 1.50'33.92' 19.32'1.50' 35.13'14.50'1.50'5.00'24'+/-VARIESR5.00'R20.00'R5.00'R5.00'20.51'45°4.00'(TYP)12.00' 12.00'1.50'AAABDDEFGGPLANS PREPARED BY:CITY OF McHENRYPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT1415 INDUSTRIAL DRIVEMcHENRY, IL 600502021-VetParkRoads03-15-211"=30'3of6ABCDEFG