HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 09/16/2019 - City Councilv r McHenry AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers,333 S Green Street Monday, September 16,2019 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Public Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Council is invited to do so by signing in at the meeting entrance and, when recognized, stepping to the podium. Opportunities for Public Comment are also provided under each Individual Action Item. 5. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items: A. Award bid to Maneval Construction Company, Inc. for the Ringwood Road Water Main Extension Project in the amount of$102,112.35; B. Waive bidding requirements and award Cul-De-Sac Snow Removal Contract to Langton Snow Solutions, Inc. in the amount of$48,976.56; C. Authorization 41 to Curran Contracting Company for McHenry Road Resurfacing Program in the amount of$31,043.74; D. Parks &Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; E. Block Party Request; F. September 2, 2019, City Council Meeting Minutes; G. Issuance of Checks in the amount of$687,975.27; H. Issuance of As Needed Checks in the amount of$261,928.27. 6. Individual Action Item Agenda. A. Motion to extend the original capital development and impact fee reduction with a waiver of fees for single family homes,with the option to prepay, for period not to exceed 120 days,or January 24'h 2020. 7. Discussion Items. A. Prairieland Disposal Yard Waste Program 8. Executive Session. A. Adjourn to executive session for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired(5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).). 9. Staff Reports. 10. Mayor's Report. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens,businesses,and visitors with the highest quality ofprograms and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. 9C1 lenry 1 1. City Council Comments. 12. Adjourn. The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.ci.mchen , .il.us. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at815-363-2108. The proceedings of the City Council meeting are being video-recorded and every attempt is made to ensure that they are posted on the City of McHenry, IL "YouTube" channel within twenty-four (24) hours of the meeting adjournment. NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA), this and all other City Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional accommodations are needed,please call the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 MCHenrwww.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 16, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:Ringwood Road Water Main Extension Project ATT: Bid Tabulation AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider awarding the bid for the Ringwood Road (Home of the Sparrow) Water Main Extension Project to Maneval Construction Company, Inc. of Ingleside, Illinois. BACKGROUND: The Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Utility Division Capital Improvement Program includes $120,000 in Water and Sewer Funds for the extension of water main along Ringwood Road to provide water service for Home of the Sparrow. In 2018 the City Of McHenry received grant funding in the amount of $120,000 to extend the water main to the north along Ringwood Road from Shore Drive to West Shore Drive adjacent to The Home of the Sparrow. This project was awarded the grant through the Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) Program as it meets regulations codified under 24CFR 570.202(b)(6) for infrastructure related to the connection to residential structures of water distribution lines or local sewer collection lines. The project will be paid for utilizing$120,000 in Water and Sewer Funds which will be reimbursed through the CBDG Program. Staff have coordinated the preparation of construction documents and have performed bidding services. The project is anticipated to be completed by fall of this year. On September 4, 2019 three (3) bids were received for the Ringwood Road (Home of the Sparrow) Water Main Extension Project. The bids ranged from $102,112.35 to $169,742.50 and the Engineer's Estimate of Cost was $119,812.50. ANALYSIS: Staff has analyzed and checked the bids for accuracy and recommends awarding the contract to Manevail Construction Company, Inc. of Ingleside, Illinois. This is a unit price contract and the final cost of construction will be based upon final measured and documented quantities. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to award the bid to Maneval Construction Company, Inc. of Ingleside, Illinois for the Ringwood Road (Home of the Sparrow) Water Main Extension Project in the amount of$102,112.35 (actual amount may vary based on quantities used). 0 Tabulation of Bids Home of Sparrow Watermain Local Public Agency: City of McHenry Dale:9/4/2019 Name of Bidder: Maneval Construction HOlitl Sewer and Water Vian Construction County:McHenry Time:2:00 PM Address of Bidder: 28090 West Concrete Drive J..N.Rand Rtl,Suite 116 1041 Martha St Section: Appropriation: Ingleside,IL 60041 Wauconda,IL 60084 Elk Grove Village,IL 60007 Estimate: $ 119,812.50 Proposal Guarantee: Bid Bond Bid Bond Bid Bond Attended By:See Attached Attendance Sheet Terms: Approved Engineer's Estimate Item No. Item Delivery Unit Quantity Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total 1 Tree Root Pruning EACH 3 210.00 630.00 210.00 630.00 1,D00.00 3,DOO.00 360.00 1,080.W 2 Temporary Erosion Control Seeding POUND 8 52.50 420.W 52.50 420.00 50.00 400.00 MOD 900 3 Perimeter Erosion Barrier FOOT 485 3.15 1,527.75 MS 1,527.75 7.91 3 B36.35 5S0 2,667.50 4 Parkway Restoration(Seeding) SO YD 620 410 2,604.00 4.20 2,604.00 15.00 9.300.00 18.00 11,160.1)) 5 Erosion Control Blanket Removal SO YD 620 0.53 328.60 0.53 328.60 3.DO 1,86D.DO 3.10 2,294.00 Ductile Iron Water Main 6"(Restrained Joint 6 Type) FOOT 10 132.00 1.320.00 132.00 1.320.00 100.11) S 1.000.00 138.00 1,380.W 7 Ductile Iron Water Main 10" FOOT 295 146.00 43.070.00 146.10 4309.50 111.64 32933.80 142.00 41,8W.00 Ductile Iron Water Main 10"(Restrained Joint 8 T FOOT ISOV624.00 24960.DO 156.DO 24960.00 119.35 s 19096.2 146.00 23,360.00 9 Water Valves 6"Gate EACH 1 9W.W 9W.W 900.00 1,499.03 1 1,499.03 1,SW.W 2.500.00 10 Water Valves 10"Gate EACH 1 2,160.D0 2.160.00 S 2,160.D0 2,492.05 S 2,492.05 3,2W.00 3,2Do.00 Ductile Iron Water Main Fittings 10"x6"Tee 11 Restrainled Joint Type) EACH 1 624.W 624.00 62400 1.043.63 1.043.63 1,100A 1,1W.WDuctileIronWaterMainFittings10"22.5 12 De ree Bend Restained Joint T e EACH 2 960A 480.W f 960.00 917.13 s 1,834,26 9W.W 1,800.00 Ductile Iron Water main Fittings 6"Plug 13 Restrained Joint T EACH 1 180.W 180.00 190.00 746.35 746.35 450.00 f 450.00 Ductile Iron Water Main Fittings 10"Plug 14 Restrained Joint T EACH 1 276.DD 276.W 276.00 276.00 815.93 815.93 475.W 475.W Ductile Iron Water Main Sleeve 10" 15 Restrained Joint Type) EACH 1E 00 f 480.W 480.DO 480.00 917.13 917.13 9W.W 9W.W 16 Trench Backflll Water Main LF 3D 00 1,260.00 42.W 1.260.00 43.00 1,290.W 94.00 2,820.00 17 Storm Sewer Removal 12"FOOT 1s aD 1,DaO.W 7aW 1,080.00 169s1 2s426s 2a.Do 3W.W Storm Sewer,Rubber Gasket,Class A Type 18 1,12" FOOT 15 00 1.080.W 7100 S 1,080.00 185.96 2,789.40 t28.00 is".W Fire Hydrant With Autnllary Valve and Valve 19 BOX EACH 1 W 3,470.00 3.470.00 3,470.00 6,710.83 6,710.83 6,SW.W 6,SW.WValveVauhs,Type A,5'-Diamter,Type 120FrameClosedLidEACH2002,520.W 1,260.00 2,520.W 3668.50 7,337.W 1870.00 9,740.W21ConnecttoWaterMainNon-Pressure EACH t 00 S 1,320.00 1,320.00 S 1,320.W 6,957.50 5,957.50 6,450.00 6,450.00 22 Mobilization LSUM 1 0D 3,150.00 3.150.00 3.150.00 2,53D.W 2,530.W 3,000.00 - 3,000.W23TrafficControlandProtectionLSUM1001,8W.W 1.800.00 S 1,800.W 1.897.50 S 1,897.50 29.00000 29,0W.00 24 Construction La Out LSUM 150 1,312.50 1,312W 1,312.50 1,265.W 1,265.W 2,4W.W 2,400.00 25 loration Trench,S ecial FOOT 5000 6W.W 12.W 600.00 101.20 f SWOW 94.00 4,200.00 26 Hot Mix As halt Removal and Re lacement SQ YD 75 00 f 4050.W 54.00 f 4,o50.0D 49.34 3,700.50 120.00 U Read: 102,112-15 122,851 94 169.742.50 As CelcJded: 102,11235 122,85497 1 169,742.50 LOW BIDDER Notes: 1)Holiday Sewer and Water's bid contained a calcualbon error resulting in a corrected bid of$122,854.91.Revised line items are highlighted in yellow. ed 9/5/2019 BLR 12315(Rev.07116/13) V Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works ri 1415 Industrial Drive w McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 McHenr www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 16, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:Contracted Cul-De-Sac Snow Removal Services Award ATT: City Purchase order with Langton Snow Solutions, Inc. and Supplemental Agreement Conditions AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider waiving competitive bidding requirements and awarding a 2019-2020 City of McHenry Cul-De-Sac Snow Removal Contract to Langton Snow Solutions, Inc. BACKGROUND: Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget included $60,000 for contracted snow removal services to supplement manpower shortages specifically for the completion of snow removal in cul-de-sacs and eyebrows. In any given year the completion of snow removal in cul-de-sacs is a staffing challenge for the Public Works Department. In winter of 2018 and 2019 over 300 winter operations related overtime hours were utilized to complete snow removal operations in cul-de- sacs. These hours were expended over a total of ten events in which cul-de-sac drivers were called in. Historically, cul-de-sac crews have been called in for between ten and fifteen events which are in excess of two inches of snow. Staffing these shifts is a challenge due to time off allowances during the winter months permitted in the Local 150 Contract. At times these cul-de-sac routes are left to sit until drivers from other routes are available or follow up operations take place during regular daytime hours. In order to supplement these manpower shortages staff budgeted for contracted snow removal services in cul-de-sacs and eyebrows. Staff released a contract proposal for bid for cul-de-sac snow removal services for which bids were accepted in July of this year. Bid results were received on July 19, 2019 and due to pricing which was well in excess of the original budget number the initial bid results were thrown out. This pricing was based upon a number of conditions which were not representative of the City's truest need with regard to these snow removal services. The original contract proposal included snow removal for both the cul-de-sac and the roadway leading up to the cul-de-sac which is not the operation that the City currently runs with its cul-de-sac crews and will not be necessary. The original proposal was also based upon a number of events which was in excess of the number of events the City cul-de-sac crews have historically been utilized for. ANALYSIS: Staff have requested itemized pricing for the 2019-2020 winter operations season from Langton Snow Systems, Inc. who was the apparent low bidder of the original bid. The proposal includes individual route pricing for removal of snow from the ends of cul-de-sacs and not the roadways leading up to cul-de-sacs. The pricing is based upon a representative number of events for which cul-de-sac crews are called in based on previous winter operations labor and operations historical data. The scope will include all but one of the City's cul-de-sac routes and the route which will remain self-performed includes routes which have larger cul-de-sacs in industrial areas which large plow trucks can plow sufficiently with the assistance of any available personnel on a normal plowing shift. The total cost of services is within the original budget appropriation and the scope of services is representative of the specific needs for this year's winter operations season. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to waive competitive bidding requirements and award the contract to Langton Snow Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $48,976.56 with a 50%retainer of$24,988.28. Actual costs may vary and will be based upon the amount of snow events for which services are necessary. CITY OF MCHENRY PURCHASE ORDER-CONSTRUCTION(Small Projects) Date: September 16 2019 Purchase Order No. Project: 2019-2020 City of McHenry,Cut-De-Sac Snow Removal Location: City of McHenry Cul-De-Sac Routes Owner ContractorNendor Architect/Engineer City of McHenry Langton Snow Solutions,Inc. 333 South Green Street 4510 Dean Street McHenry,Illinois 60050 Woodstock,IL 60098 Phone: Phone: (815)363-2100 Fax: (815)363-2119 Phone: 815-338-2630 Fax: Contact: ( 815) Derik 63-2119Morefiel Fax: 815-338-2634 Contact: City Administrator Contact: Joe Langton COST OF WORK The Contract Price of the Work under this Purchase Order is$48,976.56. SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish the Work/items described below in accordance with the following plans and specifications: Q General Contract,dated 20_ Q Specification No(s): dated 20_ Q Plans dated: Q Addendum No(s): Q Other: Supplemental Conditions Attached The following prices shall remain in effect for the duration ofproject: UNIT OF QUANTITY MEASURE DESCRH'TION/ITEMS UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 8 EACH A2 2%5"Per Push 1,094.84 8,758.72 8 EACH A3 2%5"Per Push 1,249.40 9,995.20 8 EACH A4 2"-5"Per Push 1,154.07 9,232.56 4 EACH A2 5"-9"Per Push 1,642.28 6,569.12 4 EACH A3 5"-9"Per Push 1,874.12 7,496.48 4 EACH A4 5"-9"Per Push 1,731.12 6,924.48 TOTAL $48,976.56 NOTES: 1)Contract Includes a 50%retainer for the awarded contract price. Retainer will be due in full by March 1,2020 unless the total invoiced amount has exceeded the total retainer amount of$24,988.28. This contract is not a contract for new construction and therefore the conditions of Section 8.1 will not be applicable. WARRANTIES and INDEMNIFICATION ContractorNendor agrees to provide the following warranties for the Work: (a)all workmanship to be warranted for a period of one(I) year-manufacturer warrants material;and(b)all other warranties contained elsewhere in the Contract Documents or Supplemental Conditions hereto.Further,CONTRACTOR/VENDOR SHALL FULLY INDEMNIFY AND SAVE THE CITY OF MCHENRY HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS,LIENS,FEES,AND CHARGES,AND THE PAYMENT OF ANY OBLIGATIONS ARISING THEREUNDER,pursuant to the provisions in the Supplemental Conditions hereto. CONTRACT TIMES Langton Snow Solutions,Inc.will be responsible for providing services in accordance with this agreement beginning November 15, 2019 and ending April 15,2020. THE TERMS OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER AND THE ATTACHED SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS ARE THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY/OWNER AND VENDOR. No payment will be issued unless a copy of this Purchase Order is signed,and dated and returned to the Owner. Material certifications/test reports required.All domestic material, unless otherwise specified. Purchase exempt from sales and/or use taxes. 1 ACCEPTANCE OF PURCHASE ORDER The parties, for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of all terms and provisions herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Purchase Order the day and year written below. CONTRACTORNENDOR: PURCHASER: City of McHenry By: Title: Representative of Vendor authorized to execute Purchase Order Dated: SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS 1. Acceptance of Purchase Order: The Purchase Order is an offer to contract, buy or rent and not an acceptance of an offer to contract, sell or rent. Acceptance of this Purchase Order is expressly limited to the terms hereof, and in the event that ContractorNendor's acknowledgment or other response hereto states terms additional to or different from those set forth herein,this Purchase Order shall be deemed a notice of objection to such additional or different terms and rejection thereof. This Purchase Order may be accepted by the commencement of any Work hereunder or the delivery of any goods herein ordered,and,in any event,shall be deemed accepted in its entirety by ContractorNendor unless Owner is notified to the contrary within ten (10) days from its date of issue. 2. Amendment, Modification or Substitution: This Purchase Order contains the entire agreement between the parties. Any modification or rescission thereof must be in writing and signed by Owner. No proposals or prior dealings of the parties or trade custom not embodied herein shall alter the interpretation or enforcement of this Purchase Order. 3. Familiarity With Plans:Qualifications: ContractorNendor acknowledges that it(a)has examined the site of the proposed Work and is familiar with the conditions surrounding same;and(b)has examined the plans and drawings,and has studied and is aware of, and satisfied with,the requirements of the Contract Documents. ContractorNendor represents to Owner that it is fully experienced and properly qualified as an expert to perform the class of work provided for herein,and that it is properly equipped,organized and financed to handle such work.ContractorNendor shall finance its own operations hereunder,shall operate as an independent contractor and not as the agent of Owner,and shall hold Owner free and harmless from all liability,costs and charges by reason of any act or representations of ContractorNendor,its agents or employees. 4. Workmanship, Safety: All Work shall be performed by ContractorNendor in a neat,skillful and workmanlike manner,and all materials furnished by ContractorNendor shall be new and of the best description and quality of their respective kinds,unless otherwise specified and ordered by Owner in writing. All Work and/or materials shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Owner,its engineers and representatives. ContractorNendor is responsible for its own and its employees' activities on the jobsite, including but not limited to,the methods of work performance,superintendence,sequencing of work,and safety in,on or about the jobsite area in which it is performing the Work under this Purchase Order. Owner and ContractorNendor shall not require any laborer or mechanic employed in performance of this Purchase Order to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary,hazardous or dangerous to his health or safety,as determined under applicable federal and Illinois construction safety and health standards 5. Extra's and Chanue Orders: No claim by ContractorNendor that any instructions,by drawing or otherwise,constitute a change in ContractorNendor's performance hereunder, for which ContractorNendor should be paid additional compensation shall be valid, unless prior to commencing such allegedly extra or changed performance,ContractorNendor shall have received a written supplement to this Purchase Order authorizing such performance signed on behalf of Owner by a person have actual authority to do so.No claim for additional compensation on the basis that ContractorNendor has incurred any expense by reason of any act or failure to act or Owner or its contractor, subcontractor, materialmen or any other party shall be valid unless made in writing within 30 days of the alleged act or failure to act and approved by Owner,provided,however,that if the ContractorNendor should be delayed in furnishing the articles, items, equipment or materials (hereinafter sometimes referred to as"goods")or services or Work(hereinafter sometimes referred to as"Work")ordered herein,by the omission,neglect or default of Owner, its agents or employees,ContractorNendor shall be entitled to no additional compensation or damages for such delay, and shall be entitled only to an extension of time for a period equal to the time lost as a result of the aforesaid causes, determined by Owner. Any charges for extra not so authorized will not be paid. 2 6. Inspection and Acceptance: Owner shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect and test all goods, materials or Work furnished by ContractorNendor and all Work performed or furnished by ContractorNendor. Notwithstanding any prior inspection, the passage of title or any prior payment, all goods, material and Work furnished thereunder are subject to final inspection and acceptance by Owner at its job site. If, after inspection, Owner rejects any goods furnish by ContractorNendor thereunder, Owner may,at its election,return those goods to ContractorNendor at ContractorNendor's expense,including the cost of any inspection and testing thereof. If ContractorNendor fails to proceed promptly with the correction or replacement of any rejected goods or Work, Owner may replace or correct such items or Work by purchase or manufacture and charge the cost incurred thereby to ContractorNendor or terminate this Purchase Order for default in accordance with paragraph 12 herein. By inspecting and not rejecting any goods and Work furnished thereunder,Owner shall not be precluded thereby from subsequently revoking its acceptance thereof it the goods or Work are later discovered to be nonconforming with this Purchase Order or the specifications and drawings applicable hereto,even if the defect does not substantially impair value to Owner. 7. Taxes, Delivery, Risk of Loss: Unless indicated to the contrary on the face hereof, it shall be the responsibility of ContractorNendor to arrange for and complete delivery of all goods or materials. If the goods or materials furnished thereunder are equipment,ContractorNendor shall give Owner two(2)working days' advance notice of delivery. All goods or materials furnished by ContractorNendor should be shipped in the manner and at the times indicated on the face hereof at the expense of ContractorNendor, it being understood that the risk of loss with respect to such goods is with ContractorNendor until such goods come into the actual possession of Owner, regardless of the mode of delivery or earlier passage of title. This project is tax exempt. The Owner's tax-exempt number is E 8. Payment:Owner will make partial payments to the ContractorNendor from time to time for the Work performed and the materials furnished by the ContractorNendor. Provided,however,in no event shall Owner be obligated to pay ContractorNendor any sum that exceeds the Contract Price absent a written change order executed by Owner. Owner-(in a fer-m suitable to the Owner) an applioation for-the payment then due, tegether-With Feeeipts,waivefs of 8.1 Prior to issuanee of any payments by the Owner to t4te GetttfaeterNendar, the GantraetanAvlendar shall fttfnish to th will, evidenee showing the GontfaetarNendef's payments faf materials,labor and athef expense ifteurred in the GontfaetanAvIender's We hereunder. The Owner o)of all monies due and owing to the ContractorMendoasapat4securityforthefaithfulperformanGeofthisAgreement. This ten per-cent r 10.04a) so withhold i.A.611 not be paid to the 8.2 Owner may withhold the whole or any part of any payment due to the ContractorNendor to the extent necessary to protect and indemnify the Owner from loss on account of(a) defective Work not remedied; (b) claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims; (c) failure of the ContractorNendor to make payments promptly for material or labor; or (d) ContractorNendor's failure to furnish Owner with all written warranties and operational manuals for the Work. 8.3 ContractorNendor hereby authorizes the OWNER (1) to deduct from any amount due or becoming due the ContractorNendor under this Agreement for all amounts owing from the ContractorNendor to (a) the Owner for back-charges or services furnished for the account of the ContractorNendor; (b)the Owner for damages sustained whether through negligence of the ContractorNendor or through failure of the ContractorNendor to act as may be otherwise detailed herein; (c) materialmen; (d) subcontractors; (e) laborers; and (0 others for services and materials furnished to the ContractorNendor for the Work performed under this Agreement, and(2)to apply the amount so deducted to the payment of said materials, services, damages or back-charges applying such monies so available in the order hereinbefore set forth. 8.4 Owner,without invalidating this Agreement,may make changes by altering,adding to or deducting from the Work to be performed. The value of any such changes will be determined as follows:(a)by the unit prices named in this Agreement,if any;or(b) by agreement in writing between the Owner and the ContractorNendor as to the value of the time and materials for the changes in the Work. In any event,the ContractorNendor will keep and present, in any form as the Owner may direct, a correct account of the net cost of any extra labor and materials,together with vouchers referring to the same. 8.5 Notwithstanding the payment in full for the Work hereunder,the ContractorNendor will be liable to repair or replace any imperfect workmanship or other faults; and if the ContractorNendor fails to repair or replace the imperfect workmanship or other faults,the Owner may do the Work and recover from the ContractorNendor the cost and expense thereof. No payment on account will be construed or considered as an approval of the Work for which payment is made. 9. ContractorNendor Warranty: ContractorNendor warrants in addition to all warranties which are imposed or implied by law or equity that all materials and Work furnished thereunder (a) shall confirm to any specifications and drawings applicable to this Purchase Order; (b) shall be merchantable and of good quality and workmanship; (c) shall be fit for the purpose intended as well as the propose for which such goods, materials or Work are generally used; and (d) except for rented equipment, shall be free from defects for a period of one(1)year,or such longer period as is specified in the Scope of Work or Contract Documents, from the date such Work is performed or such materials are utilized or installed, and if installed as part of a structure or utilized equipment, for one 1)year or such longer period as is specified in the Contract Documents,from the date any such goods,materials or Work hereunder is accepted in writing by Owner. ContractorNendor expressly agrees that the statute of limitations with respect to ContractorNendor's warranties shall begin to run on the date of acceptance by Owner. 3 10. Insurance and Bonds: ContractorNendor shall at all times maintain business automobile, commercial liability and workers compensation insurance covering its work and all obligations under this Purchase Order, and shall name the Owner as an additional insured on its commercial liability insurance policies for ContractorNendor operations under this Purchase Order. Liability insurance limits shall be in an amount sufficient to protect the Owner's interests as they may appear herein, but in no event less than 1,000,000.00 per occurrence. ContractorNendor shall furnish and pay for surety bonds and with surety or sureties satisfactory to Owner, guaranteeing the full performance of all of the conditions and terms hereof and guaranteeing that ContractorNendor shall promptly pay for all labor, materials, supplies, tools, equipment and other charges or costs of ContractorNendor in connection with the Work. Such performance and payment bond shall be in an amount determined by Owner. 11. Indemnity: The Parties hereby agree to indemnify, and hold each other, their respective direct and indirect parents and subsidiaries, project manager, any of their affiliated entities, successors and assigns and any current or future director, officer, employee, partner, member or agent of any of them (the "Indemnitees") harmless from any and all claims , demands, liability, loss, damage, fines, penalties, attorney's fees and litigation expenses (collectively "Loss")arising out of injury to, including the death of, persons and/or damage to property,to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the party providing such indemnification. Further: 11.1 ContractorNendor acknowledges that any such items or Work furnished hereunder may include in whole or in part with or without modification or improvements in equipment,machinery or items constructed by Owner,and that should such item or Work prove defective such charges claimed by Owner shall include consequential damages, penalties, taxes or assessments (including punitive damages),including counsel fees and the costs of defense,which may be imposed or incurred under any federal,state or local low, ordinance or regulation upon or with respect to (a) the payment of compensation to any individual employed by ContractorNendor;(b)any discrimination against any individual employed by ContractorNendor on the basis of race,color,religion, sex, national origin or physical or mental handicap; (c) the protection of purchasers and users of consumer products; or (d) occupational safety and health. 11.2 In any and all claims against Owner or any of its agents or employees, by any employee of ContractorNendor, the indemnification obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for ContractorNendor under workers compensation acts, disability benefits acts or employee benefit acts, or other applicable law. ContractorNendor assumes the entire liability for its own negligence, and as part of this Agreement waives all defenses available to ContractorNendor as an employer which limit the amount of ContractorNendor's liability to Owner to the amount of ContractorNendor's liability under any workers compensation,disability benefits or employee benefit acts. 12. Patents:ContractorNendor warrants that(a)goods furnished thereunder,and the sale and use thereof,shall not infringe any valid United States patent or trademark;and(b)ContractorNendor shall indemnify Owner for its costs to defend any suit instituted against Owner,its agents or customers,charging infringement of any United States patent or trademark by virtue of the possession,use or sale of any goods furnished thereunder is enjoined because of patent infringement. ContractorNendor within a reasonable amount of time shall at ContractorNendor's expense procure for Owner its agents or customer, the right to continue using such goods with non- infringing goods or modify such goods so that they become non-infringing or remove such goods and refund to Owner any sums paid therefore,including transportation and installation charges. 13. Cancellation: Time of delivery of this Purchase Order is of the essence and Owner may, by written notice of default to ContractorNendor,cancel the whole or any part of this Purchase Order(a)if ContractorNendor fails to make delivery of the goods or perform the services within the time specified herein or any extensions thereof;or(b)if ContractorNendor fails to perform or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance thereunder,and in either circumstance does not cure such failure within a period of two 2) days after receipt of notice from Owner specifying such failure. Owner, by written notice to ContractorNendor, may cancel the whole or any part of this Purchase Order when it is in the best interest of Owner or when Owner has been notified of modification of the specifications pertaining thereto. If this Purchase Order is so canceled,the ContractorNendor shall be compensated as follows:(a) for materials delivered and services performed, the reasonable value as part of the Contract Price; (b) for materials not identified to this Purchase Order and service not performed, no compensation; and (c) for ContractorNendor's lost profits or incidental or consequential loss,no compensation. 14.Remedies: ContractorNendor shall,for the duration of its warranties under paragraph 9 herein,at the discretion of Owner and at the expense of ContractorNendor, replace, repair and insure any and all faulty or imperfect goods, materials or Work furnished or performed by ContractorNendor thereunder. In the event ContractorNendor fails to do so,Owner may furnish or perform the same, and may recover from ContractorNendor the cost and expense directly or indirectly resulting there from, including all consequential damages but not limited to the cost or expense of inspection, testing, removal, replacement, re-installation, destruction of other materials resulting there from,any increased cost or expense to Owner in its performance under contracts with others,and reasonable attorneys fees incurred by the Owner in connection with Vendor's default and Owner's enforcement of its rights under this Purchase Order. The foregoing remedies shall be available in addition to all other remedies available to Owner in equity or at law including the Uniform Commercial Code. 4 15. Compliance With Laws:During the performance hereunder,ContractorNendor agrees to give all notices and comply with all Laws and Regulations of the United States and/or the State of Illinois applicable to the performance of the Work,including but not limited to those Laws and Regulations regarding the payment of prevailing wages,non-discrimination laws,employment of Illinois workers,labor,wage and collective bargaining. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, Owner shall not be responsible for monitoring ContractorNendor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. 16. Notices: All notices, demands, requests or other communications which may be or are required to be given, served, or sent by any party to any other party pursuant to this Purchase Order shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered,or sent by courier,or via facsimile with confirmation to the addresses shown on the Purchase Order. 17. Records, Reports and Information: ContractorNendor agrees to furnish Owner with reports and information regarding the Work performed under this Purchase Order,at such times as Owner may reasonably request,making full disclosure of efforts made by ContractorNendor and the results thereof. ContractorNendor agrees to maintain records,documents, and other evidence which will accurately show the time spent and Work performed under this Purchase Order for a minimum period of five (5) years after completion of the Work, and such records shall be subject to audit by the Owner upon reasonable advance notice to ContractorNendor on a mutually agreed date and time. 18. Assienment: ContractorNendor shall not assign this Purchase Order without written consent of Owner. Owner may unilaterally assign its rights under this Purchase Order upon reasonable notice to ContractorNendor. 19. Waiver: Either party's failure to insist in any one or more instances, upon the strict performance of any provision hereof or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver or relinquishment of the future performance of any such provision or the future exercise of such right, but the obligation of ContractorNendor and Owner with respect to such future performance shall continue in full force and effect. 20. Controlline Law, Severability: The validly of this Purchase Order or any of its provisions and the sufficiency of any performance thereunder shall be determined under the laws of Illinois. Venue shall be in McHenry County, Illinois. The Owner is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in enforcing the terms of this Purchase Order. If any provision or requirement of this Purchase Order is declared or found to be unenforceable that balance of this Purchase Order shall be interpreted and enforced as if the unenforceable provision or requirement was never a part hereof. 21. Arbitration: Claims, disputes or other matters in question between the parties arising out of or relating to the Work under this Purchase Order or breach thereof shall be subject to and decided by Arbitration in accordance with the American Arbitration Association Construction Industry's Arbitration Rules. Arbitration shall take place at City of McHenry City Hall. CONTRACTORNENDOR: Date 5 4,LANGTbN Jk r 'GROUP Full sell a t.anduape.ind 0,115truation 815-338-2630 2019-2020 City of McHenry Cul-De Sac Snow Removal Supplemental Conditions BILLING All invoices are due within thirty(30)days of the date of invoice.For any amount owed fifteen(15)days past the due date,the Owner agrees to pay LSSI a finance charge of 1.75%per month or 21%per year.If the Owners account is past due,LSSI may without notice,suspend its obligation to perform Services until LSSI receives all amounts past due and owing.During the period of such suspension,the Owner agrees and understands that LSSI will not be liable for any costs or damages, including but not limited to consequential damages,to the Owner or any other parry that may arise from or be related to such a suspension of Services. The Owner also agrees to pay any expenses incurred by LSSI in collecting amount due,including court costs,all reasonable attorneys'fees and all other reasonable costs of collection. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE LSSI,an independent contractor,will provide Snow and Ice Management to the Owner's Property,subject to the terms and conditions described in this agreement and the Owner agrees to provide LSSI with access to the Property to perform these services: SNOW AND ICE MANAGEMENT SERVICES: LSSI will provide the following Snow and Ice anagement Services (Services) on a Property accor mg to the terms and conditions described in this Agreement: i.LSSI will clear snow& ice accumulations from roadways(routes)at locations determined by the Village after two(2)inch of snow accumulation in most cases or when dispatched by the Village. When snow & ice removal begins, roadways will be plowed and cleared to bare pavement conditions.This process will complete what is to be termed a"plowing occurrence". ii.After LSSI clears the roadways of snow by plowing, LSSI will Not be responsible for applying deicing materials. iii. LSSI will not apply deicing material. iv. LSSI is not responsible for plowing, clearing or deicing areas where cars are parked. LSSI will make reasonable efforts to clear parking areas between and around parked cars. V.LSSI will do its best to push snow off the paved areas using snow plows.In the case where snow has caused the loss of parking space or accumulated snow has encroached into the paved areas, LSSI,when requested,will provide snow relocation services based upon our Hourly Service Rates. These services will be provided on a first call/first serve basis and only after LSSI has completed its normal plowing and deicing operations. vi. During periods of Severe Weather Conditions(see Section 5) it may/will be necessary to provide multiple plowing operations to remove excess accumulations. Page 1 B. SNOW HAULING AND RELOCATION SERVICES: Excluded from these Snow and Ice Management Services is hauling or relocating snow within the Property or off of the Property and use of loaders to pile and perform additional pushing during or after successive storms.LSSI must be authorized by the Owner to provide these additional services which will be provided at the Hourly Service Rates below. C. HOURLY SERVICE AND MATERIAL RATES: LSSI will perform Hourly Services as described above and when applicable based upon the following rate schedule: Pickup Truck with an minimum 8'blade $120 per hour 1 Ton Dump Truck 120 per hour 30 Yard Semi Dump Truck 245 per hour 12-14 Yard Dump Truck 187.50 per hour 1 Yard Skid Steer Loader 120 per hour 2 Yard Front End Loader 218 per hour 3 Yard Front End Loader 272 per hour ATV With Plow 92 per hour Snow Blower With Operator 87 per hour Laborer With Shovel 72 per hour Sidewalk Ice Melt Applied 38 per bag Bulk Rock Salt Applied 225 per ton Lowboy Transportation Fee varies per occurrence SEVERE AND UNUSUAL WEATHER CONDITIONS LSSI and Owner agree that Severe Weather Conditions are defined as follows: The above rates are portal to portal,including lowboy transportation fee to move equipment to and from a location. A. SEVERE WEATHER DEFINITION: Severe Weather shall be defined as anyone or a combination of the following.8"of snowfall or more within a 24 hour period(Blizzard),as measured by NOAA;a period of high winds accompanied by blowing and drifting snow; an accumulation of freezing rain or ice, a period when air temperatures or wind chill temperatures are below 10 degrees Fahrenheit;or when the duration of the same storm exceeds 24 hours. B.BLIZZARD FEE:NOT APPLICABLE C.DRIFTING SNOW: Clearing of drifted snow on days without snowfall or clearing of drifted snow after 24 hours from when the snow began will be invoiced at our Hourly Rates as detailed in Section 4.Clearing of drifted snow will only be completed on a first call/first serve basis upon authorization from the Owner. D.ICE CONTROL:Ice control for the following situations will be invoiced at the Hourly Rates as detailed in Section 4: Severe icing from accumulations of snow,or from compacted snow, or from freezing rain or from the melting of accumulations from roofs or downspout runoff,or melting from stockpiled snow,or ice buildups requiring hand labor to chip the ice. E.POTENTIAL SALT SHORTAGE:Due to salt shortages from the salt suppliers,potential imposed salt rationings and priority given to municipalities,LSSI cannot guarantee and cannot be held responsible for the availability of deicing materials to be used for ice control or for any consequential damages because of a shortage. Page 2 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.PROPERTY DAMAGE AND TURF REPAIR PROVISIONS LSSI and Owner agree that LSSI will not be liable to owner for any damage to Owner's Property, personal injuries or other liability arising out of acts outside of LSSI's control including but not limited to vandalism, flood, fire, hail, rain, snow freezing, lack of salt availability or other natural causes or acts of persons other than LSSI's employees or agents.LSSI shall not be held responsible or liable for any accidents resulting in injuries due to slips or falls on Owner's Property for any person except employees or agents of LSSI when injuries occurred while providing services to the Owner's Property. LSSI will exercise reasonable care to avoid damage to pavement,curbs,trees and shrubs.Prior to the start of the snow season,the Owner agrees to document the existing conditions of the Property and will have LSSI review and sign off on those existing conditions or LSSI will not be responsible for any assumed damages.LSSI and the Owner agree that LSSI shall not be responsible for:(a)damage to sidewalks,curbs,sod,or other plant materials due to the application of salt,calcium chloride or other de-icing agents;(b)damage done by plowing blade to concrete,asphalt or other surfaces to be plowed; (c) damage to existing landscape caused by the piling of snow; (d) damage to items that are snow-covered or not visible; (e) damage caused by equipment when tree, shrub and sidewalk areas are not reasonably delineated due to snow accumulation; (f) damage to vehicles, other than the contractor's equipment and vehicles, due to icy conditions, unless directly damaged by the contractor's equipment or vehicles; (g) damage or loss resulting from melting snow and refreezing conditions;(h)water damage caused by melting snow or ice. In the event that LSSI damages any turf by snow plowing,pushing or loading snow,LSSI will re-seed the damaged turf in the spring following completion of the Snow and Ice Management Services and Owner will provide watering if needed. The Owner will report in writing any property damage caused by LSSI within forty-eight(48)hours of its occurrence. LSSI will repair any timely and properly reported property damage in the spring season following completion of the Snow and Ice Maintenance Services season in which the property damage occurred.Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,LSSI will have no obligation,and the Owner waives any damages for,any property damage not timely and properly reported. PHOTO RELEASE LSSI and the Owner agree:LSSI has the right to photograph the Property on which services are provided;these images are products of LSSI's work and remain the property of LSSI in perpetuity;LSSI reserves its common law copyrights and other property rights to these images;LSSI has the right to publish,and/or use images of the Property in whole or in part, for promotion and advertising, and other specific LSSI uses such as: an awards competition, LSSI website, recruiting,marketing brochures,magazine or newspaper articles and any other lawful purpose whatsoever. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS This proposal is based on the average daily price for diesel fuel being less than$4.00 per gallon as determined by the Department of Energy("DOE")National Mid-West Average Price of Fuel. (This information is updated and available after 4:00pm each Monday on the DOE website at http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/gdu/gasdiesel.asp)If fuel rates go above$4.00 per gallon,there will be a 1%increase to the contract;if rates go above$4.50 per gallon,there will be a 2% increase to the contract;if fuel rates go above$5.00 per gallon,there will be a 3%increase to the contract. The pricing of deicing application materials is subject to change during the duration of the contract term due to the market adjustments to the cost of materials.LSSI reserves the right to re-visit this pricing annually with the owner if the pricing of deicing application materials increases by 5%over the estimated costs on or after November 1st of each season. Langton Snow Solutions,Inc.Emergency Contact Info: Office:---------------------------------(815)338-2630 Fax:------------------------------------(815)338-2634 Dispatch(Tony Schanna Jr.):------ (815)209-4638 Owner Joe Langton):---- (847)980-1269 Owner John Langton):--- (847)612-5279 Operations (Tanner Lindell)---(815)980-9931 OPERATIONAL INFORMATION Snow and Ice Removal Operations will be 24 hours a day 7 days a week and including Holidays. Page13 Attachment A2 RT 2 Cul-de-Sacs and Dead Ends 1. East end of Willow Ln 2. East end of Spruce Ln 3. East end of Home Ave 4. East end of Bonner Dr 5. Lawn Ct 6. Glen Dr 7. Beach Rd 8. Beach Place 9. West end of Home Ave 10. Springdale Ln (2) 11. Radcliff Ct 12. Amherst Ct 13. Whiteoak Ct 14. April Ave 15. Whiteoak Dr 16. Whiting Dr 17. Cherryhill Ct 18. Albert Dr 19. Whiting Ct 20. Tomlinson Ct 21. Landings Ct 22. Graue Mill Ct 23. Settlers Ct 24. Crooked Tree Ct 25. Trappers Ct 26. Cornell Ct 27. Drake Ct 28. Bradley Ct 29. Leonard Ave 30. Donavan Ct 31. Lauren Ct 32. Donavan St North end 33. Schaid Ct 34. Diamond Dr 35. Oak Dr 5 V Y o1,1T o rEegiFa4 Y2^f a=a ac " cGg _ a a LL U. O aa a O: A, t x : I i TITTH FF1 HIM b i~ 4-P oc Attachment A3 RT3 Cul-de-Sacs, Dead Ends& Eyebrows 1. Newport Tr 2. Eaglewood Tr 3. Independence Ct 4. Barkley Ct 5. Jordan Ct 6. Blue Grass Tr(2) 7. Wimbleton Tr 8. Castlewood Tr 9. Steeplechase Ct 10. Lancaster Cir(2) 11. Whitmore Tr 12. Cork Ln 13. Wicklow Dr 14. Donegal Ct 15. Tralee Ln 16. Waterford Ct 17. Glenmoor Ct 18. Galway Dr 19. Liam Ln (2) 20. Farmstrad Ct 21. Shannon Dr 22. Limerick Ln 23. Roundup Rd 24. Pin Oak Ct 25. Tamarack Ct 26. Hayward Ct 27. Sycamore Ct 28. Tustamena Tr 29. Illiamna Tr 30. Katmai Tr 31. Seattle Ct 32. Timber Tr 33. Ridgeway tr 34. Timber Tr east end 35. Deerwood Tr 36. Forest oak Dr 37. Eagle Point A A M LH C Q Mum" YY U O a NLL M j;77— nry w avaisrvava LL h aroy nr wno r fi evW R S 711111 wo s Er p v g E E m IN Q N M 00 O! C 4 YI V n N N N N N n m M M m M M M m J Attachment A4 RT4 Cul-de-Sacs& Eyebrows 1. Logan St 2. Meade St 3. Wood St 4. Somerset Mall 5. Front Royal Ct 6. Across from Community Center 7. Chesterfield Ct 8. Essex Ct 8A. Hampton Ct (eyebrow) 9. Cumberland Circle 10. Wiltshire(eyebrow) 11. Melrose Ct 12. Windslow Ct 13. Woodmar Ct 14. DePaul Ct 15. Greendale Ct 16. Dartmoor east end 17. Joyce Ct 18. Oakton Ct 19. Barnwood Ct 20. Veretta Ct 21. Colony Ct 22. Carriage Tr(2) 23. Driftwood Ct 24. Glenbrook Tr west of Crystal Lake Rd (eyebrow) 25. Remmington Tr(eyebrow) 26. Brookwood Tr(eyebrow) 27. Windhaven Ct(2) 28. Abby Dr 29. Winding Creek Dr 30. Creekside Ct 31. Springbrook Ct (2) r I 112 27 0-6 irrrrrrr I1 lnnnul AM a Rs OUR i!1,1 unl iuliii 1 iiill ni I Il ii'. I t r I,QPIIIIII III1111 1111111 11111111/ . rr . . IIIIIrr i. i 1111/111r1S3a ,, .:, :+'O'I I` a x r ^ +. fi 111111, indl, Iowa MUMMINK 1 ,- h'1 o,""'V Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works ti 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 McHenrwww.ci.mchenry.il.us 815) 363-2214 ww.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 16, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:2019 Road Resurfacing Program ATT: Authorization #1 & HR Green, Inc. Recommendation Letter AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to consider approval of Authorization #1 to Curran Contracting Company of Crystal Lake, Illinois in the amount of$31,043.74 for the 2019 City of McHenry Road Resurfacing Program. BACKGROUND: At the July 15, 2019 City Council meeting, City Council awarded a contract in the amount of 777,777.70 to Curran Contracting Company of Crystal Lake, Illinois for the construction of the 2019 City of McHenry Road Resurfacing Program. Authorization #1 is being presented before Council for approval for an increase in concrete curb and gutter replacement above the awarded amounts. ANALYSIS: Upon removal of the asphalt overlay which covered the existing concrete curb and gutter on Chickaloon Drive,the curbs were inspected and failed locations of concrete curb and gutter were marked out for removal and replacement. The initial engineer's estimate for this quantity was ten percent of the total lineal footage of curb and gutter at all project locations which is a historically representative number based upon past road resurfacing programs. Traditionally all concrete curb and gutter replacement locations would be measured in design but because the curb and gutter was overlaid with asphalt,the condition was not visible and these measurements were not able to be taken. Therefore, the estimated quantity was based upon historical records of past programs. HR Green, Inc., who is performing Phase III Engineering Services on the project has prepared the attached authorization in the amount of$31,043.74 for the recommended changes. This change increases the total contract price to $808,821.44,which is a 3.99%increase in the contract price. This addition is necessary for the successful completion of the project and is germane to the contract as signed. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve Authorization #1 to Curran Contracting Company of Crystal Lake, Illinois for the 2019 City of McHenry Road Resurfacing Program in the amount of$31,043.74. 420 North Front Street I Suite 100( McHenry,IL.60050 Main 815,385.1778 1 Fax 815.385.1781 HRGreen August 29, 2019 Mr. Troy Strange, P.E. City of McHenry— Department of Public Works Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 RE: McHenry 2019 Road Program Project Request for Approval of Change in Plans 1 Dear Mr. Strange: Attached is a Request for Approval of Change in Plans, for the City of McHenry 2019 Road Program Project. After removal of the HMA over the existing curb and gutter on Chickaloon Drive, is was observed that more concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement would be necessary. HR Green evaluated the curb and completed layout for proposed curb removal. HR Green has determined that in addition to the plan quantity an additional 673.4 feet of curb and gutter needs to be removed. This change in plans represents a change that was not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed. HR Green recommends approval of this request for change in plan quantities. Change Order 1 Breakdown Total Change Order 1 31,043.74 Amount of Original Contract 777,777.70 Amount of Previous CO's 0.00 Total Net Change to Date 3.99% Amount of Adjusted Contract $808,821.44 Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. 1 Justin M uzes, CPII Attachments: Request for Approval of Change in Plans BLR-13210 cc: Mr. Michael Pachla, P.E., Curran Contracting Company Mr. Chad Pieper, P.E., HR Green Mr. Todd Destree, P.E., HR Green j:\2019\190863\construction\change_management\change_orders tr-08292019-coved etterchangeorderl.d ocx Illinois Department Request for Approval of Transportation of Change in Plans Date: 8/29/2019 County:McHenry Request No. 1 _ El Final Road District or Municipality: City of McHenry Contractor: Curran Contracting Co. Section No. 19-00001-00-GM Address: 286 Memorial Court Crystal Lake, IL 60014 1 recommend that this addition be made to the above contract. addition,extension,deduction) to,from) The estimated quantities are shown below and the contractor agrees to furnish the materials and do the work at the unit prices. Item Description Unit QuantityUnit Price Addition(A)or Total Addition Total DeductionpDeduction(D) COMB CURB GUTTER REM FOOT 673.40 7.50 A $ 5,050.50 $ COMB CC&G TM6.12 FOOT 673.40 38.60 A $25,993.24 $ Total Changes:1 $31,043.74 $ BLR 13210 (Rev.11/07/13) Printed 8/29/2019 1 of 2 Total Net Change: 31,043.74 Amount of Original Contract: 777,777.70 Amount of Previous Change Orders: Amount of adjusted/final contract: 808,821.44 Total net addition to date $ 31,043.74 which is 3.99 %of the contract price. addition,deduction) State fully the nature and reason for the change: After HMA removal from over existing curb and gutter it was identified that additional curb and gutter removal and replacement is necessary. This change is based on actual field conditions that were unknown prior to construction. When the net increase or decrease in the cost of the contract is$10,000.00 or more, or the time of completion is increased or decreased by 30 days or more,one of the following statements must be checked: 1 The undersigned has determined that the circumstances which necessitate this change were not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed. The undersigned has determined that the change is germane to the original contract as signed. The undersigned has determined that this change is in the best interest of the Local Agency and is authorized by law. Prepared by: 01 En ineerin chnician II Title Preparer For County and Road District Projects For Municipal Projects Highway Commissioner Municipal Officer Date Title of Municipal Officer Submitted/Approved Date County Engineer/Superintendent of Highways Approved Date Regional Engineer Date Note: Make out separate form for change in length quantities. Give net quantities Submit 6 Originals If plans are required attached 3 sets. BLR 13210 (Rev.11/07/13) Printed 8/29/2019 2 of 2 Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation McHenry Recreation Center 3636 Municipal Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2160 W ram- Fax: (815) 363-3119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us/park—recreation CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 16, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities&Special Use permit requests ATT: Permit List and Applications All fees and documentation have been satisfactorily submitted for the attached McHenry Parks Recreation Facilities &Special Use permit requests. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached McHenry Parks & Recreation Facilities &Special Use permit requests. The Citv of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens,businesses,and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and frsca4t,responsible manner. FOR COUNCIL MEETING ON SEPTEMBER 16,2019 Shelter Rental Alcohol Permits These are alcohol permit requests associated with shelter rentals Date Applicant Address Park Purpose 09/22/19 Erika Orc 4019 Oak Avenue Vets Park Birthday Party 09/29/19 Mikaila Connor 4708 Argyle Lane PP A Birthday Party Special Use Permits These are special use permit requests associated with shelter rentals Date Applicant Address Park Special Use None Recreation Center Room Rental Alcohol Permits These are alcohol permit requests associated with Recreation Center room rentals or programs. Date Applicant Address Rec Center Purpose None McHenry Recreation Center Facility Rental & Special Use Permit Application McHenryParks6RfCKallonUtpdrtnKrtl Application Date: Rental Dater I G Rental Time(include set-up/clean-up): Name of Applicant: Y 01-Ci Date of Birth: Group/Organization(if applicable): j Address:_ `CJI I (Qk Aw, Tli Q City/State/Z.ip:V Home Phone: - Event Title/Activity: 17 C C:(4 Attendance: 5 0 SHELTER/SAFETY TOWN: (daily rate) Knox A Petersen A Petersen C Safety Town Knox B Petersen B AVeterans Other WEDDING: Rails removed at Veterans Memorial Park($25 fee) MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER:(hourly rate) ROOM: Kitchen($35 fee) Room A Room B Room C Studio SET-UP: Banquet Board Room Classroom Theater TABLES/CHAIRS: #Round Rect Chairs BEER/WINE:(at least 4 weeks notice needed)-No other alcohol allowed TYPE: Wine Oeer AMOUNT:4 Bottles Cases 11 SPECIAL USE:(at least 4 weeks notice needed)-Equipment provided by renter Tent Location: Bounce House *Applicant to call JULIE(1-800-892-0123)for staking of Tents/Bounce Houses k#Tables ( Band/DJ Carnival Rides Animals Chairs_ Wedding Arch Performer Catered Pig Roast Other OTHER: Groups ove DAMAGE DEP: Credit Card 1/ Signature:_ Approval will be based on the items usteo auove.Any other requests are subject to further approval.It applicable,health permits are required by law for concessions and catering.Please make arrangements to obtain permits.McHenry County Department of Health:815-334-4585 1 agree all alcohol containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the rental date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any alcohol brought into City of McHenry property under this permit.I agree that none of the alcohol allowed in City of Mcflenry property,pursuant to this application will be sold,it being understood that the sale of alcohol under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited.I also understand that not complying with the rules will result in loss of deposit. I agree to hold the City of McHenry,its employees and agents harmless,and indemnify same from any and all liability of injury to person or property occurring as a result of the activity sponsored by permittee and said person shall be liable to the City of McHenry for any and all damage to parks, recreation facilities and equipment owned by same,which results from or during the activity of permittee or is caused by participant in said activity.All persons agree to comply with the City of McHenry Municipal Code and all Parks&Recreation regulations.I have read and fully understand the McHenry Recreation Center Rental and/or Shelter Guidelines. 1 Signature:_ L J~- Date: f J '71l C McHenry Recreation Center Facility Rental & Special Use Permit Application McHenryPoktSR.nraHvn 0,7""11 Application Date: Rental Date: G 'q Rental Time(include set-Up/clean-Up):_ Name of Applicant: Mu'k'Aa _ wnu Date of Birth: Group/Organization(if applicable):`` n Address: t SI(4 1 ' _1 City/State/Zip: ' `C—It Horne Phone: Event Title/Activity: 1, 54 or\( d Q k 6M Attendance: SHELTER/SAFETY TOWN:(daily rate) Knox A 14,Petersen A Petersen C Safety Town Knox B Petersen B Veterans Other WEDDING: Rails removed at Veterans Memorial Park($25 fee) MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER:(hourly rate) ROOM: Kitchen($3s fee) Room A Room B Room C Studio SET-UP: Banquet Board Room Classroom Theater TABLES/CHAIRS: #Round Rect Chairs BEER/WINE:(at least 4 weeks notice needed)—No other alcohol allowed TYPE: Wine ABeer AMOUNT:Bottles Cases SPECIAL USE:(at least 4 weeks notice needed)—Equipment provided by renter Tent Location: O-Bounce House *Applicant to call JULIE(1-800-892-0123)for staking of Tents/Bounce Houses Tables_ Band/DJ Carnival Rides Animals Chairs Wedding Arch Performer Catered Pig Roast Other OTHER: Groups over 500 must o DAMAGE DEP: Credit Card Numb e,r Signature:2 : Approval will be based on the items listen...,.,.',. y ,,,,y r,., ,«<< ,,.,,aNN,.d,. ,nNN, r, c. N , . equired by law for concessions and catering.Please make arrangements to obtain permits.McHenry County Department of Health:815-334-4585 1 agree all alcohol containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the rental date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any alcohol brought into City of McHenry property under this permit.I agree that none of the alcohol allowed in City of McHenry property,pursuant to this application will be sold,it being understood that the sale of alcohol under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited.I also understand that not complying with the rules will result in loss of deposit. I agree to hold the City of McHenry,its employees and agents harmless,and indemnify same from any and all liability of injury to person or property occurring as a result of the activity sponsored by permittee and said person shall be liable to the City of McHenry for any and all damage to parks, recreation facilities and equipment owned by same,which results from or during the activity of permittee or is caused by participant in said activity.All persons agree to comply with the City of McHenry Municipal Code and all Parks&Recreation regulations.I have read and fully understand the McHenry Recreation Center Rental and/or Shelter Guidelines. Signature: o"k6nmN// Date: 'Kfaw_' I Monte Johnson Deputy City Clerk 333 S Green Street 10McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 cHenr Fax: (815) 363-2119 mjohnson@cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DATE: September 16, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Monte Johnson RE:Block Party Request ATT: Application AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: The following Block Party application has been submitted for consideration by Council: Cornell Court: An application has been submitted by Natalie Tiess, address of 3706 Cornell Court Court, for the purpose of holding a block party on Saturday, September 21s', between 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. They are requesting temporary closure of Cornell Court from 3702 W Cornell east to the cul-de-sac. The Public Works Department and Police Department have reviewed the application and have no issues with the request. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City of McHenry allows block parties on all residential streets providing that they do not block intersections, cul-de-sacs or other roadways. To schedule a block party, city residents obtain a permit application online or at the Municipal Center and return it to the City Administrator's office. There is no fee for the permit. Once approved, only moveable barriers sawhorses) that are dropped off and picked up by Public Works can be used to control traffic. Blocking streets with vehicles is prohibited. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion be made to approve the block party request as presented. Public Works will provide barricades and the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and Police Department will be notified of the event. The City of McHenry is dedicated io providing its citizens,businesses,anti visitors with the highest duality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. Block Party Perinit Application Revised 6/19 Application submitted by: cx 1, f 7n tf c, Street Address:.&M L 0 W r ) , C-f Date Submitted:9 —2— tC'1 NOTE: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AT LEAST 30 DA I'S PRIOR TO DATE,OF PROPOSED BLOCK PARTY Date of Block Party: - 2— 1 — y Q 20 Hours of Proposed Street Closure: a.m./ .In, urtil10a.m./ .m. Subdivision Name: Specific Location of Proposed Street Closure(i.e. from what intersection to what intersection): Street from-r)f to 0U t C1-C Sac, Contact Person(s): L 0, l Q_ les_5 Contact Person(s)Address: W. CQ4'C[(Email: Daytime Phone Number: Evening Phone Number: 1 hereby certify all persons in my neighborhood impacted by the closure of this street have been notified of same. Signed: s Date: C1 / /0 I-------------------------------------------------- UPON COMPLETION,PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: CITY OF MCHENRY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET MCHENRY IL 60050 OR FAY:815-363-2119 ORE-MAIL: InjOlinson@ci,mell ell ly.il,us OFFICE USE ONLY COUNCIL APPROVAL ON: / / NOTIFICATION MADE TO: MCHENRY POLICE DEPT. MCHENRY PUBLIC WORKS STREE'rDIVISION MCH TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT APPLICANT City of McHenry City CouncilZZiv 9.3.19 y McHenry REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Minutes City Council Chambers,333 S Green Street Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 Call to Order: The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in regular session on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the McHenry City Council Chambers, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL. Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, Alderwoman Bahne and Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Interim Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, and Chief of Police Birk, and City Clerk Ramel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance Public Hearing: Call to order a Public Hearing for consideration of an Annexation Agreement, Annexation, Zoning Map Amendment and Conditional Use Permit to allow Agritourism and a Landscape Business with Outdoor Storage for the property located at 4727 W. Crystal Lake Road. Attorney Steve Cuda, Woodstock IL, behalf of Harms Farm. Petitioned the City of McHenry to annex officially into the city, Harms Farm is part of agriculture, snow removal business, and seasonal activities that happen on the property, which has been in business for 55 years.There are no new uses being proposed to the business, they attorney and owners feel it makes sense to annex into the City of McHenry. Discussion included the point that it is cost effective to do business to work with the City of McHenry, and would like to bring Harms Farm under the jurisdiction of the city. According to their attorney the zoning board unanimously agreed that the requested zoning be approve therefore why they were present at the Council Meeting tonight. The format is something that we should all be comfortable with per the attorney. There is one elector not three one error that was made. 25, 26, 27, 28 annexation. There is nothing new being requested which was again discussed Harms Farm has a garden center, landscape business, snow removal, agriculture, and lawn care, along with retail sales such seasonal items. The details regarding the annexation request were outlined along with an exhibit board that was placed in front of the Council showing the layout of the property of the business. The owners and staff/family were present at the meeting as we were no public comments, but support from the Harms Family.Alderman Glab showed his support in the tradition of the Harms Farm. The only clarification that was requested was in regards to storage on the property by 1 City of McHenry City Council 9.3.19 several of the Alderman. Discussion regarding signage per Council and the specifications regarding signs, there are four signs that just change regarding seasonal patronage but not the size of the signs. The Council congratulated the Harms Farm business, welcoming them to the City of McHenry. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to close the public hearing. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Baehne, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderwoman Baehne to approve an Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Annexation Agreement with Trust Number 12742, Dennis L. Harms and Theresa M. Harms, with reference to Lot 25 having Shirley Harms as the trustee and sole beneficiary, with specifications of the existing two signs and four banners, and with allowing the petting zoo and animals as is currently practiced. Roll Call: Vote: 8-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Baehne, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, Mayor Jett. 0- nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Glab to approve an Ordinance authorizing the Annexation of property at 4727 W. Crystal Lake Road. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Baehne, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, Mayor Jett. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Schaefer, to approve an Ordinance Authorizing a Zoning Map Amendment to A-1 Agriculture and a Conditional Use Permit to allow Agritourism and a Landscape Business with Outdoor Storage for the property located at 4727 W. Crystal Lake Road, with the inclusion of the snow removal and lawn maintenance business. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Baehne, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Public Comments: Corey Groupy/Jeff Olson: looking to open three dispensaries in the area, have a security team that they provide. They gave their opinions regarding the dispensaries and wanted to know if they could answer questions that the Council has. Some discussion continued regarding dispensary. Paula Ray discussed her views regarding medical use of Cannabis, location and also some of the risks and locations as well. Developing a task force about educating the community regarding this. Talked about licenses etc. Jay another guest speaker talked about his past applying for the licenses, talked about community support that is needed regarding success rate. Talked about security and its importance as well. City of McHenry City Council 9.3.19 Consent Agenda: A Motion was made to approve the Following Consent Agenda Item A: A.Ordinance Amending Chapter 12, Licenses and Permits Generally, Raffles; A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Consent Agenda Item as present. Roll Call: Vote 5 Ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer,Alderwoman Baehne, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devin, Alderwoman Miller: 1 Nay, Alderman Glab, 0-Abstained, Motion Carried. A Motion was made to approve the following Consent Agenda Items B-H B. Request to Advertise for Bids for the cleaning of the McHenry Recreation Center; C. Resolution to Pursue a McHenry County Consolidated Law Enforcement Training Facility; D .Proposal from Gary W. Andersen Architects in the amount of $28,700 for architectural services for the horse barn at the Petersen Farm; E. Request from McHenry High School District 156, East Campus, to temporarily close sections of John, Green, Main, Center and Kane and use of city services for traffic control for Homecoming Parade on Monday, October 71" at 6:OOpm; F. Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests; G .August 19, 2019, City Council Meeting Minutes; H. Issuance of Checks in the amount of$212,005.18. A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Consent Agenda Items as presented. Roll Call: Vote 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderwoman Baehne, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nayes, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Individual Action Item Agenda: None Discussion Items: Recreational Cannabis Chief Birk started the discussion regarding recreational Cannabis, he explained that several internal discussions have been occurring, and if dispensaries are going to be allowed in McHenry, and how to regulate them. Handout regarding the pros and cons and the zoning and business licensing would occur. Alderman Schaefer, had some questions regarding the leeway of the Cannabis sales. Alderman Schaefer, suggested that the concerns seems to the be locations and on premise use. Discussion regarding zoning location, security and timing were of main conversation. City of McHenry City Council 9.3.19 There was conversation among the Council. Support for one or two dispensaries in town looked likely. Council Attorney David McArdle explained the details of how many dispensaries are allowed and the time frame with that, also explained the description of how Cannabis is used and the four statues of the uses and how they are state regulated. The discussion continued regarding this topic, signage, location and zoning, and security were the main focus of the topics between the Council. Chief Birk explained some of the restrictions and regulations within the community, including parking restrictions, ideas of where the dispensaries can be located, etc. Several comments and conversations were presented during the meeting. Direction has started with Council and some ideas and parameters were outlined during discussion. Much support on this discussion is outlined in Public Comments. Executive Session: Mayor Jett explained that the Council will not meet in executive session tonight. Staff Reports, Mayor's Report and Council Comments: Director of Parks and Recreations Hobson talked about events and the time line that Council would need to help with future city events. He explained there are times where they are scrambling for event approval and was asking Council what a comfortable time-line would be for them to approve events. Chief Birk also questioned what other buffers would be needed to help him with special events. Many on the Council suggested and agreed that 90 days would be a great time frame. Mayor Jett agreed that a minimum of three months would suffice. Chief Birk suggested 6 months if possible to help him block off police force scheduling as well. Director of Public Works Strange updated the Council on road work occurrences. Adjournment: A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Baehne, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM. Roll call: Vote:7-ayes:Alderman Sandi,Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-absained. Motion carried. X X Wayne Jett Trisha Ramel City Mayor City Clerk 4 McHenry, IL MOP Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Vendor: BAKER & SON CO, PETER BAKER & SON CO, PETER 26445 09/16/2019 Vendor: BARTER &WOODMAN BAXTER & WOODMAN 2018112 09/16/2019 Vendor: CAPITAL GAINS INCORPORATED CAPITAL GAINS 2513 09/16/2019 Vendor: CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 229319 09/16/2019 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 229429 09/16/2019 CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL 229174 09/09/2019 Vendor: COMED COMED COMED COMED COMED COMED COMED COMED Expense Approval Register List of Bills Council Meeting 9-1&19 Description (Item) Account Number BNDR, SFC 100-33-6110 Vendor BAKER & SON CO, PETER Total CURRAN RD 5-CURVE 270-00-8600 Vendor BAXTER & WOODMAN Total: SVS 8/1/19-10/31/19 760-00-5110 Vendor CAPITAL GAINS INCORPORATED Total: D MACE 5 PANEL 100-OS-5110 R ADAMS 100-05-5110 D CHRISTOPHER 10 PANEL, EBT 610-00-6940 Vendor CENTEGRA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Total: INV0008788 09/16/2019 UTIL INV0008788 09/16/2019 UTIL INV0008789 09/16/2019 UTIL INV0008789 09/16/2019 UTIL INV0008789 09/16/2019 UTIL INV0008789 09/16/2019 UTIL INV0008789 09/16/2019 UTIL Vendor: CONDUENT HR CONSULTING LLC CONDUENT HR CONSULTING 2430538 Vendor: CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INV0008790 Vendor: COPENHAVER CONSTRUCTION INC COPENHAVER CONSTRUCTION 3 COPENHAVER CONSTRUCTION 3A Vendor: DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS INV0008791 DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS INV0008791 Vendor: FOX VALLEY FIRE &SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE &SAFETY IN291886 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY IN292766 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY IN292839 Vendor: GLICK IV, HENRY W GLICK IV, HENRY W 8/26-9/5/19 Vendor: HRGREEN HRGREEN 128571 HRGREEN 128803 HRGREEN 128821 100-33-5520 400-00-5510 510-31-5510 510-31-5510 510-32-5510 510-32-5510 510-32-5510 Vendor COMED Total: 09/16/2019 DULY 2019 SVS FEES 600-00-6960 Vendor CONDUENT HR CONSULTING LLC Total 09/16/2019 UTIL 100-33-5520 Vendor CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC Total: 09/16/2019 GREEN ST BRIDGE REHAB 100-01-8600 09/16/2019 GRSTBRIDGEREHAB 510-35-8500 Vendor COPENHAVER CONSTRUCTION INC Total: 09/16/2019 UTI L 510-31-5510 09/16/2019 UTIL 510-32-5510 Vendor DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS Total: 09/16/2019 SYSTEM SERV 225-00-5110 09/16/2019 ALARM SVS 225-00-5110 09/16/2019 RADIO MAINT 225-00-5110 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY Total: 09/16/2019 8/26-9/5/19 100-47-5110 Vendor GLICK IV, HENRY W Total: 09/16/2019 WWTPCONSOL 580-32-8500 09/16/2019 PEARL LINCOLN ITEP 100-33-5110 09/16/2019 MILLSTREAM LIFTSTIMPR 510-32-8500 Vendor HRGREEN Total: Amount 2,807.49 2,807.49 4,999.01 4,999.01 5,277.00 5,277.00 50.00 80.00 65.00 195.00 101.00 7,516.66 1,578.58 3,207.18 5,917.90 161.77 1,607.60 20,090.69 85.50 85.50 26,156.63 26,156.63 36,564.07 1,228.76 37,792.83 5,991.81 11,355.14 17,346.95 478.00 247.00 112.00 837.00 150.00 150.00 1,575.00 720.00 1,442.00 3,737.00 9/11/2019 11:44:33 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKTO1608 - 9-1649 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: IMPACT NETWORKING LLC IMPACT NETWORKING LLC 1546043 09/16/2019 COPY PAPER 100-01-6210 252.00 IMPACT NETWORKING LLC 1546043 09/16/2019 COPY PAPER 100-22-6210 378.00 Vendor IMPACT NETWORKING LLC Total: 630.00 Vendor: LEXISNEXIS LEXISNEXIS 1236684-20-190831 09/16/2019 AUGUST 2019 SEARCHES 100-22-5110 132.00 Vendor LEXISNEXIS Total: 132.00 Vendor: MCMRMA MCMRMA 2019-McH-02 09/16/2019 INSTALL 2 19/20 POOL YEAR 610-00-5950 420,696.00 Vendor MCMRMA Total: 420,696.00 Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 92989 09/16/2019 NOTARY STAMP - M JOHNSON 100-01-6110 33.75 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: 33.75 Vendor: MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK INV0008795 09/16/2019 LEADERSHIP TR REIMB 9/5- 100-01-5420 316A0 Vendor MOREFIELD, WILLIAM DERIK Total: 316.40 Vendor: NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1370 8/31/19 09/16/2019 PARTS 100-03-5370 34.97 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1370 8/31/19 09/16/2019 PARTS 100-22-5370 948.05 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1370 8/31/19 09/16/2019 PARTS 100-33-5370 11188.01 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1370 8/31/19 09/16/2019 PARTS 100-33-6115 124A4 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1370 8/31/19 09/16/2019 PARTS 100-33-6270 268.99 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC 1370 8/31/19 09/16/2019 PARTS 100-45-5370 981.67 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0008793 09/16/2019 PARTS 510-31-5370 219.66 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0008793 09/16/2019 PARTS 510-32-5370 118.66 NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC INV0008793 09/16/2019 PARTS 510-35-5370 341.22 Vendor NAPA AUTO PARTS MPEC Total: 41225.37 Vendor: OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER & GILBERT LTD OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER 119402 09/16/2019 LABOR 100-01-5230 750.00 Vendor OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOPER & GILBERT LTD Total: 750.00 Vendor: POSEY, CARRIE POSEY, CARRIE 247899 09/16/2019 ACCOUNT BAL REF 100-41-3636 44,00 Vendor POSEY, CARRIE Total: 44.00 Vendor: SEMROW JR, HARRY H SEMROW JR, HARRY H INV0008794 09/16/2019 AUG ADJ 100-03-5110 75.00 SEMROW JR, HARRY H INV0008794 09/16/2019 AUG ADJ 100-22-5110 675.00 Vendor SEMROW JR, HARRY H Total: 750.00 Vendor: STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC SA000041859 09/16/2019 S ELLIS EVAL 100-21-5110 395.00 Vendor STANARD & ASSOCIATES INC Total: 395.00 Vendor: STANLEY CONSULTANTS STANLEY CONSULTANTS 216671 09/16/2019 WWTP LIT ASSIST 510-32-5110 41673,16 STANLEY CONSULTANTS 217032 09/16/2019 WWTP LITIG 510-32-5110 12,707.00 Vendor STANLEY CONSULTANTS Total: 17,380.16 Vendor: TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT REV FUND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT T2002458 09/16/2019 COMM SVS MTHLY 620-00-5110 10.00 Vendor TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT REV FUND Total: 10.00 Vendor: THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV 6747 09/16/2019 POLYGRAPH EXAM S ELLIS 100-21-5110 175.00 Vendor THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV Total: 175.00 Vendor: TYLER TECHNOLOGIES TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 025-269639 09/16/2019 INCODE PERS SUITE MAINT 620-00-5110 303.19 Vendor TYLER TECHNOLOGIES Total: 303.19 9/11/2019 11:44:33 AM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Payable Number Vendor: WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS INV17900 Packet: APPKTO1608 - 94649 AP CKS Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount 09/16/2019 EAP SVS SEPT 2019 100-01-5110 450A2 Vendor WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS Total: 450.42 Grand Total: 565,766.39 9J11/2019 11:44:33 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT01608 - 946-19 AP CKS Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100 - GENERAL FUND 73,851.59 225 - ALARM BOARD FUND 837,00 270 - MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 41999*01 400 - RECREATION CENTER FUND 71516,66 510 - WATER/SEWER FUND 50,550A4 580 - UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FUND 1,575.00 600 - EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 85.50 610 - RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 420j761,00 620- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 31119 760 - POLICE PENSION FUND 51277*00 Grand Total: 565,766.39 McHenry, IL Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Vendor: ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RA S014745 09/16/2019 Expense Approval Register #2 List of Bills Council Meeting 9-1&19 Description (Item) Account Number Amount Trailer reciver 510-35-6110 149.01 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, RATotal: 149.01 Vendor: ADAMS STEEL SERVICE &SUPPLY, INC ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & 358061 09/16/2019 Expended Metal sheet 510-32-5375 106.75 Vendor ADAMS STEEL SERVICE & SUPPLY, INCTotal: 106.75 Vendor: ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND 19-3148 09/16/2019 VFD communication card for 510-32-6110 422.28 Vendor ADVANCED AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS INC Total: 42218 Vendor: ARAMARK ARAMARK 21755702 09/16/2019 Clothing Allowance: Jake Reilly 100-45-4510 58.07 ARAMARK 21777921 09/16/2019 Clothing Allowance: Jake Reilly 100-45-4510 86.80 Vendor ARAMARK Total: 144.87 Vendor: AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 297826 09/16/2019 tires 806 510-35-5370 540.56 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INCTotal: 540.56 Vendor: BAXTER & WOODMAN BAXTER & WOODMAN 207933 09/16/2019 GIS Consulting - Inv#207933 510-31-5110 300.00 Vendor BAXTER & WOODMAN Total: 300.00 Vendor: BS&A SOFTWARE BS&A SOFTWARE 124887 09/16/2019 Annual Service Support 100-03-5110 4,147.00 Vendor BS&A SOFTWARE Total: 41147.00 Vendor: BUNDY AUDIO BUNDY AUDIO 4200 09/16/2019 Riverwalk Contractual 100-45-5110 3,684.00 Vendor BUNDYAUDIO Total: 31684.00 Vendor: BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 5035250 09/16/2019 horn 225 100-03-5370 20.46 BUSS FORD SALES 5035371 09/16/2019 filler 433 100-33-5370 82.54 BUSS FORD SALES 5035377 09/16/2019 heater 433 100-33-5370 305.96 BUSS FORD SALES 5035460 09/16/2019 buckle 433 100-33-5370 34.34 BUSS FORD SALES 6057544 09/16/2019 ALIGNMENT308 100-22-5370 99.95 BUSS FORD SALES 6058438 09/16/2019 alignment 220 100-03-5370 99.73 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total: 642.98 Vendor: CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC TPW0227 09/16/2019 RECORDER ORDERED BY IT 100-06-6210 51.29 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INCTotal: 51.29 Vendor: CENTURY SPRINGS CENTURY SPRINGS 034419 8/30/19 STMT 09/16/2019 Lab Water 510-32-6110 27.00 CENTURY SPRINGS INV0008797 09/16/2019 Lab Water 510-32-6110 27.00 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total: 54.00 Vendor: CINTAS CINTAS 5014690936 09/16/2019 Safety Cabinet 100-45-5110 45.19 Vendor CINTAS Total: 45.19 Vendor: CONSERV FS CONSERV FS 65080379 09/16/2019 SportsField Supplies 100-45-6110 308.70 CONSERV FS 65081999 09/16/2019 Landscape Supplies 100-45-6110 266.67 Vendor CONSERV FS Total: 575.37 Vendor: CORE & MAIN CORE & MAIN L086300 09/16/2019 6" SDR 35 100-33-6110 890.12 Vendor CORE & MAIN Total: 890012 9/11/2019 11:51:06 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT01609 - 94649 RECT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO S506780790 09/16/2019 SWWTP-Transfer Switch 510-32-5375 2J17.65 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO S506911751 09/16/2019 Circuit Breaker 510-32-6110 33.01 Vendor CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO Total: 21150.66 Vendor: CUMMINS INC CUMMINS INC F2-15244 09/16/2019 N. Riverside Lift ATS Trouble 510-32-5380 1,049.03 Vendor CUMMINS INCTotal: 11049.03 Vendor: CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 173081 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 751.61 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 408.07 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308A 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 408.07 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308E 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 377.81 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308C 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 719.57 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308D 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 392.05 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308E 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 718.68 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308F 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 725.80 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308G 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 176.22 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17308H 09/16/2019 45114 N50 surface. vendor 100-33-6110 402.73 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANYTotal: 5,080.61 Vendor: DONS CLEANERS DONS CLEANERS HH099490 09/16/2019 Cleaning of City Display 100-01-6940 50.00 Vendor DONS CLEANERS Total: 50.00 Vendor: DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 1131757 09/16/2019 Sludge Building Blower#4 510-32-5375 254.03 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 1132701 09/16/2019 SWWTP-Aerator#3 Motor 510-32-5375 321.05 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 575.08 Vendor: DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE 401970 09/16/2019 City Wide Paper Supplies 100-01-6110 31650,00 Vendor DURA WAX COMPANY INC, THE Total: %650.00 Vendor: ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S INV0008798 09/16/2019 trailer inspection 466 100-33-5370 30.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S INV0008799 09/16/2019 inspection 416 100-33-5370 44.50 ED'SAUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S INV0008800 09/16/2019 inspection804 510-35-5370 30.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S INV0008801 09/16/2019 inspection 476 100-33-5370 30.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S INV0008802 09/16/2019 inspection 404 100-33-5370 30.00 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S INV0008803 09/16/2019 inspection 408 100-33-5370 30.00 Vendor ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MUFFLER SHOP Total: 194.50 Vendor: ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 272736-1 09/16/2019 propane refill 100-33-5370 27.84 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC INV0008804 09/16/2019 Hammer Drill and Drill Bit 510-32-5375 58.50 Vendor ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC Total: 86.34 Vendor: EJ USA INC EJ USA INC 110190074203 09/16/2019 Fire Hydrants 510-35-6110 91500.30 Vendor EJ USA INC Total: %500.30 Vendor: FIRST STUDENT CORP FIRST STUDENT CORP 9313239 09/16/2019 Camp - Bus #10 100-46-5110 800.00 Vendor FIRST STUDENT CORP Total: 800.00 Vendor: FRIEDLE, JEFF FRIEDLE, JEFF INV0008805 09/16/2019 Clothing Allowance: Friedle 100-45-4510 85.00 Vendor FRIEDLE, JEFF Total: 85.00 Vendor: GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 13529927 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER- HAVENS 100-23-4510 38.70 GALLS LLC 13540903 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER - MCKENDRY 100-23-4510 86.30 GALLS LLC 13575849 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER -SHAFER 100-22-4510 399.00 GALLS LLC 13575857 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER- CRUZ 100-22-4510 42.90 GALLS LLC 13618904 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER - MCKEEN 100-22-4510 185.15 GALLS LLC 13618908 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER- PENA 100-22-4510 144.14 9/11/2019 11;51;06 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT01609 - 94649 RE CT INVOICE Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount GALLS LLC 13625895 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER - POLIDORI 100-22-4510 42.90 GALLS LLC 13629219 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER -AALTO 100-22-4510 36.40 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 975.49 Vendor: GESKE AND SONS INC GESKE AND SONS INC 51837 09/16/2019 HMA binder N50. vendor ticket 100-33-6110 267.50 GESKE AND SONS INC 51837A 09/16/2019 HMA binder N50. vendor ticket 100-33-6110 486.85 GESKE AND SONS INC 51903 09/16/2019 Geske #222616 100-33-6110 325.28 GESKE AND SONS INC 51903A 09/16/2019 HMA Binder #222617 100-33-6110 702.99 GESKE AND SONS INC 51937B 09/16/2019 HMA binder N50. vendorticket 100-33-6110 863.49 Vendor GESKE AND SONS INC Total: 21646.11 Vendor: ILLINOIS HOMICIDE INVESTIGATORS ASSN ILLINOIS HOMICIDE 720-227 09/16/2019 CONFERENCE INVESTIGATION 100-22-5430 675.00 Vendor ILLINOIS HOMICIDE INVESTIGATORS ASSN Total: 675.00 Vendor: INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3016150677 09/16/2019 brake parts 636 510-32-5370 34.26 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3016315567 09/16/2019 405 100-33-5370 835.44 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3016402483 09/16/2019 402 100-33-5370 51542.69 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3016403565 09/16/2019 402 100-33-5370 51196.76 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3016412121 09/16/2019 402 100-33-5370 475.28 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 12,084643 Vendor: INTOXIMETERS INTOXIMETERS 636140 09/16/2019 DRYGAS 100-22-6110 125.00 Vendor INTOXIMETERS Total: 125.00 Vendor: JET VAC JET VAC 1714 09/16/2019 Seals 510-35-6110 58.12 Vendor JET VAC Total: 58.12 Vendor: JG UNIFORMS INC JG UNIFORMS INC 58865 09/16/2019 UNIFORM ORDER - POPP 100-22-4510 146.00 Vendor JG UNIFORMS INC Total: 146.00 Vendor: JUST 4 YOU TREATS JUST 4 YOU TREATS 1219-657 09/16/2019 Cont -Baking Class 100-46-5110 192.00 Vendor JUST 4 YOU TREATS Total: 192.00 Vendor: KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALLMIDWEST 7357328 09/11/2019 sewer stock 510-32-6110 313.98 KIMBALLMIDWEST 7349160 09/16/2019 stock 100-33-6110 261.74 KIMBALL MIDWEST 7365769 09/16/2019 stock 100-33-6110 212.70 KIMBALL MIDWEST 7379159 09/16/2019 shop supplies 100-33-6110 430.56 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWESTTotal: 11218.98 Vendor: KIRCHNER FIRE KIRCHNER FIRE 48400 09/16/2019 SQUAD CAR RECHARGE EXT 100-22-5110 308.50 Vendor KIRCHNER FIRE Total: 308.50 Vendor: LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 711281051 09/16/2019 Wash Stone 510-35-6110 108.32 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 711290357 09/16/2019 Lafarge 120889348 510-35-6110 89.91 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 711316367 09/16/2019 LaFarge CM-16 Pea Gravel 100-33-6110 12.46 Vendor LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA Total: 210.69 Vendor: LIFTEK, INC LIFTEK, INC 2285 09/16/2019 ELEVATOR INSPECTION 100-03-5120 430.00 Vendor LIFTEK, INC Total: 430.00 Vendor: MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW 19-20-200 09/16/2019 Tree Removal 100-45-5110 31750.00 MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW STSMH174 09/16/2019 Hazard Tree Removal 100-33-6950 21000.0O Vendor MARKS TREE SERVICE & SNOW PLOWING CORP Total• 5,750.00 Vendor: MARTIN IMPLEMENT SALES INC MARTIN IMPLEMENT SALES U12249 09/16/2019 blades 449 100-33-5370 150.05 Vendor MARTIN IMPLEMENT SALES INC Total: 150.05 9/11/2019 11:51:06 AM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Payable Number Packet: APPKTO1609 - 94649 RE CT INVOICE Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vendor: MDS TECHNOLOGIES, INC MDS TECHNOLOGIES, INC 19485 09/16/2019 sidewalk survey 100-33-5110 Vendor MDS TECHNOLOGIES, INC Total: Vendor: MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & 6028 09/16/2019 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 100-03-5120 Vendor MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRICK PAVERS INC Total: Vendor: MIDWEST METER INC MIDWEST METER INC 114298-IN 09/16/2019 Orion Receiver Repair- 510-31-6110 Vendor MIDWEST METER INC Total: Vendor: MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 93009 09/16/2019 MIB & Athletics Flyers 100-47-5330 Vendor MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH Total: Vendor: MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - 8280819428 09/16/2019 BATTERIES 100-22-6210 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: Vendor: MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 445737312019 09/16/2019 STARCOM INVOICE 100-22-5320 Vendor MOTOROLA Total: Vendor: MULCH CENTER, THE MULCH CENTER, THE 89568 09/16/2019 Playground Mulch 100-45-6110 Vendor MULCH CENTER, THE Total: Vendor: NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 17434667 09/16/2019 Electrical Supplies 100-45-6110 NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL 17437141 09/16/2019 Electrical Supplies 100-45-6110 Vendor NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO INC Total: Vendor: OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC 9276 09/16/2019 Invoice 9276 100-47-5110 Vendor OFFICIAL FINDERS LLC Total: Vendor: PDC LABORATORIES INC PDC LABORATORIES INC 19383607 09/16/2019 Total Nitrogen Sample 510-32-6110 PDC LABORATORIES INC 19383608 09/16/2019 Total Nitrogen Sample 510-32-6110 PDC LABORATORIES INC 19383609 09/16/2019 Total Nitrogen Sample 510-32-6110 PDC LABORATORIES INC 19383610 09/16/2019 Total Nitrogen Sample 510-32-6110 PDC LABORATORIES INC 19383611 09/16/2019 Total nitrogen sample 510-32-6110 PDC LABORATORIES INC 19383612 09/16/2019 August Samples- Inv# 510-31-5110 Vendor PDC LABORATORIES INC Total: Vendor: PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 11045162 09/11/2019 FUEL 11045162 100-22-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 10852014 09/16/2019 Fuel Bill 100-03-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11031027 09/16/2019 FUEL 11031027 100-22-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11036535 09/16/2019 FUEL11036535 100-22-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11036625 09/16/2019 FUEL11036625 100-22-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11045141 09/16/2019 Fuel UTY 11045141 510-35-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11045158 09/16/2019 Fuel WW 11045158 510-32-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11045159 09/16/2019 Petro WTR 11045159 510-31-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11045161 09/16/2019 Fuel STS 11045161 100-33-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11046564 09/16/2019 hydrolic oil 100-33-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11050983 09/16/2019 Fuel UTY 11050983 510-35-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11050998 09/16/2019 Fuel WW 11050998 510-32-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11050999 09/16/2019 Fuel WTR 11050999 510-31-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11051002 09/16/2019 Fuel STS 11051002 100-33-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 11051003 09/16/2019 FUEL11051003 100-22-6250 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: Vendor: PRECISION POWDER COATING INC PRECISION POWDER COATING 12162 09/16/2019 RiverwalkSignage 100-45-5110 Vendor PRECISION POWDER COATING INC Total: 9,410.00 9,410.00 300.00 300.00 235.50 235.50 916.10 916.10 492.75 492.75 2,453.00 2,453.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 93.18 75.00 168.18 420.00 420.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 740.00 1,040.00 2,039.24 94.90 1,527.73 1,635.73 33.39 224.57 686.77 299.34 901.04 855.55 350.92 146.86 69.65 606.84 1,589.68 11,062.21 320.00 320.00 9/11/2019 11:51:06 AM Expense Approval Register Vendor Name Payable Number Vendor: PROSHRED SECURITY PROSHRED SECURITY 990044147 Vendor: QUALITY TIRE SERVICE QUALITY TIRE SERVICE 55446 Vendor: ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 19080268 Vendor: SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC 05830-653193 Vendor: SANTO SPORT STORE SANTO SPORT STORE 702920 Vendor: SIGNS BY FRY SIGNS BY FRY 2019328 Vendor: SKC CONSTRUCTION INC SKC CONSTRUCTION INC 8947 Vendor: SUNNYSIDE COMPANY SUNNYSIDE COMPANY 192611 Vendor: TRAFFIC CONTROL &PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL & 101876 Vendor: ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INC ULTRA STROBE 076189 ULTRA STROBE 076192 Vendor: VERIZON CONNECT NWF, INC VERIZON CONNECT NWF, INC CITY3920SV001866032 Vendor: WATER PRODUCTS -AURORA WATER PRODUCTS -AURORA 0290462 Vendor: WHOLESALE DIRECT INC WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 240975 Packet: APPKTO1609 - 94649 RECT INVOICE Post Date Description (Item) Account Number Amount 09/16/2019 MONTHLY SHRED 100-22-5110 53.00 Vendor PROSHRED SECURITY Total: 53.00 09/16/2019 402 100-33-5370 68.68 Vendor QUALITY TIRE SERVICE Total: 68.68 09/16/2019 Millstream Lift-Alterantives 510-32-8500 240.00 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total: 240.00 09/16/2019 WINDSHIELD REPAIR 100-22-5370 357.97 Vendor SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC Total: 357.97 09/16/2019 Softballs 100-47-6110 684.00 Vendor SANTO SPORT STORE Total: 684.00 09/16/2019 RiverwalkSignage 100-45-6110 326.00 Vendor SIGNS BY FRY Total: 326.00 09/16/2019 Petro STS #11046564 270-00-8600 23,746.20 Vendor SKC CONSTRUCTION INC Total: 23,746.20 09/16/2019 trans filter 806 510-35-5370 63.22 Vendor SUNNYSIDE COMPANY Total: 63.22 09/16/2019 street signs 100-33-6110 768.20 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTECTION INC Total: 768.20 09/16/2019 IGNITION OVERRIDE FORD 100-22-5370 175.00 09/16/2019 switch 312 100-22-5370 50.85 Vendor ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATIONS INCTotal: 225.85 09/16/2019 09/16/2019 09/16/2019 gps 100-33-6110 Vendor VERIZON CONNECT NWF, INC Total: Tapping Sleeves and fittings 510-35-6110 Vendor WATER PRODUCTS -AURORA Total: 518.70 518.70 5,659.40 5,659.40 lights 415 100-33-5370 1,334.61 Vendor WHOLESALE DIRECT INCTotal: 1,334.61 Grand Total: 122,208.88 9/11/2019 11:51:06 AM Expense Approval Register Packet: APPKT01609 - 94649 RE CT INVOICE Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100- GENERAL FUND 73,905.69 270- MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 23,746.20 510- WATER/SEWER FUND 24,556*99 Grand Total: 122,208.88 AS NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 9-16-19 100 620-00-5110 AT&T 08/02/2019 1018,26 100 1 00-03-61 10 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 08/02/2019 196,68 100 1 00-03-61 10 BERKHEIMER CO INC, G W 08/02/2019 83,40 100 100-01-6110 CABAY & COMPANY INC 08/02/2019 418,60 100 1 00-03-61 10 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 619,68 100 1 00-22-621 0 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 14.34 100 1 00-33-61 10 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 182,78 100 10045-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 910.31 100 10045-6270 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 208,88 100 100-01-6940 JH EVENTS AND FLOWERS, INC 08/02/2019 55,00 100 1 00-03-51 10 KOEHLINGER GARAGEDOOR INC 08/02/2019 450,00 100 10045-5110 LORCHEM TECHNOLOGIES INC 08/02/2019 971077 100 1 00-22-51 10 MARATHON TOWING 08/02/2019 130,00 100 10045-6110 MARK'S PLUMBING PARTS 08/02/2019 90,17 100 100-01-5110 MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION 08/02/2019 2699,17 100 100-01-5110 MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TRANSPORTATION 08/02/2019 8435,00 100 10045-6250 PETROCHOICE LLC 08/02/2019 308,72 100 10041-5310 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 08/02/2019 950,00 100 100-01-6940 SECRETARY OF STATE 08/02/2019 10,00 100 10047-5110 SWENO, ROBERT M 08/02/2019 412.50 100 10044-6110 SYNCB/AMAZON 08/02/2019 8,49 400 400-00-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 120000 510 510-31-5110 BADGER METER INC 08/02/2019 1500,00 510 510-31-6110 HAWKINS INC 08/02/2019 4179,55 510 510-32-5380 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 214,28 510 510-32-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 337,68 510 510-35-6110 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 08/02/2019 1054,84 510 510-32-5430 ILLINOIS SECTION AWWA 08/02/2019 325,00 100 10046-5110 MCHENRY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 156 08/07/2019 185,00 205 205-00-5110 IMPRESSIVE IMAGES 08/07/2019 742,48 205 205-00-6940 LOCKER'S FLOWERS 08/07/2019 125,00 205 205-00-5110 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 08/07/2019 451,00 210 210-00-5110 FAIR, DUWAYNE 08/07/2019 400,00 100 10045-6110 CONSERV FS 08/09/2019 247,68 100 10045-6110 CONSERV FS 08/09/2019 514,50 100 10045-6110 CONSERV FS 08/09/2019 170.00 100 100-22-5430 FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 08/09/2019 550,00 100 100-22-5430 ILLINOIS ASSOC OF CHIEFS OF POLICE 08/09/2019 237.00 100 100-01-8900 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 08/09/2019 1693,35 100 100-01-8900 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 08/09/2019 415.54 100 100-01-8900 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 08/09/2019 607,93 100 100-22-5370 LANG AUTO GROUP, GARY 08/09/2019 181.33 100 100-01-6940 MCHENRY COUNTY CLERK 08/09/2019 5,00 100 100-014220 MCHENRY LIONS CLUB 08/09/2019 567.00 100 100-02-5330 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 08/09/2019 21,00 100 1 00-22-51 10 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC 08/09/2019 87,00 100 10045-6110 SHERWIWWILLIAMS CO, THE 08/09/2019 355,35 100 10045-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/09/2019 391,35 100 10045-6110 SHERWIWWILLIAMS CO, THE 08/09/2019 747,00 100 10045-6110 SHERWIWWILLIAMS CO, THE 08/09/2019 44,98 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 1710.70 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 1000,00 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 480600 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 640,00 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 560,00 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 550.00 100 100-01-8900 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 08/09/2019 1920,00 100 1 00-33-61 10 VERIZON CONNECT NWF, INC 08/09/2019 518,70 280 28041-8800 COMMERCIAL RECREATION SPECIALISTS 08/09/2019 16521,20 290 290-00-6940 RNM LLC 08/09/2019 67448.55 510 510-31-5510 COMED 08/09/2019 56,24 510 510-32-5510 COMED 08/09/2019 90.82 510 510-35-6110 SHERWIWWILLIAMS CO, THE 08/09/2019 300,80 510 510-32-5580 WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO 08/09/2019 4918*68 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 08/09/2019 564,59 620 620-00-5110 AT&T 08/09/2019 2036.52 620 620-00-6270 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 08/09/2019 86,01 620 620-00-6270 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 08/09/2019 418093 620 620-00-6270 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 08/09/2019 42,80 620 620-00-5110 MIDCO 08/09/2019 2148000 620 620-00-5110 MIDCO 08/09/2019 6355,00 620 620-00-5110 TOTAL PARKING SOLUTIONS, INC 08/09/2019 960.00 620 620-00-6210 US BANK 08/09/2019 397,72 100 100-22-6210 AALTO, BRIAN 08/15/2019 8007 100 100-01-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 -24.64 100 1 00-03-61 10 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 154A0 100 100-33-5370 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 60,57 100 1 00-33-61 10 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 323697 100 100-33-6115 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 123,81 100 10041-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 80w87 100 10042-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 1380,67 100 10043-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 78612 100 10045-5370 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 31,47 100 10045-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 816095 100 10045-5110 DONS CLEANERS 08/15/2019 40,00 100 100-01-4220 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 08/15/2019 2639.70 100 100-01-6940 JOHNSON, MONTE 08/15/2019 5,00 100 100-22-5420 KLASEK, ROBERT J 08/15/2019 8000 100 1 00-22-61 10 MTS COFFEE BAR 08/15/2019 104,00 100 10045-6110 WILSON NURSERIES INC 08/15/2019 448.75 205 205-00-6940 ALLARD, ALEXIS 08/15/2019 100,00 205 205-00-6940 LYON, SAVANNAH 08/15/2019 200600 205 205-00-6940 MCMILLAN, GABBY 08/15/2019 400,00 205 205-00-6940 OBENAUF, MADISON 08/15/2019 100,00 205 205-00-6940 SNIDER, AVA 08/15/2019 100000 210 210-00-5110 PEARL STREET MARKET 08/15/2019 1000,00 510 510-31-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 630073 510 510-32-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 324,88 510 510-35-6110 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 123.81 510 510-35-6270 ACE HARDWARE, MCHENRY 08/15/2019 80,94 620 620-00-6210 STANS LPS MIDWEST 08/15/2019 470094 100 100-01-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 735,00 100 100-01-5420 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 44.00 100 100-01-6940 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 11,70 100 1 00-03-61 10 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 565.62 100 1 00-06-541 0 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 142,25 100 100-06-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 1355,00 100 100-22-6210 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 298,55 100 100-23-5430 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 21,00 100 10041-6920 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 121065 100 10046-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 995,00 100 10046-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 18624 100 100-22-5370 BUSS FORD SALES 08/23/2019 249.88 100 1 00-03-51 10 CENTURY SPRINGS 08/23/2019 59,98 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 901,05 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 58,00 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 53.89 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 40,54 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 36.37 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 354,74 100 100-33-5520 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY INC 08/23/2019 12.03 100 100-22-5420 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 1402,92 100 10041-5330 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 75600 100 10041-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 9,53 100 10042-5420 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 3030 100 10043-6110 FIRST BANKCARD O8/23/2019 180,70 100 10044-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 30,00 100 100-45-5370 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 747,49 100 10045-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 103085 100 1 00-46-51 10 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 5230,26 100 10046-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 41.15 100 10046-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 396,64 100 10047-5110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 275.00 100 10047-5430 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 75,00 100 10047-6110 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 145062 100 10047-6920 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 25,58 100 10047-6920 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 61.00 100 10042-5110 MATUSEK, MICHAEL 08/23/2019 438,00 100 10041-6920 MCHENRY AREA JAYCEES 08/23/2019 990000 100 1 00-22-61 10 PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA 08/23/2019 257,00 100 100-01-5310 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL 08/23/2019 2425095 100 10041-6110 SAM'S CLUB 08/23/2019 67,98 100 10044-6110 SAM'S CLUB 08/23/2019 981.35 100 10047-6920 SAM'S CLUB 08/23/2019 12,98 100 100-014220 SCHAFER, PAT 08/23/2019 90000 100 10045-6110 SHERWIWWILLIAMS CO, THE 08/23/2019 552,25 100 100-33-5370 TREDROC TIRE/ANTIOCH 002 08/23/2019 344.90 100 100-06-5420 WOLF DOROTHY 08/23/2019 17,00 290 290-00-8900 PORTER CORP 08/23/2019 45361410 400 400-00-5215 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 23,43 400 400-00-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 34,44 400 40040-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 529.00 400 40040-6110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 17,20 400 400-00-5321 DIRECTV 08/23/2019 307097 400 400-00-6210 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 156,92 510 510-31-5370 BUSS FORD SALES 08/23/2019 57.16 510 510-32-6110 CENTURY SPRINGS 08/23/2019 65,00 510 510-32-5510 COMED 08/23/2019 52647 510 510-32-5510 COMED 08/23/2019 189,86 510 510-32-5375 FIRST BANKCARD 08/23/2019 1846032 510 510-35-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/23/2019 300,80 510 510-35-6110 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, THE 08/23/2019 304,19 620 620-00-5320 AT&T 08/23/2019 312,71 620 620-00-6270 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 08/23/2019 34,72 620 620-00-6270 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 08/23/2019 263,34 620 620-00-6270 CDW GOVERNMENT INC 08/23/2019 32,66 760 760-00-5110 BANKCARD PROCESSING CENTER 08/23/2019 1155000 100 100-22-5420 BEST WESTERN 08/30/2019 66,60 100 100-33-5520 COMED 08/30/2019 438,79 100 10045-5510 COMED 08/30/2019 219,51 100 10042-5110 DABROWSKI, SCOTT ALLEN 08/30/2019 336,00 100 10045-6110 HARM'S FARM 08/30/2019 227.87 100 10047-5110 ILLINOIS SWIMMING INC 08/30/2019 1277,00 100 100-01-6940 JOHNSON, MONTE 08/30/2019 5,00 100 1 00-33-61 10 PALMER, ANDREW 08/30/2019 50,00 100 100-01-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 6.75 100 100-03-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 38,70 100 100-04-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 385035 100 1 00-22-531 0 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 181,58 100 100-30-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 1.65 100 10041-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 76,10 100 1 00-33-61 10 REBARS & STEEL COMPANY 08/30/2019 225.00 100 100-01-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 228,61 100 1 00-03-621 0 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 2644 100 100-04-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 112,90 100 1 00-22-621 0 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 406.98 100 1 00-33-621 0 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 55,86 100 10041-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 19.45 100 1 00-22-621 0 SYNCB/AMAZON 08/30/2019 82,50 100 10047-5110 THE FITNESS PURSUIT 08/30/2019 1624,00 205 205-00-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 2,50 400 400-00-6110 LAKE BLUFF PARK DISTRICT 08/30/2019 400,00 510 510-31-5510 COMED 08/30/2019 36,71 510 510-32-5510 COMED 08/30/2019 6103,52 510 510-31-5110 JESSUP MCHENRY ENTERPRISE, LLC 08/30/2019 5000,00 510 510-31-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 6,80 510 510-32-5310 PURCHASE POWER 08/30/2019 7,75 510 510-35-6210 STAPLES BUSINESS CREDIT 08/30/2019 16,99 620 620-00-5110 COMCAST CABLE 08/30/2019 164,85 620 620-00-6210 US BANK 08/30/2019 311,00 760 760-004990 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS FBO E\ 08/30/2019 17529,72 TOTAL: 261928,27 FUND TOTALS FUND 100 65977,15 FUND 205 2220,98 FUND 210 1400,00 FUND 280 16521 *20 FUND 290 112809,65 FUND 400 158&96 FUND 510 28125,82 FUND 620 14599,79 FUND 760 18684,72 TOTAL: 261928,27 A%00%0 Department of Community& yr"Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: September 16th 2019 Regular City Council Meeting RE:Extension of the current reduction of impact and capital development fees for 120 days. ATT: Annexation agreement amendments per subdivision reducing fees, current reduced fee sheet Agenda Item Summary: In 2018 staff was approached by multiple developers asking for a reduction in impact and capital development fees for single family home permits. Originally staff was asking for a reduction period of two years, council agreed to a one year reduction but required a full capital development fee study to be performed and a review in September of 2019. The current reduction period ends September 24th. Staff has been working with Baxter and Woodman on this study over the last six months and it is in its final stages. The study is near completion but there will be many decisions both staff and council will need to make with the results. It is important we analyze this study and put in place fees that are both beneficial to addressing needs of the city while maintaining the current upward development trend. Staff is recommending a 120 day extension to the current fee reduction period so a complete analysis of the study can be completed and discussed by council. Background: The City Council agreed in 2018 to reduce impact and capital development fees by 50% for all currently platted lots in the City of McHenry (around 300). The reduction period was approved for one year beginning September 24th 2018. This reduction is one that many communities have created in order to spark residential development. City staff immediately saw movement in our incomplete subdivisions with major home builders D.R. Horton and Lennar closing on almost 200 properties. Both of these builders started to build models and are currently selling new single AQ .: Department of Community& Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center r 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 McHenr Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us family homes. Two of our previously active subdivision have also see an uptick in sales within the last year. The current breakdown of single family home permits issued since the reduction is: Subdivision Builder of Permits issued Oaks at Irish Prairie D.R.Horton 23 Legend Lakes Lennar 14 Liberty Trails Gerstad 3 Patriot Estates Cunat 15 Other platted Lots Custom Builders 3 Total 58 While staff was hoping to have the study complete by the end of the original reduction period, many crucial items where identified by Baxter and Woodman that needed further analysis. This extension of the reduction period will allow staff to breakdown options and bring a recommendation to the City Council. Staff along with Baxter and Woodman will present their findings to the council within the extended reduction period. A 120 day extension allows for council to approve the new fees and give time for developers to adjust to the newly established fees. When the fees were originally reduced, each active annexation agreement needed to be amended, staff is not recommending amendments to annexation agreements, a simple motion to extend the reduction period with a waiver of fees is recommended. Attached is a fee sheet with the current reduced rates in red. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, If council agrees, a motion should be made to extend the original capital development and impact fee reduction with a waiver of fees,for single family homes,with the option to prepay, shall be made for a period not to exceed 120 days, or January 24t" 2020. Department of Community& Economic Development ri McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Annexation Agreement Amendments The following is a list of the annexation agreements that have been reduced, this waiver of fees will apply to this list of subdivision's as well as the standard fees that covers lots without annexation agreements. This waiver or extended reduction will only affect platted lots. Lincoln Hills Subdivision: Section 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Annexation Agreement to the contrary, the City hereby partially and temporarily waives its right to collect fees and cash donations referenced in the Annexation Agreement as follows: the annexation fees required pursuant to Section 16a and the cash donations required pursuant to Section 16b of the Annexation Agreement, all as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance with the Annexation Agreement, shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) for a period of time beginning November 26, 2018 through September 24, 2019 ("Fee and Donation Discount Period"). The discount shall be calculated based on the amount due as of the date of payment thereof. All of said fees and donations shall be payable at the time of building permit, on a lot by lot basis. All of the foregoing shall remain in effect for the owner lots notwithstanding any future fee or donation increases pursuant to City ordinances and further notwithstanding any new fees or donations which may hereafter be adopted by the City. The subject property owner/developer shall have the right to prepay any fees or donations due or to become due pursuant to the Annexation Agreement (as amended), and such fees and donations shall be at the discounted rates as described herein, provided they are paid to the City within the Fee and Donation Discount Period. Oaks at Irish Prairie: E. Donations, Contributions and Fees. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Original Annexation Agreement to the contrary, the Parties agree that the annexation fees required pursuant to paragraph 27(a)(ii) thereof, and the Cash Donations required pursuant to paragraph 27(b) thereof, all as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance with the Original Annexation Agreement, shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) for a one 1) year period beginning with the date of this Amendment ("Fee and Donation Discount Period"). The discount shall be calculated based on the amount due as of the date of payment thereof. All of said fees and donations shall be payable at the time of building permit, on a lot by lot basis. All of the foregoing shall remain in effect for the Owner Lots Department of Community& Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center r''.. i 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us notwithstanding any future fee or donation increases pursuant to City ordinances and further notwithstanding any new fees or donations which may hereafter be adopted by the City. Owner shall have the right to prepay any fees or donations due or to become due pursuant to the Original Annexation Agreement (as amended), and such fees and donations shall be at the discounted rates as described herein, provided they are paid to the City within the Fee and Donation Discount Period. Liberty Trails: 19. Donations, Contributions and Fees Notwithstanding anything contained in the Original Annexation Agreement to the contrary, the Parties agree that the annexation fees required pursuant to paragraph 19(1)(2) thereof, and the Cash Donations required pursuant to paragraph 19(3) thereof, all as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance with the Original Annexation Agreement, shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) for a period beginning October 15, 2018 through September 24, 2019 ("Fee and Donation Discount Period"). The discount shall be calculated based on the amount due as of the date of payment thereof. All of said fees and donations shall be payable at the time of building permit, on a lot by lot basis. All of the foregoing shall remain in effect for the Owner Lots notwithstanding any future fee or donation increases pursuant to City ordinances and further notwithstanding any new fees or donations which may hereafter be adopted by the City. Owner shall have the right to prepay any fees or donations due or to become due pursuant to the Original Annexation Agreement (as amended), and such fees and donations shall be at the discounted rates as described herein, provided they are paid to the City within the Fee and Donation Discount Period. Patriot Estates: 23. Donations, Contributions and Fees Notwithstanding anything contained in the Original Annexation Agreement to the contrary, the Parties agree that the Cash Donations required pursuant to paragraph 23(a)(i), Single Family Detached, thereof, as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance with the Original Annexation Agreement, shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) for a period beginning November 12, 2018 through September 24, 2019 ("Fee and Donation Discount Period"). The discount shall be calculated based on the amount due as of the date of Department of Community& Economic Development A McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHer r Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us payment thereof. All of said fees and donations shall be payable at the time of building permit, on a lot by lot basis. All of the foregoing shall remain in effect for the Owner Lots notwithstanding any future fee or donation increases pursuant to City ordinances and further notwithstanding any new fees or donations which may hereafter be adopted by the City. Owner shall have the right to prepay any fees or donations due or to become due pursuant to the Original Annexation Agreement (as amended), and such fees and donations shall be at the discounted rates as described herein, provided they are paid to the City within the Fee and Donation Discount Period. Legend Lakes Section 3. Fees and Donations. A. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Annexation Agreement to the contrary, the Parties agree that the annexation fees required pursuant to paragraph 32(1) of the Annexation Agreement, and the Cash Donations required pursuant to paragraph 32(2) of the Annexation Agreement for Single Family Detached residential units, all as adjusted for the passage of time in accordance with the Annexation Agreement, shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) for a period beginning November 12, 2018 through September 24, 2019 ("Fee and Donation Discount Period"). The discount shall be calculated based on the amount due as of the date of payment thereof. All of said fees and donations shall be payable at the time of building permit, on a lot by lot basis. All of the foregoing shall remain in effect for the TRG Lots notwithstanding any future fee or donation increases pursuant to City ordinances and further notwithstanding any new fees or donations which may hereafter be adopted by the City. TRG and Builder shall have the right to prepay any fees or donations due or to become due pursuant to the Annexation Agreement(as amended), and such fees and donations shall be at the discounted rates as described herein, provided they are paid to the City within the Fee and Donation Discount Period. STANDARD FEES - RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT Effective May 1,2018 STANDARD FEE PER UNIT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTALIUNIT 2 BEDROOIS/LESS 1,418 $2,140 $178 0 $3,736 3 BEDROOMS 2,305 $3,075 $178 0 $5,558 4 BEDROOMS 3,193 $3,992 $178 0 $7,363 5 BEDROOIS/MORE 3,280 $3,998 $178 0 $7,456 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED(Townhouses,duplexes,etc.) 1 BEDROOM 0 $2,529 $356 0 $2,885 2 BEDROOMS 2,383 $4,223 $356 0 $6,962 3 BEDROOMS 2,697 $5,076 $356 0 $8,129 4 BEDROOMS 6,494 $6,671 356 0 $13,521 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 0 $2,745 $356 0 $3,101 1 BEDROOM 0 $3,729 $356 0 $4,085 2 BEDROOMS 1,143 $4,069 $356 0 $5,568 3 BEDROOMS/MORE 5,145 $6,479 $356 0 $11,980 Fees in red are at a reduced rate per CC approval on September 24th 2018 through September 24th 2019 PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE PER UNIT BLDG. PLMB. WATER WATER SEWER SEWER SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED FEE INS. FEE CONN. CAP.DEV. CONN. CAP.DEV. 2 Bedrooms/Less 25/S.F. 112 250 $1,200 250 $1,422 3 Bedrooms 25/S.F. 112 250 $2,079 250 $2,040 4 Bedrooms 25/S.F. 112 250 $2,235 250 $2,612 5 BedroomsiMore 25/S.F. 112 250 $2,235 250 $2,656 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED(Townhouses,duplexes,etc.) 1 Bedroom g/S. F. $84.00*250 $1,418 250 $1,678 2 Bedroom F. $84.00*250 $2,361 250 $2,805 3 Bedroom 84.00*250 $2,839 250 $3,437 4 Bedrooms/More 84.00*250 $3,738 250 $4,426 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 25/S.F. $84.00*250 $1,536 250 $1,827 1 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00*250 $2,085 250 $2,479 2 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00*250 $2,274 250 $2,695 3 Bedrooms/More 25/S.F. $84.00*250 $3,627 250 $4,301 Water Meter Fees are as follows: 3/4"225 2" 2,050 84.00*-fee per unit, V 325 3" 2,500 plus$28.00 per 11/2" 600 4" 3,700 building 6" 5,100 Please note,there may be special developer donations or annexation fees dependent upon annexation agreement. Fees subject to change without notice. 11/29/2018 SPECIAL DEVELOPER DONATION FEE SCHEDULES* Effective May 1,2018 SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTALIUNIT FOXCROFT FZIDGE#/PRDC EFFICIENCY 0 $2,427 356 0 $2,783 1 BEDROOM 0 $2,427 356 0 $2,783 2 BEDROOMS 1,143 2,427 356 0 $3,926 3 BEDROOMS 5,145 2,427 356 0 $7,928 105,000 due w/permit phase one,$75,000 due w/permit phase two. In lieu of std parks donation,developer shall pay$1,877 per unit. LEGEND LAKES -ATTACHED(formerly Shamrock Farms) 1 BEDROOM 0 1,189 356 0 $1,545 2 BEDROOMS 1,190 1,987 356 0 $3,533 3 BEDROOMS 1,336 $2,383 356 0 $4,075 4 BEDROOMS 3,244 3,135 356 0 $6,735 LEGEND LAKES (formerly Shamrock Farms) 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 709 $1,005 178 0 $1,892 3 BEDROOMS 1,627 1,444 178 0 $3,249 4 BEDROOMS 1,869 1,876 178 0 $3,923 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 1,641 1,878 178 0 $3,697 LIBERTY TRAILS 2 BEDROOM;:/LESS 1,420 734 178 0 $2,332 3 BEDROOMS 2,995 1,063 178 0 $4,236 4 BEDROOMS 3,483 1,364 178 0 $5,025 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 3,286 $1,336 178 0 $4,800 LINCOLN HILLS 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 1,396 2,104 178 0 $3,678 3 BEDROOMS 3,200 3,024 178 0 $6,402 4 BEDROOMS 3,679 $3,927 178 0 $7,784 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 3,232 3,932 178 0 $7,342 MORGAN HILL TOWNHOMES 1 BEDROOM 0 2,488 356 0 $2,844 2 BEDROOMS 2,383 4,222 356 0 $6,961 3 BEDROOMS 2,697 4,886 356 0 $7,939 4 BEDROOMS 6,494 6,671 356 0 $13,521 Fees increase annually May 1 by CPI-U Average. Fees subject to change without notice. REVISED/1*1/29/2018 SPECIAL DEVELOPER DONATION FEE SCHEDULES* Effective May 1,2018 SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL/UNIT OAKS AT IRISH PRAIRIE(approved 9111/06-55,65,70) 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 1,857 1,630 178 0 $3,665 3 BEDROOMS 2,724 2,343 178 0 $5,245 4 BEDROOMS 3,590 3,041 178 0 $6,809 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 3,677 3,046 178 0 $6,901 PATRIOT ESTATES 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 1,384 2,089 178 0 $3,651 3 BEDROOMS 2,251 3,004 178 0 $5,433 4 BEDROOMS 3,118 3,899 178 0 $7,195 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 3,202 3,905 S178 0 $7,285 PATRIOT ESTATES-ATTACHED 1 BEDROOM 0 2,471 356 0 $2,827 2 BEDROOMS 2,326 4,125 356 0 $6,807 3 BEDROOMS 2,635 4,955 356 0 $7,946 4 BEDROOMS 6,341 6,515 356 0 $13,212 PRAIRIE LAKES(Gilger)-ATTACHED 1 BEDROOM 0 2,529 356 0 $2,885 2 BEDROOMS 2,383 4,223 356 0 $6,962 3 BEDROOMS 2,697 5,076 356 0 $8,129 4 BEDROOMS 6,494 6,671 356 0 $13,521 PRESERVES OF BOONE CREEK(Adams) 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 3,825 3,933 356 0 $8,114 3 BEDROOMS 5,612 5,655 356 0 $11,623 4 BEDROOMS 7,398 7,340 356 0 $15,094 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 7,575 7,354 356 0 $15,285 PRESERVES OF BOONE CREEK-ATTACHED 1 BEDROOM 0 $2,326 356 0 $2,682 2 BEDROOMS 2,396 3,882 356 0 $6,634 3 BEDROOMS 2,713 4,666 356 0 $7,735 4 BEDROOMIS 6,533 6,134 356 0 $13,023 Fees increase annually May 1 by CPI-U Average. Fees subject to change without notice. REVISED/11/29/2018 Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 McHenrwww.ci.mchenry.il.us DISCUSSION ITEM AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: September 16, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:City of McHenry Refuse Contract, Yard Waste Program ATT: Prairieland Yard Waste Pickup/Drop-off Data & Operating Costs AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff are presenting the topic of the Saturday Yard Waste Program in order to open up a discussion with City Council regarding the current state of the program as well as the future of the program. Provided for Council's consideration is background information for the existing program, current City and contractor operational considerations, information regarding yard waste services in other local communities, and potential options for reforms to existing services. Steve Schweinsberg, President of Prairieland Disposal will be in attendance to provide yard waste pickup and drop off data for City Council's information and to discuss options for potential reforms to the existing Saturday Yard Waste Drop Off Program with Staff and City Council. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In Spring of 2017 the previous refuse hauling contract performed by Waste Management Inc.was completed and City Council directed staff to solicit proposals for refuse hauling services. Prairieland Disposal provided the most competitive pricing and was awarded the contract which began in August of 2017. As a part of the proposal process, all potential haulers were requested to provide scopes of services and pricing for several options of refuse hauling program services which included various options for yard waste pick up and drop off services. Historically, the City of McHenry, as a part of its refuse hauling contract has included Saturday yard waste drop off program located at the Knox Park Barn from the beginning of April to the beginning of December. This program has served the residents of McHenry for many years and has become a normal part of the program scope of services. The cost of this program is not paid The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. for separately but these operational costs are included in resident pricing for garbage toters and program stickers. Currently, the yard waste drop off is one of multiple options for the disposal of yard waste available to residents. In addition to the drop off program, residents are able to purchase yard waste stickers which will allow for the curbside removal of properly bagged yard waste and bundled brush which meets dimensional requirements for curb side pickup. OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: This year there have been concerns expressed by residents regarding the operation of the program. Some of these concerns have included: backup of traffic onto Illinois Route 31, for residents waiting in line, drop off participants cutting in line via Park Place, and long wait times. In an effort to improve the flow of traffic and reduce stacking of vehicles onto Route 31 staff have introduced a small number of traffic control measures to encourage drop off users to follow the proper lineup pattern. Additionally, the Police Department has at times provided additional support with regard to traffic control and site access. In the past, residency requirements for the program were enforced through the use of City vehicle stickers. Since the discontinuance of the vehicle sticker program, the potential issue of program abuse by non-residents has become an issue of concern. There has been an observed increase in the amount of yard waste being dropped off this year which may account for the traffic control difficulties which have been encountered. WHAT OTHER COMMUNITIES ARE DOING: Village of Cary Unlimited curbside yard waste pick up in the following containers: 0 33 gallon kraft biodegradable bags o bundled brush less than 4' long, 2' diameter, and 50 pounds 95 gallon cart available for monthly rental price no Saturday Drop Off Algonquin All yard waste is disposed of curbside in kraft bags with pre-paid yard waste stickers 95 gallon cart available for monthly rental price no Saturday Drop Off The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Crystal Lake Unlimited curbside yard waste pick up in the following containers: 0 33 gallon kraft biodegradable bags o bundled brush less than 4' long, 2' diameter, and 50 pounds o properly marked containers no more than 33 gallons in size 95 gallon cart available for monthly rental price no Saturday Drop Off Woodstock All yard waste is disposed of curbside in kraft bags with pre-paid yard waste stickers no Saturday Drop Off Huntley Unlimited curbside yard waste pick up in the following containers: 0 33 gallon kraft biodegradable bags o bundled brush less than 4' long, 2' diameter, and 50 pounds o properly marked containers no more than 33 gallons in size 95 gallon cart available for monthly rental price no Saturday Drop Off Lake in the Hills All yard waste is disposed of with free stickers which can be picked up at the City Hall. Yard waste is unlimited and can be picked up in the following containers: 0 33 gallon kraft biodegradable bags o bundled brush less than 4' long, 2' diameter, and 50 pounds o properly marked containers no more than 33 gallons in size 95 gallon cart available for monthly rental price no Saturday Drop Off OPTIONS FOR PROGRAM REFORMS: Universal Yard Waste Toters Cost included in resident monthly services All residents receive service without the need for a trip to a dump site Non-residents cannot abuse City Services Increased cost of services for all residents, possible increases on garbage toter and sticker prices The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. 2 Free Bags Per Week All residents receive service without the need for a trip to a dump site Non-residents cannot abuse City Services No Increased cost based upon Prairieland Disposal projections An amendment to the existing contract is required Unlimited Yard Waste Pickup Cost included in resident monthly services All residents receive service without the need for a trip to a dump site Non-residents cannot abuse City Services Increased cost of services for all residents, possible increases on garbage toter and sticker prices RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that staff make arrangements to perform citizen surveys regarding the yard waste disposal options under the current refuse hauling contract and to bring the findings of the survey before Council for further information and to consider possible reforms to the existing program. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Saturday Yard Waste Drop-off Cost Truck with Driver Hours Total p/truck X2 trucks 158.00 6 948.00 1896.00 Dump Cost Yards Total 9.25 p/yard 40.62 375.78 Average Total per Saturday:$2271.78 Weekly Yard Waste Pick-up at Curb Cost with stickers Truck with Driver Hours Total per day X5 Days 125.00 p/hour 5 p/day 625.00 3125.00 Dump Cost Yards Total X2 loads per week 9.25 p/yard 25 231.25 462.50 Sticker Cost Stickered Yard Total Income Waste Collected 3.30 600 1980.00 Average curbside cost p/week: $3587.50 Average total yard waste collection cost per week: $5859.28 Average income from stickered yard waste: $1980.00 Average yard waste cost: $3879.28 Proposed Yard Waste Program: Includes two(2) unstickered yard waste bags at curb per week Truck with Driver Hours OT Hours Total per day Total per week 125.00 8 1 @ $58.00 p/hr $1158.00 5790.00 Dump Cost Yards Total per day Total per week 9.25 per yard 18 166.50 832.50 Average curbside cost per week: $6622.50 PraAw ie a City of McHenry Yard Waste Knox Park Date of vehicles Yards July 20, 2019 424 31.25 July 27, 2019 568 43.75 August 3, 2019 538 37.5 August 10, 2019 591 50 Average 530 40.62 Drop-off Cost$2271.78 Sticker program curbside: 2 loads average per week, price$1980.00 Curbside (2) kraft paper bags or approved container with a visible X marked on it or bundles of tree and brush trimmings under four(4)feet in length and weigh less than forty(40) pounds included. Branches must be less than 3" in diameter and tied with compostable twine.Any additional bags, cans or bundles will require stickers. Unacceptable Material: Tree trucks,stumps and large limbs Fence posts, railroad ties,firewood, and other wood objects. Sod, earth and rocks Prairieland Disposal Inc. 211\1988 Pepper Road/Lake Barrington, IL 60010 847) 381-9300