HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 08/19/2019 - Finance and Personnel CommitteeFinance and Personnel Committee Meeting August 19, 2019-5:30 p.m. McHenry Municipal Center —Council Chambers 333 S Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comment: Persons wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three -minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 4. Motion to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2019, Finance and Personnel Committee meeting 5. Discussion on long term financial planning including Personnel, Operational, and Capital Needs 6. Possible motion to recommend to the Council an increase in Local Sales Tax and/or Telecommunications Tax 7. Other Business 8. Staff Reports 9. Motion to adjourn the meeting The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality ofprograms and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. SPECIAL FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Monday, April 1, 2019 Municipal Center Council Chambers, 5:30 PM Call to Order: Alderman Curry called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. Roll Call: Deputy Clerk Meadows called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Chairman Curry, Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Mihevc. Also in attendance: Administrator Morefield, Finance Director Lynch, Chief of Police Birk, Parks & Recreation Director Hobson, Human Resource Director Campanella, Economic Director Martin. Alderman Curry recognized the fact that Mayor Jett, Alderman Glab and Alderman Santi was also in attendance along with two uncontested 2019 Consolidated Candidates, Ms. Sue Miller and Ms. Bobbi Baehne. Public Comment: Alderman Curry asked if those in attendance wished to address the Committee Members at this time. Those in attendance offered no comments. Motion to approve the March 25, 2019 Finance and Personnel Committee meeting report Alderman Curry asked the Committee Members if they had any questions or comments on the March 25, 2019 Committee meeting minutes. The Committee Members offered no comments. A Motion was made by Alderman Schaefer and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to approve the March 25, 2019 Committee Meeting report as present. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc and Alderman Curry. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Discussion/Recommendation-Draft Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget or an Alternative Fiscal Year Budget2019/2020 Administrator Morefield provided the Committee Members and those in attendance with an overview of four different budget scenarios. The first scenario represented the FY-2019/2020 Budget with the proposed four new positions, funding capital projects and two new revenue streams. In which the net change in the fund balance was $427,206 producing an ending fund balance of $6,898,209. Administrator Morefield continued on to present the second scenario which depicted the FY- 2019/2020 Budget with the local sales tax and telecommunication tax revenue streams along with funding capital improvement projects. However, this scenario eliminated the funding for the four new positions. He reported that the net change in the fund balance was $63,122 producing an ending fund balance of $7,262,293. Administrator Morefield discussed the third scenario which depicted the original FY-2019/2020 Budget prior to the Council's approval of increasing the local sale tax and the telecommunication tax. The net change in the fund balance was $471,453 producing an ending fund balance of $7,796,868. However, this scenario included no capital improvements that were not funded by MFT Funds or matching grants. Administrator Morefield discussed the forth scenario that only depicted the increases in the local sales tax and telecommunication tax revenue streams. Which produced a new change in the fund balance of $1,371,453 with an ending fund balance of $8,696,868. Administrator Morefield commented on the final scenario which depicted the local sales tax and telecommunications tax revenue streams with the four new positions. However, no new capital improvement projects. Producing a net change in the fund balance of $1,007,369 an ending fund balance of $8,332,784. A lengthy discussion ensued with respect to the four different scenarios. Alderman Curry reiterated the fact that in his opinion the overtime percentages for the Police Department and the Parks Department does not justified adding additional positions. He went on to commented on the fact that once the City adds additional positions the salaries and benefits costs would increase annually. In the future the additional personnel costs would continue to deplete the revenues increased by the implementation of the additional local sale tax and telecommunication tax revenues. Director Campanella noted that there are federal and state laws addressing the hours an exempt employee may perform duties assigned to hourly employees. Alderman Curry commented on the fact that some of the Council Members supported the increases in the local sale tax and telecommunication tax due to the fact that they were under the impression that these additional revenue streams would assist in funding capital improvement projects. Alderman Curry continued on to discuss the proposed request for two additional Police Officers. He reported that he had investigated the FBI Staffing Table guidelines as referenced by Chief Birk during a previous meeting and in his opinion the current City staffing levels comply with the FBI guidelines. Chief Birk commented on the fact that he could not justify the FBI's methodology used in determining staffing levels. Chief Birk continued on to report that he had conducted an extensive staffing needs analysis applying historical data, resource allocation, allocation failures, overtime expenses, benefit time, Workers Comp/light duty along with mandated training hours and at the conclusion the staffing needs mathematical analysis clearly expressed the need for 2.07 additional Police Offices. He continued on to provide the Committee Members and those in attendance with an overview of his fourteen page report. Alderman Curry reported that this was the first time he had seen Chief Birk's extensive report and would like more time to do his due diligence in reviewing the staffing analysis. Administrator Morefield recommended that Staff draft two budget scenarios one of which includes the four additional personnel positions and the other budget not funding the additional personnel positions. This matter could been be discussed with the full City Council during the budget workshop scheduled for April 15th. The Committee Members concurred with Administrator Morefield's recommendation. A Motion made by Alderman Schaefer and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to present two FY-2019/2020 budgets one including the additional four positions and the other budget without the staffing level increases. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc and Alderman Curry. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. 2019/2020 Proposed Finance & Personnel Committee Schedule Alderman Curry reported that he had drafted a rough 2019/2020 Finance & Personnel schedule noting various topics. Although he realizes he will no longer be a Council Member the topics were just to serve the next Committee Members with some guidance. A Motion was made by Alderman Mihevc and seconded by Alderman Schaefer to approve the 2019/2020 Finance & Personnel Committee schedule. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Schaefer and Alderman Curry. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Staff Reports Staff offered no reports at this time. Motion to adjourn the meeting A Motion was made by Alderman Schaefer and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn from the public meeting at 6:45 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 3-ayes: Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc and Alderman Schaefer. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Debra Meadows, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and approved this day of 2019. Alderman Curry, Chairman City of McHenry 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT DATE: August 19, 2019 TO: Finance and Personnel Committee FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director RE: Discussion on Long Term Financial Planning including Personnel, Operational, and Capital Needs ATT: General Fund Summary Sheet with 3 year budget estimates Public Works Attachment A — Salary Analysis AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Finance and Personnel Committee to have a high level discussion on revenue and expense forecasts over the next few years and, specifically, to begin the development of the FY20/21 CIP and FY20/21 Budget. Also, the Committee is being provided information relative to the budget impact of increasing the Local Sales Tax by an additional .25% and Telecommunications Tax by an additional 3% in order to provide sufficient revenues to fund operating increases and, most significantly, commit more substantial funding to capital improvement projects (e.g., local roads) and capital equipment projects (e.g., vehicles and equipment). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The attached General Fund Summary Sheet was updated to include estimates on a few large revenue sources as well as potential increases to expenses. Revenues FY19/20 Budgeted General Fund Revenues are $24,060,427. Of these, $18,328,178 or 76.2% are derived from Property Tax ($4,942,359 or 20.5%); State Income Tax ($2,719,444 or 11.3%); State Sales Tax ($7,879,467 or 32.7%); and Local Sales Tax ($2,786,908 11.6%). Again, 76.2% of all General Fund Revenues come from these four sources. These are the revenues used to fund all municipal operations, capital improvements and capital equipment needs except for the Water, Wastewater and Utility Divisions of Public Works and the Recreation Center. City of McHenry 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Property Tax - The City has made a committed effort to maintain Property Taxes at or below those received in 2010 and it is assumed that this will continue. The result is that this revenue sources is "frozen" at the 2010 level and, as such, cannot be looked to for the projection of additional revenues to the municipality. State Income Tax - The amount derived from State Income Taxes has remain relatively flat in recent years at the $2.5 million per year level. Given the potential for fluctuation in this revenue source based on the economy, additional revenues cannot be projected from this source. State Sales Tax - Over the last 10 years, the amount derived from State Sales Taxes has averaged 2.5% per year. Like State Income Taxes, this is a revenue source that fluctuates based on the state of the economy. Local Sales Tax — Over the four-year period identified on the attached spreadsheet (FY15/16 through FY18/19), Local Sales Tax Revenues increased by less than $100,000. In FY18/19 Council chose to increase the Local Sales Tax Rate by .25% to .75%. This is anticipated to increase revenues by approximately $750,000 in FY19/20 (partial year collection) and an estimated $1 million for FY20/21 (first full year of collection). Telecommunication Tax — In FY18/19 Council chose to increase the rate from 1% to 3%, which is anticipated to increase revenues by approximately $150,000 in FY19/20 (partial year) and an estimated $225,000 for FY20/21 (full year). The City Administration is in the process of reviewing other revenue sources to identify opportunities for increases, specifically, through the updating of Licenses and Permits and Fines and Forfeitures. These will be addressed through proposed updates to the Municipal Code as they come before Council. Expenditures FY19/20 Budgeted General Fund Expenditures are $24,543,633. Of these, $17,619,366 or 71.2% are attributable to Personnel costs (wages, benefits, pension, etc.); $2,023,558 or 8.2% for Contractual costs; $843,095 or 3.4% for Supplies; $2,435,039 or 9.9% for Transfers/Other; and $1,622,575 or 6.6% for Capital Outlay. As a reminder, $483,206 of General Fund Balance is budgeted to be used to be able to fund capital improvement and capital equipment needs. Forecasting Revenues and Expenditures On the revenue side, there are two columns for estimates for FY20/21. Column N includes a 2% increase for Sales Tax and State Income Tax as well as including a full year of the new Home Rule Sales Tax (0.75%) and Telecommunication Tax (3%) rates. A couple of City Council Members have asked to be able to analyze the impact of increasing the Local Sales Tax and Telecommunication Tax to the maximum rates. As such, Column 0 was added to show what the estimates of Home City of McHenry 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Rule Sales Taxes and Telecommunication Taxes would be if the maximum rates were approved, 1% (0.25% increase) and 6% (3% increase) respectively. This was meant to be a high level discussion so other revenue sources were not adjusted for the 3 years as it was more important to look at the largest revenue sources. On the expenditure side, each department was asked to identify additional personnel needs/changes and non-CIP capital needs that should be addressed over a five year period. At this time no personnel additions were identified. Public Works and Community Development did identify positions that could be eliminated or hired at lower wages due to attrition (retirement). Specifically in Public Works, positions could be eliminated and replaced with contracted expenses. These savings are identified in Attachment A, Public Works Salary Analysis, but until a firm date can be pinned down for a retirement it is hard determine when these savings could be realized. For Personnel costs in FY20/21, increases were made (including wages and benefits) for union employees in the amount of $314,655, nonbargaining employee increases of 3% or $65,248, insurance increases of $121,036, and police pension increases of $70,000. One additional personnel cost increase is for the wage and compensation study in order to bring all employees to the 25th percentile of the wage and compensation study which totals $142,114. The City Administration feels strongly that this additional implementation step of the wage and compensation study be implemented to ensure that wages are competitive in the market. When previous years' expenses other than personnel and transfers were analyzed, it appears that a 5% increase each year over the 3 years is a reasonable estimate for this high level discussion. Contractual, Supplies, and Other expenses were increased 5% or $184,055 for FY20/21. Transfer expenses were actually decreased going forward as debt service expenses continually decline as bonds expire. Specific dollar amounts were not identified for capital in the 3 year forecast on the attached summary. One reason for this is because the Leopardo study is still in the works which will address most of the vehicle/equipment needs for the general fund. It is important to remember that there will be a monthly loan payment to cover these expenses, but at this time this specific amount is not known. It is important to point out that those cells highlighted in GREEN of Row 39 (Excess/(Deficiency) Revenues over Expenditures) in Column N and Column O ($1,312,899 and $2,838,273) is what is left to fund capital projects for FY20/21 (or saved in reserves for future capital projects). Obviously road improvements are at the top of the list for capital budgeting and it is important to remember that FY20/21 is the final year that the Motor Fuel Tax Fund will be paying for the 2010 Bond. This will free up just under $400,000 in Motor Fuel Tax Dollars for local road projects. City of McHenry 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In summary, given the substantial Capital Improvement and Capital Equipment needs of the City — specifically, local roads, vehicle and equipment replacement, and maintenance of public facilities — and the fact that primary revenues sources (Property Tax, State Income Tax, State Sales Tax) have remained level, the City Administration recommends that consideration be given to increasing the Local Sales Tax by .25% and the Telecommunications Tax 3%. The City Administration will continue to research ways to decrease operational expenses through increased efficiencies and ways to increase alternate revenue sources. The City Administration is confident that this combination will continue to ensure that the City can implement an aggressive capital improvement and capital equipment program, continue to fund operating expenses, while maintaining an appropriate General Fund Balance. A I F H I J I K I L I M I N O P Q R S 1 General Fund - Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance Summary Actual Actual Actual Budget Anticipated - 10,150,308 10,338,848 7,303,780 7,266,953 7,266,953 - Budget 7,325,415 No Tax Increase �'t Est Budget Variance Variance % Est Budget 6,842,209 58,462 0.80% L 2 3 4 5 6 7 Est Budget 7,325,415 S Property Taxes - -- 4,942,359 - 0.00% 4,942,359 8,037,056 157,589 2.00% 8,197,797 4,661,493 1,874,585 67.26% 4,754,723 2,773,833 54,389 2.00% 2,829,310 65,000 - 0.00% 65,000 720,000 435,000 152.63% 720,000 1,000 - 0.00% 1,000 49,000 - 0.00% 49,000 560,000 - 0.00% 560,000 320,000 - 0.00% 320,000 230,000 - 0.00% 230,000 332,000 - 0.00% 332,000 1,270,087 - 0.00% 1,270,087 2,045,962 - 0.00% 2,045,962 120,000 - 0.001/. 120,000 10,000 - 0.00% 10,000 444,200 - 0.00% 444,200 26,581,990 2,521,563 10.48% 26,891,438 9 5,139,820 5,103,443 4,947,812 4,942,359 4,945,032 4,942,359 7,879,467 2,786,908 2,719,444 65,000 285,000 1,000 49,000 560,000 320,000 230,000 332,000 1,270,087 2,045,962 120,000 10,000 444,200 4,942,359 8,037,056 3,496,120 2,773,833 65,000 360,000 1,000 49,000 560,000 320,000 230,000 332,000 1,270,087 2,045,962 120,000 10,000 444,200 4,942,359 10 State Sales Tax 7,039,037 7,261,972 7,659,203 7,699,625 7,809,203 8,361,753 11 Local Sales Tax 1,930,507 1,945,606 1,988,773 1,972,882 2,018,773 4,849,817 12 State Income Tax 2,760,806 2,544,967 2,456,160 2,585,834 2,606,160 2,885,896 13 State Replacement Tax 74,272 77,522 59,769 70,000 64,557 65,000 14 State Telecommunications Tax 143,736 143,912 129,378 135,000 121,378 720,000 15 Pull Tabs - 1,852 886 1,000 1,253 1,000 16 Intertrack Wagering 63,467 56,388 49,872 52,000 48,242 49,000 17 Video Gaming 272,108 431,980 522,691 430,000 592,691 560,000 18 Franchise Fees 324,114 351,301 344,775 345,000 329,775 320,000 19 Licenses and Permits 427,998 411,097 368,219 358,000 411,078 230,000 20 Fines and Forfeitures 406,452 604,871 368,411 364,300 337,763 332,000 21 Charges for Services 1,233,119 1,168,023 1,142,382 1,215,134 1,263,470 1,270,087 22 Reimbursement 752,987 1,327,231 2,127,511 2,050,606 2,133,446 2,045,962 23 Interest Income 13,508 45,543 80,010 35,000 154,297 120,000 24 25 Donations 13,500 12,550 17,279 10,000 3,250 10,000 Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE - PENDI Personnel 64,212 430,729 251,325 43,000 135,820 444,200 26 20,659,643 21,918,987 22,514,456 22,309,740 22,976,188 24,060,427 25,056,617 27,207,074 27 28 29 17,619,366 18,332,419 18,332,419 713,053 4.05% 19,065,716 2,023,558 2,124,736 2,124,736 101,178 5.00% 2,230,973 843,095 885,250 885,250 42,155 5.00% 929,512 814,450 855,173 855,173 40,723 5.00% 897,931 1,622,575 (1,622,575)-100.00% 1,620,589 1,546,140 1,546,140 (74,449) -4.59% 1,623,447 24,543,633 23,743,718 23,743,717 (799,916) -3.26% 24,747,579 1 1 22,921,058 23,743,718 23,743,717 798,516 3.61% 24,747,579 gg72,143,859 13,815,545 14,782,035 16,450,544 16,798,402 16,665,433 19,828,344 30 Contractual 1,910,655 1,926,080 2,170,853 1,934,364 1,930,974 2,342,521 31 Supplies 764,364 861,454 896,035 808,170 766,127 975,988 32 Other 496,698 603,299 786,570 709,300 790,191 942,828 33 Capital Outlay 130,946 210,601 355,432 1,426,150 892,695 34 Transfers 3,260,456 6,570,586 1,891,849 1,872,306 1,872,306 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,378,664 24,954,055 22,551,283 23,548,692 22,917,726 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES 18,749,671 19,947,884 22,195,851 22,122,542 22,025,031 J(DEFICIENCYYAEVERIAS OVER EXPENDITURES 1,704,619 25,794,301 25,794,301 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 KET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 280,979 (3,035,068) (36,827) (1,238,952) 58,462 (483,206) 1,312,899 2,838,273 1,412,774 42 43 PUND BALANCE ENDING 10,431,287 7,303,780 7,266,953 6,028,001 7,325,415 6,842,209 8,638,314 9,6 00,482 44 45 Less Unassigned - 120 days 6,775,024 7,303,780 7,350,447 7,450,000 7,640,353 Assigned for Capital i 3,656,263 83,494 1,421,999 314,938 Attachment A: Public Works Administration 2019/2020 Position Salary OT Snow OT I Seasonal I Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life _ 4-$ $ _15,668.13 $ 13,117.50 Director $ 118,250.00 $ 9,696.50 $ 17,500.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Staff Engineer $ 99,000.00 $ 8,118.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Administrative Analyst $ 50,000.00 6,625.00 $ 4,100.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Personnel Costs $ 377,825.13 2020/2021 Position Salary OT Snow OT I Seasonal Uniform I IMRF I FICA Health I Dental Vision Life $ - $ - $ - $ 8,633.00 Director $ 121,797.50 $ 16,138.17 $ 13,707.79 $ 9,987.40 $ 8,483.31 $ 18,025.00 $ 18,025.00 $ 195.70 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 $ 51.50 Staff Engineer $ 103,455.00 _ Administrative Analyst $ 52,250.00 $ 6,923.13 $ 4,284.50 $ 18,025.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Personnel Costs $ 400,507.29 2021/2022 Position Salary OT Snow OT I Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ _ - $ - $ - $ 8,633.00 Director $ 125,451.43 $ 16,622.31 $ 10,287.02 $ 18,565.75 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Staff Engineer $ 108,110.48 $ 14,324.64 $ 8,865.06 $ 18,565.75 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Administrative Analyst $ 54,601.25 $ 7,234.67 $ 4,477.30 $ 18,565.75 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Personnel Costs $ 415,100.07 2022/2023 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ - $ - $ - $ 8,633.00 Director $ 129,214.97 $ 17,120.98 $ 10,595.63 $ 19,122.72 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Staff Engineer $ 112,975.45 $ 14,969.25 $ 9,263.99 $ 19,122.72 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.I Administrative Analyst $ 57,058.31 $ 7,560.23 $ 4,678.78 $ 19,122.72 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Personnel Costs $ 430,258.28 2023/2024 Position Salary OT Snow OT I Seasonal Uniform IMRF I FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ - $ - $ - $ 8,633.00 Director $ 133,091.42 $ 17,634.61 $ 10,913.50 $ 19,696.40 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Staff Engineer $ 118,059.34 $ 15,642.86 $ 9,680.87 $ 19,696.40 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Administrative Analyst $ 59,625.93 $ 7,900.44 $ 4,889.33 $ 19,696.40 1 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Personnel Costs $ 446,004.63 2024/2025 Position Salary OT Snow OT I Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life Director $ - $ _ - $ - $ 8,633.00 $ 137,084.16 $ 18,163.65 $ 11,240.90 $ 20,287.30 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 17.96 Staff Engineer $ 123,372.01 $ 16,346.79 $ 10,116.50 $ 20,287.30 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Administrative Analyst 1 $ 62,309.10 $ 8,255.96 1 $ 5,109.35 $ 20,287.30 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Personnel Costs $ 462,362.76 Attachment A: Street Division Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Daniel Vision I.H. $ 15,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 9,500.00 Superintendent $ 98,659.00 $ 13,072.32 $ 8,090.04 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Crew Leader $ 89,059.00 $ 11,800.32 $ 7,302.94 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.00 Crew Leader $ 69,792.00 $ 9,247.44 $ 5,722.94 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Mechanic $ 85,555.00 $ 11,336.04 $ 7,015.51 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,149.00 $ 9,427.24 $ 5,834.22 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,149.00 $ 9,427.24 $ 5,834.22 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Mechanic $ 64,632.00 $ 8,563.74 $ 5,299.82 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 65,660.00 $ 8,699.95 $ 5,384.12 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 54,036.00 $ 7,159.77 $ 4,430.95 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 63,074.00 $ 8,35731 $ 5,172.07 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50,00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,648.00 $ 9,493.36 $ 5,875.14 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,648.00 $ 9,493.36 $ 5,975.14 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,649.00 $ 9,493.36 $ 5,875.14 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 54,036.00 $ 7,15937 $ 4,430.95 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 49,523.00 $ 6,561.80 $ 4,060.89 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 66,617.00 $ 8,826.75 $ 5,462.59 $ 21,30D.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 49,523.00 $ 6,561.80 $ 4060.89 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Personnel Costs $ 1,898,667.02 Standard Contractual $ 145,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 80,000.00 Thermoplastic Paw:ment Marking $ 10,000.00 Trimming & Pruning $ 50,000.00 Total Personnel+Contra cted $ 2,183,667.02 P.10- Salary OT Snaw OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Ufa $ 15,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 9,500.00 Superintendent $ 98,659.00 $ 13,072.32 $ 8,090.04 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Crew Leader $ 89,059.00 $ 11,800.32 $ 7,302.84 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Crew Leader $ 69,792.00 S 9,247.44 $ 5,722.94 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Mechanic $ 85,555.00 $ 11,336.04 $ 7,015.51 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,149.00 $ 9,427.24 $ 5,834.22 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,149.00 $ 9,427.24 $ 5,934.22 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Mechanic $ 64,632.00 $ 8,563.74 $ 5,299.82 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 65.660.00 $ 8,699.95 $ 5,394.12 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 54,036.00 $ 7,159.77 $ 4,430.95 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 63,074.00 $ 8,357.31 $ 5,172.07 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 63,074,00 $ 8,357.31 $ 5,172.07 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,648.00 $ 9,493.36 $ 5,875.14 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,648.00 $ 9,493.36 $ 5,875.14 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,648.00 $ 9,493.36 $ 5,875.14 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 54,036.00 $ 7,159.77 $ 4,430.95 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 49,523.00 $ 6,561.80 $ 4,060.89 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Malntenanca Worker $ 66,617.00 $ 8,826.75 $ 5,462.59 $ 21,300.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.M Malntenanca Worker $ 49,523.00 $ 6,561.80 $ 4,060.89 $ 213.. $ 190.00 $ 30.00 $ 50.00 Personnel Costs 5 1,995,820.39 Standard Contractual $ 145,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 80,000.00 Total Personnel ♦ Contracted $ 2,221,820.39 Attachment A: Street Division 70JOh07f W/ATTRITION 14, IN RIM wo 16"M ®' Personnel Costs 5 1,779,263.62 Standard Contractual $ 149,350.00 Street Sweeping $ 82,400.00 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking $ 10,300.00 Trimming&Pruning $ 51,500.00 Concrete Flatwork $ 100,000.00 add Ratwark Total Personnel + Contracted $ 2,172,813.62 $ 2,307,118.12 (Projected Increase w/out attrition) 2020/2021 UNCHANGED $ 134,304.50 (assigned to Capital) Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental %Rslon Ufa $ 15,450.00 $ 72,100.00 $ 20,600.00 $ 9,785.00 Su erintendent $ 101,618.77 $ 13,464.49 $ 8,332.74 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Crew Leader $ 91,730.77 $ 12,154.33 $ 7,521.92 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Crew Leader $ 71,885.76 $ 9,524.86 $ 5,894.63 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Mechanic $ 89,404.98 $ 12,846.16 $ 7,331.21 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,350.71 $ 9,852.47 $ 6,096.76 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,350.71 $ 9,851.47 $ 6,096.76 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Mechanic $ 67,540.44 $ 8,949.11 $ 5,538.32 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 68,614.70 $ 9,091.45 $ 5,626.41 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 56,467.62 $ 7,481.96 $ 4,630.34 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 65,912.33 $ 8,733.38 $ 5,404.81 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 65,912.33 $ 8,733.38 $ 5,404.81 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,872.16 $ 9,920.56 $ 6,139.52 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,872.16 $ 9,920.56 $ 6,139.52 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,872.16 $ 9,920.56 $ 6,139.52 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 56,467.62 $ 7,481.96 $ 4,630.34 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 51,751.54 $ 6,857.08 $ 4,243.63 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ fi9,61/.77 $ 9,223.% $ 5,708.41 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 Maintenance Worker $ 51,751.54 $ 6,857.08 $ 4,243.63 $ 22,365.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 Personnel Costs 5 2,082,118.12 Standard Contractual $ 145000.00 Street Sweeping $ 80:000.00 Total Personnel+ Contracted $ 2,307,118.12 Attachment A: Street Division 10212— W/ATTRITION malning Crew Leader pay Increase due to Increased management work load mtry level mechanic Personnel Costs 5 1,691,891.46 Standard ContraRual $ 153,11MM Street Sweeping $ 110,000.00 add state routes& downtown to sweeping once sweeper is pulled from service Thermoplartic Pavement Marking $ 11,000.00 Trimming&Pruning $ 53,".00 Comsat, Flatwork $ 105,000.00 Total Personnel.Contracted $ 2,124,721.96 $ 2,426,155.91 (Rolected lnueare w/out a[bitlon) $ 301,433.85 (asslgnad W Capital) Fr;";M. . Personnel Cods $ 2,1J3,155.g1 Standard Contractual $ 145,000.00 St —Sweeping $ 110,000.00 add rtate routes& downtown to sweeping once sweeper is pulled from service Total Personnel. Con--d $ 2,476,155.81 Attachment A: Street Division m7 nm3 Personnel Costs $ 1,646,690.99 Standard Contractual $ 158,445.42 StreetSweeping $ 113,300.00 Thermoplastic Pawment Marking $ 11,000.00 Trimming & Pruning $ 55,000.00 Concrete Flatwork $ 110,000.00 Contracted Plow Route $ 45,000.00 staff size reduced to point of requring a plow route to be contracted, this is consistent with equipment replacement plan Tatal Personnel +Contracted $ 2,139,436.41 $ 2,490,102.57 )Projected Increase w/out attrition) 2022/2023 UNCHANGED $ 350,666.17 )assigned to Capital) m��EEMrT �© -- MIR"" Personnel Costs $ 2,235,102.57 Standard Contractual $ 145,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 110,000.00 Attachment A: Street Division 2023/2024 W/ATTRITION Personnel Costs 5 1,587,222.01 Standard ual Contract $ 165,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 117,500.00 Thermoplastic Pent Marking $ 12,000.00 Trimming&Pruning $ 57,500.00 Concrete Network $ 115,000.00 Contracted Plow Route $ 45,000.00 Total Personnel +Contracted $ 2,099,222.01 $ 2,585,824.65 (Projected Increase w/out a"tio,) 2n232H124 11 1 AN1.Pr1 $ 486,602.64 (asalgnad to Capital) ®'----�®r ®' ®' Personnel Costs $ 2,330,824.65 Standard Contractual $ 145,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 110,000.00 Attachment A: Street Division 2024/2025 W/ATTRITION ----®��� WW Personnel Costs 5 1,518,198.71 Standard Contractual $ 170,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 122,500.00 Thermoplastic P—ment Marking $ 12,500.00 Trimming & Pruning $ 60,000.00 Concrete Flatwork $ 120,000.00 Contracted Plow Route $ 90,000.00 contract additional route Total Personnel t Contra Red $ 2,093,198.71 $ 2,676,432.38 (Projected Increase ./out attrition) 2024/2025 UNCHANGED $ 583,233.67 (assigned to Capital) MIT 11.19 Personnel Costs $ 2,421,432.38 Standard Contractual $ 145,000.00 Street Sweeping $ 110,000.00 Total Personnel ♦ Contracted $ 2,676,432.38 Attachment A: Utility Division 2019/2020 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA I Health Dental Vision Life $ 25,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 3,600.00 Superintendent $ 95,119.00 $ 12,603.27 $ 7,799.76 $ 19,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Crew Leader $ 77,172.00 $ 10,225.29 $ 6,328.10 $ 19,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 78,019.00 $ 10,337.52 $ 6,397.56 $ 19,000.00 5 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 78,019.00 $ 10,337.52 $ 6,397.56 $ 19,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 74,584.00 $ 9,882.38 $ 6,115.89 $ 19,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,149.00 $ 9,427.24 $ 5,834.22 $ 19,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 65,000.00 $ 8,612.50 $ 5,330.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 60,000.00 $ 7,950.00 $ 4,920.00 $ 19,D00.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Personnel Costs $ 922,160.80 2020/2021 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 25,750.00 $ - $ 12,360.00 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 97,972.57 $ 12,981.37 $ 8,033.75 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Crew Leader $ 79,487.16 $ 10,532.05 $ 6,517.95 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 81,529.86 $ 10,802.71 $ 6,685.45 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 81,529.86 $ 10,802.71 $ 6,685.45 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 77,940.28 $ 10,327.09 $ 6,391.10 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,350.71 $ 9,851.47 $ 6,096.76 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 67,925.00 $ 9,000.06 $ 5,569.85 $ 19,570.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker 1 $ 62,700.00 1 1 1 1 1 $ 8,307.75 1 $ 5,141.40 1 $ 19,570.00 1 $ 195.70 1 $ 10.30 1 $ 51.50 Personnel Costs $ 962,525.32 2021/2022 Position Salary OT Snow OT seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 26,522.50 $ - $ 12,730.80 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 100,911.75 $ 13,370.81 $ 8,274.76 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Crew Leader $ 81,871.77 $ 10,948.01 $ 6,713.49 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker $ 85,198.70 $ 11,288.83 $ 6,986.29 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker $ 85,198.70 $ 11,288.83 $ 6,986.29 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker $ 81,447.59 $ 10,791.81 $ 6,678.70 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker $ 77,696.49 $ 10,294.78 $ 6,371.11 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker $ 70,981.63 $ 9,405.07 $ 5,820.49 $ 20,157.10 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker 1 $ 65,521.50 1 1 1 $ 8,681.60 1 $ 5,372.76 1 $ 20,157.10 1 $ 201.57 1 $ 10.61 1 $ 53.05 Personnel Costs $ 999,266.66 Attachment A: Utility Division 2022/2023 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 27,318.18 $ - $ 13,112.72 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 103,939.10 $ 13,771.93 $ 8,523.01 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 _ $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Crew Leader $ 84,327.93 $ 11,173.45 $ 6,914.89 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 89,032.64 $ 11,796.82 $ 7,300.68 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 5 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 89,032.64 $ 11,796.82 $ 7,300.68 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 85,112.73 $ 11,277.44 $ 6,979.24 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 81,192.83 $ 10,758.05 $ 6,657.81 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 74,175.80 $ 9,828.29 $ 6,082.42 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 68,469.97 $ 9,072.27 $ 5,614.54 $ 20,761.81 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Personnel Costs $ 1,037,475.83 2023/2024 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision life $ 28,137.72 $ - $ 13,506.11 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 107,057.27 $ 14,185.09 $ 8,778.70 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Crew Leader $ 86,857.77 $ 11,508.65 $ 7,122.34 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 93,039.11 $ 12,327.68 $ 7,629.21 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26. $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 93,039.11 $ 12,327.68 $ 7,629.21 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 88,942.81 $ 11,784.92 $ 7,293.31 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 84,846.51 $ 11,242.16 $ 6,957.41 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 77,513.71 $ 10,270.57 $ 6,356.12 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 71,551.12 $ 9,480.52 $ 5,867.19 $ 21,384.67 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Personnel Costs $ 1,077,213.34 2024/2025 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 28,981.85 $ - $ 13,911.29 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 110,268.99 $ 14,610.64 $ 11,853.91 $ 9,042.06 $ 7,336.01 $ 22,026.21 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 $ 57.96 Crew Leader $ 89,463.50 Maintenance Worker $ 97,225.87 $ 12,882.43 $ 7,972.52 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 97,225.87 $ 12,882.43 $ 7,972.52 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 92,945.23 $ 12,315.24 $ 7,621.51 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 88,664.60 $ 11,748.06 $ 7,270.50 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 81,D01.83 $ 10,732.74 $ 6,642.15 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 74,770.92 $ 9,907.15 $ 6,131.22 $ 22,026.21 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Personnel Costs 5 1,118,542.23 Attachment A: Wastewater Division 2019/2020 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA I Health Dental Vision Life _ $ 40,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 7,500.00 Superintendent $ 100,916.00 $ 13,371.37 $ 8,275.11 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Assistant Superintenden $ 76,895.00 $ 10,188.59 $ 6,305.39 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Mechanic $ 86,512.00 $ 11,462.84 $ 7,093.98 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Operator $ 85,555.00 $ 11,336.04 $ 7,015.51 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Operator $ 85,555.00 $ 11,336.04 $ 7,015.51 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Operator $ 78,978.00 $ 10,464.59 $ 6,476.20 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 71,149.00 $ 9,427.24 $ 5,834.22 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker 1 $ 60,587.00 1 $ 8,027.78 $ 4,968.13 $ 25,000.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Personnel Costs $ 1,039,245.53 2020/2021 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 41,200.00 $ - $ 5,150.00 $ 7,725.00 Superintendent $ 103,943.48 $ 13,772.51 $ 8,523.37 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Assistant Superintenden $ 79,201.85 $ 10,494-25 $ 6,494.55 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Mechanic $ 90,405.04 $ 11,978.67 $ 7,413.21 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Operator $ 89,404.98 $ 11,846.16 $ 7,331.21 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Operator $ 89,404.98 $ 11,846.16 $ 7,331.21 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Operator $ 82,532.01 $ 10,935.49 $ 6,767.62 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 74,350.71 $ 9,851.47 $ 6,096.76 $ 25,750.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 63,313.42 $ 8,389.03 1 $ 5,191.70 1 $ 25,750.00 1 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Personnel Costs $ 1,078,954.81 2021/2022 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 42,436.00 $ - $ 5,304.50 $ 7,956.75 Superintendent $ 107,061.78 $ 14,185.69 $ 8,779.07 $ 26,522.50 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Assistant Superintenden $ 81,577.91 $ 10,809.07 $ 6,689.39 $ 26,522.50 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Mechanic $ 94,473.27 $ 12,517.71 $ 7,746.81 $ 26,522.50 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Operator $ 93,428.20 $ 12,379.24 $ 7,661.11 $ 26,522.50 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Operator $ 93,428.20 $ 12,379.24 $ 7,661.11 $ 26,522.50 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Operator $ 86,245.95 Is 11,427.59 $ 7,072.17 $ 26,522.50 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 Maintenance Worker $ 77,696.49 $ 10,294.78 $ 6,371.11 $ 26,522.50 1 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 Maintenance Worker $ 66,162.52 $ 8,766.53 $ 5,425.33 $ 26,522.50 1 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 Personnel Costs 5 1,120,239.30 Attachment A: Wastewater Division 2022/2023 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life _ _ $ 43,709.08 $ - $ 5,463.64 $ 8,195.45 Superintendent $ 110,273.64 $ 14,611.26 $ 9,042.44 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Assistant Superintenden $ 84,025.24 $ 11,133.34 $ 6,890.07 $ 27,318..18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Mechanic $ 98,724.56 $ 13,081.00 $ 8,095.41 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Operator $ 97,632.47 $ 12,936.30 $ 8,005.86 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Operator $ 97,632.47 $ 12,936.30 $ 8,005.86 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Operator $ 90,127.02 $ 11,941.83 $ 7,390.42 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 81,192.83 $ 10,758.05 $ 6,657.81 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 69,139.83 $ 9,161.03 $ 5,669.47 $ 27,318.18 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Personnel Costs $ 1,163,163.54 2023/2024 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 45,020.35 $ - $ 5,627.54 $ 8,441.32 Superintendent $ 113,581.85 $ 15,049.59 $ 9,313.71 $ 28,137.72 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Assista nt Superintenden $ 86,546.00 $ 11,467.34 $ 7,096.77 $ 28,137.72 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Mechanic $ 103,167.17 $ 13,669.65 $ 8,459.71 $ 28,137.72 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Operator $ 102,025.93 $ 13,518.44 $ 8,366.13 $ 28,137.72 _ $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Operator $ 102,025.93 $ 13,518.44 $ 8,366.13 $ 28,137.72 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Operator $ 94,182.73 $ 12,479.21 $ 7,722.98 $ 28,137.72 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 84,946.51 $ 11,242.16 $ 6,957.41 $ 28,137.72 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker 1 $ 72,251.12 $ 9,573.27 1 $ 5,924.59 1 $ 28,137.72 1 $ 213.85 1 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Personnel Costs $ 1,207,794.77 2024/2025 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 46,370.96 $ - $ 5,796.37 $ 8,694.56 Superintendent $ 116,989.30 $ 15,501.08 $ 9,593.12 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Assistant5uperintenden $ 89,142.38 $ 11,811.37 $ 7,309.68 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Mechanic $ 107,809.69 $ 14,284.78 $ 8,840.39 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Operator $ 106,617.10 $ 14,126.77 $ 8,742.60 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Operator $ 106,617.10 $ 14,126.77 $ 8,742.60 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Operator $ 98,420.96 $ 13,040.78 $ 8,070.52 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 88,664.60 $ 11,748.06 $ 7,270.50 $ 28,981.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 75,502.43 $ 10,004.07 $ 6,191.20 $ 28,991.85 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Personnel Costs $ 1,254,203.08 Attachment A: Water Division 2019/2020 Position Salary I OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 24,000.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 2,700.00 Superintendent $ 101,902.00 $ 13,502.02 $ 8,355.96 $ 21,600.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Operator $ 85,555.00 $ 11,336.04 $ 7,015.51 $ 21,600.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Operator $ 82,701.00 $ 10,957.88 $ 6,781.48 $ 21,600.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Maintenance Worker $ 72,106.00 $ 9,554.05 $ 5,912.69 $ 21,600.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 56.00 Maintenance Worker $ 65,660.00 $ 8,699.95 $ 5,394.12 $ 21,600.00 $ 190.00 $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Personnel Costs $ 642,873.70 missing plumbing inspector 2020/2021 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 24,720.00 $ $ 11,845.00 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent _ $ 104,959.06 $ 13,907.08 $ 8,606.64 $ 22,248.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Operator $ 89,404.98 $ 11,946.16 $ 7,331.21 $ 22,248.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Operator $ 86,422.55 $ 11,450.99 $ 7,086.65 $ 22,248.00 S 195.70 S 20.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 75,350.77 $ 9,983.98 $ 6,178.76 $ 22,248.00 $ 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Maintenance Worker $ 68,614.70 $ 9,091.45 $ 5,626.41 $ 22,248.00 S 195.70 $ 10.30 $ 51.50 Personnel Costs $ 673,586.86 missing plumbing inspector 2021/2022 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 25,461.60 $ $ 12,200.35 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 108,107.83 $ 14,324.29 $ 8,864.84 $ 22,915.44 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Operator $ 93,428.20 $ 12,379.24 $ 7,661.11 $ 22,915.44 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Operator $ 90,311.56 $ 11,966.28 $ 7,405.55 $ 22,915.44 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker $ 78,741.55 $ 10,433.26 $ 6,456.81 $ 22,915.44 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Maintenance Worker S 71,702.36 $ 9,500.56 $ 5,879.59 $ 22,915.44 $ 201.57 $ 10.61 $ 53.05 Personnel Costs $ 699,361.31 missing plumbing inspector 2022/2023 Position Salary OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 26,225.45 $ $ 12,566.36 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 111,351.07 $ 14,754.02 $ 9,130.79 $ 23,602.90 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Operator $ 97,632.47 $ 12,936.30 $ 8,D05.86 $ 23,602.90 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Operator $ 94,375.58 _ _ _ _ _ $ 12,504.76 $ 7,738.80 $ 23,602.90 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 82,284.92 $ 10,902.75 $ 6,747.36 $ 23,602.90 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Maintenance Worker $ 74,928.97 $ 9,928.09 $ 6,144.18 $ 23,602.90 $ 207.62 $ 10.93 $ 54.64 Personnel Costs $ 726,171.15 missing plumbing inspector 2023/2024 Position Salary OT I Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 27,012.21 $ $ 12,943.35 $ 8,633,00 Superintendent $ 124,691.60 $ 15,196.64 $ 9,404.71 $ 24,310.99 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Operator 5 102,025.93 $ 13,518.44 $ 8,366.13 $ 24,310.99 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Operator $ 98,622.48 $ 13,067.48 $ 8,087.04 $ 24,310.99 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 85,987.75 $ 11,393.38 $ 7,051.00 $ 24,310.99 $ 213.85 $ 11.26 _ $ 56.28 Maintenance Worker $ 78,300.77 $ 10,374.85 $ 6,420.66 $ 24,310.99 $ 213.85 1 $ 11.26 $ 56.28 Personnel Costs $ 754,059.25 missing plumbing inspector 2024/2025 Position Salary I OT Snow OT Seasonal Uniform IMRF FICA Health Dental Vision Life $ 27,822.58 $ $ 13,331.65 $ 8,633.00 Superintendent $ 118,132.35 $ 15,65254 $ 9,686.85 $ 25,040.32 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Operator $ 106,617.10 $ 14,126.77 $ 8,742.60 $ 25,040.32 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Operator $ 103,060.49 $ 13,65552 $ 8,450.96 $ 25,040.32 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 89,857.19 $ 11,906.08 $ 7,368.29 $ 25,040.32 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Maintenance Worker $ 81,824.31 $ 10,941.72 $ 6,709.59 $ 25,040.32 $ 220.26 $ 11.59 $ 57.96 Personnel Costs $ 783,070.27 missing plumbing inspector