HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/07/2014 - City CouncilAGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 7, 2014, 7900 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation 5. Consent Agenda: A. Approve payment of $32,000 annual membership fee and $3,000 intergovernmental maintenance fee to Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Lab; B. Approval of a temporary use permit request by The RoomPlace, 2221 N Richmond Road, for an outdoor tent sale July 11-14, 2014; C. Approval of an Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Spring Grove for Police Services; D. Approval of Block Parties; .E. Approval of Special Use/Picnic Permits; F. Approve As Needed Checks; and G. Approve List of Bills. 6. Approval of an Ordinance authorizing execution of a Sanitary Sewer Permit and Maintenance Agreement between the City of McHenry and Rodney T, and Sandra M. Yanez for the property at 1302 Borden Street 7. Approval of a variance to allow installation of a fence in the required front yard located at 2012 Carter Court 8. Approval of an Ordinance authorizing execution of a Revocable Driveway License Agreement between the City of McHenry and Tresa Steponik for the property located at 1711 Lakewood Avenue 9. Approval of a sign variance for Berkshire Hathaway, 803 N. Front Street 10. Mayor Statement and Reports 11. Committee Reports 12. Staff Reports 13. Future Agenda Items 140 Adjournment Office of the Chief of Police John M. Jones McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John M. Jones, Chief of Police FOR: July 7, 2014 Regular City Council meeting RE: Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Lab membership ATT: Copy of NIRCL Invoice 837 and 835 Background: The Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory (NIRCL) is a multi jurisdictional laboratory available to member departments for crime scene and evidence processing. The McHenry Police Department has developed a professional relationship with this laboratory for the last (12) twelve years that has greatly improved the effective and efficient analysis of evidence collected at crime scenes. Analysis: The Northeastern Illinois Regional Crime Laboratory is the vendor that we contract with to handle all of our evidence processing that is not done in house. They are linked to our computerized evidence inventory program (BEAST) that assists in tracking of evidence. They also have the ability to examine evidence, process it and return results much faster than all other regional labs, including the ISP. The NIRCL is equipped to handle all major investigations for its agency members. Their proven track record with this department, including major sexual assault and homicide cases, lead us to recommend continuing our partnership with them. Thousands of pieces of evidence are processed by the NIRCL on behalf of the McHenry Police annually. This year's annual membership amount is $32000.00 and is the first increase in membership assessment since 2007. As in the past, the department is also requesting to pay the intergovernmental maintenance agreement of $3,000.00 which has also remained the same since 2007. Recommendation: If Council concurs, then it is recommended to approve payment of the membership fee of $32,000.00, and intergovernmental agreement of $3,000.00, allowing the police department to remain an active member of the NIRCL. Note: This amount has been approved through this year's 2014/2015 budget process. Northeastern IL Regional Crime Lab 1000 Butterfield Road Suite 1009 Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Voice: 847-362-0676 Fax: 847-362-0712 McHenry Police Department 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 Check/Credit Memo No: *4VO I C E- -Number:•ice D.2014 licate McHenry Police Department 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 3,000.00 Subtotal __ 3,000.00 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 32000.00 Payment/Credit Applied Northeastern IL Regional Crime Lab 1000 Butterfield Road Suite 1009 Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Voice: 847-362-0676 Fax: 847-362-0712 McHenry Police Department 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 1.00 FY 2014/2015 MEMBERSHIP ASSESSMENT Subtotal Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied Duplicate McHenry Police Department 333 South Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 32,000.00 32, 000.00 32,000.00 32, 000.00 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: July 7, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Temporary Use Permit to allow an outdoor tent sale for the property located at 2221 N Richmond Road -the roomplace ATT: Temporary Use Permit Application The roomplace has occupied 2221 N Richmond Road since March 21, 2013 and is currently proposing to conduct a tent sale from July 11, 2014 through July 13, 2014. The 30'x 60' tent will be erected in the far northeast portion of the parking lot and will not impede traffic circulation or parking. The proposal is to setup the tent on July 9 and remove it on July 14. A similar event was held last year at this location, and other businesses along Richmond Road have held these types of events in the past. Recently, Dick's Sporting Goods and Sears Appliance Outlet were approved to conduct outdoor sales. Staff has no concerns with the request as -presented. If the City Council concurs it is recommended that the temporary use permit be granted for the roomplace, located Clt 2221 North Richmond Road, to hold an outdoor tent sale from July 11, 2014 through July 14, 2014 in accordance with all specifications included as part of the temporary use permit application. C1TY OF MCHENRY TEMPORARY USE PERMIT APPLICATION nl'I'I,ICANT Nnnlli:� AhhltliSS:�� •�k J,. ` �i 1_I..s�,v,�\---C2�` -- I'IIONr:(63�)( �,3J ___ n401)ILIi:((<~3u)_'�•1�ig'` Igo 'nx: (�30) !<'_7_ _�r�'I - li-hlnll.: jblr%,2G t�tfu IWENT hn'I'li(S)111U111tS: v •<�:`' IdVIiN'I'nhhltliSs:�_�?�.31__.►,L_�-i!�l,/`n�.s(� _SZv:i� C)f:NERAL Ii\'rN'I' UI1SCltlt''17oN: Slil'UP.(n.u<)/�— OI'IiN'I'O PIIBLIC: 1'l:S: R NO [] (Im•ilagon onlg) A'I'I'I:NbnN(ai (I'mje<hJ) nhn11SSION Fl?li: 1'IiS: ❑S__—_-- _ NONI3 I'nRKING: No, OI' \/IasiIIcLI:S: �t� — 51:1.1' ®Vnl.lir ❑ Rlsnlal I:�SIIUI I1.13 ❑ nauslc: NONE ®\'Is p (Ir>•,;) ACOUSTIC❑ nnn'I,n�n:u p 'I'linll'oRARI'S'1'RUC'I'l1RI:S: NO pl'I:S(�(Ir)•e.•inJrca(cmuldkr.sii�,;uldgly) \1rll,l• IiVIiN"I' nli AhV1iR'1'Islih?: NO: � 1'I'sS: ❑ (II')�,•s, inJit.nr �,6cfcanJhaa•) I'1'ItU'I'IiCIINIC:S: No:l&J1'IiS: ❑(If)rsdcscrih:) SU13M1'i'TAL CHGCI{LIST' PCRMIT NO. OFFICE: lSf: UNLI' PCRMIT PEES Ula'OSI'I: COI'llis: TOTAL: - lixl'IRA'I'IUN hn•I'r: COIINCIL nC"PION: hn'I'r?: ,v'rltovl:u ❑ hl:Nu:h ❑ \VI CONDITIONS : YIiS ❑ No: ❑ ❑ C:ompletc(I temporary use per applielUion. (including property o\\'ncr signature), ❑ 'I'\\'o copies of site plan showing event layout, location ofall structures (existing and/or tcmpor(uy), property lines, abutting streets, ingress/egress. ❑ 'I'\5'o copies of (t parking pl<ul including on site an(I/or remote parking/shuttle. ❑ Complcled sign permit application, Ifapplicnble. I I Ir:RGlil' Cult I'If1"I11A'I' AL1. ISI'OR\LCfION C'O\1'r11NIiU I II!IUiIN IS n('C'11141T1i AVU'll(Uli r1NU'1'I Ir11' I 1\'ll.l. AnlUli Ill' nl.l. C'I1"1' UI' \lC'llliNl(1' ORUISAX(Tti ANDCODES RI/iL)ATINO'f07111i ISSUr1NCli UI' Tills 'fli\11'ORr11tl' IISIi 10Islt\1116 Tit till ORI.F.D.&WEN, SIGNE): l l Ilti I'lil(\IIT I$ (tltr\J�'1'IiD,\NU AC('lil'"fl?U 55'll'll'1III: IiXPIt13Sti UNUIiItS'I'ANDING ANn A(ikliliAlliNT'fllrl'I'tir11n 1'li\fl'(Jl(r\Rl' 11Sli ti11A1,1. ('o\I'OIt\I I\ ALL 1(litil'IiOTS 15'll'll •1'llli O1tnItiAKCIiti OI°'fllli ('I Il' OI° h1('I IIiNR1' Ati N015' I\ FOHCIi (nlltG(71 Olt„ CONSI HIJ(: fION r\ND Nfi1C)I IIIOFtl1(I(l1J Milt\'ICliti 3335.(iRlil•:\S'I'Itlil�l' �I<Illi\ttl'll.l.l\(IIS6UUS0 (81S)363.2170 TUNT Mlauui «'ho: I'lie Room Place «'here: 2221 N. Richmond Road IvIclienry, 11, 60051 Me. \\'ill sell furniture and honle accessories IF'..L allll)s, pictures, table accessories, etc. (the S61111C aS WIVII \ve sell in Our rclilil location). All furniture will be sold through the existing business and all applicable sales taxes will he collected. ['lie tent Will he set I'll on Wedilesday.luly 9, 2014 I'lle merchandise will be set up on 'Thursday July 10, 2014 The sale will last three days ilnd operate during normal business hour:~. The first sale day will be Friday July 11, 2014. We will be open front 10 AM - 9 I'M. I'hc second sale day will be Saturdiy July 12, 2014. We will he open from 10 AM - 9 PM. I'he third day \vill be Sunday July 13, 2014. We \\'III be open from I 1 Ai\11 - G PM. The tent \vill be removed on Monday.luly 14, 2014. Hull,. 1Ve \vill have a 30 ON GO' lent profeSSIOII(I ) erected on site (per the submitted site plan). • "full will have bright lime safety caps On all stakes • Tent will have sides Thal arc not translucent • "Putt will not cover or impeded any handical) parking • Antple uuployec and cuslonler parking is available • Flame certification �Ve will have a 20KW (luiel generator Supplying pO\ver to • lints to hell) cool employees and cusmiliel:s • lights for safely 1Ve will have Allied Marton sectinty oil site ovel'nighl On 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday tO secure the merchandise and surrounding arch. ltest rooms: ,1'e I1i11'e 1'Ctil I'OOI11S illld 11'iltCl' Ch'lllklllg 1011lltillltti it\'illlilbll' 101' patl'011ti illl(I CIt1pIOj,Ceti inside the location. �ia �Co�� } �tLL-E o7.i,�! N • r�IG��nrvo.v L K C•�Ort&\ 1 � 400 ... :! I r : 41 ,, K ` as 1 Orl' lr"1;r 5 ' '.ri ' i I ,J 1 i dv Tar I w NOW oll {Olt 62 mot �f,1 t1IMP f ' 1 Ul APO 4 It F IF qtUM ' • 1 .• - . . , _ice ,�..��' ,. �.--,,,.-�_ �.....,_.�.: �:, u• a Pa, LA ••AA •J 5.`• IG- 'R-3•'°.�"ter • , " I (_— 1 '. ,.. ` , Ott Office of the Chief of Police John M. Jones McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2200 Fax: (815) 363-2149 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John M. Jones, Chief of Police FOR: July 7"', 2014 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Intergovernmental Agreement with Village of Spring Grove for Police Services ATT: Intergovernmental Agreement and Ordinance Background. Throughout the history of law enforcement, police departments have had situations arise where manpower and equipment resources have been hard to come by. In these situations, it is a common practice for departments to request the assistance of other agencies, often in the form of additional manpower and/or specialized equipment to handle particular circumstances. However, Illinois statutes do provide some layers of jurisdictional protection for officers in these circumstances. A modern stance has been to develop and enact mutual aid agreements between neighboring departments, thereby providing additional protection for officers and municipalities and, at the same time, eliminating various technical procedures that tend to waste valuable time in the case of emergencies. Furthermore, mutual aid agreements have been in place in the fire service discipline for decades and have become one of the backbones of effective interagency cooperation between fire departments. Given the proximity that we share with the Village of Spring Grove, such an interagency/mutual aid agreement would benefit both municipalities and afford the police departments the opportunity to maximize manpower, resources and service to our citizens. Analysis. The cooperation between the McHenry Police Department and the Spring Grove Police Department would be augmented in such a way that both agencies could take advantage A what the other has to offer, while at the same time increasing the services they bring to their respective communities and to their own officers. Specific areas of cooperation that would be greatly enhanced upon the enactment of this agreement include, but are not limited to: 1. Multi jurisdictional Accident Investigation Team The CAT (Critical Accident Team) has been utilized within McHenry jurisdiction for several years. With the past year's budget, we were able to purchase Total Station Accident reconstruction equipment to allow easier and more accurate diagramming of major accident scenes. The department desires to expand the usage of this equipment to other area departments to obtain the most benefit from the equipment and improve the skills of the officers trained in its use. Accepting Spring Grove PD into the team would allow both departments use of this improved technology. 2. McHenry Police Detective Division — Often police investigations cross city boundaries and involve offenders from other locations. Being that Spring Grove is in close proximity to McHenry, these situations develop often and having such a mutual aid agreement would steam -line the investigative process for both departments. Resources would be multiplied. Manpower would be multiplied. Investigative tools would be shared and enhanced. Criminal intelligence as well as suspect/offender intelligence would also be multiplied and shared. All of these resources and sources of information would be enhanced, leading to greater likelihood of successful investigations. 3. McHenry Patrol Division —One of the primary concerns for our patrol division is the safety of uniformed officers on the street. At any given time, with manpower limitation that we and Spring Grove PD have, an officer's back-up unit may be minutes away. In violent, life and death circumstances, extra minutes can have a grave impact on an officer's safety. This agreement stream -lines the process by which officers from neighboring agencies can respond to other jurisdiction when an officer calls for back-up. In those dangerous situations where an officer is calling for help, seconds count and any procedure that can be enacted that eliminates those useless seconds is a benefit to all involved. 4. Overall Equipment and Manpower — In these tough economic times, equipment and sufficient manpower are sometimes very hard to come by. This is true not only for routine patrol and investigative functions of the departments, but also of the extensive amount of special detail and events McHenry and Spring Grove officers are responsible for. These events, such as Fiesta Days, Fourth of July Functions, parades, sporting events, high school events and many others, put a strain of the respective police departments. Having additional manpower and equipment to handle these events is a welcome sight and ensures a more effective patrol and enforcement of the event. If Council concurs, then it is recommended to approve the attached Ordinance authorizing the City of McHenry to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Spring Grove for police services. Intergovernmental Mutual Aid Agreement This Agreement to provide law enforcement mutual aid and assistance is made and entered into this day of July, 2014, among the municipalities of the City of McHenry, Illinois ("City") and the Village of Spring Grove, Illinois ("Village"). Whereas, each %J the parties hereto maintains equipment and personnel for law enforcement and public safety within its own jurisdiction. Whereas, the parties hereto desire to augment the law enforcement available in their area when necessary. Whereas, the boundaries of the parties hereto are contiguous or in reasonable proximity so that mutual assistance in law enforcement is deemed feasible. Whereas, it is mutually agreed that said mutual assistance in law enforcement is deemed sound, desirable, practical, and beneficial for the parties of this Agreement to render assistance to one another in accordance with these terms. Whereas, the City and the Village have the power and authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1979, and the Illinois Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, as amended, 5 ILCS 220/1 et. seq., and other applicable authority. Therefore, the parties hereby agree to the following: I. Request of Mutual Aid When it is deemed advisable by the Chief of Police for the City or his designee, and/or the Chief of Police for the Village or his designee or by the on -duty supervisor for the City and/or the on -duty supervisor for the Village to request assistance under the terms of this Agreement and such assistance is requested, the Police Chief(s), his/her designee and/or the on - duty supervisor(s) receiving said request is hereby authorized to take the following action forthwith: A. Immediately determine if law enforcement equipment and/or personnel can be afforded for response to request. B. If said equipment and/or personnel are available, dispatch said personnel and/or equipment to the area request. II. Term of the Agreement The term of this Agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof and shall remain in force and effect until cancelled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto, or by written notice by one party to the other party, giving sixty (60) days' notice of said cancellation. III. Compensation for Services All services and assistance performed under this Agreement shall be rendered without reimbursement of any party from another party. IV. Waiver of Claims and Save and Hold Harmless Each party member receiving assistance agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party providing assistance, its agents, officers, board members and its employees from and against any and all claims and liability in whatever fashion arising under this Agreement. The full legal and financial responsibility for injury, disability or death of an employee shall remain with the employee's respective law enforcement agency/employer. Each participating agency shall also be responsible, regardless of fault, for repairing or replacing any damage to their own vehicles and/or equipment that occurs while providing assistance under this Agreement, or travelling to or from the assistance. V. Minimum Insurance Required Each party to this Agreement shall, during the entire term hereof, procure and maintain the following insurance: A. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, including owners, landlords and tenants; manufacturers and contractors; owners and contractors protective; products and completed operations; and contractual liability (which insures this Agreement). B. Personal Injury Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, which insures all regular law enforcement personnel of the named, insured including false arrest, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, libel, slander and invasion of the right of private occupancy. C. Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence covering all owned or leased automobiles. Each party will provide to the other party(s), upon request, a certificate of insurance, in form reasonably acceptable to the requesting party, evidencing the existence of such insurance. VI. Assistance Not Mandatory It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the rendering of assistance under the terms of this Agreement shall not be mandatory, but that the party receiving the request for assistance should, as soon as practicable, inform the requesting party that assistance will not be rendered. VII. Officer in Charge The senior ranking officer on duty of the requesting party or his/her designee shall assume full charge of the operations for which the mutual aid request is made. The senior ranking officer on duty of the requesting party or his/her designee may assign officers of any responding party to any position or duties when and where he/she deems appropriate. Provided, however, that at all times, the personnel of the aiding agency shall remain employees of their own agency and shall adhere to the policies and procedures of their own employer. While working under the direction of the aided agency, aiding law enforcement personnel shall only be required to respond to lawful orders. VIII. General Provisions A. Neither parry shall be deemed to be an authorized agent of the other by this Agreement. B. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no other person or entity shall be deemed to be a beneficiary of this Agreement. C. No party hereto shall assign this Agreement or the rights and duties hereunder. I This Agreement shall not be construed as or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or parties, and no third party or parties shall have any right of action whatsoever hereunder for any cause whatsoever. E. All notices given or required under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified mail to the Chief of Police for the City or the Chief of Police for the Village, respectively. The following signatures certify that this Intergovernmental Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of McHenry and the Village of Spring Grove, has been adopted and approved by ordinance, resolution, memorandum of understanding or other manner approved by law, a copy of which is attached hereto. City of McHery Police Chief John M. Jones City of McHenry Mayor Susan E. Low Z:�IVI�IvIcHenryCityoflIntergovAgmtAid. SpringGrove. docx Village of Spring Grove Police Chief Thomas Sanders Village of Spring Grove Village President Mark Eisenberg Ordinance No. 0"44- An Ordinance authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for Mutual Aide and Assistance in Law Enforcement Between the City of McHenry and the Village of Spring Grove WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of McHenry and the McHenry City Council desire to augment the available law enforcement; WHEREAS, the Mayor and the McHenry City Council desire to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Spring Grove to provide mutual aid and assistance in law enforcement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the McHenry City Council as follows: SECTION 1: 1. The intergovernmental agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor of the City of McHenry is hereby authorized to execute said agreement. SECTION 2: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Abstained: (SEAL) ATTEST: City Clerk Janice C. Jones Passed: Approved: day of 120148 APPROVED: Mayor Susan E. Low y�pscVKa Office of the City Administrator Derik, Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Derik Morefield, City Administrator FOR: July 7, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Block Party Requests ATT: Application and Aerial Photograph The following block party requests were submitted for consideration: Oak Drive. Brandon &Lisa Singer who reside at 2009 Oak Drive in the Lakeland Park subdivision are seeking permission to close a portion of Oak Drive between Shore and Parkway for a block party. The party will be held on Saturday, July 26th, from 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Attached is an application submitted by the Singers on behalf of the residents of Oak Drive. This is an annual block party and past events have not adversely affected the neighborhood. Eisenhower Blvd. Marge and Tom Fellberg who reside at 2505 Eisenhower Blvd. in the Liberty Trails subdivision are seeking permission to close Eisenhower Blvd between Tyler Trail to Hillside Lane Street for a block party. The party will be held on Saturday, August 161h, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Attached is an application submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Fellberg on behalf of the residents on Eisenhower Blvd. This is an annual event and past events have not adversely affected the neighborhood. If Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the block party requests as presented. Public Works will provide barricades and the McHenry Township Fire Protection District and Police Department will be notified of the events. Application submitted by: Street Address: Date Submitted: Date of Blocic Party: Block Party Permit Application Revised 5/12 NOTE: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF PROPOSED BLOCK PARTY �� V Hours of Proposed Street Closure: Subdivision Name: a.ma/tuntil a.m./ Specific Location of Proposed Street Closure (i.e. from what intersection to what intersection): to 1 Contact Person(s): Street Contact Persons) ddress: [� / l/Y'� cve411 �fi5, Daytime PMone Number: t1 ��-1 37_ g p/ ? Evening Phone Number: a I hereby certify all persons in my neighborhood impacted by the closure of this street have been notified x 6CL �z Signed: ►` Date:. /%� /� UPON COMPLETIONS PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: CITY OF MCHENRY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET MCHENRY IL 60050 oR FAx: 815-363-2119 OR E-MAIL: mgeraghtyAei.mchenry.il.us COUNCIL APPROVAL ON: OFFICE USE ONLY NOTIFICATION MADE TO: ❑ MCHENRY POLICE DEPT. ❑ MCHENRY PUBLIC WORKS STREET DIVISION ❑ MCH TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ❑ APPLICANT f� W� rit t;� � / I cu U PoA-it:�( l✓�X 1 v r, I - % f �a FYI . Z �f .. l J I`117 Q ak�r. �1eHev��-`� OCtK dd 11'1 (Henry w ¢_P ONE ITO ENO r J Yy'LAH:EWi�liS7;y 1y4 4) �• r \ tip. 1 5• �'.? NONE�� r %X ONE 5 • L4FSHtFiErDR11,E !ter~_. Vill- Ilk VVIVIVO it ti C — - — — — - Ii ,may j y `. `yy r �I -`,, - Y� j f ..� .� 1 V. r i ,y5� 'r*W PAR6fVYAYdAVENOEr► I off j� a W z W, F; o' z- y W" JOE Yl �I({I i.� ;fir---i - tiONE ti {� lVaito NO IV 7� pR PlEfAU.ENIIE,WW c "wpo`"rVINEI VIE I } 4", ,ws, ENIw L �L■ANE V4ILL't7U!? 1�1ME i F rw ON r � �: r— PEI Owl t ti NO tea , W EEL ?, r PRUDE lA'NE, . r . • • .i F.� yco Ir (Ir.I fliR(;f fill It 3 64 W W OF W. [r y a � _ r W W OF W. [r y a � _ r y a � _ r Application submitted by: Street Address: Date Submitted: Block Party Permit Application Revised 5/12 e. Gt�/2 NOTE: PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF PROPOSED BLOCK PARTY Date of Block Party: ` /�-i'1r iC �4 moo/ JUN 1 8 ZU14 CITY Ur MCHEINKY Hours of Proposed Street Closure: �/. � C? a.mJp�'until `� rQ4 ip.m. Subdivision Name: .,C % � �i2 T; Specific Location of Proposed Street Closure { i.e. from what intersection to what intersection): 2 Contact Person(s): Contact Persons) Address: 0��4� fl�S����tsf''� � �, Lys Daytime Phone Number: $0 � "3 St�,�tl�7 Evening Phone Number: �r'�"� I hereby certify all persons in my neighborhood impacted by the closure of this street have been notified of same. Signed: UPON COMPLETION, PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION TO: CITY of MCHENRY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 333 SOUTH GREEN STREET MCHENRY 1 L 60050 OR FAX: 815-363-2119 OR E—MAIL: mgerazhty{n,ci.mchenry.il.us OFFICE USE ONLY COUNCIL APPROVAL ON: / / NOTIFICATION MADE TO: ❑ MCHENRY POLICE DEPT. ❑ MCHENRY PUBLIC WORKS STREET DIVISION ❑ MCH TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ❑ APPLICANT J w� 1 ht ounty,ofMcHenry2(T13 r ,t'rw C +� 01110 0i 30 li> r.JIe* Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Deputy City Administrator FOR: July 7, 2014 - Regular City Council Meeting RE: McHenry Park Facilities Special Use and Beer/Wine permit requests ATT: Permit List and Applications All fees and documentation have been satisfactorily submitted for the attached McHenry Park Facilities Special Use and/or Beer/Wine permit requests. If Council concurs with the requests as presented, then it is recommended a motion is considered to approve the attached McHenry Park Facilities Special Use and Beer/wine permit requests. FOR COUNCIL MEETING ON July 7, 2014, Beer/wine Permit Requests These are beer and wine permit requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address 07/17/14 Brian Thome/McH Rotary McHenry 07/26/14 Charles Heinmiller Grad 4909 W Oakwood Dr, #D, McH 07/26/14 Rebekah Pierce Bday 4019 Kane, McH 08/02/14 Susan Morningstar Fam 1310 Hilltop Blvd, McH 08/16/14 Laura Surma 501" Bday 7522 Marblehead Rd, Wond Lk 09/21/14 McH Police Officers Assn PO Box 591, McH Special Use Application Requests There are special use application requests associated with picnic permits. Date of Picnic Applicant Address Special Use 07/26/14 Rebekah Pierce Bday 4019 Kane, McH bounce house, grill 08/02/14 Susan Morningstar Fam 1310 Hilltop Blvd, McH portable music 08/09/14 Bicycle IL/R Layton PO Box 8454, Chicago water stop w/coolers/snacks, 08/10/14 William Trecker Wed 08/16/14 Laura Surma SOt" Bday 28918 Wenonah Tr, Mc 7522 Marblehead Rd, WL 1962 N Orleans St, Apt A PO Box 591, McH bicycle equipment MCHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Contact Person: t _t �� Date of Picnic: ��7/�Y Company/Organization: Pu itt y Ow b c F (11xd+e4P Address: I �ry' 11 4-i,L � oil City/State/"'Lip; 5*00r,�, t .guY L tt004ll-iome Phone: 'IS "G 1 �- u V du Work/Cell Phone;_ Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) ❑Petersen Park t�Veteran's Memi�rial Park Area: Shelter A ❑ Shelter B ❑ Shelter C r.l Other: Arrival Time: —` 30 ' _ Departure Tine: f; 3e _ Total Number Attending:_ Falsifying «ttendcrnce nuraGers will result i.rz loss of �Ceposit, Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and resh-ooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has �t portabie restroom, Brief description of event (companty picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): AvwVON.g� � p c�;c �v\ . 1st all activities to be held: �,�e,e r Items brought int park site: ❑ Ta.bles ❑ Cha.irs ❑ Bcnclles ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑ An111laIS ❑Catered Pig Roast ❑ Oth.el , b-eef . J,V Wt ❑ Tent: Location In Park; ELECTRICAL Size: FOR TENTS ❑ APPL.iCAN"1- TO CALL Jt1L,iE (1-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: S1larnrocl: Tent Staked; ❑yes ❑ no Will beer/wine be present:Yes ❑ No Ir YOCJ CTECIED YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied.. indicate arnount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases; beer kegs, etc.) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit -date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit, I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules, I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising frorn the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature:. Date.4 X `i'► i Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: OC'FiCE Reservation Fee; $ � Date C'aid:-_ lilitials;_ __ Deposit Fee: $ Payment: ❑ Cash ❑ Che •k U Chal'ue ^^ l'otal Fee; $ Submitted to City Council: Confirmation Sent: _initials: City Council Approval; parks\forms\picnic. formslspecial use and beer and or Nine application V 9 IIVICHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/"WINE APPLICATION llw� `G A Date of Picnic:_.,___r_� �__�...._.__._ Contact Person: G � �t L65 L� i �._...� _ j — / . Company/Organization: YAdd.ress@ �/ �d 1 l�/��'%� F k� J d i�J r U City/State/Lip:4r1:&#l?1vb61, Home Phonom..' L �)L _ Sit 7 1 rklCell Phone: Park: o Knox Park (A only) o Petersen Park veteran's Memorial Park Area: Chelter A r helter B heltcr C: r.; OtherArlival Time: Lparture Time: _..�Total Number Attending:._.. Falsifying attendance nrcrraGers will resuil i.n loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ra dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and resh-oorns are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom, Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.):__ (IU ` List all activities to be held: Items brought into park site: � Ta.bles � Cha.irs u Benches o Carnival Rides o Music ❑Animals o Catered Pig Roast o Oth.er o Tent: Location In Park:_ ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS o APPLi TO BE LOCATED o Size: NT TU CALL JIIf,IE (1-$00-$92-0123) NO ELECTRIC: S1larnrock Tent Staked: a yes Ll no iC'k%'k %iF:f%1f%%%%lEk%%%�:%%%%%% iC%%%%iY%Y%%%%%%%'k%%%%%%•k%%1'C%%Y.%7f%%%%%%%%%%%%%)C%1C%%%t'd9't%%%%1f%le%%%%%WWWSt%%%11'W K>/tiC tit%Xit is Will beer/wine be present: Yes o No IF YOU CHEC YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number f beer/wine permits denied Indicate amount of beer/wine o be brought `n o the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc,) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper container' on site on the permit -date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into, the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City o1' McHenry Park Permit rules, I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, fi'on1 the use of the ark property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature: i. Date: Iq Health pe ii s are required by law for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obta n permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: F otz OFFICE USE oNLvW***WW�W�W�**�hk ��������W�/�������*�����,�*/�`�x��,�/�pW�x,�,•�„�,�***� Reservation Fee; $ �_> ___• � Date Paid:_��-1-�1`c'1�1�1 Deposit Fee: $_ � Payment: t� Gash o Che,k o Char�;> Total Fee: Ubtl1itted to City Council: Confirmatiori Sent: _Initials:• City Council Approval: parkslformslpienic formslspecial use and beer and or wine application 4 SP Contact Person: Company/Organization; Gity/State/Zip; CcHENRY PARK F: AND I C I-lome Phone: R BEE ddress: PL1CA I XON Date of Picnic:__. Work/Cell Phone�b.l Park: 0,,pjIl0X Park (A only) Li Petersen ParkJeteran's Memorial Park Area: cSShelter A Shelter B C3 Shelter C u Arrival Time: Departure ,,& Total Number Attending: ��-��_ Falsifying attendance n.urnGers will result i.ii loss of dehasit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: n dumpsters n portable toilets Water, electricity and restroorns are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Brief description of event (company picnic, car show List all activities to be Items brought into park site: u T�tbl s r_� Chairs u Re o Other craft show, wedding, etc.): n Carnival Rides n Music n Anlmal5 n Catered Pig Roast n Tent: I.,ocation to Park:_ _._...____..__ `Size: ___.•._Tent Staked: � yes n no ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS n APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (I-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC; Shamrock Will beer/wine be present: n Yes n No IE YOU CHECK ,S, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS 13I:LOW: indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the ` City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc,)c3E� �fJJ`vt I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the Cityity of McHenry park, pursuaw to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited, I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. 1 have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Applications) anc will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arisin0 from the use of the park property I also understat that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in lass of deposit. Signature•'Oryz Date• % Healtli p rmits are required by law I'or concessions and catering, Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above, Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions; OI'FlC'E USE ONLY** Reservation Fee; Date Paid: �m Deposit Fee: $ .—_.__....�_.....,_....._ Payent. r� Cash Che k U C:harte Total Fee: . Submitted to City Council: Confirmation Sent: _Initials: _ City Council Approval; _, AJ n parks\forms\picnic Formses\special uand beer tend or wine applic tiiui Al 9 Contact Person: MCHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE APPLICATION Y�\ I T I Company/Organization; Address: boe4� City/State/Lip;�'J'1 c �JT�,r�,� l _Home Phone:--_._. Date of Picnic: ' - / L/ Work/Cell Phone: s_ .� i5 3 0 Park: ❑ Knox Park (A only) ❑ Petersen Park +�/etera.n's Memorial Park Areal ❑ Shelter A ❑ Shelter B o Shelter C 1:► Other: _---.._........_ _....._._..__.-- Arrival Time: _ Departure Time, p .. Total Number Attending: 7_. Falsifyinll attendance numbers will result In loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: n dumpsters o portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): ��t rn i 1 y � � � n iy.�`L_ List all activities to be held: Items brought into I ❑ Other site; ❑Tables n Cha.irs u Benches ❑Carnival Rides Music e Animals ❑ Cate:red Pig Roast ❑ Tent: Laocation In Park: ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS TO BE LOCATED Size: ❑ APPLICAN"1' TO CALL JULIE (1-800-892-0123) o NO CLLCTRIC: Shamrock 'I"ent Staked: ❑yes c� no Will beer/wine be present: I'es ❑ No IF 'OC1 CHCCI�1? Yf+ S, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS 1),JU AW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied - . Indicate arnount of beer/wine to be brought into tl e City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.)__ 2�2.c I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permitdate and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, ptu•suant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Applications) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising front the use of the park property. I also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature:_ ��w,-�-- � luate:_� � - �`gz Health perms are requreed by law f'or concessions and catering. Please make arrangements t- b in pernrits. NOTE; Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions; OFFICE USE ONLY****,r***%*****xx��*% Reservation Fee; $ 4�,_._ _� Date Paid:- J r� Init�ijls; Payment. o Cash o C:heck +�fChan4e Total Fee; $ Submitted to City Council: {t L Confirmatiori Sent: .Initials:• City Council Approval; parks\forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and or wine application a �� 1VIcHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL tJSE AND/OR BEER/VVINE APPLICATION Contact Person:_. Ro6e�� 5 . I,.�y�-dy, Company/Organ.ization: �ctyt�t ����n�'s ____Address: City/State/Lip; C�`rTf T L 606t�� Nome ('hone:_, %�►'^� Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) ❑Petersen Park Area: r, Chelter A n Shelter B Arrival Time:— ��:� ._ 17eparture 7�ime:_ Falsifying attendance numGers will result i.►x lo,ss n f deposit. P, 0 .. .io x• �a � � � �� _Date of Picnic:_.._____ `�..__....__t_.__.__....__... o;i �,� Work/Cell Phone: 3l2-3�•2-sS�� _. ❑ Vetera.n's Memorial Park ❑ Shelter C �Ot.her: LiI��S�er�� ��i1=3 �,�Totai Number Attending: S�Dp_ 1 Groups over S00 must obtain additional: n dumpsters ❑portable toilets Water, electricity and resh-ooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroomr. Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): re��t�(�� zYCie� List all activities to be held: ryrl�y� s �-° It sFfo® [�f fiht S%P I`�i'v •i'� �-ts•F �,r.{ s2� ��:�l�— Items brought into park site Other �..n�� r z ®oil rs"�. ❑ Tent: Location In Park: ELECTRICAL Tables ❑ Cha.irs ❑Benches �'a � � 11 �i i � vr�,�' r Sv►��rE3 ❑ Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑ Animals ❑Catered Pig Roast yvtt f.,�- ize: FOR TENTS ❑ APPL,ICANT TO CALL Jl1LlE (I-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO CLECTRIC: Shamrock 'rent Staked: ❑yes ❑ no %'iC%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)i*%%%%%%%%%%%%1t%%%%'k'if%%%%%%%%%%%%%%y�%%'h'%%%%%'i!%%'k 1f 1�t%%%%'iQ%%1f ]f'it%%%%111�f 1�'h•%lc ti if%%$f%1f 'ilk N>f 1t 'A"k%1!'k%%%%f' Will beer/wine be present: ❑ Yes�No IT+ YOC1 CHJ�Ci(CLD Y;FS, PL);ASE ANSWER QLI>CSTIONS I�G>t10W: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied ndicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine b les, beer cases, beer kegs, etc•)_ __..___�___ t agree that all the beer/wine containers will be r oved by applicant ot• placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated perso will be allowed to consume iil1y Of the be;cr/wine brot.tght into the City of McC-leery park under this permit. I agree t t none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of Mcl-{enry park, ptu•st.iani to this application will be sold, it being enders od that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited• 1 have r �d and wiu ooi•nply with the City of McF-leery Park Permit rulr;s, I have read and. understand the • es and regulations that have been set forth by the City of Mc.Nenry regarding the. Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Applications) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, fi•om the use ol'the park property. 1 also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of delx�sit. J t Signature• �'"r f° '�' Date• �'��°_! ' •. _. _ . Health perm s are required by law f'or concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to ftn-ther approval. Restrictions: *%*#*%Y��F+t*%Yt icR �F+FkY;%%i4%*��*1c .t +k %r��t Jc Vr�%%� .k**.t � � kk1r +4*x*%%tF%%�%•h h�R**i('ki[`.%***Rfk%%KK*�*�*R*1(�**'k i;R%4}W4c i'OR Ot'Fi('E t.1SE ONLY' �p� � (}� Reservation Fee; $ �_�____ Date Paid:___"_t"`�.�_ Initials;,�� Deposit Fee: $ ,�� . . ___. E�ayment-. ❑Cash ❑ 'he �k �Chai� ,�., Total Fee: $^"�"����__...T..�� Submitted to City Council; :�- �(j(� Confirmation Sent: _ wlnitials:,, City Council Approval; _--t--�� parks\forms\picnic Porms\special use and beer and or wine applictition ,,,�ltaa�� i McHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECXAL USE ANb/OR BEER/�VVINE APPL�CATZON Contact Person: Company/Organ.ization; // __ City/State/"'Lip; �-�� �`� Home Phone: �� ddress: of Picnic: C��� !�i ���` Work/Cell Phone; r Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) ❑Petersen Ptt.rk ❑ Vetera.n's Memorial Pa.rk���GCr J�� �� Area: ❑ Shelter A ❑ Shelter B o❑ Shelter C. r.a Other: Arrival Time:�`c� ._ Departure Time:�,/� Total Number Attending:_,. •�- Falsifying attendance nurrcGers will result irz loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: n dumpsters ❑portable toilets Water, electricity and resh`oorns are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable Brief description of event (company picnic, car show .List aU activities to he held: Items brought into park site; ❑ Ta.bles ❑ Tent: Location In Park:_ >LECTRICAL craft show, wedding, etc.): Benches ❑Carnival ]tides ❑Music ❑Animals ❑Catered Pig Roast Size: FUR TC3NTS ❑ AC'Pt.�1CAN'1' TO CALL JrJC_,IE (1-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO CLECTIZIC; Shamrock Tent Staked; ❑yesL'] 110 4e ic*����**x�*ic*�t*�R:tzt*��*n*******�k*�Yr,*'hVe*x���x'k it 7Fk*ie*�*'k'kf&oF ftx*�K*K�x*�fr�ie�ir it�tk�MsntY 74�xxie tYKtY it 4cAlYWxYexfl fk Y�Sr 9r xir ieKie r. Will beer/wine be present: ❑Yes ❑ No Ir'YOU CI-IECiCEll YES EASE ANSWER QUESTIONS 13I;LOW: Cndicate the uttmber of beer/wine permits denied ndicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this per]nit on above date (number of win ottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc,) __ _____ _., C agree that all the beer/wine containers will reirtoved by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated rson will be allowed to consume any of the bc;cr/wing brought into d]e City of McHenry park under this permit. C rec that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, lat.u•suant to this application will be sold, it bets nderstood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited gave read and will comply with the City of McE-ienry Park Permit rulc;s, 1 have read and under: nd fihe rules and regulations that have been set i'orth by the City of McHenry regarding the. Special Use and/or Beer/ 'ne Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arisinc front the use of the park erty. C also understand that n complying with tl]e Park Permit rules will result in Ic�ss•o�f dci]osit, Signature: _ Data: l �� Health p tits a e required by law f'or concessions and catering. Please make. arrangements to obtai permits. NOTE: Approval will be based an the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: *��***��;*�:,�,�*,�*,�***,r***�*�**,�**,�**�����;���,+FOR OrFICE; C1SE ONLY*�����,rx,�������k � ,��� ��x,�n,�,�*�xx����,��,r*,��;;�>•���;,�+�,� Reservation Fee; $ %t�C__�Z� __ Date Paid:. � Inilials;�,�� Deposit Fee: $ _ ��ff __ �....-__ Payment: ❑Crash ❑ •'he •k ,�'�.hai;�;� "Total Fee: $ Submitted to Cit Council; __ f. Confirmation Sent:. _Initials:•, � City Council Approval: -. ��� parks\forms\picnic fOrmslspecial use and beer and or wine applict�tion a arr4D x d Contact Person: McHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEER/WINE API c�ta�rv/�\ -- Company/Organization; _ _Address: CATION Cate of Picnic:___' City/State/Zip: L.&9 -r Home Phone:_._ or Cell Pl�one:,�t5_-- .-.._� 10� Park: ❑Knox Park (A only) Petersen Park ❑Veteran's Memorial Park Area: ,Shelter A ❑ Shelter B GtieC• r.i Other: Arrival Time' gallop Departure Time: A Total Number Attending:_ •, _ Falsifying attcnctcrnee nis�rebers will result r.n loss of �lel�osit, Groups over 500 must obtain additional: n dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and reslrooms are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): 'j aw�._ List all activities to be held: Items brought into park site; ❑ Ta.bles ❑ Cha.irs ❑ Benches ❑Carnival Rides �Ivius 0 Other ❑ Tent: Location In Pack; ELECTRICAL Size: FOR TENTS ❑ AI'PLICAN"]' TU CALL JUL,I1✓ (1-800-892-0123) TU BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Sharnrocl: ❑ Animals ❑Catered Pig Roast Tent Staked: ❑yes ❑ no ie is t•h�*ic�K**'c**:t*ic****�t is lr* $�*�ir�l•rtF**X'Yc ie�rie F�ftx;t•k*�'k�*YRxft***ie*K*x�•kR�ir�iex*�kxtY xtY�KxxY o'e1YNfe 1'rxW+'Y o4 Yt��fri; kir it iexi: Will beer/wine be present: es §�No XSr YOIJ CHECKED YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS 13ELOVV: Indicate the number o beef•/wine permits denied . Indicate arnount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc,) I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit -date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine; brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. 1 have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules, 1 have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the. Special Use and/or Beer/Wine Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising, from the use of the park property. 1 also understand that not complying with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit, Signature,t : �O►.wl� 'M �.c,c�_ _ Date: Lo — 17 Health permits are required by law fbr concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above, Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions:_ *,tic:t**A'A**Rf':k1MrttY*��*�t�Vr•h*wk***,t,t+F��**st�;�*�� � �;YA*9c�4s*irW*A'**�•h•k����l�'••h�*•kx C'OR OFFICE USE ONLY Reservation Deposit Fee: $ o'Z�� Payment: a Cash Ch ck ❑ Char�;t Total Fee, $-u - Submitted to City Council: ��� Confirmation Sent: _initials:w City Council Approval; _ parks\forms\picnic formslspecial use and beer and or wine. application SPE Contact Person: MMENRY PARK FACIL F, AND/OR BE Company/Organization: City/State/Zip: q L Home Phone i�.�xDSq) Addre PLICATION I�! TlatP of Picnic: ! lX �'a - I I C)- O. / 1 Q Work/Cell Phone: Park: ❑ Knox Park (A only) ❑ Petersen Park ��Veterall 's Memorial Park Area: Shelter A Shelter B ❑ Shelter C ❑ Other: I (1(7 c�.,� eparture Time: �' 00 j2�'1 Total Number Attending:�SC� (�� Arrival Time: 1�o. Falsifying attendance numbers will result i.n loss of deposit, Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restroom3 are available at all sites. Knox Park A has a portable restroom. Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): List all activities to be held: Items brought into park site��T_ables�-Ch irs ❑Benches ❑ Carnival Rides Music ❑Animal s r d P �Wther went: Location In Park: GA -aD �.�,tQSize: Tent Staked: ❑ yes ❑ no ELECTRICAL FOR TENTS ❑ APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (1-800-892-0123) TO BE LOCATED ❑ NO ELECTRIC: Shamrock X%'it%%]C%l•C%%%%%%%%]C%%%%%]C%]C%]C%iC%'iCl•C%%%%%%%%%'i%'iC%)C YIc%%]C%%%%%%%%%%'it%%%%%%%%C%%%Xit*%%%%%'ic'iC Y.%%'iC %'iC*%%%%%'i: %% Will beerAvine be present Yes ❑ No IF YOU CHECKED YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number o beer/wine permits deified Q Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the r kegs, etc.) City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, bee I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper coat Hers on site on theCo permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. 1 have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or BeerNline Application(s) and will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising froln the use of t*propeilso understand that not cornpl ing with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Date: Signature: Health perby law for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Apon the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Restrictions: ***%*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY L-� f'j�'�' Reservation Fee: $ — 10 Date Paid: initials: Reservation Fee: $ 7t� Payment: Cash ❑ Checl ❑ Charge Submitted to City Council:_ Total Fee: $ City Council Approval: Confirmation Sent: Initials: ' y pp o ,� parks\forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and or wine application McHENRY PARK FACILITIES SPECIAL USE AND/OR BEERIWINE APPLICATION Contact Person:AilcuOc65 'e. �z�s� Date of Picnic: ®i ht Ito Comp any/Organization: City/State/Zip: n/,� Park: nox Park Area: Shelter A Arrival Time: SOS I Home Phone: 1/57. 33 . b/Z- Work/Cell Phone: ❑ Petersen Park ❑ Veteran's Memorial Park ❑ Shelter B ❑ Shelter C ❑Other: Departure Time: Total Number Attending: a . Falsifying attendance numbers will result in loss of deposit. Groups over 500 must obtain additional: ❑ dumpsters ❑ portable toilets Water, electricity and restrooms are available at all sites. Please explain additional needs from the Parks Dept: `NOti'ic, Brief description of event (company picnic, car show, craft show, wedding, etc.): PO C I le 1/, F12 iE SD ors d,(, L List all activities to be held: Z S®�7't5/f�LC- ��4til4=e� d¢All? Ca�le�cJ7 Items being brought into park site: ❑Tables ❑Chairs ❑Benches ❑Carnival Rides ❑Music ❑Animals Other R P a A)CE 140�FOdL Y� 10 S ❑ Tent: Location: Size: Tent Staked: ❑ yes ❑ no ❑ PARKS TO LOCATE ❑ APPLICANT TO CALL JULIE (1-800-892-0123) x �Fx�<�Fi;*:k�<i:kx xxx�Fxrxxicx xxxxxx kxxx*ka:r.xir rx*x4:xxxxxkxx�Fxx kx xx k�xkir �<r. it it r.r,xxxxxxxx r.xxxxr.xxaFxxi;a;r.**�e r.xr. r.*xx*xxxx*xxxxicx xi; Will beer/wine be presentr,>�'es ❑ No — IF YOU CHECKE YES, PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW: Indicate the number of beer/wine permits denied . Indicate amount of beer/wine to be brought into the City Park under this permit on above date (number of wine bottles, beer cases, beer kegs, etc.) ®Ne� X rrG .,/L/ IZ-Z `( I agree that all the beer/wine containers will be removed by applicant or placed in proper containers on site on the permit date and that no underage or intoxicated person will be allowed to consume any of the beer/wine brought into the City of McHenry park under this permit. I agree that none of the beer/wine allowed in the City of McHenry park, pursuant to this application will be sold, it being understood that the sale of beer/wine under this permit issued pursuant to this application is expressly prohibited. I have read and will comply with the City of McHenry Park Permit rules. I have read and understand the rules and regulations that have been set forth by the City of McHenry regarding the Special Use and/or Beer/Wine s) ang will assume responsibility for any loss, damage or liability arising from the use of the park property. I also un rstan at co ly' g�with the Park Permit rules will result in loss of deposit. Signature: Health permits are required by law for concessions and catering. Please make arrangements to obtain permits. NOTE: Approval will be based on the items listed above. Any other requests are subject to further approval. Reservation Fee: $ Deposit Fee: $ Total Fee: $ ` Confirmation Sent: Initials: Date Paid: Initials: Payment: ❑Cash ❑ Checic ❑ Cha�rgye ` �' Submitted to City Council: A. � City Council Approval: Forms\picnic forms\special use and beer and/or wine application DATE 6/30/2014 09:38 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14060713 100 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S MAY 2014 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06/24/14 M 062414 21757.34 754473 100.01.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 25.63 062414 100.22.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 26.96 062414 100.33.5370 1406 062414 GLJ7858 129.92 062414 100933.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 318.35 062414 100.4146950 1406 062414 GLJ7858 47.18 062414 100.42.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1859409 062414 100.45.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 350.21 062414 14060714 510 XXXXX 1071 ACE HARDWARE, BJORKMAN'S MAY 2014 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 510.31.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 510,32.6110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 14060703 100 33 10063364510 14060712 100 XXXXX 100.45.5320 100.33.5515 14060715 100 XXXXX 100.22.5320 100.43.5320 100.45.5320 100.46.5320 14060716 XXXXX XXXXX 100.01.5320 100.02.5320 100.04.5320 100.2265320 100,30o5320 100.33.5320 100403,5320 100.41.5320 100,4495320 100.46.5320 100.47.5320 620.00.5110 14060717 XXXXX XXXXX 100.01.5320 100.02.5320 100622,5320 100.30.5320 100.33.5320 100.41.5320 100.42.5320 100,43,5320 100644.5320 100,45,5320 1632 ARAMARK 15775032 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 1406 062314 GLJ7833 1450 AT&T JUNE 2014 ALARM CIRCUITS 1406 062314 GLJ7834 1406 062314 GLJ7834 1450 AT&T JUNE 2014 ALARM CIRCUITS 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1450 AT&T R26238806 PRI PHONE LINES 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1450 AT&T 8153632114CENTREX PHONE LINES 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 1406 062414 GLJ7858 06/24/14 M 062414 105.47 062414 495.74 062414 06/23/14 M 062314 338.96 062314 06/23/14 M 062314 67.38 062314 28.55 062314 06/24/14 M 062414 29.68 062414 299.11 062414 242.96 062414 30.45 062414 06/24/14 M 062414 103.32 062414 38.74 062414 45.21 062414 251.84 062414 38.74 062414 12.91 062414 83.95 062414 38.74 062414 6.46 062414 12.91 062414 6.46 062414 25.83 062414 06/24/14 M 062414 297.60 062414 35.20 062414 428.56 062414 35.19 062414 107.54 062414 70.39 062414 32.19 062414 35.19 062414 70.39 062414 106.8l 062414 601.21 513818 338.96 754468 95.93 754469 602.20 665.11 1,287.01 754474 754474 754474 DATE 6/30/2014 09:38 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME - INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 620.00.5110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 67.95 062414 100.42.5320 1406 062414 GLJ7858 3.00 062414 620900,5110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 3.00CR 062414 14060718 510. XXXXX 510.31.5320 510632.5320 14060768 205 00 205.00.6940 14060767 600 00 600.00.4310 I4060729 210 00 210.00.5110 14060704 620 00 620.00.5110 1450 AT&T 8153632114CENTREX PHONE LINES 06/24/14 M 062414 1406 062414 GLJ7858 211.18 062414 1406 062414 GLJ7858 214.15 062414 2018 BARRETT, MAKENNA 2014 MISS MCHENRY 3RD RUNNER UP 06/30/14 M 063014 1406 063014 GLJ7892 75.00 063014 2408 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 0 830865HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS 06/30/14 M 063014 1406 063014 GLJ7892 136696.47 063014 7 CENTERFOLD, INC 6/26/14 BAND CONCERT 06/26/14 M 062614 1406 062614 GLJ7867 1000.00 062614 3509 COMCAST CABLE 6/12-7/11 CABLE TV & INTERNET SERVICE 06/23/14 M 062314 1406 062314 GLJ7633 101.50 062314 14060705 620 00 3509 COMCAST CABLE 6/11-7/10 CABLE TV & INTERNET SERVICE 06/23/14 M 062314 620.00.5110 1406 062314 GLJ7833 118,44 062314 14060719 100 XXXXX 3509 COMCAST CABLE 6/8-7/7/14CABLE TV SERVICES 06/24/14 M 062414 100401,5110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 12.70 062414 100.0345110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 4.24 062414 100,22,5110 1406 062414 GLJ7858 12.70 062414 14060261 100 XXXXX 100.33.5520 10000145510 14060256 100 42 100.42.5510 14060263 100 XXXXX 100.33.5520 100.44.5510 100.45.5510 100.4645510 14060438 100 Ol 100.01.6940 14060720 100 33 100.33.5370 14060721 510 32 510.32.5370 3531 COMED MAY 2014 UTILITIES 06/10/14 M 061014 1406 061014 GLJ7780 49.23 061014 1406 061014 GLJ7780 53.60 061014 4291 DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS 1280404 UTILITIES 06/O5/14 M 060514 1406 060514 GLJ7766 528.59 060514 4291 DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS MAY 2014 UTILITIES & STREET LIGHTS 06/10/14 M 061014 1406 061014 GLJ7780 19637.89 061014 1406 061014 GLJ7780 48.97 061014 1406 061014 GLJ7780 346.99 061014 1406 061014 GLJ7780 20.16 061014 4635 DRAKE PRODUCTION, A PAUL 6/22/14 DJ SERVICES - DAY AT THE FA 06/17/14 M 061714 1406 061714 GLJ7816 295.00 061714 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU MAY 2014 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 06/24/14 M 062414 1406 062414 GLJ7858 130.00 062414 5109 ED'S AUTOMOTIVE/JIM'S MU MAY 2014 VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTIONS 06/24/14 M 062414 1406 062414 GLJ7858 64.50 062414 14060211 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 06/30/14 M 060614 425.33 513819 75.00 754483 136,696.47 754484 1,000.00 754482 101.50 754470 118.44 754470 29.64 754475 102.83 754369 528.59 754364 20,054.01 754370 295.00 754465 130.00 754476 64.50 513820 1,032.00 754485 DATE 6/30/2014 09:38 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 1004214 1406 060614 GLJ7758 1032.00 060614 14060657 100 9419 FOP UNITS I/II PD UNION DUE 06/30/14 M 062014 11032,00 754485 1009214 1406 062014 GLJ7819 1032.00 062014 14060769 205 00 7680 GRUBICH, CAITLYN 2014 MISS MCHENRY 2ND RUNNER UP 06/30/14 M 063014 200.00 754486 AND MISS POTOGENIC - 205.00.6940 1406 063014 GLJ7892 200.00 063014 14060265 100 XXXXX 8527 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC APRIL 2014MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06/10/14 M 043014 100.22.6210 1406 061014 GLJ7780 13.05 043014 100.45.6110 1406 061014 GLJ7780 31.80 043014 14060267 100 XXXXX 8527 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVIC MAY 2014 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 06/10/14 M 061014 100.01.6110 1406 061014 GLJ7780 167.56 061014 100422.6110 1406 061014 GLJ7780 7.65 061014 100445,6110 1406 061014 GLJ7780 175.80 061014 100.33.6110 1406 061014 GLJ7780 356.35 061014 14060770 205 00 8560 HOWARD, CAILEY 2014 MISS MCHENRY MISS CONGENIALITY 06/30/14 M 063014 205600,6940 1406 063014 GLJ7892 100.00 063014 14060257 100 22 9669 IXII TRAINING 2014-10145DISPATCH TRAINING 06/05/14 M 060514 100.22.5430 1406 060514 GLJ7766 350.00 060514 14060771 205 00 11690 KRUSE, LAINEY 2014 MISS MCHENRY 1ST RUNNER UP 06/30/14 M 063014 205,00,6940 1406 063014 GLJ7892 200.00 063014 14040217 100 14268 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICER'S POLICE ASN 06/30/14 M 041114 100.207 1404 041114 GLJ7421 138.00 041114 14040747 100 14268 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICER'S POLICE ASN 06/30/14 M 042514 100.207 1404 042514 GLJ7524 138.00 042514 14050230 100 14268 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICER'S POLICE ASN 06/30/14 M 050914 100.207 1405 050914 GLJ7620 138.00 050914 14050757 100 14268 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICER'S POLICE ASN 06/30/14 M 052314 100.207 1405 052314 GLJ7691 138.00 052314 14060206 100 14268 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICER'S POLICE ASN 06/30/14 M 060614 100.207 1406 060614 GLJ7758 . 138.00 060614 14060653 100 14268 MCHENRY POLICE OFFICER'S POLICE ASN 06/30/14 M 062014 100.207 1406 062014 GLJ7819 138.00 062014 14060728 205 00 13154 MERKEL, MARISA REIMB MISS MCHENRY PAGEANT EXPENSES 06/24/14 M 062514 205.00.6940 1406 062514 GLJ7862 1805.85 062514 14060258 600 00 13289 MIDWEST OPERATING ENGINE MERTZ INSURANCE COVERAGE 06/05/14 M 060514 BALANCE OF MAY PLUS JULY 2014 44.85 754371 707.36 754371 100.00 754487 350.00 754365 200.00 754488 138.00 754489 138.00 754489 138.00 754489 138.00 754489 138.00 754489 138.00 754489 1,805.85 754477 3,091.88 754366 DATE 6/30/2014 09:38 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------ -....... --------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- 600.00.4310 1406 060514 GLJ7766 3091,88 060514 14060440 100 O1 13293 MILLER, EMMETT 6/22/14 MAGICIAN - DAY AT THE FARM 06/17/14 M 061714 600.00 754466 100.01.6940 1406 061714 GLJ7816 600.00 061714 14060269 205 00 13307 MISS MCHENRY COUNTY QUEE MIZSERCANDIDATE SPONSOR 06/10/14 M 061014 125.00 754372 205,00.6940 1406 061014 GLJ7780 125.00 061014 14060727 100 Ol 100001,5110 14060706 510 31 510.31.5430 14060433 205 00 205.00.6940 14060434 205 00 205.00.6940 14060259 100 04 100.04.5310 13740 MUNARETTO & CO INC, M J MILLER PT SIGN FABRICATION/INSTALLATI 06/24/14 M 062514 1406 062514 GLJ7862 620.00 062514 15553 NORTH SUBURBAN WATER MAY & JUNEMONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETINGS 1406 062314 GLJ7833 7 PAPA JOHNS 7 PAPA JOHNS MISS MCHENRY ENTRY FEE REFUND 1406 061214 GLJ7790 06/23/14 M 062314 75.00 062314 06/12/14 M 061214 200.00 061214 ENTRY FEE MISS MCHENRY CONTESTANT REF 06/13/14 M 061314 1406 061314 GLJ7797 100.00 061314 17550 POSTMASTER MCHENRY IL PERMIT 126POSTAGE FOR WATER/SEWER BIL 06/05/14 M 060514 1406 060514 GLJ7766 2200.00 060514 14060707 100 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 100.01.5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 100.02.5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 100.03.5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 100.04,5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 100922.5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 100.30,5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 100.4165310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 14060708 510 XXXXX 19170 RESERVE ACCOUNT 10737039 MAILING MACHINE POSTAGE 510.31.5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 510.32.5310 1406 062314 GLJ7833 14060260 100 46 100.46.5110 14060722 100 XXXXX 14060441 100 46 100.46.5110 19298 RINK SIDE SPORTS 6/12/14 DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 20015 SAM'S CLUB MAY 2014 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 06/23/14 M 062314 50.09 062314 198.98 062314 162.06 062314 1108,25 062314 414.21 062314 30.50 062314 163.37 062314 06/23/14 M 062314 317.72 062314 9.33 062314 06/O5/14 M 060514 465.00 060514 SUPPLIES 06/24/14 M 062414 9.15 062414 39.90 062414 413.41 062414 16.98 062414 21286 TIMBER RIDGE LODGE & WAT 6/26/14 DAY CAMP FIELD TRIP 1406 061714 GLJ7816 06/17/14 M 061714 776.59 061714 14060726 100 04 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485244 UPS CHARGES 06/24/14 M 062414 100.04.5310 1406 062414 GLJ7859 90.40 062414 620.00 754478 75.00 513815 200.00 754373 100.00 754374 2,200000 754367 2,127.46 754471 327.05 513816 465.00 754368 479.44 754479 776.59 754467 90.40 754480 DATE 6/30/2014 09:38 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14040216 100 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 06/30/14 M 041114 26.00 754492 100,205 1404 041114 GLJ7421 26.00 041114 14040746 100 100.205 14050229 100 100,205 14050756 100 100.205 14060205 100 100,205 14060652 100 100.205 14060709 100 Ol 100.01.5110 14060710 100 03 100.03.5110 14060711 510 31 510.31.5320 14060723 620 00 620.00.5110 14060724 XXXXX XXXXX 100.01.5320 100403.5320 100.2265320 100.30.5320 100.33.5320 100.41.5320 100,45.5320 100.46,5320 100447,5320 620.00.5320 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 1404 042514 GLJ7524 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 1405 050914 GLJ7620 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 1405 052314 GLJ7691 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 1406 060614 GLJ7758 22498 UNITED WAY OF MCHENRY CO UNITED WAY 1406 062014 GLJ7819 22665 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANC 254894322 COPIER LEASE PAYMENT 1406 062314 GLJ7833 06/30/14 M 042514 26.00 754492 26.00 042514 06/30/14 M 050914 26.00 754492 26.00 050914 06/30/14 M 052314 26.00 754492 26.00 052314 06/30/14 M 060614 26.00 754492 26.00 060614 06/30/14 M 062014 26.00 754492 26.00 062014 06/23/14 M 062314 311.00 754472 311.00 062314 22665 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANC 255379729 COPIER LEASE PYMT #33 OF 60 06/23/14 M 062314 1406 062314 GLJ7833 135.00 062314 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 9726484757MOBILE BROADBAND 1406 062314 GLJ7833 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 9726302909MOBILE BROADBAND 1406 062414 GLJ7859 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 9726302908CELLULAR PHONE USAGE 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7659 1406 062414 GLJ7859 1406 062414 GLJ7859 14060725 510 XXXXX 23152 VERIZON WIRELESS 9726302908CELLULAR PHONE USAGE 510.31.5320 1406 062414 GLJ7859 510.32.5320 1406 062414 GLJ7859 EXPENDE➢ LIQUID ACCRUAL GRAND TOTALS 185,925.29 RECAP TOTALS EXPENDED LIQUID ACCRUAL FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 40,265.81 06/23/14 M 062314 43.85 062314 06/24/14 M 062414 38.03 062414 06/24/14 M 062414 164.82 062414 111.10 062414 965.00 062414 34.04 062414 147.19 062414 9.18 062414 68.08 062414 9.04 062414 6.42 062414 46.45 062414 06/24/14 M 062414 106.38 062414 26.76 062414 135.00 754472 43.85 513817 38.03 754481 1,561.32 754481 133.14 513821 DATE 6/30/2014 09:38 AM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 AS -NEEDED CHECKS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM if FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 205 PAGEANT FUND 2,805.85 210 BAND FUND 1,000.00 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 1/670608 600 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 139,788.35 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 395.20 **** 185,925.29 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 1 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR,DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070025 510 32 ---------- --------------------------------------- 1001 A -YARD CORP MAY 2014 MULCH 07/07/14 O 070214 40.00 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 40.00 070214 14070D07 100 45 100.45.6110 14070008 100 33 100,33.5370 14070009 100 33 100,33,5370 14070010 100 33 100,33,5370 14070011 100 33 100.33.5370 14070012 100 33 100.33.5370 14070013 510 32 510.32.5370 14070014 100 33 100.33.5370 14070015 100 33 100.33.5370 14070016 100 33 100.33.5370 14070017 100 33 100.33.5370 14070018 100 47 100.47.5110 14070019 510 31 510.31.3610 14070001 100 47 100.47.5110 14070020 100 XXXXX 100.01.5320 100.22.5320 100.33.5320 100.41.5320 100.45.5320 1081 ACTION FLAG CO 22820 USA FLAGS 07/07/14 O 070214 429.49 1407 070214 GLJ7898 429.49 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 736952SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 141.16 1407 070214 GLJ7898 141.16 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 737111SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 368.52 .. 1407 070214 GLJ7898 368.52 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 736756EQUIPMENT 07/07/14 O 070214 1,318.00 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1318.00 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 7359115UPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 144.58 1407 070214 GLJ7898 144.58 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 736384SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 71.85 1407 070214 GLJ7898 71.85 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 736599OIL TANK 07/07/14 0 070214 408.75 1407 070214 GLJ7898 408.75 070214 1108 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC, R 736833SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 95.66 1407 070214 GLJ7898 95.66 070214 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 317750SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 329.20 1407 070214 GLJ7898 329.20 070214 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 317640SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 21.00 1407 070214 GLJ7898 21.00 070214 1106 ADAMS STEEL SERVICE INC 318102SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 86.87 1407 070214 GLJ7898 86.87 070214 1112 ADAMS, SAMANTHA 5/9-6/11 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/07/14 O 070214 165.94 1407 070214 GLJ7898 165.94 070214 5 ALL HOME REALTY 1056370301REFUND WATER SEWER OVERPAYM 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 131.40 070214 1421 131.40 AMELIO, ROBERT 6/2-20/14 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 423.00 070214 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 151.74 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1.35 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 .81 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 .59 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 .27 070214 423.00 154.76 131.40 423.00 154.76 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 2 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- -------- ---------------...... -------------------------- 14070021 510 32 510.3245320 14070022 100 33 100,33.5320 14070023 100 22 10042245370 14070024 100 22 100.22.5370 14070035 100 45 100.45.5370 14070056 510 31 510.31.5110 14070026 100 33 100.33.6110 14070027 510 31 510.31.6110 14070028 100 33 100.33.6110 14070029 100 33 100.33.6110 14070032 300 00 300.00.7300 14070033 100 47 100.47.5110 14070034 620 00 620.00.5110 14070036 100 22 100.22.5110 14070037 100 22 100.22.5370 14070038 100 22 100.22.4510 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 813828058 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1.60 070214 1452 AT&T LONG DISTANCE 860221504 LONG DISTANCE PHONE SERVICE 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 .07 070214 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 254621TIRES 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 566.40 070214 1738 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 254829TIRES 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 459.08 070214 2040 B & B AUTO PLUS 6/20/14 VEHICLE PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 99.18 070214 2039 B&W CONTROL SYSTEMS INTE 0174750 SCADA ALARM CONFIGURATION 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 240.00 070214 2006 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 31889MB MATERIALS 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2006 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 31889MB MATERIALS 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2006 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 32158MB MATERIALS 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2006 BAKER & SON CO, PETER 32257MB MATERIALS 1407 070214 GLJ7898 07/07/14 O 070214 1151462 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 487.08 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 950.49 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 3679.26 070214 2025 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, 2521792940G0 BONDS PAYING AGENT FEES 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7898 750.00 070214 2024 BARTOS, DONNA 5/24-6/28 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2035 BARTER & WOODMAN 0174283 CURRENT TAX PARCEL TABLE 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2145 BELVIDERE FIRING RANGE, 1405 SHOOTING RANGE RENTALS 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2299 BIKE HAVEN 6/16/14 BIKE TUNE UPS 1407 070214 GLJ7898 16080 BIRK, ADRIANA CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 1407 070214 GLJ7898 07/07/14 0 070214 146.25 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 488.75 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 360.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 287.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 79.13 070214 14070039 100 22 16080 BIRK, ADRIANA 6/3-5/14 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 07/07/14 O 070214 100.22.5420 1407 070214 GLJ7898 8.00 070214 07 566.40 459.08 99.18 240.00 1,151.62 487.08 950.49 3,679.26 750.00 146.25 488.75 360.00 287.00 79.13 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 3 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------- --------------------------- 14070040 100 XXXXX 2389 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 2014E03662LANDSCAPE MAINTENACE SERVIC 07/07/14 O 070214 5,921.00 100.45.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 4053,00 070214 100,33,5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1868.00 070214 14070041 510 XXXXX 2389 BLACKSTONE LANDSCAPE INC 2014E03662LANDSCAPE MAINTENACE SERVIC 07/07/14 O 070214 3,028.00 510.31.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1500.00 070214 510.32.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1528.00 070214 14070042 100 44 2559 BOXX THIS INC 10033 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 109.60 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 109.60 070214 14070043 100 44 2559 BOXX THIS INC 09944 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 109.60 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 109.60 070214 14070044 100 44 2559 BOXX THIS INC 09977 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 109.60 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 109.60 070214 14070002 100 47 2637 BREMER, CURTIS H 6/2-20/14 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 07/07/14 O 070214 130.00 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 130.00 070214 14070045 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 6/17/14 MOWING SERVICES 07/07/14 O 070214 500.00 100.03.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 500.00 070214 14070046 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 6/12/14 MOWING SERVICES 07/07/14 0 070214 1,520.00 100.03.5110 1407 070214 GLJ789S 1520.00 070214 14070047 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 6/6/14MOWING SERVICES 07/07/14 0 070214 2,100.00 100.03.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 2100.00 070214 14070048 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 5/24/14 MOWING SERVICES 07/07/14 0 070214 280.00 100.03.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 280.00 070214 14070049 100 03 2636 BRENNAN, DAN 6/25/14 MOWING SERVICES 07/07/14 O 070214 1,400.00 100.03.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 1400.00 070214 14070050 100 46 2661 BRUNSWICK ZONE XL-RANDAL 7/10/14 DAY CAMP TRIP #3 07/07/14 O 070214 397.30 100.46.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 397.30 070214 14070051 100 45 2670 BSN SPORTS INC 96118632 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 388.00 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 388.00 070214 14070052 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 5012921 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 117.00 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ789S 117.00 070214 14070053 100 22 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 5013021 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 0 070214 22.00 100.22.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7898 22.00 070214 14070054 100 45 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 6018426 VEHICLE REPAIRS 07/07/14 0 070214 806.23 100.45.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7898 806.23 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 4 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT A DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070055 100 33 2765 BUSS FORD SALES 5013040 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 0 070214 191.20 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7898 191.20 070214 14070057 100 01 2991 CABAY & COMPANY INC 49964 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 100.01.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 569.68 070214 14070058 100 47 2992 CALABRESE, TARA 4/22-29/14PARKS PROGRAM INSTUCTOR 07/07/14 0 043014 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 73.13 043014 14070059 100 47 2992 CALABRESE, TARA 5/13-6/19 PARKS PROGRAM INSTUCTOR 07/07/14 O 070214 10064765110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 243.75 070214 14070060 100 41 2999 CARMICHAEL CONSTRUCTION 4905 ELECTRONIC COMMUNITY SIGN 07/07/14 0 070214 100.41.8800 1407 070214 GLJ7898 6489,04 070214 14070061 510 32 5 CARR, AMANDA REFUND WATER/SEWER OVERPAYMENT 07/07/14 O 070214 1010331303 + 1010331304 510.32.3610 1407 070214 GLJ7898 47.27CR 070214 510.32.3610 1407 070214 GLJ7898 97.98 070214 14070062 100 33 100.33.5370 14070063 620 00 620.00.6210 14070064 620 00 620.00.6270 14070318 100 01 100.01.5110 14070319 100 Ol 100.01.5110 14070320 100 01 100.01.5110 14070321 510 31 510.31.5110 14070322 100 01 100.01.5410 14070323 100 41 100.41.6950 3012 CASEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY C01244SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7898 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC MF18247 SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7898 3135 CDW GOVERNMENT INC LZ19837 EQUIPMENT 1407 070214 GLJ7898 3152 CENTEGRA 135894MEDICAL SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3152 CENTEGRA 135603MEDICAL SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3152 CENTEGRA 135131MEDICAL SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3163 CERTIFIED SERVICES INC 2323 COLLECTION SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3270 CHICAGO METROPOLITAN AGE 67744 CONTRIBUTION 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3396 CLAVEY'S NURSERY INC CL-10989 TREES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 14070324 100 22 3515 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE-ACCTS 4814 TRAINING FEE JONES 100.22.5430 1407 070214 GLJ7901 07/07/14 O 070214 235.03 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 64.59 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 44.86 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 122.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 332.22 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 110.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 4.23 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 258.39 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 400.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 95.00 070214 569.68 73.13 243.75 6,489.04 50.71 235.03 64.59 �f 122.00 332.22 4.23 258.39 400.00 95.00 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 5 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070325 100 XXXXX 3531 CONED MAY 2014 UTILITIES 07/07/14 0 070214 30.91 100433,5520 1407 070214 GLJ7901 29.46 070214 10064545510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 1.45 070214 14070326 510 XXXXX 3531 CONED MAY 2014 UTILITIES 07/07/14 O 070214 510.31.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 294.88 070214 510.32.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 147.98 070214 14070327 100 33 3528 CONED 5433098004STREET LIGHTING 07/07/14 0 070214 100.3395520 1407 070214 GLJ7901 1599,86 070214 14070328 510 XXXXX 3531 CONED MAY 2014 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 07/07/14 0 070214 510.31.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 284.37 070214 510.32.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 1743.17 070214 14070329 620 00 3532 COMMUNICATIONS REVOLVING T1439465 COMMUNICATION CHARGES 07/07/14 0 070214 620.00.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 10.00 070214 14070330 100 42 3538 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS 4691744 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 100.42.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 173.36 070214 14070331 100 45 3539 CONSERV FS 1910587-INSUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 164.21 070214 14070332 510 XXXXX 3565 CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY MAY 2014 WATER/SEWER PUMPING CHARGES 07/07/14 O 070214 510.31.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 10057.05 070214 510.3295510 1407 070214 GLJ7901 22638.71 070214 14070333 510 32 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-250772ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 29.51 070214 14070334 100 33 100.33.6110 14070335 100 45 100.45.6110 14070336 100 45 100.45.6110 14070337 100 22 100.22.5420 14070339 100 45 100.45.6110 14070340 100 33 100.33.6110 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-250928ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-251186ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3634 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 112-249435ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3659 CRUZ, MICHAEL 6/10-11/14TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3753 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING 1802 TOPSOIL 1407 070214 GLJ7901 3753 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING 1803 TOPSOIL 1407 070214 GLJ7901 07/07/14 O 070214 19.50 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 10.42 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 175.62 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 11.98 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 600.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 975.00 070214 14070341 510 31 3753 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING 1803 TOPSOIL 07/07/14 0 070214 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 225.00 070214 442.86 1,599.86 2,027.54 173.36 164.21 32,695.76 29.51 175.62 600.00 975.00 225.00 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 6 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE --------------------------------------........... -........... ---------- --------------- -------- ------------------'------------------- 14070342 510 32 4004 Al NATURAL SPRING MAY 2014 BOTTLED DISTILLED WATER - 07/07/14 O 070214 38.47 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 38.47 070214 14070343 100 33 4560 DOUG'S TRANSMISSIONS 14-1885 INSTALL FORK LIFT PARTS 07/07/14 0 070214 180.00 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7901 180.00 070214 14070344 100 22 10144 DUCAK, KELLY 6/3-5/14 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 07/07/14 0 070214 19.20 100.22.5420 1407 070214 GLJ7901 19.20 070214 14070345 100 22 10144 DUCAK, KELLY 5/27/14 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 07/07/14 0 070214 7.49 100.22.5420 1407 070214 GLJ7901 7.49 070214 14070346 100 00 2 DUNKIN DONUTS REUFND PERMIT #14-05-085 07/07/14 0 070214 30.00 10060043410 1407 070214 GLJ7901 30.00 070214 14070347 100 45 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 371115SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 405.60 100.45,6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 405.60 070214 14070348 100 33 4760 DURA WAX COMPANY INC, TH 371641SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 55.45 100.33.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 55.45 070214 14070349 100 00 2 ECKEL, CARL REFUND PERMIT #14-05-113 07/07/14 0 070214 30.00 100400.3410 1407 070214 GLJ7901 30.00 070214 14070350 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 103876-1 CHAIN SAW SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 15.95 100.33.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 15.95 070214 14070351 100 33 5107 ED'S RENTAL & SALES INC 103022-1 PROPANE TANK FILL 07/07/14 0 070214 27.91 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7901 27.91 070214 14070352 100 33 5309 EJ EQUIPMENT 0063320 VEHICLE SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 99.76 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7901 99.76 070214 14070353 510 31 5310 EJ USA INC 3720854 SANITARY COVERS 07/07/14 0 070214 21086.08 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 2086.08 070214 14070354 510 31 5310 EJ USA INC 3722924 HYDRANT & EXTENSION 07/07/14 0 070214 21020.00 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 2020.00 070214 14070355 510 31 5388 ELECSYS INTERNATIONAL CO 125840HANDHELD COMPUTER REPAIRS 07/07/14 0 070214 369.94 51043166110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 369.94 070214 14070356 100 22 6029 FAST EDDIES CAR WASH MAY 2014 VEHICLE WASHES 07/07/14 0 070214 174.50 100.22.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7901 174.50 070214 14070357 400 00 6170 FGM ARCHITECTS 141800,011REC CENTER SERVICES 07/07/14 V 070214 .00 14070507 400 00 6170 FGM ARCHITECTS 141800,011REC CENTER SERVICES 07/07/14 0 043014 43,860400 400.00.8200 1407 070214 GLJ7905 43860.00 043014 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 7 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070358 100 33 6293 FISCHER BROS FRESH 3198 MATERIALS 07/07/14 0 070214 660.50 100.33.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7901 660.50 070214 14070359 100 22 100422,5110 14070360 100 22 100.22.5110 14070361 225 00 225.0045110 14070362 100 45 100,45.6110 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, CORD IN10822918COPIER MAINTENANCE 1407 070214 GLJ7901 6390 FLESCH COMPANY INC, GORD IN10807144COPIER 1407 070214 GLJ7901 6570 FOX VALLEY FIRE & SAFETY 837759MONTHLY MAINTENANCE FEES 1407 070214 GLJ7901 20288 FRY, ROBERT J 2014269 RIVERWALK SIGNS 1407 070214 GLJ7901 14070363 100 XXXXX 16636 FUN EXPRESS LLC 664129078 SUPPLIES 100.4296920 1407 070214 GLJ7901 100,46,6920 1407 070214 GLJ7901 14070375 100 43 100.43.6110 14070376 100 42 100.42.6110 14070374 100 33 100.33.6110 14070377 100 44 100.44.6110 14070378 100 44 100.44.6110 14070379 100 44 100.44.6110 14070380 100 44 100.44.6110 14070381 100 44 100.44.6110 14070382 100 04 100.04.5410 14070003 100 47 100.47.5110 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 13-002025 SIGNS 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7281 G IMPRESSIONS INC 13-002020 BANNER 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7168 GESKE AND SONS INC 28398 MATERIALS 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 273586CONCESSION SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 272665CONCESSION SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 271449CONCESSION SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 273174CONCESSION SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7535 GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS 27436000NCESSION SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7558 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFIC 0175702 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7639 GREVE, CODY 6/2-20/14 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7898 07/07/14 O 070214 128.10 128.10 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 120.32 120.32 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 994.50 994.50 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 168.00 168.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 81.95 52.81 070214 29.14 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 70.00 70.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 40.00 40.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 399.00 399.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 376.48 376.48 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 780.03 780.03 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 236.15 236.15 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 423.03 423.03 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 77.45 77.45 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 225.00 225.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 138.00 138.00 070214 14070383 100 47 7646 GROVES, SANDRA 6/3-20/14 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/07/14 0 070214 200.00 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 200.00 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 8 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM If FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070384 100 33 7700 GUARDIAN MATERIAL HANDLI 5892 FORK LIFT PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 372.76 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 372.76 070214 14070385 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 00453945 POOL SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 46.80 100.42.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 46.80 070214 14070386 100 44 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 00453466 POOL SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 1/971410 100.4496110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1971.10 070214 14070387 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 00452988 POOL SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 436.70 100.42.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 436.70 070214 14070388 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 00450519 POOL SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 1p530v8O 100.42.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1530.80 070214 14070389 100 42 8012 HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY 00452074 POOL SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 820.00 100.42.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 820.00 070214 14070390 100 45 8022 HARM'S FARM 21091 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 07/07/14 O 070214 49.98 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 49.98 070214 14070391 100 45 8022 HARM'S FARM 21113 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 07/07/14 0 070214 190.35 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 190.35 070214 14070392 510 32 8042 HAWKINS INC 3605087 CHEMICALS 07/07/14 0 070214 814.23 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 814.23 070214 14070393 100 22 8152 HEARTSMART.COM 138199AED BATTERIES 07/07/14 0 070214 75.00 100.22.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 75.00 070214 14070394 100 41 1 HELFERS, HELEN PARKS PROGARM REFUND 07/07/14 O 070214 53.00 100.41.3634 1407 070214 GLJ7904 53.00 070214 14070395 740 00 8650 HRGREEN 92516 GLIDEPATH POWER 07/07/14 O 070214 21263.00 740.00.5220 1407 070214 GLJ7904 2263.00 070214 14070396 740 00 8650 HRGREEN 92515 SHOPS AT THE FOX RIVER -LOT 3 07/07/14 0 070214 1,254.50 740.00.5220 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1254450 070214 14070397 100 03 8650 HRGREEN 92513 FOIA 07/07/14 O 070214 77.00 100.03.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 77.00 070214 14070398 740 00 8650 HRGREEN 92513 VA CLINIC 07/07/14 O 070214 698.25 740.00.5220 1407 070214 GLJ7904 698.25 070214 14070399 740 00 8650 HRGREEN 92513 GRUBICH 07/07/14 O 070214 154.00 740.0095220 1407 070214 GLJ7904 154.00 070214 14070400 440 00 8650 HRGREEN 7/92285 ROUTE 31/120 07/07/14 0 070214 48,003.96 440.00.8600 1407 070214 GLJ7904 48003.96 070214 440-RT31/120 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 9 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED ----------------------------------- INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS ------- -------------- -------------- PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------ -------------------------- 14070401 100 41 8740 HUFFMAN, WILLIAM W 4/28/14 SPRING 2014 TREE PLANTING 07/07/14 O 043014 4,480.00 100.41.6950 1407 070214 GLJ7904 4480.00 043014 14070402 100 42 9383 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF P 133-26733 ANNUAL POOL INSPECTION 07/07/14 0 070214 200.00 100.42.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 200.00 070214 14070403 510 32 9496 INDUSTRIAL CHEM LABS 150044ROOT BEGONE 07/07/14 0 070214 460.36 510,32.5380 1407 070214 GLJ7904 460.36 070214 14070404 510 32 9520 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY C 3701012778BATTERIES 07/07/14 0 070214 37.90 510.32.5375 1407 070214 GLJ7904 37.90 070214 14070405 510 31 9585 IRWA 14966 SOUP MEMBERSHIP 07/07/14 0 070214 48.00 SCHMITT 510,31,5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 48.00 070214 14070406 510 31 9585 IRWA 14942 SOUP MEMBERSHIP 07/07/14 0 070214 48.00 PALMER 510,31.5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 48.00 070214 14070407 510 31 9585 IRWA 14908 SOUP MEMBERSHIP 07/07/14 0 070214 48.00 MACE 51093195410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 48.00 070214 14070408 510 31 9585 IRWA 15007 SOUP MEMBERSHIP 07/07/14 0 070214 48.00 WIRCH 510.31.5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 48.00 070214 14070409 510 31 9585 IRWA 14965 SOUP MEMBERSHIP 07/07/14 0 070214 48.00 SCHEEL 510.31.5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 48.00 070214 14070410 100 22 10211 J G UNIFORMS INC 33928 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 07/07/14 0 070214 347.00 100.22.4510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 347.00 070214 14070411 100 22 10211 J G UNIFORMS INC 33926 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 07/07/14 O 070214 359.99 100.22.4510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 359.99 070214 14070412 100 22 10211 J G UNIFORMS INC 33927 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 07/07/14 0 070214 189.99 100.22.4510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 189.99 070214 14070413 100 22 11220 KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY 0717559 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 109.00 100.22.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 109.00 070214 14070414 100 22 11220 KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY 0730303 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 795.00 100.22.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 795.00 070214 14070415 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 3638047 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 304.13 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 322.49 070214 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 18.36CR 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 10 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070416 100 33 11286 KIMBALL MIDWEST 3625761 SUPPLIES 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 EARLY PAY DISCOUNT 14070417 510 32 11537 KOMLINE-SANDERSON ENGINE 42022914 HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT 510.32.5380 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070418 510 32 12011 LAI LTD 14-12273 SUPPLIES 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070562 290 00 12020 LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC 201401-1 RIVERWALK PH 2 A.1 290,00,5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070563 290 00 12020 LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC 201402-1 RIVERWALK PH 2 A.2 290.00.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070564 440 00 12020 LANDMARK CONTRACTORS INC 201401-1A MILLER POINT 440.00.8600 1407 070214 GLJ7905 07/07/14 O 070214 414.28 070214 21.97CR 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 1731.54 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 138.65 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 213156,59 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 36780653 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 21083,40 070214 14070419 100 XXXXX 12146 LEGALSHIELD 0122659 MONTHLY PAYROLL WITHHOLDING 07/07/14 O 070214 100.2192 1407 070214 GLJ7904 64.75 070214 14070420 100 22 1074 LEXISNEXIS 20140531 PHONES PLUS SEARCHES 07/07/14 0 070214 100.22.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 122.00 070214 14070421 100 42 12283 LIFEGUARD STORE INC, THE INV208974 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 100.42.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 373.84 070214 14070422 100 42 12290 LILLEENG, MICHAEL D 6/2-16/14 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/07/14 0 070214 100442,5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 105.00 070214 14070423 510 32 12308 LINKER, ELISE COST SHAREOVERHEAD SEWER/FLOOD CONTRO 07/07/14 0 070214 510432,5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 2500.00 070214 14070424 510 31 510.31.6110 14070425 100 22 100.22.5110 14070465 100 Ol 100.01.5230 14070466 100 33 100.33.5370 14070467 100 33 100.33.6110 13033 MAPLE CONSTRUCTION INC 5459 DIRECTIONAL BORE/WATER SERVICE 07/07/14 O 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7904 2380.00 070214 16015 MARATHON TOWING 26649 VEHICLE TOWING SERVICES 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11034192 SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11034343 SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7904 07/07/14 O 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 5175.00 070214 07/07/14 O 043014 557.74 043014 07/07/14 0 070214 338.04 070214 14070468 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11034575 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 392.31 1,731.54 138.65 213,156.59 36,780.53 21,083.40 64.75 122.00 373.84 105.00 2,500.00 2,380.00 40.00 5,175.00 557.74 338.04 281.97 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 11 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 100.3395370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 281.97 070214 14070469 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11034590 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 8,200.00 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 8200.00 070214 14070470 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11034598 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 93.25 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 93.25 070214 14070471 100 33 14069 MCCANN INDUSTRIES INC 11034626 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 699.00 100433.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 699.00 070214 14070472 100 47 14080 MCCORMICK, JENISE M 6/3-19/14 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/07/14 0 070214 73.13 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 73.13 070214 14070482 100 47 14264 MCH COUNTY DEPT OF HEALT 7/12/14 RIVER RUN HEALTH PERMITS 07/07/14 0 070214 45.00 100.47.6920 1407 070214 GLJ7904 45.00 070214 14070473 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 1402704 WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 07/07/14 0 070214 450.00 510.31.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 450.00 070214 14070474 510 31 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314596WATER SAMPLE ANALYSIS 07/07/14 0 070214 60.00 510431.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 60.00 070214 14070475 510 32 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314421METALS SAMPLES 07/07/14 O 070214 700.00 510432.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 700.00 070214 14070476 510 32 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314422NITRATE TESTING 07/07/14 0 070214 60.00 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 60.00 070214 14070477 510 32 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314423NITRATE TESTING 07/07/14 O 070214 60.00 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 60.00 070214 14070478 510 32 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314571NITRATE TESTING 07/07/14 0 070214 60.00 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 60.00 070214 14070479 510 32 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314572NITRATE TESTING 07/07/14 O 070214 60.00 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 60.00 070214 14070480 510 32 14246 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER 314573NITRATE TESTING 07/07/14 O 070214 60.00 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 60.00 070214 14070481 100 02 14296 MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL O 15037 MEMBERSHIP MEETING 6/18/14 07/07/14 0 070214 38.00 100.02.5430 1407 070214 GLJ7904 38.00 070214 14070483 100 Ol 14254 MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TR 26/MARCHI4MCRIDE SERVICES 07/07/14 O 070214 11700.54 100.01.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1700.54 070214 14070484 100 Ol 14254 MCHENRY COUNTY DIV OF TR 27/APRILI4MCRIDE SERVICES 07/07/14 0 070214 11782.87 100.01.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1782.87 070214 14070485 100 22 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 19929 TIRES 07/07/14 0 070214 112.38 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 12 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM If FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 100,22,5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 112.38 070214 14070486 100 33 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 19930 TIRES 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070487 510 32 14266 MCHENRY FIRESTONE 19960 FLAT TIRE REPAIRS 510,32.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070488 100 02 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2014-565 KEY TO CITY 100,02.6940 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070489 100 XXXXX 14278 MCHENRY SPECIALTIES 2014-449 MEDALS & TROPHIES 100.46,6920 1407 070214 GLJ7904 100.47.6920 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070426 100 47 13138 MEHNER JR, DAVID A 5/13-27/14PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070428 100 45 13157 MENDEZ LANDSCAPING & BRI 2111 RETAINING WALL INSTALLATION 100.45.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070004 100 47 13170 MEYER JR, DONALD R 6/2-20/14 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 14070429 510 32 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 704953006 MATERIALS 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070430 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 704907116 MATERIALS 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070431 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 704915843 MATERIALS 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070432 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 704927613 MATERIALS 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070433 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 704934679 MATERIALS 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070434 510 31 13172 MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY 704946410 MATERIALS 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070443 510 32 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 45353SW SUPPLIES 510.32.5375 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070444 510 32 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 153295W SUPPLIES 510.32.5375 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070445 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 152626W SUPPLIES 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 07/07/14 O 070214 340.12 340.12 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 28.00 28.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 24.00 24.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 386.00 99.00 070214 287.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 125.00 125.00 070214 07/07/14 0 o7oz14 700.00 700.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 400.00 400.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 80.09 80.09 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 92.57 92.57 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 46.20 46.20 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 136.90 136.90 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 139.60 139.60 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 158.46 158.46 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 145.82 145.82 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 25.50 25.50 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 630.00 630.00 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 13 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM it FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070446 510 32 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 151769W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 2,871.16 510.32.5375 1407 070214 GLJ7904 2871.16 070214 14070447 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 152263W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 776.00 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 776.00 070214 14070448 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 152804W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 750.00 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 750.00 070214 14070449 510 32 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 152636W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 97.68 510.32.5380 1407 070214 GLJ7904 97.68 070214 14070450 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 153053W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 993.00 510,31,6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 993.00 070214 14070451 510 32 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 153273W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 324.10 510.32.5375 1407 070214 GLJ7904 324.10 070214 14070452 510 31 13309 MID AMERICAN WATER OF WA 153164W SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 236.15 510.31,6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 236.15 070214 14070435 510 32 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11580SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 168.08 51043246110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 168.08 070214 14070436 510 32 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11593SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 98.18 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 98.18 070214 14070437 100 45 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11453SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 85.68 100.45.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 85.68 070214 14070438 100 45 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11687SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 3.56 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 3.56 070214 14070439 100 45 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11679SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 28.02 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 28.02 070214 14070440 100 33 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11664SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 28.02 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 28.02 070214 14070441 100 33 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11647SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 7.90 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 7.90 070214 14070442 100 45 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11609SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 79.98 100.45.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7904 79.98 070214 14070453 510 32 13277 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTING M11620SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 25.32 510.32.5375 1407 070214 GLJ7904 25.32 070214 14070454 100 41 13290 MILLER MONUMENT COMPANY 6/7/14LETTERED BRICK PAVERS 07/07/14 0 070214 291.58 100.41.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 291.58 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070455 100 O1 100.01.4220 14070456 100 00 100400.6210 14070457 100 XXXXX inn .01.6210 100,30,6210 100.33.6210 100,45,6210 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81692 DAY AT THE FARM HANDOUTS 1407 070214 GLJ7904 100-LDMKCOM 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81805 PRINTED STOCK FORMS 1407 070214 GLJ7904 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81391 PURCHASE ORDER BOOKS 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1407 070214 GLJ7904 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070458 510 XXXXX 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81391 PURCHASE ORDER BOOKS 510.31.6210 1407 070214 GLJ7904 510632.6210 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070459 100 02 100.02.6210 14070460 100 30 100.30.6210 14070621 100 00 100.00.6210 14070622 100 00 100.00.6210 14070461 100 22 100.22.5320 14070005 100 47 100.47.5110 14070462 440 00 440.00.8900 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81856 SIGNATURE STAMP 1407 070214 GLJ7904 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81863 J.U.L.I.E. FORMS 1407 070214 GLJ7904 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81880 PRINTED FORMS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 13291 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF MCH 81879 PRINTED FORMS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 13560 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS - STA 13871430 STARCOM 21 NETWORK 1407 070214 GLJ7904 13600 MROZ, GREGORY 6/2-20/14 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7898 13740 MUNARETTO & CO INC, M J 6/6/14SIGN FABRICATION/MILLER POINT 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070464 100 XXXXX 13743 MUNICIPAL CLERKS OF LAKE 7/9/14JULY LUNCHEON MEETING 100.01.5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 100.04.5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070490 205 00 15006 NALLEY, BARB 2014 MISS MCHENRY EXPENSE REIMB 205.00.6940 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070491 100 46 15031 NATIONAL RECREATION AND 92996 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 100.46.5410 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070492 100 45 15032 NATURESCAPE DESIGN INC 50868-IN IRRIGATION ACTIVATION 100.45.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7904 PAGE 14 DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED 07/07/14 O 070214 207.78 207.78 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 369.35 369.35 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 333.40 83.35 070214 83.35 070214 83.35 070214 83.35 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 166.70 83.35 070214 83.35 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 26.56 26.56 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 35.50 35.50 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 511.81 511.81 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 483.15 483.15 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 1,768.00 1768.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 322.00 322.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 620.00 620.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 16.00 8.00 070214 8.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 50.47 50.47 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 55.00 55.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 336.25 336.25 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 15 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT A DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE ------------------------------------------------------------- 14070493 100 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS ------------------ MAY/DUNE ------------------------ UTILITIES 07/07/14 0 ----------------------------- 070214 164.01 100.43.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 20.46 070214 100,45.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 112.46 070214 100.46.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 31.09 070214 14070494 510 XXXXX 15545 NICOR GAS MAY/DUNE UTILITIES 510.31.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 510.32.5510 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070495 100 22 15532 NORTH EAST MULTI-REGIONA 184102TRAINING FEE 100.22.5430 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070496 100 22 15556 NORTHWEST HERALD 67497 SUBSCRIPTION 100.22.5450 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070497 100 41 15556 NORTHWEST HERALD 39623 SUBSCRIPTION 100.41.5450 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070498 100 41 1 OSEL, BETH PARKS PROGARM REFUND 100.4143637 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070499 100 O1 16716 OTTOSEN BRITZ KELLY COOP 72079 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100.01.5230 1407 070214 GLJ7904 14070500 100 47 17003 PALA, JOSEFINA APRIL 2014PARKS PROGRAM INSTUCTOR 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070501 100 47 17003 PALA, JOSEFINA MAY 2014 PARKS PROGRAM INSTUCTOR 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070502 100 00 4 PARISI, JOE VEHICLE STICKER REFUND 100.00.3330 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070503 100 44 17156 PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 21668810 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070504 100 44 17156 PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 74396158 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070505 100 44 17156 PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 28723357 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070506 100 44 17156 PEPSI BEVERAGE COMPANY 31281906 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 100.44.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070006 100 47 17161 PETERSON, DWAYNE 6/2-20/14 SOFTBALL UMPIRE SERVICES 100.47.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7898 14070508 100 XXXXX 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9488045 VEHICLE FUEL 100.03.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 100.01.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 07/07/14 0 070214 2,226.69 709.09 070214 1517.60 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 400.00 400.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 235.00 235.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 235.00 235.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 36.00 36.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 803.50 803.50 070214 07/07/14 O 043014 65.00 65.00 043014 07/07/14 0 070214 90.00 90.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 9.00 9.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 181.83 181.83 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 387.16 387.16 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 272.50 272.50 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 889.05 889.05 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 322.00 322.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 149.55 106.09 070214 43.46 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 16 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070509 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9494180 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 111.37 100.03.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 111.37 070214 14070510 100 03 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9491208 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 76.18 100.0396250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 76.18 070214 14070511 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9488050 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 3,912.94 100.22.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 3912.94 070214 14070512 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9494185 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 2,825.82 100.22.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 2825.82 070214 14070513 100 22 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9484657 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 1,393.31 100,22,6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1393.31 070214 14070514 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9484656 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 467.60 100.33.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 467.60 070214 14070515 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9491212 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 1,287.79 100,33.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1287.79 070214 14070516 100 33 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9488049 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 920.12 100.33.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 920.12 070214 14070517 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9482481 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 78.77 100.45.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 78.77 070214 14070518 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9478905 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 95.93 100.45.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 95.93 070214 14070519 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9484638 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 0 070214 77.74 100.45.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 77.74 070214 14070520 100 45 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9484655 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 202.48 100.45.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 202.48 070214 14070521 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9484654 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 116.62 510.31.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 116.62 070214 14070522 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9478924 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 705.91 510.31.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 705.91 070214 14070523 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9491210 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 426.18 510.31.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 426.18 070214 14070524 510 31 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9488047 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 624.42 510.31.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 624.42 070214 14070525 510 32 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9488046 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 620.25 510.32.6250 1407 070214 GLJ7905 620.25 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 17 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070526 510 32 510.32.6250 14070527 510 32 510,32,6250 14070528 510 32 510.32.6250 14070529 510 32 510.32.6250 14070530 510 32 510.32.6250 14070531 510 32 510.32.6250 14070532 100 33 100.33.6250 14070533 100 46 100.46.5110 14070534 100 22 100.22.4510 14070535 100 22 100.22.4510 14070537 100 45 100.45.5110 14070538 100 45 100.45.5110 14070539 100 22 100.22.5430 14070540 100 22 100.22.6210 14070542 100 33 100.33.6110 14070543 100 22 100.22.5110 14070544 100 22 100.22.5370 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9484653 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 608.28 1407 070214 GLJ7905 608.28 070214 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9478923 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 0 070214 424.05 1407 070214 GLJ7905 424.05 070214 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9491209 VEHICLE FUEL 07/07/14 O 070214 585.04 1407 070214 GLJ7905 585.04 070214 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9493509 MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 07/07/14 O 070214 624.33 1407 070214 GLJ7905 624.33 070214 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9491611 MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 07/07/14 O 070214 613.33 1407 070214 GLJ7905 613.33 070214 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9491612 DRUM DEPOSIT 07/07/14 O 070214 20.00- 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20.00CR 070214 2532 PETROLIANCE LLC 9493513 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FLUIDS 07/07/14 O 070214 2,236.80 1407 070214 GLJ7905 2236,80 070214 17134 PETROW, STEPHANIE S 6/12/14 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 07/07/14 O 070214 238.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 238.00 070214 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 30913 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 07/07/14 O 070214 139.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 139.00 070214 17154 PETTIBONE & CO, P F 30789 EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS 07/07/14 O 070214 70.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 70.00 070214 19028 PITEL SEPTIC INC 10456 PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS 07/07/14 O 070214 675.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 675.00 070214 19028 PITEL SEPTIC INC 10502 PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS 07/07/14 O 070214 325.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 325.00 070214 17536 POLIDORI, PATRICK 6/22/14 CAR SEAT RECERTIFICATION RE 07/07/14 0 070214 50.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 50.00 070214 17547 PORTER LEE CORPORATION 14514 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 96.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 96.00 070214 17656 PROSAFETY INC 2/779470 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 323.12 1407 070214 GLJ7905 323.12 070214 17657 PROSHRED SECURITY 990004631 DOCUMENT SHREDDING SERVICES 07/07/14 O 070214 53.00 1407 070214 GLJ7905 53.00 070214 17640 PSP-BROOKFIELD 31IV001747VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 0 070214 122.64 1407 070214 GLJ7905 122.64 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 18 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070546 100 22 19018 RADAR MAN INC 2304 RADAR UNIT REPAIRS 07/07/14 O 070214 588.69 100,22,5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 588.69 070214 14070547 100 33 19015 RADICOM INC 100276VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 07/07/14 O 070214 24.46 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24.46 070214 14070548 620 00 19022 RAXCO SOFTWARE 2023 COMPUTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 07/07/14 O 070214 1,305.41 620.00,5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1305,41 070214 14070549 100 03 19144 REGNER, WILLIAM J 6/11/14 TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 07/07/14 O 070214 15.00 10060365430 1407 070214 GLJ7905 15.00 070214 14070550 510 31 19157 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 6/10/14 WATER METER INSTALLATION 07/07/14 O 070214 220.00 510.31.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 220.00 070214 14070551 100 45 19157 REICHE'S PLUMBING SEWER 6/9/14RODDING & HYDRO JETTTING 07/07/14 O 070214 610.00 100.45.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 610.00 070214 14070552 100 47 19139 REID, MARY 6/26/14 FIELD TRIP MEAL REIMB 07/07/14 O 070214 10.33 100.47.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 10.33 070214 14070553 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1489177 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 76.92 100.45.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 76.92 070214 14070554 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 1492185 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 O 070214 427.47 100.45.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 427.47 070214 14070555 100 45 19155 REINDERS INC 4030082 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 156.26 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 156.26 070214 14070556 100 45 19148 RELIABLE SAND & GRAVEL 5210 MATERIALS 07/07/14 O 070214 16.82 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 16.82 070214 14070557 100 33 19169 REVCORE RADIATOR INC 6122 FUEL TANK REPAIRS 07/07/14 0 070214 160.00 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 160.00 070214 14070558 100 46 19284 RICHMOND FISHERIES 6/6/14FISHING DERBY FISH 07/07/14 O 070214 11000.00 100.46.6920 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1000.00 070214 14070559 510 32 19400 RNOW INC 201446031 SUPPLIES 07/07/14 0 070214 98.40 510.32.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 98.40 070214 14070560 100 33 19763 RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF IL 11211080 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 242.57 100.33.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905. 242.57 070214 14070561 510 32 19763 RUSH TRUCK CENTERS OF IL 1210600 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 07/07/14 O 070214 11743.59 510.32.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1743.59 070214 14070565 100 22 20017 SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE 7150160614CPS TRAINING 07/07/14 O 070214 85.00 100.22.5430 1407 070214 GLJ7905 85.00 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 19 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070566 100 22 100.22.5430 14070567 100 01 100.01.4220 14070568 100 45 100.45,6920 14070569 100 45 100,45,5110 14070570 100 47 100.47.5110 14070571 100 00 100,0043410 14070572 100 22 100.22.5370 14070573 100 22 100.22.6210 14070574 100 47 100.47.5110 14070575 100 45 100.45.6110 14070576 100 33 100.33.5370 14070577 620 00 620.00.5110 14070578 100 XXXXX 100.00.6210 100.0346210 100.22,6210 100.41.6210 10090046210 100.00.6210 100.22.6210 10000196110 100.00,6210 100,22.6210 100.0046210 100.00.6210 20017 SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE 7150030614CPS TRAINING 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20088 SCHAFER, PAT SUPPLIES REIMB 1407 070214 GLJ7905 inn -LDMKCOM 20086 9CHATZ, DONALD 6/18/14 DJ SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20095 SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS I 29134 PEST CONTROL SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20097 SCHWEITZER, BRIAN H 6/9-13/14 PARKS PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR 1407 070214 GLJ7905 2 SHO REFUND PERMIT #14-06-097 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20286 SIGN A RAMA 25282 ATV SIGNAGE 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20311 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB 167680-IN SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20354 SKILLS FIRST SOCCER LLC 02-020PARKS PROGRAM INSTUCTOR 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20568 SPECIALTIES DIRECT I2160-IN SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20576 SPRING ALIGN OF PALATINE 96108 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20710 STANS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIE 305686INTERNET SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 20711 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 8030226044OFFICE SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1407 070214 GLJ7906 1407 070214 GLJ7906 1407 070214 GLJ7906 07/07/14 O 070214 85.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 28.39 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 195.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 90.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 332.50 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 30.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 725.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 249.44 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 1375.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 38.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 892.41 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 179.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 809.88CR 070214 210.31 070214 183.29 070214 29.43 070214 165.79 070214 165.79 070214 26.20 070214 11.97 070214 134.21 070214 300.00 070214 165.79CR 070214 134.21CR 070214 85.00 28.39 195.00 90.00 332.50 30.00 725.00 249.44 1,375.00 38.00 892.41 179.00 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 20 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070579 510 32 20711 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 8030226044OFFICE SUPPLIES 510.32.6210 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070580 100 XXXXX 20711 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 8030307993OFFICE SUPPLIES 10040066210 1407 070214 GLJ7905 100.04.6210 1407 070214 GLJ7905 100.3096210 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070581 100 O1 20711 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 8030145728MEETING SUPPLIES 100,0166110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070582 510 32 20729 STUDIO 222 ARCHITECTS 2014-0097 SWWTP ROOF 510.32.8200 1407 070214 GLJ7905 580-SWWTP 14070583 100 41 1 SWEET, CORY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 100,41,3637 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070584 100 45 21144 TEAM REIL INC 1215P SUPPLIES 100,45,6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070585 100 33 21247 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 308806MATERIALS 100.33.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070586 100 33 21247 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 308459MATERIALS 100.33.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070587 100 21 21251 THEODORE POLYGRAPH SERV 4301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100.21.5110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070588 100 22 16070 TORKELSON, CHRISTINA 5/19-23/14TRAINING EXPENSE REIMB 100.22.5420 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070589 100 33 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 80260 STREET SIGNS 100.33.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070590 510 31 21632 TRAFFIC CONTROL & PROTEC 80183 MISC SIGNS 510.31.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070591 450 00 21877 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 025-97704 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 450.00.8300 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070592 100 22 22390 ULINE 59261627 SUPPLIES 100.22.6210 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070593 100 22 22396 ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATI 10957 ATV EQUIPMENT 100.22.5370 - 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070594 100 22 22396 ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATI 10958 ATV EQUIPMENT 100.22.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 07/07/14 O 070214 56.55 86.85 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 165.14 118.18 070214 28.99 070214 17.97 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 189.78 189.78 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 13,291.54 13291.54 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 115.00 115.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 174.19 174.19 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 270.94 270.94 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 88.48 88.48 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 135.00 135.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 13.54 13.54 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 1,082.85 1082.85 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 11416.70 1416.70 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 15,221.00 15221.00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 159.97 159.97 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 353.90 353.90 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 353.90 353.90 070214 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 21 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 14070595 100 22 22396 ULTRA STROBE COMMUNICATI 10982 SUPPLIES 100.22.5370 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070596 510 32 22495 UNITED LABORATORIES INV084574 SUPPLIES 510.32.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070597 100 XXXXX 22497 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 60X485264 UPS CHARGES 100.04.5310 1407 070214 GLJ7905 100.41.5310 1407 070214 GLJ7905 14070598 100 44 100.44.5110 14070599 510 32 510932,6110 14070600 510 32 510.32.5370 14070601 510 32 510.3246110 14070602 510 32 510.32.5380 14070603 100 45 100.45,5110 14070604 100 22 10042244510 14070605 100 41 100,41.3637 14070606 510 32 510.32.5580 14070607 510 31 510.31.6110 14070608 100 33 100.33.6110 14070609 100 47 100.47.6920 14070610 100 45 100.45.6110 22579 UP 'N ADAM SERVICE & SUP 8261-101 CONCESSION EQUIPMENT 1407 070214 GLJ7905 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 366438SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 372568SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 346083SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 22669 USA BLUEBOOK 356493SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 07/07/14 0 070214 42.95 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 222.72 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 22.60 070214 50.52 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 178.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 237.84 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 862.19 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 664.95 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 842.70 070214 10519 VACULA, JOHN T 1324 TREE REMOVAL & STUMP GRINDING 07/07/14 0 070214 1407 070214 GLJ7905 2200400 070214 24001 VOELKER, MATT CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMB 1407 070214 GLJ7905 1 WALKER, COURTNEY PARKS PROGRAM REFUND 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24028 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI P 2788527428SLUDGE DISPOSAL SERVICES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24151 WELCH BROS INC 1479836 SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24151 WELCH BROS INC 1482142 SUPPLIES 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24265 WIGHT, JAY W 1480 RIVER RUN CERTIFICATION 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24291 WILSON NURSERIES INC 254305-IN LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 07/07/14 0 070214 197.95 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 25.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 10119.56 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 625.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 240.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 500.00 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 333.50 070214 14070611 100 45 24291 WILSON NURSERIES INC 255085-IN LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 07/07/14 0 070214 42.95 222.72 73.12 178.00 237.84 862.19 664.95 842.70 21200.00 197.95 25.00 10,119.56 625.00 240.00 500.00 333.50 172.50 DATE 7/02/2014 03:59 PM CITY OF MCHENRY PAGE 22 LIST OF BILLS COUNCIL MEETING 7/7/14 CLAIM # FUND DEPT VENDOR NAME INVOICE DESCRIPTION DATE STAT ACCR DT AMOUNT CHECK ACCOUNT P.O. PERIOD DATE JOURNAL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ACCR DT LIQUIDATED INVENTORY # LOC UNIT COSTS PROJECT # CODE 100.45.6110 1407 070214 GLJ7905 172.50 070214 14070612 100 22 100.22.5370 14070613 100 22 100.22.5370 14070614 100 22 100922.5370 14070615 100 Ol 100401.5230 14070616 100 Ol 100.0145230 14070617 740 00 740.00.5230 14070618 740 00 740.00.5230 14070619 510 31 510.31,5110 14070620 740 00 740.00.5230 24553 WOODSTOCK POWERSPORTS 6503 ATV PARTS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24553 WOODSTOCK POWERSPORTS 6546 ATV PARTS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 24553 WOODSTOCK POWERSPORTS 6560 ATV PARTS 1407 070214 GLJ7905 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 108959LEGAL FEES - CORP 1407 070214 GLJ7905 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 108940LEGAL FEES - TRAFFIC 1407 070214 GLJ7905 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 108943GLIDEPATH POWER LLC 1407 070214 GLJ7905 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 108941TONYAN TOWER LEASE 1407 070214 GLJ7905 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 108944AQUA ILLINOIS INC 1407 070214 GLJ7905 27765 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD & 108960YANEZ 1407 070214 GLJ7905 GRAND TOTALS RECAP TOTALS FUND TOTALS 100 GENERAL FUND 205 PAGEANT FUND 225 ALARM BOARD FUND 290 TIF FUND 300 DEBT SERVICE-1997A FUND 400 RECREATION CENTER FUND 440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 450 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND 510 WATER/SEWER FUND 620 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 740 RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW EXPENDED 623,958.22 EXPENDED 133,596.65 50.47 994.50 249,937.12 750.00 43,860.00 69,707.36 15,221.00 101,058.76 2,092.61 6,689.75 6231958,22 LIQUID LIQUID ACCRUAL 07/07/14 O 070214 251.82 251.82 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 228.98 228.98 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 17.97 17.97 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 9,032.50 9032950 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 6,345.00 6345600 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 1,015.00 1015,00 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 797.50 797.50 070214 07/07/14 O 070214 942.50 942.50 070214 07/07/14 0 070214 507.50 507.50 070214 TO: FROM FOR: RE: ATT: 1 2. 3. Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Mayor and City Council Douglas P. Martin, Deputy City Administrator July 7, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting Sanitary Sewer Service Permit and Maintenance Agreement between the City of McHenry and Rodney T. and Sandra M. Yanez Ordinance Authorizing Mayor's Execution of a Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Agreement between the City of McHenry and Rodney T Sanitary Sewer Service Permit and Maintenance Agreement Permit Drawing Exhibit prepared by HRGreen Service Permit and and Sandra M. Yanez BACKGROUND: Rodney and Sandra Yanez purchased the property located at 1302 Borden Street, constructed a new building and opened an automobile repair business. Due to the location of the property and adjacent elevation the property cannot be served utilizing a traditional gravity sewer line. A force main or in this instance a sanitary sewer force service line (only one property being served) is required which would be connected to an on -site grinder/ejector pumping system located at 1302 Borden and pumped up to Illinois Route 120 and into an existing eight -inch gravity sewer main underneath Route 120 just east of Borden Street. This is simply a long sewer service line which only benefits 1302 Borden but the line would have to be installed within the City's right- of-way along Borden Street and IDOT right-of-way (Illinois Route 120). The eight -inch gravity sanitary sewer main underneath Route 120, while owned and maintained by the City is located within the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) right-of-way. Mr. Yanez contacted IDOT about connecting into this eight -inch gravity sewer main however IDOT indicated they would only grant Mr. Yanez a permit if the sanitary sewer force service line from his property at 1302 Borden Street up to Route 120 was four inches in diameter. Staff reviewed the situation and spoke with IDOT and determined atwo-inch diameter force line would be more than sufficient to serve the property at 1302 Borden Street. In order to assist Mr. 1 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www. ci.mchenry. il.us Yanez and reduce his costs, from afour-inch line to atwo-inch, the City agreed to apply for the permit from [DOT on behalf of Mr. Yanez for a two-inch line. IDOT agreed to issue the City a permit fora two-inch line but would only issue Mr. Yanez a permit to install a four -inch line, even if Mr. Yanez had agreed to maintain the line in perpetuity. Mr. Yanez is currently open for business and is utilizing a temporary holding tankfor sanitary sewer service until this permanent connection described herein can be completed. ANALYSIS: Mr. Yanez paid for the City Engineer to prepare the permit for the two-inch sanitary sewer force line through the Illinois Department of Transportation, as well as for Attorney McArdle, to prepare a permit and maintenance agreement. As part of the attached agreement Mr. Yanez is required to pay for all the installation and restoration costs, as well as any future maintenance/repair costs. The proposed agreement would be attached, similar to a restrictive covenant or annexation agreement, to the property and will be recorded against the property. Any subsequent property owner would inherit the responsibilities included in the agreement. The agreement also includes provisions whereby the City could make repairs if Mr. Yanez or any future owner failed to do so in a timely manner, and the City could recover costs/lien the property if necessary. If the City Council concurs it's recommended the attached ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of a Sanitary Sewer Service Permit and Maintenance Agreement between the City of McHenry and Rodney T. Yanez and Sandra M. Yanez dated July 7, 2014 be approved. Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mehenry.il.us ORDINANCE NO. 14- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SANITARY SEWER PERMIT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MCHENRY, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND RODNEY T. YANEZ AND SANDRA M. YANEZ WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF MCHENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The Sanitary Sewer Permit and Maintenance Agreement, bearing the date of July 7, 2014, between the City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation and RodneyT. Yanez and Sandra M. Yanez be and the same is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy of said agreement, labeled "Sanitary Sewer Service Permit and Maintenance Agreement" is attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk to said Agreement for the uses Cl"d purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. 3 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ei.mchenry.il.us SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2014 AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS DAY OF _ _ , 2014 MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, I1linois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www. ci.mchenry. il.us Exhibit A Sanitary Sewer Service Permit and Maintenance Agreement 5 Sanitary Sewer Service Permit and Maintenance Agreement This Sanitary Sewer Service Maintenance Agreement ("Agreement' is hereby entered into this day of 2014, by the City of McHenry, an Illinois Municipal Corporation ("City") and Rodney T. and Sandra M. Yanez, ("Owners") of the property located at 1302 Borden Street, legally described on attached "Exhibit A" ("Subject Property"). Recitals A. Whereas, Owners are the current titleholders of the Subject Property. B. Whereas, at the request of the Owners, the City applied to and received from the Illinois Department of Transportation a permit to allow the Owners of the Subject Property to perpetually construct and maintain a two (2) inch sanitary sewer service force main to be installed from an ejector pumping system located on the Subject Property, extending southeast to and within the Borden Street right-of-way to Illinois Route 120 (Elm Street), a distance of approximately two -hundred forty (240) lineal feet. The two (2) inch sanitary sewer service force main will remain owned by the Owners in the future and be connected to a starter manhole, attached to an existing eight (8) inch diameter sanitary sewer gravity main, lying underneath the centerline of the Illinois Route 120 roadway pavement. The eight (8) inch diameter sanitary sewer gravity main is owned and maintained by the City (collectively, "Improvements"). A conceptual plan depicting the Improvements is attached hereto and incorporated herein as attached "Exhibit B". Co Whereas, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement permitting the Owners of the Subject Property to access, construct, reconstruct, repair and/or maintain the Improvements previously described herein. 1`1OW, THEREFORE the parties, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: 1. Within 90 days of the execution of this Agreement by all parties and the issuance of the IDOT permit, the Owners shall construct the Improvements in accordance with all terms and conditions of the IDOT permit issued to the City and in compliance with all rules, regulations, codes and ordinances of the City. Failure of the Owners to complete the Improvements within the time provided herein shall cause this Agreement to be deemed void, without any further action by either party. �r 2. The Owners shall maintain the Improvements in good working order and promptly o reconstruct, repair and maintain the Improvements in perpetuity. Owners shall be responsible for s obtaining any and all necessary permits from all applicable permitting agencies prior commencement of z o any such work. Owners shall restore impacted areas to substantially the same condition as they were previously at the commencement of the work following any construction, reconstruction, repair and/or v maintenance of the Improvements in addition to all adjoining properties affected by such restoration, reconstruction, repair and/or maintenance work associated with the Improvements. 3. In the event the Owners default on their obligation to construct, maintain, reconstruct and/or repair the Improvements the City reserves the right, but not the obligation, to complete the necessary construction, maintenance, reconstruction and/or repair as may be required, including any all restoration work necessary. Prior to the City commencing any work however the City shall notify the Owners in writing, by certified mail/return receipt requested, of their intent to do so and allow Owners to contact the City, within five (5) business days from the date of the certified mailing, to provide the City with a definitive timeline when the work will be completed. If an emergency arises where there is an imminent threat to the health, safety and/or general welfare of the public which necessitates an urgent repair and/or reconstruction and the Owner does not take the necessary action required to complete the work required immediately the City shall not be required to provide written notification to the Owners of their intent to have the necessary work completed. In all situations, Owners shall be obligated to reimburse the City for all costs incurred in completing the necessary repair and/or reconstruction. 4. In all situations, Owners shall reimburse the City for any and all expenses incurred in completing any necessary work and/or restoration, including, but not limited to all costs incurred for necessary permits, any outside engineering, legal or other consulting fee incurred, construction observation, traffic control, as well as all material, labor and equipment costs. Failure to reimburse the City, within thirty (30) calendar days, following receipt of an invoice from the City shall result in a lien being recorded against the Subject Property in the sum of the costs so incurred. The thirty (30) day time. frame shall commence from the date printed on the invoice, which shall be sent to the Owners by certified mail/return-receipt requested. Recording of a lien shall not limit the City's right to recover any sums due hereunder by arbitration or otherwise allowed by law. 5. The Owners hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City its elected officials, its duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives, from and against any and all claims suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries, judgments, and demands arising out of this Agreement or the Improvements. 6. Owners hereby represent with City that Owners are the legal fee simple title holders of the Subject Property and that they have the right and authority to enter into this Agreement. 7. This Agreement shall be perpetual and run with land of the Subject Property, Owners, to the successors and assigns of Owners and may not be amended, modified or revoked without the express written consent of the parties. 8. This Agreement, following full execution by the parties shall be filed with the Office of the McHenry County Recorder. 9. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Construction Industry Arbitration Rules or JAMS Dispute Resolution, at the City Hall, McHenry, Illinois and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The City may elect at its discretion to enforce equitable remedies such as injunctive relief. The Owners agree that that an arbitration award by default may be entered upon the Owners failing to appear or defend themselves in any arbitration proceeding. 10. In the event of arbitration or litigation of this Agreement ,the non -prevailing party shall pay all expenses incurred by the prevailing party in the said proceeding, including, but not limited to (a) attorneys' fees, (b) filing costs, (c) witness fees, and (d) other general expenses of the litigation or arbitration. CITY: Susan E. Low, Mayor City of McHenry 2 Exhibit "A" (Location Map of Subject Property and Legal Description PIN: 09-26-351-012) Exhibit (Conceptual Drawing of Proposed Improvements) r• ... tF ' ._: ' I - _ _ _ _ -.. � - � - - _ � - - j - ; .:� ., _ . _ � I -;l -- - o t ., ,; ,, I _ _ ° �� w N � F 1 � ., I� .w I I t � �� j l g .. • I 1 .� __ r .�: ,, '9= 1 .W � �; �_ II I ..� � � [' ' l�i !� i�i1lllili�; ��- "'�'' - ��> - � - _ _ � I I 1 ,I� �I 'ly, � ����1(41i. I ��lllrll��l,�!', � ' -� '4' # Ill1ill _- r. �1 y-.F -it �� I, ' ; ' � _ �llili�l4�},lih�'ji`�lll��`Il,�llr I IZ, - - �at =_ I_-`�.J.� �� ;, I j � '!- �II i �►' �l+�d;411'li���ll>jl ,� 4 �4�/ill1�- I �c t�A�t c ".1�; _ T j � ^�{�y�� �' 11 1 J r i F I - '....Clean -out - -- r';� aqt� - . �� i i # i ,prop• � - ,' �- - , I ' ' - '� ,f I= I � - t I - iE - �_' I I 1 ... .r Ili II � 11 � _ - - - ._ _ - _. j`i� ,�1► ! t � I I I �—� _ — ' 1 .4�. it _ — I r. ,g ' .r II II � _ - � f� r FH 428 11 - _ � -� ' �` ,' II �I I - (' , � Bury 76s.1s r '-_ ' � e �_- 4 -- � -'� a _ _ - - ,� I, 1 1 __ _ _ y � ir� 1 I 1 F f t � _ � i ' �'� ,, � i —r ; _i _ . I _ ---� � -- - _ , i r . ! i � 1: � j 11�1� I 1 i 1' � Iy 6 y I� - � :_.... . - .. - .. ' `I � 1 . .�` ��, 1 _ �{ "� - , '" � - I' San Service 2" HDPE DR 11 - a _ I- � ' ' - r � t ' ` --_ ,, ,---�. � r Provide WM Protection) Minimum Bury Depth s.5' _ �,� i;', _ ';'�, t! Separation Per IEPA ' pYOp' � , 6 a r — - ��`' Legend ,, ILLINOIS DESIGN FIRM # 184.001322 420 North Front Street Suite 100 McHenry, IL 60050 Phone: 815.385.1778 Fax: 815.385.1781 _ __Requirements i- Y�'rf - GENERAL NOTES. t - ��� , � 4� i l' � FH 405 - _ - -_ � � i -� T R Y �- i Bury 768.77 � ,ram— � _- n 'I' i c , � � � 1. The 2 Sanitary service pipe must �� � �_� f _ � __ � li w s8sa � have a tracer wire installed. The �� ��-;� _ -` - � r -_ - --,. Rim 7s5.18 t +� j ti• _s w 5s2z �� tracer wire shall be a continuous _ _ � _ 7x19SS T304 PVC coated stainless -- Rim 7s5.37 'I �'� _ � '764.58 � � a -' __•- -, , tl. 1 �` _ w'thstalndrafUlCebluiredebut of � san MH 72ss ;,, ._� minlmum 3/16 Inc diameter. ® Sanitary Manholes �� It �E ` �. - Rim 7s5.5o s - - i � 'tt Inv. 757.55 exist. (SE) � � � r _ � �I � �� - Inv. 759.00 prop. (r,w� � '�� }j - 2. Sanitary Sewer Service is to be .�' ! Sanitary Sewer � _ �T_ {` ,, � _ install by directional drilling method r� , �i ;�, ' �� _ � , � _ - only, for all locations within IDOT � ,hill _- �- + + t. � 1 right-of-way. � VALVEVAULT � Ilt�l, ���_ - '- �' �i?o: � %� 1� I tt 4 > - I _ ,� hereby certify that this engineering document was prepared by me _ `ppunnrrr4uip or under my direct personal supervision and that I am a duly licensed �' + t. i ', - �`- _ _ 8 WATERVALVE ````.�Q�oFEssloNq�ii,G Professions Engineer under elawsofthestateof Ilinoi . ' �` '�-} # 's i� �.F � SU � CHAD J. gym=. CHAD JEFFREY PIEPER, P. DAT _ — _ , ; '� 1; `� 1 � _ , PIEPER � rn_ License Number. 062-060005 � '� � � _ t > a�f� Hydrant ��; a62-U50005 ,A; _ My license renewal date is November 30, 2015. t �� '� �,�� ; g � Pages or sheets covered by this seal: '�� _ - .i k � ® - p�4i�gTF O F Il-���0�`O` - - n � - Water Main -- �~' � - ��gnnwuuru�� ,,, �; r �_ I eq �� � �� 1r - _ _ I ...ram � � � � F... , I �� �. t it __ _ � 1� i ' i s [i �.� i •� - -- --- -•-.-� - - ---- - _��� I _ _.. _ �.- r � n Sanitary Sewer Connection Borden St. & Rt 120 N n 1 inch = 50 feet w< '/ >E 10 5 0 10 Feel V n� tt f �_ s r'T' � i I 1 - - ''��"+ _ i F{ Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin Deputy City Administrator RE: Fence Variance for the property located at 2012 Carter Court FOR: July 7, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting 1. Sample Aluminum -Style Fence 2. Location Map 3. Permit Application 4. Abutting Property Owner Fence Variance Notification Form BACKGROUND: An application was submitted to erect a fence in the required front yard at 2012 Carter Court in the Liberty Trails Subdivision. The applicant is proposing to erect a 54" black "Ashbury" aluminum fence 10' from the property line abutting Tyler Trail, location is depicted on the attached plat of survey. The municipal code only permits fences in a required front yard if they are split rail -style and do not exceed 42" in height. In accordance with the fence variance procedures the applicant has submitted signatures from abutting property owners notifying them of the date of the City Council meeting. ANALYSIS: The applicant has a hardship and is unique in that, by zoning definition their required front yard (30' setback) is Tyler Trail and their corner side yard is along Carter Court. Practically, the front of their house is situated along Carter Court, and their usable side yard is along Tyler Trail. Therefore a 30' setback would render a great portion of their yard unusable, as an Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us enclosed (fenced -in) area. By ordinance they can only erect a 42" split rail fence in a required front yard, whereas, they would be permitted to erect a six-foot fence 15' from the property line off of Carter Court. The proposed fence will not create any line -of -sight problems and staff believes would be more aesthetically -pleasing, practical and appropriately located along Tyler Trail as -opposed to in front of the home along Carter Court. Staff supports the variance as presented. If the City Council concurs it is recommended a fence variance be granted for the property located at 2012 Carter Court to allow a 54" black "Ashbury" aluminum fence to be constructed in the required front yard in accordance with the attached plat of survey included as part of the fence permit application. 2 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Example of Aluminum Fence (for illustrative purposes only) 7 r Location Map: 2012 Carter Court 7 —ray +r 4tfGfi Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us r City or,UcHcnry011 Community and Economic Development PROPERTY ESTIMATED COST Or Residential Minor Permit Application Existing Use: �j Single Family ❑ Multi -Family ❑ Air Conditioning ❑ Hot TO Over the Counter ❑ Deck/Gazebo ❑ Demolition ❑ Detached Garage ElDriveway ElElectric KFence ❑ Furnace ElOther. Owner: Address: E-mail: Contractor. Phone: (_)_ ❑ Lawn Irrigation � ❑ Re -roof ❑ Pool (Permanent) � ❑ Siding ❑ Retaining Wall (over 4') � ❑ Water Heater ❑ Remodel/Alteration ❑ Shed ❑ Sidewalk/Stairs ❑ Stoite/Brick Veneer IM(;L" ❑ Water/Server Repair 24-Hour Review ❑ Pool (storable) ❑ Windows/Doors Unit #: E-maiL• City: PERMIT NO. Community & Economic Development 333. S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 E-mail: ced&i.mclienry.ilms (815)363-2170 OFFICE USE 0\Ll' Zoning Dist: �5 Township/Pin: ��r' !.l 4�1✓(/ Flood Zone: k Coast"ruction and Neighborhood Services MAY � 7 201� City of McHenry PERMIT FEES Building: Plumbing; Bond: Misc: TOTAL: Phone: (mil 5) �S (- '1-� �t ` AI � State: � Zip: Electrical Contractor: Submit a copy of an electrical license with tills application. Plumbing Contractor: Phone: ( Submit the following: Lettcr of intent on plumbing contractors letterhead (with corporate seal, or notary seal) stating that they are doing this job; copy of State plumbing license; copy of certificate of State registration. Roofing Cotrtractor : Phone: �) Submit a copy of a State of Illinois roofing contractor license with this application. Notes: f15�I�5vktr M M MALoA 'J ' PICLCO L� kN coI� Be sure to visit the City web site iLus) and review the handouts found under Document Resources, All information provided herein is true and correct and all ordinances and codes ofthe City of McHenry shall be complied with. I hereby represent and agree that, in consideration of this permit being issued, only the work herein applied for will be done and that the premises being worked on will only be used for the purposes set forth herein. I hereby indemnify the City, its officials and employees from any and all liability for damages, lawsuits, attorneys fees and injuries, including death sustained by anyone or damage to airy property, including surveying errorywft er>\toachnrent liability which accrue against the City, its officials and employees relating to the work referenced herein. SIGNCD:, DATE: 5 Z• (OIVNER StC`iNATtTRE AND PR(NiED NA\16 REQUIRED) FOR OFFICE US8 Approved By Issued Expiration Scanned Name: t Date: Date: (Rev. 4/14) ..-. —.. Vv�v v- maxam,7 MR PLAT OF SURVEY at 53 in LIBERTY TRAILS UNIT TWO, being ,o subdivision of part oSection 25, Township 45 North, Range 83 f the North Half of East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plot thereof, recorded August 10, 2004 as Docdment Number 2004R 072390, in McHenry Township, McHenry County, Illinois. 25' w aa CD o aft t P t- 106..mi S 78'55' „ 25' .6' 31 3A•�� l o- N —Rad. Bearings are based upon the Record Plat hearings, ehich are assumed tar the purpose of the plak Iron Pipes at ell Lot corners HOWARD SURVEYING CO., INC. 37164 N, GREEN HAY ROAD BEACH PARK, It, 60087 PH ovn-we-ao rex oa-»c-nes r. Prepared fo Cerstad Builders Date of F4etd Work: 14 E ' 1 m v� 'In behal o � I Q 1 - o 1 � 54 09 d E�'BE`gGq\�� LAND ' � to � SURVEYQR � t� STATE aF a. v� ILLIiVa S `mtbm COUNTY OF LAKE)�.�' f of Howard Surois Professional Land Surveyors do hereby certify that this a service conforms to the current minimum standards for a boundary survey, and that the plot hereon, drawn to a scale of 30 feet per 1 inch, is a true representation of said survey. Dated at Beach Park, Lake County, Illinois this Zf S day of A.D., 2007. HOWARD SURVEYING CO., INC 53 17 M EF . 2.5�rainage Easemen ---- 95..85'--- —N 86'23'17" •W — � o r STATE OF ILLINOIS ) S S. • Professional IL Lan veyor No. 2342 License Expires 11/30/08 Abutting Property Owner/Current Resident Fence `variance Notification An original cops of this completed [orm u►usl be returned to C.Ity of h4eHcnty, Coostructlon mul Nclghborlrood Services n ndnlntum of one•u•eekpiior to the fence Yntimtce being presented to City Council. Ltforutatlon on properiv requesting Fence vminnce. C 5� Clly Councl[ (Phone) Llstnllnddresses,datesnndhorvnotiflent[on�vns)n'oYlded.(DnckofforrocnnbeuseciltnddltlonaispncetsneededJ 1) OW I fd Ui�tr j)CK-vicx Si vy,el(� .�7) �Y�.: (Address) / (Date Delivered by: _ Mnil ✓ HnndDeliveryt,nKeor4t 2) ac`U't Tt t E' r' t1I i It -At �cx . i c. I �� 43cZ��Ly► PV Iyk ct - Delivered by Mail _ Hand Delivery Rhrct�x) 3) 0 of 13 TL ( e4e^ ' Jik.ow � ht tck. (Address) t (Date) Delivered by _ _ Mail _HindDeliveryowkNR) (Address) (Date) Deliveredby: _ Mail _Hand Delivery (dwt;ox) 64-V.t/ 5)4 ;�21I (r) I (Address) (Date) Delivered by ; _ Mail _ Hnnd Delivery (ciw com) 4"/ G :: / (Address) Ds.Stivesedby •. 4fim5ti ��4•trtc3'�ehYs�sy ���-�1C(1 �� _, Ln,�.�o,.r, r-CCCL- To the best of my knowledge I have provided written notification to all propett owners or current residents living adjacent to or abutting my property with the date, time and place of the City Council meeting where my fens;oNklance is to be considered. I also provided angeneral description of the work proposed, including stvle, location of my proposed fence improvcrnent. City of McHenry, Constntction and Neighborhood Services (815) 363-217t) (815) 3G3-2[73 f,ti+c (Date) 333 S. Green Street, McHenry Illinois e-mail: ens©ci.ntchenry.il.us Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: July 7, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Revocable Driveway License Agreement-1711 Lakewood Avenue between the City of McHenry and Tresa Steponik ATT: 1. Location map (Exhibit A) 2. Photographs of 1711 Lakewood Avenue and abutting City -owned property (Exhibit 13- 2012) 3. Photographs of 1711 Lakewood Avenue and abutting City -owned property (Exhibit C- 2014) 4. Sketch of 1711 Lakewood Avenue and abutting City -owned property (Exhibit D) 5. City Council Meeting Minutes Excerpt dated July 5, 1995 (Exhibit E) City Council Meeting Minutes Excerpt dated September 29, 1995 (Exhibit E) 6. City Council Meeting Minutes Excerpt dated May 30, 2001 (Exhibit E) 7. Ordinance authorizing execution of a Revocable Driveway License Agreement with Tresa Steponik (Exhibit F) 8. Revocable Driveway License Agreement with Tresa Steponik (Exhibit G) BACKGROUND: In 1995 the City entered into a revocable license agreement (CC minutes attached) to allow the property owner at 1711 Lakewood Avenue ("Subject Property") to improve a residential driveway on City -owned property which directly abuts the subject property to the north (Exhibit A), install a fence and install a retaining wall. To the north of the driveway is a section of the Lakeland Park Drainage Ditch which is owned by the City. The City -owned property includes an approximately 11' wide driveway and abutting drainage ditch in the Lakeland Park Subdivision. It extends from the north side of the existing detached 1 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us garage at 1711 Lakewood Avenue north to the abutting lot which includes the drainage ditch (Exhibits B and C). Attached is a sketch which depicts 1711 Lakewood Avenue, existing detached garage -City -owned portion is outlined (Exhibit D). In 2001, the property at 1711 Lakewood Avenue was sold to a new owner and because the license agreement was linked with the previous property owner in 1995 a new license agreement was approved by the City in 2001 (CC Minutes attached). That agreement allowed the property owners, Robert and Raymie Leavy to use the driveway and maintain it, along with the fence and retaining wall. The property was recently purchased by Tresa Steponik, who would like to repave the driveway due to the deteriorating condition which is evidenced from the photographs included as Exhibit C. As part of the repaving however, the retaining wall and fence will require repair/replacement ensuring stabilization of the driveway and to maintain the integrity of the drainage ditch. ANALYSIS: Attached is a draft Revocable Driveway License Agreement which is substantially the same agreement approved in 2001, with the exception of the following provisions, which have been added: all plans for the retaining wall must be submitted by a registered professional or structural engineer; the City has the right to make repairs to the property if the Licensee fails to Jo so and subsequently invoice and lien the subject property (1711 Lakewood); and the agreement will be recorded against the property and be transferable to future owners. Staff believes the agreement is mutually beneficial to the City and property owner of 1711 Lakewood Avenue in that they are permitted to uze the existing driveway, improve it and are responsible for maintaining it. Practically, if the property owner at 1711 Lakewood could not utilize the City property their driveway would be approximately five -feet in width which would not comply with the City's ordinance (nine -foot minimum driveway width required). If the City Council concurs it's recommended the attached ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of a Revocable Driveway License Agreement between the City of McHenry and Tresa Steponik be approved. Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit A (Location Map) Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit B (1711 Lakewood Avenue and City -owned Property-2012) xmaT or Trc nox Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us � -rb sa*Jtjw�4 4P [wnads.TLa"7 �Lc��a�ys.��i' F�is.•L�tea-•. I r ri. o4y r •1..pr�r�r /tc fl 4& i � tom:-J�rllt �1IsG�•4� .. "rr1-ur Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit E (City Council Meeting Minutes) 7/5/1995 City Council Meeting Minutes Gary Manson of 1711 Lakewood addressed Council stating his desire to purchase a portion of his driveway which is owned by the City. Mayor Cuda directed Mr. Manson to meet with Director of Public Works Batt and Director of Building and Zoning Lobaito to work out a proposal and bring this issue back to Council as a regular agenda item. 9/29/1995 City Council Meeting Minutes DRIVEWAY LICENSE AGREEMENT TO PERMIT USE OF CITY PROPERTY 1711 LAKEWOOD AVENUE City Administrator Peterson explained that the proposed Driveway License Agreement was prepared by City Attorney McArdle and reviewed by Director of Public Works Batt and property owner Mr. Manson. The Agreement permits the property owner to construct a driveway retaining wall and fence on the northerly 15 feet of City property adjacent to his residence. Peterson noted that a similar agreement with another City resident existed. Alderman Locke initiated discussion regarding the amount of liability insurance required to protect the City against all claims for bodily injury or death occurring on or in the licensed premises. It was the consensus of Council to require an amount of $500,000 for general public liability insurance. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Locke, to approve the Mayor's and City Clerk's execution of the Driveway License Agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement with Mr. Gary Manson for the property located at 1711 Lakewood Avenue, for the reconstruction of a driveway retaining wall and fence on the northerly 15 feet of City property adjacent to 1711 Lakewood Avenue subject to the increase in general public liability insurance to $500,000 required in Paragraph 5, Page 2, of the Driveway License Agreement. Voting Aye: Bolger, Locke, Bates, Lawson Motion carried. Voting Nay: None Absent: Baird 7 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone. (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit E (City Council Meeting Minutes) 5/30/2001 City Council Meeting Minutes DRIVEWAY LICENSE AGREEMENT —1711 LAKEWOOD AVENUE Director of Community Development Napolitano stated he met with Mrs. Robert Leavy, party to the proposed Driveway License Agreement. Mrs. Leavy stated they are in the process of securing a $1 million umbrella policy as recommended by Council at the May 16, 2001 regularly scheduled Council Meeting. It was noted the subject property cannot be sold to the Leavy's as it is contained within a City drainageway. Motion by Murgatroyd, seconded by Bolger, to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk's execution of the Driveway License Agreement between the City of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leavy for the driveway located at 1711 Lakewood Avenue, as amended by Council and the procurement of a $1 million umbrella insurance policy. Voting Aye: Bolger, Glab, Low, Murgatroyd, Wimmer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. 0 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit F (Ordinance authorizing execution of Revocable Driveway License Agreement) ORDINANCE NO. 14- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF A REVOCABLE DRIVEWAY LICENSE-1711 LAKEWOOD AVENUE WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF MCHENRY, cHenry County, Illinois, as follows. M SECTION 1: The Revocable Driveway License Agreement, bearing the date of July 7, 2014, issued by the City of McHenry in favor of Tresa Steponik be and the same is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy of said license, labeled "Revocable Driveway License- 1711 Lakewood Avenue" is attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A". SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures as Mayor and City Clerk to said Revocable Driveway License-1711 Lakewood Avenue for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION As This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. 9 ON or rrc nox a aRV PASSED THIS AYES: NAYS: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: NOT VOTING: APPROVED THIS ATTEST: CITY CLERK Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center DAY OF , 2014 DAY OF MAYOR 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 2014 Exhibit G (Revocable Driveway License Agreement) Department of Communitv & This space reserved for Recorder's use only. EVOCABLE DRIVEWAY LICENSE 1711 LAKEWOOD AVENUE WHEREAS, Tresa Steponik is the owner ("Licensee") of Lot 16 in Block 5, Lakeland Park Unit 3 Subdivision in the City of McHenry, Illinois, commonly known as 1711 Lakewood Avenue, which is improved with a single family residence ("Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the City of McHenry ("City") is the owner of the a vacant parcel of land immediately adjacent to the Subject Property, to wit: Lot 17 in Block 5 Lakeland Park Unit 3 Subdivision in the City of McHenry, Illinois ("City Parcel"); WHEREAS, the Licensee has requested the City to allow Licensee to use and maintain existing improvements including a blacktop driveway, wood or concrete retaining wall, and a wood fence ("Improvements") on the southerly 15 feet of the City Parcel for the distance of 140 feet from the easterly boundary thereof in connection with the Licensee's occupancy and use of the Subject Property ("Licensed Premises"); and WHEREAS, the Licensed Premises and existing Improvements are generally depicted and described on the attached drawing. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and agreements made herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is agree as being received and accepted by the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. The City hereby grants to Licensee a license effective immediately, but revocable at the will of the City, for any reason or no reason at all, to use and maintain the aforesaid Improvements on the City Parcel in connection with the Licensee's occupancy and use of the Licensed Premises as a driveway. 2. Prior to modifying any existing Improvements Licensee shall provide to the City, for its written approval, a plan and specifications prepared by a Illinois Professional or Structural Engineer, 3. No legal title or leasehold interest in the Licensed Premises shall be deemed or construed to have been created or vested in the Licensee by anything contained in this License. 11 H�RT or ra pox a an✓ Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 4. The Licensee shall use the licensed premises exclusively for herself and for her temporary guests and for no other purpose except as may be specifically permitted by the City. 5. At all times, the Licensee shall keep the Licensed Premises in a clean, orderly and safe condition. 6. The Licensee shall provide and keep in force for the benefit of the City, an umbrella insurance policy protecting the City against all claims for bodily injury or death occurring on or in the Licensed Premises for not less than $1,000,000 with respect to bodily injury, death to any one person or damage to property. Such policy of insurance shall be delivered to the City prior to the occupancy of the Licensed Premises by the Licensee and all such policies shall contain an agreement by the insurers that the policy shall not be cancelled without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. 7. In the event the Licensee defaults on her obligations hereunder with regard to the Improvements the City reserves the right, but not the obligation, to complete said obligations of the Licensee. Prior to the City commencing any work however the City shall notify the Licensee in writing, by first class regular mail, of its intent to do so and allow Licensee to contact the City, within five (5) business days from the date of the mailing, to provide the City with a definitive timeline when the work will be completed. In addition, if an emergency arises where there is an imminent threat to the health, safety and/or general welfare of the public which necessitates an urgent repair and/or reconstruction and the Licensee does not take the necessary action required to complete the work required immediately the City shall not be required to provide written notification to the Licensee of their intent to have the necessary work completed. 8. In all situations, Licensee shall reimburse the City for any and all expenses incurred in completing any necessary work and/or restoration, relative to the Improvements including, but not limited to all costs incurred for necessary permits, any outside engineering, legal or other consulting fee incurred, construction observation, traffic control, as well as all material, labor and equipment costs. Failure to reimburse the City, within thirty (30) calendar days, following receipt of an invoice from the City shall result in a lien being recorded against the Subject Property in the sum of the costs so incurred. The thirty (30) day time -frame shall commence from the date printed on the invoice, which shall be sent to the Licensee by certified mail/return-receipt requested. Recording of a lien shall not limit the City's right to recover any sums due hereunder by arbitration or otherwise allowed by law. 12 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone. (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us 9. The Licensee shall vacate the Licensed Premises and all Improvements thereon and cease her use and occupancy thereof immediately upon receipt of notice of termination of this License Agreement from the City. Licensee shall not be entitled to any compensation or damages from the City in connection with any termination of this License Agreement and Licensee shall, at the request of the City, remove the Improvements from the Licensed Premises and restore said Licensed Premises with a grass lawn. 10. Notice of termination of this License Agreement shall be deemed to have been given to the Licensee and served when mailed by first class regular mail to Licensee at 1711 Lakewood Avenue, McHenry, Illinois, or delivered and left with the Licensee or attached to the door of Licensee's said premises. 11. This License shall be filed with the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds to place future title holders of the Subject Property on notice of the existence of this Revocable License Agreement and its terms. 12. This Agreement shall not be amended unless done so in writing by the parties hereto and following City Council approval DATED: , 2014 City of McHenry By: Mayor City Clerk The undersigned hereby acknowledges that she received a copy of this License Agreement and does hereby agree with all the terms, conditions and limitations herein contained. 19704 1 a 1113 Tresa Steponik 2014 13 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas Martin, Deputy City Administrator FOR: July 7, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Sign variance for the property located at 803 N Front Street (Berkshire Hathaway -formerly Prudential First Realty) ATT: 1. Location Map and Photographs of Existing Sign 2. Sign Permit Application BACKGROUND: Berkshire Hathaway, formally Prudential First Realty, is located at 803 N Front Street (Illinois Route 31), and currently there is a non -conforming freestanding sign located on the property. The sign currently sets almost exactly on the property line; therefore it does not comply with the required five-foot minimum setback for freestanding signs for commercial businesses. The sign ordinance states, as of August 7, 2015, property owners with non -conforming signs must come into compliance with the current ordinance, which includes meeting the five-foot setback, or alternatively pay an annual fee. It should be noted approval of a setback variance equals compliance with the ordinance, therefore if approved the owner would not be subject to the annual fee exclusive of any conditions placed on the approval. The property owner has approached staff with concerns regarding relocating the sign prior to roadway improvements to Illinois Route 31. The Illinois Department of Transportation is currently undertaking a comprehensive planning process for improvements to the Route 31 corridor from Route 176 in Crystal Lake to Route 120 in McHenry. 1 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ANALYSIS: The owner of 803 Front Street is requesting a sign variance to allow the existing freestanding sign to remain at its current location, with a zero -foot setback until such time Front Street is improved/widened. It would be difficult to relocate the sign at this time and be absolutely certain the future widening/improvements to Route 31 would not impact the new sign and require relocation of the sign at some point in the future. The amount of right-of-way which is required to complete the road improvements has not yet been definitively determined nor has engineering been completed to a level of detail whereby alterations or adjustments to right-of-way or utility relocations impacting the sign placement could be eliminated at this time; therefore, if the sign was relocated to comply with the ordinance and additional right-of-way was required or utilities needed be relocated, etc. the sign could potentially have to moved again. Practically, staff believes it makes sense to allow the sign to remain until such time Route 31 is improved. Staff does not believe keeping the sign at its current location will adversely impact public safety or sight -lines for traveling motorists and pedestrians. If the City Council concurs it is recommended that a variance from the sign ordinance be approved to allow the existing freestanding sign to remain, with a zero -foot setback from the property line, subject to the condition the sign be brought into conformance with the sign ordinance requirements within 90 days of completion of roadway widening improvements to Illinois Route 31 adjacent to the subject property. 2 Department of Community & Economic Development Doug Martin, Deputy City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Location Map: 803 Front Street (Illinois Route 31) Siwill gn wN•1 low 3 •� 4 Iver R. Johnson Iver@1verjohnson.com 803-F N. Front St. • McHenry, IL 60050 • t815) 363.9756 • Cell 815.236-3075 May 6, 2014 City %J McHenry 333 South Green St. McHenry, IL 60050 Re; Post Sign at 803 Front St. Ladies and Gentlemen: It has been Drought to my attention that the City adopted a sign ordinance requiring a 5' setback from the property line. The streetside edge of the sign at 803 Front St., whirr was installed when the building was originally constructed and never varied, is essentially on the property line. I am also advised that the State of Illinois intends to widen Route 31 at that location and that the sign will need to be moved at that time, at which time it can be reconstructed in a manner compliant with the then applicable ordinances. With that in mind, I would like to be able to maintain the sign untill it needs to be moved for the Route 31 construction. The costs to move it now would be extremely high and create a severe hardship to me and my business for seemingly no long term purpose or benefit. Therefore I am requesting that the City grant a variance to permit the sign to be maintained in its current physical location until it is necessary to move it to accommodate the Route 31 construction. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, Iver R: Johnson J J1y Iru 1'■ C11y of Illellem ) Conununity and Economic Development PROPERTY ((17 .— ADDRESS. I J �I Non -Residential Minor Permit Application file i� ESTIMATED COST OP CONSTRUCTION: 16j O U G Existing Use: 0 Commercial ❑ Indust/Office ❑ H/C ❑ Air Conditioning ❑ Accessory Bldg ❑ Fire Suppression ❑ LflR'll h'1'lgati0ll ❑ Driveway/Lot Pay. ❑ Mflsoruy ❑ Demolition ❑ Retaining Wall (over4 ❑ Electric ❑ Fence ElFurnace ElFire Alarm ElOtlier: ion ❑ Remodel/Alterat ❑ Seal Coating/Stripe ❑ Sidewalk/Stai es ❑ Siding Si ns ( Freestanding b Wall ❑ Temporary to PERMIT NO. Comintmity & Economic Development 333. S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 E-maiL CED @ci.nlchenly.ilms (815) 363-2170 OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Dist: . Township/Pin: Flood Zone: Cunstruefion and Neightiorhood Services City e;t McHenry ODue at ver the Counter PERMIT FEES Plan Review: Aplic tioa Re -roof Building: ❑ Water Heater Plumbing: ❑ Water/Sewer Repair Bond: St" VARfAUC.�o.o Misc.De osit: F&Z� PPa 1175 p 6 -4 . t TOTAL: Address: lJ 1 2 Unit #: City: /%/ ( C State:ZiV E-mail: •e IGC t/ ntO bec /C�j'll/'%, e6111lJ Contractor: (ti;V1'l J Phone: E-nail: Electrical Contractor:Phone: Submit a copy of an electrical license with this application. Plumbing Contractor: Phone: ( Submit the following: Letter of intent on pluuibillg contractors letterhead (with corporate seal, or notary seal) stating that they are doing this job, copy of State plumbing licensee, copy of certificate of State registration, Roofing Contractor: Phone: Note! Submit a copy of a State of Illinois roofing calh•flctor license with this application. Notes: r All information provided herein is (rue and correct and all ordinances and cc� !rs of the City of McHenry shall be complied with. I hereby represent and agree that, in consideration of this permit being issued, only th work herein applied for will be done and that the premises being worked on will only be Used for the purposes set forth herein. 1 hereby indemnify the City, its officials and employees front any and all liability for damages, lawsuits, attorneys fees and injuries, including death sustained by anyone or damage to any property, including surveying errors a d encroachment lia i 'ty which accrue against the City, its officials and employees relating to the work referenced herein. SIGNED: O. 21 _ �(J�l� ! !'� Ii S�1'v DATE: I I ll (I USE y Approved B FOR OFFICE Issued Expiration Name: Date: Date: Scanned (Rev. d/14) �I CUSTOM LEXAN REPLACEMENT FACE QTY: 2 SCALE: 318"=1'-0" EXISTING Pr�OPOSED 4vp —12'1" -- t Starcic Real Estate Dra.rirgaepamdtN I Dr.wm9preparedfor. �LoCJon: Prol. 803 Front Street 4169 r^ McHenry, IL 60050 goo s: HAT —AWAY FRO Path: 0405 HomeServices ActivelACCOUNTMXSerkshire Hattovay Home ServiceslProiect 4169 MALocatlonsl4169_0405_McHenrv_IL Rev0: Reg0: Dato: Fea.Ey. thvm2y. Fw1JonDeccrlption: Dra.:amarmearC�^w dI,^,DN_Mywcl:P�cL•ed�xadtdeAioncnetprxmileQ • " • • • 1 i�aF�i Moto: ov 2 090000 DXUM M XXX v 099 9109Q _ -XM Rey cv 5 MqM 001000 Rey 6 000000 00100100 XXX XXX PG- 7 u 1 TUh SOUTH 41161 FRET' Or IAl AINO TIM SOUTH VIA FKKf tauo' 1lA� 1 I0-1 AhMIL'Vc1 !�QON O` I'A1 1 I..IPP tN'1 I ttiln'J RD;1 1 PLAT OF ANT) IJIT 11. ALL Or 1 t: }:,Isf 1/2 or IAl' I 1YY'LLlllll/SS2ll��OF THE NO11T111 OlrlIAllgUKlIIIAN10 or 11111 SURVEY I, LOT 0, AND TIIR FAINT 1/2 OF TAT 7; IILOUK 4 IN }IKAlltlll IAN : S1111UIVISI04 A 1/4 OF SKCfloN 'Iris "OVNSlllt' 4f1 Nlllffll. Nt: 1'0 Vitro 1'IAT TIIh:Il1:Or RECORDED JULY 1'AI:K cot, IN IICIIKNRY COUNTY, II.IJ14015. �ITf�i�'�R[[i'dft�Ig�grmht�ot:�In�i�dCep�te'�4tlriifih wessmndoffi ddirg�an'al�a�reema6lt tfftY��c�rdi��� i6�proue>matl�t3hdlLcaf�fcrlm B �►t��1:�1s��d��tiWitt114he.�o>'�iin�nces�tlihe 4�t,0 ti IIA•�A ` I'N11 Sal0NA1. IAND SURVEYOR ell COltl'UIb1T10N n NO. 110 mm or .� fII.I,IN015 v \EN � 1:t.1.YN KAKI; S'PRLI:1' ��� PREI'ERRI•;A SURVEY, INC. j 7W u. Itouy.velt 1lnnd/IInIL1LiY Jl. Snit� :WS/U l�u 171Jn, 11. Gnla7 Phmin ISIp-inn-nl.'d / Fax 11a0-II!dI-0':17 row unPclsa nuafav SU f11 t1T i 0/ t , Ttl: L'A IYso:l _ I'1lOF'KSSIONAI. y,11'IONAL'f1TL$ NY(ttUltK, INC. 'f1115 IS TO CKIt71t'Y TIIAT Ut:, I'ItE:F'F:IlI1K11 SIIItYF:Y, INC., ILI.INOIy I'I20F'}:.SSIONAI, IANU 5UIlVK1'OR COltl'OItATIUN ttU, 110 11.1Yt: SIIIIYF:YKl1 TIIF. 1'ItOPKIt'fY UFSCItIUKn III•:IU:ON ANU TNAT TIIF: 1'IAT SIIOItN 14:ItF:Otf IS A CUItItF:CT ItKPRFCKttTATIUN OF 1'IIAT SIIItVh:Y. AIJ. DIt1r.NSItlNS 5t1011N IIKItKON AItE IN F6hT ANII URCIFIAIS 'f116RKOr. UN"KR 011lt IIANU ANII ,.� F:hl,l'Ns II,I,INOIS, T1115SI1 IIAY IIF4'0"�CII. _AO_1D!)N,LLItttlIS tilt Ft)F D SIIIIYKI'Olf-COltl'UIL(1'I(sN 110170 I',N:I'.N. Nllp%UO!INt.I U ta[v I or i .,neS