HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 08/04/2014 - City Council 1 Before completing the application below, project sponsors are required to review the current McHenry County Council of Mayors Methodology available at www.mchenrycountycom.org. If the application is missing any information or does not follow the Council’s Methodology, it will not be ranked or considered for funding. Applications are due Friday, August 15, 2014. General Information 1.) Date of Application August14, 2014 2.) Municipality/Lead Agency City of McHenry Contact Person Mr. Jon Schmitt – Director of Public Works Organization Street 1415 Industrial Drive City, State, Zip McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone (815) 363-2186 Fax (815) 363-2214 E-mail jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us 3.) Name of Facility to be Improved Pearl Street (FAU 0081) / Lincoln Road (FAU 0089) 4.) Project Limits A. North/West Reference Point/Cross Street Illinois Route 31 (FAP 0336) Municipality/Township City of McHenry B. South/East Reference Point/Cross Street Chapel Hill Road (FAU 0167) Municipality/Township City of McHenry 5.) Project Length 8,800 feet FAU Route Number FAU 0081 / FAU 0089 6.) Other Project Location Information This route provides access to downtown McHenry, a route critical to the economic success of the community businesses centered in the downtown area. 7.) Brief Description of the project Turn lane channelization, improve pedestrian accessibility, HMA pavement removal and replacement, curb and gutter removal and replacement, new bicycle accommodations, minor drainage improvements and bridge deck rehabilitation. MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS 16111 Nelson Road Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Surface Transportation Program (STP) Project Application for Inclusion on the Five-Year Project List 2 8.) Indicate primary work type categories (up to a maximum of three). (See CMAP TIP WORK TYPE CODES attached to this document.) H-RCINKND E-PEDIMP E-SHAREDNEW 9.) Please check () the stages complete that coincide with the project: Need K/O Meeting A kick-off meeting needs to be scheduled with IDOT and the planning liaison. PH I Not Initiated A kick-off meeting has been held but PH I has not begun. PH I Underway The project sponsor is currently working on PH I engineering. PH I Complete PH I has been completed and the municipality is awaiting design approval from IDOT. Awaiting PH II Initiation The project sponsor has received design approval and is waiting PH II initiation. PH II Underway The project sponsor is currently working on PH II. PH II Complete The project sponsor is awaiting a bid letting. Note: LAPP projects do not require PH I, therefore it is determined that they are awaiting PH II initiation. SCORING CRITERIA Multiple Partner Participation If additional project participants (i.e. adjacent municipality, county, township, IDOT, transit agency), are identified as contributing at least 20% of the total project cost, the project will receive an additional five (5) points per additional participant up to a maximum of ten (10) points. If a private developer is an additional participant, the project will receive an additional three (3) points per additional participant up to a maximum of six (6) points. A letter or documentation from each participating partner is required. Additional Participant: McHenry Township Road District Participation Amount: 20% proportionate share Contact Person: Ms. Leon Van Every – Highway Commissioner Organization: Street: 3703 N. Richmond Road City State, Zip: McHenry, IL 60050 Phone: 815-385-3076 E-mail: roaddistrict@mchenrytownship.com Additional Participant: Participation Amount: % or $ Contact Person: Organization: Street: City State, Zip: Phone: E-mail: 3 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Please list current ADT and source of ADT . Future ADT will not be accepted. Some ADT numbers are listed on the IDOT website. For new alignment projects, include CMAP projected opening day traffic counts. A letter from CMAP stating projected traffic is required for new alignment projects. Current ADT: 6,600 Source: IDOT 2013 Traffic Counts Please complete the following formula: Current ADT X 20 10,000 For example, a current traffic count shows a 6,000 ADT of a road segment that needs resurfacing. The point calculation would be: 6000 X 20 120,000 10,000 10,000 Point Value: Current ADT ( 6,600 ) X 20 = 13.2 10,000 Point values for this factor will be based on a ratio of the existing ADT to the ADT corresponding to the maximum point possible. Point value for a project with an existing ADT of 10,000 or more will be 20. Guidelines for Interpretation: For intersections, the ADT will be considered the average of the ADTs for each approach. If a road project includes both intersection improvements and road segment improvements, the point value will be based on the existing ADT for the intersection. The point value for a road resurfacing or reconstruction p roject, which does not include intersection channelization, signalization, or other intersection improvements, will be based on the highest ADT for the road segment. = =12 4 Air Quality Benefit Projects reducing emissions with significant traffic flow improvements 8 New signalization projects (where warranted) Full intersection channelization/roundabouts Add lanes projects Projects reducing emissions with moderate traffic flow improvements 4 Improving existing signals Bottleneck elimination or auxiliary lane additions Realignment of offset intersection pairs Providing a missing road segment link Consolidation of access (i.e. reducing the number of driveways) Minor channelization improvements Complete Streets/Multimodal The Complete Streets/Multimodal category aims to prioritize projects that account for all user s of the transportation network and enhance the safety of pedestrians. This category would include components to Complete Streets and could include bicycle and pedestrian paths and/or facilities. Please check all that apply and add two points for each component. The maximum points per category are two. Project Includes New Access to Transit 2 Project Includes a New Pedestrian/Shared Use Path 2 Project Improves Multimodal Traffic (i.e. bike lanes, sidewalk widening) 2 Project Bridges a Pedestrian Gap 2 TOTAL POINTS AIR QUALITY & COMPLETE STREETS/MULTIMODAL Continuity of Improvement Five points (5) will be awarded for each recently completed (within 3 years from the date of the application) or programmed (by a public agency within 5 years of the date of the application) immediately adjacent improvement up to a maximum of ten (10) points. The proposed project’s scope must be of equal or greater scope of the adjacent improved or programmed project to be eligible (i.e. a resurfacing adjacent to recent road widening is not eligible). The proposed project must meet or exceed the capacity of the adjacent improvement. The goal of these points is to encourage contiguous and simultaneous projects. Adjacent Project: Illinois Route 31 at Illinois Route 120 Intersection Improvements Brief Project Description: Project limits are from Front Street to Green Street on Route 120 and from Route 120 to McCullom Lake Road on Route 31. Improvements consist of pavement reconstruction, widening, bridge replacement, traffic signal modernization, lighting, storm sewers and sidewalks. Programming Agency: McHenry Council of Mayors Programmed /Completed Year: 2015 Contact Person: Mr. Jon Schmitt Street: 1415 Industrial Drive City, State, Zip: McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 E-mail: jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us 10 5 Adjacent Project: Chapel Hill Road at Lincoln Road Intersection Improvements Brief Project Description: Improvements consisted of pavement widening for left and right turn lanes, new traffic signal installation and hot-mix asphalt resurfacing. Programming Agency: McHenry County Division of Transportation Programmed /Completed Year: 2012 Contact Person: Mr. Walter Dittrich, P.E. Street: 16111 Nelson Road City, State, Zip: Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Phone: (815) 334-4960 Fax: (815) 334-4989 E-mail: wrdittrich@co.mchenry.il.us A total of two (2) continuities are available. Please add five points to your total score for every continuous improvement. Total Continuity of Improvement Points: Conditions of Pavement. Using the IDOT CRS pavement rating system please select the condition of the road pavement. (Attach Supporting Information) Note: The score selected will be averaged with the Planning Liaison’s determination. CRS Score Pavement Category Point Value Check () One 0-4.5 Poor 10 4.6-6.0 Fair 5 6.1-7.5 Good 1 7.6-9.0 Excellent 0 New Alignment 3 Please explain the above determination: See attached Roadway Evaluation Pavement Survey performed by HR Green, Inc on July 23, 2014. It is anticipated the roadway will further deteriorate at an increasing rate prior to the anticipated start of this project in 2017. Project Readiness Projects will receive project readiness points based on their status relative to completion of engineering and land acquisition. Point Value Phase II engineering and right of way acquisition completed 15 Phase II engineering completed and approved by IDOT 10 Phase I engineering report completed and has IDOT design approval 5 Phase I engineering report completed and submitted to IDOT 3 Pre-phase I engineering 0 TOTAL POINTS 10 0 6 Small Community Consideration If your community has a population less than 10,000 people the project is eligible for ten (10) extra p oints. TOTAL POINTS Further Project Description Information Highway Designation Indicate appropriate facility designations within project limits. Please check (×) all that apply Strategic Regional Arterial Other Arterial Highway Collector Road Local Road Strategic Regional Transit Facility (METRA/Park n’ Ride) Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities State or Federal Highway County Highway Township Road Municipal Road/Property Private Road/Property Park District/Forest Preserve Transit Facility (Bus Stop/Bus Shelters) Project Description Please provide a detailed description of the project. Pearl Street (FAU 0081) and. Lincoln Road (FAU 0089) is a continuous route from Illinois Route 31 (FAP 0336) over the Fox River and extending to the east City limits at Chapel Hill Road (FAU 0167). Pearl Street / Lincoln Road serves as primary access to downtown McHenry from the east side of the City. The route is a crossing point for the Fox River connecting the two sides of the community while serving numerous parks, residential subdivisions, McHenry Middle School and the shops and restaurants within the downtown area. The proposed improvements consist of reconstruction of the hot-mix asphalt pavement with binder course and surface course, curb and gutter removal and replacement, sidewalk replacement and the addition of bike lanes within the downtown area, a new shared use path east of the bridge over the Fox River, a pedestrian connection to the McHenry Riverwalk currently nearing completion, minor drainage improvements, bridge deck rehabilitation, and new pavement markings. The intersections of Pearl Street at Green Street and Lincoln Road at River Road will be analyzed to enhance traffic flow and improve turn lane capacity. Turn lanes will be evaluated and lengthened to bring up to current standards. It is the intent of the improvements to provide adequate intersection channelizat ion, increase the structural integrity of the pavement structure, provide a defined bicycle route, enhance pedestrian access to downtown McHenry, provide travel lanes with adequate shoulders with the ability to support occasional vehicle loads and to address minor drainage issues. 0 7 If necessary, provide a brief narrative advising the council of any related issues that have not previously been identified in this application. The proposed improvements will not require additional right-of-way or easements, and does not involve apparent environmental issues. We anticipate expeditious approval of a straight forward Categorical Exclusion (CE) Group I and we are confident the project can maintain the projected schedule. The City of McHenry fully intends to apply for ITEP funds to supplement this project and add decorative streetscape amenities to Pearl Street between Illinois Route 31 and the Fox River. These amenities will include lighting, decorative sidewalk, benches, planters and landscaping. Complete the following project improvement table where appropriate. Improvement Number of unrestricted driving lanes Driving Lane width(s) (feet per lane) Shoulder width (in feet or indicate if curbed) Overall pavement cross section (in feet) Number of signalized intersections within project limits Number of parking lanes/spaces Continuous bidirectional turn lane (yes or no) Number of restricted driving lanes (describe restriction) Posted speed limit(s) Before 2 11’-18’ C&G, 3’ 22’-67’ 2 53 no 0 25-30 mph After 2 11’-18’ C&G, 3’ 22’-67’ 2 53 no N/A 25-30 mph Funding – Please note STP funds can only be 80% of the total construction costs. The McHenry County Council of Mayors requires a 20% local match per project. A Detailed Estimate of Cost (attached) is needed for each project. Phase Phase I Engineering Phase II Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction (w/Engineering III) Project cost by Fund Source Starting Date November 2014 November 2015 NA May 2017 Local Funds STP Funds 0 0 0 Total Project Cost $ Total STP Funding Request $ 8 Scoring Summary Ranking Criteria Page Maximum Points Available Points Received Multiple Jurisdiction Participation 2 10 5 ADT 3 20 13 Air Quality Benefit & Complete Streets/Multimodal 4 16 10 Continuity of Improvement 4-5 10 10 Conditions of Pavement 5 10 10 Project Readiness 5 15 0 Small Community Consideration 6 10 0 Totals 91 48 The Council Liaison will verify the information submitted on this application. If there are any discrepancies in the information disclosed in this application the project sponsor will be contacted to clarify the issue. If no agreement is reached , the full Council will be consulted. Note, any changes to the cost estimates must be reported to the Planning Liaison immediately. Exhibits 1.) Please attach the following exhibits to the completed application form submittal. In order to allow multiple reproductions, please ensure that all exhibits are suitable for photocopying (maximum paper size not to exceed 11X17): A.) A map showing the location of the project within the region; B.) A map showing the location of the project within the municipality or township; C.) Any additional project design plans which may be of assistance in evaluating the project application; D.) A copy of a recent Board/Council resolution (or minutes) requesting consideration of the project by the Council of Mayors and the project sponsors ability to fund the required local match; E.) Copies of accident reports from the last three years. (A summary is acceptable). One completed project application and attachments should be forwarded to cldaigle@co.mchenry.il.us. Applications can be mailed to: McHenry County Council of Mayors STP Project Applications 16111 Nelson Road Woodstock, IL 60098 If submitting by email, please include a PDF copy. Calculated by DRR Revised by Date 7/17/2014 Date Checked by JJS Checked by Date 7/23/2014 Date PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COST PROJECT NAME: City of McHenry Pearl Street / Lincoln Road Improvements LIMITS: IL RT 31 to Chapel Hill Road PROJECT GROSS AND NET LENGTH =7,886.0 ft 1.494 Miles UNITS TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE ESTIMATED COST CU YD 4,350 $30.00 $130,500.00 GALLON 5,140 $2.00 $10,280.00 TON 69 $10.00 $690.00 SQ YD 600 $10.00 $6,000.00 TON 4,330 $70.00 $303,100.00 TON 3,935 $75.00 $295,125.00 SQ YD 9,930 $7.00 $69,510.00 SQ YD 35,171 $3.50 $123,098.50 SQ YD 60 $45.00 $2,700.00 SQ YD 400 $45.00 $18,000.00 SQ YD 400 $45.00 $18,000.00 FOOT 3,555 $35.00 $124,425.00 SQ FT 17,775 $5.00 $88,875.00 DETECTABLE WARNINGS SQ FT 480 $25.00 $12,000.00 AGGREGATE SHOULDERS, TYPE B TONS 630 $25.00 $15,750.00 L SUM 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 L SUM 1 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 FOOT 500 $80.00 $40,000.00 EACH 15 $2,500.00 $37,500.00 FOOT 5,385 $1.00 $5,385.00 FOOT 41,850 $0.60 $25,110.00 FOOT 2,720 $0.75 $2,040.00 FOOT 855 $3.00 $2,565.00 FOOT 475 $5.00 $2,375.00 SQ FT 640 $7.00 $4,480.00 EACH 268 $35.00 $9,380.00 EACH 50 $500.00 $25,000.00 SQ FT 257 $25.00 $6,425.00 L SUM 1 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $1,698,313.50 $339,665.00 $169,835.00 $2,207,815.00 PORTLAND CONCRETE CEMENT SIDEWALK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY STRUCTURES TO BE ADJUSTED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, TYPE B 6 INCH EARTH EXCAVATION RAISED REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKERS STORM SEWERS, CLASS A, TYPE 2, 18 INCH W/ TBF CATCH BASINS, TYPE A, 4' DIAMETER WITH FRAME AND GRATE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 12" THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 24" THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LETTERS AND SYMBOLS TEMPORARY INFORMATION SIGNING BRIDGE DECK REPAIRS MOBILIZATION TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION, STANDARD 701501 SHORT TERM PAVEMENT MARKING THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 4" THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 6" PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION SUB-TOTAL 20% CONTINGENCY PHASE III ENGINEERING (10%) CONSTRUCTION (W/ ENGINEERING III) BITUMINOUS MATERIALS (PRIME COAT) AGGREGATE (PRIME COAT) HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL - BUTT JOINT HOT-MIX ASPHALT BINDER COURSE, IL-19.0, N50 HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE, MIX "D", N50 HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL, 3 1/2" CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE II, 6 INCH CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE III, 6 INCH CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE IV, 6 INCH COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SOQ-TOTAL 1 of 1 REGIONAL LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATION LOCATION MAP Pearl Street / W. Lincoln Road July 23, 2014 Mr. Walter R. Dittrich, P.E. McHenry County Division of Transportation 16111 Nelson Road Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Dear Mr. Dittrich: Please accept this letter of support for the City of McHenry’s proposed Pearl Street / Lincoln Road Improvements project. As a valued partner, and cooperative agency, the Road District appreciates the Council of Mayors’ role in offering resources and opportunities to advance local initiatives that promote multimodal and complete transportation networks , essential in maintaining and sustaining the economies and environments of our community. Through the Council’s Surface Transportation Program, the City will be able to commence with the construction of roadway and bridge improvements along with pedestrian enhancements through its developing recreational facilities and downtown business district. This area encompasses a majority of the City’s economic and cultural resources as well as the hub of its transportation network. Completion of the Pearl Street / Lincoln Road Improvements encompasses a large area of influence and will demonstrate a dramatic and very visible improvement. As the McHenry Township Road District shares common boundaries and jurisdiction of Pearl Street / Lincoln Road with the City of McHenry, the Road District agrees to allocate the required 20% local match of its proportionate share of STP funding for the improvement so long as the project is programmed in the McHenry County Council of Mayors’ STP Program or is on its Multi-Year B-List of projects. I greatly appreciate your consideration and support of this project . Through our collective efforts, commitments, and investments we can ensure that the completion of the City’s project will enhance the viability, relevancy, and livability of our community. Sincerely, Leon Van Every Highway Commissioner Cc: Mr. Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works Job Name: STP Application Date: June 2012 City of McHenry ROAD EVALUATION FORM Street: Pearl Street/ W. Lincoln Road ______________________________________________ From: Illinois Route 31__________________ To: Chapel Hill Road________________ Existing Surface: HMA___________________ General Condition: Poor_______________ Length: 8,753 feet_____________ Width: Varies__ Total Area: 29,000 SY____________ Additional Paved Areas: 5,060 SY_______________________________________________ Aggregate Shoulders: No___________________________________________________ Width: _________________________________________________________________ Surface Removal: 3.5” asphalt surface removal______________________________________ Curb & Gutter Condition/Notes: Sporadic. Spot removal and replacement._______________ Patching: Spot repairs after milling_________Base Repair: Spot repairs after milling._____ Structure Adjust: 2___________________________________________________________ Pipe Culverts: None.___________________________________________________________ Ditching: None._______________________________________________________________ Driveway R&R: None. _________________________________________________________ Widening: None.______________________________________________________________ Pavement Markings: Replace existing striping______________________________________ 4” Line: 33,580 feet_________________________6” Line: 2,470 feet_________________ 12” Line: 775 feet___________________________24” Line: 137 feet__________________ L&S: 118 SF__________________________________________________________________ Sidewalk R&R: None.__________________________________________________________ Detectable Warnings: None._____________________________________________________ Comments: Pavement exhibits transverse cracking with secondary cracking. The roadway surface exhibits areas of alligator cracking with the first signs of raveling. Base failure likely imminent without resurfacing in near future. Future extensive failures likely. PASER Pavement Rating (2015) = 3. 3 1 Before completing the application below, project sponsors are required to review the current McHenry County Council of Mayors Methodology available at www.mchenrycountycom.org. If the application is missing any information or does not follow the Council’s Methodology, it will not be ranked or considered for funding. Applications are due Friday, August 15, 2014. General Information 1.) Date of Application August 14, 2014 2.) Municipality/Lead Agency City of McHenry Contact Person Mr. Jon Schmitt – Director of Public Works Organization Street 1415 Industrial Drive City, State, Zip McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone (815) 363-2186 Fax (815) 363-2214 E-mail jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us 3.) Name of Facility to be Improved Green Street (FAU 4014) 4.) Project Limits A. North/West Reference Point/Cross Street Pearl Street (FAU 0056) Municipality/Township McHenry B. South/East Reference Point/Cross Street Charles Miller Road (FAU 3860) Municipality/Township McHenry 5.) Project Length 9,250 ft FAU Route Number FAU 0056 6.) Other Project Location Information This route providesaccess to downtown McHenry, a route critical to the economic success of the community business centered in the downtown area. 7.) Brief Description of the project Turn lane channelization, improve pedestrian accessibility, HMA pavement removal and replacement and curb and gutter removal and replacement. MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS 16111 Nelson Road Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Surface Transportation Program (STP) Project Application for Inclusion on the Five-Year Project List 2 8.) Indicate primary work type categories (up to a maximum of three). (See CMAP TIP WORK TYPE CODES attached to this document.) H-RS E-PEDIMP 9.) Please check () the stages complete that coincide with the project: Need K/O Meeting A kick-off meeting needs to be scheduled with IDOT and the planning liaison. PH I Not Initiated A kick-off meeting has been held but PH I has not begun. PH I Underway The project sponsor is currently working on PH I engineering. PH I Complete PH I has been completed and the municipality is awaiting design approval from IDOT. Awaiting PH II Initiation The project sponsor has received design approval and is waiting PH II initiation. PH II Underway The project sponsor is currently working on PH II. PH II Complete The project sponsor is awaiting a bid letting. Note: LAPP projects do not require PH I, therefore it is determined that they are awaiting PH II initiation. SCORING CRITERIA Multiple Partner Participation If additional project participants (i.e. adjacent municipality, county, township, IDOT, transit agency), are identified as contributing at least 20% of the total project cost, the project will receive an additional five (5) points per additional participant up to a maximum of ten (10) points. If a private developer is an additional participant, the project will receive an additional three (3) points per additional participant up to a maximum of six (6) points. A letter or documentation from each participating partner is required. Additional Participant: Participation Amount: % or $ Contact Person: Organization: Street: City State, Zip: Phone: E-mail: Additional Participant: Participation Amount: % or $ Contact Person: Organization: Street: City State, Zip: Phone: E-mail: 3 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Please list current ADT and source of ADT. Future ADT will not be accepted. Some ADT numbers are listed on the IDOT website. For new alignment projects, include CMAP projected opening day traffic counts. A letter from CMAP stating projected traffic is required for new alignment projects. Current ADT: 6,050 Source: 2013 Traffic Counts Please complete the following formula: Current ADT X 20 10,000 For example, a current traffic count shows a 6,000 ADT of a road segment that needs resurfacing. The point calculation would be: 6000 X 20 120,000 10,000 10,000 Point Value: Current ADT ( 6,050 ) X 20 = 12.1 10,000 Point values for this factor will be based on a ratio of the existing ADT to the ADT corresponding to the maximum point possible. Point value for a project with an existing ADT of 10,000 or more will be 20. Guidelines for Interpretation: For intersections, the ADT will be considered the average of the ADTs for each approach. If a road project includes both intersection improvements and road segment improvements, the point value will be based on the existing ADT for the intersection. The point value for a road resurfacing or reconstruction project, which does not include intersection channelization, signalization, or other intersection improvements, will be based on the highest ADT for the road segment. = =12 4 Air Quality Benefit Projects reducing emissions with significant traffic flow improvements 8 New signalization projects (where warranted) Full intersection channelization/roundabouts Add lanes projects Projects reducing emissions with moderate traffic flow improvements 4 Improving existing signals Bottleneck elimination or auxiliary lane additions Realignment of offset intersection pairs Providing a missing road segment link Consolidation of access (i.e. reducing the number of driveways) Minor channelization improvements Complete Streets/Multimodal The Complete Streets/Multimodal category aims to prioritize projects that account for all users of the transportation network and enhance the safety of pedestrians. This category would include components to Complete Streets and could include bicycle and pedestrian paths and/or facilities. Please check all that apply and add two points for each component. The maximum points per category is two. Project Includes New Access to Transit 2 Project Includes a New Pedestrian/Shared Use Path 2 Project Improves Multimodal Traffic (i.e. bike lanes, sidewalk widening) 2 Project Bridges a Pedestrian Gap 2 TOTAL POINTS AIR QUALITY & COMPLETE STREETS/MULTIMODAL Continuity of Improvement Five points (5) will be awarded for each recently completed (within 3 years from the date of the application) or programmed (by a public agency within 5 years of the date of the application) immediately adjacent improvement up to a maximum of ten (10) points. The proposed project’s scope must be of equal or greater scope of the adjacent improved or programmed project to be eligible (i.e. a resurfacing adjacent to recent road widening is not eligible). The proposed project must meet or exceed the capacity of the adjacent improvement. The goal of these points is to encourage contiguous and simultaneous projects. Adjacent Project: Illinois Route 31 at Illinois Route 120 Intersection Improvements Brief Project Description: Project limits are from Front Street to Green Street on Route 120 and from Route 120 to McCullom Lake Road on Route 31. Improvements consist of pavement reconstruction, widening, bridge replacement, traffic signal modernization, lighting, storm sewers and sidewalks. Programming Agency: McHenry Council of Mayors Programmed /Completed Year: 2015 Contact Person: Mr. Jon Schmitt Street: 1415 Industrial Drive City, State, Zip: McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 E-mail: jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us 6 5 Adjacent Project: Charles Miller Road Improvements Brief Project Description: Project limits are from west of Illinois Route 31 to River Road. Improvements consist of pavement widening and reconstruction, traffic signal improvements, storm sewers and pedestrian accomodations. Programming Agency: McHenry County Council of Mayors Programmed /Completed Year: 2015 Contact Person: Mr. Walter Dittrich, P.E. Street: 16111 Nelson Road City, State, Zip: Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Phone: (815) 334-4960 Fax: (815) 334-4989 E-mail: wrdittrich@co.mchenry.il.us A total of two (2) continuities are available. Please add five points to your total score for every continuous improvement. Total Continuity of Improvement Points: Conditions of Pavement. Using the IDOT CRS pavement rating system please select the condition of the road pavement. (Attach Supporting Information) Note: The score selected will be averaged with the Planning Liaison’s determination. CRS Score Pavement Category Point Value Check () One 0-4.5 Poor 10 4.6-6.0 Fair 5 6.1-7.5 Good 1 7.6-9.0 Excellent 0 New Alignment 3 Please explain the above determination: See attached Roadway Evaluation Pavement Survey performed by HR Green, Inc on July 21, 2014. It is anticipated that the roadway will continue to deteriorate at an increasing rate prior to the anticipated start of this project in 2016. Project Readiness Projects will receive project readiness points based on their status relative to completion of engineering and land acquisition. Point Value Phase II engineering and right of way acquisition completed 15 Phase II engineering completed and approved by IDOT 10 Phase I engineering report completed and has IDOT design approval 5 Phase I engineering report completed and submitted to IDOT 3 Pre-phase I engineering 0 TOTAL POINTS 10 0 6 Small Community Consideration If your community has a population less than 10,000 people the project is eligible for ten (10) extra points. TOTAL POINTS Further Project Description Information Highway Designation Indicate appropriate facility designations within project limits. Please check (×) all that apply Strategic Regional Arterial Other Arterial Highway Collector Road Local Road Strategic Regional Transit Facility (METRA/Park n’ Ride) Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities State or Federal Highway County Highway Township Road Municipal Road/Property Private Road/Property Park District/Forest Preserve Transit Facility (Bus Stop/Bus Shelters) Project Description Please provide a detailed description of the project. Green Street (FAU 0056) is a north-south collector extending from Pearl Street (FAU0081) to Charles Miller Road (FAU 3860). Green Street serves as an access to the downtown McHenry from the south side of the city. This route connects numerous residential subdivisions to downtown businesses and restaurants, the City’s Knox Park and future Recreation Center, numerous schools, and McHenry’s Riverwalk. The proposed improvements consist of reconstruction of the hot-mix asphalt pavement with binder course and surface course, curb and gutter removal and replacement, sidewalk removal and replacement and new pavement markings. The intersections of Green Street at Pearl Street and Green Street at Waukegan Road will also be studied to identify traffic flow improvements. Turn lanes will be evaluated and lengthened to bring up to current standards. It is the intent of the improvements to provide improved intersection efficiency, improve the structural integrity of the pavement structure and to enhance pedestrian access to parks and downtown McHenry.. If necessary, provide a brief narrative advising the council of any related issues that have not previously been identified in this application. The proposed improvements will not require additional right-of-way or easements, and does not involve apparent environmental issues. We anticipate expeditious approval of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) Group I and we are confident the project can maintain the projected schedule. 0 7 Complete the following project improvement table where appropriate. Improvement Number of unrestricted driving lanes Driving Lane width(s) (feet per lane) Shoulder width (in feet or indicate if curbed) Overall pavement cross section (in feet) Number of signalized intersections within project limits Number of parking lanes/spaces Continuous bidirectional turn lane (yes or no) Number of restricted driving lanes (describe restriction) Posted speed limit(s) Before 2 15’ C&G 30’ 2 77 No N/A 30-20 mph After 2 15’ C&G 30’ 2 77 No N/A 30-20 mph Funding – Please note STP funds can only be 80% of the total construction costs. The McHenry County Council of Mayors requires a 20% local match per project. A Detailed Estimate of Cost (attached) is needed for each project. Phase Phase I Engineering Phase II Engineering Right of Way Acquisition Construction (w/Engineering III) Project cost by Fund Source Starting Date November 2014 November 2014 May 2016 Local Funds STP Funds 0 0 0 Total Project Cost $ Total STP Funding Request $ 8 Scoring Summary Ranking Criteria Page Maximum Points Available Points Received Multiple Jurisdiction Participation 2 10 0 ADT 3 20 12 Air Quality Benefit & Complete Streets/Multimodal 4 16 6 Continuity of Improvement 4-5 10 10 Conditions of Pavement 5 10 10 Project Readiness 5 15 0 Small Community Consideration 6 10 0 Totals 91 38 The Council Liaison will verify the information submitted on this application. If there are any discrepancies in the information disclosed in this application the project sponsor will be contacted to clarify the issue. If no agreement is reached, the full Council will be consulted. Note, any changes to the cost estimates must be reported to the Planning Liaison immediately. Exhibits 1.) Please attach the following exhibits to the completed application form submittal. In order to allow multiple reproductions, please ensure that all exhibits are suitable for photocopying (maximum paper size not to exceed 11X17): A.) A map showing the location of the project within the region; B.) A map showing the location of the project within the municipality or township; C.) Any additional project design plans which may be of assistance in evaluating the project application; D.) A copy of a recent Board/Council resolution (or minutes) requesting consideration of the project by the Council of Mayors and the project sponsors ability to fund the required local match; E.) Copies of accident reports from the last three years. (A summary is acceptable). One completed project application and attachments should be forwarded to cldaigle@co.mchenry.il.us. Applications can be mailed to: McHenry County Council of Mayors STP Project Applications 16111 Nelson Road Woodstock, IL 60098 If submitting by email, please include a PDF copy. Calculated by DRR Revised byDate7/17/2014DateChecked byJJS Checked byDate7/23/2014DatePRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF COSTPROJECT NAME: City of McHenry / Green Street ResurfacingLIMITS: Charles Miller Road to Pearl StreetPROJECT GROSS AND NET LENGTH =9,250.0 ft 1.752 MilesUNITSTOTAL QUANTITYUNIT PRICEESTIMATED COSTBITUMINOUS MATERIALS (PRIME COAT)GALLON 4,095$2.00 $8,190.00AGGREGATE (PRIME COAT)TON82$10.00 $820.00HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL - BUTT JOINTSQ YD435$10.00 $4,350.00HOT-MIX ASPHALT BINDER COURSE, IL-19.0, N50TON5,190$70.00 $363,300.00HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE, MIX "D", N50TON3,715$75.00 $278,625.00HOT-MIX ASPHALT SURFACE REMOVAL, 3 1/2"SQ YD 42,179$3.50 $147,626.50CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE II, 6 INCHSQ YD125$45.00 $5,625.00CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE III, 6 INCHSQ YD900$45.00 $40,500.00CLASS D PATCHES, TYPE IV, 6 INCHSQ YD900$45.00 $40,500.00COMBINATION CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT FOOT1,000$35.00 $35,000.00PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK REMOVAL & REPLACEMENTSQ FT8,000$5.00 $40,000.00DETECTABLE WARNINGSSQ FT600$25.00 $15,000.00MOBILIZATIONL SUM1$10,000.00 $10,000.00TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION, STANDARD 701501L SUM1$25,000.00 $25,000.00SHORT TERM PAVEMENT MARKINGFOOT5,052$1.00 $5,052.00THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 4"FOOT20,838$0.60 $12,502.80THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 6"FOOT1,579$0.75 $1,184.25THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 12"FOOT1,580$3.00 $4,740.00THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 24"FOOT412$5.00 $2,060.00THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING - LETTERS AND SYMBOLSSQ FT215.00$7.00 $1,505.00TEMPORARY INFORMATION SIGNINGSQ FT205.60$25.00 $5,140.00$1,046,720.55$157,010.00$104,675.00$1,308,410.00PAY ITEM DESCRIPTIONSUB-TOTAL15% CONTINGENCYPHASE III ENGINEERING (10%)CONSTRUCTION (W/ ENGINEERING III)SOQ-TOTAL1 of 1 PROJECT MAP GREEN STREET Job Name: STP Application Date: July 2014 City of McHenry ROAD EVALUATION FORM Street: Green Street_____________________________________________________ From: Charles Miller Road__________________ To: Pearl Street________________ Existing Surface: HMA___________________ General Condition: Poor_______________ Length: 9,250 feet_____________ Width: 30-48 ft__ Total Area: 35,473 SY____________ Additional Paved Areas: 2,177 SY_______________________________________________ Aggregate Shoulders: NO___________________________________________________ Width: _________________________________________________________________ Surface Removal: 3.5” asphalt surface removal______________________________________ Curb & Gutter Condition/Notes: Sporadic. Spot removal and replacement._______________ Patching: Spot repairs after milling_________Base Repair: Spot repairs after milling._____ Structure Adjust: 2___________________________________________________________ Pipe Culverts: None.___________________________________________________________ Ditching: None._______________________________________________________________ Driveway R&R: None. _________________________________________________________ Widening: None.______________________________________________________________ Pavement Markings: Replace existing striping______________________________________ 4” Line: #### feet_________________________6” Line: ### feet____________________ 12” Line: ### feet___________________________24” Line: ## feet__________________ L&S: ## SF__________________________________________________________________ Sidewalk R&R: Requires spot replacement to comply with ADA policy. Detectable Warnings: Missing at existing crossings or ramps not compliant with ADA policy. Comments: Pavement exhibits transverse cracking with secondary cracking. The roadway surface exhibits areas of alligator cracking with the first signs of raveling. Base failure likely imminent without resurfacing in near future. Future extensive failures likely. PASER Pavement Rating (2014) = 3. 3 P P P 6B On Bike Path 4B V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Finish On Side- walk south side of Dart- WS WS 4B 4B Barricades & # P Police Location V Volunteers Cones (by others) WS Water Station Elementary Education Foundation 5K Run 4B V