HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 12/02/2013 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 2, 2013, 7:30 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Hearing for City of McHenry 2013 Tax Levy Ordinance and upon close of Public Hearing, consideration of a Resolution determining the amount of funds to be levied for the 2013 Tax Year through real estate taxes for the City of McHenry for an amount not to exceed $5,001,485 4. Public Hearing for an amendment to the Oaks at Irish Prairie Subdivision Annexation Agreement and upon close of the Public Hearing, consideration of action recommended in the Public Hearing 5. Presentation: McHenry Chamber of Commerce 6. Public Input Session: 10 Minute Limitation 7. Consent Agenda: A. Approval of 1) 2014 Fiesta Days Schedule of Events; 2) use of Police and Public Works services; 3) Special Event Liquor License; and 4) temporary advertising signs in municipal right-of-ways B. MFT Resolution for 2014 state purchase of rock salt; C. 1) Resolution supporting the reclassification of Dartmoor Drive from Crystal Lake Road to Curran Road as a major collector urban route; Veterans Parkway from Barreville Road to Route 31 as a minor collector urban route; Prime Parkway/Ridgeview Road from Route 31 to Bull Valley Road as a major collector urban route; and, Martin Road from Ringwood Road to Route 120 as a minor collector urban route; and 2) submittal of application requesting approval to the McHenry Country Council of Mayors, Illinois Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning; D. Special Use/Picnic Permit; and E. List of Bills. 8. Committee recommendation to forward to the City Council requests from Jeff & Jamie Grubich for variances from Municipal Code Article XIV, Residential Teardown Sites and Infill Property Special Requirements, from 1) side yard setback requirements and 2) allow demolition of 3208 Golfview prior to expiration of the 60 -day notice requirement after notice requirements have been satisfied or an application is approved by the Teardown Committee, for the construction of a residential addition at 3214 Golfview 9. Approval of an Ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 13, Article VI, Sec. 13-606(b) changing the term of a municipal parking pass from a quarterly purchase to an annual purchase 10. Committee recommendation to approve various amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 19, Solicitors and Transient Merchants 11. Committee recommendation to waive Municipal Code Chapter 16, Sec. 16-41(a)(b), Advertising and Signs, to permit advertising in McBark Park City Council Meeting Agenda December 2, 2013 Page Two 12. Authorize execution of a proposal from FGM Architects for completion of the McHenry Municipal Complex Space Needs Study for $18,850 13. Consideration and approval of Police Pension Fund Annual Report for FY 2012/13 14. Ordinances for the abatement of real estate taxes for various bond issues as follows: General Obligation Bonds (Alternate) Series Series 2006, $240,950; General Obligation Bonds (Alternate) Series 2007, $245,995; General Obligation Bonds (Refunding) Series 2010A, $381,785; General Obligation Bonds (Recovery Zone & Build America) Series 2010B, $441,485; General Obligation Bonds (Alternate) Series 2010C, $440,790.00; General Obligation Bonds (Alternate) Series 2012, $212,132.50; and, General Obligation bonds (Refunding) Series 2013, $176,110. 15. Mayor Statement and Reports 16. Committee Reports 17. Staff Reports 18. Future Agenda Items 19. Adjournment Derik Morefield, City Administrator McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax:(815)363-2119 dmorefield@ci.mchenry.il. us PUBLIC HEARING SUPPLEMENT DATE: TO: FROM: RE: ATTACHMENTS: November 27, 2013 Mayor and City Council Derik Morefield, City Administrator Carolyn Lynch, Finance Director Public Hearing and Consideration of the 2013 Tax Levy Ordinance Exhibit A - Proposed Real Estate Tax Levy by Fund 2013 Property Tax Levy Ordinance Background: On November 18, 2013 Council considered and approved a Resolution Determining the Amount of Funds to be levied for the 2013 Tax Year through real estate taxes for the City of McHenry and set a date of December 2, 2013 for the public hearing and consideration of an ordinance establishing such a levy. Of note, while the Truth in Taxation benchmark requiring a public hearing is 105% of the comparable 2012 tax extensions, with the 2013 increase recommended at 5%, a public hearing is not required. However, the City Administration and City Council feels strongly that the public have an opportunity to provide public comment as part of the levy process. Subsequent to the closure of the public hearing Council can then consider the adoption of the 2013 Tax Levy Ordinance. An approved Tax Levy Ordinance must be filed by the last Tuesday of December (the 31st in 2013). With altered schedules and office hours due to the holidays, it is always prudent for Council to consider the Tax Levy Ordinance to allow sufficient time for administrative processing. As a matter of information, staff believes that the Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) in the City will decrease for the fifth consecutive year. The estimate of EAV for 2013 is $585,475,981, which is 8.45% less than the 2012 EAV. The estimate includes reassessments of existing property (primarily residential and commercial properties) with a limited amount of new FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION REQUEST MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS Name of Roadway to be Reclassified: Dartmoor Drive Name of Jurisdiction Requesting Revision: City of McHenry Contact Information: Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2186 jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us Council of Mayors: McHenry County Council of Mayors County of Roadway: McHenry County Township of Roadway: McHenry Township Additional Roadway Jurisdiction: None Current Roadway Classification: Local Street Proposed Roadway Classification: Major Collector (Urban) Endpoints of Roadway East Endpoint: Crystal Lake Road FAU 85 West Endpoint: Curran Road FAU 84 Route Length: 6,566 ft (1.24 mile) AADT: 3,500 (2013 Traffic Counts by HR Green, Inc.) Spacing: Illinois Route 120 (FAP 333) approximately 1.25 miles north and Bull Valley Road (FAU 3860) approximately 1.0 miles south are the closest East-West Federal Aid Routes. Downgrade Adjacent Classification: None Current or Planned Traffic Signalization: Dartmoor Dr. at Crystal Lake Rd (future) Dartmoor Dr. at Curran Rd. (future) Justification for Proposed Revision: Dartmoor Drive provides East-West access from Curran Road (FAU 84), and Crystal Lake Road (FAU 85) serving numerous traffic generators. The west area of McHenry is anticipated to experience rapid residential and future commercial growth. Dartmoor Drive also serves numerous parks and ball fields (Fox Ridge Park, Shamrock Farm Park & Cold Springs Park) which are regularly used both for youth leagues and groups from around the region. The roadway also provides access for expansive residential neighborhoods west of Crystal Lake Road to the City’s commercial district and office centers north of Dartmoor Drive, McHenry West High School and the McHenry Post Office. Other Information: Dartmoor Drive is multi-modal as it currently provides designated bicycle access from neighborhoods west of Curran Road to Fox Ridge Park (which is located approximately halfway between Curran Road and Crystal Lake Road). The City’s approved bike plan includes the extension of the bike path to Crystal lake Road to provide increased bicycle access. DARTMOOR DRIVE N.T.S. dartmoor.dgn8/28/2013 PROJECT CONTACT: COMPANY NAME: 8:42:44 AM PLOT DRIVER: PEN TABLE: PDF.plt STANDARD-TRANS.TBL CLIENT: $COMPANY$ BULL VALLEY ROAD DRAPER ROAD CRYSTAL LAKE ROADCURRAN ROADEX 1 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION DARTMOOR DRIVE LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY MCHE-090328 1. REVISIONS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #DATE:BY: SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. DATE: HORIZ. SCALE: CHK. BY:DSN. BY:DWN. BY: SHEET ORIENTATION PROJECT NO. JOB NO.CONTRACT NO. # 184-001322 Illinois Professional Design Firm HRGreen.com 08/28/2013 jjs jjs cp MCHENRY TOWNSHIP LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION DARTMOOR DRIVE (CURRAN ROAD TO CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD) LOCATION MAP ROUTE LOCATION N . 170 0 17085 Feet 1 inch = 417 feetCurran RoadDartmoor Drive FUTURE Crystal Lake RoadDartmoor Drive Traffic Signal Locations FUTURE FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION REQUEST MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS Name of Roadway to be Reclassified: Veterans Parkway Name of Jurisdiction Requesting Revision: City of McHenry Contact Information: Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2186 jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us Council of Mayors: McHenry County Council of Mayors County of Roadway: McHenry County Township of Roadway: Nunda Township Additional Roadway Jurisdiction: None Current Roadway Classification: Local Street Proposed Roadway Classification: Minor Collector (Urban) Endpoints of Roadway East Endpoint: Barreville Road FAU 0087 West Endpoint: Illinois Route 31 FAP 336 Route Length: 5,310 ft (1.01 mile) AADT: 1,700 (2013 Traffic Counts by HR Green, Inc.) Projected AADT: 5,000 (2030) Spacing: Bull Valley Road (FAU 3860) approximately 1.28 miles north and Illinois Route 176 (FAP 533) approximately 3.84 miles south are the closest East-West Federal Aid Routes. Downgrade Adjacent Classification: None Current or Planned Traffic Signalization: Veterans Parkway at IL Route 31 (future) Justification for Proposed Revision: Veterans Parkway connects a major arterial route Illinois Route 31 (FAP 336) to a collector Barreville Road (FAU 87) while serving numerous traffic generators. The properties adjacent to Veterans Parkway are commercial, office and residential mixed-use and anticipated to rapidly develop within the next few years. Veterans Parkway also provides access to Moraine Hills State Park from IL Route 31, as well as access to the City’s IL Route 31 commercial corridor from residential neighborhoods along Barreville Road. Other Information: Veterans Parkway was constructed in the early 2000’s as a 2-lane road to serve new residential, commercial and office developments. Right of way and design provisions have been provided to expand Veterans Parkway in the future to a boulevard with 4 lanes with a center landscaped median upon completion of the residential and office businesses along the route. The City has recently begun receiving renewed interest in these properties for future development. It is anticipated the immediate area will experience rapid growth. Additionally, Veterans Parkway is multi-modal as it currently provides designated bicycle access from IL Route 31 to Barreville Road. VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS ROUTE 31EX 1 N.T.S. veterans.dgn8/28/2013 PROJECT CONTACT: COMPANY NAME: 9:45:05 AM PLOT DRIVER: PEN TABLE: PDF.plt STANDARD-TRANS.TBL CLIENT: $COMPANY$ FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION VETERNS PARKWAY LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY BARREVILLE ROADMCHE-090328 1. REVISIONS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #DATE:BY: SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. DATE: HORIZ. SCALE: CHK. BY:DSN. BY:DWN. BY: SHEET ORIENTATION PROJECT NO. JOB NO.CONTRACT NO. # 184-001322 Illinois Professional Design Firm HRGreen.com 08/28/2013 jjs jjs cp NUNDA TOWNSHIP LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION VETERANS PARKWAY (IL ROUTE 31 TO BARREVILLE ROAD) LOCATION MAP ROUTE LOCATION N . 130 0 13065 Feet 1 inch = 333 feetIllinois Route 31Veteran's Parkway FUTURE Barreville RoadVeteran's Parkway Traffic Signal Locations FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION REQUEST MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS Name of Roadway to be Reclassified: Prime Parkway/Ridgeview Road Name of Jurisdiction Requesting Revision: City of McHenry Contact Information: Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2186 jschmit@ci.mchenry.il.us Council of Mayors: McHenry County Council of Mayors County of Roadway: McHenry County Township of Roadway: Nunda Township Additional Roadway Jurisdiction: None Current Roadway Classification: Local Street Proposed Roadway Classification: Major Collector (Urban) Endpoints of Roadway East Endpoint: Illinois Route 31 FAP 336 West Endpoint: Bull Valley Road FAU 3860 Route Length: 9,595 ft (1.82 mile) AADT: 4,000 (2013 Traffic Counts by HR Green, Inc.) Spacing: Barreville Road (FAU 87) approximately 0.93 miles east and Crystal Lake Road (FAU 85) approximately 0.86 miles west are the closest North-South Federal Aid Routes. Downgrade Adjacent Classification: None Current or Planned Traffic Signalization: Prime Parkway at IL Route 31 (current) Ridgeview Drive at Bull Valley Road (current) Justification for Proposed Revision: Prime Parkway and Ridgeview Drive connects a major arterial route, Illinois Route 31 (FAP 336) to a minor arterial route, Bull Valley Road (FAU 3860) while serving numerous generators. Prime Parkway and Ridgeview Drive directly serve Centegra’s Northern Illinois Medical Center, Hampton Inn, Follet, Brake Parts and numerous commercial, office, industrial and restaurant establishments within the McHenry Corporate Center. Other Information: The McHenry Corporate Center is served by Prime Parkway and Ridgeview Drive. These roads experience above average truck traffic. Businesses within the corporate center serve and employ people throughout the midwest region, chicagoland, and northern Illinois. RIDGEVIEW ROAD PRIME PARKWAY N.T.S. prime_ridgeview.dgn8/28/2013 PROJECT CONTACT: COMPANY NAME: 10:40:55 AM PLOT DRIVER: PEN TABLE: PDF.plt STANDARD-TRANS.TBL CLIENT: $COMPANY$ BULL VALLEY ROAD ILLINOIS ROUTE 31FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION PRIME PARKWAY / RIDGEVIEW DRIVE LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY EX 1 MCHE-090328 1. REVISIONS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #DATE:BY: SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. DATE: HORIZ. SCALE: CHK. BY:DWN. BY: SHEET ORIENTATION PROJECT NO. JOB NO.CONTRACT NO. # 184-001322 Illinois Professional Design Firm HRGreen.com 08/28/2013 JJS JJS DSN. BY: CP NUNDA TOWNSHIP LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION PRIME PARKWAY/RIDGEVIEW DRIVE (IL ROUTE 31 TO BULL VALLEY ROAD) LOCATION MAP ROUTE LOCATION N . 200 0 200100 Feet 1 inch = 500 feetIllinois Route 31Prime Parkway Bull Valley Road Ridgeview Road Prime Parkway Traffic Signal Locations FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION REQUEST MCHENRY COUNTY COUNCIL OF MAYORS Name of Roadway to be Reclassified: Martin Road Name of Jurisdiction Requesting Revision: City of McHenry Contact Information: Jon Schmitt, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 (815) 363-2186 jschmitt@ci.mchenry.il.us Council of Mayors: McHenry County Council of Mayors County of Roadway: McHenry County Township of Roadway: McHenry Township Additional Roadway Jurisdiction: None Current Roadway Classification: Local Street Proposed Roadway Classification: Minor Collector (Urban) Endpoints of Roadway East Endpoint: Ringwood Road FAU 166 West Endpoint: Illinois Route 120 FAP 333 Route Length: 5,052 ft (0.96 mile) AADT: 2,000 (2013 Traffic Counts by HR Green, Inc.) Projected AADT: 5,000 (2030) Spacing: McCullom Lake Road (FAU 4085) approximately 0.89 miles north and Shore Drive (FAU 94) approximately 0.52 miles south are the closest continuous East-West Federal Aid Routes. Downgrade Adjacent Classification: None Current or Planned Traffic Signalization: None Justification for Proposed Revision: Martin Road connects a major arterial route Illinois Route 120 (FAP 333) to a minor arterial route Ringwood Road (FAU 166) while serving numerous traffic generators. Martin Road provides regional access between north McHenry, McCullom Lake & Johnsburg to the City of Woodstock and western McHenry County. Other Information: The proposed Thatcher Meadows Subdivision in Wonder Lake is located directly west of Martin Drive and north of IL Route 120. Upon development of the area it is anticipated Martin Road will experience a significant increase in traffic volume. MARTIN ROAD RINGWOOD ROADILLIN OIS RO UTE 12 0 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION MARTIN ROAD LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY EX 1 N.T.S. MCHE-090328 # 184-001322 Illinois Professional Design Firm HRGreen.com 08/28/2013 JJS JJS CP martin.dgn8/28/2013 PROJECT CONTACT: COMPANY NAME: 9:02:55 AM PLOT DRIVER: PEN TABLE: PDF.plt STANDARD-TRANS.TBL CLIENT: $COMPANY$ 1. REVISIONS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #DATE:BY: SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. DATE: HORIZ. SCALE: CHK. BY:DSN. BY:DWN. BY: SHEET ORIENTATION PROJECT NO. JOB NO.CONTRACT NO. MCHENRY TOWNSHIP LOCATION MAP CITY OF MCHENRY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION REVISION MARTIN ROAD (IL ROUTE 120 TO RINGWOOD ROAD) LOCATION MAP ROUTE LOCATION N GUIDELINES FOR TRANSIENT MERCHANTS ALONG THERIVERWALK The City of McHenry requires all transient merchants seeking to locate along the McHenry Riverwalk to obtain a Transient Merchant's License from the office of the City Clerk. Ten (10) transient merchant licenses are available for designated locations along the Riverwalk. These licenses will be available on the first regular day of business at City Hall each calendar year, on a first come, first served basis. Some general guidelines for obtaining a Transient Merchant's License are: 1) A Transient Merchant's License application must be filled out completely with all required information. E-- mailed or facsimile copies will not be accepted. 2) Sales of the following items only will be allowed: Food and non-alcoholic beverages. Candy, ice cream, nuts, popcorn and yogurt. Flowers. Artwork. T-shirts, hats and similar apparel. Newspapers, magazines and tobacco. Souvenirs and postcards. 3) Your application should clearly specify which location along the Riverwalk you prefer, along with a second and third choice. Remember, no transient merchant shall be within 250' of a property selling items of the same or similar kind. For example, a food vendor cannot be located closer than 250 feet from an existing restaurant/food vendor and a flower vendor shall not be located closer than 250 feet from an existing florist or flower shop. 4) Licenses may be issued in the following order of preference with respect to pending applications: First: To those applicants who own or operate a business within the City of McHenry. Local business applications shall have preference over out-of-town businesses. Second: Based on the selected location of such peddling. 10 licenses shall be reserved for Riverwalk peddling activity and there are 10 designated areas where such peddling activity may take place. These designated areas are on a first come, first serve basis and based on the locational requirements indicated above. Third: Based on the desired goods for sale. No more than two licenses shall be issued for the Riverwalk to transient merchants providing the same or similar goods for sale, (i.e. no more than two apparel merchants, or no more than two flower merchants) 5) The fee for a Transient Merchant's License is $100, plus $5 for each person authorized to peddle. 6) Hours of operation for Transient Merchants are from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily. 7) All premises and vendor carts shall be kept in a clean and sanitary manner. 8) The City has the right to revoke a Transient Merchant's License for failure to comply with any of the regulations Alderman Blake made a motion, seconded by Alderman Schaefer to make a recommendation to the City Council to waive Municipal Code Chapter 16, Sec. 16.41(a) (b) to allow advertising in a city park and to limit advertising opportunities to pet-related business only. Aye: Blake, Schaefer, Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Vietnam Veteran Memorial The city was recently approached by a group of individuals from McHenry High School Class of 1964 requesting permission to erect a memorial in Veterans Memorial Park in honor of McHenry citizens who died in the Vietnam War. The proposed memorial would require a 14' x 14' area of the park. The monument is estimated to be 3' x 5' and 8" — 12" thick with a small area surrounding the monument for engraved bricks, which would be sold to raise funds to pay for the memorial. Mr. Hobson said the location in Veterans Memorial Park best suited for the memorial is the current site of the Kiwanis drinking fountain, which is located in the southeast corner of the park. The group has agreed to pay all costs associated with relocating the fountain to another area in the park. Mr. Hobson explained a similar proposal was brought to the city in 2005 however the project did not move forward for unknown reasons. After speaking with former Parks & Recreation Director Merkel, Mr. Hobson learned the plaque attached to the boulder in the southwest corner of Veterans Memorial Park was originally dedicated to recognize all veterans from McHenry and introducing a monument for a single war could open the door for a number of other groups the park could not accommodate. Mr. Hobson added the proposed memorial as illustrated is elegant and would be a nice addition to any park. Mr. Hobson spoke with the group from the Class of 1964 about the possibility of erecting the monument in another location such as the Green Street Park however they prefer Veterans Memorial Park. They also said the back of the monument would be made available to another group. Alderman Blake said he thinks the proposed location for the memorial is appropriate yet he does understand there could be concerns about too many plaques in the park. He said any groups proposing a memorial in the future could simply be told no. Alderman Schaefer said he was concerned the memorial would eliminate needed space for Art in the Park and asked if the group would be agreeable to using another park. He further stated the memorial is needed and tasteful but does not agree with the proposed location as he recalls when the boulder in the park was dedicated to represent all veterans. Alderman Peterson said the existing monument is for all veterans and he agreed another location should be found for the memorial. After further discussion, the committee unanimously agreed the memorial should be proposed in a different park. Colby/Petersen Farm Foundation The formation of a Foundation to raise funds for maintenance and operation of the Petersen Farmstead has been discussed over the past several years. Most recently members of the McHenry Landmark Commission and the McHenry Country Historical Society have researched and acquired the paperwork to form a 501C-3 to create a Foundation to benefit the farmstead. The group has established a set of Bylaws and at this time, they want to present their ideas to the City Council. If the Council concurs, they are also requesting a donation from the city of up to $1,000 to pay for 501C-3 filing fees, which is available in the Tourism Fund. Mr. Hobson told the committee the creation of a Foundation would be a great benefit to the city as the funds raised would be used for many things including much needed repairs and maintenance of the horse barn, silos, and Petersen Homestead. The Foundation would operate similarly to the Riverwalk Foundation; fundraising to maintain and program the farmstead with all final decisions made by the city. The group already plays a large part in the yearly programming of "A Day at Petersen Farm." -3-