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Packet - 08/29/2018 - Community Development Committee
,l Y lung 11 �'l Community Development Committee McHenry Municipal Center 333 S Green Street McHenry,IL 60050 August 29, 2018 7:00 pm AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any person wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three-minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 3. Motion to approve the June 11, 2018 Committee Development Meeting Report. 4. Impact fee reduction discussion 5. Department updates. 6. Motion to adjourn the meeting. The City tlfAlcHenry is dedicated to providing its citi.-ens,businesses,and visitors with the highest duality of progratns and services in acustomer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. Community Development Meeting Minutes June 11,2018 Call to Order/Roll Call Chairwoman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Deputy Clerk Meadows called the roll. Roll call: Members present: Alderwoman Condon, Alderman Santi and Alderman Devine. Others present: Director of Community Development Polerecky and Officer Polidori. Public Comment Alderwoman Condon asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Committee Members. Resident John Wsol and resident Frank Serpico joined the Committee Members at the discussion table. Mr. Wsol expressed his concerns with the proposed location of the new Speedway fueling station. He reported that this area has drainage issues. In addition, he expressed his concerns with the underground fuel tanks. Resident Serpico offered no comments.They both thanked the Committee Members for their time. Discussion on Community Involvement Program Director Polerecky reported that one of the purposes of this meeting was to brainstorm on developing a Community Involvement Program. He identified various ways in which volunteers could effectively serve the community. Director Polerecky reported that he and Officer Polidori along with Attorney McArdle had addressed the liability aspect of the development of this type of program and he had included the draft liability release form in the packet. Director Polerecky commented on the key components and the methodology for the implementation of the program. He suggested the Committee Members consider the following: • Identifying projects,City projects vs private projects • An approval process for each project • Funding sources for each project • Project schedules • Advertising/Marketing A lengthy discussion ensued during which the Committee Members shared their thoughts and ideas on projects,funding, and partnering with other organizations. The Committee concurred that the program needed to be implemented slowly. They discussed the possibility in spring initiating a marketing campaign promoting a City Wide Clean-up Day.In which the City could possibly partner with Prairieland Disposal to provide roll-off containers at various locations. Director Polerecky asked the Committee Members to email himself and/or Officer Polidori with any additional ideas they may have regarding the implementation of the Community Involvement Program. Officer Polidori left the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Department Updates Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with updates on the department's current activities. He reported that School District 15 has several playground improvement projects slated for this year. However the City is not responsible for inspecting their projects. Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with an update on Jexal's restaurant construction. He reported they are scheduled to break ground sometime this week. Director Polerecky provided the Committee Members with Hidden Pearl's construction progress. He reported that the framing inspection had been completed. Director Polerecky commented on D.C.Cobbs' patio and roof improvements. He noted that they are near completion. Director Polerecky reported that Cunat Brothers residential development continues to move forward. Director Polerecky provided the Committee with updates on JA Frate's facility expansion, Centerga's parking lot expansion and the remodeling of the Cath Lab, along with the progress of the Pearl Street Commons. A lengthy discussion ensued with respect to property maintenance violations. Director Polerecky commented briefly on the department's new strategy in dealing with property maintenance violations. Adjournment There being no further public business to discuss, a Motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Devine to adjourn from the public meeting at 8:35 p.m. Roll call: Vote 3-ayes: Alderman Santi,Alderman Devine and Alderwoman Condon.0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Debra Meadows, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and approved this day of 2018. Alderwoman Condon Department of Community& Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street ����ill McHenry, Illinois 60050 1 11 Phone: (815)363-2182 sew Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us Community Development Committee Agenda Supplement DATE: August 29, 2018 TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Ross Polerecky, Director of Community Development RE: Impact fee reduction discussion Within the last 60 days City staff has been approached by two developers looking to purchase and finish out the Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision as well as the Legend Lakes subdivision. Each of these developers have the vacant lots under contract and are in the process of performing due diligence prior to any possibility of closing. In each of these cases the overwhelming concern for these developers is the amount of impact fees associated with the permitting process. Each developer has stated that with the current market, recent tariffs on building supplies, updated building codes and the actual cost of the land it is difficult to meet their numbers needed in order to build within the City of McHenry. While it is important to identify with potential new home builders looking to build single family homes in McHenry it is also important that we identify existing home builders and evaluate their requests as well. With the recent request of reduction by one developer the existing home builders have reached out in support of this reduction as well in order to help spark more single family development. This discussion is to focus on the overall reduction and not specific builders or develop Tents. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. ;:. Department of Community& Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director �r McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 mmcnry Phone: (815)363-2182 Fax: (815) 363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us Staff has reviewed the number of vacant single family vacant lots remaining in active subdivisions with current annexation agreements: Subdivision Annexation Expiration #of Empty Single Family Lots Liberty Trails 7/5/2020 48 Shamrock Farms (Legend Lakes) 7/2/2021 82 Oaks At Irish Prairie 8/29/2025 86 Improved 63 unimproved platted Patriot Estates 3/7/2025 60 Lincoln Hill 3/1/2024 5 Total 344 Most interest in new single family homes and reduction of impact fees fall within these 5 subdivisions and their annexation agreements, if a reduction in fees is approved by council it would also be suggested that the standard fees be reduced as well to cover all single family lots in the City of McHenry not governed by an active annexation agreement.The number of lots affected by a standard reduction is minimal but would give an individual wanting to build on an empty lot in a well-established subdivision the same benefits of that in a subdivision that is partially complete. Attached is documentation that includes student enrollment statistics for both District 15 and 156, an overhead view of the existing a spreadsheet showing current fees along with a reduction of 50%. A 50%reduction was chosen based on the recent requests of D.R. Horton. What are Developer Donations or Impact Fees: 8 Develoner Donations 8.1 Purpose. This Section is intended to assure the provision of public facilities needed to serve new development by requiring each new development to pay its fair share of the costs of such improvements as a condition of approval, and to mitigate the adverse impacts from inadequate community facilities by providing a means of allocating the costs of needed services and facilities among new developments in proportion to the demand for such facilities created by each new development. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director r McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 urie1 ll Phone: (815)363-2182 Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us 8.2 Applicability. Unless otherwise provided for in an annexation agreement with the City, as a condition of approval of a final plat of subdivision, planned unit development, or building permit, each subdivider shall dedicated land and/or make cash donations in lieu of land for park and school sites and cash donations for library and fire protection services to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of the development, in accordance with the criteria and formulas as hereinafter set forth. 8.3 Imposition of Donations. Developer donations shall be imposed as a condition of approval for all new subdivisions. A. Within the corporate boundaries of the City,developer donations shall be imposed at the time of final plat approval in the case of a land donation, or issuance of a building permit in the case of a cash donation. If not sooner paid, however, one-half of said cash donations shall be due and payable 18 months after approval of the final plat, and the remaining amount of said cash donations shall be due and payable 36 months after approval of the final plat. B. For a subdivision within the corporate boundaries of the City that has received final plat approval prior to the effective date of these regulations,and for which no replatting or approval is necessary prior to issuance of a building permit, developer donations shall be imposed at the time of issuance of a building permit. C. For a subdivision outside the corporate boundaries of the City that is subject to subdivision approval by the City, the governing body of any governmental entity which would be entitled to land and/or cash donations pursuant to this Section may request that the City vary the terms of this Section by allowing such governmental entity to make its own agreement and/or waiver as to any or all of the donations required in this Section with the subdivider of such land. The request shall be made in writing by a resolution adopted by the governing board of such governmental entity. In such event, the City may, by motion, condition subdivision approval upon compliance with the provisions of this Section as modified by the variation or waiver. 8.4 Donations Based on Projected Population. A. The ultimate density of a proposed subdivision shall bear directly upon the amount of land required for donation for park and school purposes. The projected population shall be computed in accordance with Table 8-1, which is generally indicative of current and short range projected trends in family size by age groups. Table 8-1 is based on the "Table of Estimated Ultimate School Population Per Dwelling Unit" published for 1996 by Illinois School Consulting Service/Associated Municipal Consultants, Inc. Naperville,Illinois. - 36 - B.Table 8-1 shall be used for all population estimates unless a subdivider files a written objection to the City's data,together with their own demographic study showing the estimated population to be generated by the subdivision. In such event, the final determination of the density formula to be used in such calculations The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director r McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815)363-2182 saw W Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us shall be made by the City on the basis of the foregoing data, data submitted by the subdivider, and from other relevant sources. It is recognized that the population density, age distribution and local conditions change over time and that Table 8-1 is subject to periodic review and amendment, if necessary. Table 8-1 1996 TABLE OF ESTIMATED ULTIMATE SCHOOL POPULATION PER DEWLLING UNIT Elementary', Jr.High. Total High School ............... ......... ......... __ Preschool' Grades K-6 Grades 6-8! Grades K-8 Grades 9-12 Adults Total'' ........ ......... ......: ......... Type of Unit 0.4 Years 5-10 Years 11-13 Years': 5-13 Years 14-17 Years; 18+Years' Per Unit'. .......... Detached Single-Family, 2 Bedroom 0.113w 0.136 0.048: 0.184 0.020 1.700 2.017, 3 Bedroom 0.292 0.369 0.173. 0.542, 0.184 1.881; 2.899'. _ _ _ _ 4 Bedroom 0 418 0 5W 0.298 0.828 0.360 2.158, 3.764'. ....... ......... ..._.... .... 5 Bedroom 0.283 0.345. 0.248 0.593! 0.300 2.594: 3.770'. ......... ......... Attached Single Family 1 Bedroom 0 000 0 000; 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 1.1931 1.193; _ _._ 2 Bedroom 0.064 0.088 0.048. 0.136 0.038 1.7521 1.990 3 Bedroom 0.212: 0.234, 0.058; 0.292; 0.059: 1.829, 2.392 4 Bedroom 0.323' 0.322, -�0.154 0.476. - 0.173. 2.173 _ 3.145 Apartments Efficiency O.000d 0 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 294 1.294 ._ ...... 1 Bedroom 0.000 0 002 0.001 0.003 0.001. 1 754' 1.758 ...... 2 Bedroom 0.047; 0.086, 0.042' 0.128 0.046 1.693, 1.914' 3 Bedroom 0 052 0.234_ 0.123. 0.357. 0.118 2 526i 3 053 8.5 Criteria for Park Land Donation. A. Required Land Donation. The amount of land to be donated for park sites for a particular subdivision shall be a direct function of the ultimate population to be generated by the subdivision. The City has determined that the land donation requirement shall be 1.5 acres of parkland per 100 ultimate population. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& „•, �, Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director r McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHei ll Phone: (815)363-2182 i Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us B. Credit for Private Park Areas. When a subdivision includes private open space for park and recreation areas and facilities, it may have the effect of reducing the demand for local public recreational services. Depending on the size of the subdivision, a portion of the park land donation may, at the sole option of the City, be provided as private, in lieu of dedicated public park land. The extent of the required public park land shall be determined by the City, and based on the needs of the current and future residents in the general area. In general,a substitution of private park land in lieu of public park land requires a higher degree of improvement and the installation of recreational equipment or improvements by the subdivider.The City must approve detailed plans of such areas,including specifications of facilities to be installed,and the subdivider must guarantee that these areas will be permanently maintained for such use before any credit is given for private park land. C. Improvements. Prior to conveyance, all sites shall be final graded and seeded in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. The slope,topography, and geology of the dedicated site must be suitable for active park and recreation purposes. D. Location of Land to be Donated. The City shall determine the location of park land to be donated for a particular subdivision. This determination shall be based on the availability of land,the suitability of the land for park and recreation purposes, the location of the land relative to population concentrations, the proximity of the land to other park sites, and park and open space locations identified in the Comprehensive Plan. E. Minimum Size and Quality of Donated Land. The minimum size of any land to be dedicated for park and recreation purposes shall be 10,000 square feet, with no exterior boundary dimension less than 100 feet, except as may be approved by the City because of special circumstances. Stormwater detention or retention areas shall not qualify as land suitable for donation for park and recreation purposes, except as may be approved by the City after the suitability of such land for park and recreation purposes as a secondary use is clearly demonstrated. 8.6 Criteria for School Land Donation. A. Required Land Donation. The amount of land required to be donated for school sites for a particular subdivision shall be a direct function of the ultimate number of students to be generated by the subdivision. The land donation requirement shall be determined in accordance with the following equation: • Estimated number of children to be served in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Table 8-1) The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& :,e. Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street /( ppy� McHenry, Illinois 60050 l�'�,cHl.i�, 1,1 Phone: (815)363-2182 ' Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us Divided By • Maximum number of students that can be served in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Section 8.63) Multiplied By • Minimum Acreage for each school site in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Section 8.6.13) B. School Classifications and Size of School Sites. School classifications and the required minimum size of new school sites shall be determined in accordance with the following standards: School Classification Maximum Minimum By Grade Level Students Acreage Elementary(K-5) 450 20 Junior High(6-8) 600 35 High School(9-12) 1500 90 C. Location of Land to be Donated.The location of each school site shall be determined by the City,as guided by the Comprehensive Plan and standards adopted by the affected school district. D. Minimum Quality of Donated Land. Stormwater detention or retention areas shall not qualify as land suitable for donation for a school site,except as may be approved by the City after the suitability of such land for a school site as a secondary use is clearly demonstrated. 8.7 Cash in Lieu of Land; Combination of Land and Cash. A. Criteria for Requiring Cash Donation. When a subdivision is small and the resulting land donation is too small to be practical or when the available land is otherwise inappropriate for a park or school site, the City shall require the subdivider to pay a cash donation in lieu of the required land donation, or a combination of a land donation and cash donation. B. Calculation of Cash Donation. The cash donation shall be based on the "fair market value" of the required land donation,as specified herein. C. Fair Market Value. Based on a study of real estate transactions in the planning jurisdiction of the City, the City has determined that the fair market value of improved land within the planning jurisdiction of the City is $107,586 per acre. The fair market value is for vacant land that is zoned residential, The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815)363-2182 Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us subdivided, fully improved with public sanitary and water service, and is otherwise capable of being used for residential development. This fair market value shall be regularly reviewed, and amended if necessary,to ensure its accuracy, and shall be used in making any calculation of the cash donation in lieu of land donation as specified herein,unless a timely objection is provided. D. Method of Calculating Number of Bedrooms; Supplementary Payments. 1.In those situations where a cash donation is due upon issuance of a building permit,such donation shall be calculated pursuant to the Table 8-1 on the basis of the type of residential unit to be constructed and the number of bedrooms specified. 2.In those situations where a cash donation is due prior to issuance of a building permit,such cash donation shall be calculated pursuant to Table 8-1 on the basis that detached single family dwellings will contain a minimum of three bedrooms, and that apartments, townhouses, row houses and quadriplexes will contain a minimum of two bedrooms,provided,however,that if later an application for building permit is made showing more than the aforesaid number of bedrooms per dwelling unit, the applicant for such building permit shall then pay a supplementary cash donation to the City to make up the difference between the amount previously paid and the amount required for the actual number of bedrooms to be constructed in such residential dwelling unit. E. Objections to Fair Market Value.In the event of any written objection to the fair market value,the applicant shall submit an appraisal showing the fair market value of improved land in the area of the subdivision or development, or other evidence thereof. The final determination of such fair market value shall be made by the City Council,based upon information submitted by the applicant and from other relevant sources. F. Disposition of Cash Donations. 1. Cash donations in lieu of parkland dedications shall be held in trust by the City,in a special segregated fund,solely for the acquisition or development of park and recreational land and facilities to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents. 2. Cash donations in lieu of school site donations shall be held in trust solely for the acquisition of land for a school site to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. a. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the cash donations shall be remitted to the grade school district affected by said subdivision or development, and 35% shall be remitted to the affected high school district. b. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected school district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& A7 Economic Development .i Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 MCHLe ll Phone: (815)363-2182 ' Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us G. Refund of Cash Donations. If any portion of a cash donation is not expended for the purposes set forth herein within 20 years after the date of receipt of such donation by the City, then that donation shall be refunded,upon written application,to the subdivider who made such donation,or its successor or assign. 8.8 Reservation of Additional Land. When the Comprehensive Plan or other applicable standard or policy of the City requires a park or school site in a particular subdivision that is larger that the subdivider is required to donate, then the land needed in excess of the required donation shall be reserved by the subdivider for subsequent purchase by the City or other public body designated by the City,provided that such acquisition is initiated within one year after the date of approval of the final plat. Fire Protection District Donation. In order to help defray the cost of providing fire pro-tection for residents of new subdivisions during the construction process, and before tax revenues are generated by such subdivisions, a cash donation as indicated in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code Section 7-4 shall be due and payable to the City upon issuance of a building permit. Cash donations for fire protection services shall be held in trust to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. 8.9 Public Library District Donation. In order to help defray the cost of providing library services for residents of new subdivisions during the construction process, and before tax revenues are generated by such subdivisions, a cash donation as indicated in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code Section 7-4 shall be due and payable to the City upon issuance of a building permit. Cash donations for library services shall be held in trust to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. 8.10 Updating of Fair Market Value and Required Donations. It is recognized that the population density, age distribution, land values, the cost of providing park, school, library and fire protection services, construction costs and other local conditions change over time. Therefore, the specific formula for the dedication of land,or cash donations in lieu of thereof shall be regularly reviewed,and amended if necessary,and the required contribution for library and fire protection services and the fair market value of land in the planning jurisdiction of the City shall be regularly updated. The"fair market value"and cash contribution amounts to the fire protection and public library districts as required in these regulations shall be amended on May I" of each year by the The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. - Department of Community& w Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2182 Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us percentage change in the Chicago Area Consumer Price Index for the previous year. For the purposes of this paragraph, the price index to be used for comparative purposes shall be that index published for the Annual Average Chicago Area CPI-U, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Capital Development Fees ARTICLE IV. WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Sec. 26-201. Established. Pursuant to the authority granted in 65 ILCS 5/11-150-1, and upon authority contained in other provisions of the State statutes, there is hereby established within the City a charge, which shall be known as the "Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee." This charge shall be in addition to all other water and sewer connection or tap-on fees now in existence in the City. Sec. 26-202 Amount. Effective January 1, 1998, the Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee for residential and non- residential buildings shall be as indicated in the following tables. Further, Capital Development Fees shall be increased May 1, 1999 and each May 1st thereafter by the percentage increase in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index, and shall be subject to annual Council review. Current amounts are: (a) Residential Building Uses: BLDG. PLMB. WATER WATER SEWER SEWER SINGLE FAMILY INS. CAP. CAP. DETACHED FEE FEE CONN. DEV. CONN. DEV. 2 Bedrooms/Less .25/S.F. $112 $250 $2,399 $250 $2,844 3 Bedrooms .25/S.F. $112 $250 $4,157 $250 $4080 4 Bedrooms .25/S.F. $112 $250 $4,470 $250 $5,22 5 Bedrooms/More .25/S.F. $112 $250 $4,470 $250 $5,311 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 lYl cH'l.�'p,i !J Phone: (815)363-2182 Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us Sec. 26-203. Against whom assessed; when payable. The Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee shall be assessed against new or additional users where the new or additional use is the result of future building construction which requires a building permit and which also involves or contemplates connection to the sewage collection and treatment system or the water system of the City, provided however, that said fee shall be assessed to all connecting users whose property is annexed to the City after the effective date of amendatory ordinance #0-77-115, unless such fees are expressly waived or otherwise modified by pre-annexation agreement. The charges shall be payable at the time a building or connection permit is issued. Sec. 26-204. Disposition of revenue. The revenue received by the City from the Water and Sewer Capital Development Fee charges shall be deposited into a fund which shall be known as the "Waterworks and Sewer Capital Development Fund,"and shall be used in the manner provided by law. The monies to the credit of such fund may be invested from time to time by the Finance Director of the City as provided by law. All accrued interest on any investments shall be credited to such fund. 3/14 Sec.26-205. Copy of Article to be filed with the Recorder of Deeds; duty of Clerk with respect to collection. A copy of this Article, as amended,properly certified by the City Clerk, shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, and shall be deemed notice to all owners of real estate of their liability for service supplied to any user of the service of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the City on their properties. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk and such other officers of this City to take all action necessary or required by the laws of the State to file all claims and liens for money due to the City and to prosecute and enforce such claims in the manner, form and time as permitted by the laws of the State. If the committee agrees that a reduction in impact fees is advantageous it is recommended that,based on the input from the committee, staff bring back a proposal for the reduction at the September loth City Council meeting. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Department of Community& . Economic Development Ross Polerecky, Director McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Mun.-A ry Phone: (815)363-2182 Fax: (815)363-2173 rpolerecky@ci.mchenry.il.us The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. LEGEND LAKES Dist 166 Dist 16 PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL .2 BEDROOMS/LESS $496.30 $921.70 $2,010 $356 $356 $4,140 .3 BEDROOMS $1,138.55 $2,114.45 $2,888 $356 $356 $6,853 4BEDROOMS $1,307.95 $2,429.05 $3,751 $356 $356 $8,200 15 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,148.70 $2,133.30 $3,755 $356 $356 $7,749 50% Reduction 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $248.15 $460.85 $1,005.00 $178.00 $178.00 $2,070 3BEDROOMS $569.28 $1,057.23 $1,444.00 $178.00 $178.00 $3,427 4BEDROOMS $65198 $1,214.53 $1,875.50 $178.00 $178.00 $4,100 ,5 BEDROOMS/MORE $57435 ql1r. $1,066.65 $1,877.50 $178.00 $178.00 $3,875 LIBERTY TRAILS 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $993.65 $1,845.35 $1,467 $356 $356 $5,018 3BEDROOMS $2,096.15 $3,892.85 $2,126 $356 $356 $8,827 4BEDROOMS $2,437.75 $4,527.25 $2,728 $356 $356 $10,405 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $2,300.20 $4,271.80 $2,671 $356 $356 $9,955 50% Reduction 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $496.83 $922.68 $734 $178 $178 $2,509 3BEDROOMS $1,048.08 $1,946.43 $1,063 $178 $178 $4,414 4BEDROOMS $1,218.88 $2,263.63 $1,364 $178 $178 $5,203 ,5 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,150.10 $2,135.90 $1,336 $178 $178 $4,978 LINCOLN HILLS 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $977.20 $1,814.80 $4,208 $356 $356 $7,712 3BEDROOMS $2,239.65 $4,159.35 $6,047 $356 $356 $13,158 4BEDROOMS $2,574.95 $4,782.05 $7,854 $356 $356 $15,923 ,5 BEDROOMS/MORE $2,262.05 $4,200.95 $7,864 $356 $356 $15,039 50% Reduction 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $488.60 $907.40 $2,104 $178 $178 $3,856 3BEDROOMS $1,119.83 $2,079.68 $3,024 $178 $178 $6,579 4BEDROOMS $1,287.48 $2,391.03 $3,927 $178 $178 $7,962 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,131.03 $2,1 00A8 $3,932 $178 $178 $7,520 Oaks At Irish Prairie 86 Lots Proposed Reduction 3 Bedroom Single Family Fees 50% Water Cap Dev $4,157.00 $357,502.00 $178,751.00 $178,751.00 Sewer Cap Dev $4,080.00 $350,880.00 $175,440.00 $175,440.00 Impact Fees School $5,447.00 $468,442.00 $234,221.00 Park $4,668.00 $401,448.00 $200,724.00 $200,724.00 Library $356.00 $30,616.00 $15,308.00 Fire $356.00 $30,616.00 $15,308.00 Operating $2,525.00 $217,150.00 $108,575.00 $21,589.00 $1,856,654.00 $928,327.00 4 Bedroom Single Family Fees Water Cap Dev $4,470.00 $384,420.00 $192,210.00 $192,210.00 Sewer Cap Dev $5,224.00 $449,264.00 $224,632.00 $224,632.00 Impact Fees School $7,179.00 $617,394.00 $308,697.00 Park $6,082.00 $523,052.00 $261,526.00 $261,526.00 Library $356.00 $30,616.00 $15,308.00 Fire $356.00 $30,616.00 $15,308.00 Operating $2,525.00 $217,150.00 $108,575.00 $26,192.00 $2,252,512.00 $1,126,256.00 Legend Lakes Proposed for reduction Total Units 79 3-Bedroom Single Family Detached SF Home Fee Summary 0.5 Build Permit Fees Per Home Total 50%Reduction Build Permit (based on 3000/sf) $ 750.00 $ 59,250.00 $ 59,250.00 Plumb Insp $ 112.00 $ 8,848.00 $ 8,848.00 Water Conn $ 250.00 $ 19,750.00 $ 19,750.00 Water Cap Dev $ 4,157.00 $ 328,403.00 $ 164,201.50 Sewer Conn $ 250.00 $ 19,750.00 $ 19,750.00 Sewer Cap Dev $ 4,080.00 $ 322,320.00 $ 161,160.00 Water Meter $ 325.00 $ 25,675.00 $ 25,675.00 $ 9,924.00 $ 783,996.00 $ 458,634.50 Per Unit $ 5,805.50 Reduction $ 4,118.50 Impact Fees School $ 3,253.00 $ 256,987.00 $ 128,493.50 Park $ 2,888.00 $ 228,152.00 $ 114,076.00 Library $ 356.00 $ 28,124.00 $ 14,062.00 Fire $ 356.00 $ 28,124.00 $ 14,062.00 Operating $ 2,525.00 $ 199,475.00 $ 99,737.50 Annex $ 751.00 $ 59,329.00 $ 59,329.00 $ 10,129.00 $ 800,191.00 $ 429,760.00 Per Unit $ 5,440.00 Reduction $ 4,689.00 Fee Totals $ 20,053.00 $ 11,245.50 4-Bedroom Single Family Detached SF Home Fee Summary 0.5 Build Permit Fees Per Home Total 50%Reduction Build Permit (based on 3000/sf) $ 750.00 $ 59,250.00 $ 59,250.00 Plumb Insp $ 112.00 $ 8,848.00 $ 8,848.00 Water Conn $ 250.00 $ 19,750.00 $ 19,750.00 Water Cap Dev $ 4,470.00 $ 353,130.00 $ 176,565.00 Sewer Conn $ 250.00 $ 19,750.00 $ 19,750.00 Sewer Cap Dev $ 5,224.00 $ 412,696.00 $ 206,348.00 Water Meter $ 325.00 $ 25,675.00 $ 25,675.00 $ 11,381.00 $ 899,099.00 $ 516,186.00 Per Unit $ 6,534.00 Reduction $ 4,847.00 Impact Fees School $ 3,737.00 $ 295,223.00 $ 147,611.50 Park $ 3,751.00 $ 296,329.00 $ 148,164.50 Library $ 356.00 $ 28,124.00 $ 14,062.00 Fire $ 356.00 $ 28,124.00 $ 14,062.00 Operating $ 2,525.00 $ 199,475.00 $ 99,737.50 Annex $ 751.00 $ 59,329.00 $ 59,329.00 $ 11,476.00 $ 906,604.00 $ 482,966.50 Per Unit $ 6,113.50 Reduction $ 5,362.50 Fee Totals $ 22,857.00 $ 12,647. 01 L E N N,I/ IT ! I 1 Chicago Division i 1141 East Main Street Suite US I East Dundee,IL 60118 224-293.3132 Direct ! 224-293-3100 Main i 224-293-3101 Fax Scott.Guerard@Iennar.com www.Lennar.com Mr. Ross Polerecky ! City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 August 28, 2018 Dear Mr. Polerecky: Thank you for sitting down with us to discuss development opportunities in McHenry. As you know, Lennar Homes is interested in building homes in your community. As the nation's largest home builder we feel we have keen insights on today's home buyer. In our current, less robust, home market we must keep an eye on our consumer's costs regardless of the source, while creating value and quality.Successful homebuilders are accomplishing this by procuring land and lots at a discount from the actual cost to construct and are mindful of all costs that will be passed on to the consumer. It is in this market we must compete and we would be remiss if we did not address permit fees as an important part of our cost discussion. Many of the fees we see were created in a time of a frenzied demand for both homebuilders and communities. As evidenced by a home market that has been stagnant for ten years,there were clearly miscalculations regarding the consumer's seemingly unlimited ability to pay costs to build and own a home. Without meaningful reduction in City fees, we believe the economics of competitive pricing and our entry into McHenry will be a challenge. We believe a reduction on the order of 50% of current impact and transition fees is appropriate for both financial viability of the project and commensurate with fees found elsewhere. Many communities have already reconsidered their fees, made an adjustment and are now starting to see the benefits of renewed building activity. There are those who may be inclined to counter that any fee reduction granted would simply line the builder's pockets. In a competitive market with multiple homebuilders, it is generally not possible to retain this reduction, as the homes must be competitively priced both within the McHenry market and within the region. 1 of 2 We appreciate your consideration regarding reductions in impact and transition fees and believe this will be an important step in making homes more affordable for homebuyers to build and own in your community. We believe any reductions granted will be more than returned to the community in the form of increased EAV and significant economic growth in the community. We thank you and your community leadership for the opportunity to provide input in this matter. Thank you for your consideration. We hope Lennar Homes can become a proud part of your community. E Sincerely, I 2 -.,77 Scott Guerard Vice President of Acquisitions Lennar Homes i i I I i i I i 2of2 j i Shawn Strach Office: (815) 331-9520 M RE D® ' ;- Managing Broker- Dream Real Estate, Inc. Cell: (815)790-0833 Shawn.Strach(a_D ream Real Estate.org Midwest Real Estate Data REinvcnting Ml5 www.ShawnStrach.com Closed Sales 50- Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood 120 110 100 .._. _......... ............ _ 90 -- ----- --------- - - - ----- -... ---------------- ---- - ---------- _ ---- -- 4000 80 — -- ----- ------ -- — --- - -- ---- 70 1-2017 1-2018 50-Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood:4 Bedrooms or More,Traditional, Single Family, $200,000 to$449,999, Detached Single-Family, 2,001 to 3,000 sq ft Each data point is 12 months of activity.Data is from August 28,2018. All data from MRED.Data deemed reliable but not guaranteed.InfoSparks©2018 ShowingTime. Shawn Strach Office: (815) 331-9520 ° Cell: 815 790-0833 .i Managing Broker- Dream Real Estate, Inc. ( ) WMRED Midwest Real Estate Data Shawn.Strach(c�Dream Real Estate.org RElnventte Data MLS www.ShawnStrach.com Closed Sales 50-Holiday Hills I Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood 80 75 70 - ___. ----.._.__ _. _-_.�..� _ -------_ __...-_..-._ _ .___— _ -----•-_-__ 65 — ---------- -_ _ -- -- ----- - -- - - - - -- - — ---.__._._.. -- 60 55 1 2017 1-2018 50-Holiday Hills 1 Johnsburg I McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake I Sunnyside/Ringwood: 3 Bedrooms,Traditional, Single Family, $200,000 to$449,999, Detached Single-Family, 2,001 to 3,000 sq ft Each data point is 12 months of activity.Data is from August 28,2018. All data from MRED.Data deemed reliable but not guaranteed.InfoSparks©2018 ShowingTime. Shawn Strach Office: (815) 331-9520 NMRED ° Cell: 815 790-0833 :.� Managing Broker- Dream Real Estate, Inc. ( ) Shawn.Strach(�i,)Dream Real Estate.org Midwest Real Estate Data REinventing MLS www.ShawnStrach.com Median Sales Price 50- Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood $266K ... ..... _. $264K -- --- —--..._... ------.....-.....----._.... — --------- $262K -------- — ----- —...--- ------- $260K ---.. _,—_—. —__— --------- --------------------- $258K $256K -------- -- $254K - --------------- -—--- ----- ——. $252K u 1-2017 1-2018 50-Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood: 3 Bedrooms or More, Traditional, Single Family, $200,000 to$449,999, Detached Single-Family, 2,001 to 3,000 sq ft Each data point is 12 months of activity.Data is from August 28,2018. All data from MRED.Data deemed reliable but not guaranteed.InfoSparks©2018 ShowingTime. Shawn Strach Office: (815) 331-9520 M RE D° Managing Broker- Dream Real Estate, Inc. Cell: (815) 790-0833 ✓ Shawn.Strach(c Dream Real Estate.org Midwest Real Estate Data RElnventing MLS www.ShawnStrach.com Months Supply of Homes for Sale 50- Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood 7.0 -- - - - ._._ -....__.. .._.._.. . .............. _._ ._.... _..._..__.._.. _._...... 6.5 _. ...._.._.... __ __.__._...._ __ ............ ..._. 6.0 ---- - - - - - -- -- ----- _... ---- ----- ---- ------.. -- ---- _ - 5.5 — ------ -------- - — - - ._._....- -- --------..__._................. ....-__..._... - ---- 5.0 4.5 4.0 1-2017 1-2018 50-Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lakemoor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood: 3 Bedrooms or More, Traditional, Single Family, $200,000 to$449,999, Detached Single-Family, 2,001 to 3,000 sq ft Each data point is 12 months of activity.Data is from August 28,2018. All data from MIRED.Data deemed reliable but not guaranteed.InfoSparks©2018 ShowingTime. MLS# Stat Street# CP Str Name Sfx SLN# Area LP/SP Acreage Lot Size AZN 1 08986924 CLSD 5606 Florence Blvd 19 50 $15,500 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 2 10012316 ACTV 2909 Julia Way Dr 30 50 $20,000 1.12 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 3 09625567 CLSD 7300 Timber Trl 50 $25,000 0.95 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 50 $26,950 1 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 4 09794475 ACTV 000 River Rd 5 08972341 ACTV 1811 Mason Corte Dr 29 50 $27,900 1.19 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 6 09866328 ACTV 5706 Amherst Ct 5 50 $28,000 1.04 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 7 09866342 ACTV 6117 Tomlinson Dr 61 50 $28,000 0.91 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 8 08674278 ACTV 2403 Highwood Rd 50 $29,000 0.52 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 9 10008418 ACTV 7106 Forest Oak Dr 14 50 $29,900 1.18 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 10 10008426 ACTV 7110 Forest Oak Dr 13 50 $29,900 0.98 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 11 10008434 ACTV 7220 Forest Oak Dr 9 50 $29,900 0.99 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 12 10008441 ACTV 7304 Forest Oak Dr 50 $29,900 0.99 .50-.99 Acre Single Family l 13 10008452 ACTV 7316 Forest Oak Dr 50 $29,900 0.91 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 14 10008458 ACTV 7402 Forest Oak Dr 6 50 $29,900 0.92 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 15 10008466 ACTV 7407 Forest Oak Dr 24 50 $29,900 1 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 16 10008470 ACTV 7408 Forest Oak Dr 5 50 $29,900 0.87 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 17 09843554 ACTV 806 Ridgeway Trl 50 $30,000 0.96 .50-.99 Acre Single Family i 18 09347813 ACTV 2220 N Woodlawn Park Ave 50 $39,000 1.7 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family I 19 09670450 ACTV 103 Farmstead Ct 9 50 $39,000 0.65 .50-.99 Acre Single Family j 20 09572602 ACTV 7111 Forest Oak Dr 17 50 $42,500 0.84 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 21 09914763 ACTV 2307 N Carl Ct 50 $44,900 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family l 22 08710740 ACTV Lot 7 Dowell Rd 50 $45,000 0.95 .50-.99 Acre Single Family 23 09756552 ACTV 7102 Forest Oak Dr 15 50 $52,900 1 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 24 09908997 ACTV 2314 N Elmkirk Park 38 50 $55,000 1.03 1.0-1.99 Acres , Single Family 25 09953052 ACTV 1701 Mason Corte Dr 23 50 $59,000 1.2 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 26 09915148 ACTV 2401 N Elmkirk Park 24 50 $60,000 1.17 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 27 10003285 ACTV 2406 N Elmkirk Park 50 $60,000 1 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 28 09804175 ACTV 7501 Forest Oak Dr 26 50 $61,900 1.1 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family 29 09815300 ACTV 504 Bluffs Edge Dr 50 $69,900 1.74 1.0-1.99 Acres Single Family r 59 30 09185059 RED LLACTV accuracy f09 of all information,regardless of soDurce,including butOnot limited Oto sOquare footages and lot sizes,99 Acres deemed Single Family Copyright med reliable but not guaranteed and should be personally verified through personal inspection by and/or with the appropriate professionals. NOTICE: Many homes contain recording devices,and buyers should be aware that they may be recorded during a showing. Prepared By: Shawn Strach, GRI I Dream Real Estate,Inc. 1 08/28/2018 01:54 PM Area Market Survey Criteria Status: Active, Back on Market,Contingent, New, Price Change,Re-activated,Temporarily No Showings, Pending, Closed, Rented Property Type:Detached Single Area: Holiday Hills/Johnsburg/McHenry/Lake Moor/McCullom Lake/Sunnyside/Ringwood Months Back: 12 Months Bedrooms-Above Grade: 3-4 Elementary Sch Dist: 15 Under Contract List Price Range # Listings Avg. Days on Mkt $100,000-$149,999 12 121 $150,000-$199,999 22 72 $200,000-$249,999 17 45 $250,000-$299,999 9 134 $300,000- $349,999 1 55 $350,000-$399,999 1 84 $400,000- $449,999 2 217 Under Contract Summary # Units Avg, MT Median List Price Avg. List Price Max. List Price Min. List Price Total Volume 64 87 $199,000 $209,661 $449,900 $114,900 $13,418,298 Sold Properties Sold Price Range # Listings Avg. Days on Mkt Less than $49,999 3 237 $50,000- $99,999 12 78 $100,000- $149,999 82 68 $150,000- $199,999 176 57 $200,000- $249,999 135 56 $250,000- $299,999 62 69 $300,000- $349,999 31 104 $350,000- $399,999 12 103 $400,000- $449,999 2 198 $450,000- $499,999 5 80 $500,000- $549,999 1 266 $600,000- $699,999 1 383 j $800,000- $899,999 i 76 Sold.Properties Summary # Units Avg. MT Median Sold Price Avg.Sold Price Max. Sold Price Min. Sold Price Total Volume 523 67 $195,000 $207,620 $860,000 $35,000 $108,585,396 Active Listings List Price Range # Listings Avg. Days on Mkt $50,000-$99,999 4 39 $100,000- $149,999 14 65 $150,000-$199,999 29 119 $200,000- $249,999 27 113 $250,000 -$299,999 22 96 $300,000-$349,999 20 142 $350,000 -$399,999 13 154 $400,000 -$449,999 9 117 $450,000 -$499,999 8 200 $500,000 -$549,999 3 185 $550,000 -$599,999 4 65 $600,000-$699,999 5 376 $700,000 -$799,999 1 98 $800,000-$899,999 2 495 $1,000,000 -$1,999,999 2 322 Active Listings summary # Units Avg. MT Median List Price Avg. List Price Max. List Price Min. List Price Total Volume 163 133 $269,900 $313,091 $1,550,000 $79,000 $51,033,765 I I i i Community Starts Comments 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 McHenry 4 8 6 14 7 7 8 8 72 New Lenox 21 23 62 119 174 162 162 170 141 50% reduction in 2010 B.U.I.L.D. incentive program initiated in 201 Yorkville 641 421 431 671 811 741 841 1541 152 expanded to B.U.I.L.D.TOO in January of 20 $5,000 rebate from City $5,000 rebate from developer Fee reduction from $5,509 to $1,759 per un ........................................ OAKS AT IRISH PRAIRIE (approved 9111/06-55,65,70) Dist 156 Dist 15 PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $1,299.90 $2,414.10 $3,259 $356 $356 $7,685 3BEDROOMS $1,906.45 $3,540.55 $4,686 $356 $356 $10,845 4 BEDROOMS $2,512.65 $4,666.35 $6,082 $356 $356 $13,973 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $2,573.90 $4,730,10 $6,092 $356 $356 $14,158 50% Reduction 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $649.95 $1,207.05 $1,61:50 $178 $178 $3,843 3BEDROOMS $953.23 $1,770.28 $2,343 $178 $178 $5,423 4BEDROOMS $1,256,33 $2,333.18 $3,041 $178 $178 $6,987 ,5 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,286.95 S2,390.05 $3,046 $178 $178 $7,079 PATRIOT ESTATES SINGLE FAMILY Dist 156 Dist 15 PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $968.45 $1,798.55 $4,178 $356 $356 $7,657 3BEDROOMS $1,575.35 $2,925.65 $6,007 $356 $356 $11,220 4BEDROOMS $2,182.25 $4,052.75 $7,797 $356 $356 $14,744 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $2,241.40 $4,162.60 $7,809 $356 $356 $14,925 50% Reduction 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $484.23 $899.28 $2,089 $178 S178 $3,829 3BEDROOMS $787.68 $1,462.83 $3,004 $178 S178 $5,610 4BEDROOMS $1,091.13 $2,026.38 $3,899 $178 $178 $7,372 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,120.70 $2,081.30 $3,905 $178 $178 $7,463_ Standard Fees SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED Dist 156 Dist 15 PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $992.25 $1,842,75 $4,279 $356 $356 $7,826 3BEDROOMS $1,613.15 $2,995.85 $6,150 $356 $356 $11,471 4BEDROOMS $2,234.75 $4,150.25 $7,984 $356 $356 $15,081 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $2,296.00 $4,264.00 $7,995 $356 $356 $15,267 50% Reduction .2 BEDROOMS/LESS $496.13 $921.38 $2,140 $178 $178 $3,913 3BEDROOMS $806.58 $1,497.93 $3,075 $178 $178 $5,736 4 BEDROOMS $1,117.38 $2,075.13 $3,992 $178 $178 $7,541 .5 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,148.00 $2,132.00 $3,998 $178 $178 $7,634 WATER SEWER SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED CAP. DEV. CAP. DEV. 2 Bedrooms/Less $2,399.00 $2,844.00 3 Bedrooms $4,157.00 $4,080.00 4 Bedrooms $4,470.00 $5,224.00 5 Bedrooms/More $4,470.00 $5,311.00 50% Reduction 2 Bedrooms/Less $1,199.50 $1,422.00 3 Bedrooms $2,078.50 $2,040.00 4 Bedrooms $2,235.00 $2,612.00 5 Bedrooms/More $2,235.00 $2,655.50 McHenry D15 Population FYIO 4,990 FYII 4,897 FY12 4,846 FY13 4,717 s, w FY14 4,725 FYI.5 4,654 FY16 4,519 F,Y J '1 4,WI Q 4,700 Flercent Change decrease of 10% 4,60 qn 4,500 4,40D 4,300 4,200 ::YIG FY1I H; FF(13 VY 14 =Y15 G FY 17. McHenry D1156 Population FY10 2,515 FY11 2,548 FY12 2,537 FY13 2,464 FY14 2,340 FY15 2,370 FY16 2,318 y::yl I ?,40C Percent Change �..�. .. ; decrease of 11.45% 2,200 2,ius3 rrt0 F'YIi y°}7 ZY13 F( 4 FYIS FY16 TYI7 E a� , 1 � z U � V e, b ci r � 4 Y ^Fg/ i A y x k.: ( Yr: a _—T lob u OU . onto- o "Vyp•,` ,{� "" sue, �c..�. o y `9 T _ _ Y • e. Q � t� �� � _ ��j-•y 2� �} yhx4 ry'�� a MAT: t�''` •."�� �� "S' 1 � 3� T,s 1 f tr APM FT 74, I �1-47"lll� MM 1 ♦ti �e,` �' �- ` -----".�"`.,.._'_--`•fie'`„� '' .. i lilt I Waal ic ! 'It 133a1S4NMO1Na0A+ A x �Q 7 N y !e 1 ' ` �----'------- —T—3`� �.. s' ' � . . w ,.. fir€ f ~ U C O U O ': o �,•a 1 ��R.� �`• < � Eta°ao°�:�"� ° "� \a�oU ..,� ��! .,��® � �� � , i .- s..a.� l` ,¢� •' ,,'`�`'. DONEOAL�CANE a> -:^�.- � t ��� t ����g't POV F;� � � •� i � � ,:e� ;j�1 '4T1� � �� qi •\\ - `•� - .,_._ rat '� !� r � ` �_�� � p} j � • .\ 1( Y1 S� �OOR n�J j F .�} 4YR 44� T lam' �``•` t \t�t h � j.� � Q ��� - T F'9 Tfi OUR•T d � r . r c! ��'� i+:3 � �_ �w r!»•a �4 �_. ( _ p� / ey�f,y� �,S�vP '- `K_ 'g 11 � r • _. , C & a - i). �� KIllAL51L"`ANE 1 +• { �(3AUVAKORIVE< Tl 1-- 1 t-, qr !7E 3 Zounty 0 McHei �QS� ] f 1'(vatioR is I)rQ I],C W5 Y 1 no, ,rant',, ,of aecur CY $ass t�u�xe � •