HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 04/26/2018 - Parks and Recreation Committee _o w McHe Parks & Recreation Committee McHenry Municipal Center 333 S. Green Street McHenry,IL 60050 April 26,2018, 4:00 PM City Hall Classroom SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: Any people wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three-minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at public meetings. 3. Recreation Center Expansion Proforma Draft Review 4. Recreation Center Expansion Referendum Ballot Measure Review M 5. Department Updates 6. Future Meeting Topics k 7. Motion to adjourn the meeting 11X The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens,businesses,and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. m X n r+ cn c 3 3 w -i c� -n a o^a LA < I JtExecutive Summary Overall Opinions: McHenry Parks & Recreation Department Residents ➢ The Department receives a very positive average esteem rating of 7.3 (on a 0-10 <pg• 15> Parks & Recreation Hold scale),second only to the McHenry County Conservation District (7.4 average). Department in High ■ However,residents are much more familiar with the Parks & Recreation Regard Department (87% familiarity) than the MCCD (70%). ■ Other local agencies tested -- City government, local school districts -- each received lower (yet still positive) ratings than the Parks & Rec Department. From these esteem ratings,the Department has a 10:1 favorable-to-unfavorable ratio, with only 8% expressing dissatisfaction. ■ The longer one has lived in McHenry,the more favorable they are to the <pg. 16> Parks & Rec Department. ➢ On average,residents believe that the Department receives roughly 5% of their < 25- property taxes. When informed that it's share is actually just under I%, residents rate p 6> the Department a good value overall (78% positive value,vs.just 9%"poor" value). ➢ Residents feel the Department's top strengths are its programs and events (good <pg 18, variety,especially youth programs),followed closely by its parks (well-maintained). One in five specifically cite the Rec Center as a top strength. When asked about weaknesses or improvement opportunities, half (47%) are unable <pg.2 1> to mention anything. The recent cite facility issues (need an indoor pool, improved outdoor pool), parks and playground needs (better maintained, more dog-friendly), and program and event issues (more opportunities across the board). 7 aQity Md let]r� n Park and Facility Usage, Satisfaction ➢ Overall,84% report visiting or using one of the Department's parks or facilities in <pg.29> Most Residents Have the past twelve months, usually: Used/Visited DepartmentRec ■ Veteran's Memorial Park (65% of recent users/visitors); Facility or Park in the ■ Petersen Park (63%); PastYear ■ Fort McHenry/Whispering Oaks Park (46%); ■ McHenry Recreation Center (41%); ■ Knox Park (39%); ■ Fox Ridge Park (23%); ■ East Beach Park (22%); ■ Merkel Aquatics Center/Outdoor Pool (21%). Y Recent users voice high satisfaction with the parks and facilities visited. RelativelySatisfaction with Local <pp.3o- few offer any concerns or negative experiences,which are usually: 3►> Parks/Facilities isVery Strong, But Many Go ■ More upkeep, maintenance,or updates (most often Merkel Pool, Knox Park, • Other Sources • McBark Dog Park, Petersen Park); Recreation ■ More and/or safer parking (most often Veteran's Park and the Rec Center). Y Those not recently using or visiting a park or facility most often attribute it to not <pg 32> having children in the household (55%),or simply lacking the time (47%). Just over a third go elsewhere for fitness and recreation,and one in five are either unfamiliar with what the Department offers (21%) or that the user fees/costs are too high (18%). ■ In a separate question, half of the respondents report going to other sources <pg.33> for fitness and recreation, usually nearby agencies (MCCD and state parks, Crystal Lake Park District) or private facilities (usually Health Bridge,YMCA, and Charter Fitness). �S 8 aQity �wult�r+y " Executive Summary Priorities and Unmet Needs: Outdoor Facilities Outdoor • • ➢ Nearly two-thirds of McHenry residents report having an interest, need,or current <pg.35> usage of walking and biking trails. Highest Demand are Followed by ➢ Interest or demand in an outdoor open recreation pool ranked a distant second (of Water Facilities and interest to 44% overall). Other outdoor water options registered comparable levels Playgrounds of interest: ■ Pool and aquatic park with slides (39%); ■ Splash pad at a neighborhood park (30%) ■ Lap pool (27%). A third also express interest in playgrounds,but the remaining outdoor facilities tested represent lower levels of need or interest: ■ Baseball/softball fields (21%); ■ Sports fields for soccer,football, lacrosse (20%). i- Many of these facilities are deemed in adequate supply locally, mainly trails, baseball <pp.39- and sports fields,and playgrounds. 40> ■ The opportunities where demand appears to outpace supply (either by the Parks & Rec Department or other sources) are outdoor water facilities, especially an open general recreation pool,and an outdoor water park. When asked which outdoor improvement should be the top priority for the <pg.41> department, residents most often stay with hiking and biking trials (40%),with half as many saying the focus should be on an outdoor water park (21%). Splash pads and an �►' open recreation pool each register about 12% to 13% of the responses). 9 aQity !Mcllcfl %� Executive Summary n Priorities and Unmet Needs: Indoor Facilities About half express interest or a need for an open indoor pool (54%) and a fitness <pg.44> Improvements• • • center (49%),with an indoor track ranking a close third (43%). StrongGenerate ■ In addition, roughly one in three adults are interested in group exercise Interest,and Represent studios, an indoor water/splash park,an indoor lap pool,and gym courts. Bi _ _ . • . ■ Community rooms, indoor playgrounds,and childcare/babysitting facilities or _ Depart generate far less interest.ment y Of these, residents feel that many indoor amenities are already sufficiently available <pp.47- (fitness center,group exercise studio, multi-purpose rooms,childcare facilities). 48> However,there is clearly a"gap" in delivering on some of the indoor amenities in high demand,especially: ■ An indoor general recreation pool; ■ Running/walking track; ■ Other indoor water (lap swimming,splash park); ■ And (to a lesser extent) gym courts. Y Of these facilities,an indoor general recreation pool is clearly seen as the top <pg.49> priority for the Department (35%). ■ Half as many place priority on an indoor track (17%) and indoor splash park (15%). ■ The next tier of top improvements includes a lap pool (10%),gym courts (9%) and the fitness center (8%). to agity Executive Summary 110 Icl 11' Priorities and Unmet Needs: Programs and Events just • - • Y Most often, residents report taking part in fitness programs (47%),followed by <pg.52> youth sports (24%). . • Recent Participation All other program categories were mentioned by roughly one in ten Department Pr• _• respondents, including programs for seniors, swimming lessons, sports or Event clinics/lessons, preschool and toddler programs,and Summer Day Camp. Y As with other Department attributes, recent program and event participants are <pg.54> very satisfied with these experiences (8.1 average score on a 0-10 scale). Only 4% expressed any dissatisfaction. Y In terms of program interest,fitness programs and adult programming/classes/ <pg.56> sports generate the highest levels of demand (42% and 39%, respectively),followed by: ■ Special events (sought by 31%); ■ Active adult activities for those ages SS+ (27%). ■ The remaining programs tested were various youth programs,each of which generated lower levels of need or interest (18% or less each). In fact, many of these programs (youth programs in general,Summer Day Camp,preschool/toddler programs) are currently seen as sufficiently available in the community. ■ The biggest program opportunities for the Department to deliver (meeting unmet <pg.59> needs) are: ■ Adult programs, including active adult activities for those age 55+; ■ Fitness programs; �►' Special events. aQity 11cHenn n Executive Summary Willingness-to-Pay for Expanded Indoor/Outdoor Facilities . - ➢ When posed with the following scenario: <pg.66> ntsVoice Strong Support • Expanded Do you support or oppose the McHenry Parks & Recreation Department upgrading and improving Indoor Recrea • the McHenry Rec Center to meet the community's recreational needs? This would include adding a Amenities and an 2-court gymnasium;an indoor running track; an indoor pool with lap lanes, a splash pad, and therapy Out• •orWater Facility pool,expanded indoor play/childcare space;and an outdoor pool and aquatic park. The expanded facilities would mean an increase of$150 in annual property taxes on the average $200,000 home. ➢ Residents support these improvements over 2:1 (69% support, 31% opposed). In fact,as many are"strongly" supportive (29%) as the total number opposed (31%). ■ A majority of all subgroups tend to favor this concept,though the oldest (ages 65+) and most long-term McHenry residents are more evenly divided. ➢ Supporters clearly feel the improvements are needed and will benefit McHenry: ■ They feel the facilities would be heavily used and obviate the need to drive <pg.68> (and spend money) elsewhere for similar amenities; ■ They will provide healthy activities for the entire community; ■ Property values will improve, making McHenry a more attractive place to live. ➢ The top reason for opposing the proposal is the property tax increase,as most opponents are against any hike in taxes. This is especially true among those who do not expect to use the new facilities. ➢ Note that even among supporters, nearly one in five (18%) voice concerns <pg. 71> over whether the estimated cost is accurate,or whether it would pass given ' the impact on anti-tax and older (fixed income) residents in the community. 12 aQity McHenryr Executive Summary Information Sources v The program guide is referred to by 59% of the survey respondents when seeking <pg. 77> Residents information about the Parks & Recreation Departments facilities, parks or programs. on . Program Guide forr Roughly half (48%) also go to the Department's website for this information,and 24% Information, call Parks & Rec staff by phone. At least one in four residents get Parks & Rec by the Website information from non-Department sources: ■ Calling or visiting the City of McHenry's offices,or accessing the City's website (37%); ■ Local newspapers, usually the Northwest Herald (30%); ■ Word of mouth from neighbors and friends (27%). y By far,the program guide is the preferred source for Department information (45%), <pg. 78> with the Parks & Rec website a distant second (18%). Ten percent first look to local newspapers. ■ The program guide is most likely to be the top choice among women and those with children. ■ Newer McHenry residents tend to prefer the Parks & Rec website,while older and long-term residents rely on local newspapers more than average. aQity 13 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT Thursday,August 21, 2017 Municipal Center Council Chambers,5:30 PM 1. Call to Order: Chairperson Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chamber. 2. Roll Call: Chairperson Alderman Schafer, Alderman Devine and Alderwoman Condon. City Officials in Attendance: Mayor Wayne Jett, Director of Parks & Recreation Hobson, Recreation Center Manager Matt LaPorte, Recreation Supervisor Witt, Athletic & Aquatic Supervisor Thompson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Parks Maintenance Superintendent Gorniak. Public Attendance: Mr. Pat Wirtz, McHenry Landmark Commission Chair and Colby- Petersen Farm Foundation member, and Mr. Greg Lofgren, Colby-Petersen Farm Foundation. 3. Public Comment: None. 4. Presentation/Discussion on the Historic Petersen Farm by the Petersen Farm Foundation. Mr. Wirtz and Mr. Lofgren provided the Committee with a history of the farm and the many accomplishments of the Landmark Commission and the Petersen Farm Foundation. A booklet containing the history of the Colby family and farm was provided to the Committee. Mr. Wirtz reported resources used to compile the historical information presented today came from Nancy Fike, McHenry's resident historian. She researched sources such as The McHenry County Yearbook and McHenry County Historical Society, Plaindealer Newspaper, family members, and City of McHenry maps are great resources for information. Robert Petersen Living Trust. Mr. Greg Lofgren reported he was a member of the McHenry Landmark Commission when the city acquired the Petersen Farm property. At that time, the Commission participated in several meetings with Robert Petersen. A concern expressed by the late Mr. Petersen was that the buildings on the property would be used only as storage for city equipment. Mr. Petersen had a vision of the farm as a museum to showcase local farming history in McHenry and the farming community as it was at that time. When the farm was acquired, the Commission began to hold their meetings in the farmhouse and all Commission papers and artifacts were moved to the farm. Some of the items donated to the city as part of the living trust and vision are included in the booklet with a letter written by Mr. Petersen to Mr. Lofgren about starting a historical society separate from the Landmark Commission. At that time, discussions took place between the City and Landmark Commission about possible uses of the property however nothing was decided. Parks&Recreation Committee Meeting Page 2 August 21,2017 Mr. Lofgren thanked the Committee for allowing him to speak at today's meeting and said he hopes for information on city's plans for the property. Mr. Wirtz added that in 2005, a petting zoo, old-time farm demonstration area, reforestation, community garden plots, horse trails, a pioneer farming museum, one-room school house, picnic area and walking paths were mentioned as possible attractions to add to the property. Discussed ensued on the restoration and preservation efforts completed after the city acquired the property, the recent establishment of the Colby-Petersen Foundation, and potential supporters of future preservation efforts on the property. Mr. Wirtz relayed to the Committee their short-term plans for the property. Currently, the Landmark Commission annually hosts "A Day at Petersen Farm" event. This is a one-day event. The Landmark Commission partners with the McHenry County Farm Bureau, 4-H, McHenry Garden Club, Friends of the Library, city staff, and local retired farmers. Mr. Wirtz announced the following ideas/programs/events the Commission/Foundation would like to host: • One or two times a year similar to the Day at the Farm event such as Fall Pumpkin Fest, Special Farmers Market, a mini-concert for adults to raise funds for the Foundation similar to the Gavers event in Woodstock. • The Commission would like to open the farmhouse two Sundays per month in July, August and September and during events. • Workshop area to repair items and include permanent tables, chairs, and shelves for inventory of farm artifacts. Mr. Lofgren added many items at the farm should be catalogued. They videotaped the items about 10-years ago and the items were appraised. He would like to encourage and educate young people to care about the farm. • Mr. Lofgren asked the city to provide coverage for volunteers working events. Mr. Hobson noted Landmark Commission members are covered under the city's insurance however, a Foundation member is not tied to the city and is not covered under the city's coverage. Mr. Wirtz stated the Farm Bureau has provided $1-M coverage for the Day at the Farm event. • Maintenance Safety and Security is a concern of both the Commission and the City. Critter control is needed especially in the horse barn. • The security code to the homestead should be changed. • Connection to the police alarm board. Parks&Recreation Committee Meeting Page 3 August 21,2017 • Lock the gates at all times. Mr. Hobson informed the Committee that with the exception of archery classes and access for the tenant farmer, the gates are locked. • Last winter, the roof for the unattached garage collapsed. Because the snowplows are stored in the building, Commission members do not have access to the area to remove the debris. • State Preservationist toured the facility last fall with Sen. Althoff and stated it will be costly to renovate the horse barn. Mr. Hobson stated it would cost approximately $200,000 for the work. Mr. Wirtz reported the Foundation is seeking a donor to fund the renovation. Mr. Lofgren noted they would not seek funding until they know what the city's plans are for the property. • Mr. Wirtz requested permanent restrooms. The outhouse is unusable. • Installation of a simple nature path along the wetlands area and through the woods. • Permanent signage visible from the road acknowledging when the house is open to the public similar to a museum. • Organize the dairy expo site as a showcase for the county. Mr. Lofgren has been working on this and stated he would like to get the milk house as it was in the 1940's. Chairperson Schafer stated the uses discussed were recommended at least 12 years ago, and asked if the city needs to declare support for a specific project before the Foundation can begin fundraising. Mr. Hobson said the Foundation could fund projects however, they need the city's permission to begin any project. The city could complete a project and the Foundation would reimburse the city. However, this becomes difficult because the Foundation member are the experts and Parks staff consisting of Matt, Cindy, Nicole, and himself do not have the expertise or the manpower to run the farm. Mr. Hobson reported foundation-stabilization of the house and main bar are a priority. Mr. Lofgren said they are requesting the city to commit to specific projects and the Foundation and Commission will get started. Mr. Hobson reported in the past, it has been difficult to locate an historical architect to complete these projects. Mr. Wirtz said the Chicago Preservation group could provide this information. Alderwoman Condon noted this topic is not new to her either. If the question is would the city like all the projects mentioned completed, the answer is yes. The reality is the cost. It takes experts to restore and preserve the farm. From her standpoint, she looks to the Foundation for the expertise and asked what their top three choice projects to complete would be. Once these are identified, it may be easier to seek funding for specific projects. Parks&Recreation Committee Meeting Page 4 August 21,2017 Chairperson Schaefer agreed with Alderwoman Condon and suggested the Foundation provide the city with their top three projects they would like to see completed first at the farm. He also suggested an event at the farm in conjunction with the Sunday Family Fest during Fiesta Days. He also suggested an active McHenry Chapter of the 4-H Club or the Boy and Girl Scout would be interested in events at the farm. Mr. Hobson suggested a camp-out event. Mr. Lofgren asked if the Foundation should bring their top three projects back to the Committee or Council. Chairperson Schaefer suggested submitting the list to Director Hobson. Director Hobson said depending on the project it may go directly to the Council or discussed first with the Committee. Alderwoman Condon asked staff to review the security system and fire alarm at the farm, if possible change the door code, and obtain a quote for gutters on the horse barn. Director Hobson stated the farm was connected to the city's fire alarm board however, he was not certain if there is an active security system adding there is money in the CIP for some of these projects, specifically the new roof for the house, batten-boards on the barn and possibly the garage. The question is the horse barn stating he is not sure if the foundation has to be stabilized before any renovations can be completed. An unidentified member of the public in attendance suggested selling the washer and dryer in the home to help fund the installation of a washroom. Director Hobson noted facility improvements and prioritized maintenance is most important, as these costs will have to be approved in the city's Capital Improvements Program. Programming would not be difficult and would be supported by the city. Mr. Wirtz reported the Colby Barn in Lake County makes approximately $450,000 in revenue each year renting the barn for events. Everyone agreed there is potential for this type of use at the Petersen Farm. The city would look to the Commission for a recommendation if this were the direction they want to go. Chairperson Schaefer reiterated that that a top three list is submitted to Director Hobson to move forward with budgeting or planning. The Committee thanked Mr. Lofgren and Mr. Wirtz for their input and they exited the meeting at 6:40 PM. 4. SponsorshiD/Advertisement Program Discussion/Proposal. Recreation Center Manager LaPorte stated that in an effort to bring additional revenue to the Recreation Center, city staff recommended increasing the city's advertising opportunities with banners in some of the city's athletic fields such as Petersen Park. The Crystal Lake Park District charges $395 and $495 for ad banners at Lippold Park, which generates about $15,000 a year that is used for field maintenance and upgrades. Manager LaPorte asked the Committee if this is something they would like staff to pursue. The city would decide what would be appropriate to advertise and if the city would seek ads from businesses outside the city limits. Parks&Recreation Committee Meeting Page 5 August 21,2017 Director Hobson suggested not selling ads to businesses located outside the city limits. Chairperson Schaefer agreed adding it is important that the field does not look too cluttered and the ad signs are appropriate. Alderwoman Condon was in favor of the idea noting the signs should be made from quality materials, offered to only city businesses, and the number of ads offered should be limited at designated locations. Director Hobson said the ads would be available on a first come, first serve basis. Chairperson Schaefer suggested polling local businesses to determine their interest in this program. Alderwoman Condon stated the proposed cost of advertising seemed steep and wondered if the first year could be $200 or $300 as charged for ads in McBark Park. Mayor Jett said the cost of the banner must be considered. Alderman Devine stated Petersen Park would be a good location. Director Hobson noted he would like to offer ads at Petersen and Knox Parks. Manager La Porte asked the Committee if they had any interest in staff pursuing this topic further and the consensus was yes. Chief of Police Jones and Alderman Santi entered the meeting at 6:50 PM. 5. Department Updates. Riverfront Park Boat Ramp. Construction of the boat ramp has begun. The project was delayed due to spring flooding. As a result, the ramp will most likely not open until 2018. McHenry Recreation Center. Manager LaPorte announced the Recreation Center was holding a one-day "Solar Eclipse" sale for memberships. So far, 45 new members have enrolled through the sale. Membership is now at 2,031. Chairperson Schaefer asked if the city offered a rate for the 18-20 age group. Manager LaPorte answered the city offers the standard $18/month for single and $19/family. Marlins Swim Team members are offered a rate of$15/month. Long-range revenue projects based on annual memberships is expected to exceed $550,000. Advertising has increased and a drone video is being produced. Cosmetically, the center will be upgraded with artwork on the walls. Fall/Winter Brochure was published. The department has partnered with the Crystal Lake, Barrington and Huntley Park districts to add adult day trips for a reduced cost. Additionally through NISRA, all the superintendents from the 11 partner groups will meet on a quarterly basis to brainstorm programs. Parks&Recreation Committee Meeting Page 6 August 21,2017 Summer Camp. Total registration increased this year. Approximately 70 children attend the camp each week compared to 40-50 in past years. The Mini-Explorers Camp began this year with 121 children enrolled. Community Needs Assessment. The Committee directed staff to present the results of the CNA to the Committee prior to a formal presentation to the full Council. 5. Motion to Adiourn. As there were no further comments, Chairperson Schaefer called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Devine made a motion, seconded by Alderwoman Condon to adjourn the meeting. Aye: Devine, Condon, Schaefer Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marci Geraghty, Executive Assist/Deputy Clerk Reviewed and approved this day of 2017. Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer, Chairperson W E> CL. ` W O 0 L^ 4-J I..f� E W 4 .� 0 CL �tcH�nry n Support/Oppose Potential Improvements Residents express high levels of support for a potential expansion of the Rec Center and adding an outdoor water facility. ➢ Supporters outnumber opponents more than 2:1. In fact,there are nearly as many"strong" supporters (29%) as the total number of opponents (31%"strong" and"not strong" combined). ➢ A few points to keep in mind: ■ This willingness-to-pay question is very broad,and does not include information about fees, memberships, schedules/availability,etc.associated with these new facilities. Given that many are"not strong" in their opinions, these factors could impact their positions. ■ The sample includes all residents, including voters and non-voters. Therefore,the responses should not be interpreted as an expected outcome to a referendum question. Q30. Do you support or oppose the McHenry Parks & Recreation Department upgrading and improving the McHenry Rec Center to meet the community's recreational needs? This would include adding a 2-court gymnasium;an indoor running track, and indoor pool with lap lanes,a splash pad,and therapy pool,expanded indoor play/childcare space;and an outdoor pool and aquatic park. These expanded facilities would mean an increase of$150 in annual property taxes on the average home valued at $200,000. ■Strongly Opposed Somewhat Oppose Somewhat Support ■Strongly Support 66 aQity tential 11cNriry .n • • • • • • • ' • A majority of all groups generally support these possible improvements, though the oldest and most long-term residents are evenly divided. ➢ Overall,46% of residents age 65 or older oppose the proposed upgrades (including 26%"strongly opposed"),while about as many (54%) support the improvements. ➢ Conversely,support is clearly strongest among younger adults and those with young children. Women tend to be "strong" supporters of these improvements;men tend to be in favor only"somewhat". ➢ Note also that the relatively small Hispanic population tends to be least willing to support these improvements. Significant Differences: Support vs.Oppose Proposed Facility Improvements • Most Likely to - . - Ages 35-44(33%),45-54(38%),55-64(33%) Strongly Su 29% - Women (37%,vs.20%of men) S Y Support - HH with children(39%,vs.23%support among those without) - Non-Hispania(30%,vs. 12%support among Hispanic/Latino residents) - Under age 35(58%), 35-44(49%) Somewhat Support 40% - Men(47%,vs.36%of women) - HH with children (44%,vs.38%of those without) Somewhat Oppose 13% - Ages 65+(21%) - Lived in McHenry 36+years(21%) - Ages 65+(26%) Strongly Oppose 18% - HH without children (24%,vs.9%of those with children) g Y pp - Lived in McHenry 30 yrs. (29%) - Hispanic/Latino residents(34%,vs. 18%of non-Hispanics) 67 aQity �1cHcnry :n Reasons • Support Virtually all supporters feel these improvement are needed and would be good for the overall community. ➢ This includes roughly one in ten who are in favor because it will help improve residential property values (making McHenry more desirable to new residents). ➢ Note, however,that one in five supporters express some concerns or doubts about the actual costs and fees,or whether residents will support paying higher taxes for these improvements. Top Reasons for Support (n=239 providing open-ended responses)* Needed/Good for Community(NET) Proposed facilities are needed Benefits the whole community Promotes fitness/healthy lifestyles Improves property values Good Value (NET) Support But Have Concerns (NET) Concerns with higher taxes and fees Taxes too high already S% Skeptical of price 2% Q28B. Why do you support these proposed improvements? *Multiple responses accepted/coded. 68 aQity Mt'Hertr�� ,n SupportReasons for Sample Verbatims: Reasons for Support Needed/Good for Community (86): "The city could use another pool and some more indoor fitness activities." "These are all the improvements I'm looking for!" "We need these improvements. We should not need to travel outside of our town." "Need for city of this size,people go to other towns for pools.Keep them here" "When grandkids visit it would be a fun activity to participate with them. Also,as a senior citizen the lap pool may be appealing." "I like the current rec center. Having gyms and a pool and a track would be good additions especially for the winter months." "McHenry would benefit greatly by offering residents and non-residents a local waterpark/splash park for the kids rather than traveling to Lake Zurich,Mundelein or Woodstock and investing in their towns." "McHenry does not have an aquatic park,losing money that 1 would spend at other parks" The two court gymnasium and track would be extremely beneficial to aerobic exercise and the social well being of our community.It would draw plenty of interest to the community as well." "I support these plans. They include all ages!" "it will provide the residents who live in McHenry with more opportunities to be active and healthy and will allow people to have these benefits without having to go to a different town." "They are needed to keep our community active and helping people to know each other." "Our community needs to stay focused on health concerns to support our current residents, and draw in new residents to our community." "It is better for a community,we are all paying high taxes and actually having something to show for is a benefit. I have a 3 year old and parks and splash pads,pools,and activities such as gymnastics are important" "With the parks department offering these amenities there will be excellent public access to the facilities. These facilities will provide an outlet for an entire family to come to the rec center and have something for everyone." "I think we need more spaces and opportunities to bring our community together. We have young children and I would love to have more options for activities here in McHenry as opposed to traveling to other towns for activities such as aquatic parks,etc." "The pools and an aquatic park would be great for our family. If it were close by so that we could walk to it that would be perfect!" Good Value (6): "$13.00 a month is a small price to pay for all of that! Bravo!" "Great value for small investment cost(on my part)" "Sounds like it would add a lot of value" "Great value,much needed" #101' 69 dQity vtcfieri Reasons for Support Sample Verbatims: Reasons for Support Support But Concerned About HigherTaxes/Fees (18): "For seniors on a low annual income it would be hard." "1 might use it for the gym and the pool but the cost is really high." "skeptical of price,what percentage of residents would really use facility" "I support it if the only cost to taxpayers is the$150 increase in property taxes.If residents will have to pay extra on top of the property taxes to use the facility, then I am opposed." "Concerned about fees in addition to raising property tax.` "I see the pros and cons.Biggest CON-our taxes are already WAY out of bounds!Don't want them higher." "if my taxes pay for them then 1 don't expect to be charged a fee to use the facilities!" "Taxes are too high now! Would be more excited @$50 per yr." "No one likes the taxes to go up" �o aQity tilcHen Reasons • Oppose As one would expect, those opposed to these new facilities do not want to pay higher taxes and/or feel the improvements are unnecessary. ➢ Residents who do not expect to use the proposed facilities were most likely to say that the costs should be covered via user fees,and not from a tax increase impacting users and non-users alike. ➢ Examples of these responses are provided on the next two pages. Top Reasons for Oppose (n=1 12 providing open-ended responses)* Taxes too high already Facilities are not needed/won't be used Charge user fees instead, no taxes Skeptical of price/cost Enough facilities already exist 71 agityQ28A. Why do you oppose these proposed improvements? *Multiple responses accepted/coded. ;�1cHen Reasons o o Oppose T Sample Verbatims: Reasons for Oppose Taxes Too High Already (74%k: "I feel I pay a high amount already in taxes so I think they should be able to budget the money so they can add on to the facility. I'm not sure how are taxes can be so high and not be able to do this. We don't have much in McHenry so I'm not sure where all the money for taxes are going???" "Do not increase taxes!I oppose any increase, as I would like to one day sell my home. Taxes+City's reputation makes moving here unattractive to potential buyers." "Because I'm tired of my taxes going towards things that will be priced too high for me to take advantage of." "AS A SENIOR ON A FIXED INCOME, I DON'T WANT MORE TAXES-ESPECIALLY ON THINGS I PROBABLY WON'T USE" "At this time taxes are way too high and people will vote down an increase. Work to get more business in McHenry and not so many vacant stores." "My taxes are too high as it is.If people need or want to use this they should pay for them themselves,not all taxpayers." "My taxes already have me looking out of state to retire, I am 76 and still working. I am being forced out of a house that has been paid for 21 years." "My tax bill is high enough and while some of those additions would be nice,they are not really need at this time" "Property taxes are already pretty high in my neighborhood. On the other hand,these improvements would be helpful for lots of people.The price for memberships are already high." "Taxes are too high all ready,plus the state income tax is going up.Cut spending!" "Taxes are way too high as it is. You need to do more with what you have instead of always adding more. Taxes are forcing people and businesses to leave McHenry." Facilities Are Not Needed QQ "City does not need to be in the fitness business.Plenty of health clubs around" "We have enough parks if people need more recreation let them find it and pay for it themselves!I want to see my taxes go down not up!" "The rec center was just built. If we needed those items it should have been done when it was built. Tired of my taxes going up for silly things like this." "We don't use the parks or pools or recreation center,so why pay more?" "Don't use facilities now and would not use new ones" Fund with User Fees, Not Taxes (7%) "Should be 100%self-supporting with membership&user fees" "Make the people who want it-pay,not the people like me who have no need." "I feel the improvements cater to a select few who would use the facilities." "I do not see a need, charge a larger fee for those that would use the indoor facility" 'b 72 aQity 11cHer�ry Reasons • Oppose n Sample Verbatims: Reasons for Oppose Skeptical of Cost/Price (5): "That is too large an increase for a single department. Improvements should be made incrementally." "I'm not opposed to the improvements,and I know it has to be paid for somehow,but raising taxes that much would be a burden to many homeowners." "Your I%rate would jump to 3-4%—a triple to quadruple increase—would support a lesser rate" "We do not have a home worth over$200,000 but we have checked the numbers. McHenry County is the most heavily taxed community in America! We feel that with the amount of taxes taken in that there must be a lot of waste in how it is currently spent.We pay$4500 for a 1500 SF condo in McHenry.! The improvements would be lovely,but work it into to the budgets. Control your spending. Thank you for this opportunity to express our thoughts." Enough Facilities Already Exist (4%) "Facilities are available at other locations,i.e.,Health Bridge, and would be taking business away from them. Park District would be using tax dollars to provide services already available." "Already available at schools,aquatic center, (Knox Park)just duplicating services already available." "We have an outdoor pool,and 1 don't think we need an aquatic park." aQity 73 Potential Improvements: . . Priority �1cHenr}' n Of the improvements tested, nearly half place top priority on an indoor pool ➢ Half as many (roughly one in five overall) feel an outdoor water park/pool and an indoor track are among the most important improvements. Potential Improvements Considered "Top Priority" (multiple responses) Indoor Pool Outdoor Pool/Aquatic Park Indoor Track Two-Court Gym Expanded Indoor Play/Childcare None are Priorities No answer Q29. Which improvement(s)do you consider to be priorities? 74 _aQlty h1cl ien Potential Improvements: • . Priority Many of the proposed improvements are especially appealing to those in the 35-54 age range (especially the pools and gym space). ➢ Men tend to identify the indoor track and gyms as top priorities, more so than women. ➢ Those who do not consider any of these improvements are important include both the newest and longest McHenry residents (who also tend to report no children in their households). Significant Differences: Top Priorities Among Proposed Improvements • Most Likely to Respond Ages 35-44(59%),45-54(54%) Indoor Pool 45% - HH with children(53%,vs.41%of those without) Outdoor Pool/Aquatic Park 23% - Under age 35 (32%), 35-44(39%) HH with children (40%,vs. I I%among those without) Indoor Running Track 21% - Men(27%,vs. 18%of women) Ages 35-44(31%),45-54(23%) Two-Court Gymnasium 14% - Men(20%,vs. 10%of women) HH with children (23%,vs.9%among those without) Expanded Indoor Childcare/Play Space 7% - HH with children(12%,vs.4%among those without) None of Proposed Improvements Are Priorities 1 1% - Lived in McHenry under 6 yrs. (16%)or 36+yrs. (16%) No children in HH (15%) 75 aQity • • 1 10 10 N1cHer u} Topline Report C. McHenry Elernentary School D . Highest regard(9.1a) 26% 25%_____ MCHen N ,, _very positive(s) 23% 24% Somewhat Positive(6.7) 19% 22% Neutral(5) 209/0 18% Negative(o-4) 12% 12% Mean' 6.84 6.87 McHenry Parks and Recreation Department 2017 Community Survey Un mifiare 28% 18% —To pline Results:Random&Public Surveys— D.McHemy Community High School District (Random Survey:n-407 surveys;completed between August.and October 5,2c17; Highest regard(9-1o) 22% 16% (Public Survey:a-302 surveys;completed between October 6 and December 2,2c17; Very positive(8) 21% 24% Somewhat positive(6-7) 24% 24% Neutral(5) 22% 21% Negative(o-4) 12% 25% Mean 6.60 6.44 2.How many years haveyou lived in McHenry? U mQiar* o% 2 % --— Random Public E.McHenry County Conserve on ' ct Sample Survey Hig best regard(9•1o) 38% 38% 094111011 (umrelghted) Very positive(8) 19% 22,10 Less than 5 years 14%_ 121b Somewhat positive(6-7) 70% 11,V. 5.14Years 31% 2.6% Neutral(S) _6Yc 20% 15-24 Years 19% 21016 Negative(o-4) 7% 6% 25-34years 15%- 18% Mean -7.38- 7 54----- - - 35+Years 20% 23'� _ Unfamiliw 30% Mean( 21 years 23 years •Excluded from base 3. What do you(kl most about the McHenry Parks&+ Reuedtion Drpartment7 Random Public Semple Survey 2. Please rate your overall opinion of each group or agency in your community. (weighted) Cunwe kited) (o-io scale) • iNumber/variety S1p�, Sway Youth programs ( ) Events -- Highestregerd(g-1o) a89b 1845 _- Clean/well—maintained Very positive(8) 29% 24% Good park(s(in general Notcod Somewhat positive(6-7) 32% 26�6 Va- /rnrmber of parks,playgrounds Neutral(5) 20% 22% Negative(o-4) so% 10% Pleased with Rec Center(updates,etc.) 22% -- Mean 6.63 6.77 Well-maintained/updated facilities ;% Urt mifiar* 1 % so% 8. McHenry Parks&Recreation Department Friendly/helpful staff .__2 Highestregard(gloj 29% 46% Constant imovation/adding rrw 2Yo Very positive(8) 26% ---- --22% -- arks/fatiliti rams Somewhat positive(6-7) 2s% 23% COST/FEES Neutral(5) 1114 - - --21% - ACCESS/AVAILABILITY(not) 4% - Negative(0-4) 8% 8% Mean 7.26 7.52 Unfamiliar* 13% 3% 1 2 80 aQity McHenry Topline Report 6.Just under%%ofyour property taxes goes to the McHenry Parks& Recreation Department.Thinking about the programs,parks,facilities, 4.What do you dislike most about the McHenry Parks&Recreation and services that the Parks&Recreation Department provides,please Department? rate the overall value that it represents given its share of property taxes. Random (0-10 scale) Sample Survey Random Public (wei bled) tunwei i¢edl _ Sample Survey Unhappywithilt Center _44'e (weighted) (unweigMed) Excellent value(9-10) 384o y;% Too few facilities,general 3% Great value(8) 18a/o 16V. Pools(net) ;;% Good value(6.7) 22% Need indoor pool,general 18% improve/add community pool,general 10s0 Neutrd(S) 13% 16Wo INEENNOZEMUMEMa Poor value(0-4) 9% 11% _ -_,___Want a dog parklmore dog-friendly parks 11% Mtan 7.31 7.4 Poor) mairrtained parks ss% • 7. Which ofthese parks and facilities have you or other household members Programs/classes don't have enough variety 3% visited in the past l2months? Youth programs % provided ! RWW4N l Pub/c More programs for seniors Semple Survey (weighted) (unwe)ghted) Poor comrrunication/marketing % Veterans Memorial Park 65va 60% (uninformed ofefferings,etc.) 5 Petersen Park 63% 63% Dislike specific policies/no enforcement 77 Fort McHenry/Whispering Oaks Park ,6% 5351 As a ' SE , McHenry Recreation Center 41% 68% Improve class scheduling 51/e Knox Park 39% 4G% Lack of nea king,other parking 5W6 `- Fox Ridge Park 23% 3o% .A 11.,` East Beach Park(McCullom Lake) .12% 15% POSITIVE COMMENTS(nothing negative) 29% Merkel Aquatics Center/Outdoor Pool(at Knox Park) 21% 36% Unfamiliar/NA/Refused 12% l Shamrock Farms Park Iwo 11% Jaycees Park_ 14% ao% Mc Bark Dog Park 13% 10% Freund Field 11% 16% West Beach Park(McCullom Lake) 11% 1.0% Althoff Park 11% 6% 5.About what percent of your property taxes do you think goes to the Lakeland Park 1n% 12% McHenry Parks&Recreation Department' McHenry shores Beach 8% 9% Random Public McHenry Zone Skate Park(at Knox Park) 8% 11% Sample Survey Weber's Park /% 8% (,weighted) (un.Nghted) Center Street Park 51/0 8% o-1%(correct response) 15% 13% K iwanis Tat Lot 4% 4% 1-�96 56% ,G% Pebble Creek Park 4% 5% 6-So% 22% 13%b Malibu Playground 4% j% 11-2o% 6% /V. Liberty Trails Park 3% 4% Over zo% 1% 11/6 Cold Springs Park 3% 1% Af—j 5.34 S•S9 Homestead Park 39/o z% Riverside Hollow Park z% 3% Lakeland Park Community Center 1% 8% Creekside Park a% 3% North Oak Park 1% 1% Other 5% 1%_ •Based on multiple responses M selected) 3 4 81 aQity 14c}I(°)Irk Topline Report r Extremely satisfied(9-1o) 51% 48% Very satisfied(8) 25% 15% 8. WN(h pit k1lacililydo you use most often? Somewhat satisfied(6.7) 15% 16% Random Pubic Neither satisfied ncir dissatisfied(5) 16% 16% sample Survey Dissatisfied(0-4) 3% 50/ (weighted) (un weighted)_. __ Mean 8.0 7.78 McHenry Recreation Center 22% 40%_ Veterans Memorial Park 18% 11% Petersen Park 13% 10% Fort McHenry(Whispering Oaks Park 9% 11% 20.Which specif is parks or facilities are you dissatisfied with,and why?(n Knox Park 9% 4% Shamrock Farms Park 6% 4%. reported) _.------- - Random Pubic Semple Survey (u More Upkeep/Better Maintained/More Updates 31 Limited Parking/Limited Handicapped Parking 30 Dislike That Dogs Aren't Allowed 7 9.Thinking about the facilities you have recently visited,please Unsafe,Concerned about Older r Kids Hanging out 6 rate your overall satisfaction.(o-io scale) Lack of indoor pool Rardan -Too few cries/reported Ks Sample Serrvey t h" Extremely satisfied(9.1o) 50% 44% - Very satisfied(8) 14% 22% 11.Why haven't you visited a Parks&Recreation Department park or Somewhat satisfied(6-7) 16% 23% (acilil ?(multiple response;nun-visituis ardO Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied(5) 8% 7% Random Public Dissatisfied(0-4) 1% 4% Sample Survey Mean Oa 8.0 - r (weighted) runwe9,t;dl OverallB. Extremelysatisfied(9.1o) 53%,upkeep 5,% Do not have children or children amgrovirnS - Too busy/Don't have time me 47N- 4 Very satisfied(8) 28% 26% 1 use other facilities for recreation/activities 04 somewhat satisfied(6-7) 195Yc 29% Unfamiliarwith Parks&Recreation Department Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied(5) 5% 7% parks facilities 21% - Dissatisfied(o.4) 5% 39'o Just not interested-e g,not very active 21% 2 Mean 8.18 8.24 CostJFeesam too high 28% 5 • Poor health 134'0 - Fxtremely satisfied(9-io) 6o% 53% No facilities offered for my age group 4% 1 Very satisfied(8) ;; 18% Poor quality/condition of the park facilities 3`4 Somewhat satisfied(6-7) 151/6 29% Dislike the Parks&Recreation Department,had Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied(5) 6% 7% bad experience 2% 1 Dissatisfied(0.4) 4% 3% Location issues,lack oftransportation 114 - Mean j 8. 8.a6 Inconvenient schedulin9t hours of operation 1 D. •, paths, Other 20% c _ Extremely satisfied(9•so) 46% 43% "Based on multiple responses selected) Very satisfied(8) 18% 26% Somewhat satisfied(6-7) 24% 26% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied(5) 9% 9% Dissatisfied(o•4) 3% 6% Mew 7.95 7.85 5 6 op' 82 raQity McHenry Topline Report D. Completely met(5) _3%meets_ _ 6% 22.Which ofthe following indoor facilities do you or your household have a need Somewhat met(4) 89b or interest in?Select all that apply.6/v yes) Average(3) 16% 9% Random Public Not very wel l met(2) 24% 22% sample Survey ____Not at all met(i) 58V, 66% rweignted) (umveighted) - Mean 1.86 1.74 Pool for general recreation,swimming lessons,water S4% 64% le5sons,water therapy,etc. therapy,etc. — Completely met(S) 7% S% Fitnesscenter 49% 4210111 g% S% I nd oo r runni ng a r wal king trac k 43% -37—% Average(;)I 18% 11% Group exercise room or studio 3S% _ 35% Not wry well mat(21 28% 16% Water parkisplash park 3S% _48% Not at all met(1) % 6% Pool for lap swimming,swim meats 33% 42% : h e Mamr. 941— Gym courts for basketball,volle)bAll,etc. 28% 3v% F. Water park/splash park I Multi-purpose or community rooms 25% 19% Indoor playground -q% 21% Completely met( Somewhat met(4) 8% 7% ) 7% ySi_ ChikkarefBabysittingservice 8% 24% Average(3) _ _ io% 8% -Based on multiple responses(%selected) Not very well met(z) xa% 6% Not at all met(1) 64% 75% Mean a a Completely met(5) 42% S1% Somewhat met(4) 269'. 3o% i;. How well is your need or interest in each indoor facility being met(whether Average(3) 19% 9% provided by McHenry Par ks&Recreation or any other source)? Not very well met(z) 4% 8% Random Not at all met(1) 8% 2% Sample Survey Mean .2 (weighted) (unwegMed). .. community Completely met(S) 42% 16% A. Indoor running or Completely met(S)walking 2% 7% Somewhat met(4) 23% 23% Somewhat met(4) 5% 5% Average(3) 1/% 24% Average(3) 13% 5% Not very well met(2) 6% 23% Not very well met(2) 17Yo 9% _ - ___ _ _ Not at all met(2) _ 13% 1 % Not at all met(1) 64% 74% Mean Mean 1.66 1.6 1. Gfoup wwrclso room or ,z •t.r Completely met(5) 41%studio - 49% Somewhat met(4) 24% 32% Completely met(5) 5% 7% Somewhat (31 23% — u!i ---- Somewhat met(4) 14% 5% -- Average(3) 2o% 24% Not very well met(2) 4% 5% Not very well met(2) 19% 3s% Not at all met(1) 8%___ 3% Not at all met(1) 42% 56% Mean 3.86 4.1 Mean ass 2. r: Completely met(5) 39% 22% Completely met(5) 1% 3% Somewhat met(4) 23% 29% Somewhat Met(4) 1% 6% Average(3) 1/% j2% Average(3) 8% 8% Not very well met(2) 13% 24% Not very well met(2) 22% 12% Not at all met(1) 8% 24% Not at all met(2) 77% 71% Mean 3.7 3.1 Mean 1.37 2.,S8 7 8 r' `1 C-1A 83 aQity r-1- 11t'1 iet n • • Report 14. Which one do you think should be atop priority for the Parks&Recreation 16. How well is your need or interest in each indoor facility being met(whether De artmentto provide,add,or improve? provided by McHenry Parks&Recreation or any other source)? Random Public 1W 1W Public _... ... ...,.....,.:....,: Sample Survey IvieiyiteJ) (ornveiyhteul - ) Pool for general recreation,swimming lessons,water 35% 304'oA. Pool for general recreation,swiniming lessons,water therapy, therapy,etc. - indoor running or walking track 17% 18% Completely met(5) 12% 4`fa Water park]splash park_ 25% 26% Somewhat met(4) 24% % Pool for la swimming,swim meets 10% 11%_ 9 P 9. _. _ _ Average(3) 33% 29% Gym courts for basketball,volleyball,etc. q% 10% Not very well met(2) 15% 24% Fitness Center 8% 7% Not at all met(1) _ 15% 344'a _ indoor playground 4% 4% Mean 2.7A 2.26 Group exercise room or studio 2% 3% Multi-purposeorcommunity rooms 1% 19'a - Completely met(5) 10% 6% Somewhat met(4) 20% 10% Average(3) 39% 43% Not very well met(2) 16% 37% Not at all met(1) 761Y. 1r?/o iS.Which ofthe following outdoor facilities do you or your household have a Mean .2.63 2.37 > r', ,s71 2' tf need or interest in.Select all that apply.(% es) Completely met(5) S% 3% m Public Sample Survey Somewhat met(4) 3% % .tweignted) (urnveightec) Average(3) 13% 8% Walking and biking trails 661/o 563'o Not very well met(2) 18% _171ro Pool for general recreation,swimming lessons,water Not at all met(1)._ 61% 709'0 therapy,etc. 44% 45% Mean 1. i. Pool and aquatic park with water slides 39% 52% r Playgrounds__ _ 331k___23% Completely met(5) •214 7% Splash pad at a neighborhood park 30% 39% Somewhat met(4) 4% 5% Pool for lap swimming and swim meets 27% 22% Average(3) /% 1c% Base ballisoftball fields 21% 17410 Not very well met(2) 11% 14% Fields for soccer/football/lacrosse 20% 22% Not at all met(2) 75% 64% -- E. Walking and biking trails Completely met(5) 23% 13% _ Somewhat met(4) 32% 27% Average(3) 32% 35f`o Not very well met(2) 11% 20% Not at_all met(1) 3% S% Mean 3.62 3.21 9 10 Al 84 aQity ToplineReport F. Fields for soccertfootball/lacrosse n Completely met(5) 32% 11% Somewhat met(4) 26% 20?'c i8.Have you or any household member participated in the McHenry Parks& Average(3) 2-7% 37% Recreation De artment programs or events in the past 12 months? Not very well met(2) 14% 3391. _, Random r Not at all met(1) :4'a 9% SamPk Mean 3.7 3.03 - Completely met(5) 38% 26% Fitness programs(grouplpersonaltraining,yoga, Somewhat met(4) 39% 38% etc.) 41% 58% m Average(3) 19% _ 40% Youth sports programs(e.g.,basketball,football, 1% % Not very well met(2) 4% _ ___ 22% softball) 3 Not at all met(1) o% 0 Seniors programs is% 12% Mean 1 4-W o Swimming lessons 21% 13% .. ,` Other sports clinicsilessons 9% 12% Completely met(5) 43% 29% Preschooler/Toddler programs I 9Nu 9% Somewhat met(4) 35% 3/% Summerdaycamp 8% 6% Average(3) 20% 27% Adult cultural arts and dance programs 75c 4%_ Not very well met(2) ]% 4% Natureorerwironmental programs 7% 816 Not at all met(2) o% 3% Tennis lessons 1% 3% _Mean 4-19 3-ft Swimteam 7% 7% Adult sports programs(e.g.,softball,volleyball, basketball) �0 4% Youth cultural arts,music,dance programs 5% 8% _ Special interest programs(e.g.,meditation, cooking,computers) 3% S% IT Which one do you think should be a top priority for the Parks&Recreation ocher programs 5% 5% Department to provide,add,or improve? ----_ Random Pubic Sample Survey River Run 20% _ 14% (wognted) (um e,ghttd) Big Wheels Race -8% S% Walking and biking trails 40% 281/i Daddy-Daughter Dance 6% _ _ _ 7% Pool and aquatic park with water slides 11% 33% ____ Track Meet+_ 4% 4% Splash pad at a neighborhood park _M% _2$" Turkey Burn 2% 5% Pool for general recreation,swimming lessons,water 12% 11% Otherevent 8% 4% therapy,etc. __ Pool for lap swimming,swim meets 5% _ % Playgrounds 4% 3% Fields for soccer/football/lacrosse 3% 1% 19.How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the McHenry Parks& Baseballisoftball fields 1% 4% Recreation programs or everts you have recently participated in? (0 20 scale) Random Public Survey ..d) lunwelghted) Extremely satisfied(9-so)_ -52% 42/c Very satisfied(9) 21% 1gV. Somewhat satisfied(6.7) 24% 23Y' N either satisfied nor dissatisfied()_._ _ 9% lily,_ Dissatisfied(0.4) 4% Mean 8.09 11 12 85 aQity MC��Eilly `n Topline Report C. Adult programs/classestsports Completely met(5) 14% 11% 20. If you are dissatisfied with any program or Somewhat met(4) 23% 25% event,indicate which one(s)and why. Average(3) 42% 38% RardonSample Pubic Not very well met(7) 13% V,% (wei hted) (utvre Not at all met(1) qS4 214u n-26.Resu!(sprovuledin Final Mean .0 1.22 Report. D. Completely met(5) 20% 6% Somewhat met(rk 42% _--—_---33Ye Average( 28% 42% Nat very wel I met(2) 6% 15Yo 21.Which of the following recreational programs or activities do you or your Not at all met(2) 49A S% household have a need or interest in?Select all that apply. Now 2.6.9 3-2 Random Public E. Fitnessprograms Sample Survey Completely met(5) 28% x7% (weighted) (unweighted) Somewhat met(4) 22% 42% Fitness programs 42V 5&a Average g (3) 26% 19% Adult programs/classes/sports 39% 38Y. Not very we]I met(2) 17?'! c% Special events 31'/i 22% Not at all met(1) 7'�,b a4o Active adult(S5+)activities 27% 30% Mean 3.47 .8 Youth programs/classes/sports 28% 27% --" Swimming lessons 14% 18% Before-/After-school programs for ages 5-22 m% 12% Completely met( 2 3% Somewhat met(44)) 14%% 254'0 Preschool/roddlerprograms g% 20% Average(3) 19% 37% Summercamp g% 9;1 Not very wel I Met(2) 12% 22% Recreational swim team(s)forages 5.2o 6% 11% Not at all met(1) 24% 24% Mean a-77 2.52 G. Swimming lessons - -- -- Completely met(5) 26% 9% 21. How well is your need or interest in each recreational program/activity Somewhat met(4) 29% 259'e being met(whether provided by McHenry Parks&Recreation or any other Average(3) 19% 26% source)? Not very well met(2) 19% 25% Random Pubic Not at all met(1) 17% 25% Survey Mean a-72 (unwelghteen Completely met(5) 23Vc 8% Completely met(5) 28% 12%_ Somewhat met(4) 39% 25% Somewhat Met(4) 13% 13% Average(3) 14% _ 42% Average(3) 20% 28% Not very well met(2) 17% % Not very well met(2) 18% 3% Not at all met(1) 7% 21% Not at all met W 22% 44% Meart 2.96 Meant .0111 2 B. Completely met(5) 34% 10% Completely met(5) 24% 10% Somewhat met(4) 44% 27% Somewhat met(4) u% 25% Average(3) 23% 479/0 Average(3) „41% 38VO Not very well met(2) 5% 23% Not very well met(2) 23% 27% _ Not at all met(1) 24% 13% Not at all met(1) 12% 10% Mfanr 349 2,97 Mean 2,y-4 349 13 14 86 aQity Mc Hen Topline Report Completely met(5) 22% 5% Athletic/Sports(e.g.,t-ball,softball,gymnastics) 7 Somewhat met(4) 2845 28'V¢ Before•/Afte r-School programs 4 Average(3) 40'^ 489/0 Teen piog rams Not very well met(2) 3q: 134% Arts/Language programs 2 all Not at a met(1) 7% 6% - - -- -- —._. ___ +Too fewcasesl repented Ws Mean 3.53 3.13 23.Which one do you think should be a top priority for the Parks&Recreation Department to provide,add,or improve? 25. From what sources do you get information about the McHenry Parks&Recreation Random Pubic Department and its ro rams, arks facilities,or services? Sample Survey y Random-• (weighted) (unweghted) Sample Survey Active adult(55+)activities 26% 18% (weighted) (vnweigMed) Fitness programs 29% 21% Local rews newspaper a rintoronline P P (P ) 30% 211,b Youth programs/classes/sports 15% 24% City of McHenry government(visit,website,or phone call) 37% 28% / Special events 13% 8% McHenry Parks&Recreation website 48% 401, Adult programs/classeslsports 11% 16% Call the Parks&Recreation main office 24% 11% Before-/After-school programs for ages 5-12 5% 4% Parks&Recreation Department's printed program guide 591Y. 66% PreschoolfToddler programs i�% 6% Digital sign at Fort McHenry Park 16% 13% Swimming lessons 3% 5% McHenry Public Library(visit,website,or phone call) 25% 8% Summercamp 3 1'� 2% Rely on word of mouth from family,friends,or neighbors 27% 19% Recreational swim team(s)for ages 5-so 1% 5% "- -- -- - Social media,such as Facebook,Twitter,etc. lb'% 27°/¢ Communications from local schools g% 9% Other website 3% Othersource 49r 24'0 sy. Are there any other specific program(s)or event(s)that you'd like the Parks& -- Keaedtion Department to offer?(reported n) Rs — Pu _ Sample Survey (urwcighted) (unwe d) 26 Which is our Lcfrrred source of information? FitnesslSports(e.g.,aquatics,group fitness, Random Public dance,yoga/Pilateslbarre,senior exercise 7i Sample Survey programs,group walkinglhiking) _ (weighted) (unweghted) EventslTrips 19 Parks&Recreation DepertrrrarlYs printed program guide 45% 41% Arts/Lifestyle programs(e.g.,arts/crafts,nutrition) 4 McHenry Parks&Recreation website 18% 33% �' — Local news paper(pri tit or online) lo% 2% FitnesslSports(e.g.,aquatics,softball, 4o City of McHenry government(visit,website,or phone call) 9% 5% yoga/Pilateslbarre,group fitness,hockey) _ Call the Parks&Recreation main office 6% 2% Arts/Lifestyle programs(e.g.,general arts/craft, 8 Other website 34'r nutrition) Rely on word of mouth from family,friends,or neighbors 3% 11y. Events/Trips 6 Communications from local schools 24'r 1% Social media,such as Facebook,Twitter,etc. 2% 12% Athletic/Sports(e.g.,aquatics,group fitness,dance) 26 Events/trips 16 McHenry Public Library(visit,website,or phone call) 1% 1% Youth programs,general 2 Digital sign at Fort McHenry Park 1% - Arts programs,general 2 _ , Othersource c% IYa 1s 16 87 aQlty ul In Topline Report 3o. Do you support or oppose the McHenry Parks&Recreation 28B. Why do you support these proposed improvements?Please be as Department upgrading and improving the McHenry Rec Center to s ecificas ossible. meet the community's recreational needs?This would include adding a z-court gymnasium;an indoor running track;an indoor pool with lap lanes,a splash pad,and therapy pool;expanded S indoor playlchildcare space;and an outdoor pool and aquatic park. •'' • These expanded facilities would mean an increase of si5o in annual Proposed facilities an needed 49% Property taxes on the average home valued atszoo,coo. Benefits the community 294'o Random Public Pro-fitness/healthy lifestyle ss% Sample Survey Increases property value 11% (weighted) (unwelghtsd) Potential source of new revenues 4% Strongly Support 58% •• Somewhat Support 4c% 23% Good value(low price forthe return) 6% Somewhat Oppose W", 5% Strongly Oppose i3% 3%, Concerns about fees increasing as well as taxes 7Yb Taxes are already too high 6% Skepticalofprice a% 28A. Wiry do you oppose these proposed improvements?Please be 29. Which of those improvements do you consider to be priorities? asspecific as possible. Random public Random Pic Sample Survey Sanvk Survey (weighted) (unweighted) (welghtIs Indoor pool with lap lanes,a splash pad,and therapy pool 45% 5t% Taxes are already too high 74% Outdoor pool and aquatic park a3% 34% Would never use/Unsure if facility Indoor running track zt4'owould be used to full potential Charge user fees instead of raising taxes(only 2-,court gymnasivm 14% 1,% charge users/new residents) 7% Expanded indoorplsy(childcare space 7% 129'. Skepticalofprice 5% __.______._ _ _. None u% 4 Enough recreation options)no need for more 4% Concerns about fees increasing as well as taxes 7% Otheropposition 590 SUP P RT Propos ed facil ities arc needed 2% 17 lg 88 aQity rt 11('}It'I]IT" • • • • DEMOGRAPHICS 30. Other than the McHenry Parks&Recreation Deoartment narks and borri facilities.what facilities does your household use for recreation or fitness?Please 3t.What is our age?(In what year were you Rando publi list specificallyany other Parks&Recreation Depdrl rients,forest preserve m Public cr districts,private facilities(health/fitness clubs,countryclubs,YMCAs,etc.)that 35 Sample Survey you use. (weighted) (unw6c/. r)' Y Y Under I 7tYo :6r/a Random Public 3S•4f 10% 334/a (Sanrpk) survell,fun httd) _SS•54 11% -�Sy SS 64I 17% 18% s •• 65s tu% IS% we • McHenry County Conservation District 24% State Parks rc% 31.What is your(lender? Crystal Lake Park District 17%- Random Pubic Woodstock Recreation Dept. 8% Sample Survey Other Forest Preserve Districts Sy, (w.eighted) lunwe,ghtedl (i.e.Cook,Lake) Male 47% '�W, Other Park,�iicct/Dept. 5% Female _ 53% 78-y' 'i Centegra Health Bridge Fitness Center 1 (Crystal Lake) * . Includin ourself,ho many people. YMCA 6% C } 2 Charter Fitness 6% Random Public I Random Public Random Public Random Public Goff Courses 2%_ Snap Fitness 2% ...live in your household? 21% g% 37% 30% 43% 61% .:7:fifnap ...are under age l8? 384�0 30% 234'e 20% 26Vi a93'o 13% 12% ...are 6 or older? 1% 1 % 1 1% 1 Yo 1 % 1% 1% Public/outdoorwalking/bikirg paths 21% McHenry Township Recreation 7% Center&Senior Services -- . Which of the folbwin identifies urethnic" ? • R• i (weighted) White/Caucasion 90/0 97% Hispanic 5% Zoo Asian 19'0 I% Black/African American 04'6 1% Other 1% --- eased on mr4t4dir mpcnses. 35.Please list any language(s)spoken in your home(other than English). (n reported) Random Pubic Sample .at (unweighted) ( Spanish 7 Not codd. German I 4 Responses Polish' 4 provided _ French 3 separately. -------_-- *Too fewcasesf reported n's. 19 20 AM 89 aQity AGENDA ITEM 3—Recreation Center Expansion Referendum Proposed Ballot Question In November of 2017, City Council was presented with the results of the Community Needs Assessment of the Parks and Recreation Department facilities and programs. This statistically valid survey polled an indicative cross section of our community and the results spoke loud and clear of what our residents are interested in and looking for the City and the Parks and Recreation Department to provide. Excerpts of the Community Needs Assessment have been attached to this agenda for review. Both outdoor and indoor aquatics ranked at the top of their respective lists: • 38% placed outdoor aquatic elements as their top item. Only walking paths at 40% ranked higher. • 60% of those polled ranked indoor aquatic elements at their top priority; then followed by a walking/running track and gym courts. Maybe the largest indicator of the community's desire to attain these elements was expressed in a question directly related to their willingness to pay for the additions through an increased property tax via referendum. • 69% either Strongly Supported or Somewhat Supported the increase in taxes for the amenities. • 13%Somewhat Opposed • 18%Strongly Opposed With this information in hand, the next step was to explore the viability of the Recreation Center as a whole when all the elements are added. The proforma that was reviewed this evening prior to this agenda item answered that question. When all elements are present, the facility will continue to support itself and to make money that would be set aside for future capital items or improvements at the facility as they become necessary. The last step in this process to review and ultimately approve a ballot measure that would be placed on the November 6, 2018 General Election ballot. A ballot measure has been included to review and discuss. The ordinances that would accompany the ballot measure have also been developed. The tax rate increase is based on the overall cost of all the additions; $30 Million. The debt service sheets have also been attached from the bond council. Once the ballot measure has been declared and voted on by the City Council an organic grass roots campaign can begin. Any campaign dollars spent by the city would be taken from the recreation center fund and could solely be used for an informational campaign and not one to solicit votes. Information and education will be the key to our community deciding what THEY want. COMMUNITY SURVEY FORTHE MCHENRY PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. aQiry Research sear<Fd Insights Evanston, IL rIA `aQiry 11cHen Table of Contents SECTION PAGE Methods 3 Sample Demographics 4 Executive Summary 6 Detailed Findings: I. Overall Opinions of McHenry Parks & Recreation Department 14 II. McHenry Parks & Recreation Department's Park and Facility Usage 28 III. Levels of Interest/Unmet Needs Among Outdoor Recreational Facilities 34 IV. Levels of Interest/Unmet Needs Among Indoor Recreational Facilities 43 V. McHenry Parks & Recreation Department Program/Event Participation and Needs 51 VI. Potential Improvements and Willingness To Pay 65 VII. McHenry Parks & Recreation Department Communications 76 APPENDICES: 79 SurveyTopline 80 " 2 aQity Research Methods District-wide sample of n=407 households. i Data collection between August 2 and October 5, 2017. Residents were given several response options: MAILED PHONE ONLINE QUESTIONAIRE INTERVIEW n= 171 229 7 y Average survey length was approximately 14 minutes. Sample was weighted to match updated US Census data for the City of McHenry (by region,gender,age,ethnicity,and percentage of households with children). r Assuming no sample bias,the margin of error is +/- 4.9% (at the 95% confidence level) *. In addition to sampling error, question wording, respondent error, and practical difficulties in conducting surveys may introduce error or bias in any opinion poll. 3 aQity McHenry ,1 n Sample Demographics Methods: Sample Demographics (weighted to reflect US Census data for McHenry) Gender* Length of Residence in Area Male 47% Less than 5 years 14% Female 53% 5-14 years 31 15-24 years 19% Age* 25-34 years 15% Under 35 21% 35 years+ 20% ............................................................................................ 35-44 20% Mean (years) 21 45-54 22% 55-64 17% Ethnicity* ° + White 94% ............................................................................. Mean (years) 50 Hispanic 5% Asian 0.5% Children in Household* Black/African American 0% es °° Other 0.5% No 65% *Weighted to 2016 Census data. Census targets used for weighting are provided in the Appendix 4 aQlty 14c1 knr�' Sample Demographics Methods: Regional Distribution of Survey Respondents �• �� NW NE Regions* �Z Northwest 17% �• � • ,• • � �"��• __� Northeast 8/° .�• • • Southwest 53% ,•• s •� ••' t •;• _ .. Southeast 22% ; or •• , `; n - . •_• Sw >- L . . • S E *Weighted to 2016 Census data. Census targets used for weighting are provided in the Appendix 5 aQity - __ -. -- LAW OFFICES ZUKOWSIU,ROGERS,FLOOD & WARDLE 50 VIRGINIA STREET CRYSTAL LAKE,ILLINOIS 60014 (815)459-2050 MICHAEL J.SMORON FAX(815)459-9057 msmoron@zrfmlaw.com www.zrfmlaw.com April 23, 2018 Via E-Mail: bhobson(1cLm.chenry.i1.us Bill Hobson Director of Parks &Recreation City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 RE: Referendum Question Re Recreation Center Addition Dear Bill: I did not hear back on what the amount was that the City was going to ask for(i.e., $30 million bond issue vs. $35 million bond issue). The revised language in the ballot is based on the lower amount. The 2017 levy is from the McHenry County Tax Computation Report. As David points out, we would want to run this language by our bond counsel. Finally,has the City analyzed whether EAV is increasing or decreasing over the last two to three years' time in connection with setting the proposed rate for the recreation center addition? Sincerely, Michael J. Smoron MJS:cw cc: David McArdle ................... ............ .................... ............................................... ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Providing for and Requiring the Submission of the Proposition of'Increasing the Extension Limitation of the City qf McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois, at the General Election to be held an November 6, 2018 WHEREAS,the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois,is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII,Section 6,of the Constitution of the State of Illinois,and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home-rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. WHEREAS, the City Council (the "Corporate Authorities") of the City of McHenry, McHenry County,Illinois(the"City"),deems it advisable,necessary and in the best interests of the City that the proposition therefore be submitted to the voters of the City at an election to be held and conducted in accordance with the general law: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, McHENRY COUNTY,,ILLINOIS,as follows: Section 1. Election. That the proposition described in section 6 herein shall be submitted to the voters of the City in accordance with the general election law at the general election to be held on Tuesday,the 6'11 day of November,2018,between the hours provided by law for voting on such day (the"Election"). Section 2. Election Precincts. That the Election shall be held in the voting precincts and at the polling places established by the County Board (the "County Board") of McHenry County, Illinois (the"County"), for voters of the City at the Election. Section 3. Notice. That the County Clerk of the County(the"County Clerk") shall give notice of the Election in accordance with the general election law by publishing notice thereof once in one or more local,community newspapers published in and having general circulation in the City, the dates of such publications of such notices to be not more than 30 nor less than 10 days prior to the date set for the Election. The ballot shall also be published as required by the Election Code. Section 4. Newspaper. That it is hereby found and determined that the Northwest Herald, Crystal Lake,Illinois, is a local, community newspaper published in McHenry County and having general circulation in the City under Sections 12-4 and 12-5 of the Election Code of the State of Illinois, as amended(the"Election Code"). Section5. Form of Notice. That the notice of the Election shall,subject to any modification necessary to comply with the Election Code, include the following: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the general election to be held on Tuesday,the 6' day of November, 2018 the following proposition will be submitted to the voters of the City of McHenry,McHenry County, Illinois: Shall the extension limitation of.739407 for the City of McHenry,McHenry County, Illinois,be increased 43%for 2018 to finance the recreation center addition that will include an indoor pool, a gymnasium and an outdoor family aquatic park? The polls at such election will be open at 6:00 a.m.and continue to be open until 7:00 p.m.of that day. Dated this day of , 2018. /s/Katherine C. Schultz County Clerk,McHenry County,Illinois The notice may also enumerate the precincts and polling places. Ili any event the ballot form and notice enumerating the precincts and polling places shall be published as required by the Election Code. Section 6. Election. That the ballot to be used at the Election shall be in substantially the following form,with such alterations,changes,insertions and deletions as maybe required byArticle 24A of the Election Code if an electronic, mechanical or electric voting system (the "Electronic Voting System")is used at the Election: (Face of Ballot) OFFICIAL BALLOT PROPOSITION TO INCREASE THE EXTENSION LIMITATION (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Punch opp) Shall the extension limitation of.739407 for the City of McHenry,McHenry County, Illinois,be increased 43%for 2018 to finance the recreation center addition that will include an indoor pool, a gymnasium and an outdoor family aquatic park? Precinct Number: Polling Place: /s/Katherine C. Schultz County Clerk, McHenry County,Illinois i Section 7. Electronic Voting. That,if an Electronic Voting System is used in the County, the County Clerk shall publish, not less than five(5) days prior to the Election, a true and legible copy of the specimen ballot label containing the question to be voted upon at the Election in two or more newspapers published in and having general circulation in the County. i Section 8. Judges. That the Election shall be conducted by the election judges appointed by the County Board to act in the precincts at which such proposition will be submitted to the voters of the City of the County. Section 9.Certification to County Clerk. That after the adoption hereof and not less than 79 days prior to the date of the Election, the City Clerk shall certify a copy hereof to the County Clerk in order that the proposition set forth herein may be submitted to the voters of the City at the Election. Section 10. Canvass. That the Election shall be held and conducted and the returns thereof duly canvassed, all in the manner and time as provided by the general election law. Section 11. Conflict. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby superseded, that this ordinance be in full force and effect forthwith upon its adoption and that this ordinance shall be deemed to be subject to modification in application to comply with the general election law. Ayes: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED: (SEAL) Mayor Wayne Jett ATTEST: City Clerk Lynzi Nevitt Passed: Approved: Z.V"cHenryCityof OrdinancesIReferendum.doc i CERTIFICATION I,LYNZI NEVITT,do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed,acting and qualified Clerk of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and that as such Clerk, I ain the keeper of the records and minutes and proceedings of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City of McHenry. ' I do hereby further certify that at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of McHenry,held on the day of , 2018, the foregoing Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Providing for and Requiring the Submission of the Proposition oflncreasing the Extension Limitation of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois,at the General Election to be held on November 6,2018,was duly passed by the City Council of the City of McHenry. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof,was prepared,and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the City Hall,commencing on the day of 2018,and will continue for at least 10 days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance are also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the City Clerk. I do further certify that the original, of which the attached is a true and correct copy, is entrusted to me as the Clerk of said City for safekeeping, and that I am the lawful custodian and keeper of the same. GIVEN under my hand and seal this day of 2018. Lynzi Nevitt, Clerk City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois (SEAL) i STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY ) CERTIFICATION OF ORDINANCE I,the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois(the"City"),and that as such official I am the keeper of the records and files of the City. I do further certify that the foregoing is a full,true and complete excerpt from the proceedings of the meeting of the City Council (the "Corporate Authorities") held on the day of 2018,insofar as the same relates to the adoption of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Providing.for and Requiring the Submission of the Proposition of Increasing the Extension Limitation of the City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois, at the General Election to be held on November 6, 2018 a true. correct and complete copy of which ordinance as adopted at said meeting appears in the foregoing transcript of the minutes of such meeting. I do further certify that the deliberations of the Corporate Authorities on the adoption of such ordinance were conducted openly,that the vote on the adoption of such ordinance was taken openly and was preceded by a public recital of the matter being considered and such other information as would inform the public of the business being conducted,that such meeting was held at a specified time and place convenient to the public,that notice of such meeting was dulygiven to all ofthe news media requesting such notice,that such meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the open meetings laws of the State of Illinois,as amended,and with the provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code of the State of Illinois, as amended, and that the Corporate Authorities have complied with all of the procedural rules of the City. To the County Clerk of McHenry County: There is hereby certified to the County Clerk of the County of McHenry, Illinois for submitting to the voters of the City at the general election to be held on the 6t'day of November 2018, the proposition set forth in such ordinance, which such ordinance was duly adopted by the Corporate authorities on the date set forth above. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature, this day of 2018. Lynzi Nevitt, Clerk City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018 ***Preliminary,November 29, 2017* Sources & Uses Dated 12i'15/2018 I Delivered 1 211 5/201 8 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $35,000,000.00 Total Sources $35,000,000.00_ Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (0.800°/,) 280,000.00 Costs of Issuance 125 000.00 Rounding Amount 34,595,000.00 Total Uses $35,000,000.00 2018 Ref Bonds.112917 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/292017 1 2:02 PM Speer PLiblic Finance C011SLdtalltS Since 1954 Page City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018 ***Preliminary,November 29,2017*** Debt Service Schedule Part 1 of 2 Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 12/15/2018 06/15/2019 - - 513,300.00 513,300.00 12/15/2019 1,380,000.00 1.500% 513,300.00 1,893,300.00 2,406,600.00 06/15/2020 - - 502,950.00 502,950.00 12/15/2020 1,400,000.00 1.700% 502 950.00 1,902,950.00 2 405 900.00 06/15/2021 - - 491,050.00 491,050.00 12/15/2021 1,425,000.00 1.800% 491,050.00 1,916,050.00 2,407,100.00 06/15/2022 - - 478,225.00 478,225.00 12/15/2022 1,450,000.00 2.000% 478,225.00 1,928,225.00 2,406,450.00 06/15/2023 - - 463 725.00 463 725.00 12/15/2023 1,480,000.00 2.150% 463,725.00 1,943,725.00 2,407,450.00 06/15/2024 - - 447,815.00 447,815.00 12/15/2024 1,510,000.00 2.300% 447,815.00 1,957,815.00 2,405,630.00 06/15/2025 - - 430,450.00 430,450.00 - 12/15/2025 1,545,000.00 2.400% 430 450.00 1,975,450.00 2 405 900.00 06/15/2026 - - 411,910.00 411,910.00 - 12/15/2026 1,585,000.00 2.600% 411,910.00 1,996,910.00 2,408,820.00 06/15/2027 - - 391,305.00 391,305.00 12/15/2027 1,625,000.00 2.750% 391,305.00 2,016,305.00 2,407,610.00 06/15/2028 - - 368 961.25 368 961.25 12/15/2028 1,670,000.00 2,850% 368,961.25 2,038,961.25 2,407,922.50 06/15/2029 - - 345,163.75 345,163.75 12/15/2029 1,720,000.00 2.950% 345,163.75 2,065,163.75 2,410,327.50 06/15/2030 - - 319,793.75 319,793.75 12/15/2030 1 770 000.00 3.050% 319 793.75 2,089,793.75 2,409,587.50 06/15/2031 - - 292,801.25 292,801.25 12/15/2031 1,825,000.00 3.200% 292,801.25 2,117,801.25 2,410,602.50 06/15/2032 - - 263,601.25 263,601.25 12/15/2032 1,880,000.00 3.200% 263,601.25 2,143,601.25 2,407,202.50 06/15/2033 - 233 521.25 233 521.25 12/15/2033 1,940,000.00 3.400% 233,521.25 2,173,521.25 2,407,042.50 06/15/2034 - - 200,541.25 200,541.25 12/15/2034 2,005,000.00 3.550% 200,541.25 2,205,541.25 2,406,082.50 06/15/2035 - - 164,952.50 164,952.50 12/15/2035 2 080 000 00 3 650% 164,952.50 2,244 952.50 2,409,905.00 06/15/2036 - - 126,992.50 126,992.50 12/15/2036 2,155,000.00 3.700% 126,992.50 2,281,992.50 2,408,985.00 06/15/2037 - - 87,125.00 87,125.00 12/15/2037 2,235,000.00 3.800% 87,125.00 2,322,125.00 2,409,250.00 06/15/2038 - - 44 660.00 4466000 12/15/2038 2,320,000.00 3.850% 44,660.00 2,364,660.00 2,409,320.00 Total $35,000,000.00 - $13,157,687.50 $48,1579687.50 2018 Ref Bonds.112917 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11292017 1 2:02 PM Speer g- Consultants Public Finance City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018 ***Preliminary,November 29,2017*** Sources & Uses Dated 12/15/2018 1 Delivered 12/15/2018 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $30,000,000.00 Total Sources $30,000,000.00 Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (0 800%) 240,000.00 Costs of Issuance 125,000.00 Rounding Amount 29,635,000.00 Total Uses $30,000,000.00 2018 Ref Bonds.112917 I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/2WM17 1 2:08 PM Speer Page 1 City of McHenry,McHenry County,Illinois General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018 ***Preliminary,November 29, 2017* Debt Service Schedule Part 1 of 2 Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 12/15/2019 - - - 06/15/2019 - - 439,926.25 439,926.25 - 12/15/2019 1,185,000.00 1.500010 439,926.25 1,624,926.25 2,064,852.50 06/15/2020 - - 431,038.75 431,038.75 12/15/2020 1,200,000.00 1.700% 431 038.75 1,631,038.75 2,062,077.50 06/15/2021 - - 420,838.75 420,838.75 - 12/15/2021 1,220,000.00 1.8000/0 420,838.75 1,640,838.75 2,061,677.50 06/15/2022 - - 409,858.75 409,858.75 12/15/2022 1,245,000.00 2.000% 409,858.75 1,654,858.75 2,064,717.50 06/15/2023 - 397 408.75 397,408.75 12/15/2023 1,270,000.00 2.150% 397,408.75 1,667,408.75 2,064,817.50 06/15/2024 - - 383,756.25 383,756.25 12/15/2024 1,295,000.00 2.300% 383,756.25 1,678,756.25 2,062,512.50 06/15/2025 - - 368,863.75 368,863.75 12/15/2025 1,325,000.00 2 400% 368 863.75 1,693,863.75 2,062,727.50 06/15/2026 - - 352,963.75 352,963.75 - 12/15/2026 1,360,000.00 2.6000/6 352,963.75 1,712,963.75 2,065,927.50 06/15/2027 - - 335,283.75 335,283.75 - 12/15/2027 1,395,000.00 2.750% 335,283.75 1,730,283.75 2,065,567.50 06/15/2028 - - 316102.50 316,102.50 - 12/15/2028 1,430,000.00 2.850% 316,102.50 1,746,102.50 2,062,205.00 06/15/2029 - - 295,725.00 295,725.00 12/15/2029 1,475,000.00 2.950% 295,725.00 1,770,725.00 2,066,450.00 06/15/2030 - - 273,968.75 273,968.75 12/15/2030 1,515,000.00 3 050% 273 968.75 1,788,968.75 2,062,937,50 06/15/2031 - - 250,865.00 250,865.00 12/15/2031 1,560,000.00 3.200% 250,865.00 1,810,865.00 2,061,730.00 06/15/2032 - - 225,905.00 225,905.00 - 12/15/2032 1,610,000.00 3.200% 225,905.00 1,835,905.00 2,061,810.00 06/15/2033 200145.00 200,145.00 12/15/2033 1,665,000.00 3.400% 200,145.00 1,865,145.00 2,065,290.00 06/15/2034 - 171,840.00 171,840.00 12/15/2034 1,720,000.00 3.550% 171,840.00 1,891,840.00 2,063,680.00 06/15/2035 - 141,310.00 141,310.00 12/15/2035 1,780,000.00 3 650% 141 310.00 1,921,310.00 2,062,620.00 06/15/2036 - 108,825.00 108,825.00 - 12/15/2036 1,845,000.00 3.700% 108,825.00 1,953,825.00 2,062,650.00 06/15/2037 - - 74,692.50 74,692.50 - 12/15/2037 1,915,000.00 3.800% 74,692.50 1,989,692.50 2,064,385.00 06/15/2038 38 307.50 38,307.50 12/15/2038 1,990,000.00 3.850% 38,307.50 2,028,307.50 2,066,615.00 Total $30,000,000.00 - $11,275,250.00 $41,275,250.00 - 2018 Ref Sonds.112917 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 11/292017 1 2:02 PM Speer Public Finance Consultants Since 1954 Page 1 All groups in McHenry are favorable toward the Parks & Recreation Department. v No segment rated the Department unfavorably. The lowest scores come from the newest McHenry residents (average ratings of 6.7;still positive). y Conversely, long-term residents and households with children give the Department its highest scores. Y Similarly,the other agencies also tend to be rated more favorably among longer-term McHenry residents and those with children under age 18. Differences by Subgroups: Overall Esteem RatingI Overall Avg. Lower Esteem Higher Esteem McHenry Parks & Recreation Department 7.3 No children in HH (7.0) Children in HH (7.7) Lived in McHenry<10 yrs. (6.7) Lived in McHenry 10-29 yrs. (7.5) City of McHenry Government 6.6 - No children in HH (6.4) - Children in HH (7.0) Ages 55-64(6.4) - Ages 65+(7.0) Men(6.5) Women (7.2) McHenry Elementary School District 15 6.8 No children in HH (6.5) Children in HH (7.4) Lived in McHenry<10 yrs. (6.3) Lived in McHenry 10+yrs. (6.9) McHenry Community High School - No children in HH (6.4) - Children in HH (7.0) District 156 6.6 - Southwest region (6.4) - Northeast region (7.1) Lived in McHenry< 10 yrs. (6.3) - Lived in McHenry 10-19 yrs. (6.9) McHenry County Conservation District 7.4 - No children in HH (7.1) Children in HH (7.9) 16 McHenry Parks & it i - Esteem While the Parks & Rec Department receives high marks, it slightly lags benchmark comparisons from nearby independent park districts. Y Parks agencies in the area tend to receive more of the highest ratings (9 or higher on a 0-10 scale),while the McHenry Parks & Recreation Department tends to garner more of the positive scores in the"somewhat-to-very positive" range (6-8 ratings on the 0-10 scale). Y As a result,the Departments average rating is slightly lower than the benchmarks. McHenry Parks & Rec Department Esteem Compared to Benchmarks Avg. (mean) Rating: 7.3 7.9 7.8 ■Highest Regard(9-10) Very Positive(8) 81% 76% 82% 26% 0 Favorable Somewhat Positive(6-7) Neutral(5) 25% 23% ■Negative Esteem(0-4) 11% 10% McHenry Parks/Rec Dept. Statewide Benchmark Nearby Park District/Agency (2017) (2013) Benchmark(2013) Q2. Please rate your overall opinion of each group or agency in your community on a 0-10 scale(0=dislike completely,5=neutral, 10=highest regard). *2013 benchmark comparisons with park agencies in communities close to McHenry,specifically in McHenry County and in western Lake County (generally covering the Algonquin,Antioch, Cary, Barrington, Crystal Lake, Fox Lake, Fox River Grove, Grayslake, Harvard, Hawthorn Woods, r� Huntley, Island Lake,Johnsburg, Lake in the Hills, Lake Villa, Lake Zurich, Marengo,Oakwood Hills, Round Lake,Spring Grove,Wauconda,Wonder Lake,Woodstock area) 17 aQity McHenry Parks & Rec Dept.Strengths Residents most often appreciate the Department's programs and events, followed closely by its well-maintained parks. One in four also cite the Department's facilities as a top strength, primarily the Rec center. Top Strengths (open-ended) Programs/Events (Net) Number/Variety of programs Feedback on McHenry Parks Youth programs specifically & Rec Strengths? Events Parks (Net) Clean,well-maintained Good parks, general '\'M* Offered Feedback Variety/Number of Parks 6% . . . 69% Buildings/Facilities (Net) / Rec Center i Well-maintained/updated facilities 3% Nothing Positive Staff/Administration �'. 2% Friendly, Helpful Innovative,Always Something New 2% Q3. What do you like most about the McHenry Parks&Recreation Department or what does it do particularly well? (most frequent multiple open- �aQity ended responses) 18 ,idaai s+ McHenry ParksRec Department Strengths kcnn + SampleVerbatims: Parks & Rec Department Strengths Programs/Events (48%) "Great programs for the community such as the River Run." "I really enjoy the free classes when you are a member, and the classes for kids." "I'm not that familiar with the Park District but I do like the fact they manage the July 4th fireworks." "I really like the Thursday night band concerts" "Local events like concerts,Fiesta Days, Celebration events in the park" "Concerts in the park (Veterans);Thur. pm farmers market;pool;entertainment;festivals(Petersen Park)" "it has nice day camps and kids programs. We have participated on the swim team for years and wish we had a nicer pool." "1 like the variety of activities for the kids. There are also activities at different times of the day to suit different needs." "My kids have been doing the S star sports classes for a couple years and we couldn't be happier. During the summer the kids did floor hockey. They've also done the track and field. Both classes were great" "Offers great programs for toddlers/preschoolers" "They have added more youth programs." "Seems to offer a decent diversity of offerings in its overall programming" Parks (46): "Clean-up after events in park is typically prompt and well done.Nice job addressing the littering." "Veterans Park is very clean and we enjoy all the activities they have there." "The beach areas are nice,and the path by Knox Park" "My kids love the parks near our house. It's nice to have so many options and places to go." "I like Petersen Park,it just needs a little more updating" "McHenry does have a number of nice parks that put on some fun events." "The parks are a nice place to spend some time.My favorite is Veteran's Park." "Has useful parks&trails." "The McBark Dog Park and admiring all the preserved land" "There are plenty of parks and they are kept safe and clean. 1 especially like Fort McHenry when the grandkids come to visit" "The parks I've visited are clean and mowed all the time.Each time I've rented has been excellent" "The parks appear to be well kept for kids to have sports activities" 19 aQity Sample Verbatims: Parks & Rec Department Strengths (cont'd) Buildings/Facilities (25): "The new recreation center provides a hub for the community to come together." "The pool and gym are nice. The new walking path is also nice." "Nice to see growth&expansion. The new Rec facility is nice and the progress has been welcomed" "Rec center is a beautiful building,good classes,well maintained" "The rec center is fantastic. We are there probably every other day. We also use the pool." "9 like the new rec facility, and they have activities for seniors." `Tm really happy with the fitness center. All machines work perfect,staff is knowledgeable and friendly." "The new rec center is great. My family is there all the time." "Good pool,softball is great" "I love all the playgrounds for the kids." "Community swimming pool" Staff/Administration (10): "The customer service is excellent, and my kids love the babysitters in childcare." "Always improving,outstanding maintenance, adding new programs-I like that it is not a separate entity and part of the city" "They seem to be trying to make improvements over the past year or two." "How well they keep me informed about classes starting changed or cancelled. —How well they keep track of my refunds or credit in my account." "Communicate clearly with residents via email and paper copy." "They are incredible to work with. Nicole and Pat are helpful and accommodating." "Any time I have called or interacted, the people are friendly and helpful." 20 aQity �9c}Ic my n McHenry Parks & Rec Dept.Weaknesses ir Only about half cite weaknesses or improvement opportunities for the Department, usually expressing a need for new/improved pool facilities. Of those offering feedback, nearly one in five want Top Weaknesses/Improvement Opportunities to see an indoor pool added. Half as many (10%) (open-ended) seek improvements to the existing outdoor pool or a new outdoor water facility altogether. Facilities (NET) About one in ten of these comments concern Need indoor pool ' Improve/add rove/add community pool better park maintenance (I I%) or more dog- P Y friendly parks and/or another dog park (1 1%). Unhappy with Rec Center, general 4% The remaining suggestions are more scattered Parks/Playgrounds (NET) with relatively few responses. Better maintained parks More dog parks/dog-friendly parks Playground issues 2% Feedback on McHenry Parks & Rec Dept. Weaknesses? Programs/Events (NET) More for seniors 3% n = 210 Lack of variety 3% More youth programs 3% �'r No response More programs in general Offered Management/Staff(NET) Feedback Poor communication/marketing 5% o S3% weaknesses, Dislike policies, lack of enforcement 4% all is good Access/Availability (NET) 15% Inconvenient class schedule S% Lack of parking S% Costs/Fees/Taxes Too High (NET) :'. Q4. What do you dislike most about the McHenry Parks&Recreation Department,or what do you think it could do better? (most frequent multiple 21 dQity open-ended responses) 11cHenry ,� McHenry Parks & Rec Dept.Weaknesses Sample Verbatims: McHenry Parks & Rec Dept. Weaknesses Facilities (40%): "We would love an on site indoor swimming facility" "I would like to see a swimming pool that can be used year round" "I would love an indoor pool as first envisioned for Petersen Park in 1976" "Am aware that a new indoor&outdoor pool facility is planned however they cannot come soon enough for the community.Realize the driving factor is funding availability, hence the wait" "Finding an indoor pool,McHenry west has a pool that the same taxpayers pay for.I totally understand that the school district is the sticking point" "Lack of full facility including an indoor pool" "We really wish there was a better pool though, and we really want a community indoor basketball court" "The pool is old and not updated like Woodstock Water Works." "The pool is really old and run down." "I think McHenry is a big enough city to have a better pool than what we have.Knox was aged when we moved in 13 years ago. It's time to compete with towns like Woodstock that have a really impressive public pool.McHenry loses tons of revenue each year to Woodstock.I know this,because I never took my kids to Knox, and paid the extra to go somewhere fun." "Better swim facilities for swim team.Need an aquatic center like Woodstock-something more than just a pool Need more parking at Fox Ridge and better washroom facilities. Also we need batting cages at the baseball fields. Better dugouts." "The pool&pool area should be expanded to accommodate the population growth of McHenry. Incorporate lazy river etc.Indoor tennis court/basketball would be nice." "I think the new rec center is disappointing. It's a brand new facility. I pay a lot of tax money,and I don't see why we built such a small facility with very basic amenities...namely no pool." "it would be nice to have a gym with a walking track" "Rec center is too small" "9 do like all the sports fields;however, I hate the porta potties that are never emptied until they are to the point of overflowing. Very unsanitary and smells horrible." "When popular bands play on Thursday nights there are not enough female bathrooms. They could use more than one stall." Parks/Playgrounds (23): "Sometimes the parks are not well kept like Petersen after big events" "Keep up McCullom Lake better. Dirty and bad smell" 'Althoff Park is not being used for anything now,a lot of the trees in the southwest corner need trimming and cleaned up" "Department could do a better job of making the downtown parks more attractive and welcoming—currently some look sad&shoddy,poor quality signage&plantings,areas of overgrown brush, drinking fountain inside a wood structure at Veterans needs either upkeep or replacement" "Sometimes the parks are not kept clean or the paths have trash or are muddy." "Not enough baby-friendly play equipment" "I completely dislike the fact that they do not allow dogs at any parks. Our community park in our neighborhood was one of the last parks that still allowed dogs.All of our neighborhood would take their kids and dogs to the park. We NEVER saw any dog waste.As for as we saw everyone cleaned up after their dogs" "Allow dogs to be walked in the parks (on leash and cleaned up after)" "Dogs are not allowed in city parks.Really?How unfriendly." "McHenry is very dog UNFRIENDLY" 22 aQity- McHenry Parks & Rec Dept.Weaknesses titcl Ict v Sample Verbatims: McHenry Parks & Rec Dept. Weaknesses (cont'd) Programs/Events (16): "More fitness activities for older adults" "You do a goodjob having activities for young adults-the latest fitness trend-but feel that leaves out the persons 50 and older who are active but not at the level of a 20 or 30 year old." "Do not have enough programs related to aging population" "I wish they had more activities for adults to keep up a basic level of fitness.Many of the events are focused on specific topics or are geared more towards in-shape folks or very athletic types." "I don't like that the Rec Center has a 4 year gap for kids where there is nowhere for them to go 8-12. The daycare is up to age 8 but you can't be a member until age 12." "More for families" "Bus rides on 'field trips'are often cancelled due to lack of participation required to fill a bus." "Include more diverse classes.Especially dance lessons from other cultural backgrounds." "One thing is moving the River Run from Tuesday during Fiesta Days week." Management/Staff(13%): "It should do more to publicize its programs,especially for families. Things that families can do together." "Three times I signed up for a program and they were cancelled. I received zero notification. I came to the event and nothing." "Wish you got out more information about seniors'activities" "The reliability. My son has had multiple classes canceled on him, and the instructors have showed up late for classes on multiple occasions." "There could be more communication before a program begins on what is expected. Sometimes the dates/times/price is confusing in the brochure and 1 will need to make a call to clarify." "I live and drive by Ft.McHenry Park every day-and although there are several signs saying 0 dogs in park-people and their dogs are there all the time." "Proof of residency a bit cumbersome process-can you do this online?" "The City needs to offer better discounts to city residents,so we can take advantage of the parks and recreation Programs." "That the summer camp&other programs don't offer a discounted rate for a family w/multiple children attending" Access/Availability (1 1): "Parking is limited sometimes at the rec center." "Need more and better handicap parking and access to ALL fields. Some of my granddaughter's games-I couldn't walk that for to get to it." "Not enough parking at some summer events" "Many times the programs for younger kids are only scheduled where parents that work during the day/week are unable to have their kids participate.' "I wish they had some classes I use in the evening although I'm sure the attendance wouldn't be high." "Classes for kids seem to be always held on the same day each time the schedule comes out,doesn't always work with our schedule. Schedule doesn't always respect school dismissal times." 23 aQity s McHenry `� F McHenry D- • - Sample Verbatims: McHenry Parks & Rec Dept. Weaknesses (cont'd) Costs/Fees/Taxes Too High ("/o "Our taxes keep going up,stop the spending" "Paying for facilities I will never use" "Lower fees for programs not included in membership" "Cost of membership to health facility" "Health Club is too expensive,joined a different one in Crystal Lake" "The cost is too high for the new rec center. We are a middle class family and can not afford the cost" 24 dQity On average, residents estimate that the Department represents just over five percent of their property tax bill. While only one in seven adults correctly estimate that 1% (or less) of their property taxes goes to the Parks & Recreation Department,a majority gave relatively close estimates of 5% or less. Estimated Percent of Property Taxes Going to the McHenry Parks & Recreation Department 7% 11%+ ■6% to 10% n = 343 F ppp�--_-471 No estimate r 1 • 1% or Less 16% 'MIA, h Correct Estimate=just Under I% of Property Taxes Average Estimate: 5.S% of Property Taxes Go to McHenry Parks & Rec Dept. Q5. About what percent of your property taxes do you think goes to the McHenry Parks &Recreation Dept.? 25 aQity McHenry Parks & Rec Department Value \1('l I('IICti'ty. n When informed of the Department's actual share of one's property taxes, residents overall feel that the Department represents a good value. y Over three-quarters of the respondents (78%) give the Department positive value ratings given its share of property taxes, including 38% overall who feel it represents an excellent value. By comparison,fewer than one in ten adults rate the Department as a poor value relative to its proportion of property taxes. Perceived Value of McHenry Parks & Rec Department Relative to Property Tax Share Avg. (mean) Rating: 7.3 t Q6. Just under I%of your property taxes goes ■Excellent(9-10) to the McHenry Parks&Recreation 78% Department Thinking about the programs, Positive ■Great Value (8) parks,facilities, and services that the Parks& Value Good Value (6-7) Recreation Department provides,please rate the overall value that it represents given its 22/ Neutral (5) share of property taxes. ■Poor Value (0-4) 13% a� 26 anity= 14� The longer one has lived in McHenry, the greater the value they feel the Department represents given its share of property taxes. Similarly,there is a clear difference by ones age, Significant Differences: Value of Property Taxes as those who are 45 and older tend to rate the Department's value highest,while residents to McHenry Parks & Recreation Department under age 45 tend to give lower (albeit still positive) value ratings. Most Value • Lived in McHenry 20-29 yrs. (7.9) • Ages 45-54(7.8) • Ages 65+(7.7) • Ages 55-64(7.6) OVERALL AVERAGE = 7.3 • Lived in McHenry<10 yrs. (7.0) • Under age 35 (7.1) • Ages 35-44(6.8) 27 aQity-- W W E V � S � �--� r) M ._ V C�s c� N L v CL i0leery McHenry Parks & Rec Esteem n Residents hold the Parks & Recreation Department in very positive esteem overall. A majority (56%) give very positive or higher ratings to the Department,and it's overall ratio of favorable to unfavorable scores is 10:I. Only 8% are dissatisfied overall. It shares the highest average esteem rating (7.3) with the MCCD (7.4 — no meaningful difference),though the Parks & Recreation Department is the better-known of the two agencies (13% and 30% unfamiliar, respectively). :- City government and the two local school districts also receive strong esteem ratings,albeit somewhat lower than the Parks & Rec Department. Avg. (mean) % Esteem Ratings: Local Agencies 0-10 Rating Unfamiliar McHenry Parks & Recreation Department 11% 0'. 7.3 13% City of McHenry Government ® 20% 6.6 12% McHenry Elementary School District 15 20% 6.8 28% McHenry Community High School District 22% '• 6.6 30% McHenry County Conservation District 17% 7.4 30% ■% Negative (0-4) % Neutral (5) ■%Somewhat Positive (6-7) ■%Very Positive (8) ■% Highest Regard (9-10) Q2. Please rate your overall opinion of each group or agency in your community on a 0-10 scale(0=dislike completely,5=neutral, 10=highest regard). 15 aQ1ty c O - W L ^, V l�0 DC cn D cn 4-J L cd V L.L. L � 4� ct Z � cd V L CL McHenry Parks & Rec t. Park/Facility Usage .\tcllc•nr�' • • More than four out of five households have used or visited a Department Park or facility in the past year. Most often, residents report going to Veteran's Memorial and Petersen parks. Nearly half have visited Fort McHenry/Whispering Oaks. The Rec Center has been visited by 41% overall,with nearly as many saying they have visited Knox Park. One in five report that someone in their household went to Merkel Pool in the past year. ReportingVisited or Used Facility/Park in % Used or Visited an McHenry Parks Past 12 Months (n=341) & Rec Department Park or Facility Veteran's Memorial Park 65% in Past 12 Months? Petersen Park 63% Fort McHenry/Whispering Oaks Park 46% McHenry Recreation Center 41% prow Knox Park 39% Fox Ridge Park 23% East Beach Park (McCullom Lake) 22% No Merkel Aquatics Center/Outdoor Pool (at Knox Park) 21% Shamrock Farms Park 18% Jaycees Park 14% McBark Dog Park 13% Freund Park 12% West Beach Park (McCullom Lake) 1 1% Althoff Park 1 1% Lakeland Park 10% *All others used/visited by fewer than 10% overall. 29 aQity Parks & ti1c�f ien� Recreation Dept. n Recent visitors to these parks and facilities are generally very or completely satisfied. Y A majority give nearly perfect scores to the Department's parks and facilities (9 or higher on a 0-10 scale). The one exception is for overall access (46% completely satisfied),for which residents tend to be"somewhat satisfied. ■ The most long term residents tend to be less satisfied with accessibility (7.7 average from those living in McHenry 21+ years),while newer residents tend to be most satisfied (8.3 scores from those in McHenry less than 5 years, or between 13 and 20 years). y Note that no more than 5% are unhappy with any aspects of the parks or facilities they recently visited. Satisfaction with Parks & Recreation Parks and Facilities Avg. (mean) (n=334 recent users/visitors who responded) 0-10 Rating Overall experience ' 8% 0'• 8.2 Cleanliness, maintenance, and upkeep M 5% 8.2 Safety 2 6% 8.3 Access (parking, paths, entrances/exits) , 9% 7.9 Level of Service from Parks & , 16% 8.0 Recreation Department Staff ■% Dissatisfied (0-4) % Neutral (5) % Slightly Satisfied (6-7) ■%Very Satisfied (8) ■% Completely Satisfied (9-10) Q9. Thinking about those parks and facilities you recently visited,please rate your overall satisfaction with the following(on a 0 to 10 scale). Values under 4%are not shown. 30 aQity While relatively few are dissatisfied, many seek improvements to specific parks and amen ities(especially Merkel Pool and Knox Park). Y Concerns about limited parking (including safe parking and more handicapped spaces) tends to focus on Veteran's Park (especially during outdoor concerts) and the Rec Center at busy times. A few residents dislike that dogs are not allowed at multiple parks,or feel that some parks are unsafe due to presence among teenagers or young adults. Reasons for Dissatisfaction with Top Responses Parks or Facilities • Merkel Pool (n=9) • Knox Park(n=5) • Clean up, remove graffiti (n=3) More Upkeep/Better n=31 • Improve tennis courts (n=2) Maintained/More Updates McBark Dog Park(n=4) • Petersen Park(n=4) Limited Parking/Limited �� Top Responses Handicapped Parking n=20 L- Fox Veteran's Park(n=8) Re Center(n=8) Ridge (n=2) Dislike That Dogs Aren't Allowed [1=7 Top Responses • Veteran's Park(n=2 each) • Fox Ridge, Fort McHenry/Whispering Springs,Cold Springs, Petersen, parks in general(n=I each Unsafe, Concerned about _ Top Responses Older Kids Hanging out n • Fox Ridge (n=3) • Fort McHenry/Whispering Springs (n=2) • Freund Field, Cold Springs (n=I each) Lack of Indoor Pool n=3 LRec Center(n=31 Q 10. If you are dissatisfied with any McHenry Parks&Recreation park or facility, which one(s) and why? 31 aQity VOW • of Parks & Rec Dept:s 11c1lc1ir� n Non-users tend to be non=parents or cite lack of time/interest Note that 37% say they use other facilities for recreation. Top Reasons: Not Using McHenry Parks & Rec Department Parks/Facilities in PastYear (multiple open-ended responses, n=55 cases) No Children in HH Too Busy/Lack of Time Use Other Facilities for Recreation/Activities Unfamiliar with Parks & Rec Department's Parks/Facilities Just Not Interested (e.g., not very active) Cost/Fees Too High Poor Health No Facilities Offered For My Age Group All others (3% or less each) Q 11. If you have not used or visited a Parks &Recreation park or facility recently, why not? (multiple open-ended responses) 32 aQity Other Sources of Recreation/Fitness Needs X10 Ict to Half of McHenry residents report going elsewhere for recreation, most often other public agencies. Y A majority of these households (55%) use a variety of area park,forest preserve,and conservation districts. Nearly as many (44%) rely on private options, mostly fitness facilities and health clubs. y One in five simply said they take advantage of trails in the area without identifying where those trails are located. Other Sources for Recreation/Fitness Use Other Facilities for (n—199 providing responses)* Recreation or Fitness? Other Parks/Conservation/Forest Preserve Agencies (NET) MCCD (Glacial Park, Prairie Trail, etc.) �. State Parks (Morraine Hills, Chain O' Lakes, etc.) JJEJ[Wi ' Crystal Lake Park District MINIM Woodstock Recreation Dept. E No Other Forest Preserves (Lake and Cook Cos.) 05% Response l Yes/Gave Private Fitness Facilities (NET) Response Centegra Health Bridge 52% YMCA 6% i Charter Fitness 6-aw 6% Golf courses 1 2% Other fitness centers (<3%each) "'"All Other Public Facilities (NET) Outdoor walking trails/bike paths (non-specific) McHenry Townshpi Rec Center/Senior Services 1 2% r In-Home Fitness Equipment lM Q30. Other than the McHenry Parks&Recreation Department parks and facilities, what facilities does your household use for recreation or 33 aQity fitness? W W (� Z '-�- W �o W � L � V m � V L O 4� O �. p O c 4� Q > E J Q Need/InterestOutdoor Xlcl le Two-thirds of local residents express an interest in walking and biking trails. ➢ In addition, roughly two in five households are interested or express a need for an outdoor open pool (44%) or an outdoor pool and aquatic park (39%). ■ Other outdoor water options generate less interest (30% for splash pads at a local park,and 27% for a lap pool). ■ Overall,younger adults,women,and those with children tend to be most interested in outdoor water facilities (see next page). Likewise, residents in the Southwest region also tend to express greater interest in outdoor water. y One in three households have a need for playgrounds. Sports fields and baseball fields are of interest to roughly one in five residents. Outdoor Facilities of Interest/Need Among Residents (%'Yes") Walking/Biking Trails General Recreation Pool (swimming lessons,water therapy, etc.) Pool and Aquatic Park (with water slides) Playgrounds Splash Pad at Neighborhood Park i Pool for Lap Swimming and Swim Meets Baseball/Softball Fields Sports fields (for soccer,football, lacrosse) '. �� may, Q15. Which of the following outdoor facilities do you or your household have a need or interest in? (multiple open-ended responses) 35 aQity Need/interest in Outdoor Facilities Significant Differences: Interest/Need/Use of Outdoor Facilities • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use Ages 35-44(81%),55-64(71%) Walking/Biking Trails 66% - Men (71%vs.63%of women) - Households with children (78%,vs. 60%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 13-20 yrs. (75%) - Under age 35 (52%), 35-44(63%) General Recreation Pool* 44% - Southwest residents (49%) - Households with children (67%,vs. 31%of those without) - Ages 35-44(64%) - Women (49%,vs. 27%of men) Aquatic Park with Water Slides 39% - Households with children (66%,vs.23%of those without) - Non-Hispanics (39%,vs. 23%of Hispanic/Latino residents) - Lived in McHenry 6-12 yrs. (51%) - Under age 35 (46%), 35-44(48%) - Women (39%,vs.28%of men) Playgrounds 33% - Southwest residents(38%) - Households with children (55%,vs. 21%of those without) - Lived in McHenry under 36 yrs. (37%) - Under age 35 (40%), 35-44(45%),55-64(35%) Splash Pad at Neighborhood Park 30% - Women (39%,vs. 20%of men) - Southwest residents (36%) - Households with children (49%,vs. 20%of those without) - Ages 35-44(43%) Pool for Lap Swimming/Swim Meets 27% - Southwest residents (32%) - Households with children (46%,vs. 16%of those without) - Non-Hispanics (28%,vs.7%of Hispanic/Latino residents) rt %` *Swimming lessons,warm water therapy,etc. 36 aQity Need/interestOutdoor McHenry+ n . Significant Differences: Interest/Need/Use of Outdoor Facilities (cont'd) • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use Women (25%,vs. 16%of men) Baseball/Softball Fields 21% - Households with children (30%,vs. 16%of those without) - Non-Hispanics (21%,vs.6%of Hispanic/Latino residents) - Under age 35 (27%), 35-44(31%) Sports Fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) 20% - Women (24%,vs. 16%of men) - Households with children (36%,vs. I I%of those without) 37 agity L1c,llcnry Quadrant Quadrant Analysis: Determining if Demand for Facilities is Being Met ➢ Respondents who report use or interest in each type of facility were also asked how well needs are currently being met. ■ Using a 1-5 scale,a score of"4" means their needs are mostly met,and a"5" means they are completely met. y The results are reported on the following pages using a scatter plot that shows both: ■ The overall demand for each facility (vertical axis) based on the % of respondents who indicate usage or interest; ■ And the % who report that this"need" is currently being met (horizontal axis) using the 1-5 scale. y In the example below,facilities A and C in the upper right quadrant are in high demand and sufficient supply,whereas facilities E and G in the upper left represents opportunity (high demand that is not currently being met). ■ Facilities to the bottom (B, D,and F) are in lower demand. 100% High Priority Needs: Meeting High Demand: High demand not met High demand is being met 80% Level of Demand Facility G ♦ ♦Facility C(% Currently Using/Interested 60% ♦ Facility E *Facility A In Using) 40% Facility F Facility D ♦ Facility B 20% Low Priority Need Exceeding Demand: 0% Meeting low demand 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Degree of Meeting Demand/Need: %Saying Need is Being Met(on a 1-5 scale) 38 dQity" lV1cHeriry . . ._. Quadrant Analysis: Outdoor None of the outdoor facilities tested represent critical unmet needs. In fact, trails, baseball/sports fields, and playgrounds are sufficiently available. The outdoor water facility options all rank as lower priority needs,given that less than half of all residents express a need or interest in these amenities. However,those who are interested clearly feel that outdoor water opportunities are in limited supply (especially a water park and splash pad area). 1 00% High Priority Needs i Meeting High Demand I I i 80% i I Walking/ Biking Trails E E'; 60% U y I o 0 --------------6utc�o-o r- -ral-Re- --c------F---------------------------------- gen-e I c Outdoor Pool/Aquatic Pool to = > 40% E Park i Playgrounds � y D Splash Pad Outdoor Lap Pool/ 20% Swim Meets I ♦ Base-/Softball Fields Sports Fields I I o% I Exceeding Demand 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Degree of Meeting Demand/ l' mii* Meeting Demand: % Saying Need is Mostly/Completely Being Met �1 (scores of 4+ on a 1-5 scale) 39 aQity N1cHerir� • . . Outdoor Faciliti- In terms of outdoor facilities that are completely meeting demand, more trails for hiking or biking represent the one potential need. ➢ All other features continue to be identified as lower priority needs (again,especially outdoor water facilities). 100% High Priority Needs i Meeting High Demand I I I 80% I I � I N ♦ Walking/ Biking Trails I 1 60% I v � v ----------------------------------r--------------------------------- L C Outdoor General Rec Pool I a� c=C C > 40% I a Outdoor Pool/Aquatic Park Playgrounds I � w D Splash Outdoor Lap Pool/ Base-/Softball j 20% Pad Swim Meets Fields I Sports Fields I I I L orjty I Exceeding Demand 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% < Ediii* Degree of Meeting Demand/Needs Meeting Demand: % Saying Need is COMPLETELY Being Met �S (score of 5 on a 1-5 scale) 40 aQity- • . Outdoor Prio N10Ict11- Of the outdoor improvements tested, a plurality placed a top priority on adding/improving trails. Half as many (21% overall) said an outdoor pool/water park should be the Department's top priority. However,when other pool facilities are included (general open pool, lap pool),these combined responses total 38% -- nearly the same level of response as for more/better trails (40% overall). Top Priority: Most Important Outdoor Facility/Amenity For McHenry Parks & Recreation Department To Provide/Expand/Improve Walking/Biking Trails Outdoor Pool/Aquatic Park Splash Pad at Neighborhood Park �J General Rec Pool Pool for Laps/Swim Meets Playgrounds Sports Fields 0 Outdoor Pool-Related (38%total) Base-/Softball Fields 1% Q 17. Which of those facilities do you think should be a top priority for the Parks&Recreation Department to provide, add, or improve? q aQity Trails vs. outdoor pools appeal to two different segments in terms of priorities for the District. Older adults, men,and Latino residents tend to place higher priority on walking and biking trials. Conversely,women,younger respondents,and households with children tend to seek either an outdoor water park/pool or an open recreational pool. Differences by Subgroups: Top Outdoor Priority �61=na I Most • • Ages 45-54(49%),65+(56%) Men (53%,vs. 28%of women) Walking/Biking Trails 40% North residents(53%) No children in HH (57%,vs. 20%of those with children) Hispanic/Latino residents(51%) - Ages 35-44(29%),45-54(29%) Pool/Aquatic Park with Water Slides 21% - Women (30%,vs. I I%of men) - Households with children (31%,vs. 12%of those without) - Under age 35 (23%) Splash Pad at Neighborhood Park 13% - Southwest residents (17%) - Households with children (19%,vs.8%of those without) - Hispanic/Latino residents (22%) - Under age 35 (17%) General Recreational Pool * 12% - Women (16%,vs.8%of men) - Southwest residents (17%) Pool for Lap Swimming/Swim Meets 5% <no meaningful differences> Playgrounds 4% - Under age 35 (9%) Fields for Soccer/Football/Lacrosse 3% <no meaningful differences> Baseball/Softball Fields 1% <no meaningful differences> r *Swimming lessons,warm water therapy,etc. 42 aQity ^V, .= W Z 4-J u- a� - O :D ._ M u O 4-J O O - 4� O > E J Q A majority of residents express interest in an indoor pool, followed closely by an interest or need for a fitness center and indoor track. r In addition, roughly one in three adults use or are interested in group exercise space,and indoor water park and/or an indoor lap pool. Gym courts are of interest to just over one-in-four adults. y Across these potential indoor facilities, interest is consistently highest among households with children,non-seniors (under age 65). Women tend to be most interested in indoor pools/splash parks and an indoor track as well. Indoor Facilities of Interest/Need Among Residents Indoor Pool for General Recration (for swimming lessons,water therapy, etc.) Fitness Center Indoor Running/Walking Track Group Exercise Studio Indoor Water/Splash Park Indoor Pool for Laps/Swim Meets Gym Courts for Basketball,Volleyball, etc. Multi-Purpose/Community Rooms Indoor Playground Childcare/Babysitting Service Q 12. Which of the following indoor facilities do you or your household have a need or interest in? 44 aQity Need/interest in Indoor Facilities Mul Ic'l 11'- rt. t� Significant Differences: Interest/Need/Use of Indoor Facilities • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use - Ages 35-44(74%),45-54(63%) Indoor Pool for General Recreation * 54% - Women (57%,vs.50%of men) - HH with children (75%,vs.43%of those without) - Non-Hispanics(55%,vs. 32%of Hispanic/Latino residents) - Ages 35-44(58%),45-54(60%),55-64(56%) Fitness Center 49% - Households with children (64%,vs.41%of those without) - McHenry residents 13-35 yrs. (60%) - Ages 35-44(54%),45-54(51%) Indoor Running/Walking Track 43% - Women (49%,vs. 39%of men) - HH with children (53%,vs. 38%of those without) Group Exercise Studio 35% - Ages 35-44(44%),45-54(47%) - Women (46%,vs.24%of men) - Under age 35 (43%), 35-44(57%) - Women (42%,vs. 26%of men) Indoor Water/Splash Park 35% - Southwest residents (40%) - HH with children (60%,vs. 21%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 6-12 yrs. (44%), 13-20 yrs.(43%) - Ages 35-44(53%),45-64(37%) Indoor Pool for Laps/Swim Meets 33% - HH with children (50%,vs.24%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 10-19 yrs. (42%), 20-29 yrs. (43%) Gym Courts 28% - Under age 35 (33%), 35-44(36%),45-54(41%) - HH with children (43%,vs.20%of those without) - Ages 35-44(38%),55-64(31%) Multi-Purpose/Community Room 25% - HH with children (33%,vs.21%of those without) - Non-Hispanics (26%,vs.5%of Hispanic/Latino residents) *Swimming lessons,water therapy,etc. 45 aQity Significant Differences: Interest/Need/Use of Indoor Facilities (cont'd) • Most • - . Under age 35 (25%), 35-44(24%) Indoor Playground 17% - Women (21%,vs. I I%of men) - HH with children (31%,vs.9%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 1-5 yrs. (21%),6-12 yrs. (25%) - Under age 35 (18%) Childcare/Babysitting Service 8% - Women (13%,vs. 2%of men) - HH with children (16%,vs.4%of those without) 46 aQity McHenry' ,� • Indoor With the Rec Center, residents feel that their demand for many indoor facilities is already being mostly met. ➢ In terms of unmet needs,an indoor open pool clearly represents the biggest priority,followed by an indoor walking or jogging track. Relatively few of those expressing interest in these amenities feel they are"mostly/completely" available. 100% High Priority Needs i Meeting High Demand i i i 80% i i i a i i ,= so°io General Rec Pool � U) ----------------------------------� s--------------------- Indoor Track i Fitness Center m 0 E c 40/o Water/Splash Park o ♦ Group Exercise Studio Pool for Laps/ i Swim Meets Gym Courts i ♦ Multi-Purpose Rooms 20% Indoor Playground i Childcare Service i i Exceeding Demand 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Degree of Meeting Demand/Needs Meeting Demand: % Saying Need is Mostly/Completely Being Met (scores of 4+ on a 1-5 scale) 47 aQity • Indoor None of the indoor facility needs are seen as "completely" being met (though many Rec Center amenities come close). Y Again, indoor water options,a jogging and walking track,gym courts,and indoor playgrounds are clearly seen as unavailable to residents High Priority Needs i Meeting High Demand i i i 80% i i i i 60°i° General Rec Pool ---------------------------------- --------------------------------- L Indoor Track Fitness Centel d c 40% Pool for Laps/ Swim Meets p Water/Splash Park Group Ekercise Studio Gym Courts Multi-Pjarpose Rooms 20% \ Indoor i Playground Childcare Service .ow rfiu :c. Exceeding Demand 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Degree of Meeting Demand/N Meeting Demand: % Saying Need is COMPLETELY Being Met �S (score of 5 on a 1-5 scale) A&V 48 aQity Top Indoor Facility Priority MuI In it By far, the top priority for indoor recreation among residents is an indoor pool. Y When combined with other indoor water options,a majority (60%) rank an indoor water feature as the Department's highest priority improvement (general recreational pool,water/splash park,or indoor lap pool). ■ Younger adults and households with children are most interested in indoor water (see next page). An indoor track ranked a distant second behind an open pool,and is of greatest interest to older adults. One in ten are most interested in gym courts (especially men). Top Priority: Most Important Indoor Facility/Amenity For McHenry Parks & Recreation Department To Provide/Expand/Improve Indoor General Rec Pool Walking/Running Track Indoor Water/Splash Park Pool for Laps/Swim Meetings . Gym Courts Fitness Center Indoor Playground Group Exercise Studios ❑ Indoor Water Related (60%total) Multi-Purpose Rooms 0% Childcare Facihites 0% Q 14. Which of those facilities do you think should be a top priority for the Parks&Recreation Department to provide,add, or improve? 49 aQity . • • • • McHcfl Significant Differences: Top Indoor Facility Priority • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use - Under age 35 (38%), 35-44(40%0 Pool for General Recreation * 35% - Ages 55-64(23%),65+(37%) Indoor Running/Walking Track 17% - Women (19%,vs. 14%of men) - No children in HH (24%) Water/Splash Park 15% - Under age 35 (20%), 35-44(26%) - HH with children (25%) Pool for Lap Swimming/Swim Meets 10% - Ages 45-64(14%) Gym Courts 9% - Ages 45-54(19%) - Men (14%,vs.5%of women) Fitness Center 8% - Ages 65+(17%) - No children in HH (13%) Indoor Playground 4% - Under age 35(14%) Group Exercise Studio 2% <no meaningful differences> Multi-Purpose/Community Room < 1% <no meaningful differences> Childcare Space 0% e' `W *Swim lessons,water therapy, etc. 50 aQity W 0 c c O O Cid V V cld CZ CL cn 4-J L � ct > CL W E L cd � L 4� b.0 = O CL V L Dept. • . • McHenry �. n Two in five households report participating in a Department program or event in the past year, usually fitness or youth sports. Aside from fitness programs, many of the top Top Responses: responses focus on youth sports and activities Recent Program/ Event Participation along with programming for seniors. Y Fewer than 12% participated in cultural/arts Fitness Programs (e.g.,group/personal programs or team sports for adults. training,yoga) Youth Team Sports (e.g., basketball,football, softball) Y All other programs or events were each cited Seniors Programs by 5% or fewer respondents. Swimming Lessons Y More than I in 4 households participated in an event in the past year,the most popular being Other sports clinics/lessons River Run. Preschool/Toddler Programs Any household member participated Summer Day Camp in McHenry Parks & Rec Dept. Adult Cultural/Arts Programs program/event in past year? Nature Programs Tennis Lessons IF IF Swim Team Adult Team SportsNo 5% . • '. Events (net) River Run Big Wheels Race IM (e.g., basketball,football, softball) Daddy-Daughter Dance Q 18. Which programs/events has your household participated in over the past year?(multiple responses) 52 aQity McHenry .n Dept. •gram Participation Households with children are more likely to participate in programs/ events than households without children. Recent Program/ Event Participation ° Fitness Programs 48/ Youth Team Sports 10/° 37% Seniors Programs 6 6 ° 21/° Swimming Lessons 2% 20% Other sports clinics/lessons 1% 18% Preschool/Toddler Programs 3/ 16% Summer Day Camp 3/ 14% Adult Cultural/Arts Programs 10% Nature Programs S°° 8/ ■HH With Children Tennis Lessons 1% 12% ■HH Without Children Swim Team 2% 12% Adult Team Sports 3% 8% Events (net) 20/ 37% River Run 79/6 13% Big Wheels Race 1% 15% Daddy-Daughter Dance 1% I I 53 aQity � Dept.Parks & • • �1Ci i(Y1"fin - Those taking part recently in the Department's programs and events are very satisfied overall. Y A majority are completely satisfied (53%),and 87% overall express some level of satisfaction. ■ By comparison,only 4% were dissatisfied with their experience. Y These high ratings are consistently strong among all subgroups. ■ The oldest residents ages 65+ gave slightly lower (but still favorable ratings (7.7 average),while those ages 35 to 49 are most satisfied (8.9 average). Satisfaction with McHenry Parks & Recreation Department Programs and Events (n=180 recent program/event participants) Avg. 0-10 Score Overall Program/Event 9/ 8.1 Satisfaction ■Dissatisfied (0-4) Neutral (5) ii;Slightly Satisfied (6-7) ■Very Satisfied (8) ■Completely Satisfied (9-10) Q19. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the McHenry Parks&Recreation programs or events you have recently participated in?(on a 0 to 10 scale) 54 aQity v1cHenr� Only 16 respondents had program complaint, mostly dealing with Rec Center classes. "Would love more options." "Wish McHenry had a indoor pool facilities and or a nice water park." "Swim Team:lack of quality facility." "Summer Day Camp—An email was sent with calendar of activities and none were done until the last 2 days when we spoke to someone about it.My daughter was disappointed. It was $130 for swimming basically." "Rec Center classes—Schedule needs to be more diverse—more core strengthening, low intensity,stretch,flexibility classes needed." "Not much for seniors-no indoor walking—nothing." "Not enough for seniors." "Need to offer Disability Rate for health club." "Need more kayaks to rent, more boat paddle boards." "in the Youth Strength/Agility class,the instructor was envisioning a group of hardcore athletes attending. When he didn't get it he was kind of a jerk. My son took it to help with tight ligaments and muscles. I was disappointed." "Fitness group class:work 'til 5-hard to get to a bpm class." "Fiesta Days and the Parade,all the drinking keeps people away." "Car shows—draws undesirables." "Better water fitness classes for mom's." "Aerobic Swim Class(Indoor)—Was discontinued—It was a great class for people w/joint issues—really miss it!" "Cost." Q20. Which programs are you dissatisfied with, and why? 55 aQity- Need/interest in Programs and Events Mul(ci n r When asked about current levels of interest or demand for programming, fitness and adult activities generate the most response. These are followed closely by special events in the community (31%),and activities for active adults ages 55 and older (27%). y Not surprisingly, interest in these specific programs reflect the age groups targeted (see next page). Women tend to be most interested in fitness programs. The youngest households express strong interest in events. Y Fewer than one in five households express interest in the remaining programs tested (mostly specific youth programs). Programs/Events of Interest/Need Among Residents (%"Yes") Fitness Programs Adult Programs/Classes/Sports Special Events Active Adult(ages 55+)Activities Youth Programs/Classes/Sports Swimming Lessons Before-/After-School Program for Ages 5-12 Summer Camp Preschool/Toddler Programs Recreational Swim Teams for Ages 5-20 41,111% `44 Q21. Which of the following recreational programs or activities do you or your household have a need or interest in? 56 aQity- ProgramsNeed/interest in McNer>ry n Significant Differences: Interest/Need/Use of Programs/Events • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use - Ages 35-44(49%),45-54(55%),55-64(51%) Fitness Programs 42% Women (48%,vs. 36%of men) - HH with children (50%,vs. 38%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 13-20 yrs. (51%),21-35 yrs. (56%) Adult Programs * 39% - Ages 45-54(51%) 0 - Non-Hispanics(40%,vs. 16%of Hispanic/Latino residents) Under age 35 (41%), 35-44(38%) Special Events 3 I% _ HH with children (44%,vs. 24%of those without) - Ages 55-64(59%),65+ (45%) - No children in HH (36%,vs. 12%of those with children) Active Adult (ages 55+)Activities 27% - Non-Hispanics (28%,vs. I I%of Hispanic/Latino residents) - Lived in McHenry 36+yrs. (39%) - Northwest region (43%) - Under age 35 (26%), 35-44(37%) Youth Programs * 18% - Women (21%vs. 14%of men) - HH with children (40%,vs.7%of those without) - Ages 35-44(18%) Swimming Lessons 14% - Women (18%,vs.9%of men) - HH with children (27%,vs.6%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 6-12 yrs. (19%), 13-20 yrs.(21%) r1k %` *Classes/Sports 57 aQity ProgramsNeed/interest in Significant Differences: Interest/Need/Use of Programs/Events (cont'd) • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use Under age 35 (I8%),ages 35-44(21`Y) Before-After-School Programs 10% Women (13%,vs.6%of men) HH with children (24%,vs. 3%of those without) Women (I I%,vs. 5%of men) Summer Camp 9% HH with children (20%,vs. 3%of those without) Under age 35 (22%) Preschool/Toddler Programs 9% Women (13%,vs. 3%of men) HH with children (18%,vs.4%of those without) Ages 35-44(16%) Recreational Swim Teams (ages 5-20) 6% HH with children (14%,vs. I%of those without) ..., 58 dQltY �s 1,1c:r len • Programs Most youth-related program needs appear to be sufficiently met. ➢ The top opportunities to address unmet needs are represented by programs for adults, including active adults ages 55 and older. Fitness programs also rank as a potential area to address,as they generate the highest level of interest. 1 oo°i° High Priority Needs i Meeting High Demand I I I 80% I � I � � I I � I 60% I ---------------------------------- ————————————————————————————————— Fitness C = 40% Adult Programs" Programs E I p Active Adult Special Events j M (55+)Activities I Youth Programs 20% Swimming I Preschool/ Before-/After School Lessons Toddler 10 Programs I Programs Recreation Swim I ♦ + Summer Camp Teams Ages 5-20 i Exceeding Demand 0% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Degree of M - -, Meeting Demand: % Saying Need is Mostly/Completely Being Met (scores of 4+ on a 1-5 scale) ` *Classes, sports, etc. 59 aQity ti1c}ien IT,, • Programs Very few of these program needs are "completely" being met. ➢ Again,the programming"gap" appears to be widest between adult activities and fitness classes/programs. 100% High Priority Needs i Meeting High Demand I I I 80% I I � I c � I I U � I __________ I ---------Preschool/Toddler ---------------r--------------------------------- +; Programs j c 40% Adult Programs" Fitness Programs E Special Events j Active Adult (55+)Activities Youth Summer Camp I 20% Programs I efore-/After School Swimming Lessons j Programs Recreation Swim ' I Exceeding Demand o% Ner - Teams Ages 5-20 1 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 11161 100% Degree of iM e Meeting Demand: % Saying Need is COMPLETELY Being Met (score of 5 on a 1-5 scale) *Classes, sports, etc. 60 aQity ;�1cHenry n - • • Priority • Programs/Events Of the programs tested, offering more activities for active adults ranks as the top priority, followed by fitness programs. y Other adult programming is included in the"next tier" of priorities,which also includes youth programs along with special events (all mentioned by I I% to 15% each). Top Priority: Most Important Program/Event For McHenry Parks & Recreation Department To Provide/Expand/Improve Active Adult (ages 55+)Activities Fitness Programs Youth Programs/Classes/Sports Special Events Adult Programs/Classes/Sports Before-/After-School Programs (ages 5-12) Preschool/Toddler Programs Swimming Lessons Summer Camp Recrational Swim Teams for Ages 5-20 1 �� Q23. Which o those ro rams/activities do you think should be a to priority or the Parks&Recreation Department to provide, add or improve?f p g Y Pp � tYf P p p 61 aQity Top Program/Event Priority Significant Differences: Top Program/Event Priority • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use - Ages 55+(56%) Active Adult(55+) Activities 26% - Southeast region (41%) - Lived in McHenry 21-35 yrs. (36%), 36+yrs. (32%) - No children in HH (41%) - Ages 45-54(34%) Fitness Programs 19% - North region (32%) - Lived in McHenry 36+yrs. (32%) - No Children in HH (23%) - Ages 35-44(41%),45-54(21%) Youth Programs * 15% - HH with children (31%,vs.4%of those without) - Lived in McHenry 6-12 yrs. (25%) - Underage 35 (22%), 35-44(21%) Special Events 13% - Southwest(15%)and Northeast(26%) regions) - Hispanic/Latino residents(25%,vs. 12%of non-Hispanics) - HH with children (17%,vs. 10%of those without) - Under age 35 (16%) Adult Programs * 1 1% - Lived in McHenry under 6 yrs. (25%) - No children in HH (16%) �' '�aQity *Classes, sports 62 • . • Priority McHenry n Significant Differences: Top Program/Event Priority (cont'd) • Most Likely to Express Interest/Need/Use Under age 35 (13%) Before-After-School Programs (ages 5-12) 5% HH with children (10%) Hispanic/Latino resident(25%) Preschool/Toddler Program 4% Under age 35 (19%)HH with children (10%) Swimming Lessons 3% <no meaningful differences> Summer Camp 3% <no meaningful differences> Recreational Swim Teams for ages 5-20 1% <no meaningful differences> 63 aQ1ty Open-Ended • Suggestions Similar to the needs analysis, open-ended feedback confirms that more adult programming represents the biggest unmet need. Most often, residents suggest more activities for active older adults, usually some type of sports or fitness programs, or events/day trips. Active Adult (Ages 55+) Program Suggestions (n=55) ■ n=33 Fitness/Sports (e.g., aquatics, group fitness, dance, yoga/Pilates/barre, senior exercise programs, group walking/hiking) ■ n=19 Events/Trips i Nearly as many seek more programming 0n=4 Arts/Lifestyle programs (e.g., arts/crafts, nutrition) for younger adults under age 55. Again, sports and fitness are preferred by most, with arts and life programs a distant Adult (Under 55) Program Suggestions (n=51) second. (Trips or events are seldom n=40 Fitness/Sports (e.g., aquatics, softball, yoga/Pilates/barre, requested). group fitness, hockey) ■ n=8 Arts/Lifestyle programs (e.g., general arts/crafts, nutrition) ■ n=6 Events/Trips Note that far fewer residents offer suggestions specifically for children, General Program Suggestions (n=35) reflecting earlier findings that indicate n=16 Athletic/Sports (e.g., aquatics, group fitness, dance) sufficient programming is already n=16 Events/trips available. n=2 Youth programs, general ■ n=2 Arts programs, general Youth Program Suggestions (n=18) ■ n=7 Athletic/Sports (e.g., t-ball, softball, gymnastics) ■ n=4 Before-/After-School programs ■ n=3 Teen programs ■ n- uage programs Q24. Please list any specific progrom(s)or event(s)you would like the Parks&Recreation Department to offer. 64 aQlty AGENDA ITEM 2—Recreation Center Expansion Proforma Draft Review Included in the packet are the full draft results for the proforma on the recreation center expansion performed by Heller and Heller Associates. Representatives from Heller and Heller will be on a phone conference to answer any questions regarding the draft. The primary focus of the proforma was to run the full financial analytics for a 25 yard pool versus a 50 meter. In addition, number for the anticipated revenue versus expenses for the proposed gymnasium were analyzed. This information is also included for committee review Highlights for the indoor pool proforma are as follows: • The green tabs represent revenue streams • The red tabs represent personnel costs • The purple tabs are materials, supplies and contractual type items • The entire summary is represented on the first PROFORMA tab (blue tab) • All memberships levels were analyzed and set to remain extremely competitive locally 90%of current pricing(10%less) individual couple family Healthbridge $745 $1,177 $1,177 Sage Y $648 $1,026 $1,026 Proposed McHenry $635 $972 $1,042 • Revenue less expenses 5 year average (25yd pool)- ($105,404) • Revenue less expenses 5 year average (50m pool) - ($161,555) Gymnasium highlights: • Annual revenue versus expenses of$63,120.15 • Potential revenue from a walking track of$5,225 o (Staff is recommending that this be a free RESIDENT amenity) Outdoor Aquatic Analysis (2013 estimates) Aquatics Cost Recovery Summary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Option 1 Total Expenses $219 631 $226 150 $232 863 $239 776 $246 895 Total Revenue $246,794 $246,794 $261,601 $261,601 $277,297 Revenue Less $27,162 $20,644 $28,738 $21,825 $30,402 Expenses Percent Recovery 112.4% 109.1% 112.3% 109.1% 112.3% Option 2 Total Expenses $284 914 $293 337 $302,009 $310,940 $320.135 Total Revenue $294,146 $294,146 $311,795 $311,795 $330,502 Revenue Less $9,232 $809 $9,785 $855 $10,367 Expenses Percent Recovery 103.2% 100.3% 103.2% 100.3% 103.2% In summary, the proposed expansion of the facility should be looked at in totality including the existing facility's current revenue generation. In doing so the following breakdown emerges: • 17/18 Actual Recreation Center Revenue versus Expenses- $134,701 • 18/19 Estimated Revenue versus Expense (very conservative - $102, 913 • Estimated Gymnasium Revenue versus Expenses- $63,120 • Estimated Outdoor Aquatic Revenue versus Expenses- $9,232 • Estimated 25 yard Indoor Aquatic Revenue versus Expenses- ($105,404) • Estimated 50 meter Indoor Aquatic Revenue versus Expenses- ($161,555) o TOTAL (18119 estimated, gym, outdoor and 25yd indoor pool)- $69,861 o TOTAL(18119 estimated, gym, outdoor and 50m indoor pool)- $13,710 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Revenue: 25Y Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships-Residents $ 121,676 $ 125,326 $ 129,086 $ 132,959 $ 136,947 Memberships-Residents Memberships- Non-Residents $ 36,503 $ 37,598 $ 38,726 $ 39,888 $ 41,084 Memberships-Non-Residents Daily Admissions- Residents $ 10,300 $ 10,609 $ 10,927 $ 11,255 $ 11,593 Daily Admissions-Residents Daily Admissions-Non-Residents $ 3,725 $ 3,837 $ 3,952 $ 4,070 $ 4,193 Daily Admissions-Non-Residents Rental Revenue $ 26,050 $ 26,832 $ 27,636 $ 28,466 $ 29,320 Rental Revenue Birthday Parties $ 45,310 $ 46,669 $ 48,069 $ 49,511 $ 50,997 Birthday Parties Aqua Fitness $ 78,960 $ 81,329 $ 83,769 $ 86,282 $ 88,870 Aqua Fitness Aqua Programs $ 59,840 $ 61,635 $ 63,484 $ 65,389 $ 67,350 Aqua Programs Swim Team $ 89,630 $ 92,319 $ 95,088 $ 97,941 $ 100,879 Swim Team Swim Lessons $ 164,640 $ 169,579 $ 174,667 $ 179,907 $ 185,304 Swim Lessons Total Revenue $636,634 $655,733 $675,405 $695,667 $716,537 Total Revenue Expenses: 25Y Labor Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Years Labor Supervisors $ 36,552 $ 37,649 $ 38,778 $ 39,941 $ 41,140 Supervisors Head Guards $ 44,141 $ 45,466 $ 46,830 $ 48,235 $ 49,682 Head Guards Lifeguards $ 179,931 $ 185,329 $ 190,889 $ 196,616 $ 202,514 Lifeguards Special Events $ 2,469 $ 2,543 $ 2,619 $ 2,698 $ 2,779 Special Events Training $ 19,337 $ 19,917 $ 20,515 $ 21,130 $ 21,764 Training Aqua Fitness $ 30,559 $ 31,476 $ 32,421 $ 33,393 $ 34,395 Aqua Fitness Aqua Programs $ 10,967 $ 11,296 $ 11,635 $ 11,984 $ 12,344 Swim Lessons Swim Team $ 90,161 $ 92,866 $ 95,652 $ 98,521 $ 101,477 Aqua Programs Swim Lessons $ 49,820 $ 51,315 $ 52,854 $ 54,440 $ 56,073 Swim Team Rentals $ 3,269 $ 3,368 $ 3,469 $ 3,573 $ 3,680 Rentals Total Labor $467,208 $481,225 $495,661 $510,531 $525,847 Total Labor Other Direct Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Years Other Direct Costs Outside Services $ 27,210 $ 28,027 $ 28,867 $ 29,733 $ 30,625 Outside Services General Supplies $ 5,530 $ 5,696 $ 5,867 $ 6,043 $ 6,224 General Supplies City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Safety $ 4,500 $ 4,635 $ 4,774 $ 4,917 $ 5,065 Safety Clothing $ 1,000 $ 1,030 $ 1,061 $ 1,093 $ 1,126 Clothing Utilities $ 141,050 $ 143,871 $ 146,748 $ 149,683 $ 152,677 Utilities Chemicals $ 34,272 $ 35,300 $ 36,359 $ 37,450 $ 38,574 Chemicals Marketing $ 6,000 $ 6,180 $ 6,365 $ 6,556 $ 6,753 Marketing Maintenance $ 41,000 $ 42,230 $ 43,497 $ 44,802 $ 46,146 Maintenance Swim Lesson Supplies $ 1,250 $ 1,288 $ 1,326 $ 1,366 $ 1,407 Swim Lesson Supplies Birthday Party Expenses $ 10,094 $ 10,396 $ 10,708 $ 11,029 $ 11,360 Birthday Party Expenses Program Supplies $ 1,625 $ 1,674 $ 1,724 $ 1,776 $ 1,829 Program Supplies Total Other Direct Costs $ 273,531 $278,653 $285,574 $292,673 1 $299,957 1 ITotal Other Direct Costs Total Expenses $740,739 $759,877 $781,235 $803,204 $825,804 Total Expenses Total Revenue $636,634 $655,733 $675,405 $695,667 $716,537 Total Revenue Revenue less Expenses ($104,106) ($104,144) ($105,830) ($107,538) ($109,267) Revenue less Expenses Capital Replacement $33,168 $33,168 $33,168 $33,168 $33,168 Capital Replacement Net Revenue ($137,273) ($137,312) ($138,998) ($140,705) ($142,435) Net Revenue Percent Recovery 82.3% 82.7% 82.9% 83.2% 83.4% Percent Recovery Percent Recovery w/o Capital Repl. 85.9% 86.3% 86.5% 86.6% 86.8% Percent Recovery w/o Capital Repl. Note: Year 1 is in 2018 dollars and is fully-functional,full-program capacity Capital Replacement Cost Comparisons: 50M 25Y 0.003000311 0.00300355 multiplier $15,864,370 $11,042,850 project cost $47,598 $33,168 Capital Replacement Allocation (annual)* *Capital replacement amount was determined by reviewing other agency capital investments and subsequently this amount a recommended allocation estimate. City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Revenue:50M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $ 144,499 $ 148,834 $ 153,299 $ 157,898 $ 162,635 $ 73,714 $ 75,925 $ 78,203 $ 80,549 $ 82,966 $ 10,300 $ 10,609 $ 10,927 $ 11,255 $ 11,593 $ 5,525 $ 5,691 $ 5,861 $ 6,037 $ 6,218 $ 76,700 $ 79,001 $ 81,371 $ 83,812 $ 86,327 $ 45,310 $ 46,669 $ 48,069 $ 49,511 $ 50,997 $ 181,890 $ 187,347 $ 192,967 $ 198,756 $ 204,719 $ 67,000 $ 69,010 $ 71,080 1 $ 73,213 1 $ 75,409 $ 89,630 $ 92,319 $ 95,088 $ 97,941 $ 100,879 $ 164,640 $ 169,579 $ 174,667 $ 179,907 $ 185,304 $859,208 $884,985 $911,534 $938,880 $967,047 Expenses: 50M Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $ 42,644 $ 43,923 $ 45,241 $ 46,598 $ 47,996 $ 44,141 $ 45,466 $ 46,830 $ 48,235 $ 49,682 $ 242,536 $ 249,812 $ 257,306 $ 265,025 $ 272,976 $ 4,685 $ 4,825 $ 4,970 $ 5,119 $ 5,273 $ 24,807 $ 25,551 $ 26,318 $ 27,107 $ 27,920 $ 62,574 $ 64,451 $ 66,385 $ 68,377 $ 70,428 $ 49,820 $ 51,315 $ 52,854 $ 54,440 $ 56,073 $ 18,779 $ 19,343 $ 19,923 $ 20,521 $ 21,136 $ 90,161 $ 92,866 $ 95,652 $ 98,521 $ 101,477 $ 3,269 $ 3,368 $ 3,469 $ 3,573 $ 3,680 $583,417 $600,920 $618,947 $637,516 $656,641 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $ 27,210 $ 28,027 $ 28,867 $ 29,733 $ 30,625 $ 6,580 $ 6,777 $ 6,981 $ 7,190 $ 7,406 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma $ 5,115 $ 5,268 $ 5,427 $ 5,589 $ 5,757 $ 1,416 $ 1,459 $ 1,502 $ 1,548 $ 1,594 $ 228,364 $ 232,931 $ 237,590 $ 242,342 $ 247,188 $ 62,881 $ 64,767 $ 66,710 $ 68,712 $ 70,773 $ 14,000 $ 14,420 $ 14,853 $ 15,298 $ 15,757 $ 66,500 $ 68,495 $ 70,550 $ 72,666 $ 74,846 $ 1,250 $ 1,288 $ 1,326 $ 1,366 $ 1,407 $ 10,094 $ 10,396 $ 10,708 $ 11,029 $ 11,360 $ 9,050 $ 9,322 $ 9,601 $ 9,889 $ 10,186 $432,460 $443,150 $454,115 $465,363 $476,900 $1,015,877 $1,044,070 $1,073,062 $1,102,878 $1,133,541 $859,208 $884,985 $911,534 $938,880 $967,047 ($156,669) ($159,085) ($161,528) ($163,998) ($166,495) $47,598 $47,598 $47,598 $47,598 $47,598 ($204,267) ($206,683) ($209,126) ($211,596) ($214,093) 80.8% 81.1% 81.3% 81.6% 81.9% 84.6% 84.8% 84.9% 85.1% 85.3% Location %Cost Recovery Elk Grove 79% Carol Stream 86% *not including utilities Waukegan 45% *first six months Oak Brook 99% City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Labor Expense 25Y Labor Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Supervisors $36,552 $37,649 $38,778 $39,941 $41,140 Head Guards $44,141 $45,466 $46,830 $48,235 $49,682 Lifeguards $179,931 $185,329 $190,889 $196,616 $202,514 Special Events $2,469 $2,543 $2,619 $2,698 $2,779 Training $19,337 $19,917 $20,515 $21,130 $21,764 Aqua Fitness $30,559 $31,476 $32,421 $33,393 $34,395 Aqua Programs $10,967 $11,296 $11,635 $11,984 $12,344 Swim Team $90,161 $92,866 $95,652 $98,521 $101,477 Swim Lessons $49,820 $51,315 $52,854 $54,440 $56,073 Rentals $3,269 $3,368 $3,469 $3,573 $3,680 Total $467,208 $481,225 $495,661 $510,531 $525,847 50M Labor Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Supervisors $42,644 $43,923 $45,241 $46,598 $47,996 Head Guards $44,141 $45,466 $46,830 $48,235 $49,682 Lifeguards $242,536 $249,812 $257,306 $265,025 $272,976 Special Events $4,685 $4,825 $4,970 $5,119 $5,273 Training $24,807 $25,551 $26,318 $27,107 $27,920 Aqua Fitness $62,574 $64,451 $66,385 $68,377 $70,428 Swim Lessons $49,820 $51,315 $52,854 $54,440 $56,073 Aqua Programs $18,779 $19,343 $19,923 $20,521 $21,136 Swim Team $90,161 $92,866 $95,652 $98,521 $101,477 Rentals $3,269 $3,368 $3,469 $3,573 $3,680 Totall $583,417 1 $600,920 $618,947 $637,516 $656,641 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Other Direct Costs 25Y ODC Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Outside Services $ 27,210 $ 28,027 $ 28,867 $ 29,733 $ 30,625 General Supplies $ 5,530 $ 5,696 $ 5,867 $ 6,043 $ 6,224 Safety $ 4,500 $ 4,635 $ 4,774 $ 4,917 $ 5,065 Clothing $ 1,000 $ 1,030 $ 1,061 $ 1,093 $ 1,126 Utilities $ 141,050 $ 143,871 $ 146,748 $ 149,683 $ 152,677 Chemicals $ 34,272 $ 35,300 $ 36,359 $ 37,450 $ 38,574 Marketing $ 6,000 $ 6,180 $ 6,365 $ 6,556 $ 6,753 Maintenance $ 41,000 $ 42,230 $ 43,497 $ 44,802 $ 46,146 Swim Lesson Supplies $ 1,250 $ 1,288 $ 1,326 $ 1,366 $ 1,407 Birthday Party Expenses $ 10,094 $ 10,396 $ 10,708 $ 11,029 $ 11,360 Program Supplies $ 1,625 $ 1,674 $ 1,724 $ 1,776 $ 1,829 Total Other Direct Costs $ 273,531 $ 280,326 $ 287,298 $ 294,449 $ 301,786 50M ODC Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Outside Services $ 27,210 $ 28,027 $ 28,867 $ 29,733 $ 30,625 General Supplies $ 6,580 $ 6,777 $ 6,981 $ 7,190 $ 7,406 Safety $ 5,115 $ 5,268 $ 5,427 $ 5,589 $ 5,757 Clothing $ 1,416 $ 1,459 $ 1,502 $ 1,548 $ 1,594 Utilities $ 228,364 $ 232,931 $ 237,590 $ 242,342 $ 247,188 Chemicals $ 62,881 $ 64,767 $ 66,710 $ 68,712 $ 70,773 Marketing $ 14,000 $ 14,420 $ 14,853 $ 15,298 $ 15,757 Maintenance $ 66,500 $ 68,495 $ 70,550 $ 72,666 $ 74,846 Swim Lesson Supplies $ 1,250 $ 1,288 $ 1,326 $ 1,366 $ 1,407 Birthday Party Expenses $ 10,094 $ 10,396 $ 10,708 $ 11,029 $ 11,360 Program Supplies $ 9,050 $ 9,322 $ 9,601 $ 9,889 $ 10,186 Total Other Direct Costs $ 432,460 $ 443,150 $ 454,115 $ 465,363 $ 476,900 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Revenue Summary 25Y Revenue Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships-Residents $121,676 $125,326 $129,086 $132,959 $136,947 Memberships- Non-Residents $36,503 $37,598 $38,726 $39,888 $41,084 Daily Admissions- Residents $10,300 $10,609 $10,927 $11,255 $11,593 Daily Admissions- Non-Residents $3,725 $3,837 $3,952 $4,070 $4,193 Rental Revenue $26,050 $26,832 $27,636 $28,466 $29,320 Birthday Parties $45,310 $46,669 $48,069 $49,511 $50,997 Aqua Fitness $78,960 $81,329 $83,769 $86,282 $88,870 Aqua Programs $59,840 $61,635 $63,484 $65,389 $67,350 Swim Team 1 $89,630 $92,319 $95,088 $97,941 $100,879 Swim Lessons $164,640 $169,579 $174,667 $179,907 $185,304 Total Revenue $636,634 $655,733 $675,405 $695,667 $716,537 50M Revenue Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships- Residents $144,499 $148,834 $153,299 $157,898 $162,635 Memberships- Non-Residents $73,714 $75,925 $78,203 $80,549 $82,966 Daily Admissions- Residents $10,300 $10,609 $10,927 $11,255 $11,593 Daily Admissions- Non-Residents $5,525 $5,691 $5,861 $6,037 $6,218 Rental Revenue $76,700 $79,001 $81,371 $83,812 $86,327 Birthday Parties $45,310 $46,669 $4 ,,069 $49,511 $50,997 Aqua Fitness $181,890 $187,347 $192,967 $198,756 $204,719 Aqua Programs $67,000 $69,010 $71,080 $73,213 $75,409 Swim Team $89,630 $92,319 $95,088 $97,941 $100,879 Swim Lessons $164,6401 $169,579 1 $174,667 1 $179,907 $185,304 Total Revenue $859,208 1 $884,985 1 $911,534 1 $938,880 $967,047 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Memberships 25 Y Membership Revenue Comps:25Y Price Plans Sold #Members Subtotal Total Budget year 1 year 2 $ 158,178.75 waukegan $98,664 Membership-Resident 554 961 $121,675.96 oak brook $257,745 $303,002 Adult Individual $ 215.00 84 84 $ 18,029.67 elk grove $137,389 $142,852 Adult Couple $ 300.00 68 137 $ 20,523.37 cspd $13,006 $28,273 Family $ 370.00 65 259 $ 23,977.21 Student $ 180.00 25 25 $ 4,589.28 Senior Individual $ 180.00 88 88 $ 15,846.64 Senior Couple $ 250.00 144 287 $ 35,909.78 Membership Pricing Comps:25Y Additional Family Member $ 35.00 80 80 $ 2,800.00 indiv adult couple oak brook $228 $360 elk grove $195 $235 Membership- Non-Resident 139 240 $ 36,502.79 waukegan $280 $560 Adult Individual $ 258.00 21 21 $ 5,408.90 cspd $140 $200 Adult Couple $ 360.00 17 34 $ 6,157.01 waukegan $468 $816 Family $ 444.00 16 65 $ 7,193.16 Sage Y $720 $1,140 Student $ 216.00 6 6 $ 1,376.78 RecPlex $660 $896 Senior Individual $ 216.00 22 22 $ 4,753.99 Norris $399 $660 Senior Couple $ 300.00 36 72 $ 10,772.93 Healthbridgi $828 $1,308 Additional Family Member $ 42.00 20 20 $ 840.00 McHenry $635 $972 50M 90%of current pricing(10%less) Healthbridgi $745.20 $1,177.20 Price Plans Sold #Members Subtotal Total Budget Sage Y $648.0 $1,026.0 $ 218,213.31 Membership-Resident 692 1,117 $144,499.35 Adult Individual $ 225.00 107 107 $ 24,126.13 Adult Couple $ 310.00 87 175 $ 27,117.21 Family $ 380.00 77 308 $ 29,230.99 Student $ 190.00 32 32 $ 6,025.57 Senior Individual $ 190.00 131 131 $ 24,924.81 Senior Couple $ 260.00 107 214 $ 27,824.65 Additional Family Member $ 35.00 150 150 $ 5,250.00 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Membership-Non-Resident 282 464 $ 73,713.95 Adult Individual $ 270.00 46 46 $ 12,407.73 Adult Couple $ 372.00 37 75 $ 13,945.99 Family $ 456.00 33 132 $ 15,033.08 Student $ 228.00 14 14 $ 3,098.86 Senior Individual $ 228.00 56 56 $ 12,818.47 Senior Couple $ 312.00 46 92 $ 14,309.82 Additional Family Member $ 42.00 50 50 $ 2,100.00 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma average notes $98,664 approximate $280,374 play area $140,121 play area,fees/admissions combined in this number $20,640 no play area=less memberships(customer complaints about lack of play/family atmosphere) $134,949 family notes $552 $290 $1,040 Pool only,sold in 1 and 3 month increments(pricing here is for 3-mo) $320 low#of aqua-only members;family pricing is high,considering no play area $1,068 all-inclusive $1,140 all-inclusive $1,150 all-inclusive $684 all-inclusive $1,308 all-inclusive,children free during family time $1,042 combined fitness&pool rates, with proposed fee structure,assuming 2 children under 12 years $1,177.20 $1,026.0 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Market Penetration drive times Age Group! 10-min (25Y) 20-min (50M) difference 10-14 3,187 1.0% 31.87 0.25% 18122 45.305 13.435 29.7% 15-19 3,239 1.0% 32.39 0.25% 17384 43.46 11.07 25.5% 20-54 21893 2.0% 437.86 0.50% 118801 594.005 156.145 26.3% 55-74 7864 3.0% 235.92 1.00% 41793 417.93 182.01 43.6% 75+ 2147 2.5% 53.675 0.75% 10032 75.24 21.565 28.7% 38,330 791.715 206132 1175.94 384.225 30.7% use for res/nr pricing on 50M 2.1% 0.6% *children under 10 are included in family pass Calculations for 10-minute drive/25Y, assumes 80%Resident Rate ages pass type ap ssess members 15-19 student 32 32 20-54 individual pass 105 105 [20-54 years, less family passes; 38% indiv and 62%couple pass] couple pass 86 171 family pass 81 324 55-74 individual pass 90 90 couple pass 73 146 75+ individual pass 20 20 Reference Data couple pass 17 33 https://statisticalatlas.com/county/Illinois/McHenry-Coui 503 921 37%families with children 62% married Calculations for 20-minute drive/50M, assumes 30% Non-Resident Rate 10-mile 20-mile uses the "difference"#'s,plus 25M numbers 37% adults in families 162 58 ages pass types ap ssess members 2 adlts/fam=#/passes 81 29 15-19 student 45 45 20-54 individual pass 153 153 couple pass 125 250 family pass 110 440 55-74 individual pass 159 159 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma couple pass 130 259 75+ individual pass 29 29 couple pass 23 47 774 1381 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Notes population McHenry, IL 27,298 total 21,608 ages 10+ 1501.39 Fitness Membei 2,250 8.24% of whole population 10.41% of pop over 10 years 5.11% of 10-mile pop (30 miles from Norris aquatic center) (8 miles from sage) based on driving distance %that exercise per NRPA 10-minute 44,020 21.40% 20-minute 238,863 22.30% 30-minute 612,012 23% ESRI Market Report Adults MPI Participated in swimming in last 12 months 3,030 14.5% 93 my/Household-Types Number of Members-Comps revenue rate-low rate-high members population market penetration Waukegan approx rev if 250/perso if 280/person 106,000 424 378.57 5001.5 88182 5.67% City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma CSPD if$100/pers if$75/per 30000 300 400 350 40069 0.87% Elk Grove 830.7 32931 2.52% 3.02% RecPlex notes:all-inclusive memberships only, no other competition in market recplex=15,000 members(including kids) population w/in 5 mi w/in 8 mi VPP 20734 158683 260268 members* 15000 9% 6% *members includeds child passes DW Notes,based on IHRSA and NRPA Facility Market Profile if 21.4%are likely to exercise,and 17.2%of h/cl participate in swim,then 9420.28 1620.29 users if 17.2%of current McHenry fitness members participate in swim,then 387 users City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Daily Admissions 25 Y Comps yr 1 yr2 Price #Sold Total Budget oak brook 4900 3032 Daily Admissions cspd 12300 11842 Youth Resident $ 5.00 1,100 $ 5,500.00 waukegan 26250 Adult Resident $ 6.00 800 $ 4,800.00 $ 10,300.00 ESRI: Expected# Participated in Adults/HHs % Youth Non-Resident $ 7.00 275 $ 1,925.00 swimming in 3,030 14.5% Adult Non-Resident $ 9.00 200 $ 1,800.00 ^ $ 3,725.00 Totals 2,375 $ 14,025.00 Rationale: Per ESRI,3,030 adult swimmer Rationale:Avg$14k at 3 local comp facili 50 M Price #Sold Total Budget Daily Admissions Youth Resident $ 5.00 1,100 $ 5,500.00 Adult Resident $ 6.00 800 $ 4,800.00 $ 10,300.00 Youth Non-Resident $ 7.00 275 $ 1,925.00 Adult Non-Resident $ 9.00 400 $ 3,600.00 $ 5,525.00 Totals 2,575 $ 15,825.00 Rationale:50M will attract more adult dz City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma avg 3966 12071 26250 14096 M PI 93 rs;approx 1/3 daily, 1/3 memb, 1/3 outdoor ties Ay visitors for lap swim City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Rentals 25Y Rentals Price hours #Sold Total Budget Revenue Private Rentals $ 175.00 2 25 $ 8,750.00 outside orgs;2 lanes $ 50.00 2 15 $ 1,500.00 outside orgs; meet $ 200.00 6 9 $ 10,800.00 Marlins Hosted meets $ 2,500.00 1 2 $ 5,000.00 $ 26,050.00 Expenses Staff Wage Hrs/Rental #Rentals #Emplyees Subtotal Head Guard $14.00 2.5 25 1 $ 875.00 $ 165.29 $ 1,040.29 Lifeguards $10.00 2.5 25 3 $ 1,875.00 $ 354.19 $ 2,229.19 Total Exp $ 3,269.48 Total Revenue $ 26,050.00 Total Expense $ 3,269.48 Rev-Exp $ 22,780.53 % 87.4% 50M Rental Price hours #Sold Total Budget Revenue Private Rentals $ 300.00 2 16 $ 9,600.00 )utside groups; 2 lanes $ 100.00 2 10 $ 2,000.00 outside teams,4 lanes $ 200.00 2 10 $ 4,000.00 outside orgs; meet $ 400.00 5 16 $ 32,000.00 Marlins Hosted Meets $ 7,500.00 1 1 $ 7,500.00 ISI Meet Rentals $ 300.00 12 6 $ 21,600.00 $ 76,700.00 Expenses Staff Wage Hrs/Rental #Rentals #Emplyees Subtotal City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Head Guard $14.00 2.5 20 1 $ 700.00 $ 132.23 $ 832.23 Lifeguards $10.00 2.5 20 3 $ 1,500.00 $ 283.35 $ 1,783.35 IS[ meets* $10.00 3 8 4 $ 960.00 $ 181.34 $ 1,141.34 Private Rentals $10.00 2 16 4 $ 1,280.00 $ 241.79 $ 1,521.79 Total $ 5,278.72 Total Revenue $ 76,700.00 Total Expense $ 5,278.72 Rev-Exp $ 71,421.28 % 93.1% *ISI Meets may require additional guarded hours outside of regular schedule;times may vary per meet City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma 25Y $25 per lane,per hour Private Rental=outside regular hours Comps waukegan 28,640 incl parties? cspd 14,060 5,839 elk grove 88,513 93,652 incl parties? oak brook 9,450 9,633 recplex 150,000 179,000 not incl parties Glen Ellyn Feasibility:8 event weekends/year 50M $50 per lane,per hour Private Rental=outside regular hours Anne Arundel County MD=12 rentals/year City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Birthday Partys Comps/Data Price #Sold Total Budget oak brook Revenue 592 parties Party with food $ 230.00 92 $ 21,160.00 rev $143,410 Basic Party $ 175.00 138 $ 24,150.00 exp $16,150 $ 45,310.00 $127,260 Expense Host $23.88 230 $ 5,493.51 Food Package $ 45.00 92 $ 4,140.00 Population of kids age 0-9 in McHenry,10-mile rad Paper Goods $ 5.00 92 $ 460.00 5700 5% 285 $ 10,093.51 Total Revenue $ 45,310.00 Total Expense $ 10,093.51 Rev-Exp $ 35,216.49 % 77.7% 2-hour party includes a food package for birthday child and 11 friends and unlimited swimming City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Aqua Fitness Aqua Fitness-25Y Expense Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Fitness Instructor $24.00 21 51 1 $ 25,704.00 $ 4,855.49 $ 30,559.49 Supplies/Equipment $1,125.00 Dumbells $20.00 25 $500.00 Bar Weights $25.00 25 $625.00 Total $ 31,684.49 Cost Participants #/Classes Sessions Total Revenue Program Fee:8-wk session $ 75.00 8 21 4 $ 50,400.00 Program Fee:9-wk session $ 85.00 8 21 2 $ 28,560.00 Total $ 78,960.00 Total Revenue Total Expense Rev-Exp 1-hour class,8 wk session=$75(4 sessions=32 weeks) 1-hour class,9 wk session=$85(2 sessions=18 weeks) (includes one"free week"and one maintenance week) Aqua Fitness-50M Expense Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Fitness Instructor $24.00 43 51 1 $ 52,632.00 $ 9,942.18 $ 62,574.18 Supplies/Equipment $2,250.00 Dumbells $20.00 50 $1,000.00 Bar Weights $25.00 50 $1,250.00 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Total $ 64,824.18 Cost Participants #/Classes Sessions Total Revenue Program Fee:8-wk session $ 75.00 9 43 4 $ 116,100.00 Program Fee:9-wk session $ 85.00 9 43 2 $ 65,790.00 Total $ 181,890.00 Total Revenue Total Expense Rev-Exp o� 1-hour class,8 wk session=$75 (4 sessions=32 weeks) 1-hour class,9 wk session=$85 (2 sessions=18 weeks) (includes one"free week"and one maintenance week) City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Aqua Programs Aqua Programs-25Y Expense Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Instructor/Contractor $11.75 13 48 1 $ 7,332.00 $ 1,385.01 $ 8,717.01 Coach $23.00 8 8 1 $ 1,472.00 $ 278.06 $ 1,750.06 Supplies/Equipment General $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Total $ 10,967.08 Cost Participants #of Classes Sessions Total Revenue Program Fee:8-wk session $ 85.00 8 13 6 $ 53,040.00 Stroke Clinic $ 85.00 20 2 2 $ 6,800.00 Total $ 59,840.00 Total Revenue Total Expense Rev-Exp Scuba/Hockey 1-hour class,8 wk session=$85(6 sessions=48 weeks) Aqua Programs-50M Expense Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Program Instructor $11.75 3 48 1 $ 1,692.00 $ 319.62 $ 2,011.62 Instructor/Contractor $24.00 6 48 1 $ 6,912.00 $ 1,305.68 $ 8,217.68 Coach $23.00 8 8 1 $ 1,472.00 $ 278.06 $ 1,750.06 Specialized Equipment $6,800.00 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Paddleboards $300.00 12 $3,600.00 Kayaks $ 400.00 8 $3,200.00 Total $ 18,779.36 Revenue Cost Participants #of Classes Sessions Total Program Fee: Regular $ 85.00 10 3 6 $ 15,300.00 Program Fee:Specialty $ 160.00 15 3 6 $ 43,200.00 Stroke Clinic $ 85.00 25 2 2 $ 8,500.00 Total $ 67,000.00 Total Revenue Total Expense Rev-Exp 1-hour class,8 wk session=$85(6 sessions=48 weeks) Specialty=2 hour class like Synch ro/Scuba/Hockey/Kayak/Paddle Board new/replacement specialized equipment budgeted annually City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Swim Lessons Expenses Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Instructional Staff Coordinator $14.00 10 50 1 $ 7,000.00 $ 535.50 $ 7,535.50 Group Lessons:30 Min $11.00 0.5 40 70 $ 15,400.00 $ 1,178.10 $ 16,578.10 Group Lessons:45 Min $11.00 0.75 40 14 $ 4,620.00 $ 353.43 $ 4,973.43 *Private Lessons $15.00 30 40 1 $ 18,000.00 $ 1,377.00 $ 19,377.00 Homeschool $10.50 3 40 1 $ 1,260.00 $ 96.39 $ 1,356.39 $ 49,820.42 Cost Quantity Subtotal Supplies Noodles $ 1.00 50 $ 50.00 Float Belts $ 18.00 25 $ 450.00 Kick boards $ 15.00 50 $ 750.00 $ 1,250.00 Total Exp $ 51,070.42 Revenue Cost Participants #of Classes Sessions Total part.per session 30 Min Group:Tots $ 64.00 3 42 5 $ 40,320.00 126 30 Min Group:Youth $ 64.00 6 28 5 $ 53,760.00 168 45 Min Group $ 72.00 8 14 5 $ 40,320.00 112 Private $ 18.00 1 30 40 $ 21,600.00 30 Homeschool $ 72.00 8 3 5 $ 8,640.00 24 460 Total Rev $ 164,640.00 Total Revenue $ 164,640.00 Total Expense $ 51,070.42 Rev-Exp $ 113,569.58 % 69.0% *For private lessons instructor are paid$15 for a 30 minute lesson. *30 private lessons/week for 40 weeks 5,8-week sessions City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma gross revenue comps year 1 year 2 avg CSPD $137,964 $165,700 $151,832 Waukegan $85,274 $85,274 $118,553 Oak Brook $509,039 $591,400 $550,220 all programs Elk Grove 311795 311605 $311,700 all programs $430,960 average current"all programs"proforma $303,440 McH:381 swim participants summer 2015 waukegan p 17/private City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Swim Team 25Y Expense Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Head Coach $23.00 32 48 1 $ 35,328.00 $ 6,673.46 $ 42,001.46 Senior Coach $17.50 10 48 1 $ 8,400.00 $ 1,586.76 $ 9,986.76 Coaches $13.50 15 48 3 $ 29,160.00 $ 2,230.74 $ 31,390.74 IS[ Meets $70.00 1 18 2 $ 2,520.00 $ 192.78 $ 2,712.78 Rec Meets $13.50 5 14 4 $ 3,780.00 $ 289.17 $ 4,069.17 Total $ 90,160.91 Cost Participants Total Revenue Blue $ 305.00 30 $ 9,150.00 Bronze $ 406.00 30 $ 12,180.00 Silver(3 day) $ 405.00 20 $ 8,100.00 Silver(5 day) $ 565.00 20 $ 11,300.00 Total Revenue Gold $ 405.00 20 $ 8,100.00 Total Expense Gold&Platinum $ 565.00 20 $ 11,300.00 140 Rev-Exp Summer $ 400.00 70 $ 28,000.00 May only $ 150.00 10 $ 1,500.00 Total $ 89,630.00 $70 USA swimming fee removed from pricing 50M Expense Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Head Coach $27.50 32 48 1 $ 42,240.00 $ 7,979.14 $ 50,219.14 Senior Coach $17.50 10 48 1 $ 8,400.00 $ 1,586.76 $ 9,986.76 Coaches $13.50 15 48 5 $ 48,600.00 $ 3,717.90 $ 52,317.90 ISI Meets $70.00 1 18 2 $ 2,520.00 $ 192.78 $ 2,712.78 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Rec Meets $13.50 5 14 6 $ 5,670.00 $ 433.76 $ 6,103.76 Total $ 121,340.33 Cost Participants Total Revenue Blue $ 305.00 40 $ 12,200.00 Bronze $ 406.00 35 $ 14,210.00 Silver(3 day) $ 405.00 20 $ 8,100.00 Silver(5 day) $ 565.00 25 $ 14,125.00 Total Revenue Gold $ 405.00 20 $ 8,100.00 Total Expense Gold&Platinum $ 565.00 20 $ 11,300.00 160 Rev-Exp Summer $ 400.00 130 $ 52,000.00 May only $ 150.00 20 $ 3,000.00 Total $ 123,035.00 note:$70 USA swimming fee removed from pricing analysis City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Supervisory Allocations Full Time Supervisor 25Y %Allocation to Salary& Taxes and Indoor Pool Salary Benefit Cost Benefit IMRF Subtotal Budget? Salary Aquatics Supervisor $60,000.00 $12,000.00 $72,000.00 $11,334.00 $83,334.00 70% Aquatics Super $80,000.00 Total $ 83,334.00 $58,333.80 Benefit% 20% Benefit% 20% Aquatics Coordinator %Allocation to Salary& Taxes and Indoor Pool Salary Benefit Cost Benefit IMRF Subtotal Budget? Salary Aquatics Coordinator $27,300.00 $4,095.00 $31,395.00 $5,156.97 $36,551.97 100% Aquatics Coorc $31,850.00 Total $ 36,551.97 $36,551.97 Benefit% 15% Benefit% 15% 25Y Total Supervisory Expense $ 119,885.97 Supervisory Expense posted to Aquatics Budget $94,885.77 Per McHenry Staff, Include only Coordinator in Pro Forma Data; retained here for reference purposes during draft phase Salary/Wage amounts provided by McHenry Staff;see Rates tab City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Full Time Supervisor 50M %Allocation Salary& Taxes and to Indoor Benefit Cost Benefit IMRF Subtotal Pool Budget? $16,000.00 ######### ######### $111,112.00 70% Total $111,112.00 $77,778.40 Aquatics Coordinator %Allocation Salary& Taxes and to Indoor Benefit Cost Benefit IMRF Subtotal Pool Budget? $4,777.50 ######### $6,016.47 $42,643.97 100% Total $ 42,643.97 $42,643.97 50M Total Supervisory Expense $153,755.97 Supervisory Expense posted to Aquatics Budget $120,422.37 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Head Guards/Manager on Duty Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Head Guards/MOD 4:45 AM-6:45 AM $14.00 10 51 0 $ - $ - $ - 6:45 AM-3:00 PM $14.00 16.5 51 1 $ 11,781.00 $ 2,225.43 $ 14,006.43 3:00 PM-5:45 PM $14.00 19.25 51 1 $ 13,744.50 $ 2,596.34 $ 16,340.84 5:45 PM-9:00 PM $14.00 16.25 51 1 $ 11,602.50 $ 2,191.71 $ 13,794.21 Total $ 44,141.48 No staffing difference between 25Y and SON Salary/Wage amounts provided by McHenry Staff;see Rates tab City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Lifeguards 25Y Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Lifeguards:25Y 4:45 AM-6:45 AM $10.00 10 51 2 $ 10,200.00 $ 1,926.78 $ 12,126.78 6:45 AM-3:00 PM $10.00 57.75 51 2.57 $ 75,735.00 $ 14,306.34 $ 90,041.34 3:00 PM-5:45 PM $10.00 19.25 51 3.29 $ 32,257.50 $ 6,093.44 $ 38,350.94 5:45 PM-9:00 PM $10.00 16.25 51 4 $ 33,150.00 $ 6,262.04 $ 39,412.04 Total $ 179,931.10 50M Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Lifeguards:50M 4:45 AM-6:45 AM $10.00 10 51 3 $ 15,300.00 $ 2,890.17 $ 18,190.17 6:45 AM-3:00 PM $10.00 57.75 51 3.57 $ 105,187.50 $ 19,869.92 $ 125,057.42 3:00 PM-5:45 PM $10.00 19.25 51 4.29 $ 42,075.00 $ 7,947.97 $ 50,022.97 5:45 PM-9:00 PM $10.00 16.25 51 5 $ 41,437.50 $ 7,827.54 $ 49,265.04 Total $ 242,535.60 Comps 25Y 50M notes Elk Grove $200,000 contract,approx Oak Brook $216,938 CS P D $115,448 NPD Pro Forma $213,422 $265,019 average $181,936 Per McHenry Staff: Indoor 25 Yard Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Pool 4:45 AM-6:45 AM 2 LGS 2 LGS 2 LGS 2 LGS 2 LGS 6:45 AM-3:00 PM 2 LGS 2 LGS 2 LGS 2 LGS 2 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3:00 PM-5:45 PM 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 5:45 PM-9:00 PM 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Indoor 50 Meter Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Pool 4:45 AM-6:45 AM 3 LGS 3 LGS 3 LGS 3 LGS 3 LGS 6:45 AM-3:00 PM 3 LGS 3 LGS 3 LGS 3 LGS 3 LGS 4-5 LGS 4-5 LGS 3:00 PM-5:45 PM 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 4-5 LGS 4-5 LGS 5:45 PM-9:00 PM 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS 3-4 LGS *Saturday/Sunday times would need to adjust earlier and later if we had a 50 meter pool and were hosting IS[ events. Most ISI meets open doors at 6:30 am and can run until 9:00 pm at night depending on meet format. Salary/Wage amounts provided by McHenry Staff;see Rates tab City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Special Events Wage Hrs/Event #Events #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Special Events-25Y Special Events $8.88 3 12 3 $ 958.50 $ 181.06 $ 1,139.56 Swim Meets $8.88 7 6 3 $ 1,118.25 $ 211.24 $ 1,329.49 Total $ 2,469.05 Wage Hrs/Event #Events #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Special Events-50M Special Events $8.88 3 12 3 $ 958.50 $ 181.06 $ 1,139.56 Swim Meets $8.88 7 12 4 $ 2,982.00 $ 563.30 $ 3,545.30 Total $ 4,684.86 50M:avg 2 meet days per month, 12 months Salary/Wage amounts provided by McHenry Staff;see Rates tab City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Training 25Y 50M Wage Hrs/Training #/Year #Employees 25Y Subtotal Payroll Taxes 25Y Total 50M Subtotal Payroll Taxes 50M Total Training/Meetings $/hr 25Y 50M Head Guards $14.00 2 12 3 3 $ 1,008.00 $ 190.41 $ 1,198.41 $ 1,008.00 $ 190.41 $ 1,198.41 Lifeguards $10.00 1 12 22 30 $ 2,640.00 $ 498.70 $ 3,138.70 $ 3,600.00 $ 680.04 $ 4,280.04 Fitness Instructors $24.00 1 12 4 8 $ 1,152.00 $ 88.13 $ 1,240.13 $ 2,304.00 $ 176.26 $ 2,480.26 Swim Instructors $11.00 1 12 6 6 $ 792.00 $ 60.59 $ 852.59 $ 792.00 $ 60.59 $ 852.59 Admissions $10.50 1 12 5 5 $ 630.00 $ 48.20 $ 678.20 $ 630.00 $ 48.20 $ 678.20 Special Events $8.88 1 12 3 3 $ 319.50 $ 24.44 $ 343.94 $ 319.50 $ 24.44 $ 343.94 Head Coach $23.00 2 12 1 1 $ 552.00 $ 104.27 $ 656.27 $ 552.00 $ 104.27 $ 656.27 st.Head Coach/Computer $17.50 1 12 1 2 $ 210.00 $ 420.00 Coach $13.50 1 12 4 6 $ 648.00 $ 49.57 $ 697.57 $ 972.00 $ 74.36 $ 1,046.36 In-service/Certification Head Guards $14.00 3 12 3 3 $ 1,512.00 $ 285.62 $ 1,797.62 $ 1,512.00 $ 285.62 $ 1,797.62 Lifeguards $10.00 2 12 22 30 $ 5,280.00 $ 997.39 $ 6,277.39 $ 7,200.00 $ 1,360.08 $ 8,560.08 Fitness Instructors $24.00 4 1 4 8 $ 384.00 $ 72.54 $ 456.54 $ 768.00 $ 145.08 $ 913.08 Conference: FT $2,000.00 1 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Total $19,337.35 Total $24,806.83 Salary/Wage amounts provided by McHenry Staff;see Rates tab City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma 20 hrs/wk 10 hrs/wk Hours min.guards max guards 1,020.00 7,573.50 3,225.75 3,315.00 15,134.25 16 32 22 Approx#/Guards 687.92045 13.488636 hrs/wk/guard 1,530.00 10,518.75 4,207.50 4,143.75 20,400.00 21 42 30 Approx#/Guards 680 13.333333 hrs/wk/guard #/guards #/guards hrs/year 3162 4 3 790.5 1054 15.5 20.67 hrs/wk recommend 3 head guards @ 20.67 hrs/wk+mtgs/training City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Services 25Y 50M Cost Quantity Subtotal Cost Quantity Subtotal Lifeguard Instructors $ 375 4 $ 1,500 $ 375 4 $ 1,500 Audits-Lifeguard Company $ 1,000 6 $ 6,000 $ 1,000 6 $ 6,000 Annual Fee-Lifeguard Company $ 800 1 $ 800 $ 800 1 $ 800 Health Dept $ 650 1 $ 650 $ 650 1 $ 650 IT Allocation (equip,maint) $ 200 12 $ 2,400 $ 200 12 $ 2,400 Aquatic Consult/Service $ 128 12 $ 1,536 $ 128 12 $ 1,536 Credit card processing fees* $ 477,475 3% $ 14,324 $ 644,406 3% $ 19,332 Total $ 27,210 Total $ 32,218 credit card payments estimated at 75%of all transactions City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma General Supplies 25Y 50M Cost Quantity Subtotal Cost Quantity Subtotal CJ Backboards $ 600.00 1 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 2 $ 1,200.00 Rescue Tubes $ 55.00 15 $ 825.00 $ 55.00 20 $ 1,100.00 Oxygen Tank $ 275.00 1 $ 275.00 $ 275.00 1 $ 275.00 V-vac kit $ 130.00 1 $ 130.00 $ 130.00 1 $ 130.00 AED $ 1,700.00 1 $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 1 $ 1,700.00 Hip Packs $ 9.00 15 $ 135.00 $ 9.00 20 $ 180.00 Seal Easys $ 10.00 20 $ 200.00 $ 10.00 25 $ 250.00 Bag Valve Masks $ 16.00 15 $ 240.00 $ 16.00 20 $ 320.00 Life vests $ 25.00 25 $ 625.00 $ 25.00 25 $ 625.00 Rescue Manikin $ 700.00 1 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 1 $ 700.00 Diving Brick $ 50.00 2 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 2 $ 100.00 Office Supplies $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 ID cards,ribbon $ 125.00 8 $ 1,000.00 $ 125.00 9 $ 1,125.00 Wristbands $ 15.00 10 $ 150.00 $ 15.00 12 $ 180.00 Total $ 5,530.00 Total $ 6,580.00 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Safety 25Y 50M Cost Quantity Subtotal Cost Quantity Subtotal First Aid-various stock $ 1,500.00 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,750.00 1 $ 1,750.00 nitrile gloves $ 8.00 50 $ 400.00 $ 8.00 55 $ 440.00 Lifeguard Licenses $ 30.00 40 $ 1,200.00 $ 30.00 45 $ 1,350.00 Lifeguard Books $ 35.00 40 $ 1,400.00 $ 35.00 45 $ 1,575.00 Total $ 4,500.00 Total $ 5,115.00 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Clothing 25Y 50M Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Cost Quantity Subtotal Staff t-shirt $ 5.00 40 $ 200.00 $ 5.00 45 $ 225.00 Staff tank top $ 5.00 40 $ 200.00 $ 5.00 45 $ 225.00 Male guard suit $ 27.00 20 $ 540.00 $ 27.00 25 $ 675.00 Female guard suit $ 48.00 20 $ 960.00 $ 48.00 25 $ 1,200.00 Female cover shorts $ 19.00 20 $ 380.00 $ 19.00 25 $ 475.00 visor $ 5.00 40 $ 200.00 $ 5.00 45 $ 225.00 whistle $ 3.50 40 $ 140.00 $ 3.50 45 $ 157.50 lanyard $ 0.75 40 $ 30.00 $ 0.75 45 $ 33.75 Lead polos $ 15.00 10 $ 150.00 $ 15.00 15 $ 225.00 Staff reimbursement* $ (45.00) 40 $ (1,800.00) $ (45.00) 45 $(2,025.00) Total $ 1,000.00 Total $ 1,416.25 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Utilities s ft $/sq ft totals Formulas/Reference Data:Sports Mgmt Group,2007 25Y natatorium=$4/sq foot($4.69 in 2018 dollars) Natatorium 13000 $4.69 $60,970 pool=$5.25/sq foot($6.19 in 2018 dollars) Pool 17390 $6.16 $80,080 $141,050 50M (adding add'I 11,088 sq ft) Comparative Utilities 25Y 50M Natatorium 18463 $4.69 $86,591 Naperville Feasibility $ 72,182.00 $187,795.50 Pool 23015 $6.16 $141,772 Medford Feasibility $ 270,579.00 $405,012.00 $228,364 Glen Ellyn Feasibility $ 99,000.00 $127,500.00 Alexandria VA Feasibility $ 555,651.00 Waukegan Feasibility $ 132,414.00 Oak Brook Actuals $ 105,682.50 Elk Grove Actuals $ 79,576.00 Anne Arundel County MD $183,213.00 Average $ 187,869.21 $225,880.13 quote from 2008 article(50M)_$250,000/year in chemic in 2018 dollars: $293,163 spot-on with current chem& utilitiy allocations: City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Maintenance Item 25Y 50M Equipment $ 8,000 $ 12,000 Comps HVAC $ 9,000 $ 13,000 25Y Repair/Replacement $ 6,000 $ 12,000 MD:Germ. MD:Oln Glen Ellyn Oak Brook Average Janitorial $ 2,000 $ 5,000 $51,000 $67,000 $43,500 $80,065 $60,391 Aquatic Maintenance Supplies $ 7,000 $ 11,000 Electrical Supplies(bulbs) $ 1,000 $ 1,500 50M Deferred Maintenance $ 8,000 $ 12,000 medford Glen Ellyn $76,292 $56,000 $66,146 Total $ 41,000 $ 66,500 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Chemicals Comparative Chemicals 25Y 50M Naperville Feasibility $ 12,325 $ 27,582 Medford Feasibility $ 70,868 $ 123,561 Glen Ellyn Feasibility $ 29,300 $ 37,500 Alexandria VA Feasibility $ 50,179 Waukegan Budget $ 36,750 Oak Brook Actuals $ 16,837 Carol Stream FVRC $ 23,467 Germantown Actuals $ 29,808 Olney Actuals $ 38,917 Estimated McHenry Expenses $ 34,272 $ 62,881 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Marketing 25Y 50M Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Printing $ 1,000 1 $ 1,000 Printing $ 1,000 1 $ 1,000 Marketing $ 5,000 1 $ 5,000 Marketing $ 5,000 1 $ 5,000 Advertising: Regional Publications $ 2,000 4 $ 8,000 Total $ 6,000 1 Total $ 14,000 City of McHenry Aquatics Proforma Rates:As provided by City of McHenry Staff FT Supervisor $60,000 $/year Coordinator $17.50 $/hr Fitness Instructor $24.00 $/hr Head Guards $14.00 $/hr Lifeguards $10.00 $/hr Program Instructor $11.75 $/hr Swim Instructor-Group $11.00 $/hr Swim Instructor- Private $30.00 $/hr Aquatics Desk/Admissions $10.50 $/hr Special Events Staff $8.88 $/hr Head Coach $23.00 $/hr Senior Coach $17.50 $/hr Coach $13.50 $/hr Payroll Taxes Social Security 6.20% Medicare 1.45% IMRF 11.24% 18.89% non-IMRF employees 7.65% Annual Revenue/Expenditure Gr Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Utilities 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% All Other Expenses 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Salaries 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Revenues(All) 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Full Assumptions Listing will be included in the full,final report Assumptions Operation hours of 5am-9pm Mon-Fri Operation hours of 7am-6pm Sat&Sun;6-10pm rentals Closed one week per year for cleaning/maintenance Four shifts per weekday,two per weekend. Lifeguards arrive 15 minutes prior to opening. Staff will pay for portion of uniform Concessions Operation during swim meets will be run by swim team as a fundraiser Gymnasium Pro Forma Summary Revenues Programs $ 115,440.00 Open Gym $ 27,768.00 Rentals $ 44,520.00 Parties $ 39,600.00 $227,328.00 Expenses Programs $ 29,212.99 Open Gym $ 11,502.61 Parties $ 11,244.25 Facility Exper $ 112,248.00 $164,207.85 Net Revenue $ 63,120.15 Percent Recovery 138.4% Optional Opportunity Walking Track Peak Hours Revenue $ 5,225.00 Instructional Programs Expense Wage Classes/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Staff: Fall/Winter/Spring Instructor:45 min $12.00 14 32 1 $ 5,376.00 Instructor: 1 hour $15.00 20 32 1 $ 9,600.00 Summer Instructor:45 min $12.00 4 6 1 $ 288.00 Instructor: 1 hour $15.00 11 6 1 $ 990.00 Specialty Camp $20.00 15 8 2 $ 4,800.00 Supplies/Equipment General $ 500.00 Cost Participants #of Classes Sessions Total Revenue Fall/Winter/Spring Program Fee:45 min class $ 60.00 5 14 4 $ 16,800.00 Program Fee:60 min class $ 80.00 8 20 4 $ 51,200.00 Summer Program Fee:45 min class $ 60.00 5 4 1 $ 1,200.00 Program Fee:60 min class $ 80.00 8 11 1 $ 7,040.00 Specialty Camp $ 125.00 20 1 8 $ 20,000.00 Total $ 96,240.00 Fall/Winter/Spring:4,8 wk sessions;Summer:8 week session $10 per hour of service .25 hr of prep per class included in hourly wage includes learn to play courses, homeschool,stroller babies, etc. Payroll Taxes Total $ 1,015.53 $ 6,391.53 $ 1,813.44 $ 11,413.44 $ 54.40 $ 342.40 $ 187.01 $ 1,177.01 $ 906.72 $ 5,706.72 $ 500.00 Total $ 25,531.10 Total Revenue $ 96,240.00 Total Expense $ 25,531.10 Rev-Exp $ 70,708.90 73.5% Pickleball Expense Wage Classes/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Instructor: Lessons $12.00 3 40 1 $ 1,440.00 $ 272.02 $ 1,712.02 Instructor:Clinic $12.00 2 5 1 $ 120.00 $ 22.67 $ 142.67 League Officials $12.00 3 24 1 $ 864.00 $ 163.21 $ 1,027.21 Supplies/Equipment General $ 500.00 $ 800.00 League Awards $ 300.00 Total $ 3,681.89 Cost Participants #of Classes Sessions Total Revenue Pickleball Lessons $ 80.00 6 3 5 $ 7,200.00 Pickleball Clinic $ 20.00 8 1 5 $ 800.00 Open Pickleball $ 8.00 4 5 40 $ 6,400.00 Pickleball League $ 100.00 16 1 3 $ 4,800.00 Total $19,200.00 Total Revenue Total Expense Rev-Exp Open Gym included in membership additional paid daily admissions (kids w/o parent members,visitors) Expense Wage Classes/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Attendant* $9.00 21.5 50 1 $ 9,675.00 $ 1,827.61 $ 11,502.61 dant at family time $9.00 8 50 1 $ 3,600.00 $ 680.04 $ 4,280.04 $ 15,782.65 Revenue Daily Admission Rates for non-members Description Fee Quantity Months sub total Open Gym Memb. Adult $ 16.00 20 12 $ 3,840.00 $192 Youth $ 10.00 20 12 $ 2,400.00 $120 Adult Open Gym Residents $ 8.00 80 12 $ 7,680.00 10 adult sessic Non Residei $ 10.00 8 12 $ 960.00 Youth Open Gym Resident $ 5.00 160 12 $ 9,600.00 Non Resider $ 7.00 12 12 $ 1,008.00 Family Open Gym Residents $ 15.00 6 12 $ 1,080.00 Non Resider $ 20.00 2 12 $ 480.00 Tot Open Gym Residents $ 3.00 20 9 $ 540.00 Non Resider $ 5.00 4 9 $ 180.00 $ 27,768.00 $ 16,265.39 *Attendant is present during youth and evening open gym sessions and adult lunchtime sessions Comp Budgets Rev Exp Net CSPD $42,860 $25,203 $17,657 WCPD $9,996 Waukegan $65,200 NPD $50,955 annual adult annual youth )ns per week x 2 pd per session(non-members) Comp Pricing Waukegan Pricing Daily Open Gym Fees Youth 18 and under $4 resident/$6 nonresident Adults 19+ $10 resident/$10 nonresident Open Gym Only Passes One-Month Pass Youth 18 and under $25 resident/$30 nonresident Adults 19+ $30 resident/$35 nonresident Three-Month Pass Youth 18 and under $60 resident/$70 nonresident Adults 19+ $70 resident/$80 nonresident Cg Pricing Adult Youth Annual $ 160.00 $ 160.00 3 Month Pass $ 60.00 $ 60.00 Punch Pass 1 $ 7.00 $ 5.00 Punch Pass 5 $ 25.00 $ 19.00 Punch Pass 10 1 $ 45.00 $ 35.00 Rentals Price hours #Sold Total Budget Court Rental Revenue" off-peak court time $ 40.00 6 14 $ 3,360.00 peak court time $ 65.00 11 32 $22,880.00 swim meet add-on $ 30.00 8 4 $ 960.00 Program Contractors $ 25.00 12 46 $13,800.00 Sports Tournament $ 110.00 8 4 $ 3,520.00 $44,520.00 Swim meet add-on=outside organization is renting pool for meet and needs gym staging space Off-peak=weekday morning/mid-day, Sundays,summers;Peak=nights, Saturdays Program Contractors=Long-term agreements with groups like Jazzercise, Baton Sports Tournament=whole gym Court rental could be by sports teams, individual rentals, and/or add-ons to room rentals "Does not include any after-hours rental opportunities Comparisons Agency Gross Revenue waukegan tournaments/expos $181,250 CSPD gym rentals $27,000 WCPD gym Rentals $42,168 RecPlex $228,259 Court Pricing weekday/off peak weekend/peak WCPD 40 80 Waukegan 50 65 Birthday Partys Price #Sold Total Budget Revenue Basic Party:Gym $ 165.00 20 $ 3,300.00 Gym Party with food $ 220.00 30 $ 6,600.00 Basic Party: Playground $ 165.00 60 $ 9,900.00 Playground Party with food $ 220.00 90 $ 19,800.00 200 $39,600.00 Expense Host $24.22 200 $ 4,844.25 Food Package $ 45.00 120 $ 5,400.00 Paper Goods,supplies $ 5.00 200 $ 1,000.00 $11,244.25 Total Revenue $39,600.00 Total Expense $11,244.25 Rev-Exp $28,355.75 71.6% 2-hour party includes a food package for birthday child and 11 friends and unlimited swimming Price Comparisons no food food WCPD (2 hrs) 135 185 CSPD (1.5 hrs) 149 179 Elk Grove(2 hrs) 220 varies Waukegan (3hrs) 165 average 167.25 Revenue Comparisons rev exp net WCPD 47520 13722 33798 Waukegan 62142 Gymnasium Expenses Utilities $54,648 Custodial Hours (Additional) $29,120 Contracted Repairs $1,500 Repair& Maintenance Supplies $2,000 Janitorial Supplies $6,000 Walk-off Mats $1,000 Wood Floor Screening $8,500 Equipment (balls, cones, nets) $3,000 Safety Supplies $1,000 Office Supplies:wristbands,clipboards,1 $500 Staff Uniforms $480 Marketing Promo Materials $4,500 $112,248 Custodial Assumptions: $20/hr, 3.5hrs/day, 7 days/wk, 52 weeks additional daily cleaning: 1.5 hr FH floor, 1 hr indoor play, 1 hr bathroom/hall, .5 hrs/track Expenses Utilities $2.75 per square foot(2007 figures) $3.30 per square foot(2018 figures,converted) 16,560 square feet ######### Optional Walking Track Comps Price #Sold Total Budget Revenue Waukegan Daily Pass Res $ 2.00 600 $ 1,200.00 NPD Daily Pass NR $ 3.00 50 $ 150.00 Membership Res $ 50.00 70 $ 3,500.00 Membership NR $ 75.00 5 $ 375.00 CSPD $ 5,225.00 NPD Benchmark: Local Park Districts offer free track passes to residents during off-peak facility hours. Revenue gained from fees charged during peak hours can off-set cost to maintain the track. CSPD: Revenue Track Membership $8,000 $19,843 Fitness Members Included in all-inclusive membership! Memberships 674 in 2015 Annual Track Pass 230in 2017 Individual Annual Pass S60R/90NR NPD: Free Resident Track Hours i ,1, ,00 iQ ri. I OC p P rr. Daily Fees Re- ',-rreL $Z; $3 Monthly Yearly Fees Assumptions 4, 8-week sessions 1, 8-week session in summer 1 week floor maintenance 2 weeks holidays/short days 8 weekends for tournaments/events approx 46 weeks/year for regular open gym activities • •. - •. Wednesday •. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5:30 6:00 Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open 6:30 Gym Gym Pickleball Gym Gym Pickleball 7:00 7:30 8:00 Jazze 8:30 Pickleball 9:00 Stroller Babies 9:30 Inst:45min(2) Tot Open Gym Tot Open Gym 10:00 Homeschool P Homeschool P Jazzercise 10:30 Inst:45min(2) 11:00 11:30 12:00 Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ 12:30 Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gy 1:00 1:30 Homeschool PE Homesc 2:00 Pickleball Pickleball 2:30 3:00 HS Open Gym HS Open Gym 3:30 Middle school Middle school 4:00 open gym open gym 4:30 1nst:45min(2) Inst:1hr Inst:45min(2) Inst: 5:00 5:30 P P Inst:1hr P P Inst:1hr Inst:45min(2) Inst:Shr 6:00 P P Pickleball 6:30 Inst:1hr Family Inst:1hr Inst:1hr Inst: 7:00 P P lhr 7:30 Inst:1hr P P 8:00 P P Travel Sport Travel Sport Travel Sport Travel 8:30 Rental Cheer/Baton Rental P P Rental P P Rer 9:00%dult Open Gy 9:30 Instructioni 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Instructioni 6:00 6:30 Youth Spor 7:30 Adult Open Pickleball In-house sp 8:00 Gym Adult Sports League Adult voile) 9: 0 G G 9:30 Pickleball 10:00 G G Inst:45min(2) Famil 0 e 10:30 Y p 11:00 Inst:1hr Pickleball League Party(bday G 12:00 12:30 Inst:1hr Rental/Con 1:00 G 1:30 G Cheer/Baton Inst:1hr Party 2:00 Inst:lhr Party y t4.5 nrs aauit open gym 2: 3:30 G Party b nrs miame school open g 3:30 Part Family O Gym 1.s nrs elementary open gy 4:00 y y Open y 3 Mrs nign scnooi open gym 4:30 Party 5:00 5:30 Family Open Gym 6:00 Special Use/Rentals 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 Special Use/Rentals 8:30 9:00 4 7yo-P77:30 5:30 6:00 7:30 7:00 !rcise 8:00 8:30 Stroller Babies 9:00 9:30 lazzercise 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Jpen Adult Open 55+ Open 12:00 m Gym Gym 12:30 1:00 :hool PE 1:30 Pickleball 2:00 2:30 3:00 Middle school 3:30 open gym Cheer/Baton 4:00 1 h r 4:30 Inst:1hr Inst:1hr 5:00 5:30 6:00 Family Open Gym 6:30 7:00 7:30 Sport 8:00 ital Adult Volleyball 8:30 9:00 9:30 abSports(Youth, 1 hr), 16 classes al Sports (Youth,45 min), 12 classes is League Games sorts practice (e.g. basketball,volleyball) /ball n Gym (8 hrs) or room &court rental) tract groups ym im Wednesday 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 5:30 6:00 Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open 6:30 Gym Gym Pickleball Gym Gym Pickl 7:00 7:30 8:00 Jazzercise 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Specialty Camp Specialty Camp Specialty Camp Specialt 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open Adult Open 12:30 Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym Gym 1:00 1:30 2:00 Pickleball Pickleball 2:30 Gym&Swim group outing Gym&Swim 3:00 3:30 Middle school with pool Middle school with 4:00 open gym open gym 4:30 Inst:45min(2) Inst:1hr 5:00 , . 5:30 Inst:1hr Inst:1hr Inst:1hr 6:00 6 Pickl :30 7:00 HS Open Gym Inst:1hr Family Inst:1hr HS Open Gym Inst:1hr 7:30 8:00 Travel Sport Travel Sport 8:30 Adult Open Cheer/Baton Adult Open 9:00 Gym Rental Gym Rental 9:30 Instru 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Instru 6: 0 6:330 Youth 7:00 7:30 Adult Open In-hoi Pickleball 8:00 Gym Adult Sports League Adult 8:30 9:00 9:30 Pickle 10:00 I nst:45min(2) F 10:30 a m i l 11:00 Inst:1hr Pickleball League Party Y 12:00 Inst:lhr 12:30 Rentc 1:00 Party 1:30 Cheer/Baton 2:00 Party 2:30 Party 3:00 3:30 Party Family Open Gym 4:00 Party 4:30 5:00 5:30 Family Open Gym 6:00 Special Use/Rentals 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 Special Use/Rentals 8:30 9:00 3 4 1 2 3 4 5:30 eball Adult Open 55+ Open 6:00 Gym Gym 7;00 7:30 Jazzercise Jazzercise 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 :y Camp Specialty Camp 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 55+ Open Adult Open 55+ Open 12:00 Gym Gym Gym 12:30 1:00 1:30 Pickleball 2:00 group outing 2:30 3:00 pool Middle school 3:30 open gym Cheer/Baton 4:00 4:30 Inst:1hr Inst:1hr 5:00 5:30 eball 6:00 Family Open Gym 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 Adult Volleyball 8:30 9:00 9:30 Ictional Sports (Youth, 1 hr) Ictional Sports (Youth,45 min) I Sports League Games use sports practice (e.g. basketball,volleyball) volleyball !ball y Open Gym II/Contract groups Option 1-Aquatics Revenue Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships-Residents $85,995 $85,995 $91,155 $91,155 $96,624 Memberships-Non-Residents $23,249 $23,249 $24,643 $24,643 $26,122 Daily Admissions-Residents $52,000 $52,000 $55,120 $55,120 $58,427 Daily Admissions-Non-Residents $28,000 $28,0001 $29,680 $29,680 $31,461 Rental Revenue $4,800 $4,8001 $5,088 $5,088 $5,393 Birthday Parties $3,000 $3,000 $3,180 $3,180 $3,371 Concessions $2,500 $2,500 $2,650 $2,650 $2,809 Aqua Fitness $2,700 $2,700 $2,862 $2,862 $3,034 Swim Lessons $44,550 $44,550 $47,223 $47,223 $50,056 Total Revenue $246,794 $246,794 $261#601 $261,601 $277,297 Expenses Labor Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FT Supervisor $39,200 $40,376 $41,587 $42,835 $44,120 Managers $10,676 $10,996 $11,326 $11,665 $12,015 Lifeguards $58,886 $60,653 $62,472 $64,346 $66,277 Deck Attendants $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Admissions $6,006 $6,186 $6,371 $6,562 $6,759 Training $15,211 $15,667 $16,137 $16,621 $17,120 Aqua Fitness $2,023 $2,084 $2,146 $2,211 $2,277 Swim Lessons $28,987 $29,857 $30,752 $31,675 $32,625 Rentals $2,866 $2,952 $3,041 $3,132 $3,226 Total Labor $163,854 $168,770 $173,833 $179,048 $184,419 Other Direct Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year S Outside Services $7,850 $8,086 $8,328 $8,578 $8,835 General Supplies $5,712 $5,883 $6,060 $6,242 $6,429 Safety $5,840 $6,015 $6,196 $6,382 $6,573 Clothing $1,455 $1,499 $1,544 $1,590 $1,638 Utilities $7,000 $7,140 $7,283 $7,428 $7,577 Chemicals $8,000 $8,240 $8,487 $8,742 $9,004 Marketing $6,000 $6,180 $6,365 $6,556 $6,753 Maintenance $12,000 $12,360 $12,731 $13,113 $13,506 Swim Lesson Supplies $1,100 $1,133 $1,167 $1,202 $1,238 Birthday Party Expenses $820 $845 $870 $896 $923 Total Other Direct Costs $55,777 $57,380 $59,030 $60,728 $62,476 Total Expenses $219,631 $226,150 $232,863 $239,776 $246,895 Total Revenue $246,794 $246,794 $261,601 $261,601 $277,297 Revenue less Expenses $27,162 $20,644 $28,738 $21,825 $30,402 Percent Recovery 112.4% 109.1% 112.3% 109.1% 112.3% Note: Year 1 is in 2013 dollars Revenue Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships-Residents $85,995 $85,995 $91,155 $91,155 $96,624 Memberships-Non-Residents $23,249 $23,249 $24,643 $24,643 $26,122 Daily Admissions-Residents $52,000 $52,000 $55,120 $55,120 $58,427 Daily Admissions-Non-Residents $28,000 $28,000 $29,680 $29,680 $31,461 Rental Revenue $4,800 $4,800 $5,088 $5,088 $5,393 Birthday Parties $3,000 $3,000 $3,180 $3,180 $3,371 Concessions $2,500 $2,500 $2,650 $2,650 $2,809 Aqua Fitness $2,700 $2,700 $2,862 $2,862 $3,034 Swim Lessons 1 $44,550 1 $44,5501 $47,223 $47,223 $50,056 Total Revenue 1 $246,794 1 $246,794 1 $261,601 $261,601 $277,297 Labor Expense Labor Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FT Supervisor $ 39,200.00 $ 40,376.00 $ 41,587.28 $ 42,834.90 $ 44,119.95 Managers $ 10,675.52 $ 10,995.78 $ 11,325.65 $ 11,665.42 $ 12,015.39 Lifeguards $ 58,885.98 $ 60,652.56 $ 62,472.13 $ 64,346.30 $ 66,276.69 Admissions $ 6,005.54 $ 6,18S.70 $ 6,371.28 $ 6,562.41 $ 6,759.29 Training $ 15,210.95 $ 15,667.27 $ 16,137.29 $ 16,621.41 $ 17,120.05 Aqua Fitness $ 2,022.96 $ 2,083.65 $ 2,146.16 $ 2,210.54 $ 2,276.86 Swim Lessons $ 28,986.92 $ 29,856.52 $ 30,752.22 $ 31,674.79 $ 32,525.03 Rentals $ 2,866.18 $ 2,952.17 $ 3,040.73 $ 3,131.95 $ 3,225.91 Total $ 163,854.03 1 $ 168,769.65 1 $ 173,832.74 1 $ 179,047.72 1 $ 184,419.16 Other Direct Costs ODC Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Outside Services $7,850 $8,086 $8,328 $8,578 $8,835 General Supplies $5,712 $5,883 $6,060 $6,242 $6,429 Safety $5,840 $6,015 $6,196 $6,382 $6,573 Clothing $1,455 $1,499 $1,544 $1,590 $1,638 Utilities $7,000 $7,140 $7,283 $7,428 $7,577 Chemicals $8,000 $8,240 $8,487 $8,742 $9,004 Marketing $6,000 $6,180 $6,365 $6,556 $6,753 Maintenance $12,000 $12,360 $12,731 $13,113 $13,506 Swim Lesson Supplies $1,100 $1,133 $1,167 $1,202 $1,238 Birthday Party Expenses $820 $845 $870 $896 $923 Total Other Direct Costs 1 $55,777 $57,3801 $59,0301 $60,728 $62,476 Season Pass Sales Resident Price Plans Sold 9Members Subtotal Total Budget S 85,995.00 Season Passes-Early Bird 416 1,152 $ 45,120 00 Total Sales Individual!S 65.00 52 52 S 3,390.00 46% 65 Family of 2 S 300.00 88 176 S B,800.00 110 Family of 3 $ 12S.00 88 264 $ 11,000.00 110 Family of 4 $ 245.00 72 289 $ 20,440.00 90 Family of 5,$ 160.00 64 320 S 10,240.00 80 Additional Family Member'$ 1S.00 32 32 S 480.00 40 Guest Pass $ 39.00 20 20 $ 780.00 20 Season Passes-Regular 335 911 $ 40,975.00 Individual $ 75.00 48 48 $ 3,600.00 50 Family of 21$ 1".06 72 144 $ 7,920.00 90 Family of 3 $ 140.00 72 216 $ 10,080.00 90 Family of 4 S 165.00 56 224 $ 9,240.00 70 Family of 5 $ 185.00 48 240 $ 8,880.00 60 Additional Family Member;$ 20.00 24 24 $ 480.00 30 Guest Pass $ 45.00 15 15 S 675.00 is Non-Resident 16% Premium for Non-Residen $ 23,248.50 20% of Pass Holders are Non- Season Passes-Early Bird 99 283 $ 12,193 50 Individual S 71.50 13 13 $ 929SO Family of 2 S 130.00 22 44 S 2,420.00 Family of 3 S 13750 22 66 $ 3,025.00 Family of 4 S 159.50 18 72 $ 2,871.00 Family of S S 176.00 16 80 $ 2,816.00 Additional Family Member S 16.50 8 8 $ 132.00 Season Passes-Regular BO 224 S 11,055 00 Individual 5 82.50 12 12 $ 990.00 Family of 2 S 121.00 18 36 $ 2,178.00 Family of 3 S 25400 i8 54 $ 2,772.00 Family of 4 $ 181.50 14 56 S 2,541.00 Family of 5 5 203S0 12 60 S 2,442.00 Additional Family Member $ 22.00 6 6 $ 132.00 Daily Admissions Price #Sold Total Budget Daily Admissions $ 52,000.00 Youth Resident $ 5.00 6,000 $ 30,000.00 Adult Resident $ 6.00 3,000 $ 18,000.00 Twilight Resident $ 4.00 1,000 $ 4,000.00 $ 28,000.00 Youth Non-Resident $ 6.00 2,500 $ 15,000.00 Adult Non-Resident $ 7.00 1,500 $ 10,500.00 Twilight Non-Resident $ 5.00 500 $ 2,500.00 Rentals Price #Sold Total Budget Revenue $ 4,800.00 Rental Fee $ 400.00 12 $ 4,800.00 Expenses Staff Wage Hrs/Rental #Rentals #Emplyees Subtotal Manager $ 12.25 2.5 12 1 $ 367.50 Lifeguards $ 850 IS 12 9 $ 2,295.00 Deck Attendants $ - 0 0 0 $ - Total Revenue $ 4,800.00 Total Expense $ 2,866.18 Rev-Exp $ 1,933.82 % 40.3% 2 Hours private rental of the facility.Charge$500 for Non-residents Birthday Partys Price #Sold Total Budget Revenue $ 3,000.00 Party Fee $ 150.00 20 $ 3,000.00 Expense $ 820.00 Food Package $ 41.00 20 $ 820.00 Total Revenue $ 3,000.00 Total Expense $ 820.00 Rev-Exp $ 2,180.00 % 72.7% Includes a food package for birthday child and 11 friends and unlimited swimming Pool Managers Wage Hrs/Wk M Weeks N Employees Subtotal Payroll Takes Total Rain Budget Pool Managers M-F 1st Shift $12 50 2S 11 1 $ 3,437.50 $ 26297 $ 3,700.47 S 370.05 S 3,33042 M-F 2nd Shift $12 SO 275 11 1 $ 3,781.2S $ 2"27 S 4,070.52 5 40705 $ 3,663 46 Weekend 1st Shift $12 50 9 16 1 $ 1,800.00 S 23770 S 1,937.70 $ 193.77 $ 1,74393 Weekend 2nd Shift $12 50 10 16 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 15300 S 2,1S3.00 $ 21530 $ 1,937.70 Total $ 10,67532 uhguuds Wage Hrs/Wk N Weeks N Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Rain Budget Ufeguards WF 1st Shift Soso 215 11 9 $ 19,933.75 $ 2,448.43 $ 20,392 18 $ 2,03822 $ 18.343 96 M-F 2nd Shift $8 50 25 11 9 $ 21,037,50 $ 1,609.37 $ 22,646.87 $ Z264 69 $ 20,382 18 Weekend 1st Shift $8 SO a 16 9 5 91792.00 $ 749.09 $ 10,54109 $ X054 11 $ 9,49698 Weekend 2nd Shift $8 50 9 16 9 S 11,016.00 S $42.72 S 11,8SB 72 S 1,185 87 $ 10,672 85 Total S 58,88S.98 Admisslom Wage Hrs/Wk A Weeks 0 Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Rain Budget Pool Managers M-F 1st Shift 58 SO 21.25 11 1 S 1,99688 S 15I.00 S 2,138.87 $ 213.89 $ 1,92498 M•F 2nd Shift S8 50 22 S 11 1 S 2,10375 $ 160.94 S 2.264.69 S 226.47 S 2,03822 Weekend Ist Shift SB SO 7.5 16 1 $ 1,02000 $ 78.03 $ 1,098,03 S 109.80 $ 96823 Weekend 2nd Shift U SO , 8 16 1 5 LOU 00 $ 83.23 S 1,171.23 $ 117.12 $ 1.05411 Total $ 6,009.S4 Training Wage Hrs/Wk A Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Pre-opening Training $/week Pool Managers $ 250.00 1 3 5 $ 2,250.00 $ 172.13 $ 2,422.23 Lifeguards $ 50.00 1 2 45 $ 4,500.00 $ 344.25 $ 4,844.25 Instructions training $ 25.00 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - Deck attendants $ 35.00 0 0 0 $ - $ $ - Admissions.$ 25.00 1 1 6 $ 150.00 $ 11.48 $ 261.48 Weekly in-service Pool Managers $12.50 3 10 5 $ 1,875.00 $ 243.44 $ 2,018.44 Lifeguards $8.50 2 7 45 $ 5,355.00 $ 409.66 $ S,764.66 Deck attendants S8.50 0 0 0 $ $ - $ Admissions $8.50 0 0 6 $ - $ - $ - Total $ 15,210.45 Aqua fitness Instructor Expense Wage Hrs/Wk M Weeks 0 Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Rain Budget Staff Instructor Sts 00 6 12 1 $ 1,080.00 $ 8262 $ 1,26262 S 111526 S 1,046,36 Pooi Manager $12.50 1 12 1 $ 600.00 $ 4590 S 645.90 $ 6459 $ 581.31 Ufaguards SB SO 4 12 1 S 409.00 $ 11.21 S 439.21 $ 4392 $ 395.29 Total $ 2,022.96 Lost Participants Sessions Total Revenue Program fee S 75.00 12 3 S 2,700.00 Total Revenue $ 2,700.00 Total Expense S 2,02296 Re*Exp $ 677.04 % 2S.1% 1 hour class 4 time/week 3 sessions Swim Lessons Expenses Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Coverage Staff Pool Manager $12.50 1125 8 1 $ 1,125.00 $ 86.06 $ 1,211.06 Lifeguards $8.50 1125 6 $ 4,590.00 $ 351.14 $ 4,941.14 Instructional Staff Coordinator $10.25 20 9 1 $ 1,845.00 $ 141.24 $ 1,986.14 30-min instructor $8.50 10 8 14 $ 9,520.00 S 728.28 $ 10,248.28 45•min instructor $8,50 9 8 6 $ 3,672,00 $ 280.91 $ 3,952.91 Training $8.50 10 1 25 $ 2,125.00 5 162.56 $ 2,287.56 *Private Lessons $18.00 0.5 450 1 $ 4,050.00 $ 309.83 $ 4,359.83 Total $ 28,986.92 Cost Quantity Subtotal Total Supplies $ 1,100.00 Noodles $ 1.00 50 $ 50.00 Float Belts $ 12.00 25 $ 300.00 Kick boards $ 15,00 50 $ 750.00 Revenue $ 44,550.00 30 minute lesson $ 65.00 420 $ 27,300.00 45 minute lesson S 75.00 210 $ 8,250.00 Private lesson $ 120.00 75 $ 9,000.00 Total Revenue $ 44,550.00 Total Expense $ 30,086.92 Rev-Exp $ 14,463.08 % 32.S% "For private lessons Instructor are paid$9 for a 30 minute lesson. Services Cost Quantity Subtotal Notes Lifeguard instructors $ 375.00 4 $ 1,500.00 Pre-opening site inspection $ 2,500.00 1 $ 2,500.00 Training Center Fee $ 350.00 1 $ 350.00 Monthly Audits-Lifeguard Company $ 900.00 3 $ 2,700.00 Annual Fee-Lifeguard Company $ 800.00 1 $ 800.00 Total $ 7,8S0.00 General Supplies Cost Quantity Subtotal CJ Backboards $ 600.00 2 $ 1,200.00 Rescue Tubes $ 55.00 15 $ 825.00 Oxygen Tank $ 275.00 1 $ 275.00 V-vac kit $ 75.00 1 $ 75.00 AED $ 1,700.00 1 $ 1,700.00 Flip Packs $ 6.00 15 $ 90.00 Seal Easys $ 9.00 20 $ 180.00 Bag Valve Masks $ 1450 6 $ 87.00 Life vests $ 16.00 25 $ 400.00 Rescue Manikin $ 170.00 1 $ 170.00 Office Supplies $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 River Tubes $ 19.00 0 $ - Lifeguard umbrellas $ 70.00 3 $ 210.00 Total $ 5,712.00 safety Cost Quantity Subtotal Notes First Aid-various stock $ 1,500.00 1 $ 1,500.00 nitrite gloves $ 7.00 SO, $ 350.00 sunscreen $ 90.00 1 $ 90.00 Lifeguard Licenses $ 30.00 60 $ 1,800.00 Lifeguard Books $ 35.00 60 S 2,100.00 S - S - S - S - S - Total $ 5,840.00 Clothing Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Staff t-shirt $ 5.00 60 $ 300.00 Staff tank top $ S.00 60 $ 300.00 Male guard suit $ 27.00 30 $ 810.00 Female guard suit $ 48.00 30 $ 1,440.00 Female cover shorts $ 19.00 30 $ 570.00 visor $ 4.00 60 $ 240.00 whistle $ 3.S0 60 $ 210.00 lanyard $ 0.75 60 $ 45.00 Manager polos $ 12.00 20 $ 240.00 Staff reimbursement* $ (45.00) 60 $ (2,700.00) Total $ 1,455.00 Utilities Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Water $ 7,500.00 0 $ - Gas $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,00000 Electric $ 5,000.00 1 $ 5,000.00 Chemicals $ 8,000.00 1 $ 8,000.00 S - S - S - S - S - Total $ 15,000.00 Marketing Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Printing $ 1,000.00 1 $ 1,000.00 Marketing $ 5,000.00 1 $ 5,000,00 Total $ 6,000.00 Maintenance Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Notes Annual Maintenance $ 10,000.00 1 $ 10,000.00 annual item for facility repairs Janitorial $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,000.00 0 $ - 0 $ - Total $ 22,000.00 Std Costs Coordinator $10.25 S/hr instructor $15.00 $/hr Poo)Managers $12.50 $/hr Life Guards $8.50 $/hr Deck Attendants $8.50 $/hr Admissions $8.50 $/hr Payroll Taxes FICA 6.20%. Medicare 1.45% Sul 0.00%, 7.65% Rainout 10.00% Annual Revenue/Expenditure Growth Percentages(Compounded from Year 1 Projections): Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year S Utilities 2.0% 10% 2.0% 2.0%, All Other Expenses 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%. Salaries 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%+ Revenues(All) 0.0% 6.0% 0.0% COW Option 2-Aquatics Revenue Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships-Residents $97,340 $97,340 $103,180 $103,180 $109,371 Memberships-Non-Residents $26,356 $26,356 $27,937 $27,937 $29,614 Daily Admissions- Residents $69,500 $69,500 $73,670 $73,670 $78,090 Daily Admissions-Non-Residents $37,700 $37,700 $39,962 $39,962 $42,360 Rental Revenue $9,000 $9,000 $9,540 $9,540 $10,112 Birthday Parties $4,000 $4,000 $4,240 $4,240 $4,494 Concessions $3,000 $3,000 $3,180 $3,180 $3,371 Aqua Fitness $2,700 $2,700 $2,862 $2,862 $3,034 Swim Lessons $44,550 $44,550 $47,223 $47,223 $50,056 Total Revenue $294,146 $294,146 $311,795 $311,795 $330,502 Expenses Labor Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FT Supervisor $39,200 $40,376 $41,587 $42,835 $44,120 Managers $10,676 $10,996 $11,326 $11,665 $12,015 Lifeguards $78,S15 $80,870 $83,296 $85,795 $88,369 Deck Attendants $19,629 $20,218 $20,824 $21,449 $22,092 Admissions $6,006 $6,186 $6,371 $6,562 $6,759 Training $20,190 $20,795 $21,419 $22,062 $22,724 Aqua Fitness $2,023 $2,084 $2,146 $2,211 $2,277 Swim Lessons $28,987 $29,8S7 1 $30,752 $31,675 $32,625 Rentals $6,770 $6,973 1 $7,182 J $7,398 1 $7,620 Total Labor $211,994 1 $218,354 $224,904 $231,651 $238,601 Other Direct Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Outside Services $8,225 $8,472 $8,726 $8,988 $9,257 General Supplies $7,696 $7,926 $8,164 $8,409 $8,661 Safety $6,515 $6,710 $6,912 $7,119 $7,333 Clothing $1,860 $1,916 $1,973 $2,032 $2,093 Utilities $12,500 $12,750 $13,005 $13,265 $13,530 Chemicals $16,000 $16,480 $16,974 $17,484 $18,008 Marketing $6,000 $6,180 $6,365 $6,556 $6,753 Maintenance $12,000 $12,360 $12,731 $13,113 $13,506 Swim Lesson Supplies $1,100 $1,133 $1,167 $1,202 $1,238 Birthday Party Expenses $1,025 $1,056 $1,087 $1,120 $1,154 Total Other Direct Costs $72,921 $74,983 $77,105 $79,288 $81,534 Total Expenses $284,914 $293,337 $302,009 $310,940 $320,135 Total Revenue $294,146 $294,146 $311,795 $311,795 $330,502 Revenue less Expenses $9,232 $809 $9,785 $855 $10,367 Percent Recovery 103.2% 100.3% 103.2% 100.3% 103.2% Note: Year 1 is in 2013 dollars Revenue Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Memberships-Residents $97,340 $97,340 $103,180 $103,180 $109,371 Memberships-Non-Residents $26,356 $26,356 $27,937 $27,937 $29,614 Daily Admissions-Residents $69,500 $69,500 $73,670 $73,670 $78,090 Daily Admissions-Non-Residents $37,700 $37,700 $39,962 $39,962 $42,360 Rental Revenue $9,000 $9,000 $9,540 $9,540 $10,112 Birthday Parties $4,000 $4,000 $4,240 $4,240 $4,494 Concessions $3,000 $3,000 $3,180 $3,180 $3,371 Aqua Fitness $2,700 $2,700 $2,862 $2,862 $3,034 Swim Lessons $44,5501 $44,550 $47,223 $47,223 $50,056 Total Revenue $294,146 $294,146 $311,7951 $311,795 1 $330,502 Labor Expense Labor Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FT Supervisor $ 39,200.00 $ 40,376.00 $ 41,587.28 $ 42,834.90 $ 44,119.95 Managers $ 10,675.52 $ 10,995.78 $ 11,325.65 $ 11,665.42 $ 12,015.39 Lifeguards $ 78,514.64 $ 80,870.07 $ 83,296.18 $ 85,795.06 $ 88,368.91 Deck Attendants $ 19,628.66 $ 20,217.52 $ 20,824.04 $ 21,448.77 $ 22,092.23 Admissions $ 6,005.54 $ 6,185.70 $ 6,371.28 $ 6,562.41 $ 6,759.29 Training $ 20,189.76 $ 20,795.45 $ 21,419.31 $ 22,061.89 $ 22,723.75 Aqua Fitness $ 2,022.96 $ 2,083.65 $ 2,146.16 $ 2,210.54 $ 2,276.86 Swim Lessons $ 28,986.92 1 $ 29,856.52 $ 30,752.22 $ 31,674.79 $ 32,625.03 Rentals $ 6,769.84 $ 6,972.93 $ 7,182.12 $ 7,397.59 $ 7,619.51 Total $ 211,993.82 1 $ 218,353.63 $ 224,904.24 1 $ 231,651.37 1 $ 238,600.91 Other Direct Cost ODC Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Outside Services $8,225 $8,472 $8,726 $8,988 $9,257 General Supplies $7,696 $7,926 $8,164 $8,409 $8,661 Safety $6,515 $6,710 $6,912 $7,119 $7,333 Clothing $1,860 $1,916 $1,973 $2,032 $2,093 Utilities $12,500 $12,750 $13,005 $13,265 $13,530 Chemicals $16,000 $16,480 $16,974 $17,484 $18,008 Marketing $6,000 $6,180 $6,365 $6,556 $6,753 Maintenance $12,000 $12,360 $12,731 $13,113 $13,506 Swim Lesson Supplies $1,100 $1,133 $1,167 $1,202 $1,238 Birthday Party Expenses $1,025 $1,056 $1,087 $1,120 $1,154 Total Other Direct Costs $72,921 $74,983 $77,105 1 $79,288 1 $81,534 Season Pass Safes Resident Price Plans Sold It Members Subtotal Total Budget 5 97,340.00 Season Passes-Early Bird 432 1.208 S 51,000 00 Total Sales Individual $ 70.00 56 56 $ 3,920.00 80% 70 Family of 2 $ 110.00 92 194 $ 10,120.00 115 Family of 3 $ 135.00 92 276 $ 12,420.00 115 Family of 4 $ 15S.00 76 304 $ 11,780.00 95 Family of 5 $ 170.00 68 340 S 11,560.00 85 Additional Family Member $ 15.00 28 28 $ 420.00 35 Guest Pass $ 39.00 20 20 $ 780.00 20 Season Passes-Regular 348 960 $ 46,340 00 Individual $ 80.00 48 48 $ 3,840.00 60 Family of 2 $ 120.00 80 160 $ 9,600.00 100 Family of 3 $ 150.00 8o 240 $ 12,000.00 100 Family of 4 $ 17S.00 60 240 S 10,500.00 75 Family of 5 $ 195.00 48 240 S 9,360.00 60 Additional Family Member $ 20.00 16 16 $ 320.00 20 Guest Pass $ 4S.00 16 16 $ 720.00 i6 Non-Resident 20%Premium for Non-Residen $ 26,356.00 20% of Pass Holders are Non- Season Passes-Early Bird 103 297 $ 13,810.50 Individual $ 77.00 14 14 $ 1,079.00 Family of 2 $ 121.00 23 46 S 2,783,00 Family of 3 $ 148.50 23 69 $ 3,41S.50 Family of 4 $ 170.50 19 76 $ 3,239.50 Family of 5 $ 187.00 17 85 $ 3,179.00 Additional Family Member $ 16.50 7 7 $ 115.50 Season Passes-Regular 83 236 $ 12,545.50 Individual $ 88.00 12 12 $ 1,056.00 Family of 2 $ 132.00 20 40 $ 2,640.00 Family of 3 $ 16S.00 20 60 $ 3,300.00 Family of 4 S 192.50 IS 60 $ 2,987.50 Family of 5 5 214.50 12 60 $ 2,574.00 Additional Family Member S 22.00 4 4 $ 88.00 Daily Admissions Price #Sold Total Budget Daily Admissions $ 69,500.00 Youth Resident $ 6.00 6,500 $ 39,000.00 Youth Resident $ 5.00 6000 Adult Resident $ 7.00 3,500 S 24,500.00 Adult Residents $ 6.00 3000 Twilight Resident $ 5.00 1,200 $ 6,000.00 Youth Non-Resident $ 6.00 2500 Adult Non-Resident $ 7.00 1500 Twilight Resident $ 4.00 1000 Twilight Non-Resident $ 5.00 500 $ 37,700.00 Youth Non-Resident $ 7.00 2,500 $ 17,500.00 Adult Non-Resident $ 8.00 2,000 $ 16,000.00 Twilight Non-Resident $ 6.00 700 $ 4,200.00 Rentals Price #Sold Total Budget Revenue $ 9,000.00 Rental Fee $ 500.00 18 $ 9,000.00 ExOenses Staff Wage Hrs/Rental #Rentals #Emplyees Subtotal Manager $ 12.25 2.5 18 1 $ 55125 $ 42.17 $ 593.42 Lifeguards S 8.50 2.5 18 12 $ 4,590 00 $ 351.14 $ 4,942.14 Deck Attendants $ 8.50 2.5 18 3 $ 1,14750 $ 87.78 $ 1,235.28 Total $ 6,769.84 Total Revenue $ 9,000.00 Total Expense $ 6,769.84 Net Profit $ 2,230.16 % 24.9% 2 Hours private rental of the facility.Charge$500 for Non-resident! Birthday Partys Price #Sold Total Budget Revenue $ 4,000.00 Party Fee $ 160.00 25 $ 4,000.00 Expense $ 1,025.00 Food Package $ 41.00 25 $ 1,025.00 Total Revenue $ 4,000.00 Total Expense $ 1,025.00 Net Profit $ 2,975.00 % 74.4% Includes a food package for birthday child and it friends and unlimited swimming Pool Managers Salary& Salary Benefit Cost Benefit %Covered Subtotal Aquatics Supervisor $40,000.00 $16,000.00 $56,000.00 70% $ 39,200.00 Total $ 39,200.00 Benefit% 40% Pool Managers Wage Hrs/Wk p Weeks a Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Rain Budget Pool Managers M•F 1st Shift $12.50 25 13 1 $ 3,437.S0 S 262.97 S 3,700.47 S 370.DS $ 3,330.42 M.F2ndShi}t $12.50 273 11 1 S 3,761.2S S 299.27 S 4,070,52 S 407.DS $ 3,663.46 Weekend 1st Shift $12.50 9 16 1 S I,800.00 S 137.70 S 2,937.70 S 193.77 $ 1,743.93 Weekend 2nd Shift $12.50 ID 16 1 5 2,000.00 S 153.00 S 2.153.00 S 215.30 $ 1,937.70 Total $ 10.675.52 Uleguards Wage Hrs/Wk 9 Weeks a Employees Subtotal Payroll Totes Toti pain Budget Ufeguards M•F 1st Shift 5850 22.5 11 12 S 2S,24S.00 S 1,931.24 $ 27,176.24 $ 2,71762 S 24,458.62 M•F 2nd Shift S8.50 25 11 12 S 2B4O50.00 S 2,145.83 $ 30,19S93 S 3,01959 $ 27,176.24 Weekend istShift $8.50 B 16 11 $ 13,056.00 $ "2.78 $ 14,0S4.78 S 1.405.49 $ 12,64931 Weekend 2nd Shift $8.50 9 16 22 S 14,633.00 S 1,123.63 S 1%81163 S 1,58116 S 14,230.47 Total $ 78,514.64 Deck Attendants Wage Ws/Wk a Weeks S Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Raln Budget Deck Attendants M-F lit Shift $8.50 22.5 11 3 S 6,311.25 S 482,81 S 6,794.06 S 679.41 S 6,114.65 M-F2ndShift $B.SD 25 11 3 S 71012.SD $ 536.46 S 7,548.96 $ 754.90 $ 6,794.06 Weekend 1st Shift S8.50 8 16 3 $ 3,264.00 S 249.70 $ 3,51370 S 351.37 S 3,16233 Weekend 2nd Shift $8.SD 9 16 3 $ 3,67I.00 S 28091 S 3195291 S 39529 S 3,55762 Total $ 19,623.66 Admissions Wage Mrs/Wk Is Weeks 0 Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Rain Budget Pool Managers M•F 1st Shift 5B.50 21.25 11 1 $ 1,986.BB $ 152.00 $ 2,138.87 $ 213.89 $ 1,924.9B M•F2ndShift $B.SO 22.5 11 1 S 2,103.75 $ 16094 $ 2,264.69 S 225.47 S 2,D3B.22 Weekend 1st Shift $B.50 7.5 16 1 $ 1,020.00 $ 79.03 $ 1,098.03 $ 109.80 S 99823 Weekend 2nd Shift SB.50 8 16 1 S 1,088.00 S 9323 S 1.171.23 S 11712 S 1,OS4.11 Total $ 6,ODS.54 Training Wage Hrs/Wk M Weeks M Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Pre-opening Training $/week Pool Managers $ 150.00 1 3 5 $ 2,250.00 $ 172.13 $ 2,422.13 Lifeguards $ S0.00 1 2 55 $ 5,500.00 $ 420.75 $ 5,920.75 Instructions training $ 25.00 1 3 5 S 375.00 S 28.69 $ 403.69 Deck attendants $ 35.00 1 1 20 $ 700.00 $ 53.55 $ 753.55 Admissions $ 25.00 1 1 6 $ 150.00 $ 11.48 $ 161.48 Weekly in-service Pool Managers $12-50 3 10 5 $ 1,875.00 $ 143.44 $ 2,018.44 Lifeguards $8S0 2 7 55 $ 6,545.00 $ 500.69 $ 7,045.69 Deck attendants $8.S0 2 4 20 $ 1,360.00 $ 104.04 $ 1,464.04 Admissions $8,50 0 0 6 $ - $ - $ . Total $ 20,189.76 Aqua Fitness Instructor Ex ense Wage Hrs/Wk /Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Staff Instructor $1S 00 6 12 1 $ 1,080.00 $ 82.62 S 2,162.62 Pool Manager $11SO 4 12 1 $ 600.00 S 45.90 $ 645.90 Lifeguards $8.50 4 12 1 S 408.00 S 31.21 S 439.21 cost Participants Sessions Total Revenue Program Pee $ 75.00 12 3 $ 2,700.00 Total Revenue Total Expense Rev-Exp 1 hour class 4 time/week 3 sessions Swim Lessons Expenses Wage Hrs/Wk #Weeks #Employees Subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Coverage Staff Pool Manager $12.50 1L2S a 1 S 1,125.00 $ 86.06 $ 1,211.06 Lifeguards $8,50 1L2S 8 6 S 4,590.00 $ 3S1.14 $ 4,941.14 Instructional Staff Coordinator $10-25 20 9 1 S 1,845.00 $ 141.24 $ 1,996.14 30-min Instructor $8.50 10 8 14 $ 9,520.00 $ 728.28 $ 10,249.28 45-min instructor $8.50 9 8 6 $ 3,672.00 $ 280.91 $ 3,952.91 Training $8.50 30 1 25 $ 2,125.00 $ 162.56 $ 2,287.56 *Private Lessons $ itoo 0.5 450 1 $ 4,050.00 $ 309.83 $ 4,359.83 Total $ 28,986.92 Cost Quantity Subtotal Total Supplies $ 1,100.00 Noodles S 1.00 50 $ 50.00 Float Belts $ 12.00 2S $ 300.00 Kick boards S 15.00 5o $ 750.00 Revenue $ 44,5S0.00 30 minute lesson $ 65.00 420 $ 27,300.00 45 minute lesson $ 75.00 110 $ 8,250.00 Private lesson $ 120.00 75 $ 9,000.00 Total Revenue $ 44,S50.00 Total Expense #REFI Net Profit #REFI % #REFI "For private lessons instructor are paid$9 for a 30 minute lesson Services Cost Quantity Subtotal Notes Lifeguard Instructors $ 375.00 5 $ 2,875.00 Pre-opening site inspection $ 2,500.00 1 $ 2,500.00 Training Center Fee $ 350.00 1 $ 350.00 Monthly Audits-Lifeguard Company $ 900.00 3 $ 2,700.00 Annual Fee-Lifeguard Company $ 800.00 1 $ 800.00 Total $ 8,225.00 General Supplies Cost Quantity Subtotal CJ Backboards $ 600.00 2 $ 1,200.00 Rescue Tubes $ 55.00 20 $ 1,100.00 Oxygen Tank $ 275.00 2 $ 550.00 V-vac kit $ 75.00 2 $ 150.00 AED $ 1,700.00 1 $ 1,700.00 Hip Packs $ 6.00 20 $ 120.00 Seal Easys $ 9.00 25 $ 225.00 Bag Valve Masks $ 14.50 9 $ 130.50 Life vests $ 16.00 30 $ 480.00 Rescue Manikin $ 170.00 1 $ 170.00 Office Supplies $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 River Tubes $ 19.00 50 $ 950.00 Lifeguard umbrellas $ 70.00 6 $ 420.00 Total $ 7,695.50 Safety Cost Quantity Subtotal Notes First Aid-various stock $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,000.00 nitrile gloves $ 7.00 75 $ 525.00 sunscreen $ 90.00 1 $ 90.00 Lifeguard Licenses $ 30.00 60 $ 1,800.00 Lifeguard Books $ 35.00 60 $ 2,100.00 Total $ 6,515.00 Clothing Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Staff t-shirt $ 5.00 80 $ 400.00 Staff tank top $ 5.00 80 $ 400.00 Male guard suit $ 27.00 40 $ 1,080.00 Female guard suit $ 48.00 40 $ 1,920.00 Female cover shorts $ 19.00 40 $ 760.00 visor $ 4.00 80 $ 320.00 whistle $ 3.50 80 $ 280.00 lanyard $ 0.75 80 $ 60.00 Manager polos $ 12.00 20 $ 240.00 Staff reimbursement' $ (45.00) 80 $ (3,600.00) Total $ 2,960.00 Utilities Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Water $ 15,000.00 0 $ - Gas $ 3,500.00 1 $ 3,500.00 Electric $ 9,000.00 1 $ 9,000.00 Chemicals $ 16,000.00 1 $ 16,000.00 S - Total $ 28,500.00 Marketing Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Printing $ 1,000.00 1 $ 1,000.00 Marketing $ 5,000.00 1 $ 5,000.00 0 $ - 0 $ - Total $ 6,000.00 Maintenance Item Cost Quantity Subtotal Notes Annual Maintenance $ 10,000.00 1 $ 10,000.00 annual item for facility repairs Janitorial $ 2,000.00 1 $ 2,000.00 0 $ - 0 $ - S - S - S - S - S - Total $ 12,000.00