HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 11/27/2017 - Public Works Committee mcr-Leory Public Works Committee Municipal Center 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 November 27, 2017— 4:30 PM Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment: People wishing to address the Committee will be asked to identify themselves for the record and will be asked but are not required to provide their address. Public comment may be restricted to three-minutes for each individual speaker. Order and decorum shall be maintained at all public meetings. 3. Motion to approve the September 11, 2017 Public Works Committee meeting minutes. 4. Review of proposed Municipal Mowing Contract and direction to place a request to advertise for bids on a future City Council meeting agenda. 5. Review and acceptance of the recommended streets for inclusion in the 2018 Road Resurfacing program including the Parks and Downtown Maintenance Facility parking lot. 6. Future Agenda Items. 7. Motion to Adjourn. Next Meeting: January 8, 2018 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens,businesses,and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT Monday, September 11, 2017 Municipal Center Council Chambers, 6:30 PM In Attendance at Roll Call: Chairperson Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab and Alderman Mihevc. Also in Attendance: Director of Public Works Schmitt and Deputy Police Chief Birk. Members of the Public in Attendance: Terry VanAlstine, Theresa VanAlstine, Pat Stanek, and Mr. Gulliani. 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Public Comment: None. 3. Motion to approve April 17,2017 Public Works Committee Meeting Report. 4. Alderman Glab stated what is being presented are meeting minutes and not a meeting report. Chairperson Santi called for a motion to approve the minutes from April 17, 2017. Alderman Glab made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Alderman Mihevc. Chairperson Santi asked the Clerk to call the roll. Aye: Glab, Mihevc, Santi. Motion carried. 5. Review of a proposed Ordinance amending the Traffic & Motor Vehicle Code establishing No Parking/No Standing on the south side of Glenbrook Trail form Driftwood Trail to Cross Trail between the hours of 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM on School Days, and direction to place item on the next available City Council meeting agenda. Chairperson Santi asked Director Schmitt to review the agenda item. Director Schmitt announced Alderman Condon had met with several residents on Glenbrook Trail who expressed a safety concern when students are released at the end of the day from Riverwood School. Several people park on both sides of the street and children are crossing the street, which could be hazardous. Staff evaluated the concern and similar situation around several schools throughout town and proposed No Parking/No Standing between the hours of 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM on school days for the south side of Glenbrook Trail from Driftwood Trail to Cross Trail for the committee to consider. The reason staff is recommending south side is so that parents can still park on the north side and the students will not have to cross the road to get to the vehicles. Staff mailed letters to approximately 35 residents on Glenbrook Trail who reside between Driftwood and Cross Trail. Feedback was received from three residents. One resident agreed with the proposed change. One residents disagreed telling staff that they have lived on the street Public Works Committee Meeting Page 3 September 11,2017 crossing guard walked back up to the school. Director Schmitt said he did not witness many cars at the school. Chairperson Santi reported he visited the school site earlier today from about 3:15 PM to almost 4:00 PM and witnessed less cars than the Director. Chairperson Santi said he saw one car parked on the north side of Glenbrook facing west bound waiting for a student and all the other traffic went into that entrance picked up their child on the premises, circled around and went to their homes. The final car on Glenbrook Trail was not blocking a driveway and left when their child arrived. The crossing guard was there for approximately five minutes after school was let out and did safely cross approximately six students from one side of Glenbrook to the other side. These students were all walkers and not going to a vehicle. Alderman Glab asked how many vehicles were observed and Chairperson Santi answered one on Glenbrook Trail; all others were pulled into the driveway going into the back entrance of the school waiting for their children for about 25 minutes prior to school being let out; there were no vehicles parked on the south side of Glenbrook Trail. Alderman Mihevc stated most of his questions were answered by Director Schmitt and Chairperson Santi adding he would like to hear what the residents present at the meeting had to say about the situation and he would like to know what has changed to create these concerns. Alderman Mihevc noted many District 15 schools are located in areas that do not have an impact on residential areas. Chairperson Santi opened the floor to the public who registered to speak at the meeting. Mr. Terry VanAlstine 4919 Glenbrook Trail stated he has lived on Glenbrook Trial since 1989 and over the last 28 years, he did not notice a problem with school busses although at times there are a lot of cars parked on the street, especially when activities are scheduled at the school. This is a school issue and he is opposed to instituting parking restrictions in front of his house. Mr. VanAlstine asked how many accidents have occurred at the school and how many children have been injured because of the parking situation. Mr. VanAlstine suggested installation of a crosswalk at the school entrance and asked the Committee to oppose parking restrictions. Mr. Pat Stanek resides at 4917 Glenbrook Trail said there must be a problem somewhere however he does not feel 35 houses should be impacted for a few cars that park at the school. Mr. Stanek stated he has lived in the neighborhood for over 28 years and has not experienced any problems but if there is a problem at the driveway, maybe something should be done there. Mr. Stanek asked Deputy Chief Birk if there have been any police issues at the driveway. Deputy Chief Birk said in the past 18 years, he is not aware of any accidents at that location. Mr. Stanek concluded by stating his opposition to the proposed changes. Mrs. Theresa VanAlstine 4919 Glenbrook Trail stated she is opposed to parking restrictions on her street adding the school should look into revising their bus parking. Mrs. VanAlstine asked how this issue started. Director Schmitt answered it was his understanding Alderman Condon had a meeting with residents of Glenbrook Trail and Public Works Committee Meeting Page 5 September 11,2017 Alderman Glab said the city should be open to installing a crosswalk as a possibility, and expressed his desire to meet with District 15. Alderman Glab asked about flashing speed limit signs. Chairperson Santi stated that topic could be discussed at a future Committee meeting. :Director Schmitt relayed to the Committee that staff brings topics forward to the Committee upon request and he welcomes the Committee's input to look at the big picture. The last thing he wants to do is not notify residents affected by a concern. Unfortunately, Alderman Santi is correct; not all residents with concerns come to meetings. Director Schmitt further stated staff did research many of the suggestions made tonight such as crosswalks. He said he is not a fan of crosswalks installed at uncontrolled intersections because it gives people, specifically children, a false sense of security. There is a crosswalk at the intersection of Glenbrook and Driftwood, which is a controlled intersection and is safer than crossing in the middle of the block. Regarding handicapped children being picked up at the school, the city cannot legally paint stripes from driveway to driveway. Therefore, the city has to install handicapped accessible sidewalks with a"T" in each sidewalk on the north and south side of Glenbrook and then stripe it according to ADA standards and then we have to make sure our slope is correct, as was done on Dartmoor. Chairperson Santi asked the public present for final comments. Mrs. VanAlstine encouraged the city to meet with District 15 to find a solution that would not restrict parking. Mr. Stanek said the discussion seems to be moving in the right direction and thinks the District should limit the access to the driveway. Mr. VanAlstine invited the police to park in his driveway anytime they want. Mr. Guliani said he likes the direction the Committee is taking. Chairperson Santi summarized the Committee's recommendation and asked Police to conduct a traffic campaign. Deputy Chief Birk stated police will document and record activities in the area. Police will use the school to help get the notification out to the parents that pickup their children so there'is a process. Violators will received warning tickets for the first offense. Repeat offenders will receive tickets. Staff will report to the Committee when the problem is solved. Director Schmitt said city and District 15 staff could work through this problem. Chairperson Santi thanked the public in attendance for their input at the meeting. Chairperson Santi suggested the Committee review Agenda Item #6 before Agenda Item #5. Public Works Committee Meeting Page 7 September 11,2017 vehicles at 2:30 AM in a darkly lit public parking area. This amending is an opportunity for the department to be proactive rather than reactive to promote downtown businesses. Alderman Glab asked what the reasoning was when the ordinance was originally adopted. Director Schmitt said to clear vehicles off the street overnight. Deputy Chief Birk noted the parking restriction is also a deterrent for potential victims of property crime and car burglaries. There is also more of a potential for vehicles being struck in neighborhoods while parked on dark roadways versus the downtown district. It also keeps the criminals from parking down the street from your house and then coming to burglarize your car while it is parked in your driveway because they might get a parking ticket and at the very least, the department would have a good investigating league. Alderman Glab asked if we really want to have different streets in the city with different parking regulations and, would it hurt if we made a citywide parking restriction from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM. Deputy Chief Birk said as proposed, enforcement would not be difficult. Director Schmitt said one concern about changing the parking limits citywide would be the cost of changing all the signage. In addition, when he looks at different parking restrictions in areas throughout town, some have two-hour parking and school day only limits. Chairperson Santi said Alderman Glab's point is good. The Police Department came to the Committee with this suggestion and if Public Works is comfortable with this we should look to them as professionals and consider this amendment. He reported having discussions with some of the business owners regarding their concerns about employees walking two or three blocks to their cars after closing. Although personally he has a problem when he sees that an owner of a business is parked in front of their business. With that said,he is in favor of this amendment because it is focused on certain areas. Deputy Chief Birk stated liquor license holders in other areas of the community have parking lots and are located on streets with no street parking. Extended parking in these specific locations gives drivers an extra hour to find other options to get home and avoid getting a parking ticket, which also makes our roadways safer. Alderman Mihevc stated he appreciated the straightforward and clear analysis submitted by staff adding the rational for the amendment makes sense to him and he is in favor of the proposed amendment. Alderman Mihevc asked if there is also time limit parking on some of these streets. Deputy Chief Birk answered without looking it up in the code, he is aware of 4-hour daytime parking limits on some areas of these streets, which has been adjusted from time to time by the Council. Restricted daytime parking usually ends after 6:00 or 7:00 PM. Alderman Glab said these are good locations and asked is staff was certain there are no other locations that should also be reviewed. Chairperson Santi suggested staff look into this, change the proposed locations as needed, and bring the amendment to the Council. Deputy Chief Birk reported so far this year, the department has issued 154 citations in the Public Works Committee Meeting Page 9 September 11,2017 6. Motion to Adiourn. As there were no further comments, Chairperson Santi called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Glab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Mihevc to adjourn the meeting. Aye: Glab, Mihevc, Santi Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marci Geraghty, Executive Assist/Deputy Clerk Reviewed and approved this day of 2017. Alderman Victor Santi, Chairperson Department of Public Works Jon M.Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 MCenry www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 27, 2017 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: Municipal Mowing Contract Bid Authorization ATT: List of mowing locations currently contracted including pricing; List of additional mowing locations; Acres retained for maintenance by City staff BACKGROUND: On an annual basis, the City of McHenry is responsible for the mowing of approximately 300 acres of City facilities, City Parks, and certain City Right of Ways. In previous years this work load was shared between contracted mowing services (approximately 140 acres) provided on a weekly basis and some parks mowed with Park Maintenance Staff. ANALYSIS: Approximately 100 acres of additional mowing are being added (see attached list) to the existing areas currently contracted for mowing. The following areas will continue to be mowed by Park Maintenance Staff(approximately 50 acres): Knox Park (Ball Field 1, Ball Field 2, Soccer field); Petersen Park (Southeast section of park between Petersen Park Rd to the north and Railroad tracks to the East) and Fox Ridge (West Side, Entire Park, 5 ball fields, 2 Lacrosse fields and 2 soccer fields). This addition will bring the total area of contracted mowing to 240 acres. The reduction in acres mowed by Park Maintenance Staff will allow for other critical projects and priorities to be pursued. In addition to the contracted mowing services, staff is recommending to add weed killing application between the curb-line and asphalt pavement at a per lineal foot per application unit cost. The contract length will be three years with an option to renew for an additional two years. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Mowing Contract-2015-2018 (Blackstone Landscape,Inc.),having read the specifications hereby submits to perform the following inowing at the unit prices listed below: Bid/Price Approx. Per Cutting . Site Location . Area 18.00 1. Center Street Park 915 Center Street. 1.20 acre 20.00. 2. Cold Springs Park 319 DePaul Court < 1 acre 38.74 3. Creekside Paik 3200 Beach Drive 2.58 acres . 17.40 4. East Beach Park 4526.Shore Drive..` 1..16 acres 48.00 5, Fox Rrdge Park 5408 Dart�ioor Drive 3.2 Acres.: `60pp 6. Freund Field ; 3905.Z�Test Ayeiiue. . 4.0 acres . .. . 20.00 7. Green Sheet Park 3442 Ehi.Street 0.33 acres 2p pp 8. Jaycees Park 115 Cross Trail 5.0 acres 20.0p.. .9. Kivams Tot.Lot. 4201Sioux.Lane 0.91..acre. 20,00 I0.Lakeland Park Boat Launch 490.4 Shore Drive, 0.25 acre 23.55 11.Lakeland Park Coninrunity Center 1717 N Sunset 1.57 acres 30.00 12.Liberty Trails Park 17.17:Tyler Trail., 2.0.acres . 20.00 13 Malibu Playground 5221 Malibu Court 0.31 acre 60.00 14.McHenry Shores Baseball Field 814 S.Riverside Drive 4.0.acres 20.00. 15.McHenry Shores Beach 814.S..Riverside.Drive_ 0.36 acre . 150.00 10.Municipal.Center 333 S.Green St: 10.0 acres `20.00 17.Neumann Park 1246 N.Green St. 0.14 acre 25.50 18,North Oak Park 3300 Chestnut Drive 1.7 acres. 20.00 19.Overton Park 3204 Crescent:Ave. 1.0 acres 30.0p 20.Pebble Creek Park . 934 Ambenvood 2.0 acre 60.00 21.Pheasant Valley Park 1401 Scully Drive 4.0 acres 20.00 22.Riverside Hollow Park 2108 Hemlock Drive 0.51. acre . 20.00 23.Rotary Park , : 3710 Waukegan Road 0.20 acre 30.00 24.Miller Riverfiont Park 2900 Charles Miller Road 2.0 acres 20.00 25.Walsh Park 1202 N.Green St. 0.17 acre 20.00 26.Weber's Park 1408 N.Riverside Drive 0.44 acre 21.15 27.West Beach Park 5016 Shore Drive 1.41 acres 20.00 28.Wheeler Park 215 Loch Glen{parkway only) 4450 sq.fl. 300.00 29.Whispering Oaks Park 4300 Front Royal Drive 20.0 acres 30.00 30.Whispering Oaks Trails Several locations&various sizes 2.0 acres 120.00 31.Wheeler Fen Park Across from City HaI1(333 S.Green) 8.0 acres 30.00 70.Public Works Garage 1415 Industrial Drive 2 acres 20.00 71. Carrick Lane Lift Station 1105 Carrick Lane .31 acres 20.00 72.Homestead Tot Lot 6739 Homestead Drive 1.3 acres 20.00 73,Millstream Beach 1500 Wk.Millstream&Freund .31 acres 20.00 74.Winding Creek Island Wind Creek @ Crystal Lk.Rd. 300 sq.ft. 60.00 75.Target Detention Pond 1860 N.Riclunond Road 1.8 acres 20.00 76.Miller Point 1202 N.Riverside Drive 1.3 acres 230.00 77.Althoff Park 1701 hidustrial.Drive 19.6 acres Total Cost peg week for Lawn Mowing: $2,731.QQ (Due tlious nd Seven Hundred, Thu•ty-one doIlais) City of McHenry--Agreed and Accepted, . By l�SJ {ayor,City of McHenry Date Attested: By: ` City erk, ity of Mne Date . By: 3~ G 2or Contractor Date Acres Retained for Maintenance by City Staff Site Location Approx. Area Petersen Park Baseball Fields (SE Quad) 4300 Petersen Park Road 19.3 acres Knox Park Fields 201 S. Green Street 9.0 acres Fox Ridge West 6402 Dartmoor Drive 21.4 acres Total Acres Retained 49.7 Acres "1 Department of Public Works tr Jon M. Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive .y McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 �Henr V Fax: (815)363-2214 www.ci.mchenry.il.us COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: November 27, 2017 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: Jon M. Schmitt, Director of Public Works RE: 2018 Road Program Project Location Recommendations ATT: Master Street Ranking Listing Master Parking Lot Rankings Road Program 5 Year Recommended Plan Parking Lot Resurfacing 5 Year Recommended Plan BACKGROUND: The city has approximately 125 centerline miles of roadway under their jurisdictional responsibility. To establish the priority list of street improvements, staff visits each street to verify and inspect the current condition of the pavement in order to rank streets for improvement. Street ranking is based on a 10 point system, with the ranking of #1 being equivalent to a gravel road and a ranking of#10 being equivalent to a newly paved road. Additionally the City has over 100,000 square yards of parking lots and facility access roads for which it is responsible for maintenance. Most City lots and access roads are constructed of hot- mix asphalt and are ranked in a similar fashion. ANALYSIS: In anticipation of the City Council adoption of the FY 18/19 Budget, staff is recommending the following streets be included in the 2018 Road Resurfacing Program: • Pebble Creek Place—Amberwood Place to Amberwood Place • Brighton Place— Donnelly Place to Amberwood Place • Westminster Place—Donnelly Place to Amberwood Place • Amberwood Place—Dorchester Place to Biscayne Road • Dorchester Place—Donnelly Place to Amberwood Place • Geneva Place— Donnelly Place to Amberwood Place The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. �s y Department of Public Works Jon M.Schmitt, Director 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815)363-2186 McLj��} Fax: (815) 363-2214 Hen 1 www.ci.mchenry.il.us • Ronda Drive—Turnberry Drive to Loc Glen Lane • Loch Glen Lane—Turnberry Drive to Ronda Road • Valley Road—Turnberry Drive to South Limit • Katie Lane— Ronda Road to Turnberry Drive • Larkin Lane—Green Street to Cul-De-Sac • Young Street—Dale Avenue to Green Street • Third Street—Elm Street to James Street • Fourth Street—Elm Street to James Street Additionally, staff is recommending that the Parks and Downtown Maintenance Facility parking lot be resurfaced in 2018. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if the Public Works Committee concurs with Staffs recommendation, it is recommended to include all of or an identified selection of streets identified in the 2018 recommended program attached for the final 2018 Road Resurfacing Program, including the Parks and Downtown Maintenance Facility parking lot. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory Condition Functional Asset Major Rehabilitation Year Creek street From To Area(SO YD) Width(Fn Length(FT) Curb sidewalk Rating Classification Asset Replacement Value Cost Resurf Seal Pvt Reluv Notes Pebble Crk. Green St. Amberwood PI. 2,500 S.D 90 Y Y 3 0 lector 250,0 D Brighton PI. Donnelly PI. Amberwood PI. 2,583 25.0 930 Y Y 3 Local $ 258,333 $ 77,500 Westminster PI. Donnelly PI. Amberwood Pl. 2,389 25,0 B60 Y V 3 Local $ 238,889 $ 71,667 Amberwood PI. Dorchester Pl. Biscayne Rd. 5,044 25.0 1.816 Y Y 3 Local $ 504.444 $ 151,333 Dorchester PI. Amberwood PI. Donnelly PI. 2_875 25.0 1,035 Y Y 3 Local $ 287.500 $ 86,250 Geneva PI. Amberwood Pl. Donnelly PI. 2,500 25.0 900 Y Y 3 Local $ 250,000 $ 75,000 Ronda Dr. Tumberry On Loch Glen Ln, 2,224 24.0 834 Y Y 3 Local $ 222,400 $ 66,720 Loch Glen Ln. _ ITurnberry Dr. Ronda Rd. _____ ___5.569 25.0 2.005 Y Y 3 Local $ 556,944 $ 167.083 Valley Rd.- Turberry Dr. South End 3,142 25.0 1,131 Y Y 3 Local $ 314,167 $ 94,250 Katie Ln. Ronda Rd. Turberry Dr. 2.083 25.0 750 Y Y 3 Local $ 208,333 $ 62.500 Larkin Ln. Green St. Cul-DeSac 2,235 27.0 745 V Y 3 Local $ 223,500 $ 67.050 Young St. Dale Ave. Green St. 3.833 20.0 1.150 Y Y 3 Local $ 383.333 $ 115,000 Third St. Elm St. James St. 4,458 Z5.13 11605 Y Y 3 Local $ 445,833 $ 133,750 Fourth St. Mein SL James SL 1,516 22.0 620 N Y 3 Local $ 113,667 $ 37,889 $ 1,280,992 Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lek.Rd. Dartmoor Dr. 15,577 28.0 5,007 Y Y 3 Collector $ 1,557,733 3 467,320 Abbey Dr. Winding Creek Dr. Brookwood Tr. 5,960 24.0 2,235 Y V 3 Local $ 596,000 $ 178,800 Brookwood Tr. Abbey Dr. I Bull Valley Rd. 4,042 25.0 1,455 Y Y 3 Local $ 404,167 $ 121,250 Somerset Mail Front Royal Dr. Cul-DeSac 1,067 20.0 480 Y N 3 Local $ 106.667 $ 26,667 2002 Canterbury Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Augusta Dr. 4,160 24.0 1.560 Y Y 3 Local $ 416,000 $ 124,800 Cross Tr. Kenai n ton Dr. Joyce Ln. 4.564 31.0 1,325 Y Y 3 Local $ 456,389 $ 136,917 Fairfax Dr. W nding Creek Dr. Abbey Dr. 627 24.0 235 Y Y 3 Local $ 62,667 $ 18,800 2002 _ Windhay.n T_r_ Brookwood Tr. Dead End 867 24_0 325 Y Y 3 Local $ 86,657 $ 26,000 Colony Ct. Glenbrook Tr. Dead End 514 25.0 185 Y Y 3 Local S 51,389 $ 15,417 2002 Wlnheven Ct. W mbleton Tr. North End 573 24.0 215 Y Y 3 Local $ 57,333 $ 17,200 CouMand_T_r._ Cross Tr. Driftwood Tr. 2,373 24.D 890 Y Y 3 Local $ 237,333 $ 71,200 Village Tr. Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. 2,867 25.0 1,032 Y Y 3 Local S 286,667 $ 88,o00 Crystal Tr. 'Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr. 2.819 25.0 1,015 Y Y 3 Local $ 281,944 $ 84,503 Front Royal Ct. (Front Royal Dr. Cul-DaSac 356 20.0 160 Y Y 3 Local $ 35,556 $ 10,667 Oregon Tr. Cross Tr. 'Glenbrook Tr. 3,333_ 25.0 1,200 Y Y 3 Local $ 333,333 $ 100,000 Veretta Ct. Courtland Tr. North End 1,514 25.0 545 Y V 3 Local $ 151,369 $ 45,417 Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr. 2,381 25.0 857 Y Y _3 Local _ $ 238,056 $ 71,417 2003 Hertlend Tr, Glenbrook Tr, Village Tr. 1,197 25.0 431 Y Y 7_ Local '�______S 119,722 $ 35,917 $ 1,638_,370 Olde llo 97 Mill Ln. .Leonard Ave. McCum Lake Rd. 8,0 2,0 2,915 Y V 3 Collector I S 809,722 242,917 Blake Blvd, dvlcCullom Lake Rd. IE.of Evergreen Cir. 2.964 38.0 702 i Y Y 3 Industrial 5 296.400 S 88.920 Settlers Cot. :Old.Mill Ln. ICul-De 500 25.0 180 Y __Y -_ .,-___--. .-_.____-I 3 Local $ _50.000 S 15,000 Mill Ct. .SpringCreek Ln. Cul-DeSac 931 25.0 335 V V 3 Local $ 93056 $ 27,917 2002 Landings Cl. rOlde MITI Ln. !East End 625 25.0 225' Y Y Local $ 62,500 $ 18,750 BooneCreekCir__ �OldeMillLn___i Leonard St. 4,342 25.0 1,563 YY 3 Local $ 434,167 $ 130,250�Graue CrooKed Tree CI. IOlde MIII Ln (North End 847 25.0 � _ 305 i Y V 3 Local 5 84,722 S 25,417 2004 ( 5pnngcreek Ln. ,Oltle MITI Ln. 'Olde MIII Ln, 3,097 25.0 1,115 V V 3 Local 3 309,722 S 92,917 McCullom Lake Rd. Rivers tl D. Richmond Rd. 8.044 40 0 1,810 i Y Y 3 Collector $ 804,444 S 241.333 2002 Leonard Ave. ,Dead End IOlde Mill Ln. 3.803 24.0 1,426 Y N J Local $ 380,267 $ 95.067__ __._._. 1 ____._ _.__-.____.. _ ....__._. _-r-- _.� -___ _.__ ._ -_ _8,0- _-_ �Br-4dley Ct. Orleans St. Cul-0aSac 1.480 24.0 555 V Y 3 Local S 148,000 S 44,400 2002 U 'Orleans Sl. Cul-DeSac 1.243 24.0 466 Y Y 3 Local $ 124,267 S 37,280 Orleans St __ Easl End 1.227 24 0 460 Y Y 3 Local __ S 122.667 5 36,800 (Orleans S �Easl End _ _ 1 227 24 0 460 YV 3 Local $ 122.667 $ 36,800!Leonerd Ava 3,093 24.0 1,160 i Y Y 3 Local $ 309,333 $ 92,800 Orleans St. 5,333 24.0 2.000 Y V $ i60,D00 2002 _24,0 428 __Y Y 3 Local $ 114.133 $ 34.240,Prestwick SC 1,133 24.0 425 Y Y 3 Local $ 113,JJ334,000 deans St. 'East End 437 24.0 164! Y Y 3 Local S 43,733 SM174,D00 2002 INIMOKAL -... _. - _. _ - , _ .. 1,545,117 IL Deerwood Tr, Ride Rd. Dead End 9,456 33.0 2,579 N N 3 Collectors $ 709,225 $ 7 Ridgeway Tr. Deerwood Tr. North End 5,373 28.0 1,727 N N 3 Local $ 402,967 $ ___ Woodridge Tr. Deerwood Tr. Ridgeway Tr. 8,700 27.0 2,900 N N 3 Local $ 652,500 $ 2004TimberTr. Deed End WestEnd 7.392 27.0 2,484 N N 3 Local $ 554,400 $Amherst Ct. Bennington Dr. Cul-DeSac 2.709 24.0 1,016 Y N 3 Local $ 270,933 $ 20D2RadcOB CL Bennin on Dr. EastEnd 1,649 32.0 520 Y N 3 Local $ 184,889 $ 2Chickaloon Dr. Curren Rd. Dead End 13,483 24.0 5,056 Y N 3 Collector $ 1,348,267 $ 7 2002Katmai Tr Chickaloon Dr. North End 1,137 22.0 465 N N 3 Local $ 85,250 $ 3 Matanuska Tr. nChickaloon Dr. Dead Fnd 8,194 _ 2,95C Y N 3 Local2U4,86t _ 'S n $ 1,297,041 n Ava. r. ead End 2,204 32.0 620 N N 3 Logl $ 165,333 $ 44,089 20D3 Page 1 of 8 City of McHenry <� Street Asset Inventory etc, ' Condition Fnnctional Asset Major Rehabilitation Year Crack Street From To Area(SQ YD) Width(FTl Length(FT) Curh Sidewalk Rating Classification Asset Replacement Value Cost Resurf Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes White Oak CL Whileoak Dr. jSouth End 858 27.0 286 N N 3 Local $ 64,350 1111 17,160 Cher hill Ct. V"iin Dr. South End 1,286 25.0 463 Y N 3 Local $ 128,611 32,153 2002 White Oak Dr. I.noon Dr. West End 8.269 28.0 2,015 Y N 3 Local $ 626,889 156.722 Prairie Ave. Beach Rd. Oak Dr. 11,227 23.0 4,393 N N 3 Local S 841,992 224,531 Shore Dr. Oek Dr. Ringwood Rd. 19.742 25.0 7,107 Y Y 3 _Collector $ 1,974,167 1 592.250 Denali Tr, Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 2,090 22.0 ass N N 3 Local $ 158,750 41,800 Tuslamena Tr. Chickaloon Dr. East End 2,982 23.0 1.167 N N 3 Local $ 223,675 = 59,647 2002 eemore Ct. a anuske Tr. _ ast End 2,133 32.0 600 N N 3 Local $ 160.000 e Tr. Denali Tr. AWL West End BOS 24.0 302 N N 3 Local $ 60,400 16,107 CL MYitill, WTr, est End 2009 32.0 565 Y_ _ _ N _.-.-3. - _ ,pe), $ 200,889 1 26. - -" $ 333.089 - - - Venice Ave. Court SL East End _ 1,000 20.0 450 N N 3 Local 5 _ 75,000 $ 20,000 Lake St. River Rd. city Limit 1,535 22.0 628 N N 3 Local $ 115,133 $ 30,702 2003 Clover Ave. Green St. Dole Ave. 3,714 25.0 1,337 N N 3 Local $ 278,542 $ 74,278 Timo Ln. Dale Ave. Youn St. 6,477 28.0 2,082 Y Y 3 Local $ 647,733 $ 194.320 2002 Pearl St. Richmond Rd. Riverside Dr. 4,720 36.0 1,180 Y Y 3 Collector $ 472,000 E 141.600 Curren Rd. Dartmoor Dr. Ojtnva Ln. 14,000 24.0 5,250 N N 4 Collector $ 1,050,000 $ 280,000 Lincoln Rd. River Rd. Chapel Hill Rd. 17,508 32.0 4,924 N N 4 Collector $ 1,313,067 $ 350,151 Beklon St. Dayton SL Alban St 2,500 25.0 9D0 N N 4 Industrial $ 187,500 $ 50,000 2002 Dot St. Elm St. Hill St. 1,789 35.0 460 N N 4 Industrial $ 134,167 $ 35.778 GreggDr. Bull Valle Rd. Ba Rd. 1,577 22.0 645 N N 4 Local $ 118,250 $ 31,533 Shore HIII Drive Sunset Ave. Beech Rd. 2,498 20.0 1.124 N N 4 Local S 187.333 $ 49.956 Vista Tem. HI9rop Blvd. BroadwaySt. 1,650 22.0 675 N N 4 Local $ 123,750 $ 33,000 Lincoln Ave. Freund Ave. Church St 946 16.0 532 N N 4 Local $ 70,933 $ 18,916 Count Club Dr. Charlotte Ave. City Limit 2.491 20.0 1,121 N N 4 Local $ 186.833 $ 49,822 Charlotte Ave. John St Count Club Dr. 11590 18.0 795 N N 4 Local $ 119.250 $ 31,800 Logan St. Sioux Ln. Crestwood Ln. 1,820 21.0 780 N N 4 Local $ 136,500 $ 36,400 Maple Ct. Maple Ave. Dead End 384 20.0 173 N N 4 Local $ 28,833 $ 7,889 2002 Grove Ave. From St. East End 1,956 20.0 BBO N N 4 Local $ 146,687 $ 39,111 Willow Ln. Sunset Ave, Flower St. 10,083 22.0 4.125 N N 4 Local $ 756,250 $ 201.667 Vine St. Green St. Hollywood Blvd. 1,544 20.0 695 N N 4 Local $ 119,133 $ 30.889 20D6 Knoll Ave. Shore Dr. Home Ave. 3,127 21.0 1,340 N N 4 Local $ 234,5D0 $ 82.533 Ponca St Logan St Lillian St 3.151 22.0 1,289 N N 4 Local $ 236,317 $ 63,018 Meadow Rd. Bull Valley Rd. Miller Dr. 1,218 20.0 548 N N 4 Local $ 91,333 $ 24,356 2002 Orchid Path Bull Valley Rd. Miller Dr. 1,309 21.0 561 N N 4 Local $ 98,175 $ 28,180 Parovey Ave. Eastern Ave. Oak Dr. 3,754 21.0 1,609 N N 4 Looal $ 281,575 $ 75,087 Flower St. Willow Ln. Prarle Ave. 5,189 21.0 2.224 N N 4 Local $ 389,200 $ 103,787 Central Ave. Shore Dr. Prairie SL 2,078 20.0 935 N N 4 Local $ 155,833 $ 41,556 Kinley Blvd. Hilltop Blvd. Riverside Dr. 3.957 21.0 1.700 N N 4 Local $ 297,500 $ 79.333 Court St. Venice Ave. IL Rte 120 1,750 50.0 315 N N 4 Local $ 131,250 $ 35,000 Lakewood Ave. Home Ave. Shore Dr. 4,422 22.0 1,809 N N 4 Local $ 331,650 $ 88,440 Eastern Ave. Prairie Ave. Shore Dr. 2,147 21.0 920 N N 4 Local E 161,000 $ 42,033 Cailisto St. Crestwood Dr. Sioux Ln. 2,564 20.0 1,154 N N 4 Local $ 192.333 $ 51.289 McHenry Ave. Bull Valley Rd. SBIIhill Dr. 3.016 23.0 1,180 N N 4 Local 1S 226,1671 60,311 Sunset Ave. Shore Dr. Willow Ln. 3.178 22,0 1,300 N N 4 Local $ 238,333 $ 63,556 Bonneville Rd. Charles Miller Rd. South City Limit 19,680 24.0 7,380 N Y 4 Collector $ 1,476,000 $ 492,000 River Rd, Elm St. Lincoln Rd. 11913 32.0 538 Y N 4 Collector $ 191,289 $ 47,822 River Rd. Elm SL South St 1,357 37.0 330 Y N 4 Collector $ 135,667 $ 33.917 2010 Industrial Dr. oak Dr. Althoff Park Entrance 4,113 30.0 12U Y N 4 Industrial $ 411,333 $ 1D2,833 Miller Pkwy. North End Dead End 3,634 32.0 1,022 Y N 4 Industrial $ 363,378 $ 00,844 Allen Ave. Green St. John St. 2,219 24.0 832 Y N 4 Local $ 221,867 $ 55,487 Biscayne Rd. Green St. Broadway St. 5,436 22.0 2,224 Y Y 4 Collector $ 543,644 $ 183,093 Green St. Waukegan Ave. Charles Miner Rd. 24,876 29.0 7,720 Y Y 4 Collector $ 2,487,556 $ 746,267 Park St. Venice Ave. City Limit 3,952 24.0 1,482 Y Y 4 Collector 1 $ 395,2D0 $ 118,560 Dartmoor Dr. Dartmoor Drive Bridge Crystal Lake Rd. 11,680 32.0 3,285 Y Y 4 Collector $ 1,168,000 $ 350,400 Kensington Dr. Waters Edge Dr. Crystal Lake Rd. 8,956 31.0 2,600 Y Y 4 Collector $ 895,656 $ 268,687 Farmstead Dr. Draper Rd. Draper Rd. 21,190 31.0 6,152 Y Y 4 Collector $ 2.119,022 $ 635,707 Green St. Washington St Elm St. 4,483 3D.0 1,345 Y Y 4 Collector $ 448,333 $ 134,500 201D 2010 Resurface-IL 120 to Pearl St.only Millstream Dr. IL Rte 120 Front St 2,594 25.0 934 Y Y 4 Collector $ 259,444 $ 77.833 Washington St. Riverside Dr. Richmond Rd. 6.627 31.0 1,924 Y Y 4 Collector $ 662,711 $ 198,813 2004 Green SL Elm St. Wauke an Ave. 5.720 52.0 990 Y Y 4 Collector $ 572,000 $ 171.600 Maple Ave. Richmond Rd. lwast End 8,935 29.0 2,773 Y Y 4 Collector $ 893,522 $ 268,057 Page 2 of 8 City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory M Condition Functional Asset Major Rehabilitation Year Crack Street From To Area(SD YD) Wdth(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating Classification Asset Replacement Value Cost Resud Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes Ringwood Rd. IL Rte 120 Florence Blvd. 6,915 22.0 2,829 Y Y 5 Collector $ 691,533 $ 207,460 Kane Ave. Green St Front St 7,064 34.0 1,870 Y Y 5 Collector $ 706,444 $ 211,933 Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lake Rd, Remminglon Tr. 4,944 25.0 1,780 Y Y 5 Collector $ 494,444 $ 148,333 Riverside Dr. Broad St. Venice Ave. 10,D99 62.0 1,466 Y Y 5 Collector $ 11009,911 $ 302,973 Oak Dr. Elm St. Dead End 13,721 32.0 3,859 Y Y 5 Industriat $ 1,372,089 $ 411,627 Bank Dr. IL Rte 31 Knox Dr. 1,383 30.0 415 Y Y 5 Industrial $ 138,333 $ 41,500 Cumberland Ch. Ashley Dr. Ashley Dr. 4,920 24.0 1,845 Y Y 5 Local $ 492,000 $ 147,600 Wellington Dr. Canterbury Dr. Augusta Dr. 952 24.0 357 Y Y 5 Local $ 95,200 $ 28,560 Shepherd Hill Ln. Green St. Cut-DeSac 3,155 24.0 1,183 Y Y 5 Local $ 315,467 $ 94,640 Jordan CL Inverness Tr. Cul-De-Sac 1,639 25.0 590 1 Y Y 5 Local $ 163,889 $ 49,167 Grand Ave. Millstream Dr. Cul-DeSac 2,389 23.0 935 Y Y 5 Local $ 238,944 $ 71.683 Clinton Ct. Tyler Tr. Cul-DeSac 592 25.0 213 Y Y 5 Local $ 59,167 $ 17,750 2002 Loyola Dr. Dead End Dartmoor Dr. 7,094 25.0 2.554 Y Y 5 Local $ 7D9,444 $ 212,833 Newport Tr. Dead End Dartmoor Dr. 3,858 25.0 1,389 Y Y 5 Local $ 385,833 $ 115,750 Inverness Tr. Edgewood Tr. Dartmoor Dr. 3,169 25.0 11141 Y Y 5 Local $ 316,944 $ 95,083 2000 Windridge Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Dartmoor Dr. 3,267 24.0 1,225 Y Y 5 Local $ 326,667 $ 98,000 Chesterfield Ct. Chesterfield Dr. Dead End 2,845 24.0 1,067 Y Y 5 Local $ 284,533 $ 85,360 Redwood Ln. Chestnut Dr. Dead End 4,806 25.0 1,730 Y Y 5 Local $ 480,556 $ 144,167 Fieldskne Tr. Newport Tr. Dead End 5,103 25.0 1,837 Y Y 5 Local $ 510,276 $ 153,D83 2002 Foxview Highland Or. Hilltop Blvd. East End 14,400 225.0 576 1 Y Y 5 Local $ 1,440,000 $ 432,000 Orchard Beach Rd. McCullom Lake Rd. East End 7,51E 21.0 3,222 Y Y 5 Local $ 757,800 $ 225,540 2002 Hillto Dr. Pleasant View Dr. Foxview Highlands Dr. 1,494 22.0 611 Y Y 5 Local $ 149,356 $ 44,807 Hanle St. Crystal Lake Rd. Front Royal Dr. 3,273 30.0 982 Y Y 5 Local $ 327,333 $ 98,200 2002 Oakwood Dr. Meadow Ln. Front Royal Dr. 22,623 31.0 6,568 Y Y 5 Local $ 2,262,311 $ fi78,693 Waukegan Rd. Front St. Green St. 5.153 35.0 1,325 Y Y 5 Local $ 515,278 $ 154,583 Center St. Main St. Grove Ave. 5,859I 21.0 2,511 Y Y 5 Local $ 585,900 $ 175,770 Arbor Dr. Riverside Dr. Hemlock Dr. 7,833 1 30.0 2,350 Y Y 5 Local $ 783,333 $ 235,000 2006 Hemlock Dr. - Arbor Dr. Kennedy Dr. 4,594 1 25.0 -1,654 Y Y 5 Local $ 459,444 $ 137,833 Stratford Cf. Kensin ton Dr. Kensington Dr. 2,547 24.0 955 Y V 5 Local $ 254,667 $ 76,400 Me Dr. Draper Rd. Limerick Ln. 3,173 24.0 1,190 Y Y 5 Local $ 377,333 $ 95,200 2010 2012 . Oakttm St. Loyola Dr. 51147 25.0 1,653 Y Y 5 Local $ 514,722 $ 154,417 2004 Tr. Dartmoor Dr. North End 4,997 25.0 1,799 Y V 5 Local $ 499,722 $ 149,917 ok Cf. South End North End 1,240 24.0 465 Y Y 5 Local $ 124,000 $ 37,200 2005 Dr. Hemlock Dr. Orchard Beach 3,111 28.0 1,000 Y Y 5 Local $ 311,111 $ 93,333 rae Foxview Highland Dr. Pleasant View Dr. 3,228 25.0r. Shannon Dr. Ri-od Rd. 2,98 Dr. Ringwood Rd. Shore Dr. 4,581 24.0 1,716 Y Y 5 Local $ 458,133 $ 137,440 Driftwood Tr. Winding Cree, South End 6,604 31.0 1,950 Y Y 5 Local $ 671,667 $ 201,500 2002 Edn St. Elm St. VFW Pro a 604 20.0 272 Y Y 5 Local $ 60.444 $ 18,133 2003 Ta lewood Tr. Cobblestone Tr. Whitmore Tr. 2,306 25.0 830 Y Y 5 Local $ 230,556 $ 69,167 2005 Stonebnd eTr. Whitmore Tr. Whitmore Tr. 3,214 25.0 1,157 Y Y 5 Local $ 321,389 $ 96,417 2012 Cobblestone Tr. Wmbleton Tr. Whitmore Tr. 5,847 25.0 2,105 Y Y 5 Local $ 594,722 $ 175,417 Creekside T. Hunfington Dr. Winding Creek Dr. 7,181 24.0 2,693 Y Y 5 Local $ 718,133 $ 215,440 Bull Valley Rd. Curran Rd. City Limit 8,222 20.0 3,700 N N 6 Collector $ 616,667 $ 164,444 2016 Pearl Ave, Shlihill Dr. Beach Dr. 952 21.0 408 N N 6 Local $ 71.400 $ 19,040 Carey Dr. t Rd. Biscayne Rd. 2,136 22.0 874 N N 6 Local $ 160,233 $ 42,729 Beach Dr. ille Rd. Bonita Ln. 2,384 19.0 1,120 NVirginia Ave. t. Country Club Dr. 2,208 19.0 1,046 NBonner Dr. Rd. Dead End 5,724 21.0 2453 NRiverside DriV Rd. Dead End 3,126 22.0Spruce Ln. St. East End 1,190 21.0Hollywood B Dr. Ferrace Dr. ay St. Hilltop Blvd. 1,752 21.0 751 N N 6 Local $ 131,425 $ 35,047 2010 Beach Dr. Riverside Dr.(S) Hilltop Blvd. 3,075 21.0 1,378 N N 6 Local $ 230,650 $ 61,507 Forest Road Green St Hollywood Blvd. 2,500 20.0 i,125 N N 6 Local $ 187,500 $ 50,000 Lakeland Ave. Home Ave. Ramble Rd. 1,446 19.0 685 N N 6 Local $ 108,458 $ 28,922 2010 Completed Centegra Dr. Gladstone Dr. Ridgeview Dr. 4,707 24.0 1,765 N N 6 Local $ 353,000 $ 94,133 2005 2013 Emily Lan. Lincoln Rd. River Ln. 1,200 18.0 600 N N 6 Local $ 90,000 $ 24,000 2008 Mary Ln. Lincoln Rd. River Ln. 1,200 18.0 600 N N 6 Local $ 90,000 $ 24,000 2005 2014 NoR Ln. Lincoln Rd, River Ln. 1,200 18.0 Soo N N 6 Local $ 90,000 $ 24,000 Glen Dr. Bonner Dr. South End 1,041 22.0 426 N __N 6 Local $ 78,100 $ 20,827 Rlver Ln. North End South End 2,269 19.0 1,075 N N 6 Local $ 170,208 $ 45,389 2003 Page 4 of 2 City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory ME- Condition Functional Asset Major Rehabilitation Year Crack Street From To Area(SD YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating Classification Asset Replacement Value Cost Resurr, Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes Home Ave. East End Sunset Dr. 12,987 24.0 4,870 N N 6 Local $ 974,000 $ 259.733 Completed St,Paul Ave. Green St West End 3,732 27.0 1,244 N N 6 Local $ 279,900 $ 74,640 2004 2012 Dartmoor Dr. IL Route 31 Railroad Tracks 2,744 36.0 696 Y N 6 Collector $ 274,400 $ 68,600 Bolger Ct Ridgeview,Dr. Cul-Desac 1,333 32.0 375 Y N 6 Industrial $ 133,333 $ 33,333 Corporate Dr. Prime Pkwy. Dead End 5,380 31.0 1,562 Y N 6 Industrial $ 538,022 $ 134,508 2013 Century Ct Ridgeview Dr. Dead End 1.436 25.0 517 Y N 6 Industrial 143,611 $ 35.903 to aster Way Ridgeview Dr. Dead End 1,403 25.0 505 Y N 6 Industrial $ 140,278 $ 35,069 2002 Park PI. Front St. Knox Park 1,617 30.0 485 Y N 6 Industrial $ 161,667 $ 40,417 2014 Knox Dr. Park Pl. Municipal Dr. 3,251 25.0 1,174 Y N 6 Local $ 326,111 $ 81,528 2005 2012 Judy Ln, John St. Riverstream Dr. 2,283 30.0 1 685 1 Y N 6 Local $ 228,333 $ 57,083 Munici at Dr. Green St. Knox Dr. 5.430 38.0 1,286 Y Y 6 Collector $ 542,978 $ 162,893 2005 Reagan Blvd, Uncoln Rd. Tyler Tr. 3,347 25.0 1.205 Y Y 6 Collector $ 334,722 $ 100,417 2005 2012 Dartmoor Dr. Crystal Lake Rd. Union Pacific Railroad 10,667 40.0 2,400 Y Y 6 Collector $ 1,066,667 $ 320,000 Barney Ct. Adams Dr. Cul-DeSac 2,908 33.0 793 Y Y 6 Industrial $ 290,767 $ 87,230 Mercy Dr. IL Rle 31 Dead End 2,117 25.0 762 Y Y 6 Industrial $ 211,667 $ 63,500 2013 Adams Dr. Elm Sl. North End 5,999 33.0 1,636 Y Y 6 Industrial $ 599,867 $ 179,960 Plumrose Ln. Hemlock Dr. Arbor Dr. 1,944 25.0 700 Y Y 6 Local $ 194,444 $ 58,333 2016 Wed ewood Tr. Dartmoor Dr. Blue Grass Tr. 5,264 25.0 1,895 Y V 6 Local $ 526,389 $ 157,917 2008 2014 Krestwood Dr. Bull Valley Rd. Bull Valley Rd. 6,754 28.0 2,171 Y Y 6 Local $ 675,422 $ 202,627 Castlewood Tr. London Tr. Cartwight Tr. 2,681 25.0 965 Y V 6 Local $ 268,056 $ 80,417 2006 2013 Savoy Ln. Concord Dr. Concord Dr. 1 3,187 24.0 1,195 Y Y 6 Local $ 318,667 $ 95,600 2004 2014 Trales Ln. Cork Ln. Cork Ln. 4,176 24.0 1,566 Y Y 6 Local $ 417,600 $ 125,280 20t0 Wmbleton Tr. Blue Gress Tr. Cut-DeSac 4,692 % 1,689 Y Y 6 Local $ 469,167 $ t40,750 Steeplechase Ct. Castlewood Tr. C...-Sac 753 25.0 271 Y Y 6 Local $ 75,278 $ 22,583 20D6 Barkley Ct. Highbrid a Tr. CuI-DeSac 764 25.0 275 Y Y 6 Local $ 76,389 $ 22,917 Joyce Ct. Joyce Ln. Cul-DeSac 772 25.0 278 Y V 6 Local $ 77,222 $ 23,167 Hoover Tr. Tyler Tr. Cut-DeSac 3,114 25.0 1,121 Y Y 6 Local $ 311,389 $ 93,417 Carriage Tr.(kM Winding Creek. Cut-De-Sac 800 24.0 300 Y Y 6 Local $ 801000 $ 24,000 Cartwright Tr. Cobblestone Tr. Dartmoor Dr. 2,750 25.0 990 Y Y 6 Local $ 275,000 $ 82,500 Legend Ln. Dartmoor Dr. Dartmoor Dr. 6,400 24.0 2,400 Y Y 6 Local $ 640,000 $ 192,000 2005 Cork Ln. Farmstead Dr. Dartmoor Or. 5,960 24.0 2,235 Y Y 6 Local $ 596,000 $ W8,800 Califon St. Joyce Ct. Dartmoor Dr. 2.347 25.0 845 Y Y 6 Loral $ 234,722 $ 70,417 2014 Norman Dr. Joyce Ln. Dartmoor Dr. 21708 25.0 975 Y Y 6 Local $ 270,833 $ 81,250 2006 2012 Oakton Ct. Dartmoor Dr. Dead End 556 25.0 200 Y Y 6 Local $ 55,556 $ 16,667 Completed Meadowlane Ave. Front St. Dead End 949 24.0 356 Y Y 6 Local $ 94.933 $ 28.480 2002 Greendale Ct Loyola Dr. Dead End 1,111 25.0 400 Y Y 6 Local $ 111,111 $ 33,333 Highbridge Tr. Jordan Cf. Eaglewood Tr. 2,633 25.0 948 Y Y 6 Local $ 263,333 $ 79,000 2002 Creekside Ct Creekside Tr. East End 627 24.0 235 Y Y 6 Local $ 62,667 % 18,800 2005 Waukegan Rd. Green St. East End 6,989 37.0 1,700 Y Y 6 Local $ 698.889 $ 209.667 2010 2014 Lo ford Dr. Shannon Dr, Farmstead Dr. 6,667 24.0 2,500 Y Y 6 Local $ 666.667 $ 2D0,000 Remington Tr. Crystal Lake Rd. IGI nbrook Tr. 2,297 26.0 795 Y Y 6 Local $ 229,667 $ 68,900 2015 Augusta Dr. Dartmoor or. Greenbrier Dr. 3,853 24.0 1,445 Y Y 6 Local $ 385,333 $ 115,600 2002 Waters edge Dr. Dartmoor Dr. Kensington Dr. 8,153 31.0 2,367 V Y 6 Local $ 815.300 $ 244,590 2004 Silbury Cf. Kensington Dr. 1 Kensington Dr. 3,053 24.0 1,145 Y Y 6 Local $ 305.333 $ 91.600 2010 2014 Middleton Ln. Longford Dr. Longford Dr. 5,491 24.0 2,059 Y Y 6 Local $ 549.067 $ 164,720 2005 Cross Tr. Joyce Ln. Loyola Dr. 3,847 25.0 1,365 rth D Y V 6 Local $ 364,722 $ 115,477 Nor. West Ave. Maple Ave. 3,360 28.0 1,080 Y V 6 Loral $ 336,000 $ 1D0,800 Whitmore Tr. Dartmoor Dr. Newport Tr. 4,150 25.0 1,494 Y Y 6 Local $ 415,000 $ 124,500 2010 2012 DePaul Cf. Loyola Dr. North End 1,097 25.0 395 Y Y 6 Local $ 109,722 $ 32,917 2007 Wilshire Dr. Oakwood Dr. Oakwood Dr. 61592 24.0 2,472 Y Y 6 Local $ 659,200 $ 197,760 2008 2012 Brondey Dr. Kensington Dr. Pyndale Dr. 3.627 24.0 1,360 Y Y 6 Local $ 362,667 $ 108,800 Limerick Ln. Shannon Dr. Shannon Dr. 2,533 24.0 950 Y Y 6 Local $ 253,333 $ 76,000 Melrose Ct. Wilshire Dr. South End 2,480 24.0 930 Y Y 6 Local $ 248,000 $ 74,400 2012 Eisenhower Blvd. Tyler Tr. Tyler Tr. 3,711 25.0 1,336 Y Y 6 Local $ 371,111 $ 111,333 Eaglewood Tr. No ort Tr. West End 21072 25.0 746 Y Y 6 Local $ 207,222 $ 62,167 2002 Landcaster Cir. Whtmore Tr. Whitmore Tr. 3,264 25.0 1,175 Y Y 6 Local $ 326,389 $ 97,917 Cambridge Dr. Abbington Dr. Wndridge Dr. 2,288 24.0 ass Y Y 6 Local $ 228,8D0 $ 68,640 2002 Lawn Ct. Bonner Dr. Cul-De-Sac 350 21.0 150 N N 7 Local $ 26,25D $ 7,000 2002 Pleasant Ave. Home Ave, tallow Ln. 2,595 21.0 1,112 N N 7 Local $ 194,600 $ 51,893 Woods St. Crestwood Dr. West End 1,827 23,0 715 Y N 7 Local $ 162,722 $ 45,661 2010 2013 London Tr. Cobblestone Tr. Castlewood Tr. 2,225 25.0 801 Y Y 7 Local $ 222,SOD $ 66,750 2010 2016 Independence Ct. Highbridge Tr. Cul-De•Sac 276 1 25,0 1D0 Y Y 7 Local $ 27,778 $ 8,333 2010 _ Page 5 of 8 �= City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory M Condition Functional Asset Major Rehabilitation year Crack Street From To Area(SD YD) Witlth(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating Classification Asset Replacement Value Cost Resurf Seal Pvt Rajuv Notes Waterford Ct. Waterford Dr. Cul-DeSac 1,085 24.0 407 Y Y 7 Local $ 108,533 $ 32,560 Bluegrass Tr. Wmbleton Tr. Cul-DaSac 1,783 25.0 642 Y Y 7 Local $ 178,333 $ 53,500 2010 Evergreen Cir. Blake Ave. Evergreen Cir. 6,881 25.0 2,477 Y Y 7 Local $ 688,056 $ 206,417 2005 Waterford Dr. Farmstead D, Farmstead Dr. 9,956 28.0 3,200 Y Y 7 Local $ 995,556 $ 298,667 2012 Abbington Dr. Dartmoor Dr. Greenbrier Dr. 3,307 24.0 1,240 Y Y 7 Local $ 330,667 $ 99,200 2010 Trappers CL Boone Creek Dr. North End 1,028 25.0 370 Y Y 7 Local $ 102,778 $ 30,833 T ter Tr. Bush Tc Truman Tr. 12,150 25.0 4,374 Y Y 7 Local $ 1,215,000 $ 364,500 20D5 Concord Dr. Veterans Pkvy. Veterans Pkwy. 5,707 24.0 2,140 Y Y 7 Local $ 570,667 $ 171,200 2005 Springdale Ln. Scully Dr. West End 2,725 31.0 791 Y Y 7 Local $ 272,456 $ 81,737 Ridge Rd. IL Rte 120 City Limit 8,531 22.0 3,490 N N 8 Collector $ 639,833 $ 170,622 2002 Bull Valle Rd. Crystal Lake Rd. Curran Rd. 7,200 24.0 2,7D0 N N B CoBector $ 540,000 $ 144,000 2008 Completed Burning Tree Cir. Eagle Pt. Eagle Pt. 10,950 27.0 3.650 N N 8 Collector $ 821,250 $ 219,000 2010 Burning Tree Dr. Ridge Rd, Eagle Pt, 9,489 28.0 3,050 N N 8 Colector $ 711,667 $ 189,778 2009 Anne St. an St. Front St. 5,306 25.0 1,910 N N 8 Collector $ 397,917 $ 106,111 Old Draper Rd. Dra er Rd. North End 2,933 24.0 1,iDD N N 8 Collector $ 220,000 $ 58,667 2010 2016 Mill St. Crystal Lake Rd. Dead End 1,955 23.0 765 N N 8 Industrial $ 146,625 $ 39,100 Charles St. Lincoln Rd. Elm St 1,736 25.0 625 N N 8 Local $ 130,208 $ 34,722 2016 Golfview Ter. John St. Golfview Ave. 2,211 20.0 995 N N 8 Local $ 165,833 $ 44,222 2010 2016 Church St. Freund Ave. Grand Ave. 933 21.0 400 N N 8 Local $ 70,000 $ 18,667 2012 Dale Ave. Anne St. High St. 2,446 23.0 957 N N 8 Local I $ 163,425 $ 48,913 2013 Golfvlew Ave. Golfview Tea. John St 1,805 196D 855 N N 8 Local $ 135,375 $ 36,100 Commercial Ave. HI hview Ave. Meadow Ln. 2.660 21.0 1,140 N N e Local $ 199,500 $ 53,200 2010 Old Draper Rd. Draper Rd. North End 267 24.0 100 N N 8 Local $ 20,000 $ 5,333 2010 2016 Tamarack Ct. Ojibwa Ln. North End 1,831 32.0 515 1 N N 8 Local 1 $ 137,333 $ 36,622 2005 2015 Grand Ave. Freund Ave. Richmond Rd. 3,125 24.0 1,172 N N 8 Local $ 234,400 $ 62,507 2010 2016 Crystal Lake Rd. Bull Valley Rd. ON Limit 12,667 38.0 3,000 N N 8 Local $ 950,000 $ 253,333 2004 2015 Scheid Cot. Diamond Dr. Cul-D"ac 685 26.0 237 Y N 8 Industrial $ 68,467 $ 17,117 2008 2016 Gladstone Dr. W.Medical Center Dr. W.Shamrock Ln. 1,600 24.0 600 Y N 8 Local $ 160,000 $ 40,000 2008 2016 Eagle Pt. Dead End Burning Tree Cir. 1,806 25.0 650 Y N 8 Local $ 180,556 $ 45,139 2010 2016 1st Ave. Washington St. Citv Limit 1,020 20.0 459 Y N 8 Local $ 102,000 $ 25,500 2012 2016 Liam Ln. Galway Dr. Cul-De-Sac 2,389 24.0 896 Y N 8 Local $ 238,933 $ 59,733 2010 Glenmoor Ct. Homestead Dr. Cul-De-Sac 1,824 24.0 684 Y N 8 Local $ 182,400 $ 45,600 2005 Pin Oak Ct. Ojibwa Ln. Cul-DeSac 1,059 27.0 353 Y N 8 Local $ 105,900 $ 26,475 2010 Tomlinson Cf. Whitin Dr. Cut-De-Sac 1,833 25.0 660 Y N 8 Local $ 183,333 $ 45,833 2010 Whiting Dr, Tomlinson Dr. Deed End 12,417 25.0 4,470 Y N B Local $ 1,241,667 $ �31 2010Borden Dr Elm lin Main E 861 24.0 470 Y N 8 Local $ Bfi,133 $ 20042016mlinson Dr. Whiting Dr. Whiting Dr, 8,333 25.0 3,000 Y N 8 Local $ 833,333 $ 2010 ale Ave. High St Youn St. 2,067 30.D 20 N 8 Local $ 2'_767 $ 2005 20jCillian St. Front S[. C stet Lake Rd. 8,542 25.0 3,075 Y V 8 Collector $ 854,167 $ 2012 2016 Hillside Ln. Uncoin Rd. Eisenhower Blvd. 4,267 32.0 1,200 Y Y 8 Collector $ 426,667 $ 128,000 2012 Greenbrier Dr. Creekside Tr. Huntington Dr. 3,373 m n 1,012 Y Y 8 Collector $ 337,333 $ 1D1,200 2012 2016 Scully Dr. Elm St. South End 5,763 39.0 1,330 Y Y 8 Collector $ 176,333 $ 17-1 201D 2014 Sandburg Dr. Wndridge Dr. Abbin ton Dr. 2,824 24A 1,059 Y Y 8 Local $ 282,400 $ 84,720 2012 Homestead Dr. Farmstead Dr. Ayre Dr. 3,733 24.0 1,400 Y Y 8 Local $ 373,333 $ 112,000 Farington Dr. Wndridge Dr. Canterbury Dr. 680 24.0 255 Y Y 8 Local $ 68,000 $ 20,400 Donegal Ct. Donegal Dr. Cut-De-Sac 482 26.0 167 Y Y 8 Local $ 48,244 $ 14,473 2008 2015 Dundalk Ln. Murphy Dr. Doolin Ln. 2,197 24.0 824 Y Y 8 Local $ 219.733 $ 65,920 2016 Carrick Ln. Draper Rd. Draper Rd. 2,56D 24.0 960 Y Y 8 Local $ 256,000 $ 76,800 200B 2016 Dublin Cf. Draper Rd. Dra er Rd. 1,258 25.D 453 Y Y 8 Local $ 125,833 $ 37,750 2010 2016 Polk Tr. Regan Blvd. East End 1,325 25.0 477 Y Y 8 Local $ 132,500 $ 39,750 MID Wnslow Cir. Waters E e Dr. East End 572 26.0 198 Y Y 8 Local $ 57.200 $ 17.160 2012 Weodmar Ct. Waters Edge Dr. East End 594 27.0 198 Y Y 8 Local $ 59.400 $ 17,820 2006 Gal Dr. Ayre Dr. Farmstead Dr. 7,731 25.0 2,783 Y Y a Local $ 773,056 $ 231,917 2008 2016 KMato Ln. Galway Dr. Galway Dr. 2.587 24.0 970 Y Y 8 Local $ 258.667 $ 77.600 2012 2016 Almond Ln. Hazelwood Dr. Hazelwood Dr. 3,175 25.0 1,143 Y Y 8 Local $ 317,500 $ 95,250 Wall St. Hillside Ln. Hillside Ln. 2,688 28.0 864 Y Y 8 Local $ 268.800 $ B0,640 201 D Wilshire Ct. Wlshire Dr. North End 309 24.0 116 Y Y B Local $ 30,933 $ 9.280 2008 8 2010 Hazelwood Dr. Almond Ln. Riverside Dr. 3,753 25.0 1,351 Y Y 8 Local $ 375,278 $ 112,583 Bennington Ln. Martin Rd. Tomlinson Dr. 6,036 28,0 1,940 1 Y I Y 8 Local S 603,556 $ 181,067 2016 Donegal Dr. Cork Ln. Tralee Ln. 2.267 24,0 850 Y Y 8 Local $ 226,667 $ 68,000 2008 2013 Bush Ter. Regan Blvd. Tyler Tr. 1,289 25,0 464 Y Y 8 Local $ 128,889 $ 38,667 2016 Thomwood Dr, DaRmoor Dr. Waters Edge Dr. 4,352 24.0 1,632 Y Y 8 Local $ 435,200 $ 130,550 2010 j 2016 Page 6 of 8 City of McHenry Street Asset Inventory Mien�ry Condition Functional Asset Major Rehabilitation Ye Crack Street From To Area(SD YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating Classification Asset Replacement Value Cost Resurr Seal Pvt Rejuv Notes Doolin Ave. No Final Lift No Final lift 4,920 24.0 1,845 8 Local $ 492,000 $ 147,600 2010 2016 Freund Ave. Maple Ave. Elm St. 4,608 21.0 1,975 N N 9 Collector $ 345,625 $ 92,167 2004 2016 Ramble Rd. North Ave. Elm St. 5,036 22.0 2,060 N N 9 Collector $ 377,667 $ 1D0,711 2010 2012 Draper Rd. Farmstead Dr. Shannon Dr. 7,534 22.0 3,082 N N 9 Collector $ 565,033 $ 150,676 2014 2016 John St. Green St. Virginia St. 9,040 24.0 3,390 N N 9 Collector $ 678,000 $ 180,600 2010 2016 Fairway Dr. Dead End Green St. 6,319 22.0 2,585 N N 9 Local $ 473,917 $ 126,378 2010 Victor Dr. Sunset Ave. Parklane Ave. 800 18.0 400 1 N N 9 Local 1 $ 60,000 $ 16,000 2010 Northside Ave. IL Rte 120 Plymouth Ave. 1,375 25.0 495 N N 9 Local $ 103,125 $ 27,500 2010 High St. Tmothy Ln. Front St. 5,010 30.0 1 1503 1 Y N 9 Collector $ 501,000 $ 125,250 2010 2016 Prime Pkwy. IL Rte 31 Miller Pkwy. 14,088 31.0 1 4,090 1 Y N 8 Industrial $ 1,408,778 $ 352,194 Ojibwa Ln. Matanuska Tr. Draper Rd. 9,396 1 28.0 3,020 1 Y N 9 Local $ 939,556 $ 234,889 201 D 2016 Charmar Dr. Veterans P Murphy Rd. 669 1 28.0 215 Y N 9 Local $ fi6,868 $ 16,722 2016 Florence Blvd. Miring Dr. Ringwood Rd. 1,6401 24,0 615 Y N 9 Local $ 164,000 $ 41,000 Lee St. Dale Ave. Timothy Ln. 2,500 30.0 750 Y N 9 Local $ 250,000 $ 62,SD0 2015 Rose Ave. Whifing Dr. Tomlinson Dr. 5,667 25.0 2,D40 Y N 9 Local $ 566,667 $ 141,667 Crystal Lake Rd. IL Rte 120 Bull Valley Rd. 49,778 40.0 11,200 Y V 9 Collector $ 4,977,778 $ 1,493,333 2013 Veterans Pkwy. 11 Rte 31 East End 11,000 18.0 5,500 Y Y 9 Collector $ 1'100,000 $ 330,000 2016 Main St. Cryslal Lake Rd. Front St. 5,600 42.0 1,200 y Y 9 Collector $ 560.000 $ 168,000 2015 2016 Orleans St. McCullom Lake Rd. Industrial Dr. 16,858 35.0 4,335 Y Y 9 Collector $ 1,685,833 $ 505,750 2005 Meadow Ln. Shore Dr. IL Rte 120 7,442 28.0 2,392 Y Y 9 Collector $ 744,178 $ 223,253 2016 Huntington Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Dartmoor Dr. 3,933 24.0 1,475 Y Y 9 Local $ 393,333 $ 118,000 Conway Cir. Doolin Ln. Doolin Ln. 1,253 24.0 470 Y Y 9 Local $ 125,333 $ 37,600 2014 2016 Mur by Dr. Doolin Ln. Flynn St. 4,533 24.0 1,700 Y Y 9 Loral $ 453,333 $ 136,000 2014 2016 Crescent Ave. John St. Golfview Ave. 1,838 22.0 752 Y Y 9 Local $ 183,822 $ 55,147 2012 2016 Malibu CL Crystal Lake Rd. Heritage Dr. 4,533 24.0 1,700 Y Y 9 Local $ 453,333 $ 136,000 2010 2016 Ayre Dr. Homestead Dr. Homestead Dr. 4,667 24.0 1,750 Y Y 1 9 Local $ 466,667 $ 140,000 2010 Cashel Lan. Doolin Ln. Murphy Rd. 3,200 24.0 1,200 Y Y 9 Local $ 320,000 $ 96,000 2014 2016 Chesterfield Dr. Front Royal Dr. Oakwood Dr. 3.200 24.0 1,20D Y Y 9 Local $ 320,000 $ 96,000 Bretons Dr. Green St. Ronda Rd. 8,991 34.0 2,380 Y Y 9 Local $ 899.111 $ 269,733 2014 2016 Heritage Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Wnding Creek Dr. 1,461 24.0 548 Y Y 9 Local $ 146,133 $ 43,840 2016 HkPoint Rd. IL Rte 31 Cul-DeSac 2,285 23.0 894 N N 10 Industrial $ 171,350 $ 45,693 Bull Valley Rd.(W) East End Charles Miller Rd. 2,476 23.0 969 N N 10 Local $ 185,725 $ 49,527 2010 2016 Prairie St. Bally Rd. Dead End 1,073 21.0 460 N N 10 Local $ 80,500 $ 21,467 2015 8 2010 Silver Glen Rd. Burning Tree Dr. Deerwood Tr. 6,987 32.0 1,965 N N 10 Local $ 524,000 $ 139,733 2016 Crescent Ave. Country Club or John St. 1,564 20.0 704 N N 10 Local $ 117,333 $ 31,289 2004 2016 Bay Rd. Gregg St. Prairie St. 1.452 23.0 568 N N 10 Local $ 108,867 $ 29,031 Skyway Dr. Bauer Rd, Ronda Rd, 4,835 22.0 1,978 N N 10 Local $ 362,633 $ 96,702 Deer Run Tr. Deerwood Tr. Silver Glen Dr. 2,489 28.0 800 N N 10 Local $ 186,667 $ 49,778 2016 Linde Rd. Fairway Dr. Skyway Dr. 714 21.0 306 N N 10 Local $ 53,550 $ 14,280 Ponca St. Lillian St. South End 311 14.0 200 N N 10 Local $ 23,933 $ 6,222 2016 Colony Tr. Deerwood Tr. Timber Tr. 2,669 26.0 924 N N 10 Local $ 200,200 $ 53,387 Bull Valley Rd.(E) Belly Rd.. West End 8,604 22.0 3,520 N N 10 Local $ 645,333 $ 172,089 2016 Mead St. Crystal Lake Rd. West End 533 24.0 200 N N 1 D local $ 40,000 $ 10,667 2016 Centegra Dr. Medical Center Dr, 285'W of Gladstone Dr. 4,533 24.0 1,700 N N 10 Local $ 340,000 $ 90,667 2017 Curren Rd. Dartmoor Dr. South End 7,800 24.0 2,925 N N 10 Collector $ 585,000 $ 156,000 2017 Cunat Dr. Crystal Lake Rd. Bull Valley Rd. 8,867 30.0 2,960 Y N 10 Collector $ 886,667 $ 246,667 Knox Dr, Munici at Dr. Charles Miller Rd. 1,681 25.0 605 Y N 10 Local $ 168,056 $ 42,014 Whiting Ct. Whiting Dr. South End 825I Y N 10 Local $ 82,500 $ 20,625 2016 2017 Ridgeview Dr. Bull Valley Rd. Prime P 24,245 32.0 6,819 YEN 10 Industrial $ 2,424,533 $ 606,133 2017Medical Center Dr. IL Rte 31 460'WofMed Ctr Dr. 4,000 24.0 1,500 Y 10 Industrial $ 400,000 $ 1D0,000 2017 Lawrence Pkwy. Medical Center Dr. Bull Valley Rd. 1,648 24.0 618 Y 10 Industrial $ 164,800 $ 41,200 2003 Bisc ne Rd. Green SL Amberwood Pl. 3,333 25.0 1,200 Y 10 Collector $ 333,333 $ 100,D00 McCullom Lake Rd. Rchmond Rd. Blake Ave. 18,044 58.0 2,800 Y 10 Collector $ 1,804.444 $ 541,333Front Royal Dr. IL Rle 120 Chesterfield Dr. 12,032 36.0 3,008 Y 10 Collector $ 1,202,200 $ 360,960 2016 2017 McCullom Lake Rd. Blake Ave. Ciry Limit 12,800 32.0 3,600 Y 10 Collector $ 1,280,000 $ 384,000 Main St. Front St. Green St. 5,289 28.0 1,700 Y 10 Collector $ 528,889 $ 158,667 2016 2017 ane Ave. Front St. West End 1,719 26.0 595 Y 10 Collector $ 171-889 $ 51,567 Sussex Dr. Front Royal Dr. Ashley Dr. 5,389 24.0 2,021 Y Y 10 Local $ 538,933 $ 161,680 2016 2017 Lorient Dr. Ronde Rd. Bauer Rd. 5,499 24.0 2,062 Y Y 10 Local $ 549,867 $ 164,960 2016 2017 Bauer Rd. Skyway Dr. Bretons Dr. 1,573 24.0 590 Y V 10 Local $ 157,333 $ 47,200 2016 2017 Donnelly Pl. Domhester PI. _ Br hton PI. 3,399 25.0 1,220 Y Y 10 Local $ 338,889 $ 101,667 2016 2017 Sarasota Dr. Augusta Dr. Creekside Tr. 2,240 24.0 840 Y Y 10 Local $ 224.000 $ 67,200 1 2016 2017 _ Page 7 of 9 City of McHenry Parks and Facilities Parking Lot Inventory Facility Area(SQ YD) Condition Rating Resurfacing Cost Year Resurfaced Knox Park Barn(Lot B) 4,444 1 $ 111,100.00 Knox Park Barn(Lot C) 5,777 1 $ 144,425.00 Miller River Front Park 6,666 1 $ 166,650.00 Fox Ridge Park 5,833 1 $ 145,825.00 Lakeland Park Boat Launch 460 1 $ 11,500.00 Petersen Park, Picnic Area Parking 3,888 1 $ 97,200.00 West Beach Park 1,239 2 $ 30,975.00 Parks Department Maintenance Building 3,888 2 $ 97,200.00 East Beach Park 723 3 $ 18,075.00 Knox Park(Lot A) 6,607 3 $ 231,245.00 Hickory Farm 2,222 4 $ —55,550.00 Petersen Park(Lot A) 4,720 5 �s i8,000.00 Public Works Facility Lot 7,555 6 - 188,875.00 Althoff Park 5,785 6 $ 144,625.00 Petersen Park Back Lot(Lot B) 1,777 6 $ 44,425.00 Petersen Park Beach 7,000 7 $ 175,000.00 Shamrock Park 4,111 7 $ 102,775.00 Municipal Center 8,888 7 $ 222,200.00 Freund Field 1,833 7 $ 45,825.00 Petersen Park Oak Lot(Lot C) 2,333 9 $ 58,325.00 2014 Lakeland Park Community Center Lot 1,166 10 $ 29,150.00 2016 Recreation Center 3,333 10 $ 83,325.00 2015 Facilities condition rated at"I"are currently maintained as gravel lots and/or access roads. Resurfacing Cost Estimated at$25/SQ YD Knox Park costs are estimated at$35/SQ YD Due to necessary site drainage improvements Page 1 of 1 City of McHenry 5 Year Resurfacing Program (2018-2022) Mc er 2018 Program condition Cost From To Area(SO YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating 75,000 Street 900 Y Y 3 $ Pebble Crk. Green St. Amberwood PI. 2,500 25.0 3 $ 77,500 2,583 25.0 930 Y Y 71,667 Brighton PI. Donnelly PI. Ambenuood PI. 2 369 25.0 860 Y Y 3 $ Westminster PI. Donnelly PI. Amberwood PI. Y 3 $ 151,333 5,044 25.0 1,035 Y 86.250 Amberwood PI. Dorchesier PI. Biscayne Rd. 2 875 25 0 1,035 Y Y 3 $ Dorchester PI. Amberwood P!. Donnelly PI. 900 Y Y 3 $ 75,000 Geneva PI. Amberwood Pl. Donnelly PI. 2,500 25.0 Y 3 $ 66.72 2,224 24.0 0 Y Ronda Or. Tumberry Dr. Loch Glen Ln. 2,005 005 Y Y 3 mberry $ 167,083 Loch Glen Ln. Turn Dr. Ronda Rd. 5,569 25.0 3 $ 94,250 131 0 1, Y Y Valley Rd. Tumberry Dr. South End 3,142 25. 750 Y Y 3 $ 62,500 Katie Ln. Ronda Rd. Turnberry Dr. 2,083 25.0 3 $ 67,050 2,235 27.0 745 Y Y 115,000 Larkin Ln. Green St. Cul-De-Sac 3 $ Young St. Dale Ave. Green St. 3,833 30.0 1,150 Y Y 3 $ 133,750 Elm St. James St. 4,458 25.0 1,605 Y Y 37,889 Third St. 1,516 22.0 620 N Y 3 $ Fourth St. Main St. James Si. 2018 Program Total $ 1,280.992 2019 Pro ram on Mon Cost Street From To Area(SO YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating $ 467,320 15,577 28.0 5,007 Y Glenbrook Tr. Crystal Lake Rd. Dartmoor Dr. 2,235 Y Y 3 $ 178,800 Abbey Dr. Wir ding Creek Dr. Brookwood Tr. 5,960 24.0 $ 121,250 4,042 25.0 1,455 Y N 3 Brookwood Tr. Abney Dr. Bull Valley Rd. 480 Y N 3 $ 26,667 Somerset Mall Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 1,067 20.0 $ 124,800 4,160 24.0 1,560 Y Y 3 Canterbury Dr. Greenbrier Dr. Augusta Dr. 4, Y g $ 136,917 564 31.0 1,325 $ 18,800 Y Y 3 Cross Tr. Kensington Dr. Joyce Ln. 627 24.0 235 Y Fairfax Dr. Winding Creek Dr. Abbey Dr. 325 Y Y 3 $ 26,000 Wndhaven Tr. Brookwood Tr. Dead End 867 24.0 3 $ 15,417 185 Y Y Colony Glenbrook Tr. Dead End 24.0 215 Y Y 3 $ 17,200 Winhaven 514 25.0 en Ct. Wimbteton Tr. North h End 890 Y Y 3 $ 71,200 Courtland Tr. Cross Tr. Driftwood Tr. 2,373 24.0 Y 3 $ 86,00 2,867 25.0 1,032 Y 0 Village Tr. Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. 1,015 Y Y 3 $ 84,583 Crystal Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr. 2.819 25.0 $ 10,667 356 20.0 160 Y Y 3 Front Royal Ct. Front Royal Dr. Cul-De-Sac 1 200 Y Y 3 $ 100,000 Oregon Tr. Cross Tr. Glenbrook Tr. 3,333 25.0 545 Y 3 $1,514 25.0 45.417 Veretta Ct. Courtland Tr. North End 857 Y Y 3 $ 71,417 Overland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Cross Tr. 2,381 25.0 $ 35,917 Hartland Tr. Glenbrook Tr. Village Tr. 1,197 25.0 431 Y Y 3 2019ProgramTotal $ 1,638,370 2020 Pro ram on mon Cost Street From To Area(SO YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating $ 242,917 Olde Mill Leonard Ave. McCullom Lake Rd. 8,097 25.0 2 7102 �,Y 3 3 $ 88,920 Blake Blvd. M�Cullom Lake Rd. E.of Evergreen Cir. 2,964 38.0 180 Y 3 $ 15,000 l' Settlers Cot. O 500 25.0 335_!de Mill Ln. Cul-De-Sac _ 335 Y Y 3 $ 27,917 Graue Mill Ct. Sp 625 25.0 225 Y Y ring Creek Ln. Cut-De Sac 931 25.0 3 $ 18,750 Landings Ct. Olde Mill Ln. East End 1,563 Y Y 3 $ 130,250 Boone Creek Cir. O_lde Mill Ln. Leonard St. 4,342 25.0 25,417 847 25.0 305 Y Y 3 $ Crooked Tree Ct. �Olde Mill Ln. North End 1,115 Y Y 3 $ 92,917 Springcreek Ln. �Olde Mil!Ln. Olde Mill Ln. 3,097 25.0 3 $ 241,333 8,044 40.0 1,810 Y Y 95,067 McCullom Lake Rd. Riverside Dr. Richmond Rd. 3,803 24.0 1,426 Y N 3 $ Leonard Ave. Dead End Olde Mill Ln. 555 Y Y 3 $ 44,400 Bradley Ct. Orleans St. Cu-De-Sac 1,480 24.0 3 $ 37,280 - 1,243 24.0 466 Y Y Lauren Ct. Orleans St. Cul-De-Sac 460 Y Y 3 $ 36,800 Cornell Cot. Cirleans St. East End 1,227 24.0 36,800 - 1,227 24.0 460 Y Y 3 $ Drake Ct. Grleans St. East End - 1,160 Y Y 3 $ 92,800 Jennifer Ln. _jrestwick St. Leonard Ave. 3,093 24.0 $ 160,000 5,333 24.0 2,000 Y Y 3 Prestwick St. _ICronovan St. Orleans St. 428 Y Y g $ 34,240 Ryan St. Prestwick St. Orleans St 1,141 24.0 34,000 1,133 24.0 425 Y Y 3 $ Brown St. Orleans St. Prestwick St. 164 Y 13,120 -- - 437 24.0 Y 3 --$---- - --- --- - -- ------- $ 77,190 Donovan Ct. Orleans St. East End ---- 747 Y y 3 -•- -------- --------- ------ ----------- -- -- - -- 2,573 31.0 Donovan St. Orleans St. Prestwick St. 2020 Program Total $ 1,545,117 Page 1 of 2 City of McHenry 5 Year Resurfacing Program (2018-2022) McN e l 2021 Program T[pi Street From To Area(SQ YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Deerwood Tr. Ridge Rd. Dead End 9,456 33.0 2,579 N N 7 Ridgeway Tr. Deerwood Tr. North End 5,373 28.0 1,727 N N 8 Woodridge Tr. Deerwood Tr. Ridgeway Tr. 8,700 27.0 2.900 N N 0 Timber Tr. Dead End West End 7,392 27.0 2,464 N N0Amherst Ct. Bennington Dr. Cul-De-Sac 2,709 24.0 1,016 Y N 33 46222 Radcliff Ct. Bennington Dr. East End 1,849 32.0 520 Y N 3 $ 37,067 22 Chickaloon Dr. Curran Rd. Dead End 13,483 24.0 5,056 Y N 3 $ 3 , Katmai Tr. Chickaloon Dr. North End 1,137 22.0 465 N N 3 $ 22,733 33 Matanuska Tr. Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 8,194 25.0 2,950 Y N 3 $ 204,861 2021 Program Total $ 1,297,041 2022 Program on alion Street From To Area(SQ YD) Width(FT) Length(FT) Curb Sidewalk Rating Cost April Ave. Whiteoak Dr. Dead End 2,204 32.0 620 N N 3 $ 44,089 White Oak Ct. Whiteoak Dr. South End 858 27.0 286 N N 3 $ 17,160 Cherryhill Ct. Whiting Dr. South End 1,286 25.0 463 Y N 3 $ 56,153 722 White Oak Dr. Tomlinson Dr. West End 6,269 28.0 2,015 Y N 3 $ 156,722 Prairie Ave. Beach Rd. Oak Dr. 11,227 23.0 4,393 N N 3 $ 224,531 Share Dr. Oak Dr. Ringwood Rd, 19,742 25.0 7,107 Y Y 3 $ 592,250 800 Denali Tr. Chickaloon Dr. Dead End 2,090 22.0 855 N N 3 $ 41,647 Tustamena Tr. Chickaloon Dr. East End 2,982 23.0 1,167 N N 3 $ 42,667 Sycamore Ct. Matanuska Tr. East End 2,133 32.0 600 N N 3 $ 42,667 Illiamna Tr. Denali Tr. West End 805 24.0 302 N N 3 $ 16,107 Hayward Ct. Matanuska Tr. West End 2,009 32.0 565 Y N 3 $ 50,222 Albert Dr. Whiting Dr. North End 3,331 26.0 1,153 Y Y 3 $ 83,272 2022 Program Total $ 1,360,619 Page 2 of 2 City of McHenry 5 Year Parking Lot Resurfacing Program (2018-2022) 2018 Program Condition Location Improvements Area Rating Cost Resurfacing,Pavement Markin 3,888 97,200 2018 Parking Total $ 97,200 2019 Program on nion Location Improvements Area Rating Cost Hickory 2019 Parking Total $ 104,600 2020 Program on ton Location Improvements Area Rating Cost Knox Park Resurfacing,Pavement Markings,Dr® 245 2020 Parking Total $ 231,245 2021 Program Condition Location Improvements Area Rating Cost Ito be determined Resurfacing,Pavement Markings,Misc Repairs I $ 100,000 2021 Parking Total $ 100,000 2022 Program Condition Location Improvements _ Area Rating Cost to be determined Resurfacing,Pavement Markings,Misc Repairs 100,000 2022 Parking Total $ 100,000 Paga 1 of 1