HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 02/18/2019 - City CouncillXe� ReF1 1
City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street
Monday, February 18, 2019
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Public Comments: Any member of the public wishing to adds-ess the Council is invited to do so by
signing in at the meeting entrance and, ii,hen recognized, stepping to the podium. Opportunities
for Public Continent are also provided under each Individual Action hear.
5. Consent Agenda:
Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items:
A. IDOT Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the
Illinois Highway Code for expenditures of Rock Salt paid by Motor Fuel Tax Funds;
B. Approval of a Request to authorize Staff to publicly bid the 2019 Hot Mix Asphalt Material
C. Motion to accept the a) McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce's 70'h annual Fiesta Days
event schedule; b) use of Parks, Police, and Public Works for various services related to the
event; c) approve the special event liquor license; and d) approve the placement of
temporary advertising signs as presented;
D. Special Event Liquor License request from Kim & Patty's Cafd' for hosting the annual
Librarians Dinner at 1340 Ridgeview Drive (Follett School Solutions Facility) on February
20"' from 3:30-5:00 pm;
E. Ordinance Authorizing the City of McHenry to Borrow $305,500 from McHenry Savings
Bank to Finance the Purchase of Property from McHenry Savings Bank at the corrected
interest rate of 3.50%;
F. February 4, 2019 Council meeting minutes;
G. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $214,093.75;
H. As needed Checks in the amount of $162,255.10.
6. Individual Action Item Agenda.
A. Discussion and possible action on a proposed Ordinance amending references to specific
gender within the City of McHenry's Municipal Code.
B. Discussion and possible action regarding appointments to the City's Ethics Commission or
entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement with McHenry County to act upon ethics
The Cite of AkHemy is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality ojprogrnms and services in
a customer -oriented, efficient, anal fiscally responsible manner.
7. Discussion Only Items.
A. Video Gaming
B. Vape Shops
8. Executive Session.
5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Bargaining Matters
9. Staff Reports.
10. Mayor and City Council Comments.
11. Adjourn.
The complete Chy Council packet is available for review online via the City website at
li ww.c0nchenr . ry 'Isis. For fn-ther information, please contact the Office of the City Administrator at
The proceedings of the City Council greeting are being video -recorded and every attempt is made to
ensure that they are posted on the City of McHenry, IL "YouTrrbe" channel within hwenty-Earn• (24)
hours of the meeting adjournment.
NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this and all other City
Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities.
If additional accommodations are needed, please call the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-
2108 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made.